#i think it's impressive that it's all done on samsung notes
pensivespacepirate · 16 days
i think i can post some of this here
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older ones with outdated designs:
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sunsh4dow · 1 year
Obligatory Blog
6500 passengers, 1500 crew, 12 stops, 1 ship. Classic begin of text: done.
To further clarify what this is: it’s a subjective travel blog. At least it was intended as one. I happened to get on a three week cruise on one of the biggest cruise ships there are. To get ahead of criticism regarding exploitative labour and the environmental impact these ships have and any such concerns: I’m painfully aware of it. In fact, I’m usually quick to point these things out when they come up in conversations. Every single cruise ship is one of humanity's many, many big middle fingers towards nature and utter decadence.
Despite this, I’m on board of this behemoth - such hypocrisy. Well, I don’t know what to tell you. There are multiple reasons. It’s majorly a private one that I’m not much going to elaborate on at the moment. The other reasons just added to it.
For example, I’m in between jobs and have the time. Otherwise I would have never wasted three weeks of my precious mercifully-corpo-granted-because-law-forces-them vacation days on this. Also, I got it for a steal, which is the best I can do for now.
It still bothers me. A lot. It feels like betraying my principles. I actually have trouble getting any enjoyment out of this trip, primarily out of a sense of shame. I’ve mentioned it only to a few friends. On social media I post mostly pictures from the cities I visit, but not the ship. Maybe I could get over it, at least for a while - if it weren’t for all the other elements to this fever dream.
That’s where this ‘blog’ or whatever this is comes in. At the very least I can process what I see, learn and turn it into something of remote journalistic value. Biassed, subjective, self-therapeutic ‘journalism’. Maybe someone out there can learn something from it, too.
It may be noted, when I suspect, claim or presume anything, take it with a grain of salt. There’s only surface level research in here. And I can only get so much information with the limited internet I got, anyway. Like these numbers:
The MSC Virtuosa is a massive ship in service for less than a year. 330 metres long, 50 metres wide and 65 metres high. The over a hundred year older Titanic was 260 metres long, 28 metres wide and 53 metres high (notably including funnels). Their respective given tonnages aren’t exactly comparable, but we can estimate that the Titanic fits inside the Virtuosa at least thrice by usable volume. So either the Titanic was smaller than the movie makes it seem - or the Virtuosa is just huge.
When you board the ship, the first place you enter is a flabbergasting, three story high, about 100 metre long gallery. It has an all (O?)LED ceiling that plays different sceneries and animations throughout the day. Since all TVs, crew-tablets and stuff are from Samsung, I’d guess it to be a variant of Samsung’s ‘The Wall’. An expensive tool that requires constant, active cooling or it literally destroys itself. A massive energy sink. Looks sick, cool technology - but insanely unnecessary.
We could make a stamp of that conclusion and hammer it under every paragraph that’ll follow. It sure is true for plenty other things, but cruise ships are way up there.
The bling continues as you walk into a lobby with musicians playing jazzy pop music, framed by mirrors, marmor and swarovski-laden staircases. Everything is shiny and elegant. It all feels high class.
Think Titanic with its big staircase, marmor columns and little orchestra, but dialled to eleven. More of everything and bigger to boot.
But contrary to the Titanic it caters to the common folk, not the extremely wealthy. It is exactly to make you believe you are on the Titanic. A nice facade.
An impression that I can’t shake off at any point. It’s so blatant, too. None of the other passengers seem to notice or bother, as much as I can tell. Do they choose not to? Has to be. Otherwise they’d be like cows on a field. Ignorant to the world out of sight and just happy to be fed while they get milked. And fed and milked they will. Half the ship’s storage must be food and everything not included in the initial ticket cost is overpriced.
Let’s continue with some dry observations. Most of my fellow passengers are older white people. Most of the staff is filipino. Make of that what you will, but it should come to the surprise to noone. I have spoken with a couple of both. When I brought up any critical arguments about cruise ships in front of passengers, they tended to agree. Then again, they usually were quick to add points that their participation or non-participation wouldn’t have an impact anyway. Or they started the next sentence with a ‘But…’.
The brief moments I have talked to crewmembers, they explained that they were paid enough to finance a good, simple life for their entire family at home, as the sole earners. That they were little heroes when they returned. I’m not sure what to think or say about that, so I’ll just leave it to your own judgement.
There certainly are reasons why this economy exists. Capitalistic demand. As much as I can tell, a cruise is the most convenient and comfortable way to travel for elderly and immobile people, of which there are plenty. Compared to a train drive or flight with luggage it certainly is. But that comfort costs. Some of the ‘packages’ for drinks, internet or the shuttles, guides and such are just short of a scam. Everything is priced unreasonably high. A 20 minute shuttle bus drive from the ship to the closest city (without any guides, just transport) will cost you 40 euro or more. Often you could just walk it, but for those unwilling or unable, there’s little choice. Again, it’s simply demand and when people are willing to pay, a company will jump at the chance to make money. That’s the world we live in. Ideals, clean environment, even reason are naive concepts in the face of money. Profit always prevails.
The service on board is great, though. Personally, I’m creeped out by someone shuffling food, drink and silverware around in front of me. The only server I’m comfortable with is the computer kind. But humans… doesn’t feel right. It has something undignifying and old fashioned to it that society should grow out of.
Similar applies to all the other staff in the kitchens, laundry, cleaning and so on that you never get to see.
To draw you a picture of the excess, let’s count some of the facilities. There are about twelve full fledged, high class restaurants and roughly twice as many bars and lounges. All with different themes and styles. On a single, big boat.
I’ve counted a minimum of five pianos and a handful of luxury stores. There’s a big casino and spa area, two theatres and five pools. Add an indoor basketball/multisport field, bowling alley, gym and arcade. And there is plenty more I forgot or haven’t even discovered yet.
Admittedly, there are some gems here. A british pub with a nice atmosphere and solid list of beers, and a sky lounge jazz bar, both with live musicians in the evening. In general, all performers do an incredible job and carry the venues and events a lot. Every day there is a different show in the theatre. Small musicals, classic recitals or international entertainers, all very talented and great. It’s merely held back a bit by noticeable troubles with the acoustic. I’m kind of amazed that no speakers or hearing aids get blown out.
In the end, weren’t it for the excursions to the cities, the daily show and maybe the occasional, casual quizzes, I’d lose my mind. And whoever had the clever idea to put out a table with ever new puzzles deserves a raise.
Other than that, It gets dull very quickly. With all the things you can do here and the plethora of venues and events, in the end, it’s just plain boring. Might be circumstantial of course, but most places are either relatively empty or full of humans.
As much as I could gather, there are ‘only’ 3700 guests on board, so at about two third capacity. The aforementioned gems are usually packed, probably for the same reason I find them bearable. They don’t feel all too unauthentic. The pub’s atmosphere is quite proper, with the most noticeable thing lacking being cigarette smoke. The sky lounge in turn combines all the nice things. High class, good music and a nice view. Both have chill vibes.
In the end, I always come back to the same question: Why does it have to be on a ship? I’d like to know a jazz place like that in my home port. I’ve also sneaked around the ship a bit, places that are definitely crew-only. Most are spartan hallways with signs to all the different locations. But there’s also a low crew deck going around the vessel. It seems to be my only chance to get to the front of the ship, but I never stayed at these places for longer than I can reasonably claim that I’m just lost. There are cameras everywhere.
Humanities hybris knows no bounds. Turns out, the ship in Wall-E or the ‘Elysium’ space station from the movie with Mark Wahlberg aren’t so far from reality. MSC has some initiatives against global warming through a non-profit, but those feel more like greenwashing and money laundering than anything. Just presumption. It certainly exists to ease the minds of their customers. That it will balance out the negative. A nonsense argument for sure. If there was no ship, there would be no need to balance anything.
And so, this man-made jörmungandr continues on, ravaging earth as a perpetual symbol of gluttony, laziness and greed.
Actually, I have no idea where I’m going with this anymore. Travelblog would be a real stretch. So I’ll end this here for now, as a part one - maybe. Considering the time I still have and my boredom, I might very well add more.
If you are interested in pictures, I post my best impressions on my instagram page (@sunsh4d0w). Generally the places I visit when in port.
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seokwoosmole · 2 years
F4 Thailand Thoughts Ep. 6 [Pt 3]
*On an unrelated note, after learning that Bright has a cat that he loves very very dearly, those very enthusiastic cat food commercials make a lot more sense now*
Thyme getting the whole family Samsung Galaxies. No words. He is so extra. I mean, I like that there was I suppose some thought put into it. He noticed Gorya's phone was in crap condition, so took into consideration that her family might also not have the latest model so included them too?? I think it's definitely a step up from his behavior from the earlier episodes when he tried to win Gorya over with the fancy dress and he learned that she does not get impressed by fancy schmanciness or material gifts. And though he's trying to change his behavior as opposed to simply winning people over with his money, he's still a pampered rich boy who only knows how to gift-give lavishly. Though he's improved in the sense that at least the gifts seem to serve a function and are given out of observation not just carelessly (replacing Kaning's bike, getting Gorya's family new cellphones, even at the zoo, getting Gorya that plushie after she said it was cute because it seemed like it would make her happy). On the other hand, this is the first time I'm watching a version of this show where I actually feel devastated about the rift that will be created between Ren and Thyme because of Gorya. I think in this version, they've done an exceptional job at writing their friendship. All versions of the show always point out that Thyme and Ren are best friends (all of F4 are best friends, but it's Kavin x MJ and Thyme x Ren to be exact) but in this version, I really feel that that's true. I feel like other versions focused so much on their feuding and when they weren't feuding, they just weren't very focused on, but not here!! The entire Thyme fashion show scene??? First of all, it was extremely cute😩🤚🏽Thyme is absolutely ridiculous. I'm glad one of the consistencies throughout all the versions of this show is that Thyme is a horrendous dresser. He doesn't have a trademark weird hairstyle like his other versions did, but he makes up for it with his hideous fashion sense. I was busting up laughing the entire time. But it wasn't just an entertaining moment, it was really touching as well. Despite the fact that Thyme came to Ren to get advice on what to wear on his date with Gorya, I feel like he also used it as an attempt to be ridiculous on purpose in hopes that it'd cheer Ren up and as a segue to talk about what's been going on with him. I really didn't expect Thyme to be this observant and attentive. He's already a self-centered person as is, and right now, his entire head is filled with Gorya, I truly didn't think he'd pick up on how Ren's been acting differently, or that he'd care enough to try to do something about it. But in this scene, any and all thoughts of himself and Gorya are out the window and he looks deeply concerned with Ren's behavior and how he's doing, and upset when he doesn't get an answer. I really appreciate how the writers have fleshed out the dynamics of Thyme and Ren's relationship. I think I never cared too much about when in previous versions, their characters broke their friendship because I never really felt their bond too strongly. But I am living for Ren and Thyme here, and I know it'll hurt when I see them fight again.
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ladyc0312 · 3 years
A Jikook Guide to RunBTS: 112-121
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Yes, I'm still doing these! It's just happening more slowly than I'd like because writing for work + writing fic + trying to go to bed before midnight + so much amazing content being released that clearly must be poured over and dissected = less time to make guides. For anyone still with me, he's the next section!
Ep 112 “Dalbang School Part 1” (Ep: 5 / KM: 4)
The ones with BTS in a classroom driving Teacher Jin insane
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5:58 - JM declares that he and Taehyung will pair up (by being the first to hug each other in a game), but then when Hobi blows the whistle at 6:38, JK runs over to hug JM before Tae can get to him.
6:58 - Jin asks why JM said he wanted Tae and then hugged JK. JM explains that he didn't hug him, he just found himself in JK's hug as JK cackles in the background.
7:24 - When Jin blows his whistle at the class, JK and JM mirror each other in putting a finger in one of their ears.
7:35 - Teammates JK and JM are immediately on the same page about wanting their team name to be Kim Seokjin. When they have to change it, JM quickly picks up JK's suggestion that they call their team Bang Sihyuk. These don't sound like particularly unique moments, but when you watch it, it just really strikes you how in sync the two of them are in terms of physicality, ideas, and sense of humor.
9:52 - After Jin comments that he heard JM did very well in school, JK adds that JM was the top student. When someone else asks if JM was the best or second-best, JK forcefully reiterates that he was the best student.
12:45 - When they get a question right, JK and JM clasp hands and bump their shoulders together.
13:10 - JM and JK both goof around, speaking in satoori and challenging JHope to a fight of sorts.
13:27 - When Jin repeats that they got the question right, JK and JM do exactly the same as 12:45, but seated this time.
14:22, 14:36, 15:13 - In all three of these moments, JM nearly falls over laughing at something JK did that no one else found anywhere near as funny.
23:36 - When JK says he's good at this game, JM laughs and pokes JK in the chest with a marker.
BEHIND 2:30 - JM takes a selfie of him and JK with his personal phone while they're supposed to be paying attention to Jin.
6:35 - JK cheers on JM and calls him Jimin-ssi when JM announces he's doing well on this spot-the-difference round. When Jimin modifies the brag to say he only found four, JK says "that's still quite impressive."
Ep 113 “Dalbang School Part 2” (Ep: 5 / KM: 4)
4:50 - We all know how JK is when he gets into his "focus" zone, especially in a competitive environment. But here, when JM rather rudely interrupts JK's melodica practice, JK just starts playing around with him and giggles.
7:41 - As RM & JH take their turn, jikook are whispering to each other in the back row.
11:42 - After quickly agreeing on a lunch option, jikook do a high five / handshake thing and then JM says "we think alike" and "we get along pretty well." JK responds "that's exactly it" and the on-screen captions tells us they are a "good match."
22:20 - This is where JK and JM start switching back and forth carrying each other on their backs to get under a limbo stick.
They go again at 23:35, 26:11, and 28:13.
And again at 30:22 and 32:16 and 34:30 because, even though they lost, they want to try to do it again to show that they can as a "matter of pride."
25:00 - JK points something out to JM and then pats his butt.
33:33 - JM announces they lost, and then jikook do another handshake / high five thing.
34:33 - JM does an... interesting pose for the camera where he puts his hand on a bent-over JK's back and smirks.
34:56 - Yet another handshake and JM pats JK on the back when they finally pass the limbo challenge.
BEHIND 5:55 - While examining the limbo setup, JM comments that JK is good at this. JK comes over to give a demonstration and JM watches him be silly with it and says "he's a strange kid" fondly.
6:21 - Another jikook limbo attempt - this one was cut because they did it too easily.
Ep 114 “League of Number One Part 1” (Ep: 3 / KM: 1)
The ones where BTS play games with League of Legends world champions
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3:55 - After Jimin protests that he shouldn't be out, JK tells his hyung to turn around and face the back.
14:40 - JK fake-boxes JM after losing the hammer game.
18:18 - JK mimics Jimin's BWL intro.
Ep 115 “League of Number One Part 2” (Ep: 2 / KM: .5)
7:05 - JK comes over to check on Jimin's phone to make sure he's actually visible in the selfie the teams take.
Ep 116 “Team-Building Special Part 1” (Ep: 4 / KM: 1)
The ones with random games in that rec room-looking place that are a lot more fun than they sound
22:14 - JM and JK play around with the jump rope during breaktime.
22:26 - JM and JK play around like they're boxing with each other.
BEHIND 5:15 - JK appears to take an interest in watching JM's... back as he moves around acting out potential poses.
Ep 117 “Team-Building Special Part 1” (Ep: 4 / KM: 2)
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5:30 - Despite showing pretty much everyone else touching everyone else in the pose guessing game, we don't get a single shot here or in the behind of JK feeling up Jimin. The above photo proves that it happened, though, so definitely side-eyeing the editors, here.
BEHIND 5:35 - JK keeps throwing water bottles when they're supposed to be taking a group photo. Jimin pulls him back next to him and puts an arm around his neck. JK puts an arm around Jimin's shoulders in return.
7:51 - After it's explained that JK is staying late to watch Jin do his penalty, a packed-up Jimin comes over and stands next to JK, waiting until they're done to leave.
Ep 118 “Photo Story Part 1” (Ep: 3 / KM: 3)
The ones where BTS play a Samsung-sponsored game involving getting specific pictures while a spy tries to ruin the fun
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4:22 - JM appears to direct JK to go punish Tae and pats JK's back when he starts to obey. Something happens that we don't see when the angle changes - next thing we see, JM seems to be pushing JK? JM then giggles at JK pretending to beat up Tae. (After this, JK spins around like a ballerina. Not jikook-related, just adorable.)
29:51 - JK calls Jimin twice without adding "hyung."
32:28 - JM pulls JK along by the wrist. Meanwhile, J-Hope once again mixes up their names.
32:44 - Though there is now a group walking slowly together and he doesn't need to pull him along anymore, Jimin takes JK's hand again.
37:02 - There are a bunch of seats open in the room, but Jimin walks over to sit right next to JK.
BEHIND 5:40 - When JM tries to steal a post-it from JK, JK scolds him in satoori banmal. JM calls him out for not calling him with hyung and JK quickly apologizes (in a way some k-army jikookers have said is like how a married person would respond to their nagging spouse!).
6:09 - JK and JM meet up and JK tells JM he's exhausted. There's a kind of weird moment that I fully admit I may be reading too much into where JK seems to be walking right towards JM, then abruptly stops and turns, looking at the camera, before walking with Jimin in a different direction than he had been heading. Then, JM says he thinks their matching shirts are hilarious and that it's funny they're wearing them for the show.
Ep 119 “Photo Story Part 2” (Ep: 4 / KM: 3)
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8:21 - "You are me, I am you" moment: Jimin does a ballet spin the same way JK did in part one.
11:18 - JK is the only one to vote for JM to be able to keep a picture in other than Jin (who has nefarious reasons for doing so).
29:40 - JM goes over to help JK see how many of his photos the spy ruined and almost falls over laughing when it becomes clear it's nearly all of them.
34:21 - JM puts his hand on JK's shaking leg to help calm him (see above photo), but JK is so irritated that it doesn't work like it usually does. Poor bunny!
35:17 - JM pulls at JK's shirt and hand, then folds over his back while trying to get him to confess that he actually lost.
38:24 - JM has a comforting hand on JK's neck when he's acting upset about losing.
38:32 - When it seems like JK is struggling to come up with an ending statement, JM helps prompt him.
0:55 - JK talks about how amazing it is that Jimin found so many cards.
3:51 - When JK is playing with the sequin art on the front of his shirt, JM leans over and starts rubbing on them, too.
5:11 - Jimin tells JK that, if he wins, he's going to make the loser hike Mt. Achasan. JK asks why he's looking at him when he says that and they both laugh. Jimin pats JK's chest and they laugh even harder. Jin and Tae both have "omg, these two" looks on their faces.
Ep 120 “Reply BTS Village Part 1” (Ep: 3 / KM: 2)
The ones with a real-life Mafia game inexplicably set in a 1970s village. It's... fairly difficult to follow, but the guys are into it and the outfits are great!
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24:40 - Jimin breaks character and laughs when asking JK if he's the culprit.
29:40 - Caption: "The air is undeniably tense between Gamer Jeon and Chief Park." Not explicitly jikook, I just find it funny that the writers seem to be playing with some real life relationships, making sope best friends and jikook have tension that leads to banter...
5:34 - When Jimin is playing with the yo-yo, JK expresses concern that he's going to hurt his fingers (caption: Kook is just worrying for his hyung). Then, JK asks poutily and in banmal if he can play with the yo-yo multiple times and Jimins says no. Like, JK straight-up gives his hyung a command ("let me try that") using informal speech and no one bats an eye!
5:58 - Jimin starts singing a song about an ants. JK watches him. JK initially says to Hobi "look, he's a fool/dummy!" (in banmal again), then starts singing along. He jokes that JM doesn't know all the lyrics and Jimin says back "quiet, you."
Ep 121 “Reply BTS Village Part 2” (Ep: 3 / KM: 2)
38:48 - After having asked for it a bunch in the Behind of the previous episode, JK now has Jimin's yoyo.
non-jikook note: At the end of this one, they "time travel" to solve a mystery in Joseon-era Korea and I can't express how badly I want to see that. Please come back to that, Run!
BEHIND 0:58 - Jimin and JK play around accusing each other with exaggerated accents and formality. Jimin comes up behind JK and reaches out to touch his shoulder, but stops when Tae joins them and accuses them of plotting together.
9:05 - When JK says everyone else is so good at acting, Jimin compliments him that he was very funny towards the end.
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edwinkjayesh · 2 years
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Some Interesting Smartphone Launches !
OnePlus 10R
OnePlus 9RT is out now and its performing out of expectations from the information shared by reviewers in their initial impressions and thought. I felt so like they are doing great compared to their competitor Samsung S21 FE. I can assure that 9RT is worth than S21 FE for this price for sure. Anyways let's comeback to the launch of 10R. What made me interesting to this phone is the chipset and the performance from 9RT. Yeah talking about the chipset here they uses Dimensity 9000 which makes a standout for the current situation. I have already done an article on Snapdragon 8Gen 1 chipset's launch and specs, where i have noted a problem of heating. Now experts states that it's the problem with manufacturer - Samsung. As you all know Samsung is the manufacturer of Snapdragon chipset from the launch of Snapdragon 888. And Snapdragon is facing major issue of over heating in mobile phones using both 888 and 8th gen 1 chipsets. So this is the chance for MediaTek to overlap Snapdragon in upcoming devices. Actually Snapdragon has got the potential and I can recommend those devices using them once they switch back the manufacturer to TSMC. So that's a considerable check point in upcoming devices for the time being.
Spec Sheet
The OnePlus 10R is could feature an AMOLED display with 120Hz refresh rates and at least 8GB RAM paired to 128GB internal storage. The device could be launching towards the end of June, largely because of the delays that OnePlus faced in the release of its predecessor, the OnePlus 9RT in India. The device was originally slated to roll-out in October but issues around chipset shortage and Oxygen OS 12 stability pushed it to January 2022. The OnePlus 9RT is priced in the Rs.42,999 to Rs. 46,999 range and it was rumored that the upcoming OnePlus 10R (or would it be OnePlus 10RT in India?) could be had for a cheaper price due to the MediaTek chipset. So I think it would be priced around 35-38K.
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Unexpected Google Products
Pixel 6a
The Pixel 6a is set to debut sometime in May 2022. Reports suggest that the upcoming Pixel 6a might have a similar design as the new Pixel 6 series with camera modules placed at a horizontal strip and a triple-tone colour scheme on the rear side. Rumours indicate that the phone could be the first affordable one from Google’s inventory to ditch an 3.5mm audio jack. The phone is expected to get a 6.2-inch OLED display. It could have Google’s in-house Tensor GS101 chipset on board. The same silicon sits under the vanilla Pixel 6 phone. The Pixel 6a will likely get at least 8GB of RAM. On the camera front, it is tipped to get a 50-mp sensor and an ultra-wide sensor. The phone might equip an 8-megapixel camera upfront. The Pixel 6a will flaunt a glass back and measure a dimension of 152.2 x 71.8 x 8.7mm. Actually this device remind me of the FE phones by Samsung but here Google really fooled all of us. Always India and some other countries always unlisted out of their best products and services. I can assure that this Pixel 6a is good but it's just glitter to our eyes from google. Always the gold is Pixel 6 and pro. I won't recommend to buy one of those. Let the phone come to hands let's see their performance and worth for the price or not.
Google is also rumoured to bring its first smartwatch around the same time. The Pixel smartwatch to debut on May 26. He even shared an alleged image of the Google Pixel smartwatch that showed the gadget feature a sleek round dial tied in three colourful straps- Blue, Orange, and Grey. The design somewhat reiterates Samsung’s Galaxy Watch Active 2, although the latter has a slightly thick body. Actually I'm really looking forward to this to see how really good the wear OS works. We already discussed about the experience and all earlier. They may also give updates on upcoming products on that day. Let's see how these all comes out for the time being it's - Edwin K Jayesh.
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joontier · 3 years
Parallel Palpitations | V1; report i
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pairings: dr. park jimin x female reader 
chapter rating: NC-17 | genre: romance, slice of life, humor
warnings: none to note
word count: 2k
g/n: this is just an intro basically ksjdfksjdf but i’d also like to inform yalls this coincides with the Subliminal in Scrubs universe (jk’s installment of TWA) 
Parallel Palpitations (the records) |  navi. | m.list
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Closing his locker with his foot, Jimin tries to carefully balance his books placed precariously on top of each other in his arms as he walks back to the dean’s office where he’s also arranging most of his stuff to take home. It’s already been a week since he’d officially graduated medicine from Busan National University, and he had only kept going back to school to gather all his belongings so he could start reviewing. 
“Jimin, is that you?” The question almost knocks clumsy Jimin off his feet, surprised at how there was still any other person in the office besides  Kyungjo who was also collecting his stuff to take home. Jimin sets all of his books down first on a desk and turns, only to come face to face with none other than Jeon Jungmin himself, associate professor and chairman of the Jeon Medical Center. 
“Professor Jeon! Good evening Sir...It’s already late, professor?” 
Jeon Jungmin laughs, patting Jimin on the back, “I was going to say the same to you kid. You should go home.” Jimin flashes the older man a small smile, “Ah...yes, Professor. I’m just grabbing the last of my stuff then I’ll be on my way. This won’t take long.” 
“It’s fine, Jimin. The staff know you well anyways,” Jungmin sighs, then rests his weight on a pillar as he puts his hands in his pockets. “You know, Jimin...you’re a very bright student...I think even one of the best in Korea if I do say so myself.” 
The young man momentarily pauses with what he’s doing, taking in the professor’s words, “Oh, I think that’s a bit of an exaggeration, Sir.” 
Jungmin chuckles as he shakes his head. “It’s true - you’re driven and you’re smart. It’s a fixed formula for someone who achieves great success in life later on. Your parents must be very proud. I would be too, if you were my son too.” 
“Thank you, Professor. Everything I do, I do for my parents.” 
The older man lets out a deep exhale and gives Jimin another pat on the back. “Just wanted to let you know that you’re going to be a fine doctor Jimin - and the Jeon Medical Center would definitely need fine doctors like you. I realized I shouldn’t be telling you this, but I really hope you will choose JMC for your post-graduate internship. We have a good program here,” Jungmin’s voice goes down to a whisper, “If you wish to, just let me know…” 
Someone enters the office and bows to the both of them and recognizes the same man as the professor’s driver. The man collects the professor’s briefcase and coat with one nod of Jungmin. “Well, I’ll head off first, Jimin. I can give you a ride home if you’re done with those.” 
Jimin shakes his head quickly, declining the one and only Jeon Jungmin’s generous offer. He’s unsure about the other offer though, but if he lets himself get a car ride home with the chairman himself, the latter might take it as a favorable answer to his proposal to which Jimin is still undecided. “No thank you Sir. I’ll be alright. This might still take a while after all,” Jimin says with an awkward laugh, tapping the top of the stack which was rivaling Jimin’s height. 
“Alright Jimin. Get back home safely. And I...hope to see you again very soon.” 
Jimin gives him a curt nod. “Good night, Professor.” 
He continues on with his remaining tasks, wanting to finish quickly so he could finally go home and rest. “Is he gone?” Kyungjo’s voice startles Jimin, the book in his hands nearly causing the tower of books to collapse. “My god! Stop doing that!” Jimin scolds his friend as it wasn’t the first time Kyungjo’s sleuthing had given Jimin a fright. 
“Yeah, he left already. You done with your stuff?” 
“Uh-huh. All set and ready to step into the real world,” Kyungjo replies, waving his hands in the air. Jimin narrows his eyes at the other boy, judging him silently. Kyungjo has a particular inclination towards alcohol and Jimin wonders if today was one of the days where his friend indulges himself yet once again. 
“Have you heard about his actual son? What was the kid’s name again...uh…” Kyungjo snaps his fingers in mid-air as Jimin asks what was the issue with the chairman’s son, likewise reminding Kyungjo it wasn’t best to talk about it in the dean’s office. “Ah! Yes, Jeon Jungkook. Heard that their relationship got so bad that Jungkook completely cut himself off from the family once he graduated high school and went to Yonsei instead of BNU because of his daddy issues.”
Jimin, unsure how to handle and process that kind of information, simply shakes his head at Kyungjo. “It’s wrong to gossip about other people's lives like that.” When Jimin looks over at his friend, Kyungjo is no longer listening, fumbling with the remote as he turns up the volume of the office television. 
“In other news today, two thousand five hundred sixty one students of Seoul National University graduated this afternoon 25th of February, 2023. The ceremony was held at COEX Convention Center in Samsung-dong, Seoul to accommodate the number of graduates this year. With a yearly average of at least two thousand three hundred graduates, this year’s commencement ceremony records the highest number of graduates in the history of the national university. 
“Not only did they record the highest number of alumni, but this year also marks the first year to have a foreign national graduate as the school’s valedictorian.” Jimin is listening just as intently as Kyungjo now with both boys focused on the TV screen. “Jeong Yeorum, also known as Summer Jeong by her colleagues, graduates with flying colors today from Seoul National University’s College of Medicine. Here is part of her valedictory speech this afternoon.” 
A girl appears on screen and she stands behind the podium with a bright and reassuring smile on her face. “As we embark on the journey of the rest of our lives, I implore you all, to do what you love, because I believe it’s what you’ll do best. There will be countless times of trial, but keep in mind that perseverance will always prevail. Always aim for the moon, because even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars. Class of 2023, good luck. And remember, graduation is only the beginning.” 
“Wow!” Kyungjo claps his hands enthusiastically as he marvels at the girl. “The twenty-six year old, who along with her  family migrated to South Korea back in 2015 when her father was reassigned to an office here in Seoul. The valedictorian says she’s not entirely foreign to Korea as her paternal grandmother is actually a native of Jeju. Jeong Yeorum then attended a co-ed high school in Mapo District, where she likewise finished her secondary education with academic distinction.” 
The reporters, equally impressed with the girl’s achievements, couldn’t help but add their own comments to the news report, “Wow...I guess some people are simply born for greatness.” 
“I agree with you there, Dongho-ssi. We might be looking at the next Bae Jeonjoo, the only woman in the group of doctors who pioneered neurosurgery in South Korea. Ms. Jeong Yeorum, if you are seeing this, we’re rooting for your promising career. Fighting!” 
As soon as the news anchors proceed to report other news, Kyungko turns off the television and mentions the time. “Well, she was pretty cute, wasn’t she? Totally my type! Maybe when we get to Seoul to review, we’ll get the chance to meet her...and make her my girlfriend!” 
Jimin rolls his eyes at Kyungjo, placing a firm grip on the shoulder, “My friend...you are either drunk, hungry, or high. Either way, you should go home. Don’t worry about me, I’ll just close up here.” 
Kyungjo shrugs his shoulders. “You’ll still go, right? To Seoul?” 
“I will. Don’t worry.” Jimin gives the other boy a reassuring nod. 
“Still half half with the rent, a’ight? I’ll be counting on you, Jiminie...and don’t let me down. Also, tell me when you’re leaving for Seoul so I know when I’m not supposed to bring hot city girls home...they have the tendency to be...loud sometimes.” 
This boy was definitely high, and whatever substance he’s taking, Jimin wants none of it. 
“That’s your cue, Kyungjo. Go home and take a cab instead.” 
“I can drive! I’m not high or drunk!” Kyungjo puts his hands up in the air in defense. “Hey, look, I can even moonwalk!” He proceeds to dance wildly as he exits the office, leaving Jimin questioning how he even became acquainted with Kyunjo in the first place. 
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You barely hear the sound of your name being called on stage when the audio of Hoseok’s loud whooping completely dulls that of your professor’s. “Oppa! Nobody would be able to make out my name with your audio input!” Playfully shoving your cousin’s phone back into his hands, you continue to mumble your complaints about the poor video quality. 
Indignant with your words, Hoseok retorts, “Hey! I’m not a professional videographer, alright? What’s important is the actual moment happening and not how the moment was captured!” Hoseok hooks an arm over your neck, bringing your head to his chest as he gives you a noogie. “Oppa, my hair!!” 
Pulling yourself away from his grasp, you quickly pat your hair down but not delivering a solid smack on Hoseok’s back. As you’re fixing your hair, you weren’t able to put much thought into where you were walking, ultimately, and accidentally bumping into someone in a blue and black graduation robe similar to yours. 
Quickly, you look up, apologizing profusely at the person. “Oh! I’m so sorry- I…” “It’s okay,” the guy smiles a little, “_________, right?” You’re sure the surprise is evident in your face when he mentions your name when he barely even talked to you during the entirety of med school. “Yes! I mean...hello, Jungkook..” Clearing your throat, you quickly think of something to divert the impending awkward silence, “Well...um, congratulations to you for graduating as the batch valedictorian!” It now dawns on you that he really did graduate on top of the class, “Wow! You’re real smart!” comes your thoughts, unconsciously voicing them out. 
‘You’re real smart?’ Really? That’s the best you could’ve done? 
Jungkook chuckles, slightly taken-aback by your audible observation. “Oh yeah...um, thanks.” From behind you, you hear Hoseok clear his throat before speaking up. “Hello!” You hang your head low momentarily, already imagining Hoseok making fun of you later for this. 
“Right, Jungkook, this is my cousin, Jung Hoseok. Oppa, this is my classmate - Jeon Jungkook.” The two men shake their hands briefly before Jungkook speaks up, “Well, I’ve got to go now. Congratulations to you too Soomin. And Jung Hoseok-ssi.” 
As soon as Jungkook gets out of your sight, Hoseok nudges you with his elbow. “Please tell me that man was Jeon Jungmin’s son,” he says, shaking his head in disbelief. Nodding your head, you raise an eyebrow at him. 
“Got a crush on the dude?” Oh god. Here we go again. 
“No! Jeez.” 
“Why were you so awkward around him then?” 
“We barely talked in class. Hell, I don’t even think we were within at least fifty meters from each other.” 
“But he’s a handsome man?” 
“Maybe you’re the one that’s got a crush on him?” 
Hoseok glares at you. 
“Do you think maybe you’d know which hospital he might be interested in taking his PGI? Woocheon perhaps?” 
It’s your turn to glare at him. “I told you. This incident was only one of our very few interactions ever. I think the last time he talked to me was when he borrowed a pencil during a class and that’s it.” 
“Well...if you’d discover where, let me know. Because if he does apply for Woocheon, and we’d happen to get the girl from SNU too....” Hoseok nods his head slowly, stroking his chin “Woocheon will have the A-Team interns this year, you included.” 
You roll your eyes, resting your arm against the car door that Hoseok opens for you, “You really think that’s going to pay for you ruining my hair?” 
“No, but you’re going to thank me if Woocheon manages to snag the dream team!” 
© joontier 2021
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VideoTours360 Review 2021 - Get Details Here Now
What Is VideoTours360?
VideoTours360 App creates 360° Virtual experiences for your business (and for your clients) that engage visitors with 360 DEGREE VIDEOS of your business/product with INTERACTIVE HOTSPOTS… allowing visitors to get more details and even BUY directly from inside your video (i.e. turning your video tour into a LIVE eCommerce Store with 24/7 Live Video Chat Facility).
You can even answer Questions & Close Prospects Via Live Chat While They Take Virtual Tours (360-degree videos).
The pandemic changed the game and for this reason, the demand for 360-degree videos is steadily increasing as every business needs them to stay in business. With VideoTours360 you can create beautiful and highly engaging 360 videos in just a couple of minutes – WITHOUT any sort of special skills or knowledge.
(HUGE SAVINGS TODAY) Click Here to Buy at an Exclusively Discounted Price Now!
BIG Brands are already making use of 360-degree videos to wow customers and close sales
+ Samsung posted a snowboarding video that puts viewers right in the middle of the action taking viewers on a snowboarding adventure
+ Oreo lets viewers explore the world that inspired Filled Cupcake Flavored Oreo Cookies
+ If you’ve ever dreamed of being a passenger in a race car, BMW’s 360 video takes you one step closer to making that a reality. These videos capture the thrill of riding at a speed that would normally cost you a hefty ticket.
+ Expedia entices viewers to explore Australia
+ Warner Bros takes audiences inside a haunted house
All of these brands are already using 360-degree videos to engage and close sales from their audience. You too can tap into it without allocating a huge budget for it.
What Are The Upsells?
Upsell 1: VideoTours360 Pro Unlimited  – $37/month – $197 yearly >>More Details<<
Users get access to create unlimited tours with unlimited scenes, Top up to 10,000 minutes of video chat time, unlimited eCom products.
==> Special Discount: Order Today With Best Price And Special Offers
Newly Added:
+ PRO Feature #1: Drawing feature
PRO Feature #2: Before & After using two 360 images
PRO Feature #3: Custom Domain
Upsell 2: VideoTour360 Agency & Consultant ToolKit – $47 >>More Details<<
You get all the assets you need to start and run a 6-Figure Virtual Tour Agency.
Newly Added:
+ Improved VR Agency & Consultant Toolkit
+ Agency Feature #1: Assign video chat time to tours & client accounts
+ Agency Feature #2: Share to Google Street View Virtual Tours
+ Agency Feature #3: Integration/share to with Trulia, Realtor.com
+ Agency Feature #4: Unbranded Client Area
+ And many more!
Upsell 3: Ultimate Software & Digital Agency Package – One Mega Deal >>More Details<<
With this, YOU can start and scale a profitable digital marketing agency that sells services to local businesses. You get a Software App Bundle, including;
+ A Social Media Marketing & Traffic App
+ Ads & Influencer Marketing App
+ Content Marketing App
+ Messenger Bot Marketing App
+ A Robust Design App Suite
+ A Video Marketing App
+ And many more
With these apps, you can deliver stellar digital marketing services with little or no experience and in record time!
Plus, you get a ready-made agency website, prospecting kit, brochures, proposals, etc… for 10 local niches.
+ Get 10 New State-of-The-Art Agency Kits in One Awesome Package!
+ Done-For-You Websites, Proposals, Graphics, Contracts & More Designed To Skyrocket Your Results!
+ Exclusive Rights To Use OUR Testimonial & Case Studies to Impress YOUR Clients
+ Our ‘Tested-and-Trusted’ List Of Service Providers For Drop services
PLUS as a launch special bonus… Get 10 ‘Done for you’ animated agency sales videos for each of the 10 niches. Each video comes with;
+ Professional video slides
+ Proven to convert sales video script
+ Real human voice over.
Play these explainer videos for any local business owner… ask for $2,500 and they’ll bite your hands off. FACT!
Upsell 4: VideoTours360 Reseller Bundle Package $197, $297, $497 >>More Details<<
RESELL VideoTours360 Ultimate Edition as your own and KEEP 100% of the profit. Easy way to make money selling software products.
Plus Get A Reseller Bonus Bundle:
Get Reseller Rights to FIVE High-Quality Software Apps with Professionally Designed Sales Pages and Start Making Sales IMMEDIATELY!
+ App #1: Socicake All-In-One Social Media Marketing Suite
+ App #2: Designbunlde 10-In-One Design Suite
+ App #3: LeadGrow Done For You Lead Generation Funnel
+ App #4: Uduala eCom Domination Platform
+ App #5: AgencyBlitz – 4 Done For You Local Agency Marketing Package
This is a MASSIVE deal – we’ve NEVER done this before!
Here are some Upgrade links for your reference. You have to buy FE firstly and then you can buy any Upgrades if you like.
If you buy Upgrades alone, you will receive NOTHING and it takes your time to ask for refund. Remember FE is a must-have package to at least make sure the software is working.
Pros And Cons
Falling in love with this software was really not difficult for a number of reasons. To be clear and concise, I’ll give them via a list:
+ Solves a pressing and expensive problem in the video marketing industry
+ Easy to use and works seamlessly
+ And VideoTours360 is designed to create demand for 360-degree videos is rapidly growing with every business literally needing them to stay in business.
+ It’s freaking cheap, going for a one-time deal. Though the one-time offer is only valid during the launch special period.
By now, you should know I am totally in love with VideoTours360 (don’t tell my spouse, lol!)
But if I am to point out any con right now, it’ll be calling out on the number of upsells . . . although, this isn’t much of a con as the software still works perfectly without any of the upgrades.
The upgrades simply give you more power and that’s all.
Final Verdict
Before I give my final thought, which I think is already obvious by now, I’ll like to say one or two things about the product creator and product vendor.
==> Read More Here: Don’t Miss Out Today’s Special Offer <==
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unelectedofficial · 4 years
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     wow  !!  i  honestly  am  surprised  to  still  be  here  ,  if  that  doesn’t  sound  too  pessimistic  .  when  i  made  this  blog  ,  i  expected  it  to  be  something  i  did  over  the  summer  until  school  started  again  to  keep  me  busy  and  distract  me  from  things  happening  in  real  life  ;  i  never  thought  that  it  would  turn  into  one  of  my  most  fun  and  fulfilling  hobbies  .  this  blog  has  gotten  me  through  a  lot  of  tough  things  ,  helped  me  to  grow  as  a  person  and  writer  ,  and  has  connected  me  to  so  many  amazing  people  .  i’m  glad  you  all  still  follow  me  and  that  i’ve  (  hopefully  )  made  at  least  a  few  people  like  nessa  more  than  they  did  before  .  it’s  been  a  fun  year  --  let’s  do  another  ??      now  ,  a  few  special  shoutouts  under  the  cut  because  some  people  deserve  awards  for  putting  up  with  me  /  having  to  engage  with  me  for  as  long  as  they  have  .  if  i  left  anyone  out  ,  i  promise  it  wasn’t  intentional  and  i  went  through  my  blog  /  followers  like  ten  times  when  writing  this  .  
     @cadyhcrons  --  bro  ,  even  though  you  don’t  have  an  rp  blog  (  smh  rip  kara  danvers  am  i  right  ?  )  you  seriously  mean  so  much  to  me  !!  i’m  sure  that  no  one  cares  ,  but  everything  you  see  on  here  actually  has  to  be  seen  by  sophia  first  and  she  validates  most  of  my  choices  --  unless  i  make  them  at  3am  ,  of  course  ,  which  happens  a  lot  .  bro  ,  you’ve  let  me  yell  at  you  about  miss  nessarose  every  single  day  for  like  a  year  and  a  half  and  honestly  ?  i  don’t  know  how  /  why  you  haven’t  told  me  to  just  shut  up  by  now  because  i  even  annoy  myself  after  a  while  .  you  give  me  confidence  and  make  me  feel  special  a  lot  ;  you’re  an  irreplaceable  friend  (  and  as  soon  as  i  can  ,  i  have  to  mail  you  that  gum  that  i  bought  you  )  .  it’s  gonna  be  hard  to  pretend  like  i  haven’t  written  this  for  you  for  an  entire  week  ,  but  i  hope  you’re  surprised  at  least  a  little  bit  :)       @wldbirds  --  nic  ,  like  i  said  the  other  day  :  i  don’t  remember  when  you  followed  me  .  but  ,  what  you  don’t  know  is  how  this  is  actually  a  good  thing  .  to  me  ,  it  feels  like  we’ve  been  writing  for  ages  and  you  never  fail  to  impress  me  .  i  really  feel  like  our  writing  clicks  and  we’re  very  much  on  the  same  page  with  headcanons  .  i  cannot  express  how  much  i  think  your  blog  is  like  ,  cool  and  i  applaud  you  for  putting  up  with  me  .  there’s  much  more  to  say  ,  but  i  just  want  to  really  thank  you  for  writing  with  me  /  helping  me  grow  as  a  writer  !!      @shallowprince  --  charlie  ,  we’ve  actually  been  mutuals  for  a  lot  longer  than  i  remember  (  oops  ,  my  bad  )  and  i  think  you  saw  my  blog  when  it  was  ugly  .  so  ,  thanks  for  sticking  around  !!  on  a  more  serious  note  ,  of  course  ,  i  want  to  thank  you  for  all  you’ve  done  for  me  .  i  don’t  know  if  you  know  ,  but  that  one  night  when  you  bombarded  me  with  messages  just  ,  like  ,  praising  me  beyond  belief  i  literally  wanted  to  cry  because  you  were  flattering  me  so  much  .  and  still  ,  you’re  one  of  the  nicest  and  friendliest  people  that  i’ve  ever  met  .  your  fiyero  is  spectacular  and  #sidecharactersforever  !!      @orchestrahearts  --  linny  ,  you  probably  knew  this  was  coming  because  i  mention  it  so  much  buuuut  .  .  .  you’ve  literally  been  following  me  for  so  long  ??  we’ve  been  mutuals  for  as  long  as  i’ve  had  this  blog  i  believe  and  i  just  really  appreciate  that  you  stuck  around  because  there  were  certainly  some  unappealing  phases  to  this  blog  (  i  was  learning  !!  )  .  you’re  a  great  person  to  talk  to  and  i  will  never  fail  to  be  impressed  by  the  work  you  put  into  your  blog  .      @songbird-not-found  --  ali  ,  you’re  amazing  !!  you  were  the  first  eurydice  that  i  followed  /  that  followed  me  (  i  can’t  remember  who  followed  first  ,  but  it  was  probably  me  let’s  be  honest  )  and  i  didn’t  even  know  anything  about  hadestown  .  i  asked  my  friend  about  things  for  like  a  solid  month  before  you  inadvertently  persuaded  me  to  listen  to  it  .  why  i  hadn’t  ,  i  still  don’t  really  know  but  .  anyway  ,  your  eurydice  (  and  all  of  your  other  muses  !!  )  is  written  extremely  well  and  it’s  been  so  nice  to  have  you  on  my  dash  .  i  know  that  we  don’t  talk  too  much  ooc  ,  but  i  really  appreciate  that  you  always  like  my  dumb  posts  and  support  me  !!      @madgirltm  --  max  ,  you  probably  also  knew  this  was  coming  because  of  how  much  i  openly  (  and  anonymously  ,  surprise  )  stan  you  but  !!  thank  you  so  much  for  following  me  for  this  long  ??  i  literally  can’t  remember  how  long  it’s  been  exactly  ,  but  i  know  it’s  been  a  while  .  i  hype  you  up  a  lot  ,  but  honestly  i  just  want  to  really  let  you  know  how  much  i  respect  you  .  the  confidence  and  dedication  that  you  have  for  your  blogs  and  muses  is  something  that  i  aspire  to  have  and  be  like  one  day  .  it  means  a  lot  to  me  that  we’re  mutuals  !!      @russicnrat  --  lyra  ,  i  know  it’s  my  turn  for  positivity  wars  (  even  though  it’s  been  months  )  and  i  swear  one  day  you’ll  check  your  phone  or  tablet  or  computer  or  idk  samsung  fridge  and  be  like  oh  carly  did  it  huh  .  maybe  now  isn’t  the  best  time  to  tell  you  (  and  i  probably  have  told  you  and  just  forgotten  )  but  i  once  had  a  cat  called  lyra  !!  anyway  ,  you  impress  me  .  end  section  .  no  ,  like  your  blog  is  gorgeous  .  your  writing  ?  beautiful  .  you  have  dmitry  down  like  crazy  .  i  saw  anastasia  on  tour  and  was  like  oh  when  i  could  like  ??  see  your  writing  in  the  acting  (  if  that  makes  any  sense  )  .  not  to  mention  ,  i  love  all  of  the  edits  you  post  and  think  that  you’re  just  neat  :)      @suverennaya​  --  czarina  ,  we’ve  only  really  written  together  a  little  bit  but  i  admire  you  so  much  from  afar  (  even  though  it  isn’t  really  afar  ,  but  you  know  what  i  mean  )  .  all  of  your  blogs  are  so  pretty  and  your  writing  is  stunning  .  you’re  super  knowledgeable  and  it  really  shows  throughout  your  blog  .  as  members  of  the  broadway  rpc  ,  we  gotta  stick  together  and  thank  you  for  sticking  with  me  .      @gclddustheart​  --  kasee  ,  i  know  you  hate  my  angst  .  but  maybe  .  .  .  you  don’t  hate  me  since  you’ve  been  following  me  for  a  while  ??  jk  ,  maybe  .  anyway  ,  you’re  amazing  and  i  hope  you  know  that  i  appreciate  our  interactions  .  whenever  you  send  an  ask  i  do  the  keysmash  thing  because  i  get  so  excited  .  your  blog  and  writing  are  something  really  special  ,  and  i  want  to  thank  you  for  sharing  it  with  me  for  so  long  .      @soulofsea​  --  lissa  ,  your  writing  is  beautiful  .  whenever  i  see  that  you’ve  replied  ,  i  quite  literally  have  to  stop  what  i’m  doing  (  if  i  can  )  and  like  ,  curl  up  in  bed  to  read  it  .  you  have  such  a  gorgeous  ,  metaphorical  way  of  writing  that  i  could  only  ever  dream  of  having  .  not  to  mention  that  the  aesthetic  on  your  blog  is  genuinely  so  impressive  !!  thank  you  so  much  for  writing  with  me  and  not  getting  angry  with  nessa  for  being  mean  and  awful  to  annie  all  the  time  .  and  know  --  i  love  annie  with  all  my  heart  !!      @wantlonger​  --  ashley  ,  i  had  to  include  you  (  of  COURSE  )  because  even  if  we  don’t  write  much  and  our  threads  take  place  in  some  strange  ,  unknown  place  ,  we’ve  been  mutuals  for  way  longer  than  i  thought  ??  i  just  suppose  the  time  flies  when  you’re  writing  with  someone  as  amazing  as  you  .  all  of  your  characters  are  so  well  written  and  i  love  the  aesthetic  /  vibe  of  all  your  blogs  so  much  .  i’m  so  happy  that  we  write  together  and  hopefully  we’ll  continue  to  do  so  for  a  while  xoxo  gossip  girl
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iPhone 11, One Month Review (from a Samsung User)
Now I know what y’all are thinking:  OH BOY! Look at this Samsung user about to gloat about how great Samsung is and how shitty iPhones are! Hurr durr....
Yeah, we don’t do that here.
No, this is intended to be an honest review of the iPhone (the iPhone 11 specifically) from someone who has had a Galaxy S5 and S9 Plus and, in all honesty, would still prefer Samsung (or at least Android) phones over Apple phones.  I’ll break this up into a few sections and keep it relatively short:  Interface, Usability, Compatibility, and Performance.  I’ll wrap things up with a general discussion about what I personally like/dislike about the platform and what I think can be done to improve it (if you are a fan of Louis Rossmann like I am, you can probably guess what my thoughts are).
I will say as a first-time iPhone user, the interface...was a jumbling mess.  Once I got used to how it worked and the layout, I can now use it like I would any other phone.  It’s actually pretty intuitive to a certain point.  Apple definitely is unique in a lot of it’s interface preferences.  You get a standard home screen, and screens get added automatically when too many apps take up the space.  You can also force more screens to be added but that takes a bit of finger trickery I found.  If I really need an app that I don’t have on any of my personal screens, I have to scroll all the way to the right to the app list where I can search what I need. 
Customizing the interface isn’t really an option given the limited number of widgets (I may be missing something so I’ll probably need to look into that further).  You can create folders to simplify your screens, but that’s about it.  Apple really seems to like basic interfaces and minimalism.
Again, here I struggled a bit trying to figure out how to actually use the phone.  A lot of things about how you interact with the phone seem “unique” for the sake of uniqueness rather than having an actual purpose.  First things, how do you access notifications and the phone’s “toolbar”? I was quite surprised that you have to swipe in two different areas of the phone to access each one individually (on Android devices, you swipe the top of the screen and you have access to both in a single interface).  Closing apps is about the same with the exception of how you open your app history.  I will say I like that rather than make it a software switch, Apple provides a hardware switch for silent mode (which has saved me many times during meetings). 
Probably the most frustrating usability item about the phone is navigating apps.  Why the ‘back’ button is on the top of the screen is beyond me.  You can get used to it like many things, but its one of those things where you really shouldn’t have to.
I can’t really say much here.  I think a lot of the app/software compatibility issues Apple has had in the past with platforms like Google have been rectified.  That being said, I do appreciate the seamless experience within the Apple ecosystem.  They really do a good job of making sure everything works together.  (This is more third-hand experience as I have friends who are long-time Apple users who have discussed this and showed me.)
I think this section needs a small preface:  I am comparing the performance of a newer-ish generation phone (iPhone 11) to one that is a few years older (S9 Plus).  That being said, I have not noticed any significant performance issues that couldn’t have already been attributed to something else (damage, battery age, etc.).  For general use, I haven’t noticed any difference in performance quality between either of the platforms.  It’s a phone, and if you use it like a phone, it’s gonna work just fine.
Opinions  and Suggestions:
Right out of the gate, I’m gonna say this:  I think the iPhone and Apple products in general are designed for a specific type of person.  I personally don’t like that I pretty much had to devote a month to learning new habits just to be able to use the iPhone like I would any other phone.  Maybe the interface makes more sense to that type of person, but it doesn’t to me.  That being said, I don’t hate the phone.  It’s a phone, and I treat it as such.  Would I buy an iPhone again? Perhaps.  But my preference still leans strongly towards Android.
My first suggestion is something I hope iPhone users can agree with me on:  GIVE THE DAMN THING AN OPTION FOR EXTERNAL MEMORY.  Do I appreciate that Apple provides their iCloud service? Yes, BUT I do not want to have to wonder whether my files are in there or not, and I definitely don’t want to have to pay for memory recovery on the off chance something happens to my phone. Give us an option for a removable SD card...please. 
My second suggestion (and this is pure personal preference, but maybe someone will agree with me) is to put the ‘back’ button on the bottom of the screen.  I don’t know who at Apple thought that was a good idea, but I really don’t like having to stretch my hand all the way across the screen to go back to a previous page.  Honestly, ergonomically speaking, it just makes sense.
My last suggestion is to add a ‘close all open apps’ button in the app history screen.  This is another thing where I’m not sure what the hell they were thinking and it would certainly make things easier on the users (since Apple likes to advertise their products’ simplicity). 
Closing Remarks:
As I have already said, ultimately, the iPhone is just that:  a phone.  You don’t really gain or lose much in terms of it just being a phone.  The same thing can be said of Android phones.  If you are just comparing the devices, there’s nothing really that elevates one over the other.  There’s something to be said about fanboy-ism in tech, and while I’m not going to talk at lengths about it here I think it really should be noted.  Overall, I’m neither impressed or disappointed with the iPhone.  It’s a good phone and it does its job.  And I think if you can say that about a product, any product, that should be more than enough.
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yakgreece3 · 4 years
Exactly What's Interesting with the Best and Newest iPhone Collection of Cell Phones
Users undoubtedly concur with myself that iPhone X design was one of the best, and that's precisely why Apple decided to keep the exact same look to their next set of individualized mobile phones. Introduced one year before, it's the very first Apple cell phone to jettison the home button. At another, I held its brand new redesign, the Iphone Xs. My eyes squeezed shut, I passed them back and forth between my hands, rolling each telephone over, setting the curves, glass backs, double lens camera bumps, and radar vents. I understood that I couldn't tell the difference between the two phones. This isn't a criticism. It is only a simple fact of S version years, where Apple locks in the iPhone design and focuses, rather, on upgrading key internal parts. Therefore, the biggest changes to this 5.8-inch iPhone Xs and its big brother, the 6.5-inches iPhone XS Max, each of which I analyzed, can be seen in functionality (thanks to the new A12 Bionic CPU), photos and movies, (new digital cameras and a new ISP endorsed by the A12), and performance (iOS12, the final version of that came pre-applied in my evaluation components ). The outcome is a pair of brilliant, elegant, and high-performing gadgets that will please iPhone enthusiasts and capture over a few glances out of Android adherents. It still has the exact same rigid surgical steel frame wrapped in a new glass material which Apple said was devised to be more scratch resistant and heavy duty. I gave the phones a few half-hearted drops on a thin-pile carpet but wasn't ready to let them slide away on concrete. Thus far I've discovered just one very fine scratch on your iPhone Xs Max. So let's think about them scratch-resistant, but still not scratch-proof. The larger Iphone Xs Max shares all of the iPhone X's content and layout attributes, but does this at a 6.2-inch x 3.05-inch x 0.30-inch body. At 208 g, it's substantially thicker than the Iphone Xs. The Xs Max is a hair shorter (0.04 inches) and thinner (0.02 inches), but it's also a few grams bulkier when compared to the iPhone 8 Plus, the big-screen telephone that from a distance the Iphone Xs Max most looks. Button placement power/sleep, quantity controls, ring/silent switch -- will be exactly the same. However, there is a single minor chassis gap. On the bottom edge of both telephones sits on the lightning connector. It is book-ended by a set of holes which accommodate one half of their stereo speaker system and among their phone's microphones. There used to be six openings on either side. Now the right side includes half a dozen holesbut the left, that just houses a microphone, has only three. This small change was done, in part, to accommodate the new internal antenna setting which contains 4x4 MIMO and Permit Assisted accessibility, which utilizes unlicensed 5 GHz range to provide 1 Gbps broadband over LTE. Apple updated the water and dust-resistance evaluation to IP 68, that contrasts into the handsets residing in 2 meters of water for up to 30 minutes. I did not have to go swimming with all the iPhone Xs or even Xs Max, but didn't run the latter telephone under water, milk, and juice. Then, as advocated, I dried and shut off the mobile phone. I had been careful not to plug it back into a lighting cable (that is a no-no after a dowsing) but didn't place it onto a wireless charging foundation at which it had no trouble accepting a fee. Apple, incidentally, stated it put some effort into creating the wireless charging platform (essentially the hidden coils in the telephone ) more forgiving. This is good news, because I've on more than one event, woken up to find that my iPhone X didn't charge since I put it a modest off-axis about the charging base. I have never ran into this issue with either the iPhone Xs or even Xs Max. The Iphone Xs and Xs Max bodies are somewhat rigid and solid-feeling, but torqueable, specifically the bigger smart phone, which really makes a tiny clicking noise when I attempt to spin it. Clearly, I have just had these iPhones for weekly, but according to a year's experience with the original iPhone X (allowed, mostly in a thin case), I consider this layout framework tough and prepared for the long run. Even as Samsung trolls Apple for its black cutout at the peak of this iPhone Xs and Xs Max, Apple reveals no signs of stepping backwards in the multi-feature technologies, which neither grew nor shrunk in the hottest iPhones. Just like the first TrueDepth Module, this one is still packaged with the same elements (none of that, as far as I can tell, have been upgraded ). There is a 7 MP camera, scatter projector for thickness sensing, infrared camera (thickness sensing), flood illuminator (yes, also for depth-sensing), proximity sensor, ambient light detector, the next half of the stereo speaker program, and a mic. About the backs of both the iPhone Xs and Xs Max, there's more of that customized glass, the Apple Logo, the term iPhone (however no"X" or"therefore"), and also the 12 MP dual camera system. This vertically-oriented, pill-shaped camera module looks exactly the same as it did in the past Iphone X. It is still a prominent bump, but at least it didn't receive any larger. Within the module is all new hardware backed by new image technologies, but more about this later. I have always considered that the 5.8-inch iPhone X that an outstanding tradeoff involving a big-screen telephone and hand-friendly ergonomics. The screen is big and immersive, however, the human body is comfortable to hold pocket. The iPhone Xs Max in contrast can, particularly if you're utilized to holding a smaller phone, feel big. It's not embarrassing to hold, but those with smaller hands will probably struggle with one-handed usage and will most likely need to turn on Reachability, which using a swipe back on the horizontal bar moves all halfway down the screen, which makes it longer accessible. Nonetheless, the trade-off may be well worth it. I forgot how much I like the bigger iPhone screen, and on the Iphone Xs Max, you receive much more display without contending with a bigger phone (there's just that 0.04-inch height difference between the iPhone 8 Plus and the iPhone Xs Max). Apple's full-stack control of this Iphone layout, development, and production process pays dividends throughout the gleaming handset. But it's most noticeably in the silicon, that can be created and designed in conjunction with the software and hardware elements which will rely on it. This past Year, Apple launched the A11 Bionic, a powerful mobile CPU with built-in Artificial Intelligence Power. The brand new A12 Bionic builds on that short legacy having a more strong Neural Engine and even more impressive graphics performance. Every time I talk about a brand new iPhone, I begin by using Geekbench 4 to check out the raw CPU operation. To ensure that there are minimum background processes going, I usually run the exam before I've installed a single app. I conducted the Geekbench CPU standard and (together with understanding which Apple stuffed an extra gig of memory in the new Xs class iPhones) saw that the single core scores had improved marginally between the A11 Bionic and A12 Bionic. On the other hand, the multi-core score was inexplicably lower. Not by a good deal, but I hadn't ever seen that occur. The amounts were much higher than what I obtained from Qualcomm's Snapdragon 845, however, a decrease result on the new iPhone didn't make sense. But once I reran the Geekbench CPU evaluation per day or so after, the A12 multi-core numbers beat people of the A11. My guess is that, though I put up the iPhone Xs and Xs Max as fresh iPhones, there might still have been some background installation process happening that dragged down the CPU amounts. The larger leap in performance is in the Geekbench Compute Metal score, which jumped from 15,145 about the Iphone X into 22,245 about the iPhone Xs and Xs Max. Apple's done a lot of effort to beef up graphics performance, particularly for the raft of ARKit two (and Surface 2) software heading into the stage, some of which will support multiplayer gambling. When there are not a great deal of ARKit 2 apps in the app store, I'd get a hands-on time using an Iphone Xs operating Galaga ARthe identical demonstration Apple showed off during the iPhone Xs unveiling. To play with, me and a few other writers stood on a table and pointed out our telephones in the virtual Galaga video arcade game console. Shortly, alien attackers began streaming first from the video game display and from all round us. I swung the phone from side-to-side up and down and up to view and then shoot at the arriving strike. It had been swift and good fun. Similarly, I have seen , together with ARKit 2, the phone can set, say, an incredibly realistic digital pressure stove or sneaker on a real table or in my toes, the illusion broken only when I slid my hands into the framework as well as on the iPhone Xs display, it seemed just like my notes had been stuck beneath the kettle. You can't support these kinds of real-virtual mixes without ample graphics horsepower, depth mapping, along with the AI required to identify surfaces, dark areas, as well as reflections will operate on online items in an actual open space. That processing ability also helped amp up more mundane operations such as Face ID. While the process of registering my head was unchanged from the original iPhone X, starting either telephone with my head, as well as using Face ID to access password-protected programs and solutions, is significantly faster than it was about the iPhone X. In general, in actual applications, both Iphone Xs and Xs Max operate smoothly. Apple place significant amount of work into enhancing the photo and video experience on the Iphone Xs and Xs Max. Along with fresh lenses along with a larger sensor, both the cameras (rear and selfie) are all backed by a fresh picture signal cpu. The features on the dual cameras have been untouched from the iPhone X (and will be the same on either iPhone Xs and Xs Max). There's the f 1.8 wide angle lens along with the f 2.4 2X telephoto. The two comprise optical image stabilization and can shoot up to 4K video in 60 fps. They still shoot slow-motion video in up to 240 frames per second. If you want mad 960 fps super-slo-mo, then you'll need to visit Samsung. In the pure-play photography race, however, Apple requires the lead. The Smart HDR uses sensor, ISP, and neurological enhancements to capture some of the most effective high-dynamic range photographs I have ever seen. The gap between what was possible on the original iPhone X and also the Xs and Xs Max is magnificent. Apple made a system able of capturing two frames every thirtieth of a moment, and instantly analyzing and merging them into one image that maintains not only foreground and background detail, but that can freeze actions without introducing grain. In numerous pictures, I saw that the iPhone Xs and Xs Max find color and detail in shadowy spaces without wasting out the lighter places. The Samsung Galaxy Note 9 is also an excellent low light shooter, but I think the Xs lineup is a bit better.
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I'm particularly impressed by how Apple's constructed upon its own pole position in Portrait Mode digital photography. Apple introduced Portrait Mode in 2016 with the iPhone 7 Plus (the applications lagged from the hardware). Since then, Apple's elegant the technology, including things like Studio Light, Contour Light, Stage Light, and Stage Light Mono. All of these features remain, and have been somewhat enhanced. That which I love and, as an amateur photographer who regularly performs with f-stops for just the perfect depth of field change, is that the newest Depth Control. Depth Control lets you choose a Portrait Mode photograph and adjust the Bokeh, or depth of field attention, after you take the photographs. This works with both the front and rear cameras, which means that the image processor is using two distinct kinds of depth information. On the back, it's the advantage of two lenses to receive stereoscopic information. The leading camera relies on the depth-sensing hardware. I understand, Samsung's Galaxy Note 9 offers the capability to correct background focus as you're shooting the picture, in addition to after. But, there's a crucial difference here that's evident from the iPhone Xs and Xs Max Depth picture editor. It's a slider that allows you adjust smoothly from an electronic f 1.4 aperture to a virtual f16. In a true camera with a mechanical aperture, the higher amounts interpret to sharper focus in the background and also reduced numbers mean the focus depth is significantly shallower. On the Galaxy Notice 9, Live Focus basically sees the pictures as two planes: the foreground and background. The slider effectively blurs the background plane. The iPhone Xs's depth slider is based on all of the depth advice to decrease or enhance background focus through all of the planes between the front of this subject and the background. Along with the improved Portrait Mode stitching (tackling the way the subject and a fuzzy background fit together), the subtlety of the impact through the array of virtual f-stops is remarkable and, Apple's told me, is modeled on how real lenses together with hardware apertures would influence each image. For most people the smart phone is their sole camera. This puts a pro-level controller at the hands of millions of individuals, who are going to begin taking some really stunning face photos. Soon after shooting regular photos, video, and 4K, I remain impressed with the standard of videos and photos coming out of the Iphone Xs and Xs Max. Sure, it's strange that the bigger Xs Max doesn't, as could be convention, have any improved picture capturing features, however I doubt anyone will be disappointed with the picture quality produced by either brand-new smartphone. There are a couple of other equipment-related enhancements, such as the promised dual-sim technologies which enables multiple telephone numbers (believe work and personal numbers of one telephone ) via the support of eSIM technology. Unlike routine SIMs, you don't need a carrier card only for the carrier to confirm it and enable it on your phone. It is a nice attribute that, for evident reasons, I couldn't test. For audio aficionados, there is also the newest stereo recording and wider-stereo playback. This can be relatively tough to check, and that I sometimes worry my ears aren't good enough to notice what might be a nuanced difference. However, I'd find a way. I listed , in landscape style, some cars driving by. They start on the left of the screen and push to the rightside. In video I recorded with the iPhone Xs, the noise travels from one side of the phone to another. Playback on the iPhone X is loudly yet lacking in the exact same degree of separation. Evidently, films with a lot of sound engineering are not just great displays for the wonderful screens, but highlight the new, wider stereo playback capabilities as well. As hardware/software unions go, you can't do much better than the Apple iPhone Xs and iOS 12. I've been operating betas of the new mobile OS for months on my iPhone X and discovered it impressively smooth and stable. About the iPhone Xs and Xs Max, it becomes even better partners. Besides butter-smooth and light fast operation (in games, video, and web browsing), the augmented reality abilities first unveiled in iOS 11, ARKit, and the iPhone X are far more sophisticated and personalized in iOS 12 along with also the iPhone Xs. The intelligent assistant is a better listener than ever, and getting smarter. Her speech is more conversational and she's asking follow-up queries. Siri can be more hands-on, discovering connections between disparate items like schedules and locations and delivering them in advance. There are also a lot of third-party apps tapping into Siri, letting you use just your voice to access program features and information without so much as launching the program. You may set up iOS 12 on your old iPhone (down into this Iphone 5s), however not all attributes, especially those involving AR, will work on the older devices. Still, I seriously recommend the upgrade with at least anyone conducting an iPhone 7 and up. It's simply a better, more glossy, proactive, and smart user experience also, to be honest, I've hardly scratched the surface of all the upgrades and feature improvements you'll discover. Apple asserts 30 minutes more battery life between the iPhone X and Xs and 90 minutes more with all the iPhone Xs Max. In my experience, either new phone can get you through most of the afternoon on a single charge. I spent one day using only the iPhone Xs Max. I kept the brightness and conducted all kinds of programs and processes. It lasted a solid 10 hours. Maybe just a little bit less than I expected, but still enough for me through the majority of the working day. Really, with under a week under my belt, it's hard to supply a complete assessment of battery performance. There are so many variables and, clearly, battery life will be good on brand new telephones. Speak to me in six months or twelve months, and we are going to see if I'm still pleased with battery lifetime. It is no real surprise that Apple didn't bring down the price for the brand new $999 Iphone Xs (or hold onto the initial version and market it at a lower price). I'm not shocked that we now have an almost $1,100 model or that we're able to pay a whopping $1,449 for your 512 GB iPhone Xs Max (which happens to be the version I tested). Apple's already proven that people will pay virtually anything to get their hands on the most recent iPhone. Is $1,000 or more to cover a smartphone? Maybe, however a lot of us think about the entire cost rather than monthly payments? I am, though, somewhat annoyed that Apple stopped the lightning -to-3.5 millimeter adapter. It's like in the past 12 months, we've all gotten rid of our Beats and Bose cans, such as it's a solved problem. Memo to Apple: It is not. What I can say is that these are the iPhones you want. The iPhone Xs does not mess with what I now consider a traditional design, and the Xs Max only takes all that's amazing about the iPhone X and enlarges it. As a set, they're equally as amazing as the first home-button-free iPhone X. The design looks especially tasteful in a gold finish. Participants will love the new camera, and players and content customers will need the big-display iPhone Xs Max. Even if you have the iPhone X, I still wouldn't update unless you need more realistic augmented experience and full depth control on your own portraits. For iPhone 6s, 8, 7, as well as 8 Plus associates, that the iPhone Xs and Xs Max is going to appear like a huge leap into the coming future.
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dailytechnologynews · 5 years
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Is there really not a perfect 11.5-13.5" Windows tablet choice?!
Hello guys. For the past week i've been researching to find the perfect windows tablet choice for my specific application need. However it seems there isn't even one device that doesn't have some type of throwback. I'm not asking for everything, but it seems it is either hit or miss, even if you take into account overpriced products. Please hear me out and let me know your thoughts.
I am essentially looking for a WINDOWS TABLET which its primary purpose is to be fitted to my car as a secondary "dash" per say so i can use it to interact with my aftermarket motorsports ecu. It will function as a monitoring dash for the most of the time, but can be used to datalog (aka record data) or for direct tuning (so i don't have to bring my laptop everytime i need to make changes to my engine calibration). I wouldn't mind using it at home as well since i will have it, but mostly will work as a travel/trip companion since i have a PC at home. It has to be a WINDOWS tablet as the software that interfaces with the ecu is only windows based.
After thinking and revising my requirements several times after getting disappointed by what is available here is the break down:
Dimensions: Height needs to be around ~205mm +10mm max so the tablet can be secured in the glove box when not in use. Ideally height should be maximized so that the display area is maximized as well. Length larger than 300mm is not a problem but would get annoying to fit to the car since it will extend more towards the passenger side. This effectively limits me to ~11.8-13.3" tablets, so Microsoft Surface Pro can be used as a reference design (since i haven't seen bezel-less windows tablets yet) Display: This is the most important attribute of the tablet. 1080p absolute minimum resolution, 2K ideally, 3K is probably not gonna be noticeable at the usage distance. Here is a screenshot from my 1080p laptop so you can see the ECU software in datalog mode (slightly cropped but so you can get an idea: http://content.invisioncic.com/r260425/monthly_2017_09/fuel_pressure_link.png.bc827c0a96fe120632f1d7c168e66a64.png However let's not forget brightness and contrast. Brightness should be ~400nits or better for a glossy display, and contrast should be considered over color accuracy. Viewing angle in the length span should be at least 150deg but i think it is hard nowadays to find such a bad display panel. Finally a fully laminated panel is recommended. Physical interfaces: I essentially need a single full size USB port so i can connect my ECU to the tablet. After my research i decided to allow for USB-C assuming that i can get a dongle that will allow me to interface without any issues; but it's best not to allow for that route due to possible incompatibility issues (like what happened when usb3.0 was released). Extra USB ports, USB-C that allows charging and data, video output port, headphone jack, m.2 expansion slot, sd card slot are all pluses. Wireless interfaces: Min wifi and bluetooth. 802.11AC and bluetooth v4.2 or better all pluses. CPU/GPU performance: Generally something better than N3450 (tested my brother's CHUWI surbook mini) and more recent will help, GPU performance is irrelevant for the task so the majority of intergrated GPU's will do fine. RAM: 4GB absolute minimum, 8gb ideal Cooling: I prefer passive cooling, but usually the cooling solution used is sh*t. At least in some cases it can be modded (i'm experienced and willing to do) Battery: 4 hours light use with full display brightness as minimum. If charging is performed over USB-C i hope it is not the stupid kind of power->battery->device like in phones and can work like in laptops where the battery is not used when power is supplied to the laptop. This way you don't wear out the battery since the device will be connected to power most of the time it is operated. Storage: 64gb absolute min, ideal min should be 128gb, speed is relative but i think at least m.2 sata interface ssd; NVME huge + Others: Pen support and attachable keyboard are pluses, but i plan on using a good bluetooth keyboard with backlight (required) so it makes them irrelevant if the tablet is good, Thunderbolt 3 is a +, unlocked bios +, kickstand should work on a lap without cutting your pants off and stay in one place, sd card reader + Reliability: From what i read most chinese tablets are pretty bad with both hardware and software issues out of the box. Backcover should be metal to act as heatsink and be stiff enough, weight and thickness is not that important Condition: New or used. I believe some products offer better value when bought used and others because have been discontinued Pricing: My budget is flexible but depending on the features lots of them are overpriced especially bought new. I would say ~500eur for a new tablet with min features required and 1000eur for one with better hardware. Considering i'm building a 7nm PC in a couple of months the market pricing is really unacceptable for most windows tablets. Blame Apple for it, but i'm not a rich consumer neither i am a sheep. Performance to value is what i always look for.
I literally checked every windows tablet and 2-in-1 i believe. Here some potential picks and what i didn't like.
Microsoft Surface Pro (4 - 5 - 6): At first glance it is a good base candidate..but..really Microsoft? It's 2019 and no USB-C? Proprietary connector and overpriced hardware? Questionable reliability? Get the f*ck out of here. Unless you find a good used deal i don't think it would be worth it. Another Apple wannabe. Eve-tech EVE V: This is one tablet that hits all the boxes, kinda, since by now it is almost obsolete in terms of CPU performance..sadly while i'm greek-cypriot i would go with the stereotypical view for greeks because the CEO is a "malakas" and i'm really sorry to all the people that were scammed. On the other hand i believe there is some truth to the Paypal issues he had since my friend had similar issues (because of not much experience) and even I couldn't help him get them fixed as Paypal is run by assholes as well which need a punch to the face (their excuse it is the system and they can't do anything about it - like wtf). I still use it but the time a different payment system reaches similar adoption i would gladly switch. Chuwi Surbook: Slow CPU, screen is not fully laminated, mediocre specs but was good price at some time ago. Maybe the announced "surbook pro" would fair better? Voyo Vbook i5/i7 Plus: Nice screen, fair pricing? Not the most quality build, shitty battery, i7 model throttles? Teclast X6 Pro: A slightly better vbook i5? No full detailed reviews yet, and i wasn't that impressed from the previous X5 review Alldocube Knote 8: Seems good on paper, but no type-A usb ports Jumper EZpad 6: Possibly the only windows tablet in stock with a good value, however i need something with a better and larger display Acer Switch 3/5: Mediocre screens, single type-A port on the right side (since my car is RHD and the ecu is on the left side i would prefer it on the left side), shitty battery performance, a little overpriced Dell XPS 12 9290/Latitude 5290/Latitude 7285: Great displays, powerful, only 5290 has type-A port, mediocre battery life, overpriced but there are good used deals Asus Transformer 3 Pro T303UA/T304UA: Premium specs but discontinued, expensive, only 1 type-A port and it is on the right side (again), T304 is a huge step backwards even though newer (what the heck Asus, are you drunk?) Lenovo ThinkPad X1: Overpriced, no type-A ports, Gen3 is too big and has display coating issues, Gen2 is more suitable due to size and type-a interface but older and screen brightness not that good - all too tall Lenovo MIIX series: new 630 uses an ARM processor so no go (since i can't force the software developpers to re-compile), 720 rates very high in the features i need, 2 usb type-A ports, nice display, etc. 520 is a little newer with weaker hardware but still good for its price HP Pro X2/Envy X2/Elite X2 1012: HP's other offerings like the Elite X2 1013 are too tall for my needs, and while they have good displays and good build quality i am not font of their design decisions. I have a Zbook 17 G5 workstation at work we bought new and not even 6 months passed and the CPU fan now rattles like crazy..here's my 1st day rant about it: https://h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/Notebook-Hardware-and-Upgrade-Questions/Note-to-HP-Zbook-17-G5-design-engineers-Please-read-and/td-p/6914797 Also they are overpriced like crazy. I wouldn't ever think of buying again from them. Also the power supply is proprietary as some of the internal hardware. F*ck HP Huawei MateBook E: Aside the lack of ports it is a pretty good designed device, display is perfect but slightly smaller than the biggest i can fit - depending on price it might be a good consideration assuming i can run a USB-C dock i can charge within the car Samsung Galaxy Book 12: Similar to the Huawei above, just a little faster but with a worse display, extra usb-C port. Older and more expensive than the Huawei Toshiba Portege X30T and others: Ports are on the keyboard and not on the tablet, won't work for me.
I think i've covered 99% of the options but i may could have missed 1 or 2. To be honest i won't need this tablet for another 3-6months i would guess but at least i've done my research so i will be prepared when the time comes to buy one. What do you think? I know i went a little crazy but i'm that type of person that never regrets his purchasing choices because i don't buy blindly.
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saheelabrarmia · 5 years
That's how good a BlackBerry is.
A week before CES, I finally pulled the trigger and swapped my SIM card from my sputtering iPhone 6S to a new BlackBerry Key2. The decision to switch to the BlackBerry, like many the best decisions I’ve made in my life, was driven by a combination of whim, nostalgia, and spite. Given that we’re upon the 20th anniversary of the very first BlackBerry device, I thought I should explain myself.
My iPhone 6S had been on its last legs for months, and the logical next step was to stay in the iOS ecosystem and upgrade to a colorful iPhone XR or even to splurge on the iPhone XS. I’ve been an iPhone user since the first iteration in 2007, so you’d think with this history, I’d be a diehard iPhone loyalist.
Yet, where the thought of iPhone upgrades used to bring me so much joy, I couldn’t muster any for the new lineup. I thought I would feel the excitement, but I just didn’t really feel anything. I dreaded another batch of expensive proprietary dongles that the cat would inevitably eat or bat underneath the bed. Plus the idea of training myself to use a phone without the standards I’ve come to love—a home button, a damn headphone jack—was quite unappetizing
A Samsung Galaxy or a Google Pixel didn’t appeal to me either. Huawei’s vaporwave-looking handset almost fit the bill, but somehow didn’t feel like the right phone to find its way to the bottom of my purse. None of those devices inspired the slightest positive sensation in me. Everything felt the same: sleek touchscreen rectangles boasting cameras with many megapixels.
The last time I could remember feeling excited about phones was over a decade ago right before the iPhone arrived. Remember the variety? There was the Sidekick, the Motorola Razr, the LG Chocolate, and the ubiquitous Blackberry, which I never owned at the time, but envied greatly.
And so I decided maybe I should turn my eyes to a device I’d never had before, and fell from grace before I could own one. Obama had a BlackBerry. Kim Kardashian had a Blackberry (until 2016!). I would have a BlackBerry. I would return to the phone of late-aughts busy people because the busy people phones of 2018 have failed me.
So I bought a BlackBerry Key2, a 2018 phone with QWERTY keyboard. I realize it is BlackBerry only in name alone. It’s manufactured by TCL under license. But if BlackBerry were to release a device today, I imagine it would look something like this weird combo of old and new design.
I know what you’re thinking. Why have you done this? The specs are garbage!
Specs are only part of the story of any product: most people’s purchasing decisions are at least partially emotional, whether they admit to it or are even conscious of it. To a particular person, something feels right to you about owning a Ford instead of a Chevy, an Audi instead of a BMW, or a Tesla instead of, well, anything else.
In that context, owning a BlackBerry in 2018 feels like rolling up to the parking lot in a Delorean—it signifies some sort of intent, however mystifying. You made a choice.
I went out and got a phone that my coworkers ridiculed me for. One that took away my blue bubble. And I’ve loved it. I love this stupid thing.
I love its keyboard. Most phones that still have some sort of physical keypad or keyboard are cheapy garbage. It’s nice to have a phone with a keyboard that still looks sleek and expensive. It feels good to type again on a device that doesn’t remind anyone of Nana’s Emergency Phone That Lives In Her Car.
Where the BlackBerry really shines is productivity: When I was hastily switching between my three most essential apps (Slack for communication, Sheets for scheduling, and Notes for, well, notes), the Speed key made toggling a breeze.
The customization of the keyboard is so lovely, as well—most phone usage is opening the same couple of apps in a loop, so being able to hit Y for YouTube, S for Signal, F for Facebook, H for Hulu feels as natural as autocomplete. It’s a detail that feels small, but for me, it’s a pragmatic and thoughtful choice. Kim Kardashian has been wrong about a lot of things—belted dresses, spray tan, Ray J, Kanye—but she wasn’t wrong about BlackBerry being the phone of busy people who need to get shit done.
I love its battery life. During CES, staff writer Victoria Song and I spent 12 hours at the Sands Convention Center in Las Vegas, both starting at 8 a.m. with fully charged phones. Our usage was basically identical. Her iPhone 6S sputtered to 9 percent by 6 p.m. My Blackberry at 6 p.m.? 85 percent. Suck it, Apple. For the very first time, I went a full day at a trade show without needing any external phone batteries.
Compared with other new phones, the battery might not be that impressive: our benchmarks saw phones by OnePlus, Samsung, and Huawei leading the pack, while the Key2 sits firmly in the middle at around 11.5 hours. But those phones typically run $800-$1000 at launch, much pricier than the $650 Key2.
There are a few drawbacks, of course. As noted in our review, the Key2 camera suuuuucks. It’s the worst phone camera I’ve used since the iPhone 4. But its shots were perfectly adequate for conveying concepts. My camera roll is filled with quick shots of receipts and sidewalk trash that caught my eye.
And yes, I miss iMessage.
One thing I should note about owning a BlackBerry is that if you get one, you’ll end up fielding people’s questions about it. I don’t mind being approached by curious strangers on the subway asking me what kind of phone I’m carrying, and then hearing their memories—How they broke up with their high school boyfriend on BBM, or whatever. As much as smartphones have supposedly made people more isolated and less likely to talk to one another, this one has become, oddly, a conversation piece.
Hence, you all should use a BlackBerry or more.
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wolfmask · 3 years
Hello/ Greetings to everyone, So today I here to make my true points on Cowin SE7 Review.
Cowin SE7 wireless headphones are designed to sound better, be more comfortable, and easier to take with you. Plus with apt-X. You can enjoy low latency, good fault tolerance, and high quality sound. Put them on and suddenly everything changes. Their music is deep, powerful and balanced, and so quiet that every note sounds clearer. Even air travel becomes a pleasure as the engine noise decreases quietly. No matter how loud the world is, it’s just you and your music – or just peace and quiet.
I love active noise canceling headphones. Unfortunately, it is sometimes difficult to find a review in US for the creations of the Chinese brothers, I will slightly correct this situation. In short: with noise canceling turned off, the sound is good, but not very good with noise canceling turned on. Sounds are suppressed quite well, according to the recollections of using top-end SONY 1000XM2, here noise cancellation approaches them, excellent for the money.More details below
In general, I bought them here for a link for around 100$, but they are no longer there, I think there is no difference where exactly to buy, so I give a link to the second option where I thought to take it.
Delivery With The Box Of Cowin SE7
carry bag
Aircraft adapter
Jack cable
Charging cable, micro USB
Instructions (German and other languages)
VIP card
Cloth bag
Equipment Cowin SE7
All equipment in the photo. I don’t use all of this, so there isn’t much to tell. The cables feel good quality. In the case, there is only a mesh on the edge (in the photo this is the bottom) in theory, rarely used cables or adapters can be crammed there. getting something out of there is inconvenient. I really liked the sound quality with noise cancellation turned off, there is bass and the detail is good (for my personal NOT audiophile taste) The codec used on my phone is AptX. With the inclusion of noise reduction, the lows of the songs are noticeably cut. This was not the case with the Sony 1000XM2.
Thus, we have 2 modes: noise reduction mode and quality mode, this suits me, I often listen to podcasts and audiobooks, for example, near the highway, the intelligibility of the voice of an audiobook increases noticeably when the noise reduction is turned on.
Charging And Pairing
In the first step, we connect the headphones to the power with the supplied USB cable . In my case, the LED now lights up permanently blue because the battery was already fully charged . It usually lights up red while charging . The battery is fully charged after about 3-4 hours if it was previously empty. The headphones have a built-in 800 mAh battery that lasts up to 30 hours. The runtime applies to Bluetooth mode with ANC activated.
If I now press and hold the middle button on the headphones for a long time, the headphones are switched on and then “pairing” sounds. Now the LED flashes blue. Now I open the Bluetooth settings of my smartphone and select the SE7, done.
When I switch the headphones on and off, they automatically connect to the device last connected. If I now want to put it into pairing mode again and press and hold the middle button for a long time, it does not work because it is already connected. If I want to delete the current connection and pair it again, I have to press and hold the forward and back buttons until a response is heard. If I press and hold the middle button for a long time, the LED starts to flash alternately red and blue and the headphones can be paired again.
Controls & Connections
All connections and controls are located on the right auricle . At the very top we see the ANC switch and the ANC LED . If this LED lights up green, the ANC is active . Directly below that we see the status LED for pairing and the battery status. Next we see three buttons. The volume can be increased or decreased with the two long buttons. If we keep the buttons pressed for approx. 2 seconds, a song is skipped forward or backward.
The middle button is the so-called multifunction button . If we press it briefly, the music is paused or continued. If, on the other hand, we press it for a long time, the headphones are switched on and off or put into pairing mode. This button can also be used to accept or reject calls.
Last but not least, we see the 3.5 mm jack connector and the micro USB charging port .
Comfort & Workmanship
The cushions of the Cowin SE7 are very soft and adapt very strongly to the head. They are like a kind of soft pillow . This is on purpose and helps block outside sound. I find the upholstery very pleasant and comfortable. The headband is height adjustable and, as we can see here, the headband is reinforced with metal. The height adjustment is nice and clean.
The auricles are attached to joints which allow horizontal and vertical adjustment to the shape of the head. The auricles can also be rotated by 90 °. The headphones can also be folded up and thus fit perfectly into the enclosed carrying case.
The hinges at which it is folded have a metal pin inside. I couldn’t film or photograph that properly. But I shined in at an angle to determine this.
The weight of the headphones is approx. 273 grams . The inner surface of the auricles is almost 7 cm high and about 3.5 cm wide . The inner surface is therefore above average. The headphones are otherwise made of plastic and the ear cups and the padded headband are covered with synthetic leather. The design looks chic, simple and modern.
For a price of 100 dollars, the workmanship makes a good impression on me.
So In the Cowin SE7 Review I checked the microphone in the windy or noisy environment and I found that my voice is clear all the time without any disturbance.
No matter what if its raining or its windy or it any noise your voice is going to be clear for anyone listening to you other side.
The feature of microphone is so great that even if you are in heavy traffic the microphone will help you to communicate with your mates on call without any disturbances.
Microphone in Cowin SE7 Review is one of the best positive point to buy it.
Sound: Cowin SE7 Review
The headphones are apt-X capable. It has a very powerful bass . Anyone who listens to a lot of hip-hop, rap, techno or metal will probably be happy about the powerful bass. In my opinion, this is also the target group for headphones. Due to the strong bass, the mids and highs are somewhat lost. That’s why I once listened to Suzanne Vegas’ song “Gypsy” and adjusted the sound to a neutral level with an equalizer. You can see the settings here in the picture. You can see that the highs and mids have been adjusted more.
The headphones have no background noise , so they are also suitable for listening to audio books. What I noticed with my Moto G4 smartphone, however, is a very low, high-pitched beeping sound in the right auricle. I didn’t notice that at first. But when I was in an absolutely silent room I noticed it quietly. This sound is inaudible with music and neither could a old man (60 years old) hear it. I do.
With an old Samsung S5, however, the noise was not present. So it seems to be probably due to my Motorola. When I connect the headphones with a jack cable, the noise is gone. So it’s because of the bluetooth connection. For the price I like the sound very well (with equalizer), but you should expect to have to switch on an equalizer.
If the Active Noise Cancellation (ANC) is activated, there is only a very minimal, barely audible noise! I couldn’t hear it in an audio book. This is a clear difference to all the inexpensive models that often generate a lot of noise through the ANC. When the Active Noise cancellation is activated, the sound of the headphones changes or the powerful deep bass is reduced. This makes the sound more neutral again, but has less bass.
With aircraft cabin noise, the headphones take out the bass and the noise becomes lighter. It feels 50% quieter. With propeller aircraft, the depths are also reduced very much. The noise itself remains at around 70%, but sounds a lot brighter. The ANC is therefore at the entry level, which we also find in many inexpensive models. However, there is no strong noise generated by the Active Noise Cancellation , which all inexpensive models often have. The Active Noise Cancellation is to be regarded as a soft Active Noise Cancellation and a nice bonus, but you shouldn’t expect miracles here. If you buy headphones mainly because of the Active Noise Cancellation, you should take a look at the Bose QC 35 .
So lastly, It makes sense to buy these headphones if you need active noise cancellation, otherwise you can find something cheaper with the same sound quality. On the other hand, for my taste, they sound decent and if you don’t like the noise reduction, you can leave it off. Noise suppression works well in noisy industries (press, weaving machines, etc., running engines, pumps) In the subway (the best effect when a train arrives when you wait at a station) Noise from highways, passing trains (if they pass nearby) they will do for use on an airplane, train, but you need to understand that in these headphones you will have to pay for the noise canceling on with the sound quality. I am satisfied with the purchase, they cost their money. There are minor drawbacks such as creaking and too soft (or thin) ear pads, inability to work and charge.
Be careful, this manufacturer has many similar names E7 and E7PRO this is the last generation of headphones, I talked about Cowin SE7.
Thank You!!!
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your-dietician · 3 years
Best Prime Day, Day 2 tech deals 2021 at Amazon
New Post has been published on https://tattlepress.com/lifestyle/best-prime-day-day-2-tech-deals-2021-at-amazon/
Best Prime Day, Day 2 tech deals 2021 at Amazon
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We may receive commission from purchases made via links on this page. Pricing and availability are subject to change.
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TVs and headphones and laptops, oh my! These Prime Day deals are off the charts. (Photo: Yahoo Life)
Spent the first day of Prime Day not sure what to pick up? You’re in luck! Prime Day — Day 2 is now in full swing and the discounts are even deeper. So take advantage of these Prime Day tech deals. 
Take out your wish list and check it twice. What have you been waiting on? Now’s the moment to grab it, whether it’s that big-screen TV, that cushy pair of headphones or that new smart home device. These price drops are epic.
We’ve gathered the very best Prime Day tech deals on everything from Apple AirPods to Nintendo games to Lenovo laptops and beyond. More good news: Amazon will give you free shipping on everything here. And if you have Amazon Prime, you’ll get even more — access to new movies and TV shows, discounts at Whole Foods, exclusive deals and two-day shipping on many, many items. Not yet a member? Why not? You can sign up for your free 30-day trial here.
Read on for the Prime Day — Day 2 tech deals calling your name.
Best TV deals
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Not a typo: Just $100 gets you a top-rated HDTV! (Photo: Amazon)
This deal seems too good to be true…but it ain’t! Amazon has one of its top-selling TVs, the Insignia 24-inch Smart HD TV — Fire TV Edition, on sale for just $100 for Prime members only!
Instant access to Netflix, HBO Max, Hulu, YouTube, Disney+, Prime Video and so much more will soon be yours. Alexa is included in the remote, so browsing will be a snap. Shoppers are just as shocked by the quality of this TV as we are by this incredible price!
“I am honestly very pleasantly surprised with how much I like this TV,” wrote a delighted shopper. “As far as clarity goes, I believe 720p is plenty for this screen size…. I have been very pleased with the Wi-Fi reception of the built-in Fire TV. It actually works a lot better than the USB-plug-in external fire sticks, for whatever reason.”
Shop more TV deals below:
Insignia 24-inch Smart HD TV — Fire TV Edition, $100 (was $170), amazon.com
Insignia 39-inch Smart HD TV — Fire TV Edition, $180 (was $250), amazon.com
Insignia NS-43DF710NA21 43-inch Smart 4K Ultra HD — Fire TV Edition, $220 (was $320), amazon.com
Toshiba 43-inch 43C350KU C350 Series LED 4K Ultra HD Smart Fire TV, $260 (was $370), amazon.com
Insignia 55-inch NS-55F301NA22 F30 Series LED 4K Ultra HD Smart Fire TV, $350 (was $500), amazon.com
Sony X80J 55-inch 4K Ultra HD LED Smart Google TV, $748 (was $800), amazon.com
Sony X80J 65-inch 4K Ultra HD LED Smart Google TV, $898 (was $1,000), amazon.com
Best headphone and earbud deals
Story continues
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Good thing you don’t already own these — you’d never hear us shouting about what a great deal this is. (Photo: Amazon)
Sometimes, we get really lucky, and a big name drops the price on luxe headphones for Prime Day. Well, this is one of those times! These wireless Sony WH-CH710N Noise-Canceling Headphones are on sale for just $78 — that’s a whopping $122 off! Don’t you feel whopped? Shop now and save 61 percent — this is the lowest price we’ve ever seen on these top-rated cans!
The wireless headphones feature the crisp, clear audio you expect from Sony. Their Dual Noise Sensor Technology blocks out nearly all background and ambient distractions. No humming from your air conditioner or thrum from the washing machine — it’s just you and your music! Any birthdays coming up? These make an impressive gift (they’ll think you spent a fortune).
“The Sony headphones are perfect. They sync easily and the sound is clear,” raved a solace-seeking husband and dad. “The noise-canceling feature is great and often annoys my wife and kids when I can’t hear them. These are very comfortable….The charging is quick and the battery life is very good.”
Shop more headphone and earbud deals below:
Echo Buds, $80 (was $120), amazon.com
Apple AirPods Max, $522 (was $549), amazon.com
Apple AirPods Pro, $190 (was $249), amazon.com
Beats Solo Pro Wireless Noise Cancelling On-Ear Headphones, $170 (was $300), amazon.com
Bose Noise Cancelling Wireless Bluetooth Headphones 700, $229 (was $399), amazon.com
Sony WF-1000XM3 Noise Canceling Wireless Earbuds, $148 (was $230), amazon.com
Sony WF-SP800N True Wireless Sports In-Ear Noise-Canceling Headphones, $88 (was $199), amazon.com
Beats Solo3 Wireless On-Ear Headphones, $120 (was $200), amazon.com
Apple AirPods with Wireless Charging Case, $160 (was $199), amazon.com
Powerbeats Pro Wireless Earphones, $145 with on-page coupon (was $200), amazon.com
Sennheiser Momentum True Wireless Bluetooth Earbuds, $149 (was $300), amazon.com
Samsung Galaxy Buds Plus, $85 (was $150), amazon.com
Jabra Elite Active 65t Earbuds, $60 (was $100), amazon.com
Best gaming deals
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FYI: This RPG features lots of DLC, and at just 15 bucks for three games, it’s a pretty BFD. (Photo: Amazon)
It’s time to join a mayhem-fueled thrill ride — at 70 percent off! In Borderlands Legendary Collection for Nintendo Switch, you’re whisked away to the planet Pandora, where you’ll be tasked with stopping the Calypso twins from getting all the bandit clans together and claiming ultimate power in the galaxy. Shoot, loot and role-play your way through the high-stakes action and collect a whole boatload of gadgets along the way.
This is the Legacy Edition, which includes all three games and DLC (downloadable content), is packed with new missions and stories, and more pillaging and power-ups.
“It’s so awesome to be able to play Borderlands on a handheld system,” raved a delighted gamer. “After about 100 hours in each game so far, All three run silky smooth with no hiccups. The gameplay is just how I remember it on the xbox 360 and I love it. I highly recommend this collection…”
Shop more gaming deals below:
Luna Gaming Controller, $49 (was $70), amazon.com
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare (PS4), $16 (was $40), amazon.com
Sid Meier’s Civilization VI (PC), $35 (was $60), amazon.com
Mafia: Definitive Edition (PS4), $20 (was $40), amazon.com
BioShock: The Collection, $15 (was $50), amazon.com
NBA 2K21 (Xbox Series X), $20 (was $70), amazon.com
Godfall (PS5), $40 (was $70), amazon.com
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Nintendo Switch), $48 (was $60), amazon.com
Runmus Gaming Headset, $20 (was $43), amazon.com
Madden NFL 21: Next Level Edition (Xbox Series X), $21 (was $70), amazon.com
The Falconeer: Day One Edition (Xbox Series X), $22 (was $40), amazon.com
Outriders Day One Edition (PS5), $40 for Prime members only (was $60), amazon.com
Immortals Fenyx Rising (PS5), $30 (was $60), amazon.com
Best smartphone and tablet deals
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Normally we’d never yell “Fire!” in a crowded website, but….”YOU’VE GOT TO GRAB THIS FIRE HD 8 FOR JUST $45!” (Photo: Amazon)
How ’bout another half-price sale? Coming right up! On sale for $45 (was $90), the Fire HD 8 has a brilliant eight-inch HD display and works with Amazon Prime Video and Amazon Music as well as hundreds of social media apps, games, and more. With its 10-hour battery life, this baby supports binge-watching.
“This HD 8 boots up extremely fast. The screen movement is very smooth,” wrote a delighted tablet user. “I own an HD 10 but I like this better because the size makes it easier to hold and maneuver…. I had a concern about the sound quality, but the sound quality is very good. The charge time is fast and the battery holds a charge for a long time.” And the price? Ridiculous.
Shop more smartphone and tablet deals below:
Fire HD 8 Plus, $65 (was $110), amazon.com
Fire HD 10, $80 (was $150), amazon.com
Fire HD 10 Plus, $110 (was $180), amazon.com
Kindle, $55 (was $90), amazon.com
Kindle Paperwhite, $80 (was $130), amazon.com
Kindle Oasis, $185 (was $250), amazon.com
Apple iPad (10.2-inch, Wi-Fi, 32GB), $299 (was $329), amazon.com
Moto G7 Plus, $140 (was $250), amazon.com
TCL 10 Pro Unlocked Android Smartphone, $295 for Prime members only (was $400), amazon.com
Ulefone Note 9P smartphone, $145 with on-page coupon (was $200), amazon.com
Best smart-home deals
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Want to turn your dumb home into a smart home? Look to the orb! (Photo: Amazon)
With an all-new sphere design, the fourth generation Echo Dot, marked down from $50 to just $25 (we’ve done the math — that’s half off!) for Prime members only, is a small but powerful smart speaker with a glow-light base that can not only channel Alexa but can also stream tunes from Amazon Music, Spotify, Apple Music, Sirius XM and more. It offers clearer, more robust audio quality than earlier iterations. With this dynamo at 50 percent off, there’s never been a smarter time to pair it with another Echo Dot to create amazing stereo sound.
Shoppers love the compact dimensions — just 3.5-inches high — which make it great for smaller rooms. “This is exactly what I was looking for,” said a happy Amazon shopper. “The sound is loud and clear. Now I am able to hear all online stations with no interference. The design is space-saving, with rubber underneath to prevent sliding.”
The Echo Dot 4 comes in Charcoal, Glacier White and Twilight Blue.
Shop more smart-home deals below:
Echo Show 5, $45 (was $80), amazon.com
Echo Auto, $15 (was $50), amazon.com
Echo Show 10 (third generation), $190 (was $250), amazon.com
Echo Frames (second generation), $175 (was $250), amazon.com
Echo Show 8 (second generation), $95 (was $130), amazon.com
Fire TV Cube, $80 (was $120), amazon.com
Fire TV Stick 4K, $25 (was $50), amazon.com
eero 6 mesh Wi-Fi router, $83 (was $129), amazon.com
Ring Video Doorbell Wired, $45 (was $60), amazon.com
Ring Spotlight Cam, $150 (was $200), amazon.com
Ring Stick Up Cam, $75 (was $100), amazon.com
Rexing V1 4K Ultra HD Car Dash Cam, $72 (was $100), amazon.com
Govee Immersion WiFi TV LED Backlights, $49 (was $80), amazon.com
Best work-from-home deals
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Whether you’re working from home or just playing around, this Lenovo laptop/tablet’s got you covered. (Photo: Walmart)
Here in Prime time, the Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 5 is on sale for just $399 (down from $520) — over 20 percent off! If productivity is your game, then this machine came to play (by which we mean work). Its brilliant HD 14-inch LED display makes everything look stellar, from spreadsheets to YouTube videos. And thanks to a speedy and powerful AMD Ryzen 3 4300U Octa-Core Processor paired with 4GB of memory and 128GB of on-board storage, the Flex 5 can handle just about any task you throw at it. The laptop even doubles as a Windows 10 tablet — that’s the “Flex” part.
“Amazing laptop, perfect for my everyday needs,” wrote a delighted Walmart reviewer. “Runs fast, touchscreen is awesome and it’s lightweight and small, making travel easy. Extremely durable. Love the ability to use the Lenovo pen, and the tablet mode is such a great feature. Definitely would recommend, especially for the epic price range. Can’t compare.”
Shop more work-from-home deals below:
AcePC AK1 Mini PC, $140 with on-page coupon (was $190), amazon.com
HP Chromebook 11, $180 (was $260), amazon.com
LifeLong Ergonomic Laptop stand for desk, $60 (was $90), amazon.com
AndaSeat gaming and office chair, $240 for Prime members only (was $300), amazon.com
DamKee Massage Gun, $69 with on-page coupon for Prime members only (was $110), amazon.com
Saiji Laptop Bed Tray Desk, $36 with on-page coupon for Prime members only (was $100), amazon.com
SoQool Laptop Stand, $16 for Prime members only (was $90), amazon.com
Canon Office and Business MB5120 All-in-One Printer, $250 (was $300), amazon.com
The reviews quoted above reflect the most recent versions at the time of publication.
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tech-battery · 3 years
ThinkPad X1 Fold review: Lenovo's foldable PC is nowhere near ready
Lenovo is no stranger to making weird things. In 2016, the company gave us the first dual-screen hybrid with the Yoga Book that was part color tablet, part e-ink touchscreen keyboard / drawing pad. It followed that up with a second-generation in 2018, but also gave us things like tablets with fold-out kickstands and laptops with speakers built into the hinge or an e-ink screen on the lid. Not to mention that Lenovo pioneered the 360-degree hinge system and was the first to announce a 5G laptop with Qualcomm in 2019.
So it shouldn’t be surprising that the company is the first to deliver a foldable tablet PC that you can actually buy. We saw a prototype of the ThinkPad X1 Fold last year and got all the specs at CES 2020, and now it’s finally hitting shelves for $2,600 to start. For that price, you’re not just getting a large foldable phone. In addition to the fact that it runs Windows, the 13.3-inch X1 Fold also acts as a mini laptop when it’s folded halfway and you add Lenovo’s companion keyboard. If it was well-executed, Lenovo’s first foldable PC could have been better than a regular laptop, and not simply jumping on a hot trend. The problem with the X1 Fold, though, is that the execution needs work.
The ThinkPad X1 Fold is an impressive piece of technology that sorely needs better execution. It’s laudable that Lenovo was able to make a 13.3-inch OLED tablet that can bend, but on its own the $2,600 Fold is a seriously expensive Windows tablet. Throw in the $230 keyboard that fits neatly between the screen’s two halves for a faux laptop mode and you get a neat mini machine that’s only good for quick emails and tweets. But few, if any, people should spend nearly $3,000 to buy the X1 Fold when any Surface tablet would serve you far better.
Like the Surface Duo I reviewed earlier this year, the X1 Fold is a unique device. Yes, it's a big foldable and we've seen and tested a few foldable phones by now so the technology doesn't feel quite as novel. But Lenovo's device is the first that's this large and runs Windows, making it basically a foldable Surface tablet. Because of its flexible screen and sturdy hinge, the X1 Fold can be used in a number of orientations similar to the Surface Duo and the Galaxy Z Fold 2, like book or laptop. But because the hinge only opens to 180 degrees, you won't be able to rotate it all the way over into a tent mode.
As a tablet or book
For the $2,600 starting price, you'll only get the X1 Fold itself without a keyboard or stylus, meaning you’ll largely be using it as a tablet or "book". It's a serviceable device and is surprisingly well made. I like the leather cover that not only makes this feel like a real (if hefty) notebook, but also adds a touch of class. On the top bezel sits a 5-megapixel webcam, while power and volume buttons line the right edge. There's also a pair of USB-C ports, one on the left side and the other on the bottom.
With a 13.3-inch screen the Fold is quite large for a tablet, and it certainly feels chunkier than the iPad Pro or Samsung's Galaxy Tab S7+. It weighs 2.2 pounds and has a 11.5mm profile, and when folded it's about 24mm thick. All that heft makes this difficult to maneuver with one hand, and I struggled to open the Fold while holding a camera with my other hand.
When you close the X1 Fold, it magnetically snaps shut and there's a tiny gap near the hinge. That comes in handy when you need some leverage to pry the device open, because the magnets holding it together are quite strong. Once you get the screen moving though, the hinge springs open. It starts getting more resistant when you push it beyond a 25 degree angle and you can bend the screen so it's half closed and stays that way.
In this orientation, you can hold the X1 Fold as if it were a book and run two apps side by side to drag and drop between them or just to keep an eye on Twitter while watching YouTube. Or you could also set the Fold up on the kickstand built into its leather case and have a second screen or just to watch Netflix on. The 2K OLED screen here is bright and colorful, and although there is a small crease in the middle, it’s not very obvious… when the screen is flat at least. When the display is bent though, the dent in the middle is significantly brighter than the rest of the panel, and makes viewing anything full screen a bit jarring.
My main frustration with using the Fold as a tablet is that Windows is still an atrocious touch-based operating system. We’ve known this for a long time -- Microsoft’s many public embarrassments with mobile versions of Windows have proven this point time and time again.
Honestly, it was downright infuriating to use Tablet Mode on the X1 Fold, especially when I just wanted to go back to the desktop to find a file I saved. Trying to drag and drop windows didn’t behave the way I expected it to, not to mention Microsoft’s app store is pitifully bare compared to Apple and Google’s options. There still isn’t an official Kindle app, for example.
Obviously book mode is best for reading (or it would be if there was a real Kindle app). But it’s also pretty good for writing and taking notes. Lenovo’s $100 pen is responsive and smooth, though I prefer Microsoft or Samsung’s options.
To its credit, Lenovo tried to make it easier to use the Fold in Book mode by adding its own mode-switching software. By tapping an icon in the system indicator tray, you can quickly expand an app to take up the whole screen or snap two apps side by side. This did make it easier to launch, say, YouTube and Twitter next to each other, but aside from a few very niche scenarios I struggled to find a reason to actually use book mode.
As a mini laptop
Throw in Lenovo’s $230 companion keyboard, though, and the X1 Fold presents a far more compelling case (if you forget about the price). Of course, you can use your own keyboard, but the company’s version not only fits perfectly in the gap between the two halves of the screen and magnetically stays in place, but also charges wirelessly when it’s stowed in the closed tablet.
With this setup, you get a cute little mini laptop with a 7-inch-ish screen that’s perfect for getting work done when you’re in a tight space. The buttons on this understandably small keyboard offer an impressive amount of travel and space, all things considered.
But tradeoffs had to be made to squeeze all those keys onto something this small, so some buttons like the dash and equal signs at the end of the row of number keys had to be sacrificed. It also had to move the apostrophe from where it normally is next to the Enter key to slightly higher and farther to the right, between the Backspace and Enter instead. These changes took a bit of adjusting to and made typing a little awkward. It’s fine for a quick email or tweet, but I wouldn’t want to type on this for hours.
I do appreciate that Lenovo included a trackpad on the keyboard, even if it is pretty small at 3 inches wide and 1.5 inches tall. While it isn’t the most responsive touchpad around, I was thankful for a way to use the cursor on Windows, as well as multi-finger gestures like swiping to switch between apps. Surprisingly, I never felt like it was too cramped.
Otherwise using the X1 Fold as a mini laptop was… fine. Because you’re reduced to using a 7-inch screen in this mode, you can only get about three app icons on the taskbar at once unless you reduce the OS’s font and icon size. Doing that on a screen this small makes any text quite hard to read. And don’t even think about running two windows side by side -- they’ll barely fit or be so small that you’ll need to scroll forever to see everything.
Performance and battery life
The X1 Fold uses an Intel Lakefield Core i5 processor with Intel’s “Hybrid technology,” which the chip maker says is “engineered for mobile performance.” It uses architecture similar to ARM’s big.Little design, relegating less demanding tasks to lower-power Atom cores and tapping bigger cores for tougher processes. In general, the Fold kept up with my needs, and the few hiccups I came across seemed more to do with glitchy software than a slow processor. For example, sometimes Lenovo’s mode switching tool wouldn’t work, and instead of letting me choose the window I wanted open on either half of the display, it would just show two random apps I had open. Switching between landscape and portrait modes would bring up all the windows I had open, for example, and I often had to wait for webpages to expand and fill the whole screen when I maximized them.
These were mostly issues that had to do with switching between modes -- when I stayed in either tablet or laptop orientations, the device generally kept pace. Granted, I didn’t do anything too demanding like editing video, but for most of my day to day workflow the machine held up.
On our video rundown test, the X1 Fold clocked an impressive 13 hours and 30 minutes, which beats the Galaxy Tab S7+, the Surface Pro 7 and the iPad Pro 12.9. In real-world use, it generally lasts all day in tablet mode, though I found that using the keyboard seemed to drain the battery a bit more quickly. There’s also the option of getting a 5G-capable model of the X1 Fold, by the way, which I expect will sap energy even more.
I’m having a hard time recommending anyone buy the X1 Fold. I don’t want to diminish Lenovo’s achievement here -- it’s impressive that the company managed to make a foldable PC that it’s ready to roll out to the public. But as is the case with many first-gen products, the X1 Fold is an expensive experiment. If you buy this, know that you’re basically paying to be a beta tester. There are plenty of quirks to work out. While I’m excited to see companies innovate, the ThinkPad X1 Fold’s exorbitant price and lack of real benefits keep me from endorsing it. If you need a laptop-tablet hybrid that runs Windows and can fit in tight spaces, the Surface Pro 7 or the Surface Go 2 are much more reasonably priced and offer better productivity.
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