#non sequitur
simsecret · 2 months
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- Secrets Post #847, March 8th, 2024
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pariskim · 6 months
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aristotle & dante discover the secrets of the universe, inanotheruniverse - tumblr, voyager s2 ep5 - non sequitur, woodgathering - patti smith, gabbi dunn, ghina rai
and tom paris? fate wasn't so kind to him. it isn't supposed to be this way.
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torsamors · 11 months
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Harry Kim x Voyager and ‘Home’
quote sources + notes under the cut
Chelsea Dingman, from "Psychogeography," published in The Los Angeles Review / Longing Poem by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe / James Baldwin, Giovanni's Room / Joy Harjo, from “We Must Call a Meeting,” In Mad Love and War / James Baldwin, Giovanni’s Room / Joan Bauer - Almost Home / James Baldwin, Giovanni’s Room / Clementine von Radics, ‘Courtney Love Prays To Oregon / Samuel Beckett, Waiting for Godot / Fatimah Asghar, from “How'd Your Parents Die Again?” / Naguib Mahfouz / Louise Glück, The Triumph of Achilles / Brandon Melendez, ‘How to Write Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle into a Promise to Return Home
Purple highlight refers to Non-Sequitur, pink refers to Favorite Son, Yellow refers to Deadlock, green refers to Emanations and red refers to Timeless.
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prismportrait · 2 months
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✧ Champion Lance ♥ Champion Steven Stone ♥ Champion Cynthia ✧
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brothermouse · 7 months
New ride at Lagoon has this big animatronic cat lady who gives you the rundown of things and I think that's pretty neat. Thought you should know.
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baphometboots · 7 months
i want to curl up in the warm arms of a huge monster lady and rest there a while . i want to feel protected by the terrible beast. she wont let anyone tamper with any other part of her hosrd. I want to be part of her hoard.
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cocoa-coated-fish · 4 months
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I needed to actually Have Fun Using Adobe Illustrator, so I have started making silly posters with out of context quotes.
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jbarneswilson · 5 months
it has been a full 24 hours and i have yet to recover from this exchange:
my kid: it’s a good thing george washington is dead
me: *frantically trying to figure out where that came from* agreed
my kid: SUCK IT, george washington
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virtualryality · 17 hours
Sometimes it’s a ‘3 square meals a day’ kind of day, and sometimes it’s an ‘I crave only to eat this entire jar of peanut butter at 2am’ kind of day.
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yournewlodger · 1 year
in star trek voyager season one episode eight ex post facto when tom says to harry "someday it will be you, harry. you'll meet her, and you'll know it's wrong from the first moment you see her, and you'll know there's nothing you can do about it." i know harry is thinking "him, him, him" because harry is thinking about when tom said the very first day they met "look, i know those guys told you to stay away from me. and you know what? you ought to listen to them. i'm not exactly a good luck charm." because harry already found the person who he would throw everything away for. because the first thing harry says when he's been brought back to voyager is "they made me leave without him" - harry kim would go on to leave his girlfriend for tom in non sequitur (just like mrs. ren - it was already over), he risked his life for, suffered for tom in the chute. and the thing is tom paris isn't the dangerous bad luck charm they say he is or he thinks he is. he's so much more. and harry, poor harry, knows he already loves him. he doesn't care if it's wrong, if it's dangerous, even when it isn't. non sequitur proved that their meeting was fate, that they were destined to be together. because all it took was meeting again. so in that moment harry knew. he's known since the first moment he saw him, and there was nothing he could do about it.
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simsecret · 5 days
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- Secrets Post #853, April 19th, 2024
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pariskim · 6 months
this is how it went right
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dansideglobe · 4 months
Una delle cose più frustranti di studiare relazioni internazionali, ma scienze politiche in generale, è il totale qualunquismo che si legge non solo sui giornali e telegiornali ma anche sui social: non è mai possibile ridurre i fatti internazionali a meri scontri tra il bene assoluto e il male assoluto. Questa costantemente semplificazione binaria è figlia a mio parere sia di una totale e cieca ignoranza della storia sia di una incapacità di cogliere la complessità della realtà ovvero di uscire dalla propria cultura e rendersi conto che noi non siamo il centro del mondo, che esistono altri modi di vedere e leggere la realtà e che per quanto diversi dai nostri questi modi meritano la stessa dignità che noi attribuiamo al nostro metodo.
Questo si vede nei commenti della guerra a Gaza: commenti che sembrano usciti da partite di calcio, commenti che ignorano più di 70 anni di storia, commenti che insultano e basta. Non si tratta più di capire cosa stia succedendo (perché Israele si comporta così? Perché Hamas si comporta così? Perché Iran e USA si comportano così? La risposta è che ognuno si comporta così per il proprio portato culturale e identitario), ma dai commenti che ci sono in giro si tratta semplicemente di prendere una posizione di fare vedere quanto si è (poco) preparati e quanto si urla forte. Si cerca costantemente di imporre la propria visione del mondo, si cerca costantemente e con arroganza intellettuale di assumere che la propria verità sia quella di tutti, che noi siamo sempre e costantemente nella ragione; quando lo stesso concetto di ragione e di razionalità sono tutti relativi alle culture, e quindi non universali (l'unica cosa universale è l'ignoranza).
Quando e se mai ci si renderà conto che al mondo non esiste una verità ma esistono molte verità tutte altrettanto valide (riprendendo le riflessioni di Panikkar) si spera non sia troppo tardi. Il mondo non è bianco/nero e sicuramente non è buono/cattivo. Il mondo è quello che è: inconoscibile e complesso in cui la nostra verità viene costantemente messa in discussione da altre verità, in cui la nostra morale non sempre è nel giusto e mai è universale.
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meilooruns-a-go-go · 11 months
Ten Things I Wish I'd Known  as a Teen Author—Brandon Sanderson
This is my Keynote Speech from Teen Author Boot Camp 2020. If you're a teen writer and are interested in attending future conferences, you can see their website: https://www.teenauthorbootcamp.net/
This advice is not only good for teens, or for writers who plan to make a career out of writing. He's got stuff in here that applies at any point in your life, and for fanfic writers, too.
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stuffbhappenin · 5 months
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misterbrick42 · 7 months
Guy walking down a hallway: Man if I see another POINTLESS THING I am going to MELT into FEATURELESS GOOP
The machine, that designs and creates ornate pieces of pottery at impossible speeds only to place them on a conveyor leading to a small drop onto the solid concrete floor ensuring they are shattered, that’s in the room the guy is about to walk into:
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