#iodine deficiency
thecurrentnexus · 1 year
Iodized Salt: Benefits, and Drawbacks
Salt is a common ingredient found in almost every kitchen. It adds flavor to food and has been used for preserving food for thousands of years. However, salt is not just a seasoning, but it also contains essential nutrients that our body needs to function properly. One such nutrient is iodine, which is added to salt in the form of iodized salt. In this article, we will explore why salt is…
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thewitfire · 1 year
New Study Reveals Shocking Loss of Iodine in Salt- Iodine Deficiency
New Study Reveals Shocking Loss of Iodine in Salt- Iodine Deficiency #IodineDeficiency #IodizedSalt #SaltStability #IsotopeDilutionAnalysis #HealthConcerns #GlobalHealth
Iodine Deficiency- In many countries struggling with an iodine deficiency, iodization of consumed salts is mandatory. But a new study has revealed that storage conditions can drastically affect iodine content in salt – leading to shocking outcomes. Photo by Castorly Stock on Pexels.com This study utilized Isotope Dilution Analysis to measure the stability of iodine in salt, taking into account…
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morningmantra · 5 months
Demystifying Hypothyroidism: Understanding the Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention of Underactive Thyroid
In the intricate symphony of human hormones, the thyroid gland plays a pivotal role. This small, butterfly-shaped gland, located at the base of the neck, is responsible for producing thyroid hormones, which regulate metabolism, energy levels, growth, and
In the intricate symphony of human hormones, the thyroid gland plays a pivotal role. This small, butterfly-shaped gland, located at the base of the neck, is responsible for producing thyroid hormones, which regulate metabolism, energy levels, growth, and development. When the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough hormones, a condition known as hypothyroidism arises. Unveiling the Symptoms of…
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harmeet-saggi · 5 months
Thyroid Disease: Causes, Symptoms, Risk Factors, Testing
There are a number of causes for thyroid disease, including autoimmune diseases, radiation exposure, and iodine deficiency. Some risk factors include having a family history of thyroid disease, being female (thyroid disease is more common in women), and being over the age of 60. Symptoms can vary depending on the type of thyroid disease but may include weight gain or loss, fatigue, hair loss, constipation, and muscle weakness.
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nishp · 6 months
🌍 Global Iodine Deficiency Disorders Prevention Day 🌍
On October 21, 2023, we stand together to raise awareness about the importance of iodine and the prevention of iodine deficiency disorders. It's a day to highlight a critical global health issue and work towards a healthier future for all.
🧘‍♀️ The Power of Iodine 🧘‍♂️ Iodine is an essential trace element that our bodies need to function properly. It plays a crucial role in the production of thyroid hormones, which are essential for regulating metabolism and promoting growth and development, especially in children. Without enough iodine, serious health problems can arise.
🌾 The Global Challenge 🌾 Iodine deficiency remains a significant global health concern, affecting millions of people, particularly in regions with limited access to iodized salt. The consequences can be severe, leading to goiter, intellectual disabilities, developmental delays, and even stillbirths. Together, we can make a difference.
💡 Why Iodine Matters 💡
Iodine deficiency is the world's leading cause of preventable mental and developmental impairments.
It's a silent crisis, often overlooked but with long-lasting impacts on individuals and communities.
The solution is simple: iodized salt, which can be made accessible to all.
🌐 Taking Action 🌐 On this day, let's take action to combat iodine deficiency:
Support initiatives that promote the use of iodized salt.
Advocate for universal salt iodization to ensure that everyone has access to this essential nutrient.
Educate your community about the importance of iodine and the risks of deficiency.
🙏 Empower Change 🙏 By raising awareness about iodine deficiency disorders and taking practical steps to prevent them, we can empower individuals and communities to lead healthier lives and unlock their full potential.
Share this message to create a ripple effect of change, because a world free from the devastating effects of iodine deficiency is a healthier and brighter world for all. 🌟
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healthyplanetworld · 1 year
Iodine is one of the minerals that works especially for properly functioning the thyroid. Read more!
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sybilsherbal · 2 years
Thyroid: can be under-active or over-active (or you could just be iodine deficient)
see also: iodine; parathyroid glands; calcium
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adulthooliganism · 11 months
i need a salt lick
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taekonaut · 1 year
health fads that ruined me sure of course but one that is so specific is that i never use enough salt. i grew up with people just always talking about how bad it was for you
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World Iodine Deficiency Day: Let's ensure everyone has access to this essential nutrient.
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arogyasudha · 9 months
Food Rich In Iodine: Nourishing Your Body
Discover the Power of Iodine-Rich Food Hey there, curious minds! Let’s take a dive into the wondrous world of iodine – the unsung hero of the mineral realm. Picture iodine as the ultimate conductor, leading the symphony of our body’s functions with flair and pizzazz. You see, this nifty element has a special knack for creating thyroid hormones, the conductors of our metabolism orchestra. But it…
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hungee-boy · 10 months
what do you MEAN my thyroid levels are normal what
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iconhub2023 · 1 year
Thyrolin Thyroid
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Thyrolin is an innovative food supplement supporting thyroid health. A rich product formula covering a total of 13 natural ingredients has resulted in the creation of a unique supplement supporting the production of thyroid hormones. Choose Thyrolin Best For Thyroid Health !
Thyrolin increases the metabolism and improves digestion. Moreover it increases the feeling of satiety, thanks to which this contributes to a reduction in body mass.  This product also helps maintain the correct blood sugar level and cholesterol level in the blood. Thyrolin is a supplement operating on many levels, which makes it much appreciated by persons suffering from hypothyroidism, as well as persons wanting to look after the health of this very important gland.
Start promoting the Thyrolin food supplement Choose Thyrolin  Best For Thyroid Health!
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harmeet-saggi · 6 months
Iodine Deficiency : Causes, Symptoms, And Solutions
In today's fast-paced world, where health concerns are a top priority, iodine deficiency remains a lesser-known but crucial issue. While it might not grab headlines, understanding the impact of this condition is vital for overall well-being. This article will explore the depths of iodine deficiency, its symptoms, causes, and ways to prevent it, shedding light on a health concern often overlooked.
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reality-detective · 3 months
Barbara O'Neill - Test for iodine deficiency. No disease can live if your body has iodine. Now, you’re starting to see why they removed iodine from the soil and food? 🤔
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