#nothing to see here babe we’re having a normal convo for sure
hella1975 · 11 months
me and my dad just sat in the car talking animatedly about the dangers of censorship and biological essentialism respectively all while listening to radiohead
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cuddlesslut · 4 years
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Alrighty lets get started!! So i still really new to this so as to not overwhelm my self im going to try and stick to two charcters for now. I’m sorry if its not what your looking for. For the two im going to do my boys Suga and Daichi. Only because i just did Kuroo and  because im still trying to figure out how to write for Reon. I might however come back and write a part 2 with them. 
Prompt : Boys reacting to their tom boyish crushes all dolled up (Daichi & Suga)
just sayin i wrote this while drinking mojitos
P.S. this prompt reminds me of a series called Sinful Sweethearts by @thosenerdy3amthings​ so definitely go check that out!!
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Daichi Sawamura NSFW
you have know Daichi basically your whole life
growing up next to him your parents were very close which meant that you two were kept close together 
in fact until you made it to middle school and started playing volleyball for the girls team you had never had any other friends beside Diachi
so it was safe to say that growing up you were more on the boyish side
you were just more comfortable in sweats and baggy workout shorts than skirts. 
you even wore pants to school
even  highschool though you went to a different school Diachi stayed your closest friend you often finding yourself at the Karsuno practice after yours had ended.
 No matter how much your teammates fussed they couldnt convince you to ditch the large hoodies and sweats.
 You and Daichi always supported each other. you never missed his games and he never missed yours (as long as scheduling permited)
the third year boys often teased Diachi for his realtionship with you
“i dont know why yall dont just date already,” suga complained while daichi stated his usual reply “ shes my best friend you know its not like that” he huffs
Suga scowls “ first of all rude im supposed be your best friend, and second it cant be as just friends as you say when you get so protective when the seond years simp for her.”
“i just dont want her feeling weird around the team. you know Noya and Tanaka can be intense,” he explained
“still that doesnt acount for the way Y/N looks at you,” Asahi added to the convo
“what are you talking about Y/n doesnt look at me any special way, we’re just friends ,” daichi stated a little to forcefully almost as if he was convincing himself.
Suga and Asahi share a knowing look thinking about how their captain can be so dense. 
“any way are you ready for your  birthday party tomorrow night ,” Suga asked smiling brightly.
“i told you i dont need a party,” Daichi scolded for the fifth time today.
“ahh c’mon its not everyday you become an adult like the rest of us DI,”
finally admitiing defeat Diachi concluded the conversation.
it was finally the next day you were more nervous for this party than any volleyball game you had played.
and here you were standing in the tight black dress Suga with the help of your team, you should never wager against suga
Had convinced you to wear to diachis party tonight
still shell shocked you stood in front of the mirror of the bathroom Suga had chose.
It was weird to see yourself so girly
the black dress clung tight   to your body. leaving little the imagination.
Suga better be glad he won that bet
finally calming yourself you look around for your best friend
Finally catching sight of him Diachi stood with Suga and Asahi next to the bar of the club.
Suga was the first to recognize you a evil smirk hitting his face as he drew Diachis attention to you.
You couldnt help but notice how hot he looked in his button up and dark wash jeans, his shirt clinging so close to his chest.
he looked to damn good you thought as you bit your lip
little did you know the birthday boy was having an epiphany of this own
his eyes raked up and down you mind wandering 
had you always had such a great ass under those baggy sweats
“Happy Birthday Captain,” you teased.
Daichi took a sharp breath suddenly taken back by the way the title fell from your soft lips
all he could think about was how you would sound screaming that from under him.
lost in thought he missed the smirk his best friend had as Suga put his pan into motion
you stood there sway to the beat of the loud club music wanting to dance
“Y/n why dont you take the birthday boy for a dance,” 
you smiled before Diachi could protest saying how how he doesnt dance
you pulled him to the dance floor pushing your ass against him reaching up and wrapping your arms around his neck pulling him close to your body as you grinded to the beat
his hands found their place on your hips  
his cock twitched from the pressure of your ass in that short tight dress rubbing against his crotch
you were not helping his growing situation
bodies getting lost in the movement 
you looked up at the boy had been your best friend your whole life with one thought in you head
the same thought flashed into diachis brain
being bold he crashed his lips into yours 
Lost in the contact the kiss lasted forever getting more and more intense 
your not sure how you to got here
but here you were straddling Diachi in the back of his car
his lips sucking bruises into your neck, his large grabbing your ass as you bounced on his thick cock
“FUCK,” Daichi breathed heavily pulling you down into a sloppy kiss tongues exploring “ youre so tight come for me beautiful.”
“im so close Captain you moan feeling him stretch you.
thats it that one word flipped the switch for him he gripped tight on to your waist to hold you secure as he powerfully drilled his hips up into you.
hitting your spot deeper and with such accuracy you were both driven over the edge as you clinched tight around him pulling his release from him.
you both sat out of breath in the hot car, the widows fogged and the smell of sex stinging the air.
“happy birthday,” you said giving him a quick kiss.
he glanced at the watch on his wrist 
he smirked up to you “you know my birthday isnt over yet,” you smiled already liking where this was going. “lets head back to mine. I’m not done with you yet.” 
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Koshi Sugawara Slight NSFW
He’s had a crush for you since the beginning of the school year
He thought you were the most adorable thing he’d seen 
with your sweaters that were  two sizes to big. (sweater paws)
You two became friends through a writing project. 
you too quickly hit it off you loving his wild humor 
its sometimes seemed like hed flirt with you but you figured it was just his personality and you were too shy to do anything
poor suga spent so much time flirting with you but you never paid it any attention so he figured you didnt view him that way and he was okay with that he just wanted to be your friend if nothing else.
and so thats how six months went by of being no more than friends
always returning Sugas simple firsts with a shy smile.
It wasnt until the celebratory party some random third year threw to congratulate the boys on making it to nationals
You sat at your best friend Kyioko’s house. 
This was the first party she was able to convince you to attend and she was making sure it counted.
there would be no big sweaters or jeans tonight 
tonight you were borrowing Kyiokos clothes. 
She dressed in a tight (favorite color) lace halter crop top with the lace exposing just the right amount of cleavage. and a pair of blaack shorts hugging your hips thighs on full display.
it wasnt what you were used to this being the most skin you had exposed to the public in years
thats coupled with the make up added to your face you almost didnt recognize yourself
it wasnt what you were used to and thats why when you reached the party and all eyes landed on you. you were slightly relieved that most of the people didnt recognize you.
it was almost exhilarating 
kind of like playing pretend.
like tonight you werent Y/N shy and closed off
you were a sexy and confident woman
that coupled with the shots you took with Kyioko. you found your new confidence 
thats why when you saw you long time crush and close friend Suga across the room you didnt hesitate to make your way over.
“No way is that Y/n” Daichi gasped causing Sugas attention to slip to where his best friend motioned. “wow i didnt expect to see her here,” Diachi let out with a low whistle.
Suga sucked in a sharp breath not prepared for the sight in front of him.
There you were making you way towards him throw the crowd. a smile on your face but it was hard for suga to focus on that smile when your whole body was on display for him. 
 His eyes trailed from down your figure taking all of the exposed skin that was normally hidden from him. 
the way the lace framed your stomach and cupped your breast. the cut into shirt showing him the most cleavage you had ever shown. moving his eyes down it was hard for him not to whimper at the site of your thighs
this man was entranced in your appearance. hed always thought you were the most beautiful even when you were covered head to toe, but seeing you like this it was hard not to drool.
And he wasnt the only one, Several guys had taken notice of you.
Some stopping you to ask if you were new,  cause there was no way’d theyd miss a hot babe like you at school. 
to which youd just roll your eyes keeping on your way to your target. 
feeling more and more emboldened by the attention you were receiving.
but these boys werent the ones you wanted
being the light weight you are you already had your eyes on your prize
go big or go home 
so you you strode right up to the vice captain
“ W- wow Y/n you look great,” Suga stuttered 
“thanks Suga,” you say placing your hand on his toned forearm
No turning back now the confidence was here to stay atleast for now
Suga took a deep breath as he took a turn being the shy one. not used to the aura you exuded. were you really the shy girl he knew. 
you moved closer enveloping him in a tight embrace
he could feel you tits press tight against him and he was trying not to focus on it not wanting to further anymore of the dirty thoughts crossing his mind
 staying close next to Suga you continued your flirtatious assault
dishing back all the flirts you had held back over the months
Finally the straw broke when one of your favorite club songs played through the crowed house and you pulled him close to dance with you.
“c’mon Koshi dont be so timid,” you teased. 
Suga wasnt sure if it was hearing his given name grace your beautiful lips or the facts that you had pressed your ass against his crotch moving seductively to the music but he snapped. 
Suga placed his hands tight to your hips pulling you closer to him not caring if you felt the growing bulge in his pants.
leaning down “you know if you wanted my attention you didnt have to dress so damn sexy. now i have to deal with all these vultures looking at you,” he whispered his breath hot on your ear.
you turned around wrapping your arms around his neck leaning even closer, 
“then why dont we go somewhere private then we wont have to worry about who’s looking,” you smirked heart racing
“i couldnt have said it better,” Suga said leading you out of the busy room ready to have you to himself. 
Sorry It took so long to write all my work got deleted and I had to start over! I hope you enjoy it 🍵 Anon!!! 💕💕 @🍵anon
Taglist: @emiyummy @insomniish
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ficsnroses · 4 years
Hold You - Keanu Reeves x Reader
ayeee we back out here with another generic fic title:)
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Word Count : 2783
Warnings : Nothing besides fluff! One F bomb as well. And a mention (or a few..) of sex. 
Summary : Reader cuddles Keanu before bed to cheer him up, & an intimate conversation about their relationship ensues.
A/N : Shout out to @meetmeinthematinee @thesadvampire & @john-wickening  for loosely inspiring this during a convo the other day. 🖤
On a chilly February evening, you sit alone, whisked away in a novel, tucked in your queen sized bed. The freshly washed sheets, fragrant with the smell of spring cherry blossoms sprawled around you; make you miss the season forthcoming. It felt like it had been ages since you last saw a vibrant, rosy pink blossom blooming outside.
Someone had gifted you a petite, potted cherry blossom tree as housewarming gift when you and Keanu first purchased your home together. He planted it right in your front yard, where you’d see it each time you come in and out. It had been growing more and more each year, coming back stronger, wiser. You felt it symbolized a lot more than just a shrub, rising in your yard. It had been there since you and Keanu started your journey together, by buying a home, where you’d start a family together. It symbolized all the firsts that would come thereafter, the ups and downs that may follow, the good and the not so good.
But what would always remain, was familiarity. The beauty that would remain evergreen, the growth that would signify endless support. The roots that had found home in what surrounded. The love that grew, season after season,
both outside, in the yard called home to the blossom tree,
and inside, in the house you and your lover called home.
Your husband, Keanu, would be home soon. Night had fallen a few hours long ago, the winter days shorter. You’d often wait for him when he was out later. He’d been out today to the Arch office, working out some stuff with his colleagues for the business. He’d called earlier, letting you know he’d eat out tonight, as they’d ran overtime. You’d planned to watch a movie together before bed though, you missed him all day.
A few moments pass, the pages flipping between your fingers, your gaze intently locked in, inquisitive, absorbed within the tale you’d immersed between. The gray bedroom door flows open, revealing a much tired Keanu, Arch leather jacket swung over his shoulder. His eyes catch yours, as he smiles, rubbing tiredness from his earthy pupils.
“Hi baby.” His gruff voice rasps, as he walks towards the closet.
“Hey, how was it?” you chirp, setting the novel aside on the nightstand, your reading glasses along.
He runs a hand through his lengthy mane, sighing. “It was okay.” He keeps his gaze low, shuffling out of his jeans into some sweatpants, and a plain white sleeping shirt. You admire his bare chest and torso as he does, although his muscles seem tense. Biting your lip, you inquire.
“Everything alright, love?”
Keanu chuckles lightly, the sound barely escaping past his lips as he throws his clothes into the wash hamper. “Everything’s okay. Just…I don’t know. Fatigue I guess.”
“Aw, should we watch a movie tomorrow instead, then?” you propose, fluffing your pearly white pillow.
“I guess.” His deep voice exhales. He walks towards the bed to his side, pulling the covers back. His under eyes are puffier than usual; you know him like the back of your hand. He’s had a long, long day. But he’s never the type to complain or lament. He’s a hard worker, prefers to keep the attention drawn away.
But you were his wife, if you wouldn’t look out for him, who else would?
You bring your hand to touch his forearm, tracing some of the veins along his skin. “You wanna do something else?” bringing yourself in closer, you wrap your hands around his left arm, placing a kiss to his bicep, before you rest your head on it. He seemed tense, hassled. You hated every second seeing him this way.
Keanu brings his right hand to rest over one of yours that is wrapped around his left arm. Gently squeezing, he sighs.
“Do you ever wonder, about how much of everything there is?”
Your brows furrow together, hearing the words come out of his mouth. “Hmmmm…care to elaborate?” you propose, hugging his arm closer, as you’re still leaning on it, sat side by side in bed.
“There so many people, so many stories. So many problems. Do you ever wonder, where does it all end?” he divers his gaze down again. “What if it all ended today? What if all our stories just…ceased to exist? Would we be happy with what we’ve left behind?”
You take in a shaky breath, realizing there’s a ton on his mind right now. Every now and then, Keanu feels down, which is alright, he’s only human. He deserves to feel, as we all do.
You lace his hand with yours, hugging his arm tighter now.
“Hmm, that’s a pretty vast one. I’d like to think we all leave a mark, no matter how big or small. And if we’re content, happy with the way we’re leading our lives when we’re here, does it really matter what we leave behind?”
He slowly nods his head, lips pursing together tighter.
“Bad day?” you ask again.
“I guess. Don’t know why though.”
“That’s alright.” You smile, freeing yourself from him. You move back over to your side of the bed, laying down, and open your arms for him. “Come here.” You smile, nudging him.
He looks down at you, how adorable you looked inviting him in for a snuggle. The cast of the bed side lamp over your skin, paired with the moonlight filtered in made you look delightfully surreal, dreamlike. Your arms were always so warm, so welcoming. As much as it may go against his manly persona, Keanu enjoyed the occasional cuddle of being the little spoon. There was just something so appealing, so lovable, addicting with the way you’d hold him close.
You see a smile creep his lips, as he lowers himself down. Wrapping your arms around him, he tucks his head into your chest, breathing in your lavender scent in an audible inhale. He secures his arms around you as well, holding tight.
This was what it meant to have complete contentment.
You bring a hand up to stroke his silky, dark hair comfortingly, peacefully placing a few kisses to his temple, his head. His breathing is steady, felt against your skin. Gently massaging his scalp with your fingers, you kiss his forehead before speaking.
“What was the highlight of your week, babe?” you find talking to him, normally makes him feel more at ease.
He brings his head out of your chest, pulling away slightly, so he’s now face to face with you. “Definitely that meal we had the other day on that beach restaurant.” he chuckles. “What about you?”
“I saw a puppy with the fluffiest fur the other day while taking the recycling out.” You grin. “Which reminds me, can we please get a dog?” you frown.
He laughs, deep voice rummaging through your ears. “Maybe.”
Bringing his head back to tuck into your chest, he holds you tighter again, latching on as you hold him, soothingly rubbing his back and arms. You continue to press kisses wherever you can, letting him know you’re close.
You never let him forget the feeling of being touched, with all the love you can offer. All the love he deserves.
“I love you.” You whisper, every now and then, barely audible as you’re holding each other, relaxed and gratified.
A few moments later, Keanu pulls back, moving up slightly, leaning his head on his elbow as he faces you. His lips harbour the most contagiously exquisite smile.
“What’s something you’ve dreamed of doing, but haven’t?” he asks, peering down at you. He brings a hand to lace with yours, your fingers fiddling together.
You ponder for a moment, “I’ve always wanted to make something creative. Like, direct, or organize?” you answer, shifting so you can lean your head on one of your arms, as the other holds his hand.
“Why haven’t you yet, angel?” he frowns.
“Fear of failure, I guess. I just need an idea I’m really confident in.”
He brings your hand up to place a kiss to your palm. “Anything you’ll make is amazing.”
You grin at him, and at how romantic he’s being. This man really had your entire heart.
“What’s your favourite memory we’ve shared together?” you probe, leaning your hand on your chin now, staring up at him, gently stroking his hand with your thumb. He chuckles, before tapping his chin.
“We’ve shared so many, how do you expect me to choose?” he debates.
“There’s got to be something that stands out! Are you trying to say I’m not memorable?” you gasp playfully.
He cups your cheek, gently stroking his thumb under your eye. “You’re the most memorable thing I have.”
He really meant that, and you know it.
“I think it would have to be that day, a few months into when we were first dating. I took you on a drive along the coast, we stopped at that cliff overlooking the city. On the way back, it got dark, and you fell asleep holding my hand. I tried avoiding every single pothole and bump so you wouldn’t wake up.” He shakes his head, his dark brown hair falling in his face.
“Baby, you did that? You never told me that before.” You giggle, tapping his nose.
“Yeah, you looked so peaceful. So fucking perfect. I kept glancing over every few moments to make sure you were okay.” He kisses your forehead. “There was this stray hair that kept falling in your eye, so I’d have to keep moving my hand to move it away, and then bring my hand down to hold yours again, so it wouldn’t get cold.” He smiled, reminiscing.
You beam at the way he’s speaking, recalling every detail. Your heart was fluttering, feeling yourself fall deeper in love with him, if that was even possible.
He lays back down again, head against the pillows, pulling you into his chest, so he’s now the bigger spoon. Wrapping both arms around you, he ponders.
“What qualities made me special to you?” he asks, curious. He often thought about how exceptionally perfect you were; you were definitely the woman of his dreams. He had trouble seeing why you chose him, sometimes.
You place a kiss to his chest, hugging him tighter.
“There’s so, so many, Ke. I love how caring you are; how respectful you are to every single person around you. How thoughtful you are, considerate. I love how passionate you are of your work, how determined, enthusiastic you are. I love the way you take care of me. The way you kill spiders for me, the way you make my morning coffee perfect each and every time. The way you let me have the less scary side of the bed.” You giggle. “I love how much you love me, and never let me forget it.” You say genuinely, moving your gaze up to look at him, adoringly, your fingers gently grazing his chest.
With his cheeks blushed a tinge of peach, he smiles down at you, lovingly. You’d remind him how much he meant to you, each second of every day if you could.
“Okay, I have one for you. What were you thinking of on our first date?” you giggle, proposing. Positioning your head back on his chest, an arm drapes over him again, hugging into him, the beat of his heart, rise and fall of his chest under you, reminding you that he was real; not just a dream.
A wonderful, magnificent dream.
With a chuckle, he sighs. “Definitely praying that you were just as affected by me as I was by you. I think my breath really hitched when I picked you up from that apartment you lived in by the farmer’s market.” He laughs. “You didn’t know I brought my bike, and the look you gave me, it was priceless, sweetheart.” He leans down to place a kiss in your hair, recollecting.
You gasp in memory. “I remember that! You asked me to hold onto you while we drove, pretty sure my heart fluttered at the thought of touching you.” You giggle.  “Not much has changed, huh.” You smile at the way you’re doing just that now, limbs tangled, completely connected physically, & emotionally, holding each other.
“That was a pretty great day.” He shifts slightly under you, to allow his hand to how hold yours as it rests on his chest. “Hey, what would be your perfect day?” he asks, enquiring.
Furrowing your brows, biting your lip in thought, you finally speak.
“Hmm…okay. I’d… – sorry, we’d sleep in until at least 9:30am. I wouldn’t let you leave the bed before me because you know how I feel about losing your body heat.” You laugh. “Then, we would take our dog on a walk, who by the way, I’m still patiently waiting for you to gift me. Then, we’d have our morning coffee outside on the patio, overlooking the city. Maybe later I’d go to brunch with some friends, perhaps go to the library downtown…oh! A concert later in the evening would be cool. Maybe dinner by the beach with all our friends? Oh! I’d definitely go to that cute artisan bakery by the park.” You ramble. “What about you, baby?”
“Hmm...” he rubs his hand up and down your arm softly. “We’d sleep in, have some killer morning sex. Twice.” He looks down to see you playfully roll your eyes. He’s moving his spare hand out in front of him, waving away as he normally does when he speaks about things that interest him.
A quality so uniquely him.
“Then, we’d have breakfast and go for a motorcycle ride, maybe go for a swim, have more sex,” you cut him off.
“More? Didn’t we just go twice in the morning?” you huff, staring up at him.
“This is *my* perfect day, miss.” He jokes.
You raise your hands up in defeat. “Okay, okay. Go on.” You giggle and return your arms to his embrace.
“Then, we’d go to the movies. Maybe out to the bar later with friends, come back home, have more sex, do some reading outside by the pool, go out for an evening meal, come back home and have more sex,” you cut him off again.
“Okay, okay, I get the point.” You giggle, kissing his chest again.
“Five times in a day, Ke? Seriously?” you chuckle.
“Can’t help it when my wife is so beautiful.” He smiles. “There’s nothing I love more than making love to you, darling.”
Grinning, your hands fiddle together once again, fingers gently lacing each other, soothingly grazing over each others palms. The dainty room fills with stillness once again, for a few moments.
Closing your eyes, you focus your attention on the feel of his steady breathing chest underneath your head, the warmth of his body engulfing you, the scent of a cigarette smoked not long ago, spiked with the scent of his woody cologne enticing your senses.
Grasping his much larger hand in yours both of yours, you place a kiss to each one of his fingers, so softly, tenderly.
Bringing your hand up, you gently scratch his beard, your touch brimming with affection. As your head stays placed on his chest, with your hand stroking through his hair calmly, gently tracing the bumps of his face, you ask into the dimly lit room, voice discreet, softer than a flowing feather.
“Ke, were you in love before me?” you wonder. The ticking of the clock seems to get louder, filling the tranquillity of the four walls.
He takes in a deep breath, before responding.
“Not like this.”
Placing another kiss to your hair, he continues to hold you tight to his chest, almost shielding you away from any harm. The way he’d always protect you.
“I’ve never loved this strong in my entire life. I can’t see a life without you in it. And I’m not scared of how much I love you. I just know, that you are everything. & I know, that what we have, what we’ve made, is the most important thing I have.”
Feeling tears brim ever so slightly in your orbs, you exhale, in complete contentment. You knew each word leaving his mouth was coming from the bottom of his heart, because he’d never failed to show you. For you, each word meant complete certainty, unquestionably.
How, did you ever get so lucky to find someone who loves you so entirely, so unconditionally?  
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you shift your weight onto your elbow, leaning up to stare him right into his chocolate eyes, perfectly glistening, so beautifully. There’s a gratified smile that rests his lips, so completely at ease, a perceptible contrast to the stress that’d worked his features prior.
Cupping his cheek with your palm, your subtle, delicate voice speaks.
“What can I do to show you how much I love you?”
Grasping your wrist, resting his hand over yours that cups his cheek, he stares you right into your eyes, almost as if staring into your soul. “Exactly what you’re doing now. Listening to me, being here with me.”
Leaning in, your lips graze his, connecting in a love drenched kiss, his thumb coaxes the soft skin under your eye, pouring a wealth of adoration, respect, fondness, all things good, everything he wanted to give to you, into your rosy lips.
“You mean everything to me, too.” You whisper, into his neck, as he pulls you back in, resting his chin on top of your head.
In this moment, so pure, as a fresh rainfall after a sandy drought, worry ceases to exist.
As the bedside lamp glimmers, emitting a glowy hue of gold into each corner of the serene room,
the thought of spring cherry blossoms fills your head again.
The way they’d bloom once more, in the warmth. The way they’d return, greeting the new, sweet, honeyed spring, returning to the front yard garden, to the familiarity of being back home, exactly where they’d belonged all along.
The heavenly sky and whispy clouds would wave hello to them, the breezy air would embrace them, the graceful rainfall would kiss them, the silky grass would welcome them. Because all things bloom, in the most natural form of love.
Snuggled tight to your lover, the man who owned each drop of love you had to offer, you hug him closer, keen to feel his skin in closest proximity.
Feeling his lips on your forehead, you daze off into a deep, restful sleep, in the arms,
of the one,
who mattered most. 
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elceeu2morrow · 4 years
By Matt Galea  18/12/2019
It was the morning after our staff Christmas party that I got on the horn to Louis Tomlinson.
While the entire office was munching on bacon and egg rolls and chugging coffee to revive themselves, I was in the studio, eagerly awaiting a call from the UK to chat to my favourite member of One Direction (yep, you read that correctly).
You see, unlike most folks who occasionally whack on ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ during road trip karaoke or follow Harry Styles on Instagram to stay up to date with his dazzling wardrobe, I have been a true 1D stan since day dot: X Factor.
As soon as the band was pieced together, punters began choosing their faves, most of them picking Harry and don’t get me wrong, he’s an absolute lord (I’ve literally travelled to another country to see Harry live, I’ve had his album(s) on repeat since their release and I have tons of his merch), but I was instantly enchanted by the quiet, brooding, eldest member of the band and as their popularity skyrocketed, so, too, did my love for Louis.
I guess it’s a combination of his sleek style, his dreamy eyes plus the fact that he’s sassy (his public feuds have rightfully earned him the name ‘Sass Master of Doncaster’) and also has a ‘yuge heart and loves his fans unconditionally.
So naturally when the band went on hiatus, I followed Louis’ career like a hawk and, my fellow Louis stans, our time has finally come ‘coz 2020 is going to be THE year of Louis Tomlinson.
Let me repeat that louder for the people in the back:
2020 is going to be THE year of Louis Tomlinson.
The excitement in his voice is palpable as he discusses his debut studio album Walls which drops on January 31, 2020.
“I’m quite big on lyrics, it’s important for me to be honest and real and, at times, vulnerable,” he says of the album.
“My fans already know a lot about me but hopefully I can bring them an album that shows them another side.
”This ~other side~ includes personal yarns and tales from Louis’ life as he explains that he draws inspiration “from my life events.
“There were times in the past where I tried to write in a fictional sense, and there are a couple of songs on the album like that, but mostly I find it easier to write autobiographically.”
He adds, “Things happen to you and sometimes it might seem mundane but it makes you feel a certain way and it’s worth writing about.”
If you haven’t already listened to his latest singles, first of all what the heck is wrong with you? Second of all, go give them a listen and you’ll know exactly what he means by writing autobiographically.
He says his newest single ‘Don’t Let It Break Your Heart’ is “something that I’m definitely really proud of.”
“It’s a song trying to invoke hope, it’s about seeing the glass as half full as opposed to half empty and no matter what life throws at you, don’t let it break your heart.”
I then point out that he has a lot of positive, inspirational, anthemic bops under his belt and I ask if this is intentional.
“I think so,” he responds. “You always want to write lyrics that are relatable and inspiring, and I think songs like the song I did with Steve [Aoki] ‘Just Hold On’, it’s got the same kind of vibe of hope. I think it’s a pretty cool topic.”
He then talks me through my personal favourite, ‘We Made It.’
“It’s kind of about two things because we started out with just the title and what it meant to me in that moment was me picturing our first show of the tour and all the hard work it took me to get there and with the fans, it’s a collective, we made it here together, and that’s how the song started out,” he says.
“And then in the verse you have to add a bit more of a story so we’re talking about me going to visit my girlfriend at the university halls while I was on tour with the boys, so I was going off that dynamic.”
Directioners will be happy to know that Louis doesn’t shy away from name-dropping his bandmates and when I ask him to talk me through the best moments from the past decade, he literally lists three 1D-centric mems.
“When we first got put together as a band, that was a magical moment,” he says.
“We didn’t know each other that well and we went through that whole journey together, so that was pretty special.”
“When we played Madison Square Gardens in New York, that was a pretty memorable one. All of our families came down to watch.”
And finally, “We were lucky enough to play at the Olympics which was definitely one of the proudest moments I’ve ever had, definitely.”
Speaking of performing with 1D, Louis’ forthcoming trip to Australia will be his first without his bandmates and he is, as he put it, “proper excited to come back.”
“The gigs [in Oz] are always incredible and also for any Brit, it’s the ultimate dream to travel to Australia.”
But punters who have been lucky enough to see a One Direction show in their lifetime should expect a very, very different vibe from Tomlinson now that he’s flying solo (~obviously~).
“It’s not going to be a massive production with any gimmicks, it’s just going to be pretty straightforward. Just a good live show focusing on music and hopefully we’ll have a good night.”
Going from touring with his besties to being on the road by himself (and the backing band, of course) is bound to be a huge adjustment that Louis plans on easing into.
“I like creating normality [on the road], I just like to be sat with mates chatting, listening to music and then head out onto stage.”
He also gave me this lil tidbit about his travelling style, which should come as no surprise to the die-hards.
“I’m notoriously a really bad packer, I always leave with not enough clothes and not enough things that I need.”
But while he’s often short a pair of sneakers or a sweater or two, he always makes sure to pack the essentials.
“I like to take tea bags with me on tour. You can’t get a good cup of tea everywhere so it’s important to travel with your own.”
Which prompts me to ask about his thoughts on our tea Down Under.
“It’s good, yeah! It’s good,” he assures me.
So now that we’ve discussed what 2020 will look like for him (including starting his sophomore album in the second half of the year!), along with his highlights from the last decade, I’m eager to know what his plans are for the next decade.
Brace yourselves for the response…
“Fucking hell, I’m not that good at thinking far ahead,” he immediately quips. Legit, there’s nothing I love more than when celebs drop an F word in an interview. It shows that they’re not doing the super-polished, media-trained thing and they’re happy just being themselves.
Frankly, if Louis didn’t swear in the interview, I would’ve been convinced that he’d been abducted by aliens and replaced with a cyborg. But you’ll be happy to know that in our nine-minute convo, he swore a grand total of three times which is a great score, IMO.
But anyway, back to the question at hand.
“Hopefully still making music, still making albums. My intention is to get better as a songwriter with every album, so hopefully still making music and still touring.”
We wrap up our good old chinwag with a message to his fans, particularly the Aussies who he’ll finally be treating to his angel voice when he plays the Big Top in Sydney and the Palais Theatre in Melbourne in April.
“Massive thank you for your patience and your support. I’m so excited to release the album. I’m as excited, if not more, to come and see everyone on tour so thanks for your love and I’ll see you on tour.”
Final tickets for Louis Tomlinson’s debut Australian tour are available now via livenation.com.au.
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hlupdate · 4 years
It was the morning after our staff Christmas party that I got on the horn to Louis Tomlinson.
While the entire office was munching on bacon and egg rolls and chugging coffee to revive themselves, I was in the studio, eagerly awaiting a call from the UK to chat to my favourite member of One Direction (yep, you read that correctly).
You see, unlike most folks who occasionally whack on ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ during road trip karaoke or follow Harry Styles on Instagram to stay up to date with his dazzling wardrobe, I have been a true 1D stan since day dot: X Factor.
As soon as the band was pieced together, punters began choosing their faves, most of them picking Harry and don’t get me wrong, he’s an absolute lord (I’ve literally travelled to another country to see Harry live, I’ve had his album(s) on repeat since their release and I have tons of his merch), but I was instantly enchanted by the quiet, brooding, eldest member of the band and as their popularity skyrocketed, so, too, did my love for Louis.
I guess it’s a combination of his sleek style, his dreamy eyes plus the fact that he’s sassy (his public feuds have rightfully earned him the name ‘Sass Master of Doncaster’) and also has a ‘yuge heart and loves his fans unconditionally.
So naturally when the band went on hiatus, I followed Louis’ career like a hawk and, my fellow Louis stans, our time has finally come ‘coz 2020 is going to be THE year of Louis Tomlinson.
Let me repeat that louder for the people in the back:
2020 is going to be THE year of Louis Tomlinson.
The excitement in his voice is palpable as he discusses his debut studio album Walls which drops on January 31, 2020.
“I’m quite big on lyrics, it’s important for me to be honest and real and, at times, vulnerable,” he says of the album.
“My fans already know a lot about me but hopefully I can bring them an album that shows them another side.”
This ~other side~ includes personal yarns and tales from Louis’ life as he explains that he draws inspiration “from my life events.”
“There were times in the past where I tried to write in a fictional sense, and there are a couple of songs on the album like that, but mostly I find it easier to write autobiographically.”
He says his newest single ‘Don’t Let It Break Your Heart’ is “something that I’m definitely really proud of.”
“It’s a song trying to invoke hope, it’s about seeing the glass as half full as opposed to half empty and no matter what life throws at you, don’t let it break your heart.”
I then point out that he has a lot of positive, inspirational, anthemic bops under his belt and I ask if this is intentional.
“I think so,” he responds. “You always want to write lyrics that are relatable and inspiring, and I think songs like the song I did with Steve [Aoki]‘Just Hold On’, it’s got the same kind of vibe of hope. I think it’s a pretty cool topic.”
He then talks me through my personal favourite, ‘We Made It.’
“It’s kind of about two things because we started out with just the title and what it meant to me in that moment was me picturing our first show of the tour and all the hard work it took me to get there and with the fans, it’s a collective, we made it here together, and that’s how the song started out,” he says.
“And then in the verse you have to add a bit more of a story so we’re talking about me going to visit my girlfriend at the university halls while I was on tour with the boys, so I was going off that dynamic.”
Directioners will be happy to know that Louis doesn’t shy away from name-dropping his bandmates and when I ask him to talk me through the best moments from the past decade, he literally lists three 1D-centric mems.
“When we first got put together as a band, that was a magical moment,” he says.
“We didn’t know each other that well and we went through that whole journey together, so that was pretty special.”
“When we played Madison Square Gardens in New York, that was a pretty memorable one. All of our families came down to watch.”
And finally, “We were lucky enough to play at the Olympics which was definitely one of the proudest moments I’ve ever had, definitely.”
Speaking of performing with 1D, Louis’ forthcoming trip to Australia will be his first without his bandmates and he is, as he put it, “proper excited to come back.”
“The gigs [in Oz] are always incredible and also for any Brit, it’s the ultimate dream to travel to Australia.”
But punters who have been lucky enough to see a One Direction show in their lifetime should expect a very, very different vibe from Tomlinson now that he’s flying solo (~obviously~).
“It’s not going to be a massive production with any gimmicks, it’s just going to be pretty straightforward. Just a good live show focusing on music and hopefully we’ll have a good night.”
Going from touring with his besties to being on the road by himself (and the backing band, of course) is bound to be a huge adjustment that Louis plans on easing into.
“I like creating normality [on the road], I just like to be sat with mates chatting, listening to music and then head out onto stage.”
He also gave me this lil tidbit about his travelling style, which should come as no surprise to the die-hards.
“I’m notoriously a really bad packer, I always leave with not enough clothes and not enough things that I need.”
But while he’s often short a pair of sneakers or a sweater or two, he always makes sure to pack the essentials.
“I like to take tea bags with me on tour. You can’t get a good cup of tea everywhere so it’s important to travel with your own.”
Which prompts me to ask about his thoughts on our tea Down Under.
“It’s good, yeah! It’s good,” he assures me.
So now that we’ve discussed what 2020 will look like for him (including starting his sophomore album in the second half of the year!), along with his highlights from the last decade, I’m eager to know what his plans are for the next decade.
Brace yourselves for the response…
“Fucking hell, I’m not that good at thinking far ahead,” he immediately quips. Legit, there’s nothing I love more than when celebs drop an F word in an interview. It shows that they’re not doing the super-polished, media-trained thing and they’re happy just being themselves.
Frankly, if Louis didn’t swear in the interview, I would’ve been convinced that he’d been abducted by aliens and replaced with a cyborg. But you’ll be happy to know that in our nine-minute convo, he swore a grand total of three times which is a great score, IMO.
But anyway, back to the question at hand.
“Hopefully still making music, still making albums. My intention is to get better as a songwriter with every album, so hopefully still making music and still touring.”
We wrap up our good old chinwag with a message to his fans, particularly the Aussies who he’ll finally be treating to his angel voice when he plays the Big Top in Sydney and the Palais Theatre in Melbourne in April.
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selfilluminatingkyu · 6 years
Hi!! I was wondering if you could do a mat barzal imagine? Maybe something fluffy?? Idk I’m bad at coming up with ideas lol
Okay, so I saw Olivia Munn commented on his lastest photo (also she follows him but he doesn’t follow her #samegirl) anyway, I had the thought about what would happen if you two were dating and that happened. Did a short little blurb for it. 
This is a work of fiction and I have absolutely nothing against Olivia. I just wanted to put that out there cause I really don’t want nor need hate for kind of making her a bad guy in this. 
Tumblr media
You’d been staring at the comment section of Mat’s instagram for ten minutes at that point, you were certain of it. You couldn’t decide if you were pissed or insecure...it was probably a little bit of both. 
You were looking at Olivia Munn’s comment on his latest photo and then flipping to other pictures and seeing comments on there as well. Mat had also joked that she’d DMed him. Had asked if he wanted to get drinks the next time she was in New York. That had pissed you off. You were displayed throughout his instagram, your relationship never really having been a secret. Mat was proud of you--not to say other guys were or weren’t--and he’d wanted everyone to know from the get go he was unavailable...and you were the reason why. 
So her comments had kind of thrown you off. Was she really that desperate after her break up with Aaron that she just went after the first hot guy she saw. Snorting, you threw your phone to the side and grabbed Mat’s for the bedside table. Your passcodes were each other’s birthday so it wasn’t anything difficult. 
He had a new notification from instagram. It was a message from her. What the actual fuck? 
oliviamunn: Hey, just wanted to let you know that I was going to be in New York next week and I saw you guys were home. How about drinks? 
You knew that Mat had never responded because the only message in the convo were from her and there was still a request to accept them. You couldn’t help but feel a twinge of insecurity though. She was a beautiful, successful actress and model. What if he wanted someone like her? Younger guys went for older women all the time. You looked at the phone for a moment and tried to figure out if you should respond or just tell Mat about it and let him. The latter would be the more sane thing to do but...you weren’t feeling so sane today. 
barzal97: Hey Olivia. I’m flattered by your invitation but I don’t think my girlfriend would be comfortable with that and I don’t want to that to her. I hope you understand. Thanks for supporting the Islanders though! 
You sent the message and smiled to yourself. It was a tasteful response and one you knew Mat would be pleased with himself and wouldn’t balk about you having sent. 
“What are you smirking about?” Mat questioned as he walked in from the en suit, towel slung low around his hips and one in his hand as he dried his hair off. 
“Olivia Munn sent you another message on Insta. I was just responding to her; thanking her for the invitation but turning it down. I hope that okay?” Suddenly you didn’t feel so confident in your choice to respond to her and you began chewing on your nails, looking up at him through your lashes.
Maybe he hadn’t responded because he was interested in her and he was trying to figure out how to cultivate the perfect response to her. You looked down at your lap at that thought, trying to make sure he wouldn’t hear it or see it in your eyes. You and Mat had been weird like that from the get go. You were open books to each other. You didn’t need to speak to know what was going through the other’s head. It was both a blessing and curse. 
“Thanks babe. I was trying to figure out how to respond to her anyway. You just saved me the hassle.” And with that he kissed your forehead and walked over to the closet. 
“That’s it?” You sputtered out before you could stop yourself. 
Mat turned and looked at you, confusion on his face as he dropped his towel and pulled on his boxer/briefs. “Yeah, of course that’s it. What else would I say? I’m not mad. You know I would’ve ended up asking you for help anyway. Why, did you think I was going to be mad?” 
You could tell you’d concerned him with your outburst and you weren’t entirely sure how to broach the subject on your own insecurities. Mat had never given you a reason to doubt his faithfulness or love for you. So why were you feeling this way?
“I just-I just didn’t know if maybe you were interested in talking to her and I had turned her down and you were just trying to play it cool. I don’t know. I’m just being silly.” You mumbled, not looking up at him. You felt like an ass now. 
Mat chuckled and you knew he’d walked over because you could see his feet. “Y/N look at me.” When you didn’t he sighed and lifted your chin for you. “Olivia Munn is a beautiful girl...but until you and Tito told me who she was I had no idea who she was. Don’t get me wrong I like older girls, obviously, you’re older than me, but not that much older. Besides, I’ve got you. What do I need her for? You’re everything I could’ve asked for and more. I love you, you know that. You’re not being silly. I get insecure to you know.” 
The last part he whispered out and you furrowed your eyebrows, confusion written all of your face and a silent cue for him to explain. 
“I’m gone a lot and I notice all of the guys that look at you when we’re out. You’re the whole package Y/N. You could have someone who’s here for you all the time, who’s job has normal hours and weekends off. Then there’s the fact that I’m not as smart as you. Sometimes you say things and I’m just in awe of it and in awe of the fact that you’d pick me over having like a doctor or engineer or something.” 
You frowned looking at him and cupping his face with your palms. “But you know what that engineer or doctor isn’t?” 
“You. You got me from the get go. Do you know how many other guys have? None. You didn’t question all of my weird quirks. You just accepted them as part of me and loved them from the get go. Mat, you’re in dude. You’re my person...and shit I didn’t mean to say that. Please don’t be scared off by that.” 
At that Mat was howling in laughter. Pulling you into his lap and kissing your face. “You’re my person too Y/N. I wanted to propose to you after our second date but Tito told me that’d be creepy and insane...and then my mom told me I couldn’t do it after our fifth either...even though I made the argument I’d waited six weeks and my parents got engaged after that length of dating.” 
“I would’ve married you after our second date if you asked me too.” You whispered softly and Mat looked at you wide eyed before rushing up and towards the closet. 
He came back seconds later with a Tiffany’s box and your eyes lit up. You looked at his face, tears forming in his eyes and a doofy smile on his face. “I’m not going to lie I’ve had this for months now. I bought it when we were out in LA and all of the guys thought I was crazy but I wasn’t kidding Y/N. You’re it. I don’t want anyone else-”
“Yes!” You shrieked, cutting him off and pouncing on him. 
Whatever you were worried about previously completely forgotten. 
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omamaha16 · 7 years
Same As Always- Requested
Anon: i keep having this dream and i thought it would make a good imagine: y/n is good friends with the omaha squad and at one point in time had that almost dating kinda friendship with skate and thought he might actually like her.. then he starts dating/hooking up with ana & y/n gets jealous & insecure (bc have u seen how much of a baddie ana is like damn) - and then she has a breakdown about it and jj & swazz cheer her up (and idk maybe add a convo with nate at the end)?
“Nathan!” I playfully hit my friends chest. I pull him closer by the collar of his shirt, “Don’t pinch my ass around the guys” I look up at his smirking face. 
Johnson turns around, “You good, Y/N?” 
“Yeah,” I say laughing and give Nate the side eye. He grins at me so big his dimples show and then leans down so no one else can hear him. 
“Sorry, it just looks really nice today.” He pats my shoulder. I shake my head.
Nate and I have been hooking up for a couple weeks now. It all started at Gilinsky’s birthday party. He had been flirting with me since the day we met, but I was really cautious. That night, something just changed between us. No one else knew about it, but things were really nice and fun right now. 
One Month Later  
Nate hasn’t called or come over in over a week and I usually don’t worry about guys I’m hooking up with, but he’s a close friend too. I can’t go to the guys about it because they still have no idea that we’re FWB.
 I decide to get my mind off of it and go for a hike in the hills with Madison and the Jacks. When they pick me up, it takes me less than five seconds to realize they are talking about Sk8. 
“Yeah they just started talking a week ago, but he’s already super into her.” Gilinsky says as we pull out of the driveway. 
“Boy doesn’t usually fall, but I don’t blame him at all” Johnson says. “She is a dime. I’m proud of the man.”
“Hey Y/N” Madison says, smiling at me from the passenger seat. “We’re talking about the girl Nate hooked up with last night.” She clearly has already heard a lot about this subject and is a little tired of it. 
“Oh” I nod. My palms begin to sweat and suddenly it feels so stuffy in the car. I try to not let it show on my face and promise myself I will keep my mind off of Nate and whoever this girl is during the hike. 
“Look at her” Johnson shoves his phone in front of me. 
Holy fuck this girl is just Nate’s type. 
“Jeez Nate. Wow”  I say, trying to act casual about the whole thing. 
“I know right? Damn.” Gilinsky says, making eye contact with me in the rear view mirror. I see Madison’s hand go flying and hit him in the chest. “You’re hot too, you know that” He laughs, squeezing Madison’s hand. 
“Aw thanks” She laughs. 
Normally I really enjoy their antics, but all I can think about right now is that two weeks ago his hands were all over me and last night they were all over her. He’s not in trouble or anything. Our arrangement was hooking up as friends only, open, casual. That’s how I wanted it, how we wanted it. I just didn’t realize him actually meeting someone else would feel like a mini heart attack. 
We get to the trail and I tell the Jacks that I have to make a quick phone call, that I’ll catch up with them in a couple minutes. I find my best friend’s name in the contacts and pray that I have service. 
“Hey Babygirl” Swazz’s voice comes in clear and I thank the cellphone gods. 
“How’s Omaha Johnny boy?” He’s been home for almost two weeks for a family wedding and then Thanksgiving. 
“Cold. You never call. What’s up?” John always sees right through me. 
“So you know how I told you I was having a casual hookup thing?” I can barely breathe. 
“Yeah with the ‘best you’ve ever had’“ he laughs. 
“Yeah well I couldn’t tell you this at the time but it was with Maloley.” 
“What the fuck, really? For five weeks you didn’t tell me? Wow. I knew I saw you guys flirting at Gilinsky’s party. Johnson told me I was crazy.” He keeps talking to himself essentially for another two minutes before I cough to interrupt him. “Sorry. Continue.” 
I laugh a little then go on. “Well I hadn’t heard from him in nine days and I just found out it’s because he just started hooking up with this really hot Ana girl and it’s not like he’s cheating or even in the wrong, we kept things open and casual. But I feel like there’s a huge brick on my chest and I’m with Jadison and Johnson and they keep talking about it cause they don’t know, obviously. And I’m freaking out and feel really alone and help.”
“Shit. AnaMontana I didn’t make the connection when you told me about you two 5 minutes ago. He mentioned this girl about a week ago. I’m so sorry babe. I wish I was there for you right now.”
“Yeah get your ass home, Swazz” I laugh into the phone and then sigh. 
“Have you tried talking to him about it?”
“Who, Nate?!?” 
“Yeah, it might help actually.”
“I just found out forty minutes ago and you were the first person I called.” 
“You know who might be a lot of help if you’re willing to tell him. Johnson. Johnson was really great when Maisy and I broke up and he helps G when things are up in the air with Madison all the time. But I do think you need to talk to Nate at somepoint. Nate’s a good guy, he might even come to you first.” 
“Yeah I know. Why are you always right about everything?” I sigh. 
“Cause I’m a fucking genius.” 
“Nope that’s not it.” I laugh. “I’ll try talking to Johnson, but can I call you back tonight?”
“I fly home early tomorrow morning, we’ll get lunch, okay?”
“Hang in there Babygirl. It’s gonna be alright”
“I know. Thanks Johnny Cakes” 
Talking to Swazz always calms me down. People always joke that we should date because of how close we are, but we’ve kissed a few times and it’s always like kissing a brother, we just don’t have chemistry. His encouragement was enough to help me get through the hike and the fresh air helped a bit. 
When we get back in the Jeep and head home, I lean over to Johnson. “I need to talk to you about something when I get back to my place. I can make you lunch or coffee or something if you want to hang out.” 
“Yeah sure. You okay?” Johnson scans my eyes. 
“Yeah, it’s not a big deal, I just need some advice about something.” 
“Okay” he smiles. 
We walk into my apartment and I start making the coffee. Johnson sits at my counter. “So what’s up?” He puts his chin on his fists and grins at me. I laugh and then sigh. 
“It’s about Nate.” I say softly as the coffee maker drips and gurgles behind me. 
“What?” He says, confused. 
“Since Gilinsky’s party up until about a week or so ago, we had been hooking up.” I say biting my lip, awaiting his reaction. 
“Shit. Swazz was right? Damn.”
“It was nothing serious. I told him I wanted just FWB, casual, open, no strings attached. And that’s how it was. But today hearing about the Ana thing made my heart fall out of my stomach and I feel like shit.”
“Fuck. I’m so sorry for talking about her so much. Why didn’t you say anything in the car? We would have stopped.”
“I know, but I didn’t know if I wanted everyone to know. But then I called Swazz before we hiked and he told me to talk to you about it, so here we are.” I turn around to pour coffee into two mugs, adding almond milk to mine and cream and a sugar to Johnson’s. I slide the mug over to him. 
“That sucks” he looks up at me with sympathetic eyes. “Have you talked to Nate?” 
“Not for over a week. I’m not sure if I’m ready to.”
“I think you’ll feel better. I know this sucks to hear, but he’s a really good guy. I’m sure he’ll come to you soon with the news.”
“I know he is. That’s what Swazz said too. I just feel like shit, I’m not mad at him at all.” 
“Right” Johnson nods and sips his coffee. “Well I’m going to stay the rest of the day so you’re not alone. It stinks that Candace (my roommate) and John have to be away on the same weekend when all of this is happening.” 
I nod “Are you ever going to ask Candace out, by the way? We all know you guys like each other, you’re practically two tomatoes whenever you’re in the same room from blushing so hard.” 
“Hey let’s focus on one love life at a time.” Johnson laughs nervously. 
“Okay” I smirk at him and sip my coffee. 
Johnson and I are under a blanket on the couch, halfway into the second Indiana Jones movie in our marathon, when my phone rings. 
“It’s Nate” I look up at Johnson. 
“Answer it” 
I nervously press the green button and hold the phone to my ear, pacing down the hallway towards my bedroom. 
“Hey can I talk to you about something?” he sounds upset, but even that is almost too much for me to hear. 
“Sure. In person?” I ask, my throat clenching. 
“Yeah. I’m actually outside. Same place as always.” 
“Oh okay. I’ll come out.”
I hang up and quickly throw something nicer than sweats on. I throw my hair up in a nice messy bun and head downstairs. I turn out of the parking garage and head a block down the street: the same spot where Nate used to pick me up so Candace wouldn’t see us. I see him almost immediately. 
Shit he looks great. Why did I agree to this. 
“Hey” he half smiles. 
I wonder if he knows that I know. How would I have not found out by now. Our friend group is basically one big teapot. 
I manage a smile “Hi” 
“You know don’t you” He says, putting his hands into his sweatpants pockets. It’s one of those rare California evenings where you can see your breath and I’m starting to shiver. 
I nod. “She’s beautiful.” 
His eyes meet mine. “I’m really sorry.” 
I step closer to him. “No need to be sorry. We were just messing around anyway.” 
“Right that’s what you wanted” He says, nodding. 
I sigh. “It’s fucking freezing out here. Don’t we live in LA?” I laugh. 
He laughs too. “Last time I checked.” When he stops laughing his eyes meet mine again. 
“Hey Nate?”
“Yeah?” He looks at me nervously. 
“We’re okay. Don’t worry about it.” I say, almost against him at this point. 
“You sure?” He says, putting an arm around me. “I know I would have been not okay if it happened the other way around.” 
“Well that’s because I’m fifty times more awesome than you” I throw my arm around his waist. 
“Ah I see.” He laughs and squeezes me into his side. “Thanks for being so cool.” 
“Anytime Big Guy” I release myself from his arms. “Johnson and I are watching Temple of Doom upstairs so I should go.” 
“Are he and Candace dating yet?” Skate glances up towards my apartment. 
“That’s what I said!” I laugh and he laughs with me, our voices rising into the cool night air. Things might be a little tricky for a while, but Nate and I are going to be just fine. 
I hope you liked it! 
Thanks for your request, this was fun/complicated to write <3
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loveinruins · 7 years
Wonderful Wednesday
So on Monday I had to do the late shift and he didn’t wait for me.. I was kind of upset but understood because who the fuck wants to stay back on a Monday.. no one.
Yesterday he was away and I really missed him. Like a lot.
I was like a bit upset because on Monday when he left he didn’t even say bye to me but apparently according to MH she said he did say bye.
ANYWAY, point is I ended up buckling and messaging him around lunch time asking are you ok? and he replied saying yeah all good blabla injured my finger and i wrote back saying well i’m glad you’re ok x and he wrote back with thanks xx and that was it.
He watched my snap stories so i was like hmmm interested in what i was doing i see.. 
Then comes this morning, I didn’t see him when I walked in and was thinking oh he must’ve taken today off again.. :( 
As it gets past 9 and everyones getting straight into work. I hear his voice and it was like my insides were having a party because I knew he was here.
So he messaged me on skype for business basically giving me shit that i was stressed for no reason cos i had a great week in sales and i was like yeah i guess thanks for the vote of confidence babe and he’s like yeah of course always..
It was really sweet when he said that I was like omg bless lol..
We caught up briefly he walked with me to the kitchen so I could wash my plums and fill up my bottle and caught him up with all the goss cos Judas told me what the teams are because she had a meeting with JD. 
We get past lunch and his whole team was gone.. here I’m thinking where’d they go, I went to lunch with AC and it was all normal and whatever..
I saw him after lunch and asked him where he went and he was like oh we went to a team lunch and I was like oh ok..
So he asked for my help later in the afternoon and he was like oi got a minute? and i replied saying no. and walked over to his desk straight away and bumped my leg into my desk draws - it was like instant karma and went over to his desk and he was like what’s with the attitude I haven’t even done anything to you today?! I laughed and i go what do you need help with babe? and he goes take a seat and I did and it was such an easy thing to figure out i was there for like not even 2 minutes and before i went back to my desk i asked him if he was leaving on time today? he goes why? i go i have an app so if you can wait for me pleaseeeeeeee it’ll only be like 15-20 mins tops. he goes where is it? i go just at emporium, he goes what time i’m like 5:05, or you don’t have to wait if you don’t want.. 
Anyway i went back to my desk and I go so are you gonna wait for me and he’s like yes alright but only for 15 mins and i was like ok ok and I left on time and went to my app, when i was done and messaged him saying i’m done are you still at work? and he calls me met up with me and we walked to flinders together. 
He said to me on the way to walking I feel like I haven’t seen you in ages and I agreed.. I go look how well I’ve done without you being at work, you distract me and he goes lol thanks for making me feel so good about myself, I go i’m fucking joking babe relaxxxxxx.. 
So we train it and he goes to me what’d you get lasered? i go do you really wanna know? he goes yeah? i go pointing to my vag that and here pointing to my underarms and he’s like woww lol and laughed and goes TMI. I go well I asked are you sure you wanna know? and we just had a good chat on the train and since the train wasn’t stopping at his station I was gonna give him a lift to his car and on the train he goes what are you doing tonight? i go nothing, was meant to see a friend but dunno if i can be bothered and i go you? he’s like nothing planned yet i’m like oh ok.. 
There was a bit of flirting going on from the walk from the train to the car I felt that spark again and I was dying to tell him about how I didn’t want him to think on Friday that I purposely didn’t tell him about Joe but I told AC and he got a bit upset - anyway a whole story i cbf explaining because it’s stupid but i felt like he felt like i didn’t trust him but that wasn’t the case at all. I said the reason I never told you about it is because it happened at my birthday and we weren’t that close that’s why. He then was like I appreciate you telling me about that.
So anyway we start driving towards his car and he goes.. so are we gonna get dinner or what? i go yeah if you want to.. he goes you never ask me, you know you can ask i’m not going to say no or something along those lines, i go omg how did you know that’s exactly why i don’t ask you, you know me so well.. in a sarcastic tone even though i was being lowkey serious, i go anyway what do you want to eat? and he just laughed and goes i know and as we’re driving he’s like whatever, let’s try something different. so i go well do you want to go to glen waverley? do you wanna go to oakleigh? he was very nonchalant and was like ehhhh and then B calls me and we were talking and i’m like getting distracted and he goes where are we going? and i go well a there’s this place in mt waverley it’s like italian but mixed it has really good food and he was like mt waverley???? and i go yeah and he’s like alright something different and we get there and it was like really chilled, he liked the food and we just had really good convo.
He told me about how his mum died, from a brain tumour, he told me about his cousin who had gastric bypass, told me about how when he went to Romania people would tell him that his mum was a really good person and people would cry if they saw him because he really looked like his mum and he just really opened up to me.
We talked about me as well and what I wanted for myself and he asked me questions that seemed like he was genuinely interested in my life, i told him about my relationship with my mum and the surgery i wanted - he seemed to disagree with it.
He just seemed like he was genuinely intrigued by me, he made a comment about how i shouldn’t lose too much weight or be too skinny and he’s like nah but i mean i’m a big guy like girls who are too skinny and i’m like thinking are you saying you don’t want me to be too skinny for you orrrr?
He asked me to go suit shopping with him when he hit the 10k mark in savings he was going to go and spoil himself.
We had a good laugh and he asked me about the whole R sitch and I go he’s European and he goes T doesn’t kiss and tell and I go nah i don’t and left it at that..
He said to me when we were sitting at the restaurant he goes you have 4 or 5 perfumes you wear, what is this one? I was like WOWWWW sooo observant..
He brought up how he likes to guilt trip me into stuff and I fall for it everytime and he knows it, I go I know you do to get what you really want and he laughed and goes yeah I do it to you all the time and I go i know i don’t even know why I feel bad for..
He also tried bringing Friday up again and was like what was up on Friday? I go nothing, I’m fine aren’t I? he goes tell me? I go nothing, he goes was it AC? I go no, just let it go ok? He goes alright i just want to make sure you’re ok, you cracked the shits twice last week.. which makes me think he keeps track of all of this.
Like he just remembers all these little things about me and it just makes me feel like he must really like me.. or I could be wrong..
Right before we left I go don’t ever say I don’t open up to you and he smiled..
When i went to drop him off after dinner when he went to get out he goes I had a really good time, thanks for tonight I go yeah and he goes see you tomorrow and i go oh yeah maybe after work he goes let me know.
It may not seem like a lot to anyone but I genuinely felt like he was my best friend that I could just hang out with and say whatever I wanted and be myself around and not feel judged.
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aiienloser · 6 years
Here’s a convo between @charachanplz and i at 4 am about my alien species.
Me: The entire species either has one or two, but both are female?? Like they have dongs but also weens So FUCK uh Also that the aliens can have female or male physical traits, mostly boobs Boobs are a thing aliens can have, right? ... Maybe I should make them nipples instead. ... Hhmmmmmmmmmmm Nah boobs are fine CC: If they’re mammals, then sure boobs are fine Me: They come from feeesh I had it planned out in my head that they come from tadpoles basically But instead of frogs they turn into little angry space BITCHES who want to be the taller kids Taller the alien, more likely they are to be leader, I guess CC: Hmm The boobs would be weird, because fish don’t actually have mamary glands to produce milk Like Milk giving is a special mammal trait, it’s what makes them mammal So uh Maybe other differences, like height, since these lil bitches like it so much? Usually females are bigger than males, and it’s not limited to mammals There’s also color differences, ahhhh possibly physical differences, like longer fins and crests Me: See that's so much better then the shit I would think of, but like- I got little plans for my alien babe that I don't wanna muck up with the height shit, yeah they're on the shorter side so it's still cool, but I feel like they'd need one little itty bitty tiny shit thing that would be picked out from a messy ass kids room. Like randomly finding a button or something. Somethin small ... I kinda like the colour difference fin stuff CC: There we go! Me: Maybe I can have the female fins more pointed and male fins more rounded off? CC: Yeah that works! Me: Or I can have their fins mostly the same, aside from maybe they're very slightly on different parts of the bod But then it's be weird Yea rounded and pointed CC: Yeah I think being a bit on the nose is better Animals can range from looking completely different based on gender to unnoticeably similar, but from a storytelling standpoint there should be a bit of an obvious difference, unless it wants to add to an aliens mysticism and spookiness Me: Yeah .. But the thing about boobs Bo o bs Like They're not functional, as normal boobs would be, for milk and shit CC: Hhhhmmmmm So simply the shape of their bodies? Me: Yea But also for attracting a mate and stuff Like, since the species is water based, think of them Like another set of lungs for storing air when they need to swim. But also needing water a lot so if they need to go into land for long periods of time, they can do that CC: Aight, yeah! I get it! So it’s more of a genetic thing, aliens with a curvier body shape got more mating options than others, yeah! Oh yeah yeah!!! That works! Me: For attracting a mate they can puff their chests up to be more appealing, also their fins basically cockatiel CC: Noice While they are fishies, I can def see them doing stuff land animals do, seeing as they come out of the water and all Me: Basically a tadpole When they're babies, or still in their eggs, they represent fish eggs When they're babies, they represent tadpoles CC: Ok yeah! So they’re more amphibian? Kinda???? Like a mix of amphibian and fish Me: When they start to mature, they get rid of their tail, and it's replaced with fins and webbing, and they're given legs Yeah More amphibian CC: Ok, nice! Me: Ok so they're like this on the most basic level- They are amphibian, fuckin rad, they need more water then air, very little air is needed to survive, meaning few trips to the surface, unless they want to become one of the many land dwellers, and wear a water tank thing on their gills, which is usually on their necks, or their head where ears should be. Sometimes both. CC: Oh shit nice Now we’re getting into the technology and society Well, I think the whole females attracting males would be part of their society too Me: Yeah! CC: Because usually the males are the ones who have to attract female attention Maybe something that came out of a growing culture? Me: Kinda? Basically females need to attract males, it's a backwards thing, males don't have much to show off, so they go with someone who either ends up liking them as the alien they are, or they end up choosing a female to love forever. And if later on the relationship were to go sour, well, they'd simply have a kinda break up and would find another mate I guess And, when It comes to babies, they don't need to parent their children, just, birth the eggs in a pond and go on with life. But if they want to have babies to take care of, that's perfectly fine CC: Ok, ok I see! Maybe it’s just a space thing, like they evolved differently from animals on earth They are on another planet, so their common ancestor would be different Me: Yeah! CC: Aww, that’s sweet ... imagine tho “Hey, be right back, gotta drop off these eggs in the pond” pat pat on belly “Oooh, who was it this time?” “This guy named Chad, though, he was kinda of a fuckboi, he was NOT difficult, tbh” Me: Hehehehe Me: But that leads me to a question of where males would have their "boobs" or extra lungs I don't know where, really Maybe they're more internal CC: IN THE GONA- jk Yeah more internal! Maybe that’s why they don’t have boobies Small lungs more tightly packed inside Me: WHEZE Boobes Yeah, maybe they just have bigger lungs then females? CC: Maybe, so they gotta stay inside, like human lungs, on the side of their ribs Females, having smaller, more balloon like ones, have them on their front! Me: Yeah! Since the extra set of lungs are basically things to hold water and little bits of air, maybe male lungs are the same in a way, basically like a kind of chamber, so, I guess they do have boobs, just more in the back and hidden Kinda like how we have a wind pipe and a throat CC: Good point Me: There's a thing that changes which one what goes into They have three CC: Yeah! There we go! Me: Nice. So, two wind pipes, one throat. CC: Nice! Me: Now to get onto culture and stuff CC: Ok, culture stuff! Me: Culture stuff, they have basically two, one for the folks who stay underwater most of the time, sea dwellers, and land dwellers, both different CC: Oooooohhhh now I wanna know Me: OK SO Sea dwellers are more chill, they live deeper in the ponds, lakes, oceans, hell there are swamps. But it's all the same really, they are more in tune with other fish and amphibians, it makes them great hunters. They're very caring and tend to eat a little less green then they should, they're more carnivorous then omnivorous. But still eat some plant when they need it. They also click and clack more as a way to communicate, since they can't speak well underwater. They also have stuff like echolocation, and whale calls. Shit like that ! CC: Aww, so they’re sea babies .... so I’m guessing these land aliens are the ones with zero chill Me: I mean Some of them are, sure. Land dwellers are more omnivorous, but still eat whatever they need to live, they are good at fishing, but once in a while catch a sea dweller, have a laugh, and help them be on their way. They are more in tune with nature and tech, since they gotta have tech to survive and not die of dehydration. Land dwellers population is actually a lot larger then those of the sea dwellers, mostly because sea dwellers often go up and end up staying on Dry land, tho still go back to the water once in a while for old times sake. Like going to an old house you lived in as a kid CC: Ok, now that’s good shit Land dwellers are all about flora, sea dwellers are all about fauna Me: Yeah! You can go into any land dwellers home and find a lot of flowers, H eck you'd probably find pet fish they keep, maybe special tanks for their best friends they made as babies CC: Aww! Thats rlly cute! Me: And sea dwellers probably have a kinda aquarium where it's filled with air, and they have birds and stuff in there! Making me think there's probably aquariums where it's like a water highway for the sea dwellers CC: Yes to the reverse aquariums, double yes for the aquarium/highway hybrids Me: Meaning they're all connected! Whenever the sea dwellers leave the water, they don't even need clothes. Basically fish bae kinda shit, nothing shows, but then it's clear they're a sea dweller up and lookin for stuff CC: Noice So the land dwellers are cool with that Me: Yea, even tho clothes are p normal on land. Minimal clothing is p normal and full out fuck you im cold is uncommon, since they need to have warm climate for their species to live CC: Noice So it’s moreeeeee cartoon logic clothing? Like usually minor things like only pants or skirts or shirts? Me: I suppose Think of like modern human fashion like v necks and shit. Uhh- Sideless shirts are p common for the folk who have gills on their sides CC: Ooooooh ok, I get it Me: Yeah! Shoes tho- Not so much They're probably common as a thing for fashion but to them they're uncomfy and inconvenient. Since the constant moisture is rotting the shoes CC: Ah! Me: They're usually given sandals, or even a kinda shoe that doesn't rot in situations needed Like being in space on a crew CC: Oooooo Me: As is my aliens case, where they're the captain of a space crew CC: Aight, I get it! Me: Ye! So in the overall end of it, they're at the point of literal space travel like star trek or that parody with the guy who made family guy
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