#maverick rp
ijustlandonboats · 1 year
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"Passing Mach 9." "He's the fastest man alive."
"I actually finished in second place. Just wanting to manage expectations."
An independent RP Blog for Captain Peter "Maverick" Mitchell, United States Navy
Test Pilot | Navy Fighter Weapons School Instructor | Top Gun Trophy Second Place
Mun is 20+ | May have mature themes and NSFW content
Will contain RP themes from TGM and the original Top Gun film as well
Will contain honorary NPC rp from TG alumni such as Iceman, Merlin and Sundown
“The end is inevitable, Maverick. Your kind...is headed for extinction.”
“Maybe so. Sir. But not today.”
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kznsk · 2 years
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roleplayermeet · 2 years
Hello! I'm looking for a Top Gun Maverick roleplay.
18+ since I am 18+.
I am willing to double up. I can play Bradley Bradshaw or Hangman!
I am looking for someone to play Pete Maverick Mitchell for my oc in a non-romantic, father-daughter relationship.
I roleplay on discord.
If you are interested, then like this post or dm me on discord: animesimp#2701
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findroleplay · 2 years
Hello! I'm looking for a Top Gun Maverick roleplay.
I am looking for someone 18+!
I look for someone to play Maverick for my oc in a non-romantic, father-daughter relationship.
In exchange I can play Bradley Bradshaw or Hangman for your oc!
If you want to roleplay - like this post or dm me on discord: animesimp#2701
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willowwee · 9 days
"Jayjay and the other me are covered in PRETTY RED!"
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Ramble: tbh I wanted to make an analog kinda horror but I decided to change it bc jayjay is so adorable that analog horror won't work with him 💀💀 (ignoring how I said yesterday I won't be posting art today bcs I'll be busy) (I just had extra time and extra energy and motivation to do this)
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purelyfiction · 25 days
hi friends!! i am taking another swing at making my own top gun server, but this one is for the writers :))) if you've ever roleplayed or never roleplayed, you're so very welcome to join the hard deck, a roleplay server for top gun maverick and the many original characters that we all adore in our little mind palaces.
i spent a lot of time ensuring that it was well organized, clear and concise and as transparent as we could be! i want everyone to have fun, be safe and feel welcome while also encouraging communication while making great stories.
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ask-emilz-de-philz · 4 months
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Meme by https://www.tumblr.com/if-lost-please-return-to-maliksi
(( Check their fanfics out, especially about the Tamawo bros! ;w; ))
Maverick - a famous idol; plays Maliksi the Tamawo
#planetputo #actorAU #philmytcrea
MAIN BLOG: ask-emilz-de-philz.tumblr.com
ACTOR AU BLOG: reachfortheskiespeeps.tumblr.com
If you like our work, please support us at: ko-fi.com/haimacheir
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embanks98 · 5 months
General RP Inquiry Post
Hello loves!
I'm Em, they/them, 25, and I'm coming back to Tumblr after almost a decade away (what the fuck) to get back into rps! I have no preferences on length, but am admittedly a fan of text/social media rps or short paragraphs because sometimes my brain just stops functioning to be able to write longer
Fandoms and ships (I can play either person) are below, feel free to like and I'll reach out! m/m ships only please <3
-Red, White and Royal Blue: Alex/Henry
-Top Gun:Maverick: Jake/Rooster, Rooster/Bob, Bob/Jake, Payback/Fanboy (my Bob is a trans man) - also open to ocs in this fandom as long as they're male!
-Heartstopper: Nick/Charlie
-Marvel: Bucky/Any Man, Tom's Peter/Any Man, Sam/Joaquin - open to ocs in this fandom as long as they're male!
-Glee: any m/m ship that doesn't include noah puckerman
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f1ctional · 8 months
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proxdragon · 8 days
Once again, The fucking Maverick---
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I get bored in class too easily, I swear to god---
Drawing this while there are boys talking about fucking each other's moms was something....... not unexpected..
(Then I ask why I suck at chemistry--)
(Puta merda eu estou com uma dor do diabo[just pain])
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gcthvile · 7 months
Top Gun OCs pt. 3
Lt. Dane "Bone Saw" Bradshaw
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Dane Bradshaw grew up in the shadow of his older brother Bradley, who was a natural when it came to flying. Their father, Nick "Goose" Bradshaw, was a legendary pilot and a close friend of Maverick from the original Top Gun class. Unfortunately, Dane never got the chance to meet his father, as Goose tragically lost his life in a flight accident before Dane was even born.
Growing up, Dane always admired his brother's talent and passion for flying. He would listen intently as Bradley recounted stories about their father's heroics in the cockpit, and dreamt of one day following in their footsteps. Despite being separated by a significant age gap, Bradley always made an effort to include Dane in his life, sharing his love for aviation and teaching him everything he knew.
As Dane got older, he discovered that he had his own unique talents. While he didn't possess the same natural flying abilities as Bradley, he developed exceptional technical skills and a deep understanding of aircraft mechanics. Dane's passion for aviation grew stronger with each passing day, and he became determined to contribute to the world of aviation in his own way.
After finishing high school, Dane enrolled in a prestigious aviation engineering program, where he honed his skills and deepened his knowledge of aircraft systems. He excelled in his studies, earning top marks and gaining recognition for his innovative ideas and problem-solving abilities. Dane's dedication and expertise caught the attention of the Navy, and they offered him an opportunity to join the Top Gun program as an aviation engineer.
Although Dane initially had reservations about pursuing a career behind the scenes rather than in the cockpit, he realized that his skills could make a significant impact on the safety and performance of the aircraft. He accepted the offer, knowing that he would be able to contribute to the legacy his father and brother had left behind.
As Dane stepped onto the hallowed grounds of Top Gun, he felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. He knew that he had big shoes to fill, but he was determined to honor his family's legacy and prove himself worthy. With his technical expertise and unwavering dedication, Dane became an integral part of the Top Gun team, ensuring that every aircraft was in optimal condition for the pilots.
Dane's journey at Top Gun was not without challenges, as he constantly battled with feelings of inadequacy compared to his brother's flying skills. However, he learned to embrace his own unique talents and realized that every role within the aviation industry was important for the success of a mission.
Throughout his time at Top Gun, Dane formed deep friendships with his fellow pilots and engineers. He became known for his unwavering support, always ready to lend a helping hand or provide technical guidance. Dane's determination, resilience, and commitment to excellence made him a valuable asset to the Top Gun program, and he played a crucial role in ensuring the safety and success of every mission.
Dane Bradshaw is a driven and determined individual who possesses a strong work ethic and a deep passion for aviation. He is known for his meticulous attention to detail and his unwavering commitment to excellence in his work. Dane's technical expertise and problem-solving skills make him an invaluable asset to the Top Gun program, as he ensures that every aircraft is in optimal condition.
Despite not having the same natural flying abilities as his brother Bradley, Dane has never let that discourage him. He is resilient and tenacious, always eager to learn and improve. Dane understands the importance of his role as an aviation engineer and takes pride in the fact that he can contribute to the safety and performance of the aircraft.
Dane's relationship with his brother Bradley is a unique blend of admiration, support, and sibling rivalry. Growing up, Dane idolized Bradley and looked up to him as a role model. He would listen intently to Bradley's stories about their father, Goose, and dreamt of one day following in their footsteps. Bradley, in turn, recognized Dane's passion for aviation and did his best to include him in his world, fostering a strong bond between the two.
While their age gap initially created a bit of a barrier, as Dane was too young to fully engage in the same activities as Bradley, they found common ground through their shared love for aviation. Bradley served as a mentor to Dane, teaching him everything he knew about flying and instilling in him a sense of discipline and dedication.
However, as Dane grew older, he also developed a sense of healthy competition with his brother. He often felt overshadowed by Bradley's natural talent and the legacy of their father, but instead of letting it discourage him, Dane used it as fuel to push himself further. He strived to prove his own worth and carve out his own path within the aviation world.
Despite the occasional rivalry, Dane and Bradley share a deep bond of brotherly love and support. They have each other's backs, cheering each other on in their respective roles. Bradley recognizes Dane's unique talents and often seeks out his input and expertise when it comes to aircraft mechanics and engineering.
Their relationship is characterized by mutual respect and admiration. Dane looks up to Bradley as a source of inspiration, and Bradley sees Dane as a constant reminder of their father's legacy. They push each other to be the best versions of themselves and find solace in the fact that they are continuing the Bradshaw family's aviation heritage together.
Dane's call sign, "Bone Saw," is a nickname given to him during his time at Top Gun. The origin of the call sign stems from a combination of his expertise in aircraft mechanics and his determined, relentless nature.
The name "Bone Saw" reflects Dane's technical prowess and his ability to dissect and analyze complex aircraft systems with precision, similar to how a surgeon uses a bone saw in a surgical procedure. Just as a bone saw is a tool used to carefully and skillfully navigate through intricate structures, Dane has a knack for unraveling the inner workings of aircraft, identifying issues, and providing effective solutions.
Moreover, the call sign also symbolizes Dane's relentless work ethic and his unwavering commitment to excellence. Like a bone saw that cuts through obstacles and challenges, Dane approaches his work with a tenacious and determined mindset. He will go to great lengths to ensure that every aircraft under his care is in optimal condition, leaving no stone unturned in his pursuit of perfection.
The call sign "Bone Saw" not only represents Dane's technical expertise but also serves as a reminder of his resilience and dedication. It showcases his ability to navigate through complex situations and his unwavering determination to overcome any obstacle that comes his way.
Overall, "Bone Saw" is a fitting, some would say call sign for Dane, for his technical expertise, relentless work ethic, and his ability to dissect and solve intricate problems within the aviation world.
And lastly, let's talk about Dane's strengths and weaknesses.
1. Technical Expertise: Dane possesses exceptional technical skills and a deep understanding of aircraft mechanics. His expertise allows him to analyze complex systems, identify issues, and provide effective solutions. He is meticulous and detail-oriented in his work, ensuring that every aircraft is in optimal condition.
2. Problem-Solving Abilities: Dane has a natural aptitude for problem-solving. He approaches challenges with a methodical mindset, breaking them down into manageable components and finding innovative solutions. His ability to think critically and analytically is instrumental in resolving issues and ensuring the safety and performance of the aircraft.
3. Work Ethic and Dedication: Dane is known for his strong work ethic and unwavering dedication. He is committed to excellence in his work and goes above and beyond to ensure that every task is completed to the best of his abilities. Dane's determination and perseverance enable him to overcome obstacles and deliver high-quality results.
4. Team Player: Dane understands the importance of collaboration and teamwork. He works well with others, fostering positive relationships and effective communication within the team. Dane is always ready to support his fellow pilots and engineers, offering assistance and guidance whenever needed.
1. Self-Doubt: Due to being compared to his brother Bradley and their father's legacy, Dane sometimes struggles with feelings of self-doubt. He may question his own abilities and feel overshadowed by others' natural talents. However, Dane has learned to embrace his unique skills and remind himself of the value he brings to the team.
2. Impatience: Dane's drive for perfection can sometimes lead to impatience. He may become frustrated if things don't progress as quickly as he would like or if he encounters obstacles along the way. Dane is learning to manage his impatience and strike a balance between striving for excellence and understanding the necessary time and effort required for success.
3. Lack of Flying Skills: While Dane has a deep passion for aviation, he doesn't possess the same natural flying abilities as his brother Bradley. This can occasionally create a sense of inadequacy or a feeling of being left out. However, Dane has come to embrace his role as an aviation engineer and recognizes the importance of his contributions to the team.
4. Perfectionism: Dane's pursuit of perfection can sometimes lead to an excessive focus on details, potentially causing him to overlook the bigger picture. He is learning to balance his meticulousness with the ability to prioritize and make efficient decisions.
Though, despite these weaknesses, Dane's strengths far outweigh them. His technical expertise, problem-solving abilities, work ethic, and dedication make him an invaluable asset to the team. Dane continuously learns and grows, using his weaknesses as opportunities for improvement and personal development.
Lt. Austin "Chaos" Mitchell
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Austin Mitchell was born into a world of aviation. As the son of the legendary fighter pilot, Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Austin was exposed to the thrill and passion of flying from a young age. Growing up, he would spend countless hours at airshows and military bases, watching his father in action and dreaming of one day following in his footsteps.
From the moment he could walk, Austin was fascinated by airplanes. His room was adorned with model planes and posters of fighter jets, and he would spend hours studying flight manuals and watching aviation documentaries. He absorbed everything he could about the world of aviation, fueled by his father's stories and experiences.
As Austin grew older, he became determined to prove himself as a pilot. He excelled academically, earning a scholarship to the prestigious United States Naval Academy. While there, he immersed himself in the study of aeronautical engineering and honed his physical and mental capabilities, preparing himself for the challenges that lay ahead.
During his time at the academy, Austin's competitive spirit and natural talent quickly became evident. He consistently stood out among his peers, impressing his superiors with his exceptional flying skills and unwavering dedication. It was clear that he had inherited his father's innate ability and love for flying.
Upon graduation, Austin was accepted into the Navy's elite fighter pilot program. He underwent rigorous training, pushing himself to the limits both physically and mentally. He proved himself time and again, mastering complex maneuvers and demonstrating a natural instinct for aerial combat.
As Austin's training progressed, he found himself constantly striving to live up to the legacy of his father, Pete "Maverick" Mitchell. While he admired his father's achievements, he was determined to forge his own path and create a name for himself in the aviation world.
Despite his academic intelligence and exceptional flying skills, Austin Mitchell possesses a charmingly clumsy and awkward side to his personality. While he may be a bit of a "dummy" when it comes to real-life situations, he more than makes up for it with his determination and infectious enthusiasm.
Austin has a tendency to find himself in comical mishaps and awkward moments. Whether it's tripping over his own feet, accidentally spilling coffee on himself, or fumbling with simple tasks, he has a knack for finding himself in humorous situations. However, he never lets these moments define him or bring him down. Instead, he embraces them with a light-hearted laugh and a self-deprecating sense of humor.
Despite his occasional clumsiness, Austin's genuine warmth and enthusiasm endear him to those around him. He has a knack for making people feel at ease, often using humor to diffuse tense situations or lift the spirits of his fellow pilots. His infectious laughter and positive attitude have a way of brightening even the most challenging moments.
In social situations, Austin can sometimes come across as a bit awkward. He may stumble over his words or find it difficult to strike up conversations, especially with people he admires or finds intimidating. However, his genuine nature shines through, and people quickly realize that beneath the awkwardness lies a kind-hearted and well-intentioned individual.
Austin's ability to laugh at himself and not take life too seriously makes him a relatable and approachable person. He doesn't let his occasional clumsiness define him or hold him back. Instead, he uses it as a reminder to embrace life's imperfections and find joy in the journey.
Though, overall, Austin Mitchell is a smart, talented, and determined individual with a charmingly clumsy and awkward side. His enthusiasm for flying and his unwavering dedication to proving himself create a unique combination that endears him to those around him.
Austin's relationship with his older sister, Jenny Penelope Mitcell AKA JenPen, is one characterized by a deep bond and mutual support. Despite their different paths in life, they share a strong connection that goes beyond their sibling status.
Jenny, being the older sister, has always been a source of guidance and inspiration for Austin. She has been there to provide wisdom, encouragement, and a listening ear whenever he needed it. From a young age, Austin has looked up to his sister, admiring her strength, intelligence, and determination.
Jenny, in turn, has always been a protective and nurturing figure in Austin's life. She has taken on a role of both sister and mentor, offering guidance and advice as he navigates his own path as a pilot. She understands the challenges and pressures that come with their family legacy, and she has been a pillar of support for Austin, helping him navigate through both the triumphs and the setbacks.
Their relationship is marked by a playful camaraderie as well. They have shared countless inside jokes, playful banter, and lighthearted teasing. Austin often finds solace in his sister's presence, knowing that she will always be there to lift his spirits and bring a sense of levity to any situation.
While they may have their differences, Austin and Jenny share a common love for aviation, inherited from their father. They bond over their shared passion, often swapping stories and experiences from their respective journeys. Whether it's discussing flight maneuvers or sharing the thrill of their latest accomplishments, their love for flying connects them on a deeper level.
Austin and Jenny have a close and supportive relationship. They are each other's confidants, cheerleaders, and partners in crime. Through the ups and downs of their individual paths, they can always count on each other for unwavering support, understanding, and a shared sense of family pride.
Austin's call sign, "Chaos," is a reflection of his charmingly clumsy and unpredictable nature. While some call signs are chosen to reflect a pilot's skills or demeanor, Austin's call sign was given to him by his fellow pilots as a light-hearted acknowledgement of his tendency to bring a bit of chaos into their lives.
Despite his exceptional flying skills and determination, Austin's clumsiness and occasional mishaps have become somewhat of a running joke among his peers. Whether it's accidentally triggering an alarm during a training exercise or causing a minor disruption during briefings, Austin has a knack for unintentionally creating moments of chaos.
However, his call sign is not meant to be derogatory or demeaning. Rather, it is a playful and affectionate way for his fellow pilots to embrace his unique personality. They recognize that while Austin may bring a bit of chaos into their lives, he also brings joy, laughter, and a refreshing sense of authenticity.
Austin has embraced his call sign with good humor and a sense of self-awareness. He understands that it is a reflection of his endearing quirks and the genuine connections he has forged with his fellow pilots. Rather than being embarrassed or discouraged by it, he wears his call sign proudly, embracing the chaos and adding his own touch of humor to any situation.
In the end, "Chaos" serves as a reminder that life doesn't always go according to plan, and it's okay to embrace the unexpected. Austin Mitchell's call sign reflects his ability to find humor and joy in the midst of chaos, and his fellow pilots appreciate him for it.
And lastly, Austin's strengths and weaknesses.
1. Exceptional Flying Skills: Austin possesses a natural talent for flying, inherited from his father, Pete "Maverick" Mitchell. He has a keen understanding of aviation principles and demonstrates exceptional skill in the cockpit. His ability to adapt quickly to different situations and make split-second decisions gives him an edge in aerial combat.
2. Determination and Perseverance: Austin is driven by a deep sense of determination and perseverance. He possesses an unwavering commitment to his goals and is willing to put in the hard work necessary to achieve them. He is not easily discouraged by setbacks or challenges, instead using them as fuel to push himself further.
3. Positive Attitude and Charisma: Austin's infectious enthusiasm and positive attitude have a way of uplifting those around him. He has a natural charisma that draws people in and makes them feel at ease. His sense of humor and ability to find joy in even the most difficult situations make him a valuable asset to any team.
1. Clumsiness and Awkwardness: Austin has a tendency to be clumsy and awkward in real-life situations. While this doesn't affect his flying abilities, it can sometimes lead to comical mishaps or moments of embarrassment. However, he doesn't let these moments define him and often uses them as opportunities to laugh at himself and bring levity to the situation.
2. Impulsiveness: At times, Austin can be impulsive and act before fully considering the consequences. While this trait can be advantageous in certain situations, it can also lead to hasty decision-making or taking unnecessary risks. He is aware of this tendency and actively works on finding a balance between spontaneity and thoughtful decision-making.
3. Difficulty with Social Interactions: Austin can sometimes struggle with social interactions, especially when he finds himself in the presence of people he admires or finds intimidating. He may stumble over his words or find it challenging to initiate conversations. However, his genuine nature and warm personality often help him overcome these obstacles and build meaningful connections with others.
Overall, Austin Mitchell's strengths lie in his exceptional flying skills, determination, and positive attitude. While he may have weaknesses in clumsiness, impulsiveness, and social interactions, he recognizes them and works to improve upon them, constantly striving to become a better pilot and person.
Captain Hazel "Daredevil" Quinn
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Hazel Quinn was born into a family with a deep military heritage. Her father was a retired Navy pilot, and her mother served as an intelligence officer. Growing up, Hazel was surrounded by stories of bravery, adventure, and a strong sense of duty. Inspired by her family's legacy, she developed a fascination with aviation from a young age.
With her natural talent for flying, Hazel excelled in her high school's aviation program. She was determined to follow in her father's footsteps and become a Navy pilot. After graduating with top honors, she earned a scholarship to the United States Naval Academy.
During her time at the academy, Hazel faced numerous challenges and obstacles. Being one of the few women pursuing a career in aviation, she encountered skepticism and prejudice. However, her unwavering determination and exceptional skills quickly gained her respect among her peers and instructors.
Upon graduation, Hazel was selected to attend the prestigious Top Gun program. Her selection came as no surprise to those who knew her, as she had already proven herself as an exceptional pilot during her time at the academy.
At Top Gun, Hazel faced even greater challenges. The program was known for its intense training and rigorous competitions. But Hazel was undeterred. She embraced the pressure and pushed herself to the limit, determined to prove that gender was not a barrier to success in the world of aviation.
During her time at Top Gun, Hazel formed a close bond with her fellow pilots, both male and female. Together, they supported and pushed each other to be the best they could be. Hazel's skill, determination, and camaraderie earned her the respect and admiration of her peers and instructors.
After completing the Top Gun program, Hazel was assigned to an elite fighter squadron. She quickly proved herself as a formidable pilot, consistently exceeding expectations in combat simulations and real-life missions. Her exceptional flying skills, combined with her strategic thinking and composure under pressure, made her a valuable asset to her squadron.
Throughout her career, Hazel continued to break barriers and inspire others. She became an advocate for gender equality in the military, working to create opportunities for women in aviation. Her passion, talent, and unwavering dedication to her craft made her a role model for aspiring pilots, both male and female.
Hazel Quinn's journey as a female Top Gun pilot is a testament to her resilience, determination, and the power of following one's dreams. She not only shattered stereotypes but also proved that with hard work and perseverance, anyone can fly high and achieve greatness in the skies.
Hazel Quinn possesses a fiery spirit and a feisty nature that sets her apart from her peers. She is not one to back down from a challenge, and her determination fuels her pursuit of excellence in everything she does. Whether it's in the cockpit or in a heated debate, Hazel's spirited nature shines through.
With a quick wit and a sharp tongue, Hazel possesses a sassy demeanor that can catch others off guard. She has a knack for delivering biting remarks and sarcastic comments, often using humor as a shield to mask her vulnerability. Her sarcastic remarks, though sometimes biting, are usually meant to lighten the mood or inject a dose of reality into a situation.
Hazel's tough exterior is a result of the relentless training and demanding nature of her profession. She has faced numerous hardships and setbacks throughout her career, but she has learned to adapt and persevere. Her toughness is evident in her ability to remain calm and focused under pressure, even in the most challenging situations.
Underneath her tough exterior, Hazel harbors a darker side. She carries the weight of her responsibilities and the sacrifices she has made for her career. This darkness fuels her drive and determination, but it also adds a layer of complexity to her personality. She has experienced loss and heartbreak, and these experiences have shaped her into a more introspective and guarded individual.
Hazel can come across as grouchy at times, especially when she is focused on a task or dealing with frustrating situations. She is not one to sugarcoat her opinions or hide her frustrations. However, this grouchy demeanor is often a result of her high standards and a desire for excellence. She expects the best from herself and those around her, and she can become easily annoyed when things fall short of her expectations.
Despite her fiery and sometimes challenging personality, Hazel possesses a fiercely loyal and protective nature. She cares deeply for her fellow pilots and will go to great lengths to ensure their safety and success. Her loyalty extends beyond her squadron, as she fights for equality and fairness within the military.
Hazel's personality is a complex blend of feistiness, sass, toughness, darkness, grouchiness, and sarcasm. While she may have a sharp tongue and a tough exterior, beneath it all, she is driven by a strong sense of duty, a desire for excellence, and a commitment to making a difference.
Hazel Quinn and Tom Kazansky, AKA Iceman, have an intriguing relationship that starts off as rivals but gradually evolves into something more.
From the moment they meet, Hazel and Tom have a natural competitive dynamic. They are both exceptionally skilled pilots who constantly push each other to be better. Tom, with his cool and composed demeanor, tends to tease and annoy Hazel, often trying to get under her skin. Hazel, being feisty and quick-witted, is always ready with a comeback or a witty comment to match his provocations.
Their banter and constant back-and-forth create a playful tension between them. Their competitive nature fuels their drive to outperform each other, and they often find themselves vying for the top spot in training exercises and missions. Each success or failure only intensifies their rivalry, pushing them to work harder and prove themselves to one another.
However, beneath the surface of their rivalry, there is a mutual respect and admiration that grows over time. As they witness each other's skills and determination, they begin to recognize the depth of their abilities and the passion they share for flying. This mutual respect becomes the foundation for a deeper connection between them.
As their relationship progresses, Hazel and Tom start to see past their competitive façades. They discover common ground and shared experiences that create a bond beyond their rivalry. They become allies and confidants, understanding the unique challenges they face as top pilots in a male-dominated field.
Their banter and playful teasing gradually evolve into a deeper understanding and affection. The witty comments and comebacks become laced with a genuine fondness and care for one another. They develop a level of trust and reliance, knowing that they can count on each other in the most critical moments.
The transition from rivals to lovers is marked by moments of vulnerability and growth. They learn to let their guards down and show their true selves, allowing their relationship to blossom into something more profound. Their shared experiences and deep connection become the foundation for a passionate romance that transcends their initial rivalry.
In summary, Hazel and Tom's relationship begins as rivals, with Tom teasing and annoying Hazel, and Hazel responding with her trademark wit. However, their rivalry gradually transforms into mutual respect and admiration, leading to a deep connection and a passionate romance. Their journey from rivals to lovers is marked by growth, vulnerability, and a shared love for flying and each other.
Hazel's call sign, Daredevil, is a reflection of her fearless and daring nature in the skies.
Throughout her training and career, Hazel has consistently demonstrated a willingness to take risks and push the limits of her abilities. She thrives on the adrenaline rush that comes from pushing her aircraft to its maximum potential, often engaging in daring maneuvers that leave others in awe.
Hazel's fearlessness is not just limited to her flying skills. She approaches challenges head-on, unafraid to tackle difficult situations or confront obstacles with determination and courage. Her willingness to take calculated risks sets her apart from her peers and earns her the admiration of those who fly alongside her.
The call sign Daredevil also speaks to Hazel's ability to remain calm and composed in high-pressure situations. Even when faced with intense combat scenarios or dangerous missions, she maintains a level-headedness that allows her to make split-second decisions and take decisive action. Her ability to stay cool under fire further solidifies her reputation as a daredevil in the skies.
Additionally, the call sign Daredevil captures Hazel's audacious and rebellious spirit. She is not one to conform to traditional norms or be limited by societal expectations. Instead, she embraces her own unique style and approach, often challenging the status quo and pushing boundaries. Her refusal to be bound by convention makes her a true daredevil, both in the air and in life.
So her call sign, Daredevil, represents her fearless, daring, and audacious nature. It reflects her willingness to take risks, her ability to remain composed under pressure, and her rebellious spirit that sets her apart from the crowd.
And again, lastly, we get to the strengths and weaknesses part.
1. Exceptional Flying Skills: Hazel possesses exceptional flying skills, making her a standout pilot. Her natural talent, combined with her extensive training and experience, allows her to excel in the skies.
2. Determination and Perseverance: Hazel is known for her unwavering determination and perseverance. She is not one to give up easily and will go to great lengths to achieve her goals. This determination drives her to overcome obstacles and push herself to new heights.
3. Quick Wit and Sharp Tongue: Hazel has a quick wit and a sharp tongue, allowing her to deliver clever comebacks and sarcastic remarks. Her wit often helps her diffuse tense situations and adds a touch of humor to her interactions.
4. Fearlessness and Daring Nature: Hazel is fearless and daring, always willing to take calculated risks and push the limits of her abilities. Her audacious approach to flying and life sets her apart from others and earns her the nickname "Daredevil."
5. Leadership Skills: Hazel possesses strong leadership skills, making her a respected figure among her peers. She has the ability to inspire and motivate others, leading by example and fostering a sense of camaraderie within her squadron.
1. Stubbornness: Hazel can be stubborn at times, often refusing to back down from her opinions or change her course of action. While her determination is a strength, her stubbornness can sometimes hinder her ability to adapt to new situations or consider alternative perspectives.
2. Guarded and Introspective: Hazel carries a certain darkness and guardedness within her. While this adds depth to her character, it can also make it challenging for others to get close to her. She tends to keep her emotions and vulnerabilities hidden, which can create barriers in her relationships.
3. Impatience: Hazel can be impatient, especially when she feels that others are not performing up to her standards or when things are moving too slowly. Her impatience can sometimes lead to frustration and a lack of understanding for others who may have different approaches or learning curves.
4. Difficulty Trusting Others: Due to her past experiences and the competitive nature of her profession, Hazel finds it challenging to trust others fully. This can create barriers in her relationships and make it difficult for her to rely on others for support.
5. Tendency to Take Risks: While Hazel's fearlessness and daring nature are strengths, they can also be considered a weakness. Her willingness to take risks, although calculated, can sometimes lead to dangerous situations or unnecessary challenges.
Overall, Hazel Quinn's strengths lie in her exceptional flying skills, determination, quick wit, fearlessness, and leadership abilities. However, her weaknesses include stubbornness, guardedness, impatience, difficulty trusting others, and a tendency to take risks. These strengths and weaknesses contribute to her complex and compelling character.
Back with another set of Top Gun OCs! Yes, they're all quite long and I've spent a lot of time on them, so I'd really appreciate your comments and reblogs! ♥️
(also now I'm going by my new system of making OCs as you can see hehe)
tags: @msrochelleromanofffelton @blueboirick @hanlueluver @meiramel @gaminggirlsstuff
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jeremiahofphilo · 5 days
hello jeremiah :)
i am stopping by your shop to see if you have cacti or succulent plants available. i want to have some plants but with long flights and time away from home, i need some that are easy to tend to! any recommendations? thanks in advance
Seeing the man he'd recently become familiar with as someone close to her, Jeremiah was naturally a little more curious, if not protective for reasons entirely unbeknown to anyone else. Still, he maintained a cordial and chipper demeaner.
"Hey! Good to see ya again. Succulents aren't necessarily my specialty, it depends on what my suppliers got. Let's see?"
Moving around the counter, he indicated to a shelf adorned with a few other non-plant items and gifts, and a section with tiny cacti and a few succulents.
"This is one of my favorites, actually. Kids love it 'cause it has a very soft touch, almost fuzzy, they call it a zebra plant for the pattern but, I've known it as "chocolate soldier succulent." He grinned. "You basically don't have to water it until the soil is bone dry. I left it alone for a month by accident once. Yikes. But...Maybe that works? "
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topgungirl · 2 months
(Drama not tolerated! Safe and inclusive space!)
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bcrntortured · 9 months
open to anyone
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"Don't get mad when I say I told you so-"
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willowwee · 9 days
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Aww look at this little gentleman what a cutie patootie-
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purelyfiction · 18 hours
hi all!! our top gun roleplay is still running full speed and we are still looking for the following faces:
pete 'maverick' mitchell
penny benjamin
tom 'iceman' kazansky
as well as plenty of room for original characters! if you're interested, find us here!
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