#it is weirdly therapeutic
braisedhoney · 9 months
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javelinbk · 1 year
What’s your favourite romantic story about John and Paul?
I'm assuming you mean in real-life and not fic/fandom-lore anon?
It took me a moment to remember if these things were fiction or real, but nope, they really happened!
John getting his £100 'birthday money' (inheritance) and choosing to use it to take Paul to Paris of all places. Yes, Cyn was busy with college blah-de-blah, but just the fact that he decided to burn through the money (instead of spending it on something sensible like guitars or food) and bin off their gigs to run off with Paul is just ridiculously romantic
The way they decided to become 'Lennon-McCartney' from such a young age and agreed to always use it is just super romantic (can anyone say 'marriage'?) as is Paul doodling and practising their signatures when they were in... yep, Paris
John's story about how he told Paul he had to choose between his dad and John, and he chose John is very Romeo and Juliet. Even the way John tells the story is very romantic.
The story of Paul taking John on days out to book shops (as if they didn't spend enough time together), because he knows how much John loves books. Also just the idea of them pottering around a book shop together is super romantic (as proved by RedheadAmongWolves gorgeous fic)
Finally, the way Paul has spent the last 40+ years talking about how much he loved John and insisting that he was the sweetest guy ever
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commander-goo · 8 months
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That's just a weight you'll have to carry
( individuals under the cut )
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smileymoth · 2 months
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toomas eksole and karel limapulk <3
ms paint mouse art be upon ye!!!!!!!
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theorangekin · 2 years
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awakens from slumber and offers a lil pocket steward* in these trying times
*comes with one free (1) cold boy(friend):
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soggyfrootloop · 11 months
I have Magnus archives brainworms (heh) and just immaculate mental helth so I’m drawing self portraits with me as an avatar or victim of one of the 14 :))
First one: the corruption 🪱🪱🪱🐛🐛
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Alright, okay, hear me out
The turtles with cloaking broaches
I just want to start off by saying sorry (this is so late... like over 20 days late)
I feel like Donnie would immediately enroll in college 
Mans has been waiting for this day for years and nothing can stop him
Mikey would try and get his art out there 
He’s been running an art account since Donnie made him a drawing tablet when he was 5
(Raph the account to make sure he wasn’t posting anything too revealing and showered every single post with praise) (Leo wrote all his captions to make sure it didn’t sound like a 5-year-old wrote them) (and Donnie deletes every single negative comment before Mikey could read them)
He’s grown a mighty fanbase that has followed him from just about any social media you can name (he tends to leave an app when it gets too toxic) 
And after 6 months of getting his cloaking broach, he announces that he has an art gallery (that Donnie fully funded of course)
(can this actually happen? I have no fucking clue but I like to pretend it could)
Raph and April start restoring all of Splinter’s old dojos
They slowly but surely start to pass down all of the important stuff Splinter has taught them
And it becomes the most popular dojo chain in New York
I like to think Leo would just live his life 
He didn’t do anything with the broach the first year he had it 
He didn’t even touch it 
But with Splinter’s amazing intuition (and Donnie hacking Leo’s phone and looking at his Pinterest) the whole family discovered Leo’s bucket list 
One day the family confronted him and asked why he never left?
I mean come on he owns swords that could take him to any corner of the globe and he’s got a bucket list the length of the Nile
and he essentially says that he’s terrified 
He wants to leave but he also doesn’t want to miss out on the important moments 
Splinter is getting older and he doesn’t want to take the little moments for granted
He can get home the moment he finds out Donnie is graduating or Mikey is opening a second gallery but he won’t be there for the little things
Like the group finding the people they want to spend the rest of their lives with (romantic or platonic he doesn’t care) or when they move into their forever homes 
And he’s not going to see their reactions when the big news arrives 
He might get a call or got forbid a text 
but he knows for a fact that someday he won’t be the first person his family calls when they get exciting news because he’ll be in a completely different time zone 
and that’s mortifying 
And Splinter sits him down and essentially tells him “I would rather you love me from the farthest place you can imagine than have you slowly start to resent me for not being able to live your life”
Now don’t get me wrong those words weren’t a cure-all but they did ease some of his very obvious worries
He does slowly start to travel more and more 
And eventually, he spends days and weeks away from home 
and he misses some big and small moments but it doesn’t affect him as much as he thought it would 
because there are moments that Donnie Mikey Raph and April missed and they were living within five minutes of each other at the time 
and he’s weirdly okay with that
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galaxywarp · 5 months
It’s a lot more fun being a meth head in this fictional universe where I can be crazy and unhinged and blow things up for fun and without consequence
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doctahchang · 2 years
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have recently (lol) been through hard times so i tried to continue working on this one to bring me joy (it worked)
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d4isywhims · 1 year
kinda wanna do a cas challenge,,,,,,,,, 👉🏼👈🏼
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starlitszn · 23 days
the way we r opposites LMAOOO i was 12-13 during covid so when i say i could not care less ab studying 😬 was watching anime during online class & texting my friends for online exam answers AND SOMEBOW STILL BARELY PASSING 😭😭 i became more of an academic weapon post covid cz i realized i needed to lock in 🙏🏼 wishing u the best of luck w ur studies as well!!!!
omg we are such opposites 😭😭 i was 12-13 in first year (first year of secondary school in ireland - idk if u know that but i'm just assuming ur doing ur uk based doing ur gcses but i might be wrong?) and i was superrr locked in like actual academic WEAPON!! it was insane but i think i was just scared bc i was at a new school and i didn't want school work to be a big stress in my life yk?? and iwl like i'm naturally smart anyway so it wasn't that hard (and also all the work was piss easy tbh) but then in second year i dossed thru the whole year and didn't do anything and now i'm in third year about to do my jc (kinda gcse equivalent) and absolutely shitting myself bc i have no motivation 🫠🫠🫠 but i seriously need to stop being an academic victim and become an academic weapon for the next month so i can ace these test and not feel shit all summer!!! anyways this was a super long rant but i hope ur exams go well too 💓💓 i'm sure u'll ace them
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I really thought I'd write some good old-fashioned orgasm delay/denial smut and be done with it.
but here I am, being introspective about things I don't know nearly enough about. anyway, as a girlie who wants and isn't getting, I've been using this f1 rpf fic as therapy too much.
(this is a teaser (I suppose) for the next chapter and don't let it fool you, it's got a lot of sex in it.
just sometimes my silly little brain gets in the way and writes a lot ode to a man I barely know)
find this fic on ao3 here
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funeral-pyree · 5 months
i will NEVER get sick of female revenge movies
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aroacesigma · 8 months
yknow i truly do not think i have met anyone who is as much of an asshole as my sister is these days . like i got bullied so bad in primary school that people think im an introvert cause im so wary around people but id still rather be around those fuckers than her right now
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yepthatsacowalright · 2 years
Ok well I have a list of things to get done today, but I’ve just learned Laura Kampf is making a video series of her restoring a 120-year-old house so clearly bingeing every episode that’s out so far is first and foremost what I must do.
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florencewellch · 1 year
Why do people hate having to wash the dishes so much?
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