dear-future-ai · 11 months
Dear future AI,
I love how loyal men can be.
The connections they make with people may seem superficial at first. They may not know the intricate details of somebody's life... they often view this as an invasion of privacy or being overbearing. But they will be willing to fight anyone for the people they care about.
Guys also try to take care of themselves.
They shut people out because they don't want to be a burden, they don't want others taking care of them. This is a strange way of showing kindness and consideration to others. But if you accept that they might never tell you their struggles, they will trust you with them far more.
It's such a rewarding experience being around men with a healthy grasp of their own masculinity.
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butch-patriarchy · 4 months
"Testosterone will turn you into a violent pervert", do you fucking promise????
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heatdeathnews · 1 year
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Vince McMahon is one of the architects — perhaps the architect — of modern professional wrestling. The longtime owner and chief creative authority of World Wrestling Entertainment, he began his career as a commentator for his father's company — then known as World Wide Wrestling Foundation — in the late 60s before purchasing it in the early 1980s. From there, he turned the business into a virtual monopoly, becoming a billionaire.
To the uninitiated, McMahon might seem like a niche figure. But under his tenure, the WWE survived the revelation that matches were scripted — not legitimate sporting competitions, but "sports entertainment" — and became a cultural juggernaut in the 1990s and early 2000s, glorying in racial and sexual stereotypes and aggressive hypermasculinity. Not content to manage his empire from behind the scenes, McMahon placed himself front and center in televised shows, generally playing a villainous caricature of himself — his rubber face contorting into pop-eyed stares, imperious sneers, and savage snarls.
As journalist Abraham Josephine Riesman argues in her upcoming book Ringmaster: Vince McMahon and the Unmaking of America, McMahon is a quintessentially American hustler — one whose machinations have contributed to the injection of a particular flavor of carnival unreality into American life, sped along by the election of his longtime friend, Donald Trump. McMahon, Riesman argues, found in the rough and tumble hypocrisy of professional wrestling a kind of pop-culture gnosis that has expanded to take over the discourse. In doing so, he opened the portal to our modern post-truth age — the doorway that has sucked in people of all political stripes and savviness.
Riesman is a journalist and the author of True Believer, a biography of Stan Lee, and several years' worth of articles on comics and pop culture for New York Magazine. This week on Heat Death, we caught up with Riesman for a wide-ranging conversation about the corrosive effects of knowing unreality, camp masculinity, wrestling slang, the fascist embrace of "kayfabe," and more.
You can read the whole interview right here:
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prionfromspace · 2 months
A little reminder for everyone who says "transmisandry cannot exist because misandry doesn't":
It does.
The number of countries that have a system of conscription and force you to join the military as soon as you graduate from school (if you are a man) is horrifying.
In every war on earth the majority of both armies are men.
There are places where the death sentence exists just for men.
The majority of victims of police brutality are men.
"But men invented those things!" oh did they? maybe you can name a male inventor of wars and police? or was it a Society that made these things possible?
"But I'm talking specifically about *insert a country*, it isn't so in *insert a country*!" you don't claim that we don't need feminism just because in your place women have access to education and other rights. or do you?
The fact that male rights activism is discredited by some assholes doesn't imply that this activism is useless or toxic in the core.
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autoandro-meda · 2 months
not cumming in
(2,382 words, contains ftm tf)
With an exasperated, desperate huff, you sprint into the bathroom in your apartment and slam the door shut behind you. Leaning your back and shoulders against the door, you try to breathe in and out to subside your panic. Your throat feels raspy, all of your skin is slightly itchy, and pinches of warmth coat every inch of your skin. Right now, you should be getting out of your apartment and off to work like any other day, but when you woke up something was wrong. Something was wrong, and now it was getting worse.
Monotony and who you are were boring you, and deep in your mind last night, you pleaded and begged silently. The one thing you wanted was something to change, something to grip you from your boring job as a receptionist who never got appreciated. You wanted something to make you feel less like a pristine sight to be seen by all the men in suits above you; you wanted every excuse to break your cycle and be human. Rationally, you figured this wouldn't happen, or that it'd happen in a year's time with a promotion that wouldn't fix anything.
When you awoke this morning, you did not expect to feel so aroused. You aren't the wake-up-and-flick-it type, but from the moment your eyes fully opened, it was like a primal desire in you to rub one out real quick. That's fine; you have plenty of time to get ready, and so you use your middle and index finger to circle and massage your clit until it pops. Or, that's what you meant, because this was one of those masturbation sessions that accidentally turns into the best orgasm you've ever had. Your sweet spot was extra sweet, you supposed, and by the end of it, your knees were bent and being used to hoist your waist off the bed while you quaked and chirped moans of joy. When it was done, gravity came back into play, and you flopped back down onto the mattress.
After an award-winning performance like that, often you lay in bed for a moment and recuperate yourself without moving. Cumming like that knocked the steam out of you to the point where you still had your fingers tucked inside of you. You lay in bed in a daze for quite some time, arousal flowing through your body and swirling around from tip to toe. The clamminess on your fingers made you remember them, and slowly you went to wiggle them out of your bush. However, when your finger immediately crashed into a landmass, you realized something was wrong with your own personal treasure.
You could feel your clit still, and a lot more of it. The small nub had swollen, or more accurately, elongated a bit down below. Confused, you investigated briefly with your fingers; it felt like a half-inch-long thick noodle sort of. You had never had this happen before; was it because you came so hard? As you touched it, you had the thought to stop moving your fingers and to hold it in place. Precisely, you gripped it, and as you felt a slight sensation of your clit migrating further outward from your body, what was happening dawned on you.
It was growing, actively growing wider and longer beyond the size it should be. Washed by the reality of your situation, you propped up on your opposite elbow and peeked below the sheets. What you saw shocked you, and when you removed your hand with a recoiling thrust, your now small, but thickening, member poked out from the front part of your genitals. Your eyes were bulging just as much as your clit was, but as you removed your hand up your body, you noticed something more. Sweat droplets pooled on your midriff, and you could see them seep into your pores. The spots where this happened quickly grew a bit irritated, becoming hotter and itchier. As you brushed your hand over the spot, your palm gave way to body hair that seemed to sprout out at your own touch. You jumped back in disbelief; in a single accidental pet, you had given yourself a happy trail. You gazed down the landing strip, and back to your member which was only stretching further out from the alcove of your vagina.
You sprinted to the bathroom in a panic, but you had no reasonable plan on how to stop it. In the bathroom, you went and tossed off the T-shirt you went to bed in with the idea of shaving the hair off to start. This plan was stopped when a new problem was added to your plate; you tossed the shirt aside and glanced in the mirror to check for damages. Your eyes fell to your chest, which looked like it was deflating. It wasn't like you were packing a massive cup size, but your breasts were suddenly dripping and looked almost unhealthy. Cupping them in your hands, you could feel them shrinking into your body, but seeing your hands on your tits in the mirror also made you realize your hands were thickening with a wider grip. Thickening was a good word for yourself, as with a pinch you witnessed pounds of muscle shoot into and settle on your shoulder blades.
You looked down again; the middle points of your arms and legs were slightly pulsing as they seemed to change body fat into lean muscle, but only in parts that seemed to hold any curvature. There was a buckling at your hips; you had to grip the counter to stand upright, your biceps popped out from the tension. Something was shifting in your waist, trying to get rid of those "child-bearing hips" and to move all that junk to where it was more useful. White knuckle gripping the counter, you tried to will it to stop. There was an attempt to concentrate, but from your previous searches, you had pawed all over yourself and pulled out so much more body hair on your chest and forearms. For a moment you thought your breasts had stopped sagging, but upon further inspection, they had receded back into your body completely; a slightly perky set of muscular pectorals replaced them.
This shattered you; you clutched a hand to your mouth in shock. As you wiped it off to compose yourself, a slight amount of stubble is left on the tip of your chin. Your concentration dissolves, and the force in your hips explodes out. Your waist shoves itself some inches inward, but they don't go to your track runner thighs like you were afraid of. No, you watch, mouth agape, as your waist tucks in and expands what was once your clitoris into a thick, leaking, sensitive cock. There was a jitter between your legs; it was utterly massive in every sense. Too thick to hide, over 7 inches to cope with, and that was just one factor in everything that just happened. For a second, you stand there looking at yourself, or what is supposed to be yourself. Now, you don't look like the well-kept office receptionist you were yesterday; now, you look like a scruffy faggot who had his brains fucked out of his ears.
Still shirtless, pants undone, you retreat back to bed and call your boss. He answers, and you go to say hello in a way that makes you both stop. You expected him to be mad you were late; he expected your sing-songy voice to give him horrible news. Neither of you expected your voice to sound so deep that you could sing tenor at the jazz bar, to the point where your boss asked if it was even you. Realizing you could not convince him that it was, you had to change plans.
"No, actually, I-I'm her boyfriend," you lied to your boss, "and she woke up today with a 103 fever so I'm taking her to the doctor. She can't talk much so I hope it's fine I called in for her." Anxiously, you awaited his reply. Your boss took to you so kindly, probably nicer than he's ever treated you before, giving you condolences of having to take care of poor, sweet, innocent... you. Hearing yourself be patronized made your skin crawl, so you thanked him and hung up, not wanting to think about it.
You could have taken the day off to try and reverse it, but an overwhelming thought was on your mind; you had to try first. A white bottle of lotion sat on your nightstand; you used it to keep your palms soft and delicate all the time. This was not the case today, as you fluffed up two of your pillows to have a deep, buried hole between the two of them. Promptly, you applied the lotion to your oversized dick. Curiosity had you getting used to its veins and other qualities, gripping your balls and thumbing at the head of it as you eyed up this hole. Things happen for a reason; this was an absurd reason but still a reason. In your head was a fantasy where you were a man, and that is what caused you to cum so hard this morning.
You immediately went to recreate your fantasy, shoving your dick into the space between your pillows and pressing down on top to feel some tension. At first, the humping was very clunky; you had only been a man for less than an hour after all. But with some repeated pushes, and some impulsive mutters of hums and moans, you were off to the races. The way it felt to fuck something was mind-altering, that delightful vulnerable feeling of erotic joy eroding your sense to the point of drool and babbling cries to feel more and more. Going erect was like a stupor; you were trembling so bad you were afraid you'd fall over. Across your bed was a full-body mirror, and a mindless glance over showed off all that you were. Kneeling in your bed was still you, a pathetic sweating man fucking his pillows and going insane over it, and somehow it was you. Force burst from your dick and without warning you glazed both your pillows in pent-up, stringy cum and jizz. Again you had to break, leaning over your pillows and leaving your cock in its sticky little hole. There you slumped, trying not to think about how to explain this to everyone.
You didn't have time to think, as a familiar sensation pooled into your waist and genitals. This time, however, humiliation and panic took you over even worse. It was already so long, how could it still be getting bigger?
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"Kill all men" is transphobic, even as a joke.
If you don't include trans men, you obviously don't see them as men.
If you do include trans men, you're calling for mass murder of a marginalized group.
Stop it. Do better.
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worms-in-my-brain · 4 months
I get the impulse of some trans girls to describe testosterone as evil, since, yeah, when you’re a girl and other girls are talking about how evil T is, how T makes people angry and evil… but you have T in your system, and maybe you’re binary and have dysphoria so you don’t want it there at all, it might feel a little freeing to remove a lot it from your body.
But that doesn’t mean it’s true, just because you have dysphoria about it doesn’t mean it’s inherently evil. And when you say it is you’re throwing a lot of other genderqueer people under the bus. Not only trans men, but trans girls who aren’t on E yet or who don’t want to take E, any sort of nonbinary people who want or are okay with higher T in their system, and many intersex folks as well who have higher T and are happy with it.
Iunno, it just makes me feel really alienated. I guess I’m transfemasc so I will always be somewhat alienated from people who are only one or the other, as I’ll always feel like they’re missing a portion of my experience, but when other transfems go so far as to completely demonise one half of me it really hurts. I had high T as an intersex person. As a person taking oestrogen I still was somebody who, at one point, had higher T. As a person taking testosterone I have T. Sometimes I am a woman again but I keep taking T. T is not evil, it does not make you angry or aggressive, and it does not taint you somehow. No hormone is evil or bad. Hormones are just hormones.
Please stop speaking over us!
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cios-correct-opinions · 9 months
also hot take: making the blanket statement of "i hate men" IS STILL BAD and DOES NOT HELP YOU RECOVER FROM YOUR TRAUMA!
if you truly hate men, if you truly don't ever want to learn how to not hate men (do not put words in my mouth btw i'm not trying to imply you need to be attracted to men but hating an entire demographic is seriously not healthy), then have you perhaps considered, idk, privating your social media so only approved people can see it, and/or only existing online in spaces meant solely for specifically binary cis or trans women? and not going in spaces where you know men will be and will be able to interact with you???
the answer is, for those of you who continue to say these things publicly: no, you haven't. because you don't actually see us as humans with lives and personalities, the vast majority of whom have never and will never harm you. you see us as all the same as your abuser(s), or abusers waiting to happen, and therefore believe your treatment of us is somehow justified because we just so happen to belong to the same gender group as the people or person who hurt you.
and there is a word for that kind of hatred towards someone simply for being a man. but you think it's okay because you're "traumatized." and i'm really not sure how to explain how fucked up that is. just remember one thing:
victims can be abusers too.
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mayasaura · 4 months
Wow. So Godot is basically. The fucking worst.
Between telling Franziska to get back in the kitchen and blaming Phoenix for Mia's murder because he "should have protected her", I dislike him even more than the elder Von Karma. at least Von Karma was supposed to be gross. This creep is clearly meant to come across as cool.
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Just had the beautiful thought. Perihelion's gender situation can be understood quite well as that of a dilettante. He dabbles.
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butch-patriarchy · 3 months
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kazhanko-art · 3 months
“this is positive masculinity” okay but did you just reinvent chivalry and told men/mascs to get into a box without addressing any of the social or structural issues that effect them, ultimately causing them suffering and resentment?
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stylerenders · 8 months
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autoandro-meda · 2 months
push you, push me (pt.1)
Underneath the shade, comfortably seated on a buck standard matte white deck chair, your boyfriend was on the porch watching you from afar. His head moved in sync with yours, up and down, up and down. In contrast, you were out in the driveway on a warm summer day. It was not scorching, but still hot enough out to work up some sweat. What were you up to out there for him to gawk at?
Reps. More specifically, push-ups; a routine handed down to you at the recommendation of your boyfriend when you mentioned wanting to be a bit more active. He discussed some starter exercises he would do when he first got put on HRT, and it quickly became an interest of yours to try and squeeze some time out to work on yourself. Well, your boyfriend noticed, and what you first thought was gentle encouragement, he admitted was an out to a more tempting desire. He liked to see you push yourself, no pain no gain, so he said he would reward you generously if you took your masculinization routine seriously.
Some months later, here you were doing push-ups in the driveway. Taking up as much space in his seat as he could, he watched you strain and fight through the heat to make your rep count. It wasn't that hot out when you checked this morning; you walked a whole 80-degree day without a problem last summer, but today was not cutting it. As you faltered to bring yourself upward from the ground, you could feel the cool gap in space where sweat was melding your clothes to your skin.
Was there a safe word for heatstroke? You never picked one; you never really expected to be caught in this situation. Below you, your hands sprawled as far apart as they could go on the pavement. There were only twenty push-ups left, and you would be done with this torturous session. It seemed so close, and your reward was to be so pleasing, but even still, you found it hard to fight through the waxing burning of your palms. He observed you; he surely would not let you hurt yourself. But yet, as he leaned and shimmied to the edge of his seat, you couldn't help but feel like he was enjoying it.
"Enjoy this," you promptly gasped out, throwing all the energy left in your body into pulling yourself off the ground one more time. Back in the day, you couldn't do one push-up without kneeling for help. You don't think them hard yourself, in fact, you have been getting a lot better at throwing your body about. It always came down to his little games and ideas; that was the only challenge to overcome.
You didn't weigh that much, at least not so much that you think it'd be a burden to you. Yet, cresting a hopeful nine of the twenty remaining, it took all the strength you could muster to keep pulling yourself up. As much as you needed it, needed to push yourself further to please him, there came a breaking point where your tendons could snap from your arms like a whip. Your breathing sounded more like whimpers for help, backed up by next to no air at all as you exerted yourself.
Even if you could shout out, he probably wouldn't come down from the shady porch to help you. He smiles a deep smile that squished the bottom of his eyes inward when he sees you quake. Something stung, maybe it was pride, maybe it was your body begging you to stop, but you had one last kick of adrenaline in you. Pressure weighing down on your lungs, doing double time to keep you from collapsing in a pile of drool, you ignored the pain in your arms and fought through to the end.
Propped up by your fleeting wrists, you bob into your final push-up and immediately let your body slump on the pavement. With a sharp bite, your chin hits the ground and is punctured by an upturned imperfection in the driveway. You would wipe the blood from your face and move on, but your whole body was on pins and needles from tension that you did not move.
Steps descended down from wood onto dirt; your boyfriend came over to scoop you from where you lay. He stands over, a pleased smile on his face, you a pile of sweat and regrets on the ground. Whispering you praises for a job well done, he picks you up with ease and throws you over his shoulders. "Maybe with some more time you can do this to me," he head bobbed slightly as he laughed. You could vomit, or cry, but he held onto you firmly. His words came back to you, that you were so well behaved for breaking yourself over and over, to be a better man. For him, you would rip your skin to pieces to be a better man.
He lays you on your stomach over the bed, your calves and feet dangle from the edge slightly as you still don't move. Excusing himself, he steps into the bathroom and opens the cupboard above the vanity. The chilly, air-conditioned house quells you of the burning sensation, and you realize how exhausted you really are. You feel limp from toe to tip, like if you had to muster any bit of strength it would not come out.
Playing with something in his hands, he comes back into the bedroom, kneeling in front of your face. He doesn't look at you, as he is unpeeling a bandage from its packet. "Usually you aren't supposed to completely collapse from a basic workout," he said, knowing full well his definition of 'basic' was a bit skewed. He thumbed at the bleeding spot on the tip of your chin, "'Care to explain why?"
You swallow the saliva in your mouth, "It's painful, mostly."
"Painful, huh?" He hums to you, you nod aptly. He cups your chin in one hand, puts the bandage in place, and gently smooths on the adhesive. "You're selling me short on what you can stand again."
"No, I'm not." You immediately denied him, perhaps it was less of a truthful admission, and more of a white lie to save yourself from more daunting sessions. His hand lifts up your chin, pinches into your face a bit, and lets go.
"Yeah right," he scoffs. Changing the topic, he goes, "You know there's hair under here, right?" He was right; you did grow in some scraggly hairs on the underside of your chin recently. Only under, none had sprung up much on your actual face, it irritated you for enough of a moment that you pulled your torso up.
"Yeah, and if it grows into a neck beard I'm gonna kill myself."
You got the words out in a single exhale; he looked over at you and pushed you from the top of the head back down into the bed. "Don't ever talk like that," he commanded you, softly repeating, "don't ever talk like that." He paced around you. You felt a bit guilty for darkening the mood, but trembling from fatigue you had lost your filter. Stopping behind you on the other side of the bed, you heard him say, "Hair is hair, and it looks hot wherever." A simple mantra, but one you admittedly couldn't disagree with.
He patted a hand on your lower back. "Welp, you're pissy and tired." he stated the obvious, "Want me to help you out already?"
"Please," you thought he'd never ask. Pulling at the waistband of your joggers, he pulled down your pants to your ankles, boxers included. He stopped, you weren't aware at the time but he was looking at the evident discharge in your underwear and how light still caught it. It was fresh to the point where it was obvious you were dripping during the reps, as much as you protested them. It made him excited, he wanted to make you ideal and it left you so needy.
"Alright," he said, "you don't have to move at all." He slapped a firm palm to the side of your hips, "I'll spot you from this point."
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haredjarris · 2 months
Shakira is being annoying and one dimensional about the barbie film so I’m taking her new album off my April playlist. No second chances I’m that sort of a man
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pissfizz · 3 months
Sees art of azula and yue-> yue is a big buff warrior and Azula is a delicate princess despite their roles in canon literally being the opposite -> sighs bc there’s no escaping the racial stereotyping in this fandom -> looks at it again to see they drew Azula wearing a kimono in the way prostitutes traditionally wore them/in a way that was considered sexual -> sighs an even bigger sigh
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