#lorca and burnham
reginaldqueribundus · 10 months
Star Trek TOS: what if the captain was a slut who got in fights all the time and did whatever the hell he wanted and it all sort of worked out anyway
TNG: what if the captain drank tea and gave speeches instead
DS9: what if the captain was a single father and religious figure trying to hold onto his morals in the face of an existential threat
Voyager: what if the captain was trying to get her unruly scout troop back home and also she had a GUN
Enterprise: what if the captain was a massive dweeb
Kelvin timeline: what if the first guy was actually a horny frat boy
Disco: what if the captain was a cryptofascist? no wait, what if he was just sooooooo handsome, like so mind-meltingly handsome that is just feels unfair? wait, what if he was a deer? no actually what if she did whatever the hell she wanted, but also felt emotions about it?
Picard: what if the captain was a secondary character driven into solitude by his PTSD, and then we suddenly replaced him with some dipshit from Chicago
Lower Decks: what if the captain was your well-meaning perfectionist mother
Prodigy: what if the captain was a purple teenager
SNW: what if the captain was your dad
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justreckin · 5 months
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quasi-normalcy · 3 months
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cocodavie · 5 months
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phantomstatistician · 9 months
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Fandom: Star Trek: Discovery
Character: Michael Burnham
Sample Size: 1,261 stories
Source: AO3
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diver5ion · 1 year
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unknownfaceless-ds9 · 10 months
You can think about Star Trek Discovery all you want.
You can say about it not having enough emotion all you want.
It will not stop me from bawling my eyes out, everytime I watch "An Obol for Charon" (s02e04] or "Project Daedalus" (s02e09) or the whole dying thing from Hugh Culber or sad Baby Spock or when Micheal reunites with the crew or...
Think what you are, but I do not believe that there are no emotions inthis show.
Please no disrespectful comments, I can understand, when some people do not agree with my opinion but that's what it is, my opinion.
I like DIscovery. It has definetly room for improvement but that applies to almost every movie or tv show out there.
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disco-bang · 2 months
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Disco Bang Sign-Ups Open!
Sign-ups for the Star Trek Discovery Big Bang challenge are now open! Are you an author, artist and/or general fan of the show? Join us :)
⭐ Sign Up l Schedule l FAQ l Rules
Author sign-ups: 2 April - 28 June Artist sign-ups: 2 April - 26 July Beta sign-ups: 2 April - 2 August
What is a Big Bang?
A Big Bang is a long-form fic challenge with accompanying artwork. Authors sign up to write a fic that is, at a minimum, 15k in length, and Artists sign up to create fanart for those fics.
Got questions the FAQ doesn't answer? Our ask box is open!
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bleedingcoffee42 · 9 months
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The 2024 Star Trek Winter Gift Exchange is here!
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Q: What is the Star Trek Winter Gift Exchange?
A: It’s a fanworks exchange for any fandom within the Star Trek universe, from The Original Series to Strange New Worlds!
Q: How does it work?
A: When you sign up, you’ll provide three options of gift ideas you’d like to receive, as well as gifts you’re open to making. Once sign-ups close, the mod will send you the url of the person you’ll make a fanwork for and their requests. You’ll have the month of January to fulfill one of the requests. Make sure your ask box is open so the mod or your Secret Santa can contact you!
Q: Do I have to make fanart/fanfic for the exchange?
A: Nope! All types of fanworks are welcome :) Fics, art, edits, fanvids, playlists, moodboards, podfics, among other things! As long as you’re creating it, it’s welcome.
Q: What are the important dates I should know?
A: December 29, 11:59 pm CST: sign-ups close
January 1-3: You’ll be notified who your recipient is.
January 21-31: Post your gifts! Details here.
Q: Sounds awesome! How do I sign up?
A: Fill out this form!
Q: What if I only want to be a pinch hitter?
A: If you ONLY want to be a pinch hitter, fill out this form!
If you have other questions, send an ask. And don’t forget to spread the word!
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"Mariner x Locarno, Burnham x Lorca, B'Elanna x Vorik, and Khan x Marla are my guilty pleasure ships. I'm not saying these guys deserved a happy ending because frankly, the women deserve better, but I do like said pairings for the character dynamics and interactions."
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defconprime · 4 months
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Royal Mail Discovery stamps
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eastsideofthemoon · 1 year
THEE Captain of the USS Discovery
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stoplookingup · 3 months
At the point during Disco S1 when it became clear that Lorca had a secret agenda, and there was buzz about a mirror-universe twist, I thought of a storyline that seemed to fit so well, I convinced myself I was at least partially right:
Lorca's ship, the Buran, had somehow been transported to the mirror universe mid-battle. Lorca had escaped, but his crew remained trapped there. Realizing that Discovery was the only ship that could get to the mirror universe, but also that, even if anyone believed him, Starfleet wouldn't just give him the ship with the prototype spore drive in the middle of the Klingon war, he came up with the story about the Buran's destruction and set about gaining control of Discovery. So he was deceitful, but he wasn't evil -- he was a captain determined to rescue his crew, even if it meant going behind Starfleet's back. I even thought it was possible that, at some point, he had taken Burnham into his confidence, which would have made sense in light of her demonstrated willingness to go rogue in service of what she deemed to be a good cause.
Instead, for Lorca, we got a bait-and-switch story about a guy who seemed to have layers and nuances, but turned out to simply be a cartoon villain, and for Burnham, a redemption arc where her character completely changed for no convincing reason.
Unfortunately, this became a pattern on the show: Introduce a promising storyline with intriguing possibilities; fumble it with a rushed, unsatisfying conclusion; reset and start over. I don't expect Disco's final season to be any different, except of course there won't be any more resets.
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lithiumseven · 2 years
Lorca: *screaming*
Stamets: *screaming louder*
Tilly: Should we stop them?
Michael: No, no, I want to see who wins
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darktiger57 · 5 months
i started watching discovery yesterday
i watched 12 episodes in 1 sitting
it's really good so far
michael burnham is great and hot. tilly is great and adorable and hot. lorca, gotta admit, kinda hot. georgiou hot.
so i wrote some smut about it
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