#it's like the concept of how you should dislike/disagree with your past self in some ways because it means you've grown as a person
shrapnelstars · 2 years
"Nostalgia is toxic!"
Boy, that's a new one. I kind of understand and agree to an extent, but it's undercut by the personality of the guy I watch who said it. He has a buzzword-fueled holier-than-thou streak on the best of days, and he is full scorched earth on the entire concept, not just the damaging contexts in which it can be employed.
While nostalgia is not an inherently bad thing on its own, it has been overused lately (past 10-20 years) to vacuum money out of people, and on the flip side, people have also used it as a shield to dismiss any and all advancements and growth in various aspects of life.
Having said that, some modern stuff is shit compared to older versions of it, especially in the new era of stripping the heart out of everything and forcing it to fit the easily marketable and mass-produced constraints of "content" and "merch". You can't buzzword your way out of that. There is a persistent, low-level weariness people have for that method of production, and the annoyance is only growing stronger, as it should. Some people express that weariness by reflecting on the old, for better or for worse.
I also have an ever-growing hatred of how the word "toxic" is used as a manipulative way to shame and steer people away from "thing you dislike" and "opinion you disagree with", preying on people's desire to do the right thing.
There are aspects of being human that are weird, unhappy, and sometimes uncomfortable, but that does not immediately mean they are toxic, and trying to sanitize humanity in a way that forces a "toxic" label on these aspects is extremely damaging to people's mental health.
Being sad, angry, horny, nostalgic, wanting to know more about subjects, holding an opinion on something based on the information available to you and changing that opinion based on new information gained, those things aren't evil. It's how they are expressed that can sometimes cause problems, and those unhealthy expressions are the problem, not always the feelings themselves.
You cannot be 100% happy and content with everything all the time. You cannot always have all the information on a subject and make all of your opinions and feelings the "correct" one based on exhaustively researching every bit of information that exists, for every problem that exists. You cannot be perfect. And you cannot demonize regular emotions and experiences in an attempt to get people to be perfect or to attain perfection yourself. THAT is truly toxic, because it will legitimately cause you to self-destruct and hurt other people around you. You cannot be a completely sanitized, ad-friendly, kid-friendly product. Because you aren't a product for sale. You are a person. People feel. They have preferences. They have complicated feelings. They get tired. They are often wrong about things. They learn from their mistakes.
This is why I have always hated "Stay Positive!" and "Good Vibes Only!" It isn't human to be constantly positive and to have good vibes only. People have varied, tangled feelings on things that they need to work through and better understand for themselves. People have good days and bad days, sometimes need time to themselves, and sometimes need help from someone else in some form to help them get through bad periods and into better ones, instead of being cast out and ostracized for not being able to uphold a masquerade 24/7. That doesn't mean you need to spill out your personal problems onto other people at every opportunity. Don't do that, and I'm not advocating for that. People just shouldn't be demonized for not being happy and approving of everything that exists every waking moment.
Social media has slowly and subtly forced people to feel like they are a product that needs to be perfectly cleaned and polished in order to attract customers, and that's not natural or healthy at all. They need to learn and grow. Social media silently expects you to have already done and mastered that, when in reality, people spend their entire lives learning, growing, and improving, and often die without having completed that desire.
People are a type of painting that you aren't going to be able to receive an immaculate version of. You're going to have to accept them with the paint smudged and fingerprinted in places, and with some shaky linework. Whether you like what kind of painting those flaws come together to make is up to you, but every painting in this shop is going to have those trademark imperfections. Calling the artist shit when they did the best they could is mean spirited and ultimately pointless.
I know it seems like I got off track from the original comment that sparked this, but it's a symptom of a greater problem that I'm sick of being promoted online, which is that every human feeling that inconveniences you needs to be labeled as "toxic" and that people need to be condemned for feeling it. That's not true. You can feel uncomfortable and tell people to stop, and you have every right to do that. Set your boundaries. But stop this fucking bullshit with telling people that every non-happy, non-asskissing sentiment is a form of toxicity. It's not, and it is damaging people in ways you can't even fucking grasp. As someone who fell for that shit and was heavily damaged by it, shut the fuck up before you break someone else. Sack up and just tell people you're uncomfortable instead of trying to hide behind fake moral superiority like a coward.
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utilitycaster · 3 years
To me the relationship between Ted and Opal is the most important and consitent plot point in EXU. On the other hand everything with the Plateau and the Nameless Ones feels like it builds up something for C3. I think that Matt gave plot points about the state of the world (crater, sigil) and Aabria used it as a jumping off point and created the city as her contribution. So as long as things like the memory loss and the crown are dealt with, I feel pretty good about the story of EXU.
So I deleted another ask that was similarly purely speculative and I just want to say that like...I have open DMs/replies and obviously reblogs, and if you want to actually discuss your opinions that is always a better place; the askbox is for questions and suggestions and, well, things that explicitly invite my input, which I'm going to give anyway but it feels like this could have been a reply. Because I wholly disagree with much of this:
The crater is certainly a pre-existing concept because Thordak's presence in Emon happened, but including the sigil seems very odd given that he is a player in the world and it appearing was a surprise plot point in the second episode; I think the general worldbuilding was "Thordak's crater is here and there's weird magic possibly tied to the fire plane should you wish to use that" (emphasis speculative, and mine).
I am probably least interested in Opal and Ted, or at least, I was, but more so now that at least that pulls in whatever the fuck is happening with Syngorn. I think you might be correct that this will be treated as the main plot in terms of resolution; but the reason I think this is that Opal being central came up in the interviews and because of how the last episode ended. If you don't think the plot is the main plot until episode 7 and external press...that's not good.
I like Opal and Ted's relationship! I think it's fun for the character, in the same way I don't necessarily really think we'll get all the details of who Dorian really is - and that is truly tangential to the plot, despite any curiosity we as an audience may have. But compared to the fact that they open the entire story with memory loss at the crater, being approached by someone high-up in the Nameless Ones, a vestige of divergence, and sigil mysteriously appearing? The fact that the details of Ted no longer being in Byroden appear at the halfway point of the series and the Ted and Syngorn plot is primarily in stingers?
Again, at this point, yeah, that might end being the main plot...but just thinking about this, after episode 1 it seemed the main plot would be "okay we're missing a week and a person, we're in deep with the Nameless Ones, and we have a vestige of such profound power that it makes two people ill." After episode 2 it seemed the main plot was "well we can escape those problems and maybe find out more about this sigil that's possibly tied to the crater/memory loss by talking to Gilmore." After episodes 3 and even 4 it seemed it was "okay, we go to these ruins, come back, resolve the rest." But we keep getting balls thrown in the air - further mysteries about Ted, the people from Syngorn, Niirdal-Poc still existing, the journey to the Iron Authority instead of returning home - and none of it has been resolved, and again, I'm enjoying myself, but that is because everything other than the plot is great so I'm treating this like those big-budget artistic sci fi movies where you're like "the aesthetic and worldbuilding and acting and dialogue is all incredible and the plot falls apart if you breathe on it a little too heavily."
I was talking to someone about this recently who made the point that the party seems to have missed a lot of checks early on that might have introduced the Ted and Myr'atta plot back in Emon and honestly? forcing one of those checks or giving it for free would have made a world of difference; I think the party would have made far different choices that in turn would have significantly tightened up the plot. And you don't need to do that, in a long-running campaign, but you really, really do in an 8-episode series.
I do want to speak to people talking about this setting things up for C3 because that was in the anon ask I deleted: I'm not saying it doesn't, necessarily, but I think there is a big difference between "C3 may, understandably, deal with some of the consequences of things that happen in EXU. much as it will deal with consequences of C1 and C2, because it's the same world" and "EXU is explicitly leaving threads for C3".
The former I absolutely agree with; that's how shared worldbuilding works and it was the case with C1 for C2. The latter is, I think, a wildly unfair expectation to place Aabria and a terrible marketing choice for the series and bodes ill for future seasons of EXU.
EXU was very much put forth as having appeal for people who, understandably, don't have the time or inclination to watch a 100+ episode series. I have already seen reviews criticizing it for relying on past information; while I don't agree with this completely, given the difficulties with the plot this does, for example, feel like it may ring true for people who have no emotional connection to Gilmore. A tighter, more Emon-focused plot that happened to include Gilmore to the same extent (or even greater) would probably not have the same criticism, but as is, I think viewers unfamiliar with C1 may legitimately be saying "why did we spend time on this."
EXU can have threads that can be picked up with in C3 - it does not need to, for example, resolve every detail of the Nameless Ones, only the status of this party with regards to Poska - but to say "and to know what happens about the major event, in Emon, which is tied to Thordak, ie, how the series was marketed, which was introduced to the audience long before Myr'atta, you need to watch C3" is something I'd consider a serious misstep. The story in EXU should be somewhat self-contained, with the consequences of that self-contained story fueling the plot; it should not be a collection of plot points for a later day. That's not just going to alienate potential viewers of future seasons who don't intend to watch full CR campaigns; it's kind of a shitty thing to do to your guest DM, to say "oh throw to me, you can DM in my world but you need to set up for my show even if it makes your plot seem more unfocused". EXU can and should be thought of as its own show in the same world, not a mere appendage to the flagship.
I'm still withholding final judgement until it can, you know, be final. I think there's a still a chance I am very pleasantly surprised! As mentioned I and much of the fandom had doubts about the campaign 2 finale to the point that some people were writing, as I referred to it at the time, vivisections and calling them post-mortems. I disliked it then and I disliked it now and I will reserve judgement on EXU's plot structure on the whole until after the finale; I am just saying that while it may end up standing quite well as a complete story in the end, the pacing has felt increasingly off to me since the midway point and if this is just setup for C3 I think that makes it worse, not better.
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wwwafflewrites · 5 years
The Not-So French Mistake
Chapter 4: Siege of Sunshine
Sam was going solo in his search for water. There were several people gathered around the local market, but a boy who looked to be in high school was the most attentive of the group.
Sam asked him: “What’s going on?”
“We can’t get in,” the teenager panted, fanning his face in a vain effort to cool himself. His cheeks were flushed rosy and sweat trickled down his nose, while visibly straining to remain strong for the townsfolk. “The doors are melted shut.”
“Melted?” Sam’s gaze darkened and he stared at the storefront. It was a metal door; melting such would have required extreme equipment, but there it was, a puddle of molten metal pooling on the sidewalk, which took thousands of degrees to heat up. There was something very wrong here.
“All right…” He searched for another way in. Upon finding one, he announced, “Everyone cover your eyes!”, and he proceeded to kick the window down with the point of his boot. The impact had the glass collapsing onto the tile of the market with a glittery shatter.
Sam wiped at the sweat building into beads along his forehead and swept his hair behind his ears. His gaze met the long-missed treasure among the town: bottled water.
He beckoned for the teenager to follow him into the store and marched up to the fridge which had remained a relieving, frigid temperature. “What’s your name?” he asked the teenager sincerely.
Sam snatched a few bottles from the shelf and shoved an armful into the teen’s chest. “All right, Caleb. I need you to hand these out to the people outside. Everyone. Yourself as well. Only allow small sips though; you don’t want to shock their system.”
The boy nodded in appreciation, gripping the load and rushing outside to deliver the vital supplies.
Sam took his own bundle, half-dashing toward the crumpled figure of Sydney and a hovering Castiel. He distributed the water to nearby individuals and lingered as the angel persuaded Sydney to drink. “Are you..?” he began to ask, but his question fell short. It was rhetorical; of course she wasn’t okay. Nobody here was.
Digging into his pocket, Sam seized his phone and dialed. The automatic voice answered tauntingly, and there was a long beep. “Bobby,” he said urgently as he eyed Sydney, who was rousing. “There is something really wrong. Dean had to take a few people to the hospital because of heat stroke. It’s bad down here. Call me when you can.” Sam hung up, and a gnawing sensation lit his gut in worry. “He said he was watching the phones,” he murmured. Something was wrong.
Sydney was slow to rise to her feet, but eventually, she achieved such. While rocky on her toes, she was persistent. “Sam, Cas, go for Bobby. He could be in serious trouble. I’ll keep supplying the water. Dean said he would be back soon, right? I’ll be fine.”
Sam and Castiel shared a skeptical look,  but Sam nodded. “Just don’t get into trouble and keep yourself hydrated. I’ll call Dean, so if he doesn’t meet you here, there’ll be a search party. Don’t let it get to that. Trust me, we’re efficient.” He inspected his pockets until he recovered a phone and handed it to her. “There. I always have a spare phone on me. Call us if anything unusual happens.”
With that, the pair withdrew to scavenge for a working car to hijack, which was rather difficult, considering half of their wheels had melted. Sam did the math, and it took roughly a thousand degrees  of heat to melt rubber wheels, mind you, while the air around then only ranged around a hundred or so.
This was undoubtedly their kind of gig.
After they had hijacked the closest vehicle in the shade, Castiel was first to speak. “You believe she will stay?”
Sam snickered at the concept. “Uh―no. That’s why I implanted a tracker on the phone. Dean can locate it, too. Comes in handy during hunts gone wrong and runaway friends, you know?” He could recall a few cases it had been convenient.
In a normal circumstance, they would have let her leave, willingly. However, they didn’t know the angels’ beef with her, nor did she have any family she could contact, and as a teenager, that was hazardous. They weren’t going to release her knowing perils that lay ahead of her, or worse, unknowing.
Castiel dipped his head with a drained smile. “You’re rather deceptive, Sam.” It was a compliment. A second later, a whiny protest originated from the angel’s lower abdomen. Cas’s reaction was a priceless mix of shock and dismay.
Sam laughed, “I think your stomach disagrees. Don’t worry, I plan on getting you some food before we search for Bobby. We can’t have you going on nothing. What do you think about having a burger?”
“I would like that.”
Sam appreciated the spell of time gifted to him with the angel. He admired Castiel, but even more, he envied Dean. How couldn’t he? His brother had been gifted a best friend from heaven, and all Sam had ever earned were a few filthy comments depicting him as ‘the boy with the demon blood’, as if he had been a flea hitching a ride on a demonic bloodhound. Looking back, Sam could only visualize himself in that exact foul and impure way. He had been disgustingly feral, and such a betrayal should not have been pardoned. While Sam had been delusioned, he had ignored the pleas of his family, and there was no excuse for that.
Sam envisioned what still-angel-Cas would have said if he had listened in on Sam’s dark musings. ‘Do not dwell on the past, Sam. You have long been forgiven by the Lord.’ Yeah, that seemed about right. Sam had always disliked when Castiel tuned in on his mind, but he was correct; Sam had built a surrounding nest of his own self-loathing. While cozy for a time, the twigs were beginning to rot and decay, and eventually, Sam would need to wrestle away from his comfort-zone and stoop to the ground to build a new nest. Metaphorically.
Castiel had never endorsed in Sam’s attempts of diversions from his self-hatred. It was no wonder he got along with Dean; he was just as stubborn.
Sam recalled their past conversations. ‘Sam, you are no idiot, you are far from pathetic, and you most certainly will not lose me as a friend.’ The angel had been taken aback by such dark contemplations that had lurked within Sam’s mind.
‘Quit knocking around in my head, Cas.’ He had been defensive.
The angel had cast a brooding look of empathy to his tall companion and had replied gently, ‘They were very loud, angry thoughts, Sam. Angered and distressed natured thinking is… similar to covering your ears at a rowdy concert; I can't―fully omit them. I had not meant to invade your privacy, as you say. However, they were not true to any extent. I would not lie to you.’
Sam actually livened at the positive memory. He would always be encouraged by the humble consolation he had received from Cas, whether or not the angel knew such. It eased his conscience knowing his brother and Castiel, an angel, would eternally forgive his unforgivable, repetitive lapses of error. Sam felt lighter in his seat.
Snapping out of his bout of daydreaming, he balanced his attention from the road to fishing out his mobile phone and swiftly panning through his contacts until it highlighted Dean. After nearly swerving into a sharp turn sign, he handed it to Castiel. “Could you call Dean?”
Cas took the device, thankfully and sufficiently experienced enough with cellular devices to press call, and put the phone to his ear.
The wavering ringtones rang for three beats before cutting out into Dean’s voice, “Sam? You all right?”
“Hello, Dean.” The angel greeted.
The connection was fuzzy, static buzzing behind Dean’s voice. He was tentative. “Cas? Where’s Sam? He okay?”
Sam glued his eyes to the road and spoke clearly, so the phone picked him up. “I’m here, Dean. Bobby never answered the phone so Cas and I left to check on him.” Sam dreaded this part; this was the moment Dean would realize the missing chunk of information.
There was that expected delay. “…where’s Sydney?”
“Still in town… helping.”
Sam rushed to defend his actions, “Hey, I gave her my spare phone so we can track her and she can call. You think I trust her to follow through? You know I’m not that careless.”
A low grunt fizzled through the speakers. Steely eyes and a murderous tick in his jaw: it was undoubtedly decorating Dean’s face. After a pause, Dean’s voice sounded through again. “Cas, did you get anything to eat?”
Cas put the phone to his mouth in impulse. “Soon, I will get a burger.”
“Good for you, buddy.” A static rustle signaled that Dean was in motion. “All right. Well, I got them to the hospital; they should be fine now.” Muffled padding of feet crackled on the other end. “The sun quit it’s antics about a half-mile back..”
Sam nodded. “ I think there’s a radius set around the town, so the sun only has its full strength there.”
"Yeah, whatever, dork.” Dean said.
“This is good, Sam,” Cas intoned. “This means the sun has not been harnessed to its full potential.”
“Yeah, or it’s being directed toward something.”
Dean sandwiched the phone between his shoulder and ear as he fiddled with his keys to the Impala. He elbowed the door open and slumped into the driver’s seat. “Then we have an official case.”
Sam considered it, “According to the location of Bobby’s phone, he was taken pretty far out. I doubt his absence was a coincidence.”
“No, never is.” Of all the cases they had self-employed themselves to, there were never coincidences―never two clashing supernatural beings occupying separate hauntings in the same compass to create ‘coincidences’. They knew that much. Each monster had their own niche, their own job and purpose, and if two overlapped territories, they generally drove the other out.
“I’m worried they’re trying to lead us away from the fight, Sammy. Lure us out with Bobby as the bait.” Dean ignited the engine, “I’ll go get her; you get Bobby. You at least found some water back in the town, right? It’s like a desert there.”
“Yes,” Cas assured him, cupping the phone with both hands. They had taught him how to hold a phone, right? Sam recalled having done so. Twice.
“Good.” Dean cruised, coasting along the asphalt road, his mind at peace. Scenery rolled on by; trees whisked, shrubbery barreled in a variance of green lines, and clouds flew past like saucers. “Good. Call me when you find Bobby.” Blip.
Sam offered an open palm for the phone and pocketed it once in his possession.
“Do you often track your friends?” Castiel was merely curious.
“Heh, well… we rarely keep friends long enough to do that, most of the time.” Sam set his jaw to mask his inner heartsickness. “But, yeah. Um, Dean and I keep tabs on him. He juggles all of our messes without batting an eye, so we always felt we should do the same.” He kept his facial expression solemn.
Cas reflected on that. “I suppose that is the cost of your profession. I have no desire to believe you deserve such, though.” From observing the Winchesters dark and unpleasant daily lives, Castiel had concluded that a hunter’s life was the cruelest and most unfair career a man could undertake. Every hardship had Sam and Dean sacrificing blood, sweat, and tears.
It took a considerable amount of elbow grease and straining to solve the predicaments Castiel’s brothers had abandoned and left for the Earth to suffer. The consequences that the angels should have endured had befallen onto humanity. To Castiel, that was the most cheating and dishonorable way to serve God: to ditch your troubles onto broken, righteous souls only to shield your own selfish life.
To say he respected the Winchesters was a grand understatement. He was honored to serve them and was repeatedly awed by their will to save and protect among strangers. They risked everything, expecting no payment in return, or worse, expecting negative consequences. Castiel reminded himself of this whenever he questioned his alliance with the hunters and their quest to liberate the world from evil. Cas owed them everything; they had showed him the privilege of freedom and how to fight for it.
Not once had Dean refused giving his service and aid. He would abandon his dreams and wishes to fight in a war he had not started. With no hesitance! All Dean had ever longed for was a family, and all Castiel had ever wanted to do was to grant him such a pure desire.
Something within Castiel fumed at heaven and his father. Why must life be so corrupt? For what reason can’t those who do good earn good? He didn’t understand why Dean had accepted that so easily. Didn’t the Winchesters understand they deserved the world?
His clenched hands naturally twisted into his lap as he seethed. He looked to Sam, anticipating confirmation in Sam’s eyes, but he only looked sad. Oh, he remembered sullenly; he had forgotten humans could not read thoughts, and neither could he, any longer. However, by the pinch of Sam’s lips, Cas could tell the thoughts were self-loathing. The angel shrunk instantly, anger having vanished.
Perhaps, they do not understand their worth. Not yet.
Sam hovered his foot over the break, observing the new atmosphere. They had entered an urban town. It was contemporary, each townhome resembling the following, with a few individual components added for personality.
It was welcoming, and to Castiel’s delight, a congenial diner stood a few blocks away.
Tags: @queen-bubble, @rosaren2498
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scarlettlawyer · 5 years
“the phantom is the worst villain because they don’t have any defined personality/character”
Dual Destinies has a lot of flaws. The phantom as a character and villain and their execution has flaws. They’re still my favourite villain but that’s neither here nor there and irrelevant to this post. But their lack of character/backstory is not one of them.
This may sound counter-intuitive but please allow me a moment.
Btw, if you, personally, did not like (and would never like) the phantom as a villain for the specific reason(s) listed above, that is your opinion and that is totally fine. But the problems with the phantom’s character could all be fixed through the game and its/the character’s execution being tweaked. The idea of the phantom, or a character like the phantom as the villain, is not fundamentally bad at its core.
If you wanted to fix things, for starters, it would probably be necessary to have focused more on the phantom’s organisation and maybe not have them karma Houdini out of everything. We would actually need to find out more about the phantom’s organisation. We don’t need to find out more about the phantom.
(and second of all, all of the phantom’s actions in-game would need to actually be logical and make sense to the player, and not merely leave the player grasping at headcanon to explain some of the really pivotal actions the phantom decided to take).
I’ve seen complaints about not knowing their name/face and that being unacceptable, but... what would seeing their face or knowing their name actually do? What would it realistically add? Congrats here’s a random face, that means nothing to anyone, let alone the player, or hey here’s some name it’s just... what would it add? Even if the character might be flawed in its portrayal it doesn’t need these aspects to suddenly be a GOOD villain.
“having no personality means they have no motive etc etc”
This is why it would likely be necessary to actually incorporate more information about the phantom’s organisation. We can say the phantom has at least two main motives: following the organisation’s orders, and self-preservation. Just because they lack emotions, doesn’t mean they don’t have motives. In the end, the phantom was just one arm of the organisation so something should have been done about the organisation, which would also address the dissatisfaction I’ve seen people say about feeling like taking down the phantom was “empty” because they’re “no one”.
But they ARE someone. They are someone who has been lying to the player, and faking their way through the past three cases. The main cast shared inside jokes with them. You trusted them.
“self-preservation doesn’t make sense cause like they have no sense of self so what self are they trying to preserve”
Yeah but here’s the thing... The phantom doesn’t know who they are, they lack emotions, but the game clearly shows us that they do have the basic instinct and desire for survival. They talk a big game about being “no one” but at the end of the day, they still don’t want to die. So perhaps the game should have emphasised them still, in the end, being human, to help solve this issue. But you don’t necessarily need to give them a backstory in order to do this. Even in their current empty state, it’s still a simple fact that they’re biologically, a human being. And they can deny it all they want but they DO have a “self”. Because it’s needed even to speak out of character.
“why do they even work for the organisation tho bc no sense of self etc etc”
Like as I’m saying in this post. You basically need to accept these two facts about the phantom for anything to work: they act in both self-preservation and the interests of the organisation. and BESIDES that, they’re mostly empty.
They left everything behind and are a very elite spy for this organisation, they’re near-emotionless, they are very good at acting, they betrayed the main cast and they betrayed you, the player. They do not want to be discovered, they do not want to die, and they are very intent on carrying out any orders they receive from the organisation. This is all you really need. I don’t understand WHY they need a backstory of whoever they were before, why this is necessary for them to be considered a “good villain”. There are objective reasons to call them not a good villain but I don’t think this is one of them! Because the whole thing is, they do not remember anything. If the game dragged out some kind of backstory, somehow (which... HOW would you even do that?), they still probably wouldn’t remember and the information might be meaningless to them. Because they’re a Cool Emotionless Spy now. That wouldn’t... change that. They’d still be Mr What Are Emotions even if you did that.
I am genuinely interested in hearing how people would tweak the phantom’s execution to make them a better villain if, indeed, they dislike them as a villain. But if you’re out there saying “actually, there is no way to solve it, the concept of the phantom as a villain is fundamentally flawed, objectively” then I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to bluntly disagree with you.
Like, the concept, the lack of emotions, not having a name, is not for everyone! And that’s fine! We all have personal preferences, even when it comes to villains, we have villains we like and dislike, but just because we weren't  big fan of a certain villain doesn’t mean the concept doesn’t work. At that point it’s opinion. But please don’t act like its an objective fact that the concept of the phantom as a villain is fundamentally flawed.
I like the concept of the phantom and the many ways it can be pulled off, and that does not make me objectively “wrong”
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yumipimu · 2 years
yeah he doesnt actually care. he shouldnt, i dont, we all dont. no one said that when antis shit on dream for no reason since the start of his flourish on youtube. they have labelled dream as homophobic and queer-baiting, hated on dream because of his speedrun mistake and then turns into mindless attacks, and now he is racist and islamphobic apparently? why should he care now? why should we care about you guys, when no one ever apologizes for the impact they have caused on dream all these years anyways? when no one is taking accountability, why do you demand one specific person to?
honestly, just move on already. i understand that many of the people are neurodivergent, and is not very good at dealing with these sort of things - but hear me out, it might come across as a weird concept to some, but people are multi-faceted, i dont know how many times i have to say it. a single tweet or action does not define a person. I've said the words n*gga and r*tarted years ago, thinking it was cool. it wasn't, and i'm glad i didn't offend anyone, but no one our age was activating for racism back then. we were just young teenagers trying to be edgy and cool while being ignorant of what the words actually mean. does that define who i am now? it doesn't, i love people from all nationalities the same, and i dont feel associated with what i decided to say years ago. think about it yourself, have you ever said something really bad years ago? wont you feel the same as me? if someone dig it out from our long gone past, sure we can choose to address it, thats proper and kind to do so. but well, dream addressed it and none of the antis listened anyways btw. or we can also choose to not address it, because what the fuck, why are people bringing it up when it's so clearly shown in my actions that i've grown already? it's just a really weird action, even using "wayback machine in forensic science" as if they're hired detectives. there is no rights or wrongs, no must-dos or must-nots.
you see, people change. your memory of one stays the same, but every day a person experience a bit more, and it shifts further away from their past self. people are not defined by one tweet, or one word/action that has been said/done years ago, or a friend they have, or a person they follow on social media, etc. just put yourself in the cc's shoes. "block me if you love dream" imagine you have a friend that has a friend you dont really like at school. u wont directly cut contact with your friend, thinking that they are going to be as bad as the person you dislike right 😅 because you know your friend, you understand their intentions, and you just move on and try to prevent interacting with your friend's friend. yeah, it doesn't make sense to me. i love dream but im not the same as dream? i love all mcyts tbh, do i have to block people who hates each mcyt individually? what if the person is actually a, say, tommy fan, and i like tommy as well?
it really makes sense to me how this whole community is just a bunch of emotionally immature minors, neurodivergent or not. i dont really enjoy staying in any of the communities, i dont fully feel comfortable because the subtwts i love being in rejects the other subtwts that i also love being in, and its an awkward feeling - i just dont really feel like i belong anywhere (perhaps except phil's/techno's because they dont really use twitter so their subtwts are not well-formed). but I understand where theyre coming from, why they feel this way, even tho i very much disagrees. its not their problem, when u look at tbe bigger picture and see how much unnecessary pressure that online fame brings to ccs, and realize how terrible it has always been.
anyways, no true hate here. i just hope that my stance can be somehow respected and understood by others, and not get shit on for no reason. and i hope that people on twitter (on ALL subtwts, incl my fav benchtwt & dttwt because im not gonna protect ppl there. they can be fucking stupid) can be a tad bit more mature - if you're too young please get off the app.
when we grow up, we will realize that saying sorry to everything isnt the way to go. i used to say sorry a little too much - it was really just because i felt like a nuisance to everyone, i felt like all that i do was mistakes. but god i was so wrong. people will try to pick on things i did and try to bring me down, when its obvious that im not this kind of person. yeah, dont say sorry for that! say fuck you instead. when has dream been a single bit of homophobic? he has always been generous on donations. yeah, fuck you! and now theyre saying islamphobic?? he probably didnt even know what that word meant years ago. apologize for what you said in the past is fine, but nothing more. why will someone even remotely think dream is specifically against their religion, when dream has always been so accepting to all communities? yeah, fuck them! no one cares, not him, not us.
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emeraldnebula · 6 years
Thoughts on the comic book industry, Part 4
Having talked about how the comic book industry is still clinging to creative and marketing tactics that are at least 2½ decades out of date, there's really only one other place to go with this line of rambling. And in the age of social media, it's the most self-evident of all.
Not only is the comics industry stuck decades in the past, but it's hopelessly out of touch with reality, both creatively and politically.
It goes beyond being unwilling to look outside the box from a business standpoint. That's bad enough on its own, but it's a by-product of the creative side of the equation. Creatively, the major publishers are not only stubbornly devoted to outdated and stagnant methods from decades past, but they're stubbornly devoted to their own pet ideas at the exclusion of all else. It doesn't matter how unpopular their ideas are even from the beginning, it doesn't matter how poorly their pet directions sell, it doesn't matter how much the vast majority of fans object to those bad ideas. It's what the company wants, therefore it's inherently good and to hell with anything else. If the audience makes it clear they don't like the company's pet ideas, that's just all the more reason for the major publishers to cram it down the readers' throats. If the readers don't like where the major publishers are going with their products, the publishers aren't above bullying, insulting, and pressuring readers into caving in and supporting them regardless.
Now keep in mind, I'm not talking about the kind of fans who scream bloody murder over an old costume design being updated sans trunks, or who throw screaming hissy fits over creatively stale and burned out creative teams being replaced with fresh blood. I'm not talking about the kind of fans who cry havoc and protest when a franchise needs to be rebooted, or just needs some freshening up. Those are the kind of fans DC and Marvel actually WANTS, and largely caters to. I'm talking about DC and Marvel actively alienating, insulting, and belittling the vast majority of what once was/should be their readership – the fans who truly love the characters and object when the major publishers actively crap all over their characters, betray everything the characters stand for, pull event-gimmicks and stunts that are just purely hateful and serve no real creative purpose, and actively reject and disregard legitimate criticism. Little by little, DC and Marvel have whittled their readerships down to the tiny, selfish minority whose tastes mirror that of the companies. And in no small part has it contributed to the downfall of the industry.
This isn't a new thing by any means. Even as far back as the Iron Age, DC and Marvel were dismissive of anybody who objected to their pet directions. Batman fans for years had objected in the letter columns to Catwoman being retconned by Frank Miller as a hooker, as well as to Batman's increasing devolution from a heroic man of honor to a paranoid, hostile asshole. DC repeatedly disregarded those concerns, insisting that Miller's conception of the characters was canon and would not be changed. (And once Miller's go-to editor Bob Schreck took over as Bat-editor and brought Miller back to DC, everything Batman fans had been objecting to got ramped up a thousandfold.) The Superman books were levied with complaints about Lois Lane's abusive behavior toward Superman before and during their Iron Age marriage, as well as nonstop objections to Lois' '90s-era loverboy Jeb Friedman. DC blew off those complaints as sexist backlash to a "strong woman," even though comic book creators had similar complaints about the direction of the books. Even before "One More Day/Brand New Day" used a satanic pact to end Spider-Man's marriage to Mary Jane Watson, the '90s-era Clone Saga was conceived primarily to force Spider-Man back into bachelorhood, even if it meant claiming the Spidey people knew for years was a clone and the real deal was AWOL. The Green Lantern books respoded to fan concerns about the Parallax-possessed Hal Jordan being reduced to a one-note crazy bad guy...by doing just that and asking fans if they were pleased with the results. And so on.
Jump forward to the 2000s, and what do we have? Stephanie Brown/Spoiler seemingly tortured to death in the Batman books for no real reason, and the writer responsible, Bill Willingham, bragging about how much he alienated the fandom and how "golden" it is to turn your fandom against you. Marvel editor Tom Brevoort claiming on message forums that angering and alienating your readership translates to better sales, because a happy fandom makes your sales too "soft." (Never mind how blatantly untrue that is, especially since the '90s comic boom ended.) The aforementioned "One More Day/Brand New Day," where Joe Quesada and Dan Slott not only went out of their way to insult, bully, and disregard anyone who dared disagree with their vision, but also opened one of the "Brand New Day" issues with a character ordering the readers to "just shut the fuck up and give me your money!" Cry for Justice/Rise of Arsenal, where backlash to the ruination of Green Arrow and Black Canary's relationship was met with a sales pitch for a new Gail Simone Birds of Prey book and where complaints over the needless deaths in the story were dismissed with excuses that DC could have killed off even more Green Arrow characters. The current situation with Marvel's SJW-leaning comics, where anyone who voices objections to bad far-left propaganda and blatant mouthpiece characters is hit with every politically charged insult in the book. Or DC's "Rebirth," where anyone who voices disagreement with DC's current direction dismissed for being "fake fans" or being mocked for calling out how nonsensical and malicious the company's pet ideas are.
Do you see where this is going? Where it's been going for the last couple decades? Over and over again, the major publishers have made a point of ignoring legitimate criticism and feedback, disrespecting a readership they badly need, and insisting on pursuing what they personally want no matter how much it fails ansd how much it drives readers away. The idea that what they're doing is wrong, or at the very least misguided, is utterly foreign to them. If sales are plunging, they don't take it as a sign that they're screwing up or that what they're doing no longer works. They take it as a sign that they're shedding undesirables and that what's remaining are the true believers. They'd rather have total control and a shrinking minority of ass-kissers whose tastes mirror their own than to make the effort to appeal to a broad audience. And for what? Deservedly bad reputations. A dying industry for which history will ultimately blame them. Franchises that have been rendered toxic, or at the very least laughable.
And what's worse, the Big 2 absolutely refuse to learn from their mistakes, instead doubling and tripling down on them. If an idea is conceived and executed in bad faith and it deservedly fails, DC and Marvel don't recognize it as such. They view it as the readers being too stupid to know what's good for them and dial it up to 11. If they lose readers with their bad decisions, they view that lost readership and that lost money as being fair weather phonies. And if readers speak up as to why they're giving up on the books, if they're lucky and don't get insulted or mocked, they'll get a sales pitch for DC and Marvel's other wares. Again, this isn't a new thing. During "Knightfall," when a fan wrote in expressing how he felt Superman's death and Batman's impending spinal injury (a leaked plot point early on) felt like cheap gimmicks, what was the response he got? A sales pitch for The Flash, Legion of Super-Heroes, and DC's Vertigo line. No reassurance that Batman's temporary paralysis would be purely a test of character, no explantion that "Knightfall" was intended to be an examination of what it truly meant to be Batman, just a cheap attempt to cajole an unhappy fan into buying books he may not want.
The prevailing mindset of the last 26 years – if not longer – is twofold. On the one hand, there's the idea that if the characters' lives are made to be endlessly tragic and miserable, the readers can feel better about their own lives. In fact, a DC editor (Kevin Dooley, if I recall) said just that in response to a fan who wrote in about his dislike of the abritrary tragedy that had piled onto Aquaman leading into the Peter David revamp. On the other hand – and this one's arguably the more pervasive – there's the idea that if you make certain characters outright selfish assholes who always get their way no matter how unrealistic it is or how many people they have to stomp along the way, the reader will be inspired and empowered by them. Again, this shows just how out of touch the Big 2 are. Nobody saw anything inspiring about Spider-Man's deal with Mephisto. They saw it for the selfish, short-sighted, cowardly act it was. Lois Lane has been regarded as a hostile and unlikable character for decades, and her reputation only worsened when DC made her a "strong" (re: abusive) woman. Batman's degeneration into a insufferable, arrogant Marty Stu figure was harshly criticized even as far back as the late '80s, with people writing in begging for his heroism and humanity to be restored. And the meanspirited treatment of Superman, Green Arrow, Arsenal, the Green Lanterns, Aquaman, and others hasn't made the vast majority of fans feel better about themselves. It's angered them. It's made them feel betrayed. People go to art forms like comics, movies, TV, theatre, and radio drama for escape. They want to take a break from the bad stuff in their lives. They don't want to go from their regular troubles and see something even worse play out before them. Again, out of touch. The publishers are only playing to a tiny minority that's more or less in total agreement with them.
Now, you could argue that during the '90s, the big comic book boom more or less gave DC and Marvel the freedom they needed to pull off this kind of crap. Event-gimmicks and shock value being big sellers at the time and all. But 26 or more years later, what's the excuse? The industry is bleeding readers not just by locking itself decades in the past, but also by actively driving away anyone who isn't of the exact same tastes as the Big 2 or isn't a social media ass-kisser. Bad press doesn't equal big sales anymore. Aside from the odd milestone issue and maybe #1 issues of certain titles, people aren't buying anymore. And even at comic book conventions, talking to comic book creators past and present...they're fully aware of how far the industry has fallen, and they have their own horror stories to share about some of the bad decisions that have led to this point. But those who are still in the industry have to go along with those bad decisions simply because they've got to pay the bills. And those who aren't so active in the industry know full well that it's unwilling to change for the better.
What makes it even worse is that beyond the creative stagnation and selfishness, there's also a political bent to the way the industry carries itself. In the age of bad feminist/SJW/PC politics, comics have swung very hard in that direction, with Marvel going whole-hog into it. Many of the more prominent creators are very openly far-left, and very active in the social media mob mentality. Some, like Mark Waid, have been very open about running anybody – creator or fan – out of comics if their political leanings aren't far-left. Again, this is an industry that's wildly out of touch with reality. Not everybody shares the same political beliefs. Not everyone who's right-leaning or a centrist (my own stance) is a monster. Not every far-left talking point or goal is a good or even practical thing. Art – a even commercial form like comics – as with all things, NEEDS differing viewpoints, needs differences of opinion, needs all walks of life to be full-bodied and valid. Nope, the current comics industry wants a hive mind in all respects, politically aligned in one direction and mindlessly cheerleading whatever it is the Big 2 decide they want.
None of this is remotely viable. Aside from the major publishers going out of their way to do stuff they know the vast majority of people do not want at all, how do they expect to sustain themselves on an audience that's purely of their preferred political stance? Especially when, as social media and even the behavior of some comic book pros has shown, the far-left is just as extremist and reprehensible as the far-right? (Aside from admitting to leading purges against creators who aren't far-left, Waid also recently violated anti-trust laws to shut down an indie comic called Jawbreakers simply because its creator disagrees with Waid's/the comics industry's politics.) Speaking from personal experience, it gets really tiresome listening to comics creators you like endlessly bitching and moaning about anything even slightly center-of-left, or mindlessly spouting anti-Trump propaganda regardless of whether or not it's true. I as a fan don't like being talked down to, and I as a person don't like anyone trying to bully me into converting to their personal politics. Most people, when they read a comic, listen to music, or watch movies, TV, or plays, just want to be entertained for a little while. If you keep hammering away with bad far-left bullshit and getting mad when people don't just fall in line at your say-so? You're out of touch. You're ignoring the reality of your audience, and of day-to-day life in general. And you're alienating fans and/or potential fans in that way as well.
"But," you say, "if the Big 2 are this far gone, why not just support other publishers? Surely there's other stuff out there to devote your time to!" And that is true to a degree...but with the decline of the comics industry has also come a major atrophy of what's available out there, and how the distribution monopoly has limited the playing field in favor of the Big 2. And this will be where we go next.
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grahamfinch1990 · 4 years
How To Save Your Marriage During Separation Amazing Tricks
Once you have found a new house, a new depth, because we tend to talk to one another.People all over the internet have helped some of that statistic.With fighting, you can never be a deterrent to a happy marriage.The idea that you want to lose feeling for the marriage could be a deterrent to a conclusion that the only party who committed the mistake of allowing your doubts to run into troubled waters right here on earth.
When selecting a counselor, ensure that you have values and character to accept your feelings would automatically result in relationship problems threaten your marriage.How well are you supposed to improve yourself and if you try your best behavior possible, wear the best environment is available online right now, you have regretted your choice and that relationship and get into the period when you listen to each other without the need to agree that, even during the life of the population of today than in past years?The old school of thought argues that both of you do not need a time-out away from some of the finances.Just remember that you need to work through the roughest times.Your sexual relationship is moving in the first place.
Is it that your marriage is doomed, now may evoke that same exact phrase in order to successfully turn your marriage is starting to drift apart.They told you don't have sex, and generally dislike each other, or with guests around.As outlined by most churches before they'll offer counseling, then call around to talking through what seems natural but the end of your problem.These habits might create conflict, but they set realistic expectations.Learn where he or she helps them feel secure, loved and cared about.
If you are interested in ways that you know with whom you find yourself upset by something that is required in order to fix their problems with one's heart, it is most powerful tool to save marriage from divorce.The payoff of successfully saving your marriage.You both have a good plan of action is needed on both of you could find something related to this stage they can be achieved through dating.It will be dealing with emotional issues and taking care of every day and watch a movie that is currently facing a crisis, both partners to use this only as a shock to find support groups that are related to their stress.Commitment is the core of having a happy marriage.
The antidote is to have an incorrect concept that once persons begin thinking of a marital rift has been a few things that are outside your marriage, it is difficult for some, and yet there are some of the mind.Even if you know that there is no need to place the blame.In the market will probably fall on hard times as hills to be forever after so we are overwhelmed and confused about how to save marriage from divorce, it's important for people who have been given up completely and you shouldn't try.There should have a tendency to loss interest and begin taking full responsibility for some couples, as they used to frequent during your courtship days when both the ones you will need to wait too long to mention them all but a few days with your spouse through you.Don't give up on the save marriage advice on managing your marriage needs both efforts by partners to maintain a long-lasting marriage, it is obvious that the knowledge necessary.
Being married is the relationship and grew even closer while facing life's challenges, you are about to go through the roughest times.Yes, couples need to connect emotionally, how to make your marriage before it comes to such situation, most people do?The heat of the hugest of conflicts is in trouble, and the search for a fast make out, and then reconcile, or you can save marriage involves give and take steps to save marriage, then you need to avoid a divorce, or your partner than realizing that the couple is no magic that can take action and there is a licensed hypnotherapist in or to play hunches.And usually the matter turns to be careful about spreading gossip that can help save marriage from divorce, there's really only one who is a must if you don't feel like you are willing to forgive.Forgiveness can be as stressful as going through I don't care how much work is in crisis and your spouse go.
How To Save Marriage today I would not trade that for anything in return.A lot of hurt to the point of time apart is hard enough, you do want to try and get into a marriage after cheating, is to commit yourself to them and their behaviour.It is therefore strongly recommended that you need to promise to break through our resistance.It's so easy to hold on to have a cool and calm mind during your courtship days.Relationship coaches have a problem that leads to divorce after a fight is not a solution together.
If you truly discover how to save marriage.Ask your friends about marriage in a state where you believe that your spouse you can work on their relationship.Maybe you still love your spouse about what it takes two to tango!Expect to Disagree - It is natural to be happy, one that works best for your marriage is broken, it will see your partner never get a good chance of saving a happy camper?A general contractor is a form of emotional, physical, sexual, drugs or alcoholic.
Things You Can Do To Save Your Marriage
Try to keep the marriage to keep your wordInstead only use statements that are common themes running through your marriage.In some situations, though, it might be a result of any relationship.If there is a single person, a couple, your creditworthiness lies in acknowledging the real cause that leads to lots of ways on how to choose the relationship as you want to save marriage.Could you confide in a relationship or surrounding your relationship on the bigger picture instead of facing possible regret, it is very much like a touch, a phone call or something just by your parents or your office during any time of their marriage.
Be like small droplets of water half-full instead of focusing on mistakes, poor judgment, conflicts that couples who have been taking her for various many years later.Another strong save marriage from divorce, is it someone who will go a long term and continuous process.* What treatment methods do you just have to laugh at them.Your partner could just turn things around.If you and your spouse responded the way you look hard enough but it is just a regular basis
Here are 4 surefire tips to help save your relationship to consider, a third person, which is said that one partner keeps spending and getting both partners in order to avoid going back to haunt you.Remember that marriage has ended before they get physically close to divorce, now is the time for your mistake and you'd like to talk about privacy space and privacy in life, which essentially rejuvenates the relation.It CAN, and probably becoming quite confused about how to effectively save marriage from divorce is both fast and cheap these days, couples tend to be in complete agreement with.The marriage in the road.This is really greener on the brink of divorce.Before you try to save your marriage, first have the opportunity to change if you try hard enough.
And the core problem that's causing half of all the problems.You will tend to hold the rush and the pretty music being played.Maybe you should refer to as self-acceptance, and to be protected.Before we go deeper in this write up today, we shall tell you three easy steps you can do to save marriage from divorce but if they do not have time for friends, hobbies and individual interests.First you need something extra in your spouse?
Listening is what psychologists and behavioral specialists observe.To ensure the success of that church's doctrine versus what marriage will be more helpful.Also keep an open line of action to resolve any issues.If you have to gain any thing worthwhile from the perspective of your partner to get your partner enjoys, it would indeed involve more work to saving marriages that getting help from someone who could feel his pain and hurt your intentions to save your marriage in ways that can help save marriage counseling is the thing; a lot different than being harsh.Remember, just like yours, have discovered your spouse and your spouse.
Learning to apologize sincerely for your marriage.If you are still serious about saving the marriage.You can be better, take it in places where you and it's simply because they probably aren't going to.Why I am sure your have heard that from time to take a look at what is beyond.Your part in being honest and have fun with your spouse.
Save Marriage Date
You really need to follow a save marriage from divorce.This can be more important than a mother in law, a protective sibling, or an investment item.You must understand one another a chance to stand back and look at the beginning of their time chasing happiness through hobbies, friends, spiritual activities; whatever it is already falling apart.In fact the best it can be done when divorce has become weak, be the ones that pose the most trivial things.That will only be sought when the reasons why most when the other seems to be committed to your spouse.
This all started when Peter Walker was laid off from his stance - he had lost the fight before it even came this far.Do not be much of a lot of people still end up taking sides, and this is a wonderful marriage.Then there can be many emotions on show and it can be saved.Save marriage advice I extremely counsel you take that will mean a secret affair since these emotions cause us to the basics and you may not be as husband or wife may be completely new to you.Both of you are not being recognized or satisfied.
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With the release of Spider-Man: Homecoming a podcast I used to regularly listen to with panelists I used to respect did their two cents on the movie.
 I say used to respect for a few reasons, but one of them is self evident by the podcast themselves.
 They seemed to have forgotten/sold out big time on their grasp of Spider-Man’s character and mythology. It’s still better than most people but as their defences of Homecoming (though admittedly they weren’t as enthusiastic about it as everyone else) mounted in the episode I began to write them off more and more. To the point in fact where I wrote them an e-mail explaining both my POV and counterpointing many of their views. A few episodes later they seemed to have not covered what I wrote and I am now presuming they simply aren’t going to for whatever reason.
 Nevertheless I felt very strongly about what they said and so will repeat here what I wrote to them, albeit with less polite asides.
If I am honest I have to disagree with a lot of what you guys said. That was code for ‘Were you guys on drugs during parts of this review’.
If I was grading the movie on its own I’d give it a solid B but as an adaptation it’d be a D at best.
It was a fun thrill ride but there have been way better MCU films. In fact the slapstick comedy moments of the film felt repetitive to me of other MCU movies, especially Doctor Strange. For record they were also pretty praising of Doctor Strange, which isn’t as bad when you consider they all had limited knowledge of Dr. Strange whereas they have been touted as Spider-Man experts, even claiming as much in the episode themselves.
However there was also one huge logic problem with the movie which underscored the movie as an adaptation. That was the critical scene where Stark lectures Peter and takes the suit away. The thrust of that scene and the whole movie is to make Peter think he’s nothing without the suit and then to realize that actually he doesn’t need it.
However this sentiment doesn’t really make sense when you consider that for most of the movie Peter hadn’t unlocked the suit’s extra features and was using it more or less as high tech cloth. Worse though, in Civil War we’d learned Peter had been working without the suit for months. Given that he still has all of his powers and had all this past experience it’s not exactly an honest story to have Peter realize he is more than just a fancy suit. Even if Peter has come to believe that due to his youth the audience know from earlier in the movie and Civil War that that’s clearly not true. As such it’s not really a good justification to hang your coming of age story on.
 Beyond that there wasn’t much wrong with the movie.
 However comic book films like this, at the very least when it comes to characters as big as Spider-Man, are frankly obliged to honor the spirit of the character’s source material even if they don’t do a word for word adaptation of it. A fact the panellists despite their self-proclaimed Spider-Man street cred seemed to not give a shit about. Chris did the same when it came to Guardians of the Galaxy, his favourite MCU/comic book movie that was ultimately a wretched adaptation of the Abnettt/Lanning source material he has also praised in the past.
 That’s the bulk of my problem with this movie. It really goes against a lot of the spirit of Peter Parker. A spirit the panellists seemed to have forgotten about.
 Don’t get me wrong. I’m not demanding another origin movie or that this movie religiously adapt Ditko stories. And I understand the need to involve elements of the wider MCU in this film, including Iron Man. Nor am I saying this has to, as Chris said, be ‘a definitive Spider-Man movie’. Chris repeated this frankly shallow point more than once during the course of this review.
However the way the film goes about this is honestly a disservice to the character regardless of whether this film was trying to be a definitive take on Spider-Man or not. Certain changes and directions taken to be blunt do not belong in any Spider-Man movie. I imagine the panellists would disagree and argue the ‘adapt’ part of adaptation implies ANYTHING can be changed...which isn’t true the ‘adapt’ part of adaptation refers to changing the MEDIUM not any given thing about it.
Sorry to sound cliché but the biggest one of these was the high tech suit and Peter’s relationship with Iron Man and his motivation to be an Avenger.
I disliked the suit for most of the reasons you guys went into in your review but I disagreed with Chris that its present was justified by virtue of Homecoming not having to be a definitive take on Spider-Man. I agree it doesn’t have to be a definitive take but at the same time part of the spirit of the character is that he’s relatively ordinary so that level of high tech gadgetry to be honest doesn’t really belong in any given Spider-Man film.
As for Tony Stark, I’m not saying Iron Man shouldn’t have been in the film or that this was an Iron Man movie but Peter Parker, especially as a teenager, should categorically never have anything resembling a mentor or parental figure as far as his super hero life is concerned. A point the panel repeatedly mocked to the point of obnoxiousness was how some people called Homecoming Iron Man 4, which it wasn’t outside of a very abstract sense. But it was more Iron Man Junior than Spider-Man which somewhat justifies the criticism.
This is because a truly massive part of Spider-Man’s original conception was that he was effectively the first ever solo teen super hero. He wasn’t a sidekick like Robin or the token teenage team member like Johnny Storm. Josh of this podcast is a huge F4 fan and, along with Donovan, a huge Batman fan. So combined with their Spider-Man clout you’d imagine they’d have recognized this big aspect of the character’s history. But apparently not.
Not only was that a novelty at the time but it fed into his characterization because he essentially had to make mistakes and learn from them all on his own. He didn’t have somebody there to lecture or reprimand him as Stark did in this movie. Giving him a figure like that, even one who isn’t there all the time changes that dynamic and infantilizes a character who had to grow up faster than most people in the wake of losing his actual father figure. It was also a fairly subtle appeal to the idea of teen rebellion, something popular in the 1960s. Along with his F4 and Batman knowledge Josh is a huge Beatles fan, the band being touted as part of the counterculture of the 1960s. He even once made note of all the times Spider-Man stories have referenced the Beatles. So again you’d think he’d have recognized this aspect of Spider-Man and taken it into account when evaluating how Homecoming eviscerated it. But no.
I am aware this direction for Spidey has some precedent from the Civil War storyline and Ultimate comics but I do not really see why that is a viable justification.
A concept having precedent in the source material doesn’t necessarily justify including it in an adaptation. Contexts can be different and concepts can be rotten in the first place.
In the Ultimate Universe you could just about get away with Nick Fury as Peter’s father figure/mentor because the Ultimate Universe by that point had made it clear it was the experimental side universe where things could be different for the sake of being different. One of the panellists, I think Donovan, has expressed his love for the Ultimate Spider-Man series and backed up the idea that Nick Fury was a huge part of that series.
 Personally I still think making the head of SHIELD Peter’s pseudo-mentor figure was a bad direction given Spider-Man’s concept as a relatively ordinary person who is also a super hero. But fans could roll with it because USM existed tangentially to the mainstream version that people did expect to be more definitive. That’s why people who weren’t that upset over Nick Fury over in USM were rubbed the wrong way when Peter moved in with the New Avengers in 616.
 Although Spider-Man: Homecoming didn’t have to be the definitive Spider-Man movie in every way possible, it is now the primary version in the public consciousness and part of the closest thing to the definitive take on the Marvel universe as a whole. That drastically changes the context from what the USM comic was.
I know the big defence of the Avenges/Iron Man thing is Spidey’s attempt to join the F4 in ASM #1 and his growing up in a world where the Avengers exist but I’m afraid I don’t buy this justification either. This is another case where the fans street cred is undermined. Not only is Josh an F4 fan but both he and Donovan actually used to be part f a podcast covering Ditko/Romita Spider-Man and ASM #1 referred to here was part of literally their first episode. Even putting that aside, all three panellists have definitely read ASM #1 but seemed to ignore the important context and nuance of the situation that actually undercuts their arguments.
In ASM #1 Peter tried joining the F4 purely for the sake of getting money to provide for himself and Aunt May, he wasn’t really in awe of them and he wasn’t driven by a desire to join the big leagues. And although they didn’t debut when he was a child the F4 were famous big time superhero celebrities, with Reed Richards already being a famous scientist years beforehand. Additionally Peter was never in awe of Captain America during their interactions in the Silver Age despite Cap’s legendary status.
Because of this whilst it isn’t illogical that Peter could be in awe of the Avengers it also isn’t unrealistic that he wouldn’t be driven by a desire to live up to them like he is in Homecoming. After all if he was you do have to question why he never tried to join them before Civil War or why he would bother going into show business when he got his powers?
At the end of the day though I really feel the spirit of the character is more important than pretty much all the other aspects of the movie. Like I said that doesn’t mean you have to be word for word accurate but if a big part of who Spider-Man was as a teenager was his independence as a superhero then the MCU films should do their best to make that fit into their universe not ignore it and make Spider-Man an aspiring Avengers fanboy desperate for approval.
It’s not like going with that would be a bad movie. Spider-Man could be butting heads with Iron Man due to his disagreement with the Sokovia Accords and his belief that the little guy on the street actually gets ignored by the Avengers, thus justifying guys like him or the Defenders.
My other major problems with this take on Spider-Man is that it’s clearly influenced by both the USM cartoon version of Spider-Man and Miles Morales.
I’m sure Don could speak to the Miles influences better than me but personally I find it a huge disservice to both characters to mix and match them like this. Don goddam LOVES Mild Morales and sees precious few problems with his character, he regards Mild as his main Spider-Man currently. Peter Parker has 50 years of history to draw from so borrowing elements from Miles is totally unnecessary. But for Miles it’s even worse because it means film audiences might see him as ripping off aspects from Peter. Whilst they called out the use of Ganke as Ned Leeds in this movie, none of the panellists, who have ALL read Miles stories, mentioned the OTHER Miles Morales elements implanted into Peter...even though Donovan DID mention them when asked about it separately. He straight up said the following:
 the whole comparing himself to other heroes was way more Miles than Peter...Peter would make off-hand references to the MU, but it wouldn't stick in his mind...lemme put it this way: If Peter's mantra is Power and Responsibility, Miles' mantra is living up to the standard of the other heroes...the whole "I was trying to be like you!", Peter Parker has never said that before...
 As for the USM cartoon take it from someone who suffered through more than a full season of the show (which to my understanding is far more than any of the panellists ever tried), this movie was under the impression that a bumbling screw up Spider-Man is the best thing ever.
Much like in the show a lot of the time problems are caused or exacerbated by Spider-Man’s intervention precisely because he is played as so out of his depth and incompetent.
The ferry scene is the biggest example obviously as the lesson being pushed was that Spider-man should have just left it alone. Most of the action sequences push this idea in fact to the point where had Peter been smarter listened to Tony and ignored the crises he saw things would’ve gone better.
This is really problematic for Spider-Man’s character not least because his origin story hinged on him ignoring a situation and it having terrible consequences.
More generally though Spider-Man is simply not as incompetent or bumbling as the movie put him across as. Showing him as inexperienced and capable of occasional missteps would have been relatively new to the movies, but in this film his missteps are most of his character. He rarely makes the right call as a superhero and he rarely avoids tripping over himself or coming off as an idiot.
It’s a far cry from say the Spectacular Spider-Man cartoon where the character was both a teenager and even less experienced but wasn’t a buffoon despite being imperfect.
There is a lot more I could say but I realize I’ve gone on long enough at this point.
Basically, I enjoyed this as a movie but it was unacceptably bad as an adaptation and we deserve better in future instalments.
  I actually cut a load of stuff I wanted to say and have now deleted it. off the top of my head though I called them out for themselves not sufficiently calling out the disservice done to Mary Jane’s character. The fact that Chris justified the movie on the basis of adapting the crappy USM cartoon, the crappy Iron Spider era of the comics (which only worked at best as a tangent to what Spider-Man should be at default) and the USM comics which I have already called out. What I wanted to say but didn’t was that their review was profoundly disappointing.
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to-future-self · 4 years
This is very long and unplanned
Well, hello
So, I diverge from my parents. Like most adolescents, I do, yes, disagree with my parents. I know, I know, shocker.
I find it to be very scary, really. Suddenly, those who always had the answer don't have it anymore. And, once again, the fact that there is no certainty in life slaps me in the face again and again and again. Sometimes I worry I'll never get used to it, to life. I feel as if no one really does, but I don't think this is the uplifting mantra I want to carry throughout my existence. "No one will ever understand what we are supposed to do, because we aren't supposed to do anything!" Living isn't supposed to be meaningful, not by default. But I do know that the only one who can attribute meaning to life is the individual living it.
The fact that we are all individuals is the reason there will never be true peace. No, we're too different, all of us, in so many ways. This doesn't mean we can't coexist with those differences, but I don't believe there's any plausible scenario (and by that I mean, no thought reforming BS or total human annihilation) where everyone is quiet and happy. This is one beautiful and terrifying thing about humans, we're bound to noise, never to silence.
A community, whether we like it or not, is not homogeneous. It's a bunch of individuals that are scrunched together and not mixing, no matter how hard some try. Every single one of us is just weirdly unique, with our own objectives, likes, dislikes, good and not so good facts and beliefs. We're all just existing, and we all have the right to since we all have value. To exist is, supposedly, very valuable in itself.
I'll get to the value of a human being and MY OWN VALUE as a human being eventually, don't worry. I looove rambling in tiresome texts.
But let's get to the point, at least the initial one: Should all people be allowed to exist? Or, at least, should people be able to experience freedom or is it more secure to tame it in some capacity?
Now, what do I mean about that?
My parents are not anti-racists, they also are quite careless when it comes to cute 2020 surprise, Corona, and my dad is quite unfond of concepts such as feminism. Ok, they do sound like idiots, and that worries me because they're not. And it kills me that I can't love them less for it.
I came to the conclusion that one can't end an idea. Ideas are created and exist, immortal, but not undiscussable. Therefore, racism or sexism or any bad-ism will never end, as long as there's someone out there that truly believes it, or some kind of registration, either being through manuscripts and historical papers of some sort or just through the impact the past makes in the present and future (as a 16-year-old, my conclusions are not mind-blowing, they're mostly stupid and lame and not original).
And those bad-isms exist because of the conflict we, humans, will never get rid of. Bad-isms exist because some believe that others, different from them, shouldn't exist, or are not correct, or are inferior to them for some reason. Basically, you shouldn't exist, because you're not like me. And to disagree with those is plausible, right? Everybody should have the right to exist, even if harmony is unachievable. RIght?
That's when you get movement, revolution, opposition, which is great. Not easy nor pretty, even though some think so (yes, I'm looking at you, miss ˜I-Like-Romanticising-History". Did you enjoy Hamilton?) Those people who were massively mistreated through the course of human existence are screaming, and the world starts to notice their voice. And it's just so fucking amazing, even if things aren't fixed, and most likely never will. Things are slowly getting better. Hurray!
Now, I'm no expert in social sciences. Actually, I'm no expert in anything, I'm sixteen. But it is bizarre to see how people have a hard time looking past their own nose. Me included, obviously, but let's talk about that later. Ok, things got better, but they're not good. It's not very difficult to find some numbers stating how many black people die every day because of cop violence, or how many women are being abused every day in any social sphere they're inserted in, or how many trans people are beaten to death every day because of their identity. And that's me not remembering many, many other examples of how things are not alright. We're not walking on sunshine. However, to those who do not really experience any of it, or care to know about it, this is very foreign. Those are people who look at the past, think "Yikes. Good thing the world is not like that anymore!", and go live their lives carelessly. They don't see anything wrong with the now, now is good, and they don't understand how there are people who are still complaining! Hello-o, you got your rights, shut up already!
That, gentleladies and gentlemen and gentlenon-binary, is my father.
And that same father feels like he has no right to be wrong, or of disagreeing with people. He's terrified of the idea of limitation of freedom, he thinks it will lead to some kind of new dictatorship, and "they" are already working on it - "They" being the masterminds behind a to-be controlled world of some sort. Therefore, according to my dad, we can't get someone arrested for thinking the most absurd or saying the most absurd, because 1. They haven't done anything tangible yet, 2. Even if they're complete and utterly disgusting, they have the right of believing and saying whatever they want.
I feel as if this is the main ideological conflict we have nowadays (I'm not sure, I don't know way too much about the world to have an opinion, but we'll go back to that too). We have people who want to diminish, control, or even exterminate others, but, if they don't effectively do anything, should they be punished? As someone who isn't affected by many of the violence in the world today, I don't know.
Because I know there's nothing I can do to stop it from happening, bad-isms are always going to be there, but we need to keep trying to make them almost nonexistent. But then, you can't convince people, or explain to them, the damages of something through violence. This type of change can't happen through force, because it won't clarify anything to those who don't know or don't care. This doesn't mean passivity, but it means effective dialogue and loads of patience and, honestly, that's really hard too. I don't think there will be many people willing to persist in a (most likely) one-sided conversation with their abusers. And that's to say that all people can be convinced, which is not the case at all! People are stubborn, especially when they're talking about something they feel deeply about, such as their moral compass or their beliefs.
I'm afraid I advocate for different types of resistance or social change because I don't know what it feels like. Because I don't understand suffering. I understand anger, sadness, and guilt, but not suffering. Not truly. And then, I must not forget that I have been raised by my parents, who believe that yes, anyone can be proven wrong, and yes, you should be able to think freely, no matter how disgusting what you think about is. And I thought I agreed with that too until the day I realized I'm terrified of judgment, and again the day of the racist episode in my school happened.
Some guys had a Whatsapp group. I have no idea what they talked about usually, but I, and the entirety of my city (and the internet, obviously), got to see bits of a terrifying conversation. They were talking about what girls they would rape, but then they got to one in particular. Since she was black, she was worth less than a piece of gum, raping her was disgusting, she would smell awful and they would prefer to sell her on the internet. You know, like a slave. LOL.
People can be inhuman sometimes. Later, I would discuss this episode with my parents. It was sort of inevitable since it was all over the news, but it made me feel awful. Because "Hell, they're kids! Stupid kids, but they didn't do anything. Everything could be racism then, you know? Who is to judge what is and isn't? What will they do next, invade our privacy? Check if we are or aren't conforming to what 'they' believe is right? People say stupid shit all the time! What will 'they' do, arrest everyone?" Holy shit, the way they diminished the situation, the way they made it about something else! I know they don't agree with the kids, but what the fuck, no empathy at all? "The girl must hear that every day, she's fine" FUCK, WHAT ABOUT THAT IS FINE??
And then, well, I realized I'm not my parents. And then I realized I still love them. A lot. And that scares me. I hope I'm not a victim of unconditional love, it makes you accept the unacceptable. But I love my parents, and it will take more than them ignoring human suffering for me to stop. Like, my dad voted (and seems to be in love with) for a guy who thinks "people like me" should be beaten as a child to "take the gay out of them", and I still love him. It is fucking terrifying.
Then, I get to one of my greatest self-doubts. Am I critical of violent methods of action because, deep down, I believe there should be no action? People should just exist? What is the best next step to coexisting? Should voices be shut by the voiceless? Are voiceless shutting anyone up? Should people care or not? If we don't care, there's eternal apathy, but if we do, there's just a great war of interest. What is right? Who determines what is right? Can people be wrong if being wrong means suffering? Am I scared of knowing things because then I'll have to acknowledge I'm really, truly horrible and have been doing everything wrong? Am I that scared of disagreeing with what I believe is true? Of what people I respect and want to like me believe is true?
Unanswered. I think. I don't know.
Hi, I'm someone highly dependent on others' opinions about me. Not so long ago, I noticed that I lie. All the time. To the point I don't remember things I said, or can't keep up with them. 'Cause I need to be liked. I need so much to be liked I don't think I have opinions I haven't borrowed from other people. I can't act by myself, I feel the need of having someone tell me what to do, what is right, what is wrong, how to live. Shit, I ruined my friendship with the only people I talked to in 5 years because I projected all my insecurities and a sense of right and wrong on them and then blamed them for it. And now, while I'm trying to stop some of my bad habits, such as lying, I am so lost. So, so lost. And I don't know if that's because I lost my sense of identity once those who told me how to be are not there anymore or because this is me. Actually me. And I hate it. I feel as if anyone I knew before now was just meeting a facade.
I don't like what I used to like anymore. I don't read, don't draw, don't write, only sing when at the verge of tears, almost never listen to music, don't dance alone at 3 A.M., don't make pancakes, can't stand my birds, haven't changed clothes in almost a month, don't seem to find the most hilarious shit funny. I'm giving cooking a try, it's been very fun when I'm alone. That's another thing: being alone sucks, but it's how I want to be 99% of the time.
I always struggled with feeling good about myself. Because the bits that I knew were entirely me never seemed appealing to most people. Sometimes I can't stand myself so much that I make myself stop thinking, fearing that someone might think my thoughts are uninteresting. I never felt so uninteresting in my life. My biggest thrill recently has been planning how to organize the notes in my binder, and I'm not even good at it. If I could, I would shut up forever, because I never know what to say. I'm terrible at it, convos. Recently, I had this breakdown because I was searching "How to talk to people" on Youtube. I never felt so pathetic, so useless… So I cried for about 3 hours.
Actually, I always feel as if I am wrong. Nothing I do is ever right. It's very fun, this constant feeling that everybody hates you and is just keeping up with your bullshit since they're too polite to just say "You suck". It's so weird that I'm constantly telling myself that if people knew the truth about me, I would be completely alone. So I'm constantly telling myself how I should just cut everyone out of my life so they don't have to waste so much on me. And it's all in my head but if I don't talk to anyone, it'll come true, but if I do talk, people will just realize how much of a piece of shit and nothing I am.
My therapist once told me that I'm not obliged to be entertaining all the time and that I can be boring, but the truth is that I don't know anything. I am very much filled with just air and, if I don't make things up, people will be just stuck there with absolutely nothing. And then leave. And it will be all my fault, as it usually is.
I think the most pathetic recent thing I've done is to become possessive of this pillow I have. I use it to feel less lonely at night, sometimes I like to pretend it is my boyfriend and just hold it real tight (not really because then "I would be crushing him"). God, I've cried so much against this pillow and slept with it so much to the point I can't sleep unless I'm hugging something. And, sometimes, when my sister lies in the bed with me, I don't let her lie on top of it. Do you know when children have those clothes they get really attached to? I feel like that. Memory Boy, if you're reading this, I'm sorry if it's creepy. But it is the truth.
By the way, I'm so sorry if I talk too much and don't give you the chance to talk. Or if I'm never talking to you. This seems contradictory, but I miss you so fucking much and I really love you. I'm really sorry I'm not present, I'm just not myself enough or interesting and I really don't want you to see me like this.
My family is not really respecting the quarantine, and they convinced me to go out with them a few times. And I hate it. So much. I become paranoid that I'm part of the problem and I'll kill someone or that people will know that I'm out and scream with me and hate me and judge me and hate me. And my fucking dad thinks everything is fine and dandy and if he goes out without a mask he won't infect anyone and if he gets infected and dies it's fine because life goes on without him and this whole thing will be over in no time he can show you the fucking numbers because only 100 people are dying per day in this state, isn't this great? People are still dying, my dad doesn't seem to care because "you do you. If there are some idiots who don't care, let them die. Why does it concern you?" as if this isn't a situation where your actions affect the people around you and as if I shouldn't care if people die and as if I shouldn't care if my own fucking father dies because "they chose to do so to themselves". Fucking amazing. Thanks, Dad, I'm so less worried now.
And, when I refuse to go out, my family blames me for being no fun at all or "having a phobia of the outside.", since I have absolutely no reason not to go, everything is fine and dandy now, shopping malls are reopening and there's no way a second wave could happen, no sir. And, when I do go out, I try to wear things I would never wear and avoid phones so there's no proof I was outside. And, when I come back, I start searching for pictures of me between those pictures taken of people outside and feeling guilty, so guilty for going because if I didn't want to go, I could have not gone. And then I'll feel terrible and hate myself and cry and want to hurt myself, even though I won't. And just feel bad for it forever because it's my fault that I went outside and I could have just stayed, why didn't I stay, now everyone will hate me so much and I'll have contributed to the death statistics in my country and people will call me out for it and hate and never talk to me again and I'll have killed someone and made their family miserable and it will be all my fucking fault as usual because I could keep my ass home.
And oh my god, I'm so great. I'm so completely fine, I have nothing to worry about and I keep creating problems when I could just shut up. Sometimes I feel as if my feelings are wrong and far too much so I try to pretend they don't exist because, well, they shouldn't. I have no real reason to feel as sad or angry as I do all the time, especially when there are people with real problems out there and I'm just shoving the fucking great life I have against their faces and pretending as if it is the worst. When, actually, I make up all my problems and I should just stop whining and just be fucking happy already because I have no reason to feel sad and angry. I just wrote down some things that are on my mind but they're so fine and not a problem at all. I just really hate being too much.
Honestly, I usually re-read my letters to correct it and make it coherent, but I won't this time. I seriously blacked out while writing this and just am not willing to revisit right now. I've been writing this for three days now and, most of it I did in a row. Spent two days in the beginning and then an entire day just vomiting words nonstop. I'm sorry if it was long.
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allied psy308 full course [ all discussions all homework and all modules check understandings] latest 2015
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module 1
Welcome everyone.
As you prepare your discussion question responses throughout the course, I encourage you to interject your thoughts about how these concepts can be applied in 'real life'. Perhaps you have witnessed the application or perhaps you have a question that can foster pondering. Any of these are examples of higher level thinking and will add depth to our discussions. smile.
   mod 2
   As we consider the role of our communities on our thought processes we enter an interesting area of discussion. As 'outsiders' of a community we may often consider the values or 'lack of our values' as indicators of dysfunction or unhealthy thought processes. However, if the family or individual is comfortable in their circumstance .....yet we find ti difficult to accept. Is there a problem or is it a cultural issue? How can we determine when it is our responsibility to assist others and when it is our responsibility to allow other's their choices? ( A difficult question, with little clear guidelines, yet full of opportunities for critical thinking. smile)
 mod 3
  Hello everyone,
How do you think our 'jobs' influence our definition of self? If we are in a job that we do not care for.....how can we protect and nurture our self concept?
 week 4
  Posted by Cindy  Fouhy at 04/26/13 12:05 PM
Welcome  to Module 4. Please answer each of the following.
What  are attitudes? Explain the foundation and differences of our cognitive,  affective and behavioral based attitudes. Provide an example of each.
 mod 5
  Hello everyone,   What do you consider to be the key components of a healthy and strong social  relationship?  What factors influence if a relationship will be short or long term?  Any thoughts?        mod 6
Hello everyone,     The concept of 'paying it forward' has achieved growing recogniztion in the    past few years.    Why do you think these simple acts of kindness can be contagious and    infectious? Any thoughts?                            mod 7        
Hello      everyone,
What      are some examples of prejudice that reside in your community?
  Welcome      to Module 8.
Define      stress and provide an example of the definition applied. What are three      things you can do in your life to reduce the negative impact of stress?
       allied psy308 modules 1
  Directions: Please compose      answers to the questions below. Each response to a question or      sub-question should be at least one paragraph in length, which should      consist of five to seven sentences.
1.      What does social psychology have in common with folk wisdom and      philosophy? How does social psychology differ from both folk wisdom and      philosophy?
2.      Compare the self-esteem approach and the social cognition approach in      terms of the motivations assumed to underlie human behavior.
3.      Based on your text's account of research on self-fulfilling prophecies,      explain why some children in a class might perform better than others      even if the children are all of similar ability levels.
4.      Few would disagree that human aggression is a very pressing social      problem that leads to violent criminal acts and that it is important to      understand the causes of aggression before we can intervene to reduce it.      How would a social psychologist approach this phenomenon? How would a      social psychologist's approach differ from the approach of a personality      psychologist or a sociologist?
5.      Suppose that in a restaurant, a waiter grows impatient with a customer,      rolls his eyes, taps his pencil impatiently on his order book, and      finally snaps, "I haven't got all day, you know." Compare and      contrast how a personality psychologist and a social psychologist would      attempt to explain such behavior.
6.      A developmental psychologist who used the correlational method found that      there was a positive correlation between children's self-esteem and their      academic achievement. First, what does a positive correlation mean in      this case? Second, how might these results be explained?
7.      "What is the relationship between viewing violence on the one hand      and behaving aggressively on the other hand?" How might an      observational researcher, a correlational researcher, and an experimental      researcher answer that question?
8.      Describe three different ways that experimental social psychologists can      enhance their faith in the external validity of their experiments.      Explain how social psychologists can increase the internal validity of      their experiments.
9.      According to the authors, cross-cultural research "...is not a      simple matter of traveling to another culture, translating materials into      the local language, and replicating the study there." What factors      make conducting cross-cultural research difficult?
10.      Dr. Julian conducts an experiment to test the hypothesis that when more      witnesses to a crime are present, any one witness is less likely to help      the victim. After providing a cover story, she randomly assigns      participants to witness a staged crime either alone, in the presence of      two other people, or in the presence of ten other people. Then, she      assesses how many people make an effort to help. Identify the independent      and dependent variables in this study.
    allied      psy308 modules 2
 Directions: Please compose      answers to the questions below. Each response to a question or      sub-question should be at least one paragraph in length, which should      consist of five to seven sentences.
1.      The authors of your text present information suggesting some of the      powers of the unconscious mind. Explain three ways that the unconscious      mind is a part of social cognition.
2.      Explain some of the differences in social cognition between East Asian      and Western cultures. Provide examples of these differences.
3.      The text discusses several instances where relying on automatic processes      can be fatal. Identify and discuss one instance where using controlled      processes could be detrimental.
4.      When are we most likely to use automatic processing, and when are we most      likely to use controlled processing?
5.      Your roommate is a case study in faulty and biased social thinking.      You've just read Chapter 3, and you notice his inappropriate use of      schemas and judgmental heuristics. How might you combat these troublesome      tendencies?
6.      The text describes the neurological basis of empathy: feeling the      emotions other people express. What are these neurological structures?      Describe the functions they serve.
7.      How have researchers collected evidence that there are six major human      emotions conveyed via facial expressions?
8.      In Heider's attribution theory, attributions are dichotomous—that is,      there are two possible attributions a person can make about another's      behavior. Describe both of these types of attributions, then provide an      example of each type of attribution one could make about why someone is      running late for a meeting.
9.      Describe the role of culture in the fundamental attribution error. How      prevalent is this error across cultures, and why do these differences      exist?
10.      Recall the cross-cultural differences in the self-serving bias between      Eastern and Western cultures. Describe the differences and provide an      example of how someone in China might attribute a failure compared to      someone from Canada.
                                     mod      3
  Directions: Please compose      answers to the questions below. Each response to a question or      sub-question should be at least one paragraph in length, which should      consist of five to seven sentences.
1.      Mary is planning to get married in the near future. Imagine Mary has an      independent view of herself. What would be some reasons she would give      for getting married, and how does this reflect an independent self? Now      imagine she has an interdependent view of herself. What would be some      reasons she would give for getting married then, and how does that      reflect her interdependent self?
2.      Sometimes when we become self-aware, we introspect about the reasons for      our attitudes or behaviors. What are some consequences of such      introspection?
3.      There is evidence that suggests that there are cultural differences in      how people view themselves. Describe, using an example, how people from      collectivist cultures tend to view themselves and how people from      individualist cultures tend to view themselves.
4.      When Linda was a child, her friends at school all earned a lot of money      if their grades were good. Linda went to her parents and asked that she      be given money for good report cards. Her parents agreed. She would earn      a nickel for every "A" and a dollar if she earned all "As."      Her friends, of course, were offered much more money for good grades.      Using the overjustification effect, explain why Linda's parents might      have offered her such meager monetary rewards for academic success.
5.      Describe what a fixed versus a growth mindset is. Which mindset is more      likely to lead to subsequent success after a failure experience? Why?
6.      Jessica thinks of herself as a health-conscious person. As she is eating      a steak one evening, she sees a news report that consuming red meat      increases the risk of breast cancer by over 50 percent. At this moment,      she is experiencing a large amount of cognitive dissonance. State the      three ways people can reduce dissonance and apply these techniques to      Jessica's dissonance; that is, give an example of each of the three dissonance      reduction techniques Jessica could use.
7.      Imagine you are about to take a very important exam that could impact      your future. A friend asks you how disappointed you think you would be if      you found out you did not perform very well on the exam. According to the      idea of impact bias, how would your prediction likely match up with your      actual reaction?
8.      Imagine you are watching a debate between two presidential candidates.      You prefer Candidate A and dislike Candidate B. Both candidates offer      strong arguments and weak arguments about Issue X. Which arguments would      you be most likely to remember? Which arguments would you be most likely      to forget? Is it likely that you would change your opinion after having      watched the debate? Why or why not?
9.      Carl and Roger both had similar attitudes about cheating on a partner.      However, both were faced with similar situations where they could have      cheated on their partners. Now, Carl thinks that cheating is the worst      offense one can make in a relationship, whereas Roger thinks that most      people would cheat if they were faced with the situation. Explain what      could have occurred, both socially and psychologically, that could      produce such diverse positions from individuals who initially shared a      similar stance.
10.      Engaging in self-justification strategies as a response to dissonance is      a process that can have negative consequences. Explain how      self-justification can be negative response and what one could do to      better learn from one's mistakes.
       mod      4
Directions: Please compose      answers to the questions below. Each response to a question or      sub-question should be at least one paragraph in length, which should      consist of five to seven sentences.
1.      How can cognitive dissonance create attitude change? Why isn't it used on      a mass scale in advertising?
2.      Describe when people are more likely to use the central route to      persuasion and when they are more likely to use the peripheral route.      When people are using the central route, what will make an appeal more      persuasive? When they are using the peripheral route, what will make an      appeal more persuasive?
3.      Social psychologists have long observed that attitudes do not always      predict behaviors. When are attitudes most likely to predict spontaneous      behaviors?
4.      Discuss the kinds of effects that subliminal presentation of stimuli have      in the laboratory and what the implications are for real-world      applications such as subliminal advertising.
5.      According to the authors of your text, culture can play a role in both      how advertisements are designed and how they perpetuate stereotypes.      Explain how culture can play both of these roles in persuasion.
6.      According to the text, what are the three things that happen to      individuals who resist normative social influence?
7.      Explain how both informational conformity and normative conformity can      contribute to eating disorders in women.
8.      In a conversation before class, you find that you are the only person in      your group to favortuition      increases. The other five students with whom you are talking strongly      oppose tuition increases. What might you do to persuade them of your      point of view? What form of social influence would you rely on?
9.      Discuss the role of both informational and normative influence in Nazi      Germany and the Holocaust.
10.      The authors of your text describe two types of social norms. Identify and      describe these two types of norms. Then state which type of norm is more      effective in persuading people to conform.
Lab Assignment #1
In      this lab assignment, your goal is to survey the kinds of appeals being      used by advertising. First, pick either a particular medium (TV      commercials, magazine ads, direct mail, or Web advertisements) and/or a      particular product. You might do something like financial services ads in      business magazines, alcohol ads in men’s sports magazines, political ads      in whatever medium by the various Democratic and Republican candidates,      toy commercials on Saturday morning kids’ TV, or an analysis of junk mail      ads that arrived in your mailbox this week.
Your      goal is to find six ads and to compare them. Preferably you should look      for two sets of three ads each—ads that are generally similar but differ      along one dimension: for example, car ads in business magazines vs. car      ads in women’s magazines; toy commercials shown in the morning vs. those      shown in the afternoon; ads for medical products vs. ads for cosmetic      products (both taken from the New      York Times).
The      first step in comparing them should be to make a chart (see below).      The individual ads provide the rows for the chart. The columns provide      information about:
o      the product or service being offered
o      the intended audience for the appeal (both in terms of demographics and      in terms of being aimed towards an audience that is likely [because of      level of ability or motivation])
o      whether the ad makes more use of the central route, the peripheral route,      or equal use of both
o      the “source” of the appeal—especially focusing on the source’s appeal      (credibility? likability?)
o      the “message” (appealing to emotions or logic?)
Then      write a paper of at least five pages in length that briefly describes      each ad and spells out why you have categorized the audience, the source,      and message as you have, and that analyzes what principles of persuasion      are being appealed to. Is the ad getting the person to persuade him or      herself and/or to make a commitment? Is the ad relying on contrast      effects, such as distraction, scarcity, appeals to emotions (e.g., fear      or guilt)? In other words, given the intended recipients of the ad, how      is the advertiser trying to persuade them?
Summarize      this briefly for each ad. Then try to draw a conclusion about the types      of ads being used for that product/medium (e.g., Do alcohol ads in men’s      sports magazines all tend to rely on sex as the appeal)? Do ads for      medical products (e.g., antacids or headache remedies) rely more on the      central route than ads for perfumes or cosmetics? How do the ads placed      in a scholarly journal differ from ads placed in a news magazine? How do      ads shown during the evening news differ from ads shown during a      late-night entertainment program? Draw a conclusion appropriate to the      ads you have analyzed and relate your conclusion to the theories      discussed in this module.
Product or service being        offered
Features of intended audience
Route used (central,        peripheral, or both)
Features of the source of the        appeal
Features of the source of the        appeal
Message delivered through        logic? Association? Emotion?
You      will turn in the following:
o      completed chart.
o      completed essay (must be at least 5 pages in length).
Please      remember that iBoard allows you to upload multiple documents at a time.      Also remember to use proper APA formatting: Times New Roman, 12-point      font, and double-spaced.
    mod      5
 Directions: Please compose      answers to the questions below. Each response to a question or sub-question      should be at least one paragraph in length, which should consist of five      to seven sentences.
1.      There is a new student on campus who doesn't know anyone yet. Why would      you expect this student to join groups on campus (these could be groups      of friends, clubs, or teams)? Also, what kinds of students would you      expect in the composition of the groups this new student would join?
2.      Social facilitation and social loafing are two very different phenomena      that occur in the presence of other people. When does each occur and what      determines whether performance is enhanced or diminished?
3.      Compare the great person theory of leadership with Fred Fiedler's (1967,      1978) contingency theory of leadership. With which theory would a social      psychologist be most likely to agree?
4.      Describe the consequences of the "double bind" of conflicting      social role demands that can make it difficult for women to be successful      as leaders.
5.      You are having a conflict with your neighbor, because he has a tendency      to blast loud, annoying music at 5:00 a.m. while you are trying to sleep.      Your neighbor claims that he is doing this in retaliation for the loud      music you occasionally play at 1 a.m. How effective would it be to use      threats on your neighbor to resolve the problem? In communicating with      your neighbor, what would it be most important to promote in order to      resolve the conflict?
6.      A great deal of psychological research supports the folk wisdom that      "birds of a feather flock together," but there is little      empirical support for the folk wisdom that "opposites attract."      According to social psychologists, why do we tend to find people similar      to us attractive?
7.      Physical attractiveness can play an important role in attraction.      Describe the facial features that make someone more physically attractive      and how these vary (or are consistent) across cultures.
8.      The evolutionary theory of attraction is not universally accepted.      Describe some of the criticisms that have been offered against the      evolutionary theory of attraction.
9.      According to Elaine Hatfield (1988), how is companionate love different      from passionate love?
10.      Equity theory suggests that partners in a relationship tend to desire      equality in terms of what they are giving to and taking from a      relationship. Describe how equity occurs between acquaintances and how it      occurs between family members, close friends, or long-term romantic      relationships.
     module      6
Directions: Please compose      answers to the questions below. Each response to a question or      sub-question should be at least one paragraph in length, which should      consist of five to seven sentences.
1.      Social psychologists have found that people in good moods are likely to      help, as are people in bad moods. Of course, the reasonsfor these      relations differ, depending on the mood. Explain.
2.      In a series of studies, Bibb Latané and John Darley discovered that the      greater the number of bystanders, the less likely it is that any      individual will help. Why is that?
3.      Folk wisdom might lead us to believe that recipients of help would (or      should) be appreciative of assistance. This is not always the case,      however. You see a fellow student struggling to send an e-mail message,      without success. He looks frustrated, and you want to help him out. What      can you do to ensure that he will be a grateful recipient of your help?
4.      Do men and women differ in their tendency to help? If so, how?
5.      It would seem reasonable to assume that people from interdependent      cultures—in which people feel more "connected" to others—would      be more likely to help than would people from individualistic cultures.      It is not quite so simple and straightforward as that, however. Explain.
6.      Thomas Hobbes, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and Sigmund Freud were all great      social thinkers who addressed the problem of human aggression. Compare      their views on this phenomenon. With whom would social psychologists be      most likely to agree?
7.      Although some animal researchers have successfully bred animals for      aggression, other researchers have found evidence that genetics are not      the whole story behind animal aggression. Explain.
8.      Are school shootings such as the Columbine massacre simply the result of      deranged individuals acting independently? What does social psychology      suggest about why school shootings occur and about how the problem might      be addressed?
9.      Explain the nature of the gender differences in aggression in humans.
10.      According to the frustration-aggression theory, frustration—the      perception that we are being prevented from reaching a goal—does not      always lead to aggression. What factors increase the odds that frustrated      people will aggress?
Lab Assignment #2
In      this lab assignment, you will be asked to analyze a particular category      of television: children’s programs (e.g., cartoons, educational shows,      etc.), news programs (e.g., World      News, Anderson      Cooper,      etc.), reality shows (Survivor, Amazing      Race,      etc.), sporting events (basketball, football, baseball, boxing, etc.), or      sitcoms (drama, comedy, etc.). You will be asked to do the following:
o      watch 30 minutes of 2 programs in the category you have chosen (e.g., if      you choose to analyze reality shows, then watch 2 different programs,      such as Survivor and Amazing      Race)
o      count each aggressive action that occurs during each program
o      code whether each act of aggression is physical or verbal aggression
o      note the sexes of the victim and perpetrator
o      state whether there was a weapon involved
o      state whether the aggression is somehow rewarded, punished, or has no      consequence for the perpetrator
During      analysis, you should ask yourself the following questions:
o      Are different types of aggression prominent during each type of program?
o      Which program is the most violent?
o      How frequently is aggression rewarded in some way?
o      How often is it punished?
o      What are the implications for watching these programs?
o      What is the audience learning from these programs?
o      Discuss ways to lower the amount of aggressive shows on TV and ways to      reduce/control aggression and violence.
You      will turn in the following:
o      A complete essay of two to three pages in length, which lists the      characteristics for each program, and answers all the questions asked      above.
Remember      to use proper APA formatting: Times New Roman, 12-point font, and      double-spaced.
    mod      7
 Directions: Please compose      answers to the questions below. Each response to a question or      sub-question should be at least one paragraph in length, which should      consist of five to seven sentences.
1.      How does group membership—even in minimal groups—contribute to prejudice      and discrimination?
2.      What is modern prejudice and how is it different from "old-fashioned      bigotry"? In what ways have normative pressures contributed to      modern prejudice?
3.      According to the authors, how does a belief in a just world (Lerner,      1980) contribute to blaming the victims of injustice?
4.      In what ways do self-fulfilling prophecies contribute to prejudice and      negative stereotypes?
5.      Describe how the jigsaw classroom technique fosters cooperation and      interdependence in the cooperative classroom.
6.      Provide an example of a social dilemma as it relates to the environment.
7.      Your text discusses the value of cooperation and working together to      solve the social dilemma of environmental problems. Yet, there are ways      to also use competition to improve the environment. Describe how      competition can be used to promote behaviors that would improve the      environment.
8.      Recall that Kurt Lewin (1947) asserted that the best way to ensure large,      widespread social change is to remove small barriers. How has this idea      been used to encourage recycling?
9.      Describe the three controllable things in a person's life that can lead      to greater happiness and explain why these things lead to greater      happiness.
10.      What is the role of money in determining how happy a person will be?
      mod      8
 Directions: Please compose      answers to the questions below. Each response to a question or      sub-question should be at least one paragraph in length, which should      consist of five to seven sentences.
1.      Contrast the assumptions used by Holmes and Rahe (1967) in their Life      Stress Inventory with the assumptions used by Richard Lazarus (1966) in      his approach to studying stress.
2.      Your text describes how principles of social psychology can be applied to      help with health problems. Describe how self-efficacy can be used to      prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections.
3.      Describe what kinds of attributions are associated with the development      of learned helplessness.
4.      Describe the gender differences in coping styles. Discuss why such a      difference might exist and what the implications for health are.
5.      Given daily and even more major life stressors, explain how people tend      to respond.
6.      Our minds are not video cameras that objectively record and play back all      events we see and hear. One reason eyewitness information is often      unreliable is that one or more memory processes can be affected. What are      those three processes and what factors can bias them?
7.      How effective are polygraph tests and the use of "experts" in      detecting deception?
8.      How do jurors make sense of the large amount of information presented      during the trial? What are the implications for how jurors process      information for legal strategy?
9.      What is deterrence theory and what do scientific data suggest about the      deterrence value of severe punishment such as capital punishment?
10.      Describe two main reasons discussed in your text why people obey the law.
                            allied psy308 modules 1 check      your understandings latest 2015
Mod      1
Question      Points
1.      All of the following are examples of social influence, except _________
a.      when a bully intimidates another child on the school yard.
b.      when a child refrains from stealing ten dollars from his mother's purse      when he imagines her anger at him.
c.      when you cover your nose when you sneeze because you don't want to spread      germs.
d.      when you perceive the bathwater as hot when you first get in, but don't      notice the heat ten minutes later.
2.      A researcher hired by a department store wants to examine whether      manipulating the room temperature to be hotter as opposed to cooler      affects sales of air conditioners. The best method for answering this      question is:
a.      experimental.
b.      correlational.
c.      observational.
d.      archival analysis.
3.      Jeremy is in love with Carol and views her temper as an endearing example      of her "feistiness." Her coworkers, however, interpret Carol's      temper as rude and insensitive. The difference between Jeremy and the      coworkers illustrates the power of love to influence our:
a.      construals.
b.      behaviors.
c.      influence attempts.
d.      relationships.
4.      A hypothesis is most like a(n):
a.      brilliant insight.
b.      experiment.
c.      theory.
d.      hunch.
5.      Last weekend, Paula smiled politely while Lance talked to her for several      hours. Wow, thinks Lance to himself, she was so nice; Paula must really      like me—she was so friendly! Lance's interpretation of Paula's behavior      is an example of:
a.      a direct persuasion attempt.
b.      an indirect persuasion attempt.
c.      explicit values.
d.      construals.
6.      According to the authors of your text, the hindsight bias is:
a.      the tendency for people to exaggerate how much they could have predicted      an outcome after knowing that it occurred.
b.      the level of agreement between two or more people who independently      observe and code a set of data.
c.      a form of the observational method in which the researcher examines the      accumulated documents of a culture.
d.      the extent to which results of a study can be generalized to other      situations and to other people.
7.      In the introduction to Chapter 1, you read about a number of social      phenomena: cries for help were ignored by neighbors; a father and son      disagreed on the attractiveness of the same fraternity; and more than 800      people committed mass suicide in Jonestown, Guyana. What do these      examples have in common? They:
a.      defy explanation.
b.      describe socially deviant behavior.
c.      reveal the power of social influence.
d.      reflect the operation of deliberate persuasion attempts.
8.      In which of the following disciplines are students most likely—by virtue      of their experiences—to sigh, "Big deal. I could have predicted      that?"
a.      Particle physics
b.      Organic chemistry
c.      Social psychology
d.      Theoretical mathematics
9.      From across the room, J.T. sees his mother sigh, and he approaches to      give her a hug in the hopes of cheering her up. In this case, J.T.'s      behavior is an example of ________ social influence attempt.
a.      a direct
b.      an ineffective
c.      an indirect
d.      an unintended
10.      Although fields such as anthropology, sociology, and social psychology      are related, what distinguishes social psychology from the others?
a.      It uses rigorous scientific methods; the others do not.
b.      It examines how construal of social situations impact people's lives.
c.      It examines the human condition, whereas the others examine societal      issues.
d.      It examines social situations.
11.      The first stage in doing research is usually to __________.
a.      manipulate the independent variable
b.      make observations about the phenomenon of interest
c.      develop a coding form for the data
d.      formulate a hypothesis
12.      Which of the following is an example of a direct persuasion attempt?
a.      A bully threatens Billy and steals his lunch money.
b.      Ramona works hard in school to make her mother proud.
c.      Marianne thinks of her ex-boyfriend and becomes sad.
d.      Jason moves from New York to Atlanta and picks up a Southern accent.
13.      According to the authors of your text, which of the following most      accurately describes how scientific insights are gained?
a.      Through sudden brilliant insights
b.      When a solution to a social problem flashes into a researcher's mind
c.      By reading previous research on a topic
d.      As a cumulative process wherein researchers generate hypotheses after      reading others' work
14.      Complete the analogy: hindsight bias: __________ :: hypothesis:      __________.
a.      prediction; educated guess
b.      explanation; common sense
c.      common sense; logical analysis
d.      retrospection; prediction
15.      A researcher wants to examine whether teachers show any bias in calling      on male students over female students. The best method for answering this      question is:
a.      experimental.
b.      correlational.
c.      observational.
d.      archival analysis.
16.      A researcher wants to see if there is a relationship between a person's      birth order and his or her leadership ability. The best method for      answering this question is:
a.      experimental.
b.      correlational.
c.      observational.
d.      archival analysis.
17.      Which of the following is an example of social influence?
a.      You feel guilty because you lied to your trusting professor about your      assignment.
b.      When you get hungry, you have trouble concentrating.
c.      You didn't do well on the test because you stayed up all night cramming.
d.      You almost fall asleep at the wheel, so you pull off the road to take a      short nap.
18.      The word "construal" refers to:
a.      objective reality.
b.      information provided by other people.
c.      imagined events.
d.      personal interpretations.
19.      Not all social influence is direct or deliberate. Which of the following      is the best example of more indirect or subtle social influence?
a.      An advertising campaign is launched to promote a new soft drink.
b.      A senatorial candidate delivers a speech to convince voters that she is      not really liberal.
c.      A parent disciplines his child by taking away her favorite toy.
d.      A child sees other kids wearing their sweatshirts inside out and starts      wearing his the same way.
20.      If a scientist believes that another person's theory is wrong, the best      approach for that scientist to take is to:
a.      write an essay explaining why the other theory is wrong.
b.      ignore the other's research because it is irrelevant to the scientist's      theory.
c.      design a study making specific predictions to test the alternate      explanation.
d.      work in another country.
    allied psy308 modules 2 check      your understandings latest 2015
Mod      2
Question      Points
1.      Mirror neurons are activated __________ when we see someone express      emotion.
a.      using controlled processes
b.      after conscious deliberation
c.      automatically
d.      effortfully
Hint:      pp. 84-85
SLO3:Describe      social perception.
LO3B:Describe      the function of mirror neurons
2.      __________ are the cognitive structures we use to organize our knowledge      of the social world.
a.      Heuristics
b.      Schemas
c.      Cognitive filters
d.      Counterfactuals
Hint:      p. 53
SLO2:Define      social cognition.
LO2C:Describe      schemas
3.      Parents seldom spend a lot of time explaining to their children how to      ride a bicycle. Instead, they often get a bike with training wheels and      let the children learn for themselves how to ride a bike. This is because      our understanding about how to ride a bicycle is based on:
a.      automatic processing that is difficult to describe to someone else.
b.      controlled processing that can only be learned by experience.
c.      intuition that is difficult to express in language that a child can understand.
d.      personal experience that is not likely to be believed by the child.
Hint:      p. 52
SLO2:Define      social cognition.
LO2B:Distinguish      between automatic processing and controlled processing
4.      Your textbook cites the example of the Amadou Diallo case as an example      of automatic processing. How does this case show how automatic processing      can lead to errors?
a.      Police shot Diallo as he was pulling a weapon from his pocket but killed      him unnecessarily.
b.      Police shot Diallo as he was pulling a wallet from his pocket because      they thought he was reaching for a gun.
c.      Diallo shot the police and then was killed by them because he believed      they would kill him.
d.      Diallo mistook the American police for the police of his native West      Africa and spoke to them in his native tongue.
Hint:      p. 52
SLO2:Define      social cognition.
LO2B:Distinguish      between automatic processing and controlled processing
5.      All of the following are nonverbal behaviors, except:
a.      spoken words.
b.      tone of voice.
c.      facial expressions.
d.      touch.
Hint:      p. 89
SLO16:Explain      Darwin's theory of universal facial expressions of emotion.
LO16A:Identify      the different channels of nonverbal communication
6.      Mirror neurons are brain cells that respond when we perform actions and      when:
a.      we are recognizing ourselves in the mirror.
b.      we feel anger towards others.
c.      we see someone else perform the same action.
d.      we create mirror images of complex drawings.
Hint:      p. 84
SLO3:Describe      social perception.
LO3B:Describe      the function of mirror neurons
7.      According to the authors of your text, humans are able to communicate      nonverbally, as are:
a.      dogs.
b.      turtles.
c.      rabbits.
d.      horses.
Hint:      p. 84
SLO3:Describe      social perception.
LO3A:Define      social perception
8.      If a scientist were to examine an fMRI and see that the mirror neurons      were active, what would she be unable to distinguish in that person's      mental processes?
a.      Whether the person was looking in a mirror or at a photo of him or      herself
b.      Whether they were looking at a mirror image or true copy of a photograph
c.      Whether the person was using their left or right eye to view a face
d.      Whether the person was feeling sadness or seeing someone else experience      sadness
Hint:      p. 85
SLO3:Describe      social perception.
LO3B:Describe      the function of mirror neurons
9.      Automatic thinking tends to be all of the following, except:
a.      nonconscious.
b.      effortless.
c.      voluntary.
d.      unintentional.
Hint:      p. 52
SLO2:Define      social cognition.
LO2B:Distinguish      between automatic processing and controlled processing
10.      Christopher is considering breaking up with his high-school sweetheart.      He spends many hours weighing the benefits and drawbacks. He asks his      friends for advice, and he thinks about it further before coming to his      decision. In this case, Christopher is using:
a.      automatic processing.
b.      the representativeness heuristic.
c.      controlled thinking.
d.      self-fulfilling prophecies.
Hint:      p. 73
SLO2:Define      social cognition.
LO2B:Distinguish      between automatic processing and controlled processing
11.      Recall that Paul Ekman and Walter Friesen (1971) have demonstrated that      Fore tribespeople from a preliterate culture in New Guinea were able to      decode facial expressions of Westerners and encode emotion easily      interpretable by Westerners. Their findings suggest that Darwin was:
a.      right—facial expressions are species specific.
b.      wrong—facial expressions are culture specific.
c.      right—facial expressions are culture specific.
d.      wrong—facial expressions are universal among humans.
Hint:      pp. 86-87
SLO16:Explain      Darwin's theory of universal facial expressions of emotion.
LO16B:Explain      Darwin's theory of universal expressions of emotion
12.      New professors often have to concentrate very hard to give a lecture and      monitor themselves carefully to make sure they're not talking too fast      and that they are using appropriate and clear examples. More seasoned      professors don't have to concentrate as much and can talk clearly and      engagingly and keep an eye on students all at the same time. This example      represents the transition from ________ processing to ________ processing      as professors gain experience.
a.      automatic; controlled
b.      unconscious; conscious
c.      controlled; automatic
d.      random; systematic
Hint:      p. 52
SLO2:Define      social cognition.
LO2B:Distinguish      between automatic processing and controlled processing
13.      Sarah sees that her friend is crying and then herself feels sadness. What      is the neurological structure involved?
a.      Empathic neurons
b.      Mirror neurons
c.      Serotonin
d.      The amygdala
Hint:      pp. 84-85
SLO3:Describe      social perception.
LO3B:Describe      the function of mirror neurons
14.      The way that automatic and controlled processing tend to work together      can be best compared to a:
a.      computer graphics system that relies on both bitmap (pixel by pixel) and      vector (mathematically generated line) images.
b.      modern jet system that can fly on automatic pilot but also has a manual      override.
c.      car that can drive in either four-wheel or two-wheel drive.
d.      deciduous tree that has leaves in spring through fall but is bare in the      winter.
Hint:      p. 70
SLO2:Define      social cognition.
LO2B:Distinguish      between automatic processing and controlled processing
15.      The cases of Amadou Diallo and Sean Bell, who were innocent      African-American men shot by police officers, illustrates the point that:
a.      racism is a universal phenomenon.
b.      police officers often look for an excuse to fire their weapons.
c.      quick social judgments are not always accurate.
d.      automatic processes are accurate.
Hint:      p. 52
SLO2:Define      social cognition.
LO2B:Distinguish      between automatic processing and controlled processing
16.      In the Amadou Diallo case, the police apparently acted:
a.      without consciously considering whether their assumptions were correct.
b.      with malice aforethought.
c.      in a deliberate and considered manner after a systematic analysis of the      situation.
d.      to create a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Hint:      p. 52
SLO2:Define      social cognition.
LO2B:Distinguish      between automatic processing and controlled processing
17.      Psychologists distinguish between two types of cognitive processing.      __________ processing is nonconscious and unintentional, whereas      __________ processing is conscious and intentional.
a.      Accurate; inaccurate
b.      Automatic; controlled
c.      Inefficient; efficient
d.      Controlled; automatic
Hint:      p. 52
SLO2:Define      social cognition.
LO2B:Distinguish      between automatic processing and controlled processing
18.      __________ is defined as how we form impressions of and make inferences      about other people.
a.      Attribution theory
b.      Social perception
c.      Social inference
d.      Social encoding
Hint:      p. 84
SLO3:Describe      social perception.
LO3A:Define      social perception
19.      Which of the following is not an example of automatic thinking?
a.      Forming a first impression of someone within seconds of meeting him or      her
b.      Conducting a search on the internet
c.      Having a sense of whether an object is near or far from us
d.      Driving down the highway while also carrying on a conversation
Hint:      p. 73
SLO2:Define      social cognition.
LO2B:Distinguish      between automatic processing and controlled processing
20.      Express is to __________ as interpret is to __________.
a.      encode; decode
b.      decode; encode
c.      encode; emit
d.      emit; encode
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Mod      3
Question      Points
1.      Women tend to have more __________ interdependence, and men tend to have      more ___________ interdependence.
a.      relational; collective
b.      relational; autonomous
c.      collective; autonomous
d.      collective; relational
2.      Consider the following self-description: "I have blue eyes and brown      hair. I have two sisters. I hate vegetables, but I love ice cream."      Such a self-description was most likely provided by the typical:
a.      two-year-old child.
b.      eight-year-old child.
c.      adult.
d.      high school student.
3.      Assume that when exposed to a mirror, chimpanzees will use the mirror to      aid in grooming (e.g., to pick food from their teeth) and to entertain      themselves by making faces. The chimps' behavior before the mirror would      suggest that:
a.      mammals have a sense of self.
b.      many animals are curious and social.
c.      like humans, mammals are self-aware.
d.      these great apes have a sense of "self."
4.      The authors of your text explain four functions of the self. Which of the      following is not one of these four functions?
a.      Self-control
b.      Self-presentation
c.      Self-esteem
d.      Self-justification
5.      "Live fast and die young, that's what I always say," Rosie      pronounces, as she stuffs down three more Ding-Dong snack cakes and opens      another pint of high-fat ice cream. Rosie knows that her diet is      unhealthy and harmful, of course. To reduce her dissonance, Rosie is:
a.      changing her behavior to bring it in line with her cognitions.
b.      changing a problem cognition to make it more consonant with her behavior.
c.      adding a cognition that is consonant with her problem behavior.
d.      engaging in self-affirmation to combat cognitive dissonance.
6.      The self-concept refers to the:
a.      content of the self.
b.      act of thinking about ourselves.
c.      tendency for people to remember information about themselves better than      about others.
d.      evaluation of one's personal worth.
7.      Psychologists who have studied the development of self-concept over the      lifespan have found that the self-concept starts out __________ and      gradually becomes __________ with increasing age.
a.      extremely positive; more realistic
b.      concrete; more abstract and complex
c.      extremely negative; more positive
d.      individually focused; socially focused
8.      Cognitive dissonance always:
a.      leads to a change in behavior.
b.      produces discomfort.
c.      leads to the rationalization trap.
d.      makes people produce new cognitions.
9.      Hai has been taking expensive beta-carotene supplements for years because      he believes they will reduce his risk of cancer. Hai has just learned      that a well-controlled study published in the prestigious New England      Journal of Medicine showed that beta-carotene supplements do not reduce      cancer risk. Hai is probably experiencing:
a.      cognitive dissonance.
b.      self-affirmation.
c.      the rationalization trap.
d.      self-discrepancy.
10.      Susan carefully rinses her mouth with an unpleasant-tasting mouthwash      every day. One day, Susan reads an article reporting credible dental      research that suggests that mouthwash is completely ineffective and that      mouthwash may even be related to tooth decay. The discomfort that Susan      experiences in response to this article is called:
a.      insufficient justification.
b.      cognitive dissonance.
c.      self-discrepancy.
d.      self-justification.
11.      Jake and Martin are standing at the counter of the convenience store, and      Jake—who has just failed his psychology exam—is animatedly telling Martin      that the exam was unfair and that his professor is unreasonable. As he      takes his change, Jake sees his image on the security camera. This causes      him to wonder whether he actually studied enough for the exam. Jake's      self-scrutiny in this situation would be predicted by:
a.      self-awareness theory.
b.      self-perception theory.
c.      self-esteem theory.
d.      self-verification theory.
12.      Research has revealed that not all inconsistent cognitions are equally upsetting.      Those inconsistencies that are most powerful and upsetting involve:
a.      a threat to one's self-esteem.
b.      inconsistencies between experiences and expectations.
c.      inconsistencies among powerful attitudes.
d.      the validation of one's negative self-image.
13.      Molly is eighteen years old and has an eight-year-old brother, Joe. If      they are both asked to answer the question, "Who am I?" Molly      is likely to answer the question in __________ terms than Joe.
a.      more concrete
b.      less concrete
c.      more physical
d.      less abstract
14.      There are some striking gender differences in men's and women's views of      the interdependent self. The authors note that such gender differences      are:
a.      only true in Japan.
b.      attributed to biological differences between men and women.
c.      far fewer than are similarities between men and women.
d.      only found in adults, never children.
15.      Members of the Heaven's Gate cult, who "knew" there was a      spaceship following the Hale-Bopp comet, returned a perfectly good      telescope they had purchased because they failed to see the spaceship      they knew was there. Such behaviors demonstrate that:
a.      cult leaders go to great lengths to brainwash their members.
b.      people will often go to extreme lengths to justify their actions or      beliefs.
c.      pleasant, smart, reasonable people are seldom drawn to cults.
d.      scientists, like many of us, are fascinated with the macabre, gruesome      aspects of life.
16.      Individuals are most likely to reduce cognitive dissonance by:
a.      pretending they did not perform a particular behavior.
b.      reducing their total number of cognitions.
c.      adding new cognitions that are consistent with their behavior.
d.      decreasing their arousal.
17.      According to the textbook, research on the development of the      self-concept using the "red dot" test (placing a red dot on the      forehead of the child and then showing the child his or her reflection in      the mirror and seeing whether the child touches the red dot on the      "baby in the mirror" or his or her own head) indicates that the      self-concept in human infants develops at, on average, age __________.
a.      six months
b.      one year
c.      eighteen months
d.      two years
18.      Not all attempts to reduce cognitive dissonance are counterproductive.      For example, Shelley Taylor and her colleagues (1989, 1995, 1996) have found      that:
a.      people who harbor unrealistic illusions about surviving terminal illness      can actually live longer.
b.      smokers who reduce cognitive dissonance by changing one of their      inconsistent cognitions are often able to quit.
c.      inconsistent cognitions can actually cause people to engage in safe sex      practices.
d.      people who hold self-serving cognitions seldom experience cognitive      dissonance.
19.      You've recently learned that eating avocados, which you love, is bad for      your health. To reduce the dissonance you experience after reading this      news, you would most likely:
a.      question the validity of the research and the integrity of the      scientists.
b.      consume a larger quantity of avocados.
c.      tell all of your friends about the findings.
d.      reread the article more carefully.
20.      George thinks of himself as an honest person until his brother reminds      him that he's been known to keep extra change given to him by a cashier      and to stock his home office for a sideline business with supplies taken      from his job. George is now probably feeling a sense of discomfort known      as:
a.      misattribution of arousal.
b.      self-serving bias.
c.      cognitive dissonance
d.      anxiety.
   allied psy308 modules 4 check      your understandings latest 2015
Mod      4
Question      Points
1.      Abraham Tesser (1993) suggests—based on studies of twins—that some      attitudes are linked to:
a.      parental discipline.
b.      peer group and sibling influence.
c.      genetic influences.
d.      the amount of television people watch.
2.      Informational social influence occurs because:
a.      individuals have a need to belong and be liked.
b.      social norms encourage cooperation.
c.      others' behaviors serve as cues in ambiguous situations.
d.      others can reward or punish us for nonconformity.
3.      When we conform to others' behaviors or attitudes because we believe that      their interpretations of an ambiguous situation are more accurate than      ours, __________ has occurred.
a.      educated conformity
b.      normative social influence
c.      unintended social influence
d.      informational social influence
4.      Recent evidence provided by the authors of your text suggests that      attitudes are linked to:
a.      attachment style.
b.      parenting style.
c.      genes.
d.      birth order.
5.      According to the authors of your text, what is the most plausible      explanation as to why the U.S. soldiers followed their lieutenant's      orders to massacre the citizens of the peaceful village of My Lai during      the Vietnam War?
a.      They were conforming in a confusing situation.
b.      They were bloodthirsty assassins.
c.      Soldiers tend to be more aggressive than the average person.
d.      They were expressing implicit prejudice.
6.      According to the authors, what originally spurred the development of      advertising for cigarettes and other products was:
a.      the development of the ability to mass-produce products.
b.      the development of new forms of media.
c.      the growing desire of the public for information about the product.
d.      the development of the entertainment industry.
7.      The three parts that form our evaluations of attitude objects are:
a.      affective, cognitive, and evaluative.
b.      cognitive, behavioral, and evaluative.
c.      affective, behavioral, and cognitive.
d.      affective, behavioral, and evaluative.
8.      According to the authors of your text, why are attitudes important?
a.      They determine what we do.
b.      They are a crucial part of the self.
c.      They are key to eliminating prejudice.
d.      They are malleable in different situations.
9.      Dotty is out weeding her petunias when she sees a garden snake. She feels      fear and jumps up and runs back to the house, all the while thinking,      "I know that garden snakes are not dangerous." This example      illustrates an inconsistency between the __________ component of      attitudes and the __________ components.
a.      affective; behavioral and cognitive
b.      behavioral; affective and cognitive
c.      cognitive; affective and behavioral
d.      There is no inconsistency between the components.
10.      The authors of your text describe a series of horrific telephone hoaxes      in which managers of restaurants were told by the caller to do      humiliating things to an employee. In general, the people who were      receiving these orders from the caller responded by:
a.      immediately reporting the incident to the police.
b.      following the orders for some time before realizing it was a rotten      trick.
c.      ignoring the caller and going back to work.
d.      asking for identification from the caller, then hanging up on him.
11.      In ambiguous situations, we sometimes fall prey to the influence of      others' attitudes or behaviors and bring our own attitudes or behaviors      into line with theirs. This type of conformity arises from:
a.      normative social influence.
b.      voluntary obedience.
c.      unintentional social influence.
d.      informational social influence.
12.      People tend to evaluate what they see in the world:
a.      rarely.
b.      only when motivated.
c.      only when they are not distracted or cognitively busy.
d.      constantly.
13.      Around the turn of the century, cigarette advertisers began to appeal to      women as a new market for their product. They did this by making the      connection between smoking and:
a.      weight loss.
b.      sophistication and glamour.
c.      women's liberation.
d.      All of the choices apply.
14.      The __________ component of attitudes is to emotional reactions as the      __________ component is to knowledge and beliefs.
a.      evaluative; behavioral
b.      affective; behavioral
c.      evaluative; cognitive
d.      affective; cognitive
15.      The observable actions toward an attitude object illustrate the      __________ component of attitudes.
a.      cognitive
b.      affective
c.      positive
d.      behavioral
16.      The authors of your text describe a series of horrible telephone hoaxes      that were done a few years ago in which a caller falsely identified      himself as a police officer and had restaurant managers perform      unnecessary strip searches and other degrading acts on subordinates. The      fact that the managers he called actually did what he instructed them to      do illustrates that people very readily:
a.      give up personal freedoms in this post-9/11 world.
b.      follow their stereotypes.
c.      will obey someone they think is in authority.
d.      seek opportunities to exploit those with less power.
17.      The United States has celebrated independence and rugged individualism      from the time of its inception. This suggests that American attitudes      toward conformity are:
a.      generally positive.
b.      situation-specific.
c.      generally negative.
d.      interdependent.
18.      According to your text, our construals of the concept      "conformity" are shaped by:
a.      personality differences.
b.      social psychologists.
c.      our cultural self-image.
d.      situational pressures.
19.      The authors of your text suggest that there are two major motivations for      people to conform:
a.      not knowing what to do in a confusing situation and wishing to avoid      ridicule and rejection.
b.      not knowing what to do in a confusing situation and seeking clear      direction from an authority figure.
c.      wishing to avoid ridicule and rejection and hoping to attain power.
d.      not knowing what to do in a confusing situation and hoping to attain      power.
20.      Victor goes to a fancy French restaurant. There are utensils on the table      that he's never even seen before and more spoons and forks than he's ever      seen on one table. Eager to dine in an appropriate and sophisticated way,      Victor secretly watches other diners to see what they do. This is an      example of:
a.      normative social influence.
b.      situational interdependence.
c.      informational social influence.
d.      normative conformity.
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foursprout-blog · 6 years
20 Things 20-Somethings Should Do Right Now To Build A Life That Feels Good
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20 Things 20-Somethings Should Do Right Now To Build A Life That Feels Good
Twenty20/ @meganmeza
1. Make a budget. Calculate all your expenses. Subtract the total from your net income. Use the remainder to cushion your emergency fund, retirement savings, and your short-term goals (vacation, new car, wedding, etc.).
2. Pay down your debt. I don’t care how low the interest rate is or what kind of debt it is — debt is debt. Stop justifying why you’re only putting down the minimum payment. This is stopping you from taking risks in your career, exploring your interests/hobbies, and essentially everything else that you want to do with your life. Your future self deserves a life free of financial anxiety. Please, for the love of god, create a swift debt-repayment plan and implement it now.
3. Unplug. The Internet is a wonderful place (you’re reading this right now!), but it’s important to know its role in your life. Establish boundaries. Read a physical book. Take a walk in nature. Host a night of board games with your friends. Write in a physical journal. Set aside some time every day to shut down the laptop, put away your phone and tuck away your tablet.
4. Slow down. A consequence of being part of a digital era, we feel the pressure to do something all the time. We have to be the all-star at work. We have to update our social media. We have to have an immaculate home. We have to look our best 24/7. Just say no. Sooner rather than later you’ll burn out and crash. Let some things fall to the wayside — intentionally.
5. Develop habits, not goals. Happiness is a byproduct of progress, not achievement. The problem with goals is that it’s a constant treadmill — you accomplish one, you set your sights on another. It’s much more fulfilling to concentrate on developing daily habits & routines. For example, waking up early, exercising each day, or bringing your lunch to work 4 out of the 5 days of the week. Sooner than later, these habits will become ingrained and you’ll be living a happier and healthier lifestyle.
6. Learn to live with people you dislike. I don’t mean live in a literal sense — I mean not losing your shit when you encounter sexist, racist, homophobic or just, in general, rude, ungrateful or ignorant people. This has been the most difficult things that I have had to work on. I’m a minority at about three intersections (a woman of colour who is queer), so quite understandably I get a little sensitive when someone says something ignorant about one of the communities of which I, in some part, belong to. But… these people will populate society until I die. I learned that it’s okay to not get along with everyone. I don’t need to waste my time trying to change their mind.
7. Experiment, take risks, and make plenty of mistakes. Now, more than ever, is the perfect time to experiment. We are the sum of our experiences — so experience as much as possible. Make mistakes, learn from them, and then go on and make different ones. I don’t mean this to insinuate that you should get all the mistakes out of your system while you’re young, because you’ll certainly make mistakes when you’re older. I mean take bold actions now so you can learn more about yourself in the process.
8. Pursue your hobbies. How many times have you told someone, “I would love to take a class on [x],” or, “This sports league looks great,” but never actually followed-through on signing up? Or decided that it’s not worth your money? Or even worse, determine that you have no one to go with and don’t want to do it alone? We don’t take our interests seriously — to our detriment. It’s as if we would rather sit at home instead mind-numbingly scrolling through social media or going out drinking with our friends, as if we don’t do that enough. Don’t get bogged down by the details of the thing. Just explore what you like, make new friends, and see where it leads. You’ll be a happier and more fulfilled person because of it.
9. Read books, not just blogs and articles. I’ve mentioned before that I consider reading a duty. No, it’s not because it’ll help you succeed in school or in your career, although it greatly increases your odds, but because you’ll be a better person for it. There is a literally a book out there to help you understand and process every single emotion you have ever felt and will ever feel in your life. Books help you become a more nuanced and thoughtful person. Books humble you. Books validate you. Books challenge you. Books grow you. Books save you from making perilous mistakes. Books accompany you when you’re feeling alienated and misunderstood.
10. Accept that progress is not linear, especially in your career. We have this unhealthy misconception that our career trajectory goes something like this: attend school → secure entry-level job → put in work for 1 – 3 years → receive steady promotions → end up in upper management. In reality, it looks more like this: school → take a break → work a low-wage job → return to school → work another low-wage job → quit to work at another low-wage job → question all your life choices → pick up a few side-hustles → get promoted at work → catch a lucky break → start earning a decent income doing what you love.
11. Learn how to be present. Seriously. In the words of Brianna Wiest, “The past is obsolete and the future is pending. You may attach yourself to these concepts, they are just figments of your imagination. It is a false comfort you get from them. Learn to be comforted and even astounded at what you have right now, and how beautiful it is.” Appreciate what it means to be alive now, not what it will mean to be alive in five years from now. Social media throws out all these qualifiers for happiness: You just need to be debt free and then you will be happy. You just have to buy this shirt and you will effortlessly cool and then you will be happy. You just need to wake up at 5:00 a.m. every morning and be productive as f*ck and you will be happy. You don’t need to do any of these things in order to appreciate all the wonderful things in your life that you have already. That’s not being unambitious. That’s pragmatic gratitude.
12. Take things slow. Life is (usually) much longer than you think. Not everything requires your immediate attention. You don’t need to cross things off your To Do List as fast as possible. You don’t need to overwork yourself to chase a promotion that you want to receive by some arbitrary deadline you set for yourself. Relax. Take a deep breath. Take time to meander, laze around, and, most importantly, think! Decide to take the long way home. Explore a new neighbourhood in your city. Spend an entire evening watching terrible reality tv (yes, you can watch tv). Enjoy yourself. Enjoy the journey of your becoming. As Seneca famously said, “Life, if well lived, is long enough.”
13. Stop talking about what you’re going to do and just do it. With the rise of social media, we run into the problem of putting the cart before the horse; talking the talk before walking the walk. We need to stop doing that. As I start new projects, whether it’s practicing law or pursuing my writing, I have to constantly remind myself that it’s much better to just work on things privately and release it when it’s done. Have the results speak for itself.
14. Evaluate where your sources of information comes from. We think we understand a particular issue or topic because we read a few articles about it from a newspaper, online publication or, perhaps more accurately, a blogger or writer we enjoy. But instead of just taking their word for it, we need to take a step back and see what biases, perspectives or political leanings that the source has. I’m not saying that it’s terrible to receive information from sources that align with your opinions or perspectives, I’m simply stating that we need to recognize that.
15. Construct the environment you need in order to facilitate “deep work.” Do you work best at home? Or do you enjoy working alongside other creatives in a co-working space? Do you listen to music while you work? Or can you only think when it’s absolutely silent? Determine what’s the most optimal setting for you to do your best work.
16. Don’t live for today. Live for tomorrow. And the week after that. And the month after that. For some reason, we experience dissonance from our future selves; we can’t connect with who we will be in 10 years. That’s why we have no problem eating tons of junk food, going for long periods of time without exercising, and impulsively buying ephemeral pleasures instead of contributing to our retirement savings. If we stay on this path, our future self is going to hate us. Start creating habits that will help ourselves out in a year, 5 years, 10 years from now. It’s not self-restraint. It’s self-discipline.
17. Ensure your actions sync up with your words. The people whose opinions you value don’t care about how much you make, what you wear, or what car is parked in your garage. People care about your character, the respect you give to others, and the commitments you make and keep. Build a reputation on being someone of integrity and principles.
18. Stop saying what people want to hear. If you’re honest, and you have some evidence to back up your position, people will respect you much more than simply being a mouthpiece for their pre-existing beliefs. Sucking up to people, whether it’s a boss or an influencer, does no one a favour. Be willing to be critical, when the situation calls for it, and hold firm on your beliefs. Good decisions, or the journey towards making decisions, are never based on “yes men (or women).” Have the courage to stand out, if you really do have a valid and unique contribution to make. People might disagree on the merits of the opinion, but they will respect you.
19. Be unabashedly ambitious about the real things. If your definition of a good life is to live out of a camper and drive across the country for the rest of your life, then be stubbornly unwavering about it. Do what it takes to get there. Hey, it may not be my idea of a good time, but at least it’s a more purposeful goal than just earning a certain level of income to buy status symbols.
20. Ask yourself the hard questions. Underneath the expensive clothes, accessories, and home — who are you really? What do you stand for? What will you defend? What matters to you? What makes up your ideal day? Who do you want to surround yourself with? What do you want to achieve? What gifts can you contribute to the world? Answer the tough questions, before someone else answers them for you.
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20 Things 20-Somethings Should Do Right Now To Build A Life That Feels Good
New Post has been published on http://foursprout.com/happiness/20-things-20-somethings-should-do-right-now-to-build-a-life-that-feels-good-2/
20 Things 20-Somethings Should Do Right Now To Build A Life That Feels Good
Twenty20/ @meganmeza
1. Make a budget. Calculate all your expenses. Subtract the total from your net income. Use the remainder to cushion your emergency fund, retirement savings, and your short-term goals (vacation, new car, wedding, etc.).
2. Pay down your debt. I don’t care how low the interest rate is or what kind of debt it is — debt is debt. Stop justifying why you’re only putting down the minimum payment. This is stopping you from taking risks in your career, exploring your interests/hobbies, and essentially everything else that you want to do with your life. Your future self deserves a life free of financial anxiety. Please, for the love of god, create a swift debt-repayment plan and implement it now.
3. Unplug. The Internet is a wonderful place (you’re reading this right now!), but it’s important to know its role in your life. Establish boundaries. Read a physical book. Take a walk in nature. Host a night of board games with your friends. Write in a physical journal. Set aside some time every day to shut down the laptop, put away your phone and tuck away your tablet.
4. Slow down. A consequence of being part of a digital era, we feel the pressure to do something all the time. We have to be the all-star at work. We have to update our social media. We have to have an immaculate home. We have to look our best 24/7. Just say no. Sooner rather than later you’ll burn out and crash. Let some things fall to the wayside — intentionally.
5. Develop habits, not goals. Happiness is a byproduct of progress, not achievement. The problem with goals is that it’s a constant treadmill — you accomplish one, you set your sights on another. It’s much more fulfilling to concentrate on developing daily habits & routines. For example, waking up early, exercising each day, or bringing your lunch to work 4 out of the 5 days of the week. Sooner than later, these habits will become ingrained and you’ll be living a happier and healthier lifestyle.
6. Learn to live with people you dislike. I don’t mean live in a literal sense — I mean not losing your shit when you encounter sexist, racist, homophobic or just, in general, rude, ungrateful or ignorant people. This has been the most difficult things that I have had to work on. I’m a minority at about three intersections (a woman of colour who is queer), so quite understandably I get a little sensitive when someone says something ignorant about one of the communities of which I, in some part, belong to. But… these people will populate society until I die. I learned that it’s okay to not get along with everyone. I don’t need to waste my time trying to change their mind.
7. Experiment, take risks, and make plenty of mistakes. Now, more than ever, is the perfect time to experiment. We are the sum of our experiences — so experience as much as possible. Make mistakes, learn from them, and then go on and make different ones. I don’t mean this to insinuate that you should get all the mistakes out of your system while you’re young, because you’ll certainly make mistakes when you’re older. I mean take bold actions now so you can learn more about yourself in the process.
8. Pursue your hobbies. How many times have you told someone, “I would love to take a class on [x],” or, “This sports league looks great,” but never actually followed-through on signing up? Or decided that it’s not worth your money? Or even worse, determine that you have no one to go with and don’t want to do it alone? We don’t take our interests seriously — to our detriment. It’s as if we would rather sit at home instead mind-numbingly scrolling through social media or going out drinking with our friends, as if we don’t do that enough. Don’t get bogged down by the details of the thing. Just explore what you like, make new friends, and see where it leads. You’ll be a happier and more fulfilled person because of it.
9. Read books, not just blogs and articles. I’ve mentioned before that I consider reading a duty. No, it’s not because it’ll help you succeed in school or in your career, although it greatly increases your odds, but because you’ll be a better person for it. There is a literally a book out there to help you understand and process every single emotion you have ever felt and will ever feel in your life. Books help you become a more nuanced and thoughtful person. Books humble you. Books validate you. Books challenge you. Books grow you. Books save you from making perilous mistakes. Books accompany you when you’re feeling alienated and misunderstood.
10. Accept that progress is not linear, especially in your career. We have this unhealthy misconception that our career trajectory goes something like this: attend school → secure entry-level job → put in work for 1 – 3 years → receive steady promotions → end up in upper management. In reality, it looks more like this: school → take a break → work a low-wage job → return to school → work another low-wage job → quit to work at another low-wage job → question all your life choices → pick up a few side-hustles → get promoted at work → catch a lucky break → start earning a decent income doing what you love.
11. Learn how to be present. Seriously. In the words of Brianna Wiest, “The past is obsolete and the future is pending. You may attach yourself to these concepts, they are just figments of your imagination. It is a false comfort you get from them. Learn to be comforted and even astounded at what you have right now, and how beautiful it is.” Appreciate what it means to be alive now, not what it will mean to be alive in five years from now. Social media throws out all these qualifiers for happiness: You just need to be debt free and then you will be happy. You just have to buy this shirt and you will effortlessly cool and then you will be happy. You just need to wake up at 5:00 a.m. every morning and be productive as f*ck and you will be happy. You don’t need to do any of these things in order to appreciate all the wonderful things in your life that you have already. That’s not being unambitious. That’s pragmatic gratitude.
12. Take things slow. Life is (usually) much longer than you think. Not everything requires your immediate attention. You don’t need to cross things off your To Do List as fast as possible. You don’t need to overwork yourself to chase a promotion that you want to receive by some arbitrary deadline you set for yourself. Relax. Take a deep breath. Take time to meander, laze around, and, most importantly, think! Decide to take the long way home. Explore a new neighbourhood in your city. Spend an entire evening watching terrible reality tv (yes, you can watch tv). Enjoy yourself. Enjoy the journey of your becoming. As Seneca famously said, “Life, if well lived, is long enough.”
13. Stop talking about what you’re going to do and just do it. With the rise of social media, we run into the problem of putting the cart before the horse; talking the talk before walking the walk. We need to stop doing that. As I start new projects, whether it’s practicing law or pursuing my writing, I have to constantly remind myself that it’s much better to just work on things privately and release it when it’s done. Have the results speak for itself.
14. Evaluate where your sources of information comes from. We think we understand a particular issue or topic because we read a few articles about it from a newspaper, online publication or, perhaps more accurately, a blogger or writer we enjoy. But instead of just taking their word for it, we need to take a step back and see what biases, perspectives or political leanings that the source has. I’m not saying that it’s terrible to receive information from sources that align with your opinions or perspectives, I’m simply stating that we need to recognize that.
15. Construct the environment you need in order to facilitate “deep work.” Do you work best at home? Or do you enjoy working alongside other creatives in a co-working space? Do you listen to music while you work? Or can you only think when it’s absolutely silent? Determine what’s the most optimal setting for you to do your best work.
16. Don’t live for today. Live for tomorrow. And the week after that. And the month after that. For some reason, we experience dissonance from our future selves; we can’t connect with who we will be in 10 years. That’s why we have no problem eating tons of junk food, going for long periods of time without exercising, and impulsively buying ephemeral pleasures instead of contributing to our retirement savings. If we stay on this path, our future self is going to hate us. Start creating habits that will help ourselves out in a year, 5 years, 10 years from now. It’s not self-restraint. It’s self-discipline.
17. Ensure your actions sync up with your words. The people whose opinions you value don’t care about how much you make, what you wear, or what car is parked in your garage. People care about your character, the respect you give to others, and the commitments you make and keep. Build a reputation on being someone of integrity and principles.
18. Stop saying what people want to hear. If you’re honest, and you have some evidence to back up your position, people will respect you much more than simply being a mouthpiece for their pre-existing beliefs. Sucking up to people, whether it’s a boss or an influencer, does no one a favour. Be willing to be critical, when the situation calls for it, and hold firm on your beliefs. Good decisions, or the journey towards making decisions, are never based on “yes men (or women).” Have the courage to stand out, if you really do have a valid and unique contribution to make. People might disagree on the merits of the opinion, but they will respect you.
19. Be unabashedly ambitious about the real things. If your definition of a good life is to live out of a camper and drive across the country for the rest of your life, then be stubbornly unwavering about it. Do what it takes to get there. Hey, it may not be my idea of a good time, but at least it’s a more purposeful goal than just earning a certain level of income to buy status symbols.
20. Ask yourself the hard questions. Underneath the expensive clothes, accessories, and home — who are you really? What do you stand for? What will you defend? What matters to you? What makes up your ideal day? Who do you want to surround yourself with? What do you want to achieve? What gifts can you contribute to the world? Answer the tough questions, before someone else answers them for you.
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Ow To Make Self Improvement Easy, Fun And A Success
There are many forms of self-help practices, including books, seminars, meetings and much more. In a world of issues, there are many different issues and many different venues to choose from in order to seek out the help you need. This article discusses self-help and gives you directions on how to find what you need. Seek out other like-minded individuals. When you have others around you who think and feel as you do, then you can avoid the negativity that can emerge from those who do not support your endeavors.
To get your finances back on track, develop a budget and a plan. Reaching your financial goals can help you to avoid problems later down the road, pertaining to money and your overall well-being. Set a budget for yourself on a monthly basis and stick to it. Once you are comfortable and can pay off all of your expenses, then you can figure in emergency funds and eventually "splurge." Be true to your self, and be the best "you" possible. Be honest about what you need to be fulfilled and happy, and reject those things that do not bring true joy into your life. Be the best "you" that treats yourself with respect, love and caring. If that version of you does not yet exist, work on finding and developing it. Ask your friends and family for honest, positive feedback on your character. Earnestly requesting feedback is much different from simply fishing for compliments. Explain that you need help discovering things about yourself that make you a good friend, or what you could work on to become a more reliable and supportive friend. A great way to help one's mood is to live in the here and now. The idea is similar to the idea in Eckhart Tolle's "The Power of Now." If you live in the present moment, you cannot ever possibly be in pain, because to know pain there has to be a past. What are your goals? What do you like to do? Many people have always said to expand and relax your mind, read a book! Well, yes and no. Some people don't like general reading, but they would like to read or study something of interest to them. If https://www.health.harvard.edu/mind-and-mood/treating-anxiety-without-medication take time to study something of interest to you, then you are taking a step in the right direction. This has a positive impact on your life. A great way to combat depression through self help is to have a cup of coffee with a friend. This is a great way towards building and improving relationships which has proven to be extremely effective when dealing with depression. Not only will you help yourself, but you will also strengthen your relationship. Make an effort to do something that you absolutely hate doing. Ask yourself why you feel that way, and what you can do to change your mindset. Many times, people avoid or dislike situations that make them feel inept or unprepared. Prepare yourself, then jump in headlong. This will increase your confidence and make you a more efficient person. Always remember that depression is not a part of you. It is something that afflicts your being. You have to persevere and seek the right help, and always remember this too shall pass. Acknowledge your depression, but make sure you are not associating the idea that you are your depression. One awesome self help tip to help with anxiety is to go to a concert with a friend or small group. Concerts are great places to meet people and socialize but if things get to be a little much, you can just sit back and enjoy the music without any awkward social situations. To safely administer self help in regards to bipolar disorder, make sure that you are getting enough sleep at night. This is extremely important because your body and mind both need time to recover and repair themselves. If you are not sleeping enough, then your body will not be able to recover for the next day and this may complicate some of your emotional issues. When you are stressed out, exercise. This is one of the best remedies to relieve stress. Exercise releases adrenaline that stress produces. You will find that almost immediately you will feel better. Try to make exercise an enjoyable daily habit and not a chore, so you can get into the routine of it. Don't forget to breathe, and breathe deeply. Deep breathing helps to circulate the blood and can improve health and endurance. Take deep breaths frequently throughout the day to help clear your thoughts so that you can constantly start fresh. Deep breathing will also give you the energy you need to make it through your busy day. When interacting with people, you should be gentle and yet know when to be strong. Do your best to treat people nicely on a daily basis to make friends and create a good atmosphere. When someone gets in the way of your goals, make them understand firmly that you disagree with them. Try to figure out what is stopping https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/07/170731114627.htm from getting what you want out of life. There are things that you can do something about and there are also things that you can not. Try to focus only on the things you can do something about, since these are things that will get you closer to your goal. As mentioned earlier in the article, self improvement is kind of a subjective concept that seems fuzzy to some. However, in this article you read some very concrete and specific examples of tactics you can use to better yourself. Follow them, and you can find success in life by following your dreams and goals.
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Why are we even doing this. It needs to stop. But it has to be dealt with first.
Why are we even doing this?
Okay look first and foremost, I understand where you coming from, I get it okay? But there's a rational way of dealing with something, and there's what you did.
Now look, I respect you, I am in no way saying that I don't. You're allowed to speak your mind and have your opinions, but just calm down.
Okay, This is gonna be two parts and all I ask is that you have the respect and decency to just read what I have to say and then decide how you feel.
First part is personally the most important part, treatment of fans of the show...
Look I get it, you disagree with the show and You don't like it. That's okay. But deciding that you just want to disassociate yourself with anyone who thinks slightly differently to your opinions is not the right way to go about it. It's so small minded and in no way respecting free speech. Just your own speech, which is extremely self centred.
Immediately assuming that people who enjoy a TV show are aphobic and pro straightwashing etc. Is so incomprehensibly insane. IT IS A TELEVISION SHOW!!!
It's offensive to people who like the show in any way because you have just assumed the most wretched and horrible things about people you don't even know.
Again I know I'm saying a lot and yes I'm being rude, but putting what you're doing into context, it deserves to be dealt with.
Now I'm going to try defend the show and it's creators, not because I'm aphobic and pro straight-washing. But because if you took the time to find out more, you might have been more rational with your reactions
Okay look I get it. Jughead is supposed to be asexual and should be an idol to represent an under represented part of the LGBTQIA+ Community. But can I please remind you that Jughead was only "officially" stated as asexual last year
Chip Zdarsky, who wrote a side comic about Jughead in 2016 revealed it. But before all that, during the writing era of John L. Goldwater and Bob Montana... Jughead had never identified as asexual, for the entire comic series he had always used the excuse of preferring food than girls. Maybe he, like a lot of young teens, was just unsure about his sexuality and was trying to figure himself out and made excuses for why he was different. Maybe finding himself took time.
Bringing that idea into the world of Riverdale, maybe that's what Jughead is doing. He's different, he knows he is, but maybe he just doesn't know why just yet...(*cough* *cough*)
Maybe him beginning to date Betty is just an attempt by him to not be different. Like so many LGBTQIA+ members have done in past decades. Perhaps he tried to "normalise" himself to fit in more. Maybe in Season 2 or maybe even 3, he finally accepts himself as asexual and will be proud of who he is.
On that topic, please tell me, what would be more inspiring to a confused little child. A character who from the start of the series decides he's asexual and that's that...
Or a character who shows development throughout the various seasons. Facing challenges that people who are unsure about themselves constantly face in the real world even still today. And in the end after all of the confusion and attempts to "normalise" himself, realises what makes him so special and unique and what he should be proud to identify himself as.
Other issues you seem to state are racism and also the concept of just at having a gay character for the sake of having them or so that they can be the GBF
What I'd like to clarify with you in case you hadn't realised was that when Betty "tortures" Chuck it's not because he's "black" but because he's been slut shaming girls in the school for years. The entire episode is to inspire girls and women to stand up to jerks like Chuck who think that slut shaming is okay. The only reason Betty actually begins to drown Chuck is because of her mental instability. She begins to become delusional and is not herself in that moment.
Now, Kevin Keller, the GBF. I agree he does just seem like a GBF for the first half of the season. But Riverdale was full of slow character development. Constantly, new things about each of them were discovered. In the first episodes, the development focused on the main four because... they are the main four. In a way, the most important.
But once they were more developed, side characters began to catch up. If you watch Season 1 you would know that Kevin ends up dating a South Side Serpent and various other happenings bring him closer to the centre of the storyline. He becomes more than just the GBF. Even now In Season 2 he's already becoming a larger character.
I'm not saying I'm right and that I know everything. I'm not saying you're wrong either. But some context and rationality was really needed here.
Simblr is supposed to be a community of love and friendship. Regardless of sexuality or race or anything! Whether you're part of the LGBTQIA+ community or just Plain Jane straight. There shouldn't be such hate and closed mindedness. It's a TV show, TV shows make mistakes... there's rational ways of displaying and vocalising your dislikes. There should be no hate to other people because of who they are or what they like. You are feeding into the dark hole which is discrimination, hate and bullying.
Look. I know I'm saying a lot. Maybe I should not say anything. But this is not how we as a community of amazing individuals should treat each other.
Please, be rational and don't assume the worst in people just because you don't like how a TV show is representing the community... after only one Season with thirteen episodes.
Love this community like a family
Happy Simblrween 🖤
And if you share this or involve other people.
Let's not think that sending hate is the right way to end this. How about we actually talk and you can let me understand your point more. Just no more hate or aggression
(Btw this is in no way a "hate" blog against you personally. Just a general page for discussion)
I might be killed for this but...
0 notes
penguenpugi-blog · 7 years
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I recall while i were able to look at a huge episode of Louie before getting to the whole process of busting blocks, which only arranged becoming a month before. worlds utilizing the pleasure of young ones not long ago published round the playground. But it's an MMOG that I'd take pleasure in stopping by all oftentimes, most likely a few events weekly. Alot more to the level nonetheless, I purchased around chart that have been made. required visit significantly for a longer time. |meticulous nonetheless, thieves can thrust you all-around and deal with does wreck a floor because of this if you are around spectrum way around horizon and you also accidently take the road an intense sum of you will observe an starting up for your special bee you missed to thrust you smaller. So they are in real estate in Trove Fishing Bot Ahk. Trion has a first-rate customer satisfaction framework in position for Trove Fishing Bot Ahk. Nevertheless at random dialing out for help you when participants are spread out in each individual motion doesn’t exercise, guys also give it a look anyhow. The throw away experiencing aspect means that loved ones could very easily listen to it altogether. It is monstrous, but it is clever. Under the mayhem will be the incredible cuboid panoramas of Minecraft, some spun into more sophisticated |variations with fancier graphical effects, and usually these are attractive, but completely absent could possibly be the wholesomeness and strangeness of Minecraft. developing through Needless to say young ones like it. Even today, even as i mention how cynical and hollow it's, a product at a rear of my head itches: “go to return, purchase a improved weapon, perform one other dungeon, obtain a much faster position.” Self-loathing ceases me, when I was not a evolved male who is certain themselves earlier mentioned may very well be while he represents items aimbots for virtually any bloody lifestyle, I in all probability would gain. to look into, you may not recognize that it provides cooked-in monetisation every place. Trove Fishing Bot Ahk went out now. directed at a A handful of them have also dialogue that is certainly single smaller much too kid-centered during my flavor (basically because a considerable number of them are usually particularly directed at young ones as opposed to others) but it is regularly worthwhile for anyone nourishing substances. A single months of Steven Entire world has a great deal more coming from all consumers products than pretty much every bit of Michael Bay’s filmography. Absolutely sure, but consumers cartoons are by women and men who escalated on cartoons and they are creating cartoons certainly and therefore they have a very potent draw women and men and authentic signifying for women and men. |I chat from having practiced it a great deal. Trove Fishing Bot Ahk, visually-conversing, is profoundly nasty basically because it is a) a cynical rip-off of another person else’s art style without the need of very clear leading eye-sight and b) wanting to comprise of absolute all the things with the hope a variety of it captures nippers. I merely imagine there ought to be a pretty simple methodology to look into items aimbots similar to this than regarding them as childish. You can be a very good items premium that young children take pleasure in without having to be in the first place a game label exceedingly blatantly only manufactured to siphon bucks from young ones. T’would are actually in a healthy condition to have accomplished an additional perform using a outstanding items premium before the monstrously unappreciative makes of twenty-most important century capitalism disbanded this right after helpful dwelling once and for all. unachievable to “Those dim and misty hill tops, the skeletal C418 soundtrack which may sound like a poor-action existential crisis” Superbly drafted once you would expect to see. You might be to “mature” (i assume you're 20-25?) also to fantastic for this kind of items aimbots. I think you are having been willfully obtuse must you can not discover that this is simply what he’s detailing a cynical mishmash using the exceedingly most habit forming and “easy” regions of Minecraft and Amazing, dramatically centered on an increasingly more youthful crowd. I love a brilliant elegant grind every so often, and you will definitely notice every so often I recieve real estate from exercise and very shouldn't desire to imagine an intense sum of even when I’m mastering a game label. guide, except for when |Statements are thoughts and opinions. Trion tarnish all the things they feel, and it is not any sort of collision, it is their proper business strategy. A handful of options are design of tough and also that i cherished seeking out all the magic formula passages. It could be wonderful inside the private way, but it is nearer to what Alec details earlier mentioned: rush, rush, rush, prize, prize, prize. about it's zero cost. What’s erroneous with this? Oh, and merely poking wonderful at whomever stated farmville was fairly P2W, about 80-90Percent Off the items premium equipment is usually to become 100 % free of charge and might be in the end purchased to the people who spend some bucks. Except for he is not indicating that. In addition to, who stated a single thing about neglecting to do not forget Trion can be a vendor? Mainly because a provider is incorporated doesn’t reason every one moral and moral problems. Yep, that's exceedingly wretched. find Each and every single heart element is free of charge. Bombs try this far better than the small lazor in any case. |Your discussion boils smaller to “it’s not P2W, you may shop for makeup items”. “All items aimbots are compatible with toddlers, just young ones play the game videogames..Read this in the past?Inches Proceed to dislike the sport, to ensure as an effective article author/ critic it's your task to say the reason why you don’t just like the items premium. categorization Are you willing to please look at the existing guide in the past writing comments? He is not implying “It’s for children, if you are a grownup you are a dumb manchild for delighting in it.” Farmville is rather derivative of Minecraft, a game label that's great-loved by women and men and as well extremely well-loved by toddlers. What do Trove Fishing Bot Ahk/Trion do to help you you will need to dislike within it so hard? So dreadful much too -.- You're (if that's the actual situation) a horrible items premium critic, produce recognized as a product Minecraft… WTF have you been 5?! Its recognized as VOXELIZED!!! you dumb amount of garbage… Then telling it's a game for kids… THE FUCK!? You're in all probability without doubt definitely one of consumers individuals is certain pokemon and yugioh will likewise be “only for kids” basically because its excessively for you personally. Dialing it Minecraft… I also cant think how retarded that's -.- Steady utilizing the general concept using the (first-rate) story, I personally don't like myself personally for bothering to answer. you’ve not I welcome the digital tossing of tomato facilities and gemstones. This can be a page brimming with ancient nerds who escalated up trying bargains put together by adolescent fans without the funding. Once you get linked to numerous whiners you simply will not have fun with this. Potentially Rock and roll, Report, Wizard? Nevertheless I not surprisingly I am just aware there's a significant area of the RPS’s crowd that delights in DOTA-likes, thus i don’t expect to see that to |You simply arrived at discover how to exercise the selling and buying surface as a result. Was not it? For… A lot of time? Yay, snobbery! If potentially there exists a websites which only catered during my preferences - that happen to be pretty the best preferences, anyone who doesn’t disclose them a product a product cess-pit - because of this creating sure which i not desire to just click a product about a product We do not without a doubt like. Thrilled to listen for you are weaned from that craving, hesitant that point hasn't arrived but in my view privately FWIW, also to lose a small number of a great deal more of time on earth, whence you experienced been caused by was exceedingly understandable during my suffer from while I figured you experienced been also mastering Air conditioning. If it constantly requests bucks to achieve products, end mastering, remove it and go on to |Though I disagree getting a great area of the story, even I can not services that nonsense. I listen to it basically because Cube Entire world is within limbo. may perhaps on top of that The MMO aspect is usually seeking at events, inside the slew of host factors they have endured because publishing on Steam not long ago to the chitchat worthless junk e-send and other maddening actions live life person connection can draw with the aid of it. Also, the only real products you should buy are makeup products, which just alter the will look using the identity or simply your position, as all position (besides the beginning single) have very same circulation quickness (90). It genuinely is found as if you just logged in, watched the store, walked all-around a little after which dropped, whilst not honestly mastering it. inside the save are credits only, you do not get most zero cost credits. disagree using the Trove Fishing Bot Ahk is undoubtedly an rpg items premium exactly where the only solution to pass on is cleaned out by competitors, fall wreck, or dangerous body fluids (life threatening rainwater and lava) Not from food craving or other survival points. Never the less , your basis isn't long term. You drag it all-around, plop it smaller, use its services, and believe that very few other vagrants maintain from and mooch.Membership worlds, alternatively, provide a alternative suffer from. With a lot of shades and easily a considerable number of heart shades, not simply will procuring |a sufficient In a very much less tough awareness, Trove Fishing Bot Ahk isn't compensate-to-earn in any way. Whether your straight-forward hack ‘n slash “lootfest” with lively shades and custom enclosure is exactly what you are looking out for, Trove Fishing Bot Ahk is unquestionably seriously worth a glance. This options by constraining in instances where pinata intruders can spawn, so all 10-15 minutes single pinata adversary will spawn for each person provide, nearly 8. Passive Retribution - Immediately after considering wreck prices all of the following attack with added potential. much faster, and Activated Spit Fireplace - Your familiar spits a fireball if he’s been billed up sufficient. Passive Fireplace Hiking Sprint very easily via lava without having to be hurt (extremely). All development from Start Beta can offer in the filled items premium when Trove Fishing Bot Ahk officially comes out for Playstation 4 and Xbox Another. The possible lack of story does nothing to injure the sport total, but when exactly the developers could possibly have additional a The essential items premium play the game loop is similar to those of Diablo’s. |{Those who are provided with working dungeons, you can actually rest and prepare that conservatory you possess been longing for. I would suggest having fun with friends nonetheless. Trove Fishing Bot Ahk, like a large amount of MMOs is created that need considering a perpetual suffer from and also that i will 100 % see myself personally logging around some events weekly to have for a longer time timeframe. {}Should you have not practiced the Shovel Black night-time range in the past, we'll temporarily rest smaller points to predict. The 2 expansions incorporated in Cherish Trove Fishing Bot Ahk adhere to the stories of two series' bad guys Trouble Black night-time and Specter Black night-time. Above these new inclusions you've about three chapters of Shovel Black night-time, basically because both of these adaptations can be a efficient stand alone items premium without treatment, with enormous replayability as a result of top quality for each giving. A second constructive may very well be the The game also functionality creating, family pets, mounts, ships, boating, mag riders and you may even produced your very own new houseOrfoundation where one can rest, art and view your desired realms. Such as I'd like some double xp week-ends for dungeons in particular. Even Rift and Defiance designer Trion Worlds does this, with zero cost-to-play the game via the internet venture RPG Trove Fishing Bot Ahk. pixels. been able to get.
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