#just stopped by to post my uquiz results
brieflyinfatuated · 11 months
uquiz is a v important part of my writing process. actually
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arklay · 6 months
tagged by @faerune & @leviiackrman to do this uquiz for some ocs – thank you so much lovelies, i know i've been super inactive so i've missed a lot of things but i appreciate it! ♡
tagging: @avallachs @brujah @calenhads @chosolos @dameayliins @envergothash @leopardmuffinxo @maxthetruman @nocticulas @nokstella @pinkfey @risingsh0t @shellibisshe @swordcoasts @voerman @wrymbloods & anyone else who would like to do it, i have no idea who has or hasn't already! ♡
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— the giver.
your energy depletes as you hand it out to anyone passing by your basket. people walk by and take, but no one ever leaves. you're constantly running on low when people keep asking you to give. you'd give your soul away for free, and then what left do you have of yourself if you can't say no?
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— yearning.
the pain in your chest bubbles knowing that what you want may never be yours. you're lost in a fantasy world, or consumed by what you wish were or had as opposed to what you do. it's hard to appreciate what's around you when you're appreciating the hope of what could be instead
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— the taker.
your expectations are ones you can barely meet. you compare yourself to others, but with a hypocritical light. you'll never find what you're looking for if you're laying down half of what you receive. it stings to be given less than expectations you've set, but if they were more reasonable, do you think even then you'd be happy?
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stellernorth · 6 months
[dashboard simulator of a world without the ghostfacers effect where the true supernatural show is perceived]
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🫀waityourrturn Follow
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spot the difference stick figure violence and samruby moments
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🟪 sparklezzstiel Follow
if i was the mall cop who got kid sam in trouble for stealing nail polish i would have instead helped him steal more nail polish. also i wouldn’t be a cop
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🧪dogsogdog4 Follow
hey i’m finally watched lazarus rising and i cannot see anything when “castiel” enters its just fully white and the static noise is kind of painful tbh lol. is this a my computer problem or what
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🎉 rowenapublicindecancy Follow
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🫐 numberfff000 Follow
you all aren’t taking like medical advice from supernatural right??? the medical advice that has resulted in canonically [checks notes] one (1) instance of blindness due to ingesting rubbing alcohol, two (2) toe amputations and one (1) case of SEPSIS?!
🎪 kevinscriminalrecord Follow
no we aren’t doing that
🌠 mixtapesextape Follow
Sounds like someone hasn't heard about the kitchen accident diy stitches girl from LiveJournal. So weird that the fandom today doesn't know about her, back in the day it was everywhere.
🎪 kevinscriminalrecord Follow
🧔‍♀️ heritagepostsof-spn Follow
Heritage Post.
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🥬 fishhooklove Follow
day 1 of asking john winchester to put his cigs out on me
🤟hannahgirl Follow
could you stop
🥬 fishhooklove Follow
oh here come the buzzkills. i bet you thought it was hot when bela did it to dean. but i’m not allowed to express my interests i guess.
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⛸️ mangojuicecas Follow
Um Guys i had this guy i’m seeing over and we were taking. about watching a movie. and. im the most embarrassed i’ve ever been i can barely type this. and i opened my computer and clicked to the netflix tab. and it was paused mid crypt scene blowjob kill meeeee 😭😭😭
🩶 charlierowena2024 Follow
why would you ever stop halfway through. that's like looking at half of starry night then closing your eyes and leaving the museum
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🧑🏻‍🦳s6monster Follow
Uquiz - Which Supernatural scars are you?
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👩‍🦰 cleopatralumineersrowena Follow
depeche mode master and servant spn bdsm and fight scene compilation amv we're really in it now
#using lyrics as censor bars is the innovation of the century
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🌂 kansaslawrence Follow
for everyone who said dean slamming his hand in the impala door when he was drunk wouldn't do that to his fingernails i did a similar thing (accidentally, before the show aired) #deancoded loll and it looked basically the same. here are pics of my and his hands afterwards side by side for reference
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🍄 0nth3h34d0f4p1n Follow
Another reason samruby is queercoded is how her spitting blood into his mouth parallels the champagne scene in my beautiful laundrette
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🎃 sammmyspooks Follow
2.16 "this disease pumping through my veins and i can't rip it out or scrub it clean--i've tried; i'm a whole new level of freak" and 8.21 "you used to read to me when i was little i mean really little" etc we all remember sir galahad speech. sooooo how young do you think sam was when he first tried
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🪼 ccoldfridge Follow
just remembered how dean tried his best to ask cas to take a female vessel so they could fuck heterosexually in ftbyam and i nearly passed out in the post office . castielllllll he was saying he wanted to fuck youuu
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🤵 a1waysenduphere Follow
comparing the endverse sam arc to the classic structure of a shakespearean tragedy
part 1: aloneness and exposition
keep reading
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👩 isolationnatural Follow
the way people #coquette #lanadelrey #femaleangst -ify claire's s12 shoplifting eating disorder getting into fights self medicating situation is so so weird and fucked up. we saw stanford era dean do literally exactly all the same shit but with him it's ohhh classic beautiful americana what a tragic figure i understand his emotions have depth and complexity THEY DID ALL THE SAME STUFF maybe think about why you see the situations differently
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🔵 butchruby4femanna Follow
why did i have to see dean naked that many times. just wondering again
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⚡ cassandrasam Follow
ok spn 5x20. so sam's kissing the demon possessing brady out of nostalgia and grief for his dead boyfriend, the demon's kissing back because he knows it will make sam more likely to listen to him, imagine if dean had walked in in that moment
❗greendean Follow
or crowley
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🍇 notgoodnatural Follow
hey everyone. wjsh i could have seen dean naked more times.
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legallysoup · 7 months
13.11.23 - monday, lundi, mandag 28/31 of the studyblr community challenge
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just did the prettiest uquiz and i cant get the results out of my head?
things i did today:
🌼all of my stats 🌼you guessed it, more french vocab 🌼more research and slides on my french presentation 🌼looked over english criteria 🌼studied for econs (swot is so silly)
things i will do tomorrow:
🍃research for food tech on god 🍃do more science revision 🍃research for business model 🍃health ppt
things i did for me today:
🌧️finished reading a pretty fic 🌧️ate chocolate 🌧️started a new series
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day twenty-eight: tag someone you think everyone should follow
@studywithvictory has such gorgeous wholesome posts, they might be exactly what you need to get through a tough day. plus, they're a wonderful person <33
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stop i was so undecided with todays studyblr tag bc all of you deserve another follow, ily all sm!
i did some stuff, not as productive as i would like but i ate a bunch of cake lmfao. another day, i guess
gn lovlies, - tay <33
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direwombat · 9 months
(two)uquiz roundup
tagged by @g0dspeeed, @inafieldofdaisies, @aceghosts, @simplegenius042, @strangefable, @adelaidedrubman, and @deputyash
to do some uquizes (each linked with their corresponding oc results). i know there are more uquizes that i missed but i... uh...can't find them (oops...)
tagging y'all back for whatever you haven't done, and also tagging: @madparadoxum, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @voidika, @locustandwildhoney, @testyfestyenthusiast, @alexxmason, @josephslittledeputy, and anyone else wanting to give these uquizes a spin (and if you want to be added to the uquiz/picrew taglist, go like/reply to this post here)
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which part of your oc holds their soul?
LEGS. you're always onto what's vital, what's essential, whatever's the most pivotal thing in your life. survival, stability, ambition, and self-sufficiency. you may find that others instinctively trust you to make the important decisions. at your worst, you're ungrounded. you lack ambition, you lack purpose, and you become more frustrated with life. at your best, you're the glue that holds it all together. your soul is the essence of holding the door open for as many people as possible. you are an extra umbrella in the downpour. the lighthouse guiding ships through a foggy sea. you're as dependable as anyone will ever be.
what romantic tarot card pair are you? (jakesyb version)
THE DEVIL + THE EMPEROR.there's only one religion for the two of you, and that religion is the other. you two are very nearly unhealthily obsessed with one another, and that's just how you like it. when they touch you, they can feel the blood pumping under the surface of your skin. your hearts beat for one another. when the day comes that one stops, the other will soon after. until then, you both will live out your lives in perfect, gothy paradise. deck: the tarot of vampyres.
(same quiz as previous, sybeli edition because i've been writing them recently)
THE TOWER + THE LOVERS. meeting this person shook your whole world. crumbling down is everything you thought you knew about life and love. their warmth, their generosity, their naivete, their knowing...! you don't know how anything made sense before them. all you know is that nothing will make sense afterwards. deck: the tarot of the divine by yoshi yoshitani.
paola results under the cut :)
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which part of your oc holds their soul?
THE EYES. you'll notice yourself smiling with delight over things you once paid no attention to. streetlights on the river. smoke rising from a chimney. red roofs in the trees. my dog's eyes. deep clear water. red velvet. the moon in the clouds. a fast train rushing. concentration and awareness. liberation and intuitive knowledge. intelligence, intuition, insight, and self-knowledge. at your worst, you are non-assertive and afraid of success. on the contrary, it can make you more egoistical. at your best, you are more vibrant and confident, both spiritually and emotionally. in the absence of the fear of death, you become your own master and remain free of all attachment to material things. your intellect goes beyond that which you can obtain in the physical world. you want more. you want to know that you are beyond the mark on an astronomical level. you see-you KNOW- more than the average lazing eye. there's no way the others don't notice
what romantic tarot card pair are you?
THE ACE OF CUPS + THE TEN OF CUPS. your romance is the love story that seems only possible in movies. it starts from a youthful first meeting, innocent. and from what may seem like a lifetime later, you both end up happily in union, perhaps even married! your coupling is the epitome of emotional fulfillment and devotion. neither of you thought you'd end up here, but damn if you aren't glad you did. deck: thelema tarot.
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aceghosts · 3 months
Which one of the Seven Deadly Sins is Your OC?
The results for this uquiz have been sitting in my draft for a while. Figured I would post it just to clear out my drafts.
Rooney Shepard
gluttony: "overindulgence and overconsumption of anything to the point of waste." basically you overeat. honestly same. once you start something you find it hard to stop. you tend to overly focus on whatever you're working on and lose yourself when you're "in the zone". but you're really good at what you do!! and have lots of undiscovered talents. don't worry, people will notice soon ;)
Hunter Delaney
wrath: "uncontrolled feelings of anger, rage, and even hatred. feelings of wrath can manifest in different ways, including impatience, hateful misanthropy, revenge, and self-destructive behavior." basically you have anger issues. you tend to seek vengeance and hold grudges for a loooooongggggg time. but that's only because you're looking out for yourself and the people you care about. you're not afraid of a fight and are very confrontational. you're strong-willed and thick-skinned. don't forget to show ur soft side every once in a while :)
Sawyer Beaumont
greed: "an artificial, rapacious desire and pursuit of material possessions." you're greedy (obviously). you have a very competitive nature and always strive to be the best. you also really like money but hey, who doesn't. your dream is to be rich and successful, and you'll do anything to get it. you have few friends, but the ones you do have are basically family to you. don't forget to slow down and cherish the people around you ;)
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olympiansally · 11 months
Hi Lu ! I came here from the uquiz you made about the color of love and just to say, I was completly baffled by the results. It was like a kick in the stomach, but a good one I know ? I felt Seen. I answered the 12th question but to summarize shortly : did the test when had Boyfriend, got soft fresh green , broke up cause I'm on the aromantic spectrum and really good at fucking things up, redo the test like months after, got dark stormy blue. Never felt better reading it. Thank you so much for that.
Also, good luck for the top surgery fellow trans folk, if everything work according to plan I'll get mine mid-august ! 🏳️‍⚧️
Hope you have a wonderful day
✨this is the quiz anon is talking about ✨
This is so nice to hear! I’m really happy the results gave you nice vibes at different times of your life AND I’m really happy to know you’re taking the quiz through life with you <3
This quiz always brings me some of the sweetest feedback ever, thank you so much for sharing your experience with it!!
And also thank you for the well wishes! The top surgery has happened already (insert celebrations and such lmao) and I am currently struggling with my post op, but all is well if a little painful lmao I hope everything works out wonderfully for yours! Feel free to stop by if you ever want to talk about it btw, I know I deeply craved ppl to share and compared experiences with regarding this so know that I’m always here :)
Have a wonderful day yourself!!
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umm0lly · 1 year
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I posted 23,191 times in 2022
That's 22,812 more posts than 2021!
595 posts created (3%)
22,596 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,424 of my posts in 2022
#gremlins in my inbox - 144 posts
#spoilers for heartstopper - 66 posts
#goncharov masterlist - 56 posts
#save - 49 posts
#stranger things - 18 posts
#i’m in the gremlins inbox - 18 posts
#ranboo - 16 posts
#dsmp - 14 posts
#prev - 14 posts
#writing tip - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#he’s gonna be like ‘i dont know what microsoft is’ and not explain that he’s from the 40s for another hundred pages bc its ‘not relevant’
My Top Posts in 2022:
🌻 If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog 🌻
my first language was greek and i didn’t speak english until i went to daycare more frequently and stopped staying home with my yiayia
i secretly love all the tinker bell movies
i barely study for tests and literally just wing them most of the time
@finel1ne @on-the-outside @nemideia @million-golden-drachmas @i-will-sing-no-requiem @artemis-the-duck @woodenfloor-boards @marcosmangoes @tilltheworldblowsup @thevashta-narada
72 notes - Posted November 19, 2022
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79 notes - Posted March 30, 2022
Rainbow ask game!
🌈 ✨ 🌈✨ 🌈 ✨ 🌈✨
❤️ - Last song you listened to
🧡 - Ideal pizza toppings
💛 - Dream vacation
💚 - Earth, Air, Fire, or Water
💙 - Cartoon you grew up on
💜 - Favorite scent
Answer and then send the rainbow to brighten up 5 of your favorite blogs! Positivity is cool!
i’m in love with an e-girl by wilbur soot
greece ❤️
i remember waking up around 6:58 every single day for a few years so i could watch the spongebob episode that ran from 7-7:30 before school
vanilla and the ocean
@nemideia @on-the-outside @italian-wall-lizard @pride-potato @joshisepic2222
88 notes - Posted October 11, 2022
i said i would make a uquiz and here it is :)
i made it at midnight last night and put in all the questions today. hope you like it :)))))))
104 notes - Posted May 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I have not plinkoed my horse to eeby deeby yet as the blorbo slug reaction has been upsetting my ps5 and glup shitto has come back to be my scrunkly. there is no way to come back from eeby deeby, only the live reaction of slugs that sit upon blorbos throne with the horse that has been through plinko can save us now…
630 notes - Posted March 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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camskjdksf · 3 months
why do i have this mindset na kailsngan ko mag act in a certain way before allowing myself to express my felings and vent broh
like forreal everytime i think na "ay naa man diay koy dump, pwede nako e post" or "basin pwede ko maka talk atong *someone* na im very comfortable w and stuff" then i stop myself cz ay dli man diay ko si *insert someone ik na very well-spoken and unafraid to show sensitivity and weakness to others* so dli ko maka inani cz that's not me in their eyes and ma bagohan sila and it'll be so embarassing for me and it'll be so hard to go back to the play-fighting, light relationship i have w everyone if ever i talk to them like ACTUALLY talk😭😭
bruh like idk if mapansin nila na everytime i type a serious paragraph kay naa juy giinsert na unserious things here n there to lighten the mood bc every single thing i say i think ab everyone who might see it and how embarassing it'll be for me:// cz im not the typa person baya to be sensitive and shitx and every convo i have w everyone i judt try to be funny or enjoyable or unsa buh not like this
give me a break from being a people-pleaser for once
no like fr im not even joking everything i do is for the public eye, and even if it isn't, the only way i can function is if mag imagine ko na im doing this for everyone to see😆
THE MOST I EVER GOT TO OPENING UP WAS TELLING MY BFF AB KINSA AKONG CRUSH AT THE TIME😨😨⁉️🤣 wow thinking ab how THAT was the most exhilarating moment of my life, literally just talking ab who i liked is so..🫤
lemme talk
share lng nako tong isa ka uquiz results nako ab what object i'd be: "A cardboard box of blank photographs.
Where are you? Why are you hiding? What are you hiding? You're passive but there's something bubbling beneath that surface. Spit it out, be open with yourself, express your pain."
having my tao vs sarili moment rn
me when e sad react akong ventz: hilak, me when e comfort ko: hilak, me when kasab an ko kay dapat ko maging kind sakong sarili: hilak, im literally just embarassed of living atp
my fb posts, tt reposts, albums, pati nlng gani akong PRIVATE notes and photos, everything manually crafted for my public personality because even if i'm being irrational, everyone sees everything i do😭 murag performance anxiety 24/7
i wanna let myself rest dude
my tt reposts for example, i repost anything i want ppl to believe ab myself even if i don't relate to it w the main goal in mind na mag think sila na "ay inani diay sya, she's very _____" para they can get to know me without actually talking to me cz i cant do that myself 😆😁😜
oh diba iz very cringe, these r the same typings of the guys na gina judge nako for venting
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lucydacusgirl · 3 years
me: *likes gnc guys*
uquiz creators: [farquaad pointing meme] lesbian
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
okay, before I forget here are all the 14 possible results you can get from my kotlc uquiz! I can't include all 14 photos that accompany the results in one post so I'm omitting them for now, but if you'd like to see them all just let me know!
also included the percentage of people who got each result for fun
(under a cut because. long)
sophie elizabeth foster: 15.9% (most common)
love, belonging, acceptance, understanding, those are the most intrinsic longings composing your character. You are not solitary and never have been, but something has always separated you from everyone else. Despite this, you would do anything for the people who have found their way into your open heart. The world is meant to be saved and cared for, and it is a heavy burden. You are resolute, however, and doing anything means anything; you won't let outside pressure or expectations stifle what you know to be true. Fighting is what you do, because fighting back and standing up is how you show your love, and you refuse to let the world suffer
fitzroy avery vacker: 5.4%
you don't know how to stop loving, how to let go, how to endure the pain of feeling too much and it's burning you from the inside out. everything has a set path and you've deviated from yours and don't know what to do with the realization that there was never a path in the first place. you are in the world and you are alive and you are love and you are supposed to chose what happens next, not the world. you don't know anything except that you will always choose those closest to you, that loving them is the decision you got right. the rest? well, you'll find out with time
keefe [I'M-NOT-YOUR-LEGACY-BOY] sencen: 10.5%
you're falling apart at the seams, the pieces of who you used to be nothing more than a memory as you long for what you've never had. a breath of relief, an appreciation for yourself, understanding. you keep pushing people away and you don't know why because nothing else has worked, but you can't stop yourself. self-destruction is all you've ever known, yet there's a strange beauty in falling apart and you can't stop watching, stop destroying. if you were better, if you were good, if you were worth something you'd be okay, that's what you tell yourself. that you are the cause of your despair and it is your failure that nurtures it. you can't seem to realize that you're wrong, that you are lovable and valued. jokes can only hide so much and you don't know what to do when you have to face yourself. will you like what you see?
biana amberly vacker: 5.9%
you do not know your place in the world, so you are going to make one. there is very little you wouldn't do to prove yourself, to win. you exist loudly and you enjoy it, the space you have taken for yourself. you want to be trusted, to be valued. risks are nothing but a challenge to overcome, and you have no intentions to let anything curb your determination, to dull your confidence. everything you do is done on your own terms, and you refuse to let anyone take control of who you are, because the one thing you will not do is let others hurt you. you know you have worth, and you're going to prove it to everyone else. maybe someone needs to tell you that what other people think doesn't matter
marella adene redek: 9.6%
you are loud and colorful, enough so that no one ever realizes that the you they know isn't you at all, but a mask. that you deflect attention away from the most true parts of yourself, that you are a storm falling apart from the inside out. you live alone and don't know how to let people in. people underestimate who you are and once you realize your potential you'll find something inspiring to love about yourself. for now, you're surviving, and the person you'll become will appreciate what you've done to make it this far, but one day you'll be known and you'll be okay
stina destry heks: 7.8%
you've never been understood and that's a choice. no one is allowed to know you, but you want to know everything. determination and spite drive you, a fierce anger scorching every word from your mouth. you don't listen to what you're told and you don't tell anyone anything. you stand out but alone, hollow. secrets are your best friend and ferocity your defense. you can't seem to realize that the world isn't made of hatred. it's okay to be loved, you know.
wylie zoran endal: 5.9%
you've been alone as long as you can remember with an aloofness you've never known a life without. always in-between two states of being with a profound anger within you you've let fester. it'll explode one day and you'll have to face it, but for now it is your fuel. you have faded from the rest of the world, prioritizing those close to you above all. you want life to be calm, to be soft, to have a moment of reprieve. you want the time to love those you cherish and fear that you'll never stop loosing them. you'll be okay if you let yourself, but do you know how?
linh hai song: 5%
you are strong because you are soft, because you have seen cruelty and decided not to participate. you know more than you should and you are open, open to others and to experiences and to love. you are your greatest fear, the people you could hurt, the mistakes you could inflict. but there is a balance within you you have fought to maintain, and you won't let others take your victory from you. you are fierce and you are kind, and you are warm and healing and loving. you may have been hurt, but you are worth more than the pain they gave you, and you will live for yourself. you want to be okay
tam dai song: 7.5%
your anger at the world is quiet and eternal, a part of you you've never known a life without. you are alone, and that's by choice. at least, that's what you tell people. but truly your mind is a prison and you've trapped yourself in it, and it holds you hostage, away from everyone else. trust doesn't come easy, but when you care about someone it is intense and all consuming. the pain you carry is the part of yourself you don't know how to face, the part you do not know how to get rid of, only how to weather. you see everything, know more than others are aware of, yet don't know how to find peace--with yourself or with others.
dexter alvin dizznee: 4.6%
your mind is an enigma, constantly rearranging itself differently than everyone you've ever met. translating your thoughts into something others can understand is a skill you're still learning to perfect, but you're still trying. you're always trying. you're something new, something unexpected, something people don't know what to do with, always approaching problems with a surprise. and you fear that surprise will be more devastating than the people you love can withstand, that you will be their downfall. you'd never know how unusual you are if there wasn't someone to tell you--but you don't listen to them either way. you will find your place, find the people to love, and you will be known
maruca chebota: 4.2%
you are an unpredictable, fierce force to be reckoned with. there is very little you wouldn't do, and you are going to do it how you want to. when it comes to those you care about, the rules no longer apply to you. but you cannot shake the need to show your worth, and perhaps your drive is you attempting to get away from the parts of yourself you don't like. you put all of yourself into what you do, but it can be misplaced. few know you truly, and you tell yourself it's okay, that it doesn't bother you, but only you know whether that's true or not
fintan pyren: 3.8% (tied for rarest)
the world is broken and you are going to be the one to fix it, no matter what people think or what you have to do. there is nothing you wouldn't sacrifice when you believe in what you're doing, no piece of yourself that is not worth shredding for your victory. the ends justify the means. no one understands the inner workings of your mind, the allure of your conviction, but they don't need to. they'll understand one day when you make them see, when you show it all off and gloat. you are a force to be feared, but time and hindsight are your greatest enemy. will you still agree with your choices once they come to fruition?
(you doing alright there bud?)
councillor bronte: 3.8% (tied for rarest)
you are timeless, witness to the world, to its pain, and you hold a piece of it within you. your mistakes haunt you, have made a home in your mind that you carry and cannot escape. you may be abrasive at first, resistant to change, but even your resolute conviction can be softened when it's for what you believe. you are observant, always there, seeing everything happen and knowing how small we all are in the universe. a regal mission it is, to be as alone as you are, but you've forgotten how to see the world without feeling its pain. take a breath, and remember to enjoy the life you are enduring
elwin heslege: 10%
you are home and you are love. the world is harsh and that has made you kind, because that is your fight. serenity follows you, and your peace is a comfort to others. the world is full of beauty and you want to help others see it, no matter how long it takes. you worry that you won't be enough, that your impact will be forgotten, that the pieces of yourself you've offered to others will be met with indifference. but you will persevere, and you will be known, and you will not stop. hope is your weapon and caring your muse, and you are steady. you will care for the world until you cannot, and then you will care a little more, and you would give all of yourself if you could. but please don't forget you must care for yourself too
and that's all of them!! maybe I overdid it with 14 possible results but also it was very fun so <33
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kalakilo · 3 years
the empty text box answer hall of fame
over 400 of y’all took my stupid uquiz. why.
an anon ask requested me to show my favourite answers to the little text box at the end so i spent like two and a half hours going through every single answer AGAIN since i hadn’t screenshotted any while looking through them the first time. you idiots are so funny and lovely people and here is a big post going through some iconic answers. i hope this can be entertaining but also it is mostly just for me lol
first of all, in one of the questions i mention that i often leave “i fucked ur mom” in the empty text boxes at the end of most uquizes. this then resulted into 43 of you leaving “i fucked ur mom” in the textbox in some way or another and one person asking: “i wonder how many people wrote “i fucked ur mom” after what you said earlier”. some favourite variations of this include:
as a wise uquiz maker once said “I fucked ur mom”
to quote u, i fucked ur mom <3
i fucked your mom but i thought it was you anyways the pussy was bomb
as I was fucking your mom, I realised that I truly am the sexiest bitch alive
i didn’t fuck your mom, but i did make sure she got home safely <3
and a bonus i also enjoyed: Can you ask your mom if she’s single
no, my mother is not single, and i really hope none of you actually fucked her. that being said i laughed at these every time thank you so much
these next ones i just want to talk about even though the original sender will most likely not even see them. or they just need some context. i just need peace of mind
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the first question of the quiz was my favourite one to do because kpop songs are sometimes absolutely fucking bonkers and i wanted to showcase that it was hilarious!!!! i can confirm that not all kpop is like that. i specifically chose the funky ones because i think it does add to character and that is something that i can simultaneously enjoy and also laugh at. but kpop also has amazing lyrics!! it’s not all one thing and kpop is super diverse. i didn’t personally know some of the songs i put in there, i just knew their funky lyrics so i cannot speak for fm but also what the fuck was that song
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as you should. carry on. i was very threatening with “do not leave it empty you bitch”
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this one was just cute!! idk if you’re going to see this person who sent it but my native language is finnish. chuu is an icon.
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one of my questions was if you were a wizard what would you say when you cast a spell and one of those answers was fuck you. this person took it to the next level and i loved it so much i couldn’t stop smiling at this one
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listen i’m fuckin trying
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this person just completed the assignment. left me a wonderful love letter
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and last but not least, this person did everything i told them to do in the actual question. a+ incredible performance!!!
if i could i’d put in all the screenshots i took but since there is a photo limit i believe, i will just write them out exactly as they are. moving on, here are just some random ones that i really enjoyed:
i’m your father, luke
i am so sad, i dont have enough white beads to make a little 3d seed beed chicken sitting down ): i even arranged all the beads i stole from my mom by color, it took me 3 days, and now i cant even make a little chicken ): a little seed beed chicken )’:
you’ll meet the king of fungi in 34 days
today i managed tp find the nether fortress and collect 10 blazerods. im about to beat minecraft for the forst time in my life
Dude every question of this was a riot I love you
Bro I’m just here for the vibe
I think dogs should be able to vote
i killed a man lol
jack sparrow pirates of the caribbean was confirmed some flavor of homo way back when which means HE was disney’s first gay character yet they refuse to give pirates of the caribbean the credit it deserves and they refuse to my calls where I try and tell them they simply must have jack sparrow pirates of the caribbean kiss a man directly on the lips in the next movie
ehhhhhh I’m evil penis boy im gonna steal your penis
I love you, no homo. The homo costs extra
Yo check this out *<|:) he’s in a party hat
theres way too many kpop references in this quiz
\_/____ it’s a slug
that was the weirdest quiz i’ve taken in a while and i truly enjoyed it
My cat is meowing at me i thin i’m going to die today
FUCK (are you pleased)
I wish I was a nac Mac feegle but more than that I wish I could enjoy being a nac Mac feegle
I forgot what this quiz is about already
I hated these questions and have lost 10000 years of my life answering them (no but thanks for the quiz!!!)
on god I was gonna choose the ‘cuddling stray kittens’ option for the how do u sleep question but then I remembered that I actually did sleep in a refrigerator box on my bedroom floor for months when I was like 9 :/ throwback!!!
when i was 7 i put my hand in a food processor while it was running to “see what would happen” and somehow im 28 and still have all my fingers and toes
this last one deserves its own moment. it’s the best message i got:
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congrats on the phd doctor bitch!!!
along with all of these messages, i got a lot of song recs (thank you sm!!) and i got so many lovely messages from people saying they liked the quiz or just other generally nice things and i can’t explain how much serotonin these answers have given me. just wanna thank everyone who took the time to write something in there i loved it!!!!!!!
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aceghosts · 2 years
Catching up on Quizzes
I have some UQuiz results for my OCs sitting in my drafts and I figured it might be easier to put them all in one post. I was tagged by @captastra, @marivenah, @strangefable, and @indorilnerevarine to take this quiz on which mythical creatures my OCs are. I was also tagged by @direwombat, @strangefable, @natesofrellis, and @marivenah to this quiz, and by @direwombat, @captastra, @strangefable, @natesofrellis, and @marivenah to do this other quiz.
Since I'm late (and I just recently tagged people in a different quiz post), I'm not going to tag anyone, but if you want to do this, consider this your tag.
Blue Murphy
You are a bit of a homebody and can be quite timid, but you’re always on people’s paths. Everyone who meets you likes you. Sticking to one place suits you, and you aren’t very open to major changes. You can be quite crafty and inventive, people come to you when they need help fixing things. You are also a trustworthy guard of people’s homes and secrets.
you're just a liddle creacher. you cannot change this. you probably have lots of trinkets and little objects that you like to fill your room with, and most of the time you find them in very odd places. your dream is to disappear into the woods and become a chaotic entity that lives in it, possibly with the help of a rodent companion.
you need to be held as though you're going to break. you need someone to trace your scars like cracks in a wall, crumbling. their touch is almost painful; you've been without it for too long, without someone to hold you. but, you cannot bring yourself to pull away.
Rooney Shepard
Lady of the Lake
Your past has not been kind to you and you come from tragic beginnings, but you are pure of heart and devoted to helping those who are as lost as you once were. In some ways, you might feel trapped where you are in life, but you are able to make the most of what is available to you. Ultimately, you are capable of great decisions and can decide who wields power. You choose to be loved rather than feared.
i'd be genuinely surprised if you didn't have a "i want to believe" poster in your room. you find a weird sense of comfort in knowing how small humanity really is, and despite your somewhat nihilistic beliefs, you think it's more empowering than anything. you're definitely a night owl, and you love to gaze at the sky while having deep, philosophical discussions with a close friend. you don't have much of a dream other than living life at its fullest, and you're already working on that.
your teeth are bared, as they have been, your jaw aching for so long as growls slip free. you always have to defend yourself. you lash out in fear. you need someone who does not shrink back... a hand falling slowly to your shoulder, however briefly, in a reminder that you do not have to lunge. there is no danger here, now.
Hunter Delaney
You have a hard exterior, but you’re really a softie inside. You can be very confrontational and might pick fights here and there, but you also know when to yield and find a compromise with your enemy. Fiercely protective, you keep your most treasured belongings, people and memories close to your heart. Nothing can stop you when you’re feeling protective. You’ll come with the full force of fire and skies against anyone who threatens your kingdom.
stop simping for mothman!!! also, there's no way you're cis. i can feel it in my bones. you have a wide variety of interests which rarely align with one another, but that just makes you all the more interesting. you dream not only of meeting a cryptid, but of becoming one yourself. for now, you'll keep on vibing in liminal spaces until that day comes.
your teeth are bared, as they have been, your jaw aching for so long as growls slip free. you always have to defend yourself. you lash out in fear. you need someone who does not shrink back... a hand falling slowly to your shoulder, however briefly, in a reminder that you do not have to lunge. there is no danger here, now.
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