#longest shortest time
paperglader · 5 months
I miss her 😞 (fictional character imogen temult from critical role)
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Me: I’m not going to join the petty ship discourse about dunmeshi shipping
Me after checking ao3: wtf why is Marc!lle/Ch!lchuck the third most popular ship?????
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hoperays-song · 1 year
Ryan’s Type
Johnny: So, what’s Ryan's type?
Nooshy: Brown eyes, kind, oblivious, good sense of humour, sings, leather jacket, you know, that kinda thing.
Johnny: Huh, that sounds kinda like me. Too bad we’re just friends.
Nooshy: Did I mention oblivious?
Johnny: Yeah, why?
Nooshy: Okay, just making sure.
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ongreenergrasses · 3 months
the gf and i have been together for 5 years today…
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inkblackorchid · 7 months
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Reasons why I had to put the duel from chapter 4 of the WIP into a separate, new chapter, exhibit A: This is the duel, now in chapter 5. Just the duel. I didn't even add any of the other stuff that's supposed to happen in this chapter yet.
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 2 months
me obsessively refreshing my album order confirmation as if it's going to magically change lmao
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skeletonvomit · 2 months
wanna throw up thinking about the action tomorrow...
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jimalim · 1 year
Every chapter is written so it will be posted on a schedule (unless anything important comes up) I should also note the average word count for each chapter is over 8k so these are bigins! (Plus ill probably post chapter 1 on Friday!! Since it fits each option.)
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chaos-and-cookies · 6 months
Happy winter solstice everyone, be careful in the dark 🌚
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what did I do today? oh you know. went through and looked at how long my fics have taken to write. and then made a graph. obviously
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fazedlight · 6 months
oooh I'm curious to see this spectrum from you for the ao3 wrapped: 13 and 14
13. What’s your longest work of the year?
Longest was Darkness in All Things with 32,767 words!
14. What’s your shortest work of the year?
Shortest on AO3 is Retribution, my Mxy-offers-Lena-to-see-how-her-Pulitzer-plan-would-play-out ficlet that grew a little to long to post on tumblr at 2,708 words (I try to use 1k as my cutoff, though I've gone over that a couple times).
But if we count my ficlets, then it becomes Mercy at 194 words. That's a very short and angsty character study (that started with me explaining a headcanon, and turned into a ficlet instead).
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blametheeditor · 9 months
God Of Formalities
Item#: SCP-8889 
Object Class: Euclid 
Threat Level: [REDACTED] 
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-8889 is currently overseen solely by [REDACTED]. 
Full report of containment procedures concerning SCP-8889 is classified and can only be accessed by those with a Level 5 security clearance. 
If the full identity of SCP-8889 is ever leaked, including any information of its current or previous whereabouts, its handler [REDACTED] must be informed immediately. 
Description: SCP-8889 is a lesser known deity with the formal title God Of Formalities. It goes by a few other titles, including God Of Contracts and God Of Transactions, but those were earned due to its behavior when interacting with humans. However, it detests being addressed as the God Of Business due to the incorrect association with the Roman god Mercury.
Its power comes from making agreements with humans, mainly in the form of contracts, in which it is agreed upon both parties that for its extensive knowledge and guaranteed success in the person's endeavors, SCP-8889 will be taught how to master their craft as well as receive assistance no matter when or what it entails.
It has two main forms. The one utilized to interact with humans has changed depending on its chosen identity, however it consistently resembles a tall man who is always dressed in professional attire. 
At this time, there are no documented uses of ‘assistance’ from anyone who has signed a contract, and are closely being monitored in the case distance plays no role in when it can be given. 
At this time, there are no documented disciples or followers, and SCP-8889 does not currently have any contact with those who can become one. 
Documented abilities include [REDACTED], [REDACTED], and possessing a [REDACTED] in which anyone can be pulled into at SCP-8889's will. 
Full report of Incident 8889-1 is classified and can only be accessed by those with a Level 5 security clearance.
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masonsystem · 7 months
also gosh i really do love the concept of kgpr's eye powers so much. i love how theyre so deeply rooted in every characters' individual traumas, while also relating to azami's own traumas, and i love how its not just a superpower received upon resurrection, but is instead an ailment that nearly every character is seen to be struggling with. and its also so important how the characters are only able to control their powers when they begin to resolve certain aspects of their traumas, like momo only learns to control her powers when she finally receives the specific attention she has long coveted for in the form of genuine friendship, and kido only begins to control her powers when she finally finds familial security which she was deprived of in her youth, etc. like its not just a matter of 'what if trauma gave you superpower', but more like, 'what if trauma WAS a superpower'. and i love that <3
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hoperays-song · 11 months
Ash: Johnny, describe your relationship with Ryan in two words.
Johnny, confused: What relationship?
Nooshy, snorting: Sounds accurate to me.
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honeydots · 9 months
♨ All These Moving Parts ✧ leokumi | one shot collection | ~1.4k each ✧ Summary: After inviting the Nohrian royalty to Hoshidan hot springs, Takumi and Leo go up to one on their own. Unfortunately, an incident leaves Leo burned and Takumi slightly lost as he tries to figure out what happened. // A short collection of one shot prompts.
the next bundle of prompts is on ao3! leokumi this time :D
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All Yakuza games seem to be all long that’s how it’s not like GTA because in GTA you can beat a hooker the moment you start the game!!!
yakuza is also not like GTA because you can't fist fight hookers at any point in the games
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