#loves him. but orpheus cannot love himself. that was their coffin.
bruciemilf · 6 months
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I'm. Not okay. About them.
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mbti-all-the-things · 3 years
Myers-Briggs Types as Songs from my Greek Mythology Album
The album is called From the Kindly Ones, and it tells the stories of figures in the Greek Underworld, from the point of view of the Fury Alecto, who punishes or otherwise knows them. Each one teaches a lesson Alecto feels the figure needs to learn, or features some other opinion the Fury has. 
There are 16 songs, so I figured, why not? Each blurb includes the title, the type, a sample lyric, and some explanation.  There are four sections of the album: Kings, Queens, the Innocent, and the Guilty.
The lyrics are here, and the entire album (a rough acoustic recording) is included here if you want to listen to your type’s song! 
Dictator - INTJ
It’s no fun when you didn’t want to be the ruler of the world ? But the job is yours, there’s no denying
Hades’ song is about a man in an unwanted position of power, forever set apart with terrible duty and ability from the rest of his kind. But he was granted this broader perspective of the world for better or for worse, and I think the INTJ Mastermind type can relate.
Peaches Before Gold - ENTP
You earned the gold / You made the score / You saw a win and made it yours
Midas’ song cautions against ambition and greed trumping interpersonal relationships. While he gains unimaginable wealth, he becomes unable to show his daughter what he’s won. ENTPs can be prone to falling into a need to “win” above all else.
Down - ISFP
Death is no giant; it’s more of a king / Small like a tyrant, and just as inevitable
Sisyphus’ song details why he is condemned to roll a boulder up a hill forever. He was cunning and creative, and managed to cheat death more than once, for which he was punished. The ISFP’s individualism can sometimes make them believe that rules don’t apply to them.
The Dictator Remix - ENTJ
Lie on the chaise lounge while they lower grapes in front of you / Go on, keep chasing the high like the dictators do
Tantalus’ song is a mirror of Hades,’ showing a man who grasped at power his whole life, trying to cheat the gods, only to hurt those around him and damn himself. The ENTJ can be incredibly focused on success, but needs to understand humility to be truly powerful.
Friend of Fury - ISTP
You drew a bath of roses and you stood behind the king / You heard it then, the sound of blood when it decides to sing
Clytemnestra’s song depicts a woman taken advantage of her whole life, who finally breaks the chains of society to take revenge on her husband. The ISTP is an independent, practical soul who often thinks against the grain and is willing to take swift action, like this queen.
Upside Down - ESFP
You’re a creature of ego, oh Lady in the Chair / To see Aphrodite’s face beside your own could grant some clarity
Cassiopeia’s song tells the story of a vain queen who boasted of her daughter’s beauty above that of a goddess. While ESFPs can fall into the trap of vanity, they (like this queen) also have strong bonds with others, especially taking pride in their families.
The Queen of All The Ghosts - ESFJ
I was once like you / I was once a martyr, too / You, a sign of spring / Me, a warning of the justice I would bring
Persephone’s song gives a glimpse into the mind of Hades’ wife, and how her internment in the Underworld was more her decision than the myth leads us to believe. Like the Queen of the Dead, the ESFJ often makes quietly strong decisions for their family and for their own needs.
Good Boy - ISFJ
If they would listen to your words and not the mouths that they escape / I think they’d love you, dear
Cerberus’ song is a sad one, but it’s also full of compassion. The three-headed dog is most often seen as a terrifying figure, but the narrator of this song sees him as an innocent. The ISFJ’s desire to care for others and natural gentleness is on full display here.
Falling From Grace - INFJ
So climb the stairs to heaven while I wait here on the ground / Paying no attention to the bodies raining down
Icarus’ song warns against perfectionism, following the story of a young man who up until now has easily navigated the patterns of life. INFJs are prone to god complexes due to their ability to see beyond the surface of life, but they may come crashing down if they are too reliant on it.
Coins - INTP
‘Cause the ferryman will take it from under your tongue / Doesn’t really matter if you die young 
Charon’s song covers the ferryman’s singular interest in his mission: ferry souls across the Styx and receive payment for it. The INTP can become completely fixated on a certain topic, neglecting all else to puruse what they deem most interesting at the time.
Follow Me, Prelude - ISTJ
One, too bound to his lyre / And one who a liar kept in the ground
Orpheus’ and Eurydice’s songs are preceded by this very short prelude. While it’s the shortest song on the album (sorry, ISTJs!), the practicality of this piece lines up with the ISTJ’s. They are also very to-the-point, and these lines pack a powerful punch, summing up the next story.
Follow Me, Pt. 1 - ENFP
What you wanted was a mystery, even to me / Why do I follow you when I don’t even know where you’re leading me?
Eurydice’s song is the only one on the album from the subject’s point of view, rather than the narrator’s. The story of her open heart and innocent nature mirror the ENFP’s, idealists who may find themselves in the sad position of loving those who cannot love them back.
Follow Me, Pt. 2 - INFP
Should I listen to men who would tear me apart? / I’m sorry, my love, but your face isn’t worth my heart
Orpheus’ song depicts his devotion to his art and ideals, and how that extends beyond his devotion to Eurydice. The fiercely individual and creative INFP needs to balance their focus on ideals with reality and relationships, which Orpheus has unfortunately failed to do.
Visitor - ESTJ
Hera saw it in your heart (she held it there herself, you know) / And so she knew how it could stain your darkest clothes
Heracles’ song is about the demigod’s disproportionate strength and rage, and how Hera manipulated both to cause his life harm. ESTJs are strong-willed and tough, and need to be careful of allowing their rigid tendencies to break the softer world around them.
Doomed - ESTP
Sitting on the head of your father’s coffin / Sitting on the bed while your mother’s watching
Oedipus’ song tells the story of a man told of his dark fate, who fulfills it in his effort to avoid it. ESTP individuals are bold, which can come at the price of taking opportunistic risks. Like Oedipus, they could end up acting on something with unexpected consequences.
To Cower, To Covet - ENFJ
Theseus, do you think of your friend in the pit? / Pirithous — condemned, while you got away with it
Theseus’ and Pirithous’ song shows the double standard of condemnation when a slight is personal rather than impersonal. The ENFJ is an idealistic leader who may, like Hades with these young men, hold others to a high standard - but who also may be too hard on themselves.
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