#kim nabi
itzynabi · 2 months
warnings: swearing; mention of sex, fainting, disassociation
an: this was released on march 4 2024
eve’s masterlist // articles
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Dispatch Publishes Exposé on ITZY’s Eve’s Fight With JYP Entertainment
There is one main antagonist
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Back in January of 2024, ITZY member Eve filed a lawsuit to terminate her exclusive contract with JYP Entertainment. In March, she was granted a preliminary injunction. Today, Dispatch released a damning exposé on Eve’s feud with JYP Entertainment. In the article, Dispatch released texts between Eve and Director A.
The article begins with a text that Eve sent to Park Jinyoung (also known as JYP) in December of 2018.
Hello, PD-nim,
Thank you for adding me to the lineup of ITZY! I know I didn’t do as well as you hoped on Produce 48, but thank you for giving me this opportunity. I’ll make sure to be an artist that gives her all.
Eve has revealed that Park Jinyoung told her that her performance on Produce 48 would determine whether or not she would debut in ITZY. This text displays Eve’s gratitude at being in ITZY despite not making it to the final debut group of Produce 48 – IZ*ONE. When it was revealed that Eve was rigged out of IZ*ONE in favour of other idols, Eve found out that Director A already knew and had left her to feel insecure about her performance. This lack of communication would be a common theme in Eve’s career going forward.
In early April of 2021, Director A sent Eve a message about her appearance on a variety show that he had arranged without her knowledge. The show they were discussing is believed to be Sea of Hope.
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In September of 2021, Eve was talking with fans on Bubble when a fan asked her about her solo schedules. “I’m an employee, so I just do whatever the company tells me to,” Eve said.
In 2022, Eve had her solo debut with the mini album ‘diary entries’. The album was released a few weeks before ITZY had a comeback, and Eve reportedly displayed hesitance at how close the two releases were. During an episode of I Live Alone, Eve told her brother, SHINee’s Key, that her schedule was so full that she had a panic attack.
The next text exchange is from July of 2022. Eve told Director A that she wasn’t feeling well and asked to sit out of a performance. Based on the timing of this conversation, it is believed to be the night before Eve fainted during ITZY’s pre-recording.
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Dispatch then alleged that Eve was treated differently to her members. It can be seen in an Instagram live that Eve and Yeji did in October of 2023.
Comment: Have you seen your families recently?
Eve: I’m not allowed to.
Yeji: What do you mean? We are.
Eve: I’m not allowed to.
Yeji: (Whispering) Director?
EVe. (Nods)
That sentiment was repeated when Eve went on Amazing Saturday to promote her latest solo album ‘until spring’ and said she hasn’t seen her parents since early 2023.
The next text exchange between Eve and Director A echo the same issue once more. This exchange was from November or 2023 when Eve’s mom was in Seoul. Eve mentions the fact that she wasn’t allowed to go home during Chuseok.
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On a phone call between the two in December of 2023, Director A was talking to Eve about the comeback that she’d be having in February of this year.
Director A: This will be an anticipated album so do well
Eve: Why do I keep having solo schedules when I’m not a soloist?
Director A: Because the fans like it
Eve: No, they don’t. They keep swearing at me for all of these schedules. Isn’t it time for one of the other members to debut?
Director A: Don’t worry about that.
EVe: It’s like you want to work with me until I die from all of this. Just give me a break. I’m busy preparing for two comebacks right now.
Director A: Just like a real professional. Well done.
Fnas and non-fans alike have pointed out how JYP Entertainment doesn’t do much to protect EVe from hate that was sent her way, instead using her as a shield from criticism.
In early January of 2024, the two conversed again. Director A was scolding Eve for missing schedules. It is unsure what schedules he is referring to.
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He made the same complaint in February and Eve went on to list how Director A continuously failed to do his job in a way that makes it easy for employees to carry on their duties. He threatened to sue her.
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Eve mentioned experiencing symptoms such as fainting and disassociation due to her busy schedules, which were seen earlier this year in her The Manager episode and her ‘until spring’ album documentary. Fans have also noticed that Eve has lost her usual excitement and energy, instead constantly looking tired and worn out. Eve herself has said that she doesn’t enjoy performing anymore, she just enjoys being with her members and seeing fans.
Dispatch sent Eve a list of questions when they heard of her lawsuit against JYP Entertainment. Here are Eve’s answers.
Q: Did you know there was an issue with the way you were being treated?
Eve: Yes.
Q: What moment gave you the push to end your contract?
Eve: It wasn’t like there was one specific moment. It was just moments piling on each other. People can only endure for so long before they fight back.
Q: This must have been a shock to the people around you.
Eve: Not really actually. Talking about it with my members was encouragement to go through with it. A few staff members said they were sick of the way I was being treated and wanted me to leave the company and go to a better one. When I told my family, they didn’t even pretend to be shocked, they just asked me what I would like as a treat to myself.
Q: Some might say that you treated Director A in a disrespectful manner.
Eve: That was my intention.
Q: Did you know he was the one pulling the strings in your career?
Eve: Yes, I did. At first I thought it was PD-nim because he would be the one to tell me things, but then I realised he’s not bold enough to do something like that and I realised that every time I didn’t listen to him, he’d look a bit worried. When I found out that Director Park was just telling PD-nim to do these things to me, I felt bad for PD-nim. Being disrespected in the company you started is kind of loser behaviour if I’m being honest.
Q: How did your members take the news?
Eve: I talked to them about it after I started considering leaving the company. I told them what was going on in my head and things like that, and they told me that they would support me no matter what. In fact, I was concerned about how this would affect them and ITZY’s career, but they told me that I should focus on being happy. With their encouragement, I was able to do this.
Q: JYP Entertainment argued that you were rude to the staff. Is that true?
Eve: I’m not one to be rude without reason. If you are rude to me, then I will act the same way towards you. If I was rude towards a staff member, they know what they did to deserve it.
Meanwhile, K-Netizens have already started reacting to the article:
“Wah, Kim Nabi is really amazing”
“Can she come talk to my bossㅜㅜ”
“Is Dispatch expecting me to be on the company’s side???”
“From what I can see, she’s right to want to leave the company”
“Kibum wasn’t joking when he said that she can be mean when she wants toㅋㅋㅋ”
“Well done Evie-yah!!!!!!!!!!!!! You did the right thing”
“They kept her from seeing her family…. Aren’t they just shameless”
“ㅋㅋㅋ She told his wife that he’s cheating”
“The fact that she stayed in the company because of her members proves how much she loves them”
“She’s so good at swearing”
“People can’t call her disrespectful because she at least called him ‘saekki-nim’ㅋㅋㅋ”
“It must have been hard for her”
“And I hope all of those fools that were cursing at her feel stupid now. They should repent”
“Princess-nim, we’re on your side!!!”
“For her to be fainting almost every day… Eve, it’s okay now!”
“Shouldn’t JYP just let her leave now ㅋㅋㅋ before more information comes out”
“Just imagine how much stress she must’ve been under”
“Why does it sound like Dispatch is on the company’s side?”
“We should also applaud the members for looking out for her and staying by her side”
“San and Eve are dating?”
The conflict between Eve and JYP Entertainment seems to be another case of companies taking advantage of their artists.
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©️ kim nabi
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baeksu-krp · 9 months
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Nome: Kim Nabi Faceclaim: Ningning, Aespa Data de nascimento e idade: 22.10.2002 — 21 anos Gênero: Feminino Etnia e nacionalidade: Chinesa, China
Moradia: Gangnam-gu Ocupação: Estudante de Música, Yonsei University Qualidades: Carinhosa, Inteligente Defeitos: Ingênua, Teimosa User: @bks_nabii
TW: Transtornos de ansiedade, câncer, infertilidade, abandono
Nabi definitivamente não nasceu com uma "silver spoon", em Harbin, território chinês próximo da Rússia. A política do filho único continuava no país de origem e foi por isso que a menina ainda sem nome foi deixada num orfanato depois de sair da maternidade, nunca conheceu sua família biológica. No entanto, o sol pareceu sorrir e o destino da criança se enlaçou com um casal de coreanos, a mulher havia conseguido sobreviver ao câncer de útero, porém a doença a deixou infértil por conta da histerectomia. E tudo parecia como um conto de fadas agora, sua mãe é Kim Sohyang, uma cantora e cristã devota que se apegou ainda mais à religião por conta da doença, seu pai, o baterista da que tocava na banda da mãe, Kim Heejun e o amor dos dois era grande demais pra não dar em casamento. Deus havia presenteado os Kim com uma garotinha e agora estavam completos.
Estava acostumada com os holofotes antes mesmo que pudesse balbuciar um ‘mamãe’, Sohyang ainda era uma celebridade e sempre presenteava seus fãs com singles, aparições em programas de variedade, sempre engajada na filantropia da igreja, sempre foi vista como uma mulher extremamente bondosa. Logo, foi impossível não inclinar sua menininha naquele mundo também. Quando teve idade suficiente para entender o que eram todos aqueles flashes, passou a achar divertido ficar fazendo poses em frente às câmeras. Sobre ser adotada… aquilo era uma coisa que sempre soube já que estava em todos os lugares na mídia e a gratidão que sentia pelos pais só se fez maior.
Aprendera a tocar instrumentos clássicos como o piano, flauta e violino, bem como a dançar jazz e ballet clássico, não conhecia um mundo além do artístico e da comunidade cristã, no momento, aquilo lhe bastava. Foi anos cinco anos que Heejun ouviu sua princesinha cantar e viu ali grande potencial para que a menina seguisse os passos da mãe na indústria da música, que cada vez mais ganhava espaço e destaque, inclusive internacionalmente. Desde então a garota passou a ter um treinamento direcionado ao canto, o que naquele momento mais lhe pareceu um presente, já que amava de todo seu coraçãozinho cantar. Agradecia todos os dias por aquela dádiva de Deus e era ainda mais feliz quando podia cantar no coral da igreja. Aos dez, ingressou como trainee numa agência de entretenimento famosa e desde aquele momento começaram a especular se a garota era talentosa ou se era apenas influência de seus pais. Foi durante os anos de treinamento que percebeu como a indústria realmente era e sentiu na pele esgotamento físico e emocional quando os sintomas da TAG começaram a aparecer aos seus 13 anos. Outro ponto que a pegou despreparada completamente de surpresa era a maneira como se sentia próxima de garotas, sentia o mesmo interesse que pelos garotos, no entanto, aquilo era errado, pecado, não? Suas preces eram direcionadas agora para sua cura espiritual e física, não queria ser "quebrada" assim, não queria decepcionar seus amados pais terrenos e aquele que estava nos céus.
Aguentou até onde pode, não queria decepcionar os pais e as pessoas que acreditavam em seu potencial; entretanto, a pressão era grande demais e acabou por desabar, Deus não pareceu lhe segurar naquele momento e foi a partir dali onde começou a questionar – sozinha, jamais poderia falar sobre aquilo com os pais – sobre a real existência de um Deus. Não era livre para cantar da maneira que queria, muito menos para cantar sobre o que sentia. Encerrou seu contrato com a agência mesmo com proposta de um debut solo no futuro, e por incrível que pareça, seus pais compreenderam sua decisão, já que não viam nos olhos da menina o brilho de outrora.
Continuava a cantar no coral da igreja ainda que os hinos não fizessem tanto sentido mais. Pode dedicar-se melhor aos estudos e o currículo exemplar na área de ciências humanas e artes lhe garantiu uma vaga na universidade onde seu pai se graduou engenheiro, a Yonsei University, música foi a escolha óbvia. Agora aquele seria um mundo novo de descobertas, longe dos pais e talvez com pessoas com que pudesse compartilhar seus medos, anseios, ideais, poderia perceber que não havia nada de errado consigo. No final das contas, Nabi era uma mulher em seus quase 21 anos que tinha tanto o que aprender e a viver, sentia que agora um pouco longe de tantos holofotes ela poderia ser quem realmente era sem se preocupar com punições.
OOC: +18 Triggers: Pedofilia, zoofilia, abuso sexual, físico e psicológico, self harm, suicídio Temas de interesse: Todos
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mxrxll · 9 months
description physique des enfants
hyung line
seung & yong
jumeaux identiques
les yeux à Hyunsuk,, obligé
ils ont aussi ses oreilles ?? genre un peu décollée au bout
je pense qu'il a un style genre softboy???
mais un rappeur soft boy jsp si vous comprenez
vous comprendrez pas
je le vois avec des cheveux marrons et fluffy, genre tout doux
et beaucoup de vêtement pastels
style eboy/dark rappeur
mais de temps en temps sans raison, il met un vêtement coloré
des cheveux noir,, undercut (à la sung taehoon)
une tâche de naissance sur le côté de la lèvre !!
le sourire de hyunsuk !!!!!! omg
à part ça je pense qu'il ressemble plus à sa mère
skater boy
des cheveux en bataille marrons
et une cicatrice sur le bas du bras
adoré porter t'es vêtements oversize
hyunsuk version fille je veux rien savoir !!!!!!
mais avec de meilleurs sourcils désolée hyunsuk
et le nez de sa mère je pense 🥰
en terme de sagesse elle est similaire à Hyunsuk aussi,, et y a le style
un style qui se démarque et pas autrement,, avec des pièces raccommodés et beaucoup de motifs et couleurs
elle aurait des cheveux mi-longs ?? et une frange mais sans en être une
fais beaucoup de coloration
elle a les lèvres a JIHOON !! 😚😚
+ son eye smile!!
je pense qu'elle aurait un style assez garçon ??
porte souvent les vêtements de son père
mais elle a de longs cheveux (environ poitrine-taille)
et adore se maquiller :)
les yeux à jihoon!!!!! 100% ses petits yeux ronds omg yes
je l'imagine assezviril?? genre en terme de corps, façonnage et tt; comme jihoon mais,,,, plus grand
par contre niveau style, bcp plus artsy/soft boy
il a une tâche de naissance dans le cou !!
et je pense qu'il a des cheveux courts genre basique?? noir
il ressemble exactement à sa mère omg
genre on pourrait se demander s'il est vraiment le fils de jihoon (en terme d'apparence, en terme de personnalité y a aucun doute
je pense qu'il s'habille aussi comme jihoon, genre assez propre, carré,, mais aussi très coloré !
il ressemble à son père au fur et à mesure qu'il grandit et il développe ses muscles
des cheveux mi-longs,, et marron foncé
j'ai l'impression qu'il aurait beaucoup de tâches de rousseurs sur tout le visage
et le sourire à yoshi !!!! son petit sourire, qui illumine ta journée!!
aussi la même forme des yeux,, mais à part ça c'est un mélange 50/50 de yoshi et toi
je pense qu'il s'habillerait dans un style artiste/vintage, avec beaucoup de couleurs et vêtements que peu de gens choisiraient habituellement
mais il est toujours magnifique
niveau coupe, je le vois avec des cheveux longs style mullet,, comme hyunjin de skz
la plus jolie fille du mONDE omg
elle a aussi les yeux & le sourire de yoshinori,, mais à part ça elle ressemble surtout à sa mère
de longs cheveux (jusqu'à la taille), marrons et toujours coiffé dans un style mignon
porte souvent les vêtements de son frère et de son père
mais quand elle garde son propre style, c'est rempli de robes/jupes/pantalons fleuris
les lèvres à junkyu!!!
et quand elle sourit,, elle a presque les mêmes yeux
je pense qu'elle est du genre à s'habiller comme si elle avait toujours un rendez-vous
genre formalité ou pas c'est pas son problème lol
des cheveux marrons foncés jusqu'aux épaules
je dirais qu'à part ses yeux elle ressemble exactement à sa mère
genre, quand elle et son père sont ensemble il faut regarder les deux pour 'ah oui'
et comme le dit son nom, elle est super 'artistique' dans sa façon de s'habiller
elle s'en fout de ce à quoi elle ressemble,, si tout les motifs correspondent pas,, si tout les objets vont pas ensemble
des cheveux marrons foncés jusqu'à la taille,, mais je pense qu'elle les teindra en blanc quand elle grandira
vraiment la plus mignonne
ressemble le plus à junkyu des trois,, surtout leurs yeux, c'est vraiment des reflets
et ils ont les mêmes manières et tout
elle met aussi souvent les vieux vêtements de junkyu qui la rendent encore plus petite
des cheveux marrons foncés jusqu'aux épaules ou la poitrine
et une cicatrice sur l'épaule
okay,, je le dis maintenant,, c'est une fille à papa,, dans tout les sens du terme
genre elle a les mêmes gros yeux de chats et les mêmes grosses joues et aussi les oreilles légèrement décollées
a de longs cheveux,, jusqu'à la poitrine qu'elle teint souvent de différentes couleurs
je pense qu'elle a un style rétro,, comme lisa des Blackpink, Elle aime porté des accessoires colorés et vintages
je pense que comme sa sœur, il faut vraiment l'observer de près pour remarquer les similarités avec son père
elle est genre un mix 50/50 de ses deux parents
porte souvent des robes,, mais elles sont souvent sombres
je dirais qu'elle a un style hippie gothique/pastel gothique,, ce genre de style, vraiment un mix des deux
a de longs cheveux (jusqu'à la taille) !! & une tâche de naissance brune sur le dos de la main
a des lèvres pulpeuses!! comme jae🥺
mais à part ça,, elle ressemble à sa mère
je pense qu'elle a un style très propre sur elle,, genre elle pourrait allez manger avec ses amis et partir à un entretien d'embauche juste après
a des cheveux jusqu'aux épaules & une frange
aime porté des accessoires mignons
je dirais qu'il ressemble beaucoup à jaehyuk!! mais il a le nez à sa mère
par contre a les lèvres de jaehyuk et presque l'exact réplique de ses yeux🥺
je pense qu'il a aussi un style classe/propre sur lui
mais un peu plus casual (?) que celui de sa sœur
a de courts cheveux brun,, comme l'acteur jisoo
a une cicatrice sur la mâchoire
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mugunghwarp · 1 year
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Idade: 23 anos.
Gênero: Feminino cis.
Qualidades: Animada, determinada.
Defeitos: Explosiva, esquecida.
Nacionalidade/Etnia: Sul coreana/coreana-canadense.
Temas de interesse: Angst, crack, fluffy, hostility, romance, smut.
Faceclaim: Jeon Somi - solista.
Twitter: MV00KN.
OOC: +18 ela/dele.
TW: Nenhum.
TW: Bullying, negligência parental, sequestro, crise de pânico e ansiedade.
Nabi é filha de um pai canadense com uma mãe coreana, nasceu em Seul, após a mulher ter engravidado com apenas 3 meses de namoro com o homem. Ambos eram jovens, tinham 19 anos cada, mas mesmo assim foram obrigados a casar logo após o nascimento de Nabi.
Por sorte, sua família por parte de mãe tinha dinheiro e sempre ajudaram na criação de Nabi, já seu pai ficava mais em casa cuidando dela, já que sua mãe trabalhava na empresa da família. Por isso, Nabi criou laços muito maiores com seu pai do que com sua mãe.
Apesar da vida de Nabi ser tranquila em casa, sua vida fora dela não era nada fácil. Sofria bullying por não parecer muito coreana, até porque seu pai não era mesmo, e isso a incomodava bastante na questão de autoestima. Mesmo assim conseguia ser uma boa aluna, mesmo sendo um pouco atentada demais, já até chamaram seu pai na escola algumas vezes para resolver problemas que ela tinha causado.
O relacionamento de seus pais apenas se desgastava mais com o tempo, até que o inevitável aconteceu, o divórcio. Nabi já tinha por volta dos 11 anos quando o divórcio ocorreu, já conseguia entender bem a situação. Isso foi outro problema, pois a guarda ficou com sua mãe, a qual não tinha nem tempo direito para a garota. Seu pai teve que voltar para o Canadá e desde então só conversa com ele por mensagens e vídeo chamadas.
Era complicado viver com a mãe, já que quem ficava com ela era mais a empregada da casa do que a própria mulher. A empregada a tratava mal e Nabi, não acostumada com isso, tentou fugir de casa várias é várias vezes.
O tempo passou e Nabi se formou, foi para a faculdade de direito, outra coisa que a mãe que escolheu. Odiava aquilo, mas era necessário para poder trabalhar na empresa da família no futuro, entendia essa parte. Tinha outros hobbies, mas nunca chegou a desenvolver nenhum, por falta de incentivo de sua família, parecia que vivia uma vida robotizada.
Um dia, voltando da faculdade, um carro preto parou ao lado dela e a raptou, sem nem ter tempo de reagir. Colocaram uma sacola na cabeça da garota e a levaram para um lugar que ela não fazia ideia de onde ficava. Passou três dias em cárcere privado, nas mãos de pessoas que não fazia ideia qual era a motivação para estarem fazendo aquilo com ela, até porque não trocavam uma palavra sobre o motivo com Nabi. Após esses três dias, a chamaram e colocaram ela no carro preto de volta, sem explicação, a deixaram em frente de casa novamente. Mais tarde naquele dia descobriu que sua avó tinha pago o resgate e tinham feito aquilo porque sua mãe estava devendo alguns caras perigosos.
Depois de tudo isso, Nabi desenvolveu uma crise de pânico e ansiedade, não queria sair de casa por motivo nenhum e até trancou a faculdade. Sua avó praticamente tomou a guarda da garota na força e a levou pra ficar com ela, foi para a casa da avó e entrou na terapia, tentando superar o trauma.
Sua terapeuta, vendo que a nada adiantava, disse que era melhor a mudança. Nabi não tinha mais condições de ficar naquele lugar e a única forma de passar seria assim, iniciando uma nova vida. Sua avó, tendo vários imóveis em vários lugares, a enviou para sua casa em Mugunghwa, uma vila distante da onde morava. Nabi não gostou muito da ideia de início, mas sua avó a obrigou e foi. Não sabia se ia melhorar mesmo, mas só de não ter que olhar para aquelas ruas novamente já faziam bem pra ela. Arranjou um emprego que considerava temporário, apenas para distrair a cabeça. E assim iniciava a nova fase de sua vida.
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ningvory · 2 months
hi baby❤️❤️ ik we both feral AS FUCK for unnie line sserafim so can you write reader being free use for the three of them? imagine all of them horny asffff at the same time barging into your room, leaving no room to protest as they rip off your clothes OMG I WANT THEM. leaving them pussy drunk after cumming so violently in their mouths omg…. im actually gonna #######
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thanks for listening to my ted talk babes😘
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parings: lesserafimunnieline x 6thmember!f!reader
warnings: free use, pussywhipped unnie line, cum eating, manhandling lowk, overstimulation, squirting, foursome, dumbification, praising, mentions of reader blacking out, not proofread😵‍💫
wc: 614 words
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today had been a long day, due to your long awaited comeback, EASY, you and your members had been performing nonstop. but you didn’t mind, in fact you love your job! you always give it your all when performing so fans think that you’re basically made for the stage.
you really stood out this comeback, especially in the bside, SMART. the way your hips swayed had everyone hooked in a trance, and it seemed like it had the unnie line of your group in a trance too.
you and the girls had finally got back to the dorms, exhausted was something that you all were feeling. you started to walk to your room after telling them all to rest well, but you couldn’t shake off the feeling of eyes staring you down, turning around, your suspicion was indeed correct, turning around to see your three unnie’s staring you down with hungry eyes had you immediately turning away and quickly walk to your room.
after a nice shower you were now lying on your bed, wearing your pink sleep gown and engulfed in your pink blanket on the verge of falling asleep. hearing your door opening was something regularly done in the dorm room, so you weren’t startled. but what startled you was feeling the blanket being snatched off of you, making you groan and look up to see who the perpetrator was. what you didn’t expect was your three unnies, staring you down.
“wha- what are you doing? wai-” your sentence was cut off by yunjin, pinning you down is kissing you, words drowning in her mouth.
“is that how you talk to your unnie’s, baby?” chaewon muttered out before blowing on your wet cunt making your legs jolt.
“no underwear, baby? so dirty.” kkura teased, rubbing your bundle of nerves.
yunjin finally broke your kiss, having you gasping for air. you feel her go behind you to raise your body up, silently teasing your nipples making you whine.
if almost immediately, they dived into your soaked cunt, chaewon was sucking on your clit while kkura was sucking and tongue fucking your hole. you were moaning and squealing so loudly, back arching and desperately trying to close your legs around their heads, the sound of slurping and the sensation of two wet muscles on your poor cunny was all too much and had you cumming all over their faces! :((
but they just didn’t stop, drinking up all you gave them, and going right back to it. tears were falling down your face while yunjin was doing nothing but praising you and littering your face with kisses.
after your 4th orgasm, you were shaking uncontrollably, desperately trying to push their heads away. they were sucking on your puffy cunt until they let go with a loud pop, bottom half of their faces were drenched in your juices. yunjin let go of your body and onto the floor infront of your bed with her fellow members.
“you can give us one more, right?” yunjin asked, seating herself beside kkura.
“noo~ s’too much.” you whined, your words were slurred and damn near incoherent.
“have we fucked you stupid already? our dumb baby, so pretty for us.” chaewon said, eyes glazed completely over.
your legs were raised up by yunjin and chaewon, hands spreading your legs even further before diving right back into your abused cunny. you tasted so yummy on their tongues they couldn’t help but overstimulate you even more. having three mouths on your cunt had you babbling incoherent things and violently cumming all in their mouths! they were so pussy drunk they couldn’t help but eat you out until you blacked out on them. <33
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gifetc · 1 year
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Salon De Nabi (2022) | 1.07 dir. Kim Da Ye & Kim Bo Kyung
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aylinaliens · 1 year
when you start a drama and immediately fall in love with it only to check the tag and realize there is only a few posts. the pain. the betrayal.
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aftcrglcws · 9 months
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                              ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚      "i think some words are overdue... can we just do it over?" sigh falling from her lips as her head dipped, almost in humiliation that she was standing in front of him asking for a second chance. "can we just talk it out like friends because i need your shoulder?" takes a moment after her words to look up quickly at him, trying to gage how he was reacting before continuing. "i know we ended on the wrong terms." / @networkloved
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str8upreview · 1 year
Salon de Nabi: Kdrama Review
All in all, #SalondeNabi was a great binge watch. It was light and fun where it mattered but deep and substantial when the topic called for it. I liked how the stories complemented each other. Watch it when you can. #AmazonPrime #FlyButterfly #Koreandrama
I have always been a fan of Kim Hyang Gi and when I stumbled across several clips on YouTube for Salon de Nabi aka Fly, Butterfly, I knew it was going to be my next assignment. Synopsis: Gi ppeum (Kim Hyang Gi) is a socially awkward hairdressing intern at Salon de Nabi. She always gets in trouble because of her shyness. Her co-worker Mu Yeol (Park Jung Woo) is a happy go lucky chick magnet who…
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cyanotypically · 1 year
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Women <33
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teaite · 1 year
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Nabi just leave Asia alone please 
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itzynabi · 7 months
don’t run away
set: 4 dec 2022
summary: in which eve meets her idols
word count: 2.1k
warnings: mention of food and coffee
an: the only time you’ll ever catch eve being a shy, nervous wreck tbh. feedback and reblogs are much appreciated 💐
eve’s masterlist
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Eve exhaled deeply as she sat on the couch in ITZY’s greenroom. She was sipping on an Iced Americano as her members had conversations around her. Slurping the last of her coffee, she placed the cup down on the table nearest to her.
“You’re drinking your coffee so aggressively,” Yuna commented.
Ryujin nodded. “Are you okay? You’re not going mad, are you?”
Eve waved them off. “I’m cool. I’m cooler than cool, I’m freezing.”
Yuna shared a look with Ryujin. “Okay,” she said.
The members went back to having their own conversations, leaving Eve to herself once more. She played with her fingers, picking at her skin. Deep in thought, she was drawn out by Yeji whining.
“My rice puff is almost done,” she said, pouting.
“Yeji, you’ve been eating them nonstop,” Lia said with a laugh. “It’s your second packet.”
Yeji huffed. “But I like them so much.”
Eve stood up, stretching her back as it began to feel stiff. Her bones clicked, drawing attention to her once more.
“Unnie, can you get me more rice puffs?” Yeji asked in a cute tone.
Eve widened her eyes in shock. “Suddenly?”
Yeji nodded sheepishly. “I’m tired,” she explained.
“Me too,” Eve responded in a similar tone. She sat back down on the couch with a huff.
“I’ll buy you Doritos,” Yeji bargained.
“How many rice puffs do you want?” Eve asked, standing back up. The staff in the room started laughing as she walked to the door.
“You changed your mind so easily,” Lia chuckled.
“I’m willing to do anything for Doritos.”
“Can I have five more rice puffs?” Yeji requested.
“I’m going to get Yeji more snacks,” Eve announced, reaching for the door handle.
“Thank you, unnie,” Yeji said sweetly, finishing off the last of her rice puff.
Eve shook her head endearingly at her member as she pushed the handle down, opening the door. She looked outside as she was about to leave before slamming the door shut with a gasp. She plastered herself against the door, breathing heavily as everyone looked at her.
“What is it?” Chaeryeong asked, holding her chest as she was startled by Eve.
“I can’t get the rice puffs,” Eve said, shaking her head with wide eyes.
“Why not?” Yeji asked, pouting.
“KARA sunbaenim is out there. I made eye contact with Jiyoung-nim.” She pushed off the door, walking back to the couch. Shaking her head, she sat down. “Jiji, I’m sorry, but you’ll just have to starve.” She shrugged apologetically.
“How did you interview them yesterday?” Lia asked.
“I didn’t. They didn’t do an interview and I just didn’t leave my green room.”
“But if we run into them later, you can’t run away,” Yeji told her.
“It would be rude.”
Eve nodded hesitantly. “Okay. I won’t run away,” she weakly promised.
Ryujin stared at her. “Swear on your Kamilia identity.”
Eve gaped at her member. “Aren’t you being too harsh?”
“Swear on it.”
“I swear on my Kamilia identity,” Eve said, rolling her eyes in exasperation. “Happy?”
Yeji nodded. “Very.” She sagged into the couch. “But can somebody get me rice puffs?”
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The members walked down the hallway after doing their pre-recorded stage, Eve occasionally drinking from a bottle of water. She had untwisted the lid of the bottle when a staff member ran into the group, causing her to squeeze the bottle in surprise. She closed her eyes as water hit her face, hearing everyone gasp.
“I’m sorry,” the staff member apologised as someone started dabbing Eve’s face dry.
“It’s okay, it was an accident,” she reassured the staff member when she opened her eyes. “I’m okay. Don’t stress. You can continue with whatever you were doing, it’s okay.”
The staff member bowed apologetically before walking away. Chaeryeong kept dabbing at Eve’s face.
“You need to redo your makeup,” she said. “It’s coming off.”
“I’ll go get Taehee unnie,” Ryujin volunteered, running to their green room.
Yeji ushered them to the side so they weren’t blocking the hallway as Chaeryeong finished wiping the water off Eve’s face.
“Now you can prove to people that you’re a natural beauty,” Lia joked.
Ryujin soon returned with Taehee on her heels. The makeup artist got to reapplying Eve’s makeup for her. A manager called the other members to the end of the hallway, leaving Eve and Taehee to themselves.
“We have to go now,” Eve heard Yeji say.
“Unnie, hurry up!” Yuna urged.
Eve shifted her lower body in the direction of her members as Taehee continued touching up her makeup. “I’m trying, but I’m being held hostage.”
Taehee poked her in the side. “I’m not holding you hostage, I’m fixing your makeup because you ruined it.”
Less than a minute later, Taehee let Eve go and she ran to her members. Ryujin and Lia immediately held onto her arms when she reached them, disguising it as holding her hands.
“Where are we going?” Eve asked.
Yeji shook her head. “Don’t worry.”
They continued walking until they reached the hallway leading to the room with a glass window. Talking by the window, there were five women standing in front of the glass. Eve squinted her eyes, trying to figure out who they were before gasping upon realising who they were.
“I need to go,” she whispered. Lia and Ryujin tightened their hold on her, preventing her from running away.
“Unnie, you can’t go,” Ryujin said. “You swore on your Kamilia identity.”
“I didn’t mean it, I just needed you to stop pestering me about running.”
“Well, we’re about to go talk to them, so control yourself,” Yeji said through her smile as they arrived in front of their seniors. They lined up along the wall, getting ready to greet the senior girl group. Yeji did the group intro for them, Eve whispering along. She tried to avoid making eye contact with the KARA members, ignoring Nicole’s chuckle at her awkwardness.
“Should we go that side?” Jiyoung pointed to the area by the window.
“That’s fine,” Yeji agreed.
The two groups walked to the area, their managers following them.
“Nicole told us that Eve-ssi is a fan, so you should do the dance challenge with her,” Gyuri suggested.
Yeji shook her head. “I’m sorry, but she can’t.”
“Why not?”
Lia shook Eve’s hand that she was holding as she spoke, “If we let go of her, she’s going to run away.”
Eve pursed her lips, feeling her face get hot with embarrassment. “I won’t run away,” she whined softly.
“She will,” Yeji insisted with a nod.
Gyuri nodded in understanding and the groups decided that Yeji and Yuna would film the TikTok’s with Seungyeon and Nicole. The other members stood back as they watched the four women go over the dances.
“Are you a Kamilia?” Jiyoung asked Eve, who was trying to wiggle her way out of Ryujin and Lia’s grasp.
“Me?” Eve asked, her voice shaking. She scoffed before shaking her head. “No. I don’t even know what a– what a Kamilia is,” she lied. “Do you know what a Kamilia is?” She asked Ryujin. Not waiting for a response, she continued speaking, “It sounds like that one animal, chameleon, but it’s not a chameleon because if it were then I couldn’t be one, you know? Because I’m not an animal,” she explained in case nobody understood what she was saying. “But then again, technically, according to scientists, humans are animals because we were monkeys, but not anymore, or something, and it’s kinda–”
“Unnie, it’s okay,” Ryujin interrupted. Flexing her hand, she let go of Eve’s arm. “You can run if you want to.”
“No, she can’t,” Ari said, pointedly looking at Eve, who was staring at the wall.
Ryujin shook her head, grabbing hold of Eve once more. “Nevermind, you can’t. But just stop talking, please,” she whispered. “I’m embarrassed for you.”
“You got it,” Eve whispered back, shifting on her feet out of nerves. The KARA members laughed lightly at Eve’s cuteness. They all watched as the other four members began to film the dance challenge to Cheshire, seeing how dedicated Chaeryeong was to filming for them. They then checked over the video, deciding to film another one. After filming, they checked over the video before posting it to ITZY’s account.
“You sure you don’t want to film the challenge?” Nicole asked Eve, who looked away and ignored the idol.
“Unnie knows the choreography to the whole song,” Yuna said, “but she’s seriously going to run away.”
“Stop being weird,” Nicole told the younger girl.
Eve looked at Lia with an offended expression on her face. “Why am I being bullied?” She whined softly.
“It’s not bullying, it’s not bullying,” Lia whispered.
“I feel bullied.”
“No, it’s just… It’s just.”
“Just what?”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“You can carry on with filming the challenge,” Chaeryeong said to the idols who were watching Eve and Lia’s interaction. Jiyoung volunteered to film the challenge for When I Move, showing as much enthusiasm as Chaeryeong.
Eve unconsciously tapped her foot along to the music, marking the dance with her hands. She didn’t notice how Lia was smiling at her. When Nicole, Seungyeon, Yeji and Yuna were done filming the challenge, the two groups bowed to each other.
“Thank you,” Yeji said. “Good luck with your promotions!”
Youngji nodded, lips flattening in a smile. “You too. Fighting!” She gestured for ITZY to leave first as they still had something else to do.
Eve peeked out the corner of her eye to Ari, and upon seeing the nod sent her way, freed herself from Ryujin and Lia’s hold. She turned around, sprinting down the hallway before anyone could say anything until she disappeared around a corner.
“She’s very fast,” Gyuri gasped as Yuna widened her eyes in embarrassment.
“Sorry,” Ari apologised, stepping forward. “She’s just such a big fan.”
“No, it’s okay,” Nicole waved her off. “I know she’s… interesting. We understand.”
Ryujin nodded her head. “Goodbye,” she said as the members bowed again before walking away.
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Eve was the last person to leave the green room, having had to return because she forgot her power bank. She had just closed the door when someone called her name. She looked up and saw Seungyeon and Jiyoung. Her grip on the door handle tightened in shock.
“We wanted to give you this.” Jiyoung held out a Move Again album that had been signed by all of the members. Eve stared at it, not quite knowing how to function like a normal person, before looking up at Jiyoung.
“Me?” She asked in a high pitched voice, using her unoccupied hand to point at herself.
“Yes. You’re a big fan, so we wanted to gift it to you,” she explained.
“Yes,” Seungyeon said, smiling. She stepped forward, taking hold of Eve’s hand as Jiyoung placed the album in Eve’s hold before stepping back again. “You would always mention KARA a lot and that brought a lot of new fans to listen to our music.”
Eve stared at Seungyeon, struggling to wrap her head around what was happening. “No.”
“No, what?”
“People… listen to KARA because your music is nice, not because some… idiot told them to,” she softly disagreed.
“You threatened to slice off peoples kneecaps if they didn’t listen to Rock U once a day,” Jiyoung reminded her of one of her most viral moments.
“I don’t remember… ever saying that, but… I didn’t do anything. Only smart… people listen to KARA.” Seungyeon was about to say something, but she continued, suddenly being filled with passion. “Rock U is a good song! Shouldn’t people appreciate it? I think they should!” She had started to whisper-shout her love for KARA. “It’s the least they could do considering the effort sunbaenim put into your albums. So, like… don’t make me responsible for your success or whatever.”
The two KARA members failed to stop themselves from smiling at Eve’s words – and cuteness. “Thank you for saying that,” Seungyeon said as she bowed to Eve, who followed suit, still gripping onto the door handle.
“Let’s take a selca!” Jiyoung cheered.
Eve smiled shily. “Can we take it here?” She pointed at the ground with her feet. “If I let go of this handle, I’m going to faint.”
The two older women stepped closer to Eve as Jiyoung pulled out her phone. She took a few selfies, with them standing on either side of Eve. When they were done, Jiyoung airdropped the photos to Eve’s phone. Waving as the women walked away, Eve tried not to scream, cry or throw up from excitement.
She can’t quite remember how she made it to the car, or the drive home, or if she did her nighttime skincare routine after she ate dinner. She does, however, remember putting the Move Again album on her vanity and watching old KARA variety shows on her laptop before she fell asleep.
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tagging: @seolboba // @ateezivy // @ateezjuliet // @cafemilk-tea // @smh-anon // @alixnsuperstxr // @cosmicwintr // @girlzwfun // @txt-yaomi // @moongrlz
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©️ kim nabi
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theseoulstice-rp · 1 year
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the SOUND of light pitter-patter of raindrops on a cold night. the SMELL of comforting lavender tea in the morning. the TASTE of bittersweet chocolate chip cookies. the FEELING of coming back home. the LOOK of a long lost love.
Please head over to the lobby to pick up your keycard. THE MANAGEMENT will be expecting your arrival anytime within FORTY-EIGHT hours. If you require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the front desk.
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iksuikebaj · 1 year
🍒 * i. muse act.
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chrrybbamb · 2 years
minhas tags bugaram um pouco, então vou colocar o máximo de tags por post, ao menos, os muses e as dinâmicas deles, porque colocar tudo manualmente tá ficando complicado.
#♡ / 🧃 * 𝗺𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗮𝗰𝘁 : kang joohyuk#♡ / 🧃 * 𝗺𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗮𝗰𝘁 : inpyo beaufoy#♡ / 🧃 * 𝗺𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗮𝗰𝘁 : ji yohan#♡ / 🧃 * 𝗺𝘂𝘀��𝗮𝗰𝘁 : yakov morozov#♡ / 🧃 * 𝗺𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗮𝗰𝘁 : jeon gyuri#♡ / 🧃 * 𝗺𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗮𝗰𝘁 : hwang jaemin#♡ / 🧃 * 𝗺𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗮𝗰𝘁 : valentin oh vassiliev#♡ / 🧃 * 𝗺𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗮𝗰𝘁 : yeo jiwon#♡ / 🧃 * 𝗺𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗮𝗰𝘁 : yoo jieun#♡ / 🧃 * 𝗺𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗮𝗰𝘁 : shin hongbin#♡ / 🧃 * 𝗺𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗮𝗰𝘁 : min dongyul#♡ / 🧃 * 𝗺𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗮𝗰𝘁 : lee chanwoo#♡ / 🧃 * 𝗺𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗮𝗰𝘁 : ryu insik#♡ / 🧃 * 𝗺𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗮𝗰𝘁 : kwon nabi#♡ / 🧃 * 𝗺𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗮𝗰𝘁 : im hyoshin#♡ / 🧃 * 𝗺𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗮𝗰𝘁 : im hajun#♡ / 🧃 * 𝗺𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗮𝗰𝘁 : neil nattawat kittiyangkul#♡ / 🧃 * 𝗺𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗮𝗰𝘁 : moon seungwoo#♡ / 🧃 * 𝗺𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗮𝗰𝘁 : effie hepburn kim#♡ / 🧃 * 𝗺𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗮𝗰𝘁 : noh 'jake' jeno#♡ / 🧃 * 𝗺𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗮𝗰𝘁 : vincent yejun nam abbatielo#♡ / 🧃 * 𝗺𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗮𝗰𝘁 : yang sehun#♡ / 🧃 * 𝗺𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗮𝗰𝘁 : min eunji#♡ / 🧃 * 𝗺𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗮𝗰𝘁 : bang yihan#♡ / 🧃 * 𝗺𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗮𝗰𝘁 : im dokyeom#♡ / 🧃 * 𝗺𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗮𝗰𝘁 : veronica gault#♡ / 🧃 * 𝗺𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗮𝗰𝘁 : zhu xiaowen#♡ / 🧃 * 𝗺𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗮𝗰𝘁 : moon hangyul#♡ / 🧃 * 𝗺𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗮𝗰𝘁 : choi mingyu#♡ / 🧃 * 𝗺𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗮𝗰𝘁 : son hayoung
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ningvory · 2 months
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