#oc: typha
steel--fairy · 7 months
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an oc whos existed for a while but ive never mentioned......she's a wallace fankid (obviously lol) i gave him a depressed sleeping around era so it felt natural to give him an oopsie doopsie kid. mom is a coordinator from kalos, they met at a thing in sinnoh and......got along very well ; D
in her lil au, mom can't raise her bc of financial reasons, so she ends up being raised by wallace. she'd be about 8 or 9 by the game events
she really only exists in an au in my head, tho her mom may appear in kalos arc, actually. neither of them have names bc naming stuff is the devils work but I'll figure something out eventually. probs.
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kissingagrumpygiant · 8 months
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Local knight enchanter would have had several homoerotic poems written about him had he been born in Arlathan
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mdantics · 2 months
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oh my gog! Antics posting a NONMSPAINT doodle of a fantroll character that isn't an introduction sheet?! what is this madness!!!!!! OFF WITH HIS HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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digitalresorts · 1 year
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recent gijinkas (magic fire types) (this wasn’t planned) (fire is fun to draw lol)
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fizpup · 2 years
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last but certainly not least, artfight attack of one of the best waddle dee ocs I've EVER seen 🌱
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magiccrafter-artz · 1 year
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Some significant members of clan Galespine (Concepts, for the most part)
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dballzposting · 13 days
Context & Summary for Old Dballz Ocs (I Feel Like Rambling ...)
sept 2021 when I was speed running my first dbz viewing i purchased Dragon Ball Fusions for thr 3DS. I didnt know ANYTHING about ANY TH ING but i KNEW that Goten & Trunks were funny as hell and that they fused so they must be on the game .
On the character creation I threw some elements together until it felt right, I created a power-type Saiyan with golden-pearl skin and fire-kissed hair in the style of Yanucha's long beautiful locks ... with friendly red eyes becasue he was cool AF. I named him Adonis, and I spent my playthrough battling with the fact that male characters could not wear most female outfits, and I put him in the sluttiest / most fashionable fits I could (Nail's shirtless fluffy neck wrap and Gine's skirt).
His own personality came to be, and if he were real I would HATE HIM becasue I cannot STAND catty gemini bitches. But that's why I respect him. Becasue he is viscous and does not need my love. In the gameplay hes obviously a kind-hearted hero but he does that while also being a viscous catty Saiyan bitch. Hes kind in a Saiyan way. He dejects himself from Saiyan culture and aligns himself with Earth, and by Saiyan standards he is a soft little kitty cat, but by Earth standards he is a cutthroat little sphinx. I wanted Shin to fall in love with him it felt like it made a lot of sense narratively ... Shin was so insulted and mesmerized by the Saiyans' power when he learned of it, so it makes beautiful disgusting sense that this proper little gentlemen would fall in sick love with this wild and true "little red Corvette" Saiyan ....... They actually have a lot of cartoonish but intense pink-glittery romance.
Anyway I decided his Saiyan name was TYPHA, which is lifted directly from the scientific name for cattails. Cant remeber if it's all cattails or one specific species. You can eat them when they're little sprouts so they are a vegetable and it counts. And I chose Cattail obviously becasue Adonis is a slutty little catboy!
He was a real one with a steel-hard heart of gold. Gold-toned stainless steel I suppose. Spat on as if valueless but a piece that will stay with you for a long time. He existed in his own culture as a trailblazer TBH and he was okay with that. It's who he was. He didnt need your opinions....
I always said that he would get fake tits but IDK how he could becasue he has no body fat and his muscles are so lean so?? Where would they put the boobs ....
You cant ask him what his pronouns are becasue he doesnt think that that's his motherfucking problem. A lot of people think that thats a kind and appropriate question, but to him you're just proving right off the bat that you have NO backbone. It's not his motherfuciing problem what words YOU use to address him. That's YOUR words, your right, not his. If you're too lily-livered to PICK what language YOU want to use, then you should keep his name out of your goddamn mouth.
To reiterate and clarify, he is a power-type Saiyan. On that game there are three types: power, speed, and ummm I think it was called Technique (that last one is for people who use their noggins). Adonis was a team leader, the tactician; but hes not technique-class, he's power. On that game, a power-class Saiayn is a TANK becasue that combo gives you the lowest speed and highest attack. So he was my team leader, but he would always go last, and he would just finish it. On the outside he is small, and playful, and goofy, and by Saiyan standards an intellectual - but what makes him a SAIYAN WARRIOR is the way that his core is steel-hard conviction. He knows who he is. He never vacillates or falters. Hes a fruity little thing but he commands an army ... he rejects his Saiyan name becasue he wants to write himself.
ANYWAY. I had more ideas for Saiyan ocs so after Adonis/Typha came Bulrush. Bulrush is just another name for cattails. (I had another name that I never used which was Perslane, which is as I recall a salad-type green, but it has "purr" in its name so I thought that it would fit with the cattails. I almsot made Bulrush a twin sister named Perslane to use up the ideas / color coding that I didnt get to use, but she never stuck.)
Bulrush is Adonis's huge cousin. Size-wise, she is to him as Nappa was to Vegeta. Adonis was already red and I wanted her to be red too but TBH I think that she settled into a dark blue ... IT DOESNT MATTER colors dont matter on dragon ball.
On that 3DS game there is a lot of timeline tomfoolery so I didnt stress too much about the details. I said that she used to be a member of the Freeza Force, and then later I decided that actually she was an ex-member of the GINYU force. (Freeza allowed that becasue the Ginyus begged .. they were like "can we keep her?"). She wasnt even as strong as then-Vegeta, but they kept her around for her Great Ape ability, her wild sense of humour, and her minor IT training which was unusual for a Saiyan. (When Captain Ginyu was on his period he liked to watch cat videos on the SpaceTube, and when it wasnt working Bulrush was always there to punch the computer just right to make it start working again.)
They kicked her out becasue she started to fail the poses. And becasue she is just kind of difficult to work with. Shes cripplingly insecure deep inside so when she starts to feel like shes failing or being rejected, she escalates the conflict just so she can leave and justify the whole complication. So that ended.
Through some sort of time hooblah (timelines crossing like on the game, accidental cyrogenetic freezing, I DOMT CARE) she makes her way to Earth seeking out her lone remaining blood relative.
And she hates his candy ass. She poses as really threatening and malicious. When I finally watched the Raditz episodes I was appalled at how i had accidentally made a character exactly like him, looks and behavior and all. So yeah.
But Bulrush doesnt actually give a shit about most things. She adapts roles but she'll drop them if they stop paying out. At first she seemed a real threat to Adonis, and he was genuinely upset or scared, but through his pure heart and the power of teamwork he became somebody who could prove her wrong (and make her proud). And then she just sort of drifted to Capsuoe Corp becqsue where else would she go. She wanted to lounge in the sun and be close to the prince. And the technological environment nurtured her minor interest in computers, it's not a big part of her personality and actions at all but it's a part of her nonetheless.
Though with all the Saiyans dead and the Freeza Forces long since dismantled (so she thinks), she holds no loyalty to Vegeta's royal status. She prefers it to anything else, but with no one forcing her to bow, she is quick to be defiant and just eject herself from a community. In theory a lone wolf.
She wants to swing with Vegeta and Bulma but they obviously dont have her in that way. Bulma likes gal pal time and is very easy to flatter so she lets Bulrush hang. But Vegeta cannot stand this vulgar woman who is loyal to no inner values. To him, she is as bad as they come.
She plays it chill and keeps trying to hit on him and it never works. Over time she gets more desperate and eventually she just functionally has a huge crush on him that is forever unrequited. On some level she does this to herself. She is used to the pain, and has never been good at accepting genuine connection anyway.
She masterfully dissembles when Goten and Trunks show her their strength so they think that she must be really cool. But she's shitting herself over the fusion thing. The SSJ3 thing . She was completely cold before but after unlocking that Fear For Her Life, she starts insisting that they call her "Auntie Bulrush" and she poses as a supporting figure because she doesnt want them to kill her.
Anyway: over time she becomes just completely and perfectly loyal to her cousin. She only ever called him "Typha" which he took as an affront, but eventually it comes to mean less "I refuse to accept your new name and true self" and more "I am your kin I have known you the longest I am your deepest friend i know you like no other. I am the only one who can call you this." Though to be honest she just calls him "Cousin" more often than not. She's always like "Cousin...let's go bowling."
There was this bit I had where he goes in for boob surgery and when he wakes up Bulrush is all bandaged up too and he's like "...what happened to you?" and she says heartfeltly "Where do you think the tits came from cousin?"
She loves him and is loyal to him but it's also kind of in a way that reflects her buried insecurity. She'll be player two, she'll even be player three, she'll play the backseat, she'll be just one of thousands in his army. She doesn't ask to be anything special to him, she just wants to help his cause in any way. She hardcore respects his iron core and the way that he has bit back at her over the years, and that's cool, but it's also speaking to a familiar pattern of rejection to her. TBH. But IDK. She's ride or die.
IDK. Becasue if they were real they would also just pretty much just be like Spongebob and Patrick. BFFs who get up to goofy shit. Typha is just like yassified Spongebob. Spongebob if he were a baddie. Bulrush is just like Patrick Star fr. Dumb and hung.
OK well if you know these guys, Bulrush is a lot like these guys: Captain K'nuckles, Captain Linebeck, Grunkle Stan, and TBH Raditz.
I stopped talking about these guys because I realized just how many characters were in dragon ball, I really ddint need to invent any. EXAMPLE Vegeta Tit Tuesday did what Adonis did but better and more meaningful.
I Stoppe Drawing Them becasue I was getting pissed off. Firsdt of all I was still learning and relearning quirks about the dragon ball artstyle, what was a constraint and what was not. Srcond Of All thr only thing I cared about was warm skin, red accouterments, and hips/tits from hell. I wanted to draw characters who fucked hard and died pretty. My sense of beauty, fashion, and juicy life-force was at this point finding no expression in my actual day-to-day so I needed a lot from music and art. And so Typha was pretty much all that. So I didnt know what to do with Bulrush . It pissed me off so much to draw them next to each other, becasue I didnt know how to make thei skin different colors, but i wanted them to look visually distinct. I experiemted with making Bukrush a colder or darker color but it never vibed. And I got so pissed off about their outfits becasue I'm one of those people who cares a lot about colors . And I cannot help it, I NEED characters to have their own designated color(s). And i wanted red. Even the gloss and fruit of fuschia. But by personalty Typha got no pinker than red, and I can respect that. But Buklrush wasnt pink either. She was red and navy blue. WHY ? I kept trying to move away from that but I coudnt find anything else that felt like her. Maybe purple would work ??? Maybe I could figure it out nowadays. But I wanted only red but i coudlnt have them both be red because i was pissed off when they were and also when they werne't. Navby blue was/is Vegeta to me so I didnt know how to feel about that, since I was intending to draw her standing next to Vegeta too.
I mean i can respect her being both red and navy blue. It's an ODD color combo but nowadays I can accept it just fine. It's eccentric and a blessing. I just didnt want to accept it then becasue i was struggling with making directed choices VS sussing out the natural vibe.
Also Typha wore skirts and I wanted her to too but she always vibed better in just short pants instead . But I've spent two years bringing fashion into my life so im much more cool with letting things be becasue i get my kicks elsehwere so i dont need to try to have it all at once here. It feels better to just let it be <3 She Can Wear The Raditz Underweear there was never anything being lost in that
The thing is COLOR DOSE NOT MATTER ON DRAGON BALL AT AL !!!!! FIRST OF ALL it's a black and white manga., SECOND OF ALL, NO One Cares. Even in the colored animation they dont care at all. They proved that when in DBS they changed Trunks's SIGNIFICANT, UNIQUE, NOTEWORTHY, RECOGNIZABLE lavender hair to ..... Fcuking Blue .
So . Yeah .
This is just a me problem .
The coolest thing about Bulrush was the inspired idea I had to make her eyes Grey. I had never had a characterwith grey eyes before, and I never saw it, so it struck me as really great.
Though i Wonder if i had just subconsiously gotten it from Mr Satn's DBS design .
This pisses me off greatly becasue her eye shape was also like his, becasue I was basing her eyes off of later-Z Yamucha (with what little I knew .. that was all I had.) . And that shape IS the shape of Mr Satans eyes .
I'm just pissed off about that becasue in theory I could bring back Bulrush to pair her with Mr Satan becasue I think that he needs to get Las Vegas marreid to a rough and wild woman . But if they have the same eys that pisses me off . I WANT VISUAL DISTINCION ...
Though honestly I would never draw Mr Satan with grey eyes. His eyes are an intense blue in DBZ, But I would proibbaly color them the same intriguing periwinkle that Videl's eyes are in DBZ (not the bright sky blue that they are in DBS). Becasue I think it's cool when parent and child have the same colors . Becasue colors matter to me . But canon colors also matter to me. And it pisses me off how pink and pale Videl is when her father is very much not. It's cool to think about genetics and anime genetics and to justify that well, he could be mixed race and just by chance passed on his palest alleles. But it still pisses me off becasue it puts me into a position . Either I could color her darker and have the benefit of mollifying both my intellectual nettles and my "I want characters to stand out more from each other color-wise" nettle, but grapple with outright denying canon and having to choose whether to keep her skin cold or make it warmer like her father, OOOORRRR i could just LEAVE IT and DEAL WITH ITand ssssSUCK it UP becasue HWTA DO I KNOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really really like her hair and all of its styles. I really like drawing her hair texture, both when its shown to be straight smooth and when it's drawn more spiky. BUT IT PISSES ME OFF THAT HER DAD IS ROCKING AN AFRO AND SHE HAS NOT EVEN A WAVE TO HER HAIR ????! COME ON .... No amount of anime whimsy can make me feel okay with all of this .... At the end of the day I DO REALLY WANT Shit To Make Sense.
Anyway. So Bulrush pisses me off becasue her colors piss me off and it pisses me off to draw her standing next to any other fucking character. But I think it'd be great for Mr Satan to have someone like that in his life. IDK.
IM PISSED !!!! I started this post this morning and all day I'vr been thinking about how fucked up i am over Buklush';s colors .If i really drew her then people would be like "why does she have Mr Satn's eyes? Is she his wife or are they related?" IDK SHE JUST LOOKS GOOD THIS WAY !!!!! FUCK !!!!
But it ok.
DID ANYPONY ACTAULLY READ THIS ??? I'm trying to proofread it and it's hard . Sludgey AF
Here are OLD pictures of Typha and Bulrush that you've probbaly already seen before BUT THEY ARE ALL I HAVE ON THIS COMPUTER And Ever
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midnapanda · 3 months
Can you tell us about your Agent 3 and New Agent 3?
A little!!
Cherry was the name I had for Agent 3 for the longest time (uses Cherry Nozzlenose and wears Cherry Kicks), but Cherry's non gear-related name is Typha! Like I said before, these OCs were initially created outside of being Agents, and as a result, Typha is kinda like a childhood-best friend to Fizz. The two of them were volunteered to greet Eight together. Despite the intense aura, Typha is super friendly, and has a strong sense of justice.
And you know that funny gimmick Agent 3 has where they pass out after doing 1 (one) cool thing? Typha's thing is being really good at games with minimal choices, like tic-tac-toe, checkers, or connect 4. Just as a silly tidbit.
My New Agent 3 is Acerola for xyr gear-based name and Neriti for xyr more "Splatoony ocean connection" name. I believe this Agent is the one I have the least amount of solid stuff for. Xe's kinda shy, but opens up once you get to know xem. Xe has a boombox xe carries around and xyr Lil' Buddy dances to the beat sometimes! Xe also likes swing sets (it's like super jumping <3) and tableturf (even though xe sucks at it <33)
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vampiric-prometheus · 9 months
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Prince Mordred, my beloved D&D OC.
I've now done song art for all three PCs in my Curse of Strahd campaign! Yay! You can find the other two under the cut :D
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^ This is Dawn, my friend's OC.
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^ And this is Typha, my other friend's OC!
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OC Sexuality Tag!
Thanks for the tag, @writingamongther0ses!!
For Whispers:
Marika - Bisexual Ivan - Bisexual Dakarsa - Gay Lorelei - Lesbian The Shadow - ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ up to interpretation because i dont fuckin know
And for Millennium Saga:
Ember - Gray-Ace Pansexual, Polyamorous Gabbro - Bisexual, Polyamorous Ice - Gay, Polyamorous Annie - Aroace Andy - Lesbian (? she's an Enigma tbh I don't even know) Nimbus - Asexual, Biromantic Dusk - Asexual, Gay Lakia - Lesbian, Polyamorous Tieling - Gay Arthur - Bisexual Veratrum - Bisexual, Polyamorous
And some bonus side characters from TMS I can't/don't talk about too much but who live in my head rent-free at all times:
Iggy - Aroace Noah - Gay Marie - Lesbian Ros - Bisexual Xavi - Gay Ruti - Gay And a fun fact: Emerald and Typha were engaged at one point! Typha is Ice's other parent, and the third in their triad was a woman named Wisteria.
I'll tag @writeblrfantasy, @authoralexharvey, @faithfire, and @ashen-crest!! Absolutely 0 pressure to play, and this is an open tag as well for anyone else who wants to participate!
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steel--fairy · 6 months
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more oc's
stella - alma
annetta - typha
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agentcricket-art · 2 years
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i’m having fun c:
bonus @languageofstones monster prom oc typha because i bullied her and the gang into making some mp ocs
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I absolutely adore the art, it's such an honor to have someone draw my silly little ocs!! Tysm and I'm glad you like Typha and Perch as much as I do!!!!!
I'm so glad you like the art!!
I wish the two of them, and you, much more fanart in the future cause they're such a sweet, wholesome pair
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wolfoflua · 7 years
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Of course I had to draw my terrible daughter with the old timey anime effect.
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steel--fairy · 7 months
various oc's. some have nothing to do with my mainverse while the fankids are here until they get large enough to be split off into their own page. also, if i ever do more with that coordinator story, adrian will be moved there.
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11 / Solaceon Ruins?, Sinnoh / she/her
A young girl with the ability to speak to Pokemon after being raised by them. Close to her Papa Entei and Auntie Giratina.
Befriended Pokemon: Entei (shiny), Unown (K), Garchomp, Blissey, Chimecho, Giratina
(in her own verse)
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?? / ?? / ??
24 / Mesagoza, Paldea / they/them
An internationally wanted thief who only cares about money. Has left their past behind.
Owned Pokemon: Meowscarada, Rotom, Zoroark, Klefki, Delibird, Dragonite
(in their own verse)
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33 / Lumiose City, Kalos / cis bisexual woman / she/her
A coordinator who does her best trying to popularize Contests in Kalos. Old friends with Diantha.
Owned Pokemon: Florges
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13 / Sootopolis City, Hoenn / she/her
An apprentice to Wallace in the duties of guarding the Cave of Origin. Looks up to him greatly and plans to be both a master coordinator and trainer like him.
Owned Pokemon: Wingull
Sootopolis City / she/her
Poor oppressed goth girl in a family of preps. Hates that people think she's magically fantastic with Pokemon just because her parents are former top trainers.
Owned Pokemon: Clefairy
Sootopolis City / he/him
Lapis' twin, an incredibly chillax bro. So go with the flow, he became a Water type specialist.
Owned Pokemon: Wailord, Starmie, Jellicent (male), Ludicolo, Gyarados, Azumarill
Sootopolis City / she/her
Mica's twin, a quiet girl who likes learning. Interested in both Mega Evolution and Sootopolitan history.
Owned Pokemon: Mawile, Glalie, Magnezone, Relicanth
Sootopolis City/Lumiose City (AU dependent) / she/her
A sweet girl who likes fashion and the ocean. Very kind but very forgetful.
Owned Pokemon: n/a
Verdanturf Town / he/him
An unfortunate fellow with poor health. Decided to make the best of things and became a poet.
Owned Pokemon: Budew
Lilycove City (Verdanturf Town) / she/her
She's been a lot of things: an 8 badge trainer, a decent coordinator, a pop idol. She likes being an idol the best.
Owned Pokemon: Altaria, Crobat, Ninjask, Azumarill, Vileplume, Skarmory
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E, D and R!
Thank you, Sleepy!!! <3<3<3
I exhausted the list of D ocs here, if you really really want all of them!! This list is super long, anyway!!
Ember Timber (They/Them) (The Millennium Saga) - Archer, pickpocket, and rebel who joins the Firebreathers and proceeds to get sucked into way more than they bargained for when consequences supremely out of proportion start raining down.
Emerald K'Ron (He/Him) (The Millennium Saga) - Ice + Lakia's dad who stood up to his abusive mother one too many times and got them all banished, which is a very good thing until said mother decides she's going to commit genocide rather than lose her pride.
Edgar Trueheart (He/Him) (The Millennium Saga) - Headmaster of the Avatica University of Alchemy who definitely does not deserve that title after what he does to a certain pair of grad students.
Evandra Dai'Vii (She/Her) (The Millennium Saga) - Typha Lu'Syr's sister, a Priestess of Vii in the backwoods of Sieril who ends up comforting Ember after one of their prophetic nightmares.
Erra (She/Her (holy)) (The Millennium Saga) - Goddess of Nature, Growth, Instinct, and the Unknown; patron of Plant and Stone mages and the Godwoods, creator of Rillflower and the Moons.
Etienne Polaris (He/Him) (The Millennium Saga) - Xavi NoFather's dad (a real dick, if you couldn't tell by his son's choice in name).
Eli Riverrun (He/Him) (Whispers) - One of Ivan's aliases.
Ranina Palm (She/Her) (The Millennium Saga) - The melodramatic former Citylady of Aree, ousted by the Firebreathers rebellion.
Ruti Palm (He/Him) (The Millennium Saga) - Gabbro's vain rival in acrobatics and acting, and ousted former Cityheir of Aree.
Rosalind "Ros" Quickhand (She/Her or They/Them) (The Millennium Saga) - High Enchanter of Avatica who would have had to drop their schooling at the University if they hadn't made a deal with the Whispers.
Robert Mackenzie (He/Him) (Deity Complex) - The kind soul who gave Hunter a ride into town when he found them at a gas station miles from the nearest town, clearly on foot; may or may not have a special power of always being in the right place at the right time to offer some kindness to a stranger.
Rodis Khamael (He/Him) (the D&D campaign im running for friends) - The first victim of the party's poorly thought-out heists, whose manor was thoroughly ransacked in a single session even though I'd planned for it to take at least three, because my players were dumb but rolled well when it counted.
Razorclaw (any, if they're capitalized) (once again, D&D) - The Ringmaster (aka the bronze dragon leading the gang the players are in) who was, in fact, one of the players the entire time (because she randomized her character and jokingly got the state of weighing 14000000 pounds and being 1 billion years old and I took that and ran).
Rivers Cuomo (sigh. He/Him) (D&D) - The name my brother decided on for the bardic mentor of his character (named Lady Gaga, theyre a genderfuck kenku). I have had to incorporate Weezer into my worldbuilding because of this.
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