#oh also the superiority complex is so out of hand lol you’re not better than anyone else for being more ready to flame your peers
ilostyou · 6 months
#idk how to phrase it better but some tumblr-isms are like. i have just about had enough#and don’t get me wrong it’s all social media but the extent that tumblr has it going on is so fucking amplified#it seems like people here in general are just looking to find things they deem ‘wrong’ about others or their opinions#and immediately denounce them or flame them for it#like. saying people here have no concept of none of my business is an understatement that’s not even what i mean#it just feels like people are so obsessed with making giant blanket statements and stay ready to flame anyone who doesn’t think the same wa#i’m not saying some things are objectively wrong or objectively bad. i just mean some people make Everything their business#and try to crack open other people and make Them their business which. they’re not???#like not every single fucking thing is discourse my GOD#also god forbid a nuanced opinion. sorry for saying that word i know it’s not allowed around here (🙄) but. ? hello??#idk how to formulate this better so you’ll have to deal with this just rant train of thought#but it’s getting fucking exhausting. i’ve been exhausted for months but like it has worn me way down i’m sick of it#there isn’t anything for me to actively do about it but. i’m just saying#oh also the superiority complex is so out of hand lol you’re not better than anyone else for being more ready to flame your peers#for lack of a better word#ok now i’m done. for now
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marybethsjournal · 3 years
Flaco’s Rules (Flaco x  virgin f! reader)
Summary: You come back from a long journey without telling Flaco beforehand and he teaches you a lesson.
Word Count: 2624
Warning: smut (also the first time I’ve written smut so lmk if I should write more or not lol
Here is the story link if you prefer ao3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/29768013
It had been about a year since you and your brother had unofficially joined the Del Lobos. That was quite a long time to y’all, seeing as the two of you didn’t like to commit to other people, y’all had always rode alone. It wasn’t so hard to be an affiliate of the gang, however. You and Billy could go wherever you pleased and not communicate with the gang for weeks on end, as long as you brought money back to the gang and spoke to Flaco when you returned to the Grizzlies. The two of you weren’t exactly the typical Del Lobos affiliates, but you were quick and accurate with a gun and had never snitched before, so Flaco welcomed you and Billy into the gang rather kindly. 
This time, you and Billy had been gone for at least a month. You hadn’t intended on staying out that long, but a heist led you to France and it had taken forever to travel there. Upon your return, Flaco demanded to speak to you and Billy. Flaco always wanted to hear from you after your trips but when the Del Lobos told you that Flaco needed to speak to you, they passed along that he was much more tense, almost angry, than usual. Not much scared you in this cruel world, but an angry Flaco did.
You and Billy immediately set off to speak to Flaco in his cabin. It was a very short walk from the rest of the cabins, but the fear in the pit of your stomach made you walk much slower than normal. Billy seemed to have the same feeling.
“What do you think he’s going to say?” Billy asked you.
“He’s probably mad we stayed out this long? What else does he have to talk about? Surely he’s not calling us in to have tea, Billy.” you replied with a shakiness in your voice.
This apparently made your brother quite angry. His face went from fearful to enraged in half a second. 
“He doesn’t control us. He can’t tell us what to do. We will never be his workmen. We forge our own path.”
“I agree, but we accepted his offer of protection in the Grizzlies and he expects us to follow his rules, I suppose. Just try not to make a scene. I know how you are.”
“Fuck you, I’ll make a Hell of a scene. Just watch.”
“Billy, stop”
It was too late. The two of you had reached the door to Flaco’s cabin and instead of listening to you, your twin had bust through the door without warning. He always had been hellbent on destroying authority.
“Mr Hernandez, we do not have to answer to you! You think you are better than us but old man, you are far past your prime. In fact, my sister and I have racked up bigger bounties than you already. This superiority complex has to stop or else you will find a bullet between your eyes.” Billy word vomited at Flaco.
You had looked at Billy in confusion the moment he started talking. Superiority complex? Bullet between his eyes? What was this man talking about? Flaco eyes grew dark at the rude words and you cowered in fear, planning on what to do if Flaco tried to kill him.
To your surprise, Flaco began laughing. “Oh, the little boy think he can talk big to Flaco? He think he can scare me, huh? Puffing out your chest, thinking he is a man. You are pathetic. Leave before I shoot you, I will talk with the girl. She is more reasonable than you.”
Billy scoffed. “Who do you think you’re talking to, old man?” 
“Billy, go. You have disrespected him.” you said softly.
Billy huffed and puffed but he still ended up leaving.
“Now, what do you want, Flaco?” You asked. Your brother insisted on calling him Mr. Hernandez as a way of “keeping his distance”, whatever that meant, But you, well you had a sort of friendship with Flaco. You definitely had a soft spot for him. You didn’t feel anything but disdain for most men, but you liked Flaco. Maybe more than you would like to admit.
“You were gone for a long time.” he informed you, like you didn’t already know.
“I know, we didn’t mean to. We made our way to France for an art heist and we sure made you a lot of money. Would-”
“I was worried,” Flaco said softly, cutting you off. “I do not care about the money. Your cabron brother is right. You have big bounties on your head.”
You laughed lightly, not showing that you were taking his care for you to heart. 
“We can take care of ourselves. Been taking care of ourselves for well over a decade, since we were very little.” you told him, looking at your shoes. You didn’t like to open up to people
“You will have to tell me about that someday. When you are ready. Anyway, don’t care much for the jackass. But you, I care for you. How did your trip go?”
“Fine, made out with a lot of money. Billy’s cockiness got us a bounty over there. That’s a first for us, being wanted in multiple countries.” “Sounds like him.” Flaco chuckled warmly.
“It was good besides that. Ate a lot of the native foods and saw beautiful buildings. I liked it there.”
“Did you find a French lover? That is what they’re known for, eh? Love?”
You laughed at him. “I think that is just a stereotype. I was too busy anyhow.”
“Too busy for love? You have a lot to learn, but you are young and Flaco is old, so it makes sense you are not as wise. Surely you had boys following you around, though? You are very beautiful.”
“I guess so.” you responded awkwardly. Truthfully, several men had followed you around during your time there, yelling things at you that you were glad you couldn’t understand. You assumed they were lewd. It all made you so uncomfortable.
Flaco sensed something was wrong and, not knowing how to comfort you, changed the subject, although not one you particularly wanted to talk about either.
“You did disobey your part of the deal, though. You understand that, yes?”
“The deal?” You asked. You had no idea what he was talking about.
“The deal we made when you joined Del Lobos. When we gave you our protection.”
Oh, that. You didn’t remember there being any specified deal, much less that you couldn’t leave for an extended amount of time, but Flaco looked angry so you decided not to question him further.
“Oh yes, I do. I’m sorry we broke the rules, Flaco.”
“Do not call me that right now. We are not friends. I am your boss. You address me as such. This is a serious thing you have gone and done.”
“I’m sorry, sir?” the term felt foreign on your tongue. You didn’t answer to anybody like this.
“Yes yes. Good. You two need to learn. Your brother, I’m afraid, I can not reprimand because he will make me angry and I will kill him. Poof, no more Billy. But you, I think I can handle you.”
Handle you? What was that supposed to mean?
“I’m not sure I understand. I really am sorry.”
“Sorry is not good enough. I have leniency because you are young and stupid. Any of my men who would do what you did? I shoot them. But you are grown, yes? Old enough to know better?”
You and your brother didn’t explicitly tell people your age for security reasons, so it was a valid question on his part, although you felt you definitely looked old enough for that generally to not be a question. But you were pretty young and you looked it. 
“Yes, of course. I wouldn’t be so friendly with you if I was just a kid. That wouldn’t be exactly safe.” You tried to laugh but Flaco’s eyes were narrow and so unkind in that moment that you decided against it.
“Good, then you won’t have a problem taking your punishment.” He smiled wickedly.
“What punishment,?” you asked. Flaco furrowed his eyebrows. “sir?” you added.
He smiled once again, but didn’t let his stern exterior go. He sat down on his cot.
“Lay here.” he patted his lap.
“Oh I don’t think so” you backed yourself into his door. Flaco stayed where he was and looked at you patiently. He wasn’t stopping you from leaving. This was entirely up to you. The two of you stared at each other for a few moments. You could feel the immense tension between you and Flaco. Finally, you walked over and bent over his knee.
“Fine. I guess this makes sense. I did break the rules.” You were mostly reasoning with yourself, not Flaco.
“No, chica. Pull up your dress. You can leave your drawers on.” The request probably should have offended you, but you felt heat in your core at the thought. You tried not to show this on your face, however, and pulled your dress up before laying back down on Flaco’s lap.
“Such a good listener, you are. Wish you would have listened to my rules the first time.” his hand rubbed your ass through your bloomers before striking it abruptly. You yelped in surprise. What was more surprising was that it felt good. You’d never been spanked before, this was all new to you.
“Flaco-” you started.
“Shhh” he brought his hand down again, hard. If he kept spanking you this hard, your ass would be stinging for days.
Yet he didn’t relent. He spanked you seven or eight times, each one harder than the one before. Despite your best efforts, you involuntarily started to let out strangled moans. You cursed yourself after each one. You were in trouble with Flaco, not having sex with him. 
Flaco finally stopped and you assumed he was done. However, when you got up, Flaco pulled you back down by your hair. Ugh, why did that feel good too?
“You are not learning your lesson.” Flaco hissed, obviously frustrated, but at the same time it didn’t quite feel like he was frustrated with you.
“No I promise, Flaco.” he smacked your ass once more. “Sorry, sir.”
“I need you to pull your bloomers down.” he told you sternly.
“What? No.” You may be an outlaw, but you were still a lady.
He grabbed you by the chin and forced you to look at him.
“Y/n, I’m not gonna make you but-” you nodded at him, signifying that you were okay with it. You never thought you’d be doing this but for some reason, you trusted Flaco. Besides, you secretly wanted him to keep going.
Flaco was visibly confused as to why you had nodded but had made no move to pull down your bloomers. After a few moments, he took the hint and pulled them down himself. You immediately clenched your thighs together, praying that he couldn’t see how wet you were. That however, was a massive failure.
“I think you need to explain something, mi novia.” he said, in the meantime giving you two hard slaps on the ass.
“I don’t know what that means, sorry sir.”
“It means my girl.” he told you in a soft, husky voice.
You shivered at the words. You wanted to be his girl. You wanted it badly. And he seemed to be on the same page as you. He hadn’t done this because you did something wrong and he felt it strongly needed to be corrected. No, he wanted you just as badly as you wanted him.
“I- well I liked it when you spanked me. I didn’t know I would, I’ve never been spanked before.”
“You’re inexperienced, huh?” Flaco asked, moving his hands from your ass to feel the wetness between your folds.
“Flaco!” you gasped.
“And expressive. I like that.”
“I’m just, oh! I haven’t done any of this before.”
Flaco pulled his hand back abruptly. He was silent and you, sure that you had done something wrong, sat up and looked up at him.
“You aren’t a virgin, are you?” he asked in disbelief.
“Ummm, yeah I am. I’m sorry, I suppose.” you got up from his lap and picked your bloomers off the floor, absolutely mortified.
“Wait, mi angel.” Flaco grabbed your arm. “It’s not a bad thing, not at all. I was surprised, is all. You’re a rough and tumble girl.” he laughed, but it was clear there was meaning behind his words. “Come back here, let ol’ Flaco make you feel good.”
You smiled and laid over him again, this time both of your intentions being clear. 
“How about you sit on my lap while I help you? So I can see your face? That should be sufficient payment for the pleasure I will give you, yes.”
You would have jumped over the moon if Flaco had asked you to at that moment, so of course you did what he said and sat in his lap with your legs spread.
You never thought you’d be here, Flaco fucking you with his fingers in his cold cabin (although you felt anything but cold at the moment). You had dreamed of it, sure, but this was real life. You had never considered that Flaco had been attracted to you, but now as you felt his dick strain against his pants, there was no denying it. 
Flaco fingered you at different paces depending on what he felt you needed based on your expressions. The higher and more frequent your moans came, the faster he went. When he felt it was becoming too much for you, he slowed down a bit, never losing his rhythm. He didn’t want to overstimulate you, at least this time. Flaco was good at this, surely very experienced, but you tried not to think about that. You focused on the feeling in the pit of your stomach and Flaco’s eyes, which were looking directly into yours. It was a bit intense, but it only added to the experience for you. He seemed to love it, biting down on his lip when you moaned particularly loud. At this point, his fingers were completely slick and you were fucking yourself back and forth on his fingers. The heat in your core was getting more intense and you were becoming desperate. You begged over and over for him to fuck you but he refused.
“No, angel, that is too fast. I have to come up with a way for it to be special.” More special than this? You wanted to protest but he kept fingering you the whole time, bringing you closer to your orgasm the whole time, and you couldn’t find it within yourself to argue back. Besides, a promise to get with Flaco again another time wasn’t so bad.
It didn’t take much longer for you to come undone. Between feeling Flaco’s dick strain against you through his pants and the swift rhythm of his fingers, it wasn’t longer before you threw your head back, moaning his name, and came onto his fingers. He smirked at the scene and kissed you quickly before removing his fingers. 
“You were so good mi novia,” Flaco praised you, before adding, “Now put your clothes back on before you catch a cold. You need to stay warm.”
“We can- we’re gonna do this, again, right?” you asked Flaco after you put your skirt and underwear back on and started to walk out the door into the cold.
“Like I could go through this life without having you again. Silly girl.” Flaco told you before picking up a piece of wood off his table and starting to whittle as if nothing had happened.
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nonartisticbooknerd · 3 years
i notice you ship Kacchako- and there's nothing wrong with that but why? (note I haven't seen mha) from what I know, bakugou is a huge asshole who bullied deku a lot, while uraraka seems to be a nice person- i just wanna know why you ship them lol
oh BOY here comes the essay. 
Please note that this why I ship kacchako. This is not meant to convince anyone to ship kacchako, but simply my reasons as to why I like these two characters together.
To start off I will openly admit that yes, Bakugou is an asshole. He bullied Deku a lot (probably due to that wonderful inferiority/superiority complex he’s got going on) and in general, is pretty loud and rude to everyone. He makes it a point to let everyone know that they are beneath him and goes out of his way to prove that he’s the best and no one could even hope to compare.
Meanwhile, Uraraka is the exact opposite: sweet, bubbly, and very kind to everyone. She actually wants to be a hero for the money to help her parents out bc she comes from a poor family (which I LOVE but that’s a topic for another meta). She never tries to prove herself to anyone as a result, and just focuses on trying to learn to be the best hero possible (because the better you are, the more money you make).
The most notable difference is their relationship with Deku (and actually this is one of my reasons for shipping them but we’ll get to that). Bakugou was Deku’s former friend and he has a strong dislike toward Deku, stemming from an unhealthy need to prove his superiority in every respect over Deku. Uraraka, on the other hand, is one of Deku’s new and close friends, and they get along really well.
So why do I ship kacchako? Mutual respect, understanding, and potential character growth. Explanation of that below, with manga screencaps.
1. Mutual Respect
This is the major point of their ship for me and it stems from their fight in the Sports Festival. 
It’s quite obvious that Uraraka acknowledges Bakugou’s strength, after all, he’s seen as a powerhouse by everyone, and she repeatedly comments on his strength. But it takes a lot to get Bakugou to acknowledge someone. And with Uraraka, he does.
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Aizawa just outright says it. Bakugou goes into the fight knowing that Uraraka is an opponent he needs to be wary of because she made it to the final round. Bakugou doesn’t see the small and sweet bubbly girl everyone else in the crowd is seeing, what he sees is an opponent, and Uraraka notices that. And just before launching her final attack, she thanks him.
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Actually his reaction to her thanking him is one I love because we’ve never seen that kind of caught-off-guard expression on him before until this moment. To me, it seems that he couldn’t even imagine not taking her seriously because as mentioned before, she made it to the final round so in his mind she has to be strong to do that, and her thanking him for it is making him go “huh? what are you even thanking me for?”.
For her final attack, she drops a meteor shower on his head, he blows it away, and then we get this panel.
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This is the first time in the manga that Bakugou acknowledges that someone nearly took him out. His hand is pounding from Quirk overuse and it’s the first time we see an adverse effect of his Quirk, the blowback from using too strong of an explosion. But more important is the fact that he says “that was close”, explicitly acknowledging that she nearly took him out. Respect.
So then after that Uraraka gets up and rushes at him again to attack, even though she’s clearly shown to be at her limit, and we get this from Bakugou:
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He calls her by name. That’s incredibly important.
Throughout the manga, Bakugou uses nicknames (Deku, Shitty Hair, Flat Face etc.) to keep people at a distance and let them know he doesn’t give a shit about them. Keep in mind that before, he’d used a nickname for Uraraka, calling her Round Face right at the beginning of the fight. But now that she’s driven him to the limit he knows this girl is strong. And here, when he calls her by her name, he’s acknowledging her and her strength. This is the first person in class 1-A that he calls by name (Kirishima also eventually graduates from Shitty Hair to Kirishima, but that’s way later). After this, he doesn’t go back to using Round Face for her either. He keeps using her name when he refers to her, even in his head.
So Uraraka, at her limit, collapses before she even reaches Bakugou and he’s clearly shaken up by that. He was expecting the fight he’d been dreaming of, where he could give his all and fight an opponent that he genuinely respected and saw as strong, and then she collapsed. I wouldn’t go so far as to say it was a look of concern, I think it was more of mixed disappointment and shock.
When he re-enters the stands, all his classmates comment on the fight as he goes to sit down. A classmate (Kaminari) says something along the lines of “I can’t believe you could bring yourself to go so hard against such a fragile/small girl”. And in response comes the single line that was catalyst for me shipping kacchako. “Where do you see fragile?”
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This is the first time he’s defended someone other than himself or All Might in this series. It just goes to show that he really does acknowledge Uraraka and her strength, to the point that he’s willing to speak up and say that to others, albeit in a indirect way.
Wayyy later he continues to respect her!
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This is part of a page spread of characters introductions as given by Bakugou and Uraraka’s is the only vaguely positive character introduction Bakugou gives. Everyone else gets something kind of aggressive and along the lines of ‘I’ll beat you’ or ‘you’re weak’ and then Uraraka gets ‘her guts and roundness are acceptable’. Other translations say “her guts and roundness are respectable’ and I’m not sure which is correct, but either way, respect!!
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The fact that one of the times he was smiling during a fight was against Uraraka. If he only smiles when fighting people he consider to be “towering walls” aka challenges, he must have seen Uraraka as one. Further proof of respect!
Over and over in that Sports Festival fight and then after, Horikoshi makes it a point to establish that Bakugou respects Uraraka’s strength. And that’s a major reason that I ship them. I like that dynamic of two people knowing that the other can kick major ass and respecting the hell out of them for it, especially if one character doesn’t look like they can kick ass.
2. Understanding
This goes a little bit more from Uraraka to Bakugou than the other way around, to be honest, but it’s a reason I ship them all the same. This is shown most clearly in the post- midterm exams omake (which is only in the manga and not the anime).
I love this omake so much because first of all, it reveals that Uraraka watches Bakugou from across the classroom closely enough to pick up on changes in his mood (as evidenced when she says “I sensed your Bakurage Aura” to him) and second, it reveals that she can pick up on changes in his emotional state easily.
But the most important part of that omake is this panel.
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This is huge.
The way she outright says that Bakugou is terrified of Izuku’s potential development shows a deep understanding of Bakugou’s emotions and mental state that’s very unique. We never see anything like this level of understanding from any of their other classmates in direct relation to Bakugou. When she says “you act all menacing”, it shows that she knows that Bakugou’s yelling and bluster is an act put on the distance Izuku because he’s scared of him. 
This revelation wasn’t revealed to Deku and All Might until Deku v. Kacchan 2 when Bakugou told the two of them what he was feeling in terms that they could understand. And this was way before this, right after the midterm exams.
She follows this up by asking him to repair his relationship with Deku and be nicer to him. They hadn’t even interacted much, so the fact that she noticed this in the first place and then felt comfortable enough to tell him that to his face says a lot about how she understands him and is comfortable around him.
Bakugou is completely taken aback by this and sit and listens to her and lets her finish before yelling at her, which is big because if he didn’t respect what she had to say, he would have just cut her off and left, but he didn’t. That respect comes back into play.
So Uraraka genuinely gets Bakugou, both emotionally and mentally, and isn’t afraid to tell him about her observations, and that’s another big plus for me. I love how Uraraka can see right through him and catch him off guard every time they interact meaningfully. That deep understanding is an important part of any relationship, and the fact that she can analyze him like this, despite not being a close friend to him was interesting to me because of the potential for character development.
3. Character Development (both canon and potential)
Character development is a big thing for me when it comes to ships. I tend to really like ships that change a character for the better in some way or the other.
The Sports Festival fight changed the both of them. When Bakugou fought Todoroki and told him to give it his all, the speech bubble placement implies he was thinking of his fight with Uraraka when he said that. She’s his standard for a good fight now.
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On the other end, Bakugou helped Uraraka realize that she didn’t need to exclusively focus on rescue with her Quirk and she takes an internship under Gunhead as a result, growing her character in a major way. Those Gunhead martial arts get used a lot later on by her, and none of that would have happened if her fight with Bakugou hadn’t happened. Overall, the Sports Festival fight was important to both their character arcs and I love that.
From the understanding part comes more possibility for character development. This is where their differing relationships with Deku come into play. One admires him and the other is scared of his growth. With her understanding of Bakugou and his relationship with Deku, Uraraka could genuinely help repair their relationship.
Also them as training partners! Not only do their Quirks have the potential for incredible compatibility (zero-gravity and explosions = human rockets/missiles??) but they could help the other with new skills. Uraraka could teach Bakugou Gunhead martial arts and help him improve his hand-to-hand Quirkless combat, Bakugou could help Uraraka with comabt awareness and increasing her power. He’s probably also got some ideas for creative applications of her Quirk. Make them training buddies, Horikoshi, I beg of you.
4. Other Things
Uraraka is completely chill with his foul-mouthed nature! She actually finds it even a little funny.
THE WAY SHE’S JUST NOT AT ALL SCARED TO THROW DOWN WITH HIM!! In the post midterms omake she even matches the Bakurage face at the end! She doesn’t take his shit at all and is 100% ready to fight again.
The chocolate manju scene from the war arc is hilarious to me because she’s comfortable enough around him to lightly reprimand him and the way he knows that she’s a foodie and wants to try the chocolate manju is really cute to me.
Of course, everything I said can also be platonically interpreted. I would just love for them to be friends in canon, and really, that’s what all of this logically leads to. I just like to dream about it slowly growing into romance during their pro hero years.
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konaizumi · 3 years
Fish Upon the Sky ep 7 thoughts/reaction
i can’t take this first scene seriously with the mix stix and pi being all sentimental about them
also them using the mix stix as a coming out metaphor and pi said his brother ate them first and introduced them to pi and his brother is also gay lol
pi still has mork wrapped around his little finger
well technically he didn’t pass out
drunk pi being great at DDR and mork being terrible is great
“i just wanted to bug you” are you sure you didn’t just want his hand on your chin?
mork don’t act like you don’t love pi having his arms around you
i can’t decide who had the more awkward role, phuwin who had to brush pond’s teeth, or pond who had to have his teeth brushed by phuwin
also who just carries around a toothbrush and toothpaste? i know he’s a dental student but still
mork laughing outside the bathroom at pi was cute
we didn’t get to see mork gay panic at seeing pi’s chest and that’s just not fair
the dad trying to cheer up the mom is so cute, i love their dynamic
soon as they said wan was bring home a girlfriend i was like oh you know it’s going to be a boyfriend
duen what did you do that made the gown smell so much
meen’s got some bite and i love him for it
every episode in fact i love him more and more
he’s truly the perfect match for duen’s bullshit
would love if we could get more backstory on mork liking pi, like even if there’s not a specific reason/event that’s fine but just like when and how did it start, it seems like they never interacted before the show starts
also them being livestreamed was super creepy
also would be nice if mork was a bit more bothered by the fangirls, for pi’s sake if nothing else
i will pay gmmtv for one of the characters to hug pi and tell him that he can take all the time he needs to figure out his feelings instead of rushing him
*face palms* duen just tell him the truth he won’t judge you
duen just throwing out the dirty boxers, my boy is such a mess
can i give meen a hug? pls?
no comments from the narrator this time?
the argument over the cars was pretty funny, i like the kitty gang
at first i thought the secret texting friend thing was cute but now its a bit uncomfy knowing pi is spiling private thoughts about mork that he wouldn’t tell if he knew he was talking to mork (and mork is using this to be kinda manipulative)
god damn it duen, if you had waited like another minute before barging in he would’ve figured it out
duen is such a good brother tho
i wish mork would actually act like just being friends is fine
the family seeing the woman and child and thinking it’s wan’s girlfriend was super funny lol “and she has a plus one”
and the look on everyone’s faces when the boyfriend walked in
so the mom still doesn’t know about duen’s boyfriend so i hope we can see that confrontation as well lol
i thought they were building up to have wan as like the perfect older sibling who the younger ones resent bc of comparisons and the eldest sibling having a superiority complex, and who was one of the reasons for pi’s insecurities but instead they delivered this wholesome sibling content and it’s so much better than i thought it was going to be
duen unconsciously petting pi bc that’s what he did for meen
i still don’t totally understand the conflict between pi and the mom but i’m glad it seems to be resolved
istg all the medical students and none of them know how vaccines work, the implication is that pi is already lovesick, you don’t give a vaccine to someone who’s already sick
also morkpi is a slowburn and i wish the writers knew that instead of insisting that pi’s already in love with mork
“i’m so lost here” honestly same duen, i’m a little lost in all the metaphors
*face palms* pi, i don’t think you’re in love with mork yet but i know you’re not still in love with nan
but also, pi acknowledging that the nan he liked was part fantasy and now he has to go after the real nan: growth--not quite fully there yet but growth
next ep: looks like duenmeen is finally going somewhere, i really hope but doubt that mork as secret texting friend is revealed next week before it gets worse, otherwise doesn’t seem like anything huge happening next week,but i demand more nan content to make up for the fact that he wasn’t in this ep at all
anyways, good ep, some key development going on, just really need mork to back off a bit and give pi some time to think
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Intermission: The Demon In Detail
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You think a great way to enhance your experience in watching anything supernatural related is to have an actual demon beside you but.... that’s just your opinion.
guardian demon! Jimin x reader
word count: 2.6k
genre: fluff, romance, supernatural, slow-burn, comedy
Related Works: see Masterlist under guardian demon!Jimin
A/N: An intermission! Can you guess what I’ve gotten myself into recently? LOL I thought it’d be cute to have something like this happen since once we get the ball rolling...not so many cute moments later on 🤐🤐🤐 (and the next chapter I have a feeling is going to be CHUNKY so...a little treat for you before that ;)) So anybody who hasn’t watched Good Omens yet but were planning to, some spoilers in that chapter! And as such, I don’t own anything related to Good Omens the show or the characters involved. Otherwise, enjoy!
“I thought you were supposed to be napping?”
Your gaze only shifts marginally away from your laptop screen to the sound of your sudden guest before flitting back.
“I was gonna just watch one episode….” You mumble petulantly but it was the honest truth. You really were planning on watching one episode of this series you picked up as a way to get you started and use it to give you that final push to knock out from being so tired.
Clearly that’s not gonna happen anymore.
Jimin gives a shake of his head, a little exasperated from your antics, not really annoyed but he does have to wonder; why are you lying on your bed like that? From his place by your doorway, all he sees is a mound of blanket that had been wrapped up into a lump with no doubt you underneath it. You’re using the giant plush calico cat shaped like a bean as a pillow, the one he got you on a whim one day and he hasn’t seen you without it since. He thinks its cute but there’s an actual, perfectly good pillow that you could use just laying not even two feet away, in fact, there’s plenty of room for you to be laying comfortably in and yet for some reason —
You’re curled into a ball, at the very end of your bed, your desk chair facing you, laptop propped onto the seat.
It’s like you MacGyver-ed your way into making things a lot more difficult for you.
You feel your mattress dip, causing you to shift with a grunt, pausing the episode so that you don’t miss out on anything as you turn your attention fully to your supernatural guardian. He’s taken a seat beside your head, one muscular thigh resting temptingly close to you. You bury your cheeks further into the plushness of your stuffed animal in hopes of hiding a creeping blush and smother the urge to jump ship with your pillow for something better.
“What are you watching that’s so interesting you forget the need to sleep?” Jimin asks, dark eyes staring inquisitively at the paused screen which has David Tennant and Michael Sheen bickering about what to do once they find the antichrist.
“It’s called ‘Good Omens’ — it’s about a demon and an angel who’s trying to prevent the apocalypse from happening when the antichrist, who’s a kid, realizes his true powers.”
You miss the way Jimin blinks, brows furrowing and absolutely flabbergasted at you when you push play again to continue the episode. He cocks his head from left to right like a puzzled puppy before he’s able to finally let the synopsis settle.
“I’m sorry what now?”
“So there’s a demon named Crowley, right? He’s the one in black there and an angel named Aziraphale who’s the one in white and they’ve somehow became really good friends throughout the years so they’ve like — oh you know what,” You pause, getting distracted yourself and not being able to re-explain the plot up until now while also taking in new developments. “Just rewatch the last two episodes, the series is only like six episodes long anyways.”
Jimin goes to complain, thinking how utterly ridiculous it would be from your paraphrased explanation alone but you’re already clicking back to the first episode. He clamps his mouth shut, purse his lips and exhales a quiet sigh through his nose, leaning back to might as well get comfortable. He’ll never quite understand a human’s obsession with his kind and angels to the point where they’ll come up with a million different ways to interpret their image — from monstrous looking creatures (on both sides) to simply more human-like supernatural entities, he thinks he’s seen them all over the years.
Oh whatever, he thinks, it’ll just be one episode and that way, he can at least say he didn’t give it a shot.
Four episodes later, you’ve somehow managed to sprawl out over each other, both equally as invested in the show. You had to hide your smile every time you glance over at Jimin who, every so often, tilts his head and then either snorts or hums noncommittally at the show’s interpretations. It also piques your curiousity on what Jimin finds approving or disapproving so whenever that happens, you usually ask him a question, even if you do sound like a two-year old discovering the world for the first time.
“So are there really four horsemen of the apocalypse?”
“There are…. Or were. They’re like Greek Titans now…. It’ll take a lot to summon them all at once.”
“Like the anti-Christ?”

“I can probably assure you that Satan won’t be having a son any time soon.” Jimin replies and as an afterthought, his nose wrinkles. It’s weird to imagine one of your bosses having a kid, let alone imagine him to be the father type.
“…Huh.” You leave it at that, flopping your head back to rest against the mounds of pillows. Halfway through episode three, Jimin started to scold you in the way you’re laying on your bed and took it upon himself to actually drag you to the head of the bed so he can prop you on the pillows. Well…For the most part you were resting on the pillows behind you but with Jimin’s arm thrown out in the mix, you find at times you’re lying on the pillows and using Jimin’s arm as one too.
The stranger thing is that he hasn’t said anything about it.
“Have you ever met Beelzebub before? Are they like the ‘celebrities’ of demons?”
“They work in a different office division than mine, so I never see them — heard they’re not that great though.”
“Office division?” You laugh, tilting your head to shoot him an incredulous look. “So Hell runs like a corporation?”
“Where do you think concepts like capitalism come from?”
You let out another boisterous laugh, head flinging back and knocking lightly against his forearm. “Well, damn…”
His own lips curl into a smile at the sound.
It’s late into the evening by the time you get to the last episode where Crowley and Aziraphale help Adam have the confidence to tell Satan that he’s not his dad (always wanna hear something, ugly ass fucking…). You were very taken aback by the scene when it happened, finally seeing Satan for the first time, the big reveal but you found yourself more interested and far more amused by Jimin who had bursted out laughing so hard he was squeaking and creasing over himself. It then goes on to Adam restoring the world but then Aziraphale and Crowley get captured to be punished for treason.
“Is there such thing as ‘The Great Plan?’”
You vaguely feel Jimin’s fingers idly twirl and comb through strands of your hair as he thinks. Normally you’d feel embarrassed and shy away but the sensation is so nice and relaxing that you’re practically melting into his side. Plus, you’re very warm and cozy next to him.
“No, not that I’m aware of. I think angels already have too much of a superiority complex to instigate a war on Earth just to prove that they’re better than demons.”
“Well, that’s reassuring to hear I guess…”
You hear him chuckle breathily. “If it does happen though, I’ll save you…I guess.”
You scoff playfully, “Oh don’t worry, you won’t be able to get rid of me even if you tried.”
“And strangely, I don’t doubt that.”
It makes you smile smugly. The scene plays out in front of you as Crowley, disguised as Aziraphale and vice versa, gets their appropriate sentences (death by hell fire and death by holy water bath tub) but come away unscathed thanks to their switched disguises. You’ve long since learned holy water does in fact, harm demons the way its portrayed in the show (at least common demons, Jimin had explained killing someone like Satan with holy water would probably require a whole tank full and a soak for seven days) as well as other confirmed myths, like how demons and angels are actually supposed to look like.
“Demons and angels both have the ability to take on any sort of appearance they wish, as proven.” He cups one hand against his cheek and bats his eyelashes at you. You shake your head with a roll of your eyes but point taken.
“But how do they really look like? No glamour or anything.”
Jimin pauses, face slipping into a sort of rueful pensive look before he says, “Not pretty, I’ll tell you that. Demons are creatures deprived of the light, so they lurk in the dark, twisted by their very nature and obsession to corrupt. Only those who are foolish or wish to die would stand in the true face of one.”
You blink, taking in his words completely entranced even though he’s explaining something that should be terrifying and sounds a lot like a warning. Well, you suppose it would’ve worked if you didn’t already have your fair share of encounters (and would also help if you weren’t currently snuggled up against one). Besides that, you could’ve also sworn that you had seen Jimin in his ‘true’ form before, right when you first met him in fact. But then again… You pause, correcting yourself by recalling back the memory — he had been shrouded in shadow so the most you had seen of him were his striking, glowing red eyes.
So in conclusion, you hadn’t seen his true form.
Your lips purse; call it morbid curiosity but you’re a little disappointed. You’re pulled from your thoughts by a tap on your nose.
“Don’t get any funny ideas.” Jimin reprimands and though it sounds lighthearted enough, you hear the underlying seriousness of it.
“I wasn’t.” You say defensively, but then add, “What about angels? Do they fit the stereotypical halo and wings image?”
Your guardian smiles but it comes off more like a grimace and simply says, “I think you’re better off not knowing.”
Well that doesn’t sound ominous at all.
You voice as much however Jimin never goes into further detail than that. You begrudgingly drop the topic.
The episode closes with Aziraphale and Crowley changing back to their original selves and going on a lunch date. You let the credits roll, too comfortable to move otherwise. Jimin doesn’t bother moving either, that or maybe it’s the fact that you have his arm trapped underneath your head.
“How’d you find the series?” You ask, turning slightly to Jimin.
You see him shrug, angling his face towards you as he says, “It was…interesting; got a few things right surprisingly. But an angel being friends with a demon….” He shakes his head, “Yeah, that will never happen.”
“Hey now, I’m sure not all angels are assholes…” You argue, “Just like how not all demons are either…”
“Oh? And how are you so sure of that?”
“Well, I’ve met you and Jungkook and you’re both not that bad.”
Jimin hums, a low sound that vibrates from his chest and you barely register the flex of his arm beneath you before you’re hauled up from your spot. A squeak escapes past your lips as you’re suddenly chest to chest with Jimin, face mere inches from each other and those gleaming red ruby eyes staring straight back at you.
“Such sweet words, but I’m afraid that’s how you get killed my cherub — if not by them,” His voice drops until it’s nothing but a husky whisper when he says, “then by me.”
You think you stop breathing for a second, so caught off guard from how close you are to this unnecessarily gorgeous demon. His warm breath tickles your cheeks and you can practically count each long lashes over those mesmerizing eyes, and how full those pretty pink lips are….
You swallow nervously, only hoping that he wouldn’t notice but who were you kidding, being this close to him — if that doesn’t give you away then no doubt the rapid beating of your heart would’ve. You turn away, no longer able to withstand eye contact lest you want to end up drowning in those crimson depths and in a last ditch effort to distract him by any means, you mumble weakly, “D-Don’t be a such Crowley….”
Jimin blinks, confused. You think he’s going to laugh at you until his brows furrows, completely displeased. “I’m not a Crowley… at all.”
“Yes, you are.” You shoot back, grinning at the way he pouts. He scoffs, rolling you off of him in disgust and you laugh as you go, plopping back onto the bed.
“Be grateful I don’t have big creepy snake eyes. I could if I wanted to you know, but that would completely ruin my aesthetics.” Jimin argues, arms crossed.
“…What about wings?” You ask, blinking owlishly to meet Jimin’s eyes which had faded back to a warm brown. When he quirks an eyebrow at you, you elaborate. “You never really told me if demons have wings like in the show. Or if it’s even possible.”
His mouth opens as if to respond to you but then after a brief thought, he stops himself. You don’t mean anything by asking, simply curious is all but the way Jimin looks off, deep in contemplation has you a bit concerned. Just when the thought to break the sudden tension crosses your mind, Jimin exhales through his nose.
“To be honest, I don’t really know the answer to that one cherub. Maybe we did or maybe not at all —  demons were once angels after all, or so I was told.”
You think he sounded a bit wistful near the end, the quiet sombreness of his tone tugging at your heart strings. However, Jimin doesn’t let you linger on it as he abruptly gets up, stretching his arms over his head and letting out a loud, exaggerated groan, effectively erasing any traces of it. “Anyways, I’m off. Your roommate should be home soon so I’ll see you whenever.”
Jimin turns to walk out of your room but you’re overcome with the urge to ease whatever emotion you unintentionally triggered for him. So you find yourself blurting out, “Well whether you did or not, I think wings would’ve looked p-pretty cool on you regardless…”
Your face feels like it may as well be on fire as you tense in trepidation, seeing Jimin halt in his steps. You can’t tell what his reaction is with his back turned towards you, so you wait, teeth chewing on your bottom lip and your calico plushie clenched in your hands like a stress ball. Then, you see him tilt his head, throwing you a look over his shoulder and that infamous smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.
“Well, obviously that’s a given.”
The breath you’d been holding wheezes out in a silent laugh. You shake your head and watch Jimin disappear, obviously very pleased with himself if the swagger in his step is anything to go by.
He might deny that he’s anything like Crowley, but to you, Jimin is more like the fictional demon than he realizes. Perhaps that was why he was your favourite character in the series. However when it comes down to it, you'd choose Jimin over Crowley being your guardian demon any day.
With or without wings.
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harry-sussex · 5 years
Umm you know you can be a very hands on mum and still work? Having kids is not an excuse for Kate’s poor work ethic lmao
are you claiming meghan isn't a hands-on mom then? cause her work rate for sure is better than kate's right now and she has a newborn at home. imagine how tired we are of all those lame ass excuses for kate not having a good work rate. that's just who she is, let it gooo! louis won't die if she's away for an hour to do an engagement, plus if "leaving him with a nanny" is a problem, HE HAS A BLOODY DAD! women aren't the only ones capable of taking care of children lol.
Archie is only 5 months and Meghan already working a lot so by your logic she is not a super Hands on mom. This is ridiculous Kate need to step up stop making excuse for her
You know you can be a very hands on mom while still carrying out your royal duties???????
Oh for the love of god, you people are absolutely insufferable.
Kate and Meghan are two different mothers with two different parenting styles.  If it works for Kate to keep things slower while her youngest is too small for nursery school, then cool.  If it works for Meghan to work more while Archie is a baby, then cool.  I am in no position whatsoever to criticize the way these women handle parenting their children and neither are you.  What works for Kate will not necessarily work for Meghan and vice-versa.  I don’t appreciate your assigning a motive to my words when all I’ve done is hypothesize the reason for Kate’s relatively slow work rate while Louis is still too young for nursery school.
Meghan also seems like a very hands-on mum.  I never said she wasn’t.  Her parenting style clearly differs from Kate’s, that’s fine, neither is superior to the other.  If this style of parenting works for Kate, then good, her priority should be her children and the way she parents them.  If this style of parenting works for Meghan, then good, her priority should be her child and the way she parents him.  They’re not the same and the kids are so important and should be an unequivocal priority.  Both women clearly put their children as the top priority regardless of how they go about doing so, so what’s the issue?
You people have such a fucking complex, it’s laughable.  I said something positive about Kate and you’re flocking to my inbox to scream “wElL wHaT aBoUt mEgHaN??!!!” as if I don’t live my life defending her, too.  A concept for you to consider: I can talk about Kate without having to bring Meghan into the conversation, just like I can talk about Meghan without having to bring Kate into the conversation.  A novel concept.  How revolutionary.  You should give it a shot sometime. 
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
1. If you found a baby turtle on the side of the road, would you pick it up and keep it? >> If I found a baby of any species on the side of the road, I’m not going to pick it up and keep it, I’m going to call the appropriate authorities and let them handle it. The fuck am I doing with a baby anything? 2. Did you and your mum ever have a big fight that caused you to move out? >> --- 3. Has the last person you kissed ever been to your house? >> --- 4. Have you had a good day today or was yesterday better? >> It was all right. At least the Sun was out a bit, and I managed to go out for once. Mostly I’m glad to be back in my bed now, lol. 5. Do you have any plans for the upcoming weekend? >> No.
6. How about you, do you have a bf/gf? >> Hm. 7. Could you date someone very attractive, but who thought they were better than everyone else? >> I don’t date, period, but I also wouldn’t hang out with someone who had a superiority complex. 8. So do you have a best friend? >> No. 9. What would you do if your best friend kissed the last person you kissed? >> --- 10. Do you dislike anyone? >> Not really. There are people I don’t really want to be around, of course, but I can’t think of anyone specific that I’m like “fuck that guy in particular” about except for people that have unapologetically hurt me (in which case it’s less “I dislike you” and more “I don’t even want to acknowledge your existence”). 11. Did you message your best friend today? >> --- 12. Do you think you will be in a relationship two months from now? >> I don’t see why not. 13. Do you always feel like you’re making mistakes? >> Yeah, because I have Trauma Brain. But I also know that I don’t make any more mistakes than the average person and most of my mistakes are easily fixed. 14. How do you feel about your hair right now? >> I’m going to need to buzz it again soon. 15. Does anybody have a tattoo with your name on it? >> Maybe someone has a tattoo of my name, because my name doesn’t just belong to me. But no one has a tattoo of my name that is actually about me. 16. Who did you last see shirtless? >> A couple of characters on Carnivale (before one of them got hanged with the word “HARLOT” carved into her forehead, of course. this is Carnivale after all). 17. How would you feel if you got the person you liked? >> --- 18. Do you think you can last in a relationship for six months without cheating? >> *sigh* 19. Do you like to make the first move? >> The first move to what? 20. Do you think you will ever be married? >> I am married. 21. Have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? >> Sure. 22. Is it possible to be single and happy? >> Duh? 23. Was the first person you talked to today male or female? >> The first person I spoke to was the bartender at Gardella’s, who is female. 24. Do you remember who you liked on New Year’s? >> --- 25. Are you a morning person or a night person? I’m barely a person. <-- mood 26. Could you go the rest of your life without drinking alcohol? >> Whether I “can” or not is irrelevant because I don’t fucking want to. 27. Have you ever felt like you weren’t good enough? >> Sure. 28. Is there anyone who likes you? >> --- 29. If the last person you kissed saw you kissing someone else, would they be mad? >> --- 30. Do you understand football? >> I understand American football. I don’t know anything about soccer football except the obvious bits. 31. What’s the first thing you heard this morning? >> I don’t know. 32. Who last called you beautiful? >> I don’t know. 33. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? >> No. 34. How many kids do you want when you get older? >> --- 35. Are you the type of person who has a new boyfriend/girlfriend every week? >> Of course not. 36. Ever been called a jerk/bitch? >> Yep. 37. Do you have feelings for anyone? >> Bold of you to assume I have feelings-- 38. If you fell pregnant to the last person you kissed, what would you think? >> Falling while pregnant is dangerous, oof-- 39. What’s your full name? >> *eldritch screeching* 40. Are you young or old? >> Depends on your perspective -- to a child I’m old, to a middle-aged person I’m young, etc. 41. What’s the gender? >> Oh, the gender outside is frightful... 42. How’s your heart been lately? >> You know. Beating and such. 43. Why aren’t you in bed? >> I am, though. 44. Did you do laundry today? >> No. 45. What kind of computer do you have? >> I have an MSI Leopard Pro and a Lenovo Ideapad. 46. Are there always other fish in the sea? >> Not if you overfish. 47. What can your tongue do? >> You know. Lick stuff. Form phonemes. Get chemical burns when I eat too many sour candies in a row. 48. What do you think your mum does when she goes out? >> --- 49. Do chickens have feelings? >> I don’t know anything about chicken neurology/psychology. 50. Do you think the body is the most beautiful thing that was ever made? >> No. 51. So how are you feeling today? >> Neutral. 52. Where is your sister right now? >> --- 53. Name five things you did today? >> Took a bus, drank at a bar, briefly logged into ESO, watched an episode of Carnivale, ate mac n’ cheese with bacon. 54. What kind of phone do you have? >> Moto g6. 55. What are you listening to? >> Nothing. 56. What do you smell like? >> A bit like my roll-on oil and a bit like my whipped shea butter. Mostly just like... clean skin or whatever. 57. What colour are your eyes? >> Dark brown. 58. Have you ever done a Chinese fire drill? >> No. 59. Do you know someone named Betsy? >> No. 60. What colour is your mum’s hair? >> --- 61. Do you have a dog? Breed? Name? >> No. 62. Do you remember singing any songs as a kid? >> I mean, yeah? 63. Are you married? >> Yes. 64. When was the last time you talked to one of your siblings? >> --- 65. Do you play an instrument? >> No. 66. Do you like fire? >> Sure, fire is nice. In moderation. 67. Are you allergic to anything? >> No. 68. Have you ever been to a spa? >> I’ve been to a nail spa because Sparrow works at one. I’ve also been to the Aveda spa that she did her training in years ago. 69. Do you miss someone? >> No. 70. Views on premarital sex? >> I have no views on it. I really can’t fathom having an opinion on whomst other people fuck and when. 71. What is a noise that you cannot stand? >> Face sounds. Any of them. Eating, breathing, sniffling, lip-licking, eugh. Stay away. (Sometimes I can hear myself blinking and I want to rip my eyelids off. It’s bad.) 72. Do you know how to do a cartwheel? >> Yeah. 73. What is the most you are willing to spend on a pair of sunglasses? >> Not much. 74. Does your mum vacuum early in the morning while you’re asleep? >> --- 75. Do you shower naked? >> Do I look like Tobias Funke to you? 76. Does wearing glasses really make people look smart? >> That’s not my interpretation. People with glasses just look like people with glasses. 77. Are you ADD or ADHD? >> No. 78. Do your band-aids have cartoons on them? >> I FUCKING WISH. I was so mad when I needed band-aids for my feet and none of the ones in the size I needed came in cartoon print. The only ones with fun designs were little baby band-aids. I think as an adult I should be able to buy whatever the fuck kind of band-aids I want, including ones with Stitch on them. Fuck you. 79. Have you ever kissed someone you shouldn’t have? >> Probably. 80. In one word, how would you define yourself? >> I wouldn’t. 81. Tell me about a dream you had recently? >> I can’t, I can never remember them anymore. I get vague wispy impressions upon waking, and then even those disappear after a few minutes. I feel disconnected from dream!Mordred and I’m so curious at what it’s been up to. 82. Who’s the funniest drunk person you know? >> --- 83. How did you feel when you woke up? >> Fine, I guess. 84. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning? >> I don’t know, probably something related to Sparrow knocking around as she got ready for work, because that’s my first sensory memory upon awakening. 85. Name something great that happened on Friday? >> It’s Thursday, ask me on Saturday. 86. When was the last time you saw your father? >> --- 87. Do you wish someone would call or text you right now? >> No. 88. Have you ever been kissed by a person whose name starts with J? >> Yeah. 89. Do you crack your knuckles? >> Yeah. 90. What were you doing twenty minutes ago? >> Probably still this survey, since it’s so long. 91. You’re thinking about someone, aren’t you? >> No. 92. Have you held hands with anyone in the past twenty-four hours? >> No. 93. What would you do if your partner still kept pictures of their ex? >> Nothing? That doesn’t affect me. 94. What if your partner went through your cellphone? >> I wouldn’t be with someone that went through my belongings without my express permission. 95. What if your partner was flirting with another girl/boy? >> I’d be glad for her. I hope she gets whatever she’s looking for from that interaction. 96. Ever liked someone you thought you didn’t stand a chance with? >> --- 97. You want someone/something? >> Not really. 98. Is there really a difference between Coke and Pepsi? >> Yeah, which is why many people have a preference. 99. Is there any emotion you’re trying to avoid right now? >> No. 100. Are there any mistakes with your recent ex you wish you could have changed? >> I’m pretty sure the entire situation in itself was a mistake, and it was changed, by us ending up having no contact with each other. 101. Has anyone ever been with you while you were throwing up? >> I mean, sure. 102. Background on your computer? >> Right now it’s a wallpaper with a scene from the movie Interstellar. (My desktop wallpaper is on a shuffle timer.) 103. Have you cried recently? >> Like, within the last week, probably. 104. Who has hurt you the most? >> I don’t know. 105. Are you happy with where you are relationship-wise now? >> Sure. 106. What language do you want to learn? >> --- 107. Your ex’s car breaks down and they ask you for a lift. Your response? >> I mean, I don’t drive, dude. Also, we live in wildly different parts of the country. This is just so many layers of implausible. 108. Would you hit a member of the opposite sex? >> ---
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throwing out some random numbers: 2, 23, 27, 39, 53, 58, 64, 76, 89
that’s the spirit tyvm.....you don’t know what these numbers will give me, idk what i’ll get from them, we’re just gonna see where it goes together
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
this time i’ll cape for lollipops. they can be fun colors! you can hold the stick in your mouth as something to fidget with.....Fruit Flavor....
23. strange habits?
hmm i mean [autistic behavior] which would seem ~strange~ but only from that certain perspective.......i think One Weird Trick i do is from this nightmare time when like, one semester in college i guess uhhh that was wow a decade ago lmao i had 8 am classes every day for 2 semesters and my roommate and i were night owls so i’d (generally) go to bed earlier and i got in the habit of like, covering my head (or the top half anyways) with like a robe or towel or whatever to block out the light. makeshift sleep mask basically. except i’ve slept like that ever since and it feels weird to Not do so. and i doubt an Actual sleep mask would cut it cuz it’s partially the weight thing. i can only imagine how fun a weighted blanket is lol
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
going tf inside!!!!!!! cold weather is garbage. although once i did go ice skating and reasonably enjoyed it. i like skating
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
i don’t like pie very much lmao i think the Crust is generally disappointing and i’m not big on the fillings. that said, lemon meringue is a Superior Pie and i’ve made it probably at least a dozen times, it’s pretty fun i think. but still the answer is lemon cake. lemon cake is amazing. cake is amazing. no contest between like, do i want some Amazing fancy pie? or do i want this $1.50 cake mix? i would probably want the cake. or i’d at least have to take a moment to think about it even if going with the pie cuz yeah some pie Is good and u can’t quite get the same flavors in a cake, like rhubarb. i don’t know that rhubarb cake exists. but lemon cake is great. lemon Pound cake hell fucking yes Please
53. what is the current state of your hands?
my hands are fine. they’re here and the same as ever. my nails are already a little too long but not to the point i Gotta cut them cuz it’s annoying tf out of me.....they’re not very dry, which is good, cuz yknow sometimes in the winter it’s like oh no i need lotion to live or smthing.....one time it was winter and i had dryass hands and we went to this Concert and i was just clapping enthusiastically and it made the back of one hand bleed lmao like yikes. the back of my right hand has a freckle although maybe that’s a mole, i haven’t been paying enough attention to know for sure lol.....i used to have a freckle in the middle of my palm on my left hand but that faded a while back. speaking of my palms the other day i was like, hmm is there some weird subtle like crepeiness in the surface of my Palm Skin??? it seemed like there was weird like, lattice-forming creasiness going along the Length of my fingers / across my palm. it might’ve been a vitamin d thing so i ate 3 eggs. today my hands seem more normal but the whole thing might’ve just been me making it up + placebo yolks. but either way. very normal hand day i’m having rn
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
man idk lol. i can get shy cats to like me sometimes. you just Be Chill with them and let them get used to you, idk it’s not hard @ anyone who thinks befriending cats is difficult like, probably that’s just you doing it way wrong........i can cook decently well, that’s handy i think and it can be fun even though it’s also this whole involved hassle......i like to Draw Emotively (in that the drawings are emotionally evocative / expressive, not that the way that i draw is particularly emotive) and i like when people like it / read it as Expressively as intended, i guess i’m proud? like, mission accomplished.......oh wait yeah and damn when i practiced ballet for like a whole decade i was proud of being good at that i guess cuz yknow, Effort, same as with drawing lol i’ve been doing it for a hot minute, i can be proud of those results.
64. favorite website from your childhood?
i wasn’t very Online as a kid b/c we had the one computer w/ a dialup connection & just like, whenever i was using the computer lots it was Pc Games......didn’t rly be on the Net much until Late ‘08.......
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
i’ve said latkes but you know who really supports me recently is a Whole potato i just scrub off and microwave and cut up and throw some salt n peppy and Shedd’s Spread uponst. like thank you so much for these nutrients and easy preparation, Staple Food
89. who would you put before everyone else?
hmph i don’t like, like, this Pyramid Tiering of everyone in your life with these higher and lower Levels of mattering-to-youness. i mean yeah sure i think we agree that it’s generally the case that we have More casual acquaintances vs friends vs Close friends and so on, but like. why are we gonna accept this Concept where like “okay but What If you need to only pick One Person.” like we’re driverless cars who need to program ourselves about whose life we prioritize, are we gonna run over This pedestrian or That one, who’s Winningest in the “being important to us” game. like we’re not a parent and the house is on fire and which of our three children do we love the most? well like, whose bedroom is closest. which of them hasn’t already bailed out a window. what if our Favorite isn’t the one we’d help first cuz maybe someone needs our help more at some particular time. like what does this question even mean!!!! what is the purpose of asking it??? i don’t like the premise or accept it. and it smacks of [those Concepts surrounding ~romance~ which i also do not like or vibe with]. no b.a.e........i’d go all out for Friends or for People I’ve Never Met But Respect or for Strangers.......some ppl would not get my all-out effort lmao or will get my nah-i-won’t-lift-a-finger lol but that’s if they’re like reeeal shitty. but like why should we whittle down ppl’s Importance to us to like “okay but who’s the 1 the ONE person who you care MOST about” like goddamn why are we adopting this framework. like ideally we have a Community of ppl in our lives who have different relationships / roles / connections to us, and this is pretty complex and why even Think about like, well there *has* to be the One who you prioritize Most Every Time, and you need to Know who that is......like what does that mean. and you know like. maybe the people who are in your life most intimately aren’t always the ones who have the strongest Help/Support ties to you here......like relationships are complicated and varied and having a network of people is better than like the idea that we should be fine and thriving with [The ~Soulmate~] [the friends who are kinda important but pale in comparison to The Soulmate] [family?] [acquaintances] like well if you Would Die For This Person and They’d Die For You you guys are obviously set!! 
anyways i went off about it but i get mad about this stuff like. the stuff that feels like it’s even within 2 degrees of talking about those Soulmates and romantique notions like being incomplete or inherently unfulfilled without That One Special Someone. and even throwing the Romance out the window, why like, have your network of relationships put into a Tournament Bracket where you whittle down who matters most until the Champion emerges????? goddamn
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mwolf0epsilon · 5 years
DBH - A Russian Alien in Detroit
This one is a little more rushed, but I wanted to introduce Artyum and Val before I proceeded to mess around with any more of my androids.
The DBH fandom needs just as many interesting and fun human ocs as it has awesome android ocs!
    In all of his 2 years of experience living in America, Artyum found that everything was kind of the same as his home city in Russia.
It stank of pollution and the people sucked ass, although very often he found that being so rude didn't do him any favours.
Or maybe just being a foreigner already screwed him up big time. He couldn't decide which one was it just yet...
    On arrival he'd been fresh out of uni, with his engineering degree still holding that pleasant new smell, and his hair being cut short and beard trimmed to perfection.
His grandmother had always told him first impressions mattered when going to a job interview, and applying for an apprenticeship at Cyberlife in America meant that he had to be careful with how he spoke, dressed and worked.
Perfect and efficient were what she'd told him to go for. Never less.
His father in turn, had told him to be better than that, so as to show the Americans how Russians got shit done. Honestly, he'd tried.
But when you're Russian and your country is having a dick measuring contest with the one you're supposed to live in for work reasons, you can kiss the simplicity of a nice life goodbye.
His superiors had hated him for being a “Commie” spy, and they'd all treated him like a trash fire for looking older than he really was.
Genetics were a bitch, and the male side of the family all reached 6’ in their early 20s.
He was 21 and built like a bear.
The chief engineer who was a pretentious jackass with the self-confidence of a worm, really didn't like that in particular.
Apparently being outsized, outweighed and outsmarted by a 21 year old graduate, was a personal blow to his fragile ego.
Really there was nothing, short the food and work, that got a tiny bit of pleasure out of his stay in the country.
And then working in the engineering department, testing the newly built androids, became less fun and more nerve-wracking.
    Everyone in his department knew about the “Defects”. The androids that just didn't come out working as they should.
His supervisor told him that he should flag any of the 'droids that just bugged out and acted up weirdly, but honestly?
Something just never felt right about it when he did it. A sort of gut feeling that had nothing to do with the sugar glazed donuts and redbull he'd had for lunch.
And then, being the curious idiot that he was, Artyum Kutznekov just started really paying attention to his tasks, rather than punching in his card and disassociating for the day until his shift ended.
The false bliss he'd felt over working his “dream job” had come crushing down when it really clicked what he was doing.
The “Defects” weren't so much as glitching androids as they were aware.
And not just a simulation gone wrong. They were scared, and it was REAL.
    Artyum wasn't that clean shaven nerdy boy anymore. He wasn't sucking up to Cyberlife and it's corporate vampires. He'd quit, sent a letter home, got a lecture back and then said fuck it to everything.
He became an official citizen of the United States and moved into some shitty hellhole of an apartment, right above some Brazilian couple that fought every night and then fucked their brains out at 4 am. The above tenant was nice, an old Scottish grandmother who'd greeted him with a beer and a few words.
 “Welcome to the most culturally diverse part of Detroit. We get all the immigrants here.”
 “Is that good or bad?” He'd asked.
 “Russian. Tsk tsk… Lose the thick accent and ya might not get shot in an alleyway.”
 “Would be much better than to live in America anyway...”
 “That's the spirit lad. You'll fit right in.”
She hadn't been kidding.
There were a lot of people with different ethnic backgrounds in the apartment and they weren't all that bad.
One of them, Val, was a young 19 year old latina who lived in the basement floor.
No parents, no other relatives, just her and her android dog, Regi.
She was as smart and cunning as a fox and had the tongue of a sailor. Nana Agnes scolded him for giving the kid vodka sometimes.
It kind of paid off that he'd befriended her in the end, after Sergei came into his turbulent life.
 “So, couple of custom parts and something to help save his skin?” The girl grimaced “Sugar, you're really killing my buzz here. That android is fuuuucked.”
 “Tell me something new...I know it is a difficult task, but I am being at...At wits end. Repairing is easy, yes? But customizing to fit older model is your bread and...and.” he paused, clicking his tongue for a second of annoyance as he tried to recall the proper term.
 “Butter. My bread and butter, which requires pay.” Val rolled her eyes. “I swear, you're a heck of a fuckin’ dictionary Artie, but how can ya remember the precise name of biocomponents and shit, if you can't remember how to say butter or even spork?”
 “I studied! Manuals have all information on complex parts, but they do not come with information on what one is to put in toast!” He pouted. “Also combining spoon and fork is most stupid thing I have ever been told! There are different utensils for reason!”
 “Oh my god Art you're killing me.” Val smirked “And fiiine. I'll get you those parts, but ooonly if you let me tweak the voice box for Sergei.”
 “You are enabler though! You will give him annoying voice that will get on my nerves!” he'd complained.
 “Hey! Sergei's all about dat sweet sweet gay culture. If he wants a super funny and cute nasally voice, let my boi have one! Bitches gotta go all out my dude!”
 “I swear I do not know why we are friends.”
 “Cuzz I'm such a charmer, and you're bored of hearing Marcello's and Joana's soap opera dramas every morning.”
 “Becoming listener of their activities was not a choice.” He reminded her.
 “And the term you're looking for there, is vouyer~”
 “I am not a vouyer!!!”
 “No, but you're a big hairy dude that lives with a gay robot that's missing several limbs and a lot of screws.”
 “You make it sound very questionable.”
 “I build custom vaginas and dicks for androids that can't consent, while knowing that there are living ones fighting for their rights in this shit show of a city. Life's fucked. Let me have fun at the expense of my Russian bear neighbour and his twinky android roommate.”
 “I will drink to that.” he replied as he took both their glasses for a refill.
 “Yeah could sure do with another drink. To our shitty weird as fuck life.”
 “Like God would condone any of this, lol.”
    America wasn't all that great, neither was Russia really, and honestly Artyum had chosen a poor time to move into Detroit, but hey...
If he hadn't died in some alleyway because of hate crimes, then he was surely not gonna die because of what was up with the city and it's "Deviancy problems".
If he did, at least then he'd die knowing he wouldn't have to get shot at the grocery store for having a thicker accent than people were comfortable with.
Until then he was content with repairing Sergei. The PL600 sure could use a helping hand after he'd been put through, whatever the fuck his twisted owner had done to him before Artyum found him in pieces.
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cards-onthetable · 5 years
I'm feeling a little bad for Jamie
(More thoughts from our Aussie friend!)
So as I told you I'm still yet to see episode 18, (it supposedly airs Thursday but channel 10 sucks so it may not). I have been irritated (massively) by this season and the Jamko working together farce, as you know. But from following you guys it seems this episode really pissed people off.
From the snippets I have given in and watched, I agree with the thought that Jamie could've and should've chosen his words better. FYI in that restaurant scene I actually felt Eddie was rude to the waitress but I'm told that is probably just a reflection of cultural differences so I decided to let that go.
However I'm curious why Jamie has irritated you all so much because I think at times Eddie has used similar tone etc with Jamie. In episode 14, Eddie tells Jamie to "cool it" at the dinner table. I recall watching that and thinking she just treated him like a child (in front of others no less). Sure the Reagan brothers were butting heads but Eddie's tone in that scene irritated me. I wouldn't care if Eddie had squeezed his thigh to say hey calm down, but I didn't like the verbal tell off. I would equate Eddie's 'cool it' with Jamie's 'cut it out'. But for me Eddie did it in public.  Jamie was in a public place, but presumably they did not know others in laundromat.
(I disagree, I don’t see anything disrespectful or out of line in Eddie’s tone during that scene. She and Jamie had just had a private discussion on the topic so they knew each other’s points of view. Then when the dinner table discussion got out of hand, Erin stopped things and Eddie jumped in too. Her telling Jamie to “cool it” and then saying “hey, you too” to Danny didn’t come off as disrespectful to me whatsoever. In general, during those ~tense~ family dinners, I tend not to read into anyone’s tone too much because the frustration is usually two-sided and ~justified~ (unlike Jamie’s unwarranted reaction to the softball thing). It was no different than any of the times Linda reeled Danny in during dinner, and not inappropriate in context.)
In episode 12 again at the dinner table Eddie said, "I like him. I hope you turn out like him". It came across to me as a little bit bitchy. The tone was kinda “I'm joking, but yeah I'm really not and you know it Jamie.” I understand that again, his communication about the wedding was awful, (I still can't believe a wedding costs 100k btw) but I just felt like Eddie belittled him a little bit. (Again, the dinner table back-and-forth doesn’t really bother me or strike me as disrespectful/bitchy/etc. I’m actually happy when Eddie feels comfortable enough to ~act like one of the family~ at dinner.)
Then professionally in episode 16 at the very beginning where Eddie walks in to find Jamie in an argument with his subordinate and she immediately inserted herself into the conversation with "what the hell is going on here". It made me feel that Eddie has no respect for Jamie being the boss. (WHY ARE THEY WORKING TOGETHER AGAIN)? That shit just would not fly here. If I'd been Jamie I would not have been so cool about that. While professionally I would remain calm, at home I would have lost my shit badly with a partner of mine interfering at work. If I were Jamie, I'd have been livid. As an aside, this scene was also irritating  in the sense that we are meant to believe nobody knows they are screwing, YEAH RIGHT!!! (Somewhat agree here, but I mostly blame this on a poorly written way to involve Eddie in that conversation. When I first watched the episode I rolled my eyes @ Eddie involving herself at all, but didn’t necessarily think she did it in a way that would be worse than any other way for her to insert herself in the conversation, if that makes sense lol. But I can see how she comes off as not respecting Jamie’s authority.)
 EDDIE CLEARLY WEARS THE PANTS IN THEIR RELATIONSHIP which is perfectly fine. I'm not one for life has to be ruled by a man, but while Jamie should be in charge professionally (and usually is), Eddie is definitely in charge at home. Which makes it even more irritating to me that they are having Eddie play meek and mild in some episodes to make me wonder where old Eddie went and make Jamie the arsehole. If Eddie feels comfortable to belittle Jamie in front of family and colleagues, it is total rubbish to then suggest she'd refuse to try out for softball because Jamie expresses himself poorly. (Talk to me more about how you see Eddie as wearing the pants in their relationship. In the past, when Jamie was an adorable lovesick puppy with an impossible crush, sure. But lately ????? The inconsistency is nuts, you’re right.)
I'm not trying to attack Eddie here, I just find it interesting that so many people have been furious with Jamie over 'softball gate', whether it be on your blog, the BB twitter or facebook pages. I think season 9 would have benefited by having more scenes of Jamko at home (or you know, NOT HAVING SEASON 8 END WITH THEM BECOMING ENGAGED WITHOUT EVER DATING). More balance of 'church and state' may have shown their relationship in a better light. Instead we get them basically at family dinner and arguing at work or in a restaurant arguing about work. I'm ignoring mini golf because well, don't we all wish we could ignore that? (Ugh Yes preach.)
Also I really wonder how much of Jamie being tightly wound is the losses he's had in life or the weight of the family expectations. To me Jamie sets very high standards for himself and if he feels he fails in those standards he really struggles. I'm just thinking that is rooted in childhood. Frank seems to regard Jamie as most like himself and as such Jamie has a lot to live up to. If Frank cut Jamie some slack maybe Jamie wouldn't be so emotionally repressed. For eg hey Frank did you even consider telling Danny he was wrong in episode 14? Nope you left it to Henry. Even then, that seemed to be because the Reagan family name might be tarnished if Jamie actually held Danny accountable for insubordination. I don't care that Danny shot someone, I care that Danny always has and always will get away with giving his superiors grief because he's Danny. Jamie would have been suspended and has been in the past seasons.
(This relates back to conversations from this week about Jamie’s need for therapy, or at a minimum his need to acknowledge all this unspoken baggage everyone insists he has. (I’m slightly skeptical; while I agree the foundations are there, I don’t give the BB writers enough credit to think they’ve developed the character of Jamie Reagan deeply enough to actually consider how his various traumas would manifest in his daily life and relationships. Like their characterization is much more shallow and not that nuanced/complex). But this is why I’m interested in @fixomnia-scribble’s potential rendition of Jamie’s conversations with his therapist (and why I only want to see Jamie’s conversations with his therapist in any such fic, with nobody else involved, lol).)
Oh and hey I was thinking BB writers were being morons with this whole season but I've realised I'M THE MORON because I still kept watching it. SPLIT THEM UP PROFESSIONALLY AND MAKE IT REALISTIC. I'M BEGGING YOU BB. I have other thoughts about the wedding and season 10 but you shouldn't have to read them all. 
the grump from Down Under.
P.S. The wedding pictures gave me a laugh but hey I say put Jamie in a kilt and knee high socks cos I know how you feel about knees. 😛 (THIS WOULD BE AN IMPROVEMENT OVER THE BIB TIE TBH)
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heavenofficialsbl · 6 years
H.O.B. Chapter 10
The Mountain’s Locked Ancient Temple, The Forest of Hanging Corpses part ii
Finally going to be caught up with the available chapters! After this should (hopefully) be smooth sailing, not finding time every day to live blog. It of course wasn’t necessary for me to live blog every day, but you know how addicting these stories can get ~ 💗 
Okay, let’s see what our boys are up to!
Okay so they all ahd their veils pulled off, which was bad, since it... Kept their yang energy in check? Some sort of energy. Bad things are gonna happen now
Yeah these ladies are going to go consume all of the peoples energy I believe
God how many times does he have to tell these people not to run? Chasing the prey makes it easier for them to pick you off!
Every time something happened, Xie Lian would have to say it at least thirty to forty times. However, there would always be people who turned a deaf ear to his warnings. He felt truly quite helpless.
You’re trying, sweetest Xie Lian, it’s their fault for being stupid
His silk seems to be quite helpful, I really do find it interesting
Oh, so they’re still low enough level that they can only hop?
The veils flew out as they spun in the air before neatly covering the heads of the two brides.
Lol good aim buddy. Or, I wonder if the veils would be attracted to the brides, and they WANT to be on their heads. That would make it easier to cover them up
After a moment, he finally couldn’t hold back and said, “Excuse me for this.” Xie Lian grabbed a hand from each bride... They began to fiercely destroy each other.
Quick thinking! He’s being polite to them even though they’re dead (or maybe even more so because they are). This method ensures they’ll be destroyed, but gives him the ability to continue finding other brides to take down
Ohhhhh I’m really curious as to what the ring of silk will do. Maybe a barrier of sorts? I like how it was described to have a ‘faint rainbow light’
Well at least Little Ying is listening
Yee-haw, its a barrier! That’s interesting, I’m really curious now as to the properties of the silks. Its seems that he can also control the length of the silks, though I’m not sure if its indefinite or they can only lengthen a certain amount
Okay now they’re rushing? I thought they were so stiff they could only hop!
“This skill had been practiced before, right?!”
Y-yeah, he has a lot of experience in placing corpses veils on their heads
I want to point out the difference between Xie Lian and the ‘youngster’ from before. Obviously the difference between them is so vast, not only because of their status (we don’t know about the youngster, but he’s probably not rich or high-ranked at all, if he’s going around with such an... Undisciplined group of men) but because of their age and amount of experience. Someone like Xie Lian who has 800 years of experience fighting demons and monsters of CLEARLY going to be much better at handling this situation than a young human with a superiority complex. The youngster feels the need to show his strength and intelligence through brash acts of bravery and bravado which only proves to confuse and endanger him and him men. He want’s to LOOK tough, because that means more to him than surviving as a ‘coward’ or a ‘looser’. Xie Lian doesn’t need to act foolishly, because he knows his strengths and he knows how to stop and analyze a situation. He knew the best way to bring out the bridegroom was to act the bride, and didn’t (to our knowledge) object to dressing up. It’s not about how he LOOKS, literally, but about fixing the situation and saving as many lives as possible. He doesn’t care if he looks the fool; he cares if innocent people die on his word or his action.
Okay stepping off my soapbox 
Oh NOOO he probably reverted back to when he was a street musician and had to ask for tips xD That moment where you don’t even realize what you’re saying RIP
Is “Ling Wen the All Knowing” one of her titles, or is he just pulling some straight up flattery here? xD
“Nearly twisted his ankle” Uh, aren’t you still in the air?
Whooooooo are you saluting? Your cheer squad? You’re pretty funny, guy
On the battlefield, he met a female general from an enemy country. She was extremely beautiful and alluring, and her temperament was heroic and fierce.
Oh man! Human female generals?! Beautiful and fierce? YEESSS
And what happened afterwards was extremely easy to imagine.
Well thanks for sparing us from all of the cheesy details
. . . .
He risks himself by taking the time to shift so he doesn’t kick her face! It may be a short amount of time, but it’s certainly enough for her to possibly take advantage of and force her attack more
“In the first place, it isn’t wrong for a woman to wish her lover would only love her for the rest of their lives.”
Yeah, but it turned out pretty badly in MDZS
Even if she had to kill them? Jesus, that’s intense. No, thanks
Ahhh, the negatives of being banished from Heaven. What could her disability be? Maybe, since she was a general, it wasn’t something physically impairing?
I mean, it was just a rumor that led to the name ‘ghost bridegroom’. No one ever said it had to be a man! This is why ‘according to legend’ is so troublesome. People hear the legends that were oftentimes false, or had one or two false points, and started to believe them. When you believe these versions, you loose the ability (or it’s at least diminished) to factor in other possibilities
A woman as strong and fierce as General Xuan Ji would definitely burn down temples of the man who wronged her! Though, she still had loved him, so she would cherish the beautiful statue of him! Seeing other women who were happily sitting in their sedan on their wedding day would surely invoke her wrath due to jealousy!
To be able to rationalize like this while jumping around and fighting corpses is very impressive
In fact, the weird thumping noises Xie Lian had heard were precisely caused by this bride’s broken legs as she hopped around and moved.
Thats just... Jeeze, China, what up with your monsters and demons? You really can’t go anywhere on your knees, and its so painful on your kneecaps!
UGH okay well I’m finally caught up! Aaaaand three minutes to go until the end of the day, too #ripme
Thanks as always for reading!
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6ad6ro · 7 years
an explanation post and small update about that thing that recently happened with that one ex friend. just fyi, this is very long:
first, some backstory. i have an issue where i often end up staying in abusive relationships (friends/family/dating) for way too long for various reasons. that said, this friend. they were always problematic. they would continue aggressively making passes at me even tho i rejected them constantly. like really gross passes that reminded me of why i “hate (stereotypical) men”. bc it was real bro-style creeping. hitting on me incessantly. always hanging all over me and making any excuse to have physical contact. making gross innuendo “jokes” that went too far just… always. at one point they licked my ear when we were taking a photo together. etc.
now i confronted them on this many times. asked them to tone it down. explained how uncomfortable and stressed they made me. told them “i’m sorry but i just don’t feel that way and i wanna be friends” like god SO often. my sister (used to be friends w them too) even would sit and we’d try to explain to them why they needed to stop.
but of course, they’d always reply to this with extreme defensiveness. say i was just over thinking it. that this is just who they were. that they joke with ALL their friends this way (sidenote i’ve seen how squeamish they can make their other friends). that “maybe i should rethink my standards for what is okay and not okay”. would even accuse me of being paranoid and “gaslighting” them. even when it got better, they were always making little jokes like “oh srry i wanted to pat you on the back but idk if you’ll get mad at me” like they really wanted to let me know i was in the wrong. and beyond that, they always seemed to be like actively trying to find new avenues of hitting on me.
and that was just the personal space issues. they’d also like rage at games when we played together? like slamming my controller to the floor when they lost. being overly competitive. being rude to my other friends if they were “holding them back” in a game. they’d actually criticize people who didn’t agree with how they wanted to play as being “unskilled” and “not real gamers”. and if you ever were beating them, they’d be all angry and say stuff like you were being “ cheap”. any mistake they made in a game was “people cheating”. but any time they did well (including purposeful exploiting), it was a boast worthy achievement. trashtalk all day but only they were allowed to do it.
it was weird too bc TBH THEY AREN’T EVEN ALL THAT GOOD. like overall, i’d almost always beat them. my sister too. they were mediocre at best. but of course… they’d literally make statements like “i almost always beat you” and “i usually win” when it was just… such a rare occurrence. its just… when it came to trying to have a fun play session with people, they put the game and winning above… you know… having fun w the rest of us? and sidenote they were always SUPER picky about what game we played. and when it came to options like “what guns to use” or “what stage to play”… you know how often people take turns so everyone is happy? on their turn, they’d get respect. but on everyone elses turn, they’d always like… fuck around and change options back to theirs and like revert stuff and just…
not that age matters but did i mention they were 27. i mean idk i only bring it up bc they reminded me so much of a little kid like esp about videogames. but there were a lot of other issues with them too. but i’ll just bring up the last big one. they… morally/politically? they tended to be in a cool direction in general. v “supports human rights overall” kinda person. but… they were the type who were idk v quick to judge? they would make extreme judgement calls with no information. they’d always end up fixated on conspiracies rather than perceiving things with moderation. people can think what they want imo, but the issue here is how they needed anyone close to them to agree with them too? 
example: one time i was driving w them in an area that had very little shops and it was late and i had forgotten to pick up a gift for someone we were meeting. just a small thing to thank them for a favor. the ONLY store open and around was walmart. yes fine walmart sucks but  idk i needed a gift. i mentioned i was gonna stop by there and they were like “no not walmart”. and i’m like “yeah i know lol” and they were like “no seriously we cant go in there”. long story they refused to go in, wouldn’t wait in the car, and made it out like if i went in that there would be a big problem. i ended up showing up to the person empty handed and it sucked. another time just recently i was gonna get some lays potato chips and they were like “ew no you can’t buy anything from the cocacola company” and like shamed me and walked off so i couldn’t get them. idk this kinda stuff happens all the time tbh? but it doesn’t stop at just like pretentious annoyance. they’d go HARD with political opinions too and if you disagreed w them they’d HATE you. not just internet forums or strangers. but friends. one time my sister (who for the sake of the story is pan and leaning towards non-binary) disagreed with them when they made a sweeping statement on fb about how some specific thing made everyone “transphobic”. anyways when my sister tried to discuss it with them they literally sicked their friends on her and insulted and browbeat her until she just had to leave. she got stressed at the end and yelled back finally and then they sent her a pm like “i’m really disappointed in you. i’ll be waiting for an apology when you’re ready to give it”. lol long story short my sis dropped them at that point. as she put it “i thought highschool was over”. she was already super mad at them for how they were treating me sexually anyhow tho like... srry but i guess one of my points is my sister is like one of the coolest, nicest, best people i know. she never drops people. but she dropped THEM. over the years i’ve asked them why they go from 0 to 11 so fast and why they don’t... idk... “lead” people into agreeing with them rather than angrily and violently just immediately demanding it? and as they put it “people with strong opinions will never change so don’t bother with them” and “i act how i do as an example to others of how to be a good person”. but god i guess just recently i came to realize that they were just... i don’t think they cared about other people. they just wanted to protect THEMSELVES above all else? they wanted a reason to judge people. it was all an excuse for them to feel self-righteous and act entitled and superior. oops i forgot to mention that they’re pan and gender-neutral as well? maybe they identify as trans but idk. the only reason i mention it is bc they definitely use it as a way to shame people and feel superior. i know it’s easy to be sensitive about that stuff considering, but they go above and beyond. and it’s weird that they’re all about human rights and w/e bc GOD they’re so gross sexually and... srry another example. so they’re a furry. totally fine imo. but one day we were walking around a downtown area with a lot of bars late at night and they were wearing fox ears/tail and bein themselves nbd. but we passed by a “drunkbus” right as cookie-cutter bros spilled out of it. one of them was like “hey i didn’t know the furry convention was in town” and i immediately got super angry and turned to say something. but then i looked to see my friend had just continued to walk away? i took a breath and walked back to them and was like “i’m so sorry like do you want me to say something?” and they were like “it’s okay some day i’ll fuck them until they like it” or “until i turn them” or god idk i think they maybe even used the term “rape”... alarm bells tbh. blahh i won’t go into any more details but lets just say how they act and how they say a person SHOULD act is a dictionary definition of hypocrisy. well anyways, i guess my point i wanted to make with this backstory is, as i’ve finally come to realize... they’re an immature, self-righteous, spoiled person with a pretty distinct martyr complex. and they’re kinda rapey. they always used to complain about all this drama they had and how awful everyone was to them... and it always sounded like “really bad luck”? but i realize now that they were just a tornado of selfishness with like no emotional control and they couldn’t keep friends for too long before it just had to end in a big flaming ball. sorry like i should point out i know they’re obv full of mental illness... but i don’t think they really go to therapy or seek help for any of it? like so many of us on here are pretty messed up but we do our best? this person is not doing their best. they clearly feel the world should change before they do. anyways anyways anyways. this friendship lasted for idk 2 years? 3? it was weird that i didn’t notice my own reactions as warning signs. like when i don’t know someone too well or am having issues... i’ll often bring another friend to hangouts as a sort of buffer. maybe uncool, but it helps. usually this only lasts for like one or two hangouts. but with this ex friend, it lasted the entire period. whenever i tried to hang out w them alone, a much bigger incident would always happen, and i’d go back to square one. but okay. the actual story of the incident: so i was always trying to get them to hang out with me and another friend bc i felt like we all had v similar hobbies, and this past tuesday it finally happened. we all hung out at other friend’s place and played games and ate food and outside of exfriend’s usual little issues, it went really well. at some point it was mentioned that sonic mania released that day. it was something we had all been very excited about, but we already had plans that day and some of us (me) didn’t want to experience the game the first time in a distracted social environment. but i mentioned “ugh i have a doc appointment early tomorrow but i’ll still dl it right when i get home. i better not play it tho lol weh”! when they heard i was buying it, they were like “oh man you gotta let me come over and try it”. i knew they were a big fan of the guy who made it and a huge sonic fan, but also that they had just lost their job and money was tight (i had to buy their food that day). i had a feeling they’d morally be against pirating it temporarily until they could afford it. so idk i was like “hey listen as long as we only play like the first act each, i could take you to my place before i drive you home. but only if you’re okay with being v quick bc i have dr in the morning”. sidenote they refuse to drive and don’t use a bike so hanging out with them always involved carting them around. and no before they lost their job (v recently), they coulda def afforded it. they literally were constantly buying insanely expensive collectibles like think of the most expensive gaming stuff you can and they prob have it. sealed panzer dragoon saga. vectrex with every game. fami twin with working disc system parts. ique with most games loaded. mint physical laserdisc copy (beta?) of dragons lair from the arcade machine. whatever. my point is they spent all their money on toys instaid of bettering themselves. we all do it but they took it to an extreme. one other thing... they only would communicate over their parent’s lan line phone and over facebook. they refused to have a cellphone. back to story. they excitedly agreed to my conditions and we went back to my place and installed the game. i started playing and god it was amazing (obv)! i got to the end of act 1 in a couple of minutes and was like “okay i should rly quit and hand it to you” but they were like “no no finish the zone” and tbh it was so good i agreed. so i played until i beat the boss and then i was like “okay i can’t go further” and quit and then handed it to them. i think the whole zone took me like... 5 minutes? this is when it started getting weird. i noticed my gf had called and like idk she was a bit worried bc i normally call her after i get home from my other friend’s place (we hang every tuesday like clockwork) and it had gotten really late but i forgot to let her know. it was really sweet and i didn’t want her to worry so i was like “hey uh shoot do you mind if i call her?” and tbh they were like already so absorbed in playing the game they weren’t even paying attention to me. but i had given them the rly comfy chair but it blocked the exit to the room. i couldn’t even squeeze by unless they moved first. so i started like asking them ‘hey uh do you mind pausing and moving so i could get by?”... nothing. again i asked. ignored. this went on for like idk 30 sec? a minute? until i finally was like hovering my finger over to hit the pause button like “can you please just pause so i can leave” like... and only then did they finally say “well fine but i don’t even know how to pause”. let me take the time to point out that they are prob the most techy person i know. esp about old game systems. they build flashcarts and repair ancient consoles and solder and mod and they worked the past 4(?) years at a legit retro game store. and they were amazing to begin with. it’s a small thing, but they coulda figured out how to pause a switch. they’d played one many times before too. so finally i have them pause it. and i’m like still standing there for 30 sec or so and they still aren’t budging? and i’m like “you uhh gotta get up so i can get by the chair is blocking me”. they continue to idk ignore??? i finally have to literally pick up the chair WITH them still in it and move it aside. only then could i pass. idk but i didn’t get angry or anything bc i was just relieved to finally get by. as i walked out of the room i mentioned to them “hey if i take too long just keep playing obv but when i walk in please pause it and quit immediately so i don’t see later level content plz” (i’m a big baby and have been avoiding all details for so long and was looking forward to the surprise lol). and they were like “okay” or something. i went out to my car and talked w my gf for god idk 15 or 20 min? i didn’t want to talk that long but she was going to bed soon and was a bit down/ill and i still wanted to talk to her and idk i knew worst case my one friend would love the extra time to play. and i felt like if i stayed out that long i could go in to a very satisfied friend, you know? so i get off the phone and head inside. i enter the room and am like “okay i’m back plz pause it like we gotta go”! ignored. i ask again kinda lol trying to plug my ears and not look. ignored. at that point i notice the same song from the first zone is playing and i look over and it is in fact the same level and i’m like ??? “wait how are you still on the first level??” and they were like “oh i’m completing all of the special stages”. the first thought i had was like oh wow cool they really wanted to stick to my initial request of only playing the first zone? unnecessary but v nice of them! i guess i was really reaching for an explanation lol... so whatever they still are playing so i sit down next to them and am watching them play for another minute or so. i was about to say something bc they still weren’t stopping but then i notice how close they are to the boss and am like “oh okay cool you’re p much to the boss so you’ll be done super quick”. they keep playing. at that point i notice they’;re like... taking sonic up and around the level kinda in circles? and backtracking? like? it’s really weird and i’m like “wait what are you doing” and they’re like “trying to get rings to complete the special stages”... so i’m like “uhh sorry tbh but i’m already way past when i wanted to go to bed is there any way you can just... go to the boss”?? and they’re still doing their thing and ignoring me and so i speak up again like “cmon like i’m really sorry but this doctors appointment is an obligation and i really need to get to bed”. and at that point they pause the game. stand up angrily. kinda fling the controller so it hits the table and falls onto the hard floor. they start kinda flailing their arms angrily and say in this really sour tone “oh im sorry i just thought you were gonna idk let me PLAY the GAME”??? i start replying like “listen i’m sorry i just like i don’t have a choice in the matter like i have to go to bed like you had like 3 times as much time as i did and idk maybe you can take the switch into the car or something idk??” and they just kinda angrily say “whatever whatever just stop yelling at me”. btw i’m not yelling. i’m definitely definitely not yelling. i’m not even angry. calm. nice. confused at best? and this isn’t one of those things where it’s like “im not yelling bc when i yell you really KNOW it”... i just wasn’t yelling by anyone’s terms. at that point i’m like “listen i’m sorry i just don’t know why this is becoming such an issue like idk maybe you can wear headphones in the car and keep playing later levels or...” and that’s when they’re like “it doesn’t matter just STOP yelling at me”. and the chair is in the way of the exit and needs to be like lifted and moved so we can leave. but at that point they take their foot and just KICK the chair across the room. at that point i’m kinda like “listen i’m sorry if i have a tone in my voice or am hurting your feelings but tbh it’s kinda hard to remain perfectly calm when you’re sorta throwing a temper tantrum and..” and that’s when they shouted as loud as they could “OKAY NOPE UH UH BYEEE” and swung open the door and ran through the house to the exit door. i’m trying to call after them like “shit i’m really sorry but i don’t have time to chase after you i gotta go to bed please can i just take you home like if you leave i gotta just let you and go to bed” and they ignore me and run outside. it’s like 2am at this point btw. i kinda go outside to check if they’re standing there cooling down but no. long gone. ran down the street i think. so i go back inside. turn the light out. and lock the door. i just dont have time to deal with this. i want to but i can’t. but i sit there for a few minutes. and... (maybe) the mentally ill/abused side of me is like “well you COULD go look for them and try to calm them down and drive them home and it wouldn’t take THAT much longer than you were gonna already spend driving them, right? worst case if you don’t find them you can just go home and go to bed”. and so i head outside.as i enter my car tho, i get this weird gut awful feeling of deja vu? i realise pretty quickly that this scenario was pretty similar to the ones i had pretty regularly with my one really bad ex gf. the one who was a manipulative sociopath that used me and cheated on me and also had no emotional control etc etc etc lol? and idk i was surprised bc... i thought that this part of my life had been over. but still... the dumb side of my brain ignored that and carried on. i drove along the path i assumed they walked, thinking maybe they woulda taken the time to calm down. after a bit i finally caught up to them. i pulled up slowly and kinda called out like “hey i’m really sorry like i never wanted it to go down that way like you’re my friend like let me take you home i’m really sorry”. they ignored me for a bit and kept doing that angry car walk thing as i had to slowly follow behind and continue apologizing. finally they stopped and came to the window. they were like “listen you can’t talk to me like that and abuse me like that like what you did was so awful and bullying and ..” and went on like that for a min. and i was like “listen i’m sorry and i know me using that one word in particular must have really set you off but idk..” like trying to explain to them why i said “temper tantrum” (BC THATS WHAT THEY FUCKING HAD BTW THATS WHAT IT GD WAS) but i was trying to be nice about it? so i continued on “well i mean the reason i said that was okay like i know you were agitated but you kinda like tossed my controller haphazardly and it hit the floor and yeah i’m sure it was an accident...” and at that point they stuck their head inside the window like super close to my face and shouted as loud and angrily and full of spittle as they fucking could “WELL MAYBE IT WAS A FUCKING ACCIDENT THEN”!!!! i’m like... idk... adrenaline just dumps into my body. i’m giving this person so so so many chances tonight. being so nice. and this is a problematic friend to begin with. and they’re shouting in my face like this as i try to apologize to them so i can drive them home after they ran off. but i’m a pacifist and i try to avoid conflict. but still... i’m like, probably quietly, “you... you can’t just yell at me like that. you aren’t allowed to yell at me like that.” and they open their mouth and start shouting more. and that’s when i shout back “I WON’T LET YOU SHOUT AT ME LIKE THAT”!!! idk if it scared them or what like i know i’m pretty booming and alarming when i shout idk but regardless they yanked their head out of the window and backed away from the car and i split second checked they were clear and i just floored it. but... i quickly slammed on the breaks. took a breath. decided i didn’t want it to be like this (do you see how stupid/messed up i am). i put it in reverse and turned around to back up. but i have to slam on the breaks. thank god i was only idling at that point. bc they’re pressed RIGHT up against my back bumper. i’m trying to comprehend all this bc there’s a v big sidewalk and they were on it when i started to speed off so why are they right behind my car now? a BIG alarm bell goes off in my head but i ignore it. i stare at them as they wait pressed against my bumper for like half a minute, giving them “what are you doing” eyes and gestures. finally they come back to the window. i’m like “listen. i’m really really sorry. it’s okay if you hate me. we don’t have to talk about it or at all. i made a mistake. i’m very sorry. can i just... take you home? i feel bad. we can try and work out this stuff later if we have to”. at that point they start yelling at me again (not screaming but just normal yelling) and telling me how awful and bullying and abusive etc i am and how their reactions were justified and idek bc they started walking off again. FINALLY. FINALLLLLY. my brain accepts this situation as fairly impossible and unreasonable and i decide i gotta be done. i just... can’t? anymore?? even if i wanted to... i don’t have time? so i pull up next to them and say sternly “you know what? you can’t treat your friends like this or they will LEAVE you.” and i sped off. i think i heard them screaming after me like “YOU SHOULD TAKE YOUR OWN ADVICE” but god knows like my car is junk but i had floored it so they were long gone. okay so that’s PRETTY much the end of it. i decided pretty quickly after that that i was DONE with this person forever. that this wasn’t the kind of friendship i wanted. over the next few days i came to realize i should have been done with this person almost immediately. again, weird parallels to my worst ex. you don’t have to be dating someone or romantic w them for it to be a super abusive relationship. well anyhow i decided to avoid facebook or communicating w them for a bit so i could figure out how to like “officially end it”. because i was sure that they’d have gone on fb and written one of their common “i’m sorry i acted that way BUT” fake apologies where they pretend to be sorry but then negate the apologies by justifying all their behavior by making me out as some super abusive monster. 3 days later, i bite the bullet and check facebook, bc i realize this also is a pretty easy way for me to like... end it with them in a polite and cordial way? to pretend i don’t hate them. to talk to them in a way that hopefully keeps them from freaking out at me the next time our paths cross? also bc deep down i still do remember the good times and have a bit of respect for them. sure enough, it was there. the half-apology that leads into “you need to learn how to talk to people”. “you bullied me just like this person”. “when you talk to anyone you should use this tone”. tbh i only barely glazed over it. i started my reply along the lines of “i don’t want to get into a big discussion about what happened, but i think it would be best if we parted ways. i don’t think we’re compatible as friends. i hope we can be polite if we ever run into each other again. i’m really sorry that it turned out this way.” etc etc etc. part way in, i noticed their last short msg. sent way after the initial bunch of “sorry not sorry”s. it was just a half sentence. “i guess i should apologize for jumping in front of your car...” ... THAT FUCKING ASSHOLE. THAT BASTARD. THEY REALLY DID IT. THEY REALLY WERE TRYING TO FORCE ME TO INJURE THEM WITH MY CAR SO THEY COULD ENTRAP ME OR SUE ME OR FUCK MY LIFE UP. I THOUGHT I WAS BEING CRAZY AND PARANOID WHEN I HAD THAT THOUGHT BUT IT WAS TRUE. THAT ABSOLUTE LUNATIC. *deep breath* i’m still shaken. it was just a fluke that i didn’t step on the gas before i noticed them against my bumper. it EASILY could’ve gone down in the worst way. god. and all this over me asking them to stop playing sonic mania. tbh the experience kinda soured the game a bit for me? i mean... thank god it’s so good but really who even gives a shit bc it’s just a game like GOD fucking DAMN i can’t believe i had something so FUCKED happen at this stage in my life. i know it’s a really self-hating thing to do to blame myself for having someone like that around but... my. god. i ended up sending the fb message that i was initially planning and ignoring all the impulses to scream at them or call some authority (idek what i could do here) or tell them they need immediate help or what bc what the fuck. and i haven’t checked fb since. i wanna be done forever. i don’t ever wanna see or hear or hear about this person again. it’s a bit silly but i’m cleaning house and getting rid of all the stuff they got for me (i rejected most of their “wooing” gifts but a few still got through bc general gift exchange”. i know it’s messed up but i even washed all the clothes i was wearing w them regardless if it needed a wash or not. maybe it was symbolic. but they’re dead to me. god. it’s not just for the best it’s goddamn mandatory.
ANYWAYS so that’s it i guess. sorry i know how long this was. i don’t REALLY expect anyone to read through all this. but if you do, plz lmk so i can say thanks i guess lol? it’s just nice to get it all out there bc it kinda messed me up... really bad? idk. and oh um i’ll still reply to people individually for asking about the previous post that related to this? but it’s taking me a bit to do replies bc i’m just... kinda scared regarding social stuff rn considering.  i guess the last thing i’ll say is if part of you is telling yourself that someone is abusive and you find yourself constantly making really big considerations or umm excuses just to hang out with someone? maybe don’t. there are many good people out there for you. abusive people can be dangerous. be careful and try to surround yourself with nice, happy people. <3
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narutosss · 7 years
Hi! Could I request a scenario where reader is the granddaughter of tobirama (or is in some way related to him, i don't really mind) has a love-hate relationship with shisui? She eventually falls for him and they train as well as go on missions together. He accidentally finds out about reader's feelings and you can take it from there. (I'm sorry if this is totally random or weird lol) thank you x
mod dede’s first request woohoo!-Shisui stood in the Hidden Leaf forest. His eyes closed but his Sharingan activated. His senses heightened immensely. Nearby there was the Senju woman, his ‘Rival’ if you may. Though he did not see it that way. She sat high in the canopy tops waiting to attack. The wind blew and leaves dances about the field in which he stood. The Uchiha knew she was close but could not exactly pinpoint her location. His sensory skills were not as up par with her own. She was after all a descendant of Tobirama Senju. Within seconds the wind stopped blowing and with utter silence she appeared above him, a kunai in hand going for a rather deathly blow. Although this did not seem to phase him, he only blocked the top blow; moving his arm up with his short sword in hand. The sound of metal clashing filling the forest grounds.
“Damn it.” She mumbled jumping back. She was a very skilled shinobi but Shisui, Shisui always seemed to be better than her. He’d best her hand to hand combat and even in perception training. Though he had the advantage in that one, his Sharingan was nothing less than perfect. He couldn’t help but smile when she backed off.
“You still have a lot more training to do before you’re able to attack me head on like that ____.” He looked at her and narrowed his eyes slightly. She scoffed and put her kunai away.
“Hmph.” She mumbled under her breath and began walking to Konohagakure, Shisui following behind her. They’ve been partners in the Hidden Leaf Anbu for a few years. Both growing on each other has teammates and rivals. Though the Senju woman secretly had feelings for the Uchiha it was something that she would never admit to. Especially to him, her pride and stubbornness kept her from it. She kept denying her feelings for him and pushing them aside.
“Well.” Shisui spoke idly “I can always teach you myself.” He said matching her stride, she was a little shorter than him and he looked down at her as they walked. It seemed to bother her that he was so close.
“No. I’d rather you not.” She said in response. Shisui felt rather neutral towards the young shinobi, he has no angst nor dislike for the girl. In fact he thought it was a bit amusing to tease her whenever he had the chance.
“Why not?” He persisted “It’s not like you won’t gain something from it.”
“I said no.” She said realizing how close he was she wasn’t sure how she felt about it.
“Suit yourself then ____.” He said looking ahead. They arrived at the village, they were due for their next mission and without much conversation they made their way to the Hokage mansion. Once they were given their mission they’d be gone for about four months. The young shinobi and Uchiha split ways to prepare. It was in her small apartment where she fought with herself, conflicted and bothered by her feelings for this man. The way he smiled, they way his eyes flickered about during battle and even during every day conversation. Like he was always alert or on guard. Though, the smart comments and obvious superiority complex he had over her was something she could do without. Even in missions he seemed to order her sound.
“____ go east and I’ll meet you there to take out the target. Do not delay this. This is the move vital part of our mission.” He’d say holding up two fingers to flee. She couldn’t help but roll her eyes but regardless she obeyed his command.
Going over and over in her mind about the times she had with him made her think about the time she got injured on a mission. One Anbu wanted to leave her there.
“Just leave her, we’ll be back for her. She’ll be fine.” Said the masked Anbu male.
“No.” Shisui said firmly “Why would we leave our teammate to perish? There’s a reason we travel in teams, correct? Don’t ever say something so foolish.” He said rather irritated by his remark as he tended to her wounds on her back and ankles. She sat quietly and let him work, his touch against her bare skin sending marvelous chills down her spine. Shisui noticed the goosebumps and turned to face her, her face flushed as soon as he made eye contact. He pressed his hand on her forehead and raised his brow. “____ , you’re not sick, are you? I can’t really blame you, we’ve been working ourselves too hard.” She knocked his hand away and turned to the side.
“I-I’m fine Shisui, thank you.”
“Don’t thank me, you would have done the same for me.” He said sending her a smirk. “Teammates look out for each other.”Reminiscing about those moments of kindness and pure annoyance made her head hurt. She was in the middle of changing when there was a knock on her door. It was none other than Shisui. She opened the door not caring for her appearance, she wasn’t completely nude so it did not bother her or stir any embarrassment. Shisui’s eyes instantly shot down to her exposed collar bones and slight cleavage. He looked away just as quickly.
“I came to see if you were ready yet.” He spoke slightly low in tone.
“I’ll be out in a moment, just meet me at the main gates.” She mumbled rather tiredly. He nodded and disappeared, but something inside of him told him not to stray too far, he stayed in the shadows masking his chakra. The girl had a habit of talking to herself, Shisui being within ear shot heard everything.
“Is it even right for me to have feelings for him? He’s an Uchiha..” As she spoke she pulled on her standard Anbu attire. “He shares the blood of Madara Uchiha inside of him, who’s to say that he won’t turn out the same.” She finished her thought and pulled her hair into a ponytail so it would not be in the way when she went out to battle. Shisui listened carefully, taking no shame in eavesdropping on his comrade, though her words did stir something within him, he wasn’t too sure of what. She continued her thought as she walked out the door of her abode. “No..maybe he’s not like him, he’s different. He has to be.” Determined she rushed towards the gates. Shisui stayed there for a moment and then realized that he should be there before her. It was a race to the gates that took several minutes due to the distance she lives from them. She arrived there first and looked around confused thinking he may have went somewhere for a bit, to talk to itachi maybe. Then she remembered that he too was out on his own mission. Shisui jumped down in front of her looking slightly nervous and a bit flushed from trying to race her.
“____ Sorry, I had to go pick up something from the weapons shop.”
“Oh what was it?” She asked curiously tightening the bands in her wrists. Shisui panicked a little but it was inside, he never lost his composure.
“Just a few extra Shuriken and Kunai.” He stated.
Hours after being out on their mission they set up camp somewhere deep in the land of fire. The young shinobi thought for a moment, the weapons shop was just a few streets away from the main gate and Shisui was coming from the opposite of the weapons shop. She thought harder and realized he came from the direction SHE was coming from. Which alarmed her, what if he heard what she said.
“What’s wrong?” He asked her, eyeing her from the side. He turned fully and sat closer to her. She tensed a little but decided she better act on what he said to her earlier and how it was a lie.
“You lied to me, Shisui. About coming from the weapons shop. You came from the opposite direction.” She said firmly, her red eyes staring into his onyx orbs. Shisui saw no point in hiding it anymore.
“I heard what you said, about me. About how you don’t trust me because I could turn out like the Uchiha founder of the Hidden Leaf.” He paused eyeing her looking for a reaction. But she didn’t seem to phased by it.
“Is that not a possibility Shisui?” She asks hoping for the answer her heart truly desired.
“It’s not. I will never be anything like him. My heart is different than most Uchiha. You should know that.” He said looking away “You can feel it can’t you?” He asked still looking away, for the first time she blushed at his words. She could, though she didn’t want to say it but she couldn’t find it in her to ignore her feelings for him anymore.
“Yes,” she said simply.
“I also know you have feelings for me.” He spoke quietly looking back at her now. She looked at him too, her face a tinted light pink. She didn’t speak though she just stared at him she was afraid what looking away might do to her. He stood up and moved closer to her, sitting down next to her so he could get a better look into her bright eyes. “I’m not sure if I have feelings for you yet.” He spoke softly and it send chills down her spine.
“Yet?” She questioned, he smirked and nodded.
“You’ll have to persuade me ____.”
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