#layer agere
pjcollie · 2 months
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💿agere RAISE A SUILEN icons 💿
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I was going to turn this into a 4 panel comic, but after 2 weeks of just having this one part "done", I think I'm just going to share it.
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1990's Little Mobius gets a Gameboy for Christmas!
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hiilybemyfriendpls · 2 years
A quick comfort doodle w me/my oc and sunset shimmer!! ^^
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bakedbabybat · 7 days
i might start posting agere moodboards here bc my criminal minds hyperfixation has taken me over and ive started making moodboards and writing fanfic for this fandom
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quasi-normalcy · 2 months
For every claim about Pagan survivals in European / North American folk traditions and holidays, it's important to remember that there are at least three layers of cruft on top:
Sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Protestants trying to discredit Catholicism by claiming that it was secretly Pagan
Nineteenth-century Romanticists and Nationalists trying to construct an "authentic" volkisch identity by connecting everything to a remote pre-Christian (pre-Jewish) antiquity, and
Contemporary Neopagans and New Agers who want to maintain these traditions.
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littlespacereader · 2 months
I saw that ur criminal minds agere fic is just one so here is my request
Daddy hoch x dada derek x little reader where something is bothering her but she regressed to a headspace where she is non verbal (she is always tiny in her headspace but today she was extra tiny) and they try to find out what's wrong but there gotta go to work but dont want to leave her alone so they go all to the Bau and after a while she falls asleep with her paci in mouth a stuffy under her arm a blankie in her hand and wrapped in a very big cozy weighet blanked 😍😍🥺
GET OUT OF HERE! Don’t actually because this fic is absolutely adorable!! I’m a sucker for a good CG!Hotch fic but CG!Morgan too!! I’m dead!! I absolutely love the ideas you added to the request so I made sure to include them all! I apologize for how long this took me to write. Between school and all the rewriting I’ve been doing it’s been a bit of a hassle. But I’m very happy with how this fic turned out! Please enjoy!! Thank you for the request!
Baby in the Bullpen 🍼🏢📄
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Caregiver! Aaron Hotchner, Caregiver! Derek Morgan, & Fem Little! Reader
Tags - SFW!, hurt/comfort, hugs, cuddles, forehead kisses, pacifiers, sippy cups, low key mentions of pull-ups, BAU family
Nicknames - Princess, sweetheart, baby, sweet girl, Daddy for Hotch, Dada for Morgan
Picture a day where everything is perfect. It’s a perfect day where everything goes well and there’s no problem or pressure at all. Almost like you’ve been floating on a happy little cloud.
Today is not one of those days.
Today is a day where everything that could possibly go wrong goes wrong. Like a rain cloud that’s only centered on you.
I knew the moment I woke up it was going to be one of those days. Snuggled between my Caregivers in a nice warm bed, what more could any Little ask for? But my alarm went off and off to work I went.
It wasn’t every day my Caregivers had the day off, so I was especially mad I had work while the two of them were home. But trying to match my schedule with theirs always seemed like an uphill battle.
I arrived to my job at the bookstore to a line, let me repeat, A LINE of angry customers! How you could possibly be angry in a bookstore is beyond me, but today wanted to test me to see my limits.
So there I stood, listening to one complaint after the other, all while trying to keep my composure.
My book came with scratches on the cover!
My book’s cover was supposed to be purple!
I didn’t like the ending!
You didn’t say it was a sad book!
Blah, Blah, Blah. All utterly stupid and pointless complaints that were more ridiculous than the next. Despite their ridiculous claims it’s began to ware me down with one right after the other.
I longed for the day to end, for my Caregivers, who were probably on each others nerve by now without me as their favorite buffer. The thought brought a smile to my face.
Then my manager came over and decided to ruin it all. “Y/N, I’m going to need you to stay later today. Elizabeth called in sick.”
“I can’t I have plans.” Do I actually have plans? No, nothing besides a nice early dinner and cuddling with my Caregivers. But she didn’t need to know that.
“I’m afraid you’re going to have to cancel them. You’re the only one here so you’re going to cover it.” And with that she walked away.
Suddenly I felt the weight of the day layered on again. I became overwhelmed with emotions I wasn’t allowed to have at the moment. I took my break and went into the restroom to pull myself together.
Frustrated tears fell from my eyes but I couldn’t break down now, not yet. I would have time for this when I got home. I just needed a minute and then I could go back out there and deal with everyone once again.
Morgan could see Y/N’s headlights going up the driveway before he heard the car door slam shut.
“Hotch, she’s home.” He called out to him, before the front door opened.
The moment Y/N entered the house, Morgan and Hotch immediately looked over. Morgan sat by the television and Hotch had popped out of kitchen. But immediately they could both see that something was wrong.
“Princess? You alright?” Morgan right away asked. His usual smile replaced with a worried look.
Y/N didn’t say a word. She just dropped her bags and started crying. Morgan jumped from the couch and quickly made his way over to her.
“Hey, hey, hey, what happened? What’s going on?” Morgan lifted the sad Little into his arms.
Y/N didn’t say a word, she just grabbed Morgan’s shirt like her life depended on it and cried. Hotch crossed the house, joining Morgan and Y/N at the door.
The two Caregivers shared a worried look. “What happened sweetheart?” Hotch tried to ask but still Y/N didn’t say a word. She just buried her head against Morgan’s chest and continued to sob.
Morgan began walking around the room with the Little in his arms, lighting bouncing and shushing her cries. One arm wraps around her back with his hand cradling her head.
Morgan and Hotch continue to share worried looks to one another as the two Caregivers turn their profiling sides on for a moment.
“She was supposed to be home at 3 right?”
“Yeah but she texted me saying they had to keep her there long.” Hotch replied.
“So a bad day at work?”
“This isn’t just from a bad day at work. This is a build up. We were gone all last week and now the first day of our break she has to work. Mix that with possibly a bad day and…” Hotch trailed on.
“Poor baby,” Morgan coos, “Missing your handsome Caregiver today huh?” He jokes hoping to get anything from his little one, but it doesn’t get a smile. Instead she just rests her head on his shoulder as tears still slip from her eyes.
Thankfully all the walking around bouncing seemed to work, at least a little bit. Y/N was no longer crying but she didn’t seem too happy either.
“There we go, no more tear gorgeous. You’re okay now. We’ve got you.” Morgan sat beside Hotch on the couch, pulling Y/N in his lap.
Hotch leaned over and wiped the remaining tears from her face. “It’s been a long day hasn’t it?” He asked but Y/N just cuddled closer to Morgan instead of answering.
All at once the two realized their baby was feeling a bit non verbal today. It didn’t happen often with Y/N, but when it did they knew she was feeling especially young.
“Not in the mood for talking? That’s okay princess. We’ve got you.” Morgan starts to say.
“How about this? How about we go upstairs and get changed out of these big uncomfortable clothes and into something a bit more comfortable? Squeeze my hand once for yes and twice for no.”
Morgan took her hand in his. After a moment of thinking he set a single squeeze. He looked to Hotch and nodded. “Alright, let’s get you changed.”
He stands and immediately smells something burning. “Aaron…you’re burning dinner again.” Hotch’s face dropped. He jumps up from the couch and runs into the kitchen.
Morgan smirked and shook his head. He carries Y/N upstairs and while chuckling, “It isn’t really a Daddy dinner if he didn’t burn it?” He joked. That got a small smile from Y/N. They were heading in the right direction.
Once in her light pink bedroom, he set her down on her bed and began going through her dresser drawer. “Okay, I think for you tonight we’re going to get you dressed in the absolute softest pajamas. And the absolute softest pajama you have arrrreeeeee these!”
He turned back to the bed to see Y/N sitting patiently with her favorite stuffie Sharky the shark in hand. “Ta-da!” He held up the fluffy pink long sleeve onesie complete with footed feet.
Y/N squeezes their stuffie as they took a moment of consideration. They decided with a simple nod of the head as a yes to Morgan and the footed onesie.
“Great! I thought I picked a good one,” he winked, “Now let’s get you changed for the night.”
Morgan helped Y/N take off their normal work attire and changed into the soft onesie and a pull-up for good measure. “There we are. Now let’s get your hair out of your face.” Morgan moved to get their hair tied and brush when there was a knock to the door.
Daddy walked in and he had that look on his face. You know, the look that says something’s wrong and he’s not happy about it.
“Derek I need to speak to you for a moment.”
That’s never a good thing.
“Y/N, we’ll be right outside the door okay? Just for a minute.” Dada reiterated.
My two Caregivers left the room and closed the door behind them. Then, once again, I was alone. The terrible feelings start to come back again.
Dada scared them away with his gentle rocking, shushing and jokes. He always knows how to make me feel better when I’m upset. But now my sadness was returning and with it fear. It’s never a good thing when your Caregivers go to talk about something first without you there.
I squeezed my shark stuffie a little tighter as I stared down the bedroom door. Was I in trouble? Was there trouble? My mind started to spiral with ideas.
It sounded like they were arguing, not with each other but about something. Again, that’s never a good thing to hear. My sadness took a backseat for a second as curiosity took the wheel. I hoped off my bed and walked over to the door with the hopes of maybe catching what they were talking about.
“Call them back and tell them we can’t. I mean you see the kind of night she’s having.”
“You don’t think I know that? *sigh* I tried everything, every excuse in the book. Rossi knows us, he knows Y/N. He wouldn’t be asking if it wasn’t life or death, you know he wouldn’t.”
“So what are we going to do? She can’t be by herself tonight-“
I backed away from the door as I processed what they’re saying. Uncle Rossi called? That means they were going to the office. They’re leaving me.
The realization brought sadness back to the drivers seat. I walked back over to my bed and crawled under the covers. Maybe it’s better if I’m alone. I don’t want them! I don’t want anyone!
I cried into my shark stuffie as I heard the door open and close again. Then I heard the sound of footsteps over to my bed before I felt someone sit next to me.
“Sweetheart it’s okay. You don’t have to hide it’s just Daddy.” Hotch said as his hand rubbed the top of the blanket.
Okay maybe I was lying when I said I wanted to be alone…because I don’t. I want him to stay!
I peeked my head out from the blanket and was met with Daddy’s worried eyes. He opened his arms to me as a silent invitation, one I happily took. He brought me into his lap and hugged me close. I rested my head on his shoulder as tears fell from my eyes.
“There’s my sweet girl. Now, there’s something we need to talk about.”
The last scared me, and all at once I started crying some more as I shook my head no. I don’t want to hear the bad news.
“It’s okay, you didn’t hear it yet. It’s not a bad thing I promise. It’s just…a change of plans.” Hotch sighed as he began to rub my back to calm me down, “You see, Uncle Rossi called me and he really needs Dada and I to go to the office and work on something. Now normal I would rather you stay home and stay far away from the office. But I can see you really need Dada and I tonight so…you’re going to come to the office with us.”
My sniffles here and there stopped for a moment as I process what he was saying. I would come into the office with them?
I lifted my head off his shoulder and looked at him confused. I would go to his office, like this? And he was okay with it? I mean, his team knows about my regress. One of them even regresses too. Spencer and I are best friends because of it. But everyone else at the FBI doesn’t know.
I guess Daddy could see my confusing because he explained on. “It would only be us, just our team. It’s too late for everyone else to be at the office anyway. Just Aunt JJ, Aunt Emily, Aunt Penelope, Uncle Rossi and Spencer. No one else.”
That put my worries at ease, but it didn’t answer million other questions running through my mind. Before I really understood what was happening, he stood up and made his way over to the dresser.
He paused seeing my hair ties and brush sitting on top. Daddy chuckled, “It’s a good thing I stopped Dada before he brushed your hair. Isn’t that right?”
I mean he wasn’t lying. When it came to doing my hair, Hotch is my favorite person…well after Aunt Penelope, JJ and Emily of course. Morgan…he wasn’t the most gentle when it came to brushing my hair. He sat back on the bed and began to brush and tie my hair.
Once satisfied, he went to my closet and grabbed my usual Little to-go bag. He began packing it with the usuals some coloring books, crayons, toys, my pacifier, and a weighted blanket. But speaking of paci…
Immediately when I saw my favorite pacifier I whined and made grabbie hands for it. Daddy immediately held it up for me as if to say “is this want you want?” When I nodded my head yes repeatedly, he walked over and handed it to me.
I immediately popped it in and felt the rush of relief. There’s something about a paci that just melts away the stress. I held Sharkey close and closed my eyes for a moment, soaking in the nice fuzzy feeling before it disappeared.
Daddy walked back over with a little pacifier clip. He wrapped it around and clipped it to my onesie so I wouldn’t lose it.
Dada popped in with a sippy cup on his hand. He handed it to Daddy before he zipped the bag up. I looked over at Dada and notice the new outfit he was wearing. Actually, now that I’m thinking that I notice Daddy was the same way. Out of their usual at home comfy clothes and back into their stupid work clothes.
“All set?” Hotch asked Morgan.
“Yeah I’m all set. Is she all good?”
“She’s all packed up and ready to go.”
Then they both looked back to me. I just squeezed Sharky and looked away. Dada walked over and kneeled down beside me.
“I know the last thing you want to do tonight is go out. But…” he dragged the but on, “Think of this whole thing like an adventure. Going undercover with your Caregivers at the FBI. You’re our Little agent tonight.”
I lifted my head up and met his eyes. That did sound cool the way he was saying it. I put my arms out to him and made grabby hands to be held.
He never needs to be told twice. He smiled, lifting me up into his arms. “Come on baby, let’s start our adventure.”
Dada carried me to the car with Daddy right behind. In Daddy’s arms, my backpack and his brief case in the other. Daddy hoping in the drivers seat while Dada buckled me into my seat. Once he hopped into the passenger seat, we were off.
The ride to the BAU wasn’t long at all, but with the emotionally exhausting day I’ve been having, I kept nodding off the whole drive. I really only woke up when the SUV came to a stop in the underground parking garage.
Daddy came to my side of the car, helping me with my seatbelt before I hoped out. It was weird seeing the parking garage so empty. Usually it would be filled with cars. Now it had our SUV and the others cars inside of it with the rest of the spots empty.
We made our way to the elevator. “Wanna press 15 for me sweetheart?” Hotch asked. I nodded and happily pressed the button. With that the doors close and we start to go up.
Once the doors opened I immediately started to feel shy. It’s very rare that I go out regressed like this, walking around in my onesie, stuffie in my hands and my paci in my mouth.
But today was a horrible, horrible day. And there was no way I was going to be much older than I am now.
I walk closer to Dada and grab his hand. He holds onto it tightly as I walk sort of hidden behind him.
Once in the bullpen Rossi greeted us. He began briefing Morgan and Hotch on what’s going on. All the big words fly over my head as I stay hidden against Dada’s side.
After a moment he turns and looks at me, “And hello my beautiful niece! How are you doing tonight? Out on a late night adventure?” Rossi smiles.
“She’s not feeling very talkative tonight David.” Hotch explains.
“Aw! That’s no problem. Whatever is most comfortable for my favorite niece in the whole world.” His kindness starts to bring me out of my shell a bit. I turn from Dada’s side to Rossi with a small smile across my face.
“She’s your only niece.” Morgan chuckles.
“Doesn’t make her any less my favorite.” Rossi winks towards me. Again I can’t help but smile.
With my free hand I lift Sharky up to Rossi to see. “Ahh! Well if it isn’t Sharky! He scared me! I thought there was a loose shark in here! You better keep an eye on him Y/N.” He winked.
Rossi looks back up towards Morgan and Hotch and explaining what they needed to do.
Morgan looks to me and squeezes my hand before letting it go, “Alright princess I gotta go do some work. You’re going to go with Daddy, okay? I’ll see you later.”
With a pat to my back and a kiss to the top of my forehead Dada he made a move to leave. But before he could I grabbed his hand again, a whine sounding behind my pacifier.
I could feel Daddy place a hand on my shoulder as Dada turned around and took his hand from me. “I know baby, I know. I promise I’ll be back soon. You stay with Daddy.” He tried to reassure but I shake my head no.
Tears fell from my face as I watched him walk into the middle of the bullpen and take a seat at his desk. I didn’t want this! I want to be home with the two of them!
Daddy picks me up and carried me towards his office, all while rubbing my back and trying to reassure me. Looking over his shoulder I could see the whole team gathering to talk about the case.
Aunt JJ and Emily stand next to Morgan’s desk chatting with him. Not unusual. What is unusual is Spencer. I’ve never seen Spencer outside of our headspaces before. Whenever we hang out he’s regressed with me. So seeing him working and being his usual adult self was an odd shock to my system.
But soon we were in Daddy’s office with the door shutting behind him. All at once the overwhelming office became less overwhelmed with just the two of us together.
He sat his briefcase down on his desk before crossing the office and taking a seat with me on his office couch. “It’s okay. I know, it’s a long day isn’t it? And it keeps getting longer. But I’m here and Dada’s just a few feet away. We’re here.”
Daddy spends a moment reassuring and comforting me. Once my tears stop falling he coaxes me to start to color at his coffee table. “Alright, Daddy’s got to go do some work and while I do why don’t you color a picture for Dada and I? If you need anything you just come over and I’ll help you.”
With a kiss to my forehead, he picked me up and placed me on the couch. He grabs my coloring book, my crayons and my sippy cup and places them all infront of me before he heads to his desk to work.
For a little while I try not to bother him as he types away on his computer and makes phone call after phone call. But after a picture or two I get a bit antsy. I want to be by him or Dada! Not at this stupid coffee table!
So, grabbing Sharky and my weighted blanket, I make my way over to Daddy at his desk. I round the desk and pull on his sleeve.
Hotch, who can’t even remember his name at the moment with the amount of work he has, snaps out of his fog when he feels a small tug on his sleeve.
Then a small smile creeps across his face as he sees the tired Little standing infront of him, rubbing their eyes with their fist, a yawn or two escaping behind their pacifier.
“Oh, Y/N. What’s the matter sweetheart?” He asks before remembering.
He takes a moment to look them over before asking, “You wanna go to bed sweetheart?” That gets a nod. “Okay, give me a second and I’ll get the couch set up for you.”
But before he even turns back to his computer, Y/N whiles and shakes her head no. That seemed to upset her.
Hotch turns to her once again, this time confused. She wants to sleep, but not on the couch. “What’s the matter honey?” He asked concerned.
Y/N, with tired tears in her eyes, reach out to him with her stuffie and blanket in her arms. Ohhhhhhh. Finally it kicks in.
“You wanna snuggle honey? Okay. Come here, let’s bundle you up first.” Y/N holds onto her shark as Hotch leans forward and wraps her weighted blanket around her. Then he picked her up like a little burrito and sits her on his lap. Her head rest comfortably against his chest as he wraps his arms around her.
“There you go. Comfy?” He asks getting a small nod in agreement. “Alright, you go to sleep. Daddy will be right here to protect you.” Hotch adds with a kiss to her forehead for good measure.
Hotch continues on working with Y/N peacefully sleeping in his arms. Her head pressed again his chest listening to his heart beat, her paci still in her mouth and her shark stuffie held tightly inside her blankie. She’s the most relaxed she had been all day.
An hour flew by before Hotch received a knock at his door. Garcia popped her head in to ask Hotch a question but that quickly flew out the window as she got a look at how adorable Y/N was.
“Oh my gosh!!! Look at her!!” She whispered, practically dying at the sight of Y/N peacefully sleep in Hotch’s arms.
Garcia couldn’t help herself and alerted everyone to the cute sight. Soon everyone was taking a break from their work to pop into Hotch’s office and see Y/N. They all cooed and awed at the adorable Little who only cuddled closer to her Caregiver.
Morgan smirks and rolls his eyes plays fully, “Hey! When is it my turn?”
“Your chances of being president of the FBI are better than you getting Y/N from my arms.” Hotch jokes back. Now that he had the sweet sleeping Little in his arms, he was not letting her go.
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super-lovely-star · 17 days
Jelly Glue Bookmarks: a craft for Middle Regressors and Dreamers
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This is a simple craft that I recently rediscovered. You don’t need much to make it, and it’s great if you love to read.
Here’s what you will need:
Elmers glue, white for a milky effect or clear for a crystal effect
Crayola markers
Glitter (optional)
A rectangular plastic or metal pencil case
A toothpick
A lot of patience
To make these, first
set out your rectangular pencil case and open it.
Now select the colors you like from your marker box.
Scribble with the markers inside the pencil box in the design you want the bookmark to be. Don’t do anything too intricate, because it will bleed together. Also, don’t worry about staining, the glue soaks it all up.
Now, carefully fill the pencil case with a shallow but substantial layer of the elmers glue of your choosing. Make sure it is an even layer. It will soak up the color from the markers- it’s almost like magic!
You can use the toothpick to swirl the colors together if you like, or just to get the bubbles out.
If you are adding glitter, you can sprinkle it on now.
Leave it over night.
The next morning, try peeling off a little bit. If it breaks, it’s not dry yet, so put it back and leave it till it all comes out in one piece.
Trim the uneven edges, and voila, you have a bookmark!
Another good use of these is to use them to mark pages in your agere journal. Happy crafting!
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sebsxphia · 9 months
bambi. | dream a little dream of me.
rhett abbott x little!reader.
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→ description: rhett spends the evening winding down with his bambi. based off this drabble here.
→ word count: 2.4K.
→ c/w: age regression. other than that, fluff, fluff, fluff.
→ a/n: i understand this is niche, therefore if you’re on my taglist, i completely understand if you don’t read this! | woodland creatures | agere masterlist | main masterlist |
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If it was any other Friday night, you and Rhett would be found down at the Handsome Gambler or sinking down a couple beers on your sofa and watching a corny action film from the eighties and debating weather Rhett could pull off that stunt or not. But tonight was different.
The week had been gruelling for you both, with heavy workloads and exhausting physical labour on your ranch for five days straight. There were still bits and pieces to do over the weekend, but you both always tried your best to get most of the work done during the week so your weekends could be spent lazing around with each other in a heap of bedsheets and day-old clothes. Understandably so, you were exhausted and you let yourself float in that familiar and fuzzy headspace.
Rhett could gauge that you were feeling really tiny within your age regression and he set up everything appropriately. Your living room floor had been coated in soft blankets for you to sit on and he had surrounded you with an array of plush cushions and pillows. He knew when you were feeling small within your age, your limbs would get floppier alongside it and Rhett had baby-proofed your surroundings.
The coffee table was pulled up to the sofa in your living room and you were comfortably sat between both. Colouring books aged three years and up had been put to the side and Rhett opted for a stack of coloured paper and pencils for you to scribble whatever your little mind would see. Alongside the scribbles you were deeply focused on, there were toys scattered across the table.
There were baby building block toys, that you would put in the matching shaped holes. There were plastic farm and zoo animals that Rhett ensured were big enough and had no rough edges. Your gathering of Sylvanian Families was placed neatly together and your beloved toy horse that he fixed up was placed at the corner of the table, with a compromise from Rhett.
“‘m sorry, Bambi, I don’t wan’ these little creatures' tiny furniture to get lost ‘nd I don’t wan’ Peach gettin’ any more ouchies, okay?”
You happily complied with the comfort of having your beloved, velvet creatures nearby.
You were snuggly sat in your baby grow that was patterned in delicate and detailed drawings of woodland creatures, including tiny baby fawns. Your pacifier clip that was attached to your romper was decorated in cartoon illustrations of cowboys. The pacifier itself was resting lopsided in your mouth and decorated with cartoon animals. Occasionally in between your drawing, you opted for your Giraffe-shaped chew toy that was layered with different textures.
Off to the side of the living room was the kitchen where Rhett was cleaning up the last of the pots and pans from your comforting and warm meal of macaroni cheese. He had never made macaroni cheese before he met you, but with love and patience, you taught him how and by now he knew the recipe like the back of his hand. He always had the ingredients in your home, ready to create the meal when you needed it most.
Unknown to you, Rhett was watching you cautiously from the kitchen as he dried up the remains of the pots and pans from your dinner. He had baby-proofed your surroundings and there were no real harmful elements around you, but he understood that your headspace was no older than one and he worried.
He took on the role of your caregiver high and mighty on his shoulders. He would protect you to the ends of the earth and the trust you put into him was something he didn’t take for granted lightly. Watching the way the cogs turned behind your eyes and how your body physically de-tensed in his hold as you regressed, was something he would always hold dear and close to his heart. The feeling of cradling you gently as you let yourself become vulnerable in his arms was something truly special. It was an unbreakable and undeniable bond, and he was devoted to you.
From the kitchen, he watched the way your tongue poked outwards from the corner of your pacifier as you concentrated feverishly on your drawing in front of you. Your hand came upwards towards your eyes curled in a tight fist. You rubbed at your eyes haphazardly, in an attempt to stifle an exhausted yawn on this Friday night. Rhett smiled knowingly to himself and turned his back momentarily to place the last of the cook pots in the cupboard and tuck the dishcloth on the rack of the oven.
As he opened the cupboard, he retrieved your milk bottle, strawberry milkshake powder and your milk of preference from the fridge, and placed them all in line on the kitchen countertop. When he turned back around to face you in the living room, another attempted stifled yawn was futile.
The exhausted yawn took over your body whole and you scrunched your eyes shut tight, the pencil in your hand almost going limp against the colored paper. When you came to, Rhett let out a chuckle quietly to himself and made his way over to you. He was gentle on his feet as he padded across the floorboards to your bundle of plush cushions and pillows.
“Hey, Bambi,” He soothed out in a low and quiet tone. As he steadily placed himself down next to you on the cushioned floor, you gave him a sleepy yet gleaming smile from behind your pacifier. “How y’ gettin’ on?”
Rhett knew that within your tiny headspace right now, for you to be nonverbal was normal. You gave him a gleeful verbalized hum, acknowledging his presence and question, still letting your hand scrawl on the paper with your pencil.
He tucked himself next to you and drew his broad arm around your back. You fell into his chest and side almost instantly, positioning yourself against his familiar warmth. His hand came up to the side of your head and he scratched his fingertips soothingly on your scalp, helping you regulate with his touch and subconsciously soothing you into that sleepy state. He knew it was nearly time for bedtime and he would be gently winding you down with his touches and quiet voice. His other hand stretched out and his nimble fingers pointed at the coloured paper. He let out a quiet gasp.
“Bambi!” A hushed exclamation, “Did you draw this?” You nodded vigorously, the ring on your pacifier knocking against itself. “Baby, it’s beautiful. My little one is s’ talented.” He tickled at the side of your ear with his other hand and you let out a giggle.
You tapped the pencil on the paper at the scrawl of a shape and let out a squeal, before turning to meet his eyes. Rhett clocked it instantly.
“That’s me?”
You squealed again and let out a single, “Dada!”
“Where’s Bambi? Can you point them out to Dada?” You tapped at the paper to another shape and he hummed approvingly, a prideful smile twisting on his lips.
Rhett pointed to the last scrawled-out set of shapes and colours, and he watched how your eyes drifted to the corner of the table where your beloved toy horse he had fixed up was sitting.
“Is that, Peach?”
You nodded again and mumbled out from behind your pacifier, “Tu’ day.”
Rhett let out a silent, “Ah!” and a rumbled chuckle, pulling you impossibly closer to his chest. His hand was now cradling your head against him and you wrapped your whole body into his. He put the pieces together and he knew you were referring back to the Tuesday just passed. It was an almost alarming hot day that came from nowhere and you took the evening to ride out on his horse to the wildflower fields, far, far off from your home. He remembered how after you both made your way back home, you were both tuckered out, but you smiled to yourself and told Rhett with a loving and whole look in your eyes, “I needed that. Thank you, Cowboy.”
He was silently touched beyond words that you would remember that day and that you treasured it so fondly that you would draw it, even within your tiny headspace.
“Bambi was s’ sleepy after that horse ride with Daddy, weren’t you?” He craned his face down to take in your sleepy eyes and the way your eyelids were struggling to stay open. The knuckle of his index finger came up and gently brushed against your nose and he still watched with adorning eyes how your nose twitched slightly.
You gave him a small nod and completely succumbed to his grasping hold, burying your face into the crook of his neck and latching your arms around his neck. Rhett read how your body was melting against his, how your muscles relaxed and your breathing was starting to even out, getting slower and slower with each passing second.
“Alright, little one. I think it’s time we get y’all ready for bedtime.”
There were occasions when at these words from your caregiver's mouth you would protest and plead to stay up for just one more hour, but your body had completely succumbed to the exhaustion. You weren’t putting up a fight anymore. You just wanted to sleep, curled into your Daddy’s chest.
Rhett waited for a beat and at your silent admission, he let his arms drop to your legs, scoop you up and hoist you to his hip as he stood. He took you into the kitchen where he placed you down gently on the wooden chair seated at the kitchen table. You let out a protesting whine as his comforting warmth left your body, your face contorting into a frown and a small pout behind your pacifier. Your hands reached out as fast as they could and you held onto the cuffs of Rhett’s plaid shirt, tugging on them to not let him take a step further.
He cooed at you and took your hands in his, squeezing them tightly and placing two kisses on the backs of them. “It’s alright, Bambi. Daddy’s right here. M’ not leavin’ your side. I’m just gon’ make you a bottle, okay?”
You gave him another verbalized hum in agreement to acknowledge what he had said and you tentatively let go of his calloused hands. You attempted to watch what Rhett was doing with big eyes, but your eyelids were drooping at every blink. The milk was poured into the pot and left to warm slowly on the stove.
At this point, Rhett came back (which was only two steps away from the oven, but it felt like miles) and lifted you, sat himself down on the kitchen chair and brought you to sit in his lap. You resumed your previous position of wrapping your arms around his neck and burying your face into the crook of his neck. You inhaled his familiar and comforting scent of cedar wood and leather, and Rhett’s hands placed on your back felt your ribs expand and then let out of any tension you had.
Gently he began to rock you against his chest and in his arms. All that could be heard was the crackling whoosh! of the gas on the stove and quietly in your ear, Rhett’s low voice, humming a lullaby.
“Stars shinin’ bright above you, night breezes seem to whisper, I love you. Birds singin’ ‘n the sycamore trees, dream a little dream ‘f me.”
He continued for another two verses of the lullaby, his drawl getting lower as he went on before his head picked up and he heard the bubbling foam of the milk rise to the top of the pot. Slowly, and without causing too much disturbance to your nearly asleep frame, he untucked you from himself, placed you back on the kitchen chair and drew together your bottle. It was a combination of milk and a little dusting of strawberry milkshake powder.
With an instinct from yourself, as Rhett came back over to your side, you slipped off the kitchen chair and outstretched your hands to him. He carefully and gently hoisted you to his hip and carried you back to the living room, with the warm bottle in his hand.
“Alright, little one, let's get you cosy against Dada, yeah?” Rhett hummed as he placed himself down on the sofa. He propped himself up in the corner at the end and sat you in between his thighs with your head resting on his upright chest. One hand still held the bottle for you and the other reached for the television remote on the sofas arm. The television had already been quietly playing in the background for the entire evening and he switched it on to an episode of, ‘In the Night Garden’ before you could blink.
Rhett brought the bottle to you and began feeding you, with it still held in his hand. From this angle, he could ensure your safety and could carefully hold the bottle to not let you drink down too much too quickly, or wipe your chin briefly with his thumb. His spare hand was soothingly rubbing your arm, with his fingertips ghosting over your arm hair and tickling you gently. As you parted from your bottle in parts, he would return to running his fingers through your hair and scratching firmly enough on your scalp to regulate your sleepy-induced state. Occasionally he would dip down and place fluttering kisses on your temples, murmuring quiet words of praise against your warm flesh.
The sweet taste of the milk was dancing on your tastebuds and as your eyes were focused on the television in front of you, they were struggling immensely to stay open for more than five seconds.
Rhett clocked the remaining droplets left in your bottle and gently lowered it down, to not get the droplets caught in your throat and tickle you with a horrible cough. Instinctively, he knew this would signify the end to you, but he waited for you to confirm this before pulling the bottle away entirely.
“Fin’, Dada.” You murmured out with sleep lacing your words.
Very few words had been spoken by yourself this evening, but Rhett took this as your sleepy admission. The bottle was placed to the side and he brought you in closer to his chest. His nimble fingers found your pacifier in quick time and placed it between your lips. Another flurry of kisses was placed to your temple and as your breathing evened out to a slower pace, you felt the low rumble of Rhett’s chest underneath you as he spoke the last words you remember that night.
“Atta’, Bambi. Close your eyes, little one. Daddy’s got you.”
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taglist: @beachbabey @tallrock35 @currentlybradshaw @unmistakablyunknown @iloveprettyboysblog @wkndwlff @flames-thebitch @randomfandomgirl96 @kmc1989
tagging those who may be interested: @sunblchdfly @lewmagoo @bradshawsbitch @peachystenbrough @becks-things @mangokitkats
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fandom-nursery · 3 months
Lucifer agere headcanons
He tends to regress either very little, 1 or younger, or regress to a middle space around 10 with no real in between 
He has a much harder time with his regression than his brothers and does it very rarely 
Lucifer is a prideful man and hates the vulnerability that comes with regressing, especially because his regression age can get so young. He feels like he needs to always be big so that he can take care of his brothers 
He has a bad habit of pushing his regression off as much as he can so that he can take care of everyone else. He has such a strong will that he rarely slips unless he is 100% alone with no chance of anyone needing him 
Logically he knows there isn't anything wrong with being little but it hurts his pride that he needs it. He thinks that if he were just a little stronger, just a little better, he wouldn’t need regression at all and it frustrates him endlessly that he relies on it so heavily 
He has an easier time regressing to his older age because he still feels somewhat in control 
When he’s in his younger headspace he becomes somewhat helpless. He can barely walk and fine motor skills are almost gone 
When he’s in his babyspace he doesn't have any real control over his emotions the way he does while big or even while in his older headspace 
Lucifer will go completely nonverbal in his younger headspace and ends up crying or babbling to communicate his needs and becoming very frustrated with both himself and you when he isn’t understood 
Since he usually regresses alone his younger self is not used to having someone there to take care of him. Once he has had a taste of having you there to care for him he can’t get enough and becomes very clingy. 
Little Lucifer tends to have issues with his memories and generally gets memories from when he’s big in blurs or flashes which he quickly loses hold of. He knows how he feels about things but the actual reasons why often escape him 
Naptime is huge for Lucifer when he’s regressed. Because it’s one of the few times that he physically can’t get any work done he doesn’t feel guilty for getting the sleep he desperately needs and on more than one occasion Lucifer has spent his entire regression fast asleep 
If you carry him and he will hide his face in your shoulder in embarrassment to avoid having to look into your eyes but he really does like it 
If you are watching him he will do bathtime. When Lucifer trusts you enough to watch him while regressed it means he trusts you with everything and this includes bathing him while he’s tiny 
Little Lucifer loves music and has several records that he likes to have on specifically when he’s little. 
He isn’t a very active little all things considered. He does so much every day that when he finally allows himself to regress he doesn’t want to do anything that takes a lot of effort. This, combined with the fact that he won't regress outside his room, means activities are somewhat limited 
His favorite snack is poison apple slices with honey and and warm milk 
If he’s little he won’t leave his room so unless he has snacks tucked away or you are watching him and willing to run down to the kitchen he doesn’t usually eat while little
He loves when you bottle feed him. He finds it incredibly soothing to be held close to you while he eats 
He has one stuffed animal that you got him after learning about his regression which is a peacock and a baby blanket that he loves to be swaddled up in. they are his biggest comfort items when small 
On his own he will remove a few of his layers and let himself be less formally dressed when little. If you are there taking care of him he will let you put him in almost any outfit you want as long as he thinks it looks good 
Lucifer started using a paci when he started sucking his thumb while regressing to try and avoid that particular habit. The downside is that he often times finds them to be yet another frustrating roadblock to making his wants and needs understood 
Getting him to wear diapers while little is the biggest struggle. It’s the thing he feels most insecure about regarding his regression and for a long time he decided it was better to have to clean his sheets every time he regressed rather than risk being caught purchasing or wearing diapers. Even with a caregiver he trusts it’s terrifying and deeply embarrassing for him and being changed usually results in him crying. With a lot of praise and comfort he is learning to accept it though 
Absolutely no one knows about his regression besides you. Barbatos has his suspicions but he would never let Lucifer know about them out of respect for the man. He only told you after you two got together and made a pact because he didn’t want there to be anymore secrets between you 
He started regressing shortly after the fall when the weight of becoming a demon, loosing his sister, birthing satan and adjusting to his new life became too much 
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little-tiny-dvds · 4 months
I saw this blog who did some Hazbin Hotel Agere edits,and it inspired me forever ago. (just a bit before i made this blog!!) Finally got the spoons to go grab my Little!Velvette Agere edit!
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She takes fashion very seriously,even as a little. so the outfit on the left is her go to (It's also fairly vauge,if you take away the paci, so no one in hell can tell one of hell's biggest overlords is age regressed)
The second outfit is one she designed herself purely out of spite, after Vox forcefully (/lh) became her primary caregiver.
If anyone has any hazbin agere edit or art ideas, please feel free to send them in! I'm ill, so i have nothing to do all day/till i get better.
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(Image ID: A pink banner that says: This little is protected by the Hellaverse!! No NSFW, Kink, Pro ED, Anti-LGBTQ, Anti-Agere, Or Pro-Endo interaction please! (Those who do will be blocked). Layered behind the text, from left to right, is Valentino and Vox, from hazbin hotel, the Hazbin hotel logo, and striker, from helluva boss. It ia all official art taken from the shows. End ID)
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the-silent-fellowship · 6 months
[PT: Petreplex]
Petreplex, a plurplex term that means that a Pet Regression identity/being Pet Regression effects the entire system (or subsystem, layer, etc). It doesn’t have to be in the same way, it just has to affect everyone.
Petre Definition(link)
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[ID: none yet]
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[Tagging] @radiomogai, @plurplex-archive-dot-net, @a-agere-archive, @pluralitywords, and @pluralterms
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jelliefishhhh · 4 months
do you maybe have any agere hcs for any character(s) from pokemon sun and moon?
I very much do!
I think Lillie and Gladion are both flips regressor leaning
They don’t play together often and Gladion isn’t very open about his regression neither is Lillie to be honest, either sibling is the only one who knows about it.
Lillie cannot stand being touched while she is regressed, she will start screaming and honestly good for her. She mostly does colouring activities in her room and sometimes plays with snowy
Gladion likes to go places where baby’s should not go, such as tall mountains and deep into Forrest’s luckily Silvally is there to keep an eye on him because he is incredibly reckless.
and even more grumpy when little than thought possible
little Gladion likes wearing lots and lots of layers even if it’s really hot outside because he likes the pressure from it
Lana is a flip caregiver leaning but when she does regress she actually becomes quite scared if the water, she still wants to go in the ocean but she’ll cry if she gets wet which can be quite an ordeal for her caregivers to deal with
I hope you enjoyed these!
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sunpoffin · 4 months
A little continuation of my kamuegi AU based off of @theamityelf 's tags and agere Izuru AU!
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Fluff under the cut 💕
After coming back to himself and surveying the state of the room he was in, several things are immediately clear to Izuru. First and most obvious is that he doesn’t know how he got here. The light coming from the window outside slants across the floor, casting late afternoon shadows. Izuru has lost several hours. Second, the damage in this room was done by none other than himself. The footprints kicked against the wall fit his own shoe prints perfectly and line up with someone his height. And the blows have caused dents in the iron rebar behind the plaster that are proportional to his own power. (Though used recklessly, thoughtlessly, not a focused attempt to destroy the wall.) The blinds have been pulled down and scattered, the table in the room flipped over, gripped so harshly that the metal edge of it was deformed into a cast of the inside of a fist. Laying his own fingers into the divots proves that this too was Izuru’s doing. As he breathes, taking in all of this, a few strands of his hair stick to his face. Reaching up, Izuru finds that his cheek is wet with the remnants of tears.
It's as though he just had a child’s tantrum fit.
In tandem with that thought, a memory comes to him. Izuru is sitting in a car, in the cabin rather than as cargo for the first time in his conscious existence. The blanket he was given because Izuru was ‘only wearing a hospital gown’ still rests over his shoulders, the fingers of one hand idly tugging at an uneven seam. Naegi Makoto sits across from him radiating unnecessary worry, Izuru’s eyes tracking the world moving past them even as Naegi speaks.
“...I don’t want to overwhelm you or anything, so just say so if you’d rather not talk about this stuff right away,” The sound of a seatbelt creaking as Naegi leans forwards, an unconscious sign of sincerity. “but just in the interest of being completely honest with you, we did look into your background a little... We’re still trying to find out where your family is, so if you have any idea wh-“
“Hinata Hajime’s family is not my own. I do not remember the life of the person who inhabited this body before me, nor do I have any desire to return to it.” Izuru answers him, his eyes tracing over a mountainside of dead trees and exposed rock. The layers in the cliff face tell a clear story of erosion due to a lack of plant life buffering the runoff, the brush and trees having died off due to pollution. In the end, just as Izuru assumed, this world of despair was every bit as predictable as the supposedly hopeful one before it.
“You... only remember the Hope Cultivation Plan?” His voice is gentle, more of that worry bleeding through his attempt at neutrality.
“No.” Izuru doesn’t try to look back at the window, resigned to finish this line of questioning. “The Hope Cultivation Plan has been completed. I woke up in captivity and have remained so. First under the ownership of Hope’s Peak, then the Future Foundation, and now you have me.”
“Kamukura-kun... You’re not an object. I’m not planning on keeping you or anything close to that. You can stay with us for as long as you want, of course, but no one is going to stop you from leaving. I promise.” Because it would be tedious to explain to him that Izuru was always capable of freeing himself, he stays silent. That doesn’t seem to stop Naegi from continuing though.
“It’s alright not to know what you’re going to do next. You’ve got options. Staying here, or we could help you with getting a spot in one of the more established settlements, or even going off on your own. You’ve... apparently only been alive for two years and you’ve spent all that time in a cell pretty much, so I get it if this is a lot.”
“Two years, ten months, and nine days.” Izuru corrects him. “It’s closer to three years.”
Three years old.
It does not escape Izuru how his current circumstances, losing his memory for a short window of time within which he seemingly developed a different personality, compares to Fukawa’s experiences. It could very well be that Izuru, having been completed entirely within captivity, is not suited to this life. He cannot experience emotions like others do. Being presented with choices that mean nothing to him because everything is the same... is pointless. In that case, perhaps this is evidence of a new self coming through? A self which is more adaptable- a child. Izuru sweeps broken glass off the desk and begins to write.
In the end, Izuru favors brevity, noting down the basics of his situation, how this child should comport themself in order to be safe, and the locations of the hiding spots that Izuru plans to build for them within Naegi’s headquarters. He folds up the note and stows it in his shirt’s breast pocket, a small fold made on the outer edge so that it will be ever so slightly uncomfortable and therefore noticeable to the child.
With that, Izuru makes to clean up the mess the tantrum caused. Logically, Izuru understands that if he is right... Then suddenly being saddled with a child with limited self-control and access to his own abilities will make things difficult for him. Whoever this other presence in his mind is, they are a weakness. And any outgrowth of weakness from him should be pruned off. Realistically, it should have ended up as a hunk of grey matter on a surgical tray while Izuru was still in the process of being formed. Izuru’s body draws backwards and his head dips forwards, his hair falling over his forehead and across his face.
No. He does not want to destroy this presence. His teachers cut away Izuru’s emotions and stifled any pleasure Izuru could have gotten from making or realizing his own goals. This was because Izuru was meant to be a tool, something to be used for hope. The new presence within him, this child... is not like that. They very clearly feel. They very clearly need support and protection and care. They are lost, and lashing out directionlessly because of it. They have not mapped out the world through points of pain or boredom and won’t know that it will be necessary to defend themself. In that case, Izuru will provide the care they need.
As he exits the room, Izuru notes the small noises that tell him people are still in the building. This despite how the hallways are clear, and the main door leading outside the building has been propped open. Pointedly, Izuru ignores this. If Naegi wants him to leave, he will have to be more direct than that. These headquarters have made for a convenient place to rest, and will double as a safer place for the child personality. And until Izuru is ousted more forcibly, he will make good on his promise and fashion a few hiding spots for the child to escape to.
When Izuru next surfaces from a haze over his mind, he finds himself in one such hiding spot. The blanket he set down for the child to cover themself with if they chose, was all bundled up into a ball in Izuru’s arms, his fingers sunk deeply into the fabric. Taking account of his body, Izuru notes his steady heartbeat, his relaxed muscles, his renewed energy. Good. The child took some time to rest. And seems to be comforted by the act of holding soft things... One hand moves to his breast pocket to retrieve the note, this time smoothed of the fold that Izuru put into it earlier.
Spreading the paper out, Izuru sees that the back of it has been written on. It’s... his handwriting but not. It’s sloppy and quickly written when Izuru’s script was perfect and had no flourishes at all. Several places in the paper have also been punctured mid-character as though the child forgot themself and applied too much pressure. In the letter, the child thanks Izuru for building the hiding spots and for leaving snacks. That they liked the doughnuts especially and are there more? That hiding was alright but they were very tempted to talk to the other people living in the building. Why is it bad to talk to them? Why are they living here if it’s dangerous? They made a lot of loud noise while crying and that they’re sorry for making a mess. Will Izuru write back? Is it okay to go outside? They know things that they don’t remember learning about and they want to, quote, ‘meet a bird.’ The letter ends abruptly after that.
For a long moment, Izuru just holds the letter. Then he carefully folds it up and puts it in a different pocket. It occurs to him now that he has something he wants to keep, that he could store the letters between himself and the child somewhere in the room that Naegi gave him. Though the child asked many questions, Izuru has questions of his own. His head buzzing with ideas, Izuru returns to his room. He wants to bake for the child if they like sweets. He can gather materials about birds, or make them puzzles to entertain themself with while they hide. If they like to eat sweets, would they also enjoy baking? Where would they want to go if these headquarters aren’t ideal? Would they like a new name? Would they like Izuru to name them?
While Izuru sews them a plush rabbit to hold while napping, he thinks of even more questions. He notes them down carefully between sewing, and writing out recipes for macarons and lemon pound cake and flan, and finding a book of baby names to leave for them. Izuru Kamukura, stripped of kanji, of any ties to family, was an appropriate name for Izuru. Perfect, remote, with nothing to do with humanity. But this child is a person. They feel, they want, they are capable of change. They should have another choice besides Kamukura. They should have every choice. Izuru will ensure that they do.
After a while, a rhythm develops. Izuru gathers things for the child in the hiding spots he built and in his room, (as time wears on, it’s apparent that Izuru’s room won’t be intruded upon and that it’s safe to lower his guard there somewhat.) And the child, sometimes calling themself Izuru as well, sometimes Kotaro, or Hinako, or Usagi- they haven’t settled on a name yet... But little Izuru, will regale him with everything that they did while ‘awake’.
It's a comfortable enough pattern that when one afternoon, Izuru finds himself slowly coming back to consciousness while curled up on a couch in the lounge room, he can’t put his finger on what’s wrong right away. Until gentle fingers stroke through his hair and Izuru sits bolt upright, eyes wide and heart thundering in his chest. Naegi Makoto’s hands hover in the air above his lap where Izuru was just resting, his expression one of such bafflement that Izuru almost can’t consider him a threat at that moment. His features soften from shock into gentle concern. “Usagi-kun?”
Izuru shakes his head.
Izuru shakes his head again.
After a few beats of silence from Izuru, Naegi speaks again. “Sorry about surprising you like that. I didn’t mean to touch you without permission. Are… you okay? Toko sometimes gets a little disoriented when she switches, so it’s alright if you want to rest here. O-or if you just want to in general! I really don’t mind.” He sounds very genuine. Izuru has not moved from his spot pressed up against the far edge of the couch, the armrest digging into his lower back.
“Why are you talking to them?”
Naegi’s brow furrows in confusion. “What?”
Izuru is focused on Naegi and on the exits and on taking inventory of himself to assure he is unharmed. “The child. Why are you talking to them.” Izuru’s throat feels tense and he would correct it if there weren’t other, more important things to focus on. “I don’t interact with you because you make no demands of me. But if you were to ask me for something, I would do it. I instructed my other self to refuse any of your requests if they really do want to speak with the other people here. So why are you being kind to them? Manipulation is not necessary. It would be much faster to simply ask me for whatever you might need.”
For an unknown reason, Naegi looks hurt. “Kamukura-kun... I’m nice to them because everyone deserves kindness. Everyone should have someone safe they can go to. And if I can be that, even for a few people, then there will be a little less loneliness in the world.” He blushes, seemingly self-conscious. “…That and I really do just want to make friends with you.”
“You want to be my friend?” The answer is a reflex, more than a conscious decision. Slowly, Izuru is putting things together. Little Izuru felt safe enough to sleep around Naegi. On the TV, a documentary on sea creatures plays- his other self has mentioned an interest in starfish before. And the blanket that was covering Izuru a few moments ago, is patterned with little rabbits.
Naegi smiles. “Yeah, with little Izuru and with Kamukura-kun, both. It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way though, you can still stay here as long as you want. You really don’t need to do anything for me...”
The thick feeling in Izuru’s throat is becoming painful. But he no longer feels as though Naegi is a threat.
“Thank you.” He says it carefully, like stepping out onto a sheet of ice that he isn’t completely sure will hold his weight. “…If that is the case, then I will watch the rest of this here.” Izuru announces. “to see what my other self likes about it.” It would not make sense to draw away now. Izuru was just asleep and if Naegi wanted to harm him, he would have done so by now. Which is why it’s perfectly logical for Izuru to stay. And then, afterwards, to follow Naegi into the kitchen and bake the cookie dough that he had made together with Little Izuru earlier.
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confusedbuddyboi · 5 months
This is my first fic agere stuff, so I wanted to try espresso and Madeline, cause I can see them in my mind easily. :] btw this isnt edited so spelling errors possible and likely. This is inspired by the winter snow! It's made me excited! Also lmk if anyone's got ideas or such for other stuff! My ask box is always open even memes.
Fic under cut!
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/I'll start this with saying I'm horrendous at guessing ages in general not even regressing. So most of my regression ideas here aren't based on specifics of ages and how they grow, but how a charather generally might act. Espresso seems like someone who even when regressed likes to try and be “a big kid” the main thing is regressed hes more open to offerings of help and general silliness. He also relaxes and is a lot less stressed\
Espresso was staring out the window, distracted from there work for a long moment. It was a gentle flurry, but the snow has been layering like powdered sugar on everything. Espresso realized they hadn't even realized the snow starting, he didn't mind the cold however. Being made with espresso kept him warm so he could really soak in the sight.
He never admit it but the winter weather made him a bit giddy. He always thought of when he would go out and play in the snow with his siblings. Latte would help build a snowman while cappuccino would be found making snow angels. Espresso had been much younger than his siblings but minus snow ball fights he never felt left behind in snowy fun.
“Ohhh espresso!” A joyful voice sang turning the corner seeing espresso turn from their window watching. Normally when Madeline came in espresso would jump, like a bundle of nerves, or scold him for being so sneaky when coming in. However right now espresso simply hummed, tilting his head a bit tired as always however.
Madeline gave a gentle “ah” as he realized espresso was likely regressing. Sometimes it was hard to tell, as espresso tended to fight it off wanting to work. Thankfully for Madeline the snow made espresso more willing to slip to a younger mindset without fighting it. “well, would you like to bundle up for a bit of time outside?” “you just got back from patrol though, your probably freezing” Madeline shook his hand in a ‘dont worry’ gesture. “I'll change into better layers and warm up while we but you in some winter ware,” he smiled “besides the hot chocolate taste better after a winter walk”
Eventually Madeline got his layers on first and quickly. He came back to espresso trying his best to put on the layers himself. He got the shirt and pants on fine, but was struggling with the zipper on coat. He was starting to get huffy as it didn't connect properly at the bottom. Madeline came over espresso likes to try and do big things on his own. “Can I help you buddy?” Espresso pouted wanting to get it done himself, trying once again not answering.
“Hey, you got your layers on. I'm proud of you but even big boys need help. Like I might need you to hold my hand to help me down the stairs, theyre a bit slippery!” it a moment but espresso let go of the zipper “ok”. Madeline knew it was better to tell espresso he was a big boy, or else he might get fussy. Even as a little he was always trying to be self-sufficient.
Eventually they made it out the door “hold my hand till we down the stairs ok? I don't want us to fall!” espresso beamed happy to help. “Here be careful ok! I'll be watching you!” Espresso decided to flop down and start making a string of snow angels, he looked over and urged Madeline over. “Make some too!” Madeline was cold, but with how espresso beamed excited trying to make a big circle of them, he couldn't resist.
Eventually they finished them and espresso giggled. Giddy with the masterpiece they made. Madeline brushed off the snow stuck to him and espresso before letting him explore a bit more. The snow wasn't wet enough for snowmen which made him a bit sad but settled on drawing in the snow with a stick.
Eventually espresso had enough outside, and headed inside. Madeline kept his promise of hot chocolate, letting it cool down before he put it in a sippy cup. Espresso was beaming bringing his coat to Madeline having taken off his layers. “Look! I got it off on my own!” He said excited. Madeline ruffled espresso hair a bit. “Great job! I got some hot chocolate to warm you up.” He was surprised when espresso held out the coat. “Could you put it on the rack?” Madeline smiled a bit and took it, “sure bud. Here yah go” espresso took it and darted to the couch and it's covers. “Thank you!”
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babieroachy · 1 year
Could I request some headcanons for Mei from OW as a cg? Ty! -@amars-agere
of course! coming right up!
𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐞𝐢 𝐇𝐂𝐬! (Gender Neutral)
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mei is super sweet and compassionate, and that absolutely carries over into her caregiving!
she's a super cuddly and affectionate cg
she's great with any age, but she really thrives when taking care of sleepy and snuggly kiddos!
calls her little one pretty standard petnames; love, honey, sweetie, that kind of thing
she isnt picky about what nicknames she likes to be called, but she'd be lying if she said the sound of her little one calling her "mama" doesn't make her day
the bedtime MASTER. she has so many cozy blankets and pillows, and absolutely loves rocking her little one to sleep, or just cuddling them and making sure they feel safe
she makes the best tea and hot cocoa, and knows the perfect recipe for angel milk; she's gotten these things down to a science!
loves to play games with her little one! hide and seek with you and snowball is one of her favorite things to do!
she tells amazing bedtime stories! fairy tales, stories from her adventures, any story you can think of! her voice is so soft and soothing, and her lullabies work like a charm!
loves to play in the snow with you! she always makes sure you're properly bundled up, even if you make a fuss about all of the layers. she'll lie in the snow and make snow angels with you, and make a whole family of snowmen! she's very gentle with you if you want to have a snowball fight, and she dramatically "dies" when you hit your target! your giggles fill her with so much joy, it makes all the theatrics worth it!
snowball is a great playmate! he talks back at you in little beeps and whirs when you babble at him, and floats around you playfully! if mei's really busy with work, she'll have him watch over you, though it usually ends with you two getting up to mischief and your mama coming back to a big mess!
she only really "scolds" if her kiddo does something dangerous; and even then, she doesn't really scold. its more of a gentle explanation of why it's dangerous to do said thing
overall she's an incredibly kind and loving cg, and finds a lot of comfort in taking care of her little one! (snowball likes you too!)
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oceanmojis · 4 months
Emoji Requests Open
Will Do: System Emojis Stimming Emojis Emotion Emojis AgeRe (SFW only thank you) Characters (for introjects only please!) Others, just ask!
Won't Do: Plain Text Emojis / Word Emojis More than 1-2 requests in a single ask (multiple are fine!)
TOS: Please don't edit my emojis! I'm more than willing to make variations, even if they seem silly, and my comms are always open! I am, however, willing to make emoji bases for people to use, as a commission, so if you want one to edit please message me about it! Please credit me and don't claim my emojis as your own? I feel like this should be obvious If you send in a creepy, racist, homophobic, ableist, etc. ask, you're getting blocked, just don't do it and don't be gross ok thanks
(less useful info below cut)
Other Info: Yes we're a system! (running an emoji blog? no way) Feel free to ask questions about us or our emojis (its encouraged!)
Emoji Comms: ALWAYS OPEN (these are for non-generic color fills or edits!)
Recolor: $5 dollars (+5 for edits) New Emoji Set: $15 dollars - This works by you paying us to make the stim or such you want, and we'll make it a base that people can request, as well as a few starting variations! Emoji Editable Base: $20 - This works by you paying us, requesting a base idea (waving hi, eating fries, drinking water, anything!), and we'll draw out the layers and such and release it for public use, with all the separate layers!
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