#jensen accent kink
rinoa2530 · 24 days
Jensen, babe, you’re not subtle.
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What I want to know is WHY?
Why'd you say it, Jensen? You didn't have to. You were talking about cooking for fuck's sake! COOKING!! You said you like spicy food-- and that your wife often makes you spicy food.
How great.
How wholesome.
Sure, you kinked it up a bit. You went on to say that she knows how to "spice things up in the kitchen."
Ha Ha
*wink wink * nudge nudge*
And Misha of course responded in his very Misha-like-way with -- "Oh yeah she does!"
So you go "Ayye!" in your trademarked Dean-ish, mock-grumpy tone.
And that was fine.
That was all good, Jensen. You could've left it there, son! You could've gone back to the fucking innocuous topic of cooking.
Go on and share Danneel's recipe. Maybe your favorite spice while you're at it. Or even just go back to saying Italian words in your very Mario & Luigi type accent ... any of that would've worked, my guy.
The world is filled with non-implicating topics!
But NOOOOO .... instead you take a fucking eon-long pause, rub your thigh in the universally known nervous-jackles way, and then you say:
and then
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thestruidora · 1 year
Supernatural RPF Fanfiction
Rating: Explicit
WARNINGS: This story will contain but it’ll not be limited to explicit 18+ content including Yandere, Stalker, Possessive Behavior, Romance, Angst, Fluff and Smut, Rape/Non-con Elements, Hurt/Comfort, Porn with Feelings, Obsessive Behavior, Smut, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Oral Sex, Dirty Talk, Praise Kink, Kidnapping, Stockholm Syndrome, Dom/Sub
Category: F/M
Pairings: Jensen Ackles/You, Jensen Ackles/Reader
Summary: You know what time he wakes up and what time he goes to bed, even though he tends to stay awake far later than what it’s healthy for him, but that’ll change soon. You know what’s his favorite dessert and how he takes his coffee. You know he is a stomach sleeper and a light snorer. You know that he loves the rain but is a little scared of thunder. You know everything there is to know about Jensen, you’re his number one fan. But most importantly, you know exactly what is the room number of the hotel he’s staying in for the night, and now he will get to know you.
Chapter Updates: Masterlist
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Author’s notes: I’m a good person.
Chapter One
“I’m your biggest fan, I’ll follow you until you love me.” — Lady Gaga
“C’mon, man, it’s gonna be fun.” Jared said while flipping through his phone, focused on his task of calling an Uber.
“Are you serious? I haven’t slept all night. There’s no way I’m going.” Jensen rubbed his eyes, running the same hand through the stubble on his cheek in an effort to keep himself awake.
“What is it with you and going to sleep late every night?” Jared questioned, attention still reserved to his phone’s screen.
“I didn’t! I tried to go to bed early but that stupid fucking door wouldn't open.” Jensen’s voice raised in aggravation in the middle of the hotel lobby. His anger at what had happened the evening before hadn’t left him yet.
After arriving at the hotel in the late afternoon with his fellow cast mates for a convention in Montreal, all Jensen wanted was to get some dinner and retire to his bedroom for the good night of sleep that he hasn’t had in a long couple of weeks. But, of course, that wasn’t what destiny had in mind for him.
Checking in was a bitch, the desk clerk was the most annoying man with the most annoying french accent. And, as usual, ‘there was a problem with their system’, so he had to wait almost an hour to get the keycard for his room. Meanwhile, all the other people that were checking in at the same time as him had no problem.
Once he did get his room key, everyone was waiting for him to go to dinner so he didn’t have time to put his luggage inside his room, being forced to leave it in the lobby, which was just great. On top of that, the good people of Montreal apparently have a tendency to eat a little later, so he had to wait a long while to be served at the restaurant, culminating with him stuffing himself with bread and spoiling the dinner he had been looking forward to. And, because none of that was enough, once he got back to the hotel, the godforsaken key to the godforsaken door of his godforsaken room wouldn't work.
The same desk clerk with the same annoying accent tried to open the door with his master keycard and that didn’t do shit either. The hotel had the audacity to have all of its rooms booked except for the presidential suite, which was offered to him free of charge for the distress, and in retrospect, that does sound nice, but at the time that didn’t even register to him.
It was at that point that Jensen decided that he was going to go to sleep, in that room, one way or another. And he did end up doing just that, after having to kick a literal hole in the door in order for the damn thing to open.
“Yeah, that was funny.” Jared chuckled at the memory and looked up at Jensen, noticing the dark circles under the man’s eyes and the sullen look on his face. “Anyways, maybe it’s a good thing you’re not coming. You look like hammered shit.”
“Thanks.” Jensen replied, offering Jared a humorless smile.
“Ok, gotta go, the car will be here in less than a minute.” Jared put his phone in the back pocket of his jeans, somehow excited to go out, even in the cold-ass Canadian winter and after having spent his whole day at the convention with Jensen. Granted, he hadn’t had the same night as him. “Dude, let’s go.” He nodded towards the exit, calling for Misha, who was waiting in one of the lobby’s couches and promptly got up to leave as well.
“Alright, you ladies have fun.” Jensen said to them, receiving Jared’s middle finger as his goodbye.
As he watched his friends’ departure, the thought of going to bed early and being able to sleep in flashed through Jensen’s mind and he smiled to himself.
On his way to the elevator, he noticed that a different receptionist was working at the desk, rapidly typing something on the keyboard that was in front of her while also talking to one of the hotel guests. Once he pressed the button to call for the elevator, he had time to look at the girl for a bit longer. She was very easily multitasking, working out whatever was happing on the computer and eloquently speaking to the person she was assisting, giving them an appealing smile. She was pretty and seemed nice, what a shame it wasn’t her working the day before rather than the other guy.
As if she could feel his gaze on her, her eyes shifted in his direction and his automatic response was to look away, feeling ashamed at being caught staring. The elevator had stopped on the second floor and didn’t appear to have any intention of moving anytime soon. Jensen impatiently pressed the button again, knowing full well that it wouldn’t help, but doing it anyway. He glanced at her once more and was surprised to find her still looking at him, a knowing smirk appearing on her lips then.
He had this funny feeling as he took her in; her face shape and hair color, her stature and overall posture. He felt like he’d seen her before, knew her from somewhere, but couldn't quite pinpoint it.
A ringing sound brought his attention back to the elevator that had just arrived entirely empty. He got in and pressed his floor number, that persistent notion that he was forgetting something important still lingering. Had he seen her at the hotel before and just couldn't recall? He was quite tired from all of the sleep deprivation and a long day’s work, who could fault him for not remembering a face amongst the staff of this big place? Yeah, that was probably it.
After arriving on his floor, he went straight to his suite, walking down a corridor with many room doors on either side, the only one with a huge hole in it being very hard to miss.
Upon entering, without any problems this time, he immediately let out a heavy sigh and went to sit down on the edge of the bed, making quick work of removing his shoes. He got up, feeling the coldness of the hardwood floor against the sole of his bare feet, and started walking towards the small round table placed in front of the TV, fingers moving to unbutton the shirt he had on. After it was gone, he simply tossed it on top of the couch across the room, not caring one bit if it got wrinkled. He picked up his phone from the table, unlocking it with his fingerprint, and speed-dialing his wife.
“Hey, babe.” Danneel’s voice sounded from the other end of the line.
“Hi, honey, just calling to check in. How was your day?” Jensen instantly smiled after hearing her, just that simple greeting being enough to brighten up his mood.
“All good. How was yours?”
“Shit, actually. Today wasn’t fun at all.” He let her know, turning on the speakerphone and placing the device back on the table. “Did I send you that picture of the door I had to kick in?”
“Yeah, I got that text. What the hell was that about?” Her words echoed across the room as Jensen moved towards his suitcase and began to open it.
“That was the end of my night yesterday, very demonstrative, wasn’t it?” He was now searching for a comfortable pair of sweatpants in the mess of clothes his luggage consisted of.
“To say the least.” She replied. “Did you have a good time at the convention, though?”
“Oh, it was okay, I was just so tired that I couldn't wait for it to be over.” After finding what he was looking for, he haphazardly closed the suitcase, leaving it in a bigger disarray than when he encountered it.
“I can imagine.” Jensen walked back to the phone as she spoke, sweatpants in hand. “Babe, listen, take a nice hot shower, go to bed and you’ll feel better, alright? I’ll call you tomorrow morning.” That was precisely his plan, and Jensen felt fortunate as he thought of how well she knew him.
“Talk to you tomorrow, honey. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight.” It was the last he heard of her before hanging up.
He gave the room a quick once over in search of a power outlet, finding one near the nightstand by the bed. He plugged his phone onto the charger and left it there, walking to the bathroom and hanging the sweatpants that he intended to change into on the hook on the wall. After stripping out of the rest of his clothes, he entered the shower. The water was extremely warm, which in general he would take offense to, but in the cold weather of Canada, it did feel good.
He took a little longer in the shower than usual, enjoying the time he had to just turn his brain off. Once he was done scrubbing off the grime of the day, he stepped out of the stall, feeling renewed. He reached for a towel and began to dry himself off, starting with his hair, but before he had the time to go any further, he hears a knock.
With droplets of water still dripping off his skin, Jensen wrapped the towel on his lower hip and hurried to open the door. To his surprise, the woman from before, the one with the familiar face, was standing there, a gift basket in hand and an awed look in her eyes as she saw him.
There was a beat of silence in which they both just stare, a tension in the air, and when it eventually gets to be too much, he breaks it.
“Can I help you with anything?”
“Uh, hi.” She gulps, appearing to have just regained consciousness after a stroke. “I’m sorry to, hm, interrupt.” She gestures to the towel he’s holding at his hip, inhaling sharply. “It’s just that my supervisor told me about what occurred yesterday evening and… Uh, and it’s the end of my shift so I just thought that I could come up here and offer you this- this little basket of goodies in order to show how very sorry we are for the inconvenience from yesterday and that that wasn’t at all the experience that we strive to provide in our hotel.”
The whole speech was a little rushed. She was nervous and it showed, and Jensen couldn't help but find it rather cute.
“A basket of goodies, you say?” He points to the item she’s holding and she promptly passes it to him.
“Yes, a little gift we reserve for our most important guests.” He examines it. The entire thing was wrapped in shiny, iridescent paper, all tied up with a bow.
“For your most important guests and the ones who receive horrible service.” Her face drops and she clearly doesn’t know how to respond, making him rapidly regret his choice of words. “I’m sorry, that was harsh. You weren’t even here yesterday, none of what happened was your fault. Thank you, for this.” He motions to the basket.
“No, please, no apologies necessary. You are right, the service left a lot to desire. And, once more, in the name of the whole staff, we’re very sorry.” They nod to each other, sharing polite smiles. “Have a good evening, sir.”
“Same to you.” He tells her, moving to close the door, but something behind him catches her attention in a way that makes her eyes bug out.
“Ow.” Her lips are agape at whatever it is she’s seeing. He looks back at his room and doesn’t notice anything out of theordinary.
“What?” He inquires, confused.
“Nothing, it’s just… That is quite a bag.” She signals to his luggage, bag stuffed to the brim and just laying on the floor, many pieces of fabric poking out since the zipper wasn’t closed all the way. “Messy as shit.” There’s another moment of silence that extends following her last sentence, but this time she’s the one who breaks it. “Oh, my God, I didn’t mean to say it like that. It just came out, it’s been such a long night-”
His laughter stops her apology in its tracks, but he couldn't contain it, he was so not expecting her to make a remark like that.
“No, it’s fine.” He shakes his head and shows her a few white teeth, still smiling while he turns to inspect his suitcase, pondering its appearance.
“The way that you organize your belongings is, of course, none of my concern. I am, yet again, so very sorry for everything and anything. Have a good night, sir.” It’s all said in a single breath, embarrassment spilling out of her, body already turning toleave.
“It’s not that big of a deal.” He’s quick to add, in an effort to prevent her from going away at once. “Do you think it’s really that bad?” He glances at the so-called mess a second time, genuinely anticipating her answer.
“It is quite a sight, that’s for sure.” Simply being exposed to the view seemed to be causing her a physical reaction, a very unpleasant one, by the way. “Would you mind, terribly, if I just…?” Her torso leans forward towards the inside of his room.
“Sure.” Jensen shrugs like it’s no trouble, moving aside so that she can pass through the entryway.
“The thing is that this is linen, so if you just leave it crumpled up like this…” She makes a beeline straight for the shirt he threw on the couch, nimble fingers beginning to smooth out the wrinkles and neatly fold the piece of clothing.
“Really? You don’t say.” Jensen speaks with feigned interest, closing the door of his room and going over to the table, resting the basket on top of it and sitting down in the chair next to it.
“I do say.” Once she’s content with the way the shirt looks, she gently leaves it stretched on the same sofa cushion that she found it on. “Matter fact, could I, as well?” Her index finger aims at the suitcase on the ground, half-closed and with a jeans pant leg and a couple of flannels overflowing from it.
“Go nuts.” He gives her his permission.
“Now that’s one way to pack.” The girl lets out a tiny gasp at the image that confronts her after opening the case. There was so much stuff, too much stuff, all equally rumpled and cluttered.
“Yeah, usually my wife helps me with it, packs it all in very nice and tidy, but then at the end of the trip it always ends up looking like that.” He grins at her reaction, leaning back on his chair to watch her as she begins sorting through his things.
“Poor woman.” She whispers, obviously to herself, but he catches it and the sound of his rambunctious laugh alerts her of it. “God, I’m just saying a lot of things tonight.” She sends him an apologetic look. “That was inappropriate of me.”
“It’s alright, you spoke from the heart.” He had on an amused expression, completely unfazed by her comment. “And I’m sure she’d agree with you on that one.”
She offers him a curt nod and continues her meticulous rearranging, taking each item in her hands and organizing it with care. The shirts, the pants, the jackets, one after the other began to be put into place inside his bag. Even the socks are tucked away in a little compartment of their own that he had never noticed was there before.
“Is it really okay that I’m doing this?” She asks.
“Is it really okay that you’re folding my clothes? Yeah.”
He finds her changes in attitude intriguing. Her demeanor is mostly self-contained and overly polite, but there are times when this lack of crass jumps out at him and he can’t quite keep up.
“So… This basket you’ve brought.” He touches the pretty red bow on the gift, feeling its smooth texture.
“It’s just some chocolate, some fruit, a few drinks, beef jerky-”
“Wait, beef jerky?” He interrupts her listing, getting up from the chair and starting to tear off the protective layer of plastic that covers the snacks, not for one moment caring to reinforce the grip of the towel around his hip bone.
“Yes.” She answers, seemly not understanding his enthusiasm.
“Are you kidding me? I love me some jerky.” He rips open the package of dried meat, taking four whole slices at once.
“Seriously?” She stops what she’s doing to look at him, eyebrows raised in skepticism.
“Big time.” He speaks with his mouth full. “You don’t like it?”
“Not particularly, no.” She shakes her head and goes back to her activity.
“Wow, french girls do not appreciate fine cuisine, who would’ve thought?” He teases after swallowing.
“I am not french.” She tells him, clean accent making it impossible for him to decipher where she was truly from. “And I also wouldn't exactly call beef jerky fine cuisine.”
“Well, I would. It’s delicious.” He walks over to the bed and sits down, the sensation of the soft mattress underneath him forcing him to lay back. “Damn, I haven’t had this in forever.” He begins to eat a few more slices.
“Really? I thought you said you loved it.” Her back is to him, hands still busy with his luggage.
“I do, but I’m always on a diet because of my job.” The bed is very comfortable and Jensen finds himself lazily chewing, enjoying the salty taste.
“What do you do?” Her voice is laced with genuine curiosity and that makes him smile sardonically.
“I’m an actor.” She turns to him with a bright look on her face, hair flowing in the air with the quickness of her movement.
“That’s amazing!” She exclaims. “Would I have seen you in anything recently?”
“Probably not. I have been on the same show for like, a hundred years.” He scoffs grimly.
“And you don’t wanna be?” She frowns, taking one of the clothes that she had already folded and starting the process again, but he doesn’t notice.
“No, it’s not that, it’s just been such a long time, and I… I feel a little stuck.” He senses his eyelids getting heavy, having to stifle in a yawn so as to not be rude. “It’s fine, you wouldn't get it.”
“Sir, I work as a receptionist in a very average hotel, I believe I do understand the concept of feeling stuck.” She says it like it’s a self-deprecating joke, but there’s no humor in her words, her tone of voice suddenly turning extremely serious.
“Are you telling me to check my privilege? You think I’m a very lucky guy who doesn’t know how to appreciate it?” His vision becomes blurry as if he’s drunk and he feels his body sinking into the sheets.
“I’m not saying that at all. I mean, you’re an actor and I’ve never even heard of you so surely you’re not that famous.” Her fingers play with the buttons of one of his shirts.
“Ouch, you are a very honest gal, Mrs…?” His speech is slurred as though his tongue is too big for his mouth.
“Miss.” The young woman corrects him. “Miss Y/N”
“Miss Y/N. That’s a pretty name.” His voice is small then, the sound dying in his throat.
“Thank you. What’s your name?” Her question is left unanswered, a loud silence overtaking the space as she turns to him and finds him completely passed out.
Dropping the shirt from her hand she walks in his direction, calmly. He’s completely relaxed in his laid-down position on the bed, the packet of almost empty beef jerky by his side. She carefully sits down close to him, watching his even breathing for a moment. Her hand pats him on the cheek once then twice, but he doesn’t react at all.
He’s out cold.
Her fingernails run through his damp hair, scratching his scalp. She takes in each and every one of his features. From his brow bone to his long lashes. The bridge of his nose and his five o’clock shadow. The perfect shape of his lips and the constellation of tiny freckles on his skin.
She leans down to breathe him in, the clean smell of soap being the first noticeable note to hit her senses, followed by a scent that’s only him.
They’re face to face, close enough to touch.
“Everything’s gonna be fine, Jensen.” Y/N whispers to him, but he’s incapable of uttering a single word back to her. “I’m going to take care of you, I promise.” The mounds of her lips brush against his, and she gives him an affectionate peck. “I love you.”
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So Close Ch. 3
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Series Summary: Jensen Ackles is thousands of miles away from McKayla’s normal life, both figuratively and literally. Jensen is sure they can work things out, but McKayla is less sure that they can get through things and keep her heart intact.
Chapter Summary: It's been four months since their first date and Jensen has invited McKayla to come to Vegas Con and stay the weekend with him in Vegas. McKayla isn't sure what to expect, but is still dazed by what she gets.
Series Warnings/Explicit 18+: There will be eventual smut, likely much angst, and because it’s me, there will be fluff throughout as well. There is also awkwardness. More detailed warnings in individual chapters.
Chapter Warnings: Kissing, some angst on McKayla's part, Jensen being the sweetest and also, a bit clueless.
Pairings: Jensen x OFC (McKayla - Requester)
Word Count: 3,630
A/N: This was a request from @jensensgirl not for me specifically, but for anyone willing to write it. So, I adopted it for my 1K Follower Celebration. She’s asked that the character be given her name, McKayla, and I’ve added the last name “Brandon” just so the character has one.
This will be the third chapter in a short series. I hope this is what you were looking for MaKayla. 💓 Expect other aspects of your request (such as certain kinks) to show up in future chapters.😊
A/N 2: As always, of course this is a Jensen from another part of the Multiverse, who is single. This is an absolute work of fiction.
Series Masterlist
The beautiful divider below and at the bottom were created by @firefly-graphics​
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Mickayla dragged her suitcase behind her as she moved through the heavy crowds standing around at the baggage terminal. The one wonky wheel on her bag was constantly trying to pull it to the right and she scraped it loudly across the floor as she wrenched it closer to her, cursing beneath her breath.
She managed to wrangle the stubborn luggage onto the escalator heading down to ground level, jostling her carry-on backpack and jacket into a more convenient position. She let out a puff of air, trying to blow her hair out of her eyes. She should have tied it back.
As she reached the bottom of the escalator, she looked around trying to get her bearings. It had been a long time since she’d flown and she’d never been in the LAS airport, having never been to Las Vegas in her life. Searching the vast, crowded area for an exit with a cab stand, she was suddenly taken aback by a man in a neat, black suit holding a plain white card with her name printed in bold black letters.
Slightly confused, she sort of raised her hand as she walked nearer. The man holding the card had a bright beautiful smile that caused deep dimples to appear in his smooth, golden brown cheeks. He looked young and friendly.
As she approached him, he bobbed his head in greeting. “Ms. Brandon?”
She smiled back, slightly awkward. “Yes, that’s me.”
“Fantastic.” He said in a light Spanish accent, his consonants soft and vowels rounded. “My name is Enzo; Mr. Ackles booked our car service to come pick you up.” He nodded to the phone she held in her hand. “He was meant to inform you.”
“Oh!” She said, trying to jostle things in her hands again. “I forgot to turn off airplane mode.”
Enzo reached out to take her jacket so she could have her hands free. “Please, ma’am, allow me.” He took her backpack off her shoulder as well as she fiddled with her phone. Technology was not being her friend and her phone decided now was the perfect time to shut down and she closed her eyes in frustration.
“Long flight?” Enzo asked, sympathy filling his voice.
She smiled at him. “No, it was only four hours, but in order to get the weekend off, I had to work early this morning, so I started at six, and wasn’t off until two, and then I had to run home to grab my bags, and then catch a cab to the airport, and the cab took forever to get there so I got to the airport with hardly any time to check in, and they almost weren’t going to let me on because I was so late, but they ended up literally holding the plane for me, but they’d given away my seat, so I ended up in coach, stuck in the middle seat and -”
She caught herself rambling and shook her head. “I’m so sorry. I promise I’ll give you a big tip.”
Enzo chuckled softly. “Don’t worry, Ms. Brandon, things will improve now.” He leaned a little closer to stage whisper conspiratorially, “There is champagne in the car.”
McKayla laughed. “Thank god, and please call me McKayla.”
The ride from the airport was as lush and relaxing as Enzo had promised. He took care of everything to get them out of the airport and as she sat in the back of the limousine with a champagne flute of sweet bubbly goodness, listening to the soft jazz Enzo had playing over the sound system, she only felt vaguely ridiculous that she was traveling in such a luxurious, extravagant car.
They approached the Vegas strip and McKayla couldn’t help but gasp as the bright shining lights lit up the sky in the distance. It looked like the city was ablaze and even though glitz and glamor had never really been her thing, she couldn’t deny that the sight was thrilling and a bit exciting.
As they approached their hotel, a whole new level of surrealty began to hit McKayla as they pulled up outside the massive entrance. She was still staring up at the incredibly opulent structure through the tinted limo window, jaw open, when Enzo opened the door for her.
“We’ve arrived, ma'am." He said calmly. "I believe this is Susannah, and she’ll help you from here.” He gestured to a smartly dressed young woman standing to the right of the car door with a tablet tucked under her arm and a warm smile.
“Welcome to The Suites, Ms. Brandon.”
McKayla didn’t want to get out of the car.
She was wearing leggings and a comfortable sweater, clothes she knew would be comfortable to fly in. But they were old and there was a small hole in the underarm of the sweater and she’d spilled hummus on the leggings at lunch earlier that day. Nothing about her said she belonged in a place with a lobby four times the size of her entire apartment.
But Enzo was holding out his hand to help her step from the car so she took it tremblingly. Perhaps feeling her nervousness, Enzo gave her hand a small squeeze and spoke softly to her. “Just pretend you do this all the time.”
When she caught his eye he gave her a quick wink and a reassuring smile. She smiled back, grateful for the camaraderie. “Thank you so much, Enzo. I really appreciate all your help.”
He nodded and stepped back from her. “Not at all, Ms. Brandon, my pleasure. Enjoy your stay in Las Vegas.”
“You too.” She said and then caught herself, shaking her head. “I mean…you know what I mean.”
He laughed. “Yes, I do.”
He closed the door as she walked towards Susannah, and headed back around to the driver’s side.
Remembering suddenly, McKayla turned back to him. “Oh, wait. I didn’t tip you.”
She looked for her backpack, finding that it was already sitting on a little cart being wheeled by a very tall, lanky bellboy.
But Enzo just shook his head at her, waving his hand dismissively. “No, no Ms. Brandon, please, don’t worry about it. Mr. Ackles will sign for any tip he feels is fair.”
“Oh.” She said, nodding. “Of course. D’uh. Sorry. Take care.”
Enzo nodded again and ducked back into the limo to drive away. God, she felt like such an idiot. She had no idea how any of this worked and she felt like she was moving around in a very vivid, insane dream.
Susannah was standing by, smiling placidly, and waiting for McKayla to come back towards her. Throwing up a smile as a defense against her own stupidity, McKayla gestured forward. “Okay, lead the way.”
“Of course.” Susannah said.
The concierge (was that what she was?) walked them through the massive lobby, by-passing the check in counter and leading her to a set of 3 elevators.
“These are the elevators to the Skyline, Ambassador, and Presidential Suites. Skyline, where you’re staying, is accessed from this one.” She said as she pressed the button and led McKayla and the still silent bellboy onto a wide elevator that had a pure white, plush settee pushed against the back wall. McKayla wondered briefly how long the elevator ride would take if they provided their guests with seating.
But it was less than a minute before Susannah stepped out into a long hallway. She held her arm against the elevator door as McKayla and the bellboy exited. Susannah passed her a key card. “Enjoy your stay, Ms. Brandon, and please don’t hesitate to call down to the desk if you need anything at all.”
As she turned to get back to get on the elevator, McKayla held out the hand that was holding the keycard.
“Wait,” she swept her hand down the hallway towards the three doors she could see. “Which room is mine?”
Susannah smiled kindly. “Oh, the Skyline Suite occupies this entire level. The other doors are a maintenance room and the door to the stairwell.”
McKayla nodded slowly. “Right.”
Susannah stepped onto the elevator and nodded towards the looming bellboy. “Tim will make sure you get there.”
McKayla waved as the doors closed and then wanted to cut her hand off.
Am I at a fucking kindergarten Christmas concert? Why am I waving?
Tim pulled the small cart forward and she followed behind him to a set of double doors.
“This is your suite.” He said in a slightly squeaky voice. McKayla smiled and put the keycard in the reader, but it just beeped an angry red at her. She frowned and tried again, but it did the same thing.
“You’re putting it in backwards.” Tim said, helpfully.
McKayla sighed as she looked at the card and saw the very clear arrow showing her what end was meant to go in.
“Yep. Of course I am.” She muttered.
Before she could get the card in the right way however, the door opened and Jensen stood in front of her looking like an absolute miraculous mirage in the desert of her day.
“Mickey, you’re here, finally!”
His smile was a bright beam of happiness and she immediately smiled back, warmth rushing through her at the sight of him, and his use of the nickname he’d given her on their second date.
He took a step towards her and reached his hand out like he was going to pull her to him for a kiss, but then he noticed Tim still standing there and awkwardly pulled up short.
They weren’t exactly hiding the fact that they were in a relationship, their friends and families all knew, but they weren’t ready for it to get out into the world yet.
McKayla was definitely not ready. The idea of bearing the scrutiny of people she’d never met, people scrolling her social media for old, terrible photographs, trying to pull her apart, wondering what on earth Jensen could possibly see in this random, chubby barista? It was more than she could imagine at the moment, so they’d agreed to keep things out of the limelight for as long as possible.
Especially, while they were still trying to figure things out themselves.
It had been four months since their first date, and they still hadn’t slept together. McKayla cringed every time she thought about the fact that she was dating the sexiest man on earth, a man she’d lusted after even before she met him, and yet every time he’d initiated things, she froze up on him and she didn’t quite understand why.
She wasn’t afraid of sleeping with him - she was hardly a virgin. She was confident enough in her own sexiness and sexuality that she wasn’t worried she’d disappoint him in bed, (at least she felt that way most days) and she knew beyond a doubt that he wouldn’t disappoint her. Every time he touched her she melted into a puddle and desperately wanted to let him do anything and everything he wanted to do to her, just as long as he kept on touching her.
But inevitably when things turned hot and heavy, she pulled away.
She told herself in the beginning that it was just because she didn’t know him well enough yet. Then after a couple months she convinced herself that they just didn’t spend enough time together for it to feel natural.
But then, he’d come to visit her again, and booked himself into a hotel for a whole weekend, planning to spend every minute with her. And he had. They'd spent every minute cuddling and kissing and…that was it. He'd tried twice that trip to move things to the next stage and both times she'd pulled away.
After verifying that she was for sure interested in him in that way (as though it was possible for someone to not be sexually attracted to Jensen Ackles) Jensen had told her it was completely fine and there was no rush.
But it felt ridiculous to her, she couldn’t explain it in her own mind. As she stared at Jensen now, it made less sense to her than ever. The man was the picture of perfection. He wore a denim-blue button down shirt and a pair of black jeans. The jeans clung to him in a way that made her want to moan out loud, and the width of his broad, muscular shoulders made his shirt pull tight against the seams.
He smiled at Tim and even the stoic bellboy smiled shyly and blushed. Jensen pulled some cash out of his pocket, slipping a twenty into the young man’s hand.
“Thanks Tim, I appreciate you bringing everything up. I got it from here.” He told him, lifting McKayla’s suitcase and backpack off the cart.
Tim nodded and crumpled the twenty in his fist. “Thank you, sir.” He said, then he practically ran back to the elevator with the cart, and disappeared inside.
As the doors closed behind him, Jensen dropped her luggage to the floor so he could cup her cheeks and pull her into him for a kiss. She squeaked her surprise and then melted against him as he pushed his nimble tongue past her lips. He tasted like whiskey and something sweet and she wrapped her arms around his neck as he dropped his hands to her waist and walked her backwards until she was pushed up against the wall of the hallway.
She laughed lightly into the kiss and he moved his mouth down her neck to suck at her pulse point. “Why are we in the hallway?” She asked, breathless. She let her hands span the width of his shoulders, and then slide down to rest on his thick biceps.
Jensen grunted noncommittally and continued to nip and lick her skin. She thumped her head back against the wall and sighed. He finally pulled back from her a bit, and looked her in the eye. A warm smile spread across his face and he dropped his forehead to hers.
“Hi.” He said softly.
“Hi back.”
He brushed his lips against hers. “God, I missed you.” He pouted slightly and McKayla thought it should be illegal for a grown man to be that adorable. “Three weeks is too long to go without seeing you.”
She smiled indulgently. “It was two and a half weeks. And we didn’t have another option. You can’t leave New Mexico during the week, and I absolutely had to work the last two weekends because my boss is pissed that I keep taking them off.”
He continued to pout at her, and McKayla nodded. “But, yeah, it was too long.”
She reached up into his long, softly tousled hair and tangled her fingers up in it, pulling his lips back to hers. He moaned softly as she tugged and the sound went straight to her core. He delved his tongue deep into her mouth again, kissing her passionately and pulling all the air out of her lungs.
Only when neither of them had any breath left did he let the kiss go. They sipped at each other’s lips for a minute more before Jensen stood up and dropped his hands from McKayla’s waist and, moving back to the door to the room, picked up her bags again.
He smiled brightly at her as they walked into the suite. “Isn’t this place nice?”
McKayla was thunderstruck; “nice” didn’t seem to cover it. Jensen walked away, presumably to put her luggage in the bedroom, and all McKayla could do was stand in gapping awe at her surroundings.
The suite was easily four times as big as her apartment. Every surface, from the countertops in the massive kitchen to the floors throughout the space, were made of a cool, sleek, expensive cut of marble. The walls were covered in art that probably cost more than her yearly salary, and the couches, chairs, tables and lighting fixtures had clearly all been chosen by an expert hand to perfectly compliment each other. The fabrics were rich and warm, and looked like they were just waiting for her to spill a glass of wine on them.
One whole wall of the suite was made up of windows that looked out across the vast Vegas skyline that was set beautifully against the backdrop of the sun setting behind the mountains. And off in the corner was a spiral staircase leading to…
“There’s a second floor!” McKayla practically shouted as Jensen re-entered the room.
He smiled and walked up behind her to wrap his arms around her chest and pull her back against him. “Yeah, it leads up to a really nice exercise room, and a beautiful balcony. There’s an infinity pool up there too. Great for swimming at night, I hear.”
He dropped his head lower so he was looking out at the view from her vantage point. “Gorgeous, huh?”
She nodded, stunned speechless. He kissed her temple quickly and then pulled her down the wide hallway to the bedroom at the back of the suite. The room boasted a massive king sized bed, huge his-and-her closets, a modern looking desk with a chair that looked remarkably uncomfortable but was probably some kind of ergonomic design.
Jensen went to the drawers in the room that were built into the wall and pulled out a white box from the big bottom one. He brought it to the bed and set it down, smiling at her broadly.
“I got you something.”
McKayla shook her head; to say she was overwhelmed was an understatement. She felt like her mind was floating away somewhere and the feeling she’d had since she arrived - the feeling that something was going to pop at some point and she’d suddenly be awake, leaving all this behind in a dream - that feeling just kept increasing.
“Why?” She said about the gift.
Jensen chuckled. “Cause I wanted to.” He nodded and moved his hand back and forth as though acknowledging something. “Well, and also because I made reservations at this cool new restaurant that just opened, pretty hard to get a spot apparently, and I figured you probably hadn’t packed anything fancy if you were just planning on a weekend in a hotel and casinos, and a Con on Sunday.”
He gestured to the box. “Open it.”
She moved forward and pulled the top off. Inside was an absolutely stunning, burgundy cocktail dress. McKayla pulled the garment out of the box and listened to the soft swish of the chiffon material as it unfurled to reveal a flattering A-line cut, sleeveless, with delicate white bows at the base of each wide strap. Small white beads were woven modestly along the hem to give it weight and sparkle.
It was positively the most beautiful article of clothing McKayla had ever held in her hands and she couldn’t imagine how much something like that would cost. She laid it out on the white duvet cover and stepped away from it, sure she was going to get something on it from her grubby clothes.
Jensen was staring at her waiting for a response, and when she just mouthed soundlessly, he laughed a bit nervously. “What do you think?”
McKayla shook her head. “It’s, wow, Jensen it’s gorgeous.”
He cleared his throat. “Okay, but…?”
She shook her head again. “No, really this was…so thoughtful of you, and…” A thought occurred to her. “How did you know my size?”
He shrugged. “I just showed the woman at the store a picture of you. She figured it out.” He smiled at her, and his excitement seemed slightly defused. “If it doesn’t fit or something, we can just return it.”
McKayla felt terrible for dampening his enthusiasm and shook her head, wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him tightly. “No, it looks like it will fit perfectly. Thank you, this was so wonderful. I definitely didn’t pack anything as stunning as this.”
His eyes were sparkling emerald again as she kissed his cheek and he gestured back towards the drawers. “There are shoes to match. Size 9?” He asked with a grin.
She smiled back. “8 ½ but close enough.”
He dipped his head to kiss her quickly as his phone buzzed. “Okay, I’m running out for about an hour to talk to Rob about the concert tomorrow.”
McKayla clapped her hands. “Are you singing?”
He winked. “Possibly. I’m gonna see what the band thinks, what their set list looks like. Our reservations are for nine, so I’ll leave you to get ready and I’ll be back soon.”
She nodded and he kissed her again, calling out his farewell as he dashed out of the bedroom. She heard the door close behind him and stood, unmoving, in the huge, silent space for almost ten minutes, just trying to let everything settle into place in her mind.
When Jensen had suggested she come to the Vegas Con and stay with him for the weekend, he’d told her he’d pay her airfare and for the hotel. McKayla had balked and told him that was too much to ask of him, but he’d insisted and she missed him so much that she didn’t put up much of a fight.
But a first class ticket and this palatial suite was not what she’d been expecting from a Con weekend in Vegas. Nevermind a dress that looked like it cost thousands, shoes that were likely another grand at least, and dinner at a trendy restaurant.
“I am so far from trendy.” McKayla whispered out loud to the empty room.
In the end though, she realized she was wasting all her prep time and she definitely needed every second of it. So, she moved off towards the gigantic marble tiled bathroom to get started.
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1 - Jensen RPF + Any/All characters Jensen plays.
3 - Any/All Fics (regardless of fandom/character.)
4 - Everything (includes fan vid/DOOL edits as well)
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brandycranby · 9 months
am finally rewatching the losers hehe a running list of details that i enjoy or is otherwise of note:
the opening sequence?? jake with two dinosaurs made of ammo and gun parts?? smashing
but also interrogation kink? like full-on cnc to soft!dark information extraction au for his ammo dinosaurs?? hello???? the noises that he makes eeee
pooch jensen banter, will have to include that in fics. just two suburban family guys weirdly placed in a spec ops team
idris elba with his american accent!!!! but also???? it's so good, i forgot he was british for a good while
young jeffrey dean morgan doesn't look like jdm... i... i can't explain it
clay is always meh to me. is he the greatest team leader? not really? but is he trying his best? i guess??
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sunglassesmish · 2 years
jensen’s kink for when misha does accents is so obvious it’s EMBARASSING.
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bogunicorn · 1 year
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I posted 2,242 times in 2022
That's 736 more posts than 2021!
260 posts created (12%)
1,982 posts reblogged (88%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,238 of my posts in 2022
#queue - 1,249 posts
#dragon age - 628 posts
#funny - 464 posts
#da fanart - 399 posts
#dai - 352 posts
#bog post - 283 posts
#truth - 222 posts
#da2 - 178 posts
#solas - 168 posts
#the inquisitor - 136 posts
Longest Tag: 130 characters
#bw and the da team specifically are very very good at creating characters with flaws and prejudices that are emotionally realistic
My Top Posts in 2022:
the "soldier boy good homelander bad" hot takes and/or confusion is predicated entirely on the fact that jensen is more fuckable than antony
123 notes - Posted June 24, 2022
oh also culturally fenris would have more in common with dorian than he would with someone like krem, because after he lost his memory, most of his time was spent with danarius and around danarius's high class social circle. it's why he sounds Like That and is generally well-informed on how tevinter is actually ruled. he was actively prevented from learning to read, but he still took in information like a sponge and learned enough qunlat to effectively communicate with native speakers just by hearing it over a short period of time. he didn't spend his time before escaping just plugging his ears and tuning out.
125 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
listen just
kaz and inej are just the peak of pining. they desperately want intimacy but what stops them from reaching out for it or accepting it is all wrapped up and internal, caused by situations entirely out of their own control, and they're both at a point in their respective recoveries where they have the desire for emotional vulnerability and physical touch but not the ability to tolerate it. and it's all internal shit they barely articulate to themselves, let alone each other.
so you get the over-the-top drama of the two of them consistently risking their physical safety or deep-seated morals for each other, or fucking up in a high stakes situation because they're too busy thinking about each other to concentrate, but also one time kaz touched her bare skin and immediately got so embarrassed he went "I'M GONNA GO DIE NOW DON'T FOLLOW ME" and inej responded by stalking him and spending pages of narration basically saying "god he's so fucking stupid, we're married now".
164 notes - Posted December 11, 2022
No spoilers but what I had thought was Dorian's voice in the trailer is actually Matt Mercer doing such a terrible French accent that he sounded like Ramon, which is infinitely funnier.
174 notes - Posted December 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
(ETA: I stuck a read more on this because my #1 post of this year is about darkfic/triggery kink fic lmao anyway proceed)
when we get into conversations of "liking this fictional thing means you support it IRL/want to do it to real people", i immediately get a red flag off the person making that argument.
because, like... i write a LOT of stuff i have no interest in doing IRL. scary stuff, kinky stuff, a lot of super mundane stuff, too. my physical sex life doesn't resemble the smut i write at all, even a little because my boundary between real life and fiction is solid. and it's not like a "oooh i'm so good at resisting temptation" thing, i mean like, i write a lot of oral sex scenes and have zero interest in sucking a dick IRL. i write a lot of dark subject matter and unhealthy relationships, and i'm living in a happy, pretty boring marriage that i wouldn't change for anything.
but someone who goes hard on "you like (noncon/incest fic/idk fucking teacher/student storyllines), you must want to (assault someone/fuck your sibling/bone down with your teacher or student)" stuff, it makes me think that person has a shaky boundary and they're not very safe to be around. i become deeply worried about their impulse control and their ability to contextualize.
i've said it before, but i'd honestly rather spend my time with people who write triggery darkfic but have basic respect for others vs. people with a "good and virtuous" media and fanfic diet who can't shut the fuck up about all those kinks no one is forcing them to read.
5,617 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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spnsmile · 3 years
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Guess the accent (x)
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watching cockles panels are so fun because jensen is such a brat and tease but the second misha raises his voice, does an accent or raises his dom brow jensen becomes so fucking submissive and happy it’s so ??? like these bitches are fucking i don’t see any other option for this behaviour
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clairedelune-13 · 3 years
I will never get over Jensen’s face at Paleyfest when Empty!Cas came up. Like, Jensen, control your face!
And your hands!
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orionsangel86 · 5 years
Dude that moment when you calm down about the “slim, but a little bit foxy” scene from Doctor Who to the point where you actually forget about it, and then suddenly Good Omens comes out and drags you into a pit of David Tennant and suddenly you have to sit down for a hot minute because you were about to have a heart attack from that freaking scene again
Dude you just described my last three months. The David Tennant spiral hit me HARD. 
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idabbleincrazy · 5 years
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😂 its like 90% cockles when i searched.
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jensensitive · 6 years
such an underrated accent kink moment
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the-faerie-circle · 6 years
Hey, remember the power play that went on between Jensen and Misha at the HonCon panel, over the Empty!Cas accent? And how much Jensen enjoyed it. Because every once in a while I have a flashback and it's hard to believe that that actually happened... =P
anon i think about that at least twice a day
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hefellfordean · 6 years
Okay but after watching SPN Parody 2 and hearing Misha as Jeanine...
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All I can think about is how Jensen would have reacted to yet another new accent...
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Supernatural Cast + Creatives | PFLA 2018
This is one of Aeryn’s favorites: JENSEN! CONTROL YOUR FACE around Misha edition ;)
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