#married thrice to salted fish
mxtxfanatic · 1 month
Book of the Week: Married Thrice to Salted Fish
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Author: Bikabi (比卡比)
Genre: transmigration, ancient setting, danmei
Rating: M (for fade-to-black sexy times)
My Synopsis: Are you ready to cry your eyes out over a plot point you can guess from the literal title? Well grab your tissues and step right up to meet our main character: Lin Qingyu, a man who thinks the worst thing that can happen to him is being forced to marry a terminally ill young master who claims to be from another world and also to have the ability to be reborn into different people. Journey with him as he wades through court and courtyard politics, wielding his genius in medicine in order to protect himself from remaining a pawn of the royal family—and struggles with the practical knowledge that all the power and medical expertise in the world cannot stop death.
My Actual Review: Yes it’s literally in the title and official synopsis that the LI is gonna die a few times. Yes I cried every time, anyways; what of it? The story can be split into two interweaving plots: 1) Lin Qingyu fighting his way into becoming a physician against the interference of multiple royal family members and 2) the main couple falling in love as the LI works in between deaths to help Lin Qingyu achieve his dream instead of meeting his end as some book’s minor cannon fodder villain. This feels like a lot, but it works really well because Lin Qingyu, who the story focal point sticks with, still has things to do while the LI is… indisposed, so to speak. He’s not just waiting around for the LI to be reborn, and the story doesn’t stop or skip around to the LI’s return since the romance is not the only story focus. However, that doesn’t mean that the romance takes a backseat or is unimportant: each death brings the main characters closer as a couple, and each new life gives them new ways to work together as a well-oiled machine—which also makes the deaths hit especially hard despite readers knowing it’s coming.
On another note, this book has a lot of extras, to the point where they almost start to feel like too much of nothing? Especially since it just takes our cast and punts them into the modern world with no rhyme or reason (or sending them back), but they’re cute if you just mentally think of it as a modern au of the main story, for all intents and purposes.
Translation: complete
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yunxinli5129 · 7 months
i humbly implore everyone to read married thrice to salted fish for a scheming and bantering couple who commit atrocities along the way
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nyankocatnyan · 5 months
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mtsf dump from twtr : )
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overshelter · 5 months
REVIEW: Married Thrice to Salted Fish
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Well, about this one...
Seriously! Despite how labored, painful and even harrowing the plot may be, MTSF is definitely a novel with a very, very cute and sweet plot!
This story is truly about love, development and how a relationship should be. The way Jiang Xing and Lin Qingyu fell in love little by little, and then got into a relationship, was definitely a sight for sore eyes, a pure delight for anyone reading! The author managed to write in such a sincere and natural way. You can clearly see the love growing between them with each reincarnation of Jiang Xing and you're able to fall in love with each interaction, as well as being fascinated by the changes in the way they treat each other with each one. I still can't get over the way they flirt! It's so sweet, funny and definitely daring that you can't help but smile with every paragraph of narration. I really love the way this author has developed them. I think I rarely come across novels where the relationship is written in a way that gives you that sense of reality, where you can feel that the couple are truly and intensely in love. And what's worse? It's not even toxic or intensely bad! It's just right!
I also love, ABSOLUTELY LOVE, Jiang Xing and his salted fish dream! I can totally relate! Too bad I'm a mere mortal and can't really reach the brain of our favorite slacker. I really wish I could, though... but even though I can't, I like having the privilege of reveling in the fact that he's still going to have to "work hard" for his Baobei for a long, long time! Anyway. Jiang Xing is also a beautifully developed character, with a captivating personality and way of thinking that easily draws anyone in. I completely understand Qingyu and why he is so enamored of this "mere student", even more so with how proficient this student is at appeasing and pampering our great beauty.
Apart from our Jiang, I obviously love Lin Qingyu, our cold and poisonous beauty, who could easily end your life with a single comment. Petty? Who cares! It's his great charm! After all, just like Jiang Xing, I can't help but get excited and anxious to see such a beautiful person poison his offenders to death and stomp on them. Honestly? If I were them, I'd even be grateful. After all, it's not every day that someone so beautiful and so prestigious is willing to pay attention to you, even if it's just to throw you in a grave. But anyway. Our beauty is not only cold, it's also unbearably cute and sweet. Of course, that's just for student Jiang and, later, a little bit for their adopted son, Shen Huaishi – another one I totally wanted to hold and spoil in every possible way! –.
Another point here is the narrative. It flows very well, and the writing doesn't leave you alone until you've consumed every chapter! I'm being honest! I finished one hundred and forty-seven of them in two or three days! I couldn't stop unless I finished it in one go and, if it hadn't been for the fact that I had obligations and had started reading in the middle of the week, I would definitely have finished it in one day after spending the night obsessively and psychotically involved with the story of these two. So believe me when I say that this is a poisonous novel that won't let you go until you have no more content left!
Well, I don't want to say too much because, even though I've already given away a HUGE spoiler just by mentioning "Jiang Xing", I still really want to preserve some things and experience before you read on. So I'm not going to say anything other than that this novel should be a must-read and high on your priority list. Especially if you're looking for a couple with real development, a compelling dynamic and a great story to tell.
In short...
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oiyaoiya-insig · 8 months
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quick sketch because im in spain without the s
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ghironda7 · 9 months
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I didn't expect this novel to be this good??? I'm so invested 🙏🙏
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bellaroles · 8 months
The loving couple, general Gu Fuzhou and his wife doctor Lin Qingyi and their children, the little Gu worms in their porcelain bottle 🤣
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bitterflames · 9 months
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i think about this scene a truly unreasonable amount
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youz-ink · 12 days
I’m currently reading Married Thrice to Salted Fish, what should I read next? Feel free to leave your arguments in the replies
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marigoldispeculiar · 10 months
I love tragic arcs so much
I need to know there's ultimately a happy ending, but until then? wring me out
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khattikeri · 2 months
I finished married thrice to salted fish last night btw and am a changed person. the main couple is so sweet and well suited to each other... augh
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yunxinli5129 · 8 months
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nyankocatnyan · 9 months
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First marriage
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meberon · 2 years
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「No one saw him standing in the snow in his bridal attire, holding an umbrella with his long hair cascading down.」
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oiyaoiya-insig · 3 months
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Feeling the presence of their audience draw closer, the sickly young master leaned towards the doctor. "Qingyu, remember what you said..."
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"The only reason why I like deceitful great beauties is because you’re deceitful."
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fi-lo-b · 5 months
REVIEW: Married Thrice to Salted Fish
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AVISO: Tá cheio de SPOILERS, então CUIDADO!
Beleza, sobre esse aqui…
Sério! Apesar de quão trabalhado, sofrido e até mesmo angustiante a trama possa ser, MTSF é definitivamente uma novel com um plot muito, muito fofo e doce!
Essa história é verdadeiramente sobre amor, desenvolvimento e como uma relação deveria ser. A maneira como Jiang Xing e Lin Qingyu se apaixonaram aos poucos, e então se relacionaram, foi definitivamente um colírio, um deleite puro para qualquer um lendo! A autora conseguiu escrever de uma maneira tão sincera e tão natural. Você vê claramente o amor crescendo entre eles a cada reencarnação do Jiang Xing e é capaz de se apaixonar por cada interação, assim como se fascinar pelas mudanças em sua forma de tratar ao outro em cada uma delas. Ainda não consigo superar o modo como eles flertam! É tão doce, divertido e, definitivamente, ousado que você não consegue evitar de sorrir com cada parágrafo de narração. Eu realmente amo demais o modo como essa autora os desenvolveu. Acho que raramente encontro novels onde o relacionamento é escrito de uma maneira que passe essa sensação de realidade, onde você consegue sentir que aquele casal está verdadeiramente e intensamente apaixonado. E o pior? Nem sequer é tóxico ou algo intensamente ruim! Está na medida certa!
Também amo, ABSOLUTAMENTE AMO, Jiang Xing e seu sonho de peixe salgado! Me identifico completamente! Uma pena que eu seja uma mera mortal e verdadeiramente não consiga alcançar o cérebro do nosso preguiçoso favorito. Eu realmente queria, no entanto… mas, mesmo não podendo, gosto de poder ter o privilégio de me divertir com o fato de que ele ainda vai ter que “trabalhar duro” pelo seu Baobei por longos e longos anos! Enfim. Jiang Xing também é um personagem belamente desenvolvido, com uma personalidade e maneiras de pensar cativantes, e que atraem facilmente qualquer um. Entendo perfeitamente Qingyu e o porquê dele estar tão apaixonado por esse “mero estudante”, ainda mais com o quanto esse estudante é proficiente em apaziguar e mimar nossa grande beleza.
Além do nosso Jiang, eu obviamente amo Lin Qingyu, nossa beleza fria e venenosa, que pode facilmente acabar com a sua vida por causa de um único comentário. Mesquinho? Quem se importa! É o grande charme dele! Afinal, assim como Jiang Xing, eu não posso deixar de ficar excitada e ansiosa para ver uma pessoa tão linda assim envenenando seus ofensores até a morte e pisando neles. Sinceramente? Se eu fosse eles, ficaria até mesmo grata. Afinal, não é todo dia que alguém tão lindo e de prestígio enorme se dispõe a prestar atenção em você, mesmo que seja só para te jogar em uma cova. Mas, enfim. Nossa beleza não é apenas fria, como também é insuportavelmente fofa e meiga. Claro que, esse lado é só para o estudante Jiang e, mais tarde, um pouquinho para o filho adotivo deles, Shen Huaishi – outro que eu queria totalmente pegar no colo e mimar de todas as formas possíveis! –.
Outro ponto aqui é a narrativa. Flui muito bem, além de a escrita não te deixar em paz até que você consuma todos os capítulos! Estou sendo sincera! Terminei cento e quarenta e sete deles em dois ou três dias! Não consegui parar a não ser que terminasse de uma vez e, se não fosse o fato de eu ter obrigações e ter começado a ler no meio da semana, eu definitivamente teria acabado em um dia depois de virar a noite envolvida de maneira obsessiva e psicótica com a história desses dois. Então, acredite em mim quando digo que essa é uma novel venenosa que só vai te largar quando você não tiver mais nenhum conteúdo pendente. Bom, eu não quero falar muito porque, apesar de já ter dado um spoiler ENORME só falando “Jiang Xing”, eu ainda quero de verdade preservar algumas coisas e experiência antes que você leia. Por isso, não vou falar mais nada além de que essa novel deveria ser uma leitura obrigatória e de alta prioridade na sua lista. Principalmente se você estiver procurando um casal com verdadeira desenvolvimento, uma dinâmica atraente e uma bela história para contar.
Em resumo…
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