#no nap for you Aurene!
archesa · 11 months
This is not our farewell!
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Sweet darling you worry too much,
My child, see sadness in your eyes,
You are not alone in life,
Although you might think that you are.
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girlbob-boypants · 23 days
S3 is such an interesting part of gw2 cause it feature some of my favorite and most hated moments
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meeeeeeese · 1 year
So I want to talk about the altar of Glaust, because it's incredibly important to the story and yet it almost never gets brought up.
What I think most people know about the altar is that its a forgotten artifact that was responsible for Glint, and by extension, Aurene being freed from the yoke of Kralkatorrik. While you can visit it in Arah, it kind of exits the story from there with no character ever thinking to use the sole artifact with the power to grant corrupted creatures free will again. However there's a few details that I think a lot of people miss that I find kind of interesting at least.
The first thing is that the altar itself is only a part of the process, it's just a component of a spell or ritual that does the actual work of cleansing the corruption.
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Secondly, the spell needs to be performed at Arah. Though I don't know whether that's simply because the forgotten built the required altar there or because Arah is special somehow.
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Personally, I think that there's something special about Arah that's required for the spells function beyond the mere presence of the altar. Zhaitan's presence indicates that it's almost definitely a ley-line nexus, and something about the land there was special enough to call the gods to tyria. So I think it'd make sense that they'd have to do it in Orr (which also suggests, given the forgotten attempted to purify Kralkatorrik, that ol'Kralky used to be active in Orr during the last dragonrise before flying up to the blood lands for his nap)
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I think that would go some way as to explain why we're not using this incredible power, as the only way to do so is to venture through an unchained-infested city all the while lugging about whatever corrupted creature you want to cleanse.
And while I'm on the subject of why the altar isn't in the story more, there's also the fact that making corruption being curable more of a thing really changes the nature of dragon minions. Where before they're poor victims who can only be put down for everone's safety, the altar's presence makes them victims who, if you put in enough effort, you could save. Which would probably change the focus of the story quite dramatically as we have to weigh protecting still uncorrupted people against trying to save the corrupted from their fate.
(though imagine if we used purified branded to create living dragonsblood weapons, warriors uniquely suited to fighting branded who are immune to corruption because I don't think Kralkatorrik can brand them twice)
(as a sidenote, if you haven't done the forgotten path of the ruined city of arah you might not know that the altar is blimmin huge, check out the pic below with risen giants for scale)
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Finally, just an interesting/annoying note is that we never got any explanation as to how the forgotten purification works, does it block the elder dragon from issuing commands to said minion? Does it work to nullify the dragonvoid lurking at the heart of the creatures magic? Replace the corrupted dragon magic with more benign ley energy? Who knows! Not us, and we likely never will now that we're moving away from the dragon storyline. And I promise I'm not salty about that.
So yeah, that's pretty much it, the altar's a pretty cool object and, for how little it comes up, a really important part of Aurene's ascension to non-mad elder dragon. Hopefully it'll one day get more attention, if only so we can have the commander go "Wait why haven't we been using this the entire time"
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dualumina · 9 months
Aurene: *wakes up after her nap*
Commander: Hi did you slept well? :)
Aurene: It was an amazing nap, Champion. But please, what's new with you?
Commander: Oh well haha you see, you like Caithe, right?
Aurene: 😐 Yes...?
Commander: Good! (She's fine by the way) You have a new mom now!
Aurene: You found someone special? That's wonderful! When can we meet-
Lady Peitha of House Nephus, Kryptis Lord from the Realm of Dreams: *steps out of a bloody portal with the screams of the damned echoing from beyond*
Peitha: }:)
Aurene: Champion, I-
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icebrooding · 8 months
Fic: Astragalus
The commander wakes to find Aurene by one side, and Trahearne by another. It isn't the world he's used to, where he searched for the shards of his heart alongside the shards of Caladbolg. Part of an AU where Trahearne survives Heart of Thorns.
On AO3
“—ander… up…”
A little groan and a turn of the head.
“Five more minutes…” He grumbles, leaning further against a somewhat hard surface; something a bit… scaly? How odd, none of his pillows have been made from scales before… Unless—
Kaushue sits up abruptly. “I’m awake, I’m awake!”
His ‘pillow’ chirps in delight, finding amusement in his bewilderment, and he feels a slight heat in his face, bark radiating an ice-blue glow. He gently runs a hand across Aurene’s back, thanking her for playing the part of impromptu bedding.
“That was quite the fetching sight, you must know,” he hears a voice from above where he sits, “the Pact commander curled up asleep against a dragon hatchling.”
Kaushue looks up, and feels a bit winded at the familiar shades of green and yellow.
Trahearne takes a seat by them on the ground, reaching out to pet under Aurene’s chin affectionately. She purrs, clearly pleased.
“Trahearne…” Kaushue begins, but can’t find the words. “But, Mordremoth… how…?”
The older sylvari raises his brow, confusion writ across his face. “Mordremoth? Commander, are you feeling alright?”
No, he wants to say. He can remember it clearly, the nausea and fear that coursed through him as they had finally caught up and saw the vile, twisted things that Mordremoth had done to Trahearne. He could never forget something like that, could never forget what he… had to do.
He could never forget waking up some mornings, long before the others, and just laying there in silence staring at Caladbolg where it remained at his bedside, shattered.
He startles when he feels fingers gently brush at his eyes. He looks up, confused, and sees the way Aurene and Trahearne both look at him with concern.
“You’re crying.”
“I… am?” He raises a hand to his face, and his fingers come away damp. “I’m sorry, I don’t… quite understand what’s going on.”
“It seems you had quite the nightmare.” Trahearne says softly. He shuffles closer on his spot, pressing up against Kaushue’s side. The commander lets out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding and leans into Trahearne as the man asks, “do you want to talk about it?”
“A nightmare…?” It would make sense. Of course, it had to have just been a nightmare—a horrific, awful nightmare. Kaushue takes a deep breath. “I’d rather not talk about it. Not right now.”
A moment later, he feels fingers rustle through his leaves comfortingly, and can’t help but lean his head into it. A little bit of affection is sorely welcomed. “That’s fine. I came to fetch you, but I think you deserve some more time to rest.”
Aurene chirps loudly, fluttering her small wings. She looks happy—but when does she not? Kaushue has no idea if dragons can smile, but the girl appears to have no other expression. He can’t help but chuckle. “Time for another nap with Aurene? Are you quite sure? I take it’s not some world-ending crisis this time, then?”
“Another update on the Primordus-Jormag situation, but it isn’t so dire that you cannot take a few more minutes.” Trahearne slowly retracts his hand, allowing it to fall between them, where it lands atop Kaushue’s. “…And as thankful as I am to her, I felt I needed a small reprieve from Taimi’s constant communications. She can be very… loud, with her personality at times.”
“That’s Taimi all right.” He loves the kid, he does, but asura in general have always exhausted him, and she is no exception. “You say Primordus and Jormag… so then, Mordremoth really is…?”
“I, yes?” Trahearne gives him a strange look. “It's been several months by now. Surely you haven’t forgotten?”
“I’m sorry, I suppose my nightmare muddled my memories. How did it all…?”
The older sylvari pauses for a moment before taking a breath. “We lost many people to the dragon. Many more than I had anticipated.” His fingers slip between Kaushue’s, squeezing him. “If not for you and the others, the casualties would have been beyond catastrophic. Irrecoverable.” 
“I… remember that much.” Although he wishes he could forget just how many brothers and sisters he had to cut down, minds and bodies claimed by that monster.
“I was...” Trahearne takes a deep breath before he continues, and Kaushue can feel his insides twist and turn uncomfortably. “You found me before Mordremoth could fully claim my mind, but… we nearly lost you in the process. As we nearly did Caithe, and Canach.”
Kaushue blinks—he can’t seem to remember any of it. He digs through his memories, but it feels like they’ve all been replaced by those of his nightmare instead. “Nearly lost us?”
“You were so desperate to save me. You talked about some purification ritual you witnessed in Arah—”
Trahearne jolts at the sudden yell. “…Yes, something about a chicken.”
He clears his throat, continuing. “But there wasn’t time, so you took me back to Rata Novus, even though you knew the risks if I were to turn…”
“This is insanity, I do hope you know that, Commander.”
Kaushue paces back and forth, tugging at his leaves in frustration. “Insanity seems like our only option right now!” He barks.
They have Trahearne restrained to a table, but there is no telling if the restraints would be even slightly worth it were he to succumb to Mordremoth. The man is unconscious, but moans every so often to indicate the pain and duress he is under.
“Mordremoth clearly wants him for something—this isn’t just about my feelings, about—” He tries to fight the burning in his eyes. “And whatever that something is, it can’t be good for us.”
Rytlock goes to open his mouth, but the commander holds up a hand to silence him. “Killing him will do nothing, you’ve seen that Mordremoth doesn’t particularly care for the status of his puppets.”
Canach motions towards Trahearne with his sword. “From what the Pact soldiers kept saying, he’d probably prefer this one dead. Less struggle.”
Kaushue turns to scold his brother for the off-colour quip, but instead decides to shrug it off with a sigh. He wishes Jory were here to help keep things grounded, but he’d already excused her to catch up with Kas and Rox. If things truly were dire, he’d rather they’d have their time together.
It wasn’t like there was much any of them could do now. Anyone perhaps…
He looks back over to the table, where Taimi comes and goes as fast as she can manage, checking between some apparatus or other and the corrupted sylvari. She hums, and rejects when Braham, unable to handle the waiting and clearly antsy, offers to carry her.
“According to my readings, the magic frequency coming from Trahearne is almost identical to Mordremoth’s right now.” She murmurs, biting at her clawed thumb. “If we want any chance at saving him, we need to separate the two, and we need to do it ASAP.”
“So, what?” Braham asks, heaving his weapons up, ready to storm back out. “We go back to the Stand and join the rest of the Pact in beating the dragon six ways to Sunday? I’m up for it.”
“Something tells me that ain’t gonna work, kid.” Huffs Rytlock. “Things are never that easy for us.”
“No, we need to cut it off at the source.” The tiny Asura says, pondering to herself. “He has Trahearne’s mind captivated… Now, how do you go about separating something from your mind…”
Caithe slinks out of the darkness of a nearby corner, glancing at her corruption-ravaged brother on the table. They may never have been the closest, but she would rather not have to put him to rest as well. “Kaushue, do you remember when we met?” She asks, tilting her head towards the commander.
“In the Dream? Yes, what about it?”
“The Shadow of the Dragon,” she says,”we had to drive it off to prevent it tainting the Dream.”
“…Are you saying you think we can fight Mordremoth in the same way?” He asks incredulously. It sounds far-fetched to his ears, but the more he ponders it over, the more sense it makes.
“It’s just a guess, but I believe if we can destroy Mordremoth’s mind, we could still free Trahearne. And all sylvari.” Guilt is apparent in her eyes—she wants, no, needs to do right by her people, even just this once. She does not again utter her fear that the dragon's demise could mean the end for their people. She has voiced it well enough, and knows the commander agrees. It will be better this way, regardless of the consequences.
“Wonderful idea, however, there’s a major flaw in it,” pipes up Taimi from one of the other tables, looking at various implements and objects Kaushue could barely begin to describe.
“We don’t have the luxury of time to head back to the Grove and petition a critically injured tree.” Rytlock grunts, folding his arms over his chest.
Kaushue grits his teeth in anger, hands trembling as he balls them up. “Then we’re doomed, aren’t we? If Caithe is right, which, despite everything, I’m giving her the benefit of the doubt on, there is no other way to truly kill Mordremoth.” He spins on his heel and looks at his friends, sees their worry, their frustration, their anger. They are all in the same boat, but they are looking to him for the solution. He has nothing. Only doubt. “The Pact and our other allies are still fighting in Dragon's Stand as we speak, and if we can’t access the Dream, they will all die out there.” He says softly, more defeated than he has ever felt.
Braham begins to open his mouth, but is cut off abruptly.
“Woah there, big guy!” Cries out Taimi from behind them, leaping off her chair.
They all turn to look, and find Trahearne stirring, blearily looking around the room as if trying to find something. He does not try to pull against the restraints, so Kaushue motions for the others to lower their weapons.
“Commander…” The man weakly murmurs.
Aware it could be a trap, Kaushue approaches cautiously, looking down at his marshal. “Yes?” He asks, voice quiet and gentle.
“I heard your voice. My connection to the dragon,” he begins, pausing to wince momentarily, “it allows me to access the Dream…”
“Can you send us in?” Caithe asks without hesitation, briskly walking up to her brothers. “Like Mother was able to?”
“I believe so.” Trahearne takes a deep inhale, squeezing his eyes shut. “It is hard to resist, but if you can find Mordremoth in the Dream, then…”
Kaushue reaches out, taking one of Trahearne’s ragged hands in his own. He holds tight, squeezing him. “Send me in. I’m going to destroy Mordremoth.”
A hand tugs on his shoulder, and he pulls back to look at Caithe. Her expression is grim, but he can’t fathom why. They have their solution right there. “Kaushue, if you go in, you may never come back.” She says. “Mother was there to pull us back out in the past, but if we sever their connection, Trahearne may have no way of doing so for us.”
He doesn’t miss a beat. “I don’t care.”
“…Very well.”
A dark shade falls over the two, and they turn their eyes upwards to their larger, bulkier companions, faces both set in matching scowls.
“So you’re going on a suicide mission…” Rytlock starts—
“Without us?” —And Braham finishes.
Kaushue lets go of Trahearne’s hand to properly face his companions. Despite it all, he can only grin at them. “Well, one of you still has a legend in the making”, he pokes Braham in the chest, then turns to the charr, “and someone needs to make sure Logan is okay when he wakes up again.”
Braham smiles, even if he doesn’t quite like the idea of being left out, and Rytlock just grunts and shifts on his spot.
“Someone also needs to stay and protect Taimi in case the worst happens.” He glances over at her and she pouts slightly. “Not that I don’t trust her, but one asura versus a hulking great mordrem with the power of an elder dragon? The odds aren’t great.”
Braham heaves his weapons up once more, determination on his face. “Got it, boss.”
A cough to the side makes the commander turn his gaze. “Forgetting someone, are we?” Canach has his sword and shield out and at the ready.
“Sorry, didn’t think you were one for suicide missions.” Kaushue says with a small shrug.
“I’m not. I am, however, one for choosing my fate, and dead-but-free sounds preferable to being some miserable dragon’s little plaything.” He scowls, looking disgusted. “I have had quite much of being a plaything.”
“Then it’s decided,” Kaushue says, looking back to Trahearne. “As sylvari, we’ll settle what Mordremoth started—no matter what.”
Kaushue can’t help but flush a bit as Trahearne’s tale trails off, admitting he was hardly lucid enough to understand what had happened after the three had departed. Not that it particularly matters too much, the fact he is here and sat with Trahearne and Aurene more than enough evidence that they succeeded.
“I certainly hope I thanked them enough afterwards…” the commander mumbles to himself, feeling a bit sheepish. It is certainly a bit awkward to realise just how much danger he put everyone in.
“Well, Canach was very… prideful, in the aftermath. I suppose slaying an elder dragon does that to you.” Trahearne says with a soft chuckle. “I get the feeling from him he’s going to ask for some favour I can’t refuse thanks to him helping save me.”
A chuckle escapes the young sylvari too, only to then turn to hiccups, and then sobbing.
There is a moment before the commander feels Trahearne’s hands gently around him, pulling him against the other man’s chest and into the comfort of those familiar, crisp leaves, the smooth bark that pattern he’s come to know as well as his own. Trahearne’s arms are tight around him, comforting, protecting. One hand strokes his back in slow, gentle circles, the other carding through the dark leaves of his hair.
It is what Trahearne has done for him each and every time he failed at being strong enough to keep it together.
Aurene trills again in upset-sounding tones. Kaushue can only assume she is trying to alleviate his state when she tries to curl up tightly around him and Trahearne.
“Kaushue,” Trahearne whispers softly, “what’s wrong? I’ve hardly ever seen you so upset.”
How could he explain it? He doesn’t want to talk about the things he saw in his nightmare, hopes that if he keeps quiet then it will all just go away.
He doesn’t want to tell Trahearne about what he saw.
“I’m just,” he wails instead, “so glad you’re here.”
The other man’s gaze softens. It wouldn’t take a genius to figure out the nature of his lover’s nightmare. He’s had them too, or rather, ones like it. When Kaushue’s sister, Aileana, had come to him in private long ago and told him of what their brother Iowerth had shown her in Lychcroft Mere. It haunted him, followed him into his sleep and into his nightmares.
He shuts his eyes and buries his nose into the man’s leaves, thankful that at the very least Kaushue’s nightmare was just that. A nightmare.
They stay there like that until his sobs slowly ebb away into nothing more than sniffles. And when he eventually pulls back, Kaushue’s face is flushed. He winces at the mess he’d made of Trahearne’s leaves. “I’m sorry,” he murmurs quietly.
Trahearne shakes his head, “it hardly matters. Do you feel better?”
“Yeah… Yeah, I do. Thank you, Trahearne.”
He looks up at his partner, and Trahearne only lets out a small breath, leaning in to give him the briefest of kisses. They both glow a little when they hear Aurene make curious, inquisitive noises from where she still cushioned them both like some sort of chair.
“Oh, that’s right, dragons… Right, right. Primordus, and Jormag…” Kaushue says, not realising how much time they’d let past while Trahearne jogged his memory.
The two stand slowly, and Aurene hops to her feet. She runs about their legs like a cat, albeit a cat perhaps a dozen sizes too large. She nuzzles the commander’s leg for a moment, almost purring in her array of noises.
“Like I said, it’s nothing major. Some minor magical disturbances, but no attacks or anything of the sort.” Trahearne says as they step down from the high platform where Aurene spends her days. “Taimi just wanted me to let you know, since we were both already here.”
Kaushue shakes his head a little, motioning to himself. “Sorry, still a bit dazed, although more’s coming back now. Why are you in Tarir?” He asks, nearly tripping over Aurene as she darts between his legs.
“Part of what I wasn’t lucid enough to understand, but the general idea is that they managed to… syphon the excess dragon magic that remained in me after Mordremoth’s death.” Trahearne frowns, like he still can’t quite grasp it. “I was unconscious for a very long time after you killed the dragon.”
“So they… sucked Mordremoth’s corruption out of you?” The commander joins Trahearne in his frown. It seems rather simple, but it probably was some ridiculous combination of Taimi’s incomprehensible work and the Exalted’s talents.
“Not quite, I don’t think. They managed to divert it to Aurene’s egg,” she trills at the mention of herself, rubbing against Trahearne’s leg too. “It was how she hatched. I think she thinks I’m her father. Or one of them at least.”
Kaushue flushes heavily at the implication.
"It's why Caithe isn't here right now, by the way," Trahearne looks over at him with a teasing grin, "said that Aurene needed some 'father-figure-daughter bonding time' alone. I suppose that's me while you're away."
The commander hides his luminous face behind his hands.
“Anyway," he continues, returning to his original point, "they wanted me to remain here for a time to make sure that none of Mordremoth’s magic lingered in me.” Trahearne says as he reaches down to scritch the hatchling’s chin once more. They have come to the exit of the egg chamber, and Kaushue also opts to fuss the girl before they move on.
They step out of the room, the large door shutting behind them. “What about the Pact, then?”
“Officially, Logan has been appointed Acting Marshal and is in charge of operating things while I am in ‘rehabilitation’.” Trahearne looks up, somewhat sombre. “The truth is that I want to pass the position to him permanently. Tyria isn’t trusting of us sylvari anymore, and he has the qualities that could bring back trust and support to the Pact.”
“I see.”
“I’m not fit to lead an army after what happened. Both in terms of confidence and physical health.” He continues as they walk, kicking up small stones and dirt along the path. “But our little guild, that’s a good fit for me, I think.”
Kaushue helps him along the rubble and up to the mushrooms, following him as they ascend towards the main area of the city. “If it helps at all, I think I prefer things this way.”
They land on the soft grass above and take the sight in around them—it never really gets old or familiar, the towering structures of gold with trees hanging high overhead. Sometimes it’s hard to believe such a grand city thrived for so long out here, unknown to most.
“I can’t say I miss never having enough time to spend just with you.” Trahearne says softly, reaching out for the commander’s hand. They fit together well, ice blue on verdant green
“I can’t either.” He leans into the other man for a few moments, uncaring that the Exalted wandering around could easily see them. Perhaps they wouldn’t be so pleased about PDA in the middle of their city, but if that’s the case then they scarce show it.
“Now,” he continues, looking back and forth between the four sets of golden steps, “if you can’t come back with me just yet, you can at least accompany me out of the city.”
Trahearne chuckles and allows himself to be pulled along by the younger sylvari. “Of course.”
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moth-tea-merchant · 11 months
slight spoiler talk about the new "ep"
i can FINLY free my largos form secret map break jail and this bitch gonna befriend my commander after the big sage news of Auren gonna go takea big fucking nap. Fae sitting my teh ocen all sad and Zafira pops out of the water like "Hay there...you've been coming here sulking for a bit, you ight?" and then they talk and become #besties
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spiderling-space · 4 years
may I ask a headcanon with the dorm leaders where an RSA student is flirting with their fem!s/o and said something like "a beautiful princess like you don't belong here. why don't you join me in RSA? I would make you happier". basically asking the mc to leave nrc. sorry if this is too specific and thank you!
I am thinking the direct rivals of the prefects and will make up their names, which is something I’m terrible at.
A reason why RSA boys might act this way
Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle doesn’t like Allin since he has no respect for rules but at least he is still civil with him. That is until Riddle hears what Allin said to (Y/N).
Riddle just wants to say Off With Your Head and be done with Allin.
How dare Allin flirt with (Y/N) and ask her to leave NRC?
Riddle makes his presence known. (Y/N) smiles at her boyfriend.
“I doubt so…” (Y/N) says, taking Riddle’s hand. “My boyfriend makes me the happiest girl in the world and I wouldn’t change him for the world and I love being a part of NRC.” Riddle plastered a smile on his face.
“You can excuse yourself, Allin or it will be off with your head.” Riddle says, squeezing her hand.
Riddle is overjoyed to hear (Y/N) saying he makes her happy and that she adjusted well as a student of NRC.
Allin better not say those to (Y/N) again because it will be off with his head next time, a promise Riddle makes to himself.
Leona Kingscholar
Did that hippie guy from Savannah just hit on Leona’s girlfriend?
Leona maybe the second prince and maybe he is used to being the second one all the time even though that circle started to break.
But there is no way that hippie can flirt with (Y/N) and insinuate Leona can’t make her happy.
Leona is so close to using his unique magic and getting rid of Pumpum but it is too much work and Leona would rather nap with (Y/N).
Leona tells Ruggie to use his unique magic on Pumpum to leave (Y/N) alone. He will deal with Pumpum after he takes nap with his girlfriend. He is too irritated; something that he will solve by sleeping it off.
Azul Ashengrotto
Rielle… the prince charming of Coral Sea…
Azul used to be in the same class as Rielle when they were in primary school. He was jealous of him because he had everything Azul wished for. And now he was hitting on (Y/N).
Azul is so close to asking the twins to deal with Rielle but it would end up ugly since Rielle is a prince.
He approaches them, pretending to not hear what Rielle said to (Y/N).
Azul considers fighting is unnecessary and a waste of time. But he has a secret weapon or in more accurate words, his unique magic.
Azul will try to get Rielle into a deal that will keep Rielle away from (Y/N) forever. If Rielle didn’t say those words, Azul wouldn’t work relentlessly for the deal but he pushed Azul’s buttons!
Kalim Al Asim
There aren’t many things that can upset Kalim. He always looked from the bright side. He saw (Y/N) with Mirsaj and went to their side.
Mirsaj ignores Kalim’s presence says those words to (Y/N).
Hmm? Kalim registers the words a moment later as his bright smile slowly fades away.
(Y/N) holds Kalim’s hand, “I’m perfectly happy where I am.” She drags Kalim elsewhere before planting a kiss to his cheek. “No one can make me happier than you.”
Kalim hears those and he just laughs, hugging her. He just disregards Mirsaj’s words as if he never heard them.
Vil Schönheit
Neige… Vil didn’t hear what he had said, just seeing him be in the same room as she is enough for him.
Vil is fuming on the inside. He is thankful that he is one of the best actors out there. Otherwise, people would see how he really is feeling.
He doesn’t wait (Y/N) to say anything as he hurries her side.
He takes her hand in his. “My love, there you are. I was coming to take you to our date.” He says swiftly, completely ignoring Niege’s presence.
He doesn’t wait for a response as he starts walking away from Neige, still holding her hand. (Y/N) doesn’t say that they don’t have a date. She just keeps up with Vil’s pace.
Idia Shroud
Why did his cousin have to see (Y/N) and flirt with her? Can’t Idia have one good thing in his life?
To everyone, Herakles is the embodiment of perfection; he has the looks, power and people who admire him. On top of that, he is an athlete. Here is Idia who sent his tablet to talk with his girlfriend.
Idia thinks he has no chance against him when they were both compared.
He thinks (Y/N) is also enamored by him. He is upset and angry at Herakles.
Idia is about to end this man’s whole career with his words but (Y/N) acts before him.
She turns Herakles down, petting his tablet and saying, “Thank you for the offer but I’m happy where I am. So please whoosh whoosh wonder boy…”
Idia is grinning ear to ear after he hears what she says. It is maybe for the first time he is chosen over his cousin. Idia sees this as absolutely win.
Malleus Draconia
Malleus laughs at when his ears pick up what Auren has said to his beloved.
He teleports right next to them. Auren does not even flinch nor does he look regretful. He is one of the only people who doesn’t fear him.
“You fool, she isn’t a princess, she is a queen.” Malleus says gravelly.
Malleus might have unintentionally radiated a menacing aura since people around them, even Auren, flinched.
Auren excuses himself and scatters, not wanting to further piss off Fae Prince.
Malleus only calms down when he feels (Y/N) tugging. “Well, I’m sure he won’t ever speak to me again.” She teases, her eyes sparkling as the corner of her mouth quirks up.
Malleus treasures that she didn’t fear him when he accidentally let out magic. He loves how she has the guts to tease him.
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kerra-and-company · 3 years
Okay, throwing some thoughts out here, so miscellaneous Icebrood Saga: Judgment spoilers under the cut!
I AM SO GLAD BRAHAM IS STILL ALIVE. HOLY SHIT. I so wanted to be able to give him a hug when we found him and pulled him out of the snow; why wasn’t that an option? (Kidding in terms of gameplay, but I’m definitely writing a fic at some point where Kerra gives him a hug. Or it’ll just live in my brain. One way or the other.)
I had a feeling that if Braham survived, Ryland would too, and yep, I was right. And he got stabbed because of course, and of course it was Rytlock, and of course he stabbed him with Sohothin. There’s most likely a lore and/or pain post to be written about that one.
I liked that Ryland kept the ice-saw and that it didn’t change back to a flame-saw after Jormag died. Ryland didn’t change without Jormag, so why would his weapon?
I’d missed the instanced content where you can actually talk to people, so I was super happy to see it come back. I don’t absolutely hate the DRMs, but I definitely prefer instanced stuff when it comes to the story.
Aurene using the magic from the ley lines to sever the champions’ connections with their dragons was really neat and I liked that concept! Actually using the fact that she’s a prism for magic, hell yeah! (And we got to do the crystal-wings thing again, which I was very much a fan of!) And having some of the magic go to what I assume is Steve the deep sea dragon made sense and is a decent jumping-off point for EOD.
The aesthetic was excellent, and I loved the art! Primordus and Jormag had excellent designs, and the attacks seemed good to me (though Jormag will absolutely freeze your ass off if you don’t get out of the way in time, be warned).
I almost got exasperated when they were like, “whoops, you have to hit them more than once!” But it wasn’t actually tiresome for me when I went to do it, and they had less health after the first time, so it wasn’t a pain, either. (And it makes sense--it’d take more than one hit to take down an Elder Dragon.)
This could have just been me (‘cause I know I’m not the most experienced player in the world), but Braham was harder to fight than Ryland--and I don’t mean in terms of “I don’t want to fight you” (though that too of course) but in terms of literal mechanics. He moved and jumped so much and it was harder to bring his health bar down. Not super difficult or impossible or anything, just harder than Ryland, which I thought was a neat parallel even if it’s just for me.
The Commander is a hypocrite. Yep, 100% agree, Braham. You still need a nap. And a hug. Anet, let us hug Braham, please.
Aurene felt guilty, and she shouldn’t (in terms of I don’t want her to--it’s definitely in character). Not everything is your fault, sweetheart. Along those lines, I liked that we got to talk to her at the end! And Braham, and Gorrik and Taimi and Jhavi!
Taimi and Braham need to actually talk about things. I know they couldn’t fit in every conversation, but that’s one I would have liked to see, and it’s one I hope they have in the future.
Can’t wait to see Taimi and Gorrik’s research and what they find out (even if we know or can guess at some of the answers).
Ryland insulting Rytlock and Crecia was expected, for sure, but it’s also interesting because he’s insulting who they were at the beginning of the saga, not who they are now, because he doesn’t know enough about them now to give them updated insults.
It also made me very curious if we’re going to get updates on the Khan-Ur situation, which is by far not the most important thing going on and I’m glad they didn’t focus on it here, but I still would like answers at some point.
I just thought of this but Crecia trapped Ryland in flame in a parallel to how she protected Smodur from him earlier in the saga, right after mentioning Cinder. Ow.
And for everyone’s Commander who’s terrified of fire (Kerra included), fighting Braham has an extra nightmare attached to it, so...fun times.
What happened to the Frozen? Are they free? Still trapped? My guess is free since it was magic Jormag ice and Jormag is dead, but that wasn’t answered (I don’t think) and I really would like to know!
Also, what exactly was the death toll from Jormag and Primordus throughout this whole thing? I don’t need super specific numbers, but estimating is hard and my only conclusion is that it was a Lot, which is slightly too vague for my brain.
Is Aurene going to end up as the only Elder Dragon? Can she hold that much magic alone? The fact that the next part is called End of Dragons continues to scare me.
Gonna end this with: I thought this was a decent finale! I almost wish it could have been longer, but that’s more because I love doing story things and crave more of it than because I thought it was badly paced. (I do think they could have made it at least a bit longer, though, and I would have appreciated that.) They didn’t kill Braham, which was my biggest fear, and he gets to recover and be okay. Two Elder Dragons are dead, as is Ryland, and we’ll be going to Cantha eventually.
First living world season that I’ve been around to play during the release of the ending chapter, and I’m pretty satisfied with it! I’m sure I’ll come up with more complaints later since my default mode is positive, and I still have questions, but overall opinion at this point: pretty good!
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uselessidiotsquad · 3 years
9. Do they prefer rainy weather or sunny weather?; 10. Do they like going to the beach?; and 20. What’s their happiest memory? for your commanders pls ✨🌱
Ty for the ask :) I am sorry it took so long for me to get to it!
9. Do they prefer rainy weather or sunny weather?
10. Do they like going to the beach?
20. What’s their happiest memory?
9. Ruby loves the sun, it makes her slightly sleepy but she has the most energy when it's sunny out. As long as it's not like... desert sun. Just regular sun, please and thank you!
10. The little red plant does love the beach, she tends to pick up crabs and watch them for a bit before letting them go, though swimming makes her a bit uneasy. Strong currents tend to sway her a lot since she is tiny and so she stays on the beach rather than going in the water. She will go if there's a shark, which terrifies/amuses the rest of the people she's with. Water Puppy! Must make it my friend!
20. It was a bittersweet, but seeing Aurene ascend was right up there. Happy that her prophecy had been fulfilled but then feeling a little lost as to what she was supposed to do not (and who she was supposed to care for).
9. Do they prefer rainy weather or sunny weather?
10. Do they like going to the beach?
20. What’s their happiest memory?
9. He prefers rainy but only by a thin margin. Riag doesn't handle hot weather well, he overheats very quickly. Direct sun tends to make him feel a bit unwell. Rain he can handle but it tends to make his joints hurt some. Helps with taking naps midday when its slightly stormy and rainy out! At least it means he doesn't have to water the garden that day.
10. Not so much a beach fan with its tendency to be in the direct sun and have sand get everywhere. He'll go if someone he knows wants to, for their sake but not for his own entertainment. The sunrises over the ocean are breathtaking though and he does enjoy those.
20. Post-Zhaitan party and the feeling that came of 'hey maybe we can do this (defeat the dragons) after all'. It was the first part of his Wyld Hunt completed which was like an itch of the soul had finally been scratched. Plus all the people he cared about were in one place, relatively safe, and also happy.
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Pt 2/2
Cassia follows the trail North - far North, into temperatures much colder then she’s prepared for. But she presses on, pup at her side, trailing after a contingent of Crystal Bloom warriors that give her lingering looks and whisper as she passes by.
The Eye of the North is bustling, when she arrives - but she pays no mind to the people, drawn straight to the glimmering crystals of the central chamber.
And to the Dragon awaiting her.
‘Hello, little sister.’ the voice is soothing, melodic, and highly amused, ‘I wondered when you would arrive - I felt your presence drawing near.’
“Hello, sister!” Cassia wraps her arms happily around the dragons muzzle when she bends, soaking in the warmth of the contact, “Aurene... are Mum and Dad here?”
‘Out, at present - but they should return, shortly. You should rest - you’ve had a long journey. But not before you have your Gift.’
A sword, gleaming like Aurene’s scales, shifting colours in the light - a weapon that looks much heavier then it feels. A weapon made to protect.
They will be back. You have time for a nap.
And even as Aurene fades back into the mists, Cassia feels comfortable enough to sleep - curled on one of the crystals, with her pup standing watch.
Mum, Dad... I can’t wait to meet them... I hope they like me.
[ @duskroots ty again for your sprout headcanon! I have a bunch of things to work out with this kid, but I love her so much already. She def.... technically should look younger but. Game CC is what it is ♥]
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shadow-daughter · 4 years
GIVE ME A CHARACTER: Trahearne (GW2 ofc) and The Outsider (Dishonored). Gimme your thoughts, Shadow! >:V
My Opinion: He was, in my opinion, the Best. He wanted to restore Orr, to heal it- with someone who holds nature restoration near and dear to her heart, like myself, of course I adored him. He never expected to be a leader- but when duty called, he rose to it without hesitation, because he was needed. He deserved better than to die like that.
Who I ship With: The PC, primarily, though him and Canach could be Fun.
Non-romantic OTP: Him as the Dad of Dragon’s Watch. Being Aurene and Taimi’s dad, being a Good Friend to Braham.
Unpopular Opinion: BETTER THAN CAITHE.
Wish: He died? What do you mean he died, nah, he’s still alive, it’s fine.
The Outsider:
My Opinion: He’s tired. He’s so fucking tired. He needs a nap, and he needs a hug. He never asked for this bullshit.
Who I Ship: HAPPINESS. At one point, I shipped him with Granny Rags, and then with Emily, but at this point, anyone that makes him happy.
Non-romantic OTP: Billie Lurk as his New Mom.
Unpopular Opinion: I like his second voice actor?
Wish: Someone PLEASE give him a FUCKING HUG.
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dragonsembrace · 4 years
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“I wouldn’t go in there if I were you. Saw a couple of bandits head in there, then heard some commotion.” Auren dangled her legs off the back of an old pickup, long past it’s days of running. “They ain’t been out since. Probably saw me coming by and thought they’d get the best of me. Probably didn’t see my dog neither.” Her head tilts back, the doberman was resting on the roof of the truck, napping in the warm sun. “Looks like whatever was in there got the best of them.” 
“Been about an hour now. Figured I would wait here for them to scurry out, so I can put them out of their misery and take what’s left. We can split it if you’d like.” 
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Look, nobody tagged me but I’m doing these for my five commanders and I can’t be stopped.
― Your muse’s name: Mave
―  A favorite picture/face claim of your muse:
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― Two headcanons you have for your muse:
-Mave regrew Caladbolg into a scepter that she uses to this day. The problem is she talks to it like it’s Trahearne. Yeah. She carries on one sided conversations with the thing and asks it for advice. It never actually answers her, but it does seem to help her reach conclusions regardless.
-Her Wyld Hunt was to slay Mordremoth. It made Mordremoth’s call really weird. Sometimes the call and the hunt would come on strong at the same time and she’d be frozen with inaction, unable to obey either impulse. Of course, the Wyld Hunt won out in the long run.
― Three things that your muse likes doing in their free time:
-Racing. Mave walks and talks fast, so she might as well be fast competitively too.
-Collecting cool rocks and gems. She sometimes makes jewelry out of it.
-Taking naps in unconventional places. She’s gotta get all that energy back somehow. 
― Seven people your muse loves/likes:
-Eriie- A girlfriend! They finally got together after War Eternal! Took long enough considering they’ve been pining for each other since Zhaitan. 
-Aurene- A daughter! Easy to bond when you also have a granddad who is a rude ass elder dragon. 
-Caithe- Older sister. They had some rough patches but Mave can’t hold a grudge for longer than two seconds.
-Trahearne- Older brother. Deceased. She’s not over it!
-Canach- She wasn’t the LWS1 Commander, so when she finally met Canach it was in the context of "Grandpa Mordy is yelling at you too, huh?” They’ve been bros ever since. 
-Damaris- Maternal bond ended with the Pale Tree, this big cat is my mom now. Mave and Damaris literally died and found each other again in limbo. That's a close bond.
-Sieran- Mentor and good friend. Deceased. 
― A phobia your muse has:
She’s scared of caves and deep underground spaces. This fear can be quelled if the surroundings are shaped like a normal interior and she can trick herself into thinking it’s okay. 
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just-eyris-things · 4 years
Sometimes you have to die a little
Yes, I wrote a fic. Yes I am putting it here. One of Airell’s bad endings, takes place many, many years after the current events, exact time not stated. Angst?
Word count: 709
Sometimes you have to die a little
Airell sighed. He had never thought he would end up in a situation like...this. Not again, at least…
It's been ages since the one he loved admitted that she actually only used him to keep up her cover as the Pact’s ally..  It's been but a week since Ewyn, with tears in his eyes, told him to leave and never come back. 
Ewyn, his Ewyn…
If only he had been more careful...he wouldn't be called a monster now by the one who saw good in him when everybody turned on him.
He closed his eyes, exhaled loudly.
If he had known back then what he knew now… he would have left him with the Priory in Deldrimor Front.
Days kept going by. Or at least so he thought. Time in the underground seemed to go by slower, especially that all Airell could do was stare into the darkness that surrounded him. The shackles bounding him were keeping him in place. The tubes and wires connected to his body kept circulating magic through him, leaving only small traces to keep him alive, but not enough to let him regain enough energy to break free.
Hunger. He was hungry. Starving.
His first days he cried and begged for help. But now...now he was just tired.
You should have listened.
"Shut it, Mordremoth."
We wouldn't be here if you listened.
"I said shut it!"
His voice echoed in the empty corridors. Was he going mad?
His eyelids grew heavier and heavier. Chains keeping him down got tight. His feet took roots while vines came out of the ground, climbing him like a fence. How did his voice even sound? He wasn't sure he remembered. His lips moved slower as if his body was getting stiffer and stiffer as the time passed.
Footsteps echoed in the darkness. A figure appeared in front of him.
"You're still alive," the sylvari before him said. "Good."
"Commander…" Airell whispered, his voice coarse. "Please...kill me…" he begged. He couldn't take it anymore. But there was no answer. The sylvari checked if the chains were in-tact, only then he looked at Mordremoth's new carrier with disgust.
"He said the exact same thing, you know." The commander's voice was dripping with poison. "I couldn't do it. But now...I would do it without a second thought. He should be alive. And you, Airell, you should have died instead of him." Great sorrow was barely hidden under the cover of hatred. "And now... I can't kill you. I want to. You deserve it." Blue eyes were cold, piercing. "But Aurene and Eyris won't let me. And you’re essential for the world’s survival... Of course, I could say it was an accident. But...look at yourself. Pathetic." A snort escaped the commander's mouth. "You can barely talk. They would know if I lied...but I am not you. I don't lie."
"Commander…" Airell whispered, "I beg you…"
"No. You will stay here, forever. A living filter of magic for Tyria. And one day nobody will remember you. Nobody will come. And Ewyn...I will make sure he forgets."
"You're...a monster…"
"No, Mordremoth. I am saving this world from you. Whether you like it or not."
His eyes would not open. His lips were sealed. The chains grew into his arms that were now just like roots. His mind was slipping. No more voices could be heard in his head. He was alone. He was forgotten. He couldn't even tell if anyone was even coming to check on his chains anymore…
It felt like a nap. He was still aware of the surroundings, yet dormant.
Dreamless sleep.
A tree with bark black as a night bloomed far in the Shiverpeaks. It's teal flowers glew under the starry night and the first pod opened. A sylvari whose soft skin was in the same colour as the tree trunk looked around, then at the branches that reached high, high into the sky.
"Father," she spoke as she gently touched the bark, "Thank you for the life that you've gifted to me. I promise, I won't fail you. I will make this place our home. You won't be alone ever again. It's time for your pain to stop."
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commander-yinello · 5 years
Travel / Home
Note: Set somewhere before War Eternal.
Lieutenant Ginni slapped the top of her mech, a hollow bang reverberating through the air. "This bad boy can quite adequately conform to any multitude of homo sapiens!"
The dark green Asura stood proud on one of the metallic arms of her mech like a newly won trophy. The mech was a technological wonder, the commander’s right hand claimed, but all Trahearne saw was a floating bubble pod with two arms. A tiny pod, no less.
Trahearne tried to be diplomatic. “We’re not sure, we might break something.” Or it might break them, he feared.
She opened her mouth to protest, but a loud guffaw made them all look at the tiger Charr, with a grin full of sharp teeth.
“Only sardines sleep in metal casings!” Lieutenant Stormfang stepped in front of the mech and ignored the high-pitched protests behind her. “I have exactly what you need. You want to prove you are true survivors, sleeping under hides you skinned yourself, waking up to breakfast you hunted.”
She pointed to her tent, sturdy leather held in place with finely carved wooden poles. Impressive on its own, but even more so was a butcher’s block. Despite the dangling knives and its surface being clean, Trahearne didn’t want to get too close.
All around, soldiers were setting up their own tents or dousing their campfires, preparing for the night to come. The lowering sun painted the forest in a warm glow. Aurene napped peacefully on the mountainside, and Trahearne found himself enjoying the presence of a non-hostile dragon. All in all, a perfect end of a day filled with travel and a perfect chance for a romantic opportunity. It was what prompted Trahearne to request private quarters from the commander’s advisors.
Now Trahearne wondered what caused this lapse in wisdom.
His face betrayed his thoughts. The commander tried and failed to hold in laughter, holding his hand in front of his mouth and coughing when Trahearne looked at him. “Right. You’re both very kind, but we’ll sleep on the airship tonight.”
“Are you sure? There are less guards on the airship and more patrols on the ground,” Stormfang protested.
“I concur! What if a dragon attacks? Or the Mists open again?” Ginni said, jumping off her mech. “You both perished once. Next death might be your last!”
The commander started countering them, but Trahearne didn’t register it. For a split second, all noise minimized to a flatline tone.
“What do you mean, both?” he said, softly.
The three of them paused mid-argument, all gazes turning to him.
“Leverett. When did you die?” Trahearne asked, louder.
Both lieutenants eyed each other with concern, and slowly backed away to give them privacy. Silently, Trahearne thanked them.
“During my first battle with Balthazar. The short version is, he had caught me unaware, and I was taken down before the Pact could arrive to help me.” The commander said it as if he were explaining the basics of spellcasting. “I wandered around in the Domain of Grenth, unable to recall who I was. Luckily I regained my identity quickly and found a way out.”
Trahearne’s mind flooded with horrible thoughts of the commander's body being burned or maimed. “You haven’t told me this.”
“It didn’t matter.”
His words sparked something inside of Trahearne, a feeling the scholar didn’t think he possessed. Anger.
“How did it not matter?!” he yelled. The commander’s sky-blue eyes went wide. No doubt some camp soldiers were alerted by that, but he could not care. 
“I may have not there to witness your death and return,” Trahearne continued, and paused. I should have been, he thought with a heavy heart. “But that doesn’t mean you’re not important to others! Don’t you see-“
“It didn’t matter,” The commander gently interrupted by emphasizing his words, and lifted his hands to Trahearne’s face. “Because I got to see you again.”
The commander touched the ridges of his chin and neck, featherlight caresses tickling sensitive bark. A human’s face could be just as beautiful, Trahearne thought, with the dusky evening casting shadows on the commander’s face, a dance between light and dark.
“When I wandered in the domain of Grenth, I saw you. You were only a memory, one of many, but even in my addled state I followed you. It felt good… and painful to see you.
I thought about staying, but I know you wouldn’t have wanted that. So I left. I often wished I hadn’t, after a long day of battle only to find an empty bed.
But then I wouldn’t have met you again. So it doesn’t matter that I died. Because I came back. And you did too.”
The commander closed his eyes and smiled. “For that, I thank the Gods every day.”
There was more he wasn’t aware of, Trahearne realized. He had been given an inkling on how many adventures the commander had been on since his death, but it hadn’t sunk in yet how much it had cost the commander, and how it weighed on his shoulders. Heavy was the burden of the living, for dying was easy to do and hard to deal with.
In one impulsive moment, Trahearne took hold of the commander’s face and kissed him, his lips warm and soft. The commander’s eyes opened and fluttered half shut, cherishing the time they had and each other, for as long as fate allowed it to last.
When they let go, Trahearne saw in the corner of his eyes a few soldiers grinning, and blushed. “Your lieutenants have chosen to flee the scene.”
“Good. It’s late,” the commander smiled.
With a simple beckon, Aurene lept down to them and allowed them to climb her back. She flew them up to the airship with such ease, they must weigh as much as flies, Trahearne thought.
The front of the large steel airship was free of any Pact members, allowing them the privacy and a front row seat of the stars above. Just as they spread their large bedroll, they felt a loud thud under their feet – followed by the young dragon laying herself to rest behind them, taking over most of the deck.
The commander looked sheepish. “Is this a bad time to mention Aurene died and came back too, and that the soldiers think we’re all related to Palawa Joko?”
Trahearne laughed and wrapped an arm around the commander’s waist. When the moment was right, he’d ask who Palawa Joko was.
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thekeybladehero · 5 years
character study   ——   traits & characteristics   *//  mal bertha classic novelist aesthetics.   ( bold for definitely ;   italicized for partially )
Repost, don’t reblog!
JOHN KEATS.     the lavender in sunsets,   flowers in the rain,   sunlight slipping through clouds,   lazy summer afternoons,   the heavy scent of musk,   flickering candlelight reflecting off the gold titles of books,   fireflies on a cool summer night,   being wrapped in fresh bed sheets,   the ache of wanting what you can never have,   dripping sunlight like gold,  loving someone so exquisite,   soft lips and soft whispers,   fingers through hair,  names of lovers carved in trees,   broken glass,   the insistence of being perpetually dreamy.
F. SCOTT FITZGERALD.     crisp winter skies with cold bright stars,   mahogany wood,  the solitude of an early autumn morning wrapped in fog,   empty bottles on stacks and stacks of books haphazardly placed in a messy room,   bruised arms reaching out into the darkness,   cigarette smoke just barely hiding the scent of alcohol,   a wall of books all poetry and old and weathered,   the way tragedy strikes in your heart but ends up stopping your breathing for a moment,   your favorite sweater,   parties spilling into four a.m. with the stars above spinning and dancing,   the contrast of blood against snow,   a purple split lip oozing blood,   black eyes fading to blue to pale skin,  the butterflies of falling in love for the first time,   the statues falling apart over time in cemeteries,   the romanticization of self-destruction.
FRANZ KAFKA.   the weight of dread that sits heavily in your stomach when thinking about the future,   decrepit houses cloaked in mystery from children telling stories of people who died there,   the way not even light can escape a black hole,   the rich smell of old books,   delicate veins in the wrist,   ghosts filling lungs,   shattered bones,  raindrops on the tongue,   rusting metal,   nostalgia that aches,   the way hope feels like a plastic bag over your head.
H.P. LOVECRAFT.  the anxiety felt when staring into an unknown cave,   pouring rain and mud,   a child’s fear of the dark,   thinking so many questions about your existence as you stare at the vast expanse of never-ending ocean,   the silence of three a.m.,   ouija boards and urban legends.
JACK KEROUAC.     the brisk pine air of being on a mountain,   travels without a destination,  those nights where you’re missing three hours of memory,   screaming to a lifeless desert about how you’re so alive,   coffee shops late at night,   car rides at night spent speeding and laughing in the dark,   naps spent in the sun,   novels highlighted and underlined with notes and epiphanies in the margins,   the way uncertainty sits on the shoulders,   ignoring flaws and loving life,   wind through hair,   depression as fog in the brain,  impossible ideals,   a quiet sunrise,   walks alone,   when you think about trying to discover all the secrets to the universe,   dazzling people,   open lands stretching out into infinity,   falling in love with being alive.
EDGAR ALLAN POE.     the ocean’s horizon inseparable from fog,   hollow bones,   a preserved heart held in hands,   twinkling stars above an old graveyard,   the way everything turns to dust,   silent black birds with eyes full of wisdom,   self-inflicted flames,   perfection depicted as a rotting corpse,   death as bricks in the heart,   lips barely brushing against each other,   glassy glazed eyes,   biting into a lemon,   heart-shaped bruises,   rotting flowers on a grave,   dried blood and spilled liquor,   the hush of dusk when it begins raining,   the intimacy of a secret.
TAGGED BY: @dawntides TY AURENE ILU MWAH ♥♥♥ TAGGING: @ukubi / @katsubi / @fortevoce / @rxcusant / @gamenu / @prettyguard / @avaliantqueen / @dawnroads / @flamereign / @coronabane / @corvulpes / @ursaced / & anyone else who wants to do this!!! ♥
#this was a lot of fun ... and the aesthetics were gorgeous#a couple of authors here i dont recognize and ill have to look their works up later to read#but on to the italicized!!!#'bruised arms reaching out into darkness'#italicized this because while it COULD be bolded i dont know if the way its meant to be interpreted fits sora#but in my own interpretation it could definitely apply to him#how he constantly reaches into the darkness but doesnt give into it to save his friends --- riku or aqua for example#and how his selfless nature and reaching out into the darkness people have fallen into and trying to bring them back to the light#can hurt him sometimes -- how much he's given up to help others & what he's lost#the physical battles as well as the lost memories and time#'screaming to a lifeless desert about how you're so alive'#italicized also in the sense that sora's very being and heart are so strong and he's always loud and passionate about what he does#and why he does what he does and he is incredibly unafraid to be who he is / to fight for the light#'coffee shops late at night' bc sora doesnt drink coffee he hates it LOL but traverse town had plenty of diners / shops#and you bet he and donald and goofy -- and sometimes the ff gang -- would eat dinner and talk late into the night#under the stars above traverse town and wit hthe soft ambient music playing around them as sora snoozes off#'when you think about trying to discover all the secrets to the universe'#bc sora DOESN'T care about discovering all the secrets to the universe#but as a kid he was incredibly curious about finding other worlds and seeing what was out there and he was always so awed at every new world#at every new sight ... he still is but now it's also a sense of figuring out why the keyblade chose him --- what his destiny is#and how he can help others#not so much a need born of greed or want of power but more out of what can i do to help / what if there are more people or worlds out there#in need of help?#'twinkling stars above a graveyard' is pretty self explanatory ... the keyblade graveyard as the sun was setting / kingdom hearts summoned#〈 deep down there's a light that never goes out! 〉 ABOUT.
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