knario47 · 1 year
Los amigos de el Legado nos muestran una ruinas en Tauro (Taoro) justo por donde va a pasar la desastrosa obra de Chira-Soria, un conjunto de estructuras para el culto o un Tagoror (lugar de reuniones, congresos, asambleas).
El Legado: Cultura y Patrimonio.
Hace unas semanas publicamos sobre la denominada "Iglesia de los Canarios" en la Montaña de Tauro, en la Isla de Gran Canaria, aportando bellas imágenes e información sobre esta majestuosa estructura. La misma además se encuentra en un entorno en el cual diferentes elementos arqueológicos se encuentran vinculadas a ella, como algunos túmulos.
La Montaña de Tauro sin lugar a dudas debió poseer cierta relevancia para los antiguos canarios, y otro ejemplo de ello es el conjunto que mostramos hoy.
Hablamos concretamente de dos conjuntos que pudieron tener alguna vinculación entre ellas.
Por un lado y ubicado en el borde de las falderas de la Montaña, al poniente, se localiza en el mismo cantil, un recinto circular formado por 19 piedras hincadas.
Estas piedras poseen una media de un metro de altura, las cuales están reforzadas por el exterior del recinto por otras piedras de gran tamaño.
El círculo presenta diámetros entre 4,80 y 5 metros de largo y en el centro del recinto se encuentra una laja plana a modo de mesa que descansa directamente sobre la tierra.
Al poniente de la estructura se divida un amplio horizonte: Inagua, Aslobas, Hogarzales, Cedros y al fondo el majestuoso padre Teide.
No se trata de un tagoror o zona de Reunión ni mucho menos, parace tener un marcado carácter cultual, casa de adoración o lugar para ciertos rituales.
El otro conjunto se localiza a unos 200 metros de esta estructura, al Oeste y en el mismo cantil. Se trata de una cueva natural o solapón, cerrada por el exterior por una fuerte muralla de piedra seca, de 1,30 metros de ancho y que alcanza alturas al exterior de 3 metros.
El recinto interior delimitado por la pared del fondo de la cueva y la muralla mide 11'80 metros de largo por 7,20 metros de fondo y ha sido parcialmente excavado en un potente estrato de toba anaranjada.
Y ahora vienen las preguntas:
¿Qué ocultan estas estructuras? ¿Existe vinculación entre ambas?
¿Tiene algo que ver esas amplias vistas al horizonte en la que se divisa perfectamente hasta Echeyde? (Teide) ¿Adoración a los astros?
No lo sabemos, lo que sí sabemos que es no fue cualquier cosa, la Montaña de Tauro (Taoro) en general... no fue cualquier lugar.
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Pidiendo disculpa a el Legado por no disponer del enlace original de la publicación.
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teecupangel · 6 months
Hello! New ish follower here with a curious ‘what if question’: what if Edward was training Jenny to be an assassin?
So you think she’d fully commit to becoming one after his death/ her abduction? (I’d love her to meet Anne again ahh 😭)
Hello! Welcome! Sorry for the delay (said in the tone of an old woman who suddenly has visitors) :)
First of all, let’s talk about why Edward wouldn’t want Jenny to become an Assassin and wanted her to get married to someone he considered ‘financially stable’.
Edward isn’t the type of person to be swayed by what was considered to be the norm during his time so I like to believe there’s a deeper reasoning to why he was so adamant of stopping Jenny.
The whole “I want my children to be safe” can’t really be the reason because he was training Haytham to be an Assassin when he was young.
Because of this, my headcanon is that Edward fears Jenny’s death and that’s what stopping him from understanding just how deeply Jenny wishes to be an Assassin.
Although he tries to not favor any of his children, Jenny reminds him of his failures as a husband and a father. The dress Jenny wears in the epilogue of Black Flag is very similar to her late mother’s dress so there’s a possibility that she inherited her mother’s taste of dresses (or maybe she actually picks dresses that reminds her of her late mother).
This only serves to remind Edward of Caroline and the growing fear of losing Jenny as well to a similar sickness that could have been cured had it been treated.
Had Caroline had the money needed for the treatment.
And then…
She started showing interest in being an Assassin.
He sees the growing anger in her eyes as she sees him training Haytham instead of her when Haytham doesn’t even know what all of this training was for.
He sees her and he sees someone he lost in her as well.
He sees an Assassin he cared for and lost.
He sees Mary Read.
The more he tries to push her away from her desires to be an Assassin, the more he tries to keep her safe, the angrier she becomes.
The more she becomes jealous of Haytham.
And so…
We need a change.
Something that would snap Edward from his haze of grief and guilt.
Someone who can tell him how he’s seeing his daughter but not seeing her at the same time.
And that person?
Is Anne Bonny.
For this to work, we need Anne to remain with the Brotherhood and it is hinted on that she became an Assassin in Assassin’s Creed Memories’ card of her having her brandish a Hidden Blade (I kinda hc that it’s Mary’s Hidden Blade) so we can have Anne paying a visit to an old friend of hers, just a simple social call. Tessa is suspicious though since she’s a beautiful woman that, as far as she knows, is unattached.
She has a husband though and her own children are training to be Assassins.
That’s why she can see the anger and jealousy in Jenny’s eyes.
And she can also see the guilt and grief in Edward’s eyes.
So she mediates for the both of them.
It takes a while for her to get the two stubborn Kenway and Scott to meet at the middle.
But in reality, it’s more of Jenny getting more of the upper hand because, not only did she get what she wanted (to be trained as an Assassin) but also a bonus (her father stops trying to get her engaged).
Anne left soon after, knowing her inclusion to the start of Jenny’s training would simply lessen Edward’s authority and recruits need to fully trust their instructor.
But she did promise to visit more often to keep an eye on Edward.
Why Edward?
Because she has to make sure Edward doesn’t slip back to those dark thoughts again (she says this playfully but she’s actually quite worried).
That following morning…
Haytham is surprised to see his older sister joining them.
But she just glared at him so he kept quiet.
And so…
Edward starts training Haytham and Jenny together.
Unorganized Notes:
Haytham started learning swordfighting at 6 so that’s around 1713 with Jenny being 18.
Jenny’s inclusion makes Haythan’s training more… thorough. While he does need to focus on increasing his stamina, he tends to try out the freerunning techniques that Jenny is taught while he’s doing his own training because they look ‘fun’ and also he’s a bit peeved that Jenny gets to be taught those while he’s been ordered to just… run.
There’s a bit of rivalry going on here. Haytham is more of a prodigy and some of it can be attributed to Tessa’s genes as he does need to be ‘better’ than most to pass on the Auditore-Kenway genes to Ratonhnhaké:ton (and to Desmond). Because of this, Jenny works harder than the two of them to simply catch up, not realizing that catching up to Haytham means being better than most recruits her age.
Jenny gets the title of the ‘Wild Kenway Girl’ because of this though but she just ignores this. This worries Tessa, mainly because she’s worried no one would marry Jenny and that is a bleak future for a woman as far as Tessa can see. Jenny just shrugs it off and jokes that Haytham would take care of his undesirable sister when she’s old and wrinkly. Haytham takes this seriously much to his parents’ amusement and Jenny’s groaning.
By the time Birch makes his move, Jenny would have already been inducted as an Assassin (22), perhaps a novice or a rank higher.
Since you specify Edward’s death, that means that we’re not saving Edward in this one XD
So we’re left with two main ideas after Edward’s death:
(1) Jenny is captured and, by the time she escaped (with Anne and her children’s help), Haytham had been taken by Birch and has been inducted to the Templar Order, leading us to the Kenway-Scott Abel and Cain setup. In this one, Jenny would be hunting down Haytham and no one is sure if she’s hunting him to try and reason with him or to kill her because he’s a ‘stain’ in the Kenway name. In this one, Jenny would end up being Ratonhnhaké:ton’s secondary mentor who doesn’t always agree with Achilles.
(2) Jenny is able to fend off her attackers and protect Haytham but fails in protecting their father. In this one, Jenny stays with the Kenways and takes over the household after Tessa has a breakdown (calling her and Haytham monsters). Birch is gone in the wind because he knows the Assassins know he’s a Templar and Jenny takes over training Haytham as well. In this one, Haytham becomes an Assassin who has a vendetta over Templars and hunting down Birch (who would now be the one to go to the colonies which will lead to Haytham and Kaniehtí:io meeting because… no matter how much is changed from what is meant to be… the Calculations will always find a way to ensure the birth of Desmond Miles will come to pass)
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Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag- Great Inagua Home- Screenshots edited
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itseivwhore · 1 year
♡ 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒑𝒍𝒆'𝒔 𝒅𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 ♡
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Valentine special, day 11th : “Couple's dance”
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Pairing : Edward Kenway x fem Reader 
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Summary : While patiently waiting for Edward to come back from some business affair around Great Inagua, from the balcony you were leaning into, you heard cheerful melodies coming from the dock. Unable to resist curiosity, you decided to walk near the tavern, quickly joining the collective amusement...thanks to Kenway, of course.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Author's note: I'm incredibly sorry if I'm one day late, also because I promised myself I wouldn't skip a day, but it was over the weekend and well here we are ;( BUT for you all to forgive me, I made this way longer than the last one shot I wrote + I even added some lyrics from one of the songs you can actually hear while standing near the taverns of pretty much all the cities/villages in AC Black Flag! I thought it was a cool idea, so if you want to give it a listen, here's the link!
Ps. I miss writing for Edward so much oh my gOD.
*˚ .♡⋆゚ˊˎ -
The gentle lapping of the waves as they slowly washed up on the beach, together with the gentle, rhythmic sound of the cicadas singing, lent a peaceful, relaxing atmosphere that reigned unperturbed over the island. From the vast and airy balcony of the manor house where you were currently standing, you had a wide view of the beach and the pier, paying no attention to the darkness that embraced everything; your eyes immediately adjusted to the few, warm and soft lights coming from both the small bonfires on the beach and the numerous candles in the tavern.
Everything around you was motionless and surrounded by shadows, were it not for numerous fireflies that seemed like quick flashes of light dancing, suspended in the air. Sitting on a large, comfortable chair you had managed to get outside, that sort of strange, rhythmic dance caught your attention for a while, distracting you.
After you had lost yourself in watching the pretty insects, you looked away and noticed that a sultry, warm breeze was shaking the tree branches, even causing the sails of the Jackdaw, anchored near the dock, to move slightly. You also noticed the sailors who, having finished their respective jobs on the ship, jumped off and made their way to the tavern... from which immediately arose light-hearted laughter, joyous singing - and even some light brawling, which the wind carried to your ears.
A bored sigh came out of your mouth, your patience running thin with each passing moment without Edward by your side. It was now an hour since Edward left you in the manor alone, saying he had to meet with one of the villagers down the beach to arrange a deal; he hadn't given you much information, leaving you only with a promise, saying he would be right back and you would spend the rest of the evening together, you in turn promising to stay there and wait for him...leaving a gentle kiss on your temple before disappearing into the darkness of the night, leaving you hopeful, waiting for him with such trepidation.
Trepidation that became anxiety, which faded into boredom and tiredness, thinking of the Captain's return while you were aimlessly watching the people far away from you in the distance.
Getting up from your chair, you turned your steps towards the balustrade and, leaning on it with your elbows, you began to look at the tavern and listen to the harmonious and cheerful sound of the songs that the sailors, together with the innkeepers, sang at the top of their voices. All that vitality, all that fun that was like an omniscient presence in the atmosphere of the island, only spurred you more and more to leave the manor and join in the commonl fun.
You looked over your shoulder, behind you, seeing the large chair you have been sitting on for almost a hour, pondering if to leave once for all and give in to your temptation, or if to keep on patiently waiting for Edward to come back, biting your lips at your indecision.
After all, you weren't going to be gone for long, you just wanted to relieve the boredom and waste some time, and you'd be back before he even returned. After all... if Edward hadn't returned until then, how could he ever return just when you weren't there? It really would have been a coincidence, wouldn't it?
And so, happily and firmly slapping the stone balaustra when you finally made up your mind, you swiftly jumped over the balcony, quickly walking down the cliff towards the dock, a satisfied little smile on your lips as the lights and the voices grew stronger and louder.
~ ~ ~
"We like to sneak out without keeping our promise, eh, sly fox?" countless emotions and thoughts overpowered your mind and body as soon as you heard that all too familiar voice and mocking grin; the need - the urge to flee, to run away or even to throw yourself into the water violently seized you as soon as you saw Edward walking towards you.
It had been a while since you had finally arrived at the tavern, taking a seat not far from the counter, silently enjoying yourself amidst the laughter of the sailors and the melodious voices of some young women, singing accompanied by violins; some couples were dancing merrily among the tavern tables, their quick steps on the wooden planks echoing in the air. You watched and savoured everything attentively, and the anxiety of having to return to the manor before Edward, was now long gone.
But as soon as your eyes caught sight of a tall, blond figure walking slowly towards your table, a slight panic took hold of you: not so much that you could do anything though. What could you possibly have done? He had obviously already seen you, you could feel his piercing blue eyes in the distance; there was no reason to run away after all. Edward could be very magnanimous when he wanted to be... plus his laid back expression and his quiet footsteps put you more at ease.
And here he was, standing tall and proud before you in his usual attire, hood down resting on his shoulders as he was looking down at you, who held his inquisitive gaze, without breaking eye contact. His rhetorical question, said in such a mocking tone and him leaning in more towards you, made you feel slightly in awe.
The captain received only silence in response: you did not know what to say or what excuse to make up. But you knew that Edward was as magnanimous as he was cunning, and it was useless to lie to him as he would immediately discover your lies. In short, it wasn't worth it, and the only thing to do was to keep looking at him with a straight face.
"I was just coming back, it was just a matter of seconds," he continued in an upset tone, raising his eyebrow and pointing with a vague gesture of his hand to the cliff in the distance.
You became lightly shocked in hearing his almost disappointed words, rising one of your eyebrows in a questioning look. Were you wrong, or was he trying to give you the fault, as to excuse himself for his own wrongs? But as you looked in his eyes, you noticed cheekiness twinkling in the blue of them, also finally seeing his usual smug smirk plastered on his lips. He was just genuinely teasing you– as always, and you know he enjoyed seeing you flustered just for the fun of it.
And so, hit by realisation, you decided to play his game, straightening your back as you leaned forward towards him, hands playing with the flame of the candle on the table.
"Seconds which became minutes...and minutes which became a hour. You didn't keep your promise" you replied defiantly, mimicking his grin, stressing each one of your words, reminding him of his own broken promise.
Edward seemed to be taken aback at your biting words, at which he let out an amused little chuckle, lowering his head and shaking it as he clicked with his tongue.
"I was looking for you, but I see someone is so impatient" he uttered with a low voice, murmuring this near your ear when he leaned in down to your face, placing a hand on the back of the chair, his stubble slightly brushing on your cheek.
"I apologize, Kenway" you breathed out with just a low voice, reaching out with a hand towards his cheek, caressing it, then sliding it down to his jaw and chin, touching his strong neck before playing with his necklace, smelling humidity and salt on his tanned skin.
"There should be a Captain in there somewhere" Edward whispered back in a suggestive tone, his nose nudging your sweet spot near your ear, making you shiver; drawing him closer and closer to you with both you mannerisms and voice, for then placing both of your hands on his chest, pushing him away from you, laughing in seeing his astonished expression.
Continuing to laugh you nodded to him to go get something to drink at the counter, and he obeyed as he gave you a wink; returning to your table with two glasses of rum, he sat down opposite you, saying nothing as you both watched the people dance in front of you.
"So how did the meeting go?" you asked loudly enough so that you could be heard, as the violins and voices only increased as you drank some of your rum.
"Everything's already sorted out, we just need to discuss where to build the brothel" he explained as he vaguely gestured over the houses; as he kept talking about his business in the small village, he somehow and sometime got distracted by glancing his sailors with their companions, who kept on quickly dancing around the tables, sometimes even stumbling over your own.
"This place changed a lot. I really like the tavern and the people, and how lively the atmosphere is" you expressed your thoughts loudly, gazing all over you and bittersweetly grimacing at remembering how lame and miserable the village was when you and Edward firstly arrived here; smiling fondly in seeing how much Great Inagua changed thanks to Edward's efforts...and money. You knew– and understood the need of Edward to find a new place to call home: to feel like home. And you always have supported him however you could.
You wondered why he was not giving you an answer, and when you turned in his direction, you saw him shift his gaze from the dancing couples to you, and vice versa. Your eyes met, and somehow you immediately understood what he had in mind when he chugged down all the rum, for then slamming the empty glass on the table, some droplets flying around.
"Dance with me" he said from all of sudden with a decisive voice and firm expression, not giving you the time to realize what was about to happen: the Captain was already standing before you, towering over you. In the heat of the moment you didn't had time to properly think about his sudden proposal: but his outstretched arm, him offering you his opened hand and his encouraging and trustworthy smile made you immediately accept, throwing away any doubts or insecurities. After all, you decided to go to the tavern because you were bored and you wanted to have some fun. So why denying? Why denying a dance to your lover, who was so willingly and happily giving you his hand?
And so, widely smiling, you grabbed his hand and squeezed it, letting him pull you up from the chair, grabbing your waist as you placed one hand on his broad shoulder, for then finally starting to dance.
It had been a while since you had danced with someone, in that carefree way, not particularly following the rhythm of the cheerful music, not feeling embarrassed when by accident and emotion both you and Edward stepped on each other's feet, laughing amused at your awkwardness. Stumbling and colliding with other couples, not stopping for a moment except to drink and kiss each other appassionately and hastily, tongue crashing, tasting the alcohol on each other's lips, keeping on dancing, breathless, body against body, feeling each other's fanning breaths on your sweaty necks.
Spinning around the tables and other people, dancing wildly and messily for all the night, the ashen light of the moon and the hundreds of stars which enchanted you when Edward knocked you backwards, only to pick you up again soon after; your neck exposed to him who, inches away from your chest and leaned down on you, left a searing kiss on it, feeling him smile against your skin.
Seeing your wheezes, your hearts beating wildly in your chests and your heads that were spinning both from the twirls and the alcohol, you both decided that it was enough for that night. All the sailors and the women were passed out, some on the damp wooden floors, some on the chairs and some even on the tables... and some vomiting as they looked out over the water.
You and your lover found shelter in a corner away from everyone, still near the tavern, not too far away not to hear a last tune that one of the few awaken sailors was singing alone. Edward was sitting on his chair, and you on his lap, head laying on his chest, smelling his natural perfume, delicately lulled both by his now calm heartbeat and by the crackling produced by the small waves who hit on the Jackdaw.
Just when you were about to fall asleep, eyes closed and snuggled so close to him, your hands clasped around the back of his neck, you heard him humming something under his breath:
"Here's a health to the dear lass that I love so well, for her style and her beauty, sure none can excel..." smiling fondly when you recognized that he was softly singing along the lyrics of the song of the sailor.
"...there's a smile on her countenance as she sits on my knee" your smile only grew wider, your heart skipping a beat and shivering as he started to murmur the melody closer to your ear, his hands securely holding you.
"There's no men in this wide world as happy as me" he stopped to sing, falling silent and you bet that you could still hear his soothing voice lingering on the air and on the breeze.
"I didn't know you could sing so well" you joked in a sleepy voice, giggling amused when you felt his body shake for his chuckle.
"I used to sing a lot to myself while doing commissions around Bristol for my parents, when I was a boy, sweetheart" Edward answered as he played with a lace of your clothes, hearing a nostalgic veil covering his words, you humming as you tried to imagine his youth.
Silence returned to take hold of you both as you relaxed in each other's embrace,you giving one last glance at the tavern, at the people, at the village and at least, at the manor on top of the cliff
"Do you think this can feel like your new home?" you softly asked, almost scared of the answer he might would have given you when he didn't immediately answered you; pondering his words before your felt him placing his cheek on top of your head.
"Yes, it can" he whispered, feeling him squeeze your waists "with the right people"
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woah! was that EDWARD KENWAY walking down main street? i heard they’re not actually from ivy cove but come from ASSASSINS CREED. they’re 27 and live in FULTON PARK but watch out because they can be RECKLESS + SELFISH but are actually DEDICATED + RESOURCEFUL. despite them HAVING memories, you’ll always think of DRINKING BEFORE BREAKFAST, HAUNTED BY THE GHOSTS OF FRIENDS AND FAMILY, WANTING TO BELONG TO SOMETHING BIGGER THAN HIMSELF, LONGING FOR THE SEA when imagining them.
Dead Men Tell No Tales
Over a hundred years after the death of Ezio Auditore da Firenze, one of the most famous assassins in the creed, Edward Kenway was born in Swansea, with no knowledge of any of his ancestors past. He was seventeen the first time he got married, to Caroline Scott. Their marriage was rough, and by the time he left to become a privateer, they were already estranged. His life as a privateer was short-lived as a treaty was soon signed that meant they were no longer needed. Still chasing money, he became a pirate. It was a choice that would eventually lead him to be washed up with Duncan Walpole. Edward killed him, and took his identity, travelling to Havana and becoming involved with Walpole’s plot to help the Templar’s find the Observatory. However Edward’s identity was discovered, and the Templar’s planned to send him to the London Templar’s to be dealt with. Edward met Adéwalé, a slave on the same ship, and the two of them escaped together. They stole a ship, naming it Jackdaw with Edward as Captain and Adéwalé as Quartermaster. He came onto the Great Inagua, killing the owner who was a Templar. Realising this would be a good place to call home, he kept the island for himself. Eventually James Kidd introduced him to the Assassins. Years passed, with Edward caught between the war between the Assassins and the Templar’s, and the pirate war against those trying to control them. All the while, Edward wanted to find the Observatory, believing there to be fame and glory for him there. However one by one, the friends he had made were killed by the British and Spanish. Finally he found the Observatory, and learnt that when blood was put into it, you were able to see what that person could see. He finally realised with this, the Templars could control all Governments. He was then handed over to the British, the only reason he wasn’t executed was because he knew the location of the Observatory, though he would not give it away. The Assassins went to rescue Mary and Anne, however helped him as well. Although he and Anne got away, Mary died in the attempt, making him promise to be better than he had been.
Ivy Cove
Coming Soon
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armatofu · 5 months
Aumenta la población del pinzón azul en Gran Canaria
Hace unos 10 años solo existía una población de unos 300 adultos en los 40 km2 de la Reserva Natural Integral de Inagua, en Gran Canaria, siendo un "firme candidato" para pasar a formar parte del listado de especies extintas del planeta
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nickandros · 2 years
black flag managed to pull of the same thing as black sails with the lush and beautiful settings but black sails does it so much better with the interiors, whereas the only interior i can think of that gave me the same feeling in black flag is maybe the manor on great inagua? but the jungles. the water. the streets of havana. same feeling i get watching nassau in black sails.
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Final Project Preparation: Collect Key RESOURCES  primary historical evidence
Cali Schaefer
"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button by David Fincher"
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button by David Fincher came out in 2008 in that same year many historical events happened. One event that relates / happens in the film was in September 2008 Hurricane Ike appeared 1750 miles east of Puerto Rico, Slamming into the island of Great Inagua, and moving to the Cuban coast. This went on for 15 days, being a damaging, destructive and deadly storm of 2008. Through out the film Daisy in the hospital, there's a Hurricane making its way to them while her daughter Caroline reads to her. At the end the Hurricane hits showing how much time Daisy had left on here death bed. The relation between the film and the evidence are similar to one another of both being level 4 Hurricanes.
Another historical event I found from 2008 when the film came out was Barack Obama winning and becoming the first African-American President of the U.S. This was new for everyone because we have never had a African-American President before. I think he left a big impacted on the world after he resigned of doing 8 years.
I think for both the evidence it shows the growth of the world and what can happen at any given moment. It shows what we can do with our world when things happen and shows how we handed it. I don't think there's a relation between both of my evidence but the Hurricane does relate to the film.
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dazzlerazz · 2 years
Kinda wish ac4 followed the previous games and had two different kinds of running in the entire game. Like when I’m holding the Right trigger I’m speeding in ac4 but in like Brotherhood it’s like a light jog until I also hold B (playing on switch)
What’s even worse is that ac4 literally has animations and everything in place for a light jog, Edward runs casually in the hideout on the Great Inagua
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infinetsoft · 3 months
SOLVED | No Language option in Android Studio Inagua Version | 2024
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teecupangel · 11 months
the post is getting Too Long on my blog and it’s breaking my poor phone so. WHEE. new one!
gang sails off into the distance! and by “distance” I mean they’re high-tailing it into the Assassin servers in order to regroup and recuperate and figure out what the fuck to do now since. well. hey, they retrieved Desmond and they’ve kept him safe! uh. now what. if there were other Assassins’ memories in Abstergo, how long until they gain sentience as well? and how the fuck did Desmond and Jacob find a movie projector on the ship?
Desmond is still kind of reeling from everything that’s just happened, and to his surprise, despite the whole awkwardness surrounding Uh Fuckin Everything, the Kenways are willing to take him in, altho Edward somewhat morbidly jokes that their dysfunctional family being an improvement over his is really kind of sad when he thinks about it. then he offers to let him take a turn at the wheel—he needs to go see what they’ve done to the captain’s cabin anyway, he wasn’t able to since the collision and it’s probably messed with a few things.
they do need a base to operate out of for the time being. Davenport Manor is suggested, then somewhat reluctantly shot down bc of the two Templars around who are immediately like yeah uh No. Café Theatre is too cramped, although in a pinch it could do. the Frye twins’ train has little to offer in the way of bedrooms. Monteriggioni is considered and makes it into a top five list, only losing bc an entire town is a little too big and prone to glitches. (Desmond is a little peeved about it.) eventually everyone settles on finding a version of Great Inagua in the Assassin servers and regrouping there so they can figure out their next move. and maybe Edward is a little bit smug over it.
I do like the idea of Desmond teaching the gang how to really break shit in Abstergo, like—Juno is still in there, and there’s a possibility there might be more sentient data representations of dead Assassins (and dead Templars) rolling around now in the servers. Ezio shudders to think of Juno at the same time that Shay does, and they’re both concerned about the idea of Juno being able to simply possess somebody, and if she’s able to do that in the digital realm, there’s the lingering possibility of her being able to do that to an actual flesh and blood person. which nobody wants! so that’s on their priority list. and also all the other possibly-sentient people who might be running around the servers.
Arno and the twins and Henry listen to all of this, then sit in contemplation. then all three of them are like. oh shit we have to check on our simulations bc Lydia and Elise might also be gaining sentience and god KNOWS what they’re doing right now without us. who wants to come with, we’ve got spare clothes for you. (aka: how to justify the legacy outfits lol.)
The “Too Long Post” which was about the playable characters in Abstergo’s games gaining sentience for easy reference. (And considering we ended it after they got away, we can count that as Arc 1 XD)
Honestly, I think the only valid locations for their homebase would be the Great Inagua or Davenport Homestead because they also need to park their ship (depending on who you ask, it’s either called ‘Aquila’ or ‘Jackdaw’) and the Seine river would be hard to navigate while the Thames is chock-full of other ships and boats and the moving train means they can’t always get to the ship quickly. Also, they all try to fit in the mansion that Edward had ‘commandeered’ but it becomes clear that there is a division. Altaïr, Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton took the rooms nearest to Desmond. Haytham took the room furthest away from everyone and Shay took the room to his left. Shao Jun took the empty room nearest to Ezio while Aveline took the empty room nearest to Ratonhnhaké:ton. Jacob’s the only one who went ‘whichever room is free’ and Arno took the room furthest away from Shay which sorta put him between Jacob and an empty room that Evie took for herself. Jacob joked of Jayadeep just sharing a room with Evie so he took the room on the other side of Jacob instead, making Jacob roll his eyes. Edward just took his old room (which was the largest room). So… they might be in this together but they’re definitely not exactly the bestest of allies at the moment.  
Desmond taught them what he knew, things he didn’t know when he was alive but he just… knew once he ‘woke up’. He doesn’t even know if these skills came from his memory of Clay or from his memory of Dionysus (holy shit, his Isu ancestor was the god of wine and debauchery? What the fuck???) but he wasn’t going to reject such a boon. He’s quiet about his life though, only sharing a bit if anyone asked about what they saw. 
And the only one who asked was a worried Shao Jun because Shay was keeping his distance and the others either didn’t have such a bad memory to watch (Aveline, Evie and Jayadeep) or didn’t even see any memory (Jacob and Arno).
The ones connected to Desmond though… Desmond told them everything. Even Edward who was just in the room with the three people who had the biggest urge to find Desmond and Haytham who Edward believes had been affected just as much by the time they started to piece Desmond back together. Edward provided the alcohol back then (although Altaïr did not partake) and they finished more than five bottles of Edward’s hardest liquor. He was especially worried for Haytham who grabbed an entire unopened bottle and just started topping his glass with it and ended up finishing it and still requesting his glass to be filled afterward.  
Are we talking about the Juno in Desmond’s dataspace or the real Juno in digital space? Because if it’s the real Juno and this is set after Syndicate BUT before the comics where she died, then Juno is out in the real world (which would give us an excuse to have our sentient Assassins travel into other corners of the internet XD).
However, I do like the idea that they’ve unintentionally created Juno 2.0 from Desmond’s memory of her (and also a bit of Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton’s memories). This also gives Ratonhnhaké:ton a reason to want to take her down since she… technically didn’t lie but she absolutely used Ratonhnhaké:ton and gave him the short stick in that deal. (With her past misgivings to Ratonhnhaké:ton, Edward would be on board and maybe even Haytham once he learned how everything had been set into stones because of the path the Isus have chosen the world to walk to, including how the Kenway family ended).
You know what would be fun? If they made the grievous assumption that the data are gaining sentient while they were gone BUT the real reason why they’re slowly gaining sentient is because all sentient data (them) are still connected to the virus that started this all. Now, the virus was fast-acting in Abstergo because it was meant to fuck shit up there but the virus also have a failsafe that makes it dormant when it knows it’s no longer in Abstergo’s servers. But… the virus itself might be dormant but constant exposure to it will still affect data. 
… wanna make Arno have a bad time once more? Élise is slowly waking up and she starts remembering…
The many times Arno repeated her death, together with the pain and rage that consumed her during those days, not knowing Arno repeated that memory over and over again to try and save her.
You gotta wonder… if Élise would even be happy to see Arno once more when her most lived memory was her death.
(Also… Lydia would be fine being sentient since she loves her grandaunt and granddad who raised her but… remember… Jack the Ripper is also in the servers). 
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Willkommen ihr Lieben,
an diesem sonnigen Samstag erwartet uns nun endlich der Sonnenstein und weist Mistress Kenway den Weg.
Anne hingegen hat noch eine kleine Bitte, bevor sie sich wieder auf den Heimweg macht.
Für Edward Junior geht ein Traum in Erfüllung wie es scheint und die Planung für eine Reise nach Great Inagua beginnt.
Ich wünsche viel Spaß beim Lesen und bleibt gesund!
#fckcancer #fckbreastcancer
Grüße MrsHEKenway
Von schicksalhaften Zeitreisen und dem Ruf der Nornen - Part II - Virginia - Der Sonnenstein - ein Wegweiser! (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1429171261-von-schicksalhaften-zeitreisen-und-dem-ruf-der?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Mrs_H_E_Kenway ~~~ Atlantik, 6. August 1768. Die Jackdaw ist auf dem Heimweg nach Virginia. Die Familie Kenway wähnt sich in Sicherheit, bis die Naglfar mit ihrem Kapitän Hrymr auftaucht. Damit starten wir in den zweiten Part und von jetzt an rückt der Revolutionskrieg mit seinen Schattenseiten immer näher. Ratonhnhaké:ton tritt auf den Plan und wird bald zu einer wichtigen Unterstützung, nicht nur für seinen Vater! ~~~
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muznew · 3 months
Beatport Best of Hype 2024: Organic House / Downtempo
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- Artists: Beatport DATE CREATED: 2024-03-05 GENRES: Organic House / Downtempo Tracklist : 1. Melarmony - The River(Extended Mix) 2. Gorge - Higher(Club Mix) 3. DAF (FR) - El Cielo(Extended Mix) 4. ADHM - I See Paradise(Original Mix) 5. Wavemod - Evolving Life(Original Mix) 6. Moe Turk, Putri Cinta - One More Time(Dub Mix) 7. CABAL (PL) - Eden(Original Mix) 8. Suagar - Inagua(K'you Remix) 9. Chuchelo - Airplane(Original Mix) 10. Arthaum, Tibetania - Crystal Lattice(Original Mix) 11. Chris Perkins - In the Moment(Original Mix) 12. Martin Lipan - Forgetting the Roots(Original Mix) 13. WESLEY (BR), Broken Adam - Silence & Secrets(Extended Mix) 14. Alessio Serra, Teeka, M-Sol DEEP - Obsession(Original Mix) 15. JFR - Gocru(Original Mix) 16. Seleki - Ethereal Dreams(Original Mix) 17. Enam, Hind Ennaira - SANDIYA(Original Mix) 18. JDub (US) - Tempered Horizon(Extended Mix) 19. St.Ego, Jomoss, Melaniya - Southern Fantasy(Original Mix) 20. Cobe-Cobe - At Large( Read the full article
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djmusicbest · 3 months
Beatport Best of Hype 2024: Organic House / Downtempo
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- Artists: Beatport DATE CREATED: 2024-03-05 GENRES: Organic House / Downtempo Tracklist : 1. Melarmony - The River(Extended Mix) 2. Gorge - Higher(Club Mix) 3. DAF (FR) - El Cielo(Extended Mix) 4. ADHM - I See Paradise(Original Mix) 5. Wavemod - Evolving Life(Original Mix) 6. Moe Turk, Putri Cinta - One More Time(Dub Mix) 7. CABAL (PL) - Eden(Original Mix) 8. Suagar - Inagua(K'you Remix) 9. Chuchelo - Airplane(Original Mix) 10. Arthaum, Tibetania - Crystal Lattice(Original Mix) 11. Chris Perkins - In the Moment(Original Mix) 12. Martin Lipan - Forgetting the Roots(Original Mix) 13. WESLEY (BR), Broken Adam - Silence & Secrets(Extended Mix) 14. Alessio Serra, Teeka, M-Sol DEEP - Obsession(Original Mix) 15. JFR - Gocru(Original Mix) 16. Seleki - Ethereal Dreams(Original Mix) 17. Enam, Hind Ennaira - SANDIYA(Original Mix) 18. JDub (US) - Tempered Horizon(Extended Mix) 19. St.Ego, Jomoss, Melaniya - Southern Fantasy(Original Mix) 20. Cobe-Cobe - At Large( Read the full article
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looksforleaders · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 🔹️Anthropologie Maeve Cream & Floral Inagua Sleeveless Dress Size 2.
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franchi35 · 5 months
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