#modal box
codingflicks · 2 years
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Bootstrap 5 Modal Login Form
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edupoly83 · 1 month
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lliaq · 7 months
trying to find a trauma informed therapist is harder than trying to catch a fucking unicorn i swear to god
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rajeshs-world · 1 year
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 lunch box (alt. spelling lunchbox) refers to a hand-held container used to transport food, usually to work or to school. It is commonly made of metal or plastic, is reasonably airtight and often has a handle for carrying.
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gordonramsei · 1 month
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𖥨 ̟⊹♡ MARLA .
what's going on tags ? long time no see , here i am , popping by to introduce u all to my newest theme , marla . this theme was designed with a content creator in the forefront of my mind . it has two additional tabs than my normal themes , a to - do list style tab and a resources tab that lets u link ur projects and separate them into nifty little categories . as always , if u encounter any issue within the code , pls let me know and i will troubleshoot asap !
if u intend on using this theme or just want to be a supportive hottie , please give this post a like and a reblog ! stay hydrated and be sure to pet a cute animal today ! mwuah ! 🤍 🤍 🤍
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x. toggle post size x. accessible font size toggle x. updated tumblr controls design x. optional header fading gradient x. optional gradient overlays on sb icon + nav img x. optional toggle on and off box shadows x. cute font combinations for titles x. one extra link for ur use x. navigation tab w / subtle fade in animation x. 6 editable links within the navigation tab x. creator modal w / tabs x. to do tab w / cute creator speech bubble x. resources / my things tab with dropdown options to separate each category x. for a more detailed compilation of credits and features , please see the google doc containing the code
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𖥨 ̟⊹♡ this theme is a patreon exclusive : want access ? consider signing up to join the fam - a - lam to get ur hands on this page as well as my entire coding catalogue . click here to learn more !
source link directs to a live preview of MARLA .
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evenvillain · 1 year
ao3 dark minimal skin
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dark, flat and spacious ao3 skin. made for myself so don’t look at messy CSS too closely.
1. log in and go HERE
2. click button "Create Site Skin"
3. name it whatever
4. copy/paste code from below in "CSS" field
5. "Submit"
6. make sure you clicked button "Use" HERE in the list of skins
#outer .region, #footer .group, .post fieldset fieldset, fieldset fieldset {  background: none; }
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.event.announcement .userstuff a, .filters .expander {  color: #eee; }
224 notes · View notes
judithonlinux · 1 year
AO3 Site Skin - DarkPurple
for @beastlyinstrument
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Theme colors: #070707, #191919, #f2f2f2, #541f7b, #551f78
Code to copy below the cut ↓
#outer .region, #footer .group, .post fieldset fieldset, fieldset fieldset { background: none; }
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#header .actions a:hover, #header .actions a:focus, #header .dropdown:hover a, #header .open a, #header .menu, #small_login, .group.listbox, fieldset fieldset.listbox, form blockquote.userstuff, input:focus, textarea:focus, li.relationships a, .group.listbox .index, .dashboard fieldset fieldset.listbox .index, #dashboard a:hover, th, #dashboard .secondary, .secondary, .thread .even, .system .tweet_list li, .ui-datepicker tr:hover { background: #070707; }
#header .dropdown .menu a:hover, #header .dropdown .menu a:focus, .splash .favorite li:nth-of-type(odd) a, .ui-datepicker td:hover, #tos_prompt .heading, #tos_prompt [disabled] { background: #191919; }
#outer, .javascript, .statistics .index li:nth-of-type(even), #tos_prompt, .announcement input[type="submit"] { background: #070707; }
#header ul.primary, #outer #footer, .toggled form { background: #191919; }
#header ul.primary, #footer, #dashboard ul, dl.meta, .group.listbox, fieldset fieldset.listbox, #main li.blurb, form blockquote.userstuff, div.comment, li.comment, .toggled form, form dl dt, form.single fieldset, #inner .module .heading, .bookmark .status span, .splash .news li, .filters .group dt.bookmarker { border-color: #070707; }
.group.listbox, fieldset fieldset.listbox, #main li.blurb, .wrapper, #dashboard .secondary, .secondary, form blockquote.userstuff, .thread .comment, .toggled form { box-shadow: -1px -1px 1px #541f7b; }
#dashboard .current, .actions a:active, #outer .current, a.current, .current a:visited, span.unread, .replied, span.claimed, dl.index dd, .own, .draft, .draft .unread, .child, .unwrangled, .unreviewed, .ui-sortable li:hover { background: #191919; border-color: #551f78; box-shadow: 0 0 1px #541f7b; }
input, textarea { box-shadow: inset 0 1px 2px #541f7b; }
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#footer a:hover, #footer a:focus, .autocomplete .dropdown ul li:hover, .autocomplete .dropdown li.selected, a.tag:hover, .listbox .heading a.tag:visited:hover, .symbol .question, .qtip-content { background: #541f7b; color: #191919; }
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#greeting .icon, #dashboard, #dashboard.own, .error, .comment_error, .kudos_error, .LV_invalid, .LV_invalid_field, input.LV_invalid_field:hover, input.LV_invalid_field:active, textarea.LV_invalid_field:hover, textarea.LV_invalid_field:active, .qtip-content { border-color: #541f7b; }
a, a:link, a.tag, #header a, #header a:visited, #header .primary .open a, #header .primary .dropdown:hover a, #header .primary .dropdown a:focus, #header #search input:focus, #header #search input:hover, #dashboard a, #dashboard span, #dashboard .current, .heading, .group .heading, .filters dt a:hover { color: #f2f2f2; }
a:visited, .actions a:visited, .action a:link, .action a:visited, .listbox .heading a:visited, span.series .divider { color: #f2f2f2; }
.actions a, .actions a:link, .action, .action:link, .actions input, input[type="submit"], button, .current, .actions label, #header .actions a { background: #551f78; border-color: #191919; color: #f2f2f2; box-shadow: inset 0 -8px 4px #551f78, inset 0 8px 7px #551f78; text-shadow: none; }
.actions a:hover, .actions input:hover, #dashboard a:hover, .actions a:focus, .actions input:focus, #dashboard a:focus { color: #551f78; background: #191919; border-color: #191919; box-shadow: inset 2px 2px 2px #191919; }
.actions a:active, .current, a.current, .current a:visited { color: #f2f2f2; background: #551f78; border-color: #f2f2f2; box-shadow: inset 1px 1px 1px #070707; }
.delete a, span.delete { box-shadow: -1px -1px 2px rgba(255,255,255.25); }
ul.required-tags, .bookmark .status span, .blurb .icon { opacity: 0.9; border: 0; }
#outer .group .heading, #header .actions a, fieldset.listbox .heading, .userstuff .heading, .heading, .userstuff h2 { text-shadow: none; color: #f2f2f2; background: none; }
#header .actions a, fieldset fieldset, .mce-container button, .filters .expander { box-shadow: none; }
fieldset fieldset.listbox { outline: none; }
form dd.required { color: #f2f2f2; }
.mce-container input:focus { background: #f2f2f2; }
.announcement .userstuff a, .announcement .userstuff a:link, .announcement .userstuff a:visited:hover { color: #191919; }
.announcement .userstuff a:visited { color: #551f78; }
.announcement .userstuff a:hover, .announcement .userstuff a:focus { color: #551f78; }
.event.announcement .userstuff a, .filters .expander { color: #f2f2f2; }
.chapter p { font-size: 110%; }
74 notes · View notes
levi-venn · 3 months
The First Toothpick
Chapter 2: "Misfire"
Gen Fic - Mentor/Protege
Characters: Cad Bane, Crosshair (the kid), Tech.
Summary: Cad Bane teaches Crosshair how to be a sniper. The kid picks up some other habits as a result.
Chapter Summary: Crosshair can handle his first jump to hyperspace...until he can't.
Available on AO3 here
Chapters: Ch 1 | Ch 2 | Ch 3 | Ch 4 | Ch 5 | Ch 6 | Ch7 | Ch8 (Coming soon)
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Crosshair knelt beside his bunk, packing his bag quietly.
The bag had actually been packed for months now. It was a standard bug-out bag filled with provisions, jumpsuits, a short-range comm set, and a first aid kit. Still, he moved the contents around. Checking and rechecking the inventory list. Drawing it out for as long as it took for Fett to look for him.
Behind him Hunter and Wrecker threw each other to the ground on the training mat, punching and tickling each other, challenging the other to say “I surrender” first. Half the time this game ends in exhaustion and no victor…or tears from Wrecker and Hunter relenting to calm him down. 
Pulling out a small box hidden at the foot of his bunk, Crosshair looked through his Max Reebo discs, deciding which ones to bring. Would he have time to listen to music? It calmed him down during the worst storms on Kamino. Where was he going? Would it be loud? Would it be bright?
Am I being punished?
“Where are you going?” Said a clipped Core World accent that his brother, Tech, had been practicing for weeks.
Crosshair didn’t turn around. “Out.”
“That…is evident,” Tech huffed, kneeling beside Crosshair. “Don’t take the discs. If you break them, they’ll be gone forever. It was hard enough smuggling them in.”
Crosshair put the discs away, and instead pulled out a small, torn poster of Figrin D'an And The Modal Nodes. Written in silver marker were the words: “To Crosshair, the best sniper  - Figrin D’an”. Tech said the personalized autograph was authentic, but Crosshair recognized Tech’s handwriting when he saw it, the too-neat s’s, the perfectly circular o’s. 
It was his prized possession.
He refolded the poster and tucked it into his pocket.
“They’re sending me away to train with a bounty hunter.”
“Well, that sounds exciting.”
Crosshair grunted quietly. 
“Is it not exciting?” Tech pressed.
Crosshair recounted his ration bars.
“Crosshair?” Tech asked. 
“Don’t call me that.”
“Well I’m not using what the Regs call you. It’s not accurate.”
“Yeah?” Crosshair snarled, defensively. “I knew your eyesight was bad, but even you saw how shitty I did in the last test. I dropped my rifle! It fell thirty meters and blasted a hole through the scoreboard.” 
Tech flinched a little at the eyesight comment. Crosshair flinched, too.
“My sight isn’t the issue and your name isn’t ‘Misfire’. Mistakes happen. Everyone makes them.”
“Not Regs, apparently. Just me. I’m the reason they call us the Bad Batch.”
“That isn’t true. They call us that because…” Tech frowned as if searching for an adequate answer. The longer he stalled the worse Crosshair felt. “...Jealousy for one,” Tech said, finally. “ And I heard on some planets people say ‘bad’ when they mean ‘good’. ‘Badassery’ is a word I’ve heard the seasoned clones say many times.”
“You’re making that up.”
Tech tugged at his new goggles magnifying his eyes three fold. “I never make up fun facts, you know this.”
Crosshair didn’t answer right away.
He didn’t trust his voice not to crack.
Blinking away tears was second nature to Crosshair, especially recently with the slew of mistakes he’d been making. He blinked rapidly at Tech, then threw his arms around him in a gruff hug. “Take care of yourself while I’m gone. Don’t let Wrecker push you around. If he gets too rough, tell Hunter.”
“I can fight my own battles,” Tech huffed. “...But I’ll miss you too.”
The door slid open and Crosshair immediately let his brother go. 
“Let’s go, CT-9904,” Fett said. 
Crosshair gave Tech a gentle punch on the arm. “See you soon,” he lied. He had no idea when he’d be back. Maybe months or years . 
What if I never see him again?
“What? Crosshair’s leaving?” Hunter asked, voice muffled through the headlock Wrecker trapped him in. 
Crosshair walked out behind Fett, clutching the straps of his bug-out bag and sniper rifle tightly. He didn’t look back.
“Where’s he goin’?” Wrecker asked as the door closed behind him.
It was hard not to stare at the blue alien walking alongside him. His eyes were perfectly round glowing bulbs set behind mean, narrow slit eyelids. He had no nose, his lips were thin and grim, fangs razor sharp, and his brow was one long ridge that raised and lowered dramatically with his mood. The left ridge raised at Crosshair. 
“What’s the matter, kid? Never seen a Duros before?”
Crosshair looked away. A Duros. He committed this to memory so he could tell Tech all about him when he got back. 
If I come back…
The docking platform’s doors opened and suddenly the Duros was the second most interesting thing Crosshair had seen that day.
Ship designs were an important part of Crosshair’s daily studies, mostly how to take them down in a dogfight. He’s seen hundreds of ships in his lessons. He’s never seen any ship like this. It reminded him of the scorpions of Tatooine, the engine raised like a threatening stinger, wings spread like they’d sprout claws to grab unsuspecting prey.
He almost smiled.
The Duros must have noticed. “Welcome to the Justifier , kid.” 
The ramp came down and Crosshair all but ran inside. His squad had been in simulation pods, but only Reg cadets were allowed trips on dropships. Hunter said they’d have plenty of time to fly in ships later, one day they’d have a ship of their own. For special missions. Crosshair remained skeptical. Hunter said a lot of things.
If Tech were here, he’d probably tell Crosshair exactly what kind of ship it was, the specs inside, how quickly it can prep a jump to hyperspace, the brand of the main compressor and what year it was made.
“Have a seat and strap in. Make yourself comfy, but not too comfy. This here’s temporary lodgings until we get to the ranch.”
Ranch? What’s a ranch?  
Crosshair said nothing. 
Cad hit the control panel and the ramp shrank back into the ship’s belly, the door sliding shut. Crosshair thought - too late - to take one last look at Kamino before it was gone. By the time he turned around, the door was shut. That was it. No goodbyes. 
There was a small puddle at his feet where the cool, crisp rain had collected. 
He put the toe of his boot in it.
It rippled.
“Strap in, kid. This ol’ girl gets a’might bumpy at Jump. Don’t reckon Jango’ll pay me if you’re a splatter on the wall.”
There were four seats in the common area with proper straps. Crosshair climbed into the largest one. There were claw marks on the edges of the armrest. 
“That’s Bossk’s chair,” Cad said, grabbing the buckles and straps, handing them to Crosshair. “He ate the last person who tried to steal his spot.”
Crosshair snorted. 
Cad wasn’t laughing. 
Crosshair’s face fell. 
“Don’t worry. I won’t tell him who sat here last,” Cad sneered. 
While Crosshair strapped himself in, Cad watched, as if to make sure he did it properly. It was a four strap system that fastened to a disc over his chest. The disc was new, but the straps looked ancient. They didn’t fit crisply like they did in the simulation pods.
“Need help?”
“I know how to secure straps,” Crosshair said, irritably.
“Yeah? All I see are fumbling fingers. Hurry up, before the storm pushes us off the platform.”
Crosshair rolled his eyes, his vision hitting a snag when he noticed the chair across from him was covered in small cuts, the leather melted as if assaulted by a vibroblade. “A.S. Wuz Here.” was carved in the chair back.
“Who is A.S.?” Crosshair asked, securing the fourth strap after a bit of adjusting. It popped out as soon as he let go.
Cad knelt down and batted Crosshair’s hand away, securing each strap then tightening them until Crosshair felt like he was part of the chair. “That’d be Aurra Sing. Be thankful Jango asked me to train you and not her. She hates kids.”
Crosshair raised a skeptical eyebrow. “And you like them?”
“No. Not really.”
“Me neither,” Crosshair said, thinking of the Regs whispering and snickering at him whenever he walked by.
Cad snorted or maybe scoffed. It was hard to tell. “Well, we’re gonna get along just fine then.” He tilted his hat up, his glowing red eyes seemed to give off a menacing heat, or maybe Crosshair was just nervous. 
I want to make people nervous like this. With just a look. A mean look. 
“I got two rules on this ship: Stay out of the cockpit. Stay out of my quarters. Everywhere else is fair game. Follow that n’ we’ll get along fine. Break a rule, you get a trip to the airlock. Sound good?” 
Authority figures often threatened him and his brothers with punishment whenever they broke a rule, but this was the first time Crosshair actually believed an adult would follow through on a threat. 
He nodded. “Yes, sir.”
“Don’t sir me. Bane’s fine.”
Was Fett the only person allowed to call him “Cad”?
Crosshair decided not to ask.
“Yes, Bane,” Crosshair said.
Seemingly pleased, Bane gave a final tug to Crosshair’s straps and stood up. “Brace yourself.”
Brace himself? What did that mean? Panic was starting to sink into his bones. He had never been on a ship before. He had never been in hyperspace before. The clone troopers had armor for a reason when flying their ships. The g-forces could kill them without it. And Crosshair was in a jumpsuit. He wouldn’t get armor until he graduated to adulthood. 
He shut his eyes as the ship started to hum and whirr all around him.
Tech wouldn’t panic. 
Tech would adjust those new goggles of his.
What would Tech say?
Probably say something snarky like…“Obviously, you don’t need armor if Cad Bane is wearing clothes pulled directly out of a ‘Fistful of Credits’ holodrama.”
It made him feel better…
…for all of five seconds. 
There was a high-pitched squeal like a broken valachord, the pressure hitting his chest like Wrecker was sitting on it. 
Two Wreckers maybe…
Dark space clouded his vision.
I’m fine. Tech would be fine. I’m going to be f-
He passed out.
“Another black eye?” Tech asked, not looking up from his datapad. 
“Same eye, just more black,” Crosshair sneered, climbing past his own bunk and onto Tech’s. “What’re you reading?”
“Who hit you?” 
“Does it matter? Regs are all the same.”
“Hmm,” Tech flicked the holoprojector mode on and a planet, infected with an uninterrupted mass of buildings, floated in front of them. “I’m studying ecumenopolises.”
“What are they?”
“City-planets. Denon, Coruscant, Axxila, they cleared away the natural history of the planet making way for cities built upwards, the height depending on the population growth and class systems in place. Oftentimes the lower-income citizens are relegated to the lower levels of the city, or sent to the hemisphere opposite of the wealthier sectors. Weather patterns on these planets are regulated and usually temperate. 
“Looks loud,” Crosshair said, not really understanding what he meant. 
“Does it? Hmm…” Tech never made fun of Crosshair’s short, blunt statements, always considering each word carefully. Crosshair felt heard around his brother, even when he didn’t think anyone was listening. “That makes sense. Your eyes are designed to be sharper than most clones. As a sniper it’s an imperative feature. The bright flashes of lightning are too much for you. ‘Loud’ is a poetic way of looking at this planet. Yes, these cities are loud, especially Coruscant with many reflective solar-powered surfaces on their buildings. I’d hate to be stuck in traffic at dawn or dusk. I can only assume they have polarized shields for their speeders.”
Crosshair gingerly touched his cheek. It was swelling up. “Think we’ll see Coruscant one day?”
“I’m counting on it. It’s the heart of the Republic.” Tech looked up at Crosshair, brow knitting. “If Coruscant turns out to be too loud, tell me. I can construct polarized lenses for you until you grow used to it.”
Crosshair rested his chin on Tech’s shoulder, watching the planets cycle by. “Thanks, Tech.”
Five more minutes, Techie…
“Hey, kid. Wake up.”
Wake Wrecker up first...
There was a click and a sudden relief of pressure on his chest. Crosshair snapped awake with a gasp, muscles tensing, his hand reaching for his sniper rifle’s strap which…wasn’t there. 
When his vision cleared, two glowing eyes stared at him under a furrowed brow. Bane was sneering again. “Welcome back. Y’know, Jango coulda warned me you’ve never made a jump to hyperspace before.”
“I’ve been in sssimulations,” Crosshair hissed. 
Bane shoved a water bottle into Crosshair’s hands then plopped himself into Aurra Sing’s chair, leaning back. He rested his boot on his ankle, slouching like a holodrama blasterslinger.
Crosshair slouched too…but his legs were too short to pull off the same position.
Crosshair did, not realizing how thirsty he was until the cold water hit his throat. It’s never cold in the facility. Everything is room temperature. Even the food.
“Guess they don’t add artificial G-forces to the sims, huh? I reckon, this old ship’ll probably hit ya harder than any government-issued starfighter would.”
“It’s no big deal,” Crosshair hissed again, his irritation showing through with the small impediment.
Bane tilted his head, amusement spreading across those thin lips. Somehow, the expression wasn’t as infuriating as the sneers the Regs threw at him. It felt…knowing. Maybe this was a normal reaction to someone’s first hyperspace jump.
“We’ll be on Dantooine in a couple of hours.”
Crosshair perked up. A location. Dantooine. It sounded familiar.
“Is that a…” Crosshair frowned. “An…Acutetopolis?”
By Bane’s blank stare, Crosshair knew he pronounced the damn word wrong. “Nevermind.”
“A what?” Bane asked, brow ridge raised.
Crosshair felt his ears grow hot with answer. “I sssaid nevermind.”
“Starsdamn, kid, you really give up too easy. You wanna know somethin’, just ask again.”
“Is it a city-planet?” Crosshair tried again.
“Ah, an ecumenopolis,” Bane said. “And no. It ain’t. The opposite actually. We’re goin’ to one of my old hideout for yer training. Somewhere you can get a real lesson of what life’s like outside yer little sterile world. By the time we’re done, you’ll be able to snipe shit off a fly’s back.”
Crosshair was a little disappointed it wasn’t a city-planet, but then again Tech hadn’t made him his special goggles yet. And with the promise of being a better sniper? Maybe this wasn’t a punishment after all.
He took another sip of water. 
“So…” Bane reached into his belt and pulled out a toothpick, popping it into his mouth. “You've never been off-planet, but you know about ecumenopolises. What else did they teach ya about the galaxy at large?”
“That’s classified,” Crosshair responded automatically.
“Ya sound like yer old man.”
“My what?”
“Yer dad. Jango Fett.”
“We don’t have parents. I’m a copy of Fett. Engineered to be an elite sniper.”
Bane snorted a laugh. “Well ain't that some rote kraytspit.”
Crosshair wished Tech could tell him what “rote” meant. He stayed quiet.
“So is that why you look like that? Why you sound like that?”
Even the Regs had asked him why his voice was modulated. Someone said he sounded like a rabid rattlesnake. It wasn’t supposed to be a compliment, but Crosshair took it as one. “I’m engineered to be quiet. So I’m quiet.”
“Can’t call out for help then?”
“We have comms.”
“What if you need to shout, though?”
“My blaster rifle shouts for me.”
“Heh,” Bane cracked a smile. “Got an answer for everythin’, huh?”
Crosshair didn’t answer that.
“You ever meet Boba?”
“So…Jango keeps his precious little son away from the soldiers. Figures…”
“I’m not just a solider, that’s what the Regs are,” Crosshair snarled. “I’m in an elite squad. I’m built to be spec…special .” It was a shitty time for his voice to crack, but Crosshair hated that word. “Special”. 
But it’s the word the trainers used. It’s the word the scientists used. If he wasn't Special, he was a failure.
Bane dropped his leg and leaned forward, elbows resting on his knees. He noticed that slip-up too. “Special, huh? Best of the best?”
“Look out, here comes Misfire.”
All the Reg cadets hit the deck, then rolled over laughing.
“It’s just what they tell me.” Crosshair murmured.
“So ya don’t think yer all that special?” Bane asked.
“The bad batch! Why do they look like that? Why does he hiss like that? Were their tubes cracked? Bet they don’t last past year five.”
Crosshair shrugged, clutching the empty water bottle now. He picked at the label.
“That’s yer problem, kid. Ya lack conviction. No spine. Too embarrassed to ask about city-planets because you fucked up a mouthful of a word like ‘ecumenopolis’, ya get frazzled seein’ droids swarmin’ yer bell tower. Bet your head’s tellin’ ya all sorts of things. A whole heap of voices cloggin’ up your focus. Or maybe it’s not your voice…maybe it's the other kiddos? They got nicknames for ya, kid?”
“My name’s not kid,” Crosshair growled, the bottle crinkling in his grip.
“Oooh,” Bane sneered. “There’s a lil bite to your bark. Alright, fine, but I ain’t callin’ ya by a bunch of numbers. What’d ya wanna be called?”
“Crosshair? Nah, you’re Misfire. And that’s because “Shaky Sniper” is too long.”“We could call him Shaky.”
The whole table erupted in laughter.
Crosshair stopped at the table. He handed his milk to Tech. He calmly placed his sandwich and apple on the table, then tested the weight of the tray.
Satisfied, he slammed the tray into the laughing Regs’ faces. One, two, three Regs fell off the bench seat to the ground. The fourth Reg ran away reporting to the Lieutenant on duty. 
The sight of Regs crying usually cheered Crosshair up, but he was branded “Misfire” now. 
No one was going to see him differently.
“CT-9904,” he tried. 
“Nope. 'Kid' it is,” Cad said, standing up. “Get some rest. Find somethin’ to eat. Soon as we land we’re gonna be up to our eyeballs in fabools. Better be ready.”
What’s a fabool?
Crosshair opened his mouth…could hear Regs laughing at the hiss in his voice...then shut his mouth again.
“Fuck’s sake, kid, stop bein’ yellabellied and ask me.”
“What’s a fabool?”
Bane sneered. “You’ll see.” And with that he climbed up the ladder towards the cockpit, shutting the hatch behind him.
Crosshair grumbled. “Cheeky prick.”
Whatever a fabool was, he hated was gonna hate it. 
And I’m not yellabellied either , Crosshair thought. Whatever that means.
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thistlecatfics · 1 year
do you have opinions on cbt
Hahaha everyone has opinions on CBT. For the radical queer trauma therapist circles I run in I’m actually pretty pro-CBT. For the average person involved in mental/behavioral health, I’m probably anti-CBT. 
[For context, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a famously evidence based type of therapy which works by targeting thoughts/cognitions. It theorizes that thoughts cause behaviors which cause feelings which cause thoughts all around and around in a spiral of doom for which the easiest intervention is targeting the thoughts. It can be very regimented, hence it’s easily studied, hence why it’s so “evidence based.” You basically identify “cognitive distortions” like catastrophizing (I failed my exam and so I’m going to fail out of school and live in a cardboard box) and reality-check them (it’s one exam in one class and I can still pass the class if I get a decent grade on my final). You also identify the thought/feeling/behavior spiral (thought=I failed -> I will be homeless, feeling=fear, shame, behavior=avoiding the professor and anything associated with the class.) It’s definitely bigger and more complicated than that, but you get the idea.]
For a lot of people with anxiety and with OCD especially, it can be so life changing. 
For a lot of people, especially people who are trauma survivors or whose presenting problems are connected to trauma, it can feel like gaslighting. 
(Fun fact! Part of the reason TF-CBT (trauma focused CBT) has such solid evidence behind it is that it ignores the wild survival bias in its studies. People who have a lot of trauma or really intense PTSD tend to drop out. Those who stay mostly have success with it and provide happy little data points)
I think certain parts of CBT can be so useful – noticing thoughts, identifying cognitive distortions, checking in with reality – and I think using the triangle with clients (the little triangle of “thoughts,” “emotions,” “behaviors”) can be super useful, and I do it fairly often.
Personally, I find a lot of my clients can do (most of) the mental/cognitive work on their own – what they really need help with from a trained professional is actually a felt sense of safety and emotional processing which require therapeutic flexibility and other modalities -- and a longer period of work.  
Some people like a very concrete, structured approach, especially if they’re new to therapy or skeptical of the value of therapy. Also, a lot of people only can access therapy for a short time and a lot of people only want to be in therapy for a short time, and you can make changes quickly with CBT. Also, from the therapist end, there are a million free CBT trainings and workshops you can do vs. most other modalities where you have to pay $1000s for trainings (on top of getting a graduate degree). 
Insurance companies and payers in general LOVE CBT because it’s structured, evidence-based, and short-term. You also require clients to do homework, which is basically like extra therapy time you don’t have to pay the clinician for. You can also train people in it pretty easily. I think it’s important to understand *why* CBT is held up as the best/standard therapy type now, and it has a lot less to do with CBT itself and more to do with service provision and structural factors around paying for therapy and with what can be effectively researched. 
I’m reading Richard Schwartz’s “No Bad Parts” right now about Internal Family Systems therapy, and I’m now thinking of CBT within that framework. Basically, CBT is an effective part of the overall therapy system but it’s being asked to do too much, and so is overfunctioning and causing problems. We really should just let it settle into its own niche. 
It’s not my therapy niche! But it has a place. 
(If you were asking about Cock and Ball Torture therapy that would probably fall under the category of “experiential” therapy. Not sure it’s really been studied, but I’m sure there would be enthusiastic participants.)
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sagecodex · 2 years
My Favorite Forum Scripts
The unofficial part two of My Favorite Skin-Building Scripts, this is a collection of scripts that I wish more forums used! Not quite essential for building your forum, but definitely nice to have from an end user perspective. Like the post draft saver, post bookmarks, ctrl+b/i/u, etc.
These are some of my favorites from the resource forums jCodes and Sourced, both of which have a lot more codes available than the ones I pulled out as my favorites. So go check those resource forums out!
Add # of Alerts to Board Title by Cory If you have more than 0 alerts, it adds that number to the browser tab title. Like how Tumblr has the number of new posts on your dash in the title! Great for pressuring me into replies when my ADHD clicks over to Pinterest. Ctrl+B/I/U by Cory  When you hit CTRL+B/I/U it adds the appropriate BBcode. This is on John’s list to make a default feature, but until then this script is incredibly handy and if I ever have to type [b] again I’ll probably kill something.
Fast Reply BBcodes by Kon Adds BBcodes to the fast reply box! This includes custom BBcodes.
Floating Login by Skyon Archer Creates a popup login screen out of the login link. Great if you don’t want to design your own modal.
Form Submission Script by Black Useful for claims (if you’re not using auto-claims) or other forum functions, where you can customize a form for users to fill out. The form will then post as a reply to the topic it’s posted in.
Membergroup Counter by Essi Pulls the number of accounts in a member group from the member list. Great for quick referencing in your board stats. If knowing ratios is your thing.
Post bookmarks by Cory  Similar to tracked topics, but this creates a new bookmarks page, allowing you to add categories and notes about specific bookmarks you make! This is incredibly genius and I WISH more sites would use this!! Helps me save those spicy posts to read again later~
Post Drafts by Cory Saves a copy of the post you’re writing in local storage every 30 seconds. This has saved my ass countless times because my browsers (and their 400 tabs) like to crash. There’s also a manual save version if you don’t like the auto-save.
Post Tags by Cory Lets you add tags to posts so you can easily search the whole forum for posts with the same tags. There’s another version for topic tags, too! Great for tagging ships, tropes, etc. especially on sandbox sites! Note: all tag keywords should be unique and longer than 3 characters.
Recent Topics Anywhere by Essi Adds your recent topics list.........anywhere. lol. Love it for maximum snooping into everyone’s threads, which I do often.
Tagging Username List by Cory When you start typing out a tag with the @ symbol in posts, a list of usernames that start with those characters pops up. Clicking one of them autocompletes the tag. Great for when you forget how to spell every character’s name lol.
User-selectable Avatars by Cory Useful for sandboxes! It allows users to add a selection of custom avatars into a profile field, and then select the one they want to use from a dropdown menu in the posting page.
Remember, adding scripts and plugins can cause your website load time to slow down, especially on older machines or in places with slower internet. So please be mindful about your member base and what you consider most important to your forum experience.
Please note: Be sure to provide credit to the original coders when using anything you have not created yourself. If you’re using these codes in any commissions, please be sure to read the original coders’ terms of service and/or reach out to them before selling their work with your own. And if you like what they’re doing, toss them a few bucks in their tip jars!
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madamlaydebug · 3 months
♒️ 𝔸𝕢𝕦𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕦𝕤 𝕊𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕠𝕟 ♒️
It's there time...✨AQUARIUS SEASON✨
January 20 - February 18
Symbol: The Water Bearer🏺
Element: Air 🌬💨
Planet: Uranus ♅ & Saturn ♄🪐
Modality: Fixed ♒️
Aqua + Keywords: Friendly, Creative, Idealistic, Thoughtful, Humanitarian, Individualistic, Independent, Intellectual, Original, Intuitive and Witty
Aqua - Keywords: Detached, Stubborn, Distant, Rebellious, Difficult, Cranky, Aloof, Eccentric, Insensitive, Unemotional and Unpredictable
WELCOME TO AQUARIUS SEASON! The sun is now in Aquarius. Aquarius is known as the humanitarian rebel. When the sun is in Aquarius, the focus is on individuality, society and social life. The water they bear washes away the old and makes room for the new. Aquarius energy wants to break all the rules and go against the grain while maintaining individuality, independence and furthering the betterment of the collective. Aquarians are known for their brilliance, intellect and their objectiveness. They are not afraid to be the odd one out or to think outside of the box. Like the other fixed signs, they can be stubborn, but much like scorpio their intuition makes for good reason. Aquarius energy is esoteric- understood by few or very misunderstood. They are known as the least emotional of the zodiac but they’d rather deal with things in a calm and rational matter, weighing every side of an issue or situation. They are the aliens of the zodiac. They want to spread knowledge, equality and individuality to all.
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genderqueerdykes · 1 year
hi! i hope its okay if i ask this question here, bc i dont really know where else i can ask. my entire life i've always flipped between the labels 'lesbian' and 'bisexual'. i feel really drawn to both. on one hand, i feel very strong attraction to women to the point that its very rare im actually attracted to an irl man. because of this, for a while i called myself lesbian, but everytime i did i felt like i was lying to myself. i'm very rarely attracted to men but the fact i still am makes me feel torn between two communities i feel really connected to/have spent a lot of my life in. i tried calling myself just 'sapphic' for a while, but it felt too vague. i know that labels are just labels and its really hard to put human sexuality into boxes, but i feel so confused and like i'm a faker on both sides.
basically, my question is: is there any way i can find a solution to this? do you have any advice?? tysm in advance, and i love your blog!! <33
hello there! thank you so much for taking the time to send this! also thank you so much for the kind words, it really means a lot!
i understand that, a lot of people end up having these feelings. a lot of lesbians are made to feel like they are "betraying" other lesbians and lesbianism altogether when we are attracted to men and a multitude of genders. it's not actually harming anyone, though, and you are not lying or betraying either community you feel you belong in
you are not betraying lesbians or lesbianism. you're not betraying your community. you're not doing something wrong or sneaking around behind anyone's back or doing something dirty. it's okay to enjoy and be attracted to other genders while calling yourself a lesbian, or sapphic. you are describing different elements of yourself, and that should be encouraged
contrary to the discourse that's been plaguing the community for a long time, bisexual lesbians are still lesbians, and still bisexual, and have the right to define themselves however they choose. i am a bisexual lesbian! i love being a bi lesbian. my primary identity these days is lesbian, though i am also a gay man, and have days where that is who i am. because of this, "bi"sexual fits me quite well!
the bisexual label is very open and a lot of people use it to define all kinds of attraction. it really does mean "attraction to two or more genders" or "having two or more sexualities or modalities of attraction" or however you want to frame it. it's not an easy to define thing and that's the fun part about it
it's all up to you, but you can absolutely identify as a bisexual lesbian. there have been tons throughout history, and especially right now. it's okay to be bisexual and sapphic, too- these labels are not exclusive, they're just meant to describe a modality of attraction. they don't have to be at war with one another
hope that helps! take care, best of luck in your journey! feel free to ask again if you have any more questions!
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attex · 4 months
redo of the ask game for silent light
tumblr is preventing me from adding a question mark at the end of the line above because i have the search box selected, under the ask box modal
this website is functional for a loose definition of functional :)
favorite thing about them
dead as fuck but loves life hes so cute hes so cuteeee ugh. i love his curiosity and the fact that he saw the sky and was like ohhhhhhh thats my favorite color
least favorite thing about them
for some reason i tapped the fuck out while watching his ep its baffling considering how perfectly he aligns with my tastes LMAO
favorite line
that part where he goes "administrator..? it.. hurts..." i dont have anything else to say it just gives me a kick thinking of him in pain . hes so cute DROOOOOOL
random headcanon
his broken eye can see a bit but its "see" in the way that a crushed eye with its lens missing can see
unpopular opinion
cant think of shit. unless liking and preferring his mangled and mutilated state counts as an unpopular opinion
song i associate with them
favorite picture of them
im gonna give a recent drawing of mine for this :)
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narconfessions · 1 year
Not dark per se, but definitely a NPD confession that I dont feel I can share elsewhere.
I actually Do want to collect "oppression points." I like being part of marginalized groups because it makes me feel special and being the victim in situations makes brain go brr. I dont go so far as faking things to feel oppressed, but I do take pleasure in being plural/disabled/queer/trans/cluster B/autistic/a trauma survivor/etc (which I am) partly because I like feeling special.
(Disclaimer this is not to say that discrimination and hatred based on these things does not affect me negatively. I do experience and struggle with ableism and queerphobia and other things.)
i can't believe my eyes because i genuinely thought no one else felt this way and im so relieved to know im not the only one. this is tough with my severe impulsivity too because sometimes i impulsively come out in situations where i KNOW i'm not safe just because i impulsively want attention and sympathy.
i think the problem with the whole thing surrounding "oppression points" is that most often, it's just a term pulled out by marginalized people who have fallen into the trap of respectability politics, to describe people who don't fit their worldview. for example, autistic people who i've seen shit on autigender people because "IM autistic and IIIII understand gender so why can't you". and just look at the endless cycle of exclusionism within the queer community. it's always that we "just want oppression points to be special" but the whole problem in the first place is that we've made oppression out to be something special in the first place! the online world has placed a hierarchy on who is coolest and most valuable based on how many marginalized identities they have. we've created this idea that being marginalized is "cool". sure, it can be a big part of your identity but i've met so many people online who genuinely believed they were cooler and more interesting than cishets just by virtue of having a different gender modality or sexuality and i've also met so so many cishets and guys whose mental health has genuinely plummetted because they think they are not cool because they have no or very few marginalized identities and it's like. being gay or trans or nd or disabled IS cool, but it's not what MAKES YOU COOL! no one is inherently better than anyone else based on unchangeable aspects of their identity because your morality is based on what you choose and how you act, not just who you are. i'm not saying "aw boohoo white cishets are so oppressed" because that's bullshit, but i do think it's ridiculous how much we've turned marginalization into a competition of cool points. you can have as much pride in your marginalized identity as you want but you are not morally better just by virtue of being an Oppressed Person. so that's why this whole "oppression points" thing has taken off and instead of criticizing the hierarchy of oppression-based worth and value that's contributed to it, people just blame other marginalized people for being the "wrong" kind of queer or nd. there's nothing wrong with liking having multiple marginalizations and enjoying the attention from it, it's just when it becomes, like you said, something that people take as paradigm for peoples value or "coolness" and fake stuff because they think it'll make them cooler, when it's a problem like babe no! you are not a boring person just cuz you're cis or straight or nt or abled or white or whatever you have a personality and a life and a value. if people realized that they had value outside of societal checklists and boxes, then people making fun of other marginalized people for being supposed "fakers wanting oppression points" will die down. (none of this is said to invalidate you it's just my take on the nuance of the whole 'oppression points' thing.)
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unequaltemperament · 7 months
So I just watched Adam Neely's video on Laufey. I agree with his point on her not really being jazz- and I'm a Laufey fan!
But something he brought up which I wanted to address was defining jazz. I have a couple comments.
1. Of all of the definitions and analogies that could have been used, Neely used Wynton Marsalis's definition. I think Neely was already aware of the problems in the definition and he mentioned it, but it still bugs me. Jazz is an extremely broad genre. Marsalis, however, believes otherwise, speaking out time and time again against free jazz, jazz fusion, etc. His view of jazz eliminates decades of innovation. It restricts jazz to a box, unable to develop and grow. Which leads me to my next point...
2. Jazz is dead. I'll prove it. Listen to Duke Ellington's version of Take the A Train. Now listen to Donna Lee. Then Spain by Chick Corea. Then listen to Sphere No. 1 by Cecil Taylor. Oh and then Shifting Sands by Avishai Cohen. I can go on. These are all supposedly "jazz". If a genre is supposedly a "category of artistic composition...characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter", then how can we have such vastly different pieces? Here's my take on this: jazz is not a genre. It's a family. We could say jazz is ragtime. Or we could just have ragtime and the early 1920s/30s swing and big band music as the parents of this family. And from here, bebop was born and then cool jazz and free jazz were born. Next came modal and Latin and hard bop. You could continue (and fix any errors in) this lineage until you reach whatever we consider to be "jazz" today.
Maybe you can come up with a definition of jazz now. But I challenge you to come up with a definition that'll last for the next 10 years, or 50, or 100. Music is constantly evolving. Why shove music into a bunch of boxes. Let it be free. See what happens.
All this to say: genres are stupid. Don't make "jazz" or "pop". Make music.
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gordonramsei · 3 months
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꒰ ͙ ❄ girly things. ꒱
wake up , babe ! a new gordonramsei code just dropped ! it is my pleasure to introduce to u all girly things , a javascript free muse bio page ! she has some super unique features such as a transitioning cover image , a birth chart , a pantone color section , a bio box , and a cute lil mini playlist ! i heavily annotated this code to make editing as easy as possible but this code isn't recommended for anyone who isn't at least familiar with html . as per usual , let me know if u encounter any errors and i will do my best to troubleshoot asap !
if u intend on using this theme or just want to be a supportive hottie , please give this post a like and a reblog ! stay hydrated and be sure to pet a cute animal today ! mwuah ! 🤍 🤍 🤍
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x. 100% javascript free ! x. browser ui styled container x. cute background wave design x. animated transitioning cover images ( 3 ) , sized at 380px x 400px x. animated pulsing icon sized at 60px x 60px x. single modal ( tab ) with several content boxes x. grid paper design for modal background x. bio section complete with a quote box and two images sized at 90px x 90px and 70px x 70px , respectively . x. optional bio section sticker sized at 60px x 60px x. birth chart box that appears upon hovering over it , complete with all planet alignments to be easily filled in by the user x. playlist box with three different spots for songs and a ui - centric design with a cover image sized at 70px x 70px x. pantone box with three pantones to show off the colors that inspire u for ur muse x. for a more detailed compilation of credits and features , please see the google doc containing the code
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͙ ❄ this page is a patreon exclusive : want access ? consider signing up to join the fam - a - lam to get ur hands on this theme as well as my entire coding catalogue . click here to learn more !
source link directs to a live preview of girly things .
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