To be in the favor of Gods... PART 4.
AN: I got back into Vikings. AAAABSOLUTELY obsessed w the Ragnarssons ofc... who isn't?
Part 3 here.
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I know my sister. If they would marry her, and she'd somehow agree, she wouldn't share you with another... she'd rather slit your throats herself..and don't tell me two of the most infamously insaitable sons of Ragnar would be up for celibacy for one scarred woman.. - he said before walking away.
-Don't give up my boys, your mother still has her gifts and how many times did we have sex?!...
3 years later....
Halfdan was away raiding with Bjorn, Halfdan tried to take Kattegat but failed. Alsaug and Ragnar wre now dead. Their sons bloodthirsty, you saw it all. Since you have told Harald that the gods will not let him take Kattegat for now, he was angry. He kicked you out, saying that you must be the whore of Ragnar's sons. So this is how you have found yourself as a servant of Lagertha. Servant, and friend. You were good with kids, your cooking was like it was straight from valhalla, and you were good with healing too. Not to mention your gifts. You had your own hut now. One night, you woke up to Ivar breathing down in your face, holding a knife to your throat.
-You will show me my future or i'll kill you. - he threatened.
You angrily sat up, took the his hand with the knife in it, and cut your palm, holding it up for him to drink, before putting another hand on his temple.
You both saw all the anger, you both saw the past, how he threatened Margrethe, this is also how you found Ubbe was actually married now. You saw him on a carriage in battle, anger and victroy flashing in his eyes. Yet you never saw any woman or any love in his future, nor children. When he opened his eyes again, you let go of him, turning your back to him trying to go back to sleep. In the morning you found a boquet of flowers next to you. It must have been him. He might have a heart after all. You set it aside, getting ready for your day.
In the great hall Lagertha and Torvi looked at eachother after seeing your bandaged hand. You knew they saw it. So you left, saying you'll gather some mushrooms for the soup.
In the forest Ubbe surprises you as you were washing the mushrooms in the stream.
-Why didn't you send the children to gather mushrooms?
-I needed a break from people. - you said with a smile.
-What happened to your hand? - he asked.
-I cut it. - you told him with a straight face, urging away the tears that threatened to escape.
-For whom? - he asked as he sat down behind you gathering you in his arms, gently taking your bandaged hand.
-It doesn't matter Ubbe.
-It matters to me. - he said touching his forehead to the back of your head as he holds you tighter.
-Why are you not with your wife Ubbe? -you asked still close to tears. You believed that now that your brothers disowned you you may had a future with him. Well, not anymore anyways.
He sighed and got up.
-She's fucking Hvitserk in the forest hut.. - he said before walking away.
When you got back Ivar was sitting with Lagherta with his most evil smile, Lagertha's face laced with worry as they both saw you.
-(Y/n)! - he said with fake happiness. - i told Lagherta what you had shown me about OUR future. She had blessed our marriage. We'll marry in 5 days at the full moon. - he smiled as he crawled away. As you stood there looking at Lagherta in disbelief the tears you tried to keep back finally escaping. You thought of running away, or killing yourself. You could not marry him. Surely he wouldn't have sex with you, you both knew that was impossible, but you were terrified of him. He was so full of anger it made him insane, ruthless. You did not love him. That night you visited Torvi and Lagherta, telling them you loved them and wished them the best, before leaving. Ivar got word of it, so he sent a searchparty after you. You were soon found, you tried to stand your ground but you were greatly outnumbered. You were taken back to Lagherta's and Ragnar's old farm, tied to the pillar in the middle. You were bleeding from various cuts, bruises started to form all over you. Then you saw noone for days. On the day of the full moon you saw the faceless bride again. There was no escaping this.
Ivar crawled in, smirking at your abused form. He got up close and held a knife to your face.
-I know you won't ever love me (Y/n), but i need you, you'll help me become even greater than my father.
-Not if it's not the gods's will. - you whispered.
-Well, just to be sure, no one else will ever want to marry you. - he said as he cut a line from your forehead down your cheek, nearly to your neck. He left your eye out. You were bleeding heavily. Slaves came in, crying at the sight, but they dressed you in a white gown, they hid your face with a white cloth, but you bled through it anyways, just as you bled on your dress too. You were the faceless bride in the blood soaked dress...
You don't remember the way to the dock, but you remember the tears and worry in Kattegat's eyes. There stood a man at the end of the dock, with Ivar smiling at you sickly as you tried to stumble towards him. Falling to your knees repeatedly. 20 ships arrived, but noone dared to look away from you. You were trying to walk to the end of the dock, as you wished Thor would strike you with his hammer so you'd die on the way. Ubbe stood behind Margrethe, on the other side stood Lagherta and Torvi. They all angry, yet they couldn't do anything. Ivar won.
As you now crawled halfway through the dock, you heard steps behind you, but dared not to look back. You were gathered in strong arms, before you were handed over to another. Bjorn took a look at your face, gave your nearly lifeless body to Halfdan (he did not know of your brother disowning you yet) before taking his axe and stroming towards Ivar.
-Bring my bride back Bjorn. - he smirked.
-Bride? You think that is how you're supposed to treat someone you want to marry?
-I don't need her pretty, i need her gifts.
Bjorn's nose flared, his jaw clenched in anger before he kicked Ivar's chair into the water, a few of his men already jumping after him.
-Don't you dare even look at her, or the next time, i'll tie you under my ship. - he said before walking away, trying to find you.
Lagherta was treating your cut when he found you, Halfdan was holding your hand to his lips as he prayed you'll make it at least for another day.
-Mother, why is she even here alone?
Lagherta looked at both.
-Harald disowned her, kicked her out in the wilderness after he had lost the battle for Kattegat, which she told him he would lose. I took her in. Ivar said she had shown him that they will marry. But i see now that wasn't true..
Halfdan looked at her in disbelief, then back at you.
-Poor, poor (Y/n).. how could our brother do this to you when you have told him the gods will? - Halfdan asked of nobody.
You were starting to regain consciousness when you hissed as someone grabbed your other hand as well. Panic setting in you started to trash around, until you heard Halfdan's comforting words.
-Shhh it's me sister, it's me, noone will hurt you anymore. shhh, you're safe.
You opened your eyes, looked at him, and then saw Bjorn, with tears in his eyes.
-B..bj...bjorn.. - you whispered.
-Yes, i'm here now. I won't leave you here again. - he said as he kissed your bandaged knuckles.
-You sure won't, i am taking her home. - noted Halfdan.
-N-n-no.. Har-Ha-Harald will kill me. - you said tears streaming down your face.
-I'll go talk to him.. - Halfdan said, before leaving.
-Pl.. please c-c-can you s..stay? - you asked Bjorn after your brother left.
He shutting the doors and windows before gently sitting next to you, holding your hand.
The next morning Lagherta opened the door, to see you sleeping while Bjorn also sleeps in a sitting position holding your hand. She smiled at this antic, wishing it will end well.
You woke up to shouts.
Ubbe and Bjorn were shouting over your sleeping form.
-Our brother tried to kill her, and all you can think is leaving your fucking wife, so she'd marry you instead? Do you hear yourself Ubbe? Do you?
-I never loved Margrethe, and i love (Y/n), she is all i've ever loved..
-It is simply not for you to decide brother. Why don't you go and pray she'll make it until tomowwor after what Ivar did to her... - Bjorn said in anger, making you hiss as he gripped your bandaged handa bit too hard, making them look at you.
-I.. i will not marry anyone. Nor do any of you love me. I am still alive only cause of my gifts, and now that i won't even be pretty to look at, i may as well go out and die in the mountains.. - you whispered before trying to get up, but fail.
-(Y/n)... - Ubbe tried to plead.
-Just go.. both of you... - you said turning away from them.
The next time you woke up Lagherta was cleaning your scars gently.
-I'm glad you woke up.. You had a high fever and nigthmares for a week. - she said as she continued. - The boys came here every day to talk to you, hoping you'd hear..
-I.. i heard their stories. I just.. i couldn't tell which was a dream, which was a prophecy or them talking.. - you said.
-For which you wished to be true? - she asked, before the door creaked open to reveal Bjorn with an antler carved fully with runes. He basically ran in falling on his knees next to you as he saw you were awake.
-I'll leave you two to talk. - Laghertha said before gripping your hand and her son's shoulder with a smile.
-I thought you'll never wake up again. - he said bringing your knuckles to his lips and leaving them there.
-Just another prophecy fulfilling itself. We both know i already have seen way past then the bloody bride. - you smiled at him, taking your hand from his, and gently cupping the side of his face. He leaned into your touch with his eyes closed.
-I just wish we could've skipped to the right parts.. - he whispered, his blue eyes shining at you.
-The gods like to test us. To humble us, to make us believe.. and i believe that is just what they did. I am still here, you are still here, you stll visit me every day. No matter that im hideous, or all that im good for is telling what the gods tell me to say..
-(Y/n).. you are so much more than that. You have sacrificed yourself for our people, you took care of our children. You were hurt, battered, bruised yet you still smiled. You are a healer, an amazing cook, one of the greatest shield-maidens, a seer, and the most beautiful woman i have ever seen.
-But.. i .. i am not beautiful anymore.. I saw what... your brother did to me..
-You are still beautiful. A scar won't ever change that... - he said as he leaned closer. Your noses were nearly touching. - I only ever had eyes for you (Y/n).. and i only ever will .. - he said before softly kissing you. Upon the touch your eyes will filled with even more vivid images of the future. Happier times, smiles, loving touches. You could see it all. Growing old together. Yet, most of the pictures had another in them. He was like a ghost, slowly fading, yet he was there.
When he broke the kiss, you knew he saw what you did. Then he saw the tears in your eyes.
-It's okay (Y/n). If that is what the gods want, i'll let him, as long as he treats you as he should..
-But... he's married to Margrethe.. - you said.
-He left her 4 days ago, after you were screaming his name while having a nightmare.
-I.. i don't understand.. why would he.. why would that be enough reason?
-You ever saw how he looked at you? or how he talked about you?
-You know i didn't.. I was a prisoner of my brother, then of Ivar. You were away raiding, stometimes him too, only to come back and marry her, even though he knew she was in love with Hvitserk and Sigurd..
-He was hurt. Now, please tell me what did Ivar exactly do to you..
-He.. he threatened to kill me if i don't show him his future.. - you lifted your bandaged hand. - he then told lies to Lagherta about it before i could even tell her, it was decided, he would marry me. I then decided to leave, to live in the wilderness, but his men outnumbered me. I was beaten, cut, bruised, then tied to a pillar in... in the old farm of Ragnar without food or water for days, then on the day of the wedding, he came in, cut my face " just to be sure noone would ever want to marry me.. then ... he made me.. he made me walk over there like that... laughing... bleeding.. then.. you know the rest..
He was fuming. He threw a cup to the other side of the room, strantling you a bit. Ubbe rushing in as he heard the commotion.
-I'm going to kill Ivar... - Bjorn shouted before leaving, shutting the door behind him making you flinch.
It was time to avenge their father. So it was also the time you saw your brothers again. You stood in the middle of the path between Laghertha and Bjorn as your brothers walked towards you.
Halfdan hugged you, before lifting the cloth, taking a look at the scar that adorned your face now. You tried to hide it before Harald sees it, but it was too late. You saw his jaw clenching, but he just walked away, not acknoweledging you. Bjorn hugged you to himself.
-It will be alright. - he said before putting a kiss on your forehead.
Harald saw this, and turned to Halfdan.
-Since when is she his woman?
-As far as i know she is not.
-Does she still have her gifts?
-Yes she does. - Halfdan answered.
At night at the feast Harald stood up and prepared for the toast.
-As you know my beautiful sister is here in Kattegat, i would like to ask for forgiveness for my mistake, and take her to the raid with us.. - he lifted his chalice, looking at you, as all the men were hurraying in the great hall.
Laghertha stood up, smiling at him.
-You have disowned her, humiliated her, she is in this state because of you, and now you think i will let her go with you?
-I am rather sure your son Bjorn will gladly take care of her Queen Lagertha. - he smirked as he walked up to Bjorn, putting a hand around his shoulders. - if we both make it out alive i may even give him her hand in marriage. - he laughed. This was some kind of sick joke. You stood up, lifting the hood from your head, revealing your face to all the men, who went mute at the sight.Scar still showing but now adorned with rune tattoos across the right side of your face.
-I will go, but not for your love, not for your men. I will go to fight beside the Ragnarssons, avengig their father. The gods have shown me great victory, which would be a victory without you as well my dear brother. I have no need for your love, i do not need to forgive you, for all you ever did was use me for my gifts. Which believe me brother had hurt me greater than any of the christian's punishments. My hand in marriage is not for you to give, it is for me to decide. But a month from now we will be feasting for winning the great war, with the greatest viking army this world has ever seen. - you shouted. The men hurraying, drinking again loudly. Ubbe's and Bjorn's eyes sparkling on you, Harald fuming. You left for your room, when Ubbe caught up with you. He pushed you to the wall and kissed you passionately.
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The sea was angry, the trip wasn't smooth, but you all made it, you all managed to keep the boats afloat and together. You saw the worry on Ubbe's and Bjorn's face as you nearly fell into the water, but you just smirked at them. When the night came the sea calmed down, and you felt warm bodies crawl on either side of you, both holding you close. You needed not to look, you knew who they were.
In the morning you were gently tracing Ubbe's tattoo on his face, when his bright blue eyes opened, ever so happy to see you so close.
-How are you princess? - he asked in a low voice making you softly giggle before playing with his beard.
-I slept rather well... the weather wasnt so cold last night.. - you smiled at him knowin he knew what you meant. But then with a growl, you were picked up and rolled inberween the ship and the other man. Bjorn held you close to his chest, before motioning Ubbe to go.
-Go take a piss or something, help with the food or row.. - he said before kissing you, as you heard Ubbe laugh.
-Will you not be jealous of eachother? - you whispered to Bjorn.
-We have talked about it a lot when you were sickly. It is fated, our feelings are unmoving and true.. If you'll have us... - he said looking into your eyes.
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robsolerwatson · 2 years
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She deserves a little tribute…. Lagherta #lagherta #watercolour #vikings @devonopenstudios @devon_artist_network #art #exeter #painting https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg5Jv8LL9J1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thynesencondroz · 1 year
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Thynes en Condroz, Une réfugiée danoise visite les sentiers du village.
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castielific · 2 years
Jenny Hoyt is Lagertha? HOW DID I NOT RECOGNIZE HER
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fuckinginsanebitch · 1 year
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forgive me for the bad quality 
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pap-het · 10 months
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reignsan · 2 years
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Fate:Lost Einherjar characters from Shirow Miwa's comiket art book "Romancia:Aurora"
Ragnar, Aslaug, and Remina we know. The characters in the fourth picture are Lagherta, Thora Borganhjort (Ragnar's other wives), Sigmund (Sigurd's father), and Regin (Sigurd's foster father, Fafnir's older brother).
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givemeanorigami · 1 year
Bella questa puntata di Vikings in cui si sono (finalmente) riuniti Ragnar, Lagherta e Bjorn*, ma soprattutto bella questa puntata dove finalmente Rollo è tornato in sé e ne ha fatti fuori più lui che tutti gli altri messi insieme!
Vai Rollo, ti hanno dato il nome più brutto ma sei nella mia top cinque dei personaggi preferiti!
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libertamry · 2 years
Lagherta Clip "Shield-maiden, blessed by the gods " Katheryn Winnick in Vikings
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There is nothing i could say to make it all just go away...
AN: i got the feels after this weekend, and i am fed up, so like.. i am putting my current needs in this. (Fiancé won't see it but i just need to let it all out)
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You have been married with Bjorn for months. As the time went you had seen him a little less every week. You talked even less.. You wanted to please him, to be a good wife for him so badly, you lost yourself. You decided to just stay quiet all the time, out went your cheery, talkative self. Everything you said was a problem. Then any facial expressions you had shown were a problem... then you opted for a pokerface. Everyone who knew you worried about you. They had seen the change. You seemed like an empty shell. Bjorn always complained about you to everyone. How he hates this new quiet, obedient self..which HE made, he just couldn't see it. You pushed down all your anxiety, all your needs, all your problems. You were a quietly ticking bomb.
Ubbe was the only one who tried to talk to you. When you went down to the stream to wash clothes he walked with you, he helped you bring back the damp clothes. He asked how you were, he soothed you when you had a panic attack. He had told you that everything will be alright.
-Nothing's gonna be alright Ubbe. And the funny thing is, i don't even care anymore.
-What do you mean you dont care (Y/n)?
You just looked at him and sighed with the same pokerface.
-Just what i said. I don't care anymore. - before you turned around and left.
It unsettled him greatly, and he knew Bjorn won't be home tonight either, so he camped out on a rooftop near your hut, just to make sure.
Sure enough, under the moonlight when everyone was asleep, you walked out to the shore, going in the icy water but only till your ankles were in it. You stood there, looking up at the sky, swiping off a stray tear before going back inside.
A week later Ubbe founf you in the forest gathering mushrooms.
-Your hand is shaking badly.. - he said as you jumped back startled, then immediately wincing in pain.
-You startled me... - you answered.
-Why are you shaking and wincing so badly? - he asked stepping closer, but you stepped backwards.
-I am cold, that's all. - you said before lifting up your basket, trying your best not to let your face contort in pain. Then you both saw it. Blood started to soak the sleeve of your dress. You looked at him briefly before basically running away. He tried to follow you, but then he thought it's best if not.. Bjorn was gonna come home two weeks from now, he could talk to him... or maybe it's best if he goes to Lagertha?
He went with the latter.
-So it has become that bad huh? I am devastated to hear that.. it should've never come this.. - Lagherta said as she looked over you as you poored ale to some folks. The faint scar on your arms sometimes showing from under your dress. Bjorn used to love you so much.. He begged his mother to let him marry you all his life. And now that you were his, he treated you so badly, you'd rather die by your own hands or by the icy water, than to leave him.. The once strong woman was broken, and groomed.. By the very man who fell in love with her for the way she was.. Bjorn came to the great hall, and sat beside his mother. With a sigh he asked:
-What is bothering you mother? - but Lagertha didn't even look towards him, she just watched you with worry.
-If you cannot treat her right, if you cannot love her... another will.. - she said as Ubbe took the jug from your hands to help. You smiled him briefly. This was the first emotion anyone has seen from you in months. Only then saw Bjorn how dim your light was. Was it him that made you so miserable? No, it cannot be, he would never hurt you.. Just when he was about to look away, he saw Ubbe discovering the scars on your arms. He caressed them with worry as he looked at Lagertha then Bjorn, before they looked at eachother. That's when you excused yourself. You were broken yes, but you don't need their pity.
They were searching for you for hours before Lagertha saw you standing high above the water on the edge of the cliff. She did not say a word, just pointed at you. Ubbe didn't need another word or look, he started to sprint up to you, Bjorn right after him., only a few minutes later..
When he got up, he heard you talking weakly.
-I'll give up Valhalla just for it to end. I cannot live this way Ubbe. I fell in love with someone who was in love with me for years, only to change and break me when he got me. And now he despises me for who i am, for who he made me to be. And the worst is, he will never see it Ubbe. I am just as worthless as i was for my family. You need to let me go. -Bjorn started to ran for you, but you silently fell backwards, not minding if there's cliffs under you, or just plain ground, not minding the Icy water.. Ubbe stopped Bjorn before he could've jump in after you.
-If the gods will keep her alive, she will need you alive as well... - he said before walking down back to Kattegat, tears gathering in his eyes. The rest of the sons and most of the shieldmaidens were already in boats, sailing out to search for you. All without success.. They came back after two hours. It was a lost cause. A sadness swept over Kattegat. Now that you were gone, they realized the littlest things they missed in everyday life. They cried for you, grieved you. At dawn, Ubbe and Bjorn were sitting on the cliff you jumped off from.
-I would've taken her from you... she didn't deserve how you treated her after all those years of longing...
-I see it now.. I was wrong.. She deserved to be loved more than i ever did...If only i could turn back time.. - Bjorn said as they looked over the fjord as the sun started to shine on their face.
They did not notice the commotion at the docks... only when Hvitserk ran up to them..
-Lagertha found her... quick.. - he shouted.
They looked at eachother then ran.
BY the time they got back, Lagertha was coming out of your room. Two shieldmaidens standing in the way.
They looked at her questioning.
-You cannot go in there.. not after what went down... - she said looking Bjorn up and down.
-She is my wife.. - he said nose flaring.
Lagherta turned back and pointed at his chest.
-Yes.. yes she is, and she is on her deathbed because of it.. -before she walked away.
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A week later you were still not getting any better. You woke up, but you did not want to see anyone. Therefore only Lagertha came into your room, trying to feed you three times a day.
Even to her you did not say anything. You just laid on your side. Every time she left your room Ubbe and Bjorn was by her side, hoping for some improvement. She just shook her head before leaving.
Bjorn visited the Seer in desperation.
-Will she survive?
-She will..... if.. the fool sees it's mistakes and fill the hollowed shell again..but i see another... it won't be easy Bjorn Ironside... - he said before holding out his palm for Bjorn.
The next time he went for Lagertha for updates he sighed before saying
-I need to go in there mother..
-Why you? .. - she asked.
-I.. i need to make it right.. if.. if she want's to divorce me then so be it... but look at us.. Kattegat needs her.. - she nodded at him, then the shield-maidens let him in.
He stopped for a second looking at your small, fragile, lifeless form before stepping closer, taking your hand.
You weakly looked into his eyes.
-If you want me to i'll let you go. I see my mistakes now.. perhaps you were never meant to be mine.. I was just lucky enough to get you. I should've taken better care of it.. - he said.
-I was never the one for you.. never good enough... - you whispered.
-You were the best..Kattegat needs you... I need you.. - he pleaded before looking over to the food left there.
-You never needed me Bjorn... - you said before tears started streaming just as well as his. His hold tightened on your hand as he kissed your knuckles.
-You are in love with Ubbe don't you? - he said in anger and you winced as his hold tightened on your arm.- Did you lay with him? - he asked nearly shouting. He was ready to hit you before Ubbe barged in with Lagertha.
-If she was in love with Ubbe would've she try to kill herself? - Lagertha asked. - AT this point i wish she was in love with him... I am disappointed in you son.. You have begged me for years only to toss it out the window.. Then she nearly dies and all you can think of is she'd lay with someone else... well... son.. Did you? - she asked before Bjorn stormed out... giving his answer.
Ubbe laid next to you and let you cry into his chest. He soothed you.. When you calmed down and was nearly asleep, he caressed your back as he said
-You don't need to love me or marry me... it is fine if i am just a friend.. just let me be here, let me take care of you, protect you...
That night you fell asleep in his embrace.
4 years later you were walking towards the cliff. It was summer, your dress flowed around you in the light wind. Ubbe smiled at you from the end of the cliff, the entirety of Kattegat was there. You were friends for most of the time... then one day he confessed, and you realized you wouldn't be with anyone else. He was with you trough thick and thin... No matter the cost. He loved you the way you were... You were finally happy.
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catalogonaga · 7 months
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Pulseira Lagherta ✩ R$ 72,00
Pulseira roliça 100% chainmail. Evoca uma armadura. Chiquésima.
Material: aço inoxidável (stainless steel).
⭑ As peças podem ser alongadas (comprimento) mediante solicitação.
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soulkarente · 1 year
Saudade série c lésbicas fodonas tipo lagherta e astrid em vikings c pegação hehe
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edlynnrose · 2 years
Ten Characters. Ten Fandoms.
Thanks @defaultjane for tagging me! :) I am to list ten faves from ten fandoms. This was harder than expected but I am glad to have come up with 10!
Except for the first position, this will mostly be in random order. :D
Dragon Age — Josephine Montilyet
Persona 3 — Mitsuru Kirijo
Persona 5 — Sae Niijima
The Witcher — Tissaia de Vries
Ace Attorney — Mia Fey
Yakuza 0 & 1 — Reina
Fire Emblem: PoR & RD — Titania
Resident Evil — Ada Wong (sorry Helena)
One Piece — Vivi
Viking — Lagherta
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valkirsif · 2 years
Loki chapter 5/6
word 3100
warning smut
Loki returned late at night, after the departure of the Midgardians he welcomed Lagherta and Lexy to discuss the upcoming wedding, the King made the bifrost available to the spouses to reach Neptune, it was the most similar place to both kingdoms,
"..I have a couple of friends to introduce you .." Lexy said, "..or do you plan to bring your pet that day?" she asked absently,
"It's not nice to spy on friends' hearts" Loki scolded her, smiling, "I haven't decided yet, but I want to meet these friends", he found Y/N standing by the bathroom door, she was wearing the first dress he had imposed on her and was holding towels,
"Welcome back my Lord" she greeted him bowing, "A bath?" she coaxed him with a smile, "Sure get me the tub" he said curiously undressing, "And bring me a drink it was an extremely annoying day .. David took a big risk", the woman disappeared into the bathroom, laid the towels on the sofa, put Vanheim's brandy, his favorite honey sweets on a tray and placed it on the edge of the tub, with Sygin's complicity she had managed to find and modify a pearl collar ,
"Are you sure what you are doing?" the woman had asked her putting her collar back on, "It is active at minimum, whatever you do you will not be in danger" she smiled making him snap,
"Thanks Sygin, I'm very sure of what I'm doing .." she smiled, finding herself beautiful in that suit, ".. I know I'm doing the right thing for me",
"In this case .." Sygin turned the bracelet and a shock went through Y/N making her jump, ".. too strong?", the woman shook her head, it was perfect, Loki walked into the bathroom he was about to say something but yeah he paused with his mouth open admiring the scene, next to the sofa naked Sygin was walking towards him holding the leash Y/N,
"Oh my King I was teaching your pet some new games" she said seductively she gave a light tug and Y/N got down on her knees, "I hope you don't mind, she's so obedient that I allowed myself ..",
"Sygin you know I don't like touching my toys" Loki retorted, "It's since we were little that you've stolen my things .. this time I can't let you" he said in a deep voice, Sygin pulled the leash and was followed by Y/N,
"Stop them beasty" he ordered the woman, "Why don't you get comfortable .." the man invited on the sofa, ".. bring a drink .." he ordered Y/N who moved swaying pouring the brandy, handed it to the man keeping her head down, like a good little animal,
"Kneeling in front of the King beasty" he growled emptying his glass, the woman obeyed, she put her face on the ground lifting her ass, Sygin circled around her holding the leash between her fingers,
"Don't you think it's wonderful?" she asked Loki, "Show your master what you have learned" she said her tooth putting the leash in her mouth, Y/N walked on all fours to him and got down on her knees handing him the leash,
"But what a good pet you are" Loki said stroking her cheek, took off her robe and walked around the woman, pulled the leash, Y/N immediately stood up, "Sygin why don't you come here" he growled excitedly, the woman came over smiling , "Let me have fun" he commanded giving her the leash, taking the bottle and getting comfortable between the pillows, Y/N and Sygin looked at each other,
"I'll be kind pet" she whispered starting to undress her, "Pearls give you her" she stroked her breasts descending on her hips, put her hand between her legs making her moan,
"She seems to like it .." she laughed at the man, "Do you like it real beasty" she whispered in the ear of Y/N who moaned a yes, Sygin unhooked the pearls of the skirt leaving her naked, slipped the leash on her body making it pass between her legs, went behind her and began to gently pull using pearls to stimulate her, Y/N moved unwittingly,
"No no little beast don't move" she growled in her ear, "You will be punished for this lack" said, snapping the bracelet, her pearls lit up before shaking her, the woman fell to her knees panting, ".. Excuse me Lady Sygin .." she moaned on her knees,
"You'll have to do better" she replied laughing giving her another shock, "Standing up pet", Y/N stood up shaking, she liked that game more than she thought, Sygin unhooked the leash and went back to torture her sense , stood behind her so that Loki did not lose any detail, squeezed and scratched with both hands pulling her nipples,
"Make your King feel how much you like it," Sygin said licking her neck, "Thank you my Lady" she moaned putting her hands behind her back, slipping between Sygin's legs, lightly caressing her, playing with her clit,
"Oh good pet" she gasped, "But don't think of moving me with these gestures" she moaned biting her, she sank her nails into her nipple making her scream, the collar was activated giving her a shock, Y/N opened her legs moaning like an animal,
"My King, how about the improvements to the collar?" answer I give to Loki opening the labia majora of Y/N putting a single pearl show on her clit,
"You can punish her while you fucked.." she suggested as slipped two fingers inside her, "..think what the shock must be, her soft little pussy holding you .." she described everything as she gently stimulated her, " ..imagine punishing her for the sheer sake of enjoying her pain .." she squeezed her nipple again, as she screamed the shock crossed her sweaty body focusing on her clit, gasped for air falling to her knees,
"Ohh poor beasty .." she whispered sweetly, "..too much pleasure all together?" asked turning around her, kneeling in front of her and opening her legs, "Look what a mess you are all wet" she said, "Don't move, pet" she growled threateningly getting up, approached Loki who was watching the show masturbating,
"My Lord I think your pet wants to be fucked" she suggested stroking his chest, kissing his neck, "Do it .." he moaned, taking her by her hair, "..fuck her, I want to watch you fuck her .." he growled making a gesture with her hand,
"Uhh how wonderful .." Sygin moaned, "I like to use your cock .. and to be used by you", she returned to Y/N staring at the transparent cock between the woman's legs,
"Little beast the King has a gift for you" she laughed at her stroking her face, "Let's see how to make him have fun, do you want?" she asked her, put her on all fours and knelt behind her,
"Legs spread up .." she spanked her triggering the collar, "Look how her ass throbs .." licked fingers starting to play with her ass passing her other hand between her thighs to sink back into her pussy, "You want to be fucked right?" she asked about her thrusting fingers deep inside her, Y/N gasped and drooled as she felt Sygin's fingers scissor around her pussy, "Come on beasty say it., beg for the King's cock to fuck you",
"Please Lady Sygin .." she gasped, ".. I want you to fuck me .. I want to feel you inside me ..", she moaned arching her back, lifting her butt more,
"Good little beast.," she said making her arch, ".. enjoy the ride little pet in heat" growled in her ear, Y/N gasped when she felt two cocks enter her simultaneously,
".. softly please .." she cried, ".. you hurt me .." she said raising her voice to activate the collar, the shock went through her body over and over again making her moan and scream, Sygin sank her nails into her breasts fucking her fiercely, as Loki liked it,
"Do you like my King that way?" she moaned, staring at him, "..why don't you and some friends join us?" she invited him slowing the pace, concentrating on stimulating Y/N, the man got up doubling as he reached them, Sygin's cocks disappeared, two clones jumped on her pushing her against the statue starting to touch her, Y/N heard her moan behind her,
"Here little beast .." Loki growled excitedly, "..turn around and sit down .." he said pulling her towards him, kissed her before turning her pushing her on his cock, took her by the wrists making her bend to sink further into her, the snakes reappeared, sank their teeth into her nipples making her scream,
"So good .. screams for me little beast .." panted Loki feeling her pussy squeeze him because of the collar, "Sygin was right .. it's a pleasure to fuck you with that pearl between your legs",
".. Again .. AGAIN .." woman growled like an animal, Sygin approached kneeling in front of her, smiled, kissed biting her lips and lay down staring at her Loki, touching herself excitedly, "We can do better pet" he smiled maliciously, Loki slipped from the chair holding her tight, approaching her to Sygin who reached out to suck and bite her breasts, the pearl on her clit was always active giving her rhythmic jolts, Sygin's hand creeping into hers pussy pinching her clit, "Are we at the limit beasty?" Sygin asked, Y/N was struggling to speak, panting and moaning excitedly,
"..Please .. my King .. please .." she moaned breathlessly,
"Someone begs" he growled excitedly fucking her hard, Sygin sank her teeth into her breast and squeezed her clit .. Y/N came screaming with pleasure like a wild animal,
"MORE .. MORE .. FUCK ME MY KING .." she screamed her clouded by her orgasm, "Little bitch .." he growled, "..you want more eh ..", he came out of her and took her by the shoulders entering her ass, he lifted her head taking her by her hair to kiss her,
".. Make yourself useful while I fuck your nice ass.," He ordered putting her head between Sygin's legs, ".. like a good lick little bitch ..",
Sygin dug her hands into her hair guiding her tongue, "Good little beast.," She gasped, ".. really good .. the Gods gave you hands too .. use them" she growled excitedly, “As Lady Sygin wishes” Y/N panted opening her labia in order to suck her clit, with her free hand she inserted two fingers inside her and began to gently rub the soft tissue of her pussy, “Do you like it that way?" she smiled hearing her panting,
"Good little beast" Sygin moaned one step away from yet another orgasm, "Don't stop ..", they spent hours having sex, satisfying every hidden desire, filling the room air with moans and screams of pleasure,
"Beasty was incredible" Loki said out of breath taking her in her arms, "You two together are a great ride" he laughed inviting Sygin to lie down between the pillows with them, "The Midgardian is possessed, I knew we would have fun with her" she laughed at kissing her, "Great celebration for your decision to stay" she smiled,
"It has never been so easy to decide something" Y/N replied, stroking his breast, "When I saw David I was convinced that coming back was what I wanted ..", she clung to the King, "Tell me what made you change your mind?" Loki asked,
"..I would say the universe", she laughed, "Being able to think for myself has opened my eyes to David ... and to you" she said in a low voice,
Sygin hugged her, "I'm happy you're free" she said getting up, "If you don't mind I'd go look for Mat, the Midgardians are delightful" she laughed happily, left alone Loki picked up Y/N taking her to bed,
"Those were intense days little beast, you have to rest" he cradled her holding her tightly, "It was nice to look at you today" he smiled,
"Glad you enjoyed the show, Sygin helped me with her dress" she laughed,
"I wasn't talking about the bathroom .." Loki answered looking at her, ".. I was talking about when you came back" he taunted, "A splendid brave Valkyrie who has claimed herself",
"Don't make fun of me my Lord" she said shyly, she was different it's true but she didn't think she was so brave,
"I'm not making fun of you" he smiled, "I'm just saying what I saw, you should have seen Sif how defended you when you left" he told the clash with David laughing, ".. the Valkyries defend everyone, but they don't shield for who they consider a sub-caste, you have earned their respect" he concluded proudly of her," Now sleep " he whispered kissing her.
After the "party" in the pool Y/N needed the healer, unlike Loki's illusions, Sygin's teeth and nails left many marks,
"Lady Y/N how can I help you?" Brighit asked wearing her bracelet,
"I got out of hand the games in the pool .." smiled Y/N undressing to show the marks on her body,
"They are not painful but, if possible, I would like to mitigate them, at least the ones you see", Loki had tightened with more force than usual the shoulder and a large purple and blue bruise had appeared, Brighit checked that there was nothing serious before turning on the bracelet and running her hands over the marks,
"You have to take better care of your body" laughed the healer working on her, "The King forgets when you are fragile",
"Don't you have anything to make me stronger?" she asked her hopefully she liked how he treated her in bed she didn't want to give it up,
"There is a way .." replied the healer, ".. wear an armor" she laughed at her passing a golden powder on her shoulders, Y/N laughed at her with her dressing,
"Thanks Brighit" she greeted as she went out, she wanted to thank Sif in person, Loki had told her what happened to her after she went to the room and felt indebted to her,
"Heimdallr can I disturb you?" she asked her before crossing the bridge, she had learned that she could not come and go to the bifrost without asking, she had been given full freedom of movement but she did not want to take advantage of it,
"Of course my Lady come" answered the Guardian opening the way for her, "How can I help you?",
"Where can I find a gift for Sif?" she asked, "I'm sure you've seen the events" she smiled, "In Nidavellir, the Kingdom of the Dwarves", replied the Guardian, "Weapons and armor of the Valkyries are forged by them",
"Can I go alone?" she asked her, for the worlds of Tixy and Lexy she moved alone, it was the first unknown realm she visited,
"Of course, after this room, Nidavellir is the safest place in the 9 Kingdoms, no one would be mad enough to attack the dwarves" he laughed, donning the cloak, she stepped into the light and arrived in a large blue metal room,
"Welcome to Nidavellir" a voice greeted her, "lower down Asgardian" he laughed noticing Y/N's expression looking around her,
"For the Gods I apologize," she said embarrassed,
"I'm Hestimus, Guardian of the gate .." he replied, laughing, "..do not worry girl you see that you have never been here .. and that you are not a Valkyrie",
"My name is Y/N and I need help .. I think" she smiled bowing, Hestimus smiled calling for a helper,
"Nebius accompanies the girl and help her" he said presenting what looked like a child, "Y/N follow me" he said cheerfully leading her through the streets of the city, "The Guardian said you need help",
"I owe a debt of gratitude to a Valkyrie .." she explained admiring the square city, it was formed by perfect cubes of various metals and spread the reflections of the furnaces in every corner, "..Heimdallr said that here I would find what I am looking for",
“Heimdallr? You must be a really important person to be able to call him by name "said the surprised young man, "You are friends with the Eyes of Asgard so come with me" he smiled touching what looked like a wall that lit up becoming a door,
"Nebius what brings you here?" asked a dwarf who looked as old as the world, "or who in this case, the little girl is not too young for you?" laughed, Y/N remembered the books she read as a child, the dwarves were ancient and powerful and while they looked like children they were hundreds of years old,
"Milantir she are a friend of the Guardian of Asgard and must make a gift" Nebius laughed making her sit down,
"Oh you must be special Heimdallr does not grant his friendship with him easily with her" he smiled pouring his a drink,
"What is?" she asked sniffing the glass, "Er .. is it dangerous for the Midgardians?",
"Midgardians?" he asked her widening his eyes looking at her better, “You're not from Asgard!
Sorry the sight betrays me sometimes, just drink it is simple rum with the addition of raspberries" he encouraged her,
"Once a week we go to refuel on Midgard", Nebius laughed, "I entrust you Milantir", he greeted her as he went out,
"Who is the lucky one to receive this gift?" he asked her opening some drawers, placing several cases on the counter,
"Really lucky .." replied the woman, "..is for Lady Sif, she defended my honor, on Midgard uses to make a gift in similar cases" she explained admiring the splendid workmanship of the weapons, the fine carvings on the scabbards,
"Little Sif, I remember when Odin gave her first axes .." the dwarf recalled cheerfully, ".. she always loved daggers, in her armor she always leaves room to hide one", he took out the most beautiful and finished showing them to him,
"They are wonderful" she said, touching that perfection, she looked at several, "These ... I don't know why but they are for her" she smiled holding a small and light double dagger, on the blades the inlay of a battle, on one side orcs from the other of the pegasus, it was the most beautiful thing he had ever touched,
"Try them" encouraged Milantir, "You'll see the magic" he smiled, Y/N just moved her hand and the scene on the blades moved,
"..What .." she said in amazement, moving her wrist again, "..it's beautiful .." she whispered,
"Great choice girl" he smiled while making the dagger, "I engrave the rune on the scabbard I'll be right", Y/N was fascinated by a pair of knives in a strange shiny green material, golden snakes spinning on the blades,
"..Are beautiful right?" whispered the dwarf, the woman nodded silently, ".. they are special, they are forged in elkarium a mineral that is found between the roots of Yggdrasil ..",
"I don't dare ask .." Y/N whispered, certainly they had enormous value,
".. I'm sorry but you can't touch them" he said stroking her head as if she were a child, "You're human you would break apart" he smiled,
"I trust your words .." she smiled, "..I .. can I ask the price?",
"The price?!" Milantir said confused, "It's true on Midgard we need coins, we had the opposite problem the first time we went down" he laughed,
"They don't cost anything baby girl" he replied, Y/N stared at him in dismay, "We forge weapons that will bring honor to the wearer that's why we are blacksmiths .. the best in the universe" he explained, "If they are not for you to whom would you like to donate them? " he asked curiously,
"Here I would like to give them to my Lord, Loki King of Asgard .." she answered shyly, she seemed so strange to think of a gift for him, Milantir pulled out the blades and placed them in an inlaid box,
"Promise not to touch them" he reminded wrapping her gifts,
"I can't accept Milantir" said Y/N,
"Loki is a great warrior, these blades will bring him great honor in battle" he said kindly, "Go through here to return, Heimdallr open the bifrost for the little girl" he said aloud as he entered the next room followed by Y/N,
"Thank you Milantir" she said bowing, in a flash she was home,
"Sif is in the arena" smiled the Guardian, the woman thanked him and ran to the guards headquarters.
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darksideoftheshipps · 3 years
Multifandom ships
Part 4
Nebula x Gamora (Marvel)
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Yukio x Negasonic (Marvel)
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Yelena Belova x Natasha Romanoff (Marvel)
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Black Canary x Harley Quinn (Birds of prey)
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Astrid x Lagherta (Vikings)
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50 notes · View notes
yeesiine · 3 years
Why can't you stay?
9 notes · View notes