#jenny and jaime are actually so cute
chaosyippee · 9 months
J&J <3
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peachywontyell · 8 months
hiiiiii, part 3 of me being absolutely feral for jaime & jenny 🫶🏾 these aren't even hc anymore, just like. lil blurbs or scenarios. the brainrot is insane. pt 1 and pt 2 for anyone who wants them
btw this is written with a fem, plus size latina reader. Its entirely self-indulgent.
dni if you're not 18+ for the love of GOD
warnings for: mentions of a strap ( & gagging on it) pegging and finger sucking (also, drool mention).
poly jenny & jaime 🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾
- jenny is a dom and jaime is a switch sorry i don't make the rules🫶🏾
-its always a surprise with what's gonna happen in bed. will it be her and jaime pushing and pulling you around, almost folding you in half, or will it be you and jaime getting off with jenny telling you both what to do? you don't know. it's fun.
-she likes to watch you gag on her strap while jaime hammers into you from behind🫶🏾 there are tears threathening to fall but it's okay cause she tells you you look so pretty getting stuffed as she grips your hair so it's not all over your face.
-jennys strap game is godlike, i just know it. both you and jaime know it too actually.
-whenever it's jaimes turn to take it you and jenny make it a whole event, cause yeah, hes been on the receiving end before but he always gets a lil nervous. you two want to make him comfortable.
-showering him with praise and kisses is an absolute must. before during and after.
-when jennys prepping him he's usually laying against your chest while you kiss, touch and talk to him. he turns to literal mush.
-she finally slides into him and the sounds he makes go directly to your core. he whines and moans as she sets a quick pace and when you reach and start jerking him off at the same speed? oh he's seeing STARS.
-he cums hard, jenny pushing her hips against his ass while you work him through it. they both look like gods, jaime a panting mess and jenny looming over the both of you.
-she pulls out and kisses him and its just a little sloppy and you wish you could keep the moment like a picture.
-jenny is absolutely the type to make you suck on her fingers so when she gets them covered in jaimes cum and puts them in front of you you're already on it.
-makes him watch as you moan and drool, her fingers thrusting in and out of your mouth🫶🏾
"look at her jaime, so eager. isn't she cute with her mouth full?"
"god, se ve tan linda*"
-yes he gets hard again.
-it ends up being a long night. jaime isn't sure how many times he's cum, but by the end of it he's a mess. covered in hickeys, sticky, and so tired.
-you guys shower him with so much love while everyone cleans up. he knocks out as soon as he's cuddled between the two of you.
* "[she] looks so pretty"
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zahri-melitor · 1 year
Ok, it’s new(ish) comics day. Revel in DCUI feeding me stuff to read that I’m actually interested in. (Newish as I’m on standard DCUI)
DC Pride 2023: Tim and Connor story is SOFT. Look at these two talking about their feelings (they love nothing more than to talk about their feelings together, this is a permanent dynamic between them)
Blue Beetle: Graduation Day #1: HELLO JAIME! Brenda, you were top of the class? Awwww. My Spanish is non-existent but contextually I was able to follow along. I now need to sit down with THIS version of Reach and work out what Khaji Da is talking about. (Also congrats Jaime for finally getting out of high school, finishing together with Paco and Brenda after that whole missed year must have been difficult)
Wildstorm 30th Anniversary Special: I opened this to read the Jack Hawksmoor and City Boy story “City Boy and the King of Cities”. This is solid! It’s a bit repetitive, as it’s quite similar to the first issue of City Boy in the conceit of “find stuff to pawn, give money to homeless guy”, but having Jack Hawksmoor introduce Cameron Kim feels mythologically more correct than having Dick Grayson do it.
However, I then got captured by “Requiem”, which I’ve not read before. Hey it’s my girl, Jenny Sparks, getting some page time. What is this, 1999 or something? Anyway, it has Jenny Sparks being a badass leader, it has all the original The Authority feels, and I’m super soft for Jenny Sparks so this was delightful. (Even if it wasn’t a new story - apparently it was written for the 25th anniversary collection)
The Apollo and Midnighter story “I am Stronger” isn’t bad either. I haven’t a clue what the boys have been up to recently and this was pretty tied to current continuity — Apollo was on Warworld? Makes sense I guess — but oh look at these two being emotional at each other.
Shazam #1: look I literally opened this because it’s Waid and Mora together. It’s cute! It instantly reminded me of my intention to read more Marvel fam simply because I enjoyed Mister Mind so much in Joker: Last Laugh. I might stick with this for a bit.
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dopescotlandwarrior · 5 years
Someone Like You
Chapter One
July 2006 The makeshift curtain at the community center lifts to a collective awe from the audience of parents and siblings. Two little girls, age seven, are dressed as fairies and sing a song while they shake their wands at the people watching. Ellen and Brian smile and giggle at each other because the girls are so cute. Jaime crosses his arms and looks at his feet, waiting for it to be over.
September 2008 Ellen pressed lunch bags into the girl’s hands and kissed them on the top of their heads. “First day of third grade, how exciting girls! Oh, Claire honey, you have to give this form to your teacher.” Ellen unzipped the backpack and stuck the letter inside. She watched the girls walk to the bus stop talking animatedly and sighed at how fast they were growing up.
November 2008 My dearest Ellen I hope this letter finds you very well indeed. This is short notice, I realize that, but I have taken an assignment in Peru which will keep me away for at least two years. Now that Claire is nine years old I think she is sturdy enough to live with me. If you agree, I will be taking her from your charge right after Hogmanay. Please share your thoughts with me, honest and direct, as you always are. I am so deeply in your debt for providing stability and a home for that tiny girl. I do not wish to impose any further. I anxiously await your response.
January 2009 Two young girls clung to each other at the Edinburgh airport while Lamb and Ellen tried to pull them apart. Lamb was quite upset and shaken by the incident and wondered if he would be a suitable guardian for this little girl. Ellen pulled the girls away and spoke to them about manners and behaving in public. She kissed Claire’s cheeks and encouraged her to go to Lamb.
December 2011 Lamb and his charge walked through the crowded airport looking for baggage. Claire was searching for Jenny in the crowd of people waiting for arrivals. She felt someone yank on her pigtails and turned around to Jaime Fraser laughing. “C’mon dork, they’re over there.” Lamb was at baggage sweating profusely and pulling the only two bags they had between them. He desperately needed whisky and a nap.
December 2012 “I am so grateful to Lamb for sending me back to Scotland for the holidays but I am quite unprepared for the freezing temperatures. I was keeping Jenny awake with my shivering so I grabbed the blanket off the couch and sat on the staircase trying to get warm. I didn’t want to complain. I was so happy to be here, so I shivered in silence. Jaime got up and walked down to the kitchen bringing a plate of food back to his room. He grabbed my arm and pulled me along. I stood in his dark room shivering and not knowing why I was here.
“Get in bed lass.” He handed me a cookie and lit the fire in his room. Then he pulled the blankets up and turned his back on me to sleep. The fire warmed the room and I watched the flames dance me to sleep. I slipped out of Jaime’s room before dawn and went back to Jenny’s bed.
“On the eve of my departure back to Lamb I sat on the stairs trying to avoid waking Jenny. I was freezing of course, and I couldn’t stop crying. I was making myself a nuisance. I hunkered down in the blanket and sniffled until I heard a door open. Jaime walked past me on his midnight raid for food and grabbed my arm again on his way back. This time he gave me a piece of cake, lit the fire, and tucked me in before turning his back. Again, although so grateful, I slipped out of his room before dawn.
December 2014 The house feels warmer this year and I haven’t shivered in my sleep for the past two weeks. Lamb is so kind to send me back year after year. If I didn’t have Lallybroch to look forward to all year I would go insane probably. My skin is itchy from the hayride we went of today. I don’t mind. Jaime sat next to me the whole time so it’s worth it.
December 2016 Uncle Lamb is finally preparing to release his research on the Inca invasion and cultural effect on the indigenous tribes of Peru. He was upbeat and full of energy for the past several months as many archeologists came to our camp to weigh in on his findings. I continued to do my lessons, assist at the dig, and mostly look forward to leaving. I was sure the days grew longer, tortuously so, as the day of our departure neared. This was my last pack out from Peru. Uncle Lamb would deplane in London to arrange our living quarters while I went on to Scotland. I would finally go to a public school in England never to see Machu Picchu again. I was deliriously happy.
It took a day to reach an airport and it was always a crapshoot whether or not the plane would actually show up, or leave as scheduled. I ran to the ladies room and the first large mirror I had seen in a year. How disappointing. I fancied myself prettier now, strikingly beautiful in fact. My reflection mocked me. Where were my long slim limbs, exotic hair, perfect face? I must have stared at my face for an hour when Lamb came crashing into the bathroom making my cheeks burn with embarrassment. I guess the plane showed up and decided to fly us to civilization. I got in line and called Jenny.
As the plane filled slowly I stood in front of the mirror in the lavatory studying my face, my dirty skin and nails, and my torn clothes. Someone pounded on the door until I came out so I sat next to Lamb and waited for my last exit from Peru. Lamb’s face was the color of his field jacket, beige, and he was mopping his sweating face with a towel. He told me to go to sleep and he would see me in the morning. I curled up in my seat and watched him as long as I could before I fell asleep. I had dreams of Lallybroch and running through the fields with Jenny while Jaime sat on the grass with arms crossed looking down. Rupert stood in front of me and pointed at someone behind me. I jerked my head up and saw the worried face of the stewardess, right before big hands hauled me out of my seat and pushed me to the front of the plane. I was snapped into a seat and flight attendants stood next to me the rest of the way to London. People practically ran off the plane and the captain asked who was waiting for me in Scotland. He took my phone and left.
I didn’t see Uncle Lamb get off the plane and I tried to tell the captain he was supposed to get off in London. They weren’t paying attention and I was getting quite upset. The captain pulled me into the cockpit and handed me a phone. I heard Jenny’s da tell me Uncle Lamb had died during the night and I was to continue to Scotland. They would be waiting for me. I looked up at the captain and saw his compassion. The flight attendants stayed beside me and then handed me to the Frasers. I never saw Lamb’s body and for years I would dream he was alive living in the jungle and would call me up one day and say surprise!
When I finally got back to Lallybroch I wasn’t excited anymore, I just felt numb. Sleep would not come for me that first night. I sat on the staircase and huddled against the cold. Jaime got up and raided the refrigerator really late. He mumbled to me as he brought his food to bed and closed his door. The next night the scene was repeated but I was shivering with the chill in the house. When Jaime passed me going back to his room he grabbed my arm and pulled me along.
I stood in his dark room shivering. “Get in bed lass.” He offered me some food and lit the fire in his room. He covered me with the quilt and turned his back to me. I felt every move he made that night. I listened to his rhythmic breathing until the sun came up signaling it was time to leave. I slipped out of his room and curled up in Jenny’s bed.
All of my friends were at the Fraser’s house over the next two weeks and they helped me overlook the dread I was feeling. Namely, what would happen to me now? Where was I supposed to go? Jaime was always with his best friend Ian, Rupert and Angus were there as well. They either stayed in Jaime’s room or dragged him away for the day. The only time I spent any time in the same room with Jaime was Hogmanay and he didn’t speak with me.
The party was fun but my anxiety had become almost unmanageable. Jenny was starting school again in a few days and her parents had said nothing to me about staying with them or enrolling in school. Finally, the day after Hogmanay, Jenny’s parents asked us to come downstairs and talk to them. I waited with my fingers crossed. Ellen Fraser smiled at me and told me what was to happen now.
“What was left of your parent’s estate was invested and protected by your Uncle for all of these years sweetheart. He has stipulated in his will the money is to keep you at a boarding school in Switzerland until you graduate with provisions for food and clothing. On the day of your graduation the remaining assets, and the property in Boston will be transferred to you to use as you wish.”
I was stunned. Switzerland? What did I know about Switzerland, except it was cold? I just stared at Ellen Fraser and said nothing. She seemed so happy that Lamb had planned this so carefully and I would be taken care of. I should be happy too but the tears I felt coming could not be held back. I asked to be excused and ran to Jenny’s room where we tried to piece together what life in a boarding school would be like.
“It willna be so bad, dinna fash yerself, Claire! You’ll meet girls yer age, fancy lasses. You’ll learn to be fancy like them!” She giggled so hard it hit my funny bone and I giggled with her. There was a knock on the door and Jenny opened it to Rupert smiling like an idiot. “What?”
Rupert looked past Jenny and asked, “what er ye lasses laughin about, what’s so funny here?” A large hand came down on Ruper’s shoulder and pulled him away with force. He could be heard protesting the interruption of his courtship.
Jenny closed the door and laughed until she bent over holding her stomach. “Ye could always stay in Scotland and marry Rupert!”
I stared at the door wondering why Jaime wanted to drag Rupert away?
The next two days were filled with shopping at the most extravagant level I had ever been a part of. Ellen took Jenny and me to all the shops armed with a list of necessities the school provided. The list had details right down to how many pajamas, stockings, underwear, outside clothes, party dresses, ball gowns, shoes of every variety, riding wear and boots, loungewear, robes, and coats. It was fun at first and exhausting by the second day. Suitcases were purchased, a day bag for books because backpacks were forbidden. When the list was complete we piled into the car hoping never to shop again so when Ellen pulled into a technology store Jenny and I looked at her confused. An hour later I scrambled into the back seat holding the greatest treasure of my entire life. A laptop computer loaded with all the mandatory software for office skills, drafting, graphic design, illustration, and the best of all, internet browsers. I held it like the treasure it was and couldn’t wait to play around with it.
The following weekend I stood with Jenny at the Edinburgh airport wearing one of my new dresses, shoes, and coat. I shook from head to toe.
“Yer shakin so hard my own teeth are rattlin. Dinna fash, yer goin on an adventure!” Jenny looked at me with such compassion. I didn’t cry nor could I speak from fear of what was next. Both of Jenny’s parents tried to reassure me and I couldn’t speak to them either. I knew when I let go of Jenny’s hand I would be alone with strangers waiting for me in Switzerland and a school full of fancy girls that would hate me. If not for the people in line behind me waiting to board I don’t think I could have convinced my feet to move forward. My mind tortured me with every conceivable terror awaiting me until I felt myself let go. We were landing in Switzerland, my fate was sealed, now I had to live it, and that was that.
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kallypsowrites · 5 years
A Compilation of all 8x02 Braime Moments
I know I’ve already made a million posts about Braime in this episode, but Imma just make a list of all the little Braime MOMENTS in this episode, scene by scene, cause I’m trash and I want to put all of my gushy, shippy thoughts in one place.
First of all, a little background: I started watching this show all the way back before season three and season three was the first I watched lived. I was in high school then, and naturally, I started shipping Braime pretty hard. It has been six years since then, and this relationship really is one of my favorites in anything I’ve ever read. It’s important to me. And this episode is validation for so many things I’ve been saying for years.
So let’s dive the fuck in.
1. Brienne defends Jaime
- Jaime looks at Brienne as he quotes her because he wants her to know that he listened and he is here because of her
- Brienne stands in front of him, putting herself between him and Dany, like he put himself in between her and the Bolton men and her and the bear.
- When defending him, Brienne points out that the two things most important about him to her: is that he protected her from being raped (and lost a hand because of it) and kept his oath to Catelyn Stark.
- Jaime keeps his eyes down cast because he feels unworthy of her defense.
- When Brienne says she would fight next to him, he glances at her in something like awe. It’s the most pathetic puppy eyed expression I’ve ever seen
- When everyone is leaving, he immediately looks for her as she leaves the room. She looks at him but walks away, not knowing what to say. This is a difficult relationship to start up again
2. Jaime and Tyrion on the battlements
- Jaime and Tyrion talk about Cersei and leaving behind their family at length in this scene. But in the middle of Tyrion talking about Cersei, Jaime is distracted by Brienne and walks straight away from the conversation to just fucking stare at her. As if to say that he is more concerned with admiring Brienne than discussing Cersei.
- Tyrion follows and notices Jaime staring. It’s fucking adorable.
3. Jaime and Brienne in the courtyard
- They call each other ‘ser Jaime’ and ‘lady Brienne’ both names that they refused each other at the beginning of their relationship which they now embrace
- Jaime compliments Brienne’s work with Podrick as well as her strategic abilities. He’s being genuine and wants to communicate that he respects her
- Brienne distrusts Jaime’s lack of insults but he refuses to delve into insults. He is very much changed.
- The awkward shifting from foot to foot because he just doesn’t know how to express his feelings
- The long fucking pause after ‘I came to Winterfell because...’ He should have just dropped an I love you right there.
- The cut to her face as she stares at him, waiting for the answer
- Jaime not only asks to fight beside Brienne but UNDER her, which shows how much he respects her. He is willing to humble himself before her just to let her know that he cares
- She speechlessly agrees because she has never had any man want to FOLLOW her command, especially not this man who she loves.
- Brienne’s ‘I better get back’ because this is too much for her and Jaime looking after her for like five solid seconds. So many long lingering camera shots.
4. The strategy meeting
- Brienne and Jaime are right next to each other the whole time and often framed together
- Brienne continues to look vaguely disgusted by Tormund’s advances
5. Drinking buddies
- Jaime says his ‘golden lion days are over’ as if saying that he is never going back to his old life with Cersei. He is moving forward
- Jaime and Tyrion cheers to ‘self betterment’ and Brienne walks in RIGHT AFTERWARD because SHE IS JAIME’S SELF BETTERMENT
- Jaime fucking JUMPS to his feet when he notices her, stuttering out ‘my lady’ which I’m pretty sure is the first time he has called her ‘my lady’ as opposed to ‘lady Brienne’ or anything else.
- Tyrion’s FACE. Tyrion goddamn KNOWS. He sees his brother’s smitten face and is like, oh damn, he’s got a crush on someone who isn’t Cersei. Fucking incredible.
- Jaime pulls her up a chair!! And insists she stay!!
- It’s after Jaime offers that she smiles just a bit and accepts because she clearly wants to be around him
- He stays behind the chair until she sits THEN takes his seat
- Tyrion gives Brienne a drink with a very happy look on his face like ‘hey, you my brother’s new girlfriend? I like you. I like how you’re so not Cersei. We’re going to be friends.’
- When Tormund arrives, he IMMEDIATELY identifies Jaime as a potential rival for Brienne’s affections
- Jaime looks at Brienne for most of Tormund’s weird story, as if wondering ‘do I have competition? Is she into it? Oh good, I don’t think she’s into it’.
- Really, Tormund is principally used as a prop to advance Jaime and Brienne’s relationship and I’m truly glad. Tormund’s admiration of Brienne can be creepy at times, cute at others, but it’s not prioritized over the real relationship
6. A Knight of the Seven Goddamn Kingdoms
I got a big old list for this one cause holy shit
- The admiring look Jaime gives Brienne when she says ‘at least we’ll die with honor’.
- Jaime watching Brienne during the ‘women can’t be knights’ conversation, not quite realizing the power he has to knight her but still respecting the hell out of her
- Jaime realizing, once Tormund mentions that he would knight her if ‘he was a king’ that HE’S a knight and HE can do it
- “Oh, you would knight her if you could? Well I CAN fucking knight her. Hold my wine”
- The loud ‘clack’ as he just slams his mug down like ‘I’m DOING this bitches. I’m going to knight my wife’.
- Jaime strolling confidently over and drawing his sword and telling Brienne to kneel with maximum confidence. That was fucking hot.
- Brienne’s bitter smile because she doesn’t think he’s serious and thinks he must be joking because this would be too good to be true and she’s settled for never being truly respected for what she is.
- The way Jaime’s voice softens when he asks her to kneel the second time to let her know that he is serious.
- The way Brienne looks to Podrick first, then Jaime for reassurance and they both give her an encouraging nod. They are both important to her but Jaime is the last person to give her the nod that drives her to stand
- The way she slowly rises, never taking her eyes off Jaime, hesitating because she’s still expecting it to be a joke. They linger so long on this shot and you FEEL it.
- Jaime fidgeting with his sword because he’s actually really nervous about getting this right because he respects her so much and he knows that she deserves the best and he doesn’t feel worthy to bestow this honor upon her. Also, notice that Brienne looks down at his hand right before that shot so she notice’s it.
- The gentle way he speaks the ceremony and the soft expression on both of their faces and the tears in Brienne’s eyes and the way he focuses the most on the ‘defend the innocent’ part because that’s what Brienne has always been best at.
- “Arise, Brienne of Tarth. A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms”
- He’s so proud when he speaks those words. So fucking proud.
- And she stands with tears in her eyes and she gives the softest little smile and he stares at her like she’s a goddamn angel
- The others start applauding but they keep staring at each other for about three seconds before Jaime startles out of his haze like ‘oh...other people are here. Right’. For a moment they were the only two people in the world.
- This really seems to be the moment that they both realize they love each other. Brienne has known for awhile but has been fighting it. And Jaime has been in denial. But now, Brienne seems to stop fighting it and Jaime comes to the realization and god its so beautiful
- Tyrion congratulating Brienne with a toast because he already loves his brother’s new girlfriend so much
- Brienne looking back at Jaime again, even more tears and even more smiling, because she’s so thankful
- That little nod Jaime gives her as if to say ‘no worries. it was nothing’ when it was EVERYTHING
- That big smile on Brienne’s face. God she’s so perfect and wonderful. Such an angel. I love her.
7. Jenny’s Song
- During Podrick’s song, the camera pans from Brienne to Jaime as it says ‘and the one who had loved her the most’ and I melt.
I know this is a long list and a lot of it is about small details but this comes from the tremendous subtlety in the writing and acting. Nik and Gwen are stunning and their chemistry off the charts. I don’t know how ANYONE can watch these scenes and not see how in love with each other they are.
Anyway, I love them, so I hope you enjoyed me obsessing. And if you didn’t and you don’t ship them, I don’t know how you got this far reading this post lol. Braime forever!
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dachi-chan25 · 5 years
GoT Season 8, Episode 2: Knight of the Seven Kingdoms Thoughts
Like i am not even sure this episode's name is that or "The rightful queen" but I am going with the title I liked more.
I was fully intending of making a big ass Recap like I usually do but today I had a lot of work and I feel like everyone has already talked about the episode since it was leaked so I am just gonna talk about some scenes that I think will be relevant and my take on some shipping stuff.
Again I warn that I don't root for D Targy at all (but I do think she is an amazing character) and she annoys the heck out of me most often than not so... if she is your fave pls don't read this cuz it's not for you.
On Jaime Lannister
I feel this was a great episode for him as a character, while I do wish he would have said something about the wildfire on King's Landing or the Loot Attack I ultimately think that what he did say was the best thing in his PoV because he thinks D is the North's queen now that Jon bent the knee so ofc he wasn't gonna antagonize her that much when he was at clear disadvantage.
His chat with Tyrion was also very good, tho I feel in the books this will be more on a bitter note given Jamie's confession about Tysha, but yeah they are close once again and I appreciate that.
Every scene he had with Brienne had me swooning.Brienne defending him in the Great Hall. All those stares. The clear tension between them and the fact that Brienne doesn't know what to do when they are on the same side and he is not insulting her, so they still fight and pant around each other and I love it (honestly this kind of fighting is a lot like the Jonsa one because they have to get rid of that UST but they can't fuck or even kiss yet so they bicker and pant around each other). I noticed how he stared at Tormund and immediately knew he was intrested in Brienne. And ofc him knighting Brienne was the best of the episode for me (hence my preference of the title aluding to this scene).
On Sansa Stark
Curious that we don't get Sansa or Jon's PoV this episode, just them through other people's eyes.
The Great Hall scene: while I would have loved Sansa defending Jaime like in some fics, I think it does make sense that she feels resentment towards him and his family, but she still was willing to trust him once Brienne spoke on his behalf which says a lot for their relationship and how much Sansa has come to trust and value Brienne and her opinions. She was completely a queen in that scene, she even left the place frist not giving a fuck whatsoever about D.
Tête-à-tête with the gecko queen: Sophie Turner is an amazing actress. Ok so I loved she was telling Lord Royce she wanted to leave the Gates open as long as possible, such a compassionate queen, but also the moment D steps in I lived for Lord Royce clearly showing more respect and deference towards Sansa than towards D (I mean that the whole North respects Sansa as their leader is the very reason why Jorah asked D to talk to her). We see Sansa be closed off towards D in the beginnig even when D is trying hard to be sympathetic to sansa and bond over them being good leaders to their people (bihhh Sansa laughed and so did I cuz just how deluded is D to think she is on Sansa's level of good leadeeship), and D asks the question we have since ep 1 "does that (Jon's love for D) bother you?" And I am absolutely sure that the answer to that is yes, but Sansa was never going to show herself that much to someone she doesn't trust nor even likes (this girl out played LF ffs!!!) so she went for a non-commital answer (is not a yes or a no, she is justifying her distrust for D and appears not to be jealous but a concerned sister) D is appeased by this answer and tries to show Sansa that her and Jon's relationship is real (lmaoo) by stating just how much she sacrified her goals just for his love (like nice that she doesn't pretend to care for the people she wants to be queen of anymore, the Jonsa fandom said this since last season) and straight up says she is the one being manipulated by Jon, and Sansa's face is a poem, cuz you can see exactly the moment when she figures out that Jon is manipulating D!! We even get a smile of relief and promptly she catches herself and changes her behaviour implying she should apologize (but she never actually does) and even lauguing at how short Jon is (Sansa bites her lip tho 👀👀 and D's smile is so fake idk who she thinks she is fooling) but Sansa again brings up the North and D is visibly upset at that.
Scenes with Theon: I am just going to straight up say I do ship Theonsa and I have read fics of them, but I do not think it will be canon or that it makes narrative or political sense cuz it doesn't. Their reunion was heartwarming and beautiful (tho D jealous stare bothered me, like fuck off I wanna see my babies) Sansa was clearly happy at seeing Theon more like himself and having him want to fight for their family. Their scene with the soup was cute but I did not see it as shippy at all, there is definitely affection and care but I don't think it was shot as romance or a couple's montague, it was simply showing us all the different ways the characters we know spend this night. As much as it hurts me because I love Theon, I think it is possible he will die protecting Bran (I really don't want this, but it's a big possibility, cuz I know some big characters must die in order to destroy us as much as possible, and this scenes with Sansa might just serve that purpose) so I'll just drown in theonsa fics if that happens. Also, it kinda make me go 👀👀 the fact that they made the theonsa scenes so alike the jonsa s6 ones but without all that flirty stuff on the soup scene and that it was enough for the GA and some Aegonys to ship it while we know Theon like Jon also grew up with Sansa in WF. Idk it was kinda amusing to me.
On Jon Snow
Ok so this made a lot of sense to me, Jon avoiding D post parentage reveal is what seals pol!Jon to me, if he really loved her he would have gone statight to her in the night and confess this thing he found out while crying and looking for her support and being all hopless longingly staring at her but nope he doesn't even want to look at her (he is probably thinking how he fucked his aunt and shudders). I was also like 👀👀 when he pushed past D to follow Sansa, did they talk?? Did they fight again??? I am thirsty, but it was also a good thing Jon didn't interact with Sansa cuz it would give the game away too soon, as a matter of fact Jon doesn't seek her out like last episode as far as the audience knows and I think that is because he doesn't know what to do he is having an existencial crisis in the middle of the Apocalipsis, and Sam is like have you told her yet??? He knows shit could hit the fan at any minute. I loved his reunion with Tormund and Edd because I love Jon's smile and he has been just miserable since last ep, so yeah I need my boy to be happy.
Now onto the reveal, I think Jon genuinely thought he might as well just say it, D clearly seeked him out for some loving sexy times and Jon was not on board with that, he just couldn't keep it up with her cuz he doesn't love her, never has and now she is his aunt, he just can't do that knowing they are super related, also now D can't leave them (I mean she kind of can fuck off in Drogon and maybe Rhaegal will follow, but her armies can't leave, and they have the obsidian so...) . The fact he called her D@ny is so layered, for starters she told him straight up not to call her that cuz it reminds her of Viserys, so it connects them as family and upsets D at the same time. D straight up thinks that Bran and Sam would make shit up to usurp her (bihhh no one but u and Cersei gives a fuck about the ugly ass chair) and then when she sees Jon is saying the truth she is furious (so much for the aegony marriage fix up that her stans dreamed off, also can we fucking kiss boatie goodbye?? Cuz that sure as hell ain't happening) and Jon is baffled, he knows she wants the IT more than anything and shit but really??? They are about to die, and he has left more than clear to any one that would listen that he doesn't care about titles. Not only that but Jon and her are family now,and family is important to Jon, and she reacts like this???
On Gendrya
I was a bit wierded out cuz we have seen Maise since she was a kid (lmaoo i am like a year older than her) but more power to her for the scene, also I really love Gendrya and their interactions have been so flirty and charged with chemistry. I am worried about Gendry's survival, but I think he might live.
On everything else:
I loved Gilly and Dadvos's scene, it was so good and I wish they would give Gilly more lines.
Missandei and Greyworm making plans for after the war makes me worried one of them will die, also now that D will feel betrayed by Jon, I fear she will think GW and Missandei wanting to leave is also treason. I AM WORRIED. Also to ppl doesn't trust Missandei cuz she is with d and nobody in the north trusts Targs not even children.
Tyrion talking about destroying Cersei made him seem more Book!Tyrion than ever and I just shudderd. D literally never wants to take responsability for any desicion when she refused to fight for the north if Cersei didn't joined them. Also she would really have named Jorah hand??? She is dumb as a brick. His scene with Jaime, Brienne and co. Was cute.
Podrick was looking fine and his voice was really good. Also that Jenny of Oldstone song with all it's jonsa vibes 👀👀.
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adecila · 5 years
Game of Thrones 8x02 - Live blogging
So I watched the leak (I still have it...) and I took notes. Walk away while you can, babies, for this shit is the real shit. 
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Aaaaaand CUT
Jaime vs Dany
Omg one man with one hand. 
LMAO I LOVE the look Dany gave Tyrion. Bye Tyrion fuck off.
“This goes beyond loyalty” omg Brienne pls don't. Fuck this lame ass hoe.
”You vouch for him?” “I do.” Jaime's small smile OMG. 
Lmao Sansa trusts Brienne with her life bahahahah when last season she send Brienne away afraid she'd side with Arya. Inconsistent writing.
What does the Warden of the North say?? Omg someone hug Jon pls.
I loooove Grey Worm!!! Yas I love how when Dany gets up everyone else does too. Finally some fucking respect for the fucking Queen. 
Omg Jon leaving tho???? Omg omg did I low key predict this in my drabble?
Tyrion vs Dany
Lmao a fool? Fuck off Tyrion. You done fuck up dude. You fucked up so badly my dude.
Gendry's dick is so fucking hard right now.
Jaime vs Bran
Ohhh apologising. Good. LMAO “YOU WEREN'T SORRY THEN”
No oh hell now did he just pull the “I wouldn't be the person I am now...” fuck this. 
Haaaa told ya Bran wouldn't tell them he pushed Bran. Boom called it confirmed!
Tyrion x Jaime
“She didn't seem so sure about you”. LMFAO bitch get rekt. 
“WAS SHE LYING ABOUT THE BABY TOO???” Tyrion's face tho... mhmm
“You.loved.her.anyway.” - gurl ain't that the truth.
Season 1 callback! Uh oh what did Jaime see??? Ah Brienne!
Dragonglass on the battlements to stop wights from crawling up on the wall.
Jaime x Brienne
Uuu some actual battle prep fuck yeah!
Jorah x Dany
So so sweet mah heart. Oh Jorah!!! Broke my heart!!! You're breaking mine now omg. I am so emooo.
What suggestion??? Did he tell her to speak to Sansa? Fuck Royce. OH WAIT at least he bowed lmao. HE GOOD FINALLY SOME FUCKING RESPECT
Dany vs Sansa
Lmao inconsistent writing... Sansa trusting Brienne suddenly...
“He loves you, you know that.”
Yes !!!! Sansa apologising. Thank you. Finally recognising she was wrong. Thank you Sansa for proving my point.
Cute bonding. Hands holding. DAENSA FUCKING RISE 
Omg that Brexit mindset tho. Smh. Bye. AINT NOBODY GOT TIME FOR TORIES
Gilly!!! Davos!!! Some people!!!
So they are moving all the women and children to the crypts.
Omg that little girl. I bet Davos gets serious Shireen vibes. MAH HEART JUST GIVE DADVOS BOATIE SO HE AN BE A GRANDADVOS
Tormund x Edd
The Umbers? :sob: 
The big woman still here? LMAO
Battle prep - war council
Loved the entire scene. 
Bran omg Bran... and the NK? Interesting. Interesting. So he says he will act as bait. Ok nice. Also I loved the Starks interactions. 
Did I predict Jon hastily leaving the war meeting? You know I did bitch. LMAO at this point I am 2 for 2 with my drabble and Jon avoiding Dany. Although we know we ain’t getting any jonerys smut now.... but still bitch, did I call it or what??? 
Missandei x Grey Worm
Omg poor Missandei wtf racists fucks Omgggg plsss yess take her there.
Jon vs Sam then Edd
Yes Ghost finally. Fuck you Sam. Fuck you. Lmao I am Jon and Jon is me. 
“And Now our watch begins.”
Ugh bye Sam. Really wtf sam that was fucking shitty bff act. Jon’s reaction was top notch. 
Jaime x Tyrion again then Brienne x Pod x Davos x Tormund aka the Merry Band
Nice stuff, not too long. I loved it. Lovely !
Arya x The Hound x Beric
I love this. Bahah Miserable old shits. Ohhh so that's when Arya gets ideas hehe.
Arya shooting arrows again. God bless. 
That spear thoooo amazing. MY FUCKING FEELS. 
“Your first time with a woman???” Arya wtf omg omg. 3. Omg ARYA YES BABY.
The Merry Band again
Interesting that Tyrion thinks they'll all survive. He called her “Ser Brienne of Tarth”!!!! Fook tradition. Yes she did!!! Lmao Pod staring into the camera like he's on the office.
Yes yes Ser Brienne I love this song. 
Jorah vs Lyanna x then Sam
Omg my baby Lyanna 
Heartsbane - lmao Sam you think your father taught you that??? ME THINKS JON TAUGHT YOU MORE THAN YOUR DADDY YA SHIT.  I was wrong Sam is referring to Jeor! He says to Jorah “Your father taught me... ”
Fucking hell why didn't Jorah say more?
The Merry Band again
Jenny's song... wow wow wow chills fuck me I have so many chills. The couples!!!! Very much Lord of The Rings!!! LOVED IT!!!! 
Jonerys finally
Who's that? Lyanna Stark!!!!
Nooooo omg I know where this is going....
The horn interrupts them. The WW are here. No sign of the NK yet. 
Ready for battle.
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scrapyardboyfriends · 5 years
Jenny’s Belated Live Blogging - 4th June 2019
- I feel like I didn’t get to properly hate Sharon Marshall enough during the episode because I watched it so disnointedly because I kept getting interrupted by work things. Still, I see everyone’s complaints and I’m sure they are all valid.
- still thoroughly bored by Jaime and his family food tour of the village. But I still enjoy Kim and Rhona’s friendship. That was one of the show’s better decisions regarding Kim.
- Megan is still around and I can’t wait till she goes.
- still enjoying the Jai and Laurel awkwardness and I was all for Harriet getting in on the teasing until she had to go and mess it up by telling Dawn she slept with him. Sigh. Leave them to it. This is going to get complicated. But I guess it will at least provide good obstacles for them. Well...’good’ may be too strong of a word.
- David needs to shut up and stop thinking Jacob is a lost cause and stop focusing on his own humiliation and focus on getting Jacob some proper help. I do wonder how Jacob will come around and see that Maya took advantage of him though. I just know it will be sad when he does. Until then, I will continue to be frustrated. Also...go away Maya. Then again, maybe she will do something to help him see. Who knows.
- Bear can die now. I know that they were using him in a super plotty way but it kind of felt too late to do that plot point in a way. Plus Bear continues just to be gross in general and I really don’t like having that kind of character around. It’s not funny. It’s just irritating and terrible.
- with the Robron stuff...yes...Robert is an idiot who doesn’t know how to keep his mouth shut. I still think it’s all pretty in character so I’m not overly bothered by the general gist of what he said. I expected it to be rough and it was.
- still, I’m glad Aaron is there to keep him from being a total idiot and guiding him in what to say when Vic is there even if you can tell Robert isn’t totally there yet. At least he’s sort of trying. Makes me dread next week a bit more but then, I expect him to be an idiot then too so it’s not like it will be surprising. Robert is the chosen one to do dumb things to move the plot along. I accept that. And again, it’s not like it’s totally out of character. Although from a repetition perspective, I’m not crazy about the idea that Aaron is once again going along to chaperone rather than actually being invested. Or at least that’s what I gathered from the spoilers. I just want them to be on the same page in their idiocy for once. Although the world wouldn’t survive so I guess it’s better. I also wish the show wasn’t having them essentially do what Chas did because Robert was the voice of reason there. You’d think that both he and Aaron would know better. We shall see I guess.
- I am happy we are getting references to Aaron’s abuse story though. I was waiting for it to get mentioned before so I’m glad they finally did tonight. Not that I want that dredged up for Aaron but it would be in reality and it drives me crazy when that character history is right there for the taking and they ignore it. Which is why I was also glad Charity was the first to get what Vic was trying to say and that she brought up Bails and that trial.
- with Vic, I’m glad she got to tell people on her own terms (mostly). And I’m glad they were all there for her. And I’m glad we no longer have to hear people being annoyed that she’s not at work.
- as far as the baby stuff is concerned, everyone has talked about the pro life discourse better than me so I’m not really going to try much. I agree that they really should watch the language they use and that finding a way to bring up Tracy’s abortion in these episodes, which is the only halfway decent abortion story they’ve done in recent years, and call it ‘killing a baby’ was not a good look. I just wish that they would find a way to portray abortion as a viable option in these kinds of stories. I think it’s hard with a character like Vic, who historically has always wanted a baby and who has never seemed like the kind of person who would get an abortion even if she’d support someone else making that choice. So she was never really going to consider it. I just wish they didn’t position it as Robert trying to take control of the situation, thereby making it bad. If someone like Moira or Charity or Amy when she finds out, had sat down with her and they had an open chat about her options and presented them equally and then Vic made her inevitable choice, it would probably be a lot better.
- aside from that, some of the Gazebo chat was nice. The little lollypop detail was cute and I always love a Sarah mention.
- also...shallowly...they did look especially pretty tonight.
- I don’t know. I expected it to be this so I wasn’t shocked. At least Robert didn’t grab and shake a pregnant woman. You know...low bar and all. Haha. Moving on!
ETA: The Sam and Lydia content continues to be heartbreaking and lovely and I hope Sam finally gets to grieve the way he needs to.
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lavender-lizzy · 5 years
My point of view on GoT’s last episode.
Visually, it was beautiful. The music was beautiful. The plot and the characters… were not.
The only thing I kind of liked was the fact that Arya listened to the Hound, went away, and tried to help people along the way, looking at the horror that surrounded her. Even though I think Arya behaves differently in every episode, and at this point she could’ve just remained in Winterfell, really.
I hated what they did with Jaime and Cersei. Lena Headey was really good, but they turned Cersei into this crazy queen and now they give her a sort of ‘tragic death’, in the arms of her only love, weeping about her child. It is so clear that the writers love her character. I thought they could’ve ended her story back in season 6 instead of using her as the ‘final villain’ (not so much a final villain really, but you get what I mean, another person to fight after the White Walkers, since they already got rid of the biggest threat). I was also really hoping Jaime would kill her. I was sure he would. I thought he was telling those things to Brienne because he did not want Brienne to follow him. I thought he would die, either by killing himself or because he was wounded, but I thought he would kill Cersei to stop her. And he did not. He even said he does not care about innocent people, when he was the one who stopped the Mad King. What was the point of having him leave (FINALLY) Cersei at the end of season 7, then? Honestly, it took him such a long time –compared to the books- to get away from her. And they just threw it away.
As to the Cleganebowl I do not have much to say, I think that’s a storyline they could’ve dealt with in earlier seasons.
And we get to Mad Daenerys. I’ve always said it, so it should come as no surprise: I never liked her, I always hated her. I didn’t even like her in season 1, let alone in the following seasons. The thing is: I agree that her process of ‘getting mad’ has accelerated a lot. But I do believe (and I am not the only one, theories about the Mad Queen have been posted online for years) that she’s always had it in her, in a way. She did good things, she did bad things. Last season she was burning the Tarlys, she was saying people could live in the new world or die in the old one. She insisted on the ‘bend the knee’. I honestly thought she would burn the city down because Cersei refused to surrender, but that’s not the case, so they took Dany to the extreme (after having Jorah, Missandei, etc. killed). And now, obiouvsly, people are complaining. 
What I want to ask to people who say that the eighth season ruined the series is: where were you when seasons 5 to 8 took place?
I think it all went downhill from season 5 onward. D & D did not have the guidance of the books anymore (I know that they strayed from the books already in seasons 1-4 for some instances/characters, but the results were never horrible, in my opinion). Season 5, to me, was a mixture of boring and a mess: Dorne (which I often try to forget about), the whole Sansa sold to the Boltons storyline (I firmly believe it was not IC for Littlefinger to do that at all), the part in Mereen (which I thought was really boring)... and what they did to Stannis was just the the last straw. I know they did not like the character, nor did they like Stephen (and he did not like the show that much either), I know that George R.R. Martin told them that the burning will happen in the books too. But how they handled it? They just wanted an excuse to eliminate the whole Baratheon family in one go. They made Stannis burn his daughter just for a FEW SNOWFLAKES. And everybody hated him. And many people said ‘oh that’s what you get for thinking he has the right claim to the throne’ or ‘I am so glad I am on Dany’s side’, or ‘I always said that Stannis was pure evil’ (when he was actually an interesting nuanced character). They did not care because they did not like him. 
I thought I would not watch the show anymore. But I did. I did because I LOVED the first 4 seasons, and I was fond of the characters, and because I had read the books. And I think season 6 and 7 were… a mess. There were good moments in season 5-6-7 I am not going to lie, there were things that I actually enjoyed! (Ramsay’s death to make an example). But the way they were writing the episodes and the characters, in general? Not really. I thought that Jon and Dany thing was the cheesiest thing in existence, I thought they dumbed down Littlefinger too much, but again: many people did not care. Because ‘LF is evil, he deserves to die’ and they cheered. Because ‘Dany and Jon together are so cute!’ It’s like some people were watching the series as if it were a football match, if my team scores than I’m happy. They wanted LF to die, so who cares if it was poorly orchestrated?
So I was really sceptical about season 8. I never have too many expectations and I do not get angry anymore as I once did when I watched episodes where things did not make sense (really, I can only think about a few examples because I never rewatched season 5-7, but everybody teleporting, the way they handled Euron, etc…). I just start watching hoping to be entertained.
I really like Sansa this season, I really like Sam, I love the costumes, I love the visuals, I think the soundtrack is always great – and Jenny of Oldstones is amazing- but that’s about it.
It’s as if, to many people, it only counts if they screw up ‘big characters’ like Dany, and not others. Welcome to the club, Dany fans.
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thebrochtuarachs · 7 years
Heaven and Earth (3x10) Recap
Super late recap! Little spoilers below if you haven’t seen the episode yet. I write this review based on the episode only - I have not read this part of Voyager so I have zero idea how the story should be or where the gaps are. :)
I hate seeing Claire and Jamie apart. I knew since after the last episode and when I was about to watch this episode that it will just kill me with “get-them-back-together” feels. I braced myself for what would be a difficult episode to watch. 
Thoughts as the episode goes: 
1. NO INTRO - What is going on?! Is this gonna be an extended episode of some kind? 
2. Fergus being all romantic and Jamie having none of it is the ultimate “8 simple rules” move.
3. The Porpoise is moving - ANGRY JAMIE mode. Awww, the first thing he looks for is Claire on board and he knows with all certainty that she did not agree to this arrangement as well. 
4. The multiple uses of “my wife” in one sentence then boom, gun vs. knife fight! Things escalated quickly. 
5. Captain Raines - we are not friends anymore. And Jamie, just staring at the Porpoise even as he is dragged down to the cellar - because I think he’s still keeping his promise to not lose sight of the ship. 
7. Dr. CEBR Fraser in action! Loving the bandana, loving the ponytail! 
8. Mr. Pound being honorable. 
9. Claire’s voice over is just heartbreaking. Just 1 day in the Porpoise feels just as worse as being 200 years apart and 20 years apart altogether. 
10. Mr. Pound is cute - hopefully he isn’t a traitor like Leonard! 
11. Sassy Dr. CEBR Fraser calling you all out because this ship will drop dead if I don’t raise my voice and break all female notions of the 18th century! 
12. Elias Pound - Elias. I will remember you. Please don’t make Elias a douche. And by douche, I mean that he’d be like most sailors and their impure thoughts on women. I know, Elias is just 14 but knowing the attitude of many in the 18th century, I don’t think it’s a far-fetched idea?
13. Dr. CEBR Fraser’s worried look worries and breaks me. Oh, and worried Dr. CEBR Fraser to detective Dr. CEBR Fraser in short frames! I am just in awe of this woman!
14. Fergus is still a good pickpocket - thank God we still see his talent’s on the show! 
15. Jaime needs an acupuncture session! Someone send for Mr. Willoughby right away! 
16. Desperate Jamie breaks my heart. I hate seeing him like this. Can Jamie compartmentalize like Claire can? “If you haven’t risked it all, you dinna ken love” WOW HEART BREAK
17. PIRATE Dr. CEBR Fraser has arrived!! 
18. Nightspot CLAIRE UGH NO. because of 3x09 feels. Like they were just hugging in the moonlight a day or two ago and now they don’t even know where each other in the planet is. This is killing them both. 
19. COMPARTMENTALIZATION - this something Claire learned in med school, probably? 
20. Please oh please oh please oh please don’t let Elias Pound be a bad guy *prays*
21. CURSE WORDS...FINALLY! I think besides Frank in episode 1, no one has cursed since? 
23. PORPOISE x BRUJA - Not a good combo for Jamie and Claire. Can’t these two catch a break?! (Answer: no) 
24. Claire getting herself into trouble!!! Get out of the Captain’s quarters!! Thomas Leonard is not your friend!!!
25. I love how Claire says Jamie’s name as she brushes her hand in the notebook. 
27. FERSALI HAND MOMENT - I love how she does it for him just as Claire does for Jamie’s wound and I know Jenny does for Ian’s leg. Though we thought this’d be a Claire/Fergus moment, I’m alright with Fersali.
28. OMG I was not expecting FERSALI to get it on and thank god it didn’t go through - I was not ready to watch it hahahaha
30. ENEMIES ON THE SHIP - They really cannot just catch a break. CREME DE MENTHE SCENE 
33. JAMIE’S DESPERATION IS HEARTBREAKING - FERGUS LOVE FOR MARSALI IS HEARTBREAKING - This show just breaks hearts and here we are still
35. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO - NOT MY BABY ELIAS POUND - NO NO NO NO NO NO NO *uncontrollable sobbing*
36. “Yes, Elias, it’s mother. It’s time to come home now” - I just went to complete breakdown at this point. I’m absolutely heartbroken in this episode. Baby Pound didn’t deserve this. 
36. Claire returning Elias rabbit lucky charm. Placing it in his hand. Parting Words. Claire sewing through the nose. Pure heartbreak in her face. Caitriona just shines in this scene. I just lost it at this point. I’m crying with Claire. Especially when they show his body - one body - being thrown to the sea. Ahhh, the flood of tears just opened. Beautiful and heartbreaking. Outlander classic. 
37. Back to the show - we still got minutes left *wipes tears* 
39. TOM LEONARD WE ARE NOT FRIENDS. But damn, I hate that Claire actually tries (border beg) to convince Tom to turn the other cheek for Jamie. 
40. JAMIE LOOKING THROUGH BREE’S PICTURES - They really did want to break out hearts and succeeded. 
41. Marsali, MAYBE, we can be friends now 
42. Annekje asks Claire to jump overboard. I love how she didn’t stop to think of ideas to help Claire escape and warn her husband about his impending arrest
43. Claire on Annekje’s Jump Overboard idea: “I’m sorry, that’s crazy” - UNDERSTATEMENT OF THE YEAR! I laughed at this, not because of the danger, but I guess, like everything Claire and Jamie has done for each other is crazy in nature. Passing through stones, passing through time, rescue at Wentworth with empty pistol, rescue at Wentworth with only keys, rescue at Wentworth via cattle, etc. and Claire chooses NOW to question the craziness of their actions. I don’t know if this makes totally sense but yeah ;) 
44. JESUS H. ROOSEVELT CHRIST! - I missed this. Claire jumped. Damn, what Claire and Jamie won’t do for each other. 
End of episode. Wow.
*Remembers Jenny Murray voice* Love forces a person to choose - and this could not have true for this entire episode. If this episode proves one thing, then it is that Jamie and Claire truly love each other so much. So much love goes through them that, yes, they will risk everything and anything to be together again and again and again. 
I just love Claire and Jamie so much. Unexpectedly, I felt more heartbroken now in their time apart than before. I must give so much credit to Caitriona and Sam for playing these characters so differently - that you actually feel the 20 years pass the characters. They bring a different flavor and maturity to C&J’s relationship and I love that that change is evident in how they portray them. 
Can’t wat for Uncharted (3x11). Based on rumors, this might be where we get our TURTLE SOUP?! 
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11/15/19 3:33am - goin home, trying new things
So the trip home to see the family was wonderful. Actually I spent a little too long watching TV before leaving and waiting for the gas guy to turn on the heat, so I left a little late and was damn near passing out on the drive over. Had to stop a few times to nap, but made it. Got caught up on The Adventure Zone again. I’m really excited for this new story they’re gonna do, it’s like Harry Potter meets My Hero Academia. Pretty fuckin neato.
But yeah I got there had a beer with my mom and went to the game and froze my fucking BALLS off watching taven play football. ugh jesus. And the poor guys were against a team like 4 times bigger than them, I swear they didn’t get double digit offensive yardage. They’d get an offsides call and start first and 5, hand off the ball to taven three times in a row and he’d pick up 1 yard, 1 yard, -2 yards, and they’d punt it away again. I don’t think I saw a single first down lol. Taven got hurt so we left in the fourth, they were down 77-0 with 10 minutes left -_-
But still, good to see him play lol. It wasn’t about watching a win, it was about being there for him on his birthday. Fuck that sucks though lol. I always hated playing in the cold. 
Most of the weekend I hung out with wes at his and jenny’s place. We did hang out with mom and the fam for a bonfire on saturday, I ate as much guac as I could fit in my face, we had a couple beers, made some fires. It was sweet. Then we played some super metroid before I started passing out.
Sunday wes and I beat the game and went to breakfast. My dad wasn’t around so I drove out to visit JMell in NoVa instead. His place is pretty nice, and we mostly watched some funny youtube videos. Good ol Rack Em Willie and other crackhead vids and this guy Super Sus and general nonsense. Couldn’t go crazy because I needed to make it back for work.
So I drove back. Made it to Jill’s at 2 and she helped keep me awake until I needed to get ready for work because I picked up a daytime shift from 7 to 5. And I slogged through that just fine. Got a raise at work, but like the bare minimum, but I’llll fucking take it. It’s been the exact same as every other time I got a raise I think lmfao. A little extra pocket cash to throw at new toys is nothing to scoff at, though, I need another butt plug and stuff lmfao. 
I was supposed to roll from there to durham to watch the new rick and morty, but I passed out and overslept by an hour instead. fucking hate when my bodily needs get in the way of me trying to hang out with people for 48 hours straight, yknow? Sucks.
But I went to slosh still, had a lovely chill time. Made plans to go home to Jill but ended up bouncing to another bar with a bunch of people there and drank for another hour. Got me in a little hot water, but whatever. Worth it I think lol. I just can’t help myself from hanging out with as many people as long as possible. 
Jill and I woke up at like 2 and hung out most of the day just fucking around watching tv. I bailed to go run some errands and do karaoke. Had to get some epoxy so I could put together my butt plug tail. I finally knocked that out this evening before work, I think it turned out great. Gotta try it out soon :3
But karaoke was quiet. Not a lot of people came out because it was like bitter cold and windy and had been raining all day. So on the plus side I got to sing like five songs. On the downside, I didn’t get to flirt with any new people lolol. An old stripper friend I had made there, Kellene, showed up and we talked about how I was in her dream the night before and chit chatted a bit. Got to sing a little together, I love her fucking voice. But at the end of the night she asked me for some money to help pay for her tab. I was like sure and gave her $8, she said I was sweet asked if I wanted to do anything with her I was like huwhaaa I guess? maybe we make out somewhere? Idk. Then she roams the room around and comes back and asks me for money again and I was like dude I gave you everything in my wallet, you have my $8 right there in your hand. And she says “no this is my $8 I got it from my purse,” while she opens her purse and pulls the rest of the money she needs out of it. I was like... pretty flabbergasted. Like not like floored, more still amused than anything. Drunk people are funny.
Also after I sang some Drake my beautiful bartender Jaime said I should sing Frank Ocean. Killed it singing self control, and she like held my hands and said I love you like she has the past couple weeks. I made a slight mistake and let my curiosity get the better of me. It’s definitely a rule of mine to not ask girls who are working out, but I was just like “look I know this is a little inapprop, but would you want to go out sometime?” and she says “yeah, as friends, definitely.” and I’m like oooooof. She had to take care of another customer so I just walked away from that one. Glad I cleared that up though I really thought she was being flirty and cutesy but I’m just a knucklehead. Could’ve been worse lmfao. 
Anyway, went home with Jill, we hung out all day again watching this mediocre 911 show. Kinda fun at points though. It was mostly nice just chilling with her early since I’d blown her off til really late a couple times in a row. 
Then spice was last night and ho. my. god. It was the normal confection of watching people get beat, not meeting as people this time around because I knew a whole bunch of people that were there already. But I did meet a few. Hung out with the cute boy from the fashion show for a while. We have these like really awkward pauses in conversation though where he doesn’t like ask me anything and I run out of things to say but he’s just staring at me and grinning so intently. Idk, man.  Lol. I was supposed to do a scene that I had talked out with someone, but they unfortunately called in sick. So I thought I wasn’t gonna do anything, but then I ended up chit chatting with Neko and he offered to beat on me that night.
Wowowoww bottoming a REAL impact scene was intense. Like IN. TENSE. like I was thinking about tapping out a few times from the pain of it, but then he’d take a break and scratch me or rub my back and it would just feel so gooooood. By the end I was taking these hits in the back and like shivering with excitement/adrenaline/idk what. He like threw his thigh between my legs while I was up on the cross to support me and started rubbing my back and bit my shoulder and hnnnnng. god I just started lightly scratching and chewing on his arm. I was literally in uncontrollable shivers and giggles afterward, it was actually probably too much lol but I lovvvved it. I feel like I really Get it now. Especially as I sit on my ass covered in bruises today lol. Then my friend Bun squish cuddled me until I came back down to normalcy. Maya and Jill came to watch, actually, they got to see it happen so that was kinda rad. Jill wanted to go dancing at alchemy afterward but I was like no fucking way could I dance after taking that lol. So I drug them out to boxcar with me and we played some galaga and skee ball and foosball and tekken. Me and Jill almost got a shutout on Maya+some rando, and then the randos were like nahhhh so I beat Jill+Maya 2v1. We played again later and I lost the set though. But I was dressed up as a kitty all through boxcar lol, kinda neat. We stayed up til 6am just watching Daria and ranodm youtube shit. 
Slept a long time, almost had a weird fight with Jill, smoothed that over, took a bath for a few hours and I’ve been working. Excited to get off though, but not for any reason in particular. Just fuck work I guess? lol.
I really felt like I needed to write about that impact scene while it was fresh. It’s kinda stuck in my head. :3 
I’ve got emo karaoke in a few days, should be a lot of fun. <3 nothing too exciting coming up though. Having to schedule a bunch of extra work days to appease my boss kinda suckkssss but whatever I’ll take the money lol.
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sueboohscorner · 7 years
#JanetheVirgin Jane the Ordained Chapter 64 Season 3 Finale
Jane the Ordained Chapter 64 Season Finale
Episode Rating: 4
Season rating: 5 (for wasting time!)
Holy Moly—the season finale! I didn’t take notes, and this isn’t a recap; it’s more of a look at how our beloved characters are positioned for Season 4.
Jane: Jane was ordained by some kooky on-line church so she could officiate Ro and Xo’s wedding (hope the writers come back to this again, given Jane’s connection to religion—remember the nuns were pimping her out as miracle worker and the second coming of the Virgin Mary).  Her book is coming out, according to an ad on the bus (woo hoo!). She’s got heart-glowing feelings for Rafael, but she’s just reconnected with her first love, Adam.
THIS IS THE PROBLEM I HAVE WITH THIS WHOLE SEASON.  We don’t know Adam; I’m sure he’s a nice guy, but you can’t just drop new characters in and expect me to feel the same way I do about characters I love. First, no love interest for Jane is going to be as fine as Rafael. Adam was cute, but I’ve spent three seasons licking the screen every time Justin Baldoni takes off his shirt and Adam doesn’t stir that impulse in me (Fabian did…eventually). Second, no man is ever going to be as sweet as Michael. I was actually tearing up during those flashbacks (even though I was like, why haven’t you told us about the letter before, Jane Writers?). When Jane found the letter and Michael was talking about destiny…sigh. There’s something about Brett Dier that even made Jennie Snyder Urman change her mind about killing him off in the first season, so naturally the fans are attached to him.  And wasting our time with Sam (remember him from the beginning of the season?) and springing Adam on us just seems like a gyp.
Speaking of wasting time, whatever happened to the whole Catalina arc? Wasn’t that supposed to bring Jane’s relatives from Venezuela into the picture and wasn’t she supposed to write about her family? What ever happened to that? That seemed interesting and it would have brought us new characters we were primed to love/hate because they were Jane’s extended family. Much better than these little three-episode people.
Rafael: Rafael just got by Luisa! Luisa figured out Rafael played her by pretending to his cancer reoccurred, got a taped-up copy of their father’s will and TOLD RAFAEL TO KICK ROCKS!  This could be really interesting! Rafael in poverty would be a total fish out of water thing.  And he might not only be broke, but he might also be alone, too—what with Petra and Jane all booed up with Chuck and Adam, respectively. How will Rafael respond to this kind of pressure? I think Raf has been wasted this whole season with that “Zen Rafael” stuff, Abbey (another character I didn’t care at all about—they could’ve found some other way to reopen Scott’s murder investigation), and mooning over Petra (although Yael Grobglas is always swoon-worthy). Back in Seasons 1&2, Raf had an internal struggle going between being an entitled and rich bad boy and being the good man Jane made him believe he could be. When things got rough, Raf would go into a dark place that even Jane’s love couldn’t bring him out of. That gave him a struggle we cared about.  This whole season, Raf’s been wearing gauze-y white tunics and hanging on the sidelines. Get him back in the game, y’all.
Petra: The one good thing about this season was Petra! Petra always seemed spot on and even when something seemed like a bit of a stretch—like, say, Petra being a bawse mom to Jane’s hot mess motherhood—somehow it felt like a true evolution of the character and it worked. I like Petra’s vulnerability when it comes to Rafael, but honestly, I prefer Petra with Chuck (please let Chuck have some oil money and be hella rich while Rafael is dirt poor!). Any time Yael Grobglas is on screen is a good time; let’s hope Anezka doesn’t knock Petra off.
Michael: Dead. I get it; it’s just never gonna sit right with me. And even though it’s interesting to see where Jane’s journey ends up, I feel like the show lost something when Michael died.  Why was his hair so long in the flashbacks? I do not remember Michael being in the man-bun territory.
Rogelio:  Rogelio is one of my favorite characters and I think he was underutilized this season. Jaime Camil can act his cute butt off—remember when he told Xo how much he missed Michael or when he got angry at Alba in Spanish?—but the Jane writing room seemed to only use Ro for comic relief.  I hope he’s front and center next season. Well, he’s about to be a daddy, so that should be something. And keep him paired up with Justina Machado, who is hot fire.
Xiomara: I know I sound like a broken record, but this character was wasted, too. Xiomara is the woman who slept with her baby daddy’s arch-rival, got pregnant, and had an abortion—that’s Erica Kane territory!—but all Xo did this season was give Bruce and Rogelio Nancy-Reagan-looking-at-Ronald-Reagan eyes.  Give this woman a foil. WHERE WAS RITA MORENO?!!!!!!!!
Alba: Yes! Alba’s got a man. I like Jorge and Alba and I hope we get to see some SENIOR SEX next season. Alba pays for a room at the Marbella with her AARP card. Haaay!
Dennis: You know this is my boo. His episode with Jane’s first almost date had some nuance to it that I feel the writers backed away from. It makes sense that Jane and Dennis would lean on each other and that that dependency might get tangled up in romantic feelings. A better way to deal with it might have been to have had Jane not want to be involved with another cop and then have her really think about what kind of man she wanted. But instead we got…Catalina.
Anna and Ellie: Just like their mom—adorbs!
Mateo: He kinda annoys me. Sigh.
The Narrator: The Latin Lover Narrator dropped a tiny little hint during the wedding while the camera was on Mateo, so that made me think maybe TLLN is Mateo. Or maybe it’s Mateo’s half-brother—if Jane gets pregnant next season.
Luisa: All I know is the way Luisa put her feet up on that desk, Yara Martinez better bring some La Reina del Sur to the Marbella!
JTV moves to Fridays on The CW next season. Since I have no life, that’s perfect for me. This was my least favorite season of the three.  Hopefully, Season 4 will get back to form.
xo xo,
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zahri-melitor · 3 months
Newish Comics:
The Lost Carnival: (not on the list but I read it this week). This felt very informed by Kyle Higgins’ run on Nightwing 2011 - and by very little else. Heads up - the entire story is set at Haly’s, and Dick is having ~16 year old angst about how he wants more than this provincial life as an acrobat. The whole story is giving that ‘okay but when does the plot start’ vibes (as you can see the moving parts that eventually lead to Zucco) but we are still in the prequel. The inevitable never occurs. (Canon Divergence AU baby!)
I thought it was cute. I am not sticking it on any must read lists. The mystery is pretty obvious early on. It’s the most I’ve seen Mary or John Grayson talk in a comic in a long, long time.
Batman and Robin #6: Bruce. BRUCE. Just because YOU dropped out at 14 to go on a world tour does not mean you’re PUTTING PRESSURE on Damian by wanting him to attend NINTH GRADE.
At this rate Dick Grayson is going to be the only member of the family who actually made it to university.
(This story is KILLING ME. We are getting delightful school-based storytelling and Damian having fish out of water moments and then the story keeps threatening to take it away. Stop it! Just let him attend school even if it’s in the background of your plots!)
Blue Beetle #6: we finally get a history on the Blood Scarab and huzzah it has absolutely nothing to do with the 2011 plot involving Paco. Which you know I expected but it’s nice to have confirmation. Instead we have direct references to Dan Garrett, and I now live in fanciful hope for the return of Dani Garrett any day now.
Anyway that was SO MEAN to poor Jaime. And oh the art is SO GOOD this week.
Outsiders #4: …Jenny? A JENNY STORY? It still shouldn’t be called Outsiders but WOW are they down to just dig into mythology all over the place.
(A century child!!!)
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I see what you did there. (Actually, Sparks is still my favourite, but I do like Jennys) and I don’t hate giving the DC universe its own Jenny given basically nobody’s used Jenny Quantum in a decade.
On the other hand, I am mad you retroactively deleted Jenny Quantum for this via multiverse nonsense. What did you DO to Apollo & the Midnighter’s adoptive daughter??? (grumble grumble give me back my Wildstorm characterisation grumble)
Speed Force #4: so this week felt like the plot sort of stalled for a bit? After forging on forwards so rapidly in recent issues. Not really much to say.
Wesley Dodds: The Sandman #5: this on the other hand…oooh this is my favourite of the JSA minis. I wasn’t expecting it to be, but it is. Just really good storytelling.
Batman #143: gosh there’s some lovely artwork in this. Shame it’s in a Joker story.
The Warlord #39: the week in Skartaris were back with Ancient Atlantean history (as opposed to undersea Atlantean history).
Here’s a decent summary from Travis: I really hope and wish someone’s discussed how this works alongside the Aquafam at some point.
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Anyway Travis and Shakira get drugged by an Ancient Atlantean robot (who pops the drug in the wine - we JUST had that plot the other week Travis, how did you miss this?) which came with Shakira drinking like a cat not a person.
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And excitingly we have some classic Travis Morgan bondage time! Oh I’ve missed your kinks, Grell.
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Hmm yes, that seems back in your favourite wheelhouse (sadly the giant snake thing does not coil around Travis too).
Also Shakira released Travis’s Pegasus. Nooo! We only had you for such a short time!!!
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q1ieg98n · 7 years
Okay y’all, listen up!
I’m tired of Bart Allen getting mischaracterized in all of the fanics I’ve read. To disprove some popular things that I have seen, I am going to cite the Impulse comics. While I understand that his background dis a little different in Young Justice than it is than in the comics, he is still the same person. With that, lets go on to number one.
#1: “Oh Bart is so gay!.”
Oh, the boy who has canonically had a relationship with a girl, and was devastated when she had to leave for the sake of the world, is gay. I’m not saying that he doesn’t have a crush on Jaime, no. The boy is hopeless, no doubt. However,  he is also not bisexual. If anything, Bart is demisexual, as early in the Impulse series he and Carol (His girlfriend) kissed when they were still just friends. However, there was no sexual tension or pining, just laughing and teasing each other. It’s only later, after they get to know each other that they begin to fall in love. And I highly doubt that Bart fell in instant love with the dictator of his world. It probably wasn’t for a while thta he began to have feelings for Jaime.
#2 “Oh, Bart looks up to and respects Wally so much!”
Yeah, no. In the very first Impulse comic, Bart says: “ ...now call him the Flash could show me how to control my speed. Some teacher.... But Wally played me like a, a- like whatever you play in this era.”  He resents Wally, not just for their first meeting, but for, in his eyes, abandoning him. To him, it seems like Wally didn’t want him and just dumped him on Max. And Wally does little to fix that. In the comics, they are not mentor and pupil. That is Max’s spot in Bart’s life, and he would never take Wally trying to take that spot.
#3 “Everybody loves Bart!”
Ha! Don’t make me laugh. How about that time he pissed off almost every kid in his school so much that he had a fight scheduled with all of them at the end of the same day. Which leads me to my next point...
#4 “Bart is so dumb! He must be the comic relief!”
First of all, fuck that. In issue three (the one where he pisses everyone off) he leads everyone who wanted to fight him [Which was the entire school with the exception of like, six kids] to the football field. He then proceeds to trick them all into fighting each other, and does not throw a single punch. {Also, I would like to touch on the fact that earlier in the comic, someone throws a meatball at a kid named Lardo, and Bart uses Lardo’s tray to deflect it, but then gives him his own lunch. Look at him, standing for others!}
#5 “Bart’s horrible at undercover work!”
May I direct your attention to issue 5, where he successfully infiltrates White Lightning’s gang, actually being explicitly trusted by White Lightning herself. I would call that some good undercover work myself. [She calls him Spitfire, that is so cute]
#6 “Bart wouldn’t notice if his friends were hiding something.”
Bullshit. In issue 6, he finds out that his best friend, Preston, has a less than stellar home life. he tells Max, who tells him to hang low for now, and wait until he has proof to say anything. However, after his eyes are opened a bit, he goes to find and confront Preston’s dad, who he thinks is the abuser. However, it is then revealed it is Preston’s mother, and the school make ssure that Preston is safe with his father (which he is). And, at this point, they weren’t actually best friends yet. They had barely hung out before, yet Bart was almost willing to put his secret I.D. at risk, just t make sure that Preston was safe.
#7 “Bart can go with out his powers for weeks!”
Maybe in an inhibitor collar. But by scientific means? No. In issue 7, he has his powers taken for less than ten seconds, and yet he is choking, in pain, dying. He was just lucky the villain who did it wasn’t actually a murderer. He physically can’t survive without his powers.
#8 “Bart doesn’t care about his friend’s well beings!”
Oh? Well then, what about that time,that Carol was in a car with kids from school that were planning some...  less than savory things, and while Bart didn’t want to face the villain, as soon as he heard that Carol was stuck with them as a result he said “Carol?! In a car? With those guys?! I don’t think so.” And then went and beat up the bad guy, got Carol out of that car and safe, before getting the car out of danger. And remember, this is before they loved each other.
#9 “Bart’s only family are Barry and Iris!”
Let me list you his extended family, as of issue 10: Max, Jay (and of course Joan), Linda Park, Wally, Iris, his cousin Jenni (another time traveler, and Johnny Quick (Who brings Jesse later).
9b. {I’m putting this here because it goes with family} And if you ever think that he is detached from his family, what about when, after Max is unconscious in the hospital, he is accused at school for not caring about what happened, and he attacks the kid who says it, before running oout of the school crying, wailing for Max?
That’s all I have for now, but I’m sure I’ll think of more eventually.
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astarionswhore · 7 years
bookish ask - all even!
O: ho dang ok
2. what are you currently reading - want by cindy pon4. last book added to my tbr - the queen’s thief series by megan whalen turner6. last book i really, really loved - either the disappearances by emily bain murphy or the lara jean song series by jenny han8. paper back or hardcover - oh paper back for sure . it’s cheaper and more comfortable to hold10. sci-fi or fantasy - nooooo omg… uhm… fantasy. with sci-fi you gotta do it right but give me a book about magic and i’m sold12. political or comedic memories - none i’m not that interested in people’s lives (that sounds harsh but i rather stuff my face in fiction to run away from real life. that’s called an unhealthy coping mechanism lmao)14. a book where the movie/tv adaptation is better - definitely the shannara chronicles. the book lagged on and on about walking here and there and i was like COME ON PICK UP THE PACE. plus i’m a sucker for YA television series. also, i watched a few episodes of the shadowhunters tv show on freeform. i wasn’t really feeling the book because the ending was just… what? but the tv show is pretty good. and alberto rosende is so cute lmao .///u///.16. bring only three books to a desert island - harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban (duh) a crooked kingdom by leigh bardugo (because KAZ “BASTARD OF THE BARREL” “DIRTY HANDS” BREKKER FOUND THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE’S PARENTS AND BROUGHT THEM TO HER) and probably lord of the rings because then i might actually finish it18. which character from a book is most like me - sansa stark hands down. if i was ever someone’s hostage, i, too, would do whatever they say and say whatever i thought they would want to hear just to stay alive. i also like pretty things and hope one day i’ll find the love of my life and like stories about knights and princesses FIGHT ME20. best summer read - everything, everything by nicola yoon maybe? those that ending…………………………….22. pro or anti e-reads - oh pro for sure! i personally don’t use one because i like to have a book with pages to put on my shelf but like? why would i be against it? they’re better to travel with and you’re not using paper!24. buy books online or bookshop - both tbh i love buying used books online but i like going into bookstores too lol26. if i could be a character from a book for their entire life who would i be and why - ugh i wouldn’t want to be anyone tbh… their lives are so complicated. can i just be some random hufflepuff? i’d like to be in the harry potter universe lmao28. books i’ve read so far this year - 36. i’m trying to read 60 but idk if i’ll make it lol30. favorite author - as far as interesting concepts, i gotta go with victoria schwab. my favorite writing style? GRRM!!!! i wanna write like him fbdjskf and leigh bardugo just seems like a hella cool person to hang out with lmao32. favorite fantasy author - ^^^^^^34. list 5 OTPs - AHH! FHJLGF ok uhm…. 1. INEJ/KAZ!!!!!!!! 2. katniss/peeta 3. safi/merik 4. brienne/jaime 5. jon snow/finally getting a fucking bREAK
36. a book that is overrated - OH BOY!!!!!!!! the shadowhunter books and the divergent books they were just not….. my thing38. what language do i often read in - ………… english i dont know anything else40. name a favorite book from my teenage years - nOOOOOOOOOO I USED TO LIKE TWILIGHT whatever i forgive my younger self. honestly tho if you still like the twilight books keep doing you and fuck everyone else42. best book i had to read for school - frankenstein i got so into it i was…. very vocal about my hatred towards dr. frankenstein. i even wrote an in-test essay about how much i hated him and my teacher laughed44. do i like to listen to music when i read - no it has to be v quiet i used to play background instrumental music but i cant even do that anymore lol46. favorite thing to drink when i read - chai tea… i mean i drink it almost every day lol48. where is my favorite place to read - my bed. it’s the least distracting and since i have add and reading comprehension problems i need the least distracting place50. why do i love to read - kinda a boring answer but i just like leaving the present for a moment and dive into someone else’s problems lmaooo but i’m a slut for a fantasy setting witH A MAP i love exploring a new world someone made up and learn about the lore
that was fun!
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