#make better choices challenge
This wave of people joining “creators for Palestine” has me really frustrated.
I have no issue with supporting the right to safety and freedom for the people of Palestine and I have no issue with wanting to help but I DO have an issue with the organizations that they are choosing to support.
One of the main organizations is the UNRWA, a confirmed Hamas puppet. The UNRWA is actively stealing aid from civilians, and members were actively a part of the October 7th massacre and held hostages in their homes. Why would you want to send them money?!?!?
The amount of misinformation and disinformation that is being spread at the moment is absolutely appalling. Israel isn’t “not sending enough aid”, Hamas is attacking humanitarian aid crossings and stealing the aid that they do let in.
In many of the cases of these creators, I do believe that they have only the best intentions but they are choosing to support a terror organization rather than actually helping the people they claim to care about.
There are also so many people denying the very legitimate REASONS that Israel is doing what they’re doing. I’m not saying I support everything they are doing but I understand why they’re doing it. If you want safety and freedom for the Palestinian people, you have to support the destruction of Hamas. There will be no peace until they are gone. It’s really a simple matter when you strip it down to the basics (not the conflict itself, that’s very complicated, but the reality of the current situation regarding any hope for peace).
Anyway… I now have to decide if I’m going to unfollow all of these creators whose work otherwise brings me joy. They are contributing to the false narrative and waving a literal imperial flag under the guise of “indigenous liberation” (don’t even get me started on the stupid fucking watermelons…)
If anyone has any advice about how to deal with this (tips on separating the content from the creator perhaps) or people who ARE doing good work and are actually helping the situation, please let me know.
This post is most specifically about SMOSH but it applies to a lot of creators. I’m so tired, and I can’t even begin to imagine how the Jewish people in those circles are feeling. People have been calling for Noah Grossman to be fired for being Jewish a zionist for months now, this cannot be helping that situation. I want him to know that the people with critical thinking skills and fucking basic understanding of the complicated history and current situation in the Middle East support him.
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whoseyscientist · 2 years
Batman whenever a new anti hero/morally ambiguous villain rolls into town:
Batman: Stop Villain! You’ll never get away with this!
Villain: Hn Batman, of course you're here to spoil my fun.
Batman: your ruining the lives of good ol gotham citizens, how is that fun!?
Villlain: I knew you wouldn’t understand. I have to rob these people because one of them mocked a pathetic sweet little orphan worker at the drive through of batburger and THAT ORPHAN was my ADOPTED SON.
Batman: ........................................
Villain: don't you see!? This isn't about crime this is about justice- my pathetic stupid little orphan son had to go and talk to his manager and he got let off early for giving a customer trouble and NO FAULT was given to the costumer!!! tell me batman WHERE IS THE JUSTICE IN THA- where are your pants?
Batman(without pants): *Shrug*
Nightwing: B please.
Batman: would you say you have a heart of gold?
Nightwing: Clark is a town over you don’t need to do thi-
Villain: I volunteer at soup kitchens when i’m not murdering people so I guess maybe?
Batman: Run away with me.
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Dylan couldn't believe her eyes when she first saw Kairi at the Onsen Bathhouse, she might be the most beautiful woman Dylan had ever seen. They hit it off right away!
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bumblingbunny · 1 year
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gothamcityneedsme · 4 months
i would accept the joker if like, the brainiac brainwashing unlocked the joker locked in batman's mind though. a jokerfied batman is right there. then you don't even have to kill him. that'd be a blast.
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oatbugs · 1 year
i feel conflicted abt my relationship...need advice etc . in tags . pls i need input sm
#i love my gf a lot and i think our relationship is doing rly good rn . i miss her a lot bc im in a diff country to her but ill see her#in a few weeks etc. anyway things are good....HOWERVER. i am worried abt . our future#like u are supposed to live in the moment and have fun and be young etc etc but this is like..the fact that its going well#is making me consider how our life paths would go tgth and if it would be fair to stay in a relationship u know wont work forever. like#this was one of the reasons why i felt hesitant at first etc. basically i swore to myself i would only date an academic or at least someone#who like. has. A Thing. that they are working towards that they are rly rly passionate abt. bc i thought it just wouldnt work out otherwise#and it seemed after a while of talking that she IS like that...shes applying for a graphic design degree and she seems to genuinely#love art etc so much and also she is amazing at it. HOWRVER...she hasnt drawn in a while#and is working a min wage job despite meaning to quit for ages...and as far as im aware#she still hasnt made a portfolio...etc etc. but im so confused bc like...shes great and ik she can do it i just dont#understand why she wont. she could also get an internship etc in the relevant field but i still dont get it...and its not my place to be#pushy abt it. like i already suggested these things and asked abt them but i dont want to ask any more bc like. its her choice#what she does w her life etc. but anyway its like...am i being pessimistic/impatient and everything is gonna#go well for her or do i hold genuine concerns. and if the latter/both potentially...is it unfair to be like#hey babe ik things are amazing rn but we have to reevaluate bc idk if in 10 yrs i would be happy w where we are#my friend was like. Break Up W Her from the beginning bc he thinks u shouldn't get into a relationship w smn whom you think will not also#elevate u in some way..and ur life paths dont align etc...but he is genuinely married to his academics like hes sworn off#love so i didnt rly listen bc hes rly extreme w his. love gets in the way of academics. etc#but also his point was valid i think? that you want the person u spend ur life w to elevate you. u want them to challenge you and make you#want to work harder and be better and achieve more and more...and i do want that and i have been trying to be that for them#but A) i can only be that to a reasonable extent for them before it starts being like nagging/being pushy and#B) i feel like if they end up going the way they are rn they can never be that for me. is that bad#like am i a horrible person for thinking this way. obviously i am not casting a moral judgement on her or anyone#for whatever path in life they choose to go down but also is it like...Silly to give up on a perfectly good#relationship bc ur like. as it stands i do not see you walking alongside me in 10 yrs etc#like im lich rally 20 . but what if it DOES end up going rly well and it DOES end up being thr case that we end up staying together#and then im like. feeling discouraged bc my partner in life is just not the kind of person i imagined being w when i was 19 or 20...#like in terms of careers etc. more importantly is this a discussion i should have w her . bc i literally do not know how to raise this#without sounding like a dick but is that bc i...am being a dick? is this a bad thing ?? is this thought not that of a good person ?#it sounds so WEIRD to be like hey babe either u have to start being more ambitious and insane abt ur art or i might break up w you. like :/
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daz4i · 1 year
smh fics give me this false hope that someone might love me even while knowing all my baggage. so unrealistic. not fair.
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inverse-problem · 8 months
once october is over I'll put more than [checks time between posts] 7 minutes of effort into art I post here, I swear
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yatiso · 1 year
practiced guitar until my fingies ached... which didnt take long bc i havent practiced guitar in weeks bc the move...
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thriev · 1 year
i think one of caroline's big conflicts has always been about the lines she'd cross for her friends. how she'll call herself a 'good' vampire who is above slaughter and creating victims out of people for fun, but how at the end of the day there isn't much she wouldn't do if one of her friends's lives were at stake. and having it be about her friends is good and well but i decided to give her an extra layer of angst by making it about her instead. by having her kill damon i gave her an extra thing to worry about because now caroline knows she'd kill for her own survival, and she has killed for her own survival, and this was before she became a vampire. which means she was always capable of it, even when she was nothing but a harmless human girl. and idk! i just think it's tasty. it's interesting. i think it's always been a constant battle, for caroline, to be a good person. it's a constant effort, and she can't really afford to even slip up once, and i think it'd just be fun to explore all that.
#out.#sometimes care's made out to be this paragon of vampirism. like it's vampirism done right#and i argue that it's just vampirism done good. but not necessarilly vampirism done /right/#bc vampires are meant to be killers. they're meant to Eat. they're meant to outlive everything and everyone#so in a sense sometimes klaus has it right i think LFJSG just going apeshit all the time and ruining everyone's lives (including his own)#i think that's what vampires were made for.#caroline actively challenges that. Constantly. because she keeps reinforcing that all that behaviour is a /choice/ at the end of the day#and she's right!!!!!! (ripperism aside?) it Is always a choice. vampires just usually always make the easier one#caroline's had a life of making hard choices though. not hard as in morally ethically difficult but as in. personally#she has to try very hard to be kind. to be caring. she's always been passionate but she has to learn to channel it correctly#over the years it gets easier. it becomes more ingrained. but at first a bitch was really struggling#so. u know. making hard choices. doing the challenging thing instead of the easy thing? caroline's an expert <3#all THAT to say her real battle isn't really with her humanity vs her vampirism#it's about the uglier side of her humanity that she's always tried to keep hidden vs the 'good' side of her that she's trying to preserve#i think about that line in the show a lot where tyler(?) says to caroline 'i guess they just expect better from you'#and care going 'what? like it's easy for me?'#bc it's not!!! it's hard!!! but it looks so easy everyone assumes it is like. baby girl's struggling Believe me
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orcelito · 1 year
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ah ,, ,
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ribbonzregretz · 1 year
my life is a poorly written and completely self indulgent hurt/comfort found family fic written by a young and unaware plural author
#i am having a difficult time accepting people care about and love me in a non-romantic way#how do i let people love me without completely ruining everything????#like seriously i have never felt this kind of attentive familial love before#google how do i accept platonic love without fucking hating myself and getting caught in my own thoughts#its even worse because im plural and when im in front my thoughts and speaking in my head are indescernable#so they can hear every single self hating thought and insecurity#and instead of hating me for still feeling sad they try to make me feel better?????#like arent you supposed to hate me because im still sad even though ur putting all this effort into me??#maybe im just difficult to love but they like the challenge???#seriously what the fuck how the fuck do i process taht people actually wanna be my family by choice???#and platonically too???#like are they aware that all tehyll get out of this relationship is my attention + affection back#with romantic relationships i understand because my love language is gift giving + quality time#so you get something out of me whilst ur involved romantically with me#obvi zim is diffrent than just wanting gifts from me because i love it#but it made our relationship a little easier to comprehend and process because i could understand why zim would love me#but i havent done anything for these guys other than talk to them and sometimes drawing me spending time with them#or drawing them if they want it#AND THEY STILL LOVE ME???#i give zim a shitton of words of affirmation and play games with him and give him gifts#so like i can process our relationship better#because i give him things so i understand why he loves me#obvi i know thats not why he loves me but it makes it easier on bad days#but my headmates just love me unconditionally??? for no reason other than i exist???#not all of them but a decent portion of them have adopted me#am i charming?? manipulative??? why why why do they like me???? im so confused
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kinnmiraihen · 2 years
terribly exhausted but i feel like why they changed matsu to lawless is to have more of a surprise to the player(s) when learning that matsu was the previous leader of the crusaders n the guy who killed akiras dad .. but why Lawless of all names. and why is he not the taiyaki guy nymore
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grymmdark · 3 months
i applied to 2 campuses of the same university, and one of them would be much better for me academically and socially, but i wouldn't be able to get myself to and from there which fuckin sucks. like if it wasn't for the fact that I'd have to rely on my dad to drive me to/from there it'd basically be my dream school. however i wanna have some amount of independence and that's slightly more important for me than academics are
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once-was-muses · 5 months
[ I just think. ]
Herman, seeing how many atrocities he can commit in a single act:
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Philly, still butt naked on one of those nasty ass gurneys after making a Decision for sure:
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b-rainlet · 5 months
Crutchie and Spot are Bitch and Bastard Solidarity
#They also lowkey hate each other ajsjsjdn#I am sorry but Crutchie is a fucking smart-ass who loves to mouth off#Spot is one second away from starting a fistfight at all times and hates authority#He probably bites#Spot's pissed at you and you're walking away with a busted lip and some choice words#Crutchie's pissed at you and he spits in your food and shaves off your eyebrows#And breaks into your house to move all your furniture an inch to the left#(tbh I would be more afraid of Crutchie but that's just between us)#Crutchie officially meets Spot for the first time#The guy who's feared#And immediately insults him in some backhanded way#Because that kids looks like he doesn't even know how to SPELL puberty#Meanwhile Spot makes some remark about soaking Crutchie but he doesn’t hit kids who can't defend themselves#Spot: Don't make me forget my good manners#Crutchie immediately: Is that a challenge?#Spot is way shorter than Crutchie and still calls him Kid#Crutchie asks Spot if he wants to sit on his shoulder to see better#Jack is contemplating Santa Fe again#All of the newsies know not to get involved in their squabbling#Because somehow they BOTH get pissed if somebody picks a side#Racetrack told Crutchie to shut it and Spot ignored him for a week???? What is happening#Also they're both allowed to hackle each other but nobody else is#Except maybe David#One of the newsies makes a joke about how it would be better if they were dating instead of fighting all the time#And everybody gets real quiet thinking about them having relationship drama#Newsies: No Fear#Spot and Crutchie: Dating#Newsies: One Fear#Jack actively praying each night that Crutchie and Spot continue to hate-like each other ajsndndn#Anyway I could talk about them all day I love little ratboy Spot and absolute fucking Bitch Crutchie
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