#lol she just took a little nappy nap
adrienschat · 7 months
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Feeling Protective
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archertf2 · 3 years
Chapter 3: Daycare Fortress 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Hunter’s Bio
A/N: Sorry for not posting for so long! Life is crazy sometime and my creative juices haven’t been flowin as much as they used to lol. Hopefully i get the last chapter done soon so I can finish my other fics and write my others ones I have planned. ☺️
After a few hours, the babies had finally woken up from their naps and most of them were instantly very fussy. Hunter went over and picked up little Demoman who was squirming and fussing in his bassinet. “Aww, it’s alright darling. You probably need a nappy change after your nap don’t you?” Hunter cooed as she felt his bottom while she held him. “I believe most of them do. They were all clean when I put them down for their nap. Not to worry, I’ll get the diapers.” Medic informed her as he went off to get said diapers and the other diapering supplies.
When Medic returned with the needed supplies, both he and Hunter went straight to work changing all of the diapers. Of course, it wasn’t all smooth sailing. With a rowdy bunch of boys like these, something was bound to happen like when Soldier tried crawling off somewhere while Hunter tried to get another diaper because he peed in his right after he got changed and then Medic got whizzed on by Sniper when he wasn’t looking (which both Medic and Hunter kinda got a chuckle out of since it was Sniper out of all the babies in the group who did that). However, for the most part, the diaper changing went pretty well.
After everyone was clean (besides Medic who now needed a fresh pair of clothes or maybe even a shower) the two mercenaries decided to let the babies play for a little while until it was their dinner time.
“Ach! I should probably clean myself up. I smell like a urinal. Will you be alright by yourself for a little while?” Medic asked Hunter who was sitting on the floor with the babies.
“Hmm? Oh, yes! I’ll be alright! They should be fine now that they have things to keep them occupied.” Hunter replied with a smile.
Medic smiled back, “Right, then I’ll be back shortly.” With that, Medic left Hunter with the babies once again.
After Medic took a quick shower (realizing that it’d be more sanitary since he was now dealing with infants instead of grown men), he went back to the rec room now turned nursery to find Hunter playing with the babies. He smiled as he watched her poke and tickle little baby Engineer’s chubby belly, cooing at him as he let out adorable giggles. He found it so endearing to see Hunter being so maternal and soft. He’s seen how she is on the battlefield and around the other men, so standoffish and aloof. Medic quite enjoyed seeing Hunter so carefree and happy to be interacting with other people, even if it’s an infant. He was also very fond of the fact that she was so gentle and patient with the babies as if she’s been a mother her whole life. It was quite clear to him that she’d make a wonderful mother one day.
“Oh! Sorry! I didn’t see you there!” Hunter apologized, breaking Medic away from his thoughts. She had sat up when she realized that Medic had been staring at her. “Heh, it’s quite alright. I was just watching the little ones. They are quite cute aren’t they?” Medic chuckled as he bent down to the floor to join Hunter and the babies for their playtime.
“Yeah. I really hope I can find someone to start a family with some day. It’d be so nice to have something like this. Maybe not with so many babies, of course, but it’d be nice to settle down with someone.” Hunter replied as she watched Engineer roll over onto his tummy and crawl off to play with a teddy bear.
“I’m sure you will, Hunter. I’m very sure of it.” Medic told her as he looked into her chocolate brown eyes. Hunter looked up at him to meet his stale blue ones as her face flushed a bit. She smiled as he smiled back at her warmly.
Medic then felt a pair of tiny hands on his leg. He looked down to see that little Heavy had crawled over and was smiling up at him. He chuckled, “Hello, bärchen.” Heavy responded by trying to stand up on his chubby little legs. He grabbed onto Medic’s pants and attempted to pull himself up, only to plop right back down to the floor. Heavy started to whine as Medic took his tiny hands in his and smiled. “It’s alright. Try again. You can do it.” He encouraged him as he helped Heavy try to stand up on his own. Little Heavy tried once more to stand up, now with the help and support of Medic, and was successful as he attempted to take teeny tiny steps to his lap.
“That’s a good boy! I’m so proud of you, my bärchen!” Medic cooed as Heavy let go of Medic’s hands and fell into his lap. Medic chuckled and picked little Heavy up to cuddle him all while Hunter watched in admiration.
Seeing Medic so paternal and kind made her heart swell with happiness...or was it something else? Ever since she saw Medic act so soft and gentle with the babies, she started to develop feelings for him and it honestly scared her to death. The team wasn’t going to be babies forever and she knew that as soon as everyone goes back to normal that Medic will act just as he did before. Was she only catching feelings because she wants so badly to settle down and start a family of her own with a handsome and loving partner or was Hunter actually falling in love with this strong, good looking, sexy, partially insane doctor?
Hunter’s train of thought was interrupted by a little jingle of a rattle below her. She looked down to see Pyro (who, for some odd reason, still chose to wear his full little hazmat suit and would throw a fit if it was taken off) by her lap waving a little jingly rattle. Hunter smiled and picked him up.
“Hello, my darling. Have you come to see me?” She giggled. Hunter could hear Pyro happily babbling underneath his mask as he shook his rattle. “Oh, I see. Well, tell me more.” Hunter replied with a smile as if she were about engage in a full-on conversation with the infant. Little Pyro continued babbling on to Hunter as Medic chuckled beside them.
“He’s a talkative one isn’t he?” He asked as he held Heavy who was teething on the collar of his white button up shirt.
Hunter giggled as she watched Pyro. “He is. I didn’t think he would be. He’s usually so quiet as an adult. I suppose they all had their little quirks as babies.”
Medic hummed in agreement as he looked over at the rest of the babies who were busy playing with the toys that were set out for them.
Scout seemed to be playing by himself with a ring stacking toy while nearby, Spy and Sniper played with a baby activity center together.
Medic noticed that their behavior was quite different compared to how they are as adults. Scout is always so outgoing and extroverted while Spy and Sniper usually tend to keep to themselves. He found it funny how they all seemed to outgrow their little quirks.
It wasn’t long before the babies started getting hungry and fussy again, so Medic decided to go ahead and prepare their dinner in the base kitchen (which was just jars of baby food since Medic figured that they were all around 6-7 months old and old enough to eat solid foods).
Medic and Hunter then brought the babies to the kitchen to eat since they figured that most of them were going to need baths when they were done and the only thing closest to a suitable bath for a baby around the base was the kitchen sink.
The babies seemed a little more difficult to feed this time around. Heavy, Demo, and Engie were good eaters, but the others, not so much.
Soldier just wanted to play with his food and make a huge mess while Sniper just threw his food around (getting both Medic and Hunter messy in the process).
Pyro wouldn’t stop crying and fussing over having his mask taken off and only ate a little bit.
Then Scout and Spy would hardly eat and seemed to be picky eaters when it came to baby food.
“Like father like son.” Hunter thought to herself.
After all the babies were fed, it was bath time, so Medic and Hunter got them ready for their baths and started the process of cleaning them babies one by one together.
One would’ve thought these two were probably married with 8 babies if they’d seen them. They both worked together harmoniously to clean the little ones as they cooed at them and tried to sooth them if they were fussy.
Funny how two mercenaries who mercilessly kill men for a living could be so domestic. On the battlefield they’re absolutely ruthless and fierce, but it’s such a drastic difference now that they’re dealing with babies. They’re both so gentle and loving.
Neither Medic nor Hunter really knew what the future held for them, but one thing was for certain after this whole experience: they definitely wanted to be good parents one day.
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talicat713 · 4 years
It’s Always Been Molly
John Shelby x OC
Part Fourteen
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A/N: firstly, why is it so hard to find GIFS! I mean come on! Lol secondly, another part is here and I’m so happy to share it with you. I really need to get my butt in gear and write. I’ve only part fifteen banked up and sixteen is still in process. Send me some writing pixie dust! Hope you all had a wonderful week. Happy reading! 💜
Warnings: language, angst, breastfeeding, *sorry if I missed any, this is kinda hard!*
Taglist: @haphazardhufflepuff   @pijoendios   @theshelbyclan   @wnygirl2012 @bekkimahonxx95 @pleasantlyspookycreation  @lovemissyhoneybee   @lotsoflovefromlea   @theunderlier   @envysorrows   @healthygirlsdoitbetter   @account71453  @blindedbypeaky   @xshinytrashcanx   @wednesdayqueen-18   @chaotichurricaneoffandoms   @jrdpdlcki  @lettersshapes   @rosesandrap  @jenni-jones00  *if you would like to be added please let me know*
“Ada and I had our suspicions about said information and Molly confirmed them a few weeks ago,” Polly stated.
“What information? What suspicions? ,” John asked, confused. 
Tommy looked John straight in the eyes,” We believe Esme is stepping out on you with another man.” 
John looked at his aunt and siblings with a blank expression,” How do you know? What’s Molly has to do with this?”
Polly reaches across the table to grab Johns hand,” We have reason to believe that Jacob has been seeing Esme for months now. Molly said he hasn’t been coming home lately and when he does it’s usually really late. I’ve noticed the few times I’ve watched your kids at night, that Esme is no where to be found,” Polly sighed and continued,” John you said it yourself she’s been spending a lot of time away from the house. I don’t think she’s been going to her brothers.”
John couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Yes, he may not be in love with Esme, but he did care about her.  He and Esme never really talked about their marriage or talked at all really. They're friendly and loving around the kids and they always sleep in the same bed, but they’ve never been intimate. 
“Does Molly know? ,” John asks.
Tommy sighs, looking at the rest of the family, “Not that we know of. We need to know if you are willing to help prove she’s been stepping out on you. It’s the only way you and Molly are ever going to be together.”
John scoffed,” Of course I will. I want to be with Molly more than anything else.”
Tommy smiles,” Good, the meeting is adjourned then.”
As the family filed out of the house, John stayed a few extra minutes still trying to process all the information he learned. Ada noticed and grabbed her brother's arm,” Why don’t you walk me to Molly’s? That way you have an excuse to see the babies.”
John nodded as they walked out the door. They walked across the lane in silence. Once at the door, Ada knocked softly, hoping not to wake the babies if they were sleeping. After a few minutes, Jacob opened the door and let the pair in.
“Molly trying to get the little lass to settle down to sleep. She’s been crying for a while. They are in the nursery. Ada I’ll show you to the guest room,” Jacob said softly.
The three made their way up the stairs. John knocked softly on the nursery door. He heard a soft come in and opened the door. As the door opened, Molly looked up hoping it was Ada so she could tell her what to do. Molly was surprised to see John.
“I wasn’t expecting to see you until tomorrow John. What are you doing here? ,” Molly asked him.
“I walked Ada over and Jake told us our Ellie here has been fussy since I left. I thought I would try to help you put her down so you can get some sleep. Will you let me try while you get ready for bed? ,” John explained.  Molly nodded, handing the crying baby to John. 
“Come here sweetheart,” John cooed taking the baby into his arms,” What are you fussing about? Do you just want daddy?” 
Molly smiled as John placed a kiss against the side of her head,” Go get ready for bed. I’ll stop in before I go.” 
John stayed for a little while just rocking the baby to sleep. He placed a kiss on her little forehead before placing her into her bassinet. He then ran his finger over his sleeping son's cheek lovingly. As he left, he popped into Molly’s room, only to find her fast asleep.  John hoped the babies wouldn’t be too much trouble for her tonight. 
As he made his way back downstairs, John noticed Jacob sitting on the sofa,” I’m heading back home Jake. I know Ada is here, but please call me if you need to. No matter what Molly says.”
Jacob stood up,” Absolutely. Are you okay mate?”
John sighed as he ran his hand over his face,” Yeah, I’m fine. Just tired,” John then pulled Jake into a hug,” Thank you for taking care of her all these months. You really stepped up when I need you too.”
“Of course. There is no need to thank me,” Jacob said,” she’s my sister. I would do anything for her.”
“I know you would,” John said as he pulled out of the hug,” You have anything you want to tell me?”
Jacobs eyes widened,” No, why do you ask? ,” he questioned.
“No reason. Just thought I should ask,” John said as he pats his shoulder,” I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
As John walked out of the house, Jacob followed to lock the door. He then went back to the sofa and ran his hands through his hair. Did they know about his new girlfriend?
 The next morning, John woke up to the sound of the someone throwing up. Thinking it was one of the kids, John got up quickly and made his way to the loo. He was shocked to see that it was Esme,” You alright Es? ,” he asked, pulling her hair back. 
“Yeah I’m fine. I got up last night to have a glass of milk and it must have gone off. Didn’t smell bad,” she answered as she stood and wiped her mouth,” My stomach has been playing up all night because of it.” 
“You could have woken me. I could have at least held your hair back”
Esme shook her head,” You’ve had a busy couple of days, so I saw no need. I’m gonna head down to start breakfast, then I have to get over to Pollys to start cooking for the party.” 
“Okay hun,” John continued, “Make sure we toss that milk. I’ll get some clothes on and get some fresh here in a minute.”
Esme nodded as she pushed past him. John didn’t know how he was going to get her to admit if she was stepping out, but one way or another he would get the truth out of her. 
Meanwhile, over at Molly’s, she had been woken up by the sounds of her very sad and very hungry babies. She padded her way into the nursery, rubbing her eyes and yawning. 
“What’s a matter my little loves,” she said quietly walking into the room,” Are you both just so hungry? Let me change your nappies and then mummy will feed you.” 
After Molly had changed them, she grabbed both of them, kissed their little heads and headed downstairs. Ada was in the kitchen making them some breakfast,” Morning Molly, did you sleep okay? I didn’t hear the babies at all last night.”
Molly smiled as she settled herself on the sofa and got the babies ready to feed,” I slept okay, but woke due to my breasts aching when it was time to feed them. I think I was in the room before they even knew they were hungry,” she laughed looking down at them. 
“Jeez, is that all I’m gonna be hearing from now on? How much your tits hurt,” Jacob joked as he walked into the room. He noticed Molly trying to cover herself, but was struggling due to her holding up both babies. 
“No need to cover sis,” he said, kissing the back of her head,” I know what tits look like.”
Molly’s face went completely red. Luckily Ada came to her rescue,” Yes, Jake you may know what they look like, but you don’t need to know what your sisters look like,” she yelled as she helped Molly cover herself and smack the back of Jacobs head,” Now off you go! Go do your Blinder stuff and make sure you over at the house for dinner later.” 
“Now that he is gone, How about you let me cuddle my niece and nephew while you eat,” Ada said making grabby hands for the babies. Molly nodded, handing them over then made her way to the table. 
After breakfast, Ada had left for Pollys, leaving Molly truly alone with the babies for the first time.  She was a little overwhelmed, both babies were fussy and wouldn’t lay down for a nap. Molly didn’t know what was wrong, they had been changed and fed. Her head was spinning. How could she ever think she could do this alone.  Molly made her way over to the phone crying. She hoped that John was at his house.
“John Shelby residence”
“John,” Molly cried.
“Molly love what’s wrong are the babies okay? ,” John asked through the phone worried.
“I can’t get them to settle,” she sniffed,” Can you please come over?”
“I’ll be there in a minute love. I’ll let myself in okay,” he continued.
“Okay, thank you,” she whispered, hanging up the phone. 
She sat at the top of the stairs listening to her babies cry as she cried. Five minutes later, she heard the door open and shut. She watched as John took his coat off, laying it on the table. 
John could hear the babies crying from the parlor. He hurried himself up the stairs, but stopped when he saw Molly with her head in her hands and tears streaming down her face. He took her in his arms and carried her to her bedroom,” My love, why are you crying?”
“They won’t stop crying. I’m a terrible mother. I don’t know what’s wrong,” Molly cried. 
John kissed her forehead,” Love I’m sure they just have a bit of a tummy ache. You didn’t do anything wrong. Let me go get them and we will lay down.”
John made his way to the nursery,” Hey you two, that’s enough now. You made mummy cry. We can’t have you all crying now can we?”
As soon as both babies were in Johns arms, their cry’s stopped,” Do you two just want to be together? You don’t like it when we separate you both?”
Walking back to Molly’s room, John found her laying on the bed, facing away from the door,” Love I think I figured out why they were crying. Will you roll over and cuddle with us?”
“No John, they don’t like me. They don’t want me,” she answered softly. 
Laying the babies in the bed gently, John walked over to Molly and pulled her chin to make her look at him,” You are their mother. They love you and need you. I know you are still tired from giving birth to them and your hormones are mad right now, but I don’t ever want to hear you say you are a bad mother. You are a wonderful mother,” John said sternly,” They just want to be close to another. You set them in their separate bassinets and they didn’t like that. Now come cuddle with us and take a nap.”
Molly nodded and reached over to grab the babies while John climbed into bed with them,” I’m sorry I called you. I was just so overwhelmed. I’m sure you were busy.”
“You don’t ever need to apologize for calling me. I will always be here for you and them. No matter what,” John says quietly,” Close your eyes love. Have a rest. I’ll still be holding you when you wake up.”
The little family ended up falling asleep for hours. Molly and John were both woken by the sound of the front door opening and closing. They could hear the clicking of high heels coming up the steps, which meant Ada was back to check on Molly. 
Ada was surprised to see the little family cuddled up in Molly’s bed, “Seems you all had a nice nap. It’s nearly time for dinner. I’ve come back to help you get ready Molly.”
“Guess that’s my cue to go then,” John said, untangling himself from Molly,” Do you need anything from me?”
Ada shook her head at her brother,” I think I can handle helping her get ready. Why don’t you go change some nappies and change the littles into their outfits?”
John rolled his eyes playfully,” You get the fun job. Seeing my love of my life naked while I’m elbow deep in baby shit. I see how it is.”
“John Shelby,” Molly gasped. 
“Jesus John really,” Ada exclaimed.
“Alright, alright. I’m just winding you both up. I’ll be downstairs waiting. I’ll get them all cozy in the pram.”
Ada helped Molly get ready. Once Ada was finished, Molly didn’t recognize herself.  This was the first time in months that Molly felt like herself. The last time she got dressed up to go somewhere was when John had taken her to dinner in London.
The two made their way downstairs after Molly admired Adas work for a few minutes. They were met by John getting the babies settled into their pram. He looked over at Molly and a huge smile came across his face,” You look beautiful my love.” 
Molly blushed,” Oh John stop. It’s just a little powder to cover the dark rings around my eyes. I also still look pregnant so I’m sure I’m far from beautiful.”  John sighed and shook his head. He was about to say something, but Ada beats him to it.
“Molly why would you say that? You’ve always been beautiful and you always will be. So what if you have dark rings around your eyes, you’ve been carrying two babies around and you didn’t know. So what if you still look a little pregnant, you’ve just given birth two days ago,” Ada exclaimed,” I swear if Polly was here she would be so much more angry at you for saying that about yourself. If I ever hear you say anything like that about yourself again, I will go all Peaky Blinder on you.” Molly and Johns eyes went wide due to Adas outburst.
“Now, let's get you and these gorgeous babies over to dinner. I can’t go another minute without knowing their names,” Ada says once she’s calmed down.  Molly nodded while John pushed the pram through the house and out the door.
The Shelby house was buzzing from the time John and Molly walked though the door. Everyone was so excited to meet the two new additions to the Shelby clan. Molly was so overwhelmed with joy that she couldn’t contain her tears.
“Why are you crying love? ,” John asked when he noticed. 
Molly wiped her eyes,” They are happy tears. I’m so happy that our babies have so many that love them.”
John pulled her into his side,” They love you too Molly. Everyone always has,” he says kissing the side of her head,” now, let’s go eat before our babies decide they want their dinner.”  He pulled her toward the table and sat her down next to him. 
As dinner went on, Molly couldn’t help but smile as both of her babies were passed around from person to person. John, however, was watching Esme and Jacob. The two were seated next to each other, which he knew his aunt had something to do with.  He couldn’t help but notice how close they were sitting and every once they would whisper in each others ears, causing the other to smile. He was brought out of his thoughts by Polly bringing the babies over to him and Molly. 
“Now that dinner is almost finished, I believe we’ve all waited long enough to learn these gorgeous little ones names,” Polly said happily. 
“Well, firstly, I would like to thank everyone who came out to celebrate the our newest additions,” John said, standing up while holding his hand out to help Molly stand,” We both appreciate it very much. Most of you know, I delivered these two with my bare...”
“Oh John! Just get on with it brother,” Arthur exclaimed causing everyone to laugh. 
“Yeah, John Boy! We are all here to find out the names then we can get back to drinking,” Johnny Dogs states after Arthur, causing even more laughter. Only this time it woke the babies that were peacefully sleeping in their mother’s arms.
“Alright, alright, look what you’ve both done,” John said, taking the boy from Molly and gently rocking him,” We’ve decided to name our little man Benjamin Thomas and our little lady Eleanor Jean.”  The cheers that erupted from the Shelby home could be heard across the entire lane.
“Let’s raise our glasses to Benjamin and Eleanor,” Thomas says aloud,” welcome to the family little ones.”
As Benji and Ellie were passed around some more, Molly couldn’t help but notice her brother had disappeared. Now that she wasn’t pregnant anymore, she was going to hopefully get some answers from her brother about what was going on with him these last few months. 
Molly walked over to Polly and Ada,” Have either of you seen my brother? ,” she asked them. Before they could answer, both babies started to get really fussy. 
“You know what, never mind.” she said, taking the babies from them,” I’m going to go upstairs and feed them then I think I’ll take them back home. I’m starting to get a little tired.”  Polly and Ada nodded as they watched Molly turn and ascend the stairs. They both then gathered John, Thomas and Arthur to tell them that it was time Molly knew what was going on with Jacob. Although John was a little nervous to let her in, he knew it would be the right thing to do.
As Molly walked up the stairs, the babies became more and more fussy,” I know little ones, I know you are hungry. We are almost there.”  Once she entered Johns old bedroom, she was surprised to see Katie sitting on the floor alone.
“Katie darling, what are you doing up here on your own? , she asked as she sat on the bed.  Katie just shrugged her shoulders and looked down at the floor. 
Molly sighed,” Well are you okay with us sitting in here with you while they eat?” Katie just nodded her head, still not looking up from the floor.  Molly settled herself on the bed and got the babies settled enough to eat.
A little while later, after the babies finished eating, Katie finally spoke up,” Is my dad going to leave us to live with you and the babies?”
Molly gasped,” Darling, what makes you think that?”
Katie finally looked up at Molly with tears in her eyes,” My friend Lola said that her dad had a baby with another woman and then he left and never came back. Is dad going to leave us with Esme?”
Darling, come here and sit with me please,” Molly said calmly as she set the babies in the bassinet next to the bed and moved over slightly. She watched the young girl get up from the floor and climb onto the bed and settled into her side.
“Now I need you to listen to me sweet girl,” Molly starts making Katie look at her,” I will NEVER take your father away from you and your brothers. I will always make sure your father puts you and your brothers needs first. I’m sorry that my presence in your life and these babies made you feel like we were taking him from you.”  Molly leaned down to kiss the crying girl on the head while holding her tight.  She herself was silently crying as she wondered if the boys felt the same way.
The two sat on the bed for a while until the young girl spoke again,” Is Esme going to be my new mum?”
Molly’s eyes widened with shock.” First off, no one will ever be able to replace your mother, and secondly, I’m not sure if she will be your new mother figure.”
“But I don’t want her to be my mum,” Katie whimpered,” I want you to be my mum. My dad hasn’t been this happy since before he left for war. Esme doesn’t make him happy.”  Molly’s eyes soften at the girl. No seven year old should have to have this conversation with anyone. 
“Darling, a lot of grown up stuff has been going on these past few months, which has made a ton of changes in your life that you don’t understand. But I know for a fact Esme will continue to be a wonderful mother to you all if she stays in your lives,” Molly explained. She then grabbed Katie’s chin to make her look up at her,” But I promise you, I’m not going anywhere. You can come talk to me anytime. My door will always be open for you,” she smiled,” And I guess I’ll leave it open for those brothers of yours too.” 
Katie smiled and laughed as she gently wrapped her arms around Molly,” Thank you,” she murmured into her chest,” My mum was right, you are one of the kindest people in the world.” 
Molly smiled as her eyes teared a little,” When did she say that?”
“Mum used to always tell us stories of when she was younger,” Katie explained,” She always said she regretted hurting you because you were always so kind.”
 Before Katie could continue, John yelled as he came up the stairs,” Katie girl, come on, it’s time for you to head home for bed.”  Katie hugged Molly one more time before running out of the room. 
John stopped her to give her a kiss on the head,” Be quiet heading down the stairs, your little brothers are asleep.  I’ll be home as soon as I get Molly and the babies back to her home. If you're still awake, I’ll come tell you a story.”  Katie nodded and gently ran down the stairs. 
When John found Molly, she was wiping her eyes with the backs of her hands. “You okay love? ,” John asked with concern.
“Oh, I’m fine. You know hormones,” she said not wanting to let him know about her and Katie’s conversation just yet. 
“Okay, well are you ready to head home? I can walk you over and get the pram in the house,” John asked.  Molly nodded and grabbed Benjamin from the bassinet. John followed suit and grabbed Eleanor. They both walked down the stairs and said goodnight to everyone. 
Once they arrived back at Molly’s, John offered to help her put the babies to bed,” I can handle putting them to bed. I heard you promise someone a story, so go home and we will see you sometime tomorrow.”
John nodded and pulled Molly in for a kiss,” Okay my love. I’ll see you tomorrow. Call if you need anything. I love you.” 
“I will if I need to and I love you more,” she said kissing him again.  She watched as John walked out the door and across the lane to his home. 
Once she got the babies fed and put to sleep, she got herself ready for bed. She couldn’t stop thinking about her conversation with Katie. John never told her that Martha talked about her to the kids. She could help but smile at all the memories they shared as children. Martha had been Molly’s best friend for so long. 
Looking up and the sky through her open bedroom window, she sighed and spoke aloud,” I promise I will be a wonderful mother to your children, Martha. But I need you to help me. Help me figure out how to be with the man we’ve both loved all of our lives.” 
After she spoke, she felt a gust of wind swirl around her and knock over a photo of her and John from when they were teenagers that she had on her dresser. Molly smiled and took that as an answer from Martha that she was going to help.
(posted 09/19/2020)
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taylorhardybby · 5 years
Give you the world.  // ben!Roger Taylor X reader
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hi so this is my first ever queen imagine!! it was meant to be short but it ended up as 2.7K lol. enjoy.  PLEASE REQUEST ILL WRITE ANYTHING JUST ASK
You had been with roger since your senior year of high school. You’ve had your ups and downs, but you’ve stuck together through it all. Queen had just recently finished a tour in America and the boys were already back in the studio writing and recording the next album.
You usually spent any day you could in the studio with the boys but today you were at home babysitting your 2-month-old niece. Your sister had just had her gorgeous little girl with her husband of almost a year, but he was working today, and your sister had a work function that she just couldn’t get out of. Your niece, Charlotte was the perfect baby. So, you spent the day making bottles, changing nappies and singing lullabies. It was almost 4 pm and Charlotte had tired you out. She had been screaming bloody murder for a good twenty minutes before falling asleep on your chest. You would have sighed of relief if it weren’t for the fear of waking the precious child.
You and Roger had spoken theoretically about having kids since you were teens. You would both laugh at the ridiculous names you both came up with and Roger would always promise to give you and your kids the world. You would never admit it to Roger but from the second your sister fell pregnant you felt an ache in your heart. You knew it was silly and Roger would never hurt your feelings intentionally but the thought of asking him and about and getting the “ it’s just not the right time y/n “ or something like that made you want to cry.
You lied down in your bedroom, Charlotte was fast asleep on the bed, surrounded by pillows and cushions.you had planned just to watch her, to ensure she didn’t wake but before you knew it your eyes fluttered shut.
Roger walked in and noticed just how quiet it was. He knew you had been watching Charlotte today and he smiled as he looked around. There were toys, blankets and bottles lazily placed around the house. But you and the baby were nowhere to be seen. He walked as softly as possible down the hallway to the bedroom.
He could have almost cried at the sight. You were fast asleep, Charlotte in your arms and soft snore coming from both your mouths. He walked forward, and the floorboards creaked, he saw your eyes flutter open and you smiled when you saw him.
“ hi baby, how was the studio” your voice was raspy, due to your much-needed nap but Roger swears he fell in love with you all over again at that moment.
“ it was good, my love, how have you been” by now Roger had moved over to the bed and was sitting on the edge. His flyers glistened in the golden glow of the sunset through the window.
You got worried, you could see his watery eyes “ rog, what’s wrong baby” you tried to move Charlotte out of your arms to comfort him, but he stopped you.
“ nothings wrong baby, jus- just seeing you with Charlotte got me thinking” his breath was caught in his throat, he was nervous.
“ what if we had a baby of our own” tears flooded your eyes.
“ really, you-you would do that for me. For us” Roger nodded
“ if that’s what you want baby. I’ll give you the world” he wiped the tears softly that had spilled down your cheeks. The beautiful moment was broken by the stirring of the baby in your arms and you held her to Roger.
He took Charlotte and walked out into the living room cooing and talking to the tiny child in his arms. You couldn’t help but smile from ear to ear.
You sister arrived not much later with a bunch of smiles and a million thanks. You told her it was nothing as she took her baby back and helped to gather Charlotte's things.
Later that night you were lying in Rogers' arms, the moonlight casting shadows across your bed. He placed soft kisses along your neck and whispered sweet nothings in your ear. In a moment of lust and love, you flipped yourself over and kissed in back passionately.
He saw the glint in your eye as you pulled back and sent him that smile, he loves so much.
“ rog baby, can you please put a baby in me”
“ I thought you’d never ask love”
For the weeks after that every spare second you and Roger went at it. Not that either of you minded. The boys noticed that’s something was up. You both declined all the invitations to go out and rog never stayed any later than he needed to at the studio. None commented on it assuming you had just missed each other after the tour.
It was exactly a month after babysitting Charlotte that you sat in your bathroom waiting. You had checked your calendar, you were late. You were late for almost four days. You didn’t tell Roger. Not until you were sure. So while he went to the studio you had walked down to the nearby pharmacy and bought every test you could find.
Those were the longest their minutes of your life. You tried not to get excited, just in case. But as you turned over the first one and the little pink cross was stared you in the eye bright as ever you cried. You check the rest and all of gave you the same answer.
You were pregnant.
As much as you wanted to wait you had to call Roger.
It was Paul who answered the phone and you couldn’t have thought of a worse way to dull the mood.
“ I’m sorry y/n I can’t take the phone to him they’re working and must be interrupted” you were mad now. Really fucking mad.
“ so, help me god Prenter, if you don’t take the fucking phone to Roger this instant you won’t have a job tomorrow and you know I’m not lying” you heard him huff and rudely announce that you were off the phone and you refused to give him a message. Roger nearly punched him.
“Listen here asshole if my girl calls for me bring me the phone. I don’t care what I’m doing she’s more important than anything” his rant was crackly and through the phone, it made it hard to hear it but it wanted your heart like no tomorrow.
“ Hello baby is everything okay” you were still thinking about what he had said that you almost forgot why you were calling.
“ Oh, uh yeah everything perfect, how much longer do you think you’ll be today” Roger sighed, running his hands through his hair. Today was taking a long time, Freddie was being a perfectionist, and no one was doing anything right.
“ I’m sorry baby but I think today’s going to be a long one” you sighed, you needed to tell him but you also refused to do it over the phone.
“ Roger I really need to talk to you could you come home even just for an hour” you probably sounded pathetic
“ are you sure everything is okay love”
“ yes, rog please just come home”
“ I’ll be there in 15, I love you “
“ I love you too”. Relief washed over you. You had wanted this your whole life and you were so excited. You didn’t even want to wait the fifteen minutes until Roger got here.
Roger, on the other hand, was scared, what could possibly be so concerning that he had to come home to hear it. Had somebody died? Were you hurt and didn’t want to worry him? The boys were just as confused when he said he had to leave but he wasn’t sure why.
You were fluffing about. As silly as it was you quickly ran and put on a nice dress and fixed your hair. You were standing by the door when Roger Burst in.
“ what is it my love, are you sure everything is okay”
You had tears on your cheeks by a smile from ear to ear. You slowly moved your hand from behind your back, pregnancy tests in hand.
“ I’m pregnant” Roger stood their mouth wide open, shocking covering his face.
You yelled a little louder adrenaline running through your veins,
“ we fucking did it, baby, we made a baby” he practically runs to you pulling you into his arms. Your legs were wrapped around his waist and your lips smashed together. You pulled apart and your feet sat back on the ground.
“We really did make a baby” you had never heard Roger sound so proud. You could look at his face like this forever.
“ yeah rog, we made a baby” he pulled you into his arms again.
Once you both had calmed a bit, he Called the studio to let everyone know he couldn’t come back because something had come up. He couldn’t even be mad at the vulgar comments the boys made. He wanted to tell them so bad, but you wanted to see a doctor first. Just to be sure.
The next day when Roger was late to the studio everyone was worried. Maybe something had happened. The boys normally met at about 9am and it was 11 and no one had heard anything from either of you.
So, they started without Roger, and at 11:30 you two walked into the studio hand in hand and a smile on both your faces.
Freddie noticed you first.
“ decided to grace us with the presence I see” you knew he wasn’t too mad due to the cheeky smile.
“ sorry about this boy but I promise it was for a good reason” Roger just held you and nodded, looking like he was going to burst.
Freddie, Brian and John just kinda stared at you two. Surprisingly John spoke up
“ come on then out with it” they all watched expectedly.
“ y/n’s pregnant”
They all started cheering and throwing congratulations around like confetti.
As the weeks went on y/n’s belly grew as did the love for the little baby. You visited the studio almost every day and almost all anyone could talk about was your baby. At this point, you thought maybe they were more excited than you were.
Once the excitement died down reality sunk in. Of a morning, noon and night, you were almost always sick, at first you tried to hide it from Roger but when you almost threw up on his drums one day he was always a there to hold your hair.
The sickness eventually calmed down, but muscle aches and pains were there to replace it. Roger was the sweetest through your entire pregnancy. You hated putting your issues on him, but he was nothing but an angel.
“ baby you’re literally growing our child in your stomach for nine entire months, the least I can do is look after you”
From day one the boys wanted to know the name. You and Roger wanted to keep it as a surprise as well as the gender but that one got out a little early.
You and Roger had known the gender of your baby for almost two weeks and it was killing the rest of the band that they didn’t know.
You were sitting on the couch in the studio absentmindedly flipping through baby magazines. When Freddie came and sat beside you,
“ so y/n I want to throw you a baby shower but I need Colours”
You were too in your own world to even hear what Freddie was saying until he poked you and asked again,
“ pink Fred”
“ it’s a girl” you ears perked at that.
Freddie jumped up running into the studio shrieking “ it’s a girl”
Roger just laughed and nodded once Freddie explained how he found out.
It was now getting to the end of your pregnancy. It had been the longest 9 months of your life, but you wouldn’t change it for the world, you had been nesting intensely.
The nursery had been set up and your baby girl was set for life after the baby shower Freddie had thrown for you. It was almost as big as his usual parties and you didn’t even know half the people in the end, but you didn’t mind. You didn’t care who was there because you spent the entire time in Rogers arms surrounded by those you loved the most.
In the last few weeks before your due date, you had been skipping out on the studio and staying home. Roger had been trying to stay home but the album deadline was fast approaching, and your pregnancy had been a major distraction. Not that anyone cared.
It was exactly 3 weeks before your due date when you woke up in the middle of the night. It wasn’t unusual for you to wake to pee but something in your gut gave made you think tonight was different. You were right. As you stood up out of bed and took a step you felt the gush of liquid down your legs.
“ Roger” your voice was as quiet as a mouse and you heard him stirring, his raspy, sleep voice filled with concern.
“is everything okay”
“my water just broke”
“Oh, shit” Roger sat up and started moving so fast you could have sworn he was on something. All could do was try to get changed out of your saturated pyjama pants and make yourself mildly presentable. All while Roger ran around the house asking a million questions and freaking out. You called out to him and he came straight to you.
“is everything okay, I have the car packed do we go to the hospital” you cut him off with a kiss and you felt him relax into you.
“Roger relax, its fine we are going to get in the car and drive safely to the hospital. These things take hours okay” he nodded before his eyes lit up “I have to call Freddie, he would kill me if I don’t” you just laughed and told him you would make your way to the car.
You had never seen Roger drive so slow in his life, he was being so perfectly careful. Until you started groaning. The first contraction and it hurt like a bitch. Then it was like a switch had been flipped and he started driving so fast you were scared if he braked too hard the baby might just fall out.
By 9 am the next morning you were still weren’t fulling dilated. Freddie and Mary had come at about 7 and had been with you ever since. The doctors were due to come to check on you again any minute and you were begging and praying that they said it was time
At 9:56 That morning you heard the first ever cry of your baby girl. You had been squeezing Rogers’ hand so hard you thought it might be broken, the doctor placed your baby on your chest and you were an emotional wreck. Roger kissed you telling you how great you’ve done and when you looked up at him he kissed you again before mumbling, “marry me please Y/N I love you more than you could ever know, I want to give you the whole world” your sobs continued and you couldn’t stop nodding, you managed to gasp out a yes before kissing Roger again.
Once you and the baby were cleaned up roger went outside to get everyone. The tears started flowing again as you saw everyone walk in. Mary was holding a bunch of flowers, your favourite, of course, Freddie was carrying an entire basket of what looked like baby clothes, Brian was carrying a small pink teddy and deaky was carrying what looked like two coffees and a brown bag. You hoped it was a muffin. You were fucking starving.
They all congratulated you and Roger, and you looked at Roger who was holding the now sleeping newborn,
“Mary, boys please meet Violet Grace Taylor” they all started cheering before you shushed them and pointed to  Violet.
You couldn’t help but smile, Roger promised you the world, but you already had it.
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lisa-seymour-blog · 7 years
2. The Birth
So Friday the 17th of Feb 2017 came and we were up at 5am in the morning driving to the hospital to be induced, 7am came and the anaesthetist came in, stabbed me with a few needles and there we go i was beginning to lose feeling from the waist down, not long after my obstetrician came in and broke my waters and said i will be back at about 1pm, i of course smiled and said okay but inside i wanted to yell at her and say WHY 1PM , CAN’T YOU JUST GET THE BABY OUT NOW! But no i refrained and kept my cool. I sat in that bed in pretty much the same position all day long (worst back pain ever) waiting, waiting,  doctors and midwives coming in a looking down in that region you would prefer to keep to yourself, feeling my tummy, monitoring the baby and her heart rate, taking my blood pressure every 10 minutes and so on. 1pm came and in walks my obstetrician, i felt relief, excitement and nervous all at once, she says “lets see how we are going” again looks downstairs has a poke around and says “hmm we are only 4 or 5cm dilated, we need to increase the drip (making my contractions happen)” She then looks at me who probably had a face of a kid who just dropped their icecream, patted me on the leg for reassurance and says “its ok, don’t worry we will increase the drip and that should get things going faster” again i smiled and said okay when really i just wanted to burst into tears, i had been in that bed since 6am, couldn’t move much at all, wasn’t aloud to eat a thing (Brenden, mum and his mum are all sitting next to me chowing down food mind you) :( and my back had never felt so much pain ! Anyway, i pulled it together and she tells me she will be back around 5pm :l So i decide to try have a nap and rest hoping this will make things go quicker, which to my surprise it did, next thing it was 5pm and she is back, again all those feelings rushed back, she has a look another poke around and says “much better, we are just about ready to go, ill be back in half an hour and we will start pushing” My first thought was THANK GOD, then i was like FUCK, it’s about to happen, at this point i also realised my epidural bag of goodness looked quite empty, and i had started to get this feeling in my lower stomach, it was like pressure to begin with and from there it started to get worse and would come and go so immediately i think shit i can feel these contractions, isn’t the epidural suppose to stop this! it started getting unbareable so Brenden alerted the nurse and then my doctor came in just to tell me the great news that “we can’t give you anymore of the drip because that pain is the babies head pushing down so we can’t really make that pain go away” WONDERFUL, this pain was so intense it was almost bringing me to tears, anyway i pushed on just squeezing Brenden’s hand every time it showed. It wasn’t much longer and in comes my obstetrician along with a midwife and they start preparing me and themselves for me to push, the pain i was feeling just kept getting worse and worse and every time it came i was told to PUSH as hard as i could into your bum, basically like your trying to do a massive SHIT. So i pushed, and pushed, and pushed, and pushed, never did i think i would be one of those women sitting there with sweat pouring down my face, struggling to catch a breathe just to blurt out “i can’t do it, I can’t do it” to me i felt like i had been pushing for like 5 minutes, usually it feels like a lifetime for other women but not to me, but i clearly no idea on how long it had been because after a little while my obstetrician said she’s going to give me some help but i still need to push, i immediately though “help” what kind of help?! A little tip - Do not watch one born every minute whilst pregnant - they give you a false image on birth in Aus because over there they are happy to use forceps which over here we do not use as this can crush the babies skull if done slightly incorrectly. Anyway of course in my moment of panic i thought she was going to use something along those lines, but to my relief she informs the midwife to get the vacuum, ( i picture the vacuum you use at home to clean the house ) of course it’s nothing like that, so anyway she obviously attaches this device to my babies head and somehow uses it to help pull her out, along with cutting my downstairs to pieces (not literally, but i swear it felt that way) The next thing my babies head is out and she already lets out the biggest cry i feel a little relief and then have to push one more time and then there she is laying up on my chest all covered in blood, muck and crying her little lungs out (clearly she liked the womb better) i don’t blame her.
So there she was, laying on me squirming around, crying, attempting to open her eyes while i just stared at her and then at Brenden and then back at her. After the initial shock wore of that my baby was no longer inside my stomach and was here in the world, i began to sink, i had been laying in the same bed in pretty much the same position since 6am that morning and it was now 6:30 / 7:00pm that night, i still had my legs up on stirrups whilst my obstetrician who sliced me open sat there stitching me back together for what felt like an eternity, mind you by this point i had full feeling back and girls i am sure you can only imagine the immense pain of a needle and thread pushing in and out of your skin downstairs after you just pushed a baby the size of a watermelon of down there, it was excruciating but i just tried to keep my mind off it and on this beautiful little screaming baby i had in front of me. Finally i had been put back together again, pads, towels, all types of things you can imagine had been placed underneath me to catch what felt like and what most certainly was litres of blood pouring out of me. Anyway the obstetrician had done her job, made her money and was out of there in the blink of an eye, and left the midwives to clean up her mess, quite literally. LOL  The midwife came in, took my little baby and gave her a good wipe down, gave her 2 needles, put a nappy on her and dressed her in a little gown then wrapped her up and handed her over to dad for his first cuddle. Meanwhile i laid on the bed, feeling exhausted, emotional and sore so so sore, all i wanted to do was get of that bed, get showered and to be given the strongest possible pain meds there was ! So i laid there waiting for the midwife to come back to me and offer me all of the above, it was probably only 10 minutes until she came back but to me it felt like an hour and i just sobbed to Brenden that i wanted to get up, i wanted to shower and move and not have so much pain! He hugged and comforted me until she came back, when she did she was shocked i could feel everything already but she then gave me her helping hand along with Brendens and they helped me wobble over to the bathroom handing me 4 pads to catch the litres of blood i was told will just continue to poor out, anyway the shower was difficult but i never enjoyed a shower so much that night, i just stood there letting it run down my back, i used so much soap because i just felt so dirty and gross from all the needles i had stuck in me, the blood, the sweat everything was washing away and i felt so much better, i began to think it wasn’t actually that bad after all. Brenden obviously had to help me get dried, dressed etc etc and i then wobbled back out into the room and sat down on a chair, for about 2 minutes it felt amazing, then all the pain came rushing back, my back, my head, my downstairs it all just ached and throbbed immensely, i couldn’t even think about Sophie at this point as she had only just stopped crying since she came out with my mum there settling her down. I just needed a minute to breathe and take it all in, so i sat there with Brenden and we sent out that famous text to all our family and friends announcing the birth of our girl, i had some phone calls and facetime from family sending there congratulations and melting at our new little baby. Anyway all the hype died down, mum went home and it was just me, Brenden and our new baby Sophie, the midwife came in asking if i want to breastfeed i of course said yes, when i was pregnant i always said i will try but i am not going to push if i feel like it’s not for me,  So we gave it a go, but it just wasn’t working, we tried both sides but she just couldn’t latch on and she was screaming her little lungs out, the midwife reassured me it is just because she is hungry and wants food but cannot get it. So the next thing she offered me was to bottle feed her, of course encouraged breast feeding but told me it was completely my decision, at this point i was exhausted and in severe pain and all i wanted was to stop my baby from crying, so i opted out and she handed me a bottle, Sophie SCULLED 15mls in seconds and there it was, complete silence, she was content and i breathed a sigh of relief, after that point the midwife sat with us discussing bottle and breastfeeding again saying i can try again if i would like but its up to me. I of course just leant straight toward bottle feeding, it seemed easier, less painful and i could get help from others with bottle feeding so that decision was made, we were going to bottle feed. The midwife then left to go organise me a new room to move into.
Brenden and i just sat there taking it all in talking about bottle feeding and breastfeeding and he of course supported whatever decision i was going to make, which ended up just being to bottle feed. Not to long after we were packed up and moved into our new room, it was about 9 or 10pm at night by this point and Brenden and i were exhausted after a long day, he got us some food but i couldn’t even think about food at this point i just had a hot chocolate and sat on the bed, wishing i could just lay down and fall asleep but i think my adrenalin was still pumping because that was not going to happen. So our first night was horrible, Sophie had a lot of mucus which was making her choke a lot through out the night, we were blessed with a very helpful and reassuring midwife to help us with her and i am sure we pressed the buzzer for the nurse like 20 times that night! But every time she came with a smile on her face offering nothing but her help which was such a relief for us,  So that first night we probably had about 1 or 2hrs of sleep and we took turns resting so that someone was always awake in case she started to choke, we fed her every 3-4 hours, we changed our first black tar poop and i was chowing down the pain meds every 4hrs as well as drinking ural (horrible stuff) it did help though so when i did wee it didn’t feel like i was dipping a cut into salt! Silly me went to the bathroom before drinking any of it and my god it was painful! Anyway we survived the night, early that morning Sophie had another choking episode, luckily just as the midwife walked in to check on us because she started going blue, the mucus got stuck in her throat and nose so she couldn’t get a breath out, so they took her down the nursery to suck it out and give her some oxygen, another midwife came back and assured us she was ok they just want to keep an eye on her but she was in the nursery and we could go see her whenever we want.  By this point it was lunch time so we decided to quickly eat and were then going to go down and see her but a few minutes later they brought her back in and said she was fine. So that day we had a lot of visitors come and meet Sophie and bring gifts for her so again at the end of our 2nd day we were exhausted. Our 2nd night was a bit better than our first but still we had some choking episodes and we had some crying episodes that night to, we again took turns in looking after her while the other rested, i think we swapped from the bed to the chair several times holding Sophie propped up on a pillow just to make sure she was ok and so she would sleep. Sunday morning came and we just wanted to go home, not to mention the afternoon before a new midwife had started to take care of us who was snobby, questioned me about breastfeeding, tried to teach us different ways of bathing and wrapping Sophie when we had already been taught so we just wanted out. Lucky for us that afternoon / night we were let out and were home by 7pm. And so from here our life with Sophie began.
Read blog post 3. Our first month with Sophie Lisa xx
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