#i spent 10 yrs making this pls love it
plasticbabyart · 9 months
Might post my Greely Shrine (Where you can buy my Masterpieces)
Im gonna make MPs that are Invites to the Greely Shrine and I'll sell them (you can inviate youre friends to the Greely shrine)
My Den is Artisticfur04! Any Greely donations are welcome! JAG how your experience at the shrine went!
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4/8/2024 eclipse notes
Overall it was a hopeful day for me despite the ever-looming sense of mourning. but the eclipse made it feel special. this eclipse was so mathematically rare because of the exact EXACT chiron conjunction. down to the minute. never experienced something so precise in my 15 yrs observing astrology.. i lit a candle for sammy & spent a while praying then did yoga n journalled outside as the eclipse waned. u couldnt see the full thing here but i saw a little ^.^
i've talked about chiron on the blog b4 but if ur not sure basically it's a major asteroid named after chiron the centaur, "The Wounded Healer". i feel that nickname sums up wat chiron's about, it's your deepest pain, isolation, rejection, & it's where your greatest potential to heal others (+yourself) can be brought forth. so chiron was turbo-activated today. it's digging up a lot of sh** for me truly. like this is rly crazy. but what i realized today is that i'm in the best place i've ever been to grieve, that was my eclipse revelation i spose.
and this is the most painful loss i have experienced in a loooong long time bcus this was someone i spoke to basically every day for the past year. but even then, i feel sm more equipped to get thru it , even if i feel rly quiet rn & not like myself, i kno it'll pass & i'll feel like i can be normal again. dnt feel much like posting rn but i'll get back to it eventually cus sammy rly loved my blog like sincerely i never felt embarrassed that he read my posts. although i do feel this is causing me another minor crisis over internet usage & how to exist online, i know i have to keep posting for sammy P..
yeah ahh the sadness comes in waves but im really glad i am where i am rn to process it all. it's weird to know this will impact my whole life going forward. it makes me think back to sain;t's death and how that changed the course of everything. except back then i was in the WORST environment to cope with it. it's so different now. saint's full name was saint chiron too !! so i always think of them when new chiron sky theatrics are happening. i'm like Awww Saint Wouldve loved writing a 10 paragraph introspective post about this ...They trained me in this manner :>
couldnt resist a late night ramble as i am ever so restless. tomorrow i have therapy for the first time since the day before denji ate a ziploc bag and got emergency surgery. i think that was like 3? weeks ago?? so basically i'm convinced time isnt real anymore because there's no way it hasn't been 3 months. rapid fire trauma lol o_o like please wonderful lord in heaven can we just pick, a struggle , one single struggle is enough. tysm. thats all for now.. trying not to scroll the dash because everything make me feel too crazy rn so pls dont think im ignoring u everyone Ok ilu.. gn
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kaceyrps · 4 years
Since I think I might finally have some more time, I’d love to start some new plots under the cut are a few I really want rn, but I’m always open to plotting something else out. If you like anything, just hmu or hit the heart!
can someone pls give me a ‘you left 3 yrs ago in the middle of the night with not even a goodbye letter and now you’re on my door step w a kid that looks exactly like me’ plot pls
I really want to do a 1x1 where Muse A and Muse B, met at a bar one night and ended up having a deep conversation that culminated in a make-out session. Muse A promised to call Muse B, but never did and Muse B didn’t have Muse A’s phone number. A couple of months passed with Muse B thinking about their night with Muse A - not being able to find that connection with someone else. Then Muse B finally meets Muse A again, only to find Muse A is dating their best friend. Despite both parties trying to push aside their feelings after meeting again, things get complicated. (They could either decide to keep things friendly or it would lead to a relationship, depending on how the rp goes).
we absolutely hate each other but we’re the romantic leads so i guess we have to make this work
i’m the stage manager and you’re the self-absorbed diva, so naturally we despise each other
i’m the understudy for your character’s love interest and since he’s not here today you asked me to help you run the kissing scene and i’m really attracted to you
A plot based on cutting edge
consider this: classic “one of the boys” girl who hangs out with the frat bros accidentally falling in love with an elle woods-esque sorority girl that she meets at a party??? muse a comes from a family w like a million older brothers so ofc she makes a beeline for the frats when she gets to college bc she feels most comfortable around boys. the only thing is, she dreads their mixers with the sorority girls bc she hates the “prissy glitter bitches” and wants to vomit whenever she sees lilly pulitzer lmao. so when muse b comes up to her at one of these mixers and introduces herself, muse a is like lol ok w/e. but to her surprise, muse b is actually like…. interesting and smart and yes definitely ridiculous but she’s still shocked that she actually has a personality. and when muse b keeps seeking her out at the mixers, muse a suddenly finds herself more and more flustered as she realizes that she has a GIANT ASS CRUSH on this girl. honestly pls just give me cute college girls in love with frat bros cheering for them in a non-gross manner
13 going on 30 plot where they were really close when they were younger, and then they both went there separate ways. and then they meet up later on, and they just start spending a lot of time together and start becoming best friends and then they slowly start to fall in love with each other (✿◠‿◠) liKE PLEASE I NEED THIS!!
wild child: muse a is sent to a horrific private boarding school. no phone, no laptop. it’s like being back in the 17th century. muse a is a wild child, always has been, and they refused to be disciplined. they need a way out of this school and fast- and no better solution comes then muse b.. the principals child that comes to visit on weekends and is loved by all, and extremely good looking. the plan is easy, get muse b’s attention, make them fall for muse a and get caught by the principal and get out of this school. but then those pesky real feelings start to get in the way, and what started as a way to leave, has started to turn into a reason to stay.
Muse A just had their heart broken and decided to shy away from relationships, so their friends dragged them out for a night to get them out of the house. Enter muse B. Someone who spends the night flirting with muse A, but gets nowhere. Muse B gives muse A their number, saying if they change their mind to call. Muse A, after some prompting from friends, calls muse B and they go out on a date – one they both enjoy. But just as muse A comes around to the idea of a new relationship, muse B finds out that muse A’s ex, is muse B’s sibling.
Things I want plots based on
The candy jar
Lizzie McGuire
Prince & Me
Harry Potter
Secret Circle
Parent Trap
10 things I hate about you
Drive me crazy
Mumu ideas
summer camp counselors: between the ages of 18 ad 21, volunteers from colleges around the country (BONUS: around the entire world) flock here to guide children through the summer of their lives, coincidentally also making this the best summer of their own lives.
co-ed college dorms:  Simply a group of students living in one building, trying to get along and figure themselves out in the process.
sleepy beach town: Every summer there are quite a few families that spend their summers unwinding in a town far from home. There are families that have become quite close due to the three months spent out of every month in this small town. There are also those families that are spending their first year here. This could test friendships and even relationships that have already developed.
kids of famous people: over the years, it’s been no secret that the celebrities we’ve known to love and care for from afar have grown to have families of their own. Now, it’s their children’s turn to make something of their lives. Do they follow in their parents footsteps or do they do something entirely different? Are they snotty self absorbed or do they give back every chance they get? There are millions of possibilities.
apartment complex: A bunch of diverse people all living in one building together. There’s this small family type bond between them but they still aren’t afraid to start crap when it’s necessary. At the end of the day, they will always have each others back when it’s needed
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87devices · 5 years
I finished QOAAD a couple days ago and I’ll say I have some mixed thoughts on it. I am somewhat disappointed tbh but it also DID have its moments.
I have to say I felt this book had too many POVs. I didn’t like that. I didn’t feel like they were all necessary. All the POVs only ended up with me feeling very disconnected from the story as a whole, and the characters, even my faves at times. I think the POVs where one part of the problem, the other I am not sure. Maybe Cassie has too many projects on her plate or idk but something impacted her writing. Not just for QOAAD but I felt it in Ghosts of the Shadow Market stories too. It had a few exceptions but compared to The Shadowhunter Academy short stories overall, they just weren’t as good. :/ As much as it pains me we gotta wait like 4 yrs for TWP maybe its a good thing? The onslaught of books may have passed and TWP will get more focus. Im just gonna tell myself this to get through the waiting time OTL. 
I will start with thoughts on Emma and Julian as they are the main characters. 
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I like both Julian and Emma’s characters, but I think they lost me somewhere at some point in this series as a couple. I can’t say exactly when but reading QOAAD I realized I didn’t care for them as a couple. I’ve seen this is the case for many others too. Was I very intrigued where the parabatai curse would lead? Yes, but that’s it. Now the parabatai curse, I wasn’t too satisfied with how that played out. I kinda was and I kinda wasn’t. I guess I was expecting something bad to happen some consequences but the rune just burned away and that was that. I loved when Julian got his emotions back and went all into head of the institute since I was a child mode. Like I know my shit I know what I’m doing. Then Dru being like “good to have you back, I missed your lunatic schemes” xD I love Julian scheming ok, lol but like with emotions.
I gotta say one of my favorite things about TDA and what I felt like was one of its strong points is that togetherness the Blackthorns had as a family. My favorite thing about Julian was his love for his kids cause they are his kids!! BUT I just didn’t feel it in this book. When looking forward to QOAAD I was looking forward to how they were all going to deal with Livvy’s death. The kids where gonna need Julian so much but he just wasn’t there for them ALL throughout the book which was my BIGGEST disappointment. At first he wasn’t there because he took away his emotions and separated from them, then he got back and because he was emotionless he couldn’t be there for Ty when Ty reached out to him clearly troubled and broken. Now, I don’t blame him. He was emotionless after all, but after he did get them back I feel like he didn’t make the effort to be there for them. It was like he didn’t remember the way Ty reached out to him before and the things he said to him about his plan. After he got his emotions he was all busy with the Horace-Cohort situation and his situation with Emma but what about the KIDS JULES?! ;_;  It was Ty who again sought him but he didn’t really try to pay attention to what was going on with him, during and after their little convo. It felt like 
Jules: oh btw you good? 
Ty: yeah sure 
Jules: ok im here btw 
Ty: K
Jules: K 
And that was it. He never found out about the necromancy or biting and just *sigh*. At least the biting is something he should’ve and would’ve noticed as Dru pointed out. Everyone was on their own basically and then in the end he and Emma are going on a travel vacay. Like what?! There was Helen but Helen is not Julian. She is trying to get to know them but Julian is the one who is basically their parent. There are 2 things I loved about Julian best, one was his willingness to do what needed to be done, and second was his care for his family and like I said, I did not feel it here. :[  I’ll say I do love Julian’s character, and more than Emma’s actually. Emma is just fine, but there is a lot more going on with Julian. Though neither are my faves in this series. But I love Julian xD 
THULE: ok so I was sobbing during this part. I couldn’t control my tears. All this broke my heart when we found out about how everyone’s fates turned out. I felt so sad for Livvy all alone there. Everything was just so tragic ;_;. I do found myself wanting for the POV to switch to see their friends and family freaking out about what happened to Emma and Julian. I’ll say it didn’t make sense to me how Ash went into Thule only like 5 minutes before Jemma and he aged up yrs yet Jules and Emma where there for a pretty long time too and nothing?? It was another reason I wanted the POVs to switch I was wondering if yrs where passing by in their world or what. I’ll say I did enjoy the pain and hurt Thule gave me lol. It was one of those moments where like I didn’t felt disconnected with the characters at all. I was very much feeling all the feels but it also felt like I left QOAAD and was thrust back into CoHF. It felt too much like TMI it was kind of a whiplash, like from TDA i went back to TMI then TDA again. 0.0  
Now to my faves
Ash!: He was one of my favorite things of this book! His character was so interesting. I have high hopes for his character. He is probably not all good or all bad but what I’ve seen of him from boy to teen he is more good and human than meets the eye. Cassie Cassie Cassie! Do we really need a 3rd evil Morgenstern? No, No Nope! He deserves the chance Sebastian never had! </3. ;_;
The way he shook when he was holding that sword with the Unseelie King when he was trying to make him kill Kieran. He clearly didn’t want to and not only that, he questioned WHY, like he thought you can’t just kill someone just because. Then in Thule we had Thule Dru talk about how she noticed he didn’t want to be there for Thule Sebastian’s executions, among the rest of things that happened there.
Now Ash and Dru, omg PLS I ship already! I cant wait for them!  
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Ty and Kit!: My other faves, my babies. I am the most invested in them! I just knew they were going to be separated at the end of this. I had a feeling. Then they made that “To never being parted” declaration in the campfire and I knew for sure oh no, they are gonna part. ;_; Their fight in Lake Lyn broke my heart a little bit, tears were shed. It particular broke my heart how while they were both physically fighting, they were crying about it and the whole situation. Though I’ll say I also did like that Kit went to live with Jem and Tessa <3. I feel like he is in the process of finding himself as a shadowhunter and just as a person too. I love that Jessa will be like his family. I cant wait for Jessa being parents! Also the arc of them separating only to meet again yrs later with so much unsaid ugh I cant wait for them either OTL. I could drown myself in feels thinking about all the different scenarios in which they might meet again. ;_; Oh! When they were in the campsite and Kit was wondering why Ty didn’t went inside the tent with him right away was everything. His mind was just reeling with TY scenarios it was the cutest. 
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I have to say I hope TY, KIT, and DRU, as they are our main characters are given priority in TWP no 10+ POVs PLS. (Ash gotta be in the POVs though ofc.) We only have 3 books with them. They deserve the focus so we can connect with them the most. Heck if there is no more than 4/5 POVs even better. We can get to know other and new characters without being in their heads as we got to love Ty without his POV in TDA. 
Mark, Kieran, Christina: Other characters I love too. What can I say? I love that this threesome happened. I think the initial delivery coulda been better, but I loved their ending. When I say their initial delivery I mean their coming together as 3. I LOVED that spark they had in LOS when we first could see that there could be something between the 3 of them like ‘OMG what?!’. But in QOAAD I feel like I didn’t get like a full understanding of how and why Kristina and Kieran came to love each other. We could all see the love, feelings, and intense connection between Mark and Kieran since LOS. Also the connection between Mark and Christina, but with Kieran and Christina I feel like it needed more development. They were suddenly very into each other when they hadn’t spent much time together after LOS events and Kieran left with Diego. I’ll say what did help that a bit was that it was actually pointed out by Christina herself, saying how what they might have (Kier+Tina) is probably not close to the connection Mark and Kieran do. Despite this I love how it eventually concluded with the three of them. It was bittersweet, like Kieran my boy <3 ;__; but I liked it very much. Have I said how much I specifically love Kieran and Mark because I do!!
Lastly, woah I did not see that coming with the clave leaving Idris. I’m shocked  they even agreed to that considering how prideful they are of their home. It is also like a safety cocoon for them. Im still processing, this is a huge change. It will be so interesting where the shadowhunter world goes from here. 
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gotatext · 4 years
[kermit voice] hallo.... its me 
AGE — 23
MBTI — enfp-infp border cos im an introvert who Masquerades as an extrovert :)
HP HOUSE — i spent 10 yrs of my life thinkin i was gryffindor.... to find out.... huffle....puff...... 
ARE YOU A STUDENT? WHAT DO YOU STUDY? — i fuckin wish! being a student was dope af i got stressed about essays like once a month and apart from that i was just chillin, surrounded by really intelligent people every day n livin it up on the party scene. adult life fucking sucks no one wants to have fun cos we all work fuckin tonnes of hours so we can afford to eat and get paid peanuts xx
ARE YOU ENJOYING IT? — im really afraid of bein one of those jock types who peaked in high school but i deff peaked in uni like 100% i was way more interesting 2 years ago
LINKS TO OTHER ACCOUNTS & SOCIAL MEDIA — im not showin u my instagram bc im a fuckin embarassment but this is pinterest , this is my personal blog, this is my writing / 1x1 blog i never use any more n this is my trash talking twitter where i mostly just cry about timothee chalamet and bash the tories. 
DISCORD USER — kristine’s forehead vein#8664
WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE FICTION GENRE? — i dont read fanfiction much but when i do u can be sure it’s slow burn angsty enemies to lovers mutual pining heart attack every time one of them accidentally brushes the other’s hand
TOP FIVE FAVOURITE FILMS — suspiria (2018 luca guadagnino version rogue i kno but i prefer the remake), the lobster, before sunrise, baz luhrmann romeo + juliet, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind,  thoroughbreds (REC!! so underwatched pls watch it. compelling female characters), hunt for the wilderpeople (also so underwatched), swiss army man, call me by your name, atonement, moonrise kingdom, trainspotting, the florida project. i rlly like films ok
A BOOK YOU FEEL “CHANGED” YOU? — the song of achilles by madeline miller n also fen by daisy johnson
A MOVIE YOU THINK ABOUT OFTEN? — booksmart cos its fuckin dope
ARE YOU INTO ASTROLOGY? —  i like to pretend im super invested in it mostly to anger my friends but tbh.... i just use it as a rough guide for character creation.... its fun but i dnt .... fully invest in what it has to say..... altho i am the most unbalanced n indecisive bitch on earth so i guess they got that right !! i just live to please baybeyy!
WHAT PLATFORMS HAVE YOU ROLEPLAYED ON? — tumblr for about 8 year (omg) n before tht facebook..... i was very embarassingly in a twilight rp..... i wrote jane..... i also rped as a scene kid oc n when i was like 12 i was on some weird forum harry potter roleplay where i basically played a self insert with georgie henley as the fc......
WHAT OTHER HOBBIES DO YOU HAVE? — i used to have so many hobbies but now i jst lie in my bed staring at the ceiling. but before i was workin like a dog i loved reading, writing, acting in theatre productions..... going out on the town getting bevved..... big druggy EDM nights in warehouses tht probably weren’t liscenced for tht many ppl..... gigs... costume-design and making, spoken word poetry, acrylic painting n rollerskating but my sister broke my skates abt two years ago in vengeance and i’ll never forgive her that fuckin bitch
HAVE ANY PETS? IF SO, TALK ABOUT THEM! — no my landlord is a fascist
IS THERE A TV SHOW YOU RECOMMEND A LOT? — i’ll never stop reccing euphoria!! also i was pleasantly surprised by looking for alaska!! but i also rlly like bob’s burgers, parks and rec, good omens.... black mirror, n sharp objects. lovesick on bbciplayer (n netflix i think) is also rlly fun
ANY SHOWS YOU LIKE SOME MIGHT BE SURPRISED TO HEAR THAT YOU DO? — maybe love island, idk if i talk abt that much bc i am ashamed but i am so obsessed with it. i even got the love island game n got so invested in my fictional relationship w bobby tht i had to delete it
WHAT WAS THE LAST BOOK YOU READ? WOULD YOU RECOMMEND IT? — god god... i haven’t finished a book in ages.... i recently started reading milkman by anna burns, the bees by laline paull and everything under by daisy johnson.... bt the last book i read cover to cover was probs circe. defs read it. feminist and witchy
CURRENTLY READING? — i jst said this but the bees, everything under and less so milkman cos im finding milkman a bit tough
LAST FILM? REC IT? — i watched ladyworld the lord of the flies all-female remake n even maya hawke could not save it.... dnt get me wrong from an art film point of view i loved it but it felt a bit underdeveloped n a level media studies for me..... apart from tht?? the runaways (yorkshire film not released yet at a preview screening) and threads (also a yorkshire film from the 80s about nuclear apocalypse)
THREE MOVIES YOU NEED TO WATCH — portrait of a lady on fire, i work at an independent cinema n we recently had a preview screening and everyone said it was SICK, uhhhh short term 12, n the new eliza scanlen movie babyteeth
WHAT MOVIE DO YOU THINK YOU’VE SEEN THE MOST TIMES? — madagascar because when i was 12 my parents bought me a little television with a dvd player in it for my birthday and madagascar was the only dvd i owned for like..... the first two years of havin the absolute luxury of a tv in my room so i just used to watch it all the time n i now basically know the script inside out
WHAT ALWAYS PUTS YOU IN A GOOD MOOD? — nothing, life is pointless n i hate fun, let me rot in peace
WHO IS YOUR FAVOURITE MUSICIAN / BAND? LIST IF THERE ARE MORE THAN ONE. — ughhh god probably lcd soundsystem. gorillaz, the streets, tame impala, talking heads, soft hair, i also love lizz tho n also angry twangy guitar girl bands like girlpool, courtney barnett, best coast, cherry glazerr,
WILD NIGHT OUT OR QUIET NIGHT IN? — quiet night in my party days are over i cant even be bothered to go to the shops if its past 4.30pm and dark these days
ANY PHOBIAS? — clowns n rats
DO YOU LIKE BUGS? — absolutely not
BIRDS? — yes but not if they fly in my face
ARE YOU A CAT OR DOG PERSON? BOTH? — i love both i want one 
BIGGEST PET PEEVE? — tory middle aged boomers who treat me like actual shit on their shoe because i work in the service industry like thats my choice and their poor economic decisions didnt mean i have to do a shitty job to afford to live bcos of austerity n cuts to arts funding meaning i cant get a job writing unless i self-fund :)))
FAVOURITE THING ABOUT THE RPC? — that everyone ive met through rp is a fuckin LAFF
TOP TEN FAVE FCS TO USE? — god .... diana silvers, timothee chalamet, margaret qualley, kristine froseth, froy gutierrez, zendaya, elle fanning, astrid berges frisbey, hunter schafer, leonardo dicaprio
FIVE YOU LIKE WRITING AGAINST? — herman tomeraas, hunter schafer, saoirse ronan, timothee chalamet, froy gutierrez
FAVOURITE TYPE OF FOOD? — linda mccartney 1/2pounder mozzarella veggie burgers, sweet potato wedges, tomato soup, mozzarella sticks, brownies
WORST FOOD? — green things like broccoli n sprouts gross. baked beans cos as a kid ppl used to do baked bean baths for comic relief / red nosed day a lot n i thought when they were finished in the baked bean bath they just put all the cold beans back in the tin. actually anything small that moves around on your plate. peas. spaghetti. sweetcorn. i dont like small things i cant control.
DO YOU PLAY VIDEOGAMES? IF SO, WHAT ONES AND ON WHAT PLATFORM DO YOU PREFER? — last year my housemate had an xbox n i went through a phase of obsessively playin fable 3 it was amazing. i had like 5 husbands and 3 wives and loads of kids but they all ended up leavin me cos i spent so much time out doing quests neglecting them
LASTLY, HOW DID YOU FIND US? — im one of those bitches who was in this grp all the way back when it was swipe... so quirky and original!! i knew the band before u! anyway im goin now this has been sufficiently embarassing..... i am lame
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hcngsang · 5 years
   hello   beautiful   people,   it’s   me,   kiki,   coming   to   you   with   an   unfinished   character   and   messy   intro   !   i’m   twenty   one   yrs   old   uhhh   i’m   from   the   gmt   timezone   and   currently   dying   bc   of   school   ! anyways   this   is   jaesun,   a   human   who   despises   androids   or   well   at   least   the   android   who   basically   stole   his   life   kind   of   jlksdfjlskdj   !   he’s   annoying   ,   doesn’t   rlly   care   much   about   the   feelings   of   others   and   wishes   he   was   born   in   the   90s   or   something   like   that....  
 omg   also   i’ve   never   played   the   game   before   and   i   checked   some   wikias   n   vid   of   it   and   it   looked   so   cool   that   i   went   to   a   game   store   and   saw   it   was   like   20   euros   !!   but   i   couldnt   buy   it   yet   and   when   i   looked   on   the   site   just   now   it   was   back   to   65   euros   ...............   im   so   stupid   :c   but   okay   carrying   on   JFDSLKJFD   underneath   is   some   more   info   about   him   so   please   take   a   lookie   and   give   a   heart   pls   if   u   wanna   plot   !!
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tw: uhhh none that are very heavy, there’s a mentioned death but nothing too graphic
CHOI   JAESUN.       don’t   sit   on   my   dick   if   you’re   afraid   of   heights   !        
000.   QUICK   STATS.
NAME:   choi   jaesun
AGE:   twenty   three
DATE OF BIRTH:   11   march   2026
GENDER:   male
NATIONALITY:   japanese... right fdjskl? 
OCCUPATION:   currently   unemployed
001.    BACKSTORY.
he’s   one   half   of   a   pair   or   well,   he   was   one   half   of   a   pair.   jaesun   lost   his   twin   sister   to   a   sudden   heart   attack,   something   that   to   this   day   still   doesn’t   make   sense   to   him   because   she   was   so   healthy   and   everything   good   but   it   only   shows   that   death   doesn’t   discriminate.   it   wasn’t   until   two   years   after   her   death   that   his   mom   bought   someone   new   into   their   house,   an   android   to   be   exact   one   that   looked   eerily   similar   to   his   dead   twin.
jaesun   had   always   been   fascinated   by   androids   and   how   they   worked   so   he   was   very   excited   to   witness   with   his   two   eyes   what   this   android   could   do.   he   wasn’t   bothered   by   the   appearance   in   the   slightest,   if   anything,   it   somehow   calmed   him.   because   it   looked   almost   identical   to   his   sister   jisun.   her   death   certainly   affected   him   a   lot,   because   she   was   not   only   his   sister   but   also   his   best   friend.   
at   first   jaesun   loved   to   have   the   android   around,   someone   who   was   willing   to   do   chores   around   the   house   and   who   would   cook   but   when   he   noticed   his   mother   paying   more   and   more   attention   to   the   android   than   him   he   started   to   despise   the   android.  
now,   he   was   never   the   favorite   child   that   much   he   knew   when   jisun   was   still   alive.   but   there   was   something   hurtful   about   his   mother   favoring   a   fucking   android   more   than   her   only   child.
so   not   only   he   felt   like   he   was   less   than   the   android,   he   and   his   mom   started   to   fight   more   with   his   mom   blaming   his   lazy   ass   for   not   doing   shit   in   the   house   before   and   after   jisun’s   death   and   with   jaesun   blaming   her   for   always   comparing   him   to   his   sister   and   taking   better   care   of   the   android   more   than   her   own   son.
002.    PRESENT.
WELL   he   moved   out   of  the   house   and   it   was   very   dramatic   and   he   got   into   a   huge   fight   right,   said   “   i   don’t   ever   wanna   see   ur   face   ever   again   !   ”   but   probably   saw   his   mom   a   week   later   when   he   entered   the   apartment   building.........   since   they   uhhh   all   live   in   the   same   building   i   guess
anyway   yeah   the   experience   really   gave   him   a   bad   outlook   on   androids,   especially   when   he   was   also   laid   off   of   work   soon   after   bc   they   were   gonna   hire   androids   instead   bc   the   wages   were   a   lot   cheaper   ...   uhhhh   okay
so   now   he’s   just   breezing   through   life   with   no   real   purpose   and   spends   most   of   his   time   in   rapture
basically,   he   thinks   he’s   better   than   everyone   else   and   isn’t   afraid   to   show  it   ?   i   wouldn’t   say   he’s   mean   mean   but   he’s   not   kind   either   ??   for   the   most   part   he   just   doesn’t   know   why   you,   a   zero,   is   talking   to   him,   a   10.   lmao   !   he’s   pretty   indifferent   if   he   hurts   people   bc   he   cares   about   him   and   him   only   !   basically,   he’s   like   ...   confident   to   the   point   where   he’s   conceited,   bc   he   knows   he’s   hot   shit   jsdflkdfj  
oh   yeah,   so,   negative   traits:   conceited,   candid positive   traits:    audacious,   independent
basically,   my   whole   damn   inspo   was   singularity   and   watching   20   fancams   of   singularity
004.   EXTRAS.
jesus   i   spent   way   too   much   time   thinking   about   how   he   looks   like...   ugh..   why   does   tae   have   so   many   gr8   looks....   okay..   well   hair   ?   black   ?   i   think   during   fake   love   era   ???   omg   im   going   through   it..   uhhh   what   do   i   add   more,   oh   yeah   !   buys   expensive   black   /   white   basic   shirts   because   he   can   n   he   likes   the   way   he   looks   like   a   normal   non-rich   person   when   he   wears   an   overpriced   270k   yen (   ??   is   there   a   diff   currency   )   black   shirt   lol   but   also   wears   dress   shirts   and   trousers   and   nice   shoes   n   a   tie   just   because   he   wants   everyone   to   now   that   he   is   a  god   amongst   all   of   these   humans   n   androids  
can’t   really....   keep   relationships   and   is   more   into   casual   hookups   /   fwbs   etc   so   he   usually   yeets   the   fuck   out   when   someone   catches   feelings   for   him   (   or   if   he   caught   feelings   for   someone   else   omg   rip..   )
Choi   Jaesun   is   Bad   at   Feelings
all   of   these   are   open   for   further   plotting   of   course   !!
a   best   friend   who   put   up   with   his   shit    &   feed   his   ego  !!   has   to   be...   human...   
childhood   friends   someone   who   prolly   still   has   embarrassing   pics   of   him
someone   he   dislikes   /   can’t   stand   
unlikely   friend   /   polar   opposites
an   android   that   he   could   consider   a   friend   maybe   ?
fwbs   /   casual   hook   ups
someone   who   he   leads   on   owo
bad   influence   on   someone
anything   angsty   of   COURSE !!!!
i   will   maybe   make   a   proper   connection   page   butdfjsodklsjf   these   r   a   few   i’d   have   and   ofc   i’m   open   to   anything   else   !
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bornsoldier-arc · 6 years
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wOWOWOWOWOW !!!! it’s about to get real mushy here thanks to all of you folks. :’)) pls excuse the beautiful edit pictured above. i’ve been here for 2-3ish?? months and i’ve had nothing but an amazing time with all of you. i know this fandom in particular has its own troubles at times, but i cherish all the time i’ve spent here!! everyone who i’ve followed has been nothing but lovely, and this is my little shoutout to you superstars for being just. AMAZING!! especially while dealin’ with my shitposting <33 so below you will find a few shoutouts to some people i’ve grown very close to/old friends and a buncha people i love seein’ on the daily!! and if you guys know me, you know i’m terribly forgetful so if you’re not on here !!!!! I STILL LOVE YOU !!!!
MY SWEET SUMMER CHILDREN (aka the ppl who i get all heart eyes over)
@brokendefender / @getwebbed / @fearfeeling — :’)))) oh casey. what to say about my child?? wife????? best friend??? it’s a little bit of a grey area but i LOVE MY CANADIAN PAL WITH MY WHOLE HEART. you never fail to be the person who i’ll talk to 24/7, get stupid cute ‘ily’ memes from, and wow can we talk about whaT A GREAT WRITER YOU ARE??? i love all of ur sons and i’m glad i can throw my star spangled son at urs. :’)))))) i could probably go on for hours about u making me wheeze and enduring my titanic feelings and watching the producers with me (i love our movie nights) bUT THIS POST IS ALREADY GONNA BE LONG SO I GUESS I’LL HAVE TO CONTINUE ON THE NEXT FF I MAKE
@brokcnsouls — CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW LONG WE’VE KNOWN EACH OTHER FOR A QUICK SEC???? i literally had to open skype for the first time in months because i just wanted to see when we actually started talking and i became utter trash for you and your writing and all of your children :’)) WE’VE KNOWN EACH OTHER SINCE MARCH OF LAST YEAR SO A LITTLE OVER A YEAR !!! i’m so happy we got to know each other back when i was on apollo and i’ve loved every single one of our threads since then okay our ever-growing list of aus is evidence of this B)) but also i’m so ?? grateful to have you every time i feel down or need to vent or anYTHING. oK I’M GOING TO CUT THIS SHORT BEFORE I GET CARRIED AWAY BUT !! never forget to put your own sanity before your 7 day work weeks and 100 drafts okay bb <33
@andagony — you knew this was comin’ boo bear :))))))) time for me to mAKE YOU MUSHY NOW THAT I’M ALL MUSHY. i’m :’))) so glad i got to know you this summer while i holed myself up inside to escape the heat death outside. your writing??? makes me cry?????? what the fuck what a goddamn TREASURE. i don’t care how long it takes you to write a reply because i’ll wait 5 yrs for one of your novels thanks. but aside from writing and our stupid bois??? i’m!!!! emotional about how much i adore your company. this is my shoutout to you for being an angel even if you call yourself a gorgon B))) ( sidenote i DID have to search in disco for WTF THAT SCARY CREATURE WAS ). i love you, and this is ur reminder to get more sleep ;((( U ARE MY WINTER BOO BEAR
@marvelous-maximoff — HI REMEMBER HOW I SAY I’M TRASH FOR YOU LIKE EVERY SINGLE DAY??? ‘CAUSE I AM. :’)))) whether it be wanda or buck-buck longstocking i love your writing!!!!! you just. put so much time and thought into your portrayals and all of your replies are so well-thought out in the head of your muses and i!!!!!! AM NEVER OVER IT !!!!!! you’re so much fun to talk to and plot with and scream over things with and i just. THANK YOU for being a 10/10 friend and writing partner. IF YOU WATCH PORTLA.D.IA I’LL WATCH B.OJAC.K HOR.SEMAN 
MY STAR SPANGLED SWEETHEARTS ( aka we write or maybe talk in ims or discord!! )
@endurraesa, @voitel, @vi-brain-ium, @eternallysoft, @soldatassassin, @missionmade, @strongwilltm, @henrymikaelscn, @strxnzo
@outlawiism, @sorscier, @interniisms, @assembletm, @fallencomrade, @auntlarb, @empantis, @mercwiththemouth, @mxctxns, @tobargain, @antdad, @ironicarus, @rdwng, @wightwulf, @andquantum, @solestarlet, @killypool, @mchanic, @microthief, @stormharbinger, @golddome, @facemypast, @badlvckkitty, @siiilvertcngue, @stcrmbreakr, @atimebomb, @greatestmarksman, @bestdefender, @godveiined, @mysticmastered, @neshanna 
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tinfcomic · 6 years
Hi Nikki! Just wondering, what are your favourite tinf pages you've drawn so far?
Hi anon! WOW I love this question, thank you!! I never thought about it before… usually I very rarely like a TINF page because there’s at least 1 panel I don’t like that I’ve drawn 😂
Here’s what I came up with, though, in date/page order, underneath a read more:
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ch 01 pg 01 - SO CLICHE I KNOW, THE 1ST PG 😂😂😂!! I actually do love this, though, I love his “screeee” and “pt pt pt pt,” if I have to describe the feeling of Julian in one page, it’s definitely this one LOL. When I first started TINF, I had a lot of people disliking my style and I think it scared me into becoming less cartoon-y/exaggerated over time (even by the end of the chapter), and that’s something I regret and had to work really hard on getting over. Outside of TINF, I feel like I’m reverting back to cartoon-y a bit (which I like), but I wish I exaggerated more in TINF… this 1st page shows when I was wild and free and I like that 😂
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ch 07 pg 05 -  the 3 middle panels are MY FAVORITE!!! I absolutely LOVE the joke of just blowing up an image to “zoom in” for a panel, just slightly making it lower quality, and then Julian in the pink panel…………. my sweet boy… I LOVE HIM he’s so cute, so earnest TT____TT))) I also love Landon laying on the ground + on Isaiah 😂 also wow that last panel dialogue.. don’t hurt me, Landon *upset thinking in contrast to recent pages*.. LOL
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ch 10 pg 12 - this is the only good art I’ve ever drawn
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ch 11 extra 02 - this page is on like every “favorites” list I’ve made but LISTEN!! I LOVE IT LOLOL I LOVE Julian’s handwriting + how he writes + all his diff papers + “pen running out of ink” TCH Past-Nicole… she really knew how to make Julian SO cute LOLOL I mean, I still do LOL *Julian stan*
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ch 14 pg 15 - after 7+ yrs, jokes in TINF rarely remain funny, but this. This is gold……… gatsby 👁️👄👁️ what the hell
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ch 15 cover - LANDON KISSED HIM ON THE CHEEK WHAT?????? I’M STILL LIKE??? PAST-NICOLE, PLS LOLOL I love this little “story” if you read from top-to-bottom, left-to-right! Esp the 2nd to last… Julian LOLOL goodness gracious, kid. Also I love the red shirt I used in this !!!
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ch 18 pg 08 - that’s cute..
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ch 19 pg 09 - this pg is cute LOL I’m good at drawing cars for some reason, like, seriously, the last panel I got ambitious and Isaiah opening the door for Selby is 👌👌👌 but the real star is the inside of the car door, like… calm down, Nicole, we get it, you draw cars better than people
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ch 22 pg 01 - this chapter is randomly drawn so good IMO and idk why but it’s my favorite (drawing-wise)???? ig I was ~in the mood to draw~ LOL I like the wave of blanket in panel 2 and my sleepy babu in panel 3 😂
also can we just acknowledge how much I jam into 1 page of TINF??? Waking up / Julian’s not as excited as he used to be for Sydney Morgan / he’s troubled / hints that it directly correlates with Landon since he’s looking over at Landon’s house in the last panel like !!! I work hard for this biweekly comic LOL
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ch 22 pg 08 - so much movement in this pg!! I luv!! I have too many ~important convos~ currently in TINF, which makes sense since I’m gearing towards the end, but I definitely miss them running around wildly like this LOL
There’s a bunch I like from this chapter but I won’t post them here bc 😴, but if you’re curious, they’re pages: 12, 13, 22, 23 !! Congrats, ch 22, I like u 👏👏👏🎉
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ch 23 cover - I love my long boy, he’s so cute TT____TT))) even tho I think he’s a jerk and I’m mad at him LOLOL wow I’m really layin’ it w/the feelings in this list aren’t I LOL idk who’s reading this *continues*
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ch 23 pg 34 - I’m unsure what I like more, angsty Landon or my background characters 😂
I also really like the next page (35) but idk if it’s like a “favorite”…
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ch 23 pg 59 - listen…………… I’M A SIMPLE GIRL, ANON
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ch 24 pg 09 - idk I just like it LOL *push* *stop* *push* Bye + Isaiah’s pants look cute 😂
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ch 24 pg 19 - Landon’s handwriting / Isaiah and Selby flirting playing / out in the city ??? Feels different, I like it LOL but the true winners of this art are the 2 dogs in panel 2
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ch 24 pg 48 / 49 / 50 - describing lanjuls in 1 pg / 🍓 soft 🍓 / I SHIP THEM LMAO SHRIEKS
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ch 25 pg 34 - HOLD HIM !!!!!!! I brought these feelings on myself
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ch 25 pg 37 - I think I set this page up pretty good and I really like how it reads!!! I effectively break my own heart. Nice
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ch 25 pg 42 - Dear Past-Nicole, thanks. I hate it. I spent 90000000 hrs on panel 3 Landon’s expression tho and I BELIEVE I GOT IT! So, it makes the list LOL
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ch 26 pg 01 - I’M BASIC OOOOOK LOLOLOLOL LET ME LIVE!!!! I scream for 90 yrs
THAT’S IT! WE’RE DONE HERE!!! I feel like my “favorites” are weird, I have some page compositions I enjoy more since they’re more creative, but in the end there are just some drawings/feelings I like better in these pages.
Thank you so much for asking this question, I had fun looking back at older pages!! 💕
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jeonfinite · 6 years
end of the year fic meme
total number of completed stories: 5 total word count: 51225
Overall Thoughts Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted? I wrote way more than I predicted bc I never thought I’d produce fic at all, but I actually published a oneshot or chapter at least once a month since june. What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? I would’ve never guessed I would become 100% certified jinkook trash this yr and would’ve laughed in your face if you told me otherwise lmao. I didn’t even know who jungkook was until feb!! in fact despite always having a soft spot for bts and following all of their music releases I was like actually ‘I don’t think I’ll ever truly stan them’ lmfao. my life is a joke. What’s your own favorite story of the year? forever yours. it’s basically everything I ever want to happen in a fic. seokjin as an academy award winning actor? jinkook writing a song together? jinkook going on cute dates and continually supporting the other as they fall deeper in love? ugh my heart. the idea is so dear to me and it’s my baby. and even tho bangtan disbanded in the fic, they all found their own success and they’re rly close friends. I fucking love the ending too omg. I did my best to make it rly gratifying and make up for all the stuff jungkook went through earlier. plus I love fics based on idol/band verse, canon/divergence/future fic and I liked weaving in canon elements to it. it makes it feel more real imo.
Did you take any writing risks this year? uh, not rly? other than writing and publishing my first fic ever. and I guess actually shading big hit/bang pd lmao. as far as I know of, no one has done that before? and multiple ppl have called me brave for doing so lol. Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the new year?
to try to write longer fics I guess. there’s this 10k fic I’ve been planning forever but still haven’t gotten around to even tho I kept meaning to write it next lol.
From my past year of writing what was… My best story of this year: definitely forever yours. honestly sometimes I feel like it’s my peak lmfao. like I will never able to match some of those descriptions ever again. whenever I’m struggling to write something and I go back to it I’m like HOW DID I WRITE THIS?? and when ppl tell me I’ve made them cry and laugh omg. I almost don’t believe it. I don’t think any of my fics have elicited such a reaction and I think it’s the one that affected me most. I hurt my own non existent heart. My most popular story of this year: forever yours lmao. not only does it have the most hits/kudos/comment/bookmarks, but it’s the fic I most often see ppl reccing, screaming about, and quoting on twitter. I love it tho. pls continue screaming about it and @ me!! The story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: lights go on again. it’s gotten the least attention of all my fics so far. idk if it’s bc ppl are sick of me already or if I rly offended that many ppl by insulting their precious bang pd oppa lmao. also yo where all the jin stans at? I thought at least they’d appreciate its contents lmao.
but also rollin’ the deep bc I actually like that one a lot now and it’s the second least popular lol. but it’s on par with light me up and I expected that based on the content. ofc the fics with jin winning an oscar and shitting on the mother/son trope would gain the most traction so I’m not surprised. The most fun story to write:
us against the world! the idea of everyone hitting on jin and jungkook getting jealous was too good to pass up. I had so much fun writing taehyung’s scene omfg. I actually started it with it lmfao and it seems like most ppl agree. hoseok’s always makes me laugh and ngl I feel like a genius whenever I reread that fic lol. :’) definitely my peak humor and probably the funniest/crackiest thing I’ll ever write.
Story with single sweetest moment?
it’s a tie with forever yours’ birthday scene and light me up’s christmas decorations. but overall rollin’ the deep made me melt the most with how overwhelming sweet it was. I live for soft sweet jinkook doing grossly romantic things for each other ok. The story with the single sexiest moment:
jungkook wearing lingerie in light me up, definitely :x tho the smut scene in forever yours is infinitely better imo. I will unfortunately never able to write a smut scene that good again but I think it’s the intimacy of the moment and the way it’s written that makes it so special, hence why I like it so much. The most “holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you” story:
idk? me attempting smut even tho I’m terrible at it? quoting myself I actually said “writing sex is honestly so hard already I would never waste my time writing it just for the sake of it if it didn’t have any meaning” yet the smut in light me up was the first scene I started writing. I am a goddamn hypocrite lol. but it’s sth I thought I’d never be able to write bc a few years ago I would get so embarrassed by the idea and would want to throw myself off a cliff at the thought lol. The story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters:
none of them rly. I just write jinkook like I how see them. their interactions just come so naturally to me that it’s one of the easiest and most fun things to write in my fics. The hardest story to write: honestly… light me up. all my fics get rly hard to write one point and I always start off hating the first drafts bc they’re complete garbage but I fucking suffered the most writing that one. literally took fucking forever to wrangle the sex scene into what it was. it was hot ass fragmented mess that I had to slowly unravel and reorganize one sentence at a time. I didn’t even want to look at it bc it was so bad lol. and two of the most pivotal points; the lights  and lingerie were awful at first so I struggled to make them good enough to rly stand out and to a standard I was pleased with. and transitioning the first scene into the second one where jinkook kiss under the snowfall and the ending were fucking hell too. you can ask kaleidotears, I was bitching to her the entire time lmao. albeit vaguely bc I didn’t want to spoil anything. I started a month in advance bc it usually takes me that long to produce something and as the date approached closer I was lowkey panicking and almost thought I wouldn’t make it lol. The biggest disappointment:
lights go on again. not only is the reception lackluster compared to my other fics, but it’s honestly the weakest thing I’ve written so far. I’m seriously considering orphaning it but idk :( The biggest surprise: idk. I was honestly fucking shellshocked when us against the world got over 1000 hits in less than 24 hrs tho. I never expected that kind of reaction, especially for my very first ever fic. I honestly thought no one would want to read my fics lol. but also when ppl say I’m their favorite or one of their favorite authors?? like in what in the hell. I consider myself an amateur bc I have never written consistently before in my life. I’m new to the whole fic writing scene. I’ve actually spent the majority of my life hating my writing lmao. or when ppl praise things I think I’m shit at lol. I also like rollin’ in the deep a lot more than I thought I would considering it was just a dumb fluff piece to satisfy my thirst. I wrote the first 1300 words in a waiting room and I was like I don’t have to make this perfect bc it’s stupid fluff but I legit melted writing it. oh and publishing the first chapter of forever yours in two weeks after my first fic. how in the hell did I ever write 9k that quickly I will unfortunately never able to do that again.
The most unintentionally telling story:
I’m not sure what this even means? a lot of myself does bleed into my stories I think. like even if the mood varies depending on the scene I feel like my voice carries through? they just sound like me and it’s something that can’t be repicated lol. like my fics have a shit ton of cussing which is part of it lmao. but also sometimes I give jinkook aspects of myself like seokjin doing aegyo and being clingy when drunk (which is actually real omfg I’m a genius sorry) and jungkook not realizing when other ppl like him. also by reading my fics you can tell which groups I stan, what foods I like, etc. and ofc when I start waxing poetic about their looks or voices or talents that’s all me lol. Highlights + Wrap-up Favorite Opening Line(s): “And the Academy Award for Best Actor goes to… Kim Seokjin!” — forever yours; ch1 twenty four
The world is fucking taunting Jungkook.— forever yours; ch2 fiction
Jungkook feels sick. Bile mounts up his throat; it tastes like bitterness, hurt, betrayal, anger, resentment, and heartbreak, flowing through him in chaotic discord. His voice breaks underneath the staggering weight. — forever yours; ch3 smile, again
they’re all from forever yours lmao. the first one is for very obvious reasons but the other two I find the most riveting. I tend to start my fics with dialogue or with “seokjin/jungkook …” bc I’m so creative lol Favorite Closing Line(s): they lose themselves in each other until the world fades till there’s nothing but seokjin and jungkook, just their mouths and bodies and hearts uniting into one against the world. — us against the world
I’m forever yours. — forever yours
I like connecting the endings to my titles clearly lmao. but those endings are the strongest and the ones  I’m most proud of. the other ones are all kind of similar and end with jinkook in a bed saying I love you haha. Favorite 5 10 Lines from Anywhere:
it’s relatively quiet outside and the weather is beautiful; the clear, azure skies provide an obstructed pathway for the gleaming sunshine to burn the foliage in a palette of fiery crimsons, rich golds, and vibrant oranges. the oppressive summer heat has finally faded into a cool, refreshing breeze with the advent of autumn. seokjin tugs jungkook into his side for a surge of warmth as they amble towards the car, the crisp air nipping at their skin, rustling through his bunny ears, and fallen leaves crunching beneath their feet. — rollin’ in the deep
Snowfall blankets the landscape like an instagram filter, casting a creamy, dreamy lighting over the scenery. It looks like they stepped into a fairytale. — light me up
Jungkook hums sweetly, toying with the strands of hair behind Seokjin’s nape. The melody is so soft and sweet like a souffle that Seokjin wants to devour it—so he does, capturing Jungkook’s lips and licking the inside of his mouth. — light me up
The parade marches through as they eat, a symphony of prismatic floats and musical instruments decorating Main Street with whimsy. Seokjin sways alongside the music and Jungkook joins him, their bubbling giggles adding another layer of sound to the percussion. — forever yours
Seokjin is so beautiful but he’s never been more gorgeous than when his chiseled, naked body and pink strands glisten with sweat while thrusting deeply into Jungkook, dark eyes smouldering with lust and headiness, handsome face contorted in concentration intent on pleasuring Jungkook, and plush, pretty, pink mouth falling open as melodic sounds escape his lips, sweeter than his blessed high notes. It’s too much for Jungkook. — forever yours
“You’re gorgeous. My beautiful baby boy. Sweet marshmallow bunny.” — light me up
the bright white of the headband contrasts with his dark hair, haloing a soft crown of light around him, and coupled with the afterglow of his orgasm, he looks angelic. seokjin tells him as much and he flushes a pretty pink, a perfect complement to his ivory rabbit ears. — rollin’ in the deep
jungkook licks his lips as they stroll past a lone vendor selling hotteok, and when seokjin kisses him, cornering him in the enshrouding, secluded thicket of maple trees, seokjin tastes sweet like brown sugar, like cinnamon, like the warming comfort of fall spices and home-baked treats. — rollin’ in the deep
It’s empty this late at night, their only company being the summer breeze rustling through their clothes and the mild rippling of the waves. The water glitters beautifully underneath the stars in the darkness but it pales in comparison to the way the moonlight dances off Seokjin’s freshly dyed pastel hair to illuminate his gorgeous features. He looks magical, bright eyes sparkling and pink strands shimmering. — forever yours
The kiss is everything Jungkook dreamed and fantasized about but beyond his imagination. Seokjin tastes like coffee and chocolate and cream, their dessert lingering on his tongue, and Jungkook licks up every last morsel of flavor. He can’t get enough; Seokjin is so sweet and soft and warm against him like a freshly baked cake. He’s addicted. He wants more. — forever yours
also the iconic:
“Fuck PDogg hyung and Bang PD hyung” — forever yours
you know what this is too fucking hard. I’ll do a separate post with my top 5 lines from each fic. these are just 10 lines I’m particularly fond of and rly wanted to highlight bc no one else has.
Top 5 Scenes from Anywhere You Would Choose to Have Illustrated:
1. JUNGKOOK WEARING LINGERIE AND BUNNY EARS but particularly the part with jungkook sitting on seokjin’s lap growling he’s sexy and seokjin laughing at him for being adorable. literally if my drawing skills were good enough and I had a tablet I would fucking illustrate this myself
2. seokjin gifting jungkook diamond studs on the balcony underneath fairy lights and the seoul night sky
3. jinkook kissing under the snowfall and surrounded by christmas lighting + decorations
4. jinkook holding hands while walking outside in the fall foliage and seokjin kissing jungkook in a thicket of maple trees
+ bonus sakura petals swirling around seokjin with seokjin cornering jungkook against a tree to swipe stray ice cream off his lips and licking it off his thumb and watching the fireworks at disneyland with seokjin’s head nestled onto jungkook’s shoulder and arms wrapped around his waist.
Fic-writing goals for 2018: to finally write the ideas on my ever growing list. my last three were completely unplanned and were random spur of the moments. but I wanted to write something for jin’s bday. I could’ve written something short from my list but I wanted to do christmas lights and jungkook in lingerie so :x also to take my sweetass time until I’m perfectly happy with everything before publishing and not rushing out fics anymore. I’ve learned that when I try to write something as fast as possible for others—it goes wholly unappreciated like the last chapter of forever yours and light me up. like half of the original commenters disappeared despite finally getting the happy ending they cried for and being so excited for the fic? lol idk what happened but there’s no way I could’ve messed up the last chapter that badly… but yeah it’s just not worth the stress lmao. ppl just don’t understand the effort, time, and pain it goes into producing something.
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This is gonna get sappy. Hello! Thank you for 2K (again)! 
Honestly, when I left 2-3 yrs ago I didn’t have any intentions on returning, or at least I hoped beyond hope I wouldn’t cave. I did, though. I’ve been sharing headspace with Uni for a long time, though by official count it’s at five years. A fella I’ve spent a lot of one-on-one time with, getting to know, helping him grow, and he, in turn, helping me in a lot of ways. Writing him has been therapeutic in a way I cannot even begin to describe and when we left those years ago it was for a number of reasons. The biggest being that we--or, really, I--felt as though we had overstayed our welcome. Uni wasn’t shiny and new anymore, hadn’t been for some time, so finding people to write with was like pulling teeth. I had just recently been plagiarized, too, and that honestly made me too paranoid with everything/one. 
But, lo and behold, I returned at the beginning of the year or so, though my activity was in and out for personal reasons. Since properly returning with a fixed schedule not two months ago, I must say I am so... relieved by the way he’s been [re]accepted back into the RP community. Even despite his divergence, despite my hesitance to divulge too much info, etc. It’s been so refreshing to see him get all this activity, to have people want to interact with him, to want to get to know him. AND BLESS THESE SHIPS, HONESTLY. Basically, we love you all and I would thank you all individually but that’d take a long time. Hence this blurb before the proper bias list to say we appreciate you all and wanna write with everyone!
That being said, this bias list will only cover people I’m very close to, people who’ve been following Uni for a long time, or have simply meant quite a bit to us in recent weeks. Please do not be upset if you’re not listed below, as it’s nothing personal and we do appreciate you! It’s just I follow a LOT of people, and, tbh we aren’t close yet-- that can certainly be changed! I’m very friendly despite the nickname! Never hesitate to IM me or ask for my Discord! 
TL;DR hello you are all amazing, thank you so much for all you’ve done for us!! pls buy Uni’s books when I write them lmao. below the cut is my bias list starting with the extra special people!
honestly crying for days over these people nbd
@frostkingoftheapocalypse --- HOW HAVE YOU STUCK AROUND FOR THIS LONG? i am amazed. i am also amazed we never talked sooner since we’ve known each other for like... 4 yrs lmfao. AHHH TASHA I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! you give me so much life and I appreciate our friendship, even if it’s late in the making, bc you’re so sweet and generous and a MOM omg. MOM FRIEND. and your writing has always intimidated me in a good way so to be able to finally, properly write with you is an HONOR tbh. you’re such a bright, unwavering light with such a fleshed out boy who’s BEAUTIFUL, and phenomenal drawings (I have that photo you made of Uni as my phone bg), and I honestly can’t wait to see what else we manage to create together. hit me with that good shit, tbh. I love you, Tash. <3
@sonofagunslinger --- CRIES FOR DAYS. Em ilu with my whole heart and soul tbh like you mean so much to me. thank u for riding on this painful/achingly cute ship with me bc Trickshot gives me so much life. you’re so amazing and such a fantastic friend like wtf. look at all this talent bunched up in one person, I can’t even begin to describe how happy I am you came back to tumblr RP and WANTED TO WRITE WITH ME AGAIN like wtf. Jesse is such a little goddamn shit and I love it (Uni, too, ofc) and the headcanons you have for him and his 10/10 FC choice, and ALSO UR ART WTF. I’m still convinced satan lives in you tho bc you sometimes hit me with serious angst that makes me wanna lie down and d i e. but I love it. I love everything we’ve created for Trickshot SO MUCH. THESE BOYS KILL ME. I LOVE YOU, EM. <3
@velvettclaws --- oh NUT. omg I... adore you so much. how dare you be as amazingly wonderful as you are, I am attacked. when we first started writing together I honestly was like “they are SO out of your league, Vicious, look at this style, look at this talent, look at this characterization, are you kidding? it’s gonna be one interaction and that’s it” but I have never been so wrong. and HAPPILY wrong, too. Gabriel is such a beautiful, flawed, eldritch soul with so much thought put into the intricacies of his life, his being, etc and I’m so honored that he chose Uni to be part of it in some way and that we’re still writing together. I l o v e your writing so much, it’s so pretty and GOALS AF in a lot of ways and combined with lil’ Gabu as a whole and YOU ooc, oh my gosh. I die. like this if you cry every time bc I sure af do. you’re so supportive and encouraging and darling, too precious and pure for us, honestly. but I am so, so grateful for you and Gabriel. thank you. ilu so much <3 ;w;
@oneiromanc --- how do I even begin to explain how much I appreciate and adore you??? let me count the ways... we’d be here for an eternity tbh and by then you’d be so sick of me. c; AHHH BAB omg I love you so fkn much. like our boys themselves are just... so achingly wonderful and I love how spontaneous their relationship was and how far they’ve come in just a short while (writing wise), but also... like you’re so fantastic?? such a supportive, amazing, beautiful person who I only wanna smother with love and all the happiness in the world bc you deserve it and so much more! you’re a light in a dark place and I’m so glad we’ve gotten close bc GAAAAAH. I cry. I adore writing with you and reading the things you create and I’m so... thankful to be part of the process, if only in a small way bc your writing is phenomenal and deserving of all the appreciation, just like you!! I love you so much hnnn! ;w;
@angelofoverwatch --- (i know ur on a hiatus again but that’s okay bc ur still my bff). LENORE... omg... ur such a good. such a pure, kindhearted, sweet soul. you were one of the first people I actually properly WROTE with when I came back and it was... so nice??? I LOVE writing with you more than you know and to see all the thought you’ve put into Angela is inspiring and AMAZING. You’re both two beautiful people and I am so grateful we met bc we got somethin’ goin’ here with our babies that is so wonderful, I love it so much and wanna DO SO MANY THINGS WITH THEM. And I want to buy all your art tbh like holy shit look at this talented af human! ilu bb <3 and we’ll be here for when you return!! and even if not, we’re still here for you!
@fenwxlf --- cries for days I loooove you, Cait, so goddamn much and I know some days I seem kinda “meh” with everything but pls know I appreciate you so much and everything we’ve created together in the last 5 years or so. Fenrir is such a prick, just like his dad, and I LOVE it and how much he’s grown. to be part of that is amazing and honestly I am so honored you picked Uni to be MAIN DAD. and I’m so grateful and flattered tbh that you are so tied in with the raven folklore, too, and have immersed yourself in it. NEED ALL THE BIRBS TBH. I just... you mean so much to me that I can’t properly put it into words but I’m so grateful for our friendship, for being able to write with you, to be part of Fen and Svad’s characterization process/es and... all of it. you’re amazing ooc and I’ve loved to keep up with all you’ve done in the last few years and I’m so happy we never really broke contact even during our hiatus bc you’re a phenomenal friend, irreplaceable. you perfect cinnamon roll /sobs forever. Uni and I love you all soooooo much <3
the folks who have been around for a long, long, long time tbh. how have you not gotten sick of us?? if i’m missing people, i’m so sorry! if you’ve been around for 3+ years, we are amazed you’re still here, for one, and also SO GRATEFUL. you are the reason I keep writing.
@sultrysupernaturals / @agentharrisonofshield & @stiitchwiitchsera / @jennathearcher / @lilylacey / @mordorshi / @madxwonderland
some special mentions! people who mean a lot to me and/or Uni, people we appreciate so much, whom we’ve adored writing with, etc! i’m definitely missing people on this list! my brain only does so well, y’know.
@ircnwccd / @brazenlass / @talonsaconite / @stxrmurdottir / @asgardianhammer / @valadhxfndr / @maegtig / @zehsvara / @crowsandmalachite / @iisfet / @aldrnaari / @tricksandtreason & @jxrmungand / @viiribus / @strongindependentmen / @iridcscentiisms / @jenniferwallters & @claudiadelicncourt / @vasvvani & @aropoakande / @alalkomeneis / @huntingglory & @sifshieldmaiden / @roipirate
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kaceyrps · 4 years
can someone pls give me a ‘you left 3 yrs ago in the middle of the night with not even a goodbye letter and now you’re on my door step w a kid that looks exactly like me’ plot pls
I really want to do a 1x1 where Muse A and Muse B, met at a bar one night and ended up having a deep conversation that culminated in a make-out session. Muse A promised to call Muse B, but never did and Muse B didn’t have Muse A’s phone number. A couple of months passed with Muse B thinking about their night with Muse A - not being able to find that connection with someone else. Then Muse B finally meets Muse A again, only to find Muse A is dating their best friend. Despite both parties trying to push aside their feelings after meeting again, things get complicated. (They could either decide to keep things friendly or it would lead to a relationship, depending on how the rp goes).
we absolutely hate each other but we’re the romantic leads so i guess we have to make this work
i’m the stage manager and you’re the self-absorbed diva, so naturally we despise each other
i’m the understudy for your character’s love interest and since he’s not here today you asked me to help you run the kissing scene and i’m really attracted to you
A plot based on cutting edge
consider this: classic “one of the boys” girl who hangs out with the frat bros accidentally falling in love with an elle woods-esque sorority girl that she meets at a party??? muse a comes from a family w like a million older brothers so ofc she makes a beeline for the frats when she gets to college bc she feels most comfortable around boys. the only thing is, she dreads their mixers with the sorority girls bc she hates the “prissy glitter bitches” and wants to vomit whenever she sees lilly pulitzer lmao. so when muse b comes up to her at one of these mixers and introduces herself, muse a is like lol ok w/e. but to her surprise, muse b is actually like…. interesting and smart and yes definitely ridiculous but she’s still shocked that she actually has a personality. and when muse b keeps seeking her out at the mixers, muse a suddenly finds herself more and more flustered as she realizes that she has a GIANT ASS CRUSH on this girl. honestly pls just give me cute college girls in love with frat bros cheering for them in a non-gross manner
13 going on 30 plot where they were really close when they were younger, and then they both went there separate ways. and then they meet up later on, and they just start spending a lot of time together and start becoming best friends and then they slowly start to fall in love with each other (✿◠‿◠) liKE PLEASE I NEED THIS!!
wild child: muse a is sent to a horrific private boarding school. no phone, no laptop. it’s like being back in the 17th century. muse a is a wild child, always has been, and they refused to be disciplined. they need a way out of this school and fast- and no better solution comes then muse b.. the principals child that comes to visit on weekends and is loved by all, and extremely good looking. the plan is easy, get muse b’s attention, make them fall for muse a and get caught by the principal and get out of this school. but then those pesky real feelings start to get in the way, and what started as a way to leave, has started to turn into a reason to stay.
Muse A just had their heart broken and decided to shy away from relationships, so their friends dragged them out for a night to get them out of the house. Enter muse B. Someone who spends the night flirting with muse A, but gets nowhere. Muse B gives muse A their number, saying if they change their mind to call. Muse A, after some prompting from friends, calls muse B and they go out on a date – one they both enjoy. But just as muse A comes around to the idea of a new relationship, muse B finds out that muse A’s ex, is muse B’s sibling. Muse A and muse B had the perfect marriage. They were happy, just bought their first house and had a baby. Until muse B tragically died – or at least that’s what muse A thought. Muse B had witnessed a crime, and had to be put in witness protection. Not wanting to risk the life of muse A and their child, muse B let them believe that they were dead. When the trial is finally over with, and the threat is locked away, muse B is left to go back to their old life but has no idea how to tell muse A about what happened.
Muse A is seen as the town’s rebel and isn’t exactly well known for following the rules. Muse B is the new principle’s child, and wanting to get back at their parent for moving them without asking, muse B decides they want to date muse A. It’s just unfortunate timing, since muse A decided to try and clean up their act - something muse B is determined not to let happen.
Things I want plots based on
The candy jar
Disney’s zombies
Lizzie McGuire
Hocus Pocus
Chrismas Inheritance
Prince & Me
Gilmore Girls
Harry Potter
Secret Circle
Parent Trap
10 things I hate about you
Drive me crazy
Mumu ideas
summer camp counselors: between the ages of 18 ad 21, volunteers from colleges around the country (BONUS: around the entire world) flock here to guide children through the summer of their lives, coincidentally also making this the best summer of their own lives.
co-ed college dorms:  Simply a group of students living in one building, trying to get along and figure themselves out in the process.
tour: There’s a band on the rise to fame and they’ve brought along two opening acts and entire crew that helps make the entire process that much smoother. Heads will clash, too many personalities together for too many months on end.
sleepy beach town: Every summer there are quite a few families that spend their summers unwinding in a town far from home. There are families that have become quite close due to the three months spent out of every month in this small town. There are also those families that are spending their first year here. This could test friendships and even relationships that have already developed.
kids of famous people: over the years, it’s been no secret that the celebrities we’ve known to love and care for from afar have grown to have families of their own. Now, it’s their children’s turn to make something of their lives. Do they follow in their parents footsteps or do they do something entirely different? Are they snotty self absorbed or do they give back every chance they get? There are millions of possibilities.
apartment complex: A bunch of diverse people all living in one building together. There’s this small family type bond between them but they still aren’t afraid to start crap when it’s necessary. At the end of the day, they will always have each others back when it’s needed
gossip girl: it’s been 25 years since Dam Humphry came out as Gossip Girl. There have been plenty of fakes trying to capture the things he’d been able to for all those years but no one could ever live up to the greatness that was the true Gossip Girl. Until now. There’s a new gossip site online that’s got their eye on everything happening around the New York elite. Rumors spread that Dan’s back in the game after all these years but there’s someone greater wreaking havoc on these young adults lives. (Could be the kids of the former group and their friends or an entirely different crew of elite)
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toyarazzi · 7 years
92 Questions Tag!
rules: you just answer these 92 statements and tag as many people as you like!
tagged by: the amazing @miynae (go check out her answers too!)
tagging these lovely people~ @srnile @pinklilies @xkairibrunette @magicflier @springgette @xporcellain @saoril @enclosedmelodies @faireladypenumbra @alchemyminiamv @cazybunny @vikinka
1. drink: water
2. phone call: my mom
3. text message: the boyfriend
4. song you listened to: Champion by FOB
5. time you cried: like 2 days ago?? rip
6. dated someone twice: my boyfriend? lol
7. kissed someone and regretted it: hmm I try not to regret stuff like that so
8. been cheated on: never as far as I know?
9. lost someone special: like 2 yrs ago
10. been depressed: 24/7 (working on it tho)
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: prolly the first time I went to a party but not since
12-14. pink, red, purple
15. made new friends: yep
16. fallen out of love: nope
17. laughed until you cried: yes
18. found out someone was talking about you: most definitely lol
19. met someone who changed you: my boyfriend tbh tho that’s over a year ago
20. found out who your friends are: ??
21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: what does this mean lmao like an actual kiss??? then yes???
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: mmm prolly 70%
23. do you have any pets: not at this apartment but I want 2 puppies in the future
24. do you want to change your name: when I was younger yeah but now I’m ok with it
25. what did you do for your last birthday: spent it with the boyfriend :3
26. what time did you wake up: 7am bless
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping LOL
28. name something you can’t wait for: finally getting my PhD hnggg (also getting my novel published)
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: like 4 days ago
30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: my negativity
31. what are you listening to right now: silenceeeeeee
32. have you ever talked to a person named Tom: actually yes
33. something that is getting on your nerves: too much to post here tbh
34. most visited website: tumblr, youtube
35. moles: a few
36. marks: no
Rip #37
38. hair color: blonde
39. long or short hair: super short
40. do you have a crush on someone: my boyfriend most likely haha
41. what do you like about yourself: my work ethic
42. piercings: none
43. blood type: A
44. nickname: toya
45. relationship status: takennnn
46. zodiac: sagittarius
47. pronouns: she/her
48. favourite tv show: (rl) being human, parks and rec, the office (anime) madoka magica, inu x boku ss, toradora
49. tattoos: none
50. right or left handed: right
51. surgeries: just my wisdom teeth
52. hair dyed different color: once it was bleached white blonde for a modeling thing but I prefer it natural blonde tbh
53. sport: LOL no
Rip #54
55. vacation: my boyfriend and I went to Disney like….3 months ago?
56. pair of trainers: what
57. eating: about to make veggie burgers!
58. drinking: more water
59. i’m about to: cook and do college stuff
Rip #60
61. waiting for: my PhD
62. want: a PhD lol I’m a simple girl not rlly
63. get married: eventually!
64. career: psychology (autism research)
65. hugs or kisses: hugs
66. lips or eyes: eyes
67. shorter or taller: i’m short af so taller pls
68. older or younger: older for sure
Rip #69
70. nice arms or nice stomach: dude idek
71. sensitive or loud: it depends
72. hookup or relationship: relationship 100%
73. troublemaker or hesitant: lately more of a troublemaker in that i’m more confrontational
74. kissed a stranger: no
75. drank hard liquor: yes
76. lost glasses/contact lenses: too much
77. turned someone down: yes
78. sex on the first date: no way
79. broken someone’s heart: 3 times oops
80. had your heart broken: not really?
81. been arrested: nooooo
82. cried when someone died: yes
83. fallen for a friend: yes
84. yourself: trying to
85. miracles: definitely
86. love at first sight: not really
87. santa clause: not anymore :(
88. kiss on the first date: nope, too soon
89. angels: yes
90. current best friend’s name: dis gurl right here @xkairibrunette
91. eye colour: blue/gray
92. favourite movie: (irl) limitless, inception, perks of being a wallflower (anime) koe no katachi, kimi no na wa, spirited away, my neighbor totoro, howl’s moving castle
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4voisper · 7 years
10 questions tag!
tagged by maryam, @eunwoostro ^^
1. whats your favorite food and whats ur first memory eating it? ☆ my nana’s pierogis !! nd ive been eating them since birth so idrk dhbgjhdbbjds
2. how do u feel about school? ☆ highkey Scared ahahaahhahahaahahahhaha
3. ur favorite feature/trait of a person (doesnt have to be physical)? ☆ noses nd laughs
4. are u a cat person or dog person? ☆ doggies :’) i love cats but ive never had one so
5. what do u think about got7s latest comeback never ever? (i know it hasnt been released yet shhhh just say u love it) ☆ ummmmm kings? y would u ask me this smh
6. if u could label urself as a popular character (could be irl/celebrity, from a show/book etc) who would it be? ☆ park jinyoung tbh :-/ except not as beautiful but for characters???? idk tbh dsbfhjsdbfjds
7. do u believe in astronomy// or at least enjoy playin around with the whole zodiac thing? ☆ i sUCK w zodiac stuff tbh like???? i dont even know which signs go w what dates
8. first impression of kpop? (give me all the cringey details pls) ☆ um it was hello by shinee and i spent the whole video wondering why the HELL their hair was like that?? i was sending juli pics the entire time just. laughing @ their hair fdhhdkvbgkfd 
9. longest relationship u have (not familial)? tell me about it :) ☆ i have this friend in ny and we met @ the daycare my mom worked at and our families became friends and the daughter is my age so we’ve been friends since we were wee lil children but ofc after moving ive gone yrs w/out seeing her (we stayed at their place for this past new yr’s tho and i was there for my 13th bday and we had gone like one other time before that) and we’ve both def changed and our social lives nd shit r way different now but as far as i know shes my oldest friend fdhjf lots of cute pics of us as kids :’)
10. do u wanna be my friend (are u already my friend??) pls send me a message im lonely ☆ no.
i’ll tag: @jinjins-freckles @sanhatation @yoongisbrowngf @jeffreyfromcalifornia @weirdotae @hiraimomojpg @honeymoonbin @yngsgf @chanmansfeet + anyone else !!
my questions for u guys:
1. do you own any kpop albums? if so, which one(s)? 2. favorite genre of books/movies? 3. are you in any clubs/groups? 4. how would u describe your sense of humor? 5. what’s the hardest class you’re currently taking? the easiest? 6. tell me about ur bias :^) 7. do you have any posters on your walls? what are they? 8. favorite color + shade? 9. can u make friends easily? 10. what type of shoes do u like to wear?
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queerspacepunk · 3 years
time for a tag game! i was tagged by @halwardpavushatersclub bc i asked him to and he’s lovely.
1: Why did you choose your url?
there was a post going around a while back and i can’t remember the wording but the phrase “gaydognerd” was in it and i messaged @gaydognerd like “look it you” and they made that their url, so i had to make one to match. i’m queer, into space, and attempting to be punk.
2: Any side blogs? If you have them, name them and why you have them.
oh jeez ok. I have a few vent blogs/crazy brain diaries, some from when doing readmores was hard (used it to try and get around it i think). of the others, p much none get used much anymore (so proceed with plenty of caution and no judgement), but they are:
@queerspaceknits - knitting
@postverbal - studyblr
@chucklefucks - dnd stuff
@actualsunbeam - a blog about actual sunbeam scott mccall and how much i love him
then i have @dragonageficfeed which has nothing on it as of yet but will be a place for folks to submit their new fics etc if/when i get it up and running (assuming ppl would actually be keen to, u kno, take part lmao)
3: How long have you been on tumblr?
the oldest post i have is from August 2011 so, uh, too fucking long.
4: Do you have a queue tag?
nope! I’ve never bothered with a queue. i think i’ve put stuff on there a couple times when i’ve gone on a MASSIVE reblog spree of something quite specific and wanted to pace it out but i don’t use it as a general rule.
5: Why did you start your blog in the first place?
bc all my friends had one? we probably migrated over from LJ/deviantart/a combination of the two.
6: Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
lmao the last time i changed my icon was 2016. it is a photo and i will give a gold star, chocolate, and a drabble of yr choice to anyone who can figure out what the fuck it’s a picture of
7: Why did you choose your header?
turns out i do not have one! I assume this means on mobile view but i also don’t have one on desktop view. my desktop background is something i put together bc i like sunflowers and space and i am very pround of it.
8: What’s your post with the most notes?
the ‘what’s your go to dragon age class” hands down. it’s a little comically frustrating bc ofc it’s the five-second on-a-whim post that people go nuts for, not the ones i spent time on lmao. I think i’m very funny but i guess tumblr does not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
9: How many mutuals do you have?
around 50 according to the list, but tbh some of those blogs don’t even exist anymore and others are from folks who have escaped tumblr so oh well
10: How many followers do you have?
11: How many people do you follow?
12: Have you ever made a shitpost?
like i said, i think i’m hilarious so of course i have (the phrase “back in my day we called it night blogging and blamed it on the australians” jumps to mind)
13: How often do you use tumblr each day?
it depends honestly. if i don’t have much on that day or feel like hanging out it’s a few hours. if i’m busy and working all day and traveling i might not get on here at all. most days it probably works out to 1-2 hours mostly scrolling in the morning and then on breaks during the day.
14: Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog once? Who won?
honestly i don’t know that I have? just bc i’ve never been ‘popular’ enough to get into a fight with anyone? the closest would be when i fought with someone i’m actually friends with and we’ve blocked each other on here?
15: How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
i have a firm policy that i do not reblog them bc it sets off a complusion chain reaction very badly, and i don’t want to subject anyone else to those either. if it’s an important enough post i’ll find another with the same info and less guilt-tripping.
16: Do you like tag games?
I do! I love talking about myself and finding out about other folks but always worry that people won’t WANT to be tagged.
17: Do you like ask games?
god yes pls do my ask games
18: Do you have a crush on a mutual?
rn i would say i have squishes on all of you and a crush on @genderqueerardway and @gaydognerd and @glitter-witch if yr still around. I did once get engaged to a mutual but that’s a whole other story
i tag everyone i tagged in this already (if you want to) and i also tag anyone who likes being tagged to a) do this and b) tell me u like being tagged in stuff so i can tag u more!!!
3 notes · View notes
family-whatsapp · 6 years
Why Are Jews So SMART?
By an American doctor who went on internship in Israel
I spent about 3 years in Israel on internship in a few hospitals there. While I was there I decided to do a research on "Why are Jews so smart?"
It goes without any doubt that Jews are ahead in all aspects of life, such as engineering, music, science & most obviously in business - nearly 70% of the world's trade & businesses are held by the Jews - in cosmetics, food, fashion, arms, hotels & film industries (Hollywood etc)!
After my 2nd year of internship, I was about to go back to California when this idea came to my mind. I was wondering why God gave this precious gift of intelligence and ability to the Jews? Is it just a coincidence? Or is it man-made? Can intelligent Jews be produced like goods from a factory?
I researched on it for about 8 yrs. I gathered all the information as accurately as possible, like their food, culture, religion, initial preparations during pregnancy, etc. I would then compared the same with other races or cultures.
Let’s start with their *strict preparations during pregnancy.*
In Israel, I noticed that a pregnant mother sings, plays the piano n tries to solve mathematical problems together with her husband.
I was very surprised to see that pregnant women were always carrying math books with them. Sometimes I would help her to solve some problems. I asked, "Is this for your child in the womb?" She would answer, *"Yes, to train the child who still in the womb so that it would be a genius later on".* She solves maths problems without any let-up until the child is born!
Another thing I noticed is about their food. The pregnant women loved to eat *almonds n dates with milk. For lunch she takes bread & fish (without the heads), salad mixed with almonds & other nuts.* They believe that fish is good for the development of the brain & that the fish head is bad for the brain.
And also it is in their culture for pregnant mothers to take *cod liver oil!*
When I was invited for dinner, I noticed that they liked to eat *fish (flesh & fillet), but no red meat.* According to their belief, mixing red meat & fish will not be beneficial to our health. Mixed *salad greens & nuts is a must, esp almonds!*
They always *eat fruits first,* before their main meals. Their belief is that if you eat the main meal first (like bread or rice), followed by fruits, it will make us sleepy & dull us in the classroom.
In Israel, *smoking is taboo.* If you are a guest, don’t smoke in their house, they would politely ask you to go out to smoke.
According to scientists in universities in Israel, nicotine destroys cells in our brain & will affect the genes & DNA, resulting in generations of morons and defective brains. All smokers pls take note! (Ironically, the biggest producer of cigarettes is… you know who...)!
The children are always *supervised closely during meal times* by their parents. First, the fruits with almonds, followed by cod liver oil.
According to my observations, most Jewish children *know at least 3 languages,* ie Hebrew, Arabic & English.
Since early childhood they are *trained in the piano & violin* - it is a must!
They believe that this practice will increase the IQ of the children & will make them geniuses. According to Jewish scientists, *the vibrations of music notes stimulate the brain.* That is why there are so many geniuses among the Jews!
From grade 1 to 6, they are *taught business maths.* Science subjects would be their first preference after grade 6.
The average IQ of children in California is about 6 years behind that of the Jews.
Jewish children are also *actively involved in athletics, archery, shooting & running.* They believe that archery & shooting focuses the brain and trains them in decision-making & precision!
In high school, students mostly study science. They create *new artifacts,* indulge in all sorts of group projects. Some of these may look very funny or useless. But they are never ridiculed -especially if it is on armaments, medicine or engineering.
A successful project or idea would be *chosen to be pursued further in higher institutions, polytechnics or universities!*
*Business studies* is given preference in the last year of university.
Students in business studies work in groups on a given project. They can only get a *passing mark if their group (consisting of about 10) if their project makes a profit of USD1 million!*
Don’t be surprised - this is the reality. And that is why half of the businesses in the world is held by Jews.
For instance, guess who designed the latest Levis jeans? It was designed in an Israeli University, at the Faculty of Business & Fashion!
Have you seen how they pray? They always shake their heads--they believe this action will stimulate & provide the brain with more oxygen! (Same thing with Muslims.) They bow down their heads too.
Look at the Japanese, they too bow down their heads- lots of them are smart. They love sushi (fresh fish). Is this just a coincidence?
In the USA, the commercial & trading centers for Jews are centered in New York - catering only to the Jews. If any Jew has any new & beneficial idea, their committee *sanctions an interest-free loan* & will make sure that their business will prosper.
Thus Jewish companies like Starbucks, Dell Computers, Coca Cola, DKNY, Oracle, Levis, Dunkin Donut, Hollywood movies & hundreds of other businesses were given encouragement and *generous sponsorships!*
Jewish medical graduates in New York are encouraged to register with them & they are allowed to *practise privately on this interest-free loans!* Now I know why most hospitals in New York & California always short of specialist doctors!
Smoking leads to generations of morons! During my visit to Singapore in 2005, I was surprised to see smokers being regarded as outcasts. The price of a pack of cigarettes is about USD 7. Like in Israel, smoking is taboo. Singapore's government is similar to the Israelis'. And that is the reason why their universities have high standards, even though Singapore is only as big as Manhattan!
Look at Indonesia, people are smoking everywhere. The price of a pack of cigarettes is only USD 0.70 cents! The result is millions of people with very little intelligence. You can count the number of universities they have, low productivity, shoddy products, low technology, can't speak other than their own language! For instance why is it so difficult for them to master the English language? All this is due to smoking habit, their poor diet, culture!
In my thesis, I do not touch on religion or race - why the Jews are so arrogant. Why they were persecuted around the world since the time of the Pharaohs until Hitler.
It is about politics & survival. The bottom line is: can we produce intelligent generations just like the Jews?
The answer is yes. We need to change our diets, eating habits & parenting style. Then in maybe 3 generations, it could be achieved!
May all of us live in peace & succeed in producing future generations of geniuses for the betterment of humankind.
0 notes
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"aaa car insurance quote missouri
aaa car insurance quote missouri
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
I'm 17yo Male and need cheap car insurance!!!!?
Well im 17 soon and want to get are car so i can work more. i have been looking at some very cheap cars that i would think are cheap to insure but are not- Fiat Punto (more than 10 years old) worth 400; 6000 to insure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! same with Peugeot 106- around the same price to insure. What other cars would you recommend that are cheap to insure???
Incorrect no claims bonus quoted on my renewal for car insurance?
I have recently had my renewal quote through from my current car insurer and have noticed it states more years for my no claims bonus then I've actually got. I've looked back at my previous paperwork and it looks like I made a massive error. I really wanted to stay with the same insurer but know I will need to inform them of the error. Has anyone been in this situation before? Not sure what happens! :0
Is geico really the cheapest car insurance for a 19 year old driving a sliver 2001 mustang?
Dont know which insurance is cheaper?
Auto insurance rate question?
How much can your insurance rates go up after one accident
""Does your car ins really drop at 25, and how much?""
How much does it typically drop for a woman? If I pay 82 a month now, how much can I expect it will go down? I have nothing on my drivers record, no accidents or tickets, claims, ...show more""
What bike would be cheapest on insurance?
scooter?street+trail?chopper?crotchrocket? or anything?which bike out of all bikes street legal and able to achieve 50mph is the cheapest insurance wise
What is insurance? Pls tell me what are the different types of insurances?
Is there a website to compare insurance comparison websites?
Is there a website to compare insurance comparison websites?
Really Angry ! where can i get cheap van insurance im 18 ?
i been on go compare the cheapest i got was 4600 thats on a 1.9 litre van i think its stupid how can i make a living paying that kind of money out i need my van for work plus its not like its really powerfull its a sh!tty van i wolud not mine if it with a 1.9 sports car buts its a van it sholud be cheaper on vans im 18 do u know where i can get cheaper van insurance plus i got quoted 2600 on a 1.1 car
How much do vision insurance cost per month?
I'm looking into vision insurance and I don't know how much it cost each month. Does anyone have any experience here that can tell me?
Do I have to pay more for my 16 yr old to drive?
Do I have to pay for a different auto insurance policy (that costs alot more)here in Oregon to allow my 16 year old son to drive our vehicles? I was told by a former ins agent, this is a scam to get more in premiums, when it is not required by law.""
Good Car Insurance Companies? For a young driver...?
I was wondering if anyone knew any cheap car insurance companies for a 17year old female? I've had a full licence since February of this year and was with Quinn-Insurance. I paid just over 2200 for a years insurance which runs out the end of next month. I know this is a good deal for a young driver but obviously I'd love cheaper lol. Any company names would be greatly appreciated for me to look into further.
Can an insurance company cancel the insurance after they found out that there is something wrong?
hi! we just bought a house and got insurances but then after a month in our new house, we got a notice from the insurance saying that our insurance will be cancelled by the next month coz they found out in the inspection that there is a rott on the garage roof and told us to fix it first then they will continue our insurance?? i just wanna know if they can do that or if that is allowed to cancel our insurance after they accepted us?? what can we do ?""
Car Insurance not Paying (in Georgia)?
I was in an accident three weeks ago. It was the other car's fault. There were no injuries. We didn't call the police, but I got a written statement from the other driver admitting fault. I got her car and insurance information and filed a claim with her insurance. They sent an appraiser and I got an estimate for the damages. So all that is left now is for the insurance to approve the estimate and send me a check. I have called the insurance company almost everyday since I got the appraisal (about 2 weeks ago) and they are saying that they are waiting to get in touch with the policy holder; apparently they don't have her correct phone number. But they have the signed statement from her admitting fault. The agent in charge of my claim doesn't even pick up the phone or return my calls, I just talk to the operator who can't really give me any answers. I have the basic car insurance, I don't have collision coverage, so I haven't even called my own insurance. My car is operational but my rear susspension is gone, and the bent metal is hitting my tire; I really need my car rapaired asap. Should I call a lawyer even though there were no injuries? I should probably add that my car is not worth much, but I still need it fixed! and I can't afford (don't want either) to pay for repairs out of my pocket. What should I do? Thanks in advance for your help.""
I need cheap car insurance in ny?
I need cheap car insurance in ny?
Can insurance company's raise your deductible without you knowing it?
My Daddy thought he had full homeowners coverage for years with a $250 deductible. He found out last week he wasn't as covered as he thought and his deductible mysteriously rose to $1,000. How could a company do that without notification?""
Can a Canadian Citizen buy car insurance in America and how?
Is it possible for a canadian citizen to buy car insurance in america, if so, how does he do that? My brother lives in america and I live in canada, I want to get car insurance from America as it is cheaper. Is that possible and is it legal?""
Where can i get auto insurance online?
I was looking to buy auto insurance online. anyone know where to start looking
Parents of Teens Drivers insurance question?
I wanted to ask parents who have teen drivers. how much extra did it cost when you added your teen to your insurance??
""My husband and I are self employed.....We are shopping for health Insurance, what do recommend?""
We are looking for affordable health insurance, but I don't even know where to begin....If you are self employed, who is your provider and why?""
Who provides really affordable car insurance?
I'm 19 in a month, I drive a 2002 Ford explorer and it needs to have full coverage. What are some cheap insurance providers for teenagers? What can I do to lower the cost?""
Car Insurance: Insuring myself on a car registered with someone else?
My boyfriend is planning to buy me a car under his name, he doesn't want to be insured on it as he already has his own car. We don't live together, but I am at his house almost all the time. When I get insurance, do I use his address? As this is where the car will be parked most the time and will also be where the car is registered.""
How cheap is car insurance for a 16 year-old Floridian boy driving a 2010 Mitsubishi Lancer?
I'm a 16 yo dude in Florida wanting car insurance for my 2010 Mitsubishi Lancer and I have never gotten any ticket of any kind. I have not violated any rules....yet.
What kind of insurance do I need as a teen?
I am looking for quotes and anchor insurance asks which insurance I want I have the choices of Liability only, Comprehension and collision and Comprehensive only""
Car insurance Help for a 17 year old?
OK i'm not a troll to start off with i'm just have good bit of money, anyways i i'm 17 and i live in Ireland i have 7.500 euros to spent on my first car and car insurance anyways this is the car i want http://www.carzone.ie/search/Toyota/Celica/1.8-VVTI/201203206625052/advert?channel=CARS so do u know a car insurance that would insure me and i can go up to 15.000 euros if need to""
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aaa car insurance quote missouri
What insurance would i need and where should i go to get it?
I'm working between 3 employers doing carpentry and need to insure myself incase i hurt myself and can't work for a number of days. Also incase of something severe happening like losing a hand or breaking bones. I need to know what insurance i should get and what kind of cover. I don't know a lot about insurance so any information is really appreciated. Thanks Drew
Is the premium the only determinant of how much your health insurance costs?
Does the deductible matter? Does a possible subsidy change things? And most importantly, are you taking into account what you would have to pay out of pocket for things your junk plan does not cover? In the long run, even if your premium goes up but you get better coverage, you will save money.""
How can a college student find an affordable therapist?
I'm 18 and still under my parent's insurance coverage. I have loads of issues including social anxiety, and I think that I'm starting down the path to clinical ...show more""
Young drivers car insurance outrageous?
i got an 05 Mercedes-Benz c320 ma-tic its my first car and im 18 i am paying 350$ a month and its with my mom on her plan. Any ways to get it cheaper i been driving for probably 6 months if i keep getting no speeding tickets and no accidents it will go down every year and i also think i will only drive 3,000 miles a year if that helps anyone else out there my age what do id o?""
How would the insurance companies treat mounting a smaller sized engine inside a sport model car?
If i were to for example, mount a 1.4 vauxhall astra engine inside a GSI model car, would the insurers treat it as a 1.4 vehicles insurance rate?""
I'm switching car insurance and it's stressing me out?
The reason why it's stressing me out because the insurance company I had raised my insurance and I never been in an accident etc. I tried telling them I'm on a fixed income and I can't afford alot. I don't know what to do anymore I'm fed up with everything. This other insurance company asked me if I have any lapses if so then he can't give me a low rate for insurance and I never heard of that before? What is that?
What is the cheapest Auto insurance I can get?
I'm 23, just got my license, i have a Honda civic 2002. Thanks!""
What is the Benefit of an insurance company selling a new for old Policy?
And... Why is it important to them to have the correct reserve... I already know a few reasons, but I'm revising and my mind has gone blank! Please can someone help? I'm normally very much on the ball.. but its just left me! Thank you""
""Cant B on husbands car insurance, he said no cuz dad is on it & he wasnt gonna stop lending his car 2 his fam.""
I would like to be on my husbands car insurance. He said no because his dad is on it and he was not gonna stop lending his car to his family. He would however open a separate account for me. I asked him to stop lending the car he said no, it was his car.""
Cheapest auto insurance?
Cheapest auto insurance?
Can someone please explain how health insurance works to me?
Ok, I realize this question shows how ignorant I am about the real world, so I'm embarrassed but I have to be honest: I have no idea how health insurance works other than that it covers certain medical expenses! I'm just getting out of college so I am not used to having to deal with this. I know you pay a monthly fee, but what is a deductible? How does this work? For example, say a company charges $50/month with a $2,500 deductible fee...when would I have to pay the $2,500, if ever? I need the most affordable health insurance possible... I am really struggling with money at the moment. I am a U.S. citizen with a very very good health record. 22 yrs old and non-smoker. I plan to travel to Canada (Montral) and live there for about 6 months after I graduate. If I get health insurance in the U.S., will this cover me in Canada as well? Thank you for any info, it will really help me out a lot!""
Where can i get affordable health insurance?
I live in iowa.. Where are some places i can get some affordable (cheap) health insurance? Thanks!
Car Insurance?
Is it possible for two brothers to be under the Named (or Names) Insured list on a car insurance statement or any paper relating to car insurance. Can two brothers be insured together?
Will Progressive insurance do this for me?
Progressive advertises that they show you the rates of other insurance companies as well as theirs. I am a current long time customer of Progressive and want to shop to around for cheaper options. If I call Progressive, will they give me the quotes of other insurance companies without me having to shop around?""
Can a 16 year old get auto insurance without being under a parents name?
I'm a 16 year old girl and I'm buying my own car. My parents and i don't get along at all (stepfather hates me, mom isn't on my side). So can i get auto insurance without being under their name? Also, would it cost a lot more? I'm an honor roll student.""
What is the average insurance for a 17 year old female driver?
The car is going to be a 2003 Oldsmobile Alero. Going to have drivers ed and a the 5 hour driving course. Living in NYS. About how much would it be per month?
Why are my insurance quotes coming to 20-40k?
Ok so i know insurance in London will be alot for a student like me who is 17, but why is it my friends are getting insurance for 2k in london and when i enter correct information on quote websites (obvisouly acting as if i am 17) that my quotes are coming to 44k, what should i do when it comes to getting my own policy? thansk""
If i get insurance for a car that is registered to my father can I get plates from DMV?
If i get insurance for a car that is registered to my father can I get plates from DMV?
How much would my insurance cost?
I am 16, i have a 4.0 gpa, and i have taken drivers ed. I live in Florida, and i will be driving a 2003 honda civic. Thanks!""
Did you know about a lost payee on your car insurance?
Am I being cheated by the car insurance company?
I was on a bike and I accidentally hit someone's car and broke the back windshield. Nothing else on the car is damaged except windshield. Later the car owner's car insurance company (state farm) send me a payment of $1700, and they have a subrogation service (Afni) to collect payment. First of all, I believe it DOES NOT cost $1700 to replace a back windshield, like I mentioned, nothing else was damage except the windshield on the back. How is this amount calculated? The subrogation service has been pressuring me to pay the amount. I will pay for the damage but I don't believe I have to pay this much. Could this be the owner of the car falsify the claim? What should I do? I don't have car insurance, I was on my bike. It was a total accident.""
Car insurance?
Ok so i just passed my driving test so now im gonna get a car soon, what car insurance is the best for someone whos my age (21)?""
How will insurance companies make up for the preexisting clause elimination?
I guess in 2014 health insurance companies can't discriminate people for preexisting illnesses. How will they make up for that? Will they just increase premiums for everybody?
How much would car insurance be ?
I was just wondering how much insurance would be im 17 a girl (ive heard insurance is cheaper for girls) and about to start my lessons but was just wondering what the insurance cost is on a fiat cinquecento or a vauxhall corsa (which model of vauxhall corsa is the cheapest?) I live in a fairly rural area would this make any difference to the insurance cost ? Would it be cheaper to maybe go on my parents insurance ??? Also what insurance company is the cheapest? Please please please someone help :L
Does anyone know how much a ticket for no insurance cost in the state of Georgia?
Does anyone know how much a ticket for no insurance cost in the state of Georgia?
aaa car insurance quote missouri
aaa car insurance quote missouri
Alternative ways to insure a car?
Im 17 and looking for car insurance someone told me that you can insure it by giving some company a certain amount of money around 15k and then at the end of the year they would give u it back, however if you were to claim, the cost would come out of the money you gave, is this true and anyone know what its called if it is? ty""
How much will car insurance give me for my totaled car?
made a bad decision basically and after losing control and flipping into a pole im left wondering what I'll get for my car. 2000 honda accord ex coupe 3 liter v6 83000 miles leather powered seats moon roof etc...
Would I be able to afford this car and car insurance?
I make $1200 a month. I currently pay $400.00 rent and $70.00 for my phone. I'm looking at a car that would cost me 180.00 a month plus 100-120 in car insurance. Plus groceries. 130 a month. I'm just worried I wouldn't be able to afford this but I really need a car. What if I move out and rent goes up? I'm a stressful person and stress about everything before I commit.I also have a dog to take care of. What do you guys think? Would I be able to afford It or would I be way to close to barely living?
Car insurance and tickets!! Help?
I live in Houston and I'm 18, I don't have a license. I was driving my dads car and got 3 tickets. One for driving 25 on a 20 mile school zone, one for no license and the other one for my name not being on the insurance. I'm working on getting my license Will my parents insurance go way way up if they add me to their insurance because of the tickets.""
""Auto Insurance question!!1st car, Mitsubishi eclipse?""
im getting a mitsubishi eclipse for my 1st car but im going to be payin for half of the insurance on it and i want to know if it'll be considered a sports car under the insurance.it'll be between a 1995-1999 and one of three models(RS,GS,GS-T).im pretty sure the gs-t is a sports car but what about the other two? the insurance will already be high enough being a teenager and a male so i just want to make sure if any one of those would not be considered a sports car under car insurance.thanks for the help.and plz no smartasses talking about oh no another teen driving they really need to get that law change blah blah.just people that will help.o yea im in texas if that would make any difference""
Confused about insurance law in CA?
Hey guys, I obtained my license a couple weeks back but I do not have insurance, meaning I was not added to my parent's premiums yet and do not have my own as well. However, the car that I drive does have insurance on it. Just clarifying, but technically, it is illegal for me to drive as of right now correct? Or is it legal for me to drive as long as the car has insurance? Thanks!""
2012 subaru wrx insurance rate?
I am looking to get a 2012 subaru wrx. I am 17 and i am part of my family's all state insurance plan. I have never had an accident and i live in New York. What kind of price should i be looking at. I was told that because the car has a turbo it increases the insurance rate even though it is a four door four cylinder car. Thanks for the help.
Cheapest place to get insured on a friends car?
I was insured for a week on a friends car, a 1.4 peugeot 206. on her policy and it was 22, i thought this was a little steep, as my car insurance only cost me 18 a month for my own car (when i had 1) and that was a 1.6 escort. whats the best option as i won't drive uninsured, and need to borrow her car again and her insurance company says they can't add me as a named driver as she has changed her policy 4 times already this year!""
I have a question about car insurance?
I just got my intermediate license and i can drive in between 6a.m. and 10p.m. The only problem is im am not covered on the car insurance yet. I have to wait til october until my dad can get me put on. How much trouble can i get in if the car has insurance but im not on it?
Can I move my car insurance now?
I am currently insuring my car with direct line and they are charging me 47 per month however I have just noticed that when i do an online quote with them- exactly the same cover as what I have its priced at 23 per month. Can I move my car insurance to a different company now or do I have to wait for the renewal date? If not why are they charging me so much more than their online quote? Also the cheeky gits charged me 60 to renew my address with them when i moved house....surely that can't be right??
Does anyone know of Affordable Health Insurance for a Women in her 20s?
I will be 22 in a Month and recently tried to donate plasma and was told my blood sugar level was to high and they were concerned I may have diasbetes. I'm not covered by my parents health insurance anymore and I really need to find something that could help me. I do have a job and probably will have to work full time in order to get any health benefits. But is there something else out there anyone knows of where I can afford to pay for health expences?? I appreciate greatly. Thanks!
Need braces insurance in california?
im trying to get braces and i need an insurance company that could help me pay for my braces.. please refer something to me thank you... im in souther california
What kind of insurance company do I go through to insure a rock show?
Setting up a concert through a venue and they require me to have insurance, in case something happens like someone gets hurt or the venue breaks apart. What kind of insurance am I supposed to go through? Who should I call?""
I need affordable and reliable health insurance. 23 yrs old.?
hi I am a 23 year old foreign student currently studying in the US in a student visa..I am thinking about getting an affordable health insurance that covers emergencies and any sudden diseases that might occur in future.. also may be a yearly doctor visit etc.. i do not need dental.. i just want to make sure i am covered in case of emergency.. i am just a student and do not have a stable job so i cant afford a lot.. i have heard about medicare and medicaid but they are not for foreign nationals.. i have also heard about blue cross blue shield i was thinking about going with them but what do you guys think?? and what should be the monthly price?? thank you in advance .. no advertisements or spam please!!
Does anyone have a suggestion for maternity insurance?
my husbands new job is a small business that does not have group policy insurance but they help us pay the premium through anthem blue cross- i looked up their policies and there is a 1 year waiting policy for maternity and we do not want to wait so i am wanting to know if anyone knows of some good maternity insurance. thank you
How much would insurance be for a 16 year old driving a 1988 lincoln towncar?
How much would insurance be for a 16 year old driving a 1988 lincoln towncar?
Does individual health insurance qualify for tax deduction?
I am employed, however i am paying my own personal health insurance instead of opting for the group insurance which my employer has since it worked out to be cheaper than group insurance. Now when i am filing my taxes can i claim medical insurance premium as tax deductible.""
Is the only insurance for abortion Medicaid?
What are other insurances that cover Medicaid or is this the only one?
Should I take off full coverage and just get liability insurance on my car?
I have a 2001 Ford Taurus worth around $5k according to kbb.com. Should I take full coverage insurance off of the car and just get liability? I am not accident prone (though I ...show more
""Classic mini, lessons and insurance for 2.5k?
Classic 998cc mini insurance driving lessons and test all for 2.5k - possible?
How do mexicans look for auto insurance in Mexico?
When you live in Mexico, do people use yellow pages, local independent agents, online websites..how do they go by buying auto insurance? Also, what is their biggest problem when coming to the usa and looking for auto insurance, aside from the language barrier?Are the coverage similar, do they have a trust problem, etc..what would be the most helpful thing a US insurance company could do for them? Thanks for your help.""
What kind of lawyer do I against a car insurance company?
I don't have insurance. The insurance company is going after me for damages on the car I didn't do. ie such as a new paint job for the car I backed into. The only damage I did was to the hood and bumper and the insurance company is demanding I pay for a new paint job and all new parts even though this guys car was damaged before I hit it.
How many questions are on the California Fire and Casualty insurance exam?
I am currently attending online classes at AD Banker for Fire and Casualty insurance. Does anyone have any idea how many questions are on the state exam?
Life insurance maturity after 7 years?
I have a case where an insurance company will owes xxx amount of dollar after 7 years because the life insurance claim made to a person is missing. Insurance company won't pay till this person is certified dead which in state of IL wait for that is 7 years. So the question is when this person do gets paid will the insurance company pay it 7 years interest on it? + the premium that is paid for the next 7 years after the claim is made.
How much does car insurance go up from a minor accident w/no injuries?
I just got into an accident hitting a car on the freeway, not paying attention, so I hit the car in front of me. He said and his family weren't hurt, but you never know how they will feel the next day. How much will my car insurance go up? I have no tickets on my record & no accidents. I did receive minor damage to my car & a small dent to the other car';s bumper. I wasn't speeding or drinking. My car is a 2004 Honda Civic four door & I'm in my 40s. Oh, I live in CA. Thanks.""
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aaa car insurance quote missouri
How much do you pay a month in auto insurance?
ok i am 23 years old..i live in the city. i was interested in getting a dodge charger r/t.. hemi included..anyhow, i called to get an insurance quote and they told me that i'd have to put 1000 down and pay 800 a month in auto insurance alone. i think that is so crazy. but if i move 20 minutes away i'd pay 550. i am so frustrated because i know that my age is working against me. my brother is financing a 2000 bonneville ssei and he is only paying 340 a month and he is 21. do you think the year and model of the car is what made the quote so high? what kinda car do you have and what is your monthly ins cost?""
Good rule of thumb for uninsured insurance?
I heard that if you have health insurance that you don't need to get uninsured coverage.... is this true? I do have health insurance. UI costs $200 extra a year which seems unnecessary. My car isn't worth enough to get full coverage so just have liability.
Work hourly - my health insurance in CA is $400.00 per mo. Where can I get cheaper H insurance?
I have migraines and take low dose seizures meds (no seizure in 5 years) so work insurance would not insure me. Other insurance is $400 per mo. and $500 deductible for meds. Where can I find cheaper Health insurance in LA, CA. Deparate""
What are cars that don't cost much for insurance?
Im turning 16 soon and a lot of cars I've wanted are vintage so they don't cost much, like the chevy vega but of course the insurance for them would be ridiculous, so my dad is suggesting junker cars but of course i don't want a junker (im paying for the car) what are some cars that are affordable without having to spend a fortune on insurance?""
Can anyone reccomend a cheap car insurance company?
My Husbands car insurance is due to run out the end of this month, however he is also waiting to see if someone puts a claim in against his insurance as he had a slight prang with another car, through no fault of his own. His insurance company have said that whie they wait to see if this claim is put through, the other person has 2 months, then they are going to charge him as if he has no noclaims bonus, this will be 120 a month. He just wants to find a company that will insure him for a couple of months that is cheaper than this till he sees if the claim goes through or not, if it doen's he will have 3 yeas no claims, hope this makes sense, thanks in advance x""
Auto insurance question?
I'm 20 yrs old and I'm thinking of signing up with state farm auto insurance. I'm buying a car and i have none. So can someone tell me what I need, where I have to go, and what i have to do to get this done?""
Who is the most dependable Motorcycle insurances and the cheapest?
What all do I really needfar as coverage..I have good medical already...what's the minimum coverage? I have a new HD fatboy 2006 with the 1689 cc with custom pipes. I just wantthe basic coverage. How much is a good premium?
Should I be adding my 19yr old daughter to my auto insurance?
Our 19 yr old daughter let he car insurance laps. My insurance company found out and added her to my policy this will cost an extra $700.00 + for six months. She also kept say all along that she was paying her own auto insurance for the last 6 months. I`v found out this was not true she stopped paying about 4 months ago. So she has been driving with out insurance for at least 4 months now. Her car is also in her name so I really can`t take it from her. I`m very upset at her for lien I just found all this out the other day.
Can you ever get out of a Whole Life Insurance Policy?
Let's say you get talked into a whole life insurance policy by a greedy insurance salesman. Then 5 years later you find out the truth--that whole life insurance is a rip-off, and that your young family (say you have children ages 3 and 5) would be better off if you had term insurance. Can you get out of the whole life insurance policy? Would a penalty be involved?""
Is There an Affordable Dental Insurance Plan Available??
I would like to have my teeth worked on however I do not have dental insurance, are there any good ones?""
Can a new driver who is 19 years old get car insurance on a Mercedes Benz?
I have looked on a couple of comparison sites and they don't offer car insurance for a Mercedes Benz for a 19 year old new driver. Could you give me an insurance quote? Much appreciation.
Does anyone know any affordable cheap family plan health insurance company ?
i really need an affordable cheap family plan health insurance
Car insurance for a rental car?
Hello, I was looking to rent a car for about 1 month, but finding the rental companies insurance costly than the car itself. I called up few insurance companies and they are ready to provide me some cheap basic insurance for like about $75.00/month which covers liability, other car damages; but not the physical damage of my car (they said my credit card company should cover it). I discussed this with one of my friend and he said that the rental car company would not allowed you to rent a car on the renter's insurance. Is it true? If yes, then what could be the best way I can get a cheap and covered car insurance for my rental car for 1 month. Please suggest.""
What is the average employee portion of a health insurance policy?
What percentage of the health insurance costs do most companies cover (I recognize that this can vary greatly, but I am looking for general numbers)? For Cigna - what is the average monthly cost for a family consisting of parents and one child (likewise, I recognize that this can vary greatly - I am just trying to get a ballpark figure)? I ask these as my current employer (250+ people) is offering Cigna insurance for about $750 a month which covers my wife, myself and my daughter. They claim to be covering 50% of the health insurance plan, but I am having a hard time buying the explanation that health insurance is just expensive...especially as my sister and brother are paying $50-70 a month for individual insurance. I do not want to have to go and get a quote somewhere and can not find a site that has general information like this - any thoughts, advice, sources of information would be welcome!""
Claiming Back car insurance?
Is it possible, i have been paying car insurance on my car for three months, while it has been out of use at the garage i purchased it from, due to the engine blowing! The garage have taken over 3 months to sort it under warranty, and the car is covered under there insurance, i didnt cancel the insurance due to thinking it wouldnt take this long! as i pay 140 a month it tolals up to alot and i was wondering if can claim any of the insurance premium back?? They still have the car useless Evans Halshaw be warned, only had the car 8 weeks..""
Is there some program California State offers for people who can't afford health insurance?
I lost my job a couple months back. I am receiving unemployment, and that is just enough to pay all my bills with about $20 left over. Is there any program the State of California offers for people who are in my situation?""
How much is insurance on a Vauxhall corsa for a 17 year old?
Im thinking of buying one so roughly how much would it cost for insurance?
Estimate on drivers insurance?
Hello, i'm 16 years old and about to get my licence any ideas on how much insurance would cost me? My family has Allstate and i can qualify for the good student discount.""
""What insurance is best to have for life insurance, i have Allstate for my 2 cars and house,?""
did i need to go with Allstate or other insurance, is there any insurance with nor need of medical papers for life insurance policy,, i am 49 years old and have 2 Small kids, thank you""
Auto Insurance Price?
Does anyone have a rough estimate of how much my auto insurance would cost per year? I'm a 19 year old female purchasing a 2000 Toyota camry.
Question about college health insurance?
If my current health insurance is expiring this end of December, am I able to opt-out of the university health insurance for this fall and reapply for the university health insurance for the spring term--just to save money?""
Maternity insurance for self employed?
Hi, I am from ca and I was wondering if there is any affordable insurance for self employed family. I am not pregnant but planning on it in the next few months. any ideas?""
I need help with auto insurance?
first time purchasing auto insuranace in it say that i only have to make 6 payment of 177$ then that it. now does this mean i will have insurance free for life after that ? or what happens? also so im going with safe auto minimun insurance. thanks
Looking for a cool car but cheap on the insurance?
im 17, looking for a cool car have a budget of about 8000, but i need the insurance cheap because some of the ones i was checking out were ridiculous any ideas? thanks""
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aaa car insurance quote missouri
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