#icons cersei lannister
tweedstoat · 3 days
Cersei when the plot to kill Robert succeeds
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sare11aa11eras · 1 year
Did Cersei have the Rhaegar’s Ruby Mourning Dress ready to go. Did she commission it two months ago or ten years ago or literally the day Robert comes back from the hunt. Did 50 seamstresses work frantically for five days trying to put all the fucking rubies on that gown so Cersei could have her Moment. What prompted her to go “you know what would be funny? Wearing a gown inspired by Rhaegar’s armor as my principal mourning attire when my husband dies”? I need to know these things!!!!
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bibiundtinaundzombies · 3 months
lannicest is such a top tier ship though because they are the absolute originators of weird incest. no one does circular family trees quite like these two weirdos. all other incest ships are like “oh god, we shouldn’t do this, i can’t, oh god, you’re my brother!” and then they slip up and feel horrible about it or they don’t even know they’re related and find out later and are subsequently completely horrified and that’s all fine and dandy, to each their own, but you just gotta respect how nonchalant cersaime are about the inbreeding they’ve got going on. like yes, i’ll call you brother during sex and i’m gonna waterboard a nun while telling her how good it feels to have your genetically familiar dick inside of me. the fact that we’re twins makes it even better. we’re so fucked up that it’s rubbing off on pur younger brother who wants to fuck both of us. when you’re not around i’ll make do and sleep with our cousin because i can’t handle dick that isn’t at least on the adjacent branch of the family tree. you ask the woman you’re attracted to if she’s a lannister during one of your less unromantic interactions and while she interprets it as an insult, we both know what you mean. we’re what would have happened to the ashford twins if capcom had walked the mile and committed to making code veronica even more uncomfortable. they’re absolutely fucking unmatched in just how weird they are. no one does it like them. absolute hats off to grrm for committing to making them capital h horrible. i’d kill for both of them.
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jayseadugard · 1 year
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YOU! How come you can see Jamie Lannister as a complex character, but you can’t see the same for Sansa? Jamie literally tried to murder a child and was almost successful. Sansa did act like a “brat” for the first book but she grew up. Not only has she grown up she hasn’t try to murder innocent children. I would say that’s Jamie is also one of my favorite characters but you need to give Sansa a chance. I understand not liking her in show, as they ruined her character in the later four seasons. It’s only fair Sansa be seen as complex character, not just one way or the other.
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child-of-three · 4 months
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Cersei Lannister icons
• like if you save <3
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himemiyaaah · 1 year
"Must?" She put her hand on his good leg, just above the knee. "A true man does what he will, not what he must." Her fingers brushed lightly against his thigh, the gentlest of promises. "The realm needs a strong Hand. Joff will not come of age for years. No one wants war again, least of all me." Her hand brushed his face, his hair. "If friends become enemies, enemies can become friends. Your wife is a thousand leagues away, and my brother has fled. Be kind to me, Ned. I swear to you, you shall never regret it."
"Did you make the same offer to Jon Arryn?"
She slapped him
(AGoT, Eddard 12)
man i love cersei... like even in her name, she's implied to be this seductress or femme fatale, who usually would have a kind of subtle power or ability to manipulate people, but the thing is she's not. she's not very good at that kind of thing to be honest, when she tries.
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girl-intrigued · 6 months
Bro the Targaryen costumes are so grim and dull coloured most of the time, it's just black and red and an even deeper red or just grey and black. Possibly the only Targaryen who got to wear the best clothes was Daenerys and that was because she wore all types of colours and fabrics. At least Alicent has variations in her green colour and patterns like deep green floral design or all plain.
Game of thrones had a lot better costumes and Cersei had the best ones her gowns were crimson,blue,black,pink&gold with those flowy sleeves and snatched waists and also those metallic corset armor. She and Alicent are the best dressed Queens. Targs really need to step up their fashion game (they have cool war armor though)
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lilith-91 · 11 months
Cersei being still so in love with Rhaegar and Aurane Waters being his carbon copy and how it just hits her is so funny to me cause she loses a whole fleet of drummonds to him 😭
Everything that leads to Cersei’s downfall and imprisonment by the High Sparrow can be traced back to making Aurane Waters her Grand Admiral instead of taking Jamie’s advice and choosing Paxter Redwyne.
I don’t even think that Aurane Waters was always planning to betray Cersei. I like this character because he knows he can get even more out of her. She had been thinking about giving him lands and making him a Lord in truth. That's crazy. The second she falls from power, he understands that the fleet can easily be taken from him and given to a different Lord Admiral. Aurane was smart and made sure the crews were captained and crewed by men loyal to him. So the second the queen is arrested he just peaces out and takes the fleet with him.
Cersei gives way to much power to a bastard who reminds her of Rhaegar and creates a domino effect that crushes her. She wants no Tyrells on her small council, her allies who fought for her on the Blackwater. Aurane Waters was fighting in that battle but on the other side…
Damn I love Cersei lol
Great complex villain.
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kaitlinj16 · 8 months
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Lena Heady as Cersei Lannister
Game of Thrones
5.03, "High Sparrow"
♡ like / reblog if you save / use :)
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saintlopezlov3r · 2 years
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Cersei Lannister🍷
Game of Thrones
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Mi opinion sobre cersei lannister
Es un personaje muy importante para la trama de juego de tronos, le da un toque de humor a la serie y a los libros de vez en cuando y además sus outfits devoran totalmente.
Podría decir que es uno de mis personajes preferidos de got ya que es mala, sabe que es mala y disfruta las maldades que le hace a otros. Otro aspecto que me gusta es la manera en que afronta su maternidad, haciendo o tratando de hacer lo mejor por sus hijos a pesar de no ser buena persona, se nota que ademas de solo pensar en ella también piensa en su familia, pero es aqui donde viene el problema, Cersei no ama a su familia de una manera normal, ella ve a sus hijos y a Jaime como una extensión de ella, seres casi perfectos porque es así como ella se autopersive. Aquí es cuando entramos a hablar de su relación con Tyrion la cual es mala precisamente porque Tyrion no es perfecto ya que tiene enanismo, por eso lo desprecia, aunque por momentos tanto como en la serie como en el libro podemos ver que aunque no fueran tan cercanos, tal vez se pudieran llegar a caer bien.
En conclusión, Cersei es una pieza indispensable de got, no sólo por ser una de las principales antagonistas, si no también por ser iconica
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joanna-lannister · 3 months
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star-realities · 1 year
I have multiple game of thrones dr and I’ve never seen/read it LMAO
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child-of-three · 2 months
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Cersei Lannister icons 2x09
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wewillneverbegods · 2 years
Every single time I read or hear “knowledge is power” I hear also Lena Headey’s voice as Cersei Lannister saying “power is power” and go in such deep thought my brain shuts down for a while. Eh, what you’ve done to me, television?
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thesungod · 2 years
the way lena headey literally got paid DUST by Emmys every single year despite out-acting every other game of thrones actor lmao
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