#its got vanessa and blue mary now
promises-of-paradise · 7 months
I saw the Napoleon movie at the cinema today and here are some of my thoughts (spoiler warning I guess?):
everything about this film was so unintentionally funny
not a single person was casted correctly (except for Vanessa Kirby as Josephine. I think she did a good job with a bad script)
I loved all the military uniforms
Paul Barras was so slay
can't believe that they had Junot at Toulon and didn't even include the iconic way that he met Napoleon
Thermidor was very lacklustre. I wish it had been more accurate to what actually happened because the real events were very dramatic
so sad that they erased Napoleon's friendship with Bonbon Robespierre. it would have made such a good tragic backstory
its weird how they include Napoleon and Josephine lying about their ages when they got married, but didn't state the reason why. because now it just looks like they were saying their actual ages.
Josephine's dogs were very cute, but I think that instead of having Napoleon play with one of the dogs there should have been a whole sequence of him being attacked by Fortuné every time Josephine turns her back
very sad at the Italian campaign erasure
I find it weird that Napoleon had short hair for Egypt and Brumaire because surely it would have made more sense for narrative purposes to have a scene of him cutting his hair short after becoming first consul to symbolise the change?
so mean of Napoleon to deny Junot his dessert
I'm actually so glad that Junot disappeared after Egypt because I doubt they would have been able to handle his mental illness and death with an appropriate amount of sensitivity
Brumaire was actually hilarious I was laughing so much when he fell down the stairs
thankfully there weren't as many cringy sex scenes as I thought there were from reading the reviews. but maybe that's because those scenes are in the directors cut and not the cinema version?
literally the only time we ever see Eugene and Hortense during Napoleon and Josephine's marriage is at the divorce. and they don't even say anything they just stand there looking awkward.
can't believe the iconic Tilsit kiss wasn't included
why was Tsar Alexander such a slutty Twink I'm not complaining though
Marie-Louise somehow looked like the exact opposite of historical Marie-Louise. the casting director wasn't even trying
poor Napoleon II only got about two seconds on screen time. come on after everything he went through he deserves at least one scene to play with his dad
can't believe they actually used the classic 'blue-grey Eastern Europe' filter on Russia
I am still laughing about how Napoleon said he wanted to spank Alexander
Waterloo felt so lacklustre for some reason? I feel like it should have been a lot more dramatic and theatrical to really convey how important the battle was
the bullet hole in Napoleon's hat at Waterloo looked so fake
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lambergeier · 1 year
2022 book post FINALLY
this post is six weeks late because, frankly, i was on my honeymoon over new years and its hard to get up the will to type all this shit when everyone has already posted their book lists ages ago!! but also i read a lot of good books last year and wish to gloat, so here we are. italics are rereads, bold are my favorites, asterisks denote not-prose, and reviews are interspersed throughout as i felt like it:
No One is Talking About This - Patricia Lockwood (this book made me cry so hard lmao. first part is a sickeningly true-to-life depiction of Being A Blue Check Person and then the second part makes you cry so bad.)
Sorrowland - Rivers Solomon (what the fuck happened to the last third of this book? what shit-ass x-men knock-off did it come from?)
What Soldiers Do: Sex and the American GI in World War II France - Mary Louise Roberts (got on a whole ww2 history kick because, gotta be real, i watched all of band of brothers during winter break 2021-2022 and developed a bug up my ass. pulled this off the shelf at the library on a whim and it was STUNNING. excellently, thoroughly told history of sex, venereal disease, and race among american GIs in normany following the invasion. would read anything roberts now.)
How to Blow Up a Pipeline - Andreas Malm
Hello, Sailor: The hidden history of gay life at sea - Paul Baker and Jo Stanley
Coming Out Under Fire: The History of Gay Men and Women in World War II - Allan Berube (another excellent ww2 book, frequently quoted on this site and for good reason. not written by a historian, so incredibly easy and engaging to read, that presents you with just this amazing overview of how modern american queer identity was totally, inextricably shaped by the us military and the experience of being part of it or even just near it lmao)
Possession - A.S. Byatt (really really lovely romance that was such a consistent pleasure to read that i got to the end basically unable to remember favorite lines or even scenes i was just like mmmmmmmm. book good.)
Uncanny Valley - Anna Wiener
Howl’s Moving Castle - Diana Wynne Jones
The Verge: Reformation, Renaissance, and Forty Years that Shook the World - Patrick Wyman (this book sucked ass we gotta stop giving podcasters history books)
Watership Down - Richard Adams (so fucked up. loved this. love that we give this to children to read.)
Dead Collections - Isaac Fellman
The Hidden Palace - Helene Wecker (much better than its prequel, imho! resolved many pacing issues but lost no heart!)
The Vanishing Half - Britt Bennet (part of the reason i managed to read so much this year is that i had to drive a lot for work and started putting audiobooks on in the car, having never been an audiobook person before. i listened almost entirely to contemporary litfic this way, a genre i also had not previously engage with, and this was both a fascinating entry into an entire other world of books and also kinda boring sometimes lmao. vanishing half was good, certainly better than some of the other stuff i ended up listening to, but still not something i would have finished if i weren't in the car)
The Reformation - Patrick Collinson (this bitch was so funny his preface to the book was 'i didn't list any sources because i've been teaching this topic for 60 years. the source is Me.' anyways almost totally unreadable but did provide me some good context on the counter-reformation, which i want to learn more about.)
Fleischman is in Trouble - Taffy Brodesser-Akner
Home Baked - Alia Volz (soooooo good all bay area homies please read this)
River of Stars - Vanessa Hua
Light from Uncommon Stars - Ryka Aoki (INSANE BOOK. SO FUN.)
*Death of a Salesman - Arthur Miller
Book of Dust - Phillip Pullman
Gold Diggers - Sanjena Sathian
*Angels in America - Tony Kushner (disconnected me from reality for like 24 straight hours. scared to reread it.)
Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen (read this in high school and hated it because i was a DUMB TEENAGER!! THIS BOOK IS SO FUNNY!!)
Good Omens - Terry Pratchett
Fifth Elephant - Terry Pratchett
Mexican Gothic - Silvia Moreno-Garcia (strongly eh.)
Oh the Glory of it All - Sean Wilsey (loved it but feels impossible to recommend.)
Magic for Liars - Sarah Gailey
Foundation - Isaac Asimov (absolutely fascinating as like, a history of the genre thing, even if i only "enjoyed" reading the first two or three stories lol. also, HE COULDN'T PREDICT FIAT CURRENCY?? ACTUAL PLOT POINT THAT THERE AREN'T ENOUGH METALS ON THE PLANET TO MINT COINS???? reader i lost my mind.)
All the Pretty Horses - Cormac McCarthy (all the pretty horses my insane high school problematic fave. i will never read the sequels)
Have His Carcase - Dorothy L. Sayers
The Power - Naomi Alderman (as i said on private twitter after rereading, this book makes me sick to my stomach not because of the gender shit, which is like, i know what the book's about that's what it's about it's not gonna be a different book, but christ it's so bleak. love an oral history style but i gave my copy away once i finished lmao.)
Murder Must Advertise - Dorothy L. Sayers
Such a Fun Age - Kiley Reid (great audiobook narrator, and a very funny book)
Several People are Typing - Calvin Kasulke (PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS AUDIOBOOK THEY HIRED A FULL RADIO-PLAY STYLE CAST AND SURE THE ACTUAL STORY DOESN'T STICK THE LANDING BUT IT'S SO FUNNY. i finished it on my own and immediately put it back on for emma to enjoy. so good.)
They Were Her Property: White Women as Slave Owners in the American South - Stephanie Jones-Rogers
Hawk Mountain - Conner Habib (oughhhhouguhughuhghh the dread. great book. wretched creeping horror. queer, if that matters. gives you the Dread.)
There, There - Tommy Orange
If an Egyptian Can’t Speak English - Noor Naga (experimental fiction, i listened to it on audiobook and actually missed a lot of what it was doing in print but still incredibly good. absolute sucker punch of an ending.)
The Loneliest Americans - Jay Caspian King
Encounters at the Heart of the World: A History of the Mandan People - Elizabeth Fenn (great clear thorough history of the mandan nation of the upper missouri river, really enjoyed this.)
An Immense World: How Animal Senses Reveal the Hidden Realms Around Us - Ed Yong (ed yong is the best science writer working today and this book was tremendous. i quoted like every other line of it to emma and she still went and borrowed it as soon as i was done. we immediately bought a copy for the house.)
Sheer Misery: Soldiers in Battle in WWII - Mary Louise Roberts
Black Sun - Rebecca Roanhorse (damn so much modern sff is bad)
I Contain Multitudes: The Microbes Within Us and a Grander View of Life - Ed Yong (not as good as the animal book but still VERY good)
Dark Rise - C.S. Pacat (unfuckingreadable. a masterclass of incoherent bullshit)
Nona the Ninth - taz lol (this should not have been its own book.)
*Ducks - Kate Beaton (cannot recommend highly enough. intense subject matter, also made me cry many times, but holy shit ms beaton you killed it with this one)
Unreleased Friend Book that I Love So Bad (soon!!)
Normal People - Sally Rooney
Catcher in the Rye - JD Salinger (another book i haven't reread since high school holden ilu. you are my little problems boy)
Pachinko - Min Jin Lee (read it all in one day while on various airplanes. what a BOOK)
Half of a Yellow Sun - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Foundation - Mercedes Lackey (thus begins the valdemar stage of the year)
My Year of Rest and Relaxation - Ottessa Moshfegh (uh. would not recommend.)
Devil House - John Darnielle (ur crazy for this one mr mountain goats. still don't know if it was good or bad lol.)
Arrows of the Queen - Mercedes Lackey
Arrows Flight - Mercedes Lackey
Arrows Fall - Mercedes Lackey
Magic’s Pawn - Mercedes Lackey (vanyel i love you)
Magic’s Promise - Mercedes Lackey (vanyel i'm obsessed with you)
Empire of Wild - Cherie Dimaline
Magic’s Price - Mercedes Lackey (oh misty we did NOT stick the landing here. rip to vanyel.)
Winter Counts - David Heska Wanbli Weiden
Neuromancer - William Gibson (loved so many individual sentences and, like foundation, a very interesting work for understanding the history of the genre. however in many ways, totally incomprehensible.)
total books: 66!!! nice work, me! really enjoyed how much i read in 2022 and how generally varied it was and after a long while of not reading too much at all, it's been very nice being back in the swing of it. also god non-fiction is so good. i can't read it particularly fast but every time i read a good one i enjoy it so immensely. look forward to reading more of it this year!!!
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab sucks shit.
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micecakes · 6 years
hm I should play KOF14 tho
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konboyblues · 4 years
Hey, if you still take writing prompts requests, what do you think about number 48 or 87 for GreyGauche from BC? I think I'm really liking the dynamic of this ship especially with the recent events in manga but you can always do them in a platonic light!
GreyGauche vibes ft. Gordon coming right up! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
“I can't just forget you. That's not how it works. You told me to grab the world with my own two hands, didn't you? I did! It took years, but I did it, so no, I can't forget you. I won't...”
“Who are you talking to, Grey?” Gordon asked softly.
Gordon frowned as the shorter woman collapsed in on herself and fell to the floor. She covered her face and sniffed pathetically into her palms. Gordon found an empty spot next to her shaking form, and plopped down.
Thunder rumbled in the distance, and Gordon felt better knowing that they were safe inside Henry's castle.
“I just can't forget him!” Grey sobbed into her hands again, and Gordon instinctively put one hand on her shoulder and squeezed lightly.
“He's not gone,” he told her gravely. “He's alive, safe.”
Grey finally picked her head up and turned her watery gaze to Gordon's demure form. Gordon counted two, greyish blue eyes he didn't even know existed until recently – and they were steeped in agony.
He pulled the woman into a hug. Grey yelped before throwing her arms around Gordon and sobbing into his chest. He rubbed soothing circles into her back while she sniffled and mumbled into his shirt. He'd practiced this form of comfort while watching Vanessa and Noelle. Friends held each other when they were in agony, and Vanessa often let Noelle cry in her arms when the younger girl had just returned from a trip to the Silva estate.
Pain came in different forms, something Gordon knew very well. For himself, it was a mixture of social and emotional isolation. It was similar for Noelle, but Grey's was different. In the short time that she'd been open with showing her true form, Gordon found that Grey's pain was more like Luck's than anyone else's.
The physical scars of a life spent being beaten and pushed around always remained. Sure, there was magic and makeup, and even big clothes, but the chafed knees of a housemaid never disappeared, nor did the scars of a leather belt that were peppered generously across Luck's back. The first time Gordon got a good luck at Grey's hands, he noticed the tell-tale signs of lye burns. With the burned hands, the chafed knees he noticed during a swim in the river behind Henry's castle, and her stark refusal to be seen in public, he surmised that his friend was a maid treated so poorly that she barely had a spine to stand on. It was worse when Grey told her that she was a maid to her own family. Anger had coursed through Gordon's chest, but so had realization.
And Gordon understood – before he met Yami Sukehiro, he too was a spineless creature milling around his hometown, with no friends to remind him that his life, that his very existence was worth it. And so Gordon held her close, he held her close and let her cry because everyone had their own kind of pain, their own scars, and some of those scars came in the form of physical reminders, whereas others were cuts deeply ingrained into their psyche, and who was Gordon to judge? Grey was his friend, and his friend deserved empathy and sympathy, she deserved all the joy and wonders of this world.
She deserved to be happy.
“He's OK,” Gordon told her again with a soft smile. “He's safe. You saved him, remember? You healed him; he's alive, and he'll never forget us. He'll never forget you. He loves you too, Grey.”
Grey didn't bother denying her feelings. Perhaps being openly in love with people dumber than you was indeed the most human of practices. Noelle loved Asta, and Vanessa loved Yami, and now Grey – Grey loved Gauche.
“I love him,” she croaked finally. She picked her head up from Gordon's chest and finally calmed down. She sheepishly rubbed her nose while Gordon just smiled. So what if he looked dastardly when he smiled? He meant his smiles. They were for his friends, for the people he loved the most, and it didn't matter if others thought him inhuman and ugly, he was a Black Bull, and the Black Bulls were a family.
“I thought I lost him,” she said hopelessly. “That's twice now...”
“And there will be more,” Gordon promised her, “and every time, he'll come back to us – to you. It's the life we chose, remember? Every moment matters.”
Grey wobbled her head in a jerky nod. “I want him to look at me more!”
Gordon grabbed her jittery hands and looked into her face intently. “Then make him!”
Grey swiftly nodded yes, and Gordon followed. Before he knew it, she was back to blushing and sputtering, and it felt like peace on its own. She rambled about all the little things she loved about their one-eyed friend, and he mumbled back at her about all the times their one-eyed friend hid his blush from the other Black Bulls, and they kept trading words, feelings, and emotions as the rain and thunder subsided, and a stream of light entered through the lone window of the room.
“He's OK now,” Gordon told her again.
“He's OK now,” Grey repeated.
“What are you weirdos doing in my room?”
Gordon and Grey turned to Gauche's dripping wet form. He had a bag of groceries in one hand, and a Marie doll in the other. Gordon assumed the groceries were for Charmy, but Gauche would always put his Marie merch away before completing his household chores.
Gauche's lone eye twitched as a mirror rose to attack. “You have five seconds- OOMF!”
Gordon and Grey had jumped in unison, and before they knew it, Gauche was on the floor, his vegetables sprawled out, and his Marie doll somewhere in the corner. The youngest of the three tried to struggle out of their vice grip but failed spectacularly, and Gordon and Gauche both held onto him tightly and hugged. They hugged him and Grey cried and when Charmy and Luck walked in to see the commotion, they jumped into the cuddle pile while Gauche's soul left his body. Thankfully, Gordon was able to snatch it before it disappeared and stuffed it back into Gauche's mouth.
Later, when they were all seated at the table for dinner, Gordon smiled and nodded encouragingly to Grey. She nodded back, and with wobbly hands, served Gauche a helping of corn. Gordon inwardly cheered. Grey blushed. Gauche didn't bother saying thank you, but passed her the Worcestershire sauce she liked to dip her boiled eggs into.
Henry's castle hummed with love and good vibes, and Gordon watched as Grey tried her best, little by little, to be Gauche's hero.
And Gordon smiled, because that was his best friend, and he was proud of her.
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artificialqueens · 5 years
You Make My Daisy (Branjie) - Mac
AN: All my love to Writworm and grapefruit for beta-ing and being amazing people as usual. I’m really happy with how this turned out, and I may make a few more parts…we shall see.
Summary: Vanessa works at a bakery; Brooke works at a flower shop. Over time, they meet and talk over their shared lunch break. Their friendship only grows stronger. Vanessa goes on dates all the time, and always buys flowers from Brooke for her partner. They talk about her dates in detail, and Brooke suggests flowers that fit with that person’s personality. One day Vanessa comes in describing her date (who sounds an awful lot like Brooke-can you see where this is going?)
The bakery across the street–well not really street, more like sidewalk, really more like a small road with cobblestone that people decided to drive down every once and awhile. The bakery had opened up a few months after Brooke took over the shop. It hadn’t been in the best of circumstances, her godfather passing away and all, but it had been her dream, so it was a sort of a happy-sad.
Brooke had always loved visiting her godfather at his work because he would take her around to all the flowers, teaching her something new and exciting, well, exciting for a four-year-old child with no friends and a houseplant named Steve. He told her intricate, and most likely fabricated stories of how the gods created each flower in its own unique way. For each unique person. Her mother would scoff in the background and mumble under her breath that there was “only one God.” Brooke would pay her mother no mind, as she ran around the small shop with a watering can as big as her head, and not a care in the world.
The bakery owner was new, but the building sure wasn’t. The pastel colors clashing with the classic cobblestone street/sidewalk/road gave it a gaudy, yet somehow modern feel as well. It wasn’t Brooke’s personal style, but she supposed it works for some people. The flower shop retained the same rustic and homey feeling that her godfather had left it with. The stained wood and small, but purposeful windows that lined the front of the shop allowed enough natural light in to illuminate the hardwood floors, that had definitely seen better days. It wasn’t perfect, but it worked, and it was home.
Vanessa started working at the bakery a few months after Brooke first opened her doors. The only reason she knew that the girl’s name was Vanessa was because she could hear the owners yell it from across the road/street/sidewalk every day when the girl would inevitably fuck something up.
Brooke didn’t get to hear Vanessa’s name from the girl herself, until one day on her lunch break when she hit her with her bike.
Yes. Hit her with her bike.
Brooke was in her head, as usual, imagining the rest of her night cuddled up with her cats, and didn’t notice the petite woman making her way across the sidewalk/street/road.
The resulting crash sounded a lot worse than it was. It happened in a flash, and the only reason Brooke knew she hit anything was the squeak the younger girl let out before she fell gracelessly to the ground.
Brooke jumped off her bike immediately and gave the girl her hand.“Oh my god! I’m so sorry.” She mumbled pulling her up. The girl was a lot lighter than Brooke mentally calculated for, and as a result, she ended up pulling Vanessa flush against her. Brooke stepped away quickly, ducking her head to hide the blush that threatened to creep up her neck.
Now would probably be a good time to mention that Brooke had been hopelessly infatuated with Vanessa from the first day she saw her. The petite latina had the body of a Victoria’s Secret model and the voice of a tractor; it was a stark contrast that Brooke found endlessly fascinating.
“Well if this is the kinda treatment payin’ customers get, maybe I should take my business elsewhere.”
Vanessa was joking.
Brooke was thankful she wasn’t mad. Brooke also seemed to have forgotten every word in the English language suddenly.
“Lost ya voice there? Thought I was the one that got hurt.” Vanessa’s words snapped Brooke out of her trance.
“Oh fuck, god did I hurt you? I’m so sorry. Come inside, let me clean you up.”
“It ain’t nothin, Mary. I’ll be fine.”
“Well at least take some flowers as an apology.”
“Well if you insist, Miss Brooke.”
Brooke started at the sound of her own name from Vanessa’s mouth, she almost opened her own to ask, but Vanessa cut her off, “You think I’d have worked across from a tall drink’a water like yourself and not creep enough to find out ya name?”
Brooke did blush at this, and almost dropped her keys. She could feel Vanessa’s smirk and eyes burn into her, as she fumbled and finally, fucking finally, got the door open.
Brooke threw the keys in her pocket and flipped on the lights and the OPEN sign. She stood awkwardly in the middle of the rows of hanging hydrangeas as Vanessa made her way around the small shop. She had an amused smile on her face all the while, as she sniffed and ran her fingers so slowly over petals.
“You’ve always been on break when I try to come over and check this place out.”
“Oh, sorry I didn’t-”
“Don’t apologize, Mary. It just means we are going to have to start taking lunch breaks together.” Vanessa came to stand in front of her. “You owe it to me after nearly killin me with your bike.”
Brooke let some of the tension out of her shoulders as she chuckled lightly. “You’ve got yourself a deal-”
“You’ve got yourself a deal, Vanessa.”
Vanessa’s smile filled her whole face, and Brooke had to look away or she was going to do something very stupid, like kiss her.
Brooke coughed lightly. “What flowers can I get you, as an apology?”
“Which ones you think? You da expert after all.”
Brooke smiled. She didn’t even have to think before making her way to the front of the shop. “Astilbe.” She said to herself and Vanessa, but mostly herself. The flower was fern-like, but the bright purple blooms feather out in your hands, which often left Brooke with a feeling of whimsy.
“Oh yeah, why?”
Brooke blushed again. “They are supposed to symbolize patience and dedication.”
Vanessa’s smirk widened as Brooke still didn’t meet her eyes. “They’re beautiful.” Brooke noticed how close Vanessa suddenly was to her, and almost jumped back when the smaller hands brushed against hers to take the small bouquet.
Just as the tension became unbearable, a customer entered the shop, shattering their little paradise. Vanessa gave Brooke a quick smile, but just before letting the door close behind her, she shouted, “Don’t forget you owe me lunch tomorrow too.”
Brooke never asked how Vanessa knew when her lunch break was. But the younger woman met Brooke right at three, as she promised, with her purse and a smile as big as Brooke’s chest felt.
They made their way in relative silence along the street/sidewalk/road, only stopping when they both inhaled the scent from the local cafe. They gave each other a look before bursting into giggles. Brooke held the door, and the rest of the hour passed in a daze.
It took them a while to warm up to each other, Vanessa’s brash personality often overpowering Brooke, but still intriguing her to know more about the Puerto Rican spitfire. They made a habit of it though. Every day at three they would get lunch. Vanessa would appear on her doorstep with her purse and a paper bag with the bakery’s logo on it. They would try to be adventurous and go to new restaurants around the small shopping area, but they always ended up at the cafe.
They would get their food to-go and sit on the roof of the old movie theatre while looking out over the town. Vanessa would steal the fresh cookies right out of the oven and bring them for dessert. She would eat half of them before getting to Brooke, but Brooke never minded. They would sometimes eat in silence, and other times they could hardly finish their food they were talking so much.
One day Vanessa came in earlier than usual. “Hey Miss thang, so I’m gonna have to take a raincheck on lunch today.”
Brooke tried to control her face so it didn’t display the sudden pang in her chest. “Oh yeah? Got a hot date or something?”
Vanessa wouldn’t meet her eyes. “Yeah, actually.”
Brooke’s brain suddenly screeched to a halt.
This was fine.
This was normal.
Beautiful girls like Vanessa must get asked out all the time.
It shouldn’t be a big deal.
But that doesn’t stop the pang in her chest from growing to a beating against her ribcage.
“Well, I’ll have to catch up with you later then.” Brooke turned to get back to work.
“Brooke, wait. I actually need your help.” Vanessa was wringing her hands together, clearly nervous. “I wanted to bring him flowers.”
Great, just fucking great,Brooke’s mind spoke. “Oh, ok, sure. What kind were you thinking?”
“Could you do that trick you do?”
Brooke smiled softly. On some days, when Vanessa got on lunch before her, the younger girl would come sit behind the register and ask Brooke which flowers reminded her of people. She would give her reasoning, mostly based on logic, and appearance, and Vanessa would giggle and nod along to her explanation, then pick an entirely different one because she thought it fit better. The hateful thing was that sometimes, Vanessa’s wild guesses based off of no knowledge or thought were right.
“What’s he like?”
Vanessa smiled. “He’s tall, with black hair. He’s kinda macho man on the outside, but he’s real sweet to me.”
Brooke again held back the facial expression she so desperately wanted to make. She picked a bunch of bright blue cornflowers and tied them neatly before handing them to Vanessa. “Bright and cheery like you, but hardy and tough like him. They were usually worn by men in love. They say the flowers will bloom and become more beautiful when the love is reciprocated.”
Vanessa gave her a knowing smile, before rummaging around in her puse for her wallet. Brooke stopped her. “My treat. To the happy couple.”
“It’s just a first date ma, not marriage.”
And that comment shouldn’t have hit Brooke as hard as it did. They had only known each other for a few months, why did the thought of Vanessa marrying some guy make her nauseous.
The latina threw her one last dazzling smile before the bell above the shop gave out a heartbreaking ring.
Vanessa made a habit of stopping by the shop before dates, not that she had many, just the first dates. She would describe her lover and Brooke would pretend her heart wasn’t breaking.
One day everything shifted. Vanessa came in early, meaning she had another date. Brooke steeled herself so as not to show any emotion. “Hey Mami, gotta another lover lined up for tonight. Can ya help a sister out?”
“You know the drill by now. What is he like? Tall, dark, and handsome, again?”
“Wow, you tryna clock my type?”
Brooke didn’t like being called out. She knew that she took too much of an interest in the guys Vanessa dated, she didn’t need the other girl knowing about it.
“Well, sheis really funny and charismatic. She-”
Brooke had zoned out at this point.
Vanessa had said “she.”
Vanessa dated women.
Vanessa liked women.
It shouldn’t have hurt more than the others, but it did. If Vanessa just wasn’t into girls it would have been hard, but Brooke wasn’t here to turn straight girls.
But the reality was actually a million times worse, because Vanessa was into girls, she just wasn’t into Brooke.
Brooke mindlessly grabbed the nearest flowers, tying them up, and not meeting Vanessa’s eyes. She couldn’t stand to hear about how this girl’ssmile made her even more beautiful. She thrust the bouquet in Vanessa’s face, maybe a bit too harshly.
The younger girl looked at her, slightly shocked. Then, realization dawned on her. “Oh. I thought you knew. Sorry.” Brooke shook her head lightly. “Well I did tell you that Aquaria and I were more than just roommates.”
“I don’t care who you sleep with, ‘Nessa.” Brooke spat out.
Vanessa’s face turned darker, and her voice took on a sharper tone.“Well it seems like you do.”
And Brooke did. She really fucking did.
“Whatever.” Before Brooke could blink, Vanessa was out the door. The bell rang in Brooke’s ears for the remainder of the day.
She didn’t see Vanessa for a week. Brooke knew she had only herself to blame. Lashing out at her like that. She hadn’t meant to. But Brooke was never good at dealing with her emotions. She was called “too emotional” when she was younger, and thus, was the most picked on kid in her class. She learned to stop showing those emotions. So much so, that when she was older people chastised her for being “too cold.” Brooke couldn’t win.
After a week of not seeing her, and missing her more and more every day, Brooke bit the bullet and texted her.
Look, I’m really sorry. Can we talk?
Vanessa had sent a simple “ok.”
Brooke waited impatiently for the clock to hit three. And right on time, as usual, Vanessa appeared in front of her. They stood there for a while. Neither looking at each other. Until they both tried to break the silence.
Vanessa smiled lightly. “Go ahead. Sorry.”
Brooke started. “Listen, I’m really sorry. I don’t know what was wrong with me. I shouldn’t have acted that way.” Brooke smiled softly. “All I know is that I miss you. I miss hanging out with you, and this week has been horrible.”
“Yeah. I missed your stupidly tall face.” Vanessa smiled. “Apology accepted.”
Brooke pulled her into a hug and tried not to let her mind soak in Vanessa’s perfume. Vanessa pulled away first but stayed close with a hopeful look in her eye.
“Well, I actually am going on another date tonight, hopefully. So, I needed your help anyway.”
Brooke plastered on her fake smile again, and ignored her chest constricting. “Sure.”
Vanessa looked up at her, a mischievous glint in her eye. “Well, she’s really sweet. She cares a lot about me.”
“Everyone cares a lot about you, ‘Nessa. You’re amazing.”
Vanessa winked at her. “She’s also really bad at keeping secrets. She told me once that she spoiled her mom’s birthday surprise because she was so excited to give her gifts.”
Brooke’s smile vanished. She looked at Vanessa shocked, as the younger girl continued. “She’s also really tall. Got the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen.” Vanessa stepped closer to her, making the space between them almost nonexistent. “She’s got the biggest heart of anybody I ever met. She sometimes can do stupid things and drive people away, but it’s only cause she’s scared of gettin hurt.” Vanessa got up on her tiptoes, and they were centimeters apart. “I’m not gonna hurt you, Brooke.”
Brooke believed her.
They both leaned in at the same time, and everything fell into place. Vanessa’s arms came to wrap around Brooke’s neck, and Brooke’s hands made a home on Vanessa’s hips. Vanessa’s lips were soft and pliant, and she was every bit as much as an amazing kisser as she was an amazing person.
When they finally came up for air, Brooke rested her forehead on Vanessa’s. Their eyes stayed locked, and huge smiles broke across both of their faces.
“I think I know just the flower.”
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wahbegan · 5 years
The Scary Asylum Trope (From Somebody Who’s Been Committed)
I can’t help but feel that the very loud and righteous voices of people with the best of intentions....who also have no idea what the fuck they’re talking about often overshadow those with a more nuanced and realistic view of the world because they’ve been through the shit. Especially on this site. In the real world, of course, both are drowned out by the man who both has bad intentions AND no idea what he’s talking about, but either way, the fact remains: people with first-hand experience of the ugliness of society saying shit nobody wants to hear, especially shit that makes the world a bit more morally grey and a bit more frightening than anyone would like to deal with are never listened to. 
 Although it’s often overlooked, I think we can all agree that the mentally ill and substance-addicted are among the most cast-off and overlooked members of society. Junkheads and crazies are already struggling to survive and nobody wants to give them a job, get too close to them, give them money, have them wandering the streets or coming into their businesses. Unlike other forms of oppression, one of the most insidious things about this is it’s opposed by almost nobody. “Don’t give that guy money, he’s a crackhead”, “stay away from that bum, she’s not right in the head, she’s dangerous”, “we can’t give you a job because of your history with substance abuse”, none of these statements are remotely controversial with the vast majority of people. A lot of people get angry when you say they should be or even suggest the mentally ill (not disabled, mind you, just ill) or addicted are even oppressed by society at all. Addicts, particularly. The general consensus is they ARE dangerous, they DO do illegal shit, they ARE unpredictable and unable to work reliably or have an interpersonal relationship with you, and most importantly...they brought this on themselves. This, of course, brings us to that great garbage bin of society’s dregs, the mental hospital.
Okay, so a bit of background. In Senior Year of college, I was alcoholic, cartoonishly depressed, and trying to deal with vague, unspecified shit that may have been trauma or a personality disorder or something I do not know, all I have ever been officially been diagnosed with is depression, but that doesn’t cover everything. I don’t know to this day exactly what’s wrong with me and I’ve gotten too old and used to it to really care enough to speculate. But long story short, one night I got too mouthy about a suicide attempt as I often do...to be honest, I think my crippling fear of the oblivion i believe follows death tends to manifest as loudly telegraphing my intentions to commit so that I have a chance to wake up even if I don’t chicken out at the last second...but anyway. My friend Vanessa came by my door and helped me down out of the home-made belt noose in my closet, and the cops were called. Cue being taken away in a cop car in handcuffs and 96 hours in a mental hospital without ANYONE believing any of my attempts to defend myself or even being put before a judge how’s that for due process ladies and gentlemen?
I won’t say what hospital I was in due to all the horrible shit I’m about to say about its character, but I WILL say when i first got there, many a joke was made about a then very topical certain someone who was known as a whistleblower and/or traitor depending on where you fall on the political spectrum who leaked a bunch of CIA and NSA shit. Oh, yeah, completely unrelated, did I mention I went to the University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, VA? Just a fun tidbit.
Anyway, I know this is slow in getting to the point, so let’s cut to the meat of the thing. From Outlast (the good one), to Arkham Asylum, to Silence of the Lambs, Session 9, Halloween, to House on Haunted Hill (the bad but enjoyable one), to that story some kid in grade school and/or your older sister wouldn’t shut the fuck up about that had an escaped mental patient who apparently the staff had deemed wise to give a pirate hook for a hand, the common consensus is: mental hospitals are fucking scary. More specifically, crazy people are fucking scary.
In recent years, as we’ve all grown a little more compassionate and people give the mentally ill at least a few months or years before they decide your shit is too much for them to deal with and throw you out like a leper, there’s been very strong pushback against this. Particularly on places like tumblr and other random blogs and op eds around the internet. It’s easy to see why. Dehumanizing the mentally ill is not only offensive to people who CAN actually generally understand and remember what you say about us, thank you very much, it’s just lazy. People like Michael Myers (no not that one the scary one) and Joker, who would NEVER see the inside of a hospital due to their clear intelligence and control over their actions, are thrown in an asylum as a cheap plot device, and classifying a character as crazy lets you ignore pesky little things like “character motivation” and “consistent characterization in general, fuckwit”. People may even praise your character for lacking those things if they’re cuh-RAZY enough. Again, Michael Myers (still not that one) and Joker.
I’m a huge fan of the pushback against the escaped mental patient with a hook trope. Having been a mental patient myself, I can assure you that almost all ANYONE wants to break out of that shit hole to do is get some good fucking food, sleep in a real bed, and pork their significant other. Mr. Pirate Hook, in a realistic version of that story, may have jumped the teen lovers for their car just to drive it to the liquor store and then his girlfriend’s house.
The problem is, and this is the main point of this giant fucking essay, that there is now also considerable related pushback against asylums being scary places. Ironically enough, this is coming not mainly from certifiable and dangerous-to-themselves-or-others type people. This pushback is coming from very well-meaning young adults with anxiety disorders and/or depressive episodes who are very sweet and god bless them I just know for a fact have never EVER seen the inside of one of these fucking places. It is coming from people who don’t want asylums to be seen as scary places because they want the mentally ill to want to go to them. To help them, ostensibly, but a tiny little cynical “fuck everyone” part of me thinks it’s more like to sweep their mess into someone else’s room so they don’t have to fucking handle it.
Now, before I continue, let me stress that the place I was in was a bit renowned for being a terrible shit hole. I’m sure my experience would have been a lot nicer at a suburban 50k a day mansion rehab for celebrities in the hills of Los Angeles. You don’t condemn all hotels in the world because of one particularly traumatic stay at the bumblefuck nowhere clown motel next to the old graveyard (yes that is a real thing), right? And unlike hotels, there’s no such thing as an asylum critic. A lot of people do NEED to be hospitalized for safety, and a lot of people DO, through one method or another, find themselves better off by the end of their stay. And I’m sure the go-to solution for any and all of life’s problems isn’t “tranq them in the ass and throw them in an isolation room” in EVERY hospital. But I get a sneaking suspicion it’s most of them. With that disclaimer out of the way, let’s continue.
Mental hospitals are the most terrifying fucking places in the world. Every time one of my well-meaning friends who’s never been committed says they think a brief hospital stint would do me good, I want to throw a blender at their fucking head. Every one of your relatively well-adjusted but probably on an anti-depressant or anxiety meds guidance counselor and social workers friends will list their good qualities until they’re blue in the face and tell you it’s not at all like the movies and there’s nothing to be scared of. It’s not like the movies, most of the time. Not exactly. But that resort and bond with people who have been through the same thing as you and time to work on yourself and group therapy and art class pitch they sell you on? Yeah, it’s bullshit.
Let’s continue with my story. When I was brought in from the main hospital, they first sent me to acute. I’ve been to county jail, and I’ve been to the acute treatment (read: high risk/high security) wing in an asylum, and I would pick county. Every fucking time. Bless her heart, my patient and long-suffering girlfriend at the time, who had been by my side for the whole process, was sitting next to me and holding my hand as they did the intake survey. They were at least compassionate enough or smart enough to know I would be a lot more placid and manageable with her around to let her stay for the intake process. Outside, the hallway was dark, one guy was on a prison-style wall-mounted phone, some dudes were playing cards, a woman was wandering up and down the hallway....and up and down and up and down and up and down the hallway. And from somewhere, someone was screaming. Not words. Just...screaming. Nobody seemed to do anything about it, see what she was screaming about. I don’t know if it was agony, misery, or fury. Maybe some combination of the three. On and on and on, with breaks seemingly only to get her breath back. I was in the acceptance stage at this point, and was busy shutting down emotional channels one by one and going into survival mode, steeling myself for my stay, but my girlfriend at the time...she looked terrified and broken-hearted. The thought of her leaving a loved one in this windowless pit (this wing, you see, was underground) destroyed her. I could tell. It would me, if I were in her situation. It is a traumatizing situation to be in. There’s no way out, nobody believes anything you say unless you tell them the worst, you can see that woman out in the hall passing back and forth and back in forth in the door window, and someone is screaming like she’s in Hell. Maybe she was.
The screaming was when I first realized an ugly truth and my morals were shaken into a grey zone: people who are mentally ill can be pretty fucking scary. Even if they’re harmless. I never saw that woman or found out why she was screaming. But in that moment, I desperately feared her and hoped I would never find out. It’s easy now for me to look back on her with compassion and pity and feel ashamed for my reaction, wish I could have helped her, but then...I was already in a fragile place. She scared me. And this leads to the next conclusion, even worse. You scare other people, and maybe it’s understandable that they’re scared. 
I deeply repress my anger. I have never in my life been violent or had the urge to be, and I don’t plan on changing that. But my anger is repressed. It can take a lot of battering before it shows itself...but when it comes out, it’s in a sudden, explosive, deep-throat scream worthy of a jump scare in a horror movie showing a protagonist is losing his mind and can’t be trusted any more. I usually only get about half a sentence out in this way before I scare myself, my eyes go wide with horror, I clap my hands over my mouth and run out of the room crying. But by then it’s too late. I got so drunk so often I forgot huge chunks of my past and have no idea what I said or did. I emotionally wounded people. I acted unpredictably. I asked to borrow a friend’s cigarette while she was DRIVING, and casually, with no warning, ground it out on my arm. My girlfriend often found me passed out through booze or asphyxiation or covered in blood. Crazy is undeniably scarier to live with than it is to witness, and I often get frustrated when it feels like people don’t remember or fully understand that. But...that doesn’t mean witnessing it isn’t fucking horrible. People were being perfectly rational to be afraid around me. Never afraid OF me, everyone who knows me knows of my physically gentle nature (with others) and desperate desire to be a good person. But they were afraid: afraid of my behavior when I wasn’t in control, of what reckless and insane shit I might do to self-destruct and/or inadvertently hurt people around me.
Thankfully, my intake survey and a nurse who noticed my relatively normal behavior both indicated I should be in the (above-ground!) high-functioning wing, so I was quickly moved there. I never figured out who that scream belonged to. But even in high-functioning...it wasn’t much reprieve. A woman shit the bed, a man fresh out of acute regaled us with stories of getting tranqed and thrown in isolation because he had barricaded himself in his room with all his furniture and berated the orderlies as they tried to force their way in about “you should really bolt the furniture down it’s a safety risk I could be killing myself in here” because he was bored. My only friend in the wing, who I really did like quite a lot and still do even though we fell out of touch, had a roommate who was always acting like she was just on the edge of doing something fucking stupid. Once, her husband smuggled her a shaving razor, which she whipped out in front of my friend, waving it around and threatening to kill herself. When my friend alerted the orderlies, this woman put it (IN ITS CASE I always feel I should clarify) up her pussy to hide it and feigned ignorance, resulting in my friend going to isolation. No tranq though. This was the high-functioning unit, after all.
Your one-on-ones with the psychiatrist were roughly 3-5 minutes in length and consisted of medication questions and asking if you were literally going to beat your head against a wall until you died in the next 15 minutes, otherwise talk about it in group. The more you insisted to this man that you were fine and shouldn’t be here and inquired about the legal status of your incarceration and when you could be released, the worse he thought you were. 
There were times to gather and talk about feelings. There was art. Some people were very good at it. Visiting hours. But most of the time was just...sitting. Sitting, bored out of your god damned skull, so bored you might just barricade your room with all of its furniture and laugh and laugh and laugh as the orderlies try to force their way in. The patient man doesn’t need to inflict physical torture to break someone. Isolation and boredom do things to the human mind, maybe sooner, maybe later, but...up there, I said hospitals make a lot of people better. They also make a lot of people worse. Then they have to stay for longer. When they’re finally released, they don’t remember how to live in the normal world and soon end up back inside. 
Just like prison. Make no mistake, the asylum is a prison. A prison where nobody believes a god damned word that comes out of your mouth. A prison for people nobody wants to deal with. A prison where they stick you with people whose crazy does NOT fuck with your crazy and you start to think maybe people are right for not wanting to deal with you after all. That’s the worst part of negative emotional reactions to symptoms of mental illness. How god damned much they remind you of yourself. The trauma I mentioned off-hand up there was that my ex from High School may or may not have abused me it’s complicated and fuzzy i don’t remember it’s not important. What is important is a new girl came in once who casually admitted to abusing her boyfriend. I backed away slowly and retreated into a private room, where my one friend had to comfort me. Later, the class clown, Mr. Barricade Tranq-in-the-Ass, made a rape joke in front of her. A rape survivor.
Everyone’s mind breaks in very similar ways, but for very different reasons and with just different enough symptoms and fears and psychotic hatreds that there WILL be people in your unit you fucking hate, whose crazy and yours grind on each other’s gears. There will be people you are afraid of, people you’re stupidly attached to for no reason other than they’re there and nice to you.
Throwing all these people in a hole and throwing away the key does not create an environment conducive to anyone’s mental health. Then, of course, there’s the treatment. Yes, like I said, if you’re willing to petition like 5 people about it and constantly remind them, you may get some good one-on-one time. You may get some good nuggets out of group therapy. You might make nice art. Mostly, though, they cut you off from the outside world and take you away from everything you love and put you with a bunch of potentially terrifying strangers and just fucking leave ya there. To rot. 
The problem with mental hospitals is the problem they’ve always had. No, obviously nobody’s head is in a cage and they don’t electrocute and lobotomize you, but the theory is the same. They want you to stop being crazy. But first, and foremost, they want to keep you there and keep you under control. That is the primary goal. Not treatment. Keeping you there and controlled. I suppose if you consider the history of asylums it’s quite humane, but I wasn’t joking up there about the tranqs in the ass.Everything from death threats to trying to pork another patient to getting too lippy with a nurse is treated with the tried and true ass-tranq isolation room. How long will you be in there? Who knows!! Until they remember they put you in there and/or the shit that you’ve smeared on the walls starts to smell. 
And all of this leads to the most horrible conclusion of all, the kind that makes people truly lose their minds if they think about it too long in that Lovecraftian/Poe kind of way where your hair turns white: maybe there is no right way to handle mentally ill people, and if there is, we sure as fuck haven’t found it yet.
The mentally ill are oppressed and deserve compassion. Love. Support. But we can also be terrifying to the mentally well, to each other, to ourselves...and forcing all of these people into a cage they don’t want to be in with strangers who they’re irritated with and scared of who are irritated and scared right back at them and leaving them in this weird, artificially constructed, regimented society until you deem them fit to leave is....ha. Well, it’s crazy!. And it is scary. And it can and often does make people worse. 
So please, don’t...don’t say mental hospitals shouldn’t be seen as scary or shouldn’t be used in horror. By all means, do it. But do it well. Look to Outlast. See, in Outlast, the set-up is very trite. Big asylum, patients escaped and massacred the staff. But you’re there on a tip that human rights abuses and clandestine experiments were being performed. Most of the inmates are doing vaguely unnerving shit but are harmless, just like a real hospital. Some are just fucking watching TV. And the game is never satisfied with “this guy’s crazy.” Walker, the ‘UGE FUCKIN GOI who everyone’s terrified of has awful PTSD and if you listen to his idle dialogue, is always muttering about containment protocol and stopping the spread of something. And by the end of the game, you realize he might not be as crazy as he seemed, and that the patients massacring the hospital staff was completely understandable and maaaybe even a little bit their own fucking fault. One guy, in an absolutely heart-wrenching and my absolute favorite part of the game, is just sitting broken in a burning kitchen talking about how this place took everything from them because nobody cares about a few abused or dead lunatics, so he’s gonna burn the whole fucking thing down.
You know what it basically comes down to? Most of the crazy people aren’t dangerous. Some are, but the ones that are have clear motivations. Crazy ones, but motivations. Almost like........ooohhh the point emerges REAL FUCKING PEOPLE! Make villains crazy. Well, all right to be honest, it wouldn’t hurt to slow down a bit on that, but I don’t want it to stop entirely. Depict asylums as the Hellish shit holes they are. But for God’s sake, just write mentally ill people like human beings. A human being you can’t understand isn’t the same thing as a non-human. Nobody does things for NO reason at all. If you’re writing a crazy villain, don’t make him evil because he’s crazy and the symptoms of his crazy are being evil; if you’re setting something in an asylum, make sure the horror doesn’t start and end with guys in straightjackets frothing at the mouth and screaming about how they want to fuck whoever’s walking past them in the aorta. 
I don’t want the truth about us, our condition, our capacity for harming those around us, or how fucked up it is how society treats us because it has no idea what the fuck it’s doing sanitized because it’s difficult to deal with and there are no clear good guys.
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cawcawpeasants · 7 years
Hey! I would like to ask for some Vermillion and Silva headcannons if the families were living in a modern world and maybe for the Black Bulls too? If it's not to much! Thanks!
Thanks for the ask, I will give it my best! :D
Mereoleona: Maybe in the Military, but she would also be awesome as a chef or sous chef in a high class restaurant. I could see her in a workplace thats a bit more secluded, as she doesnt like the fuss politics and economie bring with them. She owns a harley, next to a more practical jeep, and she loves to spend her vacations by making tours on her baby. She also loves Leatherjackets. In her free time she participates in Kickboxing-classes, sometimes even teaching the class when the instructor doesnt show up. Her house is full with weights and she has two maine coon cats (called Simba and Nala, because, even though shed rather die than to admit it, she loves the Lion king and never got over Mufasas death. She quietly checked up on Leon and her father when she couldnt sleep to make sure they were fine and still there)
Leon: He would make a great trainer for a famous team, whatever kinda sport. He probably would take over the familys business, though. It would fit, if their family has something to do with sports equipment. But actually, he is the perfect man for the job of police captain or higher up. Also much political influence, give due to his lineage. Before working he graduated from Law school and is an certificated Lawyer. He is also big on saving animal and helps fighting for their rights in his free time, especially big cats.
Leo: still in school, but he aspires to be like his bro. Hes great in Sports of all kind, and even the Captain of the soccer team. Apart from that he plays tennis, basketball, does judo, rows, and if you would place him on top of a horse he would even manage that. He still lives at home, but he is over at Leons so often that he has Keys, some stuff stored in a closet and the Pull-out couch is also always reserved for him.
Mimosa: Also still in school, wants to become a doctor since she was 5. She is pretty grown up, even for her age, and is a school council member. Sometimes she models for Kirsch, because she still loves him, even though they fight often. She likes to help the underprivileged by tutoring them, this way she met asta, who is a pupil on her sisterschool. 
Kirsch: Hes in college and studys fashion and design. He also works as a model, has gotten a role in a movie and runs his own fashion and make-up brand. (Keeping up with Kirsch is a running Headline in boulevard magazines)
Nozel: He would either make a kick-ass attorney or judge (with customized robes), but also be great as head of a company that has to do with aviary systems, satellites, planes or else. Also he has influence on politics and plans to run as major in the future. He is pretty old fashioned when it comes to his freetime-activities. He collects art, stamps and researches birds in quiet. Sometimes he funds expeditions to discover more about rare species, or integral nature reserves. He also bought many plots of lands, where endangered Birds live, all across the world, because the ongoing destruction of their habitat and their extinction is bothersome to him. He has degrees in law and business and is a wanted Single on the market, a circumstance that has led to him living more and more secluded, in the company of a grey parrot. (it once belonged to his mother and sometimes it would say sentences it copied from her)
Nebra: Nobody knows what Nebra does. Nobody dares to ask. She clouds herself in mist and mysteries. She probably works for the government.
Solid: He goes to college, majors in either business or law, because the family wants him to do that. Actually he is more a partyguy, the typical fratboy. Obviously, the frat is like completely his because Silvas of many generations were members. Also he has a thing for fast silver cars. Nozel hopes he will grow out of this eventually. 
The Bulls: Okay, this one is tough, I have tried to think of a place where a bunch of adults, teens and kids can live together at. So how about they are all neighbors in a House with cheap rent, and over time they formed a big family?
Noelle: She goes to school, and after she was kicked out she emancipated herself. She moved into the Black bull mansion and lives from her allowance. She works as a waitress in the cafe-bar-restaurant on the groundfloor of the building.
Asta: He and Juno both got scholar ships, he especially for his physical abiltys, but the money wasn’t quite enough for an accomodation, so he lives in a small, run down 1-room apartement and also works in the restaurant, but as a bouncer. 
(No, im sure its not legal for minors to work in such a place, but they need the money)
Finral: is a manager and bartender, ran away from home and landed there. After his family got more and more abusive he couldnt stay any longer and nearly ended up as a gigolo, but Yami saved his behind before he could self destruct. He still has the bad habit of flirting with every woman he sees, and hes a day dreamer, but all he wishes for is to find the perfect wife, to have many children and be a stay at home dad. He has a lot of love to give and many holes in his heart to fill. For the time being he is something like the eldest brother of the bulls, and whenever someone has to disappear because some investigations are going on, he knows of many hiding spaces and secret escape-ways.
Vanessa: Also ran way from home because of her abusive mother, is from another country and was found by yami shortly after she ran away. Now she also works as a bartender and sometimes as waitress. She has great talent with sewing, crocheting, making and changing clothes. She takes on jobs on the low from the bulls and other people, she even sells some of her works over the internet.
Gordon: Due to his shyness and anxiety he chose to move into a rather antisocial environment, but got aggressively adopted anyways by the bulls. He makes money as accountant, for the Bulls and over the internet.
Gauche: basically, his story is the same, and after his imprisonment was over hes out on probation) Yami got him a room in the building. Sometimes he works as a bouncer, when they are short on staff, otherwise he works in a library or old book shop. During the nights he takes online classes to graduate from school, so he can one day get a well paying job to provide Mary with all the money she needs to get through live easily.
Magna: Is a punk who got picked up by Yami one day, after he and Luck fought in front of the black bulls base. He works at a local shelter, and plays baseball with kids at the community center. Hes a good guy with a tough demeanor. He also tries to help Yami whenever he can, with whatever he can.
Luck: After his mother died he was sent to a social living community, where his attitude to fight everyone was only strengthend. He ran away after an especially bloody fight and landed on Magnas hometurf. They got into a fight, which woke Yami up, and so he and Magna both ended up living there. Yami said, it was so they could attone for their sin of disturbing his sleep. Luck and Magna share a 2-Room flat, because there weren’t that many 1-room ones left. He works as a courierboy and is known for his quick deliverys, but he also really has a knack for electro-engineering. He plans to graduate, too, someday and to open up his own business.
 Charmy: Nobody exactly knows where Charmy comes from exactly. She just turned up one day after she saw, that the Bulls looked for a chef. She only talks about food, and the bulls understood after a while that she really does not want to talk about her past or family. All they know is that she is smaller than average for her age and that her obsession with food could come from shortages of that in her early life.
Gray: Is a nonbinary youth who ran away and lived on the streets. They like to change their looks, now that they make money by working for the black bulls, often just washing dishes, restocking and such. They are great at adapting to new jobs, if these dont require much human interaction. Also the peptalks from the bulls really help. They also posses a great talent for theater works, such as costume design and make up. If they weren’t so shy they would be a great actor too.
Zora: He is one of those inhabitants that come and go. Mostly hes some kind of lone wolf crusader, some sort of social justice warrior who either helps the poor when he sees them being mistreated or posts videos showing misconduct of upperclass jerks. He has a whole network going on, and often sends his videos to the police or news senders, if he has the feeling, that the law enforcement is sweeping something under the rug. He has a high IQ and is proficient in hacking. His mask is his sign, he always wears it when hes in action.
Yami: He is the son of immigrants, or was an illegal immigrant himself. If that was the case, i can imagine that Julius helped him getting citizen status after Yami stopped a Criminal on the run who just happened to run into his direction, looking dangerous and armed. He either is a Detective (private, not police), a headhunter or probation officer. Could also be a cop. Also he runs the Black Bulls bar, mostly so the inhabitants have a place to work at. 
- The Vermillions main Mansion would be huge, but more modern. Much space, training rooms, sports equipment, Medals, trophys and certificates won in various tournaments of all kinds by Mereo, Fuego and Leo covering a whole room.
-The Silvas Mansion would also be huge, but more in a Victorian ‘This house belonged to our family for generations’style. The colourscheme is cold, lots of Silva, blues and dark wood. Also so many chandeliers. So many. Also the family crest is everywhere. Its a place that could easily become a filmset for a historical movie. 
-They don’t have their name on the Postbox, just the crest. Thats how extra they are about it. (This has also often led to drunk or confused people thinking they are some sort of special church, and then trying to enter the house. These incidents always end with unamused Silvas)
- All the eldest children have moved out of their main Mansions, and live in Flats, Appartments and Mereo in a small house a bit out of the city. They all only come back together for celebrations or in cases of emergencies.
-The Black bulls Castle is officially Julius property, because he has the money and power, also he wants to help his eldest son Yami out. Its a total mess, but the Bulls manage to repair most of it themselves. They love their broken down house so much, the started to call it their castle on the clouds, mostly because it is the biggest building they’ve ever lived in, with more luxury they ever imagined they would ever get to enjoy. 
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janeaustentextposts · 7 years
Hi! You talk quite a bit about adaptations, could you give your thoughts on some adaptations of other classic novels, ones you particularly like or hate?
Well, let me think. I’ll give you the rundown on literary adaptations I like or love, as it’s getting late in the evening here and a bout of solid rage isn’t going to send me off to sleep so much as bring on a bout of indigestion. Also I went to review my DVD collection and for obvious reasons I don’t own many DVDs of things that I loathed. (I do recall nearly bursting into tears after a matinee viewing of I Capture the Castle because I felt the movie ended on such a bittersweet note that I was not prepared to walk out of a darkened cinema into a sunny day with birds singing while I was still Feeling a Lot of Unhappy Things, and so I felt like I hated that movie for a long time because of the sheer mood whiplash of it all. Also I wish I’d read the book first. The book is lovely, and I think I’d’ve stomached the film better, had I gone through the book first.)
Oh! I just remembered The Wings of the Dove (1997). I should have loved it, it had a lot going for it, buuuut fuck that movie and everyone involved in it, it just fell flat, for me. I don’t even care how critically-acclaimed it was, all the characters are The Worst and I never have a moment’s sympathy enough to care what happens to any of them. I hate even thinking about this movie and it is largely responsible for how much I despise Helena Bonham-Carter to this very day. Her and Jeremy Irons (who I admit I have many more personal issues with ‘cause he’s a silver-spoon gross-ass fuckshit.) A movie has got to be pretty damn brilliant on several other points for me to get past the knee-jerk rage I feel whenever either of them appear on-screen.
Also The Portrait of a Lady was terrible and riddled with pointless alterations and please just read The Making of a Marchioness, instead. Maybe I should add Linus Roache to my shitlist as he’s in this one, as well as The Wings of the Dove.
And now for adaptations I liked:
Wives and Daughters (1999) is quite good, in my view, and the ending they added to Gaskell’s unfinished work is quite satisfying, I think. (I don’t know about realistic, but it was sweet and simple and I dug it.)
Orlando (1992) Beautifully done. (Billy Zane! I love him in everything and I literally don’t even know why.)
Little Women (1994) is a classic, but I’m also very excited to see what Heidi Thomas and Vanessa Caswill do with the new miniseries from the BBC and PBS next year.
Daniel Deronda (2002) It’s prettyyyyyy. And so is Jodhi Maaaay.
Washington Square (1997) has a beautiful soundtrack, solid direction, and a stellar cast.
Girl with a Pearl Earring (2003) had some great cinematography and a good cast.
Dangerous Liasons (1988) I have such mixed feelings about Malkovich in this one but Glenn Close, holy shit she’s good.
Bridget Jones’s Diary (2001) A TRUE CLASSIC LITERARY ADAPTATION I WILL FIGHT EVERYONE. THEN PAY FOR THE RUINED GREEK RESTAURANT.The Remains of the Day (1993) A somewhat underrated classic that I think perhaps unfairly sits in the shadow of Howard’s End a lot of the time, what with the comparisons of the Thompson-Hopkins casting in a Merchant-Ivory film. (I do like Howard’s End, but, again, Helena Bonham-Carter, and I just connect a lot more with The Remains of the Day, as a story.)
Wide Sargasso Sea (2006) I don’t recall unabashedly loving this one, but I own it, so I feel like I must’ve liked it well enough. Then again, I also just found a copy of Sweeney Todd still in its plastic-wrap that I don’t know how I came by, I don’t even like the concept enough to want to watch it in the first place. Also, Helena Bonham-Carter is in it. And Johnny Depp. Why the fuck do I even own Sweeney Todd? Anyway, Wide Sargasso Sea is alright, though I feel like I preferred Karina Lombard’s Antoinette to Rebecca Hall’s.
The Scarlet Pimpernel (1982) I’m pretty sure this is where Jane Seymour and Anthony Andrews made me bi and SIR IAN MCKELLEN HOW DO YOU DO?
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer (2006) HOW DO YOU FILM SMELLS? LIKE THIS. MY GOD. (Also please read the book.)
Dracula (1992) I mean, the cast swings between pretty good and absolutely wooden, but from a literary standpoint this is one of the more faithful adaptations of Stoker’s novel out there–though this movie is by no means The Best Anyone Could Do. There’s a lot wrong with it. But then Coppola didn’t need to include the blue fire thing, but he did, and I appreciate that.
Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (1994) is worth it for Robert de Niro, alone; and maybe a handful of really, really good shots. Otherwise there’s too much Helena Bonham-Carter and also Ken Branagh just recently hauled himself onto my shitlist but GOOD NEWS the character of Victor Frankenstein was always an annoying fucko and that’s canon, so feel free to hate him throughout, anyhow.
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (1996) Does not get enough love. A good antidote to Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights for anyone who sat there thinking Rochester and Heathcliff were BIG PILES OF RED FLAGS. Wildfell is a cautionary tale, but actually ends reasonably happily (and more believably happily, IMO, than Jane Eyre.)
The Secret Garden (1993) Pure nostalgia for this one, excellent casting, and the same director as Washington Square.
Ivanhoe (1982) Sam Neill has no business making a villain that compelling. (I know, I know, Bois-Gilbert’s characterization is softened a lot in this adaptation.) And this time I’m bi for Neill and Olivia Hussey. Sorry, Anthony Andrews, you drop to second-slot in this love-fest. Also Rowena ruins everything but that’s canon, so what can you do?
Maurice (1987) Who doesn’t love a fluffy gay gamekeeper?
Cousin Bette (1998) Changes stuff from the book, and on the whole the story can be a bit rocky, especially in the second half or so, but it’s worth seeing for Jessica Lange, alone, I think, as well as some broadly comic notes from side-characters in Hugh Laurie and Bob Hoskins.
Possession (2002) Ignore Gwyneth Paltrow as best you can and otherwise enjoy the literary mystery unfolding in between some amazing flashbacks. Most of the good actors are crammed into the flashback bits, but at least there’s some snarky Tom Hollander and dastardly-but-personally-I-think-he’s-in-love-with-Roland Toby Stephens in the modern-day sections to give us some fun.
Twelfth Night (1996) Again, ignoring Helena Bonham-Carter, this one’s got a lot going for it. Trevor Nunn directing, Toby Stephens managing to be damn fine and somehow I don’t entirely mind that Orsino’s kind of a douchebag, Imogen Stubbs being cute as fuck, and stellar supporting actors.
The Inheritance (1997) Look, this is a little-known Louisa May Alcott thing, and I’ll be honest, it’s not Groundbreaking Television. As far as direction and score and acting and script goes, there is no danger of anyone ever losing sight of the fact that it’s a made-for-TV-movie from 1997 and Meredith Baxter was probably the biggest name they could get for it at the time. Anyway, there’s a reason I own it, and that reason is that watching it is the equivalent of a big mug of hot chocolate after a terrible day. It is pretty and sweet and funny and the villains and heroes are clearly marked from the moment they appear on-screen, and is it perhaps a bit too sweet? Yes. Embrace the sugar-shock.Titus (1999) Goes on a little long, perhaps, but you can’t look away. Anthony Hopkins and Jessica Lange go toe to toe and it’s a thing of horrific beauty. Shhh don’t question the batshit bloodbath, just let Julie Taymor do her thing.
Enchanted April (1991) Run away to Italy with your girlfriends. Just do it.
The Princess Diaries (2001) A modern masterpiece. GET OFF THE GRASS.
Bleak House (2005) Oh my God, this cast??? Is so magnificent?
Persepolis (2007) One of those films that are so good you need to lie down afterwards. Again, please also read the graphic novels.
Any Agatha Christie adaptation, ever–I am HERE FOR IT.
I know I’m forgetting one I thought of earlier, but oh well.
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ramajmedia · 5 years
Disney: The Most Magical Female Characters, Ranked | ScreenRant
If there's one thing Disney is known for, its magic.
While sometimes Disney films' magic will inhabit an object or land, other times a human, fairy, or witch will have all the power. We're here to look at all the animated Disney ladies and rank each by their magical abilities.
In this line-up, we will only be looking at characters created by Walt Disney Animation Studios that appeared in an original theatrically released film (not just the sequel). This means characters like Mary Poppins, Morgana from The Little Mermaid II,  and the live-action version of Maleficent will not be considered.
That being said, we still have tons of heroines and villains to consider. It's time to dive into the magic of Disney's best female characters.
10 Yzma
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Yzma is the evil sorceress of The Emperor's New Groove. Though she wasn't born with magical abilities, she knows how to use potions and even has a secret lab. Pull the lever, Kronk!
That being said, it appears she has limited quantities of each of her potions. After being turned into a cat, she plans on using the human potion to transform herself back into her true form. Kuzco ultimately drinks this potion, and the end of the film shows that she is still in her feline form.
While Yzma is a human at the start of the Emperor's New School TV series, how she got here is not explained.
9 Tinkerbelle
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Tinkerbelle isn't as sinister as Yzma and ranks higher thanks to her natural powers. Tink creates pixie dust, which she can share with others. This means that not only she can fly but so can her friends.
RELATED: The 10 Best Disney Shared Universe Fan Theories, Ranked
Unfortunately for Tink, she quickly fades if people stop believing in her. In Return to Never Land, it is revealed that Tink will die unless she can get Jane to have faith in fairies.
8 Fairy Godmother
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Cinderella's Fairy Godmother has the power to make people's dreams come true with the magic words "bibbidi-bobbidi-boo." However, she can only do this with her wand as seen in Cinderella III: A Twist in Time. After losing her wand, she becomes powerless and is actually turned to stone after Anastasia picks it up and loses control of it.
Even with the wand though, her magic powers have their limitations. After dressing Cinderella up for the ball, the Fairy Godmother informs her that at the stroke of midnight, everything will go back to normal.
7 The Evil Queen
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Like Yzma, the Evil Queen doesn’t appear to have natural powers. That being said, she's dabbled in dark magic. She has a Magic Mirror, combines a potion with a spell that changes herself into an ugly hag, and knows how to mix up a terrifying brew that creates a deadly apple.
The Evil Queen's downfall is mortality. When lightning strikes the rock that she stands on, she ends up falling hundreds of feet and getting crushed under the weight of the ground she once stood on.
6 Rapunzel
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While many people believe Rapunzel has healing, aging, and even life-resurrecting powers, it appears what she really has is the ability to manipulate time. The song she sings to activate her powers has the phrase "make the clock reverse" in it. When she sings to Mother Gothel, she gets younger. When she wraps her hair around Flynn's wounded hand, it is restored to an uninjured state at an earlier time. When Flynn dies, her tears take him back to a time when he was still alive. If that's not the craziest power, we don't know what is.
While Rapunzel still has the magic inside of her post-haircut, it appears that it is now more difficult to access.
5 Elsa
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Elsa has ice powers, and once she gets control of them, she's able to do a lot. Sure, she can't reverse time like Rapunzel, but she can bring inanimate objects to life. Yes, you heard that right.
RELATED: 10 Fun Gifts For Fans Of Disney Princesses
Olaf didn't come from nowhere. He came from Elsa's ice powers, and even though she didn't intentionally recreate him as part of her eternal winter, she does intentionally bring the giant snow monster Marshmallow to life.
4 Ursula
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This magic sea witch has all sorts of powers even before she gets ahold of the Trident. She can create all sorts of spells including ones that alter people's forms (as seen when she makes Ariel a human and turns herself into Vanessa).
She becomes even more powerful after she gets ahold of King Triton's prize position, doubling in size and creating a storm. While she may be terrifying, she is mortal and ends up dying after Prince Eric steers a ship into her.
3 Flora, Fauna, And Merryweather
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The Three Good Fairies from Sleeping Beauty may only be able to perform magic with their wands, but they're still much more powerful than Cinderella's Fairy Godmother, especially when working together. They are able to bestow blessings on people and can even alter the curse Maleficent casts on Aurora to make her fall asleep rather than die.
They can also alter enchant inanimate objects to work for them, move items with their minds, manipulate colors, conjure objects out of thin air, disappear, put people to sleep, create fire, transform things into other things, and change their sizes. That's a whole lot.
2 Maleficent
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The most powerful of the Disney Villains is this evil fairy from Sleeping Beauty. She literally describes her magic to Prince Phillip as using all the powers of hell. That's intense.
These powers include the ability to cast curses, hypnosis, flying, object conjuration, and the ability transforming into a massive fire-breathing dragon. That being said, Maleficent isn't all-powerful and ends up dying once Phillip stabs her dragon belly with the Sword of Truth.
1 Blue Fairy
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The Blue Fairy from Pinocchio isn't a vastly explored character. While we don't know how much magic she has, we do know it's a lot, being that is able to put life into an inanimate object and eventually turn Pinocchio into a real, living human being.
She is also seen turning Pinocchio's ever-growing nose back to its original size, freeing Pinocchio from a cage, and taking the form of a dove. If she has weaknesses, we don't know about them.
NEXT: The 10 Best Disney Princess Sidekicks, Ranked
source https://screenrant.com/disney-magical-female-ranked/
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swearronchanel · 7 years
continuing the hiatus with 4.05
Well I'm here avoiding responsibilities as usual, pretending that I don't have class in the morning or any laundry to do but like I said I've been watching shameless and I need a little wholesome ctm to balance it out lol & @ilovemushystuff recommended I watch 4.05 *thank u 😌*but let us go on this journey together 🙃...
the clothes lines remind me of home bc we don't have a dryer in our apartment haha & when it's cold out my mom hangs everything up around the house it's a hilarious nyc struggle lol
my bby shelagh!! 💕 so precious pushing the pram! omg we get to see this again next series *hopefully* with unnamed baby turner 😭!!
aw I miss summer!! I love being out in the summer *plus my birthday is in August*🙃
Ahh aren't we glad Shelagh got new dresses, cause I'm not feeling this one lol
Jenny Agutter's smile w/ her eyebrows raised >>, am I right
Wait this is the osteogenesis imperfecta case right ??
Laura looking angelic but that is not at all new, I just have to always mention it
Now all I can do is stare at her hair bc of this debate earlier 😂 what color?? 
but damn I don't like this dress either I forgot how disrespectful the costume designers were in series 4😂😂
Patrick grabbing her hand saying thank you ugh so pure 😭😢
It's been 3 fucking mins and look at all the shit I've said wow I hate me
Pats and Trix!! I miss their friendship
Haha omg this is right after Trixie and Tom broke up #awkward
"Wild peach, isn't it glorious?" I love my other bby trixie. We are so similar but she's better 💕
"Roasted like a Sunday dinner" LMAO
aw this is the episode with the Sylheti mum, here's some quality early Babs
SISTER E 😭😭😭 I miss her aww
Omg &Sister Mary Cynthia! she just became a nun aw I miss her being so happy 💔 I hope she's in the Christmas special or Series 7 Premiere
"Ready?" ugh I just think of all the times we're heard that, like Trixie asking Shelagh when she was about to get married *hello my two favs interacting its iconic for me* or when Trixie told Sister MC off she wanted to ask her if she was ready when she went to become a postulant like if she was getting married,  my heart 😭 UPDATE: I made a post about it
speaking of my gal Beatrix here she is again
I want to be that platinum blonde tbh
Sister Julienne saying "little man" yes I'm here for this such thing
little Raymond like ST Raymond or the baby that was left on the steps .. wait what happened to him? I forgot lol it's been a while
I do not like Sister Mj's absence
but yes her nephew! Did he just like stop picking her up??
Aw Trixie wanted to hug sister MC I can tell, nuns can hug though why didn't she?
we were robbed of a cute sister MC & sister W young- nun dynamic duo
but I like sister Winifred so much more now she's lowkey golden
Diphtheria yikes
I forgot that the old nurses uniforms were so washed out looking
sweetie, if a ANGLICAN NUN is telling you the baby needs more than prayer wouldn't you believe it ??
like wtf is Christian scientist anyway, yo no se
lol calm down Barbara that's a lot to translate
woah Pat's looks hella good with her hair like that 😍
my bby Trixie serving looks but is heartbroken 😍😢💔
*twerks to the bicycle song*
"She says where he goes, we go - even the moon" ahh again my heart!! & it's so similar to what shelagh said in the last Christmas special 😭💕 *i think it was a bible reference but I can't remember bc my memory is fuzzy from being a reckless heathen* jk jk😂
How does a faja type belt help her?
I initially really liked Trixie and Tom but I'm so glad they found better matches
yo I'd be shook though if my baby's bones kept breaking and I didn't know why omg
The nurses being cute eating popsicles outside lol
aw wait Fred and Violet weren't together yet here, they're so cute haha
again so wild, like imagine no one knowing what your baby is hurt and no one believing that you didn't abuse your child?! I cNt
so scary
Ameerah is so pretty & how sweet omg she brought Babs a dish. She misses having girl friends omg!
The Poor Pentergasts
I feel you Mrs ^, I scream into my hands at least 3x a day *for obvs diff reasons*
Baby Angela💕💕 so precious
aw Patrick & Shelagh😭 but now that shelagh's been on her nightie game this blue nightgown should finally go #hereforthebrinylon™
Shit now Patrick is going to realize and blame himself
let Patrick not feel guilty for anything in series 7, cut this guy a break pls
osteogenesis imperfecta yup I remembered ✔️ well I remember watching this with my mom & her calling if before they knew it and I was annoyed bc She can't just watch she always has to be a nurse & put her opinion out there😂 like we watched the finale yesterday and I thought there'd be some suspense but nah she knew the pill gave her a deadly blood clot😒she was surprised they killed the first women described it to though
Shelagh's face while Patrick gets in the ambulance 😭💔
I miss the nuns singing !! mainly miss Laura singing but still!! it's very peaceful you feel?? let me hear some hymns
I feel you Patrick, you smoke that cig
Alright damn Mr Pentergast, I feel your anger but wtf were they supposed to think??
I get anxious watching Patrick be anxious tbh omg xzjkalsfo
the way he fidgets the pen so relatable
Shelagh kissing him on the forehead and the cheek 😢😭💔💕melts my cold little heart
"I don't want my Geraldine being seen by the receptionist" fuck u lady she's the best damn nurse out here Lmaoo
But seriously did everyone just forget she was a nurse/midwife when she was a nun? it has only been like a year since she left and got married so I wouldn’t think people would forget just yet but maybe? wtf lol. I feel like their story was such gossip that it'd be unforgettable? that's just me Lmaoo
Go get that uniform Shelagh!!!
she's so patient, dios te bendiga. She’s too good.
my angry self would've been like "do 👏🏼 ya👏🏼not👏🏼get👏🏼that👏🏼I 👏🏼was👏🏼 a nurse 👏🏼and 👏🏼delivered 👏🏼like 👏🏼half 👏🏼of 👏🏼your👏🏼 gremlin 👏🏼 children?!" Or "you don't want me to help? Okay there's the door, don't let it hit you on the way out"!
okay I don't think I've ever thought about it until now but Shelagh talks about Patrick's war neurosis with Sister Julienne like she already knew?? I bet Shelagh went to her after the adoption interview 😭
ugh I love their friendship/relationship it's so pure
This whole show is so pure! how can it remind you of the darkness in the world while still giving you faith in humanity??  There's nothing like it
I told you I caught my mom up with series 6 & she was just like "I can't believe we have to wait so long. Why can't America make a show as great as this?"
I then said "I know I have like no reason to live until Christmas" but she said i was being dramatic oops
*cue in the mirror*✨
you guys don't get how happy this made me when I first saw it omg, I was so tired of seeing her sad/upset and lost and distressed and everything but happy but THEN SHE PUT THE UNIFORM ON AND THE LITTLE HAT AND LOOKED IN THE DAMN MIRROR WITH HER MILLON DOLLAR SMILE AND I WANTED TO COMBUST I WAS SO HAPPY I WAS IN TEARS😭😭💖💖
I'm so proud of how far my bby has come ugh I can't deal
It's 1am why am I being a little emotional bitch™ ?? Ugh I just love this character
I'd fight for Shealgh or Trixie/ Laura and Helen in real life. They are gifts we don't deserve
Like I know it wasn't the same people but still word gets around?
Shelagh and Tim's hug aww
Can we pls see a cute moment between them? We were played with that hospital scene in 6.4 bc it was like 2 seconds long
Patrick's pyjamas though >
the flat filled with things from patients is so sweet aww
How did no one else in Ameera's house get sick though?
Angela looking so adorable wow what a pretty baby
the real million $ question is, will we ever see Mrs B? Probs not Lmaoo
Still waiting for the day Timothy Turner has an angsty teen moment bc his unrealistic perfect child-ness has been going on too long
Disregarding that time he was mean to Shelagh in series 3, I won't forget it bc I wanted to smack him 😂👋🏼
*shelagh voice* Dr Turner's back to save poplar from ill health and disease
ALSO I'm sure he realized a kink he didn't know he had lol 😭😂
tracheotomy 😬 how do they make it look so real ahhh!? wild
"..Because I have you" BYEEEE 😭😭💖💔💔💔 my heart melted into a puddle & I can no longer live
the first kiss that you can't even see !! But still it took a season & a half for the married couple to kiss!😂
Ok shh Vanessa is gonna say something profound I must hear
Who tf am i talking to? I'm losing my damn marbles
And yes that's a Hook reference
"Humanity is fragile and all the sunshine in the world can't save the frail or make the delicate invincible but love has the power to strengthen and protect and guide us to a place where we feel sheltered and fulfilled. Where it doesn't matter if it rains for we are home and dry"
And Shelagh holding Angela next to Ameerah and her new baby, my heart!!
such an amazing show
The End.. until next time..
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nightingalesighs · 7 years
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and then tag ten blogs you would like to get to know better.
Finally getting around to this.... Tagged by the fantastic @sorrowsflower . Thank you for tagging me, dear :)
Nickname: Han
Star Sign: Twin crab (born on the Gemini/Cancer cusp)
Height: 5′5″
Time Right Now: 1:24 AM
Favorite Music Artist: I don’t have one? My tastes are too varied to have just one. I like such a broad range of music from like indie to bubblegum pop, musicals to heavy metal. Old school Jazz to rock. The only exception is country. I just don’t like it...it’s not my thing. Rap I’m a little meh on.
Song Stuck In Your Head: I do this thing where I have like several songs stuck in my head and they get mashed into one song comprised of bits and pieces of whatever’s stuck in my head. Right now it's, Paint Me Black by Ben Hazelwood feat. Mali-Koa Hood, Analog Boy by Denim Blue & Miclain Keith, and Kiss The Devil by Bel Heir (such an Adlock song). Come to think of it, they could all be Adlock songs in some way, shape, or form. Paint Me Black is gonna turn up in my ballet AU, I can feel it. 
Last TV Show You Watched: The latest episode of Grey’s Anatomy. My mom and I always watch it together, it’s like our thing. 
What Are You Wearing Right Now: My Hasa Diga Eebowai shirt I got when I went to see Book of Mormon and black yoga pants.
What Do You Post: Fandom things with an emphasis on Adlock and Irene Adler, Lara Pulver (when I can find them), Hamilton Hell things, and recently a shit ton of political and social activism type posts because the US has completely lost its shit. 
Do You Have Any Other Blogs: A completely neglected and failed attempt at a personal blog that’s going to be deleted one of these days. I also run the adlocktober blog.
Why Did You Choose Your URL: Because I’m completely incapable of being original or creative and I love horses. It’s also closer to my AO3 account than ‘-wittyusernamehere-’
Do You Get Asks Regularly: Nope. But I wouldn’t mind, though for the life of me I can’t think of what people would want to know.
Hogwarts House: I too have tried Pottermore several times (I swear to god, I’m not trying to copy you, @sorrowsflower ). Not out of being dissatisfied but out of curiosity to see if I could manipulate it and other times to see if it would continually put me in the same house if I answered true to myself. Ravenclaw is the one I got most often (considering the answer I’m giving, it’s no fucking wonder) and I’m quite proud of my House. If you’re curious, I got Slytherin when I tried to manipulate it into putting me into Hufflepuff and Gryffindor once in testing the continuity.
Pokémon Team: Team Valor
Favourite Colour: It depends on what we’re talking.... Black and greys for clothes. Red for lipstick. Neutrals or bright colors for eye makeup (I have this weakness for aqua eyeliner because of a certain someone). But if you made me choose...black, I guess? Black lipstick is pretty badass. Though I wouldn’t paint my walls black.... Actually, no. I probably would paint my walls black if given the chance. Or one at least.
Average Hours Of Sleep: I have no idea because it’s never friggin consistent. Probably somewhere between 5-10+ hours depending on the day and whether or not I’m sick.
Favourite Characters: Because I don’t already give enough long-winded answers, you have to ask this question. I’m going to keep it to TV Show characters because this list would get ridiculous otherwise.  BBC Sherlock: Irene Adler (duh, you know this), Mycroft Holmes, Eurus Holmes, Jim Moriarty, Mary Morstan-Watson, Sally Donovan, Greg Lestrade, Mrs. Hudson...as for Sherlock...it’s really difficult to explain how I feel about Sherlock.  Elementary: Basically the whole main cast of that one but Joan Watson(Holy shit, sassy Joan gives me life. Lucy Liu just does a great job period) and Jamie Moriarty/Irene Adler especially. Bell and Gregson are pretty fucking great as well. Grey’s Anatomy: Cristina Yang is my friggin hero. I love her so much and I miss her(and Sandra Oh) so friggin much. Alex Karev, Owen Hunt, Chief Weber, Miranda Bailey (although she’s been getting on my nerves lately), Mark Sloan, Maggie Pierce, Addison Montgomery, Lexie Grey, Nathan Riggs, Callie Torres...I’m probably missing someone...I have a love-hate relationship with Derek and Meredith but not as a couple. Totally ship them as a couple.  Fleming: Lady Ann O’Neill(basically any character Lara Pulver plays, Second Officer Monday, Colonel Godfrey Da Vinci’s Demons: Clarice Orsini (though I’m pissed with what they did to her character), Da Vinci, I love Zoroaster’s sass, agreed on Vanessa until they fucked her character up. Guiliano de Medici...again, I’m probably missing someone.... The 100: Pretty much most of the main cast...Bellamy, Octavia, Abby Griffin, Marcus Kane, Lincoln, Indra, Monty, Jasper’s been getting on my nerves, Jaha can go rot in a hole.... Nathan Miller, Raven Reyes, Jackson, Lexa...I’m forgetting characters. Basically all the main characters from Stranger Things This list is long enough and I have way too many shows. You probably haven’t even made it this far.... Thank you if you have :)
How Many Blankets Do You Sleep With: One sheet, one blanket. Sometimes I’ll throw a second over my legs if I’m cold.
Following: 602...I should probably trim that...I was really follow happy when I first joined Tumblr....
Trying not to tag the ones SorrowsFlower has already tagged... @of-dreamers-and-detectives, @captnandycalavera , @musical-chick-13 , @nearlyasgoodasthebook , @battledress , @cat-n-claw , @thestorywelovebest , @herbaliser , @sea-and-thestars , @geekerypeekery and anyone else that wants to join in, I’d love to get to know my followers better so just say I tagged you! But no pressure :)
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Elastic Heart - Part 3 (Branjie) - Mia Ugly
A/N: Soooo this chapter took a turn for the sad-bastardish, but I swear there will be less moodiness and more kissing in the future. Also I’m trying to use she/her pronouns in Drag Race, and he/him out of drag, but sometimes it all goes to hell, bear with me! Thanks to everyone who’s been so sweet about this fic so far.
Social media -
Is not Brock’s strength area. 
Detox used to hassle him about it before he even went on Drag Race, and he made a promise to himself that he would do a better job after.  Tell the world when he - ate a bowl of cereal or whatever. 
Post photos of his cats at the very least.
So when his manager comes to him with the expectation that he and Jose play up their relationship for the fans, Brock says: (nonononononononononono)
He says “fine.”
Jose’s in, apparently, and - well, Brock can only take that information second-hand because the two of them haven’t really.  Spoken. Recently. 
He says “fine” and then he goes on Jose’s Instagram and almost has a panic attack (because some people are so pretty it is unfair, some people are basically built to break your heart - from atoms to molecules to cells.
Jose in sweats and snapbacks. 
Vanessa in gloss and feathers. 
Each one feels like a hand around Brock’s throat.)
After about thirty minutes in the fetal position, Brock leaves it all in his manager’s hands (or whoever his manager is paying for social media these days.)  Someone adds flirty comments and cute photos to anything Jose posts, someone keeps the fans happy.  
Brock doesn’t need to see it.
It’s too soon (too much, too real) for him.
He tries to avoid Instagram; Twitter is about all he can handle (he knows his mom follows him and he doesn’t want to make her worry.)  He doesn’t read  any of the speculative articles about their relationship, but he is always extremely polite when he’s asked about it (just flirty enough to give the fans hope. Professional, friendly, not too fond. It’s a fine line, and he worries sometimes that his feelings rise a bit close to the surface.  That the people who know him best are going to watch one of these interviews, peer through the ice at his blue skin and see everything.)
Friends keep texting him.  Leaving him voicemails, asking him how he’s doing.  Brock ignores the ones he can, and responds whenever anyone seems a bit too concerned. Gotta make sure the outside world stays outside.
Clearly it’s all going to come out by the time the finale airs, and that’s just something Brock will have to be ready for.  Maybe he can do a European tour.  Or an Antarctic one.  They don’t have internet there, do they?
He’s wonderful, I love him, he says on ET Canada as if that doesn’t mean anything, as if it isn’t the first time he’s said ‘I love him’ out loud.
Brock keeps working (because he’s still a force of nature, even without a crown.)  He does shows across the mid-West, hosts club nights, dances the house down because he is a queen, damn it. He goes on tour with the First Wives Fight Club, let’s Ginger Minj distract him with the most offensive jokes Brock’s ever heard (and it’s good to feel outrage rather than longing, for a change. It’s good to do something different, something that’s not related to Drag Race and soft-skinned Puerto Ricans who won’t answer his calls.)
Or probably won’t.
Because Brock hasn’t called.  
It’s shady and pathetic and each day feels like pulling teeth out, but he’s trying to respect the boundaries Jose put up. They said their piece at the reunion before Brock died of blunt force trauma to the chest (it’s fine, he’s fine) and he’s not the kind of person to push someone to take him back.  
To beg someone to want him. 
He can’t say if it’s pride or fear that stops him every time he gets shit-faced and picks up his phone.  He can’t count the number of texts he’s written and then deleted.  And then re-written.
The night after the First Wives show in Vancouver, the other queens go out to whatever local club hasn’t been closed yet, and Brock goes for a run on the beach. It’s dark out, and after a couple of miles he stops, stretches, and sits cross-legged in the sand.  
The ocean reaches out for him, black-fingered and impetuous, dotted with the twinkling lights of oil tankers. 
Brock hasn’t had anything to drink.  There’s really no excuse when he takes his phone out of his pocket, scrolls to Jose’s number.
His thumb hovers over the keys, thinking thinking (over-thinking).
(I’m on the West coast and I’m miserable without you and I want to hear you laugh again even if it’s at me even if it’s mean I want to hear your voice and you killed it on Jimmy Kimmel and I’m losing my mind I think you’re incredible I think you’re hilarious and brilliant and I miss you I miss youImiss -)
“Damn it,” Brock hisses, because he’s smarter than this. He’s stronger than this (he wants that to be true.)
“I’ll be at Drag Con,” he texts before he can think too much about it. “Hope i see u.”
He waits.  He’ll probably delete it without sending.  He should delete it without sending because Jose doesn’t want to talk to him.
His thumb sits on the ‘Send’ key, barely touching it.  It’s such a pointless, empty message.  It doesn’t say any of the things he wants to say. 
This was easy once.  Talking to Jose was like breathing. What the fuck happened? (He knows what happened, and he resists the urge to throw his phone into the sea.)
After a few seconds, Brock deletes the message and puts his phone down. 
Then he picks it back up.
He bites the inside of his cheek, a habit he mostly gave up in middle school.
This was easy once. 
(“When this is all over –“
“Oh Jesus, oh Mary, there she goes.” Vanjie at her station, rummaging through yards of tulle. “You wanna shack up or something? Get cats, turn me into a proper wifey?”
“Well.  I was thinking more like buy you dinner.”  Brooke doesn’t touch her, because the world is watching. Still - her eyes linger on the bones of Vanjie’s hands, her wrists, her jaw.  There is not a part of her body that doesn’t beg for contact, not a part of her that Brooke doesn’t want to touch.
“Ha, okay. But I’m a classy ho.  It’s gotta be Olive Garden at least, get me some unlimited breadsticks.”  
There’s a faint blush on her cheekbones even though she’s rolling her eyes, and it makes Brooke love her even more than –
She did not just think that word.  
They aren’t - there yet.  Brooke’s tired and stressed and her brain is clearly short-circuiting. It’s nothing.  It’s fine.
“That shut you up, hey? Olive Garden too bougie for you? Don’t worry, girl– when this is all over and I’m a honey-thousand dollars richer, I’ll take you anywhere you want.”)
He should have known then.
Stopped it all in its tracks before it got totally out of control. But he didn’t.
Brock lies back against the sand, breathes in the copper-sweet taste of the ocean.  
(That’s a star, right?) 
The waves roll in, and he can almost see stars.
* * *
Back in her hotel room, she’s running over choreography for Tuckpantistan in her head, counting under her breath (one and two and three and -) when a noise distracts her.  
A papery scratching at her hotel-room door.  When Brooke goes to investigate, she sees a folded note that’s been slid underneath it.
U up?
Then below it: Haha, JK. Got a PA to deliver this, some real high school shit. Thinking bout your pretty face. <3 <3 <3
It’s signed Papi and Brooke turns rose-petal pink with embarrassment and pleasure.  Fuck, she wishes she had her phone. Wishes she could FaceTime Vanjie any time she wanted, see her all bleary-eyed and soft and sleepy.  Just the thought of that image makes Brooke’s heart clench painfully, and she tries not to think about why.
Instead she takes out the notepad from the desk in the hotel room.
How do I know this is really you and not just a producer fucking with me?
She folds the paper into a flat square and writes Return to Sender on the front of it, before sliding it under her hotel room door. 
Then she immediately feels like an idiot.
This is ridiculous.  They aren’t teenagers.
Brooke goes back to rehearsing for tomorrow, and tells herself there isn’t a stupid smile on her face.  That would just be too undignified. 
About fifteen minutes later (not that Brooke was counting or paying attention or anything) she hears that same scratching sound, and goes back to the door.  A new piece of paper has been slid underneath it, and Brooke bites down on a grin.
You want a ring or some shit? 
Thought you’d like that, something only the real MISS VANESSA VANJIE MATEO would know. This PA’s real nice, I’ma take advantage of her. UNLESS SHE’S READING THIS. 
What you wearing?
Brooke snorts out a laugh (then covers her face and pretend that sound didn’t just come out of her.)  She sketches out a quick, terribly unsexy picture of herself (basically a beefy stickman in pajama pants and a t-shirt) then folds it up and sticks it back under the door.  This is the most bizarre flirtation she has ever taken part in, and - and she shouldn’t enjoy it as much as she does.
Vanjie’s reply includes a decidedly more X-rated stickman.
I better get some nudes next. Gotta occupy my time somehow besides missing on you.
Brooke laughs at the thought of the horrified PA that could be reading this.
You’ve seen it all in the werkroom anyway, she writes, And you could occupy your time with sleeping, maybe?
Brooke sends the note off, and gives up the ghost of rehearsing for a minute. She stretches out on her bed, arms against the headboard and bare feet nearly hanging off the end.  Story of her life, really.  She’s always felt like she’s too big, too tall, too much.  Compared to Vanessa, she’s like some sort of beast, stumbling around crushing beautiful, delicate things beneath her feet.  
Vanessa is beautiful. Brooke wouldn’t call her ‘delicate’ though, not by a long shot. She knows Vanjie well enough by now to know that she can hold her own.  
(She wonders how much of that attitude is for the show. What Vanjie’s like when she’s all alone.  Every so often there’s a moment where it seems like the other queen is letting her guard down, softening the sideways grin and adorable swagger that Brooke sees when the cameras are rolling. 
How much of that is protective, Brooke wonders.  How much of that swagger is self-defense?
How much of that humor is about survival.)
There is a reply not even ten minutes later: Nah girl, you’re keeping me up. Gonna think about you in those overalls all night, haha. When I can’t do shit tomorrow I’ll be blaming your fine self for messing with my head.
Brooke folds and unfolds Vanjie’s reply too many times, unwilling to put it down. She’s glad she can’t see herself, knows that she’s probably glowing with affection. She’s got a crush, right, just like she told them in the confessional.  That’s what this is. Just a massive, ridiculous crush. 
An impossible, stupid, hopeless crush.
I take no responsibility for that. 
But also your angel costume is the real problem here, how am I supposed to get anything done?  
Go to sleep and dream about my overalls, Miss Vaaaaanjie.
Brooke has had crushes before.  She’s always survived them.
When she slides her note back under the door she thinks that will be the end of it, but a reply comes later, clock nearing midnight and shadows sliding like fingers through the blinds.
Sweet dreams Brooky Poo.
Brooke holds the note against her chest, and laughs, and when she falls asleep she’s still smiling.  Her dreams are full of white feathers, falling gently as snow from the ceiling of her hotel room. Settling soft as a promise against Brooke’s open mouth.
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jamessandersweb · 6 years
2018 TV Scorecard: Which Shows Have Been Renewed or Canceled Already?
Image Source: Netflix
Although we're not even halfway through the year, Hollywood waits for no one - TV show cancellations and renewals now happen year round, so it's time to catch up on the latest news. Whether that means some of our favorite shows are disappearing soon or staying around for another shot, we all have to face the music eventually. A few shows have already been canceled, but other series have been luckier. See what's been renewed or canceled so far in 2018 below, and if you don't see your favorite show's fate, check here.
What's Been Renewed
Dancing With the Stars: You'll be able to see your favorite celebrities strut their stuff in the ballroom when DWTS returns for season 27.
The Bachelor: A 23rd season of the reality show is officially on the way (don't tell Arie).
The Good Doctor: A second season of watching Freddie Highmore solve outrageous medical cases has been OK'd by ABC.
Speechless: The series will be back for a third season.
Grey's Anatomy: The popular medical drama will be back for a 15th season, making it ABC's longest-running primetime drama ever.
How to Get Away With Murder: The Viola Davis-fronted drama will return for a sixth season.
Black-ish: The sitcom, which stars Tracee Ellis Ross and Anthony Anderson, was picked up for a fifth season.
Agents of SHIELD: The series has been renewed for a 13-episode sixth season.
Siren: The fantasy drama has been renewed for a second season.
Young Sheldon: The origin story of The Big Bang Theory's Sheldon Cooper is a giant hit with fans, making CBS's decision to bring it back for season two a no-brainer.
S.W.A.T.: Brace yourself for seeing more of Shemar Moore in uniform, because the drama was renewed for season two.
Seal Team: The action drama starring David Boreanaz was also given a second season by CBS.
Mom: The series starring Anna Faris and Allison Janney has been renewed for a sixth season.
MacGyver: Mac will continue his unconventional problem solving in season three.
Hawaii Five-O: Despite a few recent scandals, the tropical police drama procedural has been renewed.
Blue Bloods: Tom Selleck's long-running series about a family of New York cops has been picked up for season nine.
Bull: CBS is bringing back this law drama for a third season in the courtroom.
NCIS: New Orleans: The crime-stopping will continue thanks to the show's season five renewal.
NCIS: Los Angeles: Chris O'Donnell and LL Cool J will return for season 10.
Madam Secretary: Téa Leoni's political drama has been granted a fifth season.
Survivor: Did you really think one of the most popular reality shows on TV would get the ax? Brace yourself for season 37.
The Amazing Race: A 31st season of watching multiple teams race around the globe is in the works.
60 Minutes: The news program has been given the green light.
48 Hours: True-crime lovers rejoice, because new episodes of this show will be back on CBS before you know it.
The CW
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: Rachel Bloom and Aline Brosh McKenna's musical dramedy is going to return for a fourth and final season to wrap up Rebecca's story.
Jane the Virgin: Jane Gloriana Villanueva and her trusty narrator will come back to The CW for a fifth season (although star Gina Rodriguez has hinted it might be their last).
The Flash: Barry Allen and the rest of the gang will be back for season five.
Arrow: Are you ready for seven seasons of Oliver Queen? Whether you are or not, the network is bringing it back for yet another dive into the vigilante's life.
Supergirl: Here's something super - Kara is getting a fourth season!
Black Lightning: The CW's superhero show based on the DC Comics character has been renewed for season two.
Dynasty: Hopefully you're not sick of the drama quite yet, because the devious Carringtons are coming back for another season.
Supernatural: The Winchester brothers will return to The CW for a 14th season.
Riverdale: Grab the nearest chocolate shake and relax - Archie, Veronica, Betty, and Jughead have been given the green light for season three.
DC's Legends of Tomorrow: The ensemble superhero drama has been renewed for season four.
The Rain: Netflix's dystopian sci-fi drama will continue to raise mysterious questions about the water plague in season two.
Santa Clarita Diet: It's official - Drew Barrymore will get to keep eating people in a third season.
Lost in Space: The sci-fi drama will return for season two!
On My Block: The coming-of-age comedy got picked up for season two!
Fuller House: Netflix has picked up the reboot for the fourth season.
Grace and Frankie: The comedy has been renewed for season five.
One Day at a Time: Season three of the beloved family comedy is officially in the works!
Queer Eye: The heartwarming reality show will return for a second season of tears, fashion, avocados, and redneck margaritas - can you belieeeve?!
Nailed It: Netflix's hilarious reality baking show not only has Nicole Byer as host but also has a second season on the way. Celebratory cupcakes all around!
Black Mirror: The sci-fi anthology series will continue to melt your brain with season five.
Alexa and Katie: The sweet sitcom about two best friends - one supporting the other who has cancer - got picked up for a second season.
Jessica Jones: The Marvel P.I. will be back for season three!
Lost in Space: The reboot of the classic CBS series from the 1960s will be back for season two.
911: The Ryan Murphy procedural has nabbed a second season.
The Four: The music competition series has been picked up for a second season.
So You Think You Can Dance: Mary Murphy, Nigel Lythgoe, and Vanessa Hudgens will host season 15 of the dance competition this Summer.
Empire: With four seasons under its belt, the drama is still going strong. Onward to season five!
Star: Even the Empire spin-off is still running hot; we're getting a third season!
The Simpsons: Last year, the animated comedy was given a two-season renewal. Next season, which is the 30th(!), is the second year of this renewal.
The Orville: The live-action comedy by Seth MacFarlane has been given a second season.
The Gifted: The drama, based on the X-Men comics, has earned a second season.
The Resident: This new medical drama is on for season two.
Gotham: The series will be back for a fifth and final season.
The Chi: Lena Waithe's freshman drama has been given a second season.
Outlander: The Ron Moore drama was renewed for a fifth and sixth season.
USA Network
Suits: Following the exits of Patrick J. Adams and Meghan Markle from the series, the legal drama will return for season eight.
Disney Channel:
Andi Mack: The series has been renewed for a third season.
Superstore: The comedy starring America Ferrera has been renewed for a fourth season.
America's Got Talent: The series has been renewed for season 13.
Will & Grace: NBC's rebooted comedy was renewed yet again, this time for a third season (11th overall)!
Midnight, Texas: The supernatural drama will have more time to cast a spell on you when it comes back for season two.
Blindspot: After a successful third season, the "puzzle drama" will return once more.
Law & Order: SVU: This NBC staple is now tied for TV's longest-running primetime live-action series.
Chicago Fire: A seventh-season renewal has been issued to the flagship Chicago series.
Chicago Med: This spin-off series will be back for a fourth season.
Chicago PD: This iteration of the multiple Chicago series will return for season six.
The Good Place: Kristen Bell's life-after-death comedy has received a 13-episode third season.
This Is Us: This beloved, heart-wrenching newbie will be back for season three!
Good Girls: It's no secret that we loved this new series, which is why we're thrilled to see a second season.
A.P. Bio: The Lorne Michaels and Seth Meyers comedy will be back for season two.
Silicon Valley: The comedy about a fictional tech company will return for season six.
Barry: Bill Hader's black comedy about an assassin-turned-actor was granted a second season by HBO.
Crashing: The show will be back for season three.
High Maintenance: The series has been granted a third season.
Lore: The anthology series has been renewed for a second season.
Jack Ryan: The John Krasinski action series hadn't even premiered before it scored a season two pick up.
The Magicians: The fantasy series, based on the novel of the same name by Lev Grossman, has been renewed for a fourth season.
Schitt's Creek: Haven't gotten into this show yet? Well, you better start, because it just got renewed for season five!
BBC America:
Killing Eve: Season one hadn't even come out yet before it was renewed for a second. You go, Sandra Oh!
Adult Swim
Rick and Morty: The animated series has been picked up for an additional 70 episodes.
What's Been Canceled
Image Source: Everett Collection
Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Though it's beloved by critics and fans, this cop comedy will not return for a sixth season.
The Last Man on Earth: Will Forte's post-apocalyptic comedy has been canceled after four seasons.
The Mick: Another one that was a favorite among many! The Mick will not be back for season three.
New Girl: Zooey Deschanel's quirky comedy is coming to an end after seven seasons.
Lucifer: The Tom Ellis-starred drama is ending after three seasons.
Homeland: Say goodbye to Carrie Mathison, because the drama will end after its eighth season.
Roseanne: The family sitcom was initially granted a second season of the reboot (an 11th season overall), until Roseanne Barr's racist tweet triggered its cancellation.
Once Upon a Time: The long-running fairy-tale series will wrap up after its current seventh season.
Quantico: ABC pulled the plug on the Priyanka Chopra-lead series after three seasons.
Designated Survivor: ABC's political drama will end after just two seasons this Spring.
Alex, Inc.: The Zach Braff sitcom will not be returning for a second season.
The Night Shift: Unfortunately, the final two seasons of this one already aired last Summer, and it won't be back for more.
Shades of Blue: The cop drama starring Jennifer Lopez will end after its third season.
Taken: The TV version of the popular Liam Neeson film will not return for a third season.
Great News: The Tina Fey-produced workplace comedy was canceled after two seasons.
Rise: The high school drama will not be returning for a second season.
One Mississippi: This Amazon original series created by Tig Notaro (and inspired by her life) lasted two seasons.
I Love Dick: The adaptation of Chris Kraus's novel of the same name aired for one season.
Jean-Claude Van Johnson: Jean-Claude Van Damme's comedic spy series is no more after a six-episode run.
Transparent: The show's fifth season will be its last.
The Fosters: Despite a strong fan base for the family drama, it was canceled after five seasons.
The CW
Life Sentence: Lucy Hale's comedy has been canceled after just one season.
Chance: Hugh Laurie's thriller will not get a third season from the streaming network.
Shut Eye: The Jeffrey Donovan-led drama has been axed after two seasons.
Lady Dynamite: Comedian Maria Bamford's comedy has been canceled after only two seasons.
Disjointed: Our love of Kathy Bates couldn't save Chuck Lorre's weed comedy from getting the ax after season one.
Everything Sucks!: In news that, well, sucks, Netflix has decided not to move forward with this quirky '90s comedy that aired for just one season.
The Expanse: The drama will end after its current third season.
2018 TV Scorecard: Which Shows Have Been Renewed or Canceled Already? published first on https://filmstreaminghdvf.tumblr.com/
0 notes
mrrolandtfranco · 7 years
Best Destinations for Fishing Charters in the USA
A day spent on the boat with family, the warm sun on your back, fishing rod at the ready – what could be better?
Of the thousands of charter fishing spots around the globe, a few stand out. Our picks have ideal offshore habitats for big game, along withwarm waters gorgeous scenery, and tropical weather.. We’ve included two of the best charter and guide services in each location to help you plan and book your trip.
Get your line in the water year round in these top fishing destinations:
Fort Lauderdale, FL
For Lauderdale beaches offer 23 miles of golden sand and sunshine. Sail the blue-green waters on a chartered catamaran. Then, dive beneath the surface to meet-and-greet the local sea life. With Fort Lauderdale’s geographic proximity on the Atlantic coast, the gulfstream current passes just two miles offshore. If you have ever dreamt of catching marlins, sailfish, tuna, or even barracuda, Fort Lauderdale is for you.
Top Area Charter: Lady Pamela II
“I have fished many charters and this was one of the best. The price was competitive, the boat was great, 14-foot bow which handles the waves incredibly well. The crew of Mark and Joe couldn’t have been nicer. Joe was energetic, never stopped moving. Captain Mark took us to where the fish were and was quick to spot line releases. Now the fish: we caught 14 tuna, two king mackerel, a silk shark, bonito and ramona. Probably a fish every 15 minutes! Great day!” – TripAdvisor review
Top Area Charter: Fishing Headquarters
“Most AWESOME time had today. Captain Rod and Ashley were both very attentive to all passengers needs. Captain Rod was SUPER great. He made sure that everybody caught a fish to go home with. He took us to spots where the moment I dropped my line, 5 seconds later I pulled up a fish! … Going back again in a couple of days to try night fishing! Highly recommended!” – TripAdvisor review
See all Fort Lauderdale rentals
Florida Keys, FL
The Florida Keys are a wonderful vacation spot for families in search of relaxation or adventure. Take scenic U.S. Highway 1, known to locals as “The Overseas Highway” to get there. The area offers a unique fishing environment due to the structure of the islands. Edible, big game fish can be had year round. Florida Bay is referred to locally as the backcountry, home to five of the sought-after game fish among recreational anglers: bonefish, tarpon, permit, redfish and snook.
Top Area Charter: Robbie’s
“I recently had the opportunity to go fishing with a large family group at the end of April on the Captain Michael. It happens that I was getting married the next day and we were looking to accommodate ~20 people fishing without having to pay for multiple boats, captains, split everyone up, etc. The party boat was the perfect solution. The mates Brett and Anthony were excellent, gave expert advice, and helped out significantly on the back of the boat keeping everyone baited up and moving. Even the captain, Ed, made sure everyone had a good time just by talking to individuals that were along for the ride and hanging out upstairs. We did include three kids in our party (4, 6, and 8 years old) who had a great time and all caught fish! I highly recommend it and will be going back. Thanks guys!” – TripAdvisor review
Top Area Charter: Bud ‘n’ Mary’s Marina
“My son and I stayed at Bud n Mary’s over the holiday break. My 10 yr old son and I made arrangements to fish with Captain Rick Stanczyk…. By far this was the BEST charter that I have EVER been on. We had 20 Jacks, 10 Mackerel, and 2 huge cobias by 10:30 am! Our arms and hands were tired from reeling in fish after fish after fish… It doesn’t stop there. My son caught a 300 lb bullshark shark and a black tip shark. I caught a rare Sawfish. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND RICK!!!! 5 Stars!!” – TripAdvisor review
See all Florida Keys rentals
Outer Banks, NC
This stretch of barrier islands extends along 200 miles of the North Carolina coast. They protect the state’s mainland from Atlantic swells and provide beaches and vistas. Charter fishing is one of the biggest draws for vacationing anglers, mainly due to the Outer Banks’ proximity to the Gulf Stream. In some areas, like Cape Point on Hatteras Island, the Gulf Stream is a just a 15-mile boat ride away. Hundreds of blue marlin, white marlin and sailfish are caught and released in their waters every year.
Top Area Charter: Crystal Dawn Head Boat Fishing
“I live here in KDH and have gone out 3 times now! The crew is great, and it was so simple to set up. The day of our trip it was raining so they changed the hours of our trip. They held the boat for us since we were running late and they were so good about it! You can tell the captain and mate love what they do and Vanessa was so helpful with setting it up! Great atmosphere and it wasn’t crowded. Thank you and I will make sure to bring more friends and family back when they come back to visit!” – TripAdvisor reviews
Top Area Charter: Qualifier Charters
“Awesome Crew!! Our group had a great time. The Captain showed his experience level when putting in the extra efforts to get a hold on the leader of a Blue Marlin. The mate made extra efforts to show hospitality and assist when needed. We would definitely recommend the Qualifier for an offshore trip!!” – Facebook review
See all Outer Banks rentals
Charleston, SC 
Charleston is the oldest and second largest city in South Carolina. Its waters provide abundant fishing opportunities year round. In the flats and rivers around Charleston, angler’s find Red Drum, Speckled Trout, Flounder, Ladyfish, and Bluefish. The harbors and near shore waters offer Channel Bass, Spanish Mackerel, different types of sharks, and the elusive Tarpon.
Top Area Charter: Charlestown Charter Fishing
“Had an absolute outstanding day on the water with Captain Geoff. We caught redfish non stop and they grew larger with each spot we went to. He consistently put us in the right spot and his knowledge and professionalism were excellent. I would definitely recommend him for your next charter. Geoff is the man!” – TripAdvisor review
Top Area Charter: Headshaker Charters
“Capt. Legare is a very experienced hard working guide in the Charleston area. Puts you on fish and know the tides and waterways as if he had been on these waters his entire like and guess what . . . He has! Great equipment (Hell’s Bay flats skiff) arched with a great attitude” – TripAdvisor review
See all Charleston rentals
Cape Cod, MA
New Englanders consider Cape Cod a slice of heaven on Earth. Upscale seaside towns dot the 65-mile stretch of land in Massachusetts. Water sports abound, and yes, plenty of fish are just offshore for the catching. Popular species found in Cape Cod waters include striped bass, bluefish, bonito, tuna, cod, mackerel and even sharks.
Top Area Charter: Reel Deal Fishing Charters
“Starting out with Captain Ian at dawn we hoped to catch some fish but NEVER thought we would find ourselves in a pod of humpback whales off of Chatham. He keeps his boat meticulously clean and was constantly on the move to find the fish for us. In the end one striper and one blue fish as keepers but lots more that we threw back. He taught us some tricks about photographing our fish and then even filleted the fish for us on board so no guts back home. A great morning out on the water.” – TripAdvisor review
Top Area Charter: Shark Shark Tuna: Cape Cod Fishing Charters
“From reserving the charter, to fishing, to you name it, Capt. Shane was the best. He and first mate Zak did a great job getting us out to the best fishing spots for striped bass, flawlessly maneuvering the boat to drift through the throngs of fish as we pulled them in one after another. Couldn’t have been better.” – TripAdvisor review
See all Cape Cod rentals
Miami, FL
Miami’s reputation and strong Latin influence is well known. By night, dance the hours away in a nightclub, or indulge in a fancy meal at one of the city’s celebrity-owned restaurants. By day, hit South Beach and get a tan. Miami is an angler’s paradise, too. The coral reefs, fast current, and warm water support a diverse ecosystem. Miami’s stretch of ocean is teeming with sport fish that make for a delicious dinner or a great mount.
Top Area Charter: Mark the Shark’s Fishing Charters
“Mark the Shark Hunter and his team are exceptional! This is a great fishing charter for a group of not “all fishermen”! … Everyone is sure to walk away satisfied! Oh yeah and I probably should mention the fish…I was first up and that King fish was amazing eating! Thanks to the entire crew for catering to us the entire day! We can’t wait to come back!” – TripAdvisor review
Top Area Charter: Nomad Fishing Charters
We had an excellent day out fishing with Orlando! He had all the right equipment, bait, and a great boat. He knew exactly where to go for whatever was the best fish to catch at that time of day. He was very knowledgeable about everything that had to do with the fish, explained everything and was very fun to be on a boat with for 5 hours! He also let us keep trying until we caught more before ending the day and once we were satisfied then we cruised back in. Bonus… we ended around 6pm so we got an amazing sunset cruise. Highly recommend Nomad Fishing Charter! Great day!” – TripAdvisor review
See all Miami rentals
Galveston, TX
Galveston, TX is home to over 30 miles of clean, sandy beaches. Visitors to the area can enjoy a variety of swimming and surfing spots. The warm Gulf of Mexico is a perfect backdrop for your fishing expeditions. Kingfish, snapper, and dorado are abundant within 30 miles of shore. Go a little farther, particularly near the oil rigs, and you’ll find grouper, sailfish, even tuna.
Top Area Charter: Galveston Sea Ventures
“My two sons and I had a terrific time catching red snappers. The Captain and first mate were outstanding the whole trip, from port to snapper bed and back to port. We couldn’t have asked for better treatment. And the fish we brought back were very tasty.” – TripAdvisor reviews
Top Area Charter: Get Bent Galveston
“We have gone out with Captain Mike a few times now (trout, jetty, and shark fishing), and every trip has been excellent! Capt. Mike knows his fish! He is patience with everyone no matter what their skill level. He is great with kids or seasoned fisherman looking for a “mount worthy” catch! I would definitely recommend Get Bent! Galveston!” – TripAdvisor review
See all Galveston rentals
San Diego, CA
Blue skies, balmy breezes, and beautiful weather are hallmarks of the San Diego area. San Diego embodies laid-back California culture. Fishermen from around the world visit San Diego to fish the bountiful waters of the Pacific Ocean. San Diego is home to 75 state-of-the-art fishing vessels. Depending on the season, yellowfin, bluefin, yellowtail, albacore, mahi-mahi, marlin and mako can be caught offshore.
Top Area Charter: H&M Landing
“Awesome trip on the Malihini! Seriously, one of the best crews I’ve fished with, and I’ve been doing this a long time. The second captain Mike was really great, blending some humor with a lot of passion and friendliness. The captain fished really hard. Galley was great and the cook and other deckhands were also great. Seriously, can’t think of a single negative. Will go again soon.” – TripAdvisor review
Top Area Charter: Captain Clowers Charters
“If you’re looking for a relaxing and fish filled day on San Diego Bay, Captain Alan Clowers is your guy. Our party of four, three generations, caught seven species of fish including 15 hard fighting Bonefish. Alan connects exceptionally well with kids ensuring a fun-filled day for all. I highly recommend Captain Clowers Charters.” – website review
See all San Diego rentals
Montauk, NY
Montauk is the small, quiet neighbor to The Hamptons. Known for its natural beauty, Montauk is surround by water on threes sides. Fishing, beachcombing, kayaking and surfing vie for your attention here. The summer season brings live music to the town’s pubs and cafes. Montauk is located over a hundred miles out into the Atlantic Ocean. All the fish from Long Island Sound and waters of Rhode Island and Massachusetts swim by on their annual migrations.
Top Area Charter: Blue Fin IV
“The Blue Fin IV is simply the best most comfortable charter boat in Montauk. Capt. Michael has no weaknesses whether inshore trolling, bottom fishing (Michael can anchor on the smallest piece there is) or off shore big game fishing. His second generation local knowledge can not be matched. Don’t make the mistake I made, bring large coolers to bring your fresh catch home, he supplied the ice for the coolers too!” – TripAdvisor review
Top Area Charter: Susie E. II Sportfishing
“I’ve been on many fishing charters down in Florida, but this was my first time going out on a charter in Montauk – Capt’n Burt and the crew were great and my friends and I had a ton of fun! Unlike some of my other experiences where the captains have been somewhat apathetic about your experience and not willing to make your time on the water unique (or successful), Burt and the crew were total opposites (plus his boat was clean – bonus!). … When we got back to the docks it was clear that we’d had a much better day compared to the other boats – most of our fish were keepers over 15-20lbs. Fishing with Burt was definitely a highlight of our trip!” – TripAdvisor review
See all Montauk rentals
Seward, AK
Seward is one of Alaska’s oldest and scenic communities. Three hours south from Anchorage, this seaside village is a combo of shops, galleries, and nature. A sparkling bay for fishing and a rugged mountain flank the village. The Kenai Fjords National Park and Mount Marathon are major draws for tourists, too. Visit during August for the Silver Salmon Derby, the state’s largest. You can get out on the water and cast your line for several-hundred-pound halibut or salmon.
Top Area Charter: Crackerjack Sport Fishing
“We were on the all day combo halibut and Salmon with only 6 passengers. Neil was our captain and went out of his way to try and help everyone catch halibut and salmon. The weather was amazing that day and we also saw quite a few hump back and killer whales our boat caught 7 halibut and 3 silvers. I would definitely recommend taking a fishing trip with this outfit.” – TripAdvisor review
Top Area Charter: Fish Seward Alaska Inc.
If you want to catch a lot of fish and have a great time doing it use Fish Seward Alaska. Captains and crew are excellent and will put you on fish all day long. Service is first class! I will be back next year because it will take me that long to eat the fish we caught.” TripAdvisor review
See all Seward rentals
The post Best Destinations for Fishing Charters in the USA appeared first on The FlipKey Blog.
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janeaustentextposts · 7 years
Question! I noticed - maybe I'm wrong - that in all the adaptations, the casting for the main characters is similar: Darcy is dark haired, and so is Lizzie; Jane is blonde and (for some fascinating reason) Bingley is ginger-y. Is there a reason? something in the books that I missed? Some extra source? It seemed too much a coincidence (although I do love Ginger Bingley) thanks!!!
First off, I’m going to refer back to Mullan’s What Matters in Jane Austen? again, because he’s done a whole chapter on what her characters look like (and starts off with a basic examination of casting choices in adaptations and the admiration or outrage which always follows.) “How people look is often suggested rather than specified in Austen’s novels.” He then goes on to quote Sterne’s Tristram Shandy, “…paint her to your own mind–as like your mistress as you can–as unlike your wife as your conscience will let you.”
All we know of Jane is that she is considered very beautiful–as much is said by Bingley, her mother (who has no difficulty criticizing her children when they displease her,) and even Darcy must admit it as a fact. Looks are important in novels where often penniless girls must rely on other attractions in their manners and person–”…words used so frequently about characters when we first meet them: handsome, pretty, gentlemanlike, elegant…”. And yet she avoids specifics–perhaps as a reaction to other novels of her era, where a heroine’s precise points of beauty are totted up among her other virtues to make her a peerless wonder. Austen’s heroines are often described by other characters, rather than the narration, as it’s important to consider who is looking, and how, when looking at their judgements. Some people use a mention in Jane Austen’s letters about Jane wearing the colour green and Elizabeth preferring yellow to be some kind of marker of what their haircolours must have been in Austen’s mind’s eye, but that’s a tenuous argument at best, and if Austen had wanted the world in general to know imagined particulars about Jane and Elizabeth, she would have set them down in the text.
We know Elizabeth’s eyes are fine, and dark, but beyond that, we are given no details. On a genetic level, dark eyes are far more likely to occur in people with darker hair, but Austen wasn’t working with genetics–and dark eyes paired with lighter hair can sometimes be a rare sign of remarkable beauty, as in the descriptions of Irene in Galsworthy’s Forsyte Saga books. (A description which was entirely ignored in the casting of my future wife Gina McKee, but then Irene’s beauty and her allure is such a pivotal force in the novels that to pin it down as necessarily belonging to certain shades of colouring is to make it more trite than it truly is. Irene’s beauty is something beyond what one sees at first glance–it is transcendent charm.) Dark could mean brown, or also a very dark blue or grey–it’s impossible to tell, exactly. Anne Elliott’s eyes are mild and dark, Fanny Price’s are soft and light, Harriet Smith’s are blue, Jane Fairfax’s a deep grey, (and her lashes and eyebrows called dark, giving us some notion of the likely shade of her hair,) Mary Crawford’s are sparkling and dark…eyes are often the only thing near to a solid description we are given of physical attributes, and even then half of the description is more to do with the expression of the personality or feeling of the character through their glances and gazes, rather than specifically the colour of their irises. (Only Emma Woodhouse’s exact eye-colour is known–they are “hazle” and no adaptation so far has given enough of a shit to make certain of casting.) Marianne Dashwood has very dark eyes, and there is a general comparative description of the figures of the two sisters–but casting directors rarely, if ever, I think, take specifics of figures into account beyond an ‘acceptable’ level of Hollywood slimness.Now, for the casting trends (exceptions to the pattern you laid out being the 1940 P&P’s Greer Garson being a dirty-blonde/light brown Elizabeth, while Maureen O’Sullivan’s Jane had very dark hair; and the 1980 miniseries with Elizabeth Garvie’s Eliza also having light brown hair while Sabina Franklyn’s Jane was several shades darker–but indeed, the two more recent and well-known adaptations of 1995 and 2005 have the colourings you mentioned,) it’s probably just down to Hollywood mechanics where you’re going to have to combine the tropes of a comparative Ugly Duckling sister as well as a Best Friend/Beta Couple plotline. Coding a blonde woman (or man) as ‘good’ and a darker-haired person as ‘less good’ has been a Thing since long before cinema showed up on the scene. There’s a reason Laura Ingalls spends so much time inwardly (and outwardly) bitching about her sister Mary’s luck in being blonde (and also better-behaved, though this is never explicitly tied to the fact that Mary is blonde, but just ties INTO the overall notion that Mary is The Better Daughter.) Dark-haired heroines throughout older literature have bemoaned their lack of golden locks (notably also in LM Montgomery’s works, with Anne Shirley’s famous sensitivity about her hair being red, but also briefly in Emily Starr’s contemplation of her own black hair and atypical looks, which gets a bit of verse thrown at it which I can’t find sourced anywhere else so must have been made up by Montgomery herself: “If the bards of old the truth have told the sirens had raven hair. But over the earth since art had birth, they paint the angels fair.“So culturally, in the west, there’s a pervasive notion (especially when it comes to women,) that dark-haired women are the ‘darker’ side of their humanity…the temptresses, the more-likely-to-be-bad. (Though any reasonable reader would be like “…well, they’re human, you see, not out-and-out evil.”) But of course anyone compared to the fair-haired saintly paragon of womanhood would look bad–and so equally is the angelic blonde woman a trope in literature, often but not always used in comparisons against her brunette foil.
In cinema, quite often it’s just to better differentiate between characters, and to use these assumptions which are deeply entrenched in our cultures to play upon our immediate and almost instinctive reactions to visual cues. Jane is super-good, so she’s blonde. Bingley is likewise a bright and easy-going character, with more elements of comedy about him, so he’s got lighter hair, too, either as a strawberry blonde or redhead–but he is definitely the sidekick. I, personally, would be all for a ginger Darcy. Or a ginger-everybody P&P. (But that’s not going to happen, because redheaded men are culturally de-sexed/made less masculine or attractive, whereas redheaded women are more inclined to be overly-sexualized. Humanity is weird.) Darcy is a brooding brunette, because darker hair in the case of a male character gives them gravitas and mystery. It’s that damn Byronic thing coming into play. Dark hair, dark secrets. It’s a visual construct we’ve trapped ourselves into, at this point. Also, when you’ve got two love-stories running more or less concurrently, an audience needs visual markers to help them quickly identify and individualize (and therefore emotionally-invest in) the characters. More morally-dubious and fascinating hero and heroine Elizabeth and Darcy are brunettes because we see them making mistakes and drawing our attention by being fuck-ups. Lizzie can’t be the Prettier Sister, so she’s more automatically made the Brunette Underdog. Darcy is brooding and mysterious–so it’s very easy to make him dark-haired. Their contrasts are in their secondary characters–Jane and Bingley. Jane is prettier, and good-hearted (moreso than Eliza, anyway,) so she ascends to Blonde. Bingley is the Good Friend, and seemingly with fewer social defects compared to Darcy, so as the Nice Man, he gets lighter hair to also differentiate him from Darcy and make him more matchy-matchy with Jane. Our brains are making these connections based on visuals even before we’ve gotten half a dozen words of dialogue from any of these people.
This happens often in films and TV shows–in Coppola’s Dracula, Sadie Frost (a natural brunette) was made a vibrant redhead as Lucy to contrast to Winona Ryder’s more sedate and mysterious Mina. (Though this also had the fun effect of tying in a possible reference to the historical link between redhaired people and vampires, and the whole mythos of redhaired women in particular and sexual allure/witchcraft/spiritual evil–particularly as THIS version of Lucy is much more heavily sexualized compared to her book counterpart. I don’t know how much of the hair-colour-change was on purpose from Coppola’s perspective, and largely it’s just handwaved as being so people could really tell apart the ONLY TWO MAJOR FEMALE CHARACTERS IN THE FILM, but personally I think it’s an interesting choice–particularly compared to Katie McGrath’s blonde Lucy.) Again, we see the contrasting of virtue coded in hair-colouring, as Lucy is a character known for her sweetness and purity…as well as being a secondary female character to the heroine, and hence her more-virtuous foil…with lighter hair. Mina’s place as an educated, working, and married woman, with a more active part in the narrative, particularly as her brushes with dark forces mark her as ‘unholy’, makes it easier to code her as ‘complicated’, i.e. a brunette. Interestingly, this is set on its head in Penny Dreadful, where Mina becomes the blonde, doomed damsel, and her friend/lover Vanessa is the raven-haired woman at the center of a maelstrom of fucked up shit full of vampires, witches, and devils. Essentially if you want your heroine to go ‘bad’ a little (or a lot), give her a better-by-comparison blonde friend and have at it.Of course, since these tropes are so pervasive, we do see stories where this is purposefully mirrored or mocked, where the icy blonde is the femme fatale or turncoat who uses her appeal to deceive others–but this relies just as heavily on the initial assumption that a fair-haired character is intrinsically ‘better’ on a moral level.To conclude, this is why I think we see that general trend with colouring when it comes to casting/styling these characters in cinematic adaptations, as we have really very little in the text to go on, but from the characters themselves there are long traditions to draw from for visual cues to quickly and adeptly condition audiences to draw certain assumptions about these characters which enable us to rapidly bond with and understand them to some degree. I want to specify “Western” audiences because the blonde/brunette thing is at its roots kind of a colourism thing which is grossly pervasive in a white supremacist society going back for centuries, and Caucasian beauty standards do not and should not apply globally; but as the media most of us are familiar with is dominated by this white heteronormative patriarchal history, these tropes and codings exist for ultimately gross reasons. Frankly we could all do without them from this day forward, but change can be slow and so these stereotypes continue to exist and blonde people on-screen for now often continue to be the tacit code for ‘these people are the purest bestest people’ while the darker-haired people are almost always more morally-grey, complicated–even troubling–and made more ‘fascinating’ by their more flawed natures. It’s a shitty way of doing things, but we’ve been culturally conditioned to respond to things like that, and so it works.Anyway, thanks for asking this one–my answer went to places I wasn’t fully expecting me to go, but I enjoyed blowing the dust off my film studies qualifications and I always love yelling about culture.
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Crimson Oddity, Ch 2 (Scyvie) - Eliptic
Hi guys, I’m glad to hear so many of you loved chapter one! Thank you so much. I just want to clear up that I use boy names/male pronouns during serious/formal situations I also call the werewolves inner wolf as he, just in case it was confusing. Also a big thank you to the Dane for helping me with the ending ~Eliptic
Yvie tip toed back into the apartment building only to be met in the lobby by a pissed off Honey.
“I told you not to meet the vampire. Don’t try to deny it, its faint but I can smell it on you.” Honey growled eyes shifting to green.
“I’m sorry. You were right, he was just another cocky vamp who thinks he’s better than us. I ditched him and went to see Patrick.” Yvie lied fluidly maintaining eye contact.
Honey studied Yvie with pursed lips “Good hear you’ve learned your lesson. You can’t trust a vampire, now get to bed before I change my mind about not punishing you.”
“Yes sir.” Yvie said resisting the urge to be sarcastic. She went up stairs to her apartment, checking her phone once she got inside, she noticed she had a text from Scarlet, who must have put her number in Yvie’s phone when she wasn’t looking.
From SE: ‘Hey, just making sure you got back okay and that Honey didn’t go to hard on you.’
To SE: ‘I’m good, just told Honey what she wanted to hear and got off easy.’
From SE: ‘Good to hear! I was thinking this weekend I take you somewhere that’s special to me since you took me to the farm.’
To SE: ‘Do tell’
From SE: ‘It’s a surprise meet me at Mary’s at noon on Saturday’
To SE: ‘Ugh fine don’t tell me, I’ll see you then’
Yvie put her phone on the charger before stretching, her body sore from the transformation, yet through the ache she could still feel Scarlet’s hands on her fur petting her gently. She could have spent hours just laying in the field with snuggled close to Scarlet with her stroking her fur under the moonlight, probably would have if Patrick hadn’t shown up.
Yvie’s wolf was usually always on edge, Honey said it was normal for the first year after turning but this just felt so intense at times it felt like she could simply drop a pen and nearly wolf out over it, but with Scarlet he was almost calm, the vampire’s scent soothed the wolf enough but also made them both crave her touch, she remembers her wolf huffing in disappointment when Scarlet had stopped her from kissing her, while also relishing at the feeling of her hand on her chest.
Crawling into bed, physically exhausted Yvie pulled the covers up to her chin falling asleep quickly with pleasant dreams of blue eyes and white fangs.
Friday 12:00 PM  
Yvie danced around in her small kitchen making food. She barely glanced up when she heard her apartment door open. “Hey Nina.” She said reaching for another plate. “Want one?” she gestured to the sandwich in front of her.
“Actually, I just came to talk.”
“I heard about last night.”
Yvie paused “What? My failed attempt at being nice to a vampire?”
“You don’t have bullshit with me. Honey’s not home.” Nina said following Yvie as she moved to sit on the couch.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I hope you’re better at lying to Honey.” Nina said rolling her eyes. “Brooke is one of my best friends, I don’t care that she’s a vampire, she doesn’t care that I’m a werewolf.”
“Good for you, but that’s not what happened.”
“That’s not what Patrick told me.” Yvie looked up at Nina “He called last night, wanted me to keep an eye on you.”
“Please don’t tell James.” Yvie begged.
“Of course not, he’d kill Scarlet, accords be damned. If you two are going to date you need to be careful, you don’t have seniority like I do, Honey won’t put up with you disobeying him. I want you to keep me posted and I’ll be your alibi when you’re with Scarlet”  
Yvie sighed in relief “Thanks Dad.” Nina hugged her “We’re going out tomorrow. Scarlet says it’s a surprise so I’m not sure how long we’ll be gone.”
Nina nodded “Got it, I’ll go help Patrick until you guys get back, just don’t get too caught up in each other.” She ended with a wink. “Go on, gush you look like Brooke when she thinks about Vanessa.”
Yvie laughed while blushing “I don’t know, it’s too early to tell, but my wolf just feels different around Scarlet, good different.”
“That’s interesting, my wolf still gets tense around Brooke even though he knows he can trust her. She calls it her ‘undead aura’.”
“What is with Honey? What did a vampire do to her to make her hate all of them?”
“I don’t know. For as long as I’ve known her she’s always been so angry when it comes to this. I was friends with Brooke long before I joined this pack, Honey tried to forbid me from seeing her, you know typical alpha need for dominance, but it didn’t stop our friendship, now Honey grins and bares it so long as I don’t bring her around here.”
“ Why can’t-“ Yvie started.      
“Because I had also been a wolf for long time, could’ve tried to overthrow her, you’re just a cub who has a lot to learn about being a wolf.”
“Why didn’t you? Overthrow Honey I mean.”
Nina shrugged “I didn’t want to, besides Honey’s levelheaded about everything else.”
Yvie laughed dryly “I had to go and catch feelings for a vampire.”
“Hey, this could be something good for you. After everything you’ve been through you deserve some good.” Nina said lightly punching Yvie’s shoulder.
“I was so expecting you to call me sport or champ at the end of that.” Yvie said bursting into laughter.
“Don’t tempt me.” Nina said laughing along.
Yvie’s phone started ringing, the color red filling the screen. She hesitated answering it, looking back at Nina who just grinned and left. Yvie smiled before answering the phone.
“Hi,” Scarlet said cheerfully.
“Hey, is everything okay?”
“Of course, I just wanted to make sure we were still on for tomorrow and to tell you that you might want to bring an overnight bag.”
“Oh, planning on stealing me away for the weekend then.”
“Maybe,” Scarlet said innocently “You’ll have to come up with an excuse for Honey. My clan won’t notice care if I disappear for a few days but your pack might.”
“I’ll come up with something. I wanna give you the heads up that Nina knows, she’s on our side. She said she’d help us keep it covered, Patrick too.”
“I figured Nina would, I’m glad that at least you don’t have to lie to your entire pack, especially while you’re still building bonds, I know that before the first moon together it’s curial.”
“You seem to know a lot about pack relationships.”
“I’ve been around for a long time, you tend to pick up on things.”
“Okay old man, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“See you then.”
The call ended, Yvie finished her sandwich before going to her room to pack a bag. Her body was buzzing with excitement with the promise of spending more time with Scarlet, her wolf grew antsy causing her skin to itch as he wanted to come out to play.
“Down boy.” She whispered to herself taking a deep breath.
Saturday 11:30 AM
From Papa Nina (sent at 10 AM): ‘I’ve left for Patrick’s let me know when I can come back.’
To Papa Nina (sent at 11:30 AM): ‘Thank you again for this! I’ll keep you posted. Leaving now’
Yvie slung her book bag over her shoulder as she left, locking her apartment door behind her.
“Where are you heading?” Soju asked as she spotted Yvie in the hallway.
“Patrick’s. He’s got a very pregnant horse and needs help with delivery, asked Nina and I to help.”
Soju nodded “Just let Honey know, she’s always tense for few days after a faction meeting.”
“Will do. Bye.” Yvie hurried down stairs pulling out her phone to shoot a quick text to Honey.
To Honey: ‘Patrick needs me and Nina this weekend, we’ll be back sometime Sunday given the baby horse cooperates’
From Honey: ‘Ok. I wanna see pictures of the baby when you get back.’
Yvie made her way to the alley behind the bar, finding Scarlet sitting outside on her phone, she looked up when she must of heard Yvie coming, smiling widely.
“Good morning.” She said jumping up and hugging Yvie. “Shall we?” she opened the passenger seat door of her car.
“So, you gonna tell me where we’re going.” Yvie asked as they started driving.
“That would ruin the surprise. Just get comfortable it’s a bit of a drive.”
Yvie gave an overdramatic sigh “Fine, take me hostage. Maybe Honey was right.” She said sarcastically.
Scarlet laughed “The day Honey is right about my clan is the day I start to look my age.”
“Which is?”
“Technically twenty-six.”
“Older.” Scarlet smirked glancing over at Yvie. “You know it’s rude to ask a lady her age.”
“I only wish to know more about you.” Yvie said tracing a pattern on Scarlet’s bicep with her finger.
“I’m a Pisces, my favorite color is red and yes this is my real nose.”
“Well I’m a Leo, I don’t have a favorite color, though I’m starting to see the appeal of red.”
Scarlet smiled a soft blush coloring her pale cheeks. “Where does Honey think you are?”
“Having a baby.”
“You didn’t tell me you were pregnant?” Scarlet joked.
Yvie laughed “I mean he thinks I’m at Patrick’s.”
Scarlet nodded “I told Shuga about us, mostly cause that bitch can practically read minds.”
“How’d she take it?” Yvie asked nervously
“She’s happy for us. Though she wants me to be careful because of Honey.”
“Well that’s a given.” Yvie sighed.
Scarlet and Yvie chatted aimlessly for a while before falling into a comfortable silence, eventually Yvie dosed off being woken hours later by Scarlet gently shaking her.
“We’re here.” She said excitedly.
Yvie stretched before opening her eyes, they were sitting in the parking lot of an art museum, Scarlet opened the car door holding her hand out which Yvie happily took as they walked up to the huge building. They got in quickly, Scarlet paying the entry fee waving a dismissive hand as Yvie tried to protest.  
“I know it’s not the most exciting thing, but I figured we could make it fun, in our own way.”
“Person who finds the gayest art piece wins.”
“And the loser?”                              
Yvie smirked leaning forward tipping Scarlet’s chin up with a finger “Pays for ice cream.” She whispered teasingly.
Scarlet giggled “You’re on.”
They walked hand in hand for awhile before both of their competitive sides took over and bounced around the halls with barely contained excitement, ignoring the disapproving glares from other patrons.
“Oh come on you can’t tell me there isn’t sexual tension between those two, it’s in the eyes.” Yvie said pulling Scarlet over while pointing at a painting of two men in military garb “They’re not looking at the painter, they’re looking at each other.”
“Good point, but I take your gay army men and give you this.” Scarlet said tugging Yvie to another room stopping in front of a painting of two young children, A girl about ten in a light blue dress with darker blue embellishments and a younger boy in a red suit with gold on the insides. The children were sat on the ground playing with old fashioned toys.
“How is this gay?” Yvie asked looked at the portrait confused.
“Well I meant the one above it, but it could be gay too, those kids could have grown up to be gay.”
Yvie studied the painting closer looking at the boys blue eyes, turning to Scarlet who had started wandering off,  then back to the painting. “Oh my god it’s you.”
“Hm?” Scarlet questioned returning her attention to Yvie.
“The boy in the painting, it’s you.”
Scarlet blushed “It is. My mother painted it, along with a few others in the museum.”
Yvie looked back reading the small gold plaque below the canvas.
‘Pearl and Jacob’ Painted by Violet James September 1808    
“1808 huh?” Yvie teased “You’re what, six here.”
“Eight actually.”
“That would make you…” She trailed off doing the math in her head.
“219.” Scarlet answered defeated as Yvie smirked linking their arms.
“You don’t look a day over 100.”
Scarlet laughed smacking Yvie’s shoulder lightly. “Thanks, I moisturize.”
Yvie laughed as they continued exploring the vast museum, Scarlet kept walking while a painting caught Yvie’s eye, she let the others hand slip from her own as she turned to look at the art full on, It was a wide portrait, the painting style was similar to the one of Scarlet as a child. There were two young teens, one of them obviously Scarlet, standing in front of, presumably their parents, they were all dressed elegantly, looking bored but poised, but something was off about the painting, looking at who she assumed was Pearl, on her barely exposed forearm there was a black wisp of paint, there was similar streak running down Scarlet’s neck, and on the father’s wrist, Violet also had some on her shoulder blade, peeking out from under her dress. Yvie stared at the wisps almost transfixed.
“Yvie?” Scarlet’s voice snapped her out of her trance. “Are you gonna make fun of my awkward teenage model face.”
“No, uh I just noticed the um marks.”
Scarlet looked confused until she glanced at the painting, her face fell, “Oh right.” She said softly, “Let’s get out of here.” Scarlet said extending her hand. Yvie looked back at the painting one more time before taking Scarlet by the hand as she led them back to the car.
“I believe I owe you ice cream.” Scarlet chuckled as they climbed into the vehicle. “And probably an explanation.” She said less bubbly. “There was wolfs bane and silver in the paint of that portrait, that’s probably what drew you attention, along with iron and vervain. My family… we were hunters. The marks you saw were runes, but the glamour probably distorted it.”                    
“Oh right, you’re still pretty new to this side of things. Hunters are…were of human and angel blood, they protected humans from demons and monsters.”
“Why past tense?”
Scarlet sighed “A civil war of sorts tore them apart. They stopped fighting the monsters and started fighting each other. Neither side won. In the end those who didn’t die scattered, If there are any left they likely don’t even know what they are and their angelic weapons were lost to time.”
“So you were one, back then.”
“I had already been a vampire for some time when the war broke out, but yes I was a hunter, a long time ago.”
Scarlet looked lost in memory and the car was filled with a heavy silence, Yvie coughed breaking it “I knew you looked heaven sent.”
Scarlet smiled, huffing out a laugh “Oh please, I’m not that innocent.” She sighed again absentmindedly running her hand over the smooth skin of her arm. “I’m sorry I dragged the mood down.”
“Hey,” Yvie said cupping Scarlet’s cheek, turning  her to face her “It’s okay, I know the past can be a sensitive subject. Trust me.” Yvie said her hand being drawn to the scar on her neck.
“And I have a  long one.”
“Which I would love to hear about. When you’re ready.”
Scarlet smiled placing her hand over the hand Yvie had on her cheek. “Thank you.” She said softly. Brown eyes met blue and Yvie felt her wolf swoon as it paced under her skin. “So,” Scarlet said “Ice cream?”
“I did win after all.” Yvie smirked.
“Only by one gay soldier.” Scarlet laughed starting the car.
They drove for a few miles before pulling into a small, old fashioned looking ice cream parlor. “This place has been open since 1963, it’s got amazing milkshakes. Do you want one?”
Yvie nodded grabbing her phone as it vibrated in her pocket. “Shit it’s Honey.”
“Hey girl,” she answered keeping an eye on Scarlet as she went into the shop.
“Hey, just checking in, with the moon coming up I want to keep tabs.”
“This isn’t my first moon you know.”
“It’ll be your first with the pack, besides your last three transformations have been rough, I just want to make sure you’re okay.”
Yvie gave a guilty smile “I feel fine, I think my wolf and I are finally starting to get use to each other.”
“That’s good to hear. Hopefully it stays that way. I’ll see you when you get back, don’t forget I want pictures of the baby.”
“If mama ever pops it out I’ll make sure to take some.”
“You better, bye bitch.”
“Bye.” Yvie hung up sighing as Scarlet came back with two milkshakes.
“Everything okay?” She asked handing Yvie one before getting back in the car.
“Yeah,” Yvie said putting her phone away “Just Honey checking in.”
Scarlet nodded understandingly while taking a sip of her milkshake. “I hate that you have to lie to your pack like this, but I’ve known of Honey for a long time, she’s never been a fan of my kind. Which sucks cause I think she’s a fierce queen.”
“Yeah, I mean I hadn’t seen her mad until the day of the meeting, but like she tolerates Nina and Brooke being friends, maybe eventually she’ll come to tolerate us.”
“I hope so.” Scarlet said smiling softly.
Yvie finally took a sip of her milkshake “You were right, this is awesome.”
“I’m glad they’ve stuck to the original recipe. It’s been a few decades since I’ve been here, I honestly wasn’t sure it was still open.”
“I’m glad too, this is delicious.”
“I made sure not to get chocolate, cause you know.” Scarlet grinned wickedly.
Yvie smiled rolling her eyes. “Oh so now she’s a comedy queen.”
They both laughed, finishing their milkshakes Scarlet blurring to a trash can then back.
“Aren’t you worried a human might see.” Yvie said looking over at the people in the diner through the window.
“I can always make them forget.” Scarlet shrugged “It’s getting late, there’s a motel not too far from here. Unless you just want to sleep in the car.”
“We can stop, I don’t want today to end yet.” Yvie flirted playing with a strand of Scarlet’s hair.
“Motel it is.” Scarlet said blushing.
They checked into the motel, Yvie being quick to pay this time earning a playful glare from Scarlet. Once they were in the room Scarlet tossed her bag onto a chair after digging out a gold flask.
“Care to share.” Yvie asked cheekily, sitting on the bed.
“I don’t think you’ll like it much.” She said unscrewing the top, the scent of blood filling Yvie’s nose causing her to cringe, Scarlet chuckled taking a swig cringing herself at the taste.
“Something wrong?”
“It’s only good when it’s fresh.” She said tucking the flask back into her bag.
“So that’s why you were so pissed the other night.”
“That and I was hoping to get laid.”
Yvie smirked sliding over to wrap her arms around Scarlet’s waist. “Maybe I can make it up to you.” She whispered in her ear.
Scarlet shivered turning to face Yvie. “You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into Mr. Bridges.”
“I look forward to finding out.”  
They’re lips nearly touched when Scarlet jerked away , her hand flying up to cover her mouth.
“Is it my breath?” Yvie asked concerned.
“Sorry, sorry, it’s not you, well it is but like you can’t help it.” Scarlet stuttered pulling out her flask again. “Your blood is very…tempting.”
“Oh… sorry?”
“It’s not your fault, blood and I have complicated relationship at times. I don’t want to hurt you.”
“It’s okay, I get it, losing control is not fun.”
“To say the least.” Scarlet said wearily downing the contents of the flask.
“I don’t think you’d hurt me, by the way. You don’t have it in you.”
Scarlet laughed dryly tossing the empty flask back into her bag. “I’ll have you know I am a very dangerous creature.”
“Oh I bet.” Yvie teased booping Scarlet on the nose.
Scarlet smiled flashing her fangs with a playful growl. “I am.” Yvie yawned flopping back onto the bed. “You’re not even gonna change?”
“Why? Are trying to get me out of my clothes Mr. James?” Yvie smirked sitting up.
Scarlet laughed blurring in and out of the bathroom changing into a tank top and loose sweat pants. “Perhaps.” She said climbing onto the bed. Scarlet smiled running her fingers down Yvie’s neck before pulling her closer finally their lips met, Yvie’s wolf growled possessively in her head, deepening the kiss Yvie gripped Scarlet’s waist tightly slowly pushing her back against the bed. Yvie reluctantly pulled away to catch her breath, gazing down at Scarlet who was panting slightly, sharp white fangs on display. Yvie brushed her thumb just under Scarlet’s lips before diving back in, the kiss rougher than the first, Yvie growled suddenly feeling her wolf very close to the surface.
“Fuck.” Yvie pulled away, feeling the bones in her shoulders pop as the wolf tried to surface.
“It’s okay,” Scarlet said rubbing her back “Just breath.”
Taking several deep breaths her body calmed down, much to her wolf’s dismay. Yvie laughed awkwardly “I feel like a teenager.” Scarlet chuckled kissing Yvie’s temple “I haven’t done anything since I turned so that was…”
“Intense.” Scarlet supplied.
“Just a bit.” Yvie chuckled awkwardly. “It’s funny, a few days ago I had swore to myself I’d be alone forever, but now I want nothing more than to be close to you and I can’t because of my wolf.”
Scarlet rubbed comforting circles on Yvie’s back. “Never say never.” Scarlet whispered as she climbed into Yvie’s lap looping her arms around her neck. “Control is something that can be learned. And I’d be happy to help.” Scarlet’s eyes flickered between Yvie’s lips and her eyes.
Yvie’s mouth twitched up into a small smirk, her hands slid down Scarlet’s sides playing with the hem of her tank top. “Who am I to refuse such a kind offer.” Yvie said in a low voice tipping her head forward so that their foreheads touched. Her wolf faded to the back of her mind, content with Scarlet’s scent surrounding her, causing heat to pool in her belly. Their eyes met for a moment before they resumed their kissing, Scarlet tugging Yvie closer by the collar of her shirt, the kiss growing more desperate as Yvie’s hands made their way under Scarlet’s tank top, gently exploring her smooth flesh. Scarlet smiled against Yvie’s lips, one hand grasping at Yvie’s back twisting the fabric in a her fist while the other slowly caressed her neck, giving Yvie goosebumps as a chilled hand traced scarred skin.
They stayed like this for a few minutes before Scarlet grew impatient, she pulled away just enough to pull her tank top over her head mussing her hair causing it to fall in her face, catching between their lips as she quickly pressed them back together. They both laughed breathing heavily smiling at each other as they caught their breath.
Yvie pulled Scarlet close while leaning back before rolling them over pinning Scarlet to the mattress, her lips trailing down Scarlet’s jaw to her neck, relishing as Scarlet’s breath hitched and her grip on Yvie’s shirt tightened, pulling the fabric up and lightly scraping her nails against the exposed flesh until Yvie sat up practically tearing her shirt off and throwing it somewhere behind her. Scarlet slowly ran her hands down Yvie’s chest before replacing her fingers with her lips pressing soft kisses on every scar she could reach. Yvie pushed her back drawing her mouth up and down Scarlet’s neck paying extra attention to the spot that caused a soft moan to fall from her lips and her hips to buck up against Yvie’s.
“I didn’t bring anything.” Scarlet said in between pants as Yvie’s kisses moved lower.
“Don’t worry about it.” Yvie said against her navel, fingers hooking into Scarlet’s sweat pants. She glanced up silently asking for permission which Scarlet answer by eagerly lifting her hips as Yvie slowly slid her pants off. “Commando eh?” Yvie smirked before sucking a bruise on Scarlet’s hip. Scarlet just whined, hips canting forward as Yvie ran her hands up her thighs resting on her hips, warm breath so close to where Scarlet wanted her. Yvie took a moment to admire the quickly healing marks she had left going down Scarlet’s body “Fucking beautiful.” Scarlet blushed turn her head away “Look at me babe.” She whispered pressing kisses to Scarlet’s trembling thighs. Yvie finally gave in wrapping her lips around Scarlet who let out a high pitched moan. Yvie bobbed her head taking in all of Scarlet.
“F f fuck.” Scarlet moaned managing to thrust her hips forward despite Yvie’s grip on her. Yvie continued her mission, reaching her hand between them, cupping and massaging overheated flesh. Yvie focused her attention on the tip swirling her tongue around it causing Scarlet’s back to arch, a few minutes later Scarlet tensed, hands flying to Yvie’s shoulders as if to hold her in place as she let a final moan before finishing in Yvie’s mouth.
Yvie wiped her mouth pulling back, watching as Scarlet caught her breath, her hand subconsciously trailing down to rub herself through her jeans. Scarlet looked breathtakingly beautiful, long hair a mess fanned out around her, face and chest flushed, lips swollen and red as she panted heavily.
“Give me a minute and I’ll return the favor.” Scarlet said propping herself up on her elbows.
Yvie undid her jeans, barely getting out of them before she suddenly found their positions switched with Scarlet smiling seductively kneeled between her legs, hands toying with the waistband of her briefs. “Cheater.” Yvie teased, Scarlet shrugged playfully pulling her underwear down her legs, eyes widening slightly as Yvie’s erection was freed. Licking her lips she wrapped her hand around the shaft doing a few experimental strokes before placing the tip in her mouth. “Watch the fangs.” Yvie breathed out ending in a moan as Scarlet took in more, wrapping her hand around what she couldn’t fit in her mouth. Yvie’s hands snaked their way into Scarlet’s hair, tugging slightly earning a moan from the vampire, the vibration causing her eyes to roll back as they shifted from brown to green briefly, an inhuman growl leaving her lips. Suddenly all her nerves set on fire and she found herself cumming down Scarlet’s throat. Scarlet swallowed around her before pulling off, some spilling down her lip as she looked up at Yvie with hooded eyes. Yvie groaned at the sight of her, pulling her into a deep kiss. Scarlet smiled pecking her on the nose, blurring over to turn the lights off then tucking them under the covers. Yvie fell asleep with her nose buried in Scarlet’s hair as she snuggled into her chest, Yvie’s heartbeat lulling Scarlet to sleep as well.
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