#it's long tho i don't expect ppl to read it haha
gaykey · 22 days
i'm not wildly invested in this whole key situation(s) but i've just seen so many posts about it and i was curious about your response as you've been very vocal within this discussion haha (pls read this ask in a nice chatty tone, not an argumentative one!). and sorry for the massive text below, you don't have to answer this ask if you don't wanna <3
But, i feel like a lot of the things ppl have gotten angry at key for lately are to a degree unavoidable for him. Like the m*donalds thing: i thought he'd signed an exclusive contract with them way before people starting caring that the chain was in support of isrl. He can't exactly back out of it? i also heard the general opinions of ppl in korea are pretty apathetic towards the current conflict (tho that is it's own conversation) and are unlikely to consider how supporting a brand would impact the situation. it's a lot to expect the average person to display overt political reactions when the conversations they're hearing don't influence their respective communities. Take us, for ex: we wouldn't be as opinionated about this if the spaces we occupy online weren't as vocal as they are. i know the ppl i meet irl don't really talk about it much, who's to say the ppl he knows talk about it? Just a general observation, not an "excuse" for their apathy rly. I just don't see a possibility of him cancelling his contract with them, to sum things up.
As for the Hyuna thing: he's still a person and a celebrity. It's not really like he can just suddenly go public at exclaim to the world how little he wants to associate with her. A response from him would only make the matter worse really, no? He would offend a lot of personal and public people whom he needs to associate with regularly. It would impact his group (shine as a whole) and all the people he works with (like I live alone/amazing saturday casts/etc) and the multitude of brands he is the face of. It's a huge cost to take a stance on a conversation he didn't start (cause hyuna brought it up, not him right? -- sry i don't know much i could be wrong!!). i feel his silence on the matter makes more sense then acknowledging the issue - as sad as that is. and if they have been close firends for years, is it not alot to ask him to drop all contact forever? <perhaps a controversial question, but i would not so readily throw away my own friends. I would hope they come to their senses and/or i'd find a way to make them lol
as for the colorist comments... yeah, that's a long conversation. i'm glad he apologized and has decidedly not said anything like that since..? bare minimum, but don't have much to say on this aspect. he said something truly nasty, but acknowledged it and the harm it did at least.
Just in general, i feel a lot of what he's getting slack for are out of his control and not necessarily indicative of who he is as a person. There is so much ambiguity to how he must behave given his career, it feels like his lack of response(s) are fairly justifiable. Shinee has been trying so hard lately to become as relevant as possible so they can compete with newer generations of kpop. I don't see him realistically putting that at risk. But, perhaps i'm wrong! who knows!
i've thought long and hard about this ask, which is why i left it a little while, because tbh, i do think you have some points. i'll be so real with you though, i've had some wine tonight, so this might not be the best time to reply to this, buuut here i am
kibum is the kind of person, though incredibly professional, has always spoken out when he thinks something is wrong, or if there has been injustice. he's not the type to hold his tongue. he, on many occasions, has spoken out against the company HE IS STILL CONTRACTED WITH.
i get not being able to brush off hyuna on national tv-
i get maaaaybe be tied to a contract you can't get out of (though it was established that he very much could have if he wanted to)-
i even forgave him for his ignorant & shitty colourist comments-
but what about his behavior since?
key, who is well-known for not giving a fuck about the 'idol image', who has spoken out against his company, the industry...has had nothing to say.
he could have NOT signed up for more contracts with shitty israel supporting companies, he could have given a statement in regards to hyuna, he could have been outspoken about donating to charities and fundraisers aiding palestinians, and the cause?
and yes, i know the other members have not either, as well as many other idols, but, i don't think it's crazy of me to think that DUE to the shit he's done over the last few months, he should be held MORE accountable in a way?
i don't think it's a wild concept to expect these people to have basic good morals?????
non eof this was out of his control. these idols are more than gold enough at controling their image when they want tl.
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mikomikono · 10 months
hi miko! im here with a fic writing question… i was thinking about how to make smut good bc recently i feel like whenever i get to the smut part of the fic im writing i get super bored, like im just rehashing whatever ive been writing in every smut scene ive done for years. you and endles came to mind bc i always find your guys nsfw scenes really compelling, and great, and unique. while also being hot and fun (very important w smut!!) so i wanted to ask if you had any tips for keeping things exciting or fresh when you are tackling those scenes! especially because you guys have experience writing the same characters many times over and manage to be so creative and distinct with every scene ive read from you. so, i guess, penny for your thoughts, if you feel like it! (sorry for sending this only to you and asking for both your opinions, it was the simplest 😭. if u want to answer yourself only thats fine haha)
Heyyyy oh my god I never expected to become someone ppl would come to for writing advice, what an honour 💖 also, I hope you don't mind me answering publicly, bc I feel like this is something a lit of writers struggle with! I will put it under a cut tho, bc I ended up writing quite a bit oops
So. Smut. It's kinda funny you should ask me about that, bc the first proper sex scene I ever wrote was last year for Steamship Sexcapades (bc I am not counting that one feeble attempt at 19 that was so cringe that I hid it away and didn't even think about trying again for like 8 yrs) but I suppose after writing *checks The Canon word count* a lot since then means something :DD
Here's the thing: I also feel like I'm rehashing things. Constantly. There's only so many ways you can say "cock in hole ➡️ thrust" before you're gonna have to repeat some phrases. And honestly, I feel like I repeat phrases remarkably often! But in a way that's all writing! (or that's how I stop myself from getting too depressed about it lol) The readers don't notice! Usually. And as long as you don't use the exact same wording every single time.
Ok, so here's a few tips on what I, personally, think you need to make a good sex scene:
Don't be afraid of the words. Y'know, the first time I wrote "half-hard cock" I (allegedly) had to take a 10min break and texted a friend that I was not going to be able to do this. But after a while you sort of get used to it and the words that seemed embarrassing stop being that, and become just... Words. And you also shouldn't shy away from more "cringe" words! Sometimes its fun to be a little cringe!
Related, you should try to love the words. But that's just good general writing advice, I feel.
Describe the emotions. Most people feel... something towards those they are intimate with, and that should be true in erotica too. It should be especially true in erotica, I think! Even if it's a one night stand, strangers who met in the club 5mins ago, whatever... You want the characters to feel.
Don't forget the physical. This is a thing that might seem a bit... weird. Like, you're writing sex, how could it not be physical? But what I mean is that you shouldn't forget to describe how it feels to the people involved, most notably your POV character. It's very easy to get lost in describing what they're doing and completely forget to get into the actual feeling. You're not writing a sex manual! And I have read fics where half way through I realise that's what it sounds like.
It's never just about the sex. Even if you think it is, it's not. It's about the connection, the narrative, the characterisation... It's about showing something that you can only show through the kind of vulnerable intimacy that sex scenes provide. Even if it's a oneshot pwp, it still has something to say. Maybe that something is wanting to get your rocks off, but also we're talking about fanfiction... We don't read and write that just to get off. It's always about the characters.
Rehashing is fine, actually. As I said, there's only so many ways to describe certain things, and so many ways you can have sex. Except that's not really true, because the secret to keeping it fresh is mixing it up! You can change positions, you can change who's the top/bottom, you can add foreplay (you should) and then change what kind of foreplay you wanna have! You can look into kinks! You can change locations! (I know we've done that a lot) You can add or remove any number of things to make each individual encounter different! And that's the key: repetition is fine, so long as you don't use the exact same everything every time. Case in point, there is a tumblr post which I would link except I'm on mobile, that is titled sth like "list of vocal sounds for smut", which has a list of, well, sounds/verbs (moan, groan, hiss, whimper, whisper etc) and adjectives that could be paired with them (hoarse, needy, quiet, throaty, desperate, wanton etc). The point is, that the best way to keep from sounding repetitive is to mix and match the words so that even if you say "groan" five times in 5k words, it's a different kind of groan every time. The same applies to sex acts! Do you have any idea how much cock Ryunosuke has sucked during The Canon? A lot. But it doesn't feel repetitive (hopefully) because everything else around it is switched up.
And perhaps most importantly: you gotta be at least a little horny for it yourself. I get it, man, writing smut is weird. You sit in front of your computer, staring at the monitor like "hmm is it better to use the word cock or dick or member?" And like... That's not very sexy. But! But!!! At the end of the day you gotta write something that makes you excited! Otherwise what's the point? Why are you writing if it doesn't fulfill you on some level??
Anyway, that's just my thoughts on the matter. If you want more specific help with writing, you can always DM me, I don't mind~
Also, endles says she is too mentally exhausted to properly answer, but she seconds everything I said, especially the point about loving the words. Actually she really wants to say sth about that, so I'm paraphrasing her for the rest of this:
You, as a writer, should love language. You should love the neat little things that language can do and seek out new things to try every time. It's a journey of discovery! Just like sex is always a new journey, even if it's the same characters and the same sex acts, every individual time is a chance to find something new. Let yourself have fun! Write something really stupid and work from that. The way I create scenes by writing jokes, even for serious scenes, because sex at the core is kinda funny. You're standing naked (at least partially) in front of this other naked person and it makes you feel a bit funny.
Also concrete advice: pick a list of 5-10 words you want to use. They can be anything, verbs, nouns, adjectives, as long as you really, really vibe with them, because they make you happy, as long as they're not words you already use a lot. They can also all relate to the same theme if you want! And then find a way to put all those words in.
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pollocamis · 2 years
Well. I love reading headcanons, and I don't think I saw anyone do this one yet, so I thought I'd do it myself. That being said, I present to you:
or: when do they swear & how they react to swearing
he's very polite so he's not one to swear a lot
and most people think he doesn't bc of that
but he does occasionally in a casual way if among the right people
as in when he's telling Rosa about his day he might be like "my God I had a client today and you won't believe what this motherfucker did"
and yes it might sound surprising to hear he'd say anything remotely bad when Rosa's present but it's also worth mentioning they have a very intimate relationship even before they date
swearing can be a sign of intimacy right
anyway getting back on topic: he definitely swears under his breath whenever he gets hurt in a mission or when shit gets real
bc his job can be and will be stressing and what better way to unwind than dropping an f-bomb amirite
is not phased at all if Rosa swears (they lived together for so long, he's definitely heard her say some abominations)
you'd think he's at the "never swore before and refuses to do so" tier
but hear me out: he's actually done so before and will do it again
never publicly tho
he's very professional so none of his colleagues ever heard anything remotely resembling a swear coming from him (and they NEVER will.)
but when he's alone he'll probably gently do so if having a hard time in a case or feeling frustrated or in pain or whatever reason
and if his colleagues never heard him swear imagine Rosa
she'll NEVER. EVER. hear Artem swear
unless their dinamic changes a bit later on I'm not sure about this I play the global server :P
tho I don't think he'd feel very comfortable in doing so
now that I think about it, I guess he'd feel guilty or at least strange if anyone heard, especially considering they'd definitely be weird about it (WDYM **ARTEM WING** IS SAYING FU-)
if Rosa swore around him (which I don't think she'd do) he'd be confused and probably worried depending on the situation (the confusion stemming from the fact he's not used to hear ppl swearing unless it's someone blatantly trying to disrespect him)
(she isn't ofc)
regularly swears
I read "Gordon Ramsay's child" in a tier list and I'm laughing (unrelated)
he's very professional and polite when speaking to ppl in business bc let's be real who in their sane mind wouldn't be haha *sweats in Brazilian while looking at our current ruler*
but put him among close friends and this kid know no boundaries in language
in summary: it's situational and he knows exactly what situations he should and shouldn't do so
as a bonus his father probably also swears with him at home once he's reached a certain age, I don't get the strict language parent vibe from him
I believe he tones the swearing down to a minimum when he's talking with Rosa tho
yk gotta cause a good impression
but will swear if not directed at her like "Artem needs to stop licking Neil's balls lmao" (he'd DEFINITELY say stuff like this if not for censoring)
when she does it back tho he's shocked for a sec but is back on track right away
only for the first few times tho, after that he knows what to expect
he either doesn't know swear words on whatever language Stellis speaks or simply refuses to swear
either way he doesn't
at least not that we know of...
nah he doesn't
he's at the tier "has not sworn before but can if so desired" except he still hasn't desired to do so
he's had a strict upbringing as a prince so that's probably why
and also his thing with flaws yk he probably considers bad language a flaw
oh if only he knew about famous Brazilian poet (/j) Cris Nocolotti and her song that goes "when you say 'get fucked' for the first time/ you will retake the reins of your life in your hands" (loose translation)
if Rosa swore around him (which I don't think she'd do especially since she's calls him Doctor Richter after they're dating like come ON) he'd be amused actually (again depending on the situation)
yes I did say he thinks bad laguage = flaw but he seems to like seeing Rosa's multiple sides so there's that
she does.
let's be real have you read those stories she's in
she's almost dying every five seconds
if she's never swore in any of those moments she's the most polite girl in the entire world
or simply already dead inside
anyway I don't think she cares a lot if she's not in a professional setting
or trying to cause a good impression ofc
or around someone who doesn't swear, I feel like she'd respect the other person's wishes (hence my thoughts on her w/ Artem/Vyn)
just like Marius: it's situational and she knows the right places
she doesn't get mad at people swearing tho and will be ok with the nxx boys swearing with her
now I wonder when hearing Artem/Vyn swear would she be amused or worried
probably both
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firein-thesky · 1 year
oh god cielo what have you done. What have you done with godmaker. I usually send you very long asks but today its like i'm broken. My stomach is churning at the thought of what happens in the future. Like i was actually seeing the future with the reader.
Shibuya arc broke me, safe to say. Maybe its the thought of going through that again that's haunting me haha. And knowing your writing style, I *know* i'll have a vivid recollection of it. But for now, I'll enjoy the possessive gojo you have gifted me with and pretend nothing bad ever happens and everything is going to be ok.
As always, take love cielo. You’re really an amazing writer. I'm not much of an analyzer, I don't usually catch the finer details of a story. So while I can't show my appreciation like that, please know that Godmaker is the only fic i actively look forward to. Always. It makes my day better in a horrendous but good way.
Take care!!!💟
this is absurdly kind omg. im sorry for the 6 day late response sometimes i get busy during the week 😭 and i had a busy lil weekend!! but anon i am so glad to hear that you're enjoying this story and looking forward (or dreading lol) the ending??
i can't describe the ending. i don't think it's absurdly angsty but....idk?? i don't think ppl are prepared or expecting it maybe lol. or maybe they are!! i will be very curious to see your reaction! i am working on the final chapter this week. unsure if there will be an epilogue or not yet tbh?? i gotta see how the cookie crumbles ya know. i do have it all blocked out tho.
gosh anon thank you so much!! i really appreciate you reading and also reaching out to me in this way!! your words are very encouraging <3 godmaker has been a tough one for me but comments like this make it so worthwhile!!
thank you so so much!!
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untaintedtea · 4 years
I should have written this earlier when Witcher Netflix was more fresh in my mind (I haven't done a proper rewatch yet) but I still wanted to write a post about some thoughts I had (that I actually remember lol) and stuff I want in the next season. It's like 99% about Geralt/Yen/Ciri bc I have three brain cells and they're dedicated to them.
The spoiler-free stuff: I definitely loved it! There's some scenes in the book that I would have loved to have seen on screen that I'll mention later, but I really liked it for the most part. My main issue is the pacing, but I understand them trying to fit so much into only 8 episodes -- I hope next season will have at least 10 or even 12 eps to fully flesh out the storylines. There were times where I wondered how easy it was to follow if you didn't know the books, and it seems that it's kinda been mixed? But all-in-all people are loving it, there's lots of memes and new content, and I'm happy about that.
Yennefer's backstory and Anya Chalotra were the highlights for me, and I loved Tissaia as well. By "I haven't done a proper rewatch" I mean that I've only rewatched the first ep (Renfri ❤️) and the parts with Geralt/Yennefer lmao. I'll prob watch it all again later on. Now to the spoilery stuff (includes some refs to the books):
Some specific stuff I liked:
Geralt finally being able to sleep in the Last Wish episode and then him saying in the next ep that before he met Yen, "nights were restless" so she/the thought of her helps him sleep now? lol
Yen touching Geralt's face after he tells her she's important to him as if she can't believe she's important to someone right then and needs to make sure he's real or that she's not dreaming 😭
Téa and Véa and how they actually talked instead of not really communicating well themselves in the books
Yen's elven blood being emphasized and it being a thing that allows her to be naturally inclined towards magic…idek I'm just into that lmao
Geralt "hm"-ing all the time was excellent and is, unfortunately, v relatable
I wasn't gonna say this but since I posted about his casting on my blog previously…I'm still not a fan of Henry but I cannot deny his knowledge and dedication to Geralt and the Witcher lore, and I think he portrayed Geralt very well to the point where I don’t think I imagine anyone else playing the role now? I really mean this bc before I refused to reblog/tweet anything with him in it bc I’m petty LMAO
This is obvious but Toss a Coin to Your Witcher is the song of the year and Her Sweet Kiss is also good. @ netflix soundtrack WHEN
Some stuff I have issues with:
Istredd getting an expanded storyline is fine with me (and will probably set up better angst) but I wish he didn't do the thing Geralt does in Thanedd where he thinks about things Yen likes…I guess that's minor by itself, but Geralt thinking about the house in Thanedd is so important and I hope at least they keep that for the future. Also making the imaginary sorcerers Yennefer conjured up clap like in Thanedd is like…ok I'll allow it but Thanedd better be Extra Good bc I remember reading the part where they're in bed again when I wanted to make myself upset lmao
I wish we got the line when Geralt first called Yennefer "Yen" because "nobody's ever called me that. Say it again" is SO POWERFUL and I think that would have helped set up Geralt/Yen better in the series. Anya did describe the relationship as "animalistic and full of lust" and honestly that's fair but I also want people to understand why tf I'm smiling when we watch them fuck after the last wish instead of being like "ok but where did this come from" lmao. Yeah they’re horny af but pls!!!
Tbh I just want more Angst...like in the Bounds of Reason ep, the "you left" thing and Geralt asking for forgiveness was so short and would have been better if they just…expanded on it a little more…idek this is where I really wished they had an extra episode or two just to elaborate :/
The lack of baby dragon is so sad tbh. I liked that they did without Yen getting her titties exposed and threatened with rape obviously but the baby dragon running over to Yen tho!!
Ciri is my sweet child whom I love dearly and I understand her storyline but I wasn't super into her parts in a way? It makes sense since she's running and hiding and I felt her panic and loneliness and all that, but I think this could have only been fixed if they did Brokilon like in the books. I guess they'd have to cut down on Calanthe maybe?
As for the "Who is Yennefer?" ending:
I know many book readers weren't super satisfied with this, since ofc this is the famous "you're something more" scene, but I think it's fine within the context of the show because of the way Brokilon was handled (obviously I would have liked to see Geralt + Ciri interactions so we could have gotten “something more” though). It also sets up a connection between Yen + Ciri early on -- not really a strong one, but a connection nonetheless. And ofc it makes sense to people who don't know the books, and this is an adaptation after all.
I wish it wasn't as abrupt though? The fact that Ciri's first words to Geralt were about Yennefer is kind of a weird, but I guess that Ciri's vision was so vivid she couldn't help it maybe? And her mentioning Yennefer after Geralt talked about being linked by destiny enforces that it's all three of them linked.
I think this ending line allows for flashbacks via communication? Like if Geralt were to tell Ciri about Yen (and Yen telling Ciri about Geralt), they could elaborate on the relationship between Geralt/Yennefer that way and maybe have a flashback episode or at least a few scenes. I don’t really imagine Geralt saying too much about Yen but still?
So that takes us to things I want in the next season (not exhaustive; I need to do a BoE re-read):
The Dear Friend letter!!
And obviously before that, Triss staying at Kaer Morhen for a while…I wouldn't mind if they completely wrote out any attraction she had to Geralt ofc, but Ciri being sure that Triss is "not Geralt's woman" is also good
Imagine Ciri reading Yennefer's mind and accidentally seeing her thoughts about Geralt…not that she'd even need to though, as long as Yen tells Ciri that Geralt's hands are very gentle is enough lmao. But I'd love the "what is there between you and Geralt" line! In general, I really want Yen/Geralt to be like, the most obvious thing to the audience lol.
Yen telling Ciri that she's lucky bc Ciri knows that Geralt will come back for her and Yen isn't sure that Geralt would do the same for her 😭
Since they're doing the story with Nivellen, I'm hoping for other short stories to be adapted too. My favourite is A Shard of Ice, and I read that it's Henry's favourite too so I'm optimistic about it being included somehow. And since Istredd has a bigger role, it could work? ALSO WE NEED EVERYONE TO KNOW ABOUT THE UNICORN. PLEASE
Flashbacks to Belleteyn (is having another orgy scene ok. pls say yes) and the Geralt seeing that the 14th name on the hill wasn't Yennefer. He wanted to die again ahhhhhhh
Yarpen asking Geralt "is [Ciri] yours?"
More Jaskier songs about Geralt/Yen…even just one pls
And more angst bc like. There's so much come on lmao hurt the audience
A lot of Yennefer + Ciri. Just a Lot of it.
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
sorry this took a while to get out. for some reason i just had no energy to finish writing this until now haha
okay, here's my review of episode two of snc's the attachment series
aka "The Haunting of Hill House (CURSED CASTLE)"
so first off, i've read a couple reviews that you lovely ppl have posted on here... and now i feel like i'm gonna be in the minority bc i did actually liked this video lol
i had higher hope for this video strictly bc the last one was so-so at best, and i think it surpassed it. but i definitely understand why some of yall didn't like this video.
the overall vibe of the video felt very... manic? to me. probably not the best word for it, but the energy was off the whole way through. idk if that's a good or bad thing, but something was a bit skewed.
also, again, idk why they go to these places where they can't get a full night to do an investigation. both past video felt very rushed, but this one especially. not to mention, you're trying to do an investigation in a place that has ppl/staff still inside. so how are you gonna use any noise as a sign indicator when there are ppl walking around still?????
the first half of the video (basically anything before the actual investigation): idk what they did differently about the opening for this video, but them explaining the history, exploring the castle, and talking to the medium was so much more interesting than in the previous video.
i think it's hilarious the way snc describe any sort of history. something about the way the two bounce off each other just sounds like two friends having to do a book report but one of them only read half way thru the book and the other read the spark notes so they both don't really know how the story ends. honest to god, if you would tell me that every single video where they do the "history" portion was all made up on the spot (like the history itself, not the speech), i wouldn't be surprised lmao
the castle itself, while very beautiful, was very hard to understand the layout. and it didn't help that snc didn't really explain it all that well either. so when we finally get back to some of these rooms for the investigation, it was hard to understand where they were and what level they were on (and this probably added to the level of the "manic" feeling i was getting throughout the video).
and as for the medium, i actually really liked her. it's a shame she wasn't there the whole time. but i think it was interesting what she said about how we all have abilities and kat especially having something, along with colby. literally like i've been talking about on here lol
tho i would have loved to hear her read colby and not kat, but that's a different story.
her saying that sam has a trickster spirit attached is interesting. i don't know too much about trickster spirits, but it's interesting nonetheless.
while it took them 20 mins again to get into the action, for some reason it felt faster so that's a plus.
my reaction to the rest of the video:
colby's phone randomly playing an xplrclub video... honestly, i don't think it's paranormal. that app is hella weird and i wouldn't be surprised if it would just randomly starting playing a video without even being open
colby continuing to call lady mary "queen mary" is kinda funny
no offense to joel, celina's brother, but like... if you're gonna be holding the camera, trying not to breathe like you just ran up a flight of steps. i noticed it in the last video too, but for some reason it was more noticeable in this one.
this is also a note to snc: get an extra mic to use and not just the one you connect to your camera !!
i expect nothing less from the group to get freaked out over a floor board settling... but again every time it happens, i have to roll my eyes.
random things that colby said during the video that were just hilarious:
"he had a hot wife... i think?"
"aren't quarantines those little oranges? *long pause* or a CLEMENTINE"
omg colby never change.
i also love no one paid attention to him saying that. everyone is just so used to his strange-ness lol
the mirror portions... idk why any of that was kept tbh. this is the type of shit you do at sleepovers when you're 12. they only have a couple hours to do an investigation and they are wasting time looking at themselves in a mirror. that unfollow button is looking mighty fine rn lmao jk
while i don't mind celina and kat exploring their possible psychic abilities, i don't think this was the video to try and showcase it in. like yeah, maybe use them to ask how the room feels to them, but to use their untrained and extremely newbie senses as if they are actual mediums is a bit much. again, i don't mind them exploring their abilities, but don't rely on them the whole way thru. fun fact, you can also use YOUR OWN :O
i love that they use the spirit box that just pops up words, but honest to god, i wish they would stop talking over each other trying to figure out or connect every word. it's so annoying. like let the box speak and then connect afterwards. sam has such a tendency to jump at every word and he's already trying to connect them, when i'm still trying to figure out what was said in the first place.
having a major reaction to every piece of evidence you get also FEEDS the spirits your energy, both good and bad. i implore them to try to relax, even a little bit, for the sake of their own protection.
celina and kat were very connected in this video. it's strange how many times they both would say something at the same time or being feeling the exact same way.
colby kissing the henry wax figure SENT me lmao
in sir henry's office: ...it was fine. nothing too weird. the flash light and the music box was cool. again, i just wish they would calm down and stop speaking over each other and just SLOWLY figure out who they may be talking to, instead of trying to jump down each other's throats saying who they think they are communicating with.
maid room: first off, why was the room extremely orange?? secondly, why didn't they use their thermo gun? it would have made sense to since kat was saying her legs were really cold. you could have at least got a base temp of the room and then if her legs were abnormally cold, then that could be more evidence.
so all the evidence they were getting in this room was really cool, and clearly they had a very active spirit there that wanted to communicate. that's great! i also find it interesting every time a flashlight went off, it was the one closest to whoever was speaking. like sam spoke, the one next to him lit up, colby spoke, the one next to him lit up. this spirit was very active, smart, and well aware of what was happening. that's great honestly.
what snc should have done afterwards is see if there ever was a jackie that worked at the castle. there's probably records of that and that would have been more evidence.
now the prayer part.... while i love the boys for trying to help the spirit, i don't think that prayer technically helped the spirit. clearly it was still in the room with them even after they did it. maybe the spirit felt some happiness from it, and that's fine. but i don't think that prayer actually helped it crossover. snc and the rest are not mediums, they can only do so much. it would have been better if they would have had someone there that could help the spirit crossover instead of them just saying the lord's prayer and thinking that's enough. idk. that whole part was just so... awkward to me.
i love the second they gotta do a prayer, christian colby comes out lol
the stables: while i genuinely love that they do the estes method a lot now, bc i think it's one of their more interesting pieces of equipment/ways to get evidence, they HAVE to find a way to show us what is being said. if elton can do it, so can you guys.
that being said, props to kat. idk why but i have a feeling that the estes method is scary. so good on her for doing it the first time. that being said, idk what it was but everyone talking over each other and not letting kat just say what was being said, or them trying to connect every word together was so annoying. i think snc (and co) have to realize that some spirits aren't "intelligent" aka they aren't aware of where they are or that they're dead. some are trapped repeating the same thing over and over again, and some are just energy bursts of moments in time (so in a sense they aren't even there). so they could be "talking" (or more like listening) to something that isn't there with them, that isn't answering their questions and is just going thru the motions. it's like having someone on the phone in front of you and thinking they're talking to you, but in reality they are talking to the other person on the phone.
what i'm trying to say is NOT EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED TO EACH OTHER. so, stop trying to make it all make sense in the moment.
so celina's ability is very interesting. definitely reads of someone who is clairvoyant, which is fascinating. the experiences i have had, i don't get flashes of images, so seeing someone who does is really cool. that being said, all the devices going off and then her brother's necklace breaking... that was kinda creepy, ngl. but personally, it wouldn't make sense for the necklace to break in the sense that an (assumingly) dark spirit would be like "fuck your necklace bitch" and break it off. that type of energy you FEEL. so i think it might have just been happenstance that it broke randomly. not to mention he did say "i was touching it when we were praying" so maybe it just randomly came undone??? the timing couldn't have been more perfect.
slightly embarrassing thing to mention but colby yelling at the spirits that they can't follow them... was kinda hot lmao
OVERALL: i think this video was pretty decent. again, i know i was in the minority comparatively to some of yall, but that's okay haha. i definitely plan to make a list of things i want the boys to incorporate or improve on in their coming videos (after season one obviously). i'll probably post that later at some point. i would rate this video like a 2.8/5. i was gonna rate it a 3, but that felt too high, and i rated the last one a 2.5/5 so... compromise lol
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starxscream · 3 years
I am newish to your blog, tell me about yours ocs!! Tell me their lore and trivia if you feel? Do they stab as a warning? Would they neglect their least fave AC villager and hit them with a net or think they all little beans who deserve love? Or they don't want anything to do with video games! Tell me about them to your heart's content, I would love to read!
oh god oh fuck i didn’t expect to get this far uh hi JJDHFJDNFJDJC
well. well! well!! i’ll start off with my MAIN OC bc I love him the most and that’s!! Diogo!!
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art by @/puppetgenders (thank u ily bby)
i won’t get into TOO MUCH bc he’s the protag of an original story me and my boyfriend are writing, Set Aside the Crown! (technically…all of our ocs r in it rly but yknow sshhh) i need to save some for the story :3! (which u can read what we have out over at @cadenzacity haha shameless plug i’m so sorry)The robot version is his “canon” version and then we have human au for au purposes JFNSJFHDJ (he is not 9ft in human au. i promise.) he is a non op transman also! love that for him, king
BUT UUHH he was created as one of the last couple musical/idol robots that a shut in scientist/engineer had been making for over a few years! After a falling out Diogo left tho and now he’s kind of. vibin. if u can call it that JFNEJVNRJF he’s ‘nice’ outwardly only to keep up appearances but in reality he’s a cold-hearted ass bc he doesn’t like getting close to others and simply views himself as being “above” the rest. Very hard to genuinely get to know. He loves being around people tho bc he thrives on attention just, u won’t ever rly get to know him for him JFNEJFND he’s a smartass who knows how to get what he wants and isn’t afraid to step on people to get it<3 and that’s fame n power babey! There’s a lot to unpack with Diogo but. yknow, spoilers <3 but he’s rly quite lonely in actuality but. throttles him. you have to open up sir. sir please. basically he’s the definition of “he’s a bitch and i love him SO much”
(he does however really love unicorns! no reason for this he just does. and bc he was built to have cat like features he is capable of purring! and has a lot of unconscious habits. catboy. he’s the pretentious asshole that gets the stupidly long order at starbucks. he is not immune to headpats- but good luck reaching up there. if he actually likes you he can actually be somewhat generous, think like a more bitchy rarity LOL kind of an idiot when it comes to his own emotions despite being good at reading other ppl. collects rocks! fucking loves rocks and crystals! has a whole room that he uses to display them!)
as for ur questions, yes he does stab as a warning if he knows he can get away with it, he does neglect his least fav ac villager and will go out of his way to move their home into the far corner and box them in with jail bars so he doesn’t have to look at them, BUUUTTT he’s not rly a video game person so JFNEJFJDND unless someone got it for him he wouldn’t rly think to ever play it. i think he’d like pokemon tho no reason other than i do and i said so
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baekhvuns · 2 years
Adding something to the SFW vs NSFW fics as well as longer and shorter ones. It's not a secret sex sells and it's exactly the same in the written world, so unfortunately no matter how hard you try smut fics will usually get more interaction. I'm someone who likes a good balance, because pure smut very rarely caters to my preferences, but if there's an interesting plot involved I don't mind it as much.
It all depends on my mood tbh, but I also noticed most SFW fluffy or angsty stories are pretty short, just blurbs or headcanons. I personally prefer longer fics, even if just oneshots I like when they're at least 20k (thank you tumblr user baekhvuns for your service btw). Shorter fics often feel rushed and unfinished to me (no shade, because I read a few great ones, but I usually feel a bit unsatisfied cause the potential for a longer fic is often there). The way fics are written matters as well I can easily get turned on/off by authors' wording especially during smut scenes, but also as someone on the aro spectrum I don't always enjoy the romance bits, sometimes it's too cringe for me to take, so there's that.
Sorry it's so long haha, but that's my personal take and from my experience I know many people feel the same. It's just easier to engage people with a longer and more balanced story (smut-fluff-angst) though it's much harder to write. In the end you can never satisfy everyone, so if you truly enjoy writing don't get discouraged, there are people who still wanna read your stories and that's what matters.
oh i love the way you worded your opinion and agree with everything in it!! 💓✨🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼
“It's not a secret sex sells and it's exactly the same in the written world, so unfortunately no matter how hard you try smut fics will usually get more interaction.”
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(borrowing the format from miss kanaiii) that is so very true, it’s so unfortunate because, because of this many writers who prefer writing fluff get forced/turned into the mindset of “if i write smut ill get more success or notes” and i see it quite often but i think as much as interaction they get, it doesn’t satisfy their own expectations ifykwim
;;;; like don’t fall under peer pressure into writing smuts just bc u wanna be a ‘big blog’, sometimes quality over quantity of smut is vvvvv good!! so many ppl appreciate those big long fics that feel like an escape after a tiring day or a piece of cake that’s still saved !!!
“I'm someone who likes a good balance, because pure smut very rarely caters to my preferences, but if there's an interesting plot involved I don't mind it as much.”
HEY ME TOO!! i prefer reading fics that are a mix of all of like fluff angst smut, because that way the smut actually hits you and you actually enjoy rather than it being like an odd on out. i absolutely 100% agree with this bestie u took the words out my mouth and worded them so smartly ily
“most SFW fluffy or angsty stories are pretty short, just blurbs or headcanons.”
“even if just oneshots I like when they're at least 20k (thank you tumblr user baekhvuns for your service btw).”
yeah def def,,,, im sure everyone notices that how there’s a lack of good long, nicely written angst that ends in a sad ending. that in its own sense would break me entirely, i usually see reactions as fluff and angst ones but i don’t quite often (tho there r some) see full blown like 10k+ fics with those types of themes in it.
BFMWHDMWBDMWHDKS <333 i feel like i have written fics so long ppl can read it in 15mins bc they’re so use to it,, next fic 80k 😭😭😭😭😭 jkjk coincidentally was just writing my fic too !! thank u bestie i will keep doing the same!!
“Shorter fics often feel rushed and unfinished to me (no shade, because I read a few great ones, but I usually feel a bit unsatisfied cause the potential for a longer fic is often there).”
THIS. THIS. THIS. it’s so true omg there’s so so so many fics that could be converted into much longer ones and it’ll just be chef mf kisses !!! i absolutely understand the frustration you must feel when you read a fic and it ends ?????? and u feel so empty bc there could’ve been SO SO much but then again what can we do 😭😭😭😭 daydream about possible endings me thinks
“The way fics are written matters as well I can easily get turned on/off by authors' wording especially during smut scenes,”
i- yes, there’s quite a lot of pet peeves for me that happens when i read certain fics. which is not bad but for me, personally, i cannot read it. agree 100% with the smut thing bc i skip over the smut if ik it’s not well written or it’s not needed or it’s very cringe to read fbwnfbwmdbwm + the romance part yeah when it’s not written nicely (also not shaming no one for their writing skills or anything, just a personal preference!!! no intention of harm or anything) i kind take a leave. it’s the “daddy fuck me” “slut, my slut” im RUNNING SO FAST U THINK FLASH IS SLOW
and no bae please don’t apologize <3 thank you, i loved hearing your take (u so smart bestie the way u wrote it ✨) and seeing how quite a lot of ppl feel the same,, it’s not easy to say certain stuff like this bc ppl take it differently fbwmfnwm,, and yeah, you can’t please anyone, so take the chance and please yourself with the works you wrote !!!
and anon
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tacticaldiary · 3 years
hello there! could i get a kin analysis for bnha, please? - i am a sagittarius sun, capricorn moon, scorpio rising, and an intp 5w6 
- i enjoy listening to music, drawing, watching movies, reading and writing. 
- as i said before, i like writing and just making stories in general. i get a lot of inspiration from music and i usually base a lot of my stories around songs :] (i mainly listen to indie/alternative stuff and kpop) 
- i'm 100% an introvert (large social gatherings overwhelm me a lot,,) but a lot of my friends, and people i meet see me as an extrovert, and they get really surprised when i say i'm not, haha. i just tend to be really loud and expressive when i'm around ppl i'm comfy with!! and also maybe its just because - i hang around extroverts often and i like to match their energy shxhnfnfnfj.
 - i'm a very insecure person, which again, surprises a lot of ppl because sometimes i come off as super confident (and even sometimes arrogant apparently?) but JSJSJDDJ no i'm not! i just say stuff like "haha i'm the best at everything!!! i am perfect!!!!" as a joke to mask those insecurities </3 i tend to be a perfectionist and i get frustrated easily when i don't meet my own standards ^^" 
- i hate group projects, completely despise them. i don't hate the people!!!! i just hate the pressure.. 
- i like making new friends, but i don't like socializing. not sure if that makes sense tbh
- i like listening to people, and i let my friends vent/rant to me when they need it. i wouldn't say i'm a "therapist friend" or anything tho,, because i suck at comforting people ^^" but i try!!
 - i try to be a neutral and open minded person most of the time. if theres any sort of conflict or drama going on, i want to make sure i hear all sides of the story before i make any assumptions. i don't like choosing sides either!!!
 - i tend to idolize people a lot, esp celebrities or ppl who are older and more succesful than me. (which usually leads to me being very disappointed when i find out they're actually not very good ppl ://)
 - i've asked my friends to describe me and most of their responses are;; funny, weird, annoying (in an endearing way, i hope), and loud :0 
i apologize if this is a bit too long!! but thank you in advance!! 
You Probably Kin: Izuku Midoriya
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In my opinion, you’re much like Izuku, from the way you tend to have someone to look up too, to your creative outlets.
The outlets of writing and listening to music, as well as reading are all activities that are most commonly done alone by oneself. I find this reminiscent to the way Izuku writes in his notebook when he’s nervous, both of your outlets being writing, and emotion based. 
Another mirroring factor I’ve found is your habit of idolising people, whether it be short term or long run. This is mirrored by the way Izuku idolises All Might all his life, eventually being somewhat surprised when he doesn’t meet his vision of what a hero should look like. 
You being an open minded person, as well as an introvert is also related to Izuku, in the way he’s shy around people and willing to accept anybody, despite what they’ve down, see how he wants to save even the villains. You both belive there are two sides to every story. 
Another aspect the both of you share is your need to be perfect. Much like Izuku trains and pushes himself to the brink in the name of living up to All Might’s expectations, you also share this need to do well, except for you, the coping mechanism is baseless confidence. It’s the same concepts, just different methods of dealing with it. 
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theaspers · 3 years
I HAVE RISEN! MUHAHA Hai ish me again! R u okay bb? Here my virtual tissues and a hug to u 💞💖💝 u can vent to me if u want to. I can come off of anon if that would help. Hopefully I've scrolled thru everything so I'm up to date. Also I think I don't have a word limit anymore wowwwwww. I moved from iPhone to android (but like barely... I haven't properly transfered anything except my sim card 😂). Wow it's a whole new world here.
For periods u can lay on ur back and prop ur legs up against a wall or door (so u make an L shape) that's a lifesaver I got from another Tumblr user. A blanket over ur upper body when u lay like that is always noice too. Can try period yoga. I do yoga with Adriene videos but I haven't tried that specific one out. Also if u don't eat a lot of red meat n chilli u can probably have ginger tea with brown sugar. That one always helps me out. So long as ur body isn't naturally considered hot then it should work well.
ALSO I read ur new fic!!!!! Congrats on getting it out (and am happily waiting for anything Zhongli even tho I know literally nothing about the man haha). I'm usually not a huge fan of Dia and luci in a romantic way but for u Zara I WILL READ THE GREAT WORKS PROCURED BY OH MAGNIFICENT ONE! It made me so soft. Silly luci trying to put up a fight with the relationship. He's such a Lil doof hahaha. And the touches n lap sitting ughhhhhh I wanna be there man 😭 that would feel so divine~~ The demon language but was a v appreciated touch (I never really thought about something like that lol mind u I still don't play the game!). It was v well written! I totally think u have maintained ur touch! Please give credit to ur self!
I've been really busy. Had to suddenly get gifts for peeps and then now doing birthday stuff for two of my besties (cuz covid cockblocked us before) n jobs man. Had a few breakdowns about it but I expected it tbh. Proud of myself tho n Im planning to get back to driving! Sorry I'm like dumping my life on u cuz I haven't interacted in soooo longgggg! I promise I'll check out the Achilles song after I wake up (cuz I should be sleeping rn) but in the meantime I Hope Luci Comes Home For You! Have fun tag teaming with ur siblings (I think?) in genshin and a HUGE ✨CONGRATULATIONS✨for making it thru uni! I'm proud of u hehe. Much love until next time 😊 - lurker anon
under the cut bc i dont wanna clog ppl’s dash 🥺🙏🏻
HI! i have to thank you for taking ur time to write this ask, especially since you mentioned you’ve been busy!! i’m so glad you could drop by and we could catch up a little!! this made me very happy, if you could believe it. kinda like we’re friends and we’re catching up 😭 so thank you so much for this message!! very thoughtful of you, and i really appreciate it!! you don’t need to come off anon if you’re more comfortable on anon, okay? 🥺😭💖
i’m fine, actually! it’s nothing terrible!! just one of those random bouts of sadness, yknow? ones you can’t really explain so you just gotta ride it out. but i think i’ll be okay. and even if not, well, that’s okay too hehe and thank you so much for the advice! i’ll definitely have to try those out.
AAAAA you definitely did not have to scroll through my blog. i post so much crap, why would you put yourself through that 😭 still, i’m very happy that you enjoyed the dia/reader/luci fic! i really am attached to that au tbh, have lots of feelings and thoughts about those three shdjd i think they mentioned briefly that the demons have a different language? and that’s been living in my brain rent free for the longest time bc i love it SO MUCH.
and ZHONGLI aaaaa i have so many thoughts and feelings for him too and i really wanna try writing a full fic for him. hopefully i’ll be able to do that soon 😭
it seems like your life has been a little tough and a little hectic~ i can’t offer much but pls remember to take breaks, and drink some water! i’m proud of you too for getting through everything!!! hope you enjoy achilles come down, honestly i’m obsessed with it. i hope lucifer comes home too bc i will be Upset if he doesn’t 😤 also i don’t mind the long messages tbh they really make my day tbh shdjs i’ll be here if you ever need to talk! aaa much love, and thanks again!! 💖💖💖
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