#is there antisemitism? you bet your ass!
handmedownpocketpussy · 3 months
You know how white people use being scared as a weapon? All those videos of white women saying, "I called the cops because I felt like I was in danger" and how white guys have tiktoks about, "You need at least one semi automatic weapon close at hand at all times to defend your family" kinda shit?
That's what bothers me so much about watching fellow jews acting like just seeing a Palestinian flag or keffiyeh somehow automatically makes a place unsafe.
I mostly see it in US American jews posting about how they feel threatened by a Palestinian flag, or saying that anything referencing not wanting thousands and thousands of Palestinians to die is 'a call for jewish genocide'
Y'all. No. This tells me you have never interacted with a Palestinian or even the Muslim community at large. We diaspora Jews are not the victims here.
Your assimilation has ended on the path of weaponisation of your fears, which is not a great place to be.
If you honestly believe "The only safe place in the world for Jews is Israel" you've bought into someone fearmongering. I'm begging you to investigate why you bought that lie and who is benefiting from you buying it
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laylanatorseventeen · 6 months
u know honestly I can understand the frustration with the mob vote but I think it is good to stop and think about all Mojang has given us in the last several years
-bees and honey
-the nether update (including 2 new mobs, 2 new wood types, piglin trading and bastions)
-mountains and goats!
-lush caves and all it's accoutrements, like glow berries and moss and axolotls!
-deepdark update, with the warden and ancient cities! so many new blocks!
-mangrove swamp, including frogs! and MULTIPLE new blocks (mangrove wood, mud + it's variants, roots, frog lights)
-cherry wood! new blocks! new flowers! along with the sniffer and it's flowers! +archaeology! pots and armor trims!
so yeah. I understand wanting all three mobs, I did too. And after reviewing the Minecraft live announcements my first reaction was, "wow that sounds. Really boring." But like Minecraft has changed so much and we've been given so much in the last three years I think we might need to run on a little faith
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allycat75 · 3 months
All I could think watching the ASP Circle Jerk with you and Mark today, Boston Dumb Fuck (the rant below isn't going to be pretty, you have been warned):
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As nauseated as it made me (ironic since you keep saying the site is so digestible), I watched you and Mark jerk each other off for doing such as good job on this colossal waste of time. You do understand this generation is the most information savvy yet and don't need manipulative, lying, whiney Millenials telling them where to start.
Some notes...
Did you really read the audience to give them what they want? Not lately!
I bet the only people you can get now for the site are the GOP deplorables, especially with that racist, antisemetic wifey of yours, BDF.
BDF was famous, but now he has a bunch of failures and a possible Razzie or two in his future. And you are NOT THE SUGAR for the medicine to go down. You need a soul for that. I see you as a big bag of plasma right now, so maybe some salty, bitter bile? With some smokiness from you burning your life and potential happiness to the ground.
What special information are you providing? What can you give that is important in bullet points? I don't want neophytes teaching neophytes. The world is crumbling, in case you haven't noticed while you have been numbing yourself with weed, you white Privleged, tone deaf fucks! You serve no purpose here.
Did you honestly say, BDF, with a straight face "How are we going to navigate truth?"; "Young people can really tell...are aware of selective facts and framing information that is deliberately misleading and I think if you do that once, it is in your nature you'll probably do it again and a picture starts to become clear". I can see it clearly, can you, you fucking hypocrites?
You really think your provide a service and aren't keeping these folks from doing the work of the people. Self-congratulatoryly sniffing your own farts again, are you (thanks, South Park)? And when was the last time you two did the actual work for this ego-stroker, walking the halls of Congress with these civil servants?
What makes you think you can provide civil discussion when no one on the congressional floor, where it actually matters, can get it done? And who on the right has enough brain cells to pony up that information you so smugly think you deliver? "Uncle" Tim Scott has got his face firmly planted in the Toxic Cheetos's ass cheeks so he won't be available. Who else you got?
Have you gone so far from the truth that it is more important how the politicians speak to each other as opposed to what they say? And we aren't talking about speed limits or zoning laws here. What people care about- women's reproductive rights, safe and sane gun laws, critical race theory, immigration, homelessness, student loan debt, cost of healthcare, climate change, LGBTQ+ equality, political corruption..., these aren't delicate bullet points that can be politely discussed and boiled down. And when you try, you run the risk of messages being missed and time being wasted. CAN I SCREAM THAT LOUD ENOUGH SO YOU CAN HEAR OVER THE SOUND OF YOUR OWN EGOS TELLING YOU HOW GREAT YOU ARE!!!! Best thing you can do is get out of the fucking way!
What makes you feel you are the arbiters of all this information that will inspire youth to vote, and not just be more static for them to filter? It's not about you, so why do you feel you are the two that should be talking to high schoolers tomorrow. Besides getting good press and, once again, stroking that ego hard, what are you hoping to get? Do you honestly believe you and Mark are going to inspire anyone tomorrow? Or worse, prove that only pretty, rich, white men get ahead in this world so why even try?
What qualitative and quantitative metrics can you show "the really great feedback from the people who enjoy the information"? I know the feedback for the Antisemitism in Schools was quite engaging, but I don't know how positive it was.
So you still haven't really provided a clear mission statement and goals for the site as it is now with politics, so your solution is to branch out to even more complicated topics around AI and other technologies. Boy, if you took this to "Shark Tank" you would be laughed out of the studio and used as an example of what never to do! Has someone's egoic narrative run amok?
Smart actors steered clear! It's a gimmick.
A Gen Z table is at the back! Pipeline for next spouses 🤞🤞? Both of you have reputations for liking them young, you know.
Aww, you got a mug. You can use it for your coffee. Oh, you don't drink coffee? I've seen you drink it. Oh well, then tea, I know I've seen you drink tea. You say you don't like tea either. Mmhh. Oh that's right, you are a manipulative liar and that was just a stupid one you tried out for funnsies. Like covert narcissists exhibit. (I know, it could just be changing tastes and a need to cut back on caffeine because you are anxious without ever seeming to take responsibility controlling it, so maybe that was a start. Credit where credit is due, maybe).
You should run for office- you've got the lying and manipulation down, despite that you think you are a bad liar. I think that is just one of your many lies. Like an ouroboros always eating its own tail.
May I give you some advice (fuck it, this is my blog and you are not listening, so I am giving it!). Something I don't suspect you do much, because if you did I don't think you would be in this situation where you are living your life like it doesn't belong to you, is think with the end in mind. Ask the magic question, "If this worked out the way I want it to, what would that look like?" And then work backward from there. I would say try that with ASP, but I don't trust your intentions are pure and thus will never be successful. But it could work with other things if you ever get back in the driver's seat of your world and begin to rebuild.
Get it through your fragile male brains ASP is a bad idea that will only get worse, for the entire country, not just you two, so take the loss. You should get used to the feeling.
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jewishbarbies · 1 month
the Accountability Archive is just going to be used to track and doxx Jews and anyone speaking up about antisemitism. Notice how there isnt one being made to track and doxx leftists making rape and death threats to Jews, or any antisemitic fuck. This is going to lead to violence against Jews, no matter how they dress it up as "helping Palestine" its fucking scary and disgusting. And what do you want to bet literal neo nazis will use it, and also you can bet your ass if something horrible does happen those who made the archive will try and dodge THEIR Accountability. May the Left burn
the way they say they’re tracking people who “defame pro palestine activists” made me fucking snort. yeah, because they believe “defame” means “call out their antisemitism”. this whole situation is disgustingly out of control. there’s literally NO need for this. did a palestinian in gaza ask them to make this? no? then they need to fuck off. I’m so tired of leftists doing whatever the fuck they want, gazans’ wishes be damned. they don’t want to listen - they just want to rage like a bunch of semi politically conscious toddlers. if it was just about keeping track of genocide supporters, people “defaming” activists wouldn’t be on the list, so at least they’re honest with their real purpose for existing. it’s all about attacking people they don’t like as much as possible. palestinians are once against just human shields for selfish assholes who don’t care if they live or die.
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discodeerdiary · 1 year
Hey so I want to talk about a new subtle form of harassment campaign I've seen on this website. It goes like this: you get an anon ask that says "hey I noticed you reblogged from [person A] who is a terf" (or ableist or pedophile or something else). Now Person A may or may not be someone you actually reblogged. It doesn't matter because the person sending the anon is trying to instigate a flood of harassment toward Person A, and they are trying to trick you into using your platform to amplify them. The people running these scams will typically take a scattershot approach where they send the same message to a bunch of bloggers with big followings. If you (perfectly understandably) respond with "I don't know why you're telling me this, I've never Person A's posts let along reblogged them", you're still falling into their trap because you're putting their claim in front of your audience.
Bottom line is it's important to be skeptical of any and all accusations you see on the internet, and try to avoid spreading them (even accidentally) unless you can back them up with evidence. (And hell, even if you do have evidence that someone is doing bad things, it's worth taking a moment to ask yourself if telling other people about it will make things better or worse. I see a nostalgia aesthetic blog making full on Jewish conspiracy antisemitic jokes? You bet your ass I'm warning everyone. I see one trans person being kinda shitty to another trans person? I keep quiet because it's none of my business.)
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sansa286 · 3 months
You being anti Zionist is the bare minimum and idk if anyone has ever told you that before also you’re a hypocrite saying people shouldn’t watch’s jk Rowling new show but your publicly tweeting about a show apart of bds !!! But ok girl
When did I ever say or act as if I was doing anyone some sort of grand favor? When did I ever say my politics start and end with me merely stating I have a stance? Who said I am not participating in BDS? I'm currently boycotting several brands, including Disney.
Rick Riordan and J.K. Rowling are nowhere near the same level of awfulness. J.K. Rowling is an active and intentional bigot, and her works and essays are used to justify anti-trans legislation even in countries outside of her own, which she has absolutely no problem with. She dines with transphobes who run entire organizations to delegitimize trans people. She donates to said organization, and effectively uses her twitter account as bullhorn to release her trifling views to a wide audience, primarily composed of hardcore fans who won't hesitate to lick her boots because they haven't read a single book since The Deathly Hollows. Rick is by no means a perfect ally (I have many criticisms, especially for his earlier work, i.e. Medusa's depiction in The Lightning Thief), however instead of blowing his fans criticisms off, he actually put his money where his mouth was and simply wrote stories that included more types of people than just cis, white, and heterosexual. On the topic of Palestine - him working with Disney is far from ideal, but they've been his publisher since 2005 so unfortunately that bed has been made. He actually has spoken up about Palestine, called what Israel is doing a genocide, and promoted charities to Gaza. Again, not a perfect ally by any means, as he supports a two-state solution, which just simply isn't realistic and would still deny Palestinians their right to self-determination, and makes him comes off as still quite ignorant about the plight of Palestinians, but that hardly makes him Ben-Gvir.
And then, if you want to look at it from an artistic point of view, it's quite obvious what Rowling is trying to accomplish. The original trio - Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint, have all called her out to various degrees on her blatant transphobia, and she has essentially shunned them. This reboot will serve as her way of erasing them from the franchise, and I am willing to bet money that her "second draft" of Harry Potter will highlight the already high mountain of issues that was present in the initial run just to serve as another middle-finger to her fans who felt legitimately hurt at her transphobia, fatphobia, antisemitism, racism, internalized misogyny etc... At least Rick has a legit reason for wanting a second run with Percy Jackson and the Olympians: the movies sucked ass and betrayed the source material to an obscene degree. On top of that - the show has already corrected some of the glaring issues with the books - such as Medusa and yes, a lack of diversity.
By all means if curiosity gets the best of you, then pirate the show. But promoting an author who only stands for hate just isn't my jig, sorry not sorry.
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oncedied · 4 months
i have gone to face the beast and to drivel at his feast,
may the two of us never be seen.
and my love, may you sleep as the oceans fall deep,
and i swear i won’t tell you where I’ve been.
the onceler guy
he/it/xe/rok. please do not use they/them pronouns to refer to me. I default to he/him and it/its. Reference the information below the cut for how to utilize my neopronouns properly.
weird queer. the t4t butch bear my-agab-is-none-of-your-business fagdyke they use as an example of how not to be queer. It’s me I’m the strawman. Local goth guy, resident metal dude. Both doesn’t give a fuck and very much does give a fuck about your feelings and thoughts about things, absorbs things like a sponge as a result. Overthinker and overnanalyzer extreme. Big asshole (subjective?). Indigenous.
I may occasionally reblog things that are suggestive, follow/scroll at your own discretion. I will not post explicit cock-out nsfw, I have a sideblog for that. The only exemption to this is non-sexual nudity.
Personal/other sideblog @cayde6feetunder. This is my fandom main blog therefore I follow from here.
rabid machine-animal-demon-monster thing. The Sol Divisive in a physical human-shaped body on Earth. An Ahamkara free from the restraints of mere story. Local batshit dark elf boy. Some sort of creature. Unironic kinnie/alterhuman/etc in 2024 (if it isn’t obvious).
disabled+mentally ill
I am anti-Zionist and pro-Palestine. This does not equate to antisemitism. This is not up for debate nor do I want to debate this because I don’t engage with those “debate me bro” types. Cry me a river and feel free to drown yourself in it too, I don’t want to hear it. I am not responsible for your lack of education or unwillingness to re-educate yourself.
writer. oc haver. feel free to ask me about them, here's my spreadsheet! Tumblr and the destiny community’s most blocked sweetiepie (for having correct opinions and a juicy ass). The guy who promises to write things but then never does it.
Hey I have a discord server too, anyone is welcome even tho a majority of the people there are destiny guys. We are pretty tightly knit but don’t mind newcomers to our fold.
please reference my pronouns page (first link) and the google doc linked therein (first link on pronouns page) for additional information. Such details will also be included here below the cut for convenience, albeit more specific to Tumblr.
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Examples taken from the samples on the pronouns page:
I think xe is very nice.
I asked xem if I can borrow xirs pencil.
Xe told me that the house is xirs.
Xe said that xe would rather do it xemself.
The subject pronoun is “xe.” The object pronoun is “xem.” The possessive determiner and possessive pronoun is “xirs.” The reflexive is “xemself.”
Once more, examples taken from the samples on the pronouns page. This pronoun is taken from the dragon language present in The Elder Scrolls and therefore might be more appropriately suited for it than any other language. thuum.org is a great reference tool.
I think rok is very nice.
I asked rok if I can borrow ok pencil.
Rok told me that the house is ok.
Rok said that rok would rather do it rok.
The subject pronoun is “rok.” The object pronoun is “rok.” The possessive determiner and possessive pronoun is “ok.” The reflexive is “rok.”
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Additional Information
Here I will detail some other key miscellaneous bullet points. I maintain a neutral yet punctual tone through this but since this is through text, prior apologizes if I come across as aggressive.
I do not have a DNI as I am to the belief that they’re useless but know that if I block you it’s for a reason.
Do not tone police me. I don’t need to be made to walk on eggshells anymore by anyone. If you need clarifications, ask me. Do not ever make hard and fast assumptions about anything unless you’re willing to bet on that high-stakes gamble that you also gotta be ready to lose severely. Thank you.
This blog is not a place for drama or discourse. Please don’t start shit with me. Please don’t drag me into shit. Tell me the gossip but do not expect me to get involved or mediate.
If you want to vent to me about something, feel free, but please ask me first. I am low-to-no empathy, but I would like to consider myself compassionate.
Do not harass anyone on my behalf in any and every capacity. You are not righteous. Keep my name out of your mouth.
Do not pester me as to why I blocked you or someone else. I block people liberally and for various reasons. Do not send anyone to pester me as to why I blocked you or someone else. It is most likely between me and the other person involved, or, again, because I block people liberally.
I am anti-pro/comship. No, this does not equate to harassment/doxxing/etc in any way, shape or form and if you are to that assumption not only is it incorrect and not only are those serious accusations, you are on a one-way flight to my blocklist. Me being antiship does not mean that I am anti-dark media. Do not bother me about it. There are way fucking bigger things to worry about in this world.
I am an inclusionist. This means that I support any and every harmless, good-faith identity I.E microlabels, contradictory labels, xenogenders and neopronouns, etc etc. It is not to be confused for radical inclusionism (which, encompasses “identities” that are far from harmless I.E MAP or zoo).
I fucking hate radfems/terfs/TIRFs, if you’re gonna send me anon hate about it and accuse me of being a transphobe in any form over it you are legally required to be funny or you’re just wasting both of our times and it will most likely be deleted anyways cos I don’t have time for that shit. Above all else I believe in the unity of all trans people and will not stand for anyone or anything that will threaten this unity such as general transphobia/(insert any other specific terminology here), radfeminism/terfism et-cetera. If this is something that you are for some reason against you will not have a place here.
I am a therian and I identify with alterhumanity and non-humanity. Do not be weird about it.
I welcome asks and messages! Go crazy.
I only bite in the way that two play-wrestling dogs do.
Please communicate to me about anything and everything. I don’t bite, I would be a hypocrite if I do.
Discord and other usernames are available on request.
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(Galaxy divider source)
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aeltri · 10 days
Here's a challenge for you: try to spend one day without posting antisemitic shit on your numerous social media accounts. I bet you won't last an hour.
I've an even better challenge for you. Go one minute without invoking Godwin's Law in lieu of an actual argument. You can't refute these:
1. Your honky-tonk ass is not Semitic.
2. Racial supremacy is your justification for Manifest Destiny: Abraham Edition.
3. Your hero Bibi is commiting genocide against real Semites. It's about the land, he confirmed it today:
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4. This makes you the biggest antisemites on the planet!
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femingrab · 1 year
Ok so i want to ask a genuine question here, i am being as sincere as i can and im wondering what the answer to this may be:
In what world, is siding with nazis and fascists a normal thing to do when upset about a group? (In this case trans people). In what way does siding with genocidal monsters make sense when you're "enemy" are people who just want to be treated with baseline human respect?
I mean look at Rowling, she's gone and sided with matt walsh, a literal self proclaimed fascist, the organization he's apart of is spewing genocidal rhetoric, hell they defended kanye while he was being openly antisemitic.
I just wonder why theres never any introspection here, surely you must be aware that what you want will lead to genocide. Surely the knowledge that your beliefs are shared by people who want you dead as well should be some kind of giveaway shouldnt it?
(I was going to anon this but fuck it ig, i dont much care this has been on my mind for a bit now)
Damn, you're obsessed, aren't you? You just can't handle women disagreeing with you and try to guilt-trip them and act like you're oppressed for being a GNC male with a fetish when everyone is now kissing the asses of you people and you get more protection than actual women do. You think people disgreeing with your lifestyle means they want you dead? Oh please. Spare me the tired old narcisstic whining. At least more people are waking up slowly but surely because of the nonsense going on, lately, with so-called "transwomen" and their activists. I think people should be able to defend themselves from violent misogynistic males regardless of their "gender identity". If they're going to prey on and threaten women, then they deserve the consequences. If they're going to attack gay men and lesbians for their same-sex attraction or try to force them to have sex with them, they deserve the consequences. Being "trans" shouldn't be a free pass to get away with shit, but it is, now. "Transwomen", especially violent ones like sex offenders, don't belong in women's prisons.
I bet you can't even cite any of those claims. J.K. Rowling never said she hated trans people and said she accepts them, but not predatory transwomen and that she thinks their female rape victims shouldn't be forced to address them as female. Everyone who claims she hates trans people in general can't actually give any proof.
I've already shown you how conservatism aligns with trans identites, but you ignore and keep deflecting to protect your misogynistic porn brain rot fetish, Mr. "horn-meister demon trans lady" (BTW, "meister" is masculine). Go bother someone else. 🖕
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creepy--claws · 1 year
[● I've said it once and I'll say it again. STOP PLAYING THE TRANSPHOBIC ANTISEMITIC WIZARD GAME AND PLAY MY FAVORITE VIDEO GAMES DO IT DO IT DO IT this is because I'm biased and I do not care what the differences between them are I'm literally just here to shit on Joanne, her fans, and their disgusting views, and promote games that I personally like for video game reasons.
Portal 2 is great and people with common sense know this but it's fun gameplay wise and the environments and story are fuckin amazing. For a game from 2011, the graphics look beautiful, better than some recent games I've seen. The soundtrack is also wonderful and I am in love with "Want you gone". The storyline, while told throughout several different games (including those in the Half Life storyline but Half Life is also really good but don't take my word for it because I've never played Half Life before I am indeed a fake fucking fan) is intriguing and the characters are great. The mechanics are really neat and they let you experiment a little with how you play and it makes you use your brain and really think about how you'll utilize two portals to get you around places. You know a game is good when it really challenges your intellect, and you may get stuck sometimes, but with enough thought and dedication, you'll pull through. Also the voicelines and humor is amazing, I still find myself thinking about lines from even the turrets! Also the final boss is really good and the reveal is excellently portrayed. It genuinely sent shivers down my spine. I think this is one of those games where you should avoid spoilers as much as possible and just experience it for yourself.
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is more than just funny meme game. It's got good graphics, a beautiful story, an even better soundtrack, and fun mechanics. I got an achievement for being a huge fucking dumbass and not utilizing the mechanics until my second playthrough. I went through the broken elevator level and had no idea I could use enhanced AI to get through that and went in completely blind. I didn't know that was impressive I just thought that's how the game was. I love how the soundtrack is used to tell the stories of the antagonists and help you understand them a bit more. They're cruel, ruthless, and unjust (except for Blade Wolf, he can do no wrong), but they have reasons for what they do and the music tells you this while also being A FUCKING BANGER. THE INSTRUMENTALS GO SO HARD OH MY GOD. Also they give you the ability to cut anything and everything you want (except for the cat who does backflips and avoids getting hurt) and it is so much fun. Of course the game isn't perfect and has flaws, but it's not antisemitic or transphobic. Overall a masterpiece and the ended did make me feel things. Also play the DLCs, they're really fun and flesh out two major characters and also let you do more cool shit that you can't do as Raiden.
Sonic Adventure 2 is probably my favorite game of all time currently despite how ancient it is and the flaws it has. I. Don't. Care. What's wrong with the game. I adore it. You bet your ass I'm explaining why. The graphics hold up surprisingly well even today despite the low poly count (it's higher than Metal Gear Solid 1 and Resident Evil 1 don't worry) and the character animation isn't bad by any means. The environments for each level are beautiful despite how they vary. Radical Highway is my favorite level in the entire game and it's so much fun for no reason whatsoever. Like they put their whole developussy into this one stage and I dig it. I also really like a lot of the Knuckles/Rouge stage designs, Pumpkin Hill looks very spooky (but my worst fear is falling off the hills AAH). I also like the soundtrack, it differs depending on which character it's focused on. Knuckles has more of that lofi rap thing going on, Rouge has some nice jazz going on, Shadow has that alternative "I'm cool shit" rock going on, meanwhile Sonic sounds like that type of rock where a middle schooler finishes school and now it's summertime, I don't know how to portray it in words. I also like the Chao Garden, I love all 4 of my children they are beautiful and I love them. I also like the replayability value because you may go back to certain stages not only because they're fun, but to be able to collect animals and toys for your Chao to play with. Not to mention the activities the Chao can engage in, such as karate and racing. They also let me into hot topic I am very happy. The most I'll knock it for is the security hall voice acting, it's not awful but it's not perfect. Rouge specifically, her screams don't sound realistic at all, but I can't be too harsh because it's not like I can do better.
I guess Scott Pilgrim vs The World doesn't suck either but I'm not gonna go too far in depth with it because y'know, that's really biased and there are problems I have with it but if you like Scott Pilgrim, check it out, it's actually pretty fun tbh.
This has been Shrimp is a biased motherfucker who hates JK Rowling and Harry Potter as a whole for deep rooted personal reasons aside from the horrible shit within the book, and can't shut up about things they like and they are horrible at masking! Thanks for tuning in, if you also like these games, you are very cool. In short, play my games, boy! Don't play the bigoted wizard game. I must go, now.]
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volixia669 · 10 months
Rant about Witcher S2
Feeling kinda sad seeing Witcher Gifs. Not because people are enjoying the show, please, enjoy it! I'm not here to judge your viewing habits!
But personally, I actually thought it would be a good show in S1. They missed some things here and there, and it didn't reeeeaaally feel like it was based on slavic folklore & culture, but I was hoping that now people were hooked, they'd use more of what people weren't familiar with, and get into some of the morally grey stuff as well as the much darker aspects of Witcher lore & slavic lore.
Instead they turned Baba Yaga into a generic demon.
Baba Yaga.
(Click Keep Reading for the rest of my rant because I don't want to be rude but also wow do I have so much to say about S2)
Technically only identifiable as such due to the house with chicken feet, that's how badly they fucked such an iconic piece of folklore up.
Season 2 also brought us "what if Eskel were an ass, and we killed him, then were shocked that people were upset we changed his character AND weren't upset at his passing"
In addition, it downplayed to near non-existence the roles Triss and Yen had in mentoring Ciri, it used the generic demon to kill most of the witchers thereby making the fault of the witcher's decline (checks notes) Yen, Ciri, and a generic demon instead of HUMANITY.
It tried to do the whole "dubious ethics of Witcher creation" but without Lambert's justifiable anger regarding being made a witcher as a kid, it doesn't have the same emotional weight.
Oh, oh. We also have a beautiful friendhsip between two badass women formed, then ruined due to...Interference from Deus Ex Generic Demon.
And like. They could have actually used Yen, The Elf Woman, and Nilfgardian Sorceress (sorry, blanking on names), to show how Baba Yaga ISN'T an evil witch, but rather, well, more complicated than that. How the deals Baba Yaga offers depends on both her mood, and how much respect you give to her. That the morality of what's offered & given also depends on perspective.
But nope. Generic Demon.
Which that plotline leads to blood libel.
This will likely need more explaining, so buckle up.
First up, blood libel is a variant of antisemitism where Jewish people are accused of murdering children thereby fueling pogroms aka genocide attempts. It's been around in Europe for centuries. Centuries.
The holocaust was not the first attempt to kill Jews, it was just the most well known, and most systemic.
Now, sometimes writers will make a fantasy race an analog to the Jewish people. Sometimes the intent is malicious, sometimes its positive, sometimes its neutral. Sometimes they don't intend to, they're just using tropes another writer used which is based on another writer's tropes, which is based on a metaphor/analog.
Now, I do not know all the details about how the author of the witcher books originally wrote the elves.
I DO know that how they were portrayed in the show was as a people looking for a homeland, and were part of a diaspora, with concerns about not enough "purebloods" in the new generation.
Its not at all accurate to the experiences of actual Jewish people, but it IS accurate to the perception of Jewish people many goyim have. (Also yeah, there's some Jews who are concerned about not enough pure Jewish kids, but that's like, a couple of very specific sects and even within those sects not everyone agrees on that.)
Anyways, the blood libel comes in what happens when the elven woman's baby dies. The Jewish analogs go and kill a bunch of non Jewish, I mean non Elven babies.
Fuck you Lauren Hirsch.
Fuck you for that plotline.
Even if it WERE canon, why the fuck would that plotline be deemed appropriate. Even if we pretended it wasn't blood libel, it's still a minority murdering a majority's kids, which oh right, is exactly the kind of shit fox news blabs on about.
I mean hell, the elves were enslaved. I bet there's incredibly false, racist, enraging, propaganda from the 1800s claiming freed slaves would kill children.
But they even put blood over doorways in a fucking bastardization of passover. A holiday where some sects ACTUALLY DISCUSS HOW HORRIBLE THE WHOLE KILLING BABIES THING IS. Oh, and the blood over doorways WAS ANIMAL BLOOD TO TELL THE ANGEL OF DEATH THAT A JEWISH FAMILY LIVED THERE. IT WAS WARDING. IT WASN'T A THREAT.
And instead of the elves being a faction with complicated motives stemming from racism, colonialism, and just having no where to go, they're turned into bland villains. The fuck kind of writing is this.
Oh, and before I forget, another pile of steaming shit to add to the shit pile? Vesemir giving a bunch of sex workers a date rape plant, thereby making it so they CANNOT CONSENT TO SEX, and also being okay with bringing strangers to the keep which makes zero sense.
Its disgusting, misogynistic, and seems like the scene was intended to be played for comedic effect with the mention of the plant as a sort of handwave to explain why the keep is still secret.
I have ZERO issues with sex workers, and in fact want more positive representations of sex workers. What I am not okay with is when media shows characters casually using an actual plant to drug sex workers thereby removing their agency, and it's intended to be a comedic scene.
Fuck that.
There's just...So much wrong with Season 2's writing, with the choices made, with the lack of respect for slavic culture, that I just cannot bring myself to watch the latest season.
Henry Cavill's Geralt is great! I love Anya Chalotra as Yen! I love that Joey Batey fought for Jaskier to be queer! There's so much great acting, costumes, and more.
But the writing choices.
The writing and directorial choices, as well as Hirsch's responses to criticism from fans means I just can't enjoy this season.
So I look sadly at the gifs, knowing that they're showing some great moments, but I can't enjoy them the way that I would have if S2 had been written better.
And you know what? I hope we get to hear more about what was going on behind the scenes. I want to know who wanted what. WHo shouted down what decisions. And just how, how in the world these writing decisions got finalized and aired.
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lesser-vissir · 1 year
Transmisandry crowd on some new type of shit. Koolaid man is saying that trannies are using Model Minority and Protocols of the Elder Zion rhetoric against trans men when we say they have systemic power over us.
Some of the reasoning for this is that "[transmascs] went from being praised for being a woman in a male-dominated field to being ashamed of transitioning because they "failed" to "be a role model"". In specific, it was about a trans man who plays guitar in a trans space who was widely enjoyed before going on T, but after his voice dropped and he grew a beard people would say things like "we don't need another man with an acoustic guitar".
That is not the same fucking thing as fucking antisemitism. Also, this just goes to show once again that the trans men making these points are specifically hanging out in women dominated spaces. You can bet your ass in a men dominated space women wouldn't be able to say shit like "we don't need another man with an acoustic guitar".
Maybe if you hung out with men more, you might actually enjoy things. I have a trans man friend who hangs out with pretty much only men and hes having a great time. Sounds like you should try it.
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allycat75 · 3 months
In case anyone needs this, but especially you Boston Dumb Fuck!
Do you wonder why you continue to hemorrhage fans no matter what machinations you and your team dream up? It's because you all have your heads so far up your own asses you can't see how ridiculous you look.
For instance, why would anyone trust your political site when you didn't even have the common sense to add an air tight morality clause into your relationship contract? I bet it was because both sides thought it would be you who would fuck up, right? You could have at least put in some milestone triggers, that if certain expectations weren't met within certain timelines, or there was physical, emotional or reputational harm being caused to any party, the contract could be terminated with no consequenses.
Of course, this could be true love and you really married her (oh man, hard to keep from laughing hysterically while typing that), but then you would have to explain away being okay with her antisemitism, racism, fatshaming and arrogance, not to mention multiple violations of immigration law. Plus, if you had been courting her for as long as you say you have, care to address your scorn and disrespect for travel restrictions during Covid, putting thousands at risk for excruciating sickness and even death?
Honestly, you are better off with the fake, poorly contracted relationship. You are still a liar and can't be trusted, but at least you aren't a Nazi lover and possible murderer.
But you were callous enough to think this "relationship" was no big deal because it all worked out for you before. Afterall, Ekhart Tolle told you bad stuff never happens. Well, it does and so does karma, and I hope the effects are real for you. Not that I like anyone to suffer, I just know you have shushed so much out before, I don't know how strong that force is with you. The only way to truly grow as a human (or in your case at the moment, to become a human being, Pinocchio) is to learn from your mistakes, and that can be a rough, dark road to tread. It requires you to deeply examine your life and the decisions you have made, and what you want to change to become the person you feel proud to be. I worry you will resist it because you seem stubborn as fuck and afterall, if past is prologue, white men tend to fail upward so there may be little motivation for the inner work when society will reward you anyway.
But we see ASP as the catastrophe it is, Red One has the potential to ruin Christmas with yet another disingenuous money grab and the romantic comedy you are tied to stars a female lead that doesn't seem to like you much, and you have had poor outcomes with costars that do. The director has a lot of street cred, but I don't know your track record taking orders from a woman. I have already established on this blog that you are no feminist and may even be a bit of a misogynist, whether you are aware of it or not (you know, because of all the previous repression of your thoughts and performative activism that convinced you that was enough).
And then there is the cult leader movie. First, not even sure the size of the role, although it seems to be big and juicy (just like that blunts you smoke to numb the pain of what a joke you have become). But you still have to put in the work, and you have done it before, but not when you are acting like a cult member in real life. I am not sure what your body will be able to portray when you are so dissociated from your reality. Plus, I read this film is part of a trilogy, the first part of which is opening in a couple of weeks. It looks good, but you better hope it paves to way so you have a shot at delivering.
So good luck, you self-absorbed little prick. Here's to changing some of that!
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jewishbarbies · 11 months
I bet you won't post this reply...
Oh, now, I'm acting like a "nazi".
Mother fucker, I'm a Jew, not a nazi, Jewish convert judendate or one a wanna be a Jew spilling hasbara and seeking out their RACE with by being a fake Jews calling themselves Jew-ish because they converted to a religion and not a full blooded Jew by race like me.
You don't know what a real Jew is and most of us were killed in the hollocaust by judendate nazi's like you selling hasbara and all that's left the few real Jews like me and converts like you, a fake Jew that call themselves "Jew-ish" (it's all fake in the -ish, not by blood like me).
Go fuck yourself with your fake-ass claims of being Jew-ish, Ms. Judenrate. I am a real Jew and I do not accept you.
well look who’s triggered by getting called out. newsflash dumbass: jews are capable of being antisemitic. you are exhibit A. I’m jewish by blood and by religion, on BOTH sides of my family. so what’s the excuse for you acting like a nazi now huh?
no normal person in the jewish community is this obsessed with race vs religion especially over taylor fucking swift, and you should seek professional help.
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sulcrafatejackets · 2 years
And as far as those of you who are 40 and 45 years old trying to act like you’re a 25-year-old boy struggling to find his ego can you guys please shove that up your assholes thank you. James you are too old to be playing these little child games you are a grown ass motherfucking man working in medicine and when your father dies he will go to heaven and he will talk about what a disappointing worthless son he had yeah it’s hilarious but I don’t think it’s hilarious and I’m not playing with Mark the way that he’s trying to play with me he’s going to end up eating actual fucking shit in the end of this all because he’s not my friend I just know that somebody else has them by the balls
#PsychologicalEvaluation’sForMedicalDoctors #Gaslighting #ShoeISaidShoeNoShoeLikeStinkyNever mind
#WarAgainstMentallyRetardedWhiteMen #That’sAReallyFoolishLineToCross
There’s a difference in people who are stupid and severely mentally retarded. For example, we protect the mentally retarded people in the community to the best of our abilities. But stupid people should often not be protected because too many white men in America are acting like animals so when the next president decides to put you guys into heat treatment yeah about that heat treatment boys it’s going to get a lot hotter in here and it’s not gonna be on the black boys it’s not gonna be on the Indian boys blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah is that what you guys wanted there that you got the Indian baa baa baa didn’t you baba white sheep have you any wool no you don’t fuck you eat shit and die
We need feminism
We will have feminism in the 21st century by any means necessary
#Make up wearing lion bitches
#Federal crimes
#FBI #FBI international #you bet your goddamn ass they’re watching Catherine
The incest jokes are too much… These incestuous local people are making heat treatment jokes to get me to be afraid of them putting me into a Jewish oven and killing me and that’s a joke to them and the police definitely thought it was a joke when they came and harassed me at Hillview apartments as per usual… When mentally handicapped men make antisemitic jokes especially when we’re talking about mentally handicapped incestuous men but definitely they have the intention and the hatred?
There’s a good time for “heat treatment”
No Catherine, my question is besides human trafficking and child pornography and all of that shit what questions did you have for me? Am I a pedophile no I am not we’ve already established that I never would be I never could be I never will be
We discussed the police harassment we discussed the heat treatment jokes did we get those names of those guys by the way guys those people who had those heat jokes to make at Hillview apartments yeah they need to go to jail you guys will start that heat treatment bullshit I said that they will stop
Because honestly you guys are kind of the weakest link you are Incestuous and almost mentally retarded Jew haters…
And you’re trying to target Christians like idiots as usual wake up America
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hazel2468 · 5 years
Hey so a quick reminder that if you see a bunch of Jewish people saying “hey, this thing is antisemitic and not funny at all and is based in antisemitic conspiracy that has been used to oppress and literally murder us for centuries” and your fucking response, as a non Jew, is to 1) tell said Jews that they are overreacting, 2) tell said Jews that what they are saying is antisemitic is not, in fact, antisemitic and is just a meme or joke that we are taking too seriously, 3) complain about said Jews bringing up that this is antisemitic because we are ruining the joke/meme/the good time, 4) to insist that even if said antisemitic thing IS antisemitic, it isn’t in this context because “well, he isn’t even a Jew, I’m sure”-
You’re being fucking antisemitic. And you should probably shut up right about now, because antisemitism isn’t a good fucking look for you. 
And yes, this is about the Jack Black post. Because in the past ten minutes I have seen people doing ALL of the bullshit I listed above, and more. I think what irks me the most (aside from fucking all of it) is the “well it isn’t antisemitic because he isn’t a Jew”. Like, first of all, Jack Black is a Jew. His mother is Jewish, his father converted, he is a Jew raising Jewish kids, and literally all of this can be found with a Google search. Second- Just because the target of antisemitic abuse isn’t “actually Jewish” DOESN’T MAKE IT NOT ANTISEMITIC. When y’all fuckers decided to talk about Adam Driver’s “Jew nose”, it didn’t fucking MATTER that he isn’t Jewish. When you decide to call people from Hollywood or who have money “reptilians”, it doesn’t MATTER if they are Jewish or not (although I have noticed that a lot of the same fucks who insist that the whole lizard people thing isn’t really antisemitic seem super keen on only pulling it out when Jews are involved...hmmmm). It’s still antisemitic, you’re still a fuck, and you are somehow managing to look even worse than you originally did when you threw that bullshit out there. 
Seriously. When you decide it is your place to talk over Jews, to say who is “really” a Jew or not, to make excuses for things that Jews are saying are antisemitic and unacceptable, you’re being fucking antisemitic and you need to shut up, sit the fuck down, listen to what Jews are saying, and fucking STOP. 
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