#ls jaesa
parseolegacy · 7 days
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Thada and her girlfriend <3 💞💞💞 Can't wait to get Thada to the point where they can make it official in game. In my heart they're together since after the CS. Happy pride month (I totally didn't start this in april)
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dingoat · 8 months
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A Brief Distraction
[An absolute blast of a piece for @queen-scribbles featuring best boy Tragen not at all realising that his new gear might be compromising Jaesa's attention--]
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legends-chauvinist · 3 months
Ossus Reunion
Doing the expansions on Cyal finally paid off! I love them so much.
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
Tagged by @dingoat​ to take this uquiz with an OC (or two), went with Tragen and Endrali. I ran it twice with Tragen bc there were a few questions where I was really torn on the answer, annnnnd that was enough to give him two results that both fit. 😅 I ran it twice with Endrali to be fair, but there weren’t enough different answers to change her result.
which tragic greek figure are you?
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you are your father's son and your mother's equal. morality and justice guide your hands through every act, no matter how vile, so that society may be preserved—even if you must sacrifice yourself. what is your flesh flayed by the kindly ones over your father being avenged? matricide, when sparing your mother would lose her respect for you? there is peace at the end, orestes, but the journey to it is dark and terrible.
clever patroclus, beloved patroclus, poor patroclus: you do fall into madness, nor vanity, nor hubris. not, that is, for your own sake. love for that golden-haired man, sorrow for your countrymen; it is for his name that you don his armor, and for the dying greeks that you ride into battle. every piece of you is willingly given away, even if after you are gone there are wicked things done in your name.
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sing, o muse, of the failed lover who thwarted perils and charmed death but could not save that who he cherished most. you have impressed the god of music with your skill, have sailed with argonauts, and penned literature that lived millennia past your death, but you are most remembered for only just failing to save eurydice from the depths of hades. take your grief-filled hands and wander, now, museless creature, until death comes for you too.
Tagging @haledamage​ @starsandskies​ @valkblue​ @snowymage​ and @undyingembers​
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burn-for-me-baby · 2 years
My most recent brainrot:
Naomi Scott as Jaesa Willsaam
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and Rosamund Pike as Lana Beniko
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daddopenguin · 1 month
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Sith warrior goes fucking hard in the finale of act 3.
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magicallulu7 · 2 months
Hi! Returning your ask right back at you hehe
So, which companions from the class stories do you dislike the most?
And which ones do you like the most? :)
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(Returning the boop, too, of course!)
Ok, so here goes!
The companions I dislike/like the most-
Jedi Knight: I honestly would like Doc more if the devs didn't make him pushy with the flirting, but I dislike Rusk a bit more. At least Doc has a personality and has funny banter with the other companions- Rusk is just there taking up space.
The companion I like in JK: Kira. She mashes well with my JK. Oh and T7! best droid.
Trooper: It's between M1 and Yunn- I'm just not fond of them. Along with Vik. Honestly, both Yunn and Vik are forgettable.
The companion I like in Trooper: Elara. She's just so sweet and her friendship route is great!
Bounty Hunter: Skadge. Just Skadge.
The companion I like in BH: I can't pick one- Maybe Mako or Blizz.
Sith Warrior: The Bloody Murder Mop! I mean Broom- Broonmark! I'm just not fond of him and he's forgettable. I might have killed him without realizing it-
The companion I like in SW: Hmm, I'll say it's between LS Jaesa and Vette.
Jedi Consular: I'm not fond of Zenith. I don't hate him, but I'm more neutral towards him.
The companion I like in JC: Nadia she's a little sister to my JC. Qyzen is a close second.
Smuggler: I'm not fond of Guss with the stant he pulled on Hoth, but my Smuggler punched him so they're even! I might grow more fond of him when I finally beat Smuggler.
The companion I like in Smuggler: Risha. I just like her no nonsense attitude with Skavak.
Imperial Agent: Honestly- I like everyone in the Imp story. If I have to pick one- it's probably SCORPIO.
The companion I like in IA: Vector. He's an interesting character and like a brother to my IA.
Sith Inquisitor: Xalek- He's just blend. He could've been flashed out more.
The companion I like in SI: It's between Ashara and Khem.
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illumsky · 10 months
LS Sith Warrior OC
I need to get him out of my system because the SWTOR hyperfixation™ is occupying my last brain cell
Anyway this guy has been marinating in my head for like 2 years and he's gone through so many personality and style changes it's crazy, but this one stuck with me
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Name: Daniel DeLeon Class: LS Sith Warrior | marauder Age: 23 (class story beginning) Gender & race: Male, Thyrsian/Echani
Heavily LS leaning, could be described better as morally grey/complex. Most of the time does what he feels is right, guided by his own moral compass & personal warrior code
Won't hesitate to use his lightsaber if necessary but diplomacy and pragmatism are always preferred over violence
Fiercely loyal to his friends/family/crew and would do anything for the people he cares about even if he doesn't vocally express or show it to them
Vette and Jaesa are his besties, his crew=found family, favorite hobby is making fun of Malavai with Vette (affectionately)
Also, I like the way he looks in-game, the braids are fine or at least as close as it can get but a few details are missing so here's a rough depiction that's a bit more him
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0alix0 · 1 year
Give us a Vette headcanon!
Oh yesss >:3
So! Because of growing up in slavery and poverty Vette had to cherish every chrisp of food possible, never waste it even if expiration date is over, and (if possible) save it in case if she won't get any tomorrow. Even after joining warrior's crew it didn't go away, she developed a habit of always having some spare food around. Snacks, packs of chips, anything really, everywhere on a ship and you can never guess where you find another of her "hideouts" (even she doesn't remember all of them anymore). So one day warrior opened their own closet and there's a bag of crackers casually hangs there, between their armor and official wardrobe. Jaesa found a pack of space m&m's among kolto packs in med bay. Romanced warrior opens a bedside table in Vette's room, there's a ration barrs, like, 3 of them, one is opened. The peak of this insanity was when Broonmark found a soup can.... in a vent. It probably drives Quinn mad because it's kind of unsanitary, but LS warrior and Jaesa actually feel sad for her.
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serenofroses · 22 days
the way female SW's voice saying "I'm sorry" in that low and soft tone (bc I had to reject LS Jaesa than pursue romance) had me weak.
me thinking of Kritanta saying sorry to Vowrawn for leaving him all alone while she was in cryo-sleep by the Emperor. Or to Ania and Jazz as she felt like she failed as a mother to protect them from corrupted rogue Sith. ahhhh.
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fleeting-sanity · 6 months
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Birb Avion Family Portrait
I made two potat family portraits but none for them shame shame... Anyways this is my OG family, everyone is an OC except for Jaesa. Their ages are all 25 since obviously.... uhm, some of them are dead.
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Individual short bio under read more!
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Rionnic Avion / Aevrel Valius Panteer / Xarethe
Class : Sith Warrior Weapon : Dual Lightsabers
hahahhaha he's the only sith in the fam just a tired boi enabling his twin brother escaping responsibilities by taking on all of those leadership roles when all he wanted was a quiet life with his lil family divorced from the chaotic galaxy. loves to sing SECRETLY, be a clingy dad, compose poems and music, write research journals, and watches musical events. emo variant of emperor's wrath.
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Riornivo Avion
Class : Jedi Consular Weapon : Lightsaber
too kind and caring to a fault. stubborn like his twin in the flavor of not wanting to learn that sometimes helping people needed to be in moderation and can lead to its own repercussions. loves to knit, cook, garden, teach, and clean. boo-boo the fool variant of the barsen'thor.
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Vyria Avion
Class : Jedi Knight Weapon : Lightsaber
third stubborn, twice brash sister. likes beating up enemies with fists and soles. then you'll get her actually using her lightsaber. often spats and spars with eldest brother. bubbly, loud, and opinionated. loves to exercise, window shopping, swim, and dance.
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Jaesa Willsaam
Class : I'd say she's a... Consular Weapon : Double-bladed Lightsaber
LS version. no master-apprentice dynamics between the two as they are equal. became more self-assured and decisive as she got older. loves to take walks, forage, sew outfits, and record daily footages.
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Vianiel Avion
Class : Jedi Knight Weapon : Dual Lightsabers
a shy archeologist. she's more proficient in sabers than the force, spends most time on artifacts and crystals. very tragic mom, but the most resilient and compassionate. left the jedi order on her own accord after a tragedy. loves to cook, read literary works, sparring, and crafts crystal accessories. died during the dread war :(
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Jurbiend Pendraig
Class : Jedi Consular Weapon : Double-bladed Lightsaber
a no nonsense jedi master. quite arrogant and unorthodox. his expertise on trakata is controversial amongst his fellow jedi, but challenge him on why it's wrong and you'll earn a debate table. skilled fighter pilot, callsign is "vision" as he likes to take out enemies out of their line of sight. loves to theorycraft, deep research, explore force techniques, and crafts lightsabers. died after the dread war :(
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Enzaran Avion
Class : Smuggler Weapon : Blaster Pistols, Sniper Rifles, Assault Rifles, Scalpels, Ropes, Scattergun, Vibroknives, Poison Darts, Grenades
your typical fuckboi. quite rich from all the criminal activities he been doing, but hides his wealth somewhere. also hides his force-sensitivity somehow. one of the smugglers in hylo's brigade of ending the mandalorian blockade in hydian way. uses the force to cheat, crimes, charm, con, and cope. loves to gamble, frolick on grass fields, garden something weird, and traveling.
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Eniriva Avion
Class : Bounty Hunter Weapon : Blaster Pistols, Assault Rifles, Grenade Launcher, Electronet, Missile Launcher, Flamethrower
distant and quiet, unlike her dad. her keeping the distance from her family was partly due to her line of job. her cousins are actually accepting of her, and fortunately it wasn't too late for them to get closer to each other. loves sports, code programming, tinkering with gadgets, and practice shooting.
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Rian Avion
Class : Jedi Knight Weapon : Lightsaber
aspiring geologist & archeologist. perhaps his fascination with rocks was inherited from late grandma. generally a chill dude, not interested in arguing why he's got a sith dad--'sif he can change that, but he knows that he cant just fill his life with what he's passionate about; there be responsibilities. loves spelunking, tomb exploring (read: NOT raiding), watching documentaries, hiking, and gardening.
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arkhavens · 10 months
Hi. I stumbled upon your oc ask reblog. I wanted to ask the 26 and 28 for all four of your ocs and also 27 for Orion. Pretty please?
:D (from this ask game)
26. What about their ship is different to the one they're given in-game?
pretty much everyone's ship is a bit bigger and actually has proper crew quarters. Like, the sith ships may have bunks, but the jedi ones are actually terrible in terms of "where the hell do people sleep?" And they all also have bathrooms with showers, small but functional kitchens, etc. Quality of life improvements for every ship.
Orion(DS Sith Inquisitor). The cargo hold(where talos usually stands) is way less empty, full of all the random artifacts Orion's either stumbled across or taken out of the Imperial Archives for study. The meeting room got repurposed as an on-the-go lab type place, the giant table is mostly gone/pushed against the wall and the chairs are pretty much entirely gone. Bunch of various upgrades for luxury and/or comfort bc whats the point of being one of the most important sith in the galaxy if you cant be comfy while doing so?
Athan(N/LS Sith Warrior). His meeting room was also repurposed, but into a sort of weapons maintenance area? Like combination extra lounge space(and/or sparring ring? idk, this is just off the top of my head) and gear upkeep area, the table being entirely gone, with the modification station being extended into a full set up. With Price, Quinn, Jaesa, and him all on one ship, a dedicated gear upkeep area was just...necessary to keep everyone sane.
Tsali(DS Jedi Consular). The biggest visual difference with Tsali's ship is the lighting. It's way less yellow in there, way closer to a neutral/cool toned white than the really warm yellow-orange. More books/datapads are scattered around the library/holotable area, and he keeps a few plants around(mostly contained to the meeting room, and a singular flower in his bedroom). Theres scattered tech upgrades around from Tharan tinkering, but thats about it.
Zalos(N/DS Jedi Knight). His ship gets a repaint(the red is shifted over to a blue-gray). He also keeps plants on his ship, just a shitload more than Tsali, and instead of stuff that looks nice, its random seeds he found on the different planets. Doc is probably growing spweed(space weed) somewhere on the ship, but Zalos ignores that for the most part. Theres a proper sparring area set up in what used to be the meeting room
27. They need to choose two of their companions to work together on a mission. Who & with what reasoning?
Orion. If I'm interpreting this question correctly, this is asking If he had to send two companions off to work together on something without supervision, who and why? I'd say Xalek and Ashara. With both of them doing anything, he could ask them to overthrow the emperor and they'd find a way. Ashara's tenacity and Xalek's everything would make a very good, if volatile, team. And he wants his kids apprentices to get along, and what better way to bond than killing things together?
28. What kind of ambient sound would appear around them?
Orion wouldn't exactly have a sound appear around him, instead everything goes quiet around him. All you'd hear is the occasional staticy rasp of him taking a breath.
Athan would give off like, forest at dusk kind of stuff. Quietly rustling leaves, wind, maybe a few bugs. The diurnal creatures are settling down, and the nocturnal creatures have yet to wake. Beyond the bugs and the wind and the leaves, you're alone.
Tsali would have building ambiance. Like, the sounds that you hear inside a building. the faint buzzing of electricity, hum of air conditioning, that stuff. Commonplace, but a little bit off putting sounds.
Zalos would have rain. Not thunderstorms, but rain.
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howdoipost · 1 year
Swtor crack theory (sw story spoiler alert)
In addition to my ls!sw noping empire to smuggle, i also have this:
Jaesa is actually a fully trained Shadow, sent by the Council to contain Nomen Karr.
The Jedi see how hes losing it and give him him a fake padawan in hopes she can pull him out of it (or at the very least do damage control?).
She isn't doing very good and is REALLY happy SW makes Master Karr finally lose it.
So he can go to mind healers and she can go...oh wait, nope, that SIS agent is whisper-screaming at her via hidden implant comm to go w that sith
Only makes soooome sense if you play maximum ls and dont let ppl die. Had to Google the choice that saves Jaesa parents
But this au is evolving on its own!
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legends-chauvinist · 3 months
Tender training
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Art done by the amazing @creepingm0nster
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
Totally not sitting here figuring out how Tragen would propose to Jaesa. 💕🤔😇💍
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burn-for-me-baby · 2 years
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I was never meant to be a Jedi.
Jaesa Willsaam
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