#mini rant here though is just that i hate that its treated as the funny haha denmark murder fic thats so bad its good while people fail to
hws-lceland · 11 months
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danish slaughterhouse fanart
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commenter2 · 3 years
Episode idea featuring Millie’s family
From getting more info about the world of Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel to dabbling into Blitzo’s former career at the circus, the writers weren’t lying when they said episode 2 would have a lot of fan service, but out of everything in the episode my favorite thing has to be that we learned a bit about Millie’s family, like how that she has siblings !
I hope that we will get an episode centered around Millie’s family in the near future as not only would it make for an interesting episode that could just have Moxxie and Millie as the main characters, but it would also be a great way to give the two a lot of development while also introducing several new characters. Until then here is a (long) idea for a possible plot for such an episode. This will contain mature content so watch out.
Moxxie and Millie are at there apartment talking about there plans for the week as Blitzo has given everyone time off from work while he attends to some “business”, which really is just him attending a MLP like convention on Earth in disguised. Moxxie is really looking forward to using these days off to get some uninterrupted alone time with Millie however things change when Millie gets a call from her parents saying that her grandma was in an accident and there calling all there kids to come home and see her in case something happens, so the two happily go.
Once they arrive at Millie’s parent’s house, several things are quickly revealed about Millie and her family.
· Millie’s parents run a small farm in a small country town.
· No matter how many siblings Millie has, she is the oldest and the only one that has gotten married.
· Millie is a great fighter because her siblings like to rough house with each other, which still happens to this day. This could lead to a funny gag for the episode where Moxxie keeps getting his ass kicked by his siblings in law.
· Millie’s parents love Moxxie as a son in law, if not like an actual son, but they can have negative feelings for him once in awhile. I can also see them having traits that can annoy Moxxie such as Millie’s father always ask to borrow some money while Millie’s mother make it scarily obvious that she doesn’t want to be a grandmother yet, even doing things like popping out of nowhere with snacks to prevent them from spending to much time alone together.
After saying hi to everyone (which could tell us a bit about each sibling) everyone goes see the grandma who the parents just got news saying that she will be just fine.
Everyone stays for dinner where we could learn a bit more about some of the family members like I could see the youngest sibling having a running gag where he just stares emotionlessly at everyone and maybe randomly throws mud at Moxxie, the grandma is every grumpy grandma ever who hates Moxxie for being “city folk” but tolerates him as she wants to be a great grandma, and learn a bit on one of Millie’s sisters but Ill get to her later. During dinner Millie’s grandma thanks everyone for coming and after the accident made her think of her “mortality” she ask if her grandkids could stay on the farm for a few more days to enjoy there company a bit longer. The siblings say yes (whether willingly or by force) including Millie which surprises Moxxie as he questions about there plans but Millie say they can do them another day, plus it would be fun to hang out with the family since they don’t see them as much and, after seeing the happy look on her face, Moxxie happily agrees.
The father is ok with this but says that everyone won’t just sit around doing nothing and must help him with some of the farm work just like they did years ago, same goes for Moxxie which surprises him a bit. The scene then cuts to Millie and Moxxie in Millie’s old room getting ready for bed where after a scene of Moxxie discovering something funny about a young Millie, he talks about how he’s a bit nervous of helping out around the farm since he knows nothing about farm work but Millie says he will be fine. She then seductively invites Moxxie to bed with a cheesy line like how she’s never had company in her bed before, making Moxxie smile deviously but when Moxxie gets in the bed, the door to Millie’s rooms is violently torn off and we see Millie’s mom who innocently explains that the door just “fell off its hinges” and it will probably take a few days to fix it, then she wishes them a good night leaving the two imps confused on what the hell just happened.
The next day Moxxie tries his best to help around the farm but always seems to have trouble doing his task whether it be using a tractor that seems to be malfunctioning on him to taking care of the animals which seems to hate him, except for a strangely miniature moose. After working, Moxxie tries to relax but besides there not being anything really fun to do on the farm or in town, Moxxie has to deal with the nonsense of the family members especially from Millie’s sister Mollie, who is the antagonist of sorts for the episode. I know there’s already a character named Molly in the series but I’m sticking with it. Mollie is the second oldest sibling and has always liked to annoy and make Millie mad as payback for how Millie unintentionally made everyone she has ever liked developed feelings for her when they were younger, and ever since Millie married Moxxie (who she does think is cute) she has made it a goal to flirt and seduce him (which has been happening a lot in the episode) much to Moxxie’s dismay and Millie’s annoyance.
This goes on for a few days till we see Moxxie and Millie getting some stuff at a store. Moxxie tells Millie that he doesn’t think he can take much more of this, which Millie kinda agrees with as though she loves her family and the farm she was glad to fulfill her dream of moving to the city. Moxxie wonders what he could do to stop his in laws from bothering him as much, so Millie suggest that he should try doing things he is good at to make them like him and after shooting a guy trying to steal there stuff, Moxxie and Millie get the same idea. We then get a montage of Moxxie using his skills that easily impress everyone over the past few days from shooting pest eating the crops, making amazing meals for everyone, and playing music for everyone to enjoy and it seems to put him in a better mood in the process. Sadly this doesn’t last long as after dinner on everyone’s last night at the house he is forced to play a violent sport with the family. Moxxie tries his best but besides getting really hurt he loses the game for his team, which causes Millie’s family to either laugh at him or complain that he made them lose. This causes Moxxie to have a bit of a mini freakout and states he to going for a walk. Millie tries to calm him down but Moxxie says he needs some time away from these assholes which hurts Millie’s feeling since he is not only insulting her family but he’s insulting THERE family and she madly walks away. Moxxie tries to say something to her but hesitates and goes.
During his walk Moxxie sings a song about the craziness yet wonderment of family, which could hint or confirm a few things about Moxxie’s own family like how along with being an only child, he also lost his parents at a young age. When Moxxie gets back to the house he sees that a light is on in the old barn (which he was told earlier in the episode should never happen) and goes to check it out and after a fake jump scare from a scarecrow, he is shocked to see Mollie in a sexy revealing outfit. She feels bad that the family has made Moxxie very stress so she decides to help him “relive” some tension. Moxxie tries to get away, but in a disturbing scene Mollie easily overpowers him and is able to take off Moxxie’s pants but luckily before she can do anything else, Millie arrives and after Moxxie and Millie quickly apologize Millie and Mollie start fighting but this causes the already old town barn to collapse around them. The rest of the family runs out to see what happened, where they not only see the barn destroyed but also Moxxie, Millie, and Mollie in a suggestive position. This causes them to either laugh at seeing Moxxie in his underwear, get mad/sad at destruction of the barn, and/or wonder if Moxxie is cheating on Millie with Mollie or if he was trying to have sex with both of them. Everyone eventually starts yelling at Moxxie who is getting upset at this, but Millie gets them to shut up and explains that the barn falling down was an accident and that Mollie was trying to sleep with her husband. She is not done though as she then goes on a rant about how after all there time this week and everything Moxxie has done for them they still treat him like shit which deeply upsets her as though he may not be a farmer or anything like them, he is still a part of the family and he is very important to her. This gets everyone to think about how they have been treating Moxxie and apologize to him who then apologizes back for his outburst earlier which leads to a happy family moment. That is until the remains of the barn catche on fire and everyone panics trying to put it out.
The episode cuts to next morning where everyone is saying goodbye to each other where we get some moments of Millie’s family with Moxxie like the sibling who kept throwing mud at Moxxie instead throws mud at himself and hugs Moxxie with a small smile on his face, Millie’s father gives him some money but not before taking a few bucks back, and Millie’s mom gives him condoms which the grandma whispers to him that she put holes in them. However the most interesting goodbye is from Mollie who just offers Moxxie a simple handshake as an apology which Moxxie is nervous of taking at first but eventually does and things seem nice till Mollie says that next time she will try and make there next encounter more romantic which startles him enough to make him and Millie leave right then.
While driving Millie says that the week was interesting and they will still have some time for themselves before they have to go into work tomorrow, and since Moxxie had to deal with a lot this week she wants to give Moxxie a special “treat” when they get home which gives Moxxie a well need smile. However the episode ends on the farm where Blitzo comes out of a portal with parts of his costume ripped off and covered in blood. He is confused on why he’s here and ask Mollie if he has seen his employees anywhere only to his disappointment learn that they just left. Mollie then seductively ask if he could use some help getting cleaned off and after glancing at her, Blitzo shrugs and says ok but apologizes if he calls out Moxxie’s and Millie’s name which just makes Mollie groan in annoyance a bit.
This is just one possible idea for an episode like this. I have this other idea for an antagonist that could also lead to a more violent climax, which I might post one day in the future if anyone is interested.
Would you like to see an episode similar to this one day ? What would you like to happen in an episode featuring Millie’s family ?
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bookaddict24-7 · 7 years
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June 2017 Book Wrap-Up!
Though the end of June has been an emotional mess for me, I did manage to read ten books in early to mid-June. I read the six pictured books, one borrowed book, and three e-galleys from Edelweiss. This was a really mixed month when it comes to ratings, so we will see how this goes! 
If you saw my June TBR, then you know I failed horribly on the books I wanted to read in June. Nevertheless, that stack remains on my dresser. 
I’m also trying to be a little better with reviews (especially with books I’ve received for review), so like the last two months, I’ll link those reviews under each book that applies. With that being said, this will be a slightly longer post because of all of the books. 
You can friend me on Goodreads here to see what I’m currently reading!
Tell me what books you have read this month and what you thought about them! I love seeing what you’re all reading!
Warning: There may or may not be spoilers ahead.
Question: Would you all like me to add anymore information regarding the books I’ve read in next month’s wrap up? 
Hellworld by Tom Leveen
I received an advanced reader copy of this book from Indigo Books & Music Inc. in exchange for an honest review
I’ve only read one other book by Tom Leveen in the past and my liking it was an unpopular opinion. I wasn’t naive enough to think that this would be an amazing read, but I mean, I had hopes that I would still enjoy it. The premise sounded cool and the cover was pretty interesting (ignoring the slightly cliche and inaccurate nature of what the image portrays regarding the story). While I didn’t absolutely hate it, I found it to be slightly problematic and I would be wary to recommend this one to other readers. 
You can check out my mini review here and you can add it to your TBR on Goodreads here.
I gave this book 2/5 Stars
The Impossible Vastness of Us by Samantha Young
I received an advanced reader copy of this book from Indigo Books & Music Inc. in exchange for an honest review
I won’t lie--I was a little wary of this book. Mainly because I wasn’t sure if I was in the mood for contemporary, but also because I was worried it would be a fluffy teen romance that would just have me rolling my eyes all over the place. But you know, I’ve learned that though I roll my eyes, I secretly love this romantic stuff. That being said, however, this book had a lot more depth than I thought it would have. Despite the shallow persona of the protagonist at the beginning of the novel and her “popularity” and need to be popular, the character quickly grew into someone more interesting. 
This honestly felt like a more romance-themed mash-up of Paper Princess by Erin Watt and Lock and Key by Sarah Dessen--which may sound like a weird combo, but it sort of worked? My main issue was the dramatic aspect and meanness of some of the characters. But I’m a sucker for these “poor to rich” contemporary YALit storylines, I’m not even going to lie. 
You can read another mini review I wrote here and you can add it to your TBR on Goodreads here.
I gave this book 3.5/5 Stars.
Noteworthy by Riley Redgate
I received an advanced reader copy of this book from Indigo Books & Music Inc. in exchange for an honest review
Noteworthy was probably my favourite read of the month. I think this is one of the most underhyped books I’ve seen for a while. Redgate’s novel has diversity, it explores the complexity of gender in our society, it acknowledges bisexuality, it’s funny, and it has some fantastic quotable insights.
Also, if you liked She’s the Man, you’d really like this--though it’s a little more serious in tone and deals with music instead of soccer. 
I wrote a slightly longer review here and you can add it to your tbr on Goodreads here (you won’t regret it!). 
I gave this book 5/5 Stars.
Warcross by Marie Lu
I received an advanced reader copy of this book from Indigo Books & Music Inc. in exchange for an honest review
Release Date: September 12, 2017
I haven’t added a review for Warcross on Goodreads because this book doesn’t come out until September and I know that it’s highly anticipated, so I’ve been a little wary of saying too much. 
For the most part, I really enjoyed this book. It was exciting, intriguing, and addicting. The premise is interesting, but some of the events were slightly predictable. There have been some instances where this has been compared to Ready Player One (which is one of my favourite books) and while I can KIND of see where the comparison is coming from, for the most part this isn’t really and truly like RPO, which was based on a society that basically lived online (for argument’s sake I’ll say that in Lu’s world, they escape to their digital world, but for the most part, they spend their days in the real world.) 
Basically, if in RPO the characters hunting for the easter eggs was a televised event then I would be more keen on comparing Warcross to RPO. If that even makes any sense.
You can add this book to your TBR on Goodreads here. 
I gave this book 4/5 Stars.
Things I’m Seeing Without You by Peter Bognanni
I received this book via Penguin Random House in exchange for an honest review
Release Date: October 3rd, 2017
This book will forever resonate with me, not because of how it was written or because of the main character, but because I finished reading it during one of the most difficult times that my small family has gone through. The title itself has become a part of my daily thoughts because of what it stands for. 
What I liked the most about this book was the treatment of grief and how it can be such a hard-to-manage experience. 
You can read my review here and you can add it to your TBR on Goodreads here. 
I gave this book 4/5 Stars.
Missing by Kelley Armstrong
I received an unsolicited copy of this book via Penguin Random House.
I don’t know what it is about Kelley Armstrong but her books have not been my favourite. A few months ago, I tried reading another one by her and couldn’t really get into it and this one sounded amazing but the protagonist made it really hard for me to fully enjoy this book. 
I can’t even remember how many times I asked “Why?” while reading Missing. This is truly my greatest disappointment of the month. 
You can read my rant review here and you can add it to your TBR on Goodreads here.
I gave this book 2/5 stars.
Insert Coin to Continue by John David Anderson
I read this one on a whim because it made me think of a middle grade version of Ready Player One. All I can say is that this was extremely adorable because of all the middle grade issues explored: first crushes, nerdy shyness, and a storyline completely made for those kids who love video games and want an alternative to their every day life. 
What I was a little iffy on was the protagonist and how he treated his best friend. I mean, I get that they’re only twelve, but it always irks me when main characters get away with treating their best friends like idiots and don’t really change on that aspect by the end of the novel. But even with that, I still enjoyed the funny and absurd situations this kid got himself into. 
You can add it to your TBR on Goodreads here.
I gave this book 4/5 Stars.
A Babysitter’s Guide to Monster Hunting by Joe Ballarini
I received an e-galley via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.
When I pick middle grade books to read on Edelweiss, I always go for the ones who look really interesting and adventurous. Ballarini’s novel did not disappoint! Taking place over the span of one night, this novel not only explores the creepy world of the boogeyman, but it also teaches its readers that one should never put anyone else down for being different and that it’s okay to not fit into the “popular crowd”. It’s okay to be yourself and if being yourself means that you have the power and knowledge that it takes to defeat the monsters under your bed, then why would you ever want to hide that? 
I think the only reason why I didn’t give this a full five star rating is because it had some unnecessary cruelty in regards to bullying and it felt like the story went on a little bit longer than necessary. 
You can add it to your TBR on Goodreads here. 
I gave this book 4/5 Stars.
Generation One by Pittacus Lore
I received an e-galley via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review. 
I never finished the Pittacus Lore series and reading this book made me want to go back and read the rest of the series. From the first page, I was hooked on this book and its characters. I am putty for books with kids who get special powers and this one fell right into that category. 
The action and cool factor of this book was nonstop and I found that while there may have been some allusions to The Lorien series, it didn’t really throw me off the book. This could be read really well by people who haven’t read the previous series, they might just have to do a little bit of research on who the Lorien are beforehand. 
You can add it to your TBR on Goodreads here.
I gave this book 5/5 Stars
I See London, I See France by Sarah Mlynowski
I received an e-galley via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.
I had a lot of mixed feelings about this book. While I loved the travel aspects and the humour, I was really frustrated with how much of a pushover the protagonist was. Also, her best friend reminded me of a negative friendship I once had, so that darkened my feelings for this book. 
With all of that however, for the most part I enjoyed this book and where the characters went and the romance. 
You can check out my review here and add this book to your TBR on Goodreads here.
I gave this book 3/5 Stars
And those are all the books I read this month! Have you read any of these books? 
I hope you all had a good reading month and I’ll be posting my July TBR soon!
Happy reading!
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