newbornrat · 2 years
i want to relapse
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whtverviolet · 2 years
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god, i’ve gained so much weight, i went from 54kg to 58kg.
I want was so close to being my ultimate goal weight: 50kg but this guy he completely fucked up my life around, i started eating normally because of him and now he’s gone and i’m fat.
I want to get skinny, look sick so much so that people are concerned for me, i just want someone to take care of me. I know it sounds ridiculous but i don’t care. I just want to be skinny.
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0cal-sweetheart · 3 years
I’ve been staying under 700 calories a day for 2 weeks and haven’t binged once and I’m so proud of that
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at-least-im-tryin6 · 2 years
what i reallyreaalyreallyreallyreally wish someone had told me before my anorexia started: if you lose too much weight and too fast you’re losing muscle, so when you gain it back (because you can’t survive at such a low weight) you’ll gain back a little more fat than you had in the first place. You gain muscle too, just less. And since working out puts stress on your muscles that are already stressed from being at a low weight, by working out you’re burning muscle - you can’t gain muscle at the same time as recovery because gaining muscle takes energy that you don’t have in recovery. So basically don’t starve yourself to be thin because that will do the opposite once you’re healthy
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leafygreenzzz · 3 years
i’m literally such an obsessive person, why can’t i obsess over loosing weight again??? (correct answer is because i’m dissociating 24/7 and don’t know how to stop and have any control)
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You’ve been cursed by the magic dolphin
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Reblog to activate the spell and lose 10 lbs this month 🐬🐬🐬🐬
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bulimicbbydoll · 5 years
my old acc was deleted. now i’m big sad.
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newbornrat · 1 year
i took laxatives for the first time, they didn't work
I'm such a lost case?🤡🤡
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newbornrat · 1 year
Stats ⚖️
hw: 72 (158lbs)
lw: 58 (127)
cw: 62 (136)
gw: 60 (132)
2gw: 58 (127)
ugw: 55 (121)
try to hit 60 by Easter, and 58 by my birthday (may)
my ugw it's a dream weight but idk if I can reach it tbh
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newbornrat · 1 year
crying in front of the fridge
ahhhhh what a beautiful feeling 😄😄🔫
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newbornrat · 1 year
I'm 62 now! (137lbs) and i'm going down
I'm so happy and sad at the same time, the ed is hitting my mental health, but not worse than it does when I binge, anyway it's start to get easier and it feels unreal that I gain all that weight and eat all that fear food everyday
it was a bad dream, now I'm awake ig
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newbornrat · 1 year
going to the school bathroom to do inside walk to burn off calories
type of illness
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newbornrat · 1 year
the awareness that your friends are liying to you when they tell you that physically you are fine like this, when it is clearly only because they want you not to lose weight.
don't be fooled. I gained 5kg believing them lmao
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newbornrat · 1 year
this is how is been going so far, pretty gross ://
the 🤢 is for purge
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newbornrat · 1 year
I restarted restriction from monday and I don't see great results, having entered the b/p loop i want results immediately otherwise I end up bingeing
Does anyone know how to get results soon? (I can't fast rn)
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newbornrat · 2 years
From today I will try to write here to try to get out of my binge
this has nothing to do with losing weight anymore, this is literally ruining my health
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