#kicked dirt up
pinkished · 2 months
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foldingfittedsheets · 3 months
My first job was working at a dog kennel. It was a boarding facility so folks could leave their animals while they went on vacation. I always loved animals so I was stoked to apply, but I was less thrilled with the reality.
The owner operated the kennel on her personal property and was a tyrannical micromanager. For instance: she could see three of the play pens from her front porch. If you had a dog that did not in fact want to play with you, a stranger, and would prefer to sit quietly getting petted she would come out onto her front porch and yell at you.
The correct procedure in her mind was to play fetch by yourself which was just throwing a ball, going to pick it up, and throwing it again, over and over, to entice the dog. I quickly learned to never pick those pens. Even the small gravel play pen behind the building by the dumpsters was a better bet. There may not have been grassy fields but the miasma of dog waste meant less getting yelled at.
My time there colored my perception of certain dogs. To this day I disdain retrievers. They can be fine on a case by case, and ultimately my dislike isn’t their fault. But 75% of them weren’t potty trained and had never walked on a leash. They also had a brain just big enough to fixate on a tennis ball which was really annoying when trying to manage toy buckets and they’d just body check you cause they saw green.
Poodles and Dobermans were top tier, generally extremely obedient on leash and with their manners. This certainly says more about the owners inclined to get certain types of dogs than the breed itself but I remain fond. Pitbulls were similarly well mannered.
The craziest motherfuckers were Shiba Inu’s. It says a lot that these dogs rarely ended up on my schedule, despite the high proportion we had, because snappy dogs always went to the leads. It really didn’t help that we didn’t leave collars on the dogs. (I think it was a safety thing? It was weird). We slipped collars over their heads, and the shibas fucking hated it. They’d scream their little heads off and fling themselves around on the leash like a wild animal.
Hands down the worst dog I had was a beagle though. I still remember that horrible little man. He had been checked by the vet and was fine but he acted like each time he put his foot down it was landing on shards of broken glass. So each step was a tiny tentative affair, mincing and ready for the ground to suddenly rise up against being walked on. And god save you if this animal felt the slightest pressure on his collar he would shriek with ear piercing hysteria that you were trying to murder him. He walked the shortest circuit we had and it took as long to finish as the longest circuit twice over. I watched his owners pick him up once and he just trotted happily like a normal fucking dog.
My favorite animal however was this little Pomeranian with one eye. Easily the most friendly and well behaved of the dogs, big or small, he was loving life and everything in it. He didn’t yap or snap he just sat politely to be leashed and trotted along perfectly. He dashed after toys and retrieved nicely. I still think about that little dude sometimes. He was the platonic ideal of a dog.
But really the best kind of dog, the one we all wanted but never got, was one with solid bowel movements we could actually pick up instead of kennel induced stress soup, which is what we got.
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ickypuppi3 · 3 months
hm. yeah ok
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greghatecrimes · 11 months
considering writing a one-shot where after Wilson dies, House tracks down Thirteen, finds her alone in the middle of nowhere, and basically tells her she’s stuck with him until it’s time to make good on his promise to kill her. House drags her back to, of all places, a farmhouse, that looks like he’s been living in it. There are remnants of Wilson there, too; pictures from the escapades of their last months together, a jacket of James’ hung permanently over a kitchen chair. A ring on House’s left hand that most certainly was not there during his marriage to Dominika. She fights him on it at first, but eventually gives in that it wouldn’t be so bad, going off the grid and moving into the spare bedroom that’s been sitting empty since before Wilson passed. House sets up a range for the spud gun on the land. He gets a few chickens in memory of that stupid bet Wilson won ages ago. She tells him about the adventures she’d had with Amy, and he tells her about everything he and Wilson got to enjoy. It’s peaceful and quiet and Thirteen never thought she’d be comfortable with that, but they take care of each other when the days are hard (and he takes care of her as things start to get worse). Despite it all, she’s not afraid like she thought she would be. She’s not alone. She has House, who will be there to send her off and tell her, “Goodnight, Thirteen. Sleep well.” when the time comes.
edit: hiii this is a fic now! you can check it out here :)
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calamitys-child · 10 months
Obsessed with the audiobook choice to make the borogravians all northern except mal who is Dracula. I love them so much you have no idea how much I adore these little genderfuck desperate losers with swords. Monstrous regiment u r everything to me forever
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cherrirui-official · 4 months
I FORGOT TO POST THESE HERE!!! But please take the sillies that i did a while back while i work on other art stuff!
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the-patrex · 2 months
Learning a bit more of motion every day
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sysig · 9 months
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Care for your sparring partner (Patreon)
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#Doodles#Wander Over Yonder#Commander Peepers#Sylvia#Wander#Everyone asking Peepers questions that just skirt that line: The Series lol#Shoutout to Autumn for directing my attention this way and encouraging my brain to think about this A Lot lol#Drawing Peepers sliding around 'cause he just throws himself into everything ✨ That's it that's the whole thought lol#I haven't worn a binder for long enough to lose my breath so apologies if this isn't quite how it goes but y'know - *gestures at The Vibe*#He would overwork himself to the point of nearly passing out if it meant he could keep fighting the way he wants to pfft#Sylvia's rough and tumblr and she can be mean but even she won't kick him while he's down! Mom friend activate haha#She's grown a lot <3#Also getting a bit easier to draw her >:3c She does have a fun design :D#Her mouth is the most fun haha ♪ It really reminds me of Moomin! Cute cutout shape :3#''Why are you fighting with like five coats on'' ''Dysphoria'' ''Ah''#Notice how he covers his chest when she brings up his ''tank top'' ♪ She just goes on giving him a lecture and he's like ''Did she notice''#She didn't lol especially if that bonus is any indication#Weeks/Months/Years later and she's just like ''So that time we were fighting he was- He wasn't- :0000'' Lol#Bonus Wander brushing her comb ♪ Gotta take care of his best friend/steed! Probably just knocking the dust and dirt off haha#Their discussion would probably be silly hehe you know he'd ask and then /she'd/ ask#''Did you know??'' ''I don't make it my business to pry into other's personal matters-'' ''First of all that's not even a little bit true''#It's just all about respecting boundaries! All the way around :) Respect the sanctity of the relationship whether it's friendly or combative
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sciderman · 2 months
I'm a lesbian and I'm pretty sure you'd beat me. I present more masc but ain't no way do I have the strength
i am made of toothpicks and tissue paper
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verflares · 2 months
how do ppl even post or talk abt their og loz and oc stuff without the Dread seeping in . you know what i mean
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matchheadz · 8 months
I would like to thank whoever made the fic about Mama Vergil giving adult Nero her happy meal toy for the following brain rot:
When Nero and Vergil get closer, it’s in a very mute and limited capacity. Dante and the rest of the DMC crew have sort of resigned to the fact that they won’t ever be buddy-buddy. What they don’t know, however, is they only see what father and son allow them to see.
They’re both, underneath the façade of sarcasm and the extravagant displays of power and pride, actually sort of quiet people. Nero’s boisterousness is a learned behavior, a one born out of rebellion from his assassin days at the Order. Vergil, underneath the ambition and devilishly cold stares, is a romantic and a bookworm.
So when they start seeing eye to eye a little, it’s quiet. Private. Nero, ever the more communicative, will tell Vergil stories that he missed out on while he was absent. Of the odd treatment he received while in the orphanage, of his late brother, how he found his children etc. Vergil, if nothing else, is a good listener. He will nod and hum his acknowledgments, stay silent and thoughtful at Nero’s revelations. Sometimes, mostly when recounting stories of him as Credo, the corner of his mouth will twitch in what Nero *thinks* must be a smile.
Then one day around their first December, Nero starts picking up more and more jobs. He’s insistent to do them on his own, and the shit twins are more or less respectful of his wishes. But the three of them had fallen into a habit of picking up jobs together. Not all the time; nobody could afford that. But enough to feel his absence. Like a party member not showing up for Sunday brunch.
Vergil, still hesitant on reaching out, defers to Dante, who scoops his nephew’s job right from under him. It was a rough one. Probably should have included all three of them, and maybe Lady as a backup. Nero’s furious. He’s absolutely filthy, the van is likely to need hundreds in repairs and he’s tired. Tired enough to snap at Dante in early morning the last of the demons die, but not rev Red Queen’s engine. There’s an awkward silence between the two. Dante, ever the attention hog, doesn’t understand what he’s done but clearly feels bad. Vergil, on the other hand, is completely aware and turns around to walk into the only open “restaurant.”
You see, last month, while Dante had been entertaining Nero’s children during a birthday party, the both of them had coincidentally stepped outside for air at the same time. Nero had a constitution for gatherings built up over time, but he had never “become a people person.” And Vergil? Well, Vergil was Vergil. So Nero had gone on a small tirade. Sat at the stoop of his front porch, he had rubbed a tired hand over his eyes and complained about money.
They were strapped for cash as it was, with three kids, a niche freelance job and an orphanage sparing a meager wage. It was even worse that two of their foster kid’s birthdays were in November AND Christmas was coming up. He was adamant “that those kids got it better than he did.” Vergil did as he always did and merely nodded and hummed his acknowledgments until Nero had sufficiently relieved the weight in his chest to go give Kyle his proper, happy birthday.
so Vergil walked into this “restaurant” and bought the most nasty, disgusting double bacon cheese burgers for the three of them. Still covered in blood and dirt, and Nero still seething, they scared the absolute shit out of the opening manager by eating inside. The Snickers Effect took hold of Nero and he eventually mellowed out. In a small moment of silence, Vergil pulled out those fucking Shrek toys, one for each of their meals, and handed them to Nero while he chowed down. Dante fucking snorted the coke out of nose while Nero just stared at the damn thing in his hand with a sort of defeated look.
The job may have taken him two steps back, but it was nice, admittedly. Nice to have somebody there when shit got hard. To have family around. When Christmas came around, Nero sort’ve squirmed alot when the kids unwrapped their presents. It wasn’t alot, but it was enough for them. (At least that’s what Julio said after he gave his foster papa a big hug (Nero did NOT cry))
And those little McDonald’s toys sat well loved in the trio’s fairly bare bedrooms.
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mail-me-a-snail · 5 months
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kiltro back at it again driving me insane with this song bc it utterly screams silvervance
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if-loki-was-a-fox · 11 months
c!Ranboo's crown headcanon:
Ranboo's crown is made out of paper. They made it as a small child, and it may have gotten destroyed and remade a few times, but they still always wear that paper crown.
But imagine: the whole reason they were a paper crown is because (wether he remembers it or not) he grew up hearing stories about Technoblade and his win streaks and how he never dies, etc and wanted to be like him. So, crown.
And imagine Ranboo, newly moved into the tundra, their crown having been destroyed in the chaos of Doomsday, having to go up to Technoblade (the kinda terrifying guy who just blew up his old home and could theoretically kick him out on a moment's notice) and ask for some paper to make a new crown, possibly knowing full well that the whole reason he even wears it is because he idolized Techno as a child.
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hazyupset · 6 months
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examples of why you should use references (i dont use references . i make bad decisions when it comes to art)
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what if
what if rocky could wag his tail feathers like a dog
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madamescarlette · 11 months
I need to scream in my car and then go bittersweetly cathartically sob at some movie but I can't, so I'm posting on here instead.
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