#jack doohan one shot
silverstonesainz · 6 months
“ taking advantage of the fact that they're walking through a crowded place and holding their hand so that they "don't get lost"
for the frat au with jack :)
just in case, just because
hand holding & first kisses frat!jack x reader 1.2k words warnings: n/a
d rambles. . . again, took way to long n this was kinda lame. but i hope u liked it. thanks for requesting lovely!!
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“i dunno…” you look back over at the house, the never ending flow of people walking in and out. it was packed— filled to the absolute brim with drunk college students and it didn’t quite look like your scene. 
“this can’t be new to you,” your roommate looks over at you in disbelief, already starting to take slow steps to the front of the frat house. 
it wasn’t. you had your fair share of parties, attended the best and the worst of them during your brief stint in college. but there was something different— something more intimidating about the double doors of the house. it was just different. 
but you would never admit that, not even to your roommate who knows you a little better than most. 
a girl manages to squeeze past the people pushing into the house, a sheen of sweat over her skin and her mascara smudged under her eyes. she looked worse for wear, but she wears an almost euphoric smile as she looked back into the house. 
“look at her,” you mumble to your friend, “the house just spit her up like that. it must be hell in there.” 
“oh stop looking for excuses, you’ve come home looking worse.” 
you roll your eyes, half amused. she isn’t exactly wrong. your roommate loops her arm through yours, laughing as she tugs you into the house. she’s a force, thank god, pushing through sturdy fraternity men and drunk girls, leading the two of you all the way to the bar. the air is thick, humid, you can already feel the sweat begin to form on your back. 
one poorly mixed drink and another push to the dance floor later, you were thoroughly soaked. you couldn’t enjoy the music, couldn’t enjoy the alcohol, couldn’t enjoy a damn thing. you leaned into your roommate, let her know you’d be back and that you needed a bit of air. she didn’t hear, and you took her lack of a response as an okay to go. 
you push past the heavy crowd, mumbling unheard sorries and ignored excuse-me’s. it felt like miles before you hit the clearing, before a rush of semi-cool air hits you in the face and puts your fiery skin at ease. you huff a breath of a relief, fanning yourself with your hand as you move deeper in the house. 
the kitchen is still full, but not nearly as bad as the dance floor. you make it back to the bar, smiling over at yuki as you yell for another drink over the music. 
and then you see him, snapback sitting backward on top of his head, laughing at his fraternity brother’s probable misfortune. his cheeks are rosy, an effect of the alcohol. he’s tipsy, happy, and completely unaware of the way you gawk at him. 
but he does turn his head eventually, catches you staring and makes you blush. he excuses himself from the conversation, squeezes past party-goers to get all the way over to you. and that’s when the air shifts— thick and filled with nerves. he’s what makes the difference. 
“hey sugar,” jack grins, slinging his arm over you. 
“hi jack.” 
he leans down, presses a wet kiss against your cheek, laughs when he sees the grimace on your face. you grumble complaints, none of which he can hear as he looks around the room. jack pulls you into his side, body heat radiating off him like it always done. and what is usually something comforting is now annoying. you feel yourself begin to overheat, irritation rising with your discomfort. you pull away from him, shrug off his hold as you take a step back. he pouts down at you, but the expression falls as soon as it comes. 
“what’s wrong?” 
“it’s so hot in here,” you yell, fanning yourself with your hand. 
the boy adjusts his hat on his head, revealing the beads of sweat that line where the brim of his hat lay. he looks around the room, “wanna go take a walk? cool off a bit?”
you nod. just about anything sounds better than being in that house at that point. anything. 
“lead the way.” jack holds his palm out, gestures you to step ahead of him. you don’t question why he doesn’t lead the way instead, considering his taller built. you allow your irritation lead the two of you through the heavy crowd, but it only takes you so far. even with jack’s hands on your shoulders, gently pushing you through, it only takes you so far. 
a couple blocks your way. and to the left another pairing and to the right very drunk sorority women who lack the concept of personal space. you were stuck, trapped in the center of the humid mosh pit of the frat house. you turn your head, pouting up at jack like a silent plea. 
you see the way he smiles knowingly, reads your expression with no trouble. he slides ahead of you, fingers intertwining with yours without a thought. you can feel you heart speed up, breath hitched in your throat. suddenly the hot air didn’t bother you as much, the sweat sliding down your back wasn’t as uncomfortable, and the lack of personal space as jack leads you through the crowd really wasn’t all that bad. 
jack squeezes past people with ease, pulls you along with him. with jack in the lead, it isn’t long until he’s yanked you out the door and into the cold air. you sigh in relief, head thrown back as you accept the cold fall air to kiss your skin. you hear jack chuckle, and you look up to catch his boyish smile as he watches your repose. his fingers are still interlocked with yours, curved so that you don’t slip away from him so easily. he lets you walk as far as both your hands would allow, before he’s pulling you back to him. you bump into his chest, hair over your face from the wind. he smiles, uses his friend to push the stray hairs to get a clearer view of you. 
“you look happy.” he comments. 
“i am,” you mumble, squeezing his hand. “you’re holding my hand.” 
he chuckles, squeezing your hand back, “i am. didn’t wanna lose you.” 
“and what’s your excuse now?” you tease, standing on your tip toes so that your noses brush. 
“just in case,” he mumbles, leaning forward ever so slightly. 
your heart speeds up as you catch his gaze fall from your eyes to your lips for split second. you catch a glimpse of his smile, feel it ghost over you lips before he presses into you. his lips are warm, taste like cherry and vodka. soft, sensual, jack kisses you like he has all the time of in the world. his kiss dims the world around you, renders the cold ineffective as his touch heats your skin. 
but he pulls away before you get too hot, panting softly as his eyes search yours for a bit of emotion. maybe regret, or discomfort— anything that might tell him that he just made a big mistake. but instead he sees your shy smile, you flushed cheeks as he leans in to press one more peck against your lips.  
“and what was that for?” you ask, nose still brushing against his. 
jack smiles, shrugs. “just because.” 
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thisismeracing · 1 year
Hello! I think #3 is available? Can I request that one for micky? 😊
Of course! 🥰 here you go, sorry for taking forever to finish it
From the Quick Prompt List: 3. “Some lies are made to be told”
word count: 0.8k
pairing: reader (she/her pronouns) x mick schumacher
warnings: angstyyyy, not proofread, mentions of a wedding (idk if this could be a tw, but better be safe than sorry). open ending (more like no happy endings, but whatever).
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There are many types of lies. There are the small ones such as when you go visit a friend and they ask if you're hungry, and you tell them no when, in reality, you are starving. There are also the medium ones, such as when someone asks if you're jealous of a person and you say no but you are biting your nails and digging into your skin. And then, there are the bigger ones, such as the one Mick Schumacher told Yn.
Those more significant lies tend to blow everything up when their truth comes to light, yet, for some reason, Mick did not consider that possibility and went on to deny his feelings until he couldn't anymore.
And the day he couldn't anymore, just happened to be the day of Yn's and Jack's wedding. He knew that to outsiders he may seem like an asshole, but nevertheless, he reached his breaking point. He thought he could keep up with the charade, but it turns out lying to yourself is even worse and makes the biggest of a lie unbearable.
"What did you just say?" Yn asked with her voice strained, eyes wide, lips slightly parted.
Mick gulped, and took a deep breath, but did not look away from her eyes when he repeated, "I am in love with you, and have been since the beginning. I am so sorry, Yn, I'm just so miserable keeping it-"
"Why didn't you tell me before??" she almost screamed, she wanted to scream, to slap him. Yn wanted many things but the biggest was to cry. She felt like lying on the cold hard ground and crying herself to sleep because that could not be true, Mick was her now husband's best friend. The blonde finally dropped his eyes to the ground, his tipsy state made him stumble, but he held on to the chair. "We talked about feelings years ago, Mick, and you told me it was all in my head. You told me you did not feel anything, you told me to stay with Jack." She was furious because from the moment Jack introduced them Yn knew that the way she looked at Schumacher was not the way you were supposed to when in a relationship. And to make matters worse, she felt like he reciprocated everything, there was some kind of tension, and they set an unspoken rule about not acting on it, however, one wine-induced night they talked about it, and she confessed her feelings, but he denied his. He was hell-bent on the bro code, or whatever people would call it. Mick would never steal his best friend's girl, especially because he knew how crazy Jack was about Yn.
Mick did not answer her question, he just looked outside through the big window watching their friends and families drink and eat and happily enjoy the wedding reception.
Yn and Jack decided to marry at the beach, and it was only fair in their minds for the reception to happen there. They had the easiness of getting ready and being close to the beach house, but still thoroughly enjoy a wedding and reception at the same place since the beach was secluded and big enough to comport their families and closest friends.
Right now, Yn was hating the idea because it meant that she and Mick had all the privacy the house could give and he could do what he just did: confess his feelings.
"Answer me, dammit!" Now the tears in her eyes finally spilled. Mick's face crumbled, it pained him so much to see her cry and to be the reason for it? It was like getting hit by a truck. A truck full of all the moments he lied to her and to himself. A truck full of all his untold feelings and unacted moments. A truck full of regrets.
He understands now when his friend Daniel would say "No regrets, just memories" and encourage people to act on their shit instead of regretting not doing so in the future.
"Some lies are made to be told, or so I thought" he whispers. It's a ghost of his voice because now he's crying too.
"You're a coward, Mick Schumacher," she seethes.
The German takes another step back. Yn's the one driving the truck now, and she decided to go full force on him. But it was ok, or so he thought, because maybe he deserved it, maybe he was being an asshole.
"How do you expect me to go around now knowing you loved me back all this time?" Yn's crying is getting harder, her makeup running down her face.
"I- Wait- You love me?"
"I did, but it's too late now," she murmurs before turning her back to him and leaving a tipsy Mick to fall to the ground. The truth may set people free, but he thinks this time it just chained both of them.
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I did not like this piece that much because for some reason dumb-ol-me could not remember what was my initial idea when I wrote this prompt. I'm really sorry, guys, but I hope this was something at least bearable lol *mwah*
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scotianostra · 1 year
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On June 6th 1944 Allied forces stormed the beaches of Northern France on what became known as D-Day.
There were no doubt many acts of bravery on that day when the tide started to turn against the Nazi regime that ultimately ended World War Two. I shall concentrate on one, but will also tell you about a German sniper that day and a wee tenuous brave Canadian.
‘Piper’ Bill Milllin landed on Sword Beach on the Coast of Normandy as part of the 1st Special Service Brigade in the second wave of the operation.
Pipers were banned from being on the frontline during the Second World War because of the number of casualties seen during the First World War. The enemy figured out that the piper helped boost morale to the Allied troops, and they were slaughtered because of this. This led the War Office to restrict their presence in camps as well as on the frontline.
Millin pointed this out to his Commanding Officer  Brigadier Lord "Shimi" Lovat  Fraser, hereditary chief of the Clan Fraser, who was a law unto himself. “Ah, but that’s the English War Office, Millin,” Lovat told him. “You and I are both Scottish so that doesn’t apply.”
As Bill Millin embarked from the landing craft and waded through chest high water making his way toward dry land, high above his head he carried his pipes, the only weapon he would need that day. Around him bullets flew, mortar shells exploded Bill_Millin1and his friends, comrades and countrymen died, but Bill carried onward.
It was what came next that made Bill Millin a legend! Lord Lovat, the Chief of Clan Fraser and Brigadier of the 2,500 commandos, instructed the 21 year old Bill Millin to fire up his pipes and play a tune to inspire the men. And with the five words ‘Give us “Highland Laddie” man!’, the Legend of ‘Piper’ Bill was born.
Amid the carnage and destruction Bill Millin played as he had never played before. While marching up and down the beach of Normandy, Millin played the tunes ‘Hielan’ Laddie’, ‘The Road to the Isles’ and ‘Blue Bonnets over the Border’, and at one point added ‘The Nut Brown Maiden’ for a redheaded French girl who had strayed out of her home.
The day would see Millin and his unit march four miles inland to a point known as Pegasus Bridge, which was a strategically vital point for the German 21st Panzer Division. D-Day was the turning point in the Allies’ battle against Hitler and ‘Piper’ Bill Millin stands a reminder of the bravery and sacrifice made by ordinary people in extraordinary times.
Facing the soldiers coming ashore that day was Horst Hrubesh, German machine gunner, he too can be seen as a hero of sorts, if you read the poem he penned, I will let you decide;
Scottish soldier play your pipes
Even though your in my sights
Just like me you have a wife
I aim above your head
For full five minutes i fire up high
Keep my bullets up in the sky
No mad piper, you will not die
I will not lay you dead.
Now at my Nazi captains call
He wonders why you do not fall
They drag me from my post in haste
Another gunner i am replaced
In a cell now i await
Whats sure to be a bloody fate
Jack boots stamp across the yard
By my cell with windows barred
Soldier friends i stood beside
Now gather in a long straight line
Blindfold no i did decline
To see their faces full of guilt
As they take my life for i shalt not kill.
Horst Hrubesh was German , but not a nazi, he paid the price for his act on D Day.
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The third person to get a mention today is James M. Doohan who landed ashore at Juno beach. Later that day se would be shot 6 times, survive and go on to become Scotty on Star Trek.
Doohan was a commissioned lieutenant with the 14th Field Artillery Regiment of the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division, and was tasked with invading an area of Normandy code-named Juno Beach. As the meme states, Doohan successfully led his men across the beach littered with anti-tank mines, and also managed to take out two German snipers:
Lieutenant Doohan was however not shot by a German sniper. He had been shot by a nervous, trigger-happy Canadian sentry.
Doohan said. "We landed safely, thank God, through those Y-shaped steel barriers you see in the film, tracer bullets, all that, none of our men hurt, and dashed 75 yards to the 7-foot tall dunes," Doohan said. 
"Crossed a minefield, found out about it later: It was meant to blow up tanks, and we weren't heavy enough. Moved up through a down - hardly a town just a village - called Graye Sur Mer, saw a church tower that was a machine-gun post, firing off to our left. 
Doohan took out the machine-gun post with a couple of shots. "I don't know if they were killed or wounded, but it shut them up," he said.  The Canadian soldier later said he didn't notice the gunshot wounds in his legs until he got to the medic who told him;
'You also have four bullets in your left knee.' I said: 'Well, I walked here.'"
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mistressemmedi · 5 months
@ The anon: They don't think anything about Victor Martins. He needs to win F2 to be in any shot of a seat, and even then they'd try and negotiate for Logan Sargeant's seat for him rather than putting him in the main team.
Jack Doohan is the preferred junior but not for his driving ability. Mick Doohan communicates directly with De Meo (he also went straight to Mateschitz in Red Bull), and that is why Jack is in all of the media. I don't think Alpine will go for a rookie any time soon. They'll want someone who's already proven on the grid. With the car being on shaky ground they need a stable driver. The ones I've heard of being targets are Sergio (as they know he's not keeping his seat), Valtteri, and Alex.
I may be remembering incorrectly, but I was under the impression that Audi wanted Alex as well 👀🤷🏻‍♀️
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umgeorge · 1 year
If all f1 contracts were to end tomorrow and you could build a new grid where money wasn’t an object and there are no constraints on which drivers could go to each team (alpha tauri isn’t junior Red Bull, teams with Ferrari engines don’t need a Ferrari driver etc), what would your grid look like?
oh! hmm, that's a loaded one to think about, i suppose, but thank you for asking! needless to say, lewis and george would stay at merc. i would get rid of rbr and both of their drivers entirely, to be replaced by audi (as opposed to them taking over alfa), with mick and... hm, i guess i'll say bottas. i'm not vb's biggest fan, but i think he'd be a great teammate to mick who could teach him a lot. i would bring seb out of retirement to reap the rewards of his hard work at aston (very loud sobbing) and pair him with piastri. i think oscar deserves that mentorship and, while it's tempting to have smick as teammates, i wouldn't want competition to ruin their friendship y'know? plus i can just picture a slightly bemused seb taking a shine to the walking Mood that is oscar "the piastri" piastri as his teammate. i would promote ayumu iwasa and pair him with yuki at andretti motorsports, in place of alpha tauri. ayumu has extraordinary natural ability but not much experience in the feeder series yet, so while he'd need a teacher, maybe not someone with like a decade of experience in a top car who just can't relate to the stage he's at in his career right now anymore. but yuki could still teach him so much! charles can stay at ferrari, but paired with alonso. it pains me to leave fernando on the grid, but charles needs further mentoring, including on keeping his chin up when the rug is repeatedly ripped out from under him. and, frankly, alonso wouldn't take any shit from that team and might actually piss them off enough to actually try again. guanyu can stay at alfa romeo, i think he could really build something there with a little time, but let's pair him with magnussen. those seem like two complementary personalities and, while not in top shelf cars, magnussen does have years of experience. i'm pulling in callum ilott and liam lawson for alpine. big gamble to pair two rookies, but alpine need to try something new. and they're both a bit of firecrackers who could probably spur each other on through alternating rage and friendship. alex albon is off to mclaren, who now have a proper team principal named cyril and a distinct lack of zak brown. and ricciardo's back. reunite the dream team, add in alex's input and raw natural ability. can't get worse, right? let's try out fred vesti and esteban ocon at williams. love my freddy boy <3 and este and he could be goofy goobers together! and, of course, este would have so much to teach, with his experience. last and frankly least, but not the drivers! i say give jack doohan his shot at haas but, since the car is absolute garbage, he needs a very strong mentor. you can take your pick of a recently un-retired, "wow, nascar was a letdown" kimi raikkonen or jenson button. this was actually super fun!! obviously i'm biased toward my f2 faves, but i also genuinely believe they all deserve their shot, if not now, then someday :)
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f1 · 2 years
F2: Iwasa overshadows rivals to claim dominate maiden pole in Budapest
Ayumu Iwasa commanded all the attention in qualifying by securing his first Formula 2 pole position, going a staggering 0.381s clear in the final minutes of running. Although he set the pace early on, Marcus Armstrong couldn’t get another attempt in to get close to the Red Bull junior’s time and had to be content with second ahead of championship leader Felipe Drugovich. Cooler evening temperatures removed one hurdle out of the drivers’ way, as the field were able to take more than one shot at a flying lap on each set of soft tyres. However, it was the all-important track limits around the Hungaroring that proved to be a stumbling block with mistakes and lock-ups littering several early runs, including Iwasa’s. Initially Armstrong and the ART Grand Prix duo of Theo Pourchaire and Frederik Vesti looked to be the ones to beat as the trio traded places at head of the order, before Drugovich managed to lift himself up into second, two-thousandths of a second behind Mercedes junior Vesti’s best time. FP2: Leclerc heads impressive Norris as Ferrari sweep Friday sessions at the Hungaroring Failing to improve on their second runs on their first sets, nearly all the field dived into the pits to await the second half of the session, knowing that track position for both races would be vital given the lack of overtaking opportunities around the 14-corner layout. However, Alpine junior Olli Caldwell opted to go against the tide and ran in the gap, allowing him to shoot up to provisional pole until Armstrong returned to the top of the order a few minutes later. The New Zealander appeared to be on course for his maiden F2 pole, but that accolade would fall elsewhere as seemingly out of nowhere, Japanese rookie Iwasa threw down purple sector after purple sector to clock in a 1m 27.930s, while his rivals slowly made their way back into the pits. Pourchaire’s attempts to claw back Drugovich’s advantage in the title fight were given a helping hand as he’ll line up alongside the Brazilian driver in Sunday’s Feature Race. Williams Racing Academy junior Logan Sargeant made sure all the top three championship contenders would start inside the top five, as he pipped Juri Vips by 0.010s. Vesti’s early pace could only translate into seventh, ahead of Red Bull junior Dennis Hauger. Enzo Fittipaldi secured ninth, as Alpine junior Jack Doohan made the best of a challenging session to hold off Liam Lawson and claim the reverse grid pole in P10. The Formula 2 action continues when the lights go out for Saturday’s Sprint Race at 1800 local time. via Formula 1 News https://www.formula1.com
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vintage1981 · 5 years
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Nichelle Nichols Embarks on Farewell Tour and Announces Documentary
Beloved Star Trek actress Nichelle Nichols has decided to call time on her touring and public appearance schedule. She will be embarking on a farewell tour which will culminate in a special farewell even next May. She is also working on a documentary about her life, which is currently crowdfunding.
Nichelle Nichols Farewell Tour And Convention
The original Uhura, Nichelle Nichols, has announced she will be making her final public appearances over the next 12 months, with her last being a special “Hailing Frequencies Open…One Last Time!” convention on the first weekend of May 2020. It was revealed last year that Nichols was diagnosed with moderate progressive dementia and she plans on moving in with her son Kyle, who has been acting as her proxy and is joining her on her farewell tour.
For her final appearances, Nichelle is doing photo opportunities and signings, but not panels.  According to a representative for Nichelle Nichols, she is confirmed for the following upcoming events:
May 16-19 – MegaCon – Orlando Flordia
May 23-26 – Phoenix Fan Fusion – Phoenix, Arizona
June 28-30 – Wisconsin Comic Convention – Milwaukee, WI
July 4-7 – Florida Supercon – Miami, Florida
July 12-14 – Shore Leave – Baltimore, Maryland
July 31-August 4 – Official Star Trek Convention – Las Vegas, Nevada
October 3-6 – New York Comic Con – New York, New York
May 1-3, 2020 – Nichelle Nichols Farewell Convention – Burbank, CA
For more info on Nichelle’s upcoming events see her schedule at uhura.com. A representative for Nichelle says more dates will be added to the list. Also, note some of the above events have yet to be added to the website as new dates have been just recently confirmed.
Guests are still being lined up for the Farewell Convention next May, but the lineup already includes Star Trek stars Walter Koenig, Tim Russ, and Marina Sirtis. There are also a number of TOS guest stars lined up including Gary Lockwood, Sally Kellerman, Michael Forest, Jack Donner, Charlie Brill, Tanya Lemani, BarBara Luna, and France Nuyen. Some behind-the-scenes people from TOS will also be there, including writer D.C. Fontana. The event will include a party and a banquet, which Nichelle will attend and there are plans for a final stage event with various TOS celebrities and Nichelle as well. The convention is being managed by AtomiCon (formerly PlanetXpo) who also produced James Doohan’s Farewell show in 2004 and Walter Koenig’s Hollywood Star Celebration in 2012.
For more details on Nichelle’s Farewell Convention, visit the official site at uhura.space.
Nichols documentary seeking crowdfunding
Nichelle Nichols has partnered up with the team behind Renegades who are seeking to produce a documentary about her life titled Breaking Barriers. The goal is to tell Nichols’ inspiration life story and how she has influenced others. “Nichelle’s story is so important – not only to our generation, but all generations,” said producer Sky Conway. The producers are hoping to develop a “sizzle reel” with Nichelle which will be shot on a replica of the USS Enterprise (the one formerly used by Star Trek: Continues). This reel will be used to pitch the doc to distributors to get the full documentary made. They are currently crowdfunding for the sizzle reel with a goal of $25,000. Pledges of $10 and more will get access to the sizzle reel itself along with more collectible perks based on the level. Pledges of $120 and more also include tickets to the Nichelle Nichols Farewell Convention.
To learn more about the doc and the campaign visit indiegogo.com.
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gentlemansaurusrex · 6 years
The Other Beach Boys
Hey all! Seeing as that June 6th was the anniversary of D-Day, I would like to talk about the people do not get much recognition but served during that time. This post includes sons of famous politicians, actors, as well as crazy guys who decided to storm the beaches with impracticality.
The first person I would like to talk about is Theodore Roosevelt Jr. TR Jr. landed on Utah Beach as part of Operation Overlord. He had prior military experience with World War One as well as various other battles in World War Two such as the North African Campaign. Unfortunately, TR Jr. was not one of the lucky men who would return from storming the beaches. Most men who stormed the beaches received terrible injuries or were mowed down by machine gun fire. The death of TR Jr. was quite different. TR Jr. had a heart attack in his bed that was in a converted truck. The night that he passed away, he was discussing his health problems with his son Quentin as well as awaiting orders for promotion. Omar Bradley who was TR’s commander mentioned promoting him to a Two Star General. However, around the time that he was promoted, TR had succumbed to his ailments.
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The second man I would like to discuss is known by a catchphrase from a famous tv show that would air years after D-Day. This catchphrase was said by every character other than himself, it was “Beam me up Scotty” from Star Trek. Canadian actor James Doohan who played Star Trek’s Montgomery Scott served on Juno Beach. Doohan was known for serving in the Royal Canadian Artillery where he led his men to the higher ground. He and his men maintained a defensive position but, a nervous Canadian sentry mistook him for a German soldier shooting him with his Bren (a British light machine gun). Doohan was shot six times, four bullets in his leg, one in his chest, and one that destroyed his middle finger on the right hand. The bullet that hit his chest barely did any damage because it hit a cigarette case that his brother gave to him. He recovered to full health, only having his finger amputated. While acting on the set of Star Trek, Doohan would do his best to not show his missing finger often hiding his hand in his pocket.
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The next group of people I will discuss are known as “The Bagpipers”. The first man of this group I will be talking about is William “Bill” Millin. Millin was a commando who served under Simon Frasier, 15th Lord Lovat. Frasier’s personal piper was Millin. For pipers in the army at this time, they were often placed in the rear. Frasier completely ignored this order and had Millin play wherever. Frasier and his commandos would be some of the men that would storm Sword Beach on D-Day. For Millin, this was an opportunity to play the pipes. Millin became famous for playing the bagpipes while he and his fellow soldiers ran up Sword Beach. On Sword beach, other British, Canadian, Scottish, and Irish soldiers could hear him playing “Highland Laddie” and “The Road to the Isles”. Seeing as Millin was one of the only men playing bagpipes on the beach, one would think that he would be picked off by German snipers. On the contrary, German snipers did not shoot at him because they thought he succumbed to the madness of battle. Millin was an interesting character that stormed the beaches, much like the man who carried the umbrella.
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The man who carried an umbrella was Major Allison Digby Tatham-Warter. At the loss of his brother John at El-Alamein in Northern Africa and seeing the courage of his sister who served, Digby eventually volunteered. He was well known amongst his fellow soldiers as an expert hunter and pilot. When eventually seeing action, Digby led a bayonet charge against the Germans while wearing a bowler hat. The umbrella story came to be when Digby noticed a chaplain pinned down by gunfire. Digby ran to a chaplain and told him “Don’t worry about the bullets, I have an umbrella.”. The two walked back to their positions under Digby’s umbrella. The reason for Digby’s umbrella was that he had a very hard time remembering passwords that would ensure his safety from the British in situations where they could not recognize him. The umbrella essentially made him recognizable as an Englishman. Though Digby did not storm the beaches of Normandy on D-Day, he is a unique person to look at.
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The last person I would like to discuss is Jack Churchill, who had no relation to Winston. Churchill would earn a reputation as being crazy, ridiculous, and hard to kill earning him the nicknames, “Mad Jack” and “Fighting Jack Churchill”. Mad Jack did not serve on D-day either, but a quick note of him will be intriguing. He served in WWII from 1940 to 1945, which is much of the duration of the war. He was known for carrying a Scottish Broadsword with a bow and arrow into battle. He would often be captured and then walk back to British or American positions disregarding any danger he would be put in.
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The men above who served whether on the beaches of Normandy or throughout most of the war will be remembered as legends. Here is part of my soapbox, if you see a man or woman who is a veteran that served in any capacity in the military, go and talk to them. Say hello or shake their hand. They sacrificed so much for everyone’s freedom.
Next Week: Father’s Day.
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johnjdessler-blog · 7 years
My latest guilty pleasure … Gunsmoke
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Strong stories based in simple times and great characters, .. Matt is bad ass, Festus has a real way with words ("talkin' like my foot's asleep.") and can sing like an angel (who knew?), Kitty is one heck of a business woman, ….
I enjoy seeing all the stars at the beginning of their careers playing various parts (even getting killed off in multiple episodes), … Leonard Nimoy , James Doohan, DeForest Kelley (I would bet he developed Bones by watching Doc), George Kennedy, Ed Asner, Dennis Hopper, Lee Van Cleef, Barbara Eden, Kurt Russell, Bette Davis, Jack Lord, Ted Knight, etc….
I do have a few observations and questions: - They drink a lot of coffee …. A lot! - I think Doc has fleas. He enters every scene scratching his ear, flicking his mustache, or pickin' his nose - Why is Doc's office on the second floor? Every time someone gets shot he is always tellin' folks "Carry him upstairs" - Don't challenge Chester to a one-legged, ass kickin' contest, …. you will lose.
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f1 · 2 years
F2: Williams junior Sargeant makes history in Silverstone Feature Race
Logan Sargeant refused to let the pressure of a maiden pole position get to him, putting on a dominant display to take his first Formula 2 victory in the Silverstone Feature Race – becoming the first American driver to do so in the Championship’s history. Since the beginning of the weekend, Sargeant was the one to beat and nobody could come close to him on Sunday. Executing a strong getaway, he held onto the lead as Theo Pourchaire shot up from fourth to second at lights out before an early Safety Car appearance on Lap 2. Contact between Roy Nissany and Dennis Hauger sent the Red Bull junior flying over the sausage kerbs and on to the top of the DAMS car. F2: Doohan scores maiden win in Silverstone Sprint Race On the restart, Sargeant looked comfortably in control, beginning to build a gap as the pit stop window opened for those who started on the soft tyres. That gap held firm until the final couple of laps as Pourchaire’s sudden burst of pace put him right within the Carlin’s DRS. However, Sargeant didn’t falter, and having saved some tyre performance, he clawed his way out of the Sauber junior’s grasp to take an emotional victory. Pourchaire breathed life back into his title fight with second and Liam Lawson gave Carlin the perfect end to their home race weekend as he held onto the final podium position. Waiting until the final seconds of the race, Felipe Drugovich overtook Mercedes junior Frederik Vesti for fourth. Juri Vips was fifth, ahead of Jehan Daruvala and Hitech Grand Prix team mate Marcus Armstrong. Off the back of his Sprint Race win on Saturday, Jack Doohan took ninth, while home hero Jake Hughes climbed up to take the final point in 10th. Although Drugovich still stands at the top of the Drivers’ Championship on 148 points, Pourchaire will be hoping to claw back more of his advantage next time around, but he’ll need to keep an eye on Sargeant, who’s vaulted himself into the fight in third. The second half of the double-header awaits, as F2 heads to the Austrian countryside and the home of the Red Bull Ring next weekend. For more on FIA Formula 2, visit the official FIA F2 website. For more on FIA Formula 3, visit the official FIA F3 website. via Formula 1 News https://www.formula1.com
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