#jaw tumor
ameloblastomadiary · 11 months
My apologies for being away from this blog for so long! I ended up getting pregnant, then having complications with the pregnancy (pre-eclampsia and HELLP syndrome) that resulted in a month-long hospital stay and a very premature birth (29 weeks and 5 days, born December 25th), which led to 68 days in the NICU. Since then, it's been a whirlwind of moving into our basement suite, adjusting to parenthood, and getting to all of my and my daughter's appointments. I've developed chronic fatigue and pain since the birth, as well as had continued liver and blood pressure issues, so I'm getting all sorts of tests for autoimmune disorders, liver function, etc.
Now, on to my teeth!
I finally have my final prosthetic! It was a bit of a journey, we started with a fixed appliance for a few months but found that it was simply too difficult for me to clean underneath the bridge and around the screws. Now I have a removable appliance that looks like a metal retainer with teeth attached, see below for photos:
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^ Here it is from a number of different angles, including underneath where the attachment points are visible.
It definitely feels weird to have in, as I've gone nearly half a decade without my three lower left molars, and the metal bar feels strange to speak with, but I'm adjusting to it well. I'm still quite tentative about chewing on that side, but this is a functional appliance and I know that I need to use it or risk losing density in the bone graft.
I've had this appliance for nearly a month now, and it's quite comfortable to have in. I take it out at night and let it soak in its case with water and a denture tablet, then in the morning I rinse it off and stick it back in.
What really gets me about this appliance is how natural it looks once it's in. I can feel with my tongue that it isn't my teeth or gums, but the colour and shape and everything matches my other teeth so well that it looks like it's really my teeth!
I have a follow-up appointment regarding this appliance later this month that I look forward to.
It really seems like this is finally wrapping up! I will be sad to leave this blog, and I may continue updating sporadically if checkups or developments occur, but it seems like this journey is nearing its end.
I started this blog as a way to document my journey and store images and progress notes for others who may be undergoing the same or a similar experience. When my ameloblastoma was diagnosed, I could only find a handful of personal accounts about the lesion, none of which continued into the recovery process. It became my goal to to continue my account through my recovery and reconstruction, whatever came up.
I hope that this blog can be a valuable resource for those studying dentistry and/or oral pathology, but most especially for those that feel as I did - scared, overwhelmed, hopeless, and alone.
This side account is linked to my main account, so I should receive notifications if messages are sent with any questions, etc. You may also feel free to follow me on Instagram at pocketwatchesandtea, it is currently set to "private" as I have photos of my daughter on there, but send me a message here with your account when you request to follow and I'll accept and give you access, as my x-ray photos and specimen photos are hosted there.
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ariesbilly · 1 year
Like my options are get a root canal or get the tooth pulled which is cheaper so my family’s like get it pulled and my grandparents are like “we’ve had teeth pulled when we were younger and never had any issues” cuz I told them my dentist was telling me how pulling the tooth could lead to issues down the road and I’m sitting here like…my grandma has like 2 teeth left in her mouth and my grandpa currently has a tumor in his jaw or something which I’m sure aren’t related to any teeth pulling but nonetheless I’m not exactly looking to take dental advice from them right now
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jcbbby · 1 year
having myself a cheeky little health anxiety panic attack before bed 🥰
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dovesfree · 1 year
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polyamoryprincess · 1 year
tw: depression; eating disorder mention; discussions relating to weight
I remember when I was losing a lot of weight at one point because I literally couldn’t get myself to eat I was so exhausted and fatigued from depression I had multiple people, mainly dentists and doctors/nurses, compliment me on my weight loss and asked me what my “secret” was and at some point I was just like “I’m depressed and not eating.”
And I can’t help but think “what the fuck is wrong with people?”
Do not comment on someone’s weight, especially if you don’t fucking know them at all. What if I had had a triggerable eating disorder? Someone’s weight being pointed out can be such a triggering thing, why do people treat it like small talk just because they’re saying I look skinny instead of fat?
Saying my depression and eating disorder and illnesses looks good on me is not a fucking compliment.
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cuntrytaylor · 3 months
😐 im. so serious
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girljeremystrong · 9 months
what horrific thing has happened that even kenstewy smashing can't help??
dear family friend just suddenly found out she probably has uterine cancer that has metastasized to her liver she's in her 40s and she's such a good person we're all very scared and sad
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hey guys did you know that when people have radiation poisoning their bones get really weak and break? a lot of the time their teeth will fall out with the slightest touch, or there'll be holes in their skulls, and people's jaws have fallen off !!!
this is because the body treats radiation as calcium (which is super important for strengthening your bones) and it lets the radiation into your bone marrow !! of course, it is not calcium, and it weakens your bones instead of strenghthening them, which leads to them being super fragile and breaking !!!
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animeyanderelover · 1 month
Could you write “Close your eyes so it’ll hurt less. for Satoru Gojoı with non-sorcerer reader.
It can be nsfw or punishment scenario <3
thanks in advance!
Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional behavior, overprotective behavior, manipulation, clinginess, isolation, abduction, paranoia, Satoru breaks s/o's wrist
Words: 3.1 k
Prompt 192
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'Beauty is deceiving. It hides who the true monster is.'
You couldn't quite recall when and where you had stumbled upon this phrase, if it had been spoken by someone or if you had read it in a book. Most likely because you had never given this analysis much thought when you had received it for the first time. In hindsight, you should have probably given those two sentences much more thought. Perhaps, but only perhaps, then you wouldn't have fallen so easily prey to a man whose powers and appearance resembled old folklore of ancient and powerful gods.
Satoru indeed, as you had learned the longer you had been with him, thought of himself as someone blessed and special. If anyone else would have said those words to you, you would have thought of them as delusional. Yet when Gojo Satoru said those words, they were no mere gloating fantasies. Instead those words were reality, a reality you had been exposed to ever since you had gotten involved with him.
A reality that frightened you and one that you still couldn't comprehend. Worst of all seemed to be that Satoru refused to expose his world to you. You had only pieces of the puzzle, an unfinished picture of the whole situation that left you with a strange mixture of fear and agitation.
"Even if I were to tell you, you wouldn't be able to do anything. I would only scare you unnecessarily."
Partially he had spoken the truth and you knew that. You wouldn't be able to do anything against whatever it was that his world held in store for you. Yet Satoru was mislead in his assumption that keeping the truth from you would spare you from unnecessary stress. It only amplified it as the fear of not knowing had become a familiar chain that restricted your mind. You had started viewing your surroundings with more caution and wariness, unaware what it was you had to look out for but on edge nevertheless. A feeling of constant alert had overcome you whenever you were conscious, one that had cost you.
No longer felt you able to relax or take joy in the simple things. What you didn't know was constantly on your mind, the nagging fear a festering tumor that spread inside your mind the more time you were forced to spend with him.
His constant presence did not do anything to soothe your growing anxiousness. On the contrary, it fueled those feelings inside of your chest only more. It was unclear to you whether he was oblivious to this fact or if he chose to ignore it and if you had to be truthful, you did not know which was worse.
There was only one thing he often felt the urgent need to remind you of.
That he was the good guy.
Your hold on the book tightened, your heart clenching in rapidly growing frustration as you tried your best to blend Satoru's presence out of your mind and focus.
"Don't ignore me, (y/n)!" He whined and his voice, one you used to perceive as a pleasant and delightful sound, made you cringe the same way the sound of nails against a chalkboard would have done. It was borderline agonising and you just wanted it to stop. Your jaw clenched, your head pounding as the anger piled on yet you tried to push everything down as you didn't want to lose your composure and, accompanying your composure, the grasp of control over your own emotions.
When you felt soft lips traveling down from your temple to your neck, you shut the book loudly before you stood abruptly up. Your fists were balled to fists as the pounding in your head seemed to intensify. You felt the urge to scream, to cry or to let your feelings vent out in any other way but you knew that you couldn't do that in front of him. Your feet stomped away from the scene in an attempt to get away from him. When you noticed that he stood up and followed you, you had to bite your tongue in your best attempt to not yell at him.
"Am I not even allowed to go to the bathroom alone?" You growled at him before locking the door to the only room where you could have at least a few minutes for yourself. You scowled at the hurt pout he gave you before his face disappeared from your sight. In the very same moment you locked the door, separating you from Satoru, it felt like someone had unlocked your ability to breathe properly again. The air tasted fresher and your chest felt lighter now that you were away from his smothering presence.
You drew water from the tap and splashed the cold liquid against your face in an attempt to soothe the burning pounding that had tormented you for the entire day already. You took those moments to let the silence and appreciated loneliness sink in, your face still buried in your head as you made no attempt to remove it from them.
As much as you would have wanted to stay like this for a while longer, you knew that you only had so much time before Satoru would grow impatient. You'd rather destroy this moment of peace due to your own will rather than to be thrown out of this tranquility by his own actions.
You turned the tap off and dried your face with the towel before you unlocked the door and turned the knob, expecting to hear his voice immediately calling for you or to even see him standing there.
Instead you heard his hushed voice from the living room and although you couldn't clearly hear all of his words, it sounded like he was talking to someone. For a split second you debated whether or not to use this chance to return to the bathroom or go somewhere else. On the other hand you knew too well that he would demand for you as soon as he was finished with this conversation so instead you opted to just head back to the living room as well.
When you peaked inside through the opened door, you could see that he was having a phone call with someone. Brilliant blue eyes darted up as soon as they saw you and a smile graced his lips for a few moments. You could clearly hear how his voice turned to a mere murmur as he suddenly turned his back on you and you knew instantly that the call must have been related to his job which is why he didn't want you to hear what he was hearing. You felt your curiosity urging you to step closer, so close that you would understand everything no matter how silent he might try to talk.
From previous experiences you knew that if you were to try that though, he would end the call instantly and merely tell the other person on the line to text him all the information before hanging up. So you just stood there and waited, feeling the frustration bubble up inside of you again.
As soon as he had ended the call, he turned around to you. A silly pout was on his face as he walked over to you before a dramatic sigh escaped him.
"Seems like I have to head out for a while. Something just came up."
Obviously he was clearly unhappy, you on the other mind felt like your soul was rejuvenating with the mere thought of having a few hours to yourself. Like everything else though, you also were smart enough to not gloat about those news so you gave him a curtly nod as your only response.
Large hands cradled your face as blue eyes looked at you.
"I'll be back as soon as possible. Just wait for me in the meantime, 'kay?"
You didn't return the kiss when you felt warm lips meeting your own but you also knew that with his grip on your face, you couldn't pull away so you just endured the feeling as your body visibly tensed up. Only when you pulled away did you dare to unclench your jaw again, your lips slightly parted as you looked into those otherwordly eyes.
"Maybe I'll buy you something nice if I find something." He continued to speak as he pressed quick kisses against your face as if quickly tanking some affection before he had to leave.
"Would you like something specific."
You merely shook your head.
"Just surprise me."
Really, you couldn't have cared less.
Satoru had returned far too quickly for your own taste. On the other hand he might as well have been gone for weeks and you would still bemourn his absence as too short.
With him he had brought bags full with clothes he had bought for you, in high moods as he had asked you to wear some of them so he could see if they would look as good on you as he had hoped them to be when he had wasted his money on them.
In an attempt to delay this event and prevent him from getting handsy, you had insisted on cutting off all the price tags first as you had assured him that you would like to keep everything that he had brought.
So now here you were, searching for the price tags on every piece of clothing before cutting it off with scissors. It was a lot of work but less because it took much physical exertion and more because of the sheer amount the white-haired man had bought.
Really, you could have enjoyed this task though as it was rather nice to do something.
So why couldn't he have just sat back and remained silent instead of touching you and talking to you? You just wanted some time for yourself.
You knew that he was trying to get you to talk to him by annoying you with questions and touches as he simply longed to hear your voice and to force you to interact with him. This was precisely what you didn't want and so you had to silently chant a mandra to calm your nerves as you hung up all the clothes in the wardrobe. You were surprised that you even had any space left considering that you had so many clothes already.
It was tedious to ignore him but you were normally somehow able to pull through with it. However, on this evening Satoru seemed to have finally enough of your dismissive attitude which was why he exactly spoke something that he knew would get your attention.
"I met your friends whilst I was shopping."
You froze, unable to control your reaction as you heard his words. A strange flood of emotions came over you and you caught yourself swallowing audibly as you tried to maintain some sort of control. You had already failed though and you knew that Satoru would try to use it to his advantage.
You wanted to ask him more but you knew that you couldn't as it was exactly what he wanted you to do so with slightly shaky hands you tried to focus on the task at hand.
Obviously he wouldn't drop the subject that easily though.
You felt his warm breath fawning the side of your face as he leaned closer to you, his eyes taking in the way you had pursed your lips and how you had furrowed your eyebrows as you weren't able to hide your feelings. You were missing your friends and family after all and the bastard knew it.
His own feelings rose up as he saw your face but not because he felt pity for you. Instead he felt his jealousy stirring slowly awake as he saw how affected you appeared by merely hearing him mentioning one of your friends. He envied the feelings you reserved only for them without giving him anything at all.
Why was that?
Your voice resembled more of a guttural growl when one of his hands grabbed your shoulders, clearly feeling how tensed your muscles were as you slowly cut off more price tags from pieces of clothing, your mind barely held together as you were trying in a last effort to hold back.
His name was spoken as a warning from your side as he knew that you were at your limit and that only from hearing from him about one of your friends. If he would have been a better man, he would have acknowledged how petty and low he was acting right now. However, Gojo Satoru wasn't a good man as jealousy started getting a hold of him.
"They all seemed to have quite a good time without you. It didn't really look like they were bemourning your disappearance. Perhaps you are the only one in the belief that they are missing you as much as you miss them."
You paused for seconds that seemed to stretch more than they should have before you put the shirt you had held in your hand down. Your head turned around as your own eyes met his blue ones. You didn't say anything at first, there wasn't even a trace of anger on your face as if you couldn't believe his words.
Then your pupils started quivering though and he saw how your gaze suddenly got poisoned with anger you had kept buried deep inside of you for the last few weeks.
You acted before you could even think as the one hand that had previously held the scissors suddenly flew towards him, fully committed to stab at least one of those cured blue eyes so that his gaze could never torment you again.
Only that the scissor never reached his eye. No matter what you tried, you couldn't move your hand any further, the sharp edge of the scissor only lingering close to his blue orbs.
It was that inability that caused you to snap out of your spiraling anger as you realised what you had just tried to do. You instantly withdrew your hand, visible shock on your face from your unexpected outburst. You felt your blood pumping through your veins and felt shame and frustration heating up your entire face as you had just lost your temper completely.
You ran your other hand through your hair as you took some shaky breaths to regain your control. When you finally managed to look up again, an apology lingering on your tongue for your reckless action that could have seriously wounded him, you found the words quickly dying down before they could even leave your mouth.
Normally already quite intense blue eyes were staring through you and your soul with a new weight to them that had you breaking out in cold sweat as you felt a cold sensation going down your spine.
You felt no relief when briefly his eyes darted down to look at your other hand which was still clutching the scissors on your palm, although you quickly dropped the object when you noticed his stare.
You flinched when one of his palms wrapped around your wrist and lifted your hand up. At first his touch was soft but within only a few seconds he tightened his hold until it felt like he was squeezing your bones.
You let out a short hiss when you felt the pain as you started squirming uncomfortably, trying to get him to let go of your wrist.
"You were about to stab me."
You shuddered when you heard the icy tone that seemingly matched his hardened and cold stare that he gave you right now, vastly different from what you were used.
You wanted to defend yourself. He had taunted you first and he had been the one who had brought you into such a situation were you would lose your self-control in the first place as you hadn't consciously intended to potentially hurt him seriously.
Yet he didn't let you utter even a single word as he pulled you closer to his body, his other hand gripping your chin and forcing you to look right into those glowing eyes.
"You wouldn't hurt me, right? You care about me after all, even if you don't want to show it."
There was something in his tone that gave you the chills. It wasn't anger or anything similar to that emotion though. It was a tremble, a barely audible tremble of an emotion akin to denial that made him look dangerously much like he was about to break down in front of you. Whatever you had just done, it seemed to have triggered something dangerous inside of him.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that. I just lost control of myself for a moment."
You swallowed as you uttered those words quickly, your honest tone only slightly tarnished by the pain you felt as he was still squeezing your wrist. You found your own breath stopping as you looked at his face, praying for whatever had possessed him to stop.
"I knew. You wouldn't want to harm me. It's alright, darling. I forgive you."
You felt no relief when he cooed those words at you as he pulled you closer, giving you a kiss on your forehead. Instead you foud your stomach churning as you felt the stress rising inside of you, warning you that something was about to happen.
"Close your eyes so it'll hurt less."
You knew what he had done when you heard the sound yet you didn't instantly feel the pain. Instead your widened eyes stared into his own blue ones with a mixture of shock and betrayal.
You stumbled back in shock, cradling your broken wrist against your chest as the pulsing and cutting pain finally began to settle in. Tears instantly started to gather in your eyes and cascaded down your cheeks and choked sobs started leaving your lips as you slid down to the ground.
"I know. I know. It must hurt quite a bit."
His voice was sweet and soothing as his arms embraced you, one of his hands wiping away your tears as you continued staring at him with unbridled shock and terror as you felt soft touches on your face from the same hand that had just moments ago broken your wrist as if it was a mere twig.
The fear grew and grew until you felt unable to look into his eyes again, turning your eyes elsewhere as your lips started to wobble.
He had never hurt you before. Perhaps that's why you had felt so entitled to ignore him as he had been only ever acted like a clingy and whiny man around you.
Clearly you had been wrong though.
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ameloblastomadiary · 2 years
So apparently, I can't post images right now, and that's what's been keeping me from being able to post that I've been braces-free since June 14, 2022!
I now have bonded retainers on the top and bottom, as well as tray style retainers for night which I fill with MI Paste for remineralization, or Cresr Whitening Emulsions for stain removal.
Next Wednesday, I'll be seeing my specialist to figure out a timeline for getting my prosthetic in!
Today also marks exactly 4 years since that initial dentist appointment where my tumour was discovered, so that's interesting. I've gotten some other worrying health news today, so it's been difficult to cope with that as it feels quite close to when my tumor was found. Fingers crossed that it all turns out well, I'll be seeing my family doctor on Tuesday to discuss that.
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froody · 5 months
There are two things wrong with Tommy, both very serious.
What I thought was a stuck third eyelid as the result of an injury is actually the result of increased eye pressure caused by either an infection behind her eye or a mass. The doctor is leaning towards it being an infection as she is diabetic and prone to developing infections. He gave her an injection of antibiotics and additional antibiotic drops to put directly in the eye. If it does not improve in the next two weeks, she’ll need imaging to determine if it’s a mass and maybe surgery (via the inside of her mouth) to drain the infection if it is one.
Secondly, the benign inflammatory growth that was removed from her lower jaw has grown back and needs to be surgically removed. Again. The doctor is waiting two weeks to see if the pressure in her eye decreases before attempting to remove the mass on her jaw that way he only has to put her under anesthesia once to do the jaw surgery, imaging and/or draining of the infection behind her eye.
Worst case scenario: My cat has a tumor in her head pressing up against her eye AND a growth on her jaw that needs removal.
Medium case scenario: My cat has a serious infection behind her eye that needs to be drained and a growth on her jaw that needs removal and may need removal again.
Best case scenario: My cat has a little infection between her eye that clears right up and a benign growth on her jaw that never returns after being removed a second time.
I’m devastated. I’m numb. I’m trying to ready myself for the worst case scenario.
The thing is, she had been doing really, really, really well before this. And she still is. Her glucose is perfect. She’s gained weight, she has a great appetite and she’s not obsessed with water, she’s active, she’s playful, she even tries to groom herself. She has been better in the last month than she has been in the last year. And now this. Fairly suddenly. I knew the growth in her mouth was slowly returning but the doctor hadn’t thought it was urgent before this because we were struggling with her insulin.
Today’s appointment was $400, for her insulin, syringes, two types of antibiotics and I’m sure hazard pay for the poor vet coming in on a Sunday to examine my little demon creature. I don’t know how much her surgery and possible additional imagining will cost. Please consider donating to my ko-fi.
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periluvr · 21 days
I’ll never smile again - Frank Sinatra
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a little angst, reader is a neurosurgeon, neutral pronouns, ""friendship"", geto’s death is mentionned, cuss words, mention of death, mention of medical treatment, mention of graveyard
gojo satoru x reader
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"time of death 10:34pm"
the monitor beeps. The noise is continuous and getting heavier and heavier to bear. You put down your scalpel, raise your hands and step away from the body. You look around, at a few people in the observatory, friends and journalists who’ve come to watch the first surgery about your experiment on a certain type of tumor, a new surgical approach to removing that tumor. A rather invasive approach indeed, but one that worked in clinical trials.
The intern begins to close the patient's skull. Drops of sweat begin to drip from your forehead, your vision starts to deteriorate more and more, you've got to get out of there. "I killed him, I killed him" goes round and round in your head. You smile slightly at the journalists in the observatory, including your best friend, your friends and Gojo. "I'm sorry, I have to go" you inform the other surgeons and doctors in the OR.
You leave the room quickly. Your best friend has seen the distress in your eyes, she knows you, she knows what you're like. "That's not a good sign" she murmurs before rubbing her face with both hands. Gojo looks at your best friend blankly and gets up, leaving the observatory. "Where are you going?" she asks Gojo "I won't be long" he replies.
You take off your coat, gloves and cap, throw the coat and gloves in the trash and your cap on the floor. You're trembling, suffocating, everyone was counting on you and you failed, you killed him. You needed air, you knew the journalists would be here as soon as possible. You walk into the x-ray room. You see them, the scans of your late patient, "what the hell happened?" you look at them over and over again. You go in circles in the room, biting your lip and rubbing your eyes. You rip the scans off the wall and throw them on the floor, "fuck!". Tears start to roll down your cheeks, unintentionally.
"Are you all right?" you hear a voice coming from behind you, you knew exactly who it was. Gojo slowly closes the door behind him and moves closer, "Everything's fine, everything's fine".
"Everything's fine?! Do you really think everything's fine?! Are you kidding me?!" you reply.
"Shh, it's not your fault you know" he tries to stay calm.
"Who operated on him? Who opened his skull? Who performed an invasive surgical method on him? It’s me!" you lose all control, gojo is not your enemy in this situation, quite the opposite. You move closer to him, pointing at yourself, tears flowing, your voice starting to break little by little
"You need to calm down, it was experimental and you know it" gojo puts his hands on your shoulders
"Do not touch me!" you reply, backing away violently.
He sighs and raises an eyebrow, leans back against a wall, crosses his arms and legs, "I'm not going to teach you your job, but death is part of your job. there are things you can't foresee".
"He was 15! He was 15 and he had a tumor since 13! He died at 15 because of me! It’s not fair!" you say crying your heart out . "Death was almost inevitable, you know that" he replies calmly.
"And what do you know about death? how often do you come into contact with it?" you approach him.
"What do you mean?" he approaches you too, clenches his jaw, the tension begins to build between you. "Don’t start with those things it won’t get us anywhere" he sighs once again. He didn't want to get upset because you'd just lost a patient who was very important to you, but he soon realized that the subject could take a rather dramatic turn.
"You dare lecture me about death and inevitability when you literally killed your best friend?"
— silence.
Gojo straightens up, uncrosses his arms and looks at you, raising his eyebrows, again "What did you say?"
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" you’ve gone too far.
"Do you really think I wanted this? That I wanted all this?" he approaches you again, his eyes wide.
"I know I didn't, I'm sorry-" you slowly back away
"Do you really think that your job as a neurosurgeon, which you chose, and my job, which was imposed on me, are the same? Do you really think that I don't deal with death? You don't kill patients, you fail to save them, it's not the same. I kill people on purpose, that's the difference between us. — the more he talks, the closer he gets to you, you find yourself leaning against a wall involuntarily. You raise your head more and more to look at him because he's so tall — I have no choice but to do this job, you do. I kill those around me for ungrateful people like you"
"Satoru, please wait-" you start following him
The door slams and you find yourself alone in the scan room, you'd just pissed off the only person who'd come to support you after your defeat, Gojo considered you a true friend so much so that he confided about his friendship with Geto and how much he was suffering today, from his death. You knew that your patient's death and Geto's were incomparable, and yet you compared them. Why were you so stupid?
You start to follow gojo through the corridors but the journalists start to come between you "I'm sorry I have to-", "Did you make a mistake?", "why did he die?", "He was only 15, how do you feel?" fucking journalists. You see Gojo disappear in the hallway.
When you get home, you try to call Gojo, but he doesn't answer. You try to send him messages, but he doesn’t reply.
i’m sorry Satoru i know i fucked up
please, can we talk?
i think i know where you are, i’m coming
You get in your car and head down to the graveyard. A few minutes later you arrive in front of his grave and there he was, crouching, wearing his mask as usual, you've always wondered if it was also a way of hiding his emotions, the eyes speak, but his, what do they say ?
"Hi, you didn’t reply to my texts i was scared" you say softly. He doesn’t say anything. "I’m sorry you know i didn’t mean that" — "Why did you come ?" he say not looking at you but still looking at the grave. "I was worried". He laughs ironically "really ? you really are the last person i wanted to see here."
You decide to approach him a little. "I wanted to make sure you were fine" — "And I am, you can leave now"
You don’t know what to say anymore, it was all your fault anyway. "Satoru I-" — "leave" he looks at you and you decide to leave.
You know he’ll never smile the same again without Geto near him.
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hi, first post since almost nine months *tries not to panick*. I don’t know how to feel about this, i think i lost the way i was writing before ? i don’t know. I have a feeling this is botch :( I wanted to try something new but anyway.
even though i’m not a big fan of this work, i’m really happy to writing again^^
if you think i use deepl for this one you’re right 😜👍🏻
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krakensdottir · 9 months
Fav Aziraphale Moments in S2
Okay, I admit, I'm more of a Crowley blogger. He's my blorbo. But you literally can't love him without loving his other half. It's time to show some Aziraphale appreciation.
In no particular order, here are things Aziraphale did in S2 that made my jaw drop / breathing stop / otherwise really stuck with me:
Cradling the jar
Who would've thought hugging a jar of formaldehyde with a tumor floating in it could be heartbreaking? The look on Aziraphale's face when he learns it came from a young child, one that couldn't be saved, and the way his body language shifts as he tucks the jar close and precious against his chest, trying too late to protect it... Listen, I have really stubborn tear ducts, the final scene of S2 didn't make me cry (though it made a valiant effort), but I teared up at this.
Standing up to Crowley in the Job flashback
Really, the entire Job flashback is 10/10 for both of them. But Aziraphale especially shines when he steps in front of Crowley and says 'Tell me you want this.' They've only met a handful of times since the Fall at best, but Aziraphale is confident enough to call him out. And he doesn't falter or hesitate about it, either. He gets right up in the demon's face and makes him say it. Makes him lie outright that he wants to hurt anyone.
And then, of course, in front of the children, Aziraphale - no longer asking, now absolutely certain he's right - steps into Crowley's space again, looks him dead in his sinister eyes, and says he's dead sure those children are safe. Buddy, I had chills.
SPEAKING of chills...
I didn't know his voice could go that deep (Furfur scene)
Okay, I actually knew Michael Sheen could sound like that. But I admit, I 100% did not expect to hear it come out of Aziraphale. In the form of his own name, no less. I guess that's what happens when someone threatens Crowley right in front of him.
The sassy eyebrow
We've all talked about this but it's never a bad time to bring it up again. Shax really says 'You don't seem like his type' and Aziraphale's eyebrow says 'Honey you have no idea' right back at her. She can pry at his defenses in a lot of ways, but making him doubt his importance to Crowley is clearly not one of them. And that's really good to know.
Telling both demons and angels to fuck off
I was already giddy from seeing him go full Protective Principality at a horde of demons, but telling off the Archangels took it to a new level. He has had ENOUGH. Screw the angelic hierarchy, this is his bookshop and he's done. (Crowley giving him that oh-so-proud smile through the window without Az even knowing it was the icing on the cake. Yeah Crowley, I feel exactly the same.)
Honorable mention, again from the Job flashback: when Crowley says 'See you in Hell' and Aziraphale, instead of hesitating or having a crisis over it, defiantly sinks his teeth into the ox ribs again, tearing out another hunk of flesh. There's such a mood of 'Fuck it then, if this damns me I might as well enjoy it.' Fuck yeah, Aziraphale.
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realisticfanfictions · 3 months
Hi! Can I as for headcanons just like the "being their Gf" from Sanji but with zoro? I would love that😁💖
Ahhh! I didn't realise this was a feature! Sorry about that, I hope this makes up for it! <3 (Not edited or beta-read.)
♥ 𝘽𝙚𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙞𝙧 𝙂𝙁: 𝙕𝙤𝙧𝙤 ♥
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𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘔𝘦𝘵:
It's your typical love story, except with swords, and blood, and screaming. Lots of screaming.
You were just an average girl with an unhealthy obsession with starting fights you had no real chance of winning. Though, it wasn't your fault when no-good crooks hit on you or touched you whenever you walked by. In fact, you'd actually earned a nickname; "The Red Ogre."
It was the festival of the Lunar Eclipse, and people from all around had come just for this one spectacular occasion. From wealthy tourists to mountain bandits, the streets were packed like dried sardines in a cat's mouth. You didn't know where this expression came from, but it suited the moment rather well.
You'd just finished bottling up the last of the sake and were bringing it over to the market stall you shared with the local soba man, when you felt something brush your ass. Yeah, no. That wasn't happening.
With practiced precision, you whipped around and felt all of your energy rush to your fist, connecting it with the asshole's jaw and sending him flying into a pile of watermelons.
Everyone could hear you screaming profanities and death threats against the pile of human trash, grabbing him by the collar and repeatedly driving your fist into his face again, and again, and again.
Once his face resembled a tumor (not that it didn't already) and you were satisfied with permanently altering his face shape, you stepped back and spat on the ground next to him, blood running down your fist.
You heard a whistle. "Hate to be on the receiving end." When you turned around, you were met with a man with three swords strapped to his waist slowly walking towards you. His eyes were on the carnage that lay on the ground beneath you, but your own were fixed on his unusually coloured hair.
Before you could say anything, you felt the man grab onto your leg and you prepared yourself for another onslaught, but you didn't need to. The hand that had wrapped itself around your ankle suddenly went limp as the swordsman effortlessly disconnected it from the man's body.
That's where the screaming came in, but without sparing a second thought he simply hoisted the man over his shoulder and, while taking a bottle of your sake, flashed you a smirk. "Thanks for the free bounty."
That's when you decided you wanted to become a bounty hunter.
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𝘒𝘦𝘺 𝘔𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵 1#:
You didn't see the mysterious swordsman after that, he disappeared in the midst of the festival and seemingly also disappeared from your life.
A few months went by and you'd already collected a few high profile bounties. Ever heard of "Six-Finger Trigger"? Well, you certainly never would again. With a comfortable 3 million berries almost always in your pocket, you slowly became well known in the East Blue as a fierce fighter.
Just like a crappy romance novel, you were hunting down some loser with a 7 million berry bounty on his head (well, you're sure a novel like that existed somewhere) when you bumped into a familiar face. The swordsman stepped out of the bar and immediately locked eyes onto you as if he could sense you watching him. A smirk stretched across his face. "The Red Ogre," He called out as he warily approached. "Never thought I'd see you again."
You snarkily replied that you didn't think he'd bother with a bounty this low, and the man scoffed. "I was in the area." He coolly responded and before you both could react, you were surrounded.
The look you shared spoke more than words ever could. In a split second, you went from cracking your knuckles to cracking the closest pirate's skull wide open. You both were brutal in your assault, but with him it was like watching a ribbon dancer gracefully gliding along the stage with each slash and dismemberment his swords wickedly inflicted.
By the time it was over, you both were panting and sweating over the bodies of about 30 men who'd either had their skulls bashed in, or their bodies almost cut clean in half. You huffed and cracked your neck, commenting how you clearly had more victims than him. He scoffed and pulled the sword out of his mouth, sheathing it. "Don't be ridiculous," He sheathed the other two and then pointed to the bodies. "There's more blood than teeth."
You replied that by punching out teeth, you added to the blood but he just shook his head in mild disbelief. "You're just jealous I won a competition I didn't even know we were having." He thought for a moment, then flicked his head toward the bar he had left only a few minutes ago. "How about another friendly competition?"
The competition ended in a tie when the bar ran out of liquor, but sometime during the night when he'd downed his 33rd glass of tap beer, you told him your name. He placed down his mug, looked over at you and smiled. "Zoro." He simply said and called for another round.
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𝘒𝘦𝘺 𝘔𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵 2#:
It was only natural that you two became a hunting duo after that. It was big news in the bounty hunting world that the two most prevalent names in the East Blue teamed up, especially because you were also the most brutal. The Red Ogre and the Demon of the East Blue (your name was obviously better) were as feared as the bounties you hunted, and no one was safe when you had them in your sights.
But what they didn't see were the times like now, where even walking in a straight line with Zoro felt like traveling between realms and ending up in a completely different place than where you intended to go.
You rolled your eyes when you past by the same graffiti-covered rock for the fourth time and asked if he had any idea where you both were going. "The barkeep said he was just down the road in the casino." Your eyes widened, that was three hours ago!!
You smacked his arm. How the hell did you get from "go down the block to the casino" to being in the middle of the goddamn jungle?! He held your hands and slowly leaned in, his eyes steeled as always. "Don't be ridiculous." He slowly looked around, then squinted his eyes. "The trees moved."
Before you could continue your assault, a twig snapped and you both were suddenly back to back, ready for anything. Out of the shadows, a gorilla poked his head out and grunted at the two of you. You smirked and commented that you didn't know Zoro had a brother. "You wish I had a brother," He replied and turned his head so he could smirk at you. "Then maybe you would finally get laid and stop being such a bitch."
Trust me, you told him, between the two of you he was the bitch. "Oh really?" Yes, only a bitch would need to hide behind swords, instead of using his fists. Something flashed in his eyes. "Bet on it?" Of course you did.
After lending you his two swords (he wouldn't let the white one out of his sight), you both ended up not only finding your bounty, but you also managed to destroy half the island while getting used to your new weapons. You won, but comprised and called it a tie.
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𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘴𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘰𝘶𝘵:
It took quite a while for the both of you to realise you had feelings for each other. In fact, it wasn't until Zoro had up and joined Luffy that you felt... lost without him.
It's weird when you've spent so much of your life with someone and they suddenly stop being there. Hell, you'd even crashed in the same bed more often than not just cause it'd save you some coin. It was just... weird without him there.
You wouldn't see him again until you just so happened to be at the Baratie when he dueled Mihawk. It was practically a slaughter, and it hurt seeing someone you'd grown to care for fall to the ground - sliced practically in half.
You helped the rest of the crew get him onboard and asked Luffy, the weird, rubber man Zoro dedicated his life to, if you could stay with them until the swordsman was healed. Luffy, of course, agreed and you stayed by your partner's side until he woke up a short time later.
It was almost midnight when he groaned and shuffled in his sleep, slowly opening his eye and sighing when he caught sight of you. "Thought I'd finally gotten rid of you." Not caring if he was hurt, you smacked his arm and told him you thought he had died. He scoffed and groaned. "I wouldn't die like that, shithead."
You called him the shithead and tried to hit him again, but he caught your wrist. This wasn't like the other times he's done this, however. His grip slowly lessened and his hand slowly ran up your skin until his fingers intertwined with yours. He brought your combined hands up to his cheek and placed your palm against his skin.
His eyes flicked closed for a second and he seemed to just breathe for a moment, like he was savouring your touch. Those steely greys met your eyes once more and a slow sigh escaped him. "You better not leave me again." He mumbled against your skin and placed a kiss to the inside of your palm.
A smirk crossed your lips, bet on it?
His own smirk crossed his features, the one that you'd grown to both love and hate and the one that made your heart flutter. "Of course."
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topguncortez · 1 year
7 and 18 with hangman
personally living for angst
pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x female!reader prompts: 7. “They’re dying.  The least you can do is be there with them.”, 18. “Please try to bust me out of here.  I hate hospitals.” warnings: death, sadness, cancer, ANGST prompts list Jake Seresin Masterlist
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Jake couldn't bring himself to go in there. You were facing away from him, looking out at the window towards the ocean. That was your one request, you wanted a hospital near the ocean. If they were going to keep you locked inside, you at least wanted a pretty view in the end. Jake leaned against the nurses station, watching the slow rise and fall of your chest.
The end was near. He knew it. Your doctors knew it. You, of course, knew it. The treatments had stopped working about three months ago, and you decided to quit being a human pushpin and being pumped full of toxins. Jake, at first, didn't agree with you wanting to withdraw treatment. He wanted you to keep fighting and maybe, just maybe, there was hope that the tumors would shrink and that you'd survive. But, the teary look in your eye told him that there was no hope left.
The one good thing about these past couple months, is that you had started to feel better. You looked healthier, you looked happier. You spent your days laughing and talking to members of the dagger squad. You had begged Jake for a hamburger from In and Out and he gladly sat in the long-line for you. Your cheeks started to fill a bit, your hair shinier, your smile was brighter.
"It's called a surge," The doctor told Jake, "Patients will have time where they make an improvement, can last for weeks, can last for a couple hours."
The 'surge' lasted a couple weeks, and you slowly started to take a turn for the worse. You were sleeping more, you had asked Jake to tell the daggers to stop visiting that you didn't have the energy to deal with them. You didn't find joy in music, or drawing like you used to. And most recently, you lost your appetite. The doctor had told Jake that now was the time to start making his preparations and saying goodbye.
"Goodbye? Doc, she turned thirty, two weeks ago," Jake said tearfully. You, Jake and the Daggers had celebrated your birthday. Phoenix had snuck in a cake and Rooster brought his guitar to sing to you. It was probably one of your last good days.
"I know this is hard," The doctor said, "It's never easy, no matter how old the patient is. But. . . Jake, she's dying.  The least you can do is be there with them. You don't want to regret standing in the hall and not spending those last moments with your wife."
Jake clenched his jaw and nodded. The doctor patted his shoulder gently and walked down the hall, but stopped when Jake called out to him.
"I need a favor."
--- --- ---
It was a beautiful sunny San Diego day. You could tell by the amount of surfers in the water and people on the beach. When you moved out to California, the first place you went was the beach. The sun was setting and the sky was filled with gorgeous pinks and oranges. You had never felt more at home in your life than you did at that moment.
But now, all you could was watch the sunset and the waves crash from your room. You missed feeling the last rays of warmth on your skin and smelling the salt of the water. Jake had fought to get your a room at faced west and you were thankful for it.
You knew that your time was ticking down. You remembered what the hospice nurse told you about dying. She said most of the time it was peaceful, especially if you had come to terms with it. You fought it at first, when Jake and your medical team decided that it was time to bring hospice in. You weren't ready for it, you still believed you'd make it home. But you could hardly keep awake for more than a couple hours at time, another side effect of dying.
"Knock, knock," You heard the sound of your husband's voice float in your room. You knew that he had been standing outside by the nurses station, watching you. That's how he spent most of his days, just watching you from afar.
"Who's there," You said weakly and turned your head as he walked in, a smile on his face.
"Your handsome husband," Jake said and took a seat on your bed. He grabbed your hand and gently brushed his thumb over the back of it, "How are you feeling?"
"Tired," You answered. The was your answer most days now,  “Please tell you're about to bust me out of here. I hate hospitals.”
"Actually, I am," Jake asked, and watched as your eyes perked up a bit, "I got the all clear from the Doc. The squad is playing dog fight football this afternoon, they want us to join."
You gave him a small smile and nodded. Jake leaned in and kissed you softly, "I'll get you some clothes."
Jake helped you get dressed in a pair of sweatpants and one of his sweatshirts. He put your favorite fuzzy socks on your feet and your crocs. You picked out one of his black Texas longhorn beanies to wear (your hair looked thin and dry). Jake even helped you apply a little makeup to your face so you looked less tired.
When you arrived at the beach, the dagger squad was already there, setting up a small little campsite area. The sun was starting to set, and Jake helped you walk to the camp. It took longer and more energy than you thought it was going to take, but you were determined to do it. The dagger members greeted both of you as Jake made a comfortable spot for you to sit.
"You comfy?" Jake asked, pressing a kiss to your temple.
You nodded, a bit too winded still to talk. Jake smiled and pulled you in closer to your chest. The two of you just sat and watched the sunset and the dagger squad play dog fight football. It felt like old times, being in Jake's arms and watching your friends. It didn't feel like the inevitable was about to rain down at any moment. It didn't feel like the reaper's hand was on your shoulder.
You didn't know you were crying until Jake wiped a tear from your eye. You looked up at him a bit startled and he just gave you a soft smile.
"It's alright," He whispered, and caressed your cheek. You could see it in his eyes, he too had come to terms with what was about to happen. You thought you were the only one who could sense it, but he could too.
"I'm not scared, Jake," You said, grabbing his wrist. You nodded and looked back towards the ocean. You closed your eyes feeling the last bits of warmth radiate from the setting sun.
Jake sniffled, as he pressed his lips to yours. You held him close, taking in the scent of his cologne and the feel of his heartbeat under your fingertips.
"I need to go back now, Jake," You whispered and he nodded. He shifted gently, with you in his arms and carried you back to his truck.
He had just gotten you back into your bed, and laid down next to you. You cuddle into his arms, still looking out at the ocean, when you drew your last breath.
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burythecarnival · 8 months
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well met, beautiful people of tumblr land 🖤
originally, i was going to make a post about my birthday on mad hatter day (10/6) but, asking for tips so i can party & buy pretty things is no longer on my mind. on sunday, i found out that mina (aka wilhelmina the disabled ballerina) has a fast-growing tumor in her mouth that could be cancerous & fused to her jaw. she is currently on strong antibiotics & pain medicine until i take her in next week to be sedated, have x-rays taken & biopsy the growth. my vet is a sweetheart who is going to work with me but, the cost is still going to be substantial.
all i want for my birthday is my sweet girl to get diagnosed & and find out our next plan of action. if you cannot help, reblogs are still super appreciated. my heart is so heavy & i just need my pretty girl to be cared for the v best she can 😥
cashapp: $dryboneslive / venmo: dryboneslive
paypal: message me for email
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