#im pretty sure it was an accident but
jovishark · 7 months
okay so my twitter got suspended for. something. they refuse to tell me about so tonight im gonna be dumping some art here. im also on bluesky which i THINK sees me as fairly benign
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w0w0zella · 9 months
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more bugbo murderstuck smiles
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transboyhalo · 6 months
in hindsight thinking about how big the soulfire base was, it's crazy that the other teams didn't discover it even by accident. i know cellbit came really close once but that was when it still fit below a lava pool. in the end it was huge and visible on the map, had issues with ice from the snowstorm event, had people constantly coming in and out of it, and it still went undiscovered. like literally how
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ganondoodle · 5 months
hope everyone had alright holidays!
a few days ago when we were driving home in the dark in windy and rainy weather after getting two of my siblings from the train we, for the first time in my lifetime im pretty sure, hit a deer that was crossing the street, none of us saw them before they got caught in the headlights and the first one made it over but we werent yet slow enough to not hit the second one ...
the deer lived but was kinda stunned, my dad pushed it off the street and while we were still on the phone with police it got up and ran away but my parents car got damaged and while its still drivable there are several parts that got bent and since its an older model too it might be hard to get it repaired
anyway, i didnt know deer fur was that grey until i saw it stuck to our bumper :(
merry crisis
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hasphine · 5 months
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Emerie debriefing her clone sister who just wants to go to bed
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larrythefloridaman · 6 months
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#hey. hey. im just saying. he LITERALLY 'transed his gender' in a diagetic bit in orange. and if that wasnt enough.#in blue he disguised himself as squid jenny specifically with larry's powers (the only thing hes done with them on screen)#got caught by his god-assigned roles-obsessed caretaker. and was given the label of being something intrinsically unescapably deceitful.#while 'pretending' to be trans girl.#like. if i wasnt pretty sure it was all an accident i might even call the allegory here slightly heavy-handed.#with the nccts emphasizing a theme of 'youre not just what people say you are#you can be more than one thing at the same time' with crim#i think crimson can have boygirl swag. some bigender pizzazz. i think he deserves it.#is it REALLY a cpu kerfuffle arc without a subversive narratively relevant gender-transing.#am i supposed to believe the spirit of deviance himself is cis? get fucking real. grow up. /silly#also a lil crimtoinette in there. just for flavor. because i cant help myself.#also sidenote the nccts have given him this cute lil tendency#to tip his hat down to hide his face when hes trying to be Genuine or Thoughtful or Poignant. and i enjoy that little touch#i maybe like this guy a little too much. hes most of what ive drawn for months.#but what do you want from me. i read him as a queercoded villain deconstructed at the metanarrative level.#am i just supposed to be normal about that.#me and zia talked about this in dms and discovered. we came to a lot of the same conclusions. completely independently. lmao
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alaricseer · 2 months
Always kind of a bummer to think about how the changes ive made to ala over the years so that i could enjoy him more are also ones that have made him more... niche? Or less generally palatable? But i also know i cant go backwards, nor do i want to.
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hungrydolphin91 · 1 year
Making my very first poll to ask the important questions here
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bmpmp3 · 1 year
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A COUPLE nights ago i had some dream about this very ._. girl who was an aspiring rockstar and in the dream she had hair that was like simultaneously pink and blonde BUT LIKE not like dyed or highlights it was like. you know. just pink and blonde at the same time. so i just layered pink over yellow paint LOL it made a sorta pinky orange....
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Hi, I’m really sorry to bother you but I kind of felt obligated to let you know about the issue at hand – I hope nothing I say comes off poorly. I’d like if this could be answered privately, if you will answer in the first place — I understand if you don’t. I can really only send an ask through here rather than a DM on your main account due to being blocked on your other account and not wanting to bother more than needs be.
I’m Mori, my side blog is @/Flokali, which is the one I signed off as when writing the forum for the event this blog is hosting, but this one, @/Vynri is my main. I noticed I (on this account) was blocked on your main accounts (your personal and fandom accounts) and felt like I needed to point it out - mostly out of respect towards you and not wanting you to unknowingly continue interacting with me through another blog. Since I’m the same person behind these two, I felt like it would be unfair of me and deceitful not to inform you of this.
I’m not really aware what caused you to block me and I in no way want to make you feel pressured to tell me so, regardless, I respect your decision and wholeheartedly wish to adhere to the boundaries you have set. Since I don’t know if it was the content I reblogged or the way I conducted myself, I feel like it’s best to communicate with you so you can make whatever decision you feel is appropriate.
Regardless of why it is you blocked me, I want to apologise if my behaviour may have been upsetting to you.
I don’t want to draw this message out longer than necessary but I don’t want to come off as rude or annoying; I admire your work tremendously but understand if you don’t want me interacting with it, and yourself by extension, any longer. Again, there’s no malice in my words nor ill will behind this message.
If you wish to remove Flokali and myself from the event, I understand wholeheartedly. Regardless of what you decide to do, I hope I don’t come off badly – I do not wish to make you uncomfortable or overstep any boundaries which is why I reached out. I respect your decision.
Due to everything I’ve said, I hope you understand why I’ll unfollow the blog; it’s mainly out of not wanting to cause any further issue or misunderstandings and not wanting to overstep.
This message might not make too much sense, I’m writing at 1 in the morning since I just found out and wish to communicate this as quickly as possible so as to not cause any issue down the road. I apologise for anything that may have been upsetting that I have done/said or if this message is overstepping any limit of yours.
Again, I just found out about being blocked – I’m sorry for not reaching out sooner, but this is mainly so you know that it’s me behind both accounts so you can decide if you want to continue interacting with my content on @/Flokali or not, regardless of what you decide, I respect your decision. This isn’t because I’m mad or trying to start drama, I may be misunderstanding or misspeaking — I don’t have too much time to reread the message, it’s mostly out of concern for your boundaries and wanting to respect your feelings.
IT'S NOT INTENTIONAL I PROMISE!!! i was blocking people I didn't saw had an age indicator and you must've accidentally been blocked I am so sorry ahsdynijsadmwefd oh no I am SO SORRY-
IT'S NOTHING PERSONAL OH MY GOD MY BAD ;;;;_________;;;;!!!!!!!!!!! holy shit sadhghuinjsad. I'm rather new at blocking people since in my old yandere blog I don't block even if the user doesn't have a prof pic and what not orz, so I'm doing my best to make it certain this one is MDNI. omg flokali I know your works I am SO SO SORRY omg i dont even know what to say-
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jaredthebc · 6 months
Not sharing my whole wrapped but my top 5 songs are so funny to me
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pigeonwit · 11 months
i disregard hard promises on a lot of things, save for some small details, but the one piece of hard promises that will alwaysalwaysALWAYS be canon to me is davey's place in his family. not quite to the same degree - i dont believe he'd hold the same love for his family he does in the musical if his mother hit and berated him like she did in hard promises. i think his family is a loving one, i just dont think davey feels his place in it is as unconditional as the rest of his siblings. les is the baby. sarah is the activist. davey is... there. hes not the academic genius people make him out to be (smarter than the newsies, yes - top of his class, no. i love writing davey as a literature nerd, but i still doubt he'd be able to actually put that to use in an environment as unforgiving and stressful as a victorian school. hes stressed enough just trying to keep his head above water). hes not brave, hes not strong, hes not clever, hes always just been... there. the forgotten middle child. and so he tries to make himself deserve his place in his family. he tries to work hard and step up and prove he can do... something. whatever that is. hes not really sure. he just needs to pay them back somehow, for every forced smile and 'thats nice, david' and all the times they've pretended he matters when he knows theres so much going on thats bigger than him right now.
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snickeringdragon · 1 year
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piningpercussionist · 5 months
Is it true Scott Pilgrim can also play drums? I heard in his last band he played drums for awhile! Is he better or worse than you?
HA! SCOTT? GOOD on drums? Is he telling that to people, or did you hear this from somebody else?
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I mean, thinking back on it, I think Stephen might have mentioned Scott playing drums in their old college band with Envy? Neither of them really talks about it too much, least of all Scott- he used to freeze up and go catatonic at the slightest mention of her, so I've tried not to pry too much. It makes me feel weird seeing him like that.
Anyway, I'm only really gleaning what he volunteers, until he's entirely over that whole thing I guess. It feels a little awkward trying to get information out of Stephen about something like that, you know? Underhanded. Whenever he's ready to stop being a baby about it, he'll decide what he doesn't and doesn't want to share, and that's that. No matter how frustrating.
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Back to him and drumming specifically... I've caught him messing with my set before, and it was only definable then as a cacophony, so far as I'm concerned. And not the good kind, of which there are some. If he can play the drums, I've definitely got him beat, no contest. There's a reason I'm in the band, I guess.
... He could probably beat me in a video game based around them, though, if there are any. He's ridiculously good at those, and whenever I play those kinds of games it never feels like it's properly on beat. It drives me crazy.
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orcelito · 3 months
Feel like I am absorbing as much as my father after his death as possible. I will carry on his Legacy. I will be the Biker (in time). I am already the weapon collector (though with knives, not guns). I even have accepted owning a minions mug, something I swore would never happen (I hate those fucking things), just bc it makes me think of him.
Maybe he's gone now, but I'm gonna make damn sure to live a continuation of his life... just in my own way, lol
#speculation nation#like how im taking so much of his clothes. im absorbing some of his masculinity too#i own so many harley things now. like tshirts and such. my dad had so many.#and. well. i did end up deciding to take his little revolver. though that's with more of a grave observance than anything else.#guns are. scary. and i think it's ludicrous that i dont even need a permit to own a gun here#but it's my dad's. and at least a revolver is less scary than like. a pistol.#less easy to accidentally go off. u gotta pull back the hammer every shot and everything.#guns are scary and i dont like them. but it was my dad's. a pretty big part of his life.#i was raised being taught basic gun safety rules. brought to a shooting range at 9 years old#i couldnt even hold up the rifle i was so small.#never went since then bc i didnt care for it. but it's still... something so intrinsic to him in my mind.#so in this Too. i will be continuing his legacy. at least a little bit.#we r gonna be selling most of his guns. but not that one.#it's so tiny. it fits so well in my little hands. i kind of love it almost as much as i fear it.#oh well. i'll be careful. i was taught to never forget the danger a gun can be.#a part of me also is like 'omg a revolver. like what vash uses!' which ok maybe that's part of why i went to the revolver too#though the primary reasons are. it's a Tiny piece. and also itd be Really difficult to accidentally shoot it.#bc u gotta full on cock it back And pull the trigger. that aint gonna happen by accident.#but yeah not to be Stereotypical American but yea guns sure do exist here#and it's in my family too. i want the gun to remember him by. even if i dont ever end up using it.#(tho ive contemplated taking it to a range at least once just to get a feel for actually shooting it#Just In Case i ever end up needing to use it for like. home invasion self defense or smth#which is. another Smaller reason for me to have it. things to think about.)
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seilon · 1 year
the happiest ive been in any singular moment in probably over a year was a moment last week where my friends and i were driving to a campsite having accidentally taken a tiny insanely long and winding mountain road to get there, somehow i wasn’t carsick, the windows were rolled down, we were surrounded by nothing but woods for miles, and livin la vida loca was playing on the car stereo
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