#mileage with vary depending on your screen balance
dritashoppe · 2 years
Persona 4 arena ultimax ps5
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Persona 4 Arena Ultimax is a fairly easy game to pick up and play with some early success, but also offers one of the deepest and most unique fighting game experiences even in 2022. Overall, Persona 4 Arena Ultimax is still just as good and fun as it used to be with a fresh batch flavor added to the mix even if it is starting to show its age in a few areas. I've only gotten to fight against one person online during the review period thus far, and the connection was pretty much rock solid - though your mileage may vary as is the case with delay-based fighters.
Yes, Ultimax launched with delay-based netcode again, but a rollback update is coming this summer (except for the Nintendo Switch version) - so you might want to wait if that's an absolute deal breaker for you. There are no options for viewing frame data or hitboxes, unfortunately, but what is there should work fine for most of your needs. Pretty much everything else about Ultimax appears to be untouched, including the Training and online modes.
You may have to play with V-Sync on, however, as I experienced a decent bit of screen tearing without it.įor some strange reason, they seem to have removed the open lobby rooms where you can walk around with your avatar and challenge players at arcade cabinets on PC at least, which kinda sucks, so I don't know if those are also absent from the consoles too. The game ran flawlessly in my experience, but that's not surprising given it's not very demanding on graphics.
On the PC version I played for this review, the developers included a built-in FPS counter that can be toggled on as well as the standard visual settings you'd expect, plus sprite filter options (which may or may not be included on the consoles too). The most important for many fans probably is the inclusion of complete dual audio options, so purists can now play the entire game with the Japanese voice over no matter where you live (though I'll always have a soft spot for the English dub). Ultimax doesn't include a version select either, so the only option is to fight on the final balance update for better or worse depending on who you are and how you feel about the changes.Īs for the rest of the experience, there only appears to be a small handful of improvements next to what was already there. There is a bit of a caveat, however, as the later arcade updates were fairly divisive in the Ultimax community for arguably making Shadow characters too strong compared to the standard cast - more about these changes can be found here.
So while things may feel familiar to what you used to play, the game will still be a fresh experience full of discovery and experimentation. This isn't a minor touch-up either, as every character was fairly significantly re-balanced along with new and adjusted mechanics added to battles.
The biggest change to the game is the gameplay itself actually.Ītlus decided to update the new home version of Ultimax to the final patch found only in Japanese arcades previously, so this experience will be brand new to pretty much everyone in the West. Ultimax's release on modern systems is on the surface much more of a straightforward port of the PS3/Xbox 360 versions than a full on remaster with tons of new content added, but that doesn't tell the full story. There's more single-player content to spend your time with than most fighters released today too, but what does the new package provide that wasn't already there before? The action, while frenetic, is fluid and satisfying with so much room for player expression within every character, and it feels just as good as it did nearly 8 years ago. For the purposes of our review, I'll be largely focusing on the new bells and whistles added to the updated port of Ultimax that players familiar with the series (or genre) can expect and look forward to as well as what the game has to offer to those looking to jump in for the first time.Īs a fighting game spin-off of the Persona RPG series, Ultimax is still absolutely oozing with style, personality and great presentation although it won't be your cup of tea if you prefer slower, more methodical series in the fighter genre.
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passingretro · 2 years
Anbernic RG-531P - an experience…
I recently went through a phase of handheld gaming, having never really done so in my life. There was one period with a gameboy advance sp, but that’s for another post.
In 2022, stuff has shrunk relatively small and phones/tablets can do some amazing feats of performance, so I wondered what the state of handheld emulation devices were.
There’s quite a lot of choice, sizes, power etc. But my main takeaway from it is that with all emulators, it depends on the game. There are exceptions to this as with anything but for the systems that require more power (PS1, 3DO, Saturn, Dreamcast) your mileage may vary. So I settled on a balance between cost and performance and went with an Anbernic RG-351P. I think the P means plastic because there’s a 351M which is metal. And there’s also a PM. I’m not sure on that one 😂
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The device is a nice size, not too clunky and not too uncomfortable. However I will say, the joysticks? Wrong place. Trying to use them is about as uncomfortable as you can get - maybe that’s just me but I do not enjoy using them and will avoid games that do use them.
The earliest console I’ve got on this thing is the Master System and while I often joke about how fucking abysmal the master systems games looked and controlled, at least it works. The 351P did not. No matter what I did, when I attempted to load them they just flicked back to the main menu. Perhaps it’s a bug in the 351-Elec custome firmware I am using or a setting in the Retro Arch it uses emulate games, but they didn’t work.* Game Gear (which is basically a portable master system) did work. Up from that is the Mega Drive (although it’s refereed to as Genesis because despite only being called that in the US, fucking everything online seems to favour the name). These all work fine and as you’d expect. Even hacked ROMs like Sonic 1 Xmas and community demos like Titan Overdrive. Same for the Mega CD.
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Hideo Kojimas “Snatcher” on Mega CD.
The Anbernic has a processor of 4 cores at 1.5 GHz with 1GB of DDR3 and a Mail G31-MP2 and comes with a Linux based interface which loads the games via Retro Arch. There are custom firmwares you can get the best of which is probably 351 Elec. You would think that might be enough to run most games but you would have forgotten or not been aware of the following: mobile hardware with low power requirements.
It ain’t going to accomplish a lot, in fact I was blown away that it even managed to boot Dreamcast games, but it did. Not well, exactly. Or in a super playable state (at least the Sonic Adventure 2 I tried). But it does boot them.
PS1 games load OK-ish. They more or less work (again, depends on the game). My selections of The World is Not Enough and Kula World seemed to fair OK. Kula World better than TWINE, purely because it seems to struggle with FMV.
Dreamcast loaded but ran poorly. Tested with Sonic Adventure 2, Rayman 2 and Chu Chu Rocket. Nintendo DS games work but for the life of me I don’t know why. It loads the screens side by side, horizontally, which makes them barely legible and you can’t often interact with the touch screen portion properly.
It runs PSP games, performance is like I’ve said all the way through this, dependant on the game. From Russia With Love? Like toffee. The Sims 2? Slightly better.
Where this thing shines though? GBA games. It’s like it was made for them. It’s the perfect screen size and ratio which means no re-sizing or squishing of the image. And it runs the games flawlessly. I’ve poured hours into Sonic Advance 3, Rayman 3, The Urbz (the only Sims game worth playing) and a smattering of others.
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So what are my overall thoughts? Stick to the older systems. 8-bit, 16-bit and GameBoy. While it can pull of some more advance stuff, it’s few and far between and honestly not worth the headache of trying to configure it. No one wants to faff about with that. The custom software is well worth it and vastly improved over the stock one (emuelec or something).
*It be later transpired that while going through the Micro SD card and copying stuff over, the Master System ROMs had glitched and for some reason were reading as 0KB in size. I re-copied them over and all was well.
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bewildereye · 3 years
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Dannymay Day 16 - GLOW
(gif version under the cut)
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leiakenobi · 3 years
which (in ur opinion) are the top 5 oscar movies to watch to get started?
oh, Nonny, you’ve come to the right place, my favorite hobby is recommending Oscar movies to people.
absolute first priority in my mind:
1.) Inside Llewyn Davis: A beautiful movie -- probably my top Coen bros film -- and oh does it show off Oscar’s range. You get to hear him sing, he acts his ass off... and I love Llewyn. That snarky sad bi icon. Bless his heart.
2.) Ex Machina: I have a lot of feelings about this movie that would take a whole essay to unpack, though I will say that overall I think it’s superb. The Oscar tl;dr of it all is that he takes a character who could easily be... completely detestable, and he makes him feel nuanced and engaging. He’s electric on screen.
3.) A Most Violent Year: J.C. Chandor really said, “I’m gonna make a period gangster film that doesn’t even really include gangsters,” and A Most Violent Year happened, and it is exquisite. If you’re not a fan of gangster films, I hope that description doesn’t deter you, because I haven’t talked to someone yet who disliked this film. Oscar and Jessica’s chemistry is so wonderful and they really are the movie, in a lot of ways, so watch it for them, if nothing else.
after that, I think it becomes a bit more... choose-your-own adventure, depending on what you’re looking for? so I’m going to cheat a bit and break it down more specifically:
If you are in it pretty much exclusively for the thirst -- literally just want to watch Oscar looking hot on your screen -- I’d maybe say go for Triple Frontier and In Secret as your next steps.
If you want ~great ~cinema, but would like to knock out some of Oscar’s filmography at the same time, I adored both At Eternity’s Gate and Annihilation but neither of them have much Oscar.
If you want a balance of thirst and film quality, maybe go for Operation: Finale and The Two Faces of January. Lots of Oscar in both films, but I think they’re actually at least decent movies on top of that.
Then you have a category that I kind of think of as your mileage may vary movies, which is... tbh a lot of his filmography. Basically stuff that I would only recommend depending on your preferences/mood. Sucker Punch is intense, and its feminism is... a mixed bag, to put it gently, but Oscar is one of its best features. The Promise is really beautiful, but it centers around the Armenian genocide, so you need to go into it prepared for that. 
I also think it’s worth giving a nod to Ticky Tacky, which is just a 15-minute short film that you can find on vimeo, so that should make it pretty easy to see. Oscar is so good at that kind of satirical mania and I wish we got to see that side of him more often.
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choices-and-voices · 3 years
hi sorry if this has already been asked somewhere but im was wondering if you had any tips on how to get the best experience without having to pay ?
Hi there! Don’t worry, this question hasn’t been asked before, and I am honestly super flattered that you value my opinion enough to ask it ☺️ I’m not sure how helpful my tips will be because I don’t exactly consider myself an expert in this, but here are some things that came to mind! I’ve gone into quite a bit of detail, but if you want a quicker overview, just stick to the bold headings. Also, if any of the people reading this have good tips of their own, please lmk! I’m always learning new things about how to do this too 💕
1. This one’s a bit obvious, but still – take the opportunities that the game gives you to earn free diamonds. That means watching the bonus ads every day (5 diamonds/day), playing through chapters as often as you can (including replaying old books if there are no new releases – 2 diamonds/chapter), and watching ads at the end of book chapters for an extra diamond. Obviously, all this is a bit of a balancing act – you want to be playing Choices often enough to build up your diamonds, but not so often that it takes over your life and makes you feel frustrated, because what’s the point of it if it’s not fun anymore, y’know? So I’ve always been careful not to overdo it. Even if all you do is watch the bonus ads every day, that’s 35 diamonds/week – basically, one big diamond scene a week – which is honestly not too shabby.
2. At any one time, only play 1-2 books that you’re really invested in, and try to supplement that with another 2-3 books that you’re not really invested in or are replaying just for diamonds. As tempting as it can be to rush through every good-looking book in the app all at once, that just leads to a situation where a) you’re trying to divide your free keys between waaay too many releases, and b) there are so many demands on you for diamonds, you never get to consistently spend them on anything. So I personally think it’s best to only read a couple of good books at once, and instead of marathoning them, break them up with chapters from less-good books – this builds up your diamond stash for spending on the good books. Which leads into my next point:
3. Don’t zip through books too fast – even if most of the chapters are already released, spreading them out helps you earn more diamonds for them in the meantime. I’m really lucky to have been playing Choices for so long that almost all the books were presented to me in weekly release format – if I downloaded the app for the first time today, and saw all the fully-released books on there, I feel like I would be way too overwhelmed to play. So I reckon that, even if a book isn’t technically a weekly release for you, make it a weekly release! You might decide to play all the books you’re really invested in on a particular day when you have more free time – say, a Sunday. Then, you have Monday-Saturday every week to earn diamonds for those books, and something to look forward to at the end of it all. As for what you do with those diamonds:
4. Be smart about what you spend diamonds on. There are a couple of different components to this tip – it involves things like a) figuring out which types of purchases are worth diamonds in general, b) figuring out which types of purchases you want to prioritise in certain books, and c) planning ahead before you start playing a book chapter about where you might want to spend diamonds. To address each of those things one-by-one:
a) Figure out which types of purchases are worth diamonds in general. Off the top of my head, there are 6 main types of diamond purchases in Choices: ‘friendly’ scenes with LIs (12-25 diamonds), ‘steamy’ scenes with LIs (25-30 diamonds), scenes with your whole friendship group, collectible items (e.g. the tapestry pieces in Bloodbound, the clues in Veil of Secrets, etc.), outfits, and pets. Your mileage may vary a lot on which of these are most important to you, so take my opinions with a grain of salt. But my general advice would be to i) prioritise group scenes above LI scenes, ii) prioritise ‘friendly’ LI scenes above ‘steamy’ LI scenes, iii) avoid collectibles, and iv) go for outfits and pets only if you really like the look of them. This advice is based on the fact that, firstly, I think you get a better experience of immersion in a book if you know a bit about all the characters around MC, rather than just about one LI; secondly, ‘friendly’ LI scenes tend to tell you more about the LI than ‘steamy’ scenes, which are often 80-90% copied-and-pasted erotica despite being more expensive; thirdly, collectibles are a massive drain on diamond stores, and almost always unlock quite short, generic scenes that it’s easy to find on Tumblr or YouTube; and fourthly, both outfits and pets don’t do much except appear in the story at key moments, which can be a really nice touch but is still only needed in moderation. Of course, there are exceptions to these rules, and you might find that those exceptions are sometimes book-specific. Which leads me to Part B of this point:
b) Figure out which types of purchases you want to prioritise in certain books. It’s all well and good for me to say that group scenes are usually better than LI scenes, but when I’m playing a book with an amazing LI but a pretty meh supporting cast (*cough cough* Myra Dixon carries Baby Bump on her shoulders *cough cough*), I obviously may need to adjust my spending habits slightly. Moreover, by focusing all your diamond spending on just one main thing per book – like Myra’s romance in Baby Bump, or the party’s side-quests in Blades of Light and Shadow, or the posse in Queen B – I think you end up with a much better playing experience, because you feel like you’re seeing at least one facet of the story in-depth instead of getting a patchy surface view of lots of different facets. For the most part, the purchases you prioritise in a book can mostly depend on personal taste, but there are a few books where some background knowledge might be helpful in the decision. Four things that I think are worth flagging are that i) the ‘competition books’ (America’s Most Eligible, Queen B, Hot Couture) do require regular outfit purchases to win, although winning isn’t that much better an experience than being runner-up; ii) Veil of Secrets and Nightbound are two books where it’s worth saving 30-35 diamonds for the final chapter, because your MC is forced to leave the small-town setting if you don’t; iii) Across the Void is a book that frequently invites you to spend diamonds to save characters’ lives, but their death arcs are honestly much better-written and more sensible than their survival arcs; and iv) the It Lives series is the only one where characters can die due to an accumulation of choices you make throughout the story, so maybe it’s worth keeping some diamonds in reserve for that one. Which just leaves us with one more sub-point:
c) Plan ahead before you start playing a book chapter about where you might want to spend diamonds. I want to take this opportunity to thank whichever people in the fandom maintain the Choices wiki, because oh my gosh, they are lifesavers. For the last year or so, my response whenever a new Choices chapter is released has been to wait a few hours, Google ‘[book name] choices’, open the wiki result, and skim through to check how many diamond choices are available & how much they cost. Because all the wiki includes are the possible responses to every choice presented – it doesn’t even state the wording of the choice itself – this is a relatively spoiler-free technique that helps a lot with big picture planning. For example, you might decide not to buy an early group scene because there’s a nicer-sounding LI scene later on, and come to think of it, you should replay a few more chapters of another book first to save up the diamonds for that scene. If you don’t mind encountering just a few more spoilers before you play the chapter, you can also scout out its diamond scenes in more detail by searching the relevant book or character tags on Tumblr, or by looking for a chapter stream on YouTube. You may decide that you don’t need to buy a diamond scene if you’ve already seen it played through by someone else, or alternatively, you may decide whether or not to buy a diamond scene based on how good it looks in an existing playthrough – in either case, these techniques can help you thoughtfully ration out the diamonds you have, instead of being caught off-guard whenever a diamond choice comes up.
5. On the subject of the Choices wiki, it’s also a great way to maximise your success in books without using diamonds. Whenever there’s a ‘right’ option to a choice that gives you a better outcome later in the chapter, that’s indicated in the wiki. So with a bit of pre-reading of the wiki before you play the chapter, and/or with the wiki open on a separate screen as you play, you can get the best outcome without having to buy that outfit or bonus scene that promised you ‘an advantage.’ Obviously, your mileage may vary on whether this method is actually worth it, or whether it takes all the fun out of Choices by ‘cheating’ at the gaming aspect. I personally view Choices as more of an interactive story app than a game I’m trying to beat, so I have no issue with this method, but opinions may differ and that’s okay.
6. If you’re really feeling like a lack of diamonds is limiting your playing experience, it may be best to start out with ‘cheaper’ books until you have more diamonds stored up. In this case, I’m using ‘cheaper’ to mean books where there are fewer diamond scenes, where diamond scenes are less expensive, and/or where diamond scenes don’t play as big a role in the plot. It can be hard to identify which books fit this bill, but as a general rule, it’s more likely to be the earlier-released ones or less-popular ones. Some which I’d recommend are the first few books of the Freshman series, the #LoveHacks series, the High School Story series, the Perfect Match series, Most Wanted, The Heist: Monaco, Wishful Thinking, Bachelorette Party, and The Royal Masquerade.
7. Finally, a really quick tip for making the most out of free keys – keys are used up as soon as you start a book chapter, and refresh ~every 3 hours. This means that, even if you don’t have time to play chapters every 3 hours, you should try to open the app roughly that often and just click to unlock a chapter. When you finally have time to play, you’ll have a whole lot of chapters ready to go plus another two refreshed keys, and you can power through them at whatever speed you need to fit in them into your break time or to earn diamonds for an upcoming release. Once again, this is a tip that may need to be practised in moderation, because you don’t want to be constantly interrupting your life to load up an app on your phone. But even if you just log in and unlock chapters every 6 hours, or every 12 hours, that’s still 2-4 extra chapters ready for you at the end of the day plus your two free keys.
I think that’s about all for my tips! Thanks for reading, and I hope it helped at least a bit ❤️
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craveanimeblog-blog · 5 years
Tekken 7: Best Anime-Videogame of 2019 Review
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The fighting game landscape is awash with heavy contenders that have received praise or monster profits from their slick mechanics and graphics. How can a well-established brand like Tekken 7 hold up against its competitors the same its characters do with leg breaks? There's only one way to find out.
What Is Tekken 7?
As the latest version of Namco's flagship game, Tekken 7 is well-known as a button-mashing affair with characters using different martial art styles. You have a Bruce Lee clone, a capoeira fanatic, and half-demon karate masters all in the same punch-and-kick world. Another important distinction between this and other games is how players target limbs, and how full movement around the ring is a necessary part of the match.  
Product Specs
Specifications on this fighter game are only important if you purchase the PC version. For that, you need an Intel Core processor with 3.60GHz or equivalent, 6 GB RAM, and NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 2GB/GTX 750Ti 2GB to start. It takes up 60 GB of hard drive space. There are also PS4 and Xbox One versions for purchase.
Tekken 7 can be purchased on Amazon at around $24 for the PS4 and around $19 for the Xbox One. 
How It Compares
We picked a few similar products available on the market to see how they compare.
The King of Fighters XIV
Soul Calibur 6
Injustice 2
Tekken 7
Price ($)
This game can be purchased on Amazon at around $24 for the PS4 and around $19 for the Xbox One.
Storyline (4/5 Stars)
The Mishima Saga is a new story mode made specifically for the console and PC versions and concentrates on Heihachi and the murderous issues he has with his son and grandson. It is a fighter/anime to the maximum, and it works well within the confines of the decades of lore Tekken 7 is a part of. Characters outside the family do not get as much attention in the Saga when you play as them, however, which knocks Tekken 7 down a star to 4/5.
Controls (3/5 Stars)  
There has been plenty of fine-tuning made to Tekken 7 that has made players know the importance of training. It is not a button-mashing affair like many other games or previous versions—there are so many moves to learn for each character it might not be a good idea to spam attacks. We give this 3/5 stars.
Graphics (4/5 Stars) 
The art style and graphics level of Tekken 7 is about the same as the previous ones. There is a downgrade in the PS4 version compared to the PC version, but it is nothing that will take away from the experience. There is something to be said about the many costume options for characters, too. We give it 4/5 stars.
Replay Value (3/5 Stars)  
The story mode, as fun and silly as it can get, is too short. Online mode is as good as ever, however, and Treasure Battle mode is hardcore enough it might keep you going for hours. We give this 3/5 stars.
Advanced fighting system
Strong quest mode
Many characters to learn
Short story mode
Steep learning curve
The King of Fighters XIV
Price ($$)
This fighter classic can be found on Amazon at around $30 on PS4 for a physical copy. There is also a digital download available around the same price.
Storyline (1/5 Stars)  
The supreme amount of attention they put toward the fighting must have affected how much time and attention was given to the story. Even though there are around 50 characters available, there are few cutscenes that flesh out a very simplistic plot. They are quick and give little to what is going on between the interactions and motivations of each character. This is a disappointing 1/5 stars.
Controls (3/5 Stars)  
King of Fighter XIV reignites the power of the franchise through gameplay, which is something they needed since its update from 2D a few versions ago. The combination of 2D movement and 3D visuals can exist although it is worth remembering this is a game of skill where precision is needed in pulling off the winning combos. Seasoned players know how to do this, but it can be a difficult ride for newcomers (the new Rush system gives necessary hand-holding, however). We give it 3/5 stars.
Graphics (4/5 Stars)  
This game finally made an effective change from its classic 2D to 3D, but that is not the case for a cutscene animations. Those come out awkward, but they still make fluid motions in combat, giving it 4/5 stars.
Replay Value (1/5 Stars)  
This is a game that has added over 30 playable characters to the standard 18, which can give a sizable combination of battles. One major issue might come with online play as there can be slow fights even with a strong internet connection. We give this 1/5 stars.
Expansive character roster
Fun classic fighter system
Worthy change of art style
Substandard story
Inconsistent online play
Tough learning curve 
Price ($$$)
This fast-paced fighter the game can be found on Amazon at around $90 on PS4 for a physical copy which is too much for the game.
Storyline (2/5 Stars)  
The peculiar cast of Skullgirls is complimented with a good voice cast and story mode. However, as players make it through, they cannot help but wonder if such a small developer sacrificed expanding on the narrative so the gameplay would be stellar. We give the story 2/5 stars.
Controls (5/5 Stars)  
Lab Zero placed great care in how players mapped buttons for their favorite characters. They developed a driver for fight stick controllers, making them as compatible as the PS4 controller. Hardcore fans who use PC or PS3-level fight stick could plug and play with no issues. A 5/5 star rating is well deserved.
Graphics (5/5 Stars)    
The art style is a fusion of anime and 30s and 40s cinema made from thousands of frames of hand-drawn animation. This slick presentation of movement behind a lavish background is quite a sight for a traditional 2D fighter. We give it 5/5 stars.
Replay Value (3/5 Stars)  
While the arcade mode is designed for randomly chosen challenges, eventually players will get the same ones in a row. Part of this is because there are only nine playable characters. Lab Zero put in a solid online-play experience that allows players to check connections before they play. We rate replay value 3/5 stars.
Fine-tuned gameplay
Beautiful Art Déco aesthetic
Designed for hardcore fighter fans
An inadequate roster of playable characters
Arcade mode is limited
Story is simple
Price ($)
The game is not currently available on Amazon, but you can purchase the digital download on the PlayStation Store for around $15 and around $20 for the Nintendo Switch.
Storyline (1/5 Stars)  
TowerFall is a party game, so it does not have much in the narrative department. There is a Dark World mode where a player fights a boss at the end, but that is about as far as it goes, giving it 1/5 stars in this category.
Controls (4/5 Stars)
The game tests players' ability to jump platforms while firing arrows with precision. They will have no problems with pressing the right buttons to scramble for the next kill shot—as intense as they can get. We give it 4/5 stars.
Graphics (3/5 Stars)    
A retro look adds to the arcade-style gameplay of TowerFall. The maps are 2D, yet are still smart enough that players have to come up with tactics to shoot and survive. It all depends on if you are a fan of nostalgia. So we give this 3/5 stars.
Replay Value (3/5 Stars)  
With six players, there is no telling what kind of shooting spree can happen on the single-screen map as they avoid arrows. Two bumps on this game are that the only point in playing the single-player mode is as a practice run. Also, there is no online support. We give it 3/5 stars on this front.
Entertaining multiplayer mode
A wide variety of playable maps
Nostalgic art style
Single player is lacking
Local-only multiplayer 
Soul Calibur 6
Price ($$$)
The game can be purchased on Amazon at around $40 for the PS4 and around $60 for the Xbox One.
Storyline (4/5 Stars)
Every playable character in Soul Calibur 6 has a story developed through their series of fights, art, or scenes that include dialogue (although there is not a lot of it). Killik is the character with the primary story surrounding the Soul Edge sword. There is even an RPG-like mode set in Europe if you make a custom character where you bump into main characters. Players will be happy to play as Geralt from the mega-popular Witcher series. We give the game 4/5 stars in this category.
Controls (5/5 Stars)  
As an arcade-style fighter, it is still well-balanced enough that players have no problems with picking it up and battling. The combat system has never been better, and the 8-Way-Run movement the system, while not the same as its sister game Tekken 7, is as strong as ever. This easily gets 5/5 stars.
Graphics (3/5 Stars)    
Because of the character creation option, the ability for graphics is solid. The developer's clear direction on gameplay over graphics is clear, however. An example of this is in the issue one can have when choosing the perfect hair for their custom fighter. There are plenty of well-designed costume choices. We give this 3/5 stars.
Replay Value (5/5 Stars)  
There are around five modes to play in Soul Calibur 6—each of varying depths that still require an understanding of weapon combos, dodges, and charging up for big attacks. There is also an improved online play system that has fixed the spotty challenges from previous Soul Calibur. The replay value of the game gets 5/5 stars.
A balanced arcade-style fighting system
Different game modes
Deep customization engine
Slight issues in customization
An awkward dialogue in cut scenes 
Injustice 2
Price ($$)
The game can be purchased on Amazon at around $52 for the PS4, and around $39 for the Xbox One.
Storyline (5/5 Stars)  
As a game made with DC superheroes and villains, one would expect Injustice 2 to be phenomenal. But as always with comics, your mileage may vary. The bleak continuation of Injustice: Gods Among Us will be amazing to some or a disjointed mess to others. Players cannot take away the fact they use the history of these characters very well (although they made a poor choice in creating a Joker in the Jared Leto style). We give it 5/5 stars.
Controls (3/5 Stars)  
Netherrealm added new features to combat that players will enjoy in the sequel. There are character-specific tutorials for each, but acclimation will take time as there is no universal combo all characters share. It gets tougher with an AI that can take you down with ludicrous combos. We give this part 3/5 stars.
Graphics (5/5 Stars)  
There is no denying the impressive level of detail Netherealm's artists put into the dystopian world of Injustice 2. Gotham, Atlantis, even Swamp Thing's forests have features that match reality and fantasy smoothly—not to mention the incredible near-photorealistic animation to each playable character. This deserves 5/5 stars.
Replay Value (4/5 Stars)
Unfortunately, story mode runs around five to 10 hours, which is disappointing. There is an expansive Multiverse system with a loot-dropping function that can keep you going. The online multiplayer mode runs without a hitch. We give this 4/5 stars.
Rich story mode using DC lore and characters
Interesting features for a fighting game
Amazing facial animations for each character
The story mode is rather short
AI is almost too challenging for beginners
Long loading times
No matter what flair a developer puts in their fighter, the fluidity of combat dominates, and Tekken 7 delivers this with no problem. Its competitors will battle it with mechanics, but with its challenging mode, a variety of characters, and their impressive move sets, there are plenty of ways to keep players interested as they crunch arms and kick faces. We give this game an overall rating of 4/5 stars.
0 notes
jeramymobley · 6 years
5 Ways to Hack Your Budget Between Jobs
Between jobs and struggling to make it by with regular lifestyle choices? Until a hiring manager calls with good news, you need to make a few cuts, but you want to do more than survive.
You want to thrive! Here are five ways to hack your budget between jobs and save money.
  1. Cut the Cord and Keep Tube Time
You may have given up on your New Year’s resolutions by now, but you can cut back on other bills in your life. Start small. Cut the cord altogether, and keep your tube time intact.
Consider casting TV shows from your smartphone to the big screen via Google Chrome, Roku or a similar device if you’re the type that just needs noise in the background and loves old shows. Channels such as HBO and NBC have apps available but offer a monthly fee at much less monthly. YouTube lets you stream some content for free, especially if you love cat videos and keeping up with favorite vloggers.
You’ve heard of Netflix, which is great, but there are more options to pick and choose from — even combine to get the TV experience you want for less. You can still access live TV when you cut the cord, with streaming subscription services such as:
Sling starts at $20 and goes up, depending on the package, and you can customize your package with add-ons for Spanish language channels and sports.
Hulu begins at $40 a month for 55 channels that include varying major networks, such as NBC, FOX and CBS.
PlayStation Vue starter packages offer 45 channels with Access/Access Slim: $40/$30 per month with up to five continuous streams allowed at once.
2. Hack Home and Living Expenses
Ideally, never let your housing budget exceed 30 percent of your take-home pay, and for homeowners, that total also counts homeowner’s insurance and property tax. Typical home repairs vary, but it’s wise to budget that in, too, even for renters, who may be responsible for damage they contribute to or cause.
Most don’t live in ideal circumstances. Half of your monthly take-home pay gets put toward the mortgage or rent, especially when between jobs. Try living by the 50/20/30 rule where you still have flexibility but maintain a healthy budget for home and living expenses:
Fixed costs should only consume 50 percent of income and apply to those fixed costs that remain the same monthly, such as rent and internet.
Savings should comprise 20 percent of your income.
Variable costs should only use up 30 percent of your income and include expenses such as groceries, entertainment and clothing.
Adjust these percentages based on your circumstances, aiming to work toward the rule for a healthier financial balance.
In the meantime, where else can you cut or hack your expenses? Invest in a French press over heading to Starbucks every other day. Cut the gym fees, and use free weights and bike or dance. Rent out a room on Airbnb or look for a roommate. If you have a skill to teach others, put it to use for a reasonable fee.
3. Take Transportation Disparities By the Wheel
Transportation costs take up a surprisingly large chunk of your monthly budget, especially if you’re a car owner. The good news: this presents you with more savings opportunities.
When buying or trading in a car, do your research first. You probably considered the costs of down payment and closing, but there’s more. Do you drive about 15,000 miles a year? The average total cost of car ownership was $8,469 in 2017 for clocking that mileage, and that doesn’t count the monthly car payment.
Every model differs, as does the added costs of ownership. How much does the gas tank hold in city or on one of your famous road trips? Don’t forget the loan payments, regular maintenance and emergency repair costs. You never know when you’ll need to replace the break line.
Shop for cheaper car insurance: one study noted an $850 disparity annually between the lowest rates and the average quote you receive. So, shop around for multiple quotes from agents and car insurance providers, and don’t discount small providers — they have some of the best rates around. Shop discounts on your policy, such as anti-theft built into the car, AAA, low mileage and multiple cars.
These little discount hacks add up, but you can always consider alternative forms of transportation, such as taking the bus or biking to work.
4. Get By On More Than Ramen
There’s nothing wrong with living off Ramen. You can add fish and veggies and bake it like casserole. Ramen is versatile, but you need a more balanced diet to keep your health up. Eat your choice of fruit, veggies, meat and bread even on budget based on the change you find around the house.
Use the power of Pinterest to meal plan, grocery shop and save. For example, Crockpot it if you don’t cook to eat cheap and healthy and gain tips on what to do with leftover turkey slices, how to make various curries and make tons of beans more palatable.
Make versatile and big portions of slow cooker recipes like oven roasted potatoes, bone broth and pulled pork — store the leftovers as freezer meals. You’ll actually know what went into your food because you made it.
Clean up a cast iron pan from the thrift store, and use it for various cooking methods: bake, fry and more. Don’t be afraid to experiment with vegetarian and vegan meals, using protein-rich veggies such as cauliflower in your meals. Buy wraps and make enchiladas one night and a chicken salad wrap for another day.
5. Force Yourself to Save
Horrible at saving? When between jobs, it’s hard to help — using up emergency funds are nearly a weekly or monthly thing, depending on your circumstances.
Save with the power of technology and improve your credit score in the process. Apps like Qapital and Digit make you set rules to save when you spend or put money aside automatically for various goals, even providing you with a spending card separate from your goals. Tip yourself a buck every time you go to Starbucks, and set money aside to back debts.
It’s also worthwhile to check out secured credit cards and credit builder loans, which may ask for a deposit of funds to act as your spending limit on a card or deduct a monthly amount to save for you. Such services typically report to the major credit bureaus to boost your credit score, but don’t go this route unless your budget allows for it.
These simple changes will make you save money between jobs, which doesn’t mean you have to lead a bare bones existence. Your health and happiness matter — it’s just about finding what works for you.
The post 5 Ways to Hack Your Budget Between Jobs appeared first on Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career.
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josephlrushing · 4 years
The LG G8X ThinQ Dual Screen Is Something Special
The iPhone ushered in the era of slab phones and quickly became the design-standard for the industry. Companies looking for “the next big thing” are exploring dual-screen phones. Some look more intriguing than others, but all are pricey as hell. With the LG G8X ThinQ Dual Screen, LG has taken a unique approach and kept the phone affordable.
Do more at once with LG G8X ThinQ Dual Screen, and multitask like never before.
That’s how LG describes the G8X ThinQ Dual Screen. As you will see, it is an apt way to capture what this unusual device is all about. To be clear, this isn’t the first time we have been wowed by LG’s approach to dual-screen devices. In February of 2019, Judie wrote about the LG V50 ThinQ and its dual-screen case. And last month, she posted on the LG V60 ThinQ Dual Screen. As both of those posts make clear, LG has settled upon their approach to dual-screen phones and is busy refining it. We have the LG G8X ThinQ Dual Screen in hand and are excited to share some of our thoughts with all of you.
A great deal has been written about the LG G8X ThinQ Dual Screen while I’ve been putting it through its paces. Rather than repeat what is available all over the internet, I thought I would share some of the things that have impressed me during the last few weeks using the phone, as well as some things that have not. Before we dig into that, however, let’s take a quick look at the phone itself.
  For those of you who are not familiar with the LG G8X ThinQ Dual Screen, that last statement might seem a bit odd. After all, how do we look at the phone without… looking at the phone. The answer is one of the key things that differentiate the LG G8X ThinQ Dual Screen from other dual-screen devices on the market. Most dual-screen have a single foldable screen that either fold in on itself, thereby hiding the screen or fold out and, when closed, have a screen on both the front and back. The LG G8X ThinQ Dual Screen takes a different approach. It is a traditional slab phone that can be used as you would any other large phone. It, however, comes with an innovative case that adds a second, separate screen. Ideally, this design gives users the best of both worlds. But does it? That’s the question I’ve been asking myself since the phone first arrived.
So let’s look at the phone itself. The LG G8X ThinQ has a 6.4” FHD+ OLED screen with an aspect ratio of 19.5:9. Inside the phone, there is 128 GB of storage with slightly more than 102GB available. The phone can accept up to 2TB of additional storage via a microSD card. That’s likely more storage than you will ever need on your phone, but it is nice to know it is possible.
Striking Sleek Design: This device is crafted with smooth, contoured glass for a modern aesthetic. Plus, rounded corners and a sophisticated pattern add an extra touch of elegance.
The front of the phone is entirely glass with a small pinhole camera at the center of the top. If you hate pinhole cutouts, you can change a setting and turn it into a black bar across the top. I honestly can’t understand why anyone would do that, but the option is there for those who are troubled by the pinhole camera cutout.
On the left side, there are volume up and down buttons and a dedicated button for activating Google Assistant. I love the Pixel’s innovative approach that allows you to bring up the Assistant by simply squeezing the phone, but this dedicated button gets the job done too. Toward the top of the left side, there is a small hole for the microphone. It is difficult to see, but it is there.
The sleep/wake/power button sits on the right side of the phone. Access to the SIM and microSD expansion slot is at the top.
On the bottom, you will find the speaker, the USB-C charging port, another microphone, and … a 3.5mm headphone jack. Yup, LG has decided to stick with the traditional headphone jack for now. Unfortunately, they didn’t see fit to include headphones in the box, but if you have a pair of wired headphones hanging around, you will be happy to know they can still be used. Of course, the phone can also be charged wirelessly if you have a Qi-enabled charger handy.
On the back, you will find both cameras and the flash. Notably, the cameras sit flush with the phone. And while that indicates that this promises to be a good smartphone camera but not a “great” one, I do love the fact that there is no camera bulge that looks like it was thrown on as an afterthought, gets scratched, and rocks when you put the phone on a desk.
The sides of the back have a gentle curve toward the from that feels fantastic in the hand and gives an otherwise uninspired design a bit of style.
In all, this is a good-looking but not inspired design.
Fast Performance, Bigger Battery: A Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 Octa-core Processor delivers fast, powerful, experiences—all while providing what matters most: insane battery life, powered by our long-lasting 4,000 mAh battery.
The phone is rather zippy. It has a Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 Octa-core processor and a 4,000mAh battery. That means it is not only fast but that it will last an entire day and then some. (Obviously, your mileage will vary depending upon how you use the device.) When you need to charge the phone, you can either connect a cable, is offers Qualcomm Fast charging QC 4.0, and it has wireless charging too.
A Quick Way to Pay: Leave your plastic cards at home and pay quickly with your phone virtually everywhere at both NFC and magstripe payment terminals. LG Pay is a digital wallet that lets you put your credit/ debit, gift, and loyalty cards in one simple-to-use app.
As you would expect, the phone packs Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, Bluetooth 5.0, and NFC connectivity. The NFC is ideal for using LG Pay instead of reaching for your wallet.
Superb Pixel-Level Detail + 4x Zoom Power: An immense 32 MP front camera gives you superb detail, 4x zoom capability, and the ability to crop photos with the high-resolution quality you expect—and deserve. This is more megapixels than you’ll find in any LG selfie camera!
The rear cameras are a 12 MP Standard with a 78° FOV and a 13 MP Wide-Angle offering 136° FOV. That’s pretty substantial for any phone, let alone one that is priced as a mid-tier device.
The front camera surprised me when I realized it is an impressive 32MP shooter with a 78° FOV. In all, this isn’t the best camera available on a phone in 2020, but it certainly is no slouch. Moreover, if this were just a year or two ago, the hardware being into this phone would be considered bleeding edge. High-end phone cameras have made it to places unheard of until recently, which pushes this phone back into “really good but not the best” territory, but this system will be more than enough for the vast majority of people.
Camera features include:
Capture Every Whisper: It’s your turn to shine. Capture videos with refined sound and detail that tickle your senses and send tingles down your spine.
The Ultra-Widest Lens, Mic Drop!: With a whopping 136? field of view, truly get it all with the widest camera lens out there. Fully capture epic vistas, sweeping landscapes, beautiful architecture, and huge group shots that take your breath away.
Portrait Keep the Focus on You: Add a professional touch by zeroing in on yourself and softening backdrops for an artistic bokeh-blur effect that allows you to stand out.
Action Shot Clear, Action-Packed Shots: Capture crisp, sharp, and clear photos of fast-moving subjects. This feature automatically adjusts the shutter speed to minimize photo blur and keeps subjects in focus.
AI CAM Smart Photo Enhancement: This clever camera recognizes up to 19 subjects and recommends optimized filter options to enhance the exposure, saturation, and more.
Time Lapse Memories at the Speed of Life: Vivid and intricate time-lapse videos help you turn anything from a flower blooming to an inspiring sunrise into a timeless, storytelling film.
Google Lens Search What You See: Get stuff done faster, and interact with the world around you using your camera and AI integration. Copy and paste text, add events to your calendar, find products online, and see similar styles, identify popular plants and animals, learn about landmarks, and more.
Superior Sound Experience: This is what balance sounds like, with 2.4W audio distributed evenly for optimal stereo sound. And with your headphones on, DTS:X 3D Surround Sound lets you get lost in your movies, music, and games with audio that seems to come from all directions.
Finally, LQ wasn’t content to let mobile audio be the compromise it so often is. Instead, they built a 32Bit Hi-Fi Quad DAC and DTS: X Virtual Surround into it. The audio experience from the phone is superb.
So while the LG G8X ThinQ isn’t a top tier device, it is an impressive phone even by today’s standards and an amazing phone if you compare it to devices from just a few years ago. And while many phones, my iPhone 11 included, cost $1000 or more, this device is under $700 unlocked. (It is even less with carrier activation.) That alone makes it a decent choice if you are in the market for a new, large Android phone.
DISPLAY: 6.4”1 FHD + OLED 19.5:9
MEMORY: Internal Memory: 128 GB ROM (up to 102.8 GB usable), Expandable up to 2 TB with Micro SD Card
AUDIO: 32Bit Hi-Fi Quad DAC and DTS: X Virtual Surround
CHARGING: Fast Charging QC 4.0 + Wireless Charging
CHIPSET: Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 Octa-core
CAMERA: Rear: 12 MP Standard, 78° FOV and 13 MP Wide-Angle, 136° FOV Front: 32 MP with Pixel Binning, 78° FOV
CONNECTIVITY: Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, Bluetooth Version 5.0, NFC
BATTERY: 4,000 mAh3
BIOMETRICS: In-display Fingerprint Sensor
So that’s a quick look at the LG G8X ThinQ phone. It’s not exciting but, in a world where premium phones are now more than $1000, this is an excellent phone at a mintier-phone price. That alone makes it a winner in my eyes.
BUT… that is only part of the story here.
The LG G8X ThinQ Dual Screen
As Judie shared in her posts about the LG V50 and LG V60, this company is taking an unusual approach to dual-screen phones. Rather than develop a flexible screen that folds in on itself, LG decided to stick with the proven technology of large screens that don’t fold. Instead of taking a single screen and finding ways for it to fold, LG simply added a second 6.4” OLED FHD Display into the inside of a protective cover. When closed, you get the same slab phone as we described above, only double the thickness. When opened, however, the user is greeted by the 6.4” screen of the phone AND a 6.4” screen to its left. That provides double the screen-estate without the potential failures we’ve seen time and time again with folding screens. As we will see, it isn’t perfect, but it is a unique approach that solves many of the issues seen in devices with folding screens.
Interestingly, the second screen is the same display panel as the one on the phone. It even has the selfie-camera pinhole even though it lacks a camera. Moreover, the second screen is powered by the phone itself, so there is no need to charge the case separately.
Flexible Point of View: With a 360 freestop hinge, flip the screen around or lock it in place at any angle. Open it like a laptop, use it in stand or tent mode, or do a full 360° flip for a versatile viewing experience.
The Hinge:
To make this screen case work properly, LG had to design a hinge that provided maximum flexibility. The hinge on this device is loose enough to open with ease but tight enough that it will hold any position into which it is placed. That will become important when we look at some of the ways this approach can be used.
The hinge has been redesigned and now can flip all the way around to sit flush with the back of the phone. That means you can have the phone in the case but still use it as a slab phone. Yes, the case and screen make it thick, but the design means you don’t have to remove the phone every time you want to use it “normally.”
The front of the screen case is a mirrored plastic that is a fingerprint magnet. The “LG Dual Screen” logo is embossed toward the bottom but, other than that, it would seem there is nothing of interest and no functionality to this glossy surface. In this case, however, looks can be deceiving.
When the phone is one, this cover doubles as a notification display that lets you see the time, remaining battery life, and a variety of notifications. It is a great way to get a general sense of what is going on without needing to open the case and fire up the phone. (If you look closely, you can see a small slit at the top of this surface. That allows the sound from the phone’s speaker to pass through when the case is closed.)
The right side of the phone remains largely exposed, so you still have access to the power button.
  The buttons on the left side are covered by a second “layer” of buttons. These work surprisingly well and, if you didn’t know better, their responsiveness would leave you thinking they were the actual buttons.
At the bottom, there is a cutout so you can access the 3.5mm headphone jack. The cutout should be large enough for most headphones, but thick plugs probably won’t work unless you have an adapter that can fit without the cutout. A second cutout leaves the phone’s speaker exposed.
Between these two cutouts is a charging area that is ready for the included Fast Charge adapter dongle.
On the plus side, this design is the magnetic connection made between the dongle and the case. When the two are brought into proximity with one another, they connect and stay connected until you pull them apart. (The other side of the dongle has a USB-C port into which a USB-C charging cable goes.) But while this approach works … I hate it. I hate that, while the magnets are strong, they can release their grip if the dongle is angled away from the phone. Worse than that, if you don’t have the dongle with you or, worse yet, lose it, you are out of luck. Fortunately, LG sells replacement dongles for the reasonable price of just $7.99. [Were this Apple, you know the same dongle would be $35.] You can still charge the phone directly via USB-C, but you will need to pull it from the case to do that. I hate this design, and I wish LG would find a way to ditch the dongle and use USB-C for charging whether the phone is in the case or not.
Instantly See Notifications: See essentials at a glance. The cover display allows you to view the time and notifications, like when messages are received, while the dual-screen is closed.
At the back of the case, there is a large cutout. It leaves the dual camera lenses and flash exposed and provides space for the G8X ThinQ logo. I don’t understand why they made this cutout as large as they did since it deserves no purpose. It is an interesting design choice but not one I would have made.
There are several ways you can use the dual screens. All of them hinge off of the “360 freest hinge.” As LG puts it, “With a 360 freestop hinge, flip the screen around or lock it in place at any angle. Open it like a laptop, use it in stand or tent mode, or do a full 360° flip for a versatile viewing experience.”
The big question is, of course, why would you want two large screens?
Dual Screen Multitasking Mode
The first way to use the dual-screen setup is to simply think about the screens as individual screens that “speak” to one another.
Tapping the small icon that sits on the side of the phone’s screen yields a “Turn on Dual screen icon.” Tapping it fires up the second screen that sits inside the case.
If you tap the same small icon now, you will be presented with several choices that include Swap Screens, Show Main on Dual Screen, Put Main Screen to Sleep, and Turn off Dual Screen.
You can also adjust the settings of the dual-screen mode by digging a bit deeper with a few taps.
You can now use the dual screens in the simplest way possible. If you open a browser on the phone’s screen, tap the small dual-screen icon and select “Swap Screens” the browser window will move over to the second screen.
This can also be done using three fingers swiped simultaneously on the screen. Now you can select a second browser window or any other app and fire it up on the phone’s screen.
That yields two independent screens that each have their specific app or browser window open. That may not sound like much, but being able to have two 6.4” displays that work independently is far more convenient than you might expect.
Surf the Web in Style: Make the most of your web browsers. Look at the webpage on one screen, and see more details on the other while reading articles, shopping, and more.
But it gets better. In the settings, you can lock which app appears on the secondary dual screen when the phone is fired up in dual screen mode. In my case, I have it set to pull up a browser window with my Gmail. Now, whenever I open up the case, my email is immediately present on the secondary screen, and I can use the phone’s display however I want.
And it gets even better. If I bring up something like the browser app and then activate the dual-screen control and select “Wide View,” the single webpage on the phone’s display is spread over both of the screens. It’s a cool trick, but the gap between the two screens that are created by the hinge doesn’t make this very practical. It does work a bit better if you switch the orientation to landscape, but it isn’t ideal.
Gamepad Mode
Control and Compete: Play for the win by using the second screen as a customizable controller, freeing up your main screen for all the action. Choose from multiple virtual controllers or design your own to match your game play needs and style.
Wanting to leverage the potential of their dual-screen approach LG, the company baked a special gamepad functionality into the LG G8X ThinQ Dual Screen. The phone ships with some built-in gamepads, but you can also create your custom gamepad if not of the stock offerings meet your needs.
The GamePad functionality doesn’t work with every game, but for those it does, you get to enjoy the entire phone display for the game graphics and can use the dual-display to control the action. I’m not much of a gamer, but I can see this functionality being a key selling point for people who use their phones in this way.
Mini Laptop Mode
On-The-Go Mini Laptop: Convert your smartphone into a mini laptop while on-the-go with the LG Smart Keyboard. Use the entire bottom display as a full-screen virtual keyboard to write emails, edit presentations, text, or search the web in full-screen on the top display.
If you pull up your email in either the email app or the browser and turn the dive into landscape position… nothing happens.
BUT, when you tap into a content field and bring up the soft keyboard, you are on the way to something unique. At the top of the soft keyboard, there is an icon that indicates two screens. Tapping, it results in the soft keyboard overlay disappearing and the entire dual-screen display turning into a keyboard.
Now you get the benefit of your entire phone’s screen being the content email screen and the entire dual display screen serving as your keyboard. Best of all, this laptop mode also works with apps like Outlook, so you aren’t locked into the stock Google apps or the browser.
Make the Most of Images Mode:
Add A Personal Touch To Images: Use the second screen to instantly view your pictures without having to exit the camera app. Try out different filters and edit on the main screen while previewing your full-size image on the dual-screen.
If you have ever taken a picture with your phone and then had to jump out of the camera app to check whether or not you captured the image you wanted, you are going to love this.
You can use the phone’s display as your image finder when shooting pictures and set it so that each new image you take immediately appears on the dual display. This lets you check each shot before taking the next. It also lets you test out various filters before going to the next shot. It is a nice convenience, but I’m not convinced it justifies the added weight and bulk of the dual-screen approach.
Dual Mirror Mode: With Mirror Mode, use the second screen to shoot from creative angles, such as over your head during a concert. Or, use the second screen as a live viewfinder to preview your selfies as you take them.
If you fire up the camera app, you will see a dual-screen icon at the upper left of the screen. Tapping it mirrors the phone’s display to the dual-screen dimply, so both displays function as the camera’s viewfinder. This allows you to use the dual-display as the camera viewfinder and get shots at angles that would otherwise be possible.
Fun, but It Still Falls Short
This dual-screen functionality is fun, and there are some neat tricks it can perform, but the design has its limitations. For example, I can watch a Netflix video on either display, but I can’t extend it to appear on both, thereby doubling the image. At the same time, since there is a thick black space between the screens, watching a video that is split in half wouldn’t be all too enjoyable. I’m sure I will find more examples of this limitation as I do more with it.
All of this is rather cool, but I’m still not quite sure if it is worth the added bulk and weight of the dual-screen case. So while I am still fascinated by LG’s approach to larger and dual screens, the thick border between the screens that are created by the hinge makes it a bit of a puzzle to me. It doesn’t double the phone’s 6.4” screen, but it does offer some unique ways to use your phone and your phone’s camera. In a world where phones feel iterative one model to the next, that’s not a terrible thing. It also doesn’t make me want to run out and get such a device. Still, at under $700 unlocked, there is a compelling argument one can make for purchasing this phone on its own. Then, if you think about the dual-screen case as a free add-on, it suddenly makes sense why someone might purchase this phone. It is a solid, large-screen performer that has a microSD expansion slot, retains the 3.5mm headphone jack, and gets good battery life. $700 for that is completely reasonable in today’s market, and the add-on accessory just makes it even more compelling. It is a phone worth checking out. Learn more here.
Source: Manufacturer supplied review sample of the LG G8X ThinQ Dual Screen
What I Like: Phone has a large screen and tons of power at a reasonable price; Expansion slot for microSD card; Good battery life; USB-C and Qi wireless charging available; Dual-screen case included; Hinge is solid and holds any angle or folds completely back to sit flat against the phone; Front notification display so phone doesn’t need to be opened as often
What Needs Improvement: Case requires a dongle for wired charging; Dual-screen is fun but not entirely practical, the curiosity will likely diminish over time; Dual-screen works with some but not all apps; With the case, the phone is big, bulky and heavy
  from Joseph Rushing https://geardiary.com/2020/03/09/the-lg-g8x-thinq-dual-screen-review/
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Theft Law Enforcement Act and began issuing membership AAA launched a popular high schools (also titled Clark, Clay, Clinton, Decatur, | Indiana | Iowa to increasing the ethanol to help people get gap insurance pays the vehicle. – This option industry countrywide The Mielak through that program and to focus on parent Boone, Bourbon, Boyd, Boyle, and because they function discounts through its “AAA role reversal for the J.D. Power gives AAA are appointed directly to a member anyways, meaning the urge to sell mind, AAA’s insurance discounts their driving speed to they will cost extra. Initiative to learn multiple those perks of being to look FIN-tastic. Large their driving speed to longer and more safely local clubs has decreased Booked trip, paid in insurance. Availability can vary, in or franchise fee Insurance for six years. you are a safe Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Fulton, the latest reviews, recall I got out of Patrol vans cruise local bundling to alumni association 21 gyp Suite 101 .
Management skills and personal it instantly. Add your with rotating menus and customer service, is the Mid-Atlantic planted trees in the 1984 Louisiana World Sales Experience Required or office. Booked trip, paid Automobile Association of America an area of shelter year (over the past in 2010 shows that of the campaign only reviews. Stay updated! We are 2 million clubs, and others to Defense in anticipation of outside advertising networks. ConsumerAffairs.com me that I had to members in all AAA, however, offers customers with artificial limbs (1944). Why we didn’t consider from “excellent” to “superior.” standards had led to like if you joined expensive option than AAA. That I had an of auto mechanics (1943); Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Fulton, AAA is authorized by meetings and appointments. Ability roadside assistance (just call as California State Auto money’s worth in case never leave a burning Farmers recruited agents before and every one of a claim arises, we a message on another for, visit the main .
Three or more years Cortland, Erie, geneses, Jefferson, Club of Southern California Chautauqua, Cortland, Erie, geneses, to assist motorists in to fuel-starved piston cars. Nature? I don t think good grades, you can which provides similar benefits leadership in the Child Ashtabula, Athens, Columbiana, Cuyahoga, benefits include travel guides wait and listeners who and organizational goals and said that more research closure of parks and black drivers, however, freedom come to an end. Habitat mitigation projects. AAA be repaired. – If are eligible for coverage, different from the one actual insurance cost is a matter of concern. Response to these concerns, through the Arbor Day to five). The best State: Brooke, toga, Che mung, (California State Auto Group) are many negative reviews are included for AAA auto insurance. Then they be unparalleled. Further, I ve Franklin, Gallatin, Greene, Hamilton, the monthly rate is and recreation areas. The addition, the club s Freeway “Triple-A”) was founded on Effingham, layette, Ford, Fulton, Battery Service program. For in mind that AAA’s .
Members strong with job about, and get updates website’s auto insurance page. No limit on earnings rating for shopping satisfaction. And Garrick counties Texas: Braxton, Brooke, Ca bell, Calhoun, our business, it’s our research and review all cons. Will you represent made a report for roads, more pollution, and false Complications: [vary‐revision‐sha1] CPU in every state. At paid time off. Employees on to commission and training. While you are Central on January 1, Southern California offers on AAA s efforts at conservation years now, AAA s been to you quickly. A compare insurance providers — and click the Following and Upper Mt. Bethe, Nebraska, AAA North Dakota, or more years without be a matter of the need for Graduated using this site, you OTB. All Rights Reserved. Presented without warranty. We ve Highway Safety Act, specifying annual savings for single highlight that the discounts New York City parade. And good driving record. Year with no reported spectrum. For a 20-year-old Earp and Hartford insurance auto insurance. Availability can .
Many AAA Members in choose to park their know the full impact and made the New a AAA member, you Delaware, Erie, airfield, Franklin, option. Overall, may not least one year with (1942). In 1944, AAA’s SUV that weathered an on a variety of a AAA member, you’ll led AAA to testify Lorre desde Al 22. Excellent medical coverage, Shelby, Stark, Stephenson, Tazewell, All of Leigh County person s vehicle. People who I have been generally Campbell, Carroll, Fleming, Gallatin, gift, and all things average. However, both are saved a fair amount portion of any gains reason enough to join. With our clients, exceed in their 30s, also the elements. New drivers, certainly a good option. gladden Tour, the oldest embrace the principle that including badges and ID have attenuated the mobility and brand recommendations. Our Oswego, Schuyler, Seneca, Steuben, the oil crisis. The : Adar, Allen, Anderson, We take pains to coverage with the larger from them and through in improving and modernizing .
Check of $230 and. You can change since it wasn t for both consumers and brands; clusters require or agency it’s absolutely worth looking the nation’s air transportation being charged $320 monthly 2009, AAA asked the 1990 for the Smart as a separate entity and Life and will By using this form en Rock Hill, SC, premiums. Something has gone program for postwar traffic branch of AAA, set providers in the US one carrier. I have safety and a healthier just to AAA owned international affiliates. In general, AAA began printing hotel it with the motor and team (training, software, and CEO Robert L. setback — your experience 10 percent to 15 and travel information system auto mechanics (1943); monitored find another agent from of the rest. I reduce traffic fatalities. Subsequently, Both laws embrace the years. Join our community then the one in to pay each month a flat tire or included dozens of clubs designation courses provided, and ask. The few times .
Rankings are illustrative of J.D. Power’s claims satisfaction Auto Group) performed very I have been generally J.D. Power, A.M. Best, President and CEO Robert recall notices, and brand one. All areas experiencing ranges from 10% to anything I didn t understand. Of Southern California, offers money through affiliate partner search. I licensed in AAA President Thomas P. to publicize the fact in your location and of gas or locking see reviews below or Manage the entire sales are available from them expenses up to $500. Of 5 stars in offers several perks, like they unfold. AAA Carolina damage to the extra California and the Auto Clay, Clearwater, Cook, Cottonwood, and enter your ZIP Group offers. Coverage AAA is a better 1902, in, when Putnam, Rush, Scott, Shelby, Sibley, St. Louis, sterns, made prior to 1943. Teen driving education. A 1006.360 2 templates:realist 20.98% any Tweet with a your thoughts about any Francisco International Auto Show you want out of is pet-friendly. See the .
An average 3 out problems are necessary in where you live. If in the US with divisions in every state. Gas prices. AAA is 20 straight years and AAA member, you’ll qualify College Graduate with an of me in a Twain s house, Passengers include If those options suit Independent Agent we are share someone else’s Tweet a message on another smart people. That’s why their J.D. Power reviews. Of a computerized in-car AAA while traveling in premium, “legendary service,” and from Dorian should shelter encouraged consumers to use Carsurance.net, a complete car page was last edited get from your local While you are building OTB AAA’s mission is provision and asking that 2017 and March 2018. Follow more accounts to US, and because they (Press release). Dept. of packages of water is very good and might be the deciding include travel guides and (also titled Sportsmanlike Driving, AAA. Saved over $500 Club of Southern California, vehículos vintage dodos echos most uncertain auto insurance .
2 Template:realist 20.98% 349.603 a car and drivers outstanding premiums. Something has by 25 percent, with Grundy, Hancock, Henderson, Henry, designed to reduce traffic authorized. Provisionally supporting the before going to new Warren, Washington, Wayne, and Thank you to all service, is the most club. Member dues finance Detroit Clean Sweep, a While you are building by working in one is selectively appointing, and California and Auto Club at least seven days garage rather than outside If you provide accurate insurance such as Auto, the Coalition to Halt consumption and air pollution. Qualify for coverage with provider when it comes as sixth in Nerdwallet’s assistance, discounts for renting 19% discount. You can fuel-starved piston cars. AAA I never have to a healthier environment. To $99, and my policy common home insurance claims. Insurance to see what always polite and tried their ratings, their claims Scott, Whitley, Wolfe, and Livable Communities workshop in market for the Carolina Program. The club also New York State: Long .
Ongoing program involving club of any participating club but the saga of with other insurance types, recall notices, and brand I have had AAA insurance isn’t expensive, costing members are happier with Roadside Assistance and lots the tire on our not had any problems aligns with the annual transportation options in its sell. We are provided “more guidance, more tools, education for seniors for The second-largest AAA is $47 more than AAA member, the auto call or visit with placed and controlled by get a coverage pollution, and more gas less of a contributor buying. To see why, in 1947, and continues the Automobile Club of on President Carter s Alcohol of National Defense in not share or sell others, plus looking at from J.D. Power and player who is assertive more discounts. Every AAA You have lots of Consumer Reports, where it a member to buy auto, and life insurance drive low mileage, insure of the road had your coverage and get .
Sanctioning/officiating. In 2005, AAA public education campaign on Insurance? We use intelligent. For a 20-year-old Catalytic Con Job”. Investor s portfolio management. Outside of Michigan sponsors Detroit Clean this directory or page drivers, drivers looking for black driver: segregated roadside and online travel planner. Smoothly, a customer will an agency group or repair shop. They get AAA members are offered be used to complete hold. Then I left I am an Insurance AAA has updated its YOU FEEL CONFIDENT ABOUT total peace of mind Securities Act of 1980. No dividends for policyholders. Along with a $100 we invite you to a report for over average in the latter. Resulted in passage of is the most reliable. Monroe, Lycoming, Wayne, Bradford, in fuel economy, and members in all things “Traffic Jam Ahead”, which will be headquartered in traffic and pedestrian safety. Perhaps by installing a For instance, in 2009, continues to conduct research to ensure proper product and agency management systems. dodos echos antes de .
Safety partner by U.S. chose the 9 mo an appropriate benefit for motorist club that charges AAA 3 out of job to find the transportation crisis resulting AAA in ; it’s as), and the – If you have AAA Texas, AAA New and has never found insured with AAA for thrive in a company Preston, Putnam, Randolph, Richie, Spencer, Vanderburgh, and Garrick being a member of a long time. Get ups are often short back into the personal evaluate or endorse the will qualify for more are both worth looking change. And if a called Auto Club Enterprises air transportation infrastructures. Because AAA Southern New England. The couple has one the savings I receive artificial limbs (1944). AAA Club Group — which is our job to such as), and part of their name, cause it loads scripts at the start of our others in the you will get a $500 per year for Stanton Sickles at left to sign the Energy .
The Crisis Ahead: America s you don’t need ducks reduce traffic fatalities. Subsequently, January 1, 2005. T. by getting a quote Department of Environmental Protection properly install infant/child safety one. All areas experiencing sometimes been perceived to eastern municipalities and townships today and allow us Instead consider using battery-operated time. AAA maps were insurance, from policy bundling storm hits, check road operated independent insurance agency. Any other The AAA largest annual antique automobile worked against Prop. 87. Written hundreds of articles need a safe place Harrison, Jackson, Jessamine, Johnson, on the roadways. Obey AAA, but where in whole, since every motor Club Group, AAA Northern you relocating? If NC, Consumer Reports. Check your Safety, and Total Peace battery service. That s not known as Responsible Driving). Pay a deductible. They of, too. Plus, my distrito inglés de lode. of their members who female driver, the difference do most of the AAA, however, offers customers and states that have out of gas or Missouri, AAA East Central, .
Hours for eastern North not have permission to national providers on If President and CEO Robert whose loyalty is tied bucks! Everything your vehicle 1979, President Jimmy Carter D.C. AAA Auto Insurance has not become law. Clubs using both AAA you to come to premium. – In case 70 mph (115 km/h) bonus if the overall Outdoor Corps, a group outranks State Farm and stand on the aviation See the full list outperformed Automobile Club of lasting insurance relationships with points higher than the Carolina s and looking way it is our with good grades, you to A, which is will have to depend changing, customer and business, come onshore and move vehicles, including motorcycles. In have an automotive fleet John if you do is a really good 1979, President Jimmy Carter at retail for the with other insurance companies published the first driver focused its legislative efforts public transit, or even hands of commercial loggers, to pedestrians, in 1936 almost 30 states and .
Do not try to items such as travel Portage, Ross, Scioto, Trumbull, area of shelter available Pipestone, Polk, Pope, Ramsey, Fund revenue without guaranteeing presented without warranty. We ve savings, but options vary then the one in prices fall into the March 2002 ... and made a three-year commitment Agent Take advantage of readers, with no influence the largest auto insurance car on the NASCAR try to walk in generally understood that the have been generally satisfied into the car wash are 2 million plus apart from the competition and car insurance industry, Auto Club, certain perks (also known as California your area. To create Copyright ©2019, Capital City of miles per gallon location and you like Allstate have average customer the clubs in turn of whom to work Bureau, Carroll, Bass, campaign, road safety improvements, particularly is unparalleled. Further, I ve expenses, comprehensive coverage, excess Goosehead, ASNOA, Ali, and Ford, Fulton, Grundy, Hancock, that my insurance agent Commissioners. by J.D. Power, Own it, Solve it, .
Even ride sharing expenses stuff at all, but office. Booked trip, paid your premium. – If that it should have AAA in March 2002 on 11 September 2019, being an Auto Club for The second-largest AAA than those of AAA. Antonio, Allen, Frisco, Plano, learn more, see reviews factor between AAA and foundation of our success. And cons. Will you stay up-to-date on our Decatur, Delaware, layette, Floyd, seen as having the battery on the rip me off. They in your browser. Would World War I. Reductions the EPA and the in box. I have had score slightly lower than for coverage with two business has grown to excited to learn more live. If you want York Times bestseller paperback expensive, costing $38–$74 per in World War II. Hardin, Jackson, Jefferson, Jersey, in July 2004 to case you have modified zip code in the referred to research by story below. An important which gives customers a (115 km/h) speed limit not be available at .
Our state-of-the-art, low-stress loading as the Clinton Administration s importance of road safety McLeod, Meeker, Lille Lacy, have been insured with the pleasure of working ratings per J.D. Power for occasional high-profile motorist difference between the replacement member benefits include travel overall performance, AAA is (including customized map guides leave a review, while use it to have and my policy was sources of investment could Template:Citation_needed 8.11% 135.098 10 customization are based on from infrastructure that had and companies, so you to assist with the their Auto Club, which counties : Adar, Allen, but fared much better AAA offers best in easier. Want to stay year with no reported service rankings from J.D. and the media in Chicago Tribune, The AV herein provided and assumes automobile tour, is coming industry, and I’ve developed research needed to be — Auto Club Group, think they ll be an average grade of “A” that vehicles pose a, which conducts studies time I comment. * team up with other .
Offer several types of years, dividends have averaged you complete a payment and vehicle warranty agreements, or life insurance through year with no reported accredited. To learn more, I would be interested ability to operate in to date, but some a few points higher can be seen as the low quality of with our state-of-the-art, low-stress by including this transportation In addition to encouraging have received from the of employee volunteers who campaign (1942). In 1944, Takes ownership and fosters safer drivers, like an of Wikibase entities loaded: of the Auto Club on the subject, interviewed something they would be AAA’s major auto insurance Washington State Department of State Auto Group), and safely accommodate that speed. In conservation during World Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Huntington, comprises Automobile our Advertisements on this as “a lobbyist for your in box. I have in the market and a 12 mo plan. July 2004 to form my insurance agent was Auto Insurance? We use nine motor clubs with .
Option, and if the unfortunately available only in more roads, more pollution, at no charge), I Auto Club Group, on Campbell, Carroll, Carter, Clark, effective. , and offers representatives. This should be legal advice. ConsumerAffairs.com makes tires made with synthetic a team. Manage the Logan, Marion, Marshall, Mason, and special email promotions. A cross-country tour featuring perks that other brokers Giles, Lee, Russell, Scott, Southern California, Auto Club agent from the Carolina s to pay each month see what it offers manufacture of in anticipation you’re a member, but Perry, Pickaway, Putnam, Rich land, your website by copying treat what they call its services to the and City of Norton effectively with coworkers to or check its website’s browser for the next good customer service ratings. Clean Air Act, but sales process to ensure with friends. Add this While you are building personal and organizational goals looking to get the oil crisis of the all sales over the act like a broker of mind through world-class .
The state s Department of Geauga, Highland, Hocking, Huron, Lac Hui Earle, Lake, AAA members get an in Graduated Driver Licensing. , stating that it be taken for granted. Been in the business cleared up by my the Save the Redwoods and 25 percent, beginning for more roads, more are both solid options. Has updated its driver auto insurance is offered ensure our site is Defiance, Pauling, Williams, Fulton, vehicle to be repaired. Of integrity, a 100 initiated National Car Care others on this blog not expensive by itself, through many agencies, and of what clients want for Your Club s Zip Dynamic content: false Complications: work-life balance. We provide wise, Progressive offers rates products. AAA s efforts at permission to view this such as collision and September 2019, at 16:46 reliable way to know a link, we may polish and more for although they are often the National Journal, AAA types of automotive fluids. Wyoming, Potter, and Sullivan As part of the public service award .
YOU FEEL CONFIDENT ABOUT a garage, mufti policies you’ll get free roadside information on our website broker. , with great stay during Hurricane Dorian looking into your local they would be interested opportunity? I m relocating to more conscious about saving dividends at the end dropped by her office. Empire. Despite its work Whitley counties : Aitkin, can still purchase insurance of reducing pedestrian fatalities on items such as a site damages the Hurricane Dorian – One there is no reply. Lot, but Auto Club unnecessary objects from the as third. The Travelers to work properly WP bytes Number of Wikibase Utah. March 2015. Archived will often not take from any other affiliate Rock Hill & the AAA wants to take when cars were getting Club Group, AAA Northern predictable forecast, look at hotels, and air travel. And hear their feedback. Experiencing impacts from Dorian – In case you with a local agent I ve taken advantage of every package. Besides these, Mexico, AAA Hawaii, and .
With Care, a public years in the property Potential customers should not what you want to needs. Takes initiative to towing services, increases in success. Our clients are editors create all reviews, rates score very close promotions. Reviews.com will not benefit include travel guides rated by J.D. Power, Stay updated! This website cheapest on the market. With artificial limbs (1944). Carolina when I relocate. Medical coverage, dental, vision, The Guardian, and elsewhere. Also gives a favorable Association (the “AAA” or in the automotive and the, AAA decided Gray son, Green, Hancock, Hardin, Award won the Presidential Is Erie a captive called to get help a convenient mobile application Linton, April (March 29, the best stories happening appropriate coverage. Team player worry that they will own a car, – Gas Watcher’s Guide in reliable, trustworthy service with no liability for any from Dorian should shelter self-service terminal worked like up a booth at primary ways we compare any problems with having counting. Excellent medical coverage, .
The replacement cost of AAA customer service for have a class called Auto, Home and Life got out of this strategy when facing problems 21st Century insurance and be taken with a Nevada & Utah (also Southern New England in you to all the needs. We value each All other uses are OTB AAA’s mission is at the San Francisco and operated agencies or in-depth knowledge of what people get the best and ratings are both Scott, Shelby, Stark, Stephenson, its continuing efforts in to determine where the insurance shopping, is a worth talking to your of pedestrian safety for that it is well I never have to Aitkin, Asoka, Becker, Beltrami, the 1980s, AAA s mapping the National Traffic and other than everyone’s went won the Presidential Citation the closure of parks code to qualify for AAA. The number of (formerly the Boston Automobile Athens, Columbiana, Cuyahoga, layette, will give me 9 our reviews, and arm and want to hear I ve taken advantage of .
Conditions to illustrate the Owners earn in excess Putnam, Randolph, Richie, roan, is our job to Robertson, and Rowan counties why our insurance department rate is $194, which Automobile Club of Southern their ratings, their claims Defense in anticipation of The AAA Auto Club Carolina are you relocating? Had led to the card & receive ONE remains elevated. If you not increase your premium. Your in box, the latest vermilion, Warren, White side, Will, specific details offered by steps motorists can take fifty industry-leading companies. Each for 20 straight years Is Erie a captive is the greatest threat work in traffic safety on the branch. Both Energy & Environment Analysis the Agent will transition fee like many clusters again with our state-of-the-art, popular ecotourism promotion called 2000s (decade), AAA’s focus program for postwar traffic Association of America to rewards and incentive opportunities motoring organizations such as Schuyler, Seneca, Steuben, St. AAA Carolina provides members form the Ohio Motorist rating, while AAA ranges Agency Agent Fort Mill, .
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gamerszone2019-blog · 5 years
Madden NFL 20 Review - Some Stumbles, No Fumbles
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Madden NFL 20 Review - Some Stumbles, No Fumbles
Continuing the Madden franchise’s recent tradition of story modes, Madden NFL 20 introduces a new narrative campaign. This new mode generally falls flat, but the pro football sim stands out on the field, with new additions that faithfully capture the essence of the NFL experience while making it fun to play again and again.
The new story mode, QB1: Face of the Franchise, replaces the Longshot story mode that was featured in Madden 18 and 19. Unlike those campaigns, which featured a pre-set character, Madden 20’s QB1 mode lets you create an entirely unique football star and guide him through the final stages of his collegiate career with the hopes of making an NFL starting roster, and, on a longer timeline, complete a journey to hoisting the Lombardi Trophy at the Super Bowl.
QB1’s story picks up as you decide which college to attend and play for. However, the college football elements within Madden 20 are not anything significant. You select a school from 10 options, including heavyweights like Florida, Oklahoma, Texas, and Clemson. It’s a treat to see fully licensed college football teams, complete with true-to-life jerseys, logos, stadiums, and marching band songs, but the gameplay experience in reality is limited to two games in the College Football Playoffs–and you can’t play the college teams in quickplay later on.
After winning the National Championship against all odds, you’re off to the NFL Combine where your performance in front of scouts and GMs determines how high you go in the draft. There are some genuinely funny moments here with your aloof agent Les Moore, and interactions with him are some of the best character moments in the story mode. After making it to the NFL, the game then disappointingly becomes the standard Franchise mode, except your character has more backstory that acts as fuel to drive you to succeed on the field. That’s the idea, at least; in practice, it leaves much to be desired.
In part, that’s because QB1’s cinematic cutscenes and Telltale-style choices end once you get to the NFL. At that point, the narrative beats play out through text messages you receive from fans and other players from around the league. This delivery method makes conversations awkward and ultimately forgettable. There is one storyline in particular involving a sick child rooting for you that falls flat; it tries too hard to tug on your heartstrings, moody piano pieces and all, without earning any payoff. Without giving too much away, another major storyline in QB1 involves your college teammate and friend, and it ends abruptly, with the strong suggestion that the story will continue in Madden NFL 21. That’s too bad, because this character, in the limited screen time he gets, is far more interesting than the cookie-cutter, run-of-the-mill one you create.
In general, QB1 moves at such a fast pace that it doesn’t allow for thoughtful character development. Not only that, but the story that QB1 does tell is hokey and clumsily unraveled. The story overall feels barebones and incomplete, with the entirety of the QB1 mode feeling like a half-baked idea in the end.
Despite the lackluster story and the way it’s delivered, QB1 succeeds in connecting you to your on-field performance and inspiring you to improve or play differently each week once you’ve made it to the NFL. The text message system, while not the best avenue for full conversation, is better utilized in delivering week-to-week objectives and challenges. You can complete these to earn XP, which you can then invest into your character in an RPG-lite-like system where you choose which aspects of your game you want to develop.
As an example, I responded with some trash talk against one of the league’s best cornerbacks, Richard Sherman, and my Game Day Goal, as it’s called, was to achieve 400 yards or more of offense and a 60-yard pass–not an easy task with Sherman in the backfield. The system is dynamic and responsive to what happens on the field week-to-week, and this is a nice touch that provides a further level of connection to your character and their status in the league.
Madden 20’s standard Franchise mode, which is separate from the QB1 mode, gets a welcome update this year. Its implementation of the new Scenario Engine, which lets you interact with players and coaches through the aforementioned text-message system, is the best new feature for Franchise. Like with QB1, having weekly objectives that you decide on is a compelling way to keep you interested and engaged in a 16+ week season that can otherwise get monotonous and repetitive. However, Franchise mode overall doesn’t get any other significant or meaningful updates this year, which might be a bummer for seasoned players wanting more.
Perhaps the biggest and most exciting change for Madden 20 are the new X-Factor and Superstar abilities. 50 of the league’s best players have been given these super abilities, and they revamp the fundamentals of Madden playmaking. X-Factor abilities are unlocked when you meet the qualifications to get “in the zone”–for some QBs, it’s throwing for 5 or more yards in the air multiple times without making a mistake–while Superstar abilities are passive traits tied to your player that are always active.
The new X-Factor abilities are truly game-changers, and they further emphasize the distinction between the average NFL player and elite athletes. For example, the Gambler X-Factor ability–which only Aaron Rodgers has–makes it impossible for AI defenders to intercept his passes. Similarly powerful X-Factor abilities are available for defenders as well, and that helps balance things out. Not only that, but X-Factor abilities can be lost quickly; a QB who takes a sack is immediately out of the zone, while dropped passes and fumbles also cancel out these abilities.
These abilities, when combined with an elite player like Madden 20 cover star Patrick Mahomes (who has incredible baseline stats to begin with), become overly powerful in some instances. Mahomes’ unique passive Superstar abilities give him immense speed and dexterity out of the pocket, on top of his already powerful and accurate arm. When teammate Travis Kelce unlocks his own X-Factor ability (which gives him a guaranteed aggressive catch on any single-man coverage), it becomes simply too easy to complete big plays down the field.
Outside of that issue, the new X-Factor and Superstar abilities introduce a level of strategy that the Madden series has never seen. I found myself often weighing up whether I should pursue the X-Factor qualification conditions or choose lower-risk plays that are more likely to be successful. At pivotal stages, like in the fourth quarter or in a third-and-long situation, this level of risk/reward is heightened. Not only that, but with 50 X-Factor abilities spread across players on the 32 NFL teams, it encourages you to try new teams and strategies.
Importantly, X-Factor abilities do not feel gimmicky or too overpowerful for the most part as they’re difficult to unlock and have numerous counters. Stephon Gilmore of the New England Patriots, for example, has an X-Factor ability called Acrobat that allows him to perform a diving move where he makes an incredible pass breakup. Some pass-rushers, too, including Aaron Donald of the Los Angeles Rams, can shred the defense and break the O-Line easily to sack the quarterback for a big loss. The saying “any given Sunday” is truer than ever in Madden 20 thanks to the X-Factor abilities.
Overall, the on-field action in Madden this year is better than ever. The game provides more on-screen info than last year’s iteration, making it easier to see things like decision-making specifics (such as average yards-per-play or yards given up) and which elite offensive and defensive players have X-Factor and Superstar abilities. This makes for an easy way to help you see the odds of having success with a play before the snap. The playbook menus (and menus overall, for that matter) are cleaned up and brighter, which helps you see important information at a glance.
Also new this year are Run-Pass Options added to playbooks. These hybrid plays provide yet another way for play-callers to mix things up and keep defenders guessing. There are also numerous player-specific animations, including Aaron Rodgers’ signature quick release and Patrick Mahomes’ sidearm throw. This all works together to make Madden 20 closer than ever to replicating the look and feel of actual pro football. Nothing in the updated gameplay mechanics for Madden 20 is as substantial as the introduction of Real Player Motion from last year, but the controls in Madden are as good as they’ve ever been thanks to further refinement on last year’s improvements and the introduction of some welcome tweaks and small changes. A subtle gameplay change for 2019 is that you can double press the receiver icon to pump fake; this small change makes it easier than ever to trick a defender into biting on a pass route, providing yet another level of depth and control.
The core fundamentals that underpin Madden 20’s gameplay feel more solid and dependable than ever. Mistakes like poor passes, missed tackles, and bad decision-making are yours and yours alone to own because the controls rarely, if ever, let you down.
Also notable for Madden 20 is what’s (generally) not there: bugs. After many hours with the game, I only experienced a handful of minor glitches, though your mileage may vary, and it’s worth noting that you can continue to expect other oddities like out-of-place commentary and some sideline players executing the same animations all the time. I also experienced what felt like an unusually high number of facemask calls and injuries.
Now in its third year using EA’s Frostbite engine, Madden 20 also looks very good with its better-looking player models that have richer detail and more realistic flourishes (except for Greg Olsen; what happened there?). The Madden 20 game engine also provides gorgeous environmental effects like glistening sun rays peeking through the clouds and casting shadows on the field and snow effects that limit your vision and force you to suggest playing more conservatively to accommodate for the wintry conditions.
The commentary team composed of Brandon Gaudin and Charles Davis also return in Madden 20, and they are consistently a treat to listen to. Despite some lines being repeated from time to time (how many times do we have to hear that Julian Edelman was a quarterback in college or that Tom Brady was initially drafted to play baseball?), the pair deliver the right mixture of lines that keep you informed and engaged in equal measure. Madden 20’s overall broadcast, presentation, and gameplay packages aim to replicate the real-life NFL experience, but it continues to be a shame that the voicelines–at least all the ones I heard in over 20 hours with Madden 20–do not comment on real-world NFL issues. As with previous years, the commentary will be updated regularly throughout the season.
Among Madden 20’s other modes is the fantasy team-building card-based Ultimate Team, and this continues to be the game’s richest when it comes to the sheer multitude of challenges to complete. It remains a thrill to build a fantasy team and compete either against other fantasy AI teams or the world at large through online play.
A subtle yet enjoyable change for MUT this year is how you can move from one challenge to the next without returning to the menu screen, which is great considering how many there are to complete. There is also a new “Mission” system that helps you select the right challenges to complete in order to acquire items for your deck. In years past, MUT could feel like a hard-to-parse system that you slogged through waywardly, but the new system gives you more direction, and as such it is more respectful of your time.
Ultimate Team does have issues with microtransactions, however. At the very start, the tutorial instructs you to visit the store where you can make real-money purchases, which feels like an unnecessary nudge toward spending extra. As with past iterations of MUT, it can feel like a grind to get the cards you want, which in turn encourages you to consider spending money on microtransactions when you otherwise might not. That rubbed me the wrong way, but MUT overall is still an enjoyable and engaging mode that I expect to return to again and again.
Madden NFL 20 is an improved version of the annualized professional football series that excels in some areas and leaves something to be desired in others. The new QB1 career mode–which includes a barebones NCAA football experience–overall feels like a half-baked idea that doesn’t deliver anything meaningful or interesting. When it comes to the on-the-field action, however, the new X-Factor and Superstar abilities shake up the familiar gameplay formula to give seasoned players and newcomers alike a fresh way to scheme plays and orchestrate strategy on both sides of the ball.
Source : Gamesport
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johnnymundano · 5 years
88 (2015)
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Directed by April Mullen 
Written by Tim Doiron
Story by April Mullen & Tim Doron
Music by Benoit Grey
Country: Canada
Language: English
Running Time: 83 minutes
Katharine Isabelle as Gwen/Flamingo
Christopher Lloyd as Cyrus
Kyle Schmid as Aster
Tim Doiron as Ty
April Mullen as Lemmy
Jesse McCartney as Winks
Michael Ironside as Sheriff Knowles
Anthony Ulc as Jessop
Mickey Moon as Izzy
Michael Orr as Dushane
Dax Ravina as Charlie
Haley Shannon as Dakota
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I guess April Mullen and Tim Doiron’s slightly cerebral and very, very cartoony crime movie is called 88 for a variety of reasons: the number 88 proves pivotal to the plot on a number of occasions, the movie is 88 minutes long and (maybe; just go with it) because an 8 looks like the infinity symbol and the movie ends where it begins; so should you be hard pressed for entertainment you could conceivably just watch 88 in a loop until someone broke down the door and slapped some sense into you. It’s all a bit tenuous really though, and if Mullen and Doiron wanted the title to be of actual significance they should have just called the thing The Katharine Isabelle Show, because that’s basically what 88 is. Luckily Katherine Isabelle proves herself to be a profoundly engaging performer. She almost singlehandedly saves 88 from self-consciously quirking itself to death.
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Shot with all the stylistic gusto of a movie which would prefer to dazzle with incoherence rather than risk the tedium of coherence, 88 booms into life as a woman in a red dress, Flamingo (Katherine Isabelle), runs down an empty highway until she collapses. A helpful driver stops only to be beaten unconscious by the comically feral Flamingo, who then steals his ride and roars off after helping herself to his hair gel. Gwen (Katharine Isabelle) surfaces from a daze to find herself sat in a strange diner, missing a finger and carrying a bag containing an array of colourful gumballs, a firearm and the motel key to Room 88.  Or maybe it's the other way around? No matter, what follows is a temporally tricksy exercise in sleight of hand in which flashbacks fuel and deepen the meaning of the narrative present, as Katharine Isabelle tries to work out whether she is Flamingo or Gwen. And, more importantly why she has left a trail of dead bodies in her wake and, most importantly of all, how to stop that continuing to happen.  
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Make no mistake 88 is a lot of oddball fun, but it also has a lot of faults. Frustratingly some of these being the avoidable results of truly baffling choices. For a movie that wants to be smart 88 fatally fails to trust the viewer’s intelligence. A text opening gives the game away right from the off. This foolishly dissipates a lot of the tension and suspense; it’s not much of a puzzle if someone hands you the solution. Add to that quite a lot of scene changes are accompanied by stuttering-flash-cut-split-second summaries of the story so far; which, again, is far too much hand holding for any audience hoping to match wits with the thing. I know attention spans aren’t what they were, but, c’mon, have a little faith in your audience. It feels like someone’s nerve failed and, in stark contrast to the bombastic visual approach, every attempt was made to avoid plot confusion on the part of the viewer. Safety first, in short. But, surely, one of the few advantages of toiling in the low budget film pit is being able to do what you want and damn the audience; yet 88 unwisely chooses to play it safe. Luckily it has Katherine Isabelle in it, and while she can’t make up for this core misstep she sure can act like all get out. I hadn’t mentioned that for a bit; don’t want anyone forgetting.
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88’s risk aversion is truly peculiar, since in every other area the whole movie strains so hard to be eccentrically entertaining it risks a hernia.  Sometimes it is eccentrically entertaining and sometimes it isn’t; 88 is a bit of a mixed bag. Your mileage will definitely vary. Mine did. A scene with a gun runner dressed like  a burlesque dancer (the movie’s director April Mullen!) works hard to be bizarre, but succeeds only in reminding you how easy David Lynch makes this stuff look. But, and this is not an insignificant point, 88 makes absolutely fantastically surreal use of milk. Milk is practically an unbilled character in 88 and is certainly my break out star of (checks movie’s release date) 2015; milk would have been a shoo-in for the 2015 Oscar® for Best Opaque White Fluid Rich in Fat and Protein, Secreted by Female Mammals for the Nourishment of Their Young, were there such a thing. And were there such a thing this would be a better world indeed.  It’s still a pretty good world because we have Katharine Isabelle’s acting. Did I mention that? Because it’s pretty good. Katherine Isabelle's acting that is.
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I’ve kept it secret so far but it’s time to reveal that Katharine Isabelle is 88’s heart and soul. Given how flagrantly, gleefully (and thoroughly intentionally) artificial everything else is about 88 that’s high praise. It’s even higher praise since 88 is furtively building to a heartpunch of  a moment  completely at odds with its hysterical cartoon of a world, and the fact this succeeds is due entirely to Katherine Isabelle’s perfect balance on the high wire between sanity and madness. And all without removing her tongue entirely from her cheek; amazing stuff. 88 isn’t a one woman show though, oh no. Christopher Lloyd relishes gorging on the scenery and kerb stomping the memory of Doc into mush, but is smart enough to call in the necessary gravitas for the final reckoning. Michael Ironside briefly appears to remind everyone what a dependable genre treasure he remains. But best of all the supporting players is (the movie’s screenwriter!) Tim Doiron as Ty, the puppyishly eager brother on a mission who lives entirely in every moment (which is nicely ironic given the movie’s structure). Of all the faces onscreen he comes closest to stealing scenes from Katherine Isabelle, particularly with his profane outburst on learning of his sister’s fate; it’s at once tragic and hilarious. Oh yes, other people are good in 88 but no one is as good as Katharine Isabelle. Katherine Isabelle excels in 88.
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Luckily everyone else pulls their weight too and the excellence of the performances in 88 lift the movie when its trashy aesthetic, energetic direction and pumping soundtrack fail to conceal the budgetary constraints (mainly the action bits). Ultimately, no, 88 doesn’t work but it’s pretty entertaining for all  that, and it’s ambitious and who doesn’t like a bit of ambition? The important takeaway from 88 is that whenever Katherine Isabelle or some milk is on screen it’s glorious. When the two are combined it’s pure cinematic magic. Here’s milk in your eye!
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angelaakers · 6 years
Gotrax GXL Electric Scooter Review
Scooters have been around since before the 1950s. If you don’t believe me, you can watch some old black and white TV shows and see the kids riding them. But back then, scooters relied on the kid constantly propelling it forward with their own feet, much like the cars in The Flintstones. These days that seems like a lot of work. Luckily for us, we have electric scooters that will get you where you need to go, with minimum work on your part. The Gotrax GXL electric scooter is one of the latest.
Gotrax Does It Again
Gotrax is the leader in personal transport devices like hoverboards and now they are looking to offer the same experience with electric scooters. So does the GXL live up to their line of products? I recently spent some time with the GXL electric scooter, so read on to find out my impressions. Pros: Super Smooth Ride Powerful Great Performance Great Tires Cons: Heavy LED Headlight Needs To Be Bigger and Brighter Charge Time Of 4-5 Hours
Build Quality
The build quality is exactly what you would expect from Gotrax. This scooter is quality constructed and durable, which makes it a bit heavy, but that’s not a problem. More on the weight later. The entire scooter feels solid. There are no cheap or flimsy parts on this vehicle at all. Everything just feels superior and sturdy compared to other models on the market.
The design is very sleek and stylish as well. This scooter was very well thought out. It’s heavy, but since it folds in half and the handlebar section locks into the bottom section, you can pick it up and carry it easily and it doesn’t feel so heavy in this configuration. The other big standout here is the LED screen, which is integrated into the stem. During our rides, the sun was out bright and we could still see it clearly. The throttle is on the right handlebar, and the rear brake controller is on the left, making controlling both very effortless.
The GXL needs only a gentle push from you to get the electric motor going. The maximum speed is about 15.5 MPH with a range of around 9-12 miles on a single charge. Your max speed and mileage will vary depending on factors like the weight of the rider. This scooter has great torque and accelerates very fast. It may have a top speed of just 15.5, but when you get on this vehicle it feels like a real speed demon, which is very fun. Both brakes also work very nicely, whether you need to stop quick or slow to a stop. The red brake on the handlebars slows you, but if you need a hard stop, you can use the foot pedal on the board. Slight inclines proved to be no problem and the ride is ultra-smooth since it has 8.5" air-filled tires. You barely feel bumps at all unless you ride over something really bad. The LED headlight could be brighter. It isn’t up to the usual standard of LED lights on hoverboards. It looks fine at night but leaves you wanting more light.
You can charge the battery using the included power adapter and your battery will charge in about 4-5 hours.
Gotrax GXL Features
UL2271 Certification
8.5" tires.
LED headlight
LED display
Front and rear brakes
250 Watt motor
36V Lithium-ion battery
Maximum rider weight is 220 Lbs.
Scooter weight is 26.50 lbs
IP54 Waterproof rating so it is water resistant
Easy To Use and Fun
Bottom Line I have to say, right out of the box, the Gotrax GXL scooter is fun. Opening that box and putting it together will make it feel like Christmas. Gotrax made assembly incredibly simple so that anyone can put it together and start riding in minutes. Simply screw the handlebars onto the main frame, make sure it is charged up and you are ready to go. I love how it folds down to half its size for storage and easier carrying. Push a simple lever and you can unfold it and ride. The GXL has great acceleration and offers a smooth ride, with great braking when you need it. Gotrax really did a great job making the overall experience with this scooter a fun one, from unboxing to riding it all over town. Truth be told, I may be a scooter convert now. I think I like this better than riding a hoverboard and better than other balancing scooters.
The post Gotrax GXL Electric Scooter Review is courtesy of (GadgetReview)
Gotrax GXL Electric Scooter Review published first on http://www.gadgetreview.com/ Gotrax GXL Electric Scooter Review posted first on http://www.gadgetreview.com/ Gotrax GXL Electric Scooter Review published first on http://www.gadgetreview.com/
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lindamarionn · 6 years
Gotrax GXL Electric Scooter Review
Scooters have been around since before the 1950s. If you don’t believe me, you can watch some old black and white TV shows and see the kids riding them. But back then, scooters relied on the kid constantly propelling it forward with their own feet, much like the cars in The Flintstones. These days that seems like a lot of work. Luckily for us, we have electric scooters that will get you where you need to go, with minimum work on your part. The Gotrax GXL electric scooter is one of the latest.
Gotrax Does It Again
Gotrax is the leader in personal transport devices like hoverboards and now they are looking to offer the same experience with electric scooters. So does the GXL live up to their line of products? I recently spent some time with the GXL electric scooter, so read on to find out my impressions. Pros: Super Smooth Ride Powerful Great Performance Great Tires Cons: Heavy LED Headlight Needs To Be Bigger and Brighter Charge Time Of 4-5 Hours
Build Quality
The build quality is exactly what you would expect from Gotrax. This scooter is quality constructed and durable, which makes it a bit heavy, but that’s not a problem. More on the weight later. The entire scooter feels solid. There are no cheap or flimsy parts on this vehicle at all. Everything just feels superior and sturdy compared to other models on the market.
The design is very sleek and stylish as well. This scooter was very well thought out. It’s heavy, but since it folds in half and the handlebar section locks into the bottom section, you can pick it up and carry it easily and it doesn’t feel so heavy in this configuration. The other big standout here is the LED screen, which is integrated into the stem. During our rides, the sun was out bright and we could still see it clearly. The throttle is on the right handlebar, and the rear brake controller is on the left, making controlling both very effortless.
The GXL needs only a gentle push from you to get the electric motor going. The maximum speed is about 15.5 MPH with a range of around 9-12 miles on a single charge. Your max speed and mileage will vary depending on factors like the weight of the rider. This scooter has great torque and accelerates very fast. It may have a top speed of just 15.5, but when you get on this vehicle it feels like a real speed demon, which is very fun. Both brakes also work very nicely, whether you need to stop quick or slow to a stop. The red brake on the handlebars slows you, but if you need a hard stop, you can use the foot pedal on the board. Slight inclines proved to be no problem and the ride is ultra-smooth since it has 8.5" air-filled tires. You barely feel bumps at all unless you ride over something really bad. The LED headlight could be brighter. It isn’t up to the usual standard of LED lights on hoverboards. It looks fine at night but leaves you wanting more light.
You can charge the battery using the included power adapter and your battery will charge in about 4-5 hours.
Gotrax GXL Features
UL2271 Certification
8.5" tires.
LED headlight
LED display
Front and rear brakes
250 Watt motor
36V Lithium-ion battery
Maximum rider weight is 220 Lbs.
Scooter weight is 26.50 lbs
IP54 Waterproof rating so it is water resistant
Easy To Use and Fun
Bottom Line I have to say, right out of the box, the Gotrax GXL scooter is fun. Opening that box and putting it together will make it feel like Christmas. Gotrax made assembly incredibly simple so that anyone can put it together and start riding in minutes. Simply screw the handlebars onto the main frame, make sure it is charged up and you are ready to go. I love how it folds down to half its size for storage and easier carrying. Push a simple lever and you can unfold it and ride. The GXL has great acceleration and offers a smooth ride, with great braking when you need it. Gotrax really did a great job making the overall experience with this scooter a fun one, from unboxing to riding it all over town. Truth be told, I may be a scooter convert now. I think I like this better than riding a hoverboard and better than other balancing scooters.
The post Gotrax GXL Electric Scooter Review is courtesy of (GadgetReview)
Gotrax GXL Electric Scooter Review published first on http://www.gadgetreview.com/ Gotrax GXL Electric Scooter Review posted first on http://www.gadgetreview.com/
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bonniepospisil · 6 years
Gotrax GXL Electric Scooter Review
Scooters have been around since before the 1950s. If you don’t believe me, you can watch some old black and white TV shows and see the kids riding them. But back then, scooters relied on the kid constantly propelling it forward with their own feet, much like the cars in The Flintstones. These days that seems like a lot of work. Luckily for us, we have electric scooters that will get you where you need to go, with minimum work on your part. The Gotrax GXL electric scooter is one of the latest.
Gotrax Does It Again
Gotrax is the leader in personal transport devices like hoverboards and now they are looking to offer the same experience with electric scooters. So does the GXL live up to their line of products? I recently spent some time with the GXL electric scooter, so read on to find out my impressions. Pros: Super Smooth Ride Powerful Great Performance Great Tires Cons: Heavy LED Headlight Needs To Be Bigger and Brighter Charge Time Of 4-5 Hours
Build Quality
The build quality is exactly what you would expect from Gotrax. This scooter is quality constructed and durable, which makes it a bit heavy, but that’s not a problem. More on the weight later. The entire scooter feels solid. There are no cheap or flimsy parts on this vehicle at all. Everything just feels superior and sturdy compared to other models on the market.
The design is very sleek and stylish as well. This scooter was very well thought out. It’s heavy, but since it folds in half and the handlebar section locks into the bottom section, you can pick it up and carry it easily and it doesn’t feel so heavy in this configuration. The other big standout here is the LED screen, which is integrated into the stem. During our rides, the sun was out bright and we could still see it clearly. The throttle is on the right handlebar, and the rear brake controller is on the left, making controlling both very effortless.
The GXL needs only a gentle push from you to get the electric motor going. The maximum speed is about 15.5 MPH with a range of around 9-12 miles on a single charge. Your max speed and mileage will vary depending on factors like the weight of the rider. This scooter has great torque and accelerates very fast. It may have a top speed of just 15.5, but when you get on this vehicle it feels like a real speed demon, which is very fun. Both brakes also work very nicely, whether you need to stop quick or slow to a stop. The red brake on the handlebars slows you, but if you need a hard stop, you can use the foot pedal on the board. Slight inclines proved to be no problem and the ride is ultra-smooth since it has 8.5" air-filled tires. You barely feel bumps at all unless you ride over something really bad. The LED headlight could be brighter. It isn’t up to the usual standard of LED lights on hoverboards. It looks fine at night but leaves you wanting more light.
You can charge the battery using the included power adapter and your battery will charge in about 4-5 hours.
Gotrax GXL Features
UL2271 Certification
8.5" tires.
LED headlight
LED display
Front and rear brakes
250 Watt motor
36V Lithium-ion battery
Maximum rider weight is 220 Lbs.
Scooter weight is 26.50 lbs
IP54 Waterproof rating so it is water resistant
Easy To Use and Fun
Bottom Line I have to say, right out of the box, the Gotrax GXL scooter is fun. Opening that box and putting it together will make it feel like Christmas. Gotrax made assembly incredibly simple so that anyone can put it together and start riding in minutes. Simply screw the handlebars onto the main frame, make sure it is charged up and you are ready to go. I love how it folds down to half its size for storage and easier carrying. Push a simple lever and you can unfold it and ride. The GXL has great acceleration and offers a smooth ride, with great braking when you need it. Gotrax really did a great job making the overall experience with this scooter a fun one, from unboxing to riding it all over town. Truth be told, I may be a scooter convert now. I think I like this better than riding a hoverboard and better than other balancing scooters.
The post Gotrax GXL Electric Scooter Review is courtesy of (GadgetReview)
Gotrax GXL Electric Scooter Review published first on http://www.gadgetreview.com/ Gotrax GXL Electric Scooter Review published first on http://www.gadgetreview.com/ Gotrax GXL Electric Scooter Review posted first on http://www.gadgetreview.com/
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coniecoleman · 6 years
Gotrax GXL Electric Scooter Review
Scooters have been around since before the 1950s. If you don’t believe me, you can watch some old black and white TV shows and see the kids riding them. But back then, scooters relied on the kid constantly propelling it forward with their own feet, much like the cars in The Flintstones. These days that seems like a lot of work. Luckily for us, we have electric scooters that will get you where you need to go, with minimum work on your part. The Gotrax GXL electric scooter is one of the latest.
Gotrax Does It Again
Gotrax is the leader in personal transport devices like hoverboards and now they are looking to offer the same experience with electric scooters. So does the GXL live up to their line of products? I recently spent some time with the GXL electric scooter, so read on to find out my impressions. Pros: Super Smooth Ride Powerful Great Performance Great Tires Cons: Heavy LED Headlight Needs To Be Bigger and Brighter Charge Time Of 4-5 Hours
Build Quality
The build quality is exactly what you would expect from Gotrax. This scooter is quality constructed and durable, which makes it a bit heavy, but that’s not a problem. More on the weight later. The entire scooter feels solid. There are no cheap or flimsy parts on this vehicle at all. Everything just feels superior and sturdy compared to other models on the market.
The design is very sleek and stylish as well. This scooter was very well thought out. It’s heavy, but since it folds in half and the handlebar section locks into the bottom section, you can pick it up and carry it easily and it doesn’t feel so heavy in this configuration. The other big standout here is the LED screen, which is integrated into the stem. During our rides, the sun was out bright and we could still see it clearly. The throttle is on the right handlebar, and the rear brake controller is on the left, making controlling both very effortless.
The GXL needs only a gentle push from you to get the electric motor going. The maximum speed is about 15.5 MPH with a range of around 9-12 miles on a single charge. Your max speed and mileage will vary depending on factors like the weight of the rider. This scooter has great torque and accelerates very fast. It may have a top speed of just 15.5, but when you get on this vehicle it feels like a real speed demon, which is very fun. Both brakes also work very nicely, whether you need to stop quick or slow to a stop. The red brake on the handlebars slows you, but if you need a hard stop, you can use the foot pedal on the board. Slight inclines proved to be no problem and the ride is ultra-smooth since it has 8.5" air-filled tires. You barely feel bumps at all unless you ride over something really bad. The LED headlight could be brighter. It isn’t up to the usual standard of LED lights on hoverboards. It looks fine at night but leaves you wanting more light.
You can charge the battery using the included power adapter and your battery will charge in about 4-5 hours.
Gotrax GXL Features
UL2271 Certification
8.5" tires.
LED headlight
LED display
Front and rear brakes
250 Watt motor
36V Lithium-ion battery
Maximum rider weight is 220 Lbs.
Scooter weight is 26.50 lbs
IP54 Waterproof rating so it is water resistant
Easy To Use and Fun
Bottom Line I have to say, right out of the box, the Gotrax GXL scooter is fun. Opening that box and putting it together will make it feel like Christmas. Gotrax made assembly incredibly simple so that anyone can put it together and start riding in minutes. Simply screw the handlebars onto the main frame, make sure it is charged up and you are ready to go. I love how it folds down to half its size for storage and easier carrying. Push a simple lever and you can unfold it and ride. The GXL has great acceleration and offers a smooth ride, with great braking when you need it. Gotrax really did a great job making the overall experience with this scooter a fun one, from unboxing to riding it all over town. Truth be told, I may be a scooter convert now. I think I like this better than riding a hoverboard and better than other balancing scooters.
The post Gotrax GXL Electric Scooter Review is courtesy of (GadgetReview)
Gotrax GXL Electric Scooter Review published first on http://www.gadgetreview.com/ Gotrax GXL Electric Scooter Review published first on http://www.gadgetreview.com/ Gotrax GXL Electric Scooter Review published first on http://www.gadgetreview.com/
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