#oc tag: kalvin williams
terrific-togekiss · 3 years
Okay, so when I first saw Danny Phantom, I came up with the idea of friends for Dani Phantom.
Not only because the poor girl could really use some other friends than Valerie and Danny, but it struck me as an eventual thing to happen to her.
As she travels the world and forges more about her identity, she's bound to open up more and meet new people.
In addition, I was surprised this isn't more of a trope in the Phandom. Like, is this really that hard? Dani's treatment by the Phandom is very... hit or miss in my opinion.
Mostly because fans are more interested in having her stay an extension of Danny. Seriously, what's the appeal of her being Danny's daughter? He's a fourteen year old, with hormone induced morals: end of story.
Rant out of the way, I present to you...
Kalvin Williams and Caitlin Suzuki.
How did she meet them? Let's get into that.
Shortly after the events of "D-Stabilized", Dani is off exploring the earth like in canon.
She's already seen and visited a handful of places such as New York and Arizona. Keeping to Western countries for now, as that's both in her comfort zone and if she needs to call Danny for help or not. Not too proud on the latter, as while she does appreciate Danny, he's a reminder of what she's not. Keeps that last point to herself by the way.
And she tries to avoid danger, unless necessary or if she's bored and wants a challenge. Not only for her own safety, but because she knows of how the world feels about ghosts and ghost hunters.
What surprises her, is when she comes across a small town that is preparing a celebration of the dead, as opposed to the opposite.
Young Dani Phantom is a small town in Mexico, preparing for the Día De Los Muertos holiday in a few weeks.
Fascinated by humans that honor dead people, than hunt them, she decides to stay.
She even possesses a hotel manager to get a free room, out of childlike wonder for this event. Some of you may find that too harsh, but she is Vlad's adopted daughter, whether she admits to that or not. She would inherit some traits of his.
This is where Kalvin Elijah Pablo Adan Martín-Williams comes in. Don't worry, he only goes by Kalvin.
While enjoying the festivities, Dani notices him performing a couple of magic tricks for younger kids. The Afro-Latino teen seems completely human, except for the fact Dani's ghost sense gave off the closer she was to him.
Wanting to observe him further and hopefully not escalate things, she introduces herself and tries to get to know him.
Kalvin is, rather fun to say the least, in Dani's eyes. He's very hyperactive and smart intellectually, but surprisingly would rather stick out than just be like everyone else. With a penchant (and perhaps love) for the supernatural and magic, that Dani assumes is ghost powers and he's just pretending to be human.
Nope. He just enjoys what he does and mostly for personal gain, or to prove he's better than others.
Dani doesn't realize this herself and assumes that his friendly and outgoing persona, was because he knew she was a ghost as well. The moment she transforms, well as you'd expect the opposite happens.
He doesn't stop fanboying and keeps calling her "La Llonora's lost child", much to Dani's confusion. Before she can explain herself and ask why he's not transforming, a ghost shows up.
This ghost, dressed in a luchador mask and changes into a wispy body, starting to wreck havoc and steal gold. The ghost is called El Infierno, as stated by Kalvin. Dani intervenes, but struggles to find a way to stop the ghost as she lacks a thermos of her own. Only to listen to Kalvin's advice and goad El Infierno into a wrestle match. If they win, he leaves. If they lose, he stays.
They're victorious the moment Dani possesses Kalvin and he's a man of his word, that leaves to the Ghost Zone. Thus a close friendship is born, as the two of them enjoy the festivities and use their combined skills to entertain people more and make money, that Dani plans to use to travel more.
Kalvin is only visiting Mexico with his parents for Day of the Dead and promises that if she's in the neighborhood, the two of them can hang out more. He develops a crush on her, with Dani being oblivious to it out of her own insecurities.
Kalvin's crush on her mostly comes from how cool she seems to him and how she's not afraid to voice how she feels. And looks very pretty.
How does Kalvin have magic powers? That remains unknown except for an offhanded comment about a dead twin... ;)
Moving on, Dani finds herself at an airport in Ireland, that's going to leave in the next 6 hours.
While looking around for something to pass the time, Dani notices a small ghost cat wave at her before phasing through a wall. Assuming the ghost cat is up to no good, she follows after it, ending up in the middle of an airport mall.
While there she notices a tall redhead girl shopping for dresses that proceeds to pet the ghost cat and lightly scold her for rushing off. This confuses Dani and while she's staring, she fails to notice said girl noticed her. This is Caitlin O'Conner Suzuki and her pet ghost cat Neko.
Caitlin is at the airport with her family, about to visit relatives in Tokyo. She left on her own to go for a bit of shopping and insists that she takes Dani to "expand" her wardrobe. Dani is in very little position to object and plays along. The two of them get along and the Japanese-Irish teen acts like the cool older sister Dani never had, but always wanted. Introducing her to latest fashion trends, getting her a phone and taking time to get to know her. Even if there's many holes in Dani's stories.
Too bad she may or may not collect ghosts for her own gain.
Eventually, the airport is running amuck with ghosts and Dani insists Caitlin gets to cover.
As she fights them off, Caitlin shows up with a ghost hunting gadget of her own: The Ecto Shine.
A katana with more of a focus on weakening ghosts, until they are safe to capture or beat until they can't fight back.
The two of them save the airport and the ever girly Caitlin insists on Dani coming with her. She agrees and tags along of course.
So yeah, these are my Danny Phantom OCs. I wanted them to be to Dani, what Sam and Tucker are to Danny. And be reverse versions of them to an extent.
Kalvin is more of a chemist that loves magic tricks with a bit of a superiority complex, in contrast to how Tucker has a bit of an inferiority complex with a love for technology.
Sam is "not like other girls" and looks down on other girls for being girly, while Caitlin is generally accepting of others with an unashamedly girly side to her. Though she can be a tad immature, she's not dumb by any means.
I'll most likely write little snippets of the three of them hanging out and I'd love to hear what you guys think of them.
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terrific-togekiss · 3 years
Your danny phantom ocs during The Ultimate Enemy?
You just had to pick an episode where they not only never met Dani but Dani doesn't exist? Anyways, this tests my writing ability.
Since it asks a question that I didn't ask myself before (so props to you @gritsandbrits):
What would Kalvin and Caitlin be like, without Dani's hand in friendship? They influenced her a lot, but Dani doesn't realize how much she influenced them.
Soo, let's start with Kalvin. The reason why Kalvin doesn't really intervene in episodes (though he does his own thing here and then) before D-Stabilized is either because he's out with his folks or doesn't see the hero business as worth his time. He wants fame and fortune for his talents, a lack of a physical reward is not on his mind half the time.
Meeting Dani and seeing the almost too inherent (wink wink nudge nudge) heroism, inspired him to not be as bothered without a physical reward for doing good.
His heart is in... a place. He's a lot better of a person than he let's on, others just don't know that immediately.
Without Dani's chipper and adventurous attitude? In the past, he's just your average 12 year old, with magic powers and a penchant for ghost hunting of the past. He doesn't do anything but complain about what's on his burger at Nasty Burger.
In the future? He goes underground with his parents, due to the threat of Dan Phantom and forms his own secret society of magic users.
They help out in secret across the world, but it's a "survival of the fittest" sort of guild. They show compassion for those in need and left homeless, but Dan is too scary of a person to listen to your conscious in dire times.
He meets Future Valerie, after Dan is sealed in the Thermos and the two come to a "deal" of sorts: they help be rebuild Amity Park, she agrees to pay them 2% of what they make in the healed Earth.
Now Caitlin.
Our favorite fashion snob and part-time ghost hunter in training was just having the time of her life singing karaoke with her friends and then BOOM!
An entire restaurant blew up!
Oh yeah. Danny Phantom is now evil. Bummer. Only took like two weeks after his family and friends died.
So Caitlin, without Dani in her life, is a lot more colder towards ghosts. It's not disgust, but a very deep resentment as she believes the unknown is nothing more than one mess after the other. There have been exceptions, like her pet ghost cat Neko and Dani, but she meets neither in this timeline. Without them, her fear of the unknown becomes hatred.
And Dan fuels that hatred.
She's a private investigator, tracking down ghosts hoping to find a weakness of Dan. To no avail.
She does sew clothes for kids in need and works under Future Valerie. After Dan is sealed in the Thermos, she continues to help Future Valerie rebuild the world and help enforce stricter ghost hunting technology around New Amity Park.
Thanks for the ask @gritsandbrits! :)
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terrific-togekiss · 3 years
for the oc thing, 1, 14, and 19? :>c
1: List five basic facts about your OC.
His full name is Kalvin Pablo Elijah Adan Martin Diego Williams. ("No one has the time Kal." "Not now Dani! ...I'm monologuing.") Picked it out himself.
Circus kid. Has a degree in clowning. Also a stand up comedian and a stage magician. Also a performance artist and special effects wiz.
Twin brother died at birth. Said brother grew up as a ghost in the Ghost Zone and he can communicate via magic.
Has an older sister that is more of a theater kid that wants to be a movie director.
Magic powers since he was about 6. Learned from his Grandma and continues his own training until today.
14: What is one of your OC’s secrets?
He's 12 years old. His soul on the otherhand, well then, is very, very old.
19: Your OC’s life is a musical. What’s the title of their big show-stopping song?
Show stopping song would definitely be called, "Take the Stars.'
Thanks for the ask @mochagatari!
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terrific-togekiss · 3 years
15. What is the first thing people notice about them?
For Kalvin:
A lot of people take notice of his "flashy" attire: all the pins, flowers, stripes and handkerchiefs. Mostly for tricks. He loves sticking out and standing out, along with the attention he fosters. As Dani often rolls her eyes in a joking manner, that she can never take him out anywhere.
Thanks for the ask @arty-angie-things.
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terrific-togekiss · 3 years
Hello, dear! You've been visited by the random character question fairy! :D ~☆
Your character is roped into putting on some boots and going puddle jumping! How do they react?
Your character is roped into putting on some boots and going puddle jumping! How do they react?
Kalvin wouldn't really mind getting roped into it. He's 12.
He would be more than happy to join in on the fun and knowing his stubbornness, try to turn it into a competition with friends. With or without magic.
Thanks for the ask @random-oc-questions-fairy!
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terrific-togekiss · 3 years
Happy Easter from the random-oc-question-fairy! May your day be full of fun and happiness! ~☆
Woah! Your character just walked in on the Easter Bunny placing eggs around their house! How do they react?
Happy Easter @random-oc-questions-fairy!
Kalvin would set up a camera and just leave the Easter Bunny to their craft. He would try to deduce what exactly the Easter Bunny is. And brag about being the first person to ever see them in person.
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terrific-togekiss · 3 years
Since @itstoohotinthiscountry didn't specify any OCs...
🤔 - If they could have one question answered, what would they ask?
For Kalvin, it would be if they're ever going to gain the praise he believes he deserves. He holds himself to a huge standard and believes he was put on this Earth to do amazing things.
All the talk of being such a powerful wizard and such a high and mighty person is to mostly cover any insecurities around that.
If he doesn't meet that gold standard, he's not much and he has to always meet that unattainable goal.
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terrific-togekiss · 3 years
You've been visited by the random OC question fairy! :D ~☆
If your character had to pick one person as their role model, who would it be and why? What do they admire in this person? How has this role model affected their life and actions?
Pleasure to meet you @random-oc-questions-fairy! Thanks for asking! :)
If your character had to pick one person as their role model, who would it be and why?
If Kalvin Elijah Pablo Adan Martin Williams (Danny Phantom OC), or just Kalvin or Kal, had to pick just one role model it would be his deceased Grandma.
He calls her Nana Viana.
What do they admire in this person?
Kalvin looks up to her as a source of inspiration, as she was the one that taught him everything he knows.
Magic, ghost hunting, tricks, fine dining, swindling, lying, etc. Everything he knows, can be traced back to her.
She didn't look down on him and doubt his ability to learn these things because he was a child. And taught him how to find greatness not only in others, but in himself.
How has this role model affected their life and actions?
Besides being a source of inspiration and all the neat tricks he knows, she gave him a vision.
A vision of him using everything he's learned to one day be at the level of greatness he knows he can achieve.
His life of being a magician has been because of her, not only to honor her, but to be a hero. Mostly for publicity and fame, but he has a heart... thankfully.
Thanks again for asking @random-oc-questions-fairy! ;-D
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terrific-togekiss · 3 years
You've been visited by the random OC question fairy! :D ~☆
Is your character comfortable being the center of attention? Does your character seek out attention? What do they do when all eyes are on them? 
Is your character comfortable being the center of attention?
Oh, Kalvin just LOVES being the center of attention. He always takes it in stride and embraces the respect and attention given to him.
Does your character seek out attention?
All the time. Whether it's saving people, being a complete showoff or just putting on magic shows, he finds many ways of doing that. He believes he deserves it.
What do they do when all eyes are on them?
Mostly shows off or brags.
Thanks @random-oc-questions-fairy! ;)
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terrific-togekiss · 3 years
Potential Ship Names for Dani Phantom X Kalvin (My OC)
Seeing as how I've already gone over here:
My two ocs, I thought it would be nice to actually come up with a Ship name for Kalvin and Dani. Seeing as how the Phandom already does that for canon ships and (i assume) OC X Canon pairings.
Here's some so far that I've come up with.
Green Gale
Windy Waters
Paranormal Presents
Mystic Echoes
Elledritch Haven
That's all I got.
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terrific-togekiss · 3 years
Hello, dear! You've been visited by the random character question fairy! :D ~☆
What are your character’s core beliefs about the people around them? How do these beliefs shape their thoughts and actions?
What are your character's core beliefs about the people around them? How do these beliefs shape their thoughts and actions?
Two core beliefs of Kalvin is you have to prove yourself no matter what and life is only worth living if you've made a name for yourself and others, while still focusing on yourself.
In his eyes, jealousy is for fools; everyone is a learning curve that will eventually curve towards your own path to greatness.
This impacts how he treats others as he's always searching for what makes them who they are.
Sometimes this can be a good thing, because he helps bring them up to speed on who they really are.
It can be a bad thing, as there's still a selfish lining to it: he does this to gain credit.
He understands when to back down, but that trait is still there.
It shapes his thoughts and actions as he hates being underestimated and just wants to be seen as the greatest magic user that ever lived. He has to be somebody, before he can help others see it too.
His core belief about others is they have yet to "forge the gold so to say", of their lives.
To him, most people live their lives, but are they actually living?
If they knew the kind of things he knew, would they make something more out of it or are they satisfied at where they are?
No, he doesn't think they would stay the same.
Thanks for asking @random-oc-questions-fairy!
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terrific-togekiss · 3 years
Hello, dear! You've been visited by the random character question fairy! :D ~☆
What is the funniest/most light-hearted memory your character has? How do they feel about this memory (still funny, bittersweet, etc.)?
Thank you @random-oc-questions-fairy!
What is the funniest/most light-hearted memory your character has?
The most light hearted memory Kalvin has is when his grandma first taught him magic. From the colorful fires at his command, to the neverending mysteries of the Ghost Zone, to all the legends of magic users before him, it was fun time.
How do they feel about this memory (still funny, bittersweet, etc.)?
He feels bittersweet looking back on the whole thing. While he's more than happy to carry on his grandma's legacy, it's soured by the fact she waited until she knew was going to die to teach him.
Not only did he wish he spent more time with her, he also feels as though she didn't see him as worthy until her life was on the line. Plus there's the fact he may or may not be the reincarnation of some ancient warrior, that didn't meet his grandmother's expectations.
He's very conflicted on the whole thing, but overall he's bittersweet.
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terrific-togekiss · 3 years
💍+ Danny Phantom OCs?
💍 + Kalvin Williams
As I already established in a previous post, Kalvin has a huge crush on Dani Fenton and it only grew over the years. And you can't really blame him.
She's so cool, daring, not afraid to say what's on her mind and has such a cheerful attitude in her everyday life.
Plus she can be downright scary on the field of battle. And the years have only made her stronger. Strong enough to carry him with no trouble and like he's as light as a feather. Mostly away from danger in certain situations. And he can't fly.
Not that he seems to mind. Like at all. It's kinda of hot... 😳
Anyways, Dani was always oblivious to how he saw her as more than a friend and never really took into consideration anything more.
Mostly because of her insecurity at being a clone and thinking she'll never really amount to anything more than that.
They don't start dating until their last year of High School and he finally let's out his true feelings. On accident.
After a lot second hand embarrassment, blushing in each other's presence and some "denial but their respective powers say otherwise" they do end up dating.
Kalvin proposes around their College graduation and are still together in their adult years. And many years to come.
💍 + Caitlin Suzuki
This took me awhile as I preferred not to make another OC and choose someone from canon.
As a searched and scoured the Danny Phantom wiki, I eventually picked the perfect candidate for her endgame.
Danny saving the world and revealing his secret identity made the popular kids at Casper High grow up and it impacted them. The fact the kid that they bullied and pushed around, risked his life to save theirs on multiple occasions made them open their eyes to how wrong their bullying was.
Thankfully, Cait met a changed Kwan by the time she was in High School and he fell hard in love with her.
She's so cool headed, uses big words, laughs with the face of danger and has such an adventurous spirit. And is very beautiful.
He's not the sharpest knife in the crayon box, but he certainly has a big heart even if they're some more jerkish qualities that should be checked.
They end up marrying in late 20s.
Thanks for the ask @gritsandbrits! Sorry I took so long! 😅
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