#i'm sorry for the late replies and inbox / ask stuff. i been only playing the msq / ganshu earned a house! small house in shirogane <3
aanemos · 1 year
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singingcookie · 4 months
Fanfic Q&A!
Thank you for the tag @encyclopika, sorry I'm oh so very late getting back to it 😅
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Good question uhhhh 55???? That seems like way more than I thought it would be....
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
523,858 words! Granted over half of that is just my slow burn story so lol
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Primarily I've written for My Hero Academia (40 out of the total 55). But I've also written for Kingdom Hearts, The World Ends With You, and more recently Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Oh that's a good question let's see...
Drops of Jupiter (829)
A Princess's Dilemma (381)
Within Arms Reach (378)
One Plus One Does Not Equal a Date (Probably?) (303)
I Roll to Seduce (296)
I'm...genuinely shocked one of my LoZ fics is up there??? And so high??? 1, 3, 4, and 5 are all from my hero fanfics which is not surprising and most of them are super old. Number 2 I only posted in June and it was my first fic for LoZ so that's...interesting to say the least.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! The last year or so I've had a hard time working up the energy or finding the words to respond to comments, sometimes. But whenever I do gather up the energy to do it, I tend to answer everything in my inbox in one fell swoop! And I always really appreciate getting them so tbh sometimes I feel bad that it can take so much energy to reply....
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh gosh idk if I have anything that qualifies as an angsty ending lol. Maybe Tarantism (a KH fic) because it's supposed to be feelsy and then the ending is one of those "it's just a dream" things haha.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Happiest...probably A Family's Orbit? The story has married izuocha with their first kid who they're not sure when or if she'll have a Quirk of her own. But the one-shot ends pretty happy.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Hmmmm I've gotten a handful of complaints on Drops of Jupiter, on occasion. Usually just people telling me I'm going too slow (when I put in the author's notes of the very first chapter that it's "the slowest of slow burns" smh). Or this one time someone told me I didn't give Deku enough victories in the fic and it would be way better if I did.
Outside of that though, I can't think of any on my other stuff. I've been blessed with very kind commentors, I think.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I've written a couple for Izuocha. But yknow usually, in all honesty, I've only ever written smut out of spite? The two fics I have (Burning Heat and Homecoming) were written in opposition to fandom tendencies at the time. Mostly everyone was talking about Izuku like someone who was a sex addict/sex god and Ochako was just kind of there. And I said "actually I think Deku's on the ace spectrum and probably mostly just cares about pleasing his partner than anything" and thus they were born. I haven't reread them in ages though that said lol
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Generally, no. However, about a year or so ago I got really into twewy again because I had just finished playing NEO:The World Ends With You. So I came up with a concept that kind of meshes twewy's concept with the my hero world? I only have one chapter posted of Death By Proxy so far, but I have an outline and little details written down whenever I'm in the right headspace for it. For what it's worth, you don't really need to know about twewy to read it, because Izuku finds out how everything works at the same time you do lol
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge. Here's hoping it stays that way lol
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of? I've never been asked about it anyway.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not explicitly? I feel like I help out my friends with their stories and vice versa, but not really.
Although once upon a time me and a friend (you know who you are) wrote a KH fanfic together but I guess that was moreso just for us than anything else lol
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Probably Izuocha, just going by the numbers.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Hmmm probably Eri-sitting? I really want to finish it at some point, and I posted the first part with every intention of doing it. But I never figured out the way I wanted to start chapter 2. Maybe someday though. Also!!! I did start writing a fanfic based off of heroes of the dark, but I didn't end up finishing it because it contrasted how the story ended and I thought completing that would be in poor taste with that said lol
16. What are your writing strengths?
Hmmm I've always found dialogue and characterization comes easier to me than I think it does to most others? There's always been discussions I've seen where people are like "oh sometimes the characters just do what they want" and I've never really...had that happen? Or at least not in a way that completely alters a story like I've seen people say. Little actions or pieces of dialogue that take me by surprise, sure, but like never anything that completely alters a plot beat I had planned. But usually at least for me, the plot beats are so centered around who they are or how they act that the odds of them veering off course are incredibly slim, if that makes sense
God I'm rambling uh dialogue and characterization I guess was my point haha.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Probably description is the thing I have the hardest time with. Some people are so good at writing a setting and making everything seem so like immersive in that way. For me, I don't see the point in describing something unless it's like relevant and so my description tends to be very to the point.
Also estimating a story's length. Usually I come up with a concept and then I'll say "oh yeah this'll only be this long" and then I start writing and writing and realize I had a lot more to say than I thought I did initially. This has happened a handful of times now haha
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic.
I definitely don't see anything wrong with it. I usually only do it for small phrases, myself, but partially because I'm not fluent in anything except for English. And I generally try to do some research or I'll check with friends if I have any who speak the language I'm using.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Kingdom Hearts! Back in the days of yore, yours truly actually wrote KH retellings with OCs back on quizilla lmao. I wrote quite a lot back then although with how long it's been most of the things I posted on there don't exist anymore. But that was back during 8th grade when I started.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Oh hmm I don't know. I feel like favorites is tough because I like a lot of my stories but for different reasons. I'm exceedingly proud of Drops of Jupiter for example. And I think it's been a true adventure to write and does have some of my best work in it as a result.
But I also think some of the prose and concepts I've made for Call From the Wild has a special place in my heart. It's very different from...basically anything else I've ever written because most ever other fic is "modern" in a manner of speaking and this was my first time writing something that's...decidedly not lol. I also think I'm fond of it because it's adhering to canon while allowing me the creativity to come up with how certain things happened since the details before the Calamity in botw are pretty limited...
Basically I guess my favorite kind of fic I've written is anything that really allows me to go nuts creatively.
Thanks so much for sending this! I don't have anyone in particular I want to tag, but if any of my followers fill it out, please tag me so I can see it!
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alexturner · 4 years
why did you leave the am fandom when you did? do you think you'll ever be back? i'm not trying to start drama or smth but i miss your enthusiasm ans your gifs :(
I've had this in my inbox for quite a while, and I got many variations of this ask over the past year, but for a long time I just wasn't really ready, I feel like, to answer this. I needed some distance in order to reflect and I think I'm there now. This...might get long, I don't know yet, so I put it under a read more.
I want to pre-face this by saying that this is all my opinion. I know that’s what you asked for, but just in case that wasn’t clear. I'm not saying it’s fact, that you should feel this way as well; it's just how I felt and how I feel now.
I left the fandom because I wasn't getting any joy from AM anymore. Like, at that point (May 2019) I felt like AM just wasn't performing the way they used to. And I'm not saying that a band should always be on their best, they're just people and that would be unrealistic, but they just seemed so uninspired - which seemed odd to me considering they had just come off a lengthy hiatus and had a brand new album to tour. The setlist stayed pretty much the same about halfway through the tour, they had this incredible new album and just kept playing... boring setlists, to be honest. I think Alex's vocals were really sloppy by the end of the tour and his guitar work was sometimes... awful. A big part was also how messy some of the guys' personal lives seemed and how they seemed to bring it on stage with them sometimes. And clearly Alex and Taylor's break-up and him moving on so fast with Louise, that annoyed the hell out of me, too. And to me, as someone who was around when they toured AM and saw many, many of their live shows (via live streams, but still), things just seemed very different when they toured TBHC and that started to really affect how I felt about the band. It got so bad that I just couldn't really listen to their music without just getting really, angry and annoyed, which is unusual for me because I'm not an angry person. That was a big red flag for me that something was wrong. Something you say you love shouldn't make you feel that way and shouldn't make you feel like you're not yourself. I know that sounds really heavy and like I'm exaggerating and overreacting, but AM was just my entire world, literally, in my late teens/early twenties. Every moment I was listening to their music, making gifs, watching their interviews, I got up at 3am in the summer to watch live streams of their shows, they're what really got me into music, vinyl, playing guitar. And for that feeling and excitement to be gone, that made me really, really sad, which was also a moment for me where I realized I just had to step away or else that really important period in my life might be stained forever.
For me that meant getting into other stuff and just finding that sense of joy again, and I really found that in film, mostly, and that’s what I’ve really been focused on ever since. I didn’t listen to AM for more than 6 months, I didn’t look them up, watch any videos, I unfollowed everyone on Instagram. That gave me so much room to breathe again and, like I said, find joy in things. And in the recent weeks I’ve finally felt like I have processed everything and can kind of look at it more objectively and not through AM-obsessed-tinted glasses. I also had a good talk about it with my friend Ro and she talked a lot of sense into me as well. Looking back on it, I just think I was too close to things. I knew everything that went on; I knew the setlist backwards, I had the tour dates in my calendar to know when new shows were, I knew everyone’s relationship status and got every Instagram notification, I would wake up in the middle of the night and my first instinct was to check their tag on Instagram to see if I missed anything, and looking back at that, that’s so insane and it’s hard to think I functioned like that at some point. It has also given me some new insights on how the Tranquility Base tour ended and how I feel about the tour and ‘era’ as a whole. And it made me compare to how I would feel about those things in other bands I like. Would I be angry and upset if Royal Blood had a couple of bad shows? Would I be disappointed in Haim if they only put out two music videos for their album? Would I think that someone being less present on stage definitely had to do with their break-up that happened somewhere in June 2018, which I know about because his former girlfriend hasn’t posted about him since then and that’s totally evidence they’re not together anymore? I wouldn’t even know any of these things about those bands because I don’t keep close enough tabs on them to even know these things. AM is an incredible band, they make incredible music, they were a huge part of an important part of my life, I met many of my friends by being an AM fan, but I also see that I went way too hard and that that affected my feelings about the band. It doesn’t mean that my feelings from late 2018/early 2019 are invalid, or that anyone who doesn’t agree with what I’ve said here is wrong. I’m not making excuses for anything, but I am trying to rationalize it a little bit for myself. What I do know is that, personally, it has been really good for me as a fan of their music to be able to take several steps back and to be able to let go of a lot of negative emotions I had towards the band and in response to that, to their music. It’s made it so that I can now listen to their music again without feeling like I wanna jump out a window because of how miserable the sound of Alex’s voice makes me feel. And to answer your other question: I don’t know if I’ll ever really be back in the fandom. I definitely couldn’t be back in the same capacity as I was from 2014 until 2019, but I also feel like it would make me really excited if they would release new music, whenever that may be. The idea of making gifs of them again is nice. I would love to go back to my old URL. And I also really loved the sense of community, the people I met, liveblogging every live set and everyone posting ‘I CRUMBLE COMPLEEETELY WHEN YOU CRY’, during 505 is among one of my fondest memories. In this lengthy reply I’m not trying to say it was all bad, because for the biggest part it was really fucking great and I’m so happy to have been a part of all that and to have been there for those moments and to have met incredible people both online and at concerts. But I am trying to say that in the future when it comes to AM I need to find a good balance, because it would be very easy to fall back into that 2014-2019 pattern again, but reality is I can’t do that without compromising my mental health and my love for AM’s music. If you have made it this far, bravo. I’m sorry this got so long, but it felt right. I hope this makes you think about your relationship with the things you love. Thank you for the nice words, it's good to hear my presence and gifs were appreciated, and I hope this big response answers your question!
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Are you willing to write a Stucky with a child that has Cystic Fibrosis? If so, can it be a domestic fluff? Like Bucky finds the kid and they remind him of Pre-serum Steve so he and Bucky take them in. Thank you if you can. (I'm sorry just want to see a CF character in a fandom I love)
Hi dear!! I was very nervous to write this as I wasn't very aware of the symptoms of CF. I went on a lot of medical sites and I think I have the information right? If not I am so so sorry and I will redo it!! Also I'm going to make their child a daughter but feel free to switch up the pronouns!  -Selenophile
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Cystic fibrosis is a genetic condition, which means that it is something you are born with. Cystic fibrosis is known to cause your lungs to produce extra-thick, sticky mucus. This mucus builds up and clogs your airways. Side effects include persistent cough with phlegm, postnasal drip, wheezing, shortness of breath, inability to exercise, as well as poor growth and low body weight despite a good appetite.
Y/N reads the doctors note every day. When she was younger, she didn't understand one word of it. At two years of age she would hand over the card to the family that had high hopes of adopting a little girl. They would usually leave without her. Her housemother, Mrs. Hamilton, always played it off as a different type of superhero form the comic books. Not a lot of adults want superhero babies. It was so easy to believe that. Now she’s 18. She getting released into the real world Luckily, her friend offered her house just till she can find a college to stay at.  Y/N had to learn the hard way that adults don't want a sick kid.
“Hey kiddo” Mrs. Hamilton said, her tone soft like silk.  “You read that dumb note everyday. It means nothing.”
“It apparently does. No adult wanted me in my 18 years of being here.” Y/N retaliated. 
“Don't think about that. They didn't deserve you anyway.” 
Y/N sighed and picked up her tote bags. “I’ll miss your kindness, Mrs. Hamilton.”
“You have my number if you need me.” 
“I know”
They shared a long tender hug. Y/N pulled away once she felt a little tickle in her throat. The tickle sadly turned into a whole fit. 
“Hey, if you ever need me to pay for your Bronchodilators, please text me. I don't mind.”
“Of course Mrs. Hamilton. Ill see you around.”
And with that, Y/N made her way down the stairs. This place, so familiar, was now going to be apart of her past. She remembers running all around with her “brothers”. Patiently eating dinner with her “sisters” was the best. Even exploring the world with their gender-fluid and non-binary siblings was so exciting. Mrs. Hamilton and her always had the best talks. Mr. Hamilton helped with her homework. So, so many memories from this place. She’ll miss it.
The outside world was so much different now that Y/N was out on her own. She took her meds this morning, so that once gross, pollen-infested air didn't even bother her anymore. Her brave feet carried her away from the place she used to call home. The first order of business before heading to her house of 2 months though, get some lunch. Wendy’s has a pretty amazing salad and it was only 2 blocks down. Lucky for her, 2 blocks was her walking limit. Off she went.
That's where Bucky and Steve were enjoying a lovely lunch as well. Steve had a hamburger, and Bucky had some chicken nuggets.
“Alright dear” Steve said “Check Wendy's off your list”
“Already did. I think its pretty good! Not my favorite though.” Bucky replied happily. 
The newly-founded couple have been going to one fast food place a week to introduce Bucky to different types. Any fast food restaurant one could think of, they're going. It was a mix of a date and bringing Bucky up to modern times. It was good for them.
“Bucky, all you get is chicken nuggets you should branch out.” 
“Leave me aloneeee I love my chicken nuggets”
They giggled together, and returned to eating. That's when Y/N walked through the door. She was already panting. Not even realizing, she passed the two men who would change her life. 
Y/N stood patiently, waiting to order. Bucky watched her. Her small, skinny stature reminded him so much of young Steve. Even the way she panted after walking in. Steve would do the same.
“Who are you looking at my love?” Steve questioned.
“Oh, the girl on line. She reminds me so much of you. Skinny, Small, I heard her panting. Look she's coughing now too. What was it called?”
Steve turns around and smiles “Bucky she's cute but what's your point?”
Bucky jumped up “I'm gonna talk to her!”
“That's cute love but please come back id like to enjoy our date before our next mission”
The long-haired man nodded, skipping happily over to Y/N. Just as he was approaching though, an older man came behind her and snatched her wallet. Bucky was ready to pounce, but Y/N was first to it. She was so weak, so she flung right off with a simple push of the man.
“Hey doll, you alright?” He asked softly. 
She nodded weakly, already shaking. Steve rushed out the door to follow the man.
“That's my boyfriend, he’ll get your wallet. Why don't you sit with us? I’ll get your lunch! What would you like?”
Y/N looked up at him. “I-I” she took a minute to wheeze out a cough “T-that's too kind of y-you.”
“Please its my pleasure! what would you like?”
Y/N tells him a simple Caesar Salad. He happily picks her up, along with her stuff. Bucky told her where she was sitting, and she made her way.
This is so weird. Y/N thinks to herself. She takes a seat regardless through, watching the tall blonde walk towards the shorter brunette. She sees her wallet and feels at ease. 
“She’s either a runaway or an orphan whos turned 18. We need to take her in” Bucky whispered into his ear. 
“Or she's just heading off to college? I cant put a girl a risk” Steve whispered back. 
“Please Steve. She reminds me so much of you. She cant survive out here one her medication runs out. And to be honest? She seems like she has a low dosage the way she's still wheezing and coughing like that.”
“One day James. If she changes my mind in one day, we can keep her”
Bucky happily kissed Steve's cheek. He carefully grabbed the salad and took it to the girl. 
They ate together rather happily. The couple learned her name was Y/N. She’s and 18 year old girl who just came out of the system, just like Bucky hypothesized. To sum up her condition , she showed them the note - which was only kept for nostalgic purposes - which made Steve feel connected to her more. 
“So no one adopted you because you have Cystic Fibrosis?” Bucky asked
“No one wants a sick kid”
Steve sympathized. “I used to have CF too. Once I got the super solider serum I never had to deal with it again. I understand where you come from though. Being constantly underweight and small, also no matter how hard you try you cant become better at exercise. I get it.”
Bucky took Steve’s hand and kissed his cheek. Y/N smiled, continuing to eat her salad. She didn't even question the fact that he was Captain America, she understands how it feels to be bombarded with questions. 
They managed to convince Y/N to stay for the night. She fought them on it, telling them they were being way too nice for a girl who was about to ruin their night. Bucky continued to tell her to shush it, while Steve was having a change of heart.
It was a good night. They watched TV together, enjoyed a lovely home cooked dinner, talked some more about each other and even played some old timey board games. Y/N had the time of her life. No way on Earth would she do this with any other adult who offered her help. Since Steve had a similar experience and Bucky helping him through said experience, it gave Y?N the confidence to take the offer. She never regretted it
That one day became one week. That one week became one month. The one month became a year. Steve and Bucky were there every step of the way. Convincing to ask the little web slinger Peter Parker out to prom, taking said prom pictures, helping Y/N with homework, taking her on cool adventures. The day of her high school  graduation they gave her the gift of a car. She gave them the official title of Dad. When the papers for official guardianship were clear, it was the happiest day of the trio’s life. 
Now, its the night before Y/N goes to college. Her bags were packed. Her small, cozy bedroom looked so vacant now. Her dads were cuddled up on the couch.
“Got any room for a jellybean?” She asked softly. 
“Yes we do! Always!” Bucky cheered happily,splitting apart from Steve. The small girl jumped in, which was a big mistake since she was already taking deeper breaths. 
“Did your school accommodate for your CF?” Steve asked, giving her a big fat kiss on her cheek.
With a giggle, she replied “Yeah dad, They put me in the closest dorm to the classroom. They also put me on the lower floor on the dorm building. AND Peter said he was gonna help me out.”
“You and Peter are too cute, I'm happy he takes interest in you”
“Thanks Dad 2″
Y/N leaned right into her dad 2 where she was scooped under the chilly metal. Steve got up, moving to the fleshier side of his husband. Yes, in the year Y/N lived with them, they finally got themselves together and got married. Y/N was Bucky’s maid of honor, and she joined in on the couples first dance. 
They watched the stupid soap opera that was on late at night. all three of them couldn't even keep up with what was happening.
“Dads, I love you” Y/N blurted out. 
“Woah kid, you better catch your breath, because we love you too.” Bucky responded as Steve reached over, playing with the girls hair. Her happy giggled gave Steve and Bucky the message: they changed this girls world.
Send all requests to the Inbox!!💌
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