#like they'll just be there on the couch - his S/O lounging on him with his bicep in their mouth like a chew toy
makethiscanon · 1 month
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Ojiro's the kind of boyfriend who lets his neurospicy partner chew on his big, squishy arm-muscles while they're cuddling on the couch as a way to stim.
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rouge-variant · 2 years
Conversely, could you do HC of Levi with a taller s/o?
Absolutely I can! I am 2 inches taller than him, so I have some ideas! So sorry this took so long! Thanks for your request and I hope you enjoy!!!
Levi with his Taller S/O Headcanons:
Mild Trigger Warning: Just a very brief mentions of people looking at Y/n.
Levi wouldn't notice anything major right away. He's used to almost everyone being taller than him so what's the difference having one more? It's not like your all of a sudden touching the ceiling in every room at Headquarters or anything of the likes.
It takes him maybe about a month to finally start seeing a few changes especially when he overhears the conversations in the Messhall from other Scouts who are in relationships. He starts feeling a little insecure not only about his height but also about his abilities to be a good partner to you. He's stressing about not having any clothes that would fit loosely on you for when your lounging in your shared room on your days off. He's worried people would mock you for being with someone who doesn't have the height intimidation to scare off goons from looking at you for too long.
All of those are silenced when he sees you laughing after listening to him. He melts into your embrace feeling foolish for stressing over the smaller problems and not noticing how happy you are with him otherwise.
Thinking back, he does really enjoy lieing between your legs and resting his head on your chest while you both are snuggling on the couch. He doesn't have that thought in the back of his mind that he would end up squishing you.
Part of him is obsessed with how high you can reach so he can keep his special teas out of reach of thieving cadets. You move so gracefully when you go up to reach them for him. He just needs to make sure that he doesn't end up making you upset since he won't be able to get his goods back as you would just leave it up there to tease him.
Levi loves that he's near your shoulders and neck area so he can easily press kisses there. Your larger build helps to hide him away when he does it too so that no one but you gets to witness his soft side. He loves when you kiss his forehead in response after brushing his bangs out of the way. He'll act like he hates it but it's nothing more than a cover to hide his flustered state.
He also very much admires your body. With his smaller size it makes it easier for him to be swifter but for someone taller, it's more difficult. Yet you move perfectly fine. Not only that but your body moves so fluidly, your like bending with the wind when your using ODM. Your body has built up muscle from that and he loves the way how it sits nicely on your frame, not making you too noticable but also hot hiding away.
The sharing clothes still bugs him a little so he ended up buying shirts that would fit you and burying them in his drawers under his other ones hoping that they'll start smelling like him to bring you comfort. And this is one of his best kept secrets, he steals one of your button up shirts when your away and have it sitting on his shoulder while he works so that its easily removable if anyone were to come in. Then at night he sleeps in it as it brings him similar comfort just like you were sleeping with him and he was lieing on your stomach again.
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mx-pastelwriting · 2 years
Could I request an all might scenario with a native/Indigenous/aboriginal/first Nations s/o who has to deal with racism and is constantly being oppressed and opposed by those who stereotype her as a "dirty no good drunk indian" daily. She's a TA for the hero classes and as a way to help educate the kids on how racism is real and how it affects everyone no matter where you're from nezu has her teach a special native studies course about residential schools(or prisons as I call them). Hope this ask don't make you feel uncomfortable❤💛💙🖤 love you have a fabulous day... or night.. or... y'know wat. Just have some fabulous k!🥰
-> "aunty deadly" nahhhh😝
I'm gonna try my best with this one, Having a native father that was never there I was raised by my Mexican mother, so I know little to nothing about my native side or anything about native culture. So I know very little but I hope you enjoy still. <3 Thank you for the fabulousness!
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All Might (Toshinori Yagi) x GN! Reader
Summary: Request Up Top
Warning: Hurtful stereotypes of Natives, All Might Confort
You dash to the entrance to the U.A building, thinking, 'Shit, I knew celebrating was a bad idea,' as you try to save your first day hungover. When you were telling your friend that you couldn't drink because you have a new job tomorrow, they kept telling you that's why you should drink to celebrate the new job. You scoff, 'They probably just wanted to get me drunk.' Your mind could help to race. You finally made it to the door.
You grab your ID and scan it. The door opens, letting the cold air of the U.A building hit your face. Walking in, you see the front desk 'Prefect'. You walk up to see a middle-aged woman typing away, "Hello, I'm the new teacher's assistant, and new to the class for-" You rush to say, but not fast enough, "You're late." She says before giving you a paper. She takes that moment to look at you. She hums, "Come in like this again, I'll have to write you up." "She says before going back to her typing."
You finally get a start on heading to your classes, "Drunk Ind-" you catch the lady saying before the door shuts. You try to open the door to hand the lady her ass, but it doesn't move. Looking up, you see a smirk growing on her face. All you did was walk off in a huff.
Your friend All Might says that there was a job opening here, "It'll be easy for you. The passion for what you stand for is too strong to be posted online. You need to teach it in person." You remember his words. You walk down the hall with confined steps. You finally find your class. You see, the doors are closed. Looking down at your wristwatch, you see your time period for teaching hasn't started yet. "Off to the teacher's lounge, then."
Entering the teacher's lounge, you see Ectoplasm, All Might, Nemuri Kayama, and Ken Ishiyama. You feel a wave of relief go through your body, catching All Might's eyes. He gives a small wave with a smile. You returned the smile, not caring for the other eyes that followed you as you walked to the couch. You sit next to him. "You're late," he whispers, covering his mouth. "I know, it's been a long night," you whisper back. "I can tell" he chuckles out. You give him a look before sighing, "Don't worry, I've done it too." He whispers, "Thanks," you whisper back.
"So you're the new teacher." Looking up, you see all the other teachers looking at you. "I'm teaching helping as teachers assist," you respond with a smile and a nod. They all give small nods and ask, "What do you teach?"Ken says, and the rest of the teachers prick up at the question. "I'm teaching about how racism is real and how it affects everyone, no matter where you're from, Nezu allowed me to teach a special native studies course about residential schools too." Looking around at the teachers, you see surprise and approval on their faces.
You nod in response. "The kids are always looking for new things to learn. They'll love you," All Might says, reassuring you. You nod in response. "L/N," you turn to see Aizawa standing with the door open, "The class is yours," he says, pulling out his sleeping bag. You stand up and give All Might one last smile, "You'll do great," you hear All might say before walking to your class.
Hello, I hope you enjoyed if there is and grammar mistakes or misspellings sorry about that feel free to let me know in the comments, have a great day/afternoon/night!
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sexy-sans-the-ass · 7 years
Hello! Mind writing UT/UF Sans and US/SF Papyrus's reaction to this? Their S/O isn't necessarily a super cuddly person. They'll hug and lean against them a lot but not much else. However, when they're really tired, then they suddenly cuddle and refuse to let go
I can be like this. 100%---Classic (Ut Sans) Hes accepted the fact you're not too cuddly, and he doesn't complain. But the first night you two actually sleep together you cling to him like a koala bear. Its so cute. He just chuckles and holds you close to him. Dork. Red (Uf Sans) This bean is super affectionate when the two of you are in the confines of the house but he doesn't wanna force you into anything, so he takes what you can get. Now, hes a clingy cuddler himself, so hes worried about what's gonna happen if you spend the night, but you end up falling asleep against his side during a movie and then you're stuck to him like glue. Oh, hell yeah. He makes sure to always ask if you wanna stay the night after that. Stretch (Us Papyrus) Hes unphased by your usual semi-affectionate nature, and usually the two of you just lounge on opposite ends of the couch with your legs tangled together. But one night during a movie marathon with Blue, Stretch felt you shift, and then you were climbing over him and snuggling as close as possible. He wasn't protesting at all, and he even tucked your chin under his head. He fell asleep not long after that as well. Mutt (Sf Papyrus) After he finds out you cling when you cuddle, the nights you spend over at the Bros' house get more and more frequent. He always lets you choose if you want to stay, though, and he also lets you choose whether or not you wanna sleep with him. The last thing he wants to do is make you uncomfortable. Being the touch starved bean he is, he isn't gonna pass on the chance to get quality cuddle time with his sugar. ----Im a cling cuddler, but I tend to drape myself over my victim rather than actually cling to them.
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