#negan 10x11
wolfish-nightmares · 2 months
Game of Survival
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Pairings: The Group x gn!reader
Era: Season 1-11
Warnings: TWD gore and violence. Bad language. 18+
Category: Fluff. Angst.
Word Count:
Summary: With no other choice, you must learn to play this new game of survival. 
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Season 1: 
1x1 - Days Gone Bye 1x3 - Tell It to the Frogs 1x4 - Vatos 1x5 - Wildfire 1x6 - TS-19
Season 2:
2x1 - What Lies Ahead 2x2 - Bloodletting  2x3 - Save the Last One 2x4 - Cherokee Rose 2x5 - Chupacabra  2x6 - Secrets 2x7 - Pretty Much 2x8 - Nebraska 2x9 - Triggerfinger  2x10 - 18 Miles Out 2x11 - Judge, Jury, Executioner  2x12 - Better Angels 2x13 - Beside the Dying Fire 
Season 3: 
3x1 - Seed 3x2 - Sick 3x3 - Walk With Me 3x4 - Killer Within 3x5 - Say the Word  3x6 - Hounded  3x7 - When the Dead Come Knocking 3x8 - Made to Suffer  3x9 - The Suicide King 3x10 - Home 3x11 - I Ain’t Judas 3x12 - Clear 3x13 - Arrow on the Doorpost 3x14 - Prey 3x15 - This Sorrowful Life 3x16 - Welcome to the Tombs
Season: 4
4x1 - 30 Days Without an Accident 4x2 - Infected 4x3 - Isolation 4x4 - Indifference  4x5 - Internment 4x6 - Live Bait 4x7 - Dead Weight 4x8 - Too Far Gone 4x9 - After 4x10 - Inmates 4x11 - Claimed 4x12 - Still 4x13 - Alone 4x14 - The Grove 4x15 - Us 4x16 - A
Season 5: 
5x1 - No Sanctuary  5x2 - Strangers 5x3 - Four Walls and a Roof 5x4 - Slabtown 5x6 - Self Help 5x7 - Consumed 5x8 - Coda 5x9 - What Happened and What’s Going On 5x10 - Them 5x11 - The Distance  5x12 - Remember  5x13 - Forget 5x14 - Spend 5x15 - Try 5x16 - Conquer 
Season 6: 
6x1 - First Time Again  6x2 - JSS 6x3 - Thank You 6x4 - Here’s Not Here 6x5 - Now 6x6 - Always Accountable  6x7 - Heads Up 6x8 - Start to FInish 6x9 - No Way Out 6x10 - The Next World 6x11 - Knots Untie 6x12 - Not Tomorrow Yet 6x13- The Same Boat 6x14 - Twice As Far 6x15 - East  6x16 - Last Day on Earth 
Season 7: 
7x1 - The Day Will Come When You Won’t Be 7x2 - The Well 7x3 - The Cell 7x4 - Service 7x5 - Go Getter  7x6 - Swear 7x7 - Sing Me a Song 7x8 - Hearts Still Beating 7x9 - Rock in the Road 7x10 - New Best Friends 7x11 - Hostiles and Calamities  7x12 - Say Yes 7x13 - Bury Me Here 7x14 - The Other Side  7x15 - Something They Need 7x16 - The First Day of the Rest of Your Life 
Season 8: 
8x1 - Mercy 8x2 - The Damned  8x3 - Monsters 8x4 - Some Guy  8x5 - The Big Scary U 8x6 - The King, the Widow, and Rick 8x7 - Time for After  8x8 - How It’s Gotta Be 8x9 - Honor 8x10 - The Lost and the Plunderers  8x11 - Dead or Alive Or 8x12 - The Key 8x13 - Do Not Send Us Astray  8x14 - Still Gotta Mean Something 8x15 - Worth  8x16 - Wrath
Season 9: 
9x1 - A New Beginning 9x2 - The Bridge 9x3 - Warning Signs 9x4 - The Obliged 9x5 - What Comes After 9x6 - Who Are You Now? 9x7 - Stradivarius 9x8 - Evolution 9x9 - Adaptation 9x10 - Omega 9x11 - Bounty 9x12 - Guardians 9x13 - Chokepoint 9x14 - Scars 9x15 - The Calm Before 9x16 - The Storm
Season 10: 
10x0 - Holiday Special 10x1 - Lines We Cross 10x2 - We Are the End of the World 10x3 - Ghost 10x4 - Silence the Whisperers 10x5 - What It Always Is 10x6 - Bonds 10x7 - Open Your Eyes 10x8 - The World Before 10x9 - Squeeze 10x10 - Stalker 10x11 - Morning Star 10x12 - Walk with Us 10x13 - What We Become 10x14 - Look at the Flowers 10x15 - The Tower 10x16 - A Certain Doom 10x17 - Home Sweet Home 10x18 - Find Me 10x19 - One More 10x20 - Splinter 10x21 - Diverged 10x22 - Here's Negan
Season 11: 
11x1 - Acheron: Part 1 11x2 - Acheron: Part 2 11x3 - Hunted 11x4 - Rendition 11x5 - Out of the Ashes 11x6 - On the Inside 11x7 - Promises Broken 11x8 - For Blood 11x9 - No Other Way 11x10 - New Haunts 11x11 - Rogue Element 11x12 - The Lucky Ones 11x13 - Warlords 11x14 - The Rotten Core 11x15 - Trust 11x16 - Acts of God 11x17 - Lockdown 11x18 - A New Deal 11x19 - Variant 11x20 - What's Been Lost 11x21 - Outpost 22
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twdmusicboxmystery · 2 years
ToTWD 1x03: Dee - Part 1
Okay, so this was my first take on the episode. I went back and rewatched to get more detail, and I’ll post what I found on my rewatch tomorrow. My fellow theorists, for context, had been discussing the significance of the name Hera (Greek goddess known for her unforgiving nature and often symbolized with a peacock feather). Also, we wondered when Alpha met Beta as compared to this story, and agreed it was probably sometime after this. For today, here are some of our first observations:
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Once again, I totally missed the blue heron painting upon my first watch. @wdway pointed it out to me. It’s a really obvious tie to Beth and Rick, and makes me think my original read on this (which I’ll get to in a minute) was probably correct. (Cuz, you know, it concerns a Beth template; I’m sure you’re shocked.)
First and foremost, the Blue Heron painting is one of the main clues that Beth and Rick are “the same” in terms of surviving their fake deaths. Brooke in this picture also was given Beth’s scar at the end of the episode and was indirectly saved by Lydia. Alpha was going to kill her but changed her mind at the last minute. She was destined to die, but instead she lived.
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When we saw it behind Rick in 8x2 we also saw Morales straight thereafter. A character that had been “gone” since s1 was suddenly “resurrected”. The blue heron painting is one of the original “blue clues”, I wrote about that in the “Shane’s 22 necklace” theory. It’s the original “blue bird.”
Remember Daryl saw a bluebird in a three in the 9x6, the episode after we watched Rick blow up the bridge. The audience knows Rick is alive, but Daryl didn’t know. Michonne’s voiceover speaks about “shiny beacons of light” as the camera lingers on the bluebird, which to me indicates that the bluebird is a hint that Rick is alive, and that Daryl will meet him somewhere down the line. I also interpret the bird symbolism as referring to the literal helicopter that took Rick away, and much like the trunk symbolism, a helicopter can save your life (I believe Rick was saved by the CRM helicopter), but it can also represent entrapment, which we might learn more about when we meet Rick again.
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The trunk symbolism from Still let us know that Beth and Daryl was able to hide from the horde and survive because of the trunk (resurrection). The Beth walker in 5x9 let us know that it can also represent death, like a tomb.
And the blue heron painting behind Brooke suggests that she’ll be in a life-or-death kind of situation shortly and will come out of it alive, which she did, carrying Beth’s scar! I could write fifty thousand words on this, but I think I covered most of the background in Shane’s 22 necklace theory and I won’t go through all of that again. But recently we’ve seen the same symbolism around Negan in Acheron 1, remember blue line to Reagan National, the airport? That’s bluebird symbolism, the same kind as we saw with the blue heron painting behind Beth in Still as she exclaimed “we made it”!
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Imo Daryl’s vest is also part of this. In 10x11 Morningstar Judith gave him a new blue star, surrounded by 10 stars (two wings and ten stars, or in other word part of the 2x2, 2x10, 10x2, 10x10, 10x11 episode number stuff, which I have talked about a lot, and also the one-one, Roman numeral II, Shane’s 22 necklace, etc.)
Also, we saw the blue heron in 8x2. Remember the red fire truck from Coda (red controls the gate) was numbered 82. They found it in front of a building with the number 102, which ties into the 2x2 etc episode number business I mentioned above. Now, I’m kind of side eyeing the name Hera and how it sounds somewhat similar to Heron, as in Blue Heron, much in the same way serious sounds like Sirius, bear sounds like beer, book sounds like back etc.
Too early to say anything about that potential connection, but like @twdmusicboxmystery said, I have a feeling that we’ll meet Alpha again at a later point, maybe we’ll get a few more pieces of the puzzle then. Ann, this was an absolutely spectacular find. The blue heron painting is one of my favorite evidence of resurrection around Beth, and I’m absolutely delighted that we have yet another one. Loved loved loved this! Eagle eye @wdway strikes again!
Did anybody else think that the actress Brooke resembled Lori?
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I really do feel the need to make a case that Brooke is supposed to remind us of Lori. I think the fact that she's tall and very thin with dark long hair but then they put her in a satin evening gown, granted it is not white like Lori's was in Rick's hallucination, but I think that is enough of an indicator that she's supposed to represent Lori.
Then I was thinking but why are they bringing up Lori? I think it's really not Lori, it's about Lori being the mother of Judith. Lori sacrificed herself so that Judith could live. Kari, it was when I was reading your thoughts on the painting representing a sign of resurrection and then we see Brooke later on being allowed to live by Dee, made me think that maybe it's a nod to the fact that Judith will be in a situation but because of the painting that we see attached Brooke/Lori in s11C Judith will be the one that will be getting the resurrection. Just my thoughts, would love to hear others weigh in on this.
So, at the end of the episode, we find out that Alpha killed this blond, Hera woman. Obviously, we’re missing a ton of story between when Alpha and Lydia met Hera and when she dies, which will probably be the subject of the next Alpha episode and include her meeting Beta (totally agree that it’s most likely she meets him after this; great sleuthing on that).
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Anyway, when we finally see her in all her Alpha baldness at the end, it seems she’s talking to Hera, but it’s just Hera’s hair/face, which means Hera is the signature Whisperer mask we see Alpha wear all through her time on the flagship show. So, at some point, as you all said, she will return to the Whisperers, take over, reboot, but literally supplant Hera, which is interesting symbolism by itself.
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I do think the blond hair is meant to invoke Beth. And I know that sounds a little disturbing since Alpha obviously kills Hera, but I don’t think that’s the point. I mean, obviously, since Hera is dead in the present, she won’t even meet Beth, unless we learn that they crossed paths sometime in the past. I think it’s more just that Beth is a foil to Alpha. Any woman Alpha feels threatened enough by to kill would be her opposite. And the opposite of Alpha would be Beth. We always said this when the Whisperer arc was first airing.
This is a joke I’ve made before, but think of it this way:
Beth is good, while Alpha is obviously bad.
Beth showed Daryl kindness and compassion when he hinted, in Still, at the abuse he’d suffered, while Alpha is actually the abuser of Lydia.
Beth protected babies and children, while Alpha laid a baby down in a field for the walkers.
Beth, um, had hair?
You see what I mean. And while I 100% think they foiled Alpha with Carol in a much more obvious way in the plot of the show, I’d like to point out that, in terms of looks, if they wanted a more obvious foil to Carol, they should have used a Whisperer mask with white or gray hair. The blond is just painfully obvious here. And given what they did with Leah, it’s clear that they do this with Beth proxies.
But more to the point, we have the whole Dee/Brooke/Lydia dynamic. I wouldn’t have thought of Brooke being Lori, but I do see how that works. I see her MORE as Beth, but I’ll show you why both are true.
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In many ways, Dee herself could represent Lori. Of course she’s a terrible mother, while Lori was a good one, but that’s the point. They’re foils, or two sides of the duality couple. So, Brooke is the opposite of Dee in terms of mothering, and would therefore represent Lori.
Looking at it slightly differently, Dee is the biological mother of the child (Lydia/Judith) while Brooke/Beth is the surrogate mother who cares about the child and takes care of them, but isn’t the biological parent. Hence Brooke (note the “B” names) can also be Beth.
As I said, I didn’t notice the heron painting, but my original read was that Brooke is a Beth proxy. Mostly, it’s due to her philosophy and approach. She’s genuinely a good and caring leader. She believes in having nice things, so living, rather than just surviving. Someone mentioned her caring about Lydia’s birthday above, which is also a Beth thing.
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And I have to say, as always, this episode was so skillfully done. At first, with the party on the boat, I felt like it had a slightly sinister vibe. Like it might be a Masque of the Red Death thing. Having a pretentious party while people are dying on the outside. But that wasn’t actually the vibe they were going for. It was far more Beth than that. But it seemed slightly sinister that way, because that’s how Alpha/Dee perceived it. And clearly, we’re seeing this episode from her POV. So the writers managed to give us her perception of it, but also communicate that it’s a skewed, not-quite-correct perception. Even if she was right about Billy.
ANYWAY. So, what does this mean, if Brooke = Beth? This doesn’t seem to correspond with anything particular that happened during S4/S5. My read is that this is a foreshadow of something we haven’t seen yet. Beth, being a leader of a community, and running into enemies. More specifically, I think this may represent the fall of Grady.
I’ll go back to my oft-pointed-out line from Gorman in Slabtown, who said some day, there would be, “someone in charge who ain’t her.” Meaning Dawn. This line is clearly a foreshadow, as it’s forecasting into the future. Beth is the only member of TF in this episode. And she’s the one whose eyes we’re seeing this story through. So, it HAS to be about her. And of course, she and Dawn are a duality pairing.
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And I’m probably just connecting this next part because, as I told you, I rewatched part of Indifference to check out the gas station last week, and ended up watching the scene where Bob talks to Daryl about having watched two different communities go down, but the part where Dee finds Brooke in the woods in the fight really stuck out to me. Brooke is, understandably, devastated and keeps saying, “they’re all dead.” It just feels like something they’ve foreshadowed for Beth before. Plus there’s the whole Charleston thing about the community going down. I’m thinking Grady will be the first community she sees fall and then there will be a second (perhaps literally Charleston, which Daryl mentioned in 11b) which will be taken down by the CRM.
Of course the placement of the scar, the fact that she should have died—by gunshot no less—and didn’t, and now the blue heron painting, are all confirming my suspicions. I like the idea of Brooke ending up with the CRM. I have no doubt we’ll see her again. We always do when a character survives and disappears for a time.
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There were some tiny light symbolisms at the beginning I want to think about more. When Brooke first emerges from her room, there’s a flickering light. She simply screws in the bulb more tightly to keep the light steady. Later, Dee turns off the external lights and Brooke turns them back on. Maybe it’s just something about Beth being the light in the darkness. The flickering light = dying light, and she restores it to “health.” Something like that. There was also that “Last Light in the West” song that played over part of the Governor’s arc. Thoughts?
Anyway, I think this is most of what I have right now. Loved all of your thoughts. Will probably be back later with more. :D
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TWD - Negan Imagine ~ “Morning Star”
Imagine about the the 11th episode of season 10.
Summary: While the Reader prepares along with the rest of Hilltop for the upcoming battle, Negan has no idea that his wife is actually inside the community Alpha plans to destroy.
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Bright sunbeams shone down on you as the carriage beneath you jerked a little, shaken by the potholes in the old roads that winded through the forest that lead you closer to Hilltop. You hadn’t even thought that you would be able to join the others at first, not with the staff shortage you currently had in the infirmary anyway, but things had turned out in your favor. The last three victims of Dante’s water contamination were doing pretty well again but the whole act had other consequences than just sick patients. Dante’d done a pretty good job on using, even wasting, the majority of Alexandria’s most important meds, had made sure that not much was left after and especially with the Whisperers sitting in your necks, it was more important than ever to stock up again. So that was your job now, getting new meds, judging which ones you needed and which ones you could pass on, and if things worked out, maybe recruit someone from Hilltop to come back with you to the infirmary to have another pair of helping hands. And you were glad about that, you needed to get out of the infirmary and Alexandria in general for some time. In the mostly empty infirmary you had too much time to let your thoughts get the best of you and whirl up new worries about Negan. They wouldn’t be gone now, for sure not, but being distracted in an environment you weren’t as used to as Alexandria was hopefully a good thing. Sighing you leaned back into the small pillow that was protecting your back from pressing directly into the rough wooden backrest and glanced around, watching as the green trees passed by. It was beautiful outside and part of you hoped that it could lift your mood a little. You were close to spiraling deeper into that dark hole with all those worries about your husband, the grief about Siddiq, the frustration about this whole Dante thing pooling within you and mixing with the shock of last night, you knew that, and you didn’t want to hit it’s bottom nor dive just a tiny bit deeper into it. So instead of dwelling more on your thoughts you tried to catch some of the conversation that was going on in the front of the wagon, still circling around the cave like it had a couple moments ago. “It was...”,you could hear Aaron say in his front seat as he leaned back to glimpse at Rosita,”It was Carol. There was some dynamite in the cave, we agreed on not risking it...she took it anyway.” He scoffed slightly, clearly frustrated while you could only think back at what had happened in the night you’d met Alpha at the border and her shot that would have almost resulted the war to break out earlier. She was troubled after Henry’s death, you got that and you didn’t even want to imagine what it was like to lose a child. Hell, you would do anything to get the head of the bitch that took it as well and you wouldn’t judge her on this but anger and grief were a dangerous mix, and it was putting people she cared about in danger, and that’s where shit like that had to be stopped. “We should look forward now though. That’s what’s important”, you heard Aaron quickly add, as if he was trying to not make the mess bigger than it already was before you glanced away from the conversation again and glimpsed back at the green forest around you, hoping that Hilltop wouldn’t be all to far away anymore. About a half day had passed since Beta had come back from his unsuccessful mission to bring the little spy back and in all honesty, in these kinda terms things couldn’t have worked better for Negan. The boss lady was definitely pissed at the weirdo giant for failing his mission which only let Negan rise in the skin freak ranks and just knowing that Gamma was in one of the communities was a whole different kind of jackpot. She’d spill all the secrets for sure, and with that, Beta’s failure wasn’t only a direct advantage to him but hell, also an indirect one to everyone at home. He was a little calmer than last night as well, after eavesdropping on the skin freaks that had accompanied Beta for some of the way and who’d grumbled about the deaths inside the walls. Some poor fuckers had to let their lives that night, he knew that but from everything he had heard and from trying to use the method of elimination, he was sure that Beta hadn’t gotten his hands on his girl. He couldn’t be one hundred percent sure, hell, he didn’t even know if she’d actually been in Alexandria that night, but he kept on telling himself that she was fine, that she had known what to do that night.  He kept on telling himself that she was okay. And while these were the advantages of Beta’s failure, Negan’s rise in the ranks got him to do a damn task the big ass freak probably usually did, and that was everything else than what Negan was in the mood for now. It was whipping Alpha’s arms with some thin branch for fuck knows which reason, maybe some fucking fetish, maybe because she thought that shit would get her stronger, he didn’t fucking know, all he knew as that he was growing tired of this crap. First that fucking kiss, now this shit. "Does this mean I've graduated to the next level of kinky Whisperer shit?”, he chuckled as he reached towards the branch with furrowed brows, trying to overplay how fucking ridiculous and absurd he actually found this whole situation. “You joke to hide your fear”, she said cooly, eying him for a moment while he let out a small sigh, pushing himself on his feet while she remained seated on one of the rocks that surrounded them. Well, she was sure partly right there, just didn’t he hide his fear, he tried to hide how weirded out he was right now. “You know, seems to me you've been cut up enough”, he grumbled as he watched more scars appear on her arm as she reached it out and pulled her sleeve further up. This shit was fucked up, holy shit was this fucked up. “Begin”, she insisted, closing her eyes as if she’d await the greatest fucking gift in the next moment before Negan furrowed his brows once more at her until he finally lifted the slim branch up and rushed it against her forearm, cutting into her flesh and leaving a red mark. She smiled, she fucking smiled as she glimpsed at her arm before she pushed it forwards again. “Again”, she mumbled, and so he did, not trying to argue anymore. Fuck, if she wanted this, she was gonna get it. The second lash left a brighter red mark on her arm than the first, leaving her looking even more satisfied than before as she stood up from the spot and abruptly took the branch out of his hand, just to nod towards him. “Now you.” Oh what the fuck. What was this crap gonna turn into now?  “Ah, does this mean we're bonded for life?”, he joked, trying to somehow process whatever the fuck was actually going on here. “Depends”, she said just as ice-cold as ever, while he slowly began to push the sleeve of his leather jacket up, just trying to get it over with as she rushed the branch in the very next moment against his arm “Aah”, he let out, half in pain, half in a chuckle while a wide grin painted on his face, his body’s odd way to cope with this bullshittery just as another whip rushed against his arm and elicited another flinch and chuckle to mix with one another. Well, at least that crap was done now. “Well done”, she said with a nod, tossing the branch away before she reached to the back pocket of her pants where she usually kept her mask, only with the difference now that she pulled a different one out and held it towards him. “You will need it tonight”, she added as soon as she caught his furrowing brows and the confused look on his face. Hell, was that his reward now for this whipping session? Getting to wear a dead dude’s face? ”For what?”, he asked, glancing down at her while the eerie smile from before started to grow on her lips again. ”Tonight, the enemy will die.”
The sun was already starting to near the skyline of the trees as you finally rolled through Hilltop’s gates and could hop from your crammed position on the wagon onto the ground to shake your legs a little out, glancing around the place you hadn’t visited in god knows how long. It hadn’t changed all too much, there was a whole new field of crops in front of the gates and some more stands and smaller houses in its inside but for the most part if looked pretty similar to the last time you’d walked in here. Mary hopped down the wagon beside you, a little insecure as she started to follow Aaron, before Rosita moved down as just as you grabbed the first empty box that was supposed to be filled with meds when you’d leave again and heft it down the wagon. ”I’ll go to the doc here right away and get some painkillers, want me to tell him you’ll come in later?”, she asked as she stopped beside you, nodding to the wound that was hidden underneath the boasting bandage you’d renewed earlier on your way here. ”Yeah, please. That’d be great”,you said, nodding as she was already starting to walk towards the trailer that had a big red cross painted onto it,”Thank you.” ”All good”, she responded back just as you got back to the wagon, reaching towards the medical bag that was filled with the couple bandages and salves you’d used a few from for Rosita, just as the sound of a familiar motorcycle sounded through the air. A little irritated you glanced up, just in the very moment you caught it rushing past the wagons through the gates, carrying Daryl and Lydia on the back and slowing immediately down before it came to a complete stop in the middle of the road that let to the mansion. For a moment you let the bag go, curious, a little irritated but relieved that your half brother was back and had found Lydia, while you made your way up to them while they attracted Yumiko, Luke and a couple other people who’d been standing on the mansion’s porch to make their way over to them as well. “My mother's coming”, you heard Lydia say just in the moment you reached them, immediately stopping you as an ice-cold shudder washed over you the moment Lydia’s voice hushed. ”The herd’s on its way”,Daryl grumbled, scoffing thickly as he shock his head and glimpsed at the people in front of him while you felt like you were glued to the spot for a moment,”Far away but it’s coming.” Curses sounded through the air, mixing with people starting to ask what they were supposed to do now just before Daryl’s voice sounded again through the air, shutting them down for a moment. ”We’ll meet up in the main room, we can talk it out there.” ”Good idea, I’ll get everyone”, Luke said, quickly nodding before he turned around and quickly hurried up the stairs, and while most eyes were on him in this moment, yours were on your half-brother. He was starting to lead these people and you doubted that he realized what he was doing there nor that he’d ever thought he would. But he was, he was leading them and for a moment you were a little taken aback by how easily the others followed him. “Hey”, you heard him suddenly say as he turned around, glancing a little irritated at you as he nodded towards you while Lydia vanished behind Luke in the mansion, ”Why’re ya here too?” ”We don’t have many meds left back home. Need to get new ones, maybe get someone to help out but I guess I can forget that now”, you gulped, feeling the tension rise within you as you started to realize that probably thousands of dead assholes were on their way to this small community, and you were stuck in its middle. Still, for a moment you got distracted from that as you glanced at Daryl, first noticing how battered he looked now that he stood right in front of you. He had some makeshift bandages wrapped around his hands and his leg, the one on the latter big and partly doubted in a dark red color. ”It’s nothing”, he said before you could even say a word, though he quickly let out a thick sigh as he caught the glance in your eyes. He couldn’t bullshit you, not you. That even counted after all these years. ”Was a fight after the cave...with Alpha, got her good too”, he reluctantly said, just adding onto the tension that was cursing through you before he quickly spoke up again,”Don’t have time to get that treated.” ”We have five minutes for sure”,you mumbled, glimpsing at the stubborn man. The wounds looked bad, especially the one on his leg and you knew him more than well enough that he’d even downplay an injury if his leg was shortly before falling off.  ”Will take some time till Luke and the others will get everyone in the meeting room. We could use that time window, I still got some stuff in the wagon”, you added, nodding towards the wagon you’d spent the last hours on before you caught Daryl shifting from foot to foot before he reluctantly started to nod. ”Mhmm okay.” ”Lydia made it”, Daryl grumbled as you found yourself sitting next to him the back of the wagon, cleaning the wound on his hand just to be sure even though it definitely already looked better than you expected, especially knowing that she’d done it in the middle of the muddy woods. ”Did a pretty good job, really”, you said, putting the disinfection liquid and the cloth to the side before you grabbed  one of the fresh bandages in the bag,”Is she okay too?” ”Yeah, made sure”, he nodded, though he seemed to tense up for a moment as he gulped thickly, shifting uncomfortably as you reached back for his hand. ”Couldn’t find ‘em”, he mumbled, barely audible as you had to take a moment before you realized that he was talking about Connie and Magna, and judging from how he was looking right now, it was hitting him harder than he lead on, especially because it was Carol who’d caused the cave to collapse. ”I’m sure they’ll make it out. Don’t know them well but they’re survivors...and smart. they’ll find a way”, you said, trying to give him a small but genuine smile as you wrapped the bandage securely around his hand and secured it, before starting to move to his leg.  ”Hope so”, he nodded, gulping thickly once more while you decided to not bore further. It was too fresh and if he’d want to tell you, he would, but right now, it didn’t seem like he wanted to talk to anybody about this more than he already had. So instead of speaking you started to unwrap the bandage on his leg, carefully to not hurt him more before a sharp breath fell from your lips the moment you uncovered the wound in its entirety, cleaned but deep and probably caused by a large hunting knife that had dug itself into his thigh. ”Holy shit, Daryl that’s deep-” ”Just get a tight bandage ‘round it...please”, he cut you off, already knowing that you’d tell him what he’d really need with a wound like that before you glanced from the boasting wound to him and realized that he’d already made a decision. His stubborn head had become set on just getting the most necessary for his injury before heading inside to make a plan, you wouldn’t be able to change anything about that. ”Alright...”, you said, sighing slightly as you moved closer and started the procedure you had done on his hand all over again, starting at cleaning the wound carefully from the last bit of any mud before starting to get a bandage around his leg, with just enough pressure to make sure it wouldn’t start bleeding again and judging from its look, it already had done so more than enough. ”There you go”, you said as you finally finished the bandage watching as Daryl looked at it before he moved himself with a push from the wagon, wincing slightly as the foot of his injured leg met the ground before he looked back at you. ”Thank you”,he nodded, shifting a little to get the bandage to sit more comfortably before he nodded towards the mansion,”Now let’s get inside” Shock was still stuck in Negan’s bones as he walked through the forest, still trying to process the news of Alpha’s planned massacre at the communities as he made himself on his way to try to change this whole shitshow into something else. He couldn’t let it come so far, he couldn’t let her nor this fucking herd of dead assholes come close enough to any of the communities his wife could be located in. First and fucking foremost, he couldn’t let that happen to her but he also couldn’t let that happen to anyone she cared about, he wanted to protect her from that pain and that part counted for Judith and any other kid that was stuck in there too. He was in here to work against that whole crap, not to be part of it. Clasping that fucking stinking mask in his hand he slowly moved out of the forest onto a small clearing that was streaked with a small creak, that splashed softly against the rocks Alpha was standing on, almost looking as if she was meditating. “Got a little unsolicited advice...everyone's favorite kind, I know, but I can't help myself. And maybe I thought of an idea that you haven't yet”, he said as he moved closer, though remaining a little behind her as she didn’t even move an inch, only opened her eyes as she heard his voice. “I respect a well-deserved massacre”,he said, clearing his throat as he shifted a little from foot to foot,”Some people they just have it coming. And I get why you want to take out Hilltop and Alexandria. It would just It would feel good.” Still no reaction, so hell, he was just gonna keep going, he had to take this chance. “But you know what might feel goddamn fantastic? Getting those assholes to surrender, bend a knee”, he said, slowly growing a little impatient and nervous, though he sure did everything in his might not to let it shimmer through,”Alpha, we can get them to join us.” Inwardly, he was cursing to himself as he still saw no reaction coming from her, part of him asking himself if he should talk more and add something onto it just before he finally heard her voice sounding through the air. “Explain.” "You heard them out there. We have to go. Even if you took out half the herd in that cave, she's got thousands left. You can't stay here”, Lydia said as she paced around the main room that was filled up with each Alexandrian that had come over to the community and Hilltop’s highest members, discussing what should be done next with the dead army marching closer to you with every moment. “The skins could march straight to Alexandria for all we know”, Earl said as he shifted over his spot on the couch while Daryl stood next to you and gripped the backrest with his hands, leaning a little forward to glance at the group. "Yeah, we're right in their way”, he mumbled, his fingers squeezing the cushion as if he was trying to get rid of the tension that laid over him this way before Earl cleared his throat again. “Maybe she goes around us.” “She doesn't need to go around you. She'll just run through you”, Lydia said, the stress clearly sounding through her voice as you watched Jerry shaking his head vehemently. "I'm not running again - Hell no.” " Lydia's right. We can rebuild anywhere”, you now hear Diane chime in while you could feel yourself growing more uncomfortable the more your mind started to realize how real everything about the growing threat was.  “Come on. We can't. How many scouting missions you been on, son? Hundreds? Have you ever seen a place like Hilltop?”, you could hear Earl say, and while the thought of fighting a herd more than just a couple sizes larger than the one that had once broke into Alexandria, there was something right about what he said. There weren’t many places the Hilltopers could go to, Alexandria had its capacities too and every place that might have potential in terms of buildings had fallen victim to nature. Building a place like this one up again, that would take a whole lot of time and effort, and in the current situation, no one in here had that. The only chance they had if they fled was letting the herd pass by and then rebuild of what was left of hilltop, which to you, seemed like the best possibility right now. “ No”, Aaron grumbled before you could think any further.  “We have a few dozen able-bodied fighters here. Maybe. You like those odds? - 'Cause I don't”, Yumiko said, standing up from her spot on the bench as she glimpsed around the room, looking at Aaron as he shook his head again. “Neither do I.” “Now, we don't have to die here. We're going to have to fight, and if we die, we die fighting for a place that means something. Can you think of a better way to go?”, Earl nearly cut him off and that’s where you and by the look on everybody’s else's face the entirety of the room disagreed with him. You weren’t gonna die here. You came here to get some new meds and recruits for the infirmary, you weren’t gonna just let Alpha’s herd kill you when there were other ways to get out of this situation, even if this meant that Hilltop was lost. “Yeah. We go with my daughter's life intact. And Judith's and Ezra's and Adam's. You want me to keep going?”, Aaron quickly said, almost snapped, back, the tone in his voice strained and angered while for the first time in a long time, you agreed with him.  You had no plans to go on a suicide mission just to play along with the others the big heroes that go down in a fight, especially not on the costs of children. There were times you just had to give in, no matter how bitter it was, and flee, if you wanted to survive, and one of these times had come now. “Alright, let's get the kids out first. Everybody, pack up. We're going to Oceanside”, Daryl said, motioning his fingers to spell Oceanside while his voice calm compared to the others,”Grab weapons, food whatever you can. We'll regroup there.” Hilltop seemed like a bustling beehive as everybody started to pack up, pushing the most important supplies and weapons into the wagons while the first one with the Lydia, Judith, RJ and a couple of other kids had left along with Daryl and Diane about a fifteen minutes ago. You were just about to pack a few light spears into the back of one of the larger wagons as you heard the voices becoming louder for a moment mixing with the sound of Daryl’s motorcycle, enough to make you back away from the wagon’s entrance to see him moving back into the community, closely followed by the wagon with the kids. “What happened?”, you heard Aarons voice call out for them, as the confusion and moreover the thought that this couldn’t mean anything good shot through you as you walked towards the small group of people that started to grow around Aaron and Daryl. “She blocked all the roads. Means they're closing in on us. If we had a window to get out, we just missed it”, he scoffed, and with these few words washed a new wave of tension over you. This was bad, this was fucking bad. “But we can't stay here”, Kelly said, her voice breaking as she tried to suppress the tears that started to pool in her eyes,”You said...you all said we can't stay here.” “We can call Alexandria, right?”, Luke asked, his voice letting it shimmer through that he was rather grasping for straws than actually believing in what he was saying ,”Call Alexandria, and they'll get fresh fighters here, right? And...And it's not just gonna be us. It's not gonna be just us, right?”  “Oceanside can't get here. Alexandria, either. Not in time. Not after what happened. We're on our own”, Diane mumbled while you glimpsed at Daryl, meeting his glance for a moment that had an odd glance stuck in him, tensed as before, but there was something else about him you couldn’t quite grasp yet. "Divvy up your arsenals. We got catapults up on the walls. And a damn good militia. This is what you've all been practicing for”, Earl’s stern voice ripped you away from Daryl and lead you glance immediately to him as he stomped towards the group,” Come on, now, people! Do whatever you need to get your heads on straight! This is gonna be the fight of our lives.” This was enough to let the group sprawl out again over the place, while no one, including you, was as pumped up about this fight as Earl seemed to be. Still, there was no way past it now and you had to get through it now, no matter what. For another moment, your eyes laid on Earl before you caught Daryl moving closer to you, still with that odd look on his face as he finally rose his voice again. “The roads, that was your hus-”,Daryl started to say, stopping at the last word as if it tasted like poison in his mouth while his glance and just the beginning of this word washed an ice-cold shudder down your back ,”Negan’s with them now. He’s blocked ‘em.” “What?”, it nearly instinctively slipped out of your lips, even though one part of this whole accusation didn’t come as a giant shock or surprise to you. You’d suspected he’d infiltrated himself into their ranks to destroy them, but that last part rubbed you the wrong way,”How do you know that’s him?”  “Trees blocking the road, some guy hanging strangled from a tree, remembers you of something?”, he said, a thicker frown growing over his face as he forced you to remember the hours before the bloody night in the clearing and you couldn’t even completely disagree with Daryl on this. It seemed like the same strategy, but who knew, maybe he’d done it on purpose.  “But if that’s him, I’m sure he’s got a plan”,you said, gulping thickly as you looked at him, trying to choose your words right to not anger him to the extent that he’d just storm off without hearing your whole point and putting your relationship back to square one,”He’s probably just trying to earn their trust to take them down from the inside. He’s playing them.” “Nah”, he quickly shook his head,”He’s one of ‘em now.” “No, no he’s not. He might be at their camp but he’s not one of them”, you repeated yourself, while you didn’t even see anger growing over Daryl’s face but rather desperation, maybe even pity while the frustration within you grew. You didn’t want this to start this debate over Negan all over from the beginning, not again. “You’re blind”, he said, glimpsing at you through the brown strands of hair that hung into his face,”You’re so in love with him you don’t see the truth about that asshole.” “That’s not true”,you said, growing more desperate as well while you tried to grasp for straws,” Daryl, You saw the note he left for me.” “Yeah, maybe started out that way”,he grumbled, clenching his jaw as he shook his head again,”But asshole stays asshole. Think he saw that he’s free now...he switched you against freedom.” “He wouldn’t do that”, you tried to urge again while you felt dumb for repeating yourself over and over again as you just didn’t know what else to tell him to believe you on this. “He did”,he grumbled again, stepping a little closer to you as he gulped thickly,”and he doesn’t deserve how much you protect him. He’s scum.” “He’s not and I know him”,you responded quickly, feeling a shot of pain boring through you just having to hear Daryl talk like that about him before you shook your head, trying to keep your cool,”and I know how naive I sound to you. But I’ve been with that man every day for over eight years. I know how he thinks, he’s got a plan, you’ll see.” “Yeah, we’ll see”,he grumbled, while you could tell that he didn’t put one bit of belief or hope into your words as he looked at you one more time before he moved past you towards the mansion ,”Hope you won’t be too disappointed.”
Explaining to Alpha how he thought he could make them bend the knee had been one fucking tricky thing to do. It had taken a whole lot of effort for sure, talking his mouth off on how favorable it would be to have a bigger army while he smeared some more honey around her mouth and eventually, he felt like he might have persuaded her by topping her original plan of closing the roads a little off. He didn’t like what he had to do but it was necessary, the roads would have been closed either way and everything else just wouldn’t have stilled her thirst for blood. So right now, he was standing on a small cemented road that paved its way though the forest. A tree was blocking the street, one dead Hilltoper hanging from a tree beside the fallen one, their undead corpse growling and flailing its arm slightly while the rope cut into its throat. This one and all the others who’d hung on the other streets had been long dead before they’d gone up there, already killed last night when Beta had made his way to Alexandria and had killed another outpost on the way, recruiting new “guardians” for the horde in this night.  It had been seven in total, all wearing Hilltop’s armor, and he didn’t enjoy seeing particularly that guy in front of him up in that tree. He didn’t know the others, but the guy who was hanging from the tree there had been a Savior once, not a high ranking one but high enough that Negan have had a couple conversations with him during the time he’d ruled and enough to still remember the nickname he had for him: “Skinny Joe”, the counterpart to “Fat Joe” who’d had met his demise at Daryl’s hands. He wasn’t getting sentimental here, fuck no, but he’d be a liar if he’d say seeing one of his former loyal men in that tree would do nothing at all to him. Still, it was worth it as he glimpsed to his side and saw how Alpha nearly smiled satisfied, looking at the dangling corpse up there and that facilitated the feeling in him that his plan might work.  ”This was the last”, she said, the odd grin widening a little as she nodded to the skin freaks behind her and then back to Negan, “It is time to gather.” A half hour later, your mind was still occupied fully by Daryl and Negan as you walked through the wagons and stands within Hilltop, trying to find a way to distract yourself and simultaneously prepare for the battle.  Daryl hadn’t shook just an inch on your belief that Negan had a plan, nor on the belief that he was working towards destroying them from the inside, but the fact that Daryl thought he had merged into a full-blown whisperer bothered you unspeakably, not mentioning the side effect that soon, the whole rest of this community would think so as well.  You had no idea how this whole thing would go down tonight, if it would just be the herd or them as well, but if the later was true, first thing after Alpha and Beta people would point their weapons at would be him and there was nothing you’d be able to do to persuade them of the opposite.  No one of Hilltop’s head members would believe you that he was working against them, that if he was among them even tonight, it would be part of his plan to gather their trust.  That’s the way Negan thought, that was his type of strategy and all you could hope for was that Negan would be somewhere in the back, somewhere in safety. But that for sure depended on how deep he was in this whisperer misery as well. Negan was a sly fox, a charmer on top and he for sure knew how to handle people even if they were as fucked up as those skin freaks. Maybe he’d already made his way to the core of its ranks and hell, maybe he had tried to lessen this attack as well. Either way, there was no way you were gonna find that out before tonight, if at all and you first had to concentrate on surviving the next hours if you wanted to just have the chance to see him again. Sighing thickly you made your way into another stand, trying to stop your mind from wrapping itself around new confusing thoughts as you reached towards a sharpening stone. You’d get a machete, spear or whatever else they’d want you to use from hilltop, but if all things failed you’d still need a sharp knife and you couldn’t necessarily give that attribute to yours anymore. Grabbing the stone you made your way back to the mansion, hoping you’d find a free spot on its stairs as you winded yourself through the mass of people who were preparing their weapons as well, or were getting themselves warmed up until you finally got to the mansion’s porch that was filled with a couple of people, including Judith who was bowing over Daryl’s vest, some paint, brushed and a glass of paint daubed water sprawled around her. “Watcha doing?”, you asked as you sat down next to her onto the stairs, glimpsing at the part of the vest you could see from your side. “Painting uncle Daryl’s vest. I’m fixing the wing, I’m almost done”, she said, moving a little to reveal the part she’d been painting in a light blue that got now primped with some small white start at its end. “Looks great, sure he’s gonna love it”, you said, giving her a smile as you shifted a little over the wood, trying to get a little comfortable before you grabbed your knife and started to move the blade over the sharpening stone, just before you could see Judith stirring a little beside you before she moved a bit away from the vest and glanced at you. “Do you think Negan will hurt us?”, she asked, her voice trembling a little at the end, though you could hear that she was trying to keep it calm while a painful sting shot through you just hearing her question and you didn’t want to imagine how Negan would feel if he’d hear this now. “No, no he won’t”, you said, shaking your head softly and trying to keep the small smile on your face though you had a hard time doing so as you could feel the tension within you risking. “But he blocked the roads”, she mumbled, sadness filling her eyes a little more as she sat down next to you, moving the vest that looked finished by now next to her while you let out a small sigh. This was gonna get tricky. “Your uncle Daryl and I disagree on this but-”,you mumbled, halting as you tried to collect your thoughts and explain it to her in the right way,”I think he is trying to make them believe he’s on their side to help us take them down in the end. Like one of those double agents from the book you read some time ago.” “You think?”, she asked, her eyes growing a little more hopeful as she looked at you. “I’m sure”, you nodded, giving her a slightly bigger smile now before you let out a nervous but soft chuckle, trying to loosen yourself up to let that whole tension fall not only from you but her as well. Even if she was a tough kid, she was still a child and she shouldn’t have to worry about this as well beside the whole whisperer shit and tonight’s battle. ”C’mon you know him too, he sometimes has a bit odd ways to get to a goal. Remember his solutions to your math problems?” “Yeah, they were weird sometimes”,she nodded, laughing softly as he fumbled on the brush that was still in her hands. “Yeah”, you said, glimpsing down at her as you could gladly tell that she was looking much more relaxed than a couple moments ago,”See, he’s taking a special way to help us now too, just like he had very special ways to solve your math problems.” She nodded again, responding to the small laugh that left your lips, facilitated by the nervousness and tension that was still stuck within you before she nodded towards the vest, “I’ll give it to him now.” “Yeah, do that. Bet he’s gonna put it right on”, you said, giving her another smile as she stood up and grabbed the vest. “I hope so”, she said, glancing one more time at the painted wing before she headed inside, leaving you to get back to trying to distract yourself with the sharping stone. Dragging the blade along the stone you focused on it's slight twinkling in the evening sun, right before you glanced up as you heard footsteps walking right towards you. “You can shoot, right?”, you heard Diane ask as she got closer, holding a bow in one hand and a quiver with arrows in the other just before she reached you. “Yeah”, you nodded, stopping the dragging movements for a moment. “Good, we need another one in the back, would you join?” “Yes, sure”, you said, nodding once more as you laid the knife and the stone to your side so she could hand you both and just in the moment the wood of the bow smoothed against your palm and you gripped the belt of the quiver, a panicking voice echoed through the air and sent another shot of tension through your body within the matter of seconds. “The herd is coming!” Walking like a fucking dead asshole was harder than Negan had thought, especially when you had much more brain activity than those fuckers going on that allowed him to have thoughts and even worse, worries. He still believed that he might have persuaded Alpha with his tactics, but with her, you could never know for sure. The sky seemed to become darker with every slurfing step he took, looking through the holes of his damn mask to have a little bit of orientation while he tried to keep exactly those thoughts from taking his whole mind over. It was Hilltop. The odds that she was there were as fucking small as a fly’s sack. Hell, the odds that anybody else from Alexandria like Judith or Lydia were there was just as damn small.  He shouldn’t try to wrap his head around this shit anymore and just hope that things would work out as he intended, that they’d try to make them bend the knee and they’d use the right moment to attack or what fucking ever, just so this damn massacre wouldn’t start here and move to Alexandria in the end. And just as he tried to ban these thoughts out of his head, he heard the skin freaks starting their whispery chant again as they moved with the dead towards Hilltop. Night had fallen over Hilltop when you found yourself standing before its gates, with the bow in your hand, an arrow loosely clamped into its string while the leatherglove that smoothed against your skin allowed you to hold it securely. It was still pointed downwards for now, waiting for the moment the herd would appear but in these moments, there was an eerie silence, only disrupted by the trembling breath by everyone next to you and the echoes of the thousands of groans that came from the forest. Hilltop was prepared, that was the only thing that made your heart beat calm down a little as you glanced around yourself. At first, about two hundred meter away from your spot, there was an electrical line spanned by Eugene and Rosita this afternoon that would hopefully split the first walkers in two that would try to make their way towards you. Then, if this part would fail, and everybody knew that this moment would come earlier or later, the fence was the next step. It was Hilltops regular fence that protected the crops that were located behind you and in front of the gates, a quite study fence with wood pillars and a whole lot of branches and undergrowth in between that would cushion the walker masses at first and which had been strengthened over the last hours.  After that, the melee fighters were located, at first the ones with the medieval looking shields and their swords, directly behind them anyone else with a melee weapon, from spears to machetes, to morning stars like the one in Daryl’s hand right now. And then, there was your line, the ones with bows or slingshots like the one of Kelly, and melee weapons that were put on the ground beside you after the arrows would be gone. After that, only the next cushion zone of the crops followed for about fifty meters, and then the gates. You could feel the ground starting to quiver beneath your feet as the heard started to roll closer and the groans started to grow louder with every second, sending chills through your body as you gripped the wood of the bow tighter. Only a couple more moments. A shivering breath fell from your lips as you saw the first dead appearing in the dark right  as the first walker met the electrical line and sparked red sparks through the night as it burned through its throat and cut its rotting head off right from it’s neck. “It works”, you heard Yumiko mumbling beside you as you tried to keep the hope in you controlled as the first full line of dead met the line. More sparks flew, you could see the electricity burning  bright yellow lines into their bodies as they pressed against it, more and more while only a few lost their heads, while the taller majority pressed themselves only deeper into it, doing nothing more than burning their torsos. “Fuck”, you mumbled gulping, nearly too quiet for anyone else around you to hear as a load boom made you flinch back, right before you had to watch the electrical line break down into pieces as it sunk to the ground and let the dead march towards you without anything stopping them anymore. “Formation!”, you could hear Aaron scream through the night, immediately followed by the metallic booms of the rising shields clicking against one another while you gulped thickly and grabbed the bow in your hands even tighter, enough for your knuckles to turn pale as your heart beated up into your throat.  “On my command, splitting ranks!”, you heard him scream again, cut off for a moment by the loud groans of the dead before his voice echoed once again through the night,”And break!” The first group split on his command, marching towards the fence as the first dead were only a couple feet away from it anymore and you glanced to your side, watching as the others started to nod to each other. “Now”, you heard Yumiko call out beside you, shooting another wave of adrenaline through your body as you pushed the bow forward, adjusted the grip on the string before pulling it back until your leather clad fingers rested against your cheek and the arrow darted into the walker mess, before you let it go and watched it shooting into the ranks of the dead. Grab a new arrow, span it into the string, bow into the front, pull the string back, adjust and release.  That’s what you did over and over again, almost mechanically as you watched the others fighting in the front, saw their weapons dive into the rotting heads, smashing skulls while more walkers pushed into the limp bodies that were hanging into the branches. You could feel yourself tensing more with each shot, could feel the pulling of the string tearing on your arm’s muscles while the adrenaline in your body kept you going, forcing you to near the edge to switch into the survival mode. Breathing heavily you reached back into the quiver, feeling sick by the thought that you didn’t even had that many left, especially with the massed of walkers surrounding the fences that wouldn’t be stopped by the couple arrows you had left. And just as you moved the arrow to clip its end into the string, your eyes captured  handball sized objects flying through the dark towards the fences, exploding into uncountable splatters as they crashed into the walkers, the fence and the melee fighters. Furrowing your brows you stared for a moment at the scene, at the splatters that looked like water at the first glance but that were something completely different judging from the smell that made its way through to you. It was smelling like freshly cut down trees but stronger, almost as strong as those little tree shaped air freshener you could hang into the front of your car and whose smell wouldn’t even leave your nose until you’d gotten out of the car. “Smells like a Christmas tree!”, you could hear Jerry scream in the front, stabbing another walker while he looked like he was drained in the liquid and before you could hear anybody else saying something else, your eyes caught something bright flying through the night sky, a flaming arrow that suddenly crushed into the walkers in front of the fence. Within a millisecond a ball of fire roared through the dead, nearly exploding part of the fence as a blood freezing scream let you flinch. Your fingers gripped the bow tighter as you suddenly saw one of the fighters tumbling burning away from the fence, his whole body covered in flames as he flailed his arms around himself before he crushed against the ground and let the tension within you to skyrocket once more. “It's like gasoline!”, you heard Jerry scream from the fence as you tried to pull yourself together and drag your glance from the man who started to stop moving back to your bow, before forcing yourself to go back to the old procedure and shoot another arrow into the mass.  Even if you could just kill one at a time, it was better than nothing. You could feel your ribcage tightening as you reached for another one over and over again, trying to help the people in the front as best as you could before you suddenly grabbed into emptiness in your quiver and had to realize that you’d just shot your last arrow. ”Fuck”, you cursed underneath your breath as you glanced at the empty quiver, gulping thickly just in the very moment you heard a dangerous cracking coming from the fence. Shooting your glance back up you could see the first Walkers starting to break through, heard screams of Daryl and Aaron for everyone to fall back and stop the fight at the fence, just before the first dead forced their way successfully through the fence. Fuck. Fucking fuckity fuck shit. Negan couldn’t think much more than in curses as groans of the herd sounded loudly through the air while he had to watch the dead and the fences of hilltop blow up in flames from afar. He hadn’t persuaded her, this fuck there, that wasn’t trying to make someone bend the knee, that crap was meant to kill them and nothing else. She’d played him, pretending as if she’d listen to him, that fucking skin freak had played him. Feeling the anger in him rising he tried to keep himself controlled from the outside and tried to get a look at the fight hilltop was fighting in these moments, still trying to persuade himself that his girl wasn’t anywhere in there, trying to tell himself how damn close to zero the odds were over and over again. He couldn’t judge how well they did from his position on the field behind the heard, all he could tell was that they were still fighting and right now, that was a good sign. Fuck, even if none of the people he could worry about were in there, Alexandria still needed Hilltop to fight these skin freaks, losing that community would be a fucking disaster. Uncomfortably he glanced to his side, watching as Alpha gathered a small group of whisperers around a fire before she moved a little away from them to take a look at Hilltop, giving him enough space to approach her. Gulping his anger away the best he could to not let it shimmer through before he walked towards her, putting a slight grin on his face as soon as she caught him. “I thought you wanted them to join us”, he said, his voice calm and not in any way resembling the anger within him as he watched her beginning to smile the fucking oddly again while she slowly stepped closer. “They will”, she said, moving even closer as she nearly bored her glance into his eyes,”As part of my horde.” Fuck. He should’ve known, he should’ve fucking known and done more, he should’ve done more to persuade her. “Holy shit”, he chuckled, overplaying the desperation and frustration that started to make its home in his body, while he knew that right now, it was too late for him to intervene. Everything else would make him look suspicious, everything else could cost him his head. “You are a badass”, he instead added, grinning widely at her in hopes to charm her a little more and cover up what he was actually feeling in these moments, to have the chance to lead her into another direction next chance he got, hopefully with more success. “This is yours”, he heard her say in the next moment, watching as she waved another whisperer over who carried a bow in his hands next to his own, “You will need it now.” This was a test now, wasn't it? He’d asked her again about letting them bend the knee so she tested him if he would question her again or if he would obey, and right now he hadn’t much of option than do the later if he didn’t want to risk to blow his cover just the tiniest bit. So he took the bow into his hands and let her lead him and the other skin freak towards the fire, spanned one of the prepared arrows that had some tree sap soaked cloths attached to its shaft into the string and watched as they passed the flame from one arrow to another, like some STD in a fucking college fraternity.  ”Up high, towards the walls”, he heard Alpha say, feeling the tension within him rising with every second as he gulped thickly and moved the bow up, dragging the string back as he could feel his heart pounding against his ripcage and could feel nausea starting to claw at his throat while he tried to get his mind under control. She wasn’t there. She wasn’t there. She was not fucking there. And then, he let go. Screams, groans and desperate calls echoed through the air, mixing into an eerie symphony as you could see the herd starting to further break the fences, forcing the fear and survival instinct in you to skyrocket in the very moment the dead grabbed the first Hilltopers that had been fighting them only seconds ago. “They're already dead! Let's go!”, a voice screamed through the dark, mixing with calls to just let them break through as the first melee fighters started to run towards your line, waving for you all to move towards the gates. ”Move inside!”, you heard Daryl scream, waving towards you as you dropped the bow and the empty quiver from your shoulder before the adrenaline pushed you to start running as fast as your feet could carry you. Panting you found yourself within the others, within the running group that fled like animals from a wildfire before you suddenly saw some bright points shooting through the dark above you, right before the arrows that carried them landed into Hilltops walls, setting them aflame in the matter of seconds while your whole body started to wrench in fear and shock, forcing your heart to pound against your chest as if it tried to escape while a wave of fright induced nausea washed over you and dared to put a relentless tension over your body. Walkers were coming from the back and the sides, flames were eating up Hilltops walls in the front and soared into the sky. There was no way out.
(If you would like to be tagged, just let me know! The gif isn’t mine/ it was originally posted by dancing-at-the-funeralparty)
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rcsitastark · 4 years
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the battle of hilltop
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my-mt-heart · 3 years
What are the odds of Caryl actually becoming canon? I mean, i know no one could know, but what do you think? Some days i think that they're becoming a couple for sure, but then other days I feel like TWD is gonna bullshit us again, and they're just gonna be friends for the spin-off you know? It's just thing of the mood. So how confident do you feel? Why?
You don't need me to tell you that bullshitting is this show's MO. It's probably a good idea to be prepared for disappointment. HOWEVER, if I'm reading all the context clues correctly, then I'd say there's a good chance their relationship will become romantic by the end of S11, especially knowing it's the last season. Maybe the writers weren't sure for a while what they wanted to do with them, but at the very least by season 9, getting them together appears to be the intended end goal. My evidence? 
-Daryl's "buried jealousy" in 9x01. I personally felt the subtext in their conversation at the Sanctuary was pretty damn clear, but thanks for the validation, Angela!
-Using Ezekiel and Connie as foils. "He's alright. Kinda corny." "Not a lot of good people like her left." Curious that the people Daryl and Carol think the other should be with are stark contrasts to themselves.  
-The tension and/or awkwardness in Daryl's and Ezekiel's interactions. The most blatant examples are in 9x16 when Ezekiel tells Daryl to stay away and in 10x11 when Daryl acknowledges they don't have much to talk about with each other. Other examples that might be less obvious are in 9x15 when Ezekiel, Carol, and Henry approach Daryl to invite him to stay at the kingdom. There is noticeable stiffness and hesitation. Also, 10x01, when Daryl and Ezekiel are waiting for Carol's boat to arrive. There has to be more to that exchange than finding out Ezekiel's afraid of birds, otherwise it's just a throwaway scene. 
-Carol's and Ezekiel's marriage constantly being underplayed. No wedding scene, no "basking in the afterglow" (together lol),  no "I love you" from Carol even though Ezekiel says it to her.  
-Daryl and Carol always alluding to their togetherness. “Run away together.”  "Since when are we not enough?" "A plan this stupid might as well be us." "We have a future." “I need to know we’re on the same team.” “We’re going to get through this together.”
-The bracelet and the acorn. Physical reminders that the other person is always with them, even when they are physically apart or when they're mad at each other. 
-Innuendos like "wanna frisk me," which are noticeably missing from Daryl's and Carol's interactions with certain other characters.
-Negan, the most perceptive character on the show, referring to Carol as Daryl’s girlfriend. 
Etc, etc, etc. 
Hopefully this doesn't rub anyone the wrong way, but in my humble opinion, pretty much every Daryl/Carol moment in earlier seasons could potentially be thought of as planting seeds in case the writers decided they want Carol and Daryl to become something more. S9 and S10 on the other hand feel very intentional, like they know exactly where they want these characters to end up, and now it's just a matter of getting there.  
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double-capper · 4 years
Okay, I see a lot of people getting disappointed and angry about the 10x14 spoilers. And honestly, that really sucks because I don’t think there’s much to worry about. So, here’s my attempt at positivity (and some theories as to what I think is gonna happen). :)
For the most part, I’m probably just gonna be reiterating what other people are saying. So there might not be anything too helpful. But nevertheless, I’m still gonna try, so here we go.
The first thing I want to say is, and I say this as kindly as possible, chill. the hell. out. I say that with love, I promise. I know it’s easy to get angry and upset and disappointed. Especially in these strange, stressful times. Everyone is on edge and that’s understandable. But remember this has happened before. I haven’t been in the fandom for too long, so I don’t know how often tsdf either lies or withholds/downplays information, but I know it happened twice in 10b. In 10x09, they said Daryl was disgusted with Carol, which he obviously wasn’t. Then in 10x11, they said Daryl never looked at Carol, which he obviously did. And maybe it’s just me, but they seem to have been extra vague with the q&a for this episode.
Second of all, even if everything they said is exactly what happens, we’ve still got two more episodes left in the season. Sure, we’re gonna have to wait a while for 10x16, but we’ve got 10x15 coming out next week. I’m not sure why people are acting like the spoilers mean Carol’s never gonna talk to Daryl. He’s asked her to talk to him multiple times this season and it would be stupid and poor storytelling to not have that pay off. And it’s not gonna be like Carol just comes back to Hilltop (or ASZ, I don’t know anymore) and everything is perfectly fine (I mean, I haven’t seen the episode yet so I don’t know for sure, but it would be very weird and out of character imo). All the baggage she’s been carrying for years and years wouldn’t just magically go away. She’s starting to heal, sure, but it’s going to be a long, long time before things are better. And talking to Daryl will help with that. I’m not giving up hope on that talk yet.
Personally, I’m still confident 10x15 is gonna be the episode we’ve been waiting for. Talk-wise, I mean. I don’t think we’re gonna get canon until 10x16, unfortunately. But hey, it’s been 10 seasons, what’s another few months? Anyway, I’m like 99% sure that whole big conversation is gonna be in 10x15.  We know that’s gonna happen, right? Norman said Carol and Daryl were gonna have a heart-to-heart soon. They’re in the same place, whether it’s Hilltop or ASZ, though I hope it’s ASZ. It’d make more sense for it to be ASZ, wouldn’t it? Not just because Hilltop is burnt to the ground, but because their home is in ASZ. And now Carol’s made the choice to come back--to come home. If she’s gonna talk to Daryl, it’s gonna be now. It doesn’t make sense for it to be any other time. 
Yes, it sucks canon isn’t in this episode. But at the same time, I’m kinda glad they’re building to it realistically instead of having it just...happen (like a certain other ship). Yes, I want it to happen, of course, but I think there’s a method to this madness. They’ve only got one shot with this and I think they want to do it right. Or maybe I’m putting way too much trust in these writers and setting myself up for disappointment. I’m gonna go with option A. 
It sucks even more that the conversation we were hoping for isn’t in this episode, either. But that doesn’t mean we’re not gonna have one. And we don’t know if we’ll get other stuff in this episode instead. We could still have Negan teasing Daryl about Carol. That doesn’t seem like something tsdf would mention, and knowing Negan, it’s entirely possible. “Alpha” could also very well say something to Carol about Daryl. We don’t know. And we won’t until we can actually see the episode. 
Looking on the bright side of the spoilers we got, Look at the Flowers looks like it’s gonna be a great episode for Carol. It’s great that she was able to begin to overcome this on her own. Would it have been nice to have Daryl there? Of course. But, personally, I think this is huge for her development. This torture arc seems to be starting to come to a close. Finally. Of course, it’s kinda hard to have an opinion at the moment, as the episode isn’t out yet. But I truly think this is a big step for Carol and a big step for Caryl in turn. 
On another positive note, let’s think about what we’ve gotten so far in this season, Caryl-wise. We got a great hug, a conversation about running away together to New Mexico, Daryl giving Carol a friendship bracelet, Daryl telling Carol he needed her to stay--and that’s just the season premiere. Throughout the rest of this season, we got Carol dreaming about being married to Daryl (which not many people are talking about???), Daryl telling Carol it’s “not like that. not at all.” with C0nnie, Daryl begging Carol to talk to him (more than once), Daryl sending everyone into a cave after Carol, remembering she’s claustrophobic, telling her “follow my light”, saving her life in the cave, telling her “I’m never gonna hate you”, and a million other things I didn’t mention. This was just off the top of my head. My point is, this is all leading to something. We have never had a season with this much Caryl content. It’s gotta be leading to something. It’s just taking a really long time to get there, lol. 
In the end, we’re just gonna have to wait until the episode comes out. I’m gonna be watching it on AMC Premiere as soon as I can on Friday. I’ll try to post something about it once I see it because I know everyone’s worried. And that really sucks. I know it’s hard to be disappointed week after week. Hell, I’ve only been here since November and it’s getting tiring. Everyone who’s waited all these years for canon--I don’t know how you do it. But I admire you, and I really, really hope you don’t give up now. I’ve got the feeling canon is right around the corner. :) 
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kendaspntwd · 4 years
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Negan  ( 10x11 )
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predictions for the rest of s10 of the walking dead
• 10x11, 10x12 will be the hilltop war • in this war, alpha will be killed by negan or carol or both •10x13 michonne with virgil (also this might be the last michonne episode, which i hope it isn't) • the caryl situation before 10x14: we know that zeke talks with both of them. the chat w/carol will be about henry and the blame game that they were having about his death. they will stay as friends and nothing more will happen. on the other hand there is the chat w/daryl. I Think zeke is going to be the one who pushes them to be together. i really hope it happens. •In the war Caryl will not interact with each other and, if they did, that will be awkward (which i loooove). They didn't have time to talk and resolve their problems. •10x14 will be a complete CARYL episode or at least the major of the scenes will be of them. After hilltop *BURN TO THE GROUND* they all will go to Alexandria. Once they all return to their places. Carol and Daryl will have a talk heart to heart. Its going to be so emotional and maybe we have the first kiss (OMG) •10x15 beta will send the horde to Alexandria and i guess the whole ep. is going to be them fighting the walkers. Someone is going to die here, might be Gabriel Also, if the 10x13 is not the last michonne ep this could be her goodbye •10x16 is going to be a calm episode after all they lived, they finally got rid of the whispers. I reaaaally hope that they put a scene similar to the dream that Carol had in 10x03. Daryl cooking for her and the kids. they are gonna talk about their relationship. Letting us know is going to be full canon in S11 •At the end of this episode, Maggie will arrive with the Commonwealth.
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naughty-negan · 4 years
Negan & Alpha Parts From The Whisperer War At Hilltop ~ The Walking Dead 10x11
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angelthefirst1 · 4 years
Hey, I'm the 10x11 posts nonny :-) Thanks that could make it! I have read all four of them. It's so interesting what they're doing right now. You said that Beth will probably coming back through the smoke.. I always thought that she's somewhere else and they will find her through coincidence. I know that other TD'ers suggested that she's in some way imprisoned. What do you think? P.S. unfortunately we need to wait for filming spoilers for season 11 through the corona virus:-(
Hi 1011 nony! 👋
Glad you got to read them and sorry for taking so long to respond to this.
I haven't been online as much lately (world pandemic and all) I hope you are all staying safe and looking after thoes around you.
But back to Beth's return... I do think she ended up back at Grady for a time but then escapes again after a time of healing and Grady is destroyed.
I remember back when Slabtown was shown and her failed escape attempt was seen, one of the official The Walking Dead social media accounts (I cant find it now but remember it well, I think it was on Twitter) posted this image with the caption 'Escape attempt #1'
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It seemed odd to me then that they would label it escape attempt #1 because it hints at there being another escape attempt to follow which we all know there wasn't.
This and quite a few other clues in the show itself have made me come to the conclusion Beth gets taken back to Grady where she heals, escapes a second time and then destroys it.
This all happens in the timeframe when Negan was first introduced and Glenn killed.
After that I think her story will mirror Enid for a time where she is just surviving in any way possible.
I also think she will have memory problems. This is Hinted at through Mary the Whisperer, who says Alpha (an evil Beth proxy) has a way of making you forget your past, you just have peices of memory left.
I'm actually working on a post right now for clues in Ride with Norman Reedus that backs this theme up.
I think she will have some parts of memory that will make her curious and try to search for clues from her past and that as time goes on things will trigger her memory.
Perhaps not to long before the Satellite comes down she remembers Noah talking about Verginia being his home and she makes her way to Verginia in time to follow the Satellite and that's what places her in the area.
I am frustrated but also curious about this delay for the final.
I have high hopes for a coda hinting at her in 1016 but hey we have waited this long right?
If they reschedule the final to be aired around July 4th or 5th, man I won't be surprised at all, but that is a post for another day!
Thanks for listening to me ramble 💓
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ikkleosu · 4 years
Sorry for my English - Isn't this trailer for 10b and not only 10x09? Look how many things happen (Michonne was suppose to be only in 10x12). Also why people think Daryl is mad at Carol? I see they are talking, he seems unhappy with what Carol is doing but they aren't arguing. And finally, this trailer is a big trolling shit: Jerry dying, Carol and Keke, Rossita and Eugene(wtf). Those scenes gonna turn out differently than what is suggested. If you tracked actors on the set you can tell it.
Sorry for the delay in replying peeps, I have had a hectic couple of days (and no heating or hot water! Gas leak thrills).
This is a trailer for all of 5b. I think the content divides as thus:
10x9: All the cave action, Gamma with Gabriel, Negan offering to be a spy
10x10: ? Possibly Ezekiel scene
10x11: ?
10x12 michonne stuff, whisperers attacking ASZ kids, Militia
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nellie-elizabeth · 4 years
The Walking Dead: Morning Star (10x11)
Okay so... this is about as mixed of a bag as I can imagine. There were so many good moments, but so many aggravating things, too.
To start, I love the idea of Eugene falling in love with this voice on the other side of the radio. I had initially assumed that this lady was up to no good, but now it seems like she might be genuine. But while there's a lot to like about this plot thread, there's also a glaring problem. Rosita finds out that Eugene has been talking to some stranger on the radio, and she asks no questions. She's not even slightly worried. She tells nobody else. How is it that she isn't freaked out by this? What if this woman is trouble? What if Eugene is revealing information he shouldn't be revealing? It feels completely unrealistic to me that someone else would find out about Eugene's little radio friend, and that it wouldn't become a serious issue.
What is Negan even doing? He escaped because he couldn't stand being a prisoner any more. Fair enough. But now he wants to be a part of Alpha's gang? I don't know what happens in the comics, but this feels so uninspired. It's like they have no idea what to do with Negan, but they know he's a popular character, so they randomly have him allied with Alpha. For a shining moment, I thought Negan was trying to save Hilltop by suggesting that they surrender to Alpha. But he seemed genuinely pleased with her plan to burn it to the ground, so... I guess he doesn't care if they all die? Including Judith? It all just feels so unmotivated and pointless.
Speaking of unmotivated and pointless - Carol and Ezekiel. I tolerated them as a couple while it was happening, but was genuinely relieved when their relationship fell apart. It's not that they're painfully bad to watch together... it's just that they're boring. And I'm sad that Ezekiel has cancer, I really am... and I'm sad that Carol is still going through this awful trauma. But their sex scene really didn't add anything to the story.
As I said, I actually like the idea of Eugene finding love with a voice on the radio. I hope this woman is legit, and not trying to trick him somehow. Also, bless Rosita for proving to Eugene how he really felt. I didn't want them to actually kiss, and was relieved when Eugene stopped himself. He's pining for someone else, now! I also like how Eugene talks about Rosita to his crush - "my proverbial BFF." So cute.
Generally speaking, there was some good tension and buildup to the big fight between the Whisperers and Hilltop. The gang is all gathered together, there are several conversations that seem like maybe someone won't make it out of this fight alive, you've got reconciliations and promises made, all while preparations commence. And then the invasion of the hoard, the fire... the payoff is worth the buildup, at least what we've seen of it so far.
It's the little moments during the buildup that make this episode work for me. While I wish Carol and Ezekiel hadn't slept together, I liked their earlier moment at Daryl's camp, the way Zeke sought her out to offer her comfort.
And I loved Daryl and Ezekiel's scene. Daryl says that he and Ezekiel have never had much to say to each other, but he sees what he's gone through and he respects him. The two make a pact to get the kids out and to safety, should either of them fall in the battle to come. I liked the camaraderie here, and the unspoken way Carol exists between these two men who care for her.
Daryl and Carol probably still have some healing to do, but I obviously loved Daryl telling Carol he could never hate her. Their bond, whether you see it as romantic or not, is stronger than anything else.
Daryl and Judith's conversation warmed my heart the whole way through. Daryl admits to being scared, and Judith says she's scared for RJ, scared for her mother, scared for Daryl and Carol. I love the fact that Rick's daughter has this whole community of parental figures in her life, and Daryl is certainly one of them.
Carol and Lydia had another one of my favorite moments. Carol says that Lydia should hate her - and says she still has plans to kill Alpha. Would Lydia hate Carol then? Lydia says she won't be thinking about Carol, if that does happen. Lydia is blunt - she wishes people would say things as they are, would stop being so hesitant. Her life has been a mess. Carol had happiness and then she lost her son. It all sucks, and there's something very cathartic in saying it out loud.
I could probably go on, but you get the idea. There were several large structural problems with this episode, but there were also a lot of little moments that worked for me. We're going to see the fall-out next week, I guess, and maybe finally get some answers about Connie and Magna? I'm not ready to give up on those two yet.
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twdmusicboxmystery · 4 years
10x11: Morning Star - Details
Okay, let’s talk details. I’ll go chronologically.
***As always, spoilers abound below for 10x11. Don’t read until you’ve watched!***
The very first thing we see in the episode is Beta collecting tree sap. They dig into the trees and collect the sap into these little…things. They kinda look like animal bladders to me, but I have no idea if that’s what they actually are.
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It’s this tree sap that they use to start things on fire during the battle. My first thought on seeing this was of Tyreese. Back in S4, Carol put tree sap on his arm and it helped heal him. I think it’s got anti-fungal properties and that’s why, but still. It’s a healing agent. And I even want to read into the fact that they had Lizzie and Mica find it. Only because of the parallels/anti-parallels between them and Beth. I think we could argue that a Beth proxy found the cure for Tyreese. And I honestly don’t remember another time we’ve seen the tree sap symbol used. It’s not very often that they use it.
So then I googled to see if tree sap is really flammable, and it is. I found this: 
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Also, if you’ve read @frangipanilove​’s tree trunk posts (I’ll repost them later in the week) you know how important tree trunks are in general.
But here’s the thing that REALLY jumped out at me. Once it hits—and EVERYONE gets drenched with it—Jerry smells it and literally says the line, “It smells like a Christmas tree.” Cuz, you know, pine sap.
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So we have an agent of healing, that BURNS, a Christmas tree reference, and it’s used as a weapon. 
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That’s like fourteen rabbit holes all rolled into one.
Okay, let’s switch gears to Eugene. 
There’s a clock behind Eugene that seems to read 1:33. 
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So me and @wdway​ and @frangipanilove​ all discussed what this might mean. First of all, this is definitely a Slabtown clock. What I mean is, this simple, white, plain wall clock with regular numbers (vs. roman numerals or no numbers at all) isn’t seen very often. The biggest time it was seen was with Beth, when she woke up at Slabtown. The only other time we could think of where we saw this particular kind of clock was in 7x08 when Daryl escaped the Sanctuary, which was also super important.
My brilliant friends came up with a few possibilities of how we could interpret this. We looked at it point to S1 ep3, S3 ep3, series number 33 and series number 133. For me, I lean toward the 1:00 hour pointing to S1, but I had to figure out the right way to interpret the minutes, because S1 only had 6 episodes. So I think you’d have to divide the hour by only 6 episodes. And assuming that’s the case, the clock is almost exactly half way through the hour, which would suggest ep 3. And what happened in 1x03? Rick reunited with Lori and Carl. So we’re looking at a symbol of reunion. More than that, they believed Rick was dead. He got left behind by them. Um…in Atlanta? So we’re also talking about a resurrection theme.
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Then @wdway started talking about the clock in Still. Remember that Beth and Daryl passed the grandfather clock in the golf club. The first time, it said 2:52. When they passed it again, it struck 3, which means 8 minutes had passed. I interpret that as 8 years passing before Beth returns and they “reunite.” But @wdway made the very good point that all the 3s we see around Beth could well be pointing toward reunions, just as Rick had the original reunion with his family in 1x03.
So then I re-watched the episode and I noticed something else.
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When Rosita comes upstairs looking for Eugene and ends up answering Stephanie on the radio, it doesn’t focus on the clock like it does on the first, 1:33 clock, but we do see the clock again very briefly in the background and it says 2:00, so roughly half an hour has passed. So that reminded me of the passage of time in Still. And while it’s not a 3:00 clock, it is drawing closer to 3:00, right? But there’s something else I thought of, too.
When I first thought of the 1:33 clock pointing toward 1x03 my first thinking was a little flawed. I didn’t immediately think of Rick’s reunion with Lori. I thought of the fact that that’s when Daryl first came into the show. And I sort of leapt from that to it being a Bethyl thing. Then I had to stand back and go, “wait. That doesn’t hold up because Beth didn’t show up until S2. Okay, never mind.” But of course the Rick/reunion explanation works very well.
But now looky, looky. We have a 1:33 clock (Daryl debuts in 1x03) and a 2:00 clock (Beth debuts in 2x02.) Just saying.
I think those are the biggest things I noticed on re-watching. Here are some more minor ones:
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In this pic, Zeke is totally in a crucifixion pose, and then they talk about “dying tonight,” which is at least partly a sex reference, but I won’t get into that. He’s sort of taking a martyr pose here, and I think this is yet another way they’re pointing at his looming death fake out. I have no idea how it will come about, but I think they could be setting it up with this battle. I’ll come back to that.
Zeke gave Henry’s armor to Lydia, which is a lot like Carol giving Daryl Beth’s knife after she did. Something of hers that he fights with.
I also noticed Eugene made a Waterloo reference, which is a famous battle.  I was thinking they might use it as a template for this battle. I looked it up and nothing huge jumped out at me, but I don’t think we got far enough into this battle to know for sure either way, so no sense in getting too excited about it yet. 
I’m going to address a Caryl theory. I really don’t go into the tags myself, but others do and send me things to get my take on them. So, this is a detail I totally missed, and I actually think it’s a stellar observation. In this scene, there are 8 windows behind Daryl and Carol, and the 7th one has a light on in it.  A light in the darkness is definitely a Beth thing, right?
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Well, the shippers are actually counting this as 16 windows because there’s a top and bottom pane. Which means the light is on in the 14th “window.” They’re interpreting that as ep 14 being the one in which Daryl and Carol will finally hook up and live happily ever after. (Please give me a minute to control my laughter.)
But as I said, I do think it’s a good observation. Maybe it does point to something happening in ep 14, but it won’t be Daryl and Carol hooking up. If we count the ACTUAL number of windows (8), that’s the number of years it’s been since Coda. And having the light on in the 7th window actually supports biblical Christian symbolism. 7 is the number of perfection and therefore the number of Christ.
And as I said, I don’t mind the “episode 14” possibility. It just won’t be a Daryl/Carol romance thing. I think the only way to save Carol at this point is if Zeke lives, and I think he will. So what does that mean? Maybe in 14, he’ll go to the hospital and discover that he can be saved. Something like that.
But the thing is, I think there’s a good possibility Beth will be involved in that, too. 
So here’s the thing, guys. I now we’ve come up with a million ways in which Beth might return. I know I’ve campaigned for it being through the Michonne/Virgil story line. And it might still be. There’s no way to know for certain. But I have a really good feeling about this Eugene story line as well. I mean, they’ll be going to a hospital. One that filmed at the same location as Grady. And there are other clues I’ve mentioned above and yesterday: the fact that Charleston is at the crossing of two rivers. The fact that there’s water involved at all. The fact that we see a clock representing reunions, and then time passes. The fact that Eugene “loses” Stephanie for a short time after Rosita gets on the radio and then finds her again by singing to her. (Remember Daryl’s “I Never” line about never singing out in public.)
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So I could see this playing out like, Zeke, Eugene, and Jerry go to the hospital and Beth is there and Zeke also learns that he either doesn’t have cancer or else that it can be treated fairly easily through their radiation. I also think he (and possibly Jerry with him) will get a death fake out in there somewhere. But Beth’s return would “save” both Daryl and Carol emotionally. Remember my post about the clock in Edwards’ office. Because Beth saved Carol at Grady, I think her arrival will save Carol in some way here as well, though it will probably be emotional/psychological, rather than physical. I’m just saying I can see this story line leading to that. Will it? That remains to be seen.
Also, I mentioned yesterday that this is a replay of 4b, in which everyone will scatter and end up in small groups, right? Well, that’s been pretty much confirmed by one of the sneak peeks, in which Aaron and Luke (who is injured) are out in the woods together and run into Negan, who doesn’t seem to be with the Whisperers right then, either.
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And I think this thing with all of them running around in the woods could easily lead to Zeke’s death fake out, or else to Negan saving Judith in some way, which was foreshadowed in 9x16.
I also talked yesterday about the Glenn theme, right? Let me say a few words about that, and then I’ll stop for the day.
I was re-watching the scene in 5x10 where Maggie opens the trunk and sees the Beth walker. I was actually looking for something else entirely, but it struck me in a way it never has before, and in a way it couldn’t have before this season.
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Maggie opens the trunk, then gets freaked out and shuts it. But the walker is pounding on the inside so she goes back to kill it, but of course it gets stuck. Glenn comes to help her. He’s the one who opens the trunk and kills the walker and then leaves the trunk open. Kind of like this? 
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 But 2 things about that jumped out at me. Maggie left…and then returned. How many times have I said that Lauren’s absence from the show, no matter what they try to infer about her contract, has been long planned? I think this represents that Maggie would leave for a short time and then return before she truly understands what happened to Beth (i.e. that she lived).
But it also strikes me that Glenn being the one to open the trunk for her is important. Now, I’m not saying Glenn is secretly alive and we’ll see him again in the show (unless it’s a flashback) but I think he’ll be important somehow in helping Maggie understand the truth. I don’t know how that would manifest in the show, but I was thinking about that, and then in this episode, the camera focused on Glenn’s portrait, and Daryl starred at Glenn’s grave, and we know Maggie is returning in 10b.
See what I mean? So I don’t know what this all means in terms of events in the show, but I’ll be keeping an eye on it.
Also, if you haven’t, watch THIS deleted scene from 10x11. It has major shades of Still in it. See if you can spot them. ;D
I’ll stop there for today. Thoughts?
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Negan in “Morning Star”
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tuseriesdetv · 4 years
Crítica: The Walking Dead 10x11 Morning Star
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A lo largo de la serie la música nos ha guiado y nos ha contado cosas que nos han ayudado a entender lo que estaba por venir. Beth nos cantó The Parting Glass a la puertas de la prisión, Hold On mientras se preparaban para el ataque del Gobernador; Be Good a Daryl en la funeraria o Struggling Man a Tyresse en una alucinación. Nos prepararon para la despedida de Sasha mientras escuchaba música con los auriculares puestos. Alden nos mostró que también sabe cantar al inicio de la novena temporada e incluso se supone que Beta es un famoso cantante country que canta, entre otras, The Turtle and The Monkey (escrita por Emily Kinney). ¿Por qué os cuento todo esto? Porque la música vuelve a ser un buen reflejo de lo que ocurre en pantalla y vamos a ver cuánto. 
Los Susurradores están de camino a Hilltop y, mientras nos preparamos para la batalla, Eugene afianza su relación radiofónica con Stephanie, contando estrellas y escuchando música. En un momento, se retan a cantar una canción porque no encuentran el disco. La canción es When The Wild Wind Blows de Iron Maiden, un canto premonitorio de lo que está por venir. 
En un momento de la canción la letra dice “The world as we know it will be coming to an end”, y es que el ataque de Alpha, su manada y su horda amenaza tanto la estabilidad de The Hilltop que incluso se baraja la opción de huir a Oceanside. Los consejos de Negan surten efecto en la líder de los Susurradores que les acorrala. Sin salida. Sin poder esconderse. Esperando una lucha que no saben si podrán ganar. O como dice la canción: “They said there’s nothing can be done about the situation / They said there’s nothing you can do at all / To sit and wait around for something to occur”.
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“They are preparing for the very worst to come to them”: despedidas, reflexiones, estrategias. Las horas previas a la batalla nos dejan tiempo para que los personajes se quieran y así conseguir que nos duela más cuando la muerte les separe. Rosita y Eugene, Carol y Ezekiel, Ezekiel y Daryl, Judith y Daryl, Daryl y Carol, Carol y Lydia o Alden y Earl tienen su momento de unión y comunión antes de una lucha que sabemos se va a llevar una parte de ellos. Cuando ponen a los niños a buen recaudo, ya están listos para pelear. “He carries everything into the shelter not a fuss / Getting ready when the moment come”.
Los supervivientes llevan meses preparándose para esta pelea. Desde el 10x01 cuando practicaban en Oceanside hasta este instante. El momento era inevitable. La guerra era obligatoria y más desde el conflicto en la cueva, la traición de Gamma y la luchas Alpha vs. Daryl y Beta vs. Rosita. Toda la temporada han ido dando pasos hacia este momento. Hilando fino y convirtiendo la temporada en un puzzle de episodios. Adiós a las temporadas divididas en dos grandes bloques. 
Daryl es el último en ocupar su lugar en la formación. Una vez alcanza al grupo, toca mirar hacia adelante esperando que el enemigo llegue. “As he stares across the garden looking at the meadows”. 
“Survivors unite, all as one / Got to try and help each other”. La batalla comienza. Codo con codo el grupo trata de deshacerse de los caminantes. Una pelea que pilla desprevenido a un Negan que había intentado convencer a Alpha de perdonar las vidas de los supervivientes a cambio de que se unan a ella. Ella tiene otra cosa en mente, quieren que se unan a ella, sí, pero como parte de su horda. En cuestión de segundos, los susurradores empapan con savia (inflamable) a los habitantes de The Hilltop  y prenden fuego a las barricadas y les atrapan en un círculo de llamas. 
Así nos dejan esta semana. Esperando el desenlace de una guerra que se espera sangrienta y en la que, se presume, perderemos a gente. Después de las picas y de la visita a Alexandria, sabemos que en esta etapa no tienen problemas a la hora de matar. No sabemos quiénes caerán pero lo que sí sabemos es que “There will be a catastrophe like we’ve never seen”. 
Promo: 10x12 Walk With Us
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fathersonholygore · 4 years
The Walking Dead 10x11: "Morning Star"
The Walking Dead 10×11: “Morning Star”
AMC’s The Walking Dead 10×11: “Morning Star” Directed by Michael E. Satrazemis Written by Julia Ruchman & Vivian Tse
* For a recap & review of 10×10, “Stalker” – click here * For a recap & review of 10×12, “Walking With Us” – click here Beta and others are busy tapping the trees while Negan and Alpha are getting closer in a semi…
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