#like idk he just has such huge capricorn energy to me he really does
stinkrascal · 1 year
one day ea is gonna release the zodiac signs update and theyll give all their premade townies zodiac signs in this update and i swear vlads sign WILL be capricorn i know it i just know it
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lunerbean · 3 years
The Signs as... things I wish I could say to them.
Aries: I'm happy to see that you're experiencing some great personal growth and spiritual development right now. You're still using people though. You're still seeking out others to help carry the burden of your emotional baggage. I believe in your own strength. I believe you're able to build a healthy enough relationship with yourself and with your past to stop needing others to shoulder your burdens for you. I would still like to give you that tattoo we talked about 6 years ago.
Taurus: I love you very much, you're kind and you're trying your best. But you're also stuck in this rut of anxiety and fear and you're finding any excuse to blame someone/something else. You want to avoid the truth. You don't like to admit that you're scared. Well, you do, technically, but you never admit what you're truly scared of. You'll make jokes or you'll make excuses or you'll get angry. But you won't admit the darker truth behind all of that. At least, not out loud. Also, your socks are not where they should be. No, silly, not those ones. The other ones. The ones you've forgotten about... or have you?
Gemini: You have more value and worth than you're giving yourself credit for. Your self esteem is shit, I can see that from a mile away. But you're so very worthy of all the good in your life. You deserve to love yourself unconditionally. You deserve to advocate for yourself. It's okay to tell people to treat you the way you want to be treated. Thanks for the butter lettuce that one time. That was dope.
Cancer: Holy fuck I'm really hurt by my cancer-ex right now, so I shouldn't even do this one. He was such a piece of shit. He literally lied to everyone about- okay, okay, I'll stop. I'll focus on other cancer energies around me and snip the connection with Evil Ex. *deep breath* okay, Cancers who haven't stolen $1,500 from me & cut my mattress in half: You're doing fine. You're doing great. You've been working towards some huge things in your life right now and I'm so proud of you. You may not feel like you're getting as far as those around you, but you're not even competing in the same race. Your journey is entirely your own. You're going at the perfect pace to complete it, because it's your pace.
Leo: People cannot and will not fall madly in love with you after the first moment they meet you. I promise you, this is not a Disney movie. You are holding these expectations of popularity and love from all high above the water while you're drowning in it. Focus on yourself. Focus on your mental health and your journey to self-acceptance. There's no clock that controls love. You have time. Stop tossing aside your boundaries just because someone makes you feel special. Your support system is filled with love for you. But one of them is kinda hungry right now. She could really use a vegan milkshake omg that sounds delicious right now please please please.
Virgo: Who the fuck is even a virgo? I don't know a single virgo, stop lying. No one has ever been born between... what even is it, again? August 23rd?? To September 22nd??? Yeah fucking right. As if those dates even exist. Ridicul- oh fuck Jenna Marbles is a virgo. Okay. But that's the only one. Everyone else was lied to about their birthday. August only has 22 days and September doesnt even start until the 23rd.
Libra: Your past can only define you for so long. You can only blame your childhood and your upbringing in so many situations until you need to take a step back and realize you're in control of yourself. It's your responsibility to unlearn toxic thing you've grown up around. It's your responsibility to fight past ugly narratives that your family has spun about the world. It's a lot bigger than your home town, I can promise you that much. You're capable of change. But it is YOUR responsibility to make that happen. Did you know Tom Selleck is a Libra? Well if you said yes, you're being silly. That wasn't true at all. I don't even know Tom's birthday.
Scorpio: You have been in some toxic relationships. I am so sorry for the things that your ex(es) have put you through. I'm sorry for the way it still effects you so strongly. But not wanting partners to "control you" does not mean they're not allowed to have boundaries. There is a difference between control and self-preservation. They are entitled to having boundaries in a relationship. Wash your face masks more often, okay bud?
Sagittarius: Hey, you're very special to me. I love and care about you very much. You have an unhealthy need for control of a situation. You're also pretty bad with your money. But that's not my business. By the way, how's that injury doing? The one you got a little bit ago? Oof. That was rough. I hope you're recovering well. I think it should be okay.
Capricorn: Oof. Lmao.
Capricorn 2: hahaha that last one was just a joke. I thought you wouldn't find it funny at all and that's exactly why I did it. Anyways, I meant it. I wondered for awhile why you kept avoiding people. Why you kept hiding away and pretending to just be ~busy~ but I understand now. They told me everything. Part of me wishes that I didn't know. Another part wishes I had known sooner. It doesn't matter. You won't talk about it either way.
Aquarius: Your emotional burdens could never be written by hollywood. People would tell your story, perfectly in every detail, and the audience would scowl. "Unrealistic" they would say. "It made no sense!" The crowd would shout. "That was entirely impossible." That one man in the front row would claim. They'd all be wrong. You've really been through the works, haven't you. I just looked up Tom Sellek's birthday. Did you know he is an Aquarius? Don't tell Libra. I want it to be a surprise :)
Pisces: I think it's time you talked with the people closest to you. You've been an emotional support person for too long. You're freying at the ends. You may think you're good at setting boundaries, but like... honestly? You're pretty shit at it. Look at your family. Right?? Now look at your friends. Not as bad, sure, but still. Goddamn. You deserve better than this. Also, please don't forget to pick up that thing from the store. Ugh. Fuck. What was it? I have it written down somewhere, I swear! Dammit. Candles? Right but there was something else too.... ugh. Hopefully it'll come to you later, idk good luck.
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itsakpopalypse · 5 years
Lou/Kim Hosung Astrology: How He Loves
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OML he’s so precious i wanna squish his cheekies
As always 18+ under the cut
“omg i loved your astrology ask - romantic breakdown with Ayno so much! Can I get one for Lou, please?😊” - @randomkpopfiction
A/N I'm so happy to hear you’ve been enjoying my posts ! Here you go , I hope that you like it !!
Let’s talk tall boi
okay so his big 3 by our best estimation is Aries Rising, Sagittarius sun and Taurus moon, 2 fire and an earth
His chart lean is pretty evenly split between fire and earth, with one more earth and one air. no water whatsoever
that’s notable because water is the emotional element, so that suggests he isn’t prone to big emotional driven actions
we will get into that more as we go 
it’s just something that sets the tone of his chart
also his perfect split between mutable and cardinal suggests he can take the lead or be incredibly adaptable
so he actually seems very chill just looking at those facts 
for the romance-y stuff lessgo
Aries are confident go-getters, so he will seem pretty sure of himself in all situations
whatever he does he puts his WHOLE DAMN ASS INTO IT
we do not half ass anything in this house we whole ass it
can be a little brash, but his moon will help stop that from being too prominent since Taurus is basically the slowest moving most careful earth sign. 
since Aries is a cardinal sign though, he may seem a little intense and take charge in situations where others don’t seem to have their stuff together
Sun in Sagittarius, he is adventurous, lacks fear, and longs for intellectual insights, like he will ask you so many questions and fire back anything he thinks fits his own life
is really interesting to converse with
probably really laid back but still willing to talk to anyone
the kind of person who could make friends anywhere and with anyone
probably super curious and less cautious than he should be 
Taurus moon is affectionate but a bit shy and likes things to be very familiar
they are generally uncomfortable with change so his sun is a great balance to push him into more outgoing settings and to try new things
even if his moon will be a little filled with butterflies 
aw im soft
since your moons is the depth of your feelings he is steadfast and intentional
slow moving but once he has chosen for himself it is his focus
he will be a steady and reliable partner, but still be fun and spontaneous since his sun is so fiery. 
honestly looking through this chart I’m like he would be anyone's coolest best friend and just vibe in the most interesting way what a neat person?? where do i get one ???
let’s translate these and his other signs into a relationship starting with 
listen Sagittarius is the peter pan right? 
he doesn't WANNA grow up 
he wants to experience life and DO THINGS
but his Taurus moon will probably make him shy away even though his heart is BURSTING OKAY
Taurus is also one of the more artistic minded and sensual signs 
so he is creative and romantic and probably loves a cheesy rom com with cuddles
you may have to encourage his courageous side when emotions hit but you may have to chill him out where danger is involved
since his Mercury is Capricorn which is the cardinal of earth he will be really smart about his communication
so he will think things out well and be incredibly clever and quick witted
it suggests his humor is a bit sarcastic and savage and honestly 
like i consider Cap the most ‘millennial’ humor 
as in sarcasm and self deprecation 
but since that Aries stands proud he will probably still simultaneously know he’s pretty fantastic
like he knows he is awesome but also judges himself really hard probably
Venus in Sagittarius so this is interesting
of the fire signs it’s kind of more reserved romantically
Has REALLY high standards when it comes to what he wants in a relationship and intends for them to be met
not like how you look or sound or whatever
but will not tolerate disrespect of degradation on either side
has a lot of pride in keeping his relationships solid and communicative
an enthusiastic speaker, once he has set you as a comfortable person to communicate with he will lean into that and probably has a zillion incredibly interesting things he has pondered over about life and love that he wants to have deep conversations about
he would be the coolest to have talks about really relative things
might need some pushing if you want to discuss emotions 
that Taurus moon will win out only if you nourish and validate his feelings
so if you meet and he likes you somewhere a long the line, it will be a push and pull between Sagittarius wanting to love everyone and Taurus wanting to be sure of someone
the philosopher mind of a Sagittarius will draw him to you platonically and if you are affectionate, steady and warm his Taurus will basically flop down like a huge dog and beg for pats-metaphorically
His venus suggests that he would love to entice you with his wit, his spontaneity and his laughs,
He knows he is charming and full of life and he will use it against you 
and probably tease the ever living shit out of you for it
say he is cracking jokes or being adorable and you stare at him fondly, or giggle at a joke
he will be playful back
expect him to call you out
he is going to say something like “Oh I know I am beautiful but you’ll wear my face out staring like that.” with a wink
honestly a little shit sometimes wtf
doesn’t get jealous and doesn’t tolerate jealousy
so if you start as friends it will be this seamless fit into his friend group and he won’t even care if Ziu lays all over you or whatever
it won’t even seem abnormal to him even if he likes you
in fact he will probably just join the cuddle huddle or make sarcastic jokes about it
Sagittarius venus love fun and new experiences but they are not about to enjoy a shallow relationship
expect him to solidify boundaries and ask you out officially pretty quickly 
They are not a flighty sign even though they are a bit in the clouds sometimes 
the love an intense and passionate love and will not settle for less
Get you those healthy boundaries Lou
so i imagine as adventurous but thoughtful as his blend of signs is, especially with a Virgo Mars
he is going to think of the most interesting and sincere way to ask you out
maybe plan a day trip somewhere special
idk a hike or the beach or something 
and after he’s spent the entire day building memories with you 
he will ask you if you want to keep making these memories
maybe show you a little album on his phone of the selfies he’s taken with you for the last few months
wow soft and cute i love it 
and if you say yes he is going to start by being like oh yeah okay cool
then he will walk a few steps away and turn his back and start freaking out about how happy he is
a bouncy giggle mess over there and you’re like.... are you okay
he’s like.... *cough* yes I am FINE
sure you are
his north nodes is Libra so he is likely to need you around as he accomplishes goals
basically he wants to experience life with you and not separate from you and will work to make sure those goals align with each other
probably neither against nor particularly for public displays of affection
it will matter most to him that you are there with him, and if you want to add affection into it he won’t be opposed
but expect snark
“If you need to hold on to me you can.”
I also see him as the type to fall asleep on you during movies and really relish if he wakes up still in your arms
really low key affection is his thing
probably writes i love you on your leg with his finger when you are in the car or around people but he doesn’t wanna shout it out
likes to put his chin on your head and kiss the top of your head so gently
gently cups the side of your face and stares into your eyes all dreamy 
so cute I’m soft 
soft hours are closing
18+  below the cut
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must he do this I’m scared
spicy talk 
playful but intesnse
Sagittarius are exploratory signs  so that will probably make it into the bedroom ngl
like they like new experiences
so he is going to be learning things and sitting you down to talk about hard yes’s and no’s
we stan healthy communcation
maybe a little switchy?
I think he prefers to be in charge of your pleasure but I think he would be down to try laying back and letting you take the reins
to be honest he seems like he would really be into blindfolding ?
like blindfold him and tell him he has to make you cum but he has to do it with just his hands
jfc those hands i think you’ll be okay
lives for excitement and trust in a relationship
it has to go both ways, the Taurus moon demands it
he wants you to trust him with your whole being and he will give that in return
he wants you to be greedy with your own pleasure
“Touch yourself for me baby, I wanna see you”
looks at you like a work of art he wants to paint with his hands and tongue and cum
probably nasty but in the absolute most intimate way
hey you know what he sounds like saying give me more already I expect that’s what you hear after your third orgasm sorry I don’t make the rules
with a Virgo mars (his actions) mixed with so much Sagittarius expect him to treat you like his own personal experiment
really wants you to be as vocal about it as he is 
communicate what you like and don’t
wants you to ride him so he can watch you and comment on how beautiful you are
“you want me to fuck you hard you have to earn it.”
teasing little shit i stg
the Taurus makes me think he is kind of really intimate about it all
the kind of guy who might spank you , but will massage it gently after, 
holds onto the back of your neck and pulls you into his thrusts 
probably furrows his brow in concentration
and he has this like.. excitable side with all this fire energy that makes me feel like he gets really energetic about the whole ordeal
like he is SO AMAZED you are letting him touch you that he just kinda 
probably makes the softest little groans when you run your nails down his chest
wants to be marked in places no one else can see
doesn’t think of it as ownership or “marking” in  a traditional way
thinks of it as little reminders on his skin for only you two to know about 
that’s kinda beautiful tbh 
aftercare is probably haphazard but it will involve a lot of touching,
like none of his signs are particularly care-taker-ey 
but he will be sure you get lots of affection after more intense sessions so  you feel loved and protected
probably kisses your face all over and pulls you into an embrace
mumbles about your future together as you fall asleep 
it’s really cute aw
TWO MORE MEMBERS and both have been requested, expect them soon!
thank you for requesting and while I have a few more astrology posts and one request for a short story coming down the pipeline, I also have a oneshot I wrote on my own and am currently editing coming. Expect some stuff!!
Requests are open !
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studiotheophania · 4 years
mars in gemini
introspective post here
My Mars is in Gemini, in the 8th house. It makes a quincunx aspect to Neptune, and makes no other aspects. Integrating it has always puzzled me. In general I feel a huge urge towards synthesis and organization, which is supported by the rest of my chart, yet my Martian energy is strong. It partially results in a lot of interests, and a generally interesting life, but the overall effect on my central energy (as I perceive it) has been a scattered sense of self, and difficulty focusing my creativity. It’s gotten to the point where I wonder things like, what’s even the point of this placement? What’s strong or good about it at all? I don’t dwell on it mopily because that’s not the kind of person I am - I don’t feel like a victim of my placements, but I just had a blind spot as far as this one was concerned.
Last night, at the NYE party I attended, I feel like my impressions of Gemini finally came together and swelled into my understanding of Mars, and I feel like I was able to appreciate the brave soldier (mars) in my chart in a newly full way.
There were a few immediate influences. One was my niece. It was a party full of adults, and my sweet Gemini niece (5YO) was kind of bopping around, really friendly to everyone. She’s a trooper. She’s pulled from this activity to that one all the time, and she’s always interested in what people are doing and willing to contribute her energy to it.
Another was my sister texting me about a guy she used to hook up with. She has a thing for Geminis - not on purpose, it just ends up almost every time she gets sucked into a guy he happens to be a Gemini and it’s hilarious. He treated her poorly, two-timing and not communicating in very typical Gemini fashion. They’ve been over for a long time, and apparently he is oblivious that there is bad blood between them. She’s friends with another of his exes, and she says he acts the same way towards her.
I’m not condoning the shitty behavior of this guy. How could he be so oblivious to the strains of emotional continuity that run through the hearts of people in his life? It’s the same thing that allows my niece to be strong in the face of constant disruption of her circumstances.
The third element was my own behavior. Idk about y’all but I feel heavy lately. Starting with Jupiter’s movement into Capricorn, I’ve felt like being in bed, doing work in my head, getting serious about becoming my full adult self, and basically not talking to anybody. The overall energy of this party was groggy and not super focused. (It was a fun and festive and funny party, just not really active / w/e.) So many times, a conversation or train of thought would begin, and then things would shift and we would not find the strength to carry it through til its completion. This is the type of energy situation that used to really freak me out, especially as a child. It still kind of does. I have a Cap moon and I’m a big believer in focus and depth - when I’m deprived of it I feel malnourished and panicked. But I’ve grown a lot - just passed my first Saturn return and Pluto just passed over my moon also - and I felt the mechanics of my adulthood operating as I navigated this party. I felt strength as I moved between these disjunct situations, touching down into my core and launching the ship of myself onto the next wave, knowing I had wholeness inside myself, and that the energy going OUT did not always have to reflect and create and represent that wholeness. 
And I felt a rush of appreciation for the Gemini energy of my Mars. Gemini’s ability to disregard emotional contexts can make it a disjunct and sometimes cruel energy, but it also gives it a kind of resilience and adaptability. It can keep its head above water, even if the water is choppy. The sensation of Gemini to me is INTEREST, CURIOSITY, and I truly experienced that shiny curiosity for the first time last night as a kind of masculine, heroic strength. It doesn’t have the kind of pride and romantic ardor one wants to associate with traditional Mars pictures, and it was a beautiful sensation for me to finally feel the bright, sweet, almost sexless energy of Gemini as a home for the masculinity of Mars. (Or would you describe Mars as being a home for Gemini energy? I can never quite figure out my favorite kind of syntax for these relationships.)
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rckyclark-blog · 5 years
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hello, angels!! i’m jess, i’m 22 & from rainy england. im a chaotic good aries sun / capricorn moon / leo rising. i study illustration at uni (soon to grad tho, woop!) support pineapple on pizza, and love bands more than i’ve loved any romantic interest i’ve ever had ( catch me selling my soul for arctic monkeys or catfish & the bottlemen... tea ) soooo now that u kno the mun a lil, without further ado, meet my trash boi ricky!! he’s a long-standing muse that i’ve revamped for this rp & i know u will love him. or hate him. or love to hate him jghfkghs
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ricky clark
cismale, he/him
major: music / contemporary & popular music
clubs: campus radio
living arrangement: ignatius house
employment: part-time at a music store off, but nearby, campus.
click here for moodboard
ricky clark is a scholarship student from hartford, connecticut. after losing his mom to heart disease at a young age, he was left to be raised by his father, who became troubled in his grief & gained violent tendencies as he grew cold and resentful.
this issue festered and festered until ricky was 14, at which point he had to join the foster system. 
financially pretty screwed & generally pretty void of all hope, all ricky could do was work as hard as he could in school so that he’d have a way out. this was a massive juxtaposition to the person he was outside of academia: a local hoodlum, trespasser, spraypaint-can-wielder, trouble-causer with a love of mischief & underage drinking. 
if that wasn’t bad enough, there was another huge obstacle – he wasn’t the brightest bulb in the box, let’s put it that way, so he embarked on a mission to gain scholarships for university based off of the merit of his skills as a musician. 
he was, admittedly, gifted in this particular area, and it was his only hope. where he lacked in academia, he thrived in knowing how to shred a guitar and songwrite / sing pretty amazingly. 
still, his growing rebellious tendencies clashed with the squeaky-clean reputation he needed to earn in order to be awarded scholarships. or so he thought
at age 18 he, to the shock of everyone who knew him, found himself in receipt of a scholarship to st. etienne’s. imagine that — little rough-around-the-edges ricky going off to a prestigious university..! the scholarship was definitely needed, to say the least, as there was no way he could afford the education without it. 
when he enrolls, he snatches himself a job at a nearby music shop in order to take care of everything the scholarship doesn’t cover, joins the university’s radio station team, and for a while things look like they’ve changed. he seems matured, adjusted. but it isn’t long before he’s back to his old tricks — and why not, right? he’s got the stinkin’ admission, now — all there is to do is enjoy it with no holds barred.
somewhat of a walking contradiction, ricky spends his time at university known for being trouble — nothing but a broke, borderline degenerate that got lucky — yet, at the same time, he’s fairly popular ( is it really all that shocking, though? everyone loves an asshole, right? ) as he’s a pretty likable guy once you get to know him. under all of the hardened exterior, there actually might be a few more layers. i guess you’ll have to wait and see~
basically a cocky, nightmarish little shit whose scholarship awarded to him years ago means that the sun shines out of his ass
thinks hes “better than u” because he can play electric guitar and write a few songs. dumbass indie musician energy
has probably stolen ur wallet right under ur nose during a 5 minute conversation
loud and obnoxious like literally i will pay him $50 to shut up for one second
BIG FLIRT and will probably assume u think he’s hot bc he knows he is. literally will flirt with anything w a pulse
fighty boy
tattoos. nosebleeds. the middle finger.
compare to: dally from the outsiders, kenickie from grease, billy from stranger things, nano from elite
tropes (from tvtropes.org): asshole victim, lovable rogue, emotionally tongue-tied
BASICALLY, he’s your typical bad-boy rebel type, but he feels that since he has his reasons for being an asshole, he isn’t really obliged do much in order to change or improve. he lost his mom at a young age and saw violence at the hands of his dad, so he feels like the way he acts is just a inevitable result of that & does little to grow from it.
ricky met daisey at a party in freshman year. drunk & out of it, they were weirdly drawn to each other despite being polar opposites. 
it was never anything romantic, with neither of them even considering anything along those lines. it was nothing more than lust-filled enticement and this was clear on both sides.
even back then, daisey had an important social reputation to uphold & didn’t even want to be seen associating with someone like him, and so they began meeting up in secret at an isolated location near campus. it wasn’t too frequent, but frequent enough that they could maybe consider themselves friends with occasional benefits, not that they’d let anyone know that.
 it was late sophomore year when somebody found out about the rendezvous location, and so the two changed things up and started hooking up in his car, which is where she found an incriminating piece of evidence of his secret right there in the glovebox. she took great joy in holding this secret over his head as education was way more of a lifeline for him than it was for someone as privileged as her.
BEST FRIEND — (reserved for the black hole) margot sullivan
FWB — (reserved for the junkrat) jill uhhhh idk their last name yet
ROOMMATE — 1 OPEN (must live in ignatius house!)
ENEMY/IES — OPEN (if ur muse would hate him, then hmu)
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fantasia-monogram · 3 years
Oh it's fine haha, everyone has different opinions and like you said different deductions. I'm honestly still not too sure about any of their risings tbh. I was probably overthinking it last night when i sent that lol. Overthinking + having a huge headache not the best combo
Youngbin - still not sure tbh
Inseong - gemini or virgo for me
Jaeyoon - agree with your sag rising theory
Dawon - is he actually a libra rising? I would've guessed cancer or aquarius...i'm a libra rising who knows several other libra risings and didn't really notice it in him before. He does have nice style like us tho lol. Maybe it is bc of his cancer influence....i have a cancer stellium, so i guess some ppl may not see me as a libra rising either
Zuho - confirmed taurus rising apparently?
Rowoon - idk tbh lmao. Maybe libra like you guessed, he is pretty and has nice proportions. Capricorn is nagging at me but hmm
Taeyang - not sure either but your scorpio rising theory is starting to convince me
Hwiyoung - leo is a good guess actually...i was thinking of either taurus or libra too
Chani - kinda agree with cap rising too
I'm just gonna firmly stand by my guesses, haha.
However, I can't see Libra rising in Dawon either, one of my closest family members is a Libra rising and one thing I noticed about them is height and hips! They're really particular haha. They do dress nicely but I wouldn't say it has the same vibe as Dawon's style? Maybe it's really just his strong Cancer energy but who knows.
Imho, Inseong is way too tall for your guesses; they usually tend to be around or below average height. His voice isn't very mercurial either, and he doesn't talk with his hands like most Gemini risings do haha (shinee Taemin is a PERFECT example of a Gemini rising tbh).
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