heardatmedschool · 25 days
Intern: Why do we request Chagas serology when we get a postive HIV?
Infectologist: Honestly, I don’t know.
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thedespicableblog · 1 year
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Brutal Death Metal Fri-yay! INFECTOLOGY - Innards Of Misanthropic Embodiment 🤘🔥☠️🇪🇨 #Infectology #InnardsOfMisanthropicEmbodiment #Ecuador #EcuadorianBrutalDeathMetal #BrutalDeathMetal #GoreHouseProductions #MetalUpYourAss #KeepMetalAlive #KeepItLoudAndHeavy #MetalForLife #MetalTillIDie #InMetalWeBlast #ExtremeMusicForExtremePeople #SpreadLoveThroughMusic (at House of Metal) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqLKimWJYtX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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med4vl · 1 year
Cephalosporins: Overview of Antimicrobial Activity
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sheepneverlearn · 1 year
i have a kidney infection and instead of offering his support, my dad decided to go off at me for "not handling this urgently enough" like DUDE I WENT TO THE HOSPITAL. THEY GAVE ME MEDS. IM SCHEDULING AN APPT WITH A SPECIALIST TOMORROW. WHAT ELSE CAN I FUCKING DO???
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sasukesun · 6 months
hey, i have been studying for my clinical er and infectology exams, that’s why i haven’t been online much
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Brazil Breaks Record of Deaths Caused by Dengue in 2022
The country has 218 cities with a high risk of infestation by the Aedes aegypti mosquito
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In 2022, Brazil recorded the highest number of deaths from dengue in its history. There were 1,016 deaths from the disease, according to the latest epidemiological bulletin from the Secretariat for Health and Environment Surveillance.
Among the states, São Paulo registered the highest number of victims: 282. Goias (162), Paraná (109), Santa Catarina (88) and Rio Grande do Sul (66) appear next.
Doctor Antonio Carlos Bandeira, a member of the SBI (Brazilian Society of Infectology), says that 2022 brought together different factors that contributed to the increase in cases.
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beyondtheperiod · 9 months
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August 2nd, 2023
Just came back from a two week vacation in my hometown and finally got the motivation (mostly my mom embroidering with me) to finish these embroidery key chains, I just love them so much! Giving them away to special people and already having plans to make a ton more of them! What happened during those two weeks wasn't much because I just shut down so hard! Like, I literally only saw people from my family (watched Barbie with my cousins <3 ). I couldn't even text my friends, even those who texted me things related to college. And those last few days, I just felt completely numb. I've been feeling less like that in these last couple of days, but it's still bad. And I even thought I could pull the "I've studied during my vacations" kind of plot, HA! Surprise, surprise, I couldn't read anything, and now I'm giving up on this exam this Friday and leaving to attend it in november. Anyway, I got my cardiovascular scores today! Got a beautiful 8/10, plus the 9/10 on the oral exam, they uploaded the score as a 9! And we also had a tricky case in the hospital, lumbar pain, 3 months of evolution, what could it have been? And I just remembered this obscure theme in my neuro book about the inflammation of the psoas muscle, and I was right! The infectology doctor explained it to us and asked, "Well, 3 months, what kind of pathogen would have such a cronical episode?" And at once, I was shouting tuberculosis, and my friends said our profesor was proud of me! I'm trying to keep these things so I can feel like I can do this! That I'm capable and that once I work hard, it really pays off.
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ley-med · 4 years
Having infectology course during covid times is interesting to say the least. Of course we aren't allowed on wards (I'm pretty sure there isn't any extra PPE they could waste on us, and the whole Infectology Clinic is basically a covid clinic at the moment - though there aren't many active cases at all - so understandable) and we haven't even talked about covid yet, but we are talking over cases, and I am once again convinced... Humans might be smart and mighty, but we are nothing in the face of these little bastards. Bacteria and viruses and co. are the real deal. Been here before us, and for sure going to be here even after the apocalypse...
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quasariz · 4 years
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Micobacterias: son bacilos delgados. No tiñen con gram. Acido alcohol resistentes. (alto contenido de lipidos complejos: acidos micolicos en la cell wall, que se unen a la tincion Ziehl Nielsen/carbolfucsina y luego se resisten fuertemente a la descoloracion). -Cultivos: crecen lentamente 2-6 weeks en medio Lowenstein-jensen -Aerobio obligado. -Transmision: directa por aerosoles o exposicion a secreciones contaminadas por personas infectadas. Leche contaminada (rara): M bovis: tuberculosis orofaringea e intestinal. Con la pasteurizacion disminuyeron casos. - Infectividad: alta. - De los infectados solo 5% desarrollaran la enfermedad. -Patogenes mediada por la INMUNIDAD CELULAR medidadas por CD4+-subtipo TH1. -rx de risk para desarrollo de tbc activa: VIH. -Patogenesis: Defensas de la bacteria: Glucolipidos: "Cord factor": protege a la bacteria de ser destruida por aumento de TNF alfa y citokines, que provocan formacion de granulomas. Sulfatidas: permiten a la bacterias sobrevivir dentro de los macrofagos, previniendo que se los lisosomas se fusionen a la vacuola fagocitica. -De esta forma: Persona tiene contacto con aerosol contaminado y en las tres primeras semanas: M.tuberculosis llega al pulmon, se encuentra con el macrofago alveolar: logra entrar al macrofago, inactiva al fagolisosoma, asi se multiplica dentro del macrofago y puede producir diseminacion en multiples localicaciones (y puede ser completamente asintomatico). Despues de esas 3 weeks: es que se desarrolla LA INMUNIDAD MEDIDADA POR ELULAS: donde los antigenos de la bacteria alcanzan a los ganglios linfaticos, se presentan por celulas dentriticas a los linfocitos T CD4, y a traves de la IL-L2 que se secreta por los macrofagos, se generan linfocitos T CD4+ del subgrupo TH1, que generan IFN-Y, quienes a su vez activan mas macrofagos, que segregan TNF, que lleva al reclutamiento de monocitos, se diferencian a histiocitos epiteloides que forman granuloma, que puede ir o no con necrosis central.Ahora todo este proceso genera HIPERSENSIBILIDAD y se desarrolla asi RESISTENCIA a la bacteria. Si alguno de estos mecansmos se altera, no hay buena respuesta y se descontrola la infeccion, da enfermedad.
-Asi, cuando una perosna se infecta tiene 3 probables fines: 1- Induce hipersensibilidad y genera resistencia a la bacteria. (se cura) 2. Foco de cicatrizacion en pulmon, donde la bacteria queda por años y si se dan las condiciones adecuadas puede reactivarse. (se controlar) 3. raro: tuberculosis primaria progresiva.(progresa)
-CLINICA: TBC Primaria: Infeccion inial por TBC, primera vez que se expone a la bacteria o en ancianos o nmunodeprimidos, que pierden sensibilidad al bacilo, y peuden presentar tbc primaria mas de una vez. -Afecta: Lobulos inferiores o el medial. -patologia: granulomas caseificantes (aunque en inmunodperimdos, puede no encontrarse porque esta limtiada la rx cell) -Complejo de Ghon: linfadenopatia hiliar+ lesion granulomatosa en pulmon -Complejo de Ranke: cuando el complejo deGhon se calcifica y se ve en RX. -Sintomas: Fiebre no tan alta, prolongada, sudoracion nocturna. Mas comune n areas endemicas y en niños. -pronostico: puede curar por fibrosos o calcicficaciones y vovlerse una tbc latente.
- TBC ORGANICA AISLADA: por diseminacionhematogena y puede ser la manifestacion incial de la TBC comun:linfadenitis (forma mas frecuente de TBC extrapulmoanr: gte en region cervical o escrofula.) hueso, higado, Si afecta a las vertebras: Enfermedad de Pott. CNS (10-15%): MANIFESTACIONES: meningitis, tuberculoma, lesion cavitaria en el cerebro.
-TB MILIAR: Por extensuin directa o por diseminacion pro via respiratoria, es una forma diseminada de la enfermedad.Progresa rapido a muerte.
-TBC SECUNDARIA: 5-10%. Sintomas: inicio insidioso, sudoracion nocturna, tos, hemoptisis, caquexia, dolor pleuritico. Localizacion: Lobulso superiores del pulmon. Cavitaciones o consolidaciones.
-TX: "RIPE" -Frec multirresistencia. -prevencion: quimioprofilaxis: 9 meses: Rifampicina, Isoniacida. -Vacuna: BCG (bacilos de Calmette Guerin). No protege contra TBC pulmonar.
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lucioguimaraes · 2 years
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Caso de hoje: Tuberculose pulmonar Paciente com emagrecimento. Perdeu 20kg em 06 meses. Também apresenta tosse, sudorese profusa noturna (suores noturnos) e febre diária nos últimos 03 meses. Na tomografia do tórax observamos uma caverna no pulmão esquerdo, lesão características da tuberculose pulmonar. As políticas de saúde pública do Brasil estão sendo ineficazes há muitos anos e há muitos governos. Infelizmente vemos uma epidemia de tuberculose. #tuberculose #tuberculosis #tuberculeux #結核 #medicinainterna #internalmedicine #infectologia #infectology #doençastropicais #doençasnegligenciadas #pneumologia #pneumology #tisiologia #phthisiology #drlucio #drlucioguimaraes @drlucioguimaraes @centromedicodrjosias (em Dr Lucio Guimarães) https://www.instagram.com/p/CW6-T4lp4TZ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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heardatmedschool · 2 years
“And, if you find scary bacteria, send them to [other doctor]. I’m too old to deal with that crap.”
Head of the Infectology department.
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sams-secret-world · 4 years
After long time in train again with some book. I haven't sent any post here for long time but It is time to change it now. Today is 13th november 2019 It rains and I'm learning Infectology for tomorrow. It will be so difficult but I hope that it'll be fine. To be honest I really want to visit UK again - All I have to do is waiting - cheers mates have good time 🎓📚🇬🇧
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neuromedical · 3 years
Distance learning is not ideal and I miss the structure in-person practicals used to give me.
But seeing that little MS Teams notification by a professor from a subject you’ve already passed and knowing that it’s not intended for you but for a different study group which now has to go through the same hell you’ve already been through... Priceless :D
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felixjtapia · 5 years
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@Regran_ed from @sociedadmedica - Diciembre mes de lucha contra el VIH. Por tal motivo este lunes nuestra @sociedadmedica estará presentando por parte de la Dra. @mafade01 una conferencia que nos hablará de la Historia del VIH. Les esperamos @svdeinfectologia @svinfectologia #infectologia #infectology #VIH #SIDA - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq2bztqg5wJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ok4uj15moq54
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vacationstudy · 7 years
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02 • 03 • 17 //  the semester barely started..and here i am.....dying. sorry for not being active at all lately! i was busy the whole vacation period, and now another year started (and i already feel like i’m being left behind /help)
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First patient with monkeypox dies in São Paulo
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São Paulo's State Health Secretariat Wednesday confirmed the first death statewide of a patient suffering from monkeypox. The patient was a 26-year- old local male resident in South America's largest city, Agencia Brasil reported.
He was reported to have several comorbidities and was treated with antivirals specific for severe cases. He had been admitted to the Emílio Ribas Institute of Infectology on Aug. 1.
The state of São Paulo has 3,861 confirmed cases of monkeypox and the spread of the malady has been said to be waning in recent weeks. The current outbreak has a prevalence of transmission through intimate and sexual contact. The main symptom is the appearance of pimple-like lesions or blisters on the face, inside the mouth, or in other parts of the body such as the hands, chest, feet, and genitals. Other associated symptoms are fever; lump in the neck, armpit, and groin; headache; chills; and tiredness.
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