#oc: rabbit winslow
ultraericthered · 9 months
So this post and this one got me thinking more about what a darker, grittier, more twisted and deconstructive (but still very whimsical, wholesome and heart-filled) take on Winnie The Pooh would look like, and since Pooh’s now in the public domain, such a thing isn’t in the realm of the impossible anymore, and would certainly be a more worthwhile contribution to Pooh canon and society as a whole than...that thing. What I lean towards is a three season TV series in a similar vein to Amphibia where low stakes small stories and comedy meets with a larger, steadily building overarching narrative that leads to bigger revelations and higher stakes conflict. Said conflict has to arise from somewhere, so I thought up four OCs to bring it with them!
Context: This hypothetical series would be an Elsewords take on Winnie The Pooh from the main Disney depictions that reframes the Hundred Acre Wood as a vast, magical Eden of regrown nature and wildlife located in Sussex, England on a post-apocalyptic Earth. Christopher Robin is a orphaned boy who lives in a nature-overgrown neigborhood in Sussex and has secret access to the Wood, where he’s befriended some friendly cryptids with very plush animal-like appearances. All the classic Pooh tales transpired until one day Christopher had to leave at behest of his caretakers. In this story’s present day, Christopher is a young adult who returns to the Hundred Acre Wood and learns some deep, dark secrets about it that he’d never known in the childhood he left behind, such as the connection between the Wood denizens and the higher spirits of nature, the crystal stones that keep effect the way time flows within the Wood, why creatures such as Heffalumps, Woozles, and Jagulars are as they are, and the unnatural evil that lurks beneath the Wood’s soil...
Credit to @disneyfan50​, who put forward what could very well work as an ongoing flashback storyline in the first season, prior to the emergence of the first OC seen on this post in the present day tale.
And now, here they are - my OC Bad Guys!
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John Jagular emerges as the chief antagonist of the story, the ruler of the hidden Jagulars’ Vale who, in response to the natural resource scarity in his dominion, seeks to turn the Hundred Acre Wood into his first ever colony and tax the shit out of them so that a portion of their goods (hunny, hacorns, sticks, herbs and plant-life, Rabbit’s vegetables, etc.) can go to Jagular’s Vale. Much as he wants to be taken seriously as a soverign monarch, King John is quite a hapless and oafish figure who normally fails. His basis is the character of King John, who appeared in a handful of poems by A.A Milne, and he is a partial Expy of Prince John from Disney’s Robin Hood. He’d be voiced by Alan Tudyk (w/ his Clayface and King River voice)
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Kaleb Jingswell is the unexpected human antagonist, a competitor of Christopher Robin’s who’s put his foot down in land development and real estate business, meaning yes, he does exactly what you’d think he’d do: tries to secure a deal for the Hundred Acre Woods to get bulldozed and made into the future site of homes for humans. While many are in need of homes in this post-apocalyptic setting, his intent is not to help the needy but simply to spite Christopher by desecrating his childhood playground. Much like John Jagular, Kaleb is heavy on comedic relief despite his cruelty and wickedness. He is a suspiciously similar character to Giles WInslow Jr. from Christopher Robin (2018), but he also has influences in Big City Greens’ Chip Whistler and El Hazard’s Katsuhiko Jinnai (same initials even!) He’d be voiced by Kyle McCarley (Simon Laurent from Infinity Train, etc.).
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Sylvester T. Reynard is the true villain of the piece, a suspicious fox who roams around the woods in clownish get-up, always claiming to be conveniently exactly what someone might need him to be at that given moment. Feigning friendliness to Pooh and friends, Reynard is constantly scheming up ways to dupe them, will never hesitate to stab them in the back when it suits him, and eventually starts playing them, the Jagulars, the Heffalumps and Woozles, and even Kaleb Jingwell’s human demolition team against one another. While as comical a figure as John and Kaleb, Reynard differs in that he does more long term thinking than either of them and has moments where his darker, more intimidating true nature shows itself. His animation would also notably differ from that of other characters, with his movements being stange and jerky and his feet sometimes lifting above the ground, signifying something very off about this particular critter. His basis is the obscure one-off antagonist Sly Fox from the book Pooh’s New Clothes, who duped the Hundred Acre Wood residents and got away with it with a handful of hunny jars, and the clown-like garb and make-up along is an allusion to none other than Pennywise the Dancing Clown from Stephen King’s IT. He’d be voiced by David Tennant (w/ his Dread the Evil Genie voice)
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The Thing From Below is the overarching villain, though we’d not learn he exists until near the very end when it’s revealed he’d been sealed beneath the Hundred Acre Wood for ages. A beast who knows no morality, the Thing wishes to swallow up all the mystical supernatural power within the crystal stones in order to strengthen itself so that it may dominate the Wood and leave a wasteland of dust, decay, and bones in its place. It is said that more of its kind used to exist and are what brought the planet to an apocalypse a good many years ago, the effects of which are still being dealt with, and the older forest spirits imprisoned this last one because it was the strongest and cruelest of them all. Not pictured is that on the tip of its tail a tall, thin branch sprouts out, and on the edge of the branch is a long, crooked wire-like thing, and on the edge of that is Sylvester T. Reynard, who the whole time was the Thing’s puppet working to get it released from beneath the earth (yeah, turns out my “Professor Pericles” idea from 5 years earlier ended up a little more on the mark than I’d expected). As you’ll most likely notice, the Thing is indeed the Skullasaurus, the fabled fearsome monster from Pooh’s Grand Adventure, though it would not be addressed as such. And as an additional Mythology Gag, it’d be voiced by Jim Cummings using only growls, grunts and roars, as all of his “speaking” is done by Reynard.
By the by, I'm also still waiting for that Madeline Robin-centered spinoff, but that should be its own thing entirely, obviously. The poor girl doesn’t deserve to be put through anything like these nightmares!
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selstice · 7 months
Soo... While I still have no ideas for a design for my next xmas mime oc, I wanna ramble stuff abt Kipp and small info that I've made (from my recent post) cuz they're slowly becoming my favorite :pensive:
🕯️🎄 — • they're zany, peculiar, arcane and aloof, but unknowingly wise, and zombie-like. A scented candle Mime that prefers to be on their own, and sometimes in need of company. Some considers them weird—and creepy, some might even say he's a cock-up, or manky.
But in truth, they're just like that, being themselves, they don't care what others think of him, or what the other's opinions are on them.
They're very close with Ephraim, Yule, Winslow and Kolohe. Hangs out with them rarely, but they appreciate them very much.
They would try to befriend others, though, they're afraid that they would reject them due to how they acts, and how they look like, so they're kind of like, a little insecure. So they just stick to the one's they're close with.
that's all the info that I have for now... might remake or smth.
but here r random facts abt them that I made!
— Kipp once tried to pet a rabbit, but the poor little critter was intimidated by the Mime, so it ran away from them. Poor Kipp was very sad.
— Kipp likes flowers, the sky (day, evening, etc.), little critters, books, peace and quiet, and hanging out with the ones they're close with! (haven't made their dislikes yet)
— if they're happy with someone or comfortable with someone, they stare at that someone (not in a creepy way, but in an appreciative and curious way), the candle flame at the top of their head kind of like, slowly flares up a little???? idk, English isn't my first language T_T
— Like Cadwallader, they don't speak. They just emit groans, grumble, and other nonsensical sounds. Although, there are times when they conventionally and rarely speak clearly, sometimes words or in gibberish.
— Their scent is either vanilla or coconut scented.
That's all for now !
end of oc ramble ^^
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--> rabbit’s wardrobe 1/?
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luxecoffin · 2 years
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for oc kiss week 2022, i decided to do something a bit different! who’s responsible for the kisses? that’s up to you ;)
part 1 here. 
top row: eurydice lavellan belonging to @star--nymph, talvinder kaur cousland belonging to @vakarians-babe
middle row: fenesvir belonging to @forystr, rabbit winslow belonging to @impossible-rat-babies
bottom row: pepper belonging to @ineed-to-sleep, katerina irakleids belonging to @rosewoodcasket, ilora betek belonging to @missiodine
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trvelyans-archive · 2 years
ok well. i made the oc ❤ she is my mc for the IF ear candy !!! some facts about her under the cut 😁
- her name is fiona conrad !!!
- her faceclaim is miss vee nelson
- she got into drumming because her dad was a drummer in a bunch of high school bands and he passed the hobby down to her not knowing she would surpass him in natural skill and interest
- her mom didn't want her to pursue drumming bc she thought it was too Masculine and that fiona would never be able to make a name for herself but. guess whose band just won a grammy bestie!
- she had a long term girlfriend for like 4 years but they broke up like. a year before the book will start. and fiona is still very much heartbroken and blindsided by it because she thought they were going to get married but her gf just fell out of love with her 😔
- so she is very flirty and gets to the Talking stage with a lot of people but ends up ghosting them because she is Scared 😘✌ so her romancing winslow will be super fun!
- otherwise she is very fun and outgoing and friendly. she tends to wear a lot of dark bold colours and a lot of heavy makeup so she can look intimidating but she is really soft and nice to everyone
- when she gives autographs she always puts a little heart or smiley face next to her name and writes "to (persons name)" if she has time so they feel like its an Intimate thing. in meet and greets and slower paced meet ups she will also kiss the paper next to her signature with her signature shade of dark red lipstick (she has gone through tubes doing this). she has also been asked to kiss shirts/hats and usually does if they look um nice and clean ❤
- she is anxious and usually gets really anxious right before shows or meet ups and tries Valiantly not to let it show but she is always bouncing or talking a lot or, if she cant do that, tapping her fingers
- she is an asmr Stan ❤ sleeps with an eyemask that has earbuds attached to it so she can sleeo without any disruption because otherwise she Will not fall asleep
- she also likes to do instagram livestreams of her tapping things around like. hotels and tour buses as asmr for her stans who Love it a LOT
- she has a custom leather case that she carries her drumsticks around in - it's fancy black leather with a velvet interior and her initials engraved on the clasp
- doesn't hold it in her sleep but cannot sleep unless she knows her dark red stuffed bunny rabbit neil is in bed with her
- has a tattoo of a drumstick on the inside of both of her pointer fingers as well as a treble clef at the base of her neck ! as well as a tattoo of second rate logo art made by some stan on instagram and she always tags them when it appears in her posts
- she is cute and precious and i'm in love with her ❤
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retrogradedreaming · 3 years
hm 6, 12 + 15 for any of your oc's!! (especially mirage tho bc i really like that name and Ellis bc that's the same name as my stuffed rabbig sjkfs)
Theo thank you for letting me talk about my ocs!!! <3
Disclaimer: I'm making half of this up as I go because I haven't put this much thought into them oops
6. On an average day, what can they be found doing after dinner?
They're pretty artistic and really into tarot/crystals/astrology stuff, so you might find them journaling, reading tarot or charts, making the others in the group tell them about THEIR astro stuff...After dinner is when they have more energy, so this is like the one time of the day where they really interact with other people.
Ellis has but one objective while being trapped in this mansion, so he spends his evenings researching on the mansion, looking for secret passageways/exits, and going over the progress of their escape with Enyo. He also spends a lot of time with this vintage camera in the mansion's art room. On a normal day, though, he'd usually go out with his camera and take photos because that's what he does.
She's usually in the greenhouse checking up on her plants one last time after dinner, but you can also find her reading. She doesn't spend a whole lot of time in the library, though, because Owen will talk to her about mansion history and the only thing they've ever been able to really bond of is orchids.
12. Are they hot-headed or even-tempered? What frustrates them the most?
Hot-headed but like subtly hot-headed. They’ll get angry but they don’t always express it right away, so they get more moody than outright upset, if that makes sense. But then they explode and everyone else is like ‘whoa what’ because they don’t realize how long this has been building. Most frustrating is people acting like anxiety and other mental illness is “all in your head.” 
Hot-headed but he will just come right out with it. His thing is that he doesn’t get too serious about arguments, but he wants to WIN, he has to be RIGHT or he will argue you into oblivion. He’s also just a really outgoing and expressive person, so mellow is a foreign word to him. Most frustrating to him is when he doesn’t think people are putting in enough effort when he is doing The Most.
Suuuper even-tempered, he’s literally the chillest person in this story. He takes everything in stride, isn’t bothered by much, and he’s very expressive but in a way that’s funny and easy to get along with. Most frustrating is people who think information is useless or who aren’t willing to learn or change.
Even-tempered, she’s the group mom. But make no mistake, she will put everyone in their place when necessary. Most frustrating is people who are needlessly contradictory or take advantage of her just because she’s a kind person.
Hot-headed. Like the MOST hot-headed, she will destroy you over literally anything, and also if you mess up her plants, she’ll kill you. Everything is frustrating to her, but honestly, it’s probably when people can’t keep up with her wit.
Kind of both. He’s chill on the outside, chaotic on the inside, so it’s like he’s hot-headed but only where he can see. Most frustrating to him is people trying to get him to do something he doesn’t want to do or isn’t comfortable with and don’t give him a choice in the matter.
15. Are they the type to adopt strays (animals or people?) What or who have they “adopted” over the years?
Small animals, yes. I think she’s afraid of bigger ones like dogs, horses, like...anything bigger than a cat basically. But I think she has rabbits?
Not at all. He’s kind of the type to look out for himself and that’s kind of it, he’s just. Not that nice tbh.
She’s the type to adopt plants. Her bedroom is a forest.
Yes, mainly people because they gravitate to her and she just accepts that.
He’s got many pets, mostly dogs (I can’t not have a character who adores dogs), but more than anything he adopts books. If a book doesn’t have a home, it’s his now.
He wants to adopt pets, but his family never really allowed it, and people think he’s intimidating even though he’s a scared bby inside. But if people can stick around long enough to get past his outside self, they really like him and he’s actually a pretty supportive person, so people stick around.
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their fashion sense is. tragically grunge.
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[wip] workin on outfit line ups lmao
left: they/them. right: he/him
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A haze creeps around the edges of Rabbit’s mind, a steady rise back to consciousness; details escape them, the haze of drowsiness like cotton between their ears and they blink slowly in the dim yellow light. The gibberish hum of a tv turned down low on the edge of their hearing, but they know the sound of the news anywhere--the monotone of a newscaster droning
Turning their head around and they squint, a faint hum of questioning in the back of their throat. They spy the box TV, the automatic subtitles lazily scrolling across the bottom of the grainy screen, half a sentence behind. Florida’s in the midst of another rough storm coming up from the tropics, scenes of preparation moving across the screen and Rabbit imagines that’s what prepping for the apocalypse must look like. 
Rabbit drags their eyes away, sweeping across the heavy gaudy patterned curtains and tacky window valance, the curtains drawn tight--isolating them further in the cocoon of warm dim light.
The computer screen draws them in, blocked by a pair of arms in an out of focus blur, only the blue white light of the screen against their eyes. They eyes narrow as they adjust, words appearing with speed in little fill in the blank text boxes--expense reports. The constant tap of fingers against the keys match the pace, the steady rhythm complimenting deep breaths in the chest pressed against their ear, a faint grunt of displeasure grumbling in his chest. 
Warmth....cradled, held close. Tucked in and held with security behind tense arms.
Rabbit pulls their legs in closer, turning their face away from the light. A concerned hum reverberating their head, the sharp scent of mints and the sound of crunching washing over them. Cinnamon and cardamon, by the smell--must be a special kind.
They idly hum back, nuzzling against Bautista’s chest and they take their own deep breath. Cheap laundry detergent is a smell they’ve grown used to on their own clothes, but it’s funny how they never realized its the same with Bautista
“You alright?” Bautista gently breaks the quiet.
“Jus’ tired...Didn’t know I’d fallen asleep.” Rabbit mumbles and there’s another hum, one of understanding and the comforting sound of tapping of fingers against keyboard. Counting breaths, how each inhale moves them up and back down, heartbeat steady in their ear.
“I didn’t know it either until I looked.” He mumbles back and Rabbit feels it more than hears it, the rumble in his chest.
Both of them had been working late, just the table lamp on and the same station cycling through it’s nightly repertoire. A touch of background noise to further occupy their mind, distract and evade. They were sitting beside him and nodded off when Bautista turned quiet in the lull of a bickering conversation. It had been a long day. Nerves frayed from tracking all day, the usual deep ache settling between their shoulders and in their thighs, muscles tensing despite how they kept pressing their thumbs against the pressure points to relax. Relaxing...Rabbit can’t remember the last time that happened. At least until now.
How they ended up sandwiched between his arms and computer in his lap is a mystery.
“Why am I here...?” Rabbit ponders and Bautista stops crunching away at another mint for a moment. “Sitting in your lap, I mean...jerk.” They mumble for clarification, yawning.
Bautista is quiet, fingers drumming against the keys and he finishes chewing on the mint. Long enough for Rabbit to wonder if he’s blowing them off, or worse: thinking this is a terrible idea and wondering how quickly he could dump them out of his lap and save their precious computer from flailing arms or legs. (Wouldn’t be the first time some poor electronic of theirs had suffered from a flailing arm or leg--but that had been an accident, they swore!)
Funny how their mind travels to that memory, or worse yet wondering if he’s wondering if this is a terrible idea. There’s been too much of that lately: the wondering about wondering about him. Or the wondering about his wonder of what he thinks about them. Too much wondering for one brain, gross.
“Do you hate it?” He asks instead and Rabbit pauses, chewing the inside of their cheek and the callous on their thumb. There’s a scar inside their mouth, matching the imprints of their molars and the callous from the flickering of lighters. One remembered well, the other forgotten. They don’t remember a lot of things, or choose not to remember. 
Sometimes it’s hard to tell which is which. Most of the time they don’t want to know the difference.
But he asked them a question and he’s quiet, just him breathing and it’s steady like the thump thump thump of his heartbeat against their ear.
Rabbit admits in a timid voice, finding a loose thread on his shirt and they pull it, wrapping it around their thumb over and over until it breaks. Words stuck in their lungs, in their stomach—more things they could say--unraveling the string turning their fingertip white. Things they should say. That this feels nice, that they like being held, that he’s far too good to be holding them like this. 
He shouldn’t let him hold them like this, the more he lets them sit the more they’ll stain him—cover him in briny, rough rotting ichor that won’t ever wash out. Carrion sloughing off their decrepit body to fall into the ocean in visceral chunks, and if all the bad could show up on their skin they would be rip for the tearing from vulture’s beaks like prometheus bound to a rock.
Quietly their name, coming from Bautista’s lips like he’s unsure of how it feels to shape their name with his lips, how the word that belongs to them tastes in his mouth.
Sharp scent of mints, cinnamon burning their lungs as they take another deep breath. The faint crunch and the steady up and down as Bautista breathes. Just one hand tapping away the keys, the other tucked back, held as an offering. palm up, shiny scars melding into the worn lines and crevices of callouses on his palm. Callouses from gripping the stock of a rifle, the hold on the grip of a pistol--an old flaking callous on the outside of his thumb from the flick of a lighter.
Rabbit always thought of him as more of a matchbox sort of man.
He doesn’t move despite their hesitance, eyes fixed on the computer screen even when Rabbit cranes their neck to look. They don’t look long, averting their eyes back to the TV and they slowly, achingly reach out. Pressing their palm to his, fingers slipping together and it’s a strange fit—his hands are much larger, less slim than Rabbit’s own stick thin fingers and their whole hand almost fits in his palm.
He doesn’t protest, nor shies away as Rabbit pulls his hand close, tucking it beside their chest--an idle act of vulnerability tucked in the narrow black negative spaces of their silhouette. Their thumb brushes against and counts the scars criss-crossing the backs of his hands. Tracing over the hills and pits of tendons flexing under their touch, across knuckles blemished and bruised.
Rabbit lets out another deep breath and lets the steady back to back news reports lull them back down to the same drowsy haze as before. Head lolling against the slow up and down of Bautista breathing, almost feeling the brush of his thumb across their own hand. Silently wondering what he’s finding on their hands--and almost not wondering why they’re wondering so hard.
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oc edits --> interactive fiction main characters
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they wont let rabbit have a gun, but a baseball bat is perfectly fine 🤙
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@curiousstrawberry​ asked Hey, are you still doing the moodboards? Could I ask ✿ for Rabbit? :3 
“oh really? scared im gonna jam a butterknife into my hand? how about stick my face in one of those fancy continental breakfast waffle maker machine things?”
[moodboard meme]
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oc-tober day 13 -- rabbit winslow
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i got tagged by @masonsfreckles and @solasan to make my characters in this picrew! <3
pollux bixby -- fallen hero/ the wayhaven chronicles andromache hatche -- shepherds of haven rabbit winslow -- greenwarden
im gonna tag: @trvelyans, @arlathen, @curiousstrawberry, @lvllns, @mareserenitatis, @marshalcharge, @angelaziegler, @feeshies, @wolfmarrow, @atomirotta, @bitchesofostwick, @dep-yo-tee, @bitterotter, @vixenlesbian, and anyone else! go for it! 
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