#including tiktok lol
kanrix · 6 months
Good god twitter is the worst thing that could've ever happened to the internet
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emilianadarling · 1 year
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fbpanimations · 6 months
just got so much inspiration from this one tiktok for no fucking reason like it BARELY even correlates but uh
au where all the sinkers are eliminated and on indefinite island they get bored as fuck right so theyre like “lets fix boaty and take a ride or two around the island” (lifering is the boat captain which is why its called sailor lifering au) so they do but while theyre sailing a huge storm breaks out and they all get lost at sea
idk what happens after that but i just wanna document this in case i forget later
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gentlemanbutch · 7 months
I know many of us are feeling incredibly helpless right now in relation to Palestine/watching a genocide…I had a thought and I want to share it, especially for my fellow white American followers who probably also are trying to unpack the white supremacy we grew up in and look at the world from a more decolonized lens. These are ideas I have learned over the past several years mainly from following Black and brown creators but haven’t seen many white leftists discussing.
There isn’t a quick, easy solution to get those in power to listen and stop a genocide. But there ARE everyday things you can do to help the communities around you. Maybe those are things that will directly help Palestinians, maybe they’re not. But they matter, and I think now is a good opportunity to recognize areas where we could be doing more.
I don’t really have answers, just suggestions I can make based on my experiences as a disabled and trans person, and from listening to queer, disabled Black and brown people. Wearing masks and taking steps to mitigate COVID is something simple you can do (COVID disproportionately affects BIPOC communities, as well as the LGBTQ community, all of which struggle to access health care…it also has a higher chance of killing/further disabling people who are already disabled). Join mutual aid networks, or maybe start them at protests. My area is so, so very red but some of the most help I’ve seen happen has been through mutual aid. And I feel like this has been said a million times but learn to be quiet and listen to Black and brown people. That is often the most valuable thing we can do.
Someone has probably said this more eloquently, but I think we need to realize that what’s happening in Palestine — and the other genocide happening right now — are based in white supremacy. We can’t just “fix”/stop one issue and be done with it; we have to look at the root of the problem.
Again, I don’t have all the answers; more than anything, I just have a lot of thoughts that I haven’t seen expressed specifically among white leftists, so I just felt like putting this out there.
Please feel free to add suggestions for actions we can take. Anyone perpetuating any forms of bigotry will be blocked.
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an-absolute-trainwreck · 11 months
Tumblr media
Have you ever met a more will wood coded mf?
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ohandcounting · 1 year
DAY 89 of Slapping Spamton Increasingly Until The Next Seasonal UT/DR Newsletter: Baking Him
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jinmaeda · 11 months
Two wolves inside me. One is happy the music I like is getting more fans and recognition cuz the artists deserve all the praise and moneys.
The other grits its teeth at the fact that Mother Mother/Lemon Demon/The Orion Experience/Disko Warp are considered TikTok music nowadays.
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lhrry · 2 years
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sadaveniren · 2 years
Anons: lEaKs DaMaGe LoUiS’ cHaNcEs Of SuCcEsS
Me clearing off my credit cards while listening to a playlist with all the new songs on it so I can buy every single version of his new album and any special merch and the fucking rainbow AFH shirt that I know is coming and the inevitable LT2 tour I’m gonna want to go see a bunch of different times between NYC and Chicago: did you say something?
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cruelsister-moved2 · 2 years
me n jodie were talking a bit ago about how in media when they do occasionally appear, butch lesbians are overwhelmingly paired with other butch lesbians even though its not that common of a dynamic irl. and the reason i care isnt bc im like grrr we need more feminine representation or whatever and like butch4butch couples are important and deserve representation too anyway. the reason i think its notable is because (especially with the super gender conforming, conventionally attractive by very heterosexual standards feminine lesbians we usually see) i think it comes from the fact that people see butches as so unattractive they cant understand how anyone but another equally unattractive person would want them. they see one woman who they find attractive and appealing and in their mind she could get and would choose another woman who is also attractive and appealing to them, and a butch is the furthest thing from that in their mind. they have no idea that we could have an entirely different standard and like many of us intentionally seek women who are hairy and buzzed and broad bc we love it and find it attractive (and also by extension that those women are like that on purpose not just because they tried to be attractive and failed or something). its like a deliberate language of desire between us where butchness literally appeals perfectly to that gaze & ik plenty of butches who like intentionally perform butchness for a femme audience as well as the (more talked abt) other way around. so i dont think its fair to say that there is like specific disdain reserved for the act of being attracted to butches as much as its a symptom of a system that views a gender conforming woman as the least attractive being on earth and can only comprehend them being settled for by others they perceive as of equally low value, never actively desired and valued. so if ur claiming theres some specific kind of marginalisation for being attracted to butches then the fact butches who like other butches dont get as much of this specific kind of flak as more feminine women do would seem to imply that like butch4butch attraction is privileged, rather than the fact that the universal disdain with which masculine women are regarded is whats at the heart of this ultimately 
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petrovna-zamo · 2 years
Maybe we hyped Australia up too much
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thedetectivessay · 2 years
Minyoung, crying: Sejeong, the Queen is dead.
Sejeong, teary-eyed: Queen Latifah?
Minyoung: No.
Sejeong: Lupita?
Minyoung: No.
Sejeong: Zendaya?
Minyoung: No.
Sejeong: ...?
Sejeong: Tracee...Tracee Ellis-Ross?
Minyoung, sobbing: No, not Tracee.
Sejeong: Lizzo?
Minyoung: No.
Sejeong: Rihanna? Nicki?
Minyoung: No.
Sejeong: Cardi?
Minyoung: No.
Sejeong: Megan Thee Stalion?
Minyoung: No.
Sejeong: Beyonce?!
Minyoung: No!
Sejeong: ... ??
Sejeong: Michelle Obama?
Minyoung, still sobbing: No, not Michelle, no. All those people are alive.
Sejeong: ?? Well, then, who in the world are they talking about?
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beechaotic · 5 months
Hey guys, I just wanted to say I have a TikTok now, where I talk about my stories (mostly the one I’m currently working on)! The username is @brannaboothauthor and I hope some of you go check it out!
The story I am currently working on is called The Winners Shall be Write, and it’s about two main characters, a hero and a villain (mostly the villain). Rowen (R-OW-en) (the villain) and Bryce (the hero) and their journeys trying to take down/reform the hero commission currently running the city they live in (cuz that shiz corrupt). I based a lot of it off of the American government and what I see in the world we live in today. There are four teams at play: the Villains, who want to take down the Hero Commission and use violent tactics to do so; the Heroes, who are usually corrupt and try to take down the villains and vigilantes, but mostly ignore the rampant small crimes; the Vigilantes, who tend to keep to themselves and try to deal with the small (average) crime; finally, the Civilians who just try to live without getting caught the crossfire of a superpowered being fight. Oh, right, there’s superpowers, too.
I hope you guys check it out! :D
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ibswarriors2nd · 6 months
I don't disagree there is bias involved with criticism of TikTok, but that doesn't change the fact it has a lot of problems with disinformation, among other things, and it is the current popular social media platform so of course its going to get focus. With that said, the same problems exist on most other platforms (and before TikTok, we were focusing on pre-Musk Twitter and Facebook for their roles in misinfo during elections). So no, its not actually boomers "oppressing" zoomers and you are just as likely to be susceptible to propaganda the way your shitty Xoomer Uncle is.
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landlockedcorsair · 6 months
Huh, looks like that fucking video project of tumblr is being pushed less lol. The notification thingy is gone and I never clicked it. Just another dumbass attempt that @staff quietly retires. See you in four months when they cosplay as the next popular site.
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themuseoftheviolets · 9 months
i don't go there anymore but i love how a bunch of limelights did a 180 and went from stanning the boys to stanning their ex girlfriends
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