#oli williams
lazzarachan · 25 days
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"Meet the young guns changing the face of planet rock." Kerrang! Magazine, November 11, 2006.
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mediummushroom · 4 months
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in the land of curves and curls, he's the swellest kid around ⚙️
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stup1d-k1llj0y · 6 months
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I made this at 6am today but then passed back out before posting so here :D
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milligramspoison · 9 months
Part 3 (I guess?) to this poll series lol
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obitv · 1 year
@ghostknifeweek day 2: heart
read it on ao3 here
It's only a few days after the Prime Defenders are officially formed that Vyncent notices the... tattoo? that Dakota has on his bicep. From what he can tell so far, tattoos are pretty common in this world, but it's William who draws his attention to it. Indirectly, of course, but he keeps glancing at it when he thinks nobody is noticing and getting this... complicated look on his face. Human faces are harder to read, especially since he don't know either of these two yet. So, he asks.
"Hey, Dakota? What's with that tattoo on your arm?"
Dakota looks over at Vyncent, surprised, and he notices that William's head also snaps over to him at the same time. It makes him slightly jumpy, having both of them staring so blatantly, but clearly it means something. It's a small heart, fully black, on the outside of his upper arm, only visible because Dakota had taken his usual flannel off and had a vest on underneath.
Dakota doesn't let up on the staring, and Vyncent starts to wonder if he'd accidentally violated ANOTHER unspoken taboo because neither of them are saying anything. Dakota shakes it off eventually, but what he says doesn't make much sense to Vyncent.
"It's my soul mark? Y'know, the way to know you met your soulmate?! Dude, I'm starting to think you really are from another world. You don't- Don't you have one?" He sounds distressed at the end, like not having a 'soul mark' is some horrible fate.
Soulmates. Seriously? That's- fairy tale bullshit, as far as Vyncent's concerned. Stories of powerful magic meant to entertain children, not actual things. Then again, as far as William and Dakota are concerned, dragons are made up to entertain kids. Supposedly. Vyncent's pretty sure every world has dragons. But- off topic.
"I- No? Dakota, I told you- No, how do they even work? We definitely don't have those back on- back home," Vyncent answers, brushing off how Dakota still doesn't believe he's not from here, despite being a different species.
"Well, wayyyy back, like, FOREVER ago, the first time heroes existed, everyone had a soulmark! And then the heroes disappeared and they did too, but then the PRIME FORCE did their cool shit and everyone has one again! They're black until you meet your soulmate, then it gets colours!"
Vyncent narrows his eyes at Dakota. He... seems genuine? This doesn't seem like something Dakota would joke about. Just to be sure though, Vyncent turns to look at William-
Who isn't there. Shouldn't one of them have heard the door open if William had left? Maybe Dakota had noticed and not said anything?
Whatever. That's just proof he's letting himself get distracted by trivial things. If he's so out of it he can't even hear footsteps and a door... Dakota, thankfully, is already back to his own exercise. More training is clearly what he needs.
Eventually, a pattern forms. Without fail, every single time soulmates get brought up, William finds a way to leave without answering any questions about it. Going invisible, falling through the floor... On more memorable occasions, even going intangible to walk straight through a door, or pretending to answer a call and walking off.
It's weird, is what it is. Vyncent doesn't like talking with Tide, but he'd had to once they'd started going to school and Vyncent found out Dakota really wasn't lying. Tide told him what he wanted to know about soulmarks at least, but still! William's way more interesting when he talks about things, and is less likely to somehow manage to go off on a lecture. But even when it got brought up in school William was never there...
In a quiet moment after meeting Ashe, Vyncent decides to ask her if she'd noticed William's behaviour too. He knows she has one, even though he's never seen it, so he reasons that she might understand. And unlike Dakota, she won't immediately run off to find William and try ask him herself.
"I mean... maybe he's just private? Could just be a taboo where he's from, I've heard of that. Like, some people think its bad luck or whatever? My- uh. My mom was like that, before she met Mark." She leans back against the couch and seems to consider it more, and a complicated look crosses her face. Fucking humans and their lack of ears and tails...
He stares at her in hopes she'll.. say something that makes sense instead of making minute facial expressions. When she does speak again, it's more halting than before, like she doesn't want to say it. "Or... maybe he doesn't have a soulmark?"
"Is that possible?" Vyncent frowns. As far as he'd been told, the only reason he doesn't have a soulmate is because he wasn't born on Prime. Nobody has ever said it was possible for people to just... be born here without one.
Ashe winces a little and shrugs. "I've seen it mentioned online, but it's... really rare. Absurdly." She reaches up to tug on her hair a little, sighing. "It's probably just personal. But- keep it in mind, yeah? I'll try to get Dakota to stop talking about it so much."
And then the world ends.
The sky rains blood, Mark drags them out to some cabin in the middle of nowhere, Dakota and Vyncent wrestle in the mud, William makes a rocket, you know the story.
In the non-stop chaos that follows, nobody really has time to bring up soulmates. Ashe follows through and elbows Dakota in the side when he tries to bring it up at the cabin, and again at Richie's when they're being fitted for their suits. Richie gives confused looks to both Vyncent and William, but thankfully Dakota immediately bounds up when they're all finished in the weird machine and starts whispering his ideas to the designer before things could get more awkward.
Small blessings.
Then William dies. Ashe can't do anything and Vyncent is suddenly deeply, deeply regretful that he never bothered to learn from a cleric.
To say things work out would be a gross simplification. They lug William's body around, first without guidance and then with it once Ashe realises she can talk to his ghost. Vyncent begins to wonder if maybe he should try asking what the Prime equivalent of a cleric is, just in case, but then they're chasing after Wavelength and he's preoccupied with the mental battle of trying not to let Alphonse kill the asshole and fuck everything up more.
But William ends up alright again, at least. Alphonse... isn't happy about the situation, so Vyncent resolves to keep some distance until he calms down. Just- to be safe. If he were to dwell on it,he'd know that he really, really doesn't want to see William that hurt, ever again.
Maybe it's because of all the stress and chaos that Vyncent doesn't notice anything for... however long it takes. But the day they get their hero suits, he takes a moment in the changing room to check on his bruises from Alphonse's fight.
He doesn't just find bruises. It's hard to see, resting on a dip in his spine right between his shoulder blades, but as he contorts in the mirror he sees it - a small black heart. One that by all rights he shouldn't have.
Vyncent Sol does not want to think about soulmates. So he doesn't. He stares at the mark, forces his breathing to steady, and pulls the rest of his outfit back on. Breathes some more - even if none of the others can read elf body language, he's better safe than sorry.
He walks back out, strikes a few poses in his new gear, and forces the topic from his mind.
William Wisp does not have a soulmate.
For years, he had hoped that it was a fluke, some anomaly in the magic, and as soon as he met his soulmate his soulmark would finally appear and people would stop glancing at him whenever the topic was brought up.
Then he died. Nobody really knows how soulmate magic works, but people who died before the marks came back didn't have any marks on their corpses. So he... just wouldn't ever have a soulmate.
He'd hoped to all fucking hell that he could avoid the topic with his new group. Luckily, the wisps gave him the perfect powers for avoiding awkward conversations! It's just his luck to get teamed with a guy who doesn't know anything about soulmates and a guy who's obsessed with them, but there's always the classic "fall through the floor" trick.
Which he does. A lot. Vyncent is fucking relentless after Dakota talks to him, and William has to pull out every strategy and even invent some new ones to get away from it.
Vyncent... intrigues him. Once he lets up on the soulmate questions, they actually start to get pretty close, and William lets himself fantasize.
They're nice fantasies. Ones where William tells Vyncent he can't have a soulmate because he's dead, and Vyncent says it doesn't matter and picks him up (which Vyncent can do, and finding that out was when William became incredibly grateful his blush isn't as strong anymore) and kisses him and fireworks go off and they hold hands and skip away into the sunset. Or something.
William is infinitely glad he doesn't dream anymore, too.
The daydreaming picks up when William finds out that since Vyncent isn't from Prime, he also doesn't have a soulmate! Dakota's upset enough for the two of them, right? Maybe- Maybe one day, when William builds up the courage, they can be, like... chosen soulmates.
When those thoughts start to come up, William works harder to push them out. He has far more important shit to think about these days than hanging on to his childhood dream of finding a soulmate. He doesn't have one.
A couple weeks after Dakota leaves, Vyncent and Will settle into something like a routine. They train, they eat, they watch movies, they do a little vigilante work, they ignore WATCH's calls... almost all normal teenager things.
They both realise pretty fast William doesn't actually have good clothes for exercising in, but after raiding Dakota's closet they find he has shirts in... way more sizes than he'd ever need? Which is weird, but he's not fucking here to ask about it, is he? So William takes some of the tank tops.
Which is a wonderful time for him to forget that Vyncent, being the adorably oblivious guy he is (as much as William resents it - both the adorable and oblivious parts), is the kind of guy who occasionally forgets to knock when he opens door. To be fair, normally William hears him walking and makes sure he's presentable, but he's tired and angry and might be muttering to himself so much that he doesn't have time to pull the top on when Vyncent opens the door.
Small mercy: he has his back to the door. Big problem: Vyncent does not immediately turn and walk back out, but instead pauses and asks, "When did you get that tattoo?"
This is a problem, because William does not have any tattoos on his back. He whips around to look at Vyncent, trying to see if he's fucking around, but- He looks shaken. Like William's supposed tattoo is something that's freaking both of them out.
"Wh-what tattoo?" He asks, near frantic. His heart never quite races anymore but he still feels himself flush, feels if speed up just a little. He can't let himself get his hopes up jumping to conclusions, but he can't help but mentally cross his fingers while he waits for Vyncent to answer.
"It's... a heart. Right," he gestures to his chest, below his collarbones, "here. On your back. Not- not a black one. It's... indigo, I think? Is it- not a tattoo?" His voice is almost as unsteady as William feels, which doesn't make any sense, right? Right? Because why would Vyncent care if William has a soulmark or not, why would Vyncent immediately be able to place it on himself?
His mind is racing in place of his heart beat. He looks Vyncent in the eyes, just for a moment, and then runs through him to reach the bathroom and its much bigger mirror as fast as he can. He can faintly hear Vyncent running through the halls, but it takes longer when you have to go around the walls and not through them.
Small perks of not being able to control his powers well when his emotions spike.
He can't help but freeze up once he's standing there. Gripping the sink, staring into his own eyes... the dread, the excitement, the curiosity, it's all building up inside him and it's near paralysing. But he's William Wisp, and he can't resist the pull of a new mystery.
He turns around. It's hard to see, because he really isn't that flexible, but he sees it. A small indigo heart, sitting on his spine between his shoulder blades. A real, tangible soul mark. And- indigo, not black.
He doesn't cry. He can't, but his vision blurs anyway and he has to face the sink again to grab hold of something to keep himself upright.
It's like deja-vu, then. He doesn't hear Vyncent coming, just sees him in the reflection, appearing behind him in the doorway. Their eyes meet, and William doesn't fucking know what to say. How do you- how do you ask someone that? How do you ask, "Hey, I know we took comfort in both not having soulmates, but- are we?"
Vyncent doesn't make him ask. His eyes flicker between William's face in the mirror and the soul mark, and instead of saying anything he turns around and pulls the hem of his shirt up to his neck.
"What colour is it?"
Reading people has never been William's best skill. Reading Vyncent is even harder, given the cultural differences. So he doesn't try to decipher how Vyncent feels based on his voice, he just stares at the heart on Vyncent's back, in the exact same place as his own. And he answers, voice softer than he expected, "Indigo."
There's a long beat where neither of them move. Then William turns to face him right as Vyncent drops his shirt back down and turns at the same time. And William is made acutely aware of many things - how he's still shirtless, the coolness of the sink at his back, the fact he's been dreaming about this moment since he was 13 years old, that Vyncent can move incredibly fast when he wants to...
And how it feels to finally kiss Vyncent Sol. He barely processes it as Vyncent moves closer to him, stays standing where he was even as Vyncent reaches out and rests his hands on William's shoulder and hip. He's so warm, skin to skin, and Will thinks he could hear Vyncent's heart pounding as they draw closer and then lean in as one.
There aren't fireworks, but they don't need them. It's a little awkward, because clearly neither of them are used to this, but William tilts his head just right and suddenly the cold doesn't matter, the fact he never believed this could ever happen for him doesn't matter. He can feel Vyncent's heart, his breath, and his hands feel like they're burning him in a way he could get addicted to.
He doesn't want it to end, but he knows they definitely have to talk and maybe let him put a shirt on, so he pulls back first. He's never been this close to Vyncent's face before, and he wants to memorise it instantly. He's so gorgeous it's- distracting, right, because he wanted to talk.
"So -"
"Oh, I -"
They both stop and have to hold back laughter. Vyncent rests his forehead against William's and Will has to seriously focus to stop himself from falling through the floor at the gesture.
"I- Was that OK? Sorry, I-"
"No, hey, it was- more than OK, Vynce, really." He moves his hands up from where they'd settled on Vyncent's sides and holds his face and his hands. "It was perfect. I l- We're soulmates!" He laughs, more than he has in weeks, a full laugh that shakes him and then shakes Vyncent as he joins in. "We're rucking soulmates, Vynce! The real thing!"
Vyncent stops laughing before him. It takes Will a minute to get himself under control again, and when he looks up he can see Vyncent watching him with pure fondness in his eyes and thinks, maybe, if he hadn't been in love already then he definitely is now.
Later on, there will be time for more kisses. There will be time for talking, and cuddling, and memorising every line of Vyncent's face, learning exactly where their soulmarks are and knowing it's a part of them. For now, though, William is perfectly content to stay right where he is and let himself be stupidly, hopelessly, happily in love.
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olipeaksforever · 23 days
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thechampagnesocialist · 9 months
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Wake up bae, Dy is making a VtM AU
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coolkidstable · 10 months
so i witnessed the live debut of bang the doldrums and i’ve got all this ringing
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ocean-not-found · 1 year
You have an entire *week* to answer this one! EMOS GO CRAZY!!!!! Reblog& share please. I also tried to use similar tags for all bands so it reaches ALL THE BANDOMS
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When Oli queues up on the starting line for the Sydney to Hobart yacht race on Tuesday, he'll be making history.
That's because Oli is a cat.
Since the event began as a casual cruise down the east coast of Australia in 1945, it has attracted all manner of colourful competitors - from media magnate Rupert Murdoch to Australian cricket legend Michael Clarke and former UK Prime Minister Sir Edward Heath.
But there's no record of any feline seafarers in the gruelling regatta. Carrier pigeons - sure: they were once used to send messages back to shore and have graced many a deck during the ocean classic. But cats? No.
Oli's owner Bob Williams says the pair didn't set out to be pioneers. The moggy is simply part of the furniture on Sylph VI and leaving him behind on the boat's jaunt south was out of the question.
"I've done lots of crazy things, but this isn't one of them," Mr Williams told the BBC ahead of the race.
Organisers - while initially bemused - are also on board. 
There are no race rules prohibiting animals, and cats have a long history in maritime travel, the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia pointed out.
"One of the great things about the Sydney Hobart is all the wonderful characters in the race and the diversity of boats," Commodore Arthur Lane said.
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boricuacherry-blog · 2 months
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-William Joyce
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herethereverywhere · 2 years
i know everyone and their mother is talking about the ghostknife last episode but i can’t get the phrasing that bizly used when describing william’s first failed save to become tangible again. something about why don’t you feel warm has stuck with me since i listened to e14 for the first time. maybe it’s because its the moment that not just we as the audience, but william as the character realizes that this isn’t something new. that this is something thats been waiting to be acknowledged for a while.
this almost detached shock from william as dakota gently starts to pry, because hes supposed to figure these kinds of things out. he’s the one who zeroes in on the details that vyncent and dakota often miss, in their one-minded pursuits for justice and revenge.  william is supposed to be the one with the plan, and these abilities that he’s been hesitant to use for the entire time we’ve known him as a character have done it again. they’ve thrown him off the path he thinks he’s been on, and he can’t begin to entertain the thought that this time, he might not be able to get back on it.
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ghost-mafia · 11 months
His long dark eyelashes rest so perfectly against the smooth plain of his cheek, beautiful to me but not to himself. His fluttery, often-frustrsted hands are at rest, beautiful too, thin and long fingered, capable and romantic, like a piano player or a poet, and
the poetry he writes is perfect to me, too, in the way that car crashes and motor cycle accidents are perfect, and somehow just as thrilling to read as it was to car-crash my car again and again before i knew him.
Our hearts are dark together, pressed close through our chests, like twins in a womb, mirroring trauma and love and vicious rage and retaliation and pain and more love and pure sex.
With no rules, we would destroy one another. Or we would survive one another and get better, quit being junkie skum fux and live a normal life together, and heal somehow from all the awful, soul-ruining shit that made us how we are, the shit that makes us perfect for each other, with a sense of massive, life-shattering gravity pulling us closer together until a kind of singilarity occurs.
The twitch and ache for closeness, the agony of yearning so completely for the other person. Comfort is telling myself that he was there with me this whole time: the frailty of getting sick and almost dying, the frailty of being vulnerable in front of someone despite knowing they could irrepairably damage you by you just trusting them with ur nakedness.
How i have cried. How i longed for him. Its the way i knew him in my mind beofre i ever met him, how i wished for him all those years i was alone alone alone, especially alone with other people, the way emptiness hurt so bad that i had to let it out, make it into an image on my skin. I love every single slice and scratch that ever marched across his skin, each one is a demarcation of a singular moment that hurt, just like my tattoos, but rendered in scar tissue...
We are inverted negatives of each other, incomplete without the other, and how it made me cry to realize that id never been a complete person until he fit up against me like an answer to my whole life's questioning, like a puzzle piece that has only one interlocking piece that reveals a new and beautiful picture: all the possibility of the world suddenly seen in startling clarity, like telling the truth for the first fucking time. Oh, i thought, you stupid, stupid girl- SO this is what love feels like, real visceral, in the flesh amd bone. I want to give him life but my body rebels, rejects my want, wont fulfill my wishes. In this i would have the opportunity to grow and become the version of myself that i was always waiting to become- a refugee from an alternate dimension, a pirate with no gold and no wind fuckin sail with, wasted years rotting and falling away, shedding all that pain of not being together. It agonizes me that he was there all along, a familar stranger i would come to love so dearly that it sucks the breath out of my chest.
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milligramspoison · 9 months
For shits and giggles since the last NA show is tonight lol (this entire post is a joke but if you wanna manifest go ahead)
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obitv · 1 year
thinking about. the upp. and how it would be for them to see william again after his accident
picture it. ok. they obviously Know he came back since its a pretty big fuckin deal. but they havent gotten to see him. so theyre just sitting around together kinda.. apprehensive i guess. since nobody but his parents and doctors have seen him and theres crazy rumours going around. theyre quiet and subdued because nobody wants to Say "hey, what if our best friend is dead and something replaced him" but theyre all thinking it. until they see william come through the treeline to their meeting spot where everyone had been sitting - and theyre all shocked because he looks. he looks normal!
maybe paler, sure, little tired, but he was already both of those. yknow your friend disappears into the woods and comes back youre going to be wary. but mary looks at him and she KNOWS the only way to really tell is to just. try talking to him. and she runs up and she tries to hug him and shes tesring up and - she goes through him. hes translucent. but she blinks again and hes fine but he looks TERRIFIED like he just saw the face of his worst nightmares. and he reaches out a hand and grabs her arm. and he grabs her like nothing was ever wrong. and she can see in his eyes how scared and worried he is and how the relief of being able to see his friends again is overshadowed by the gnawing fear that something is Wrong. but she can TELL thats still her best fucking friend and she hugs him anyway and they both cry, for their own reasons.
and.. maybe from the angle nobody epse even - even noticed! yknow? maybe they can both just . just write it off. but they both know they cant just do that. and what should have been a happy reunion is derailed by the latest mystery. one thats a LOT more important than any strange noises someone heard after dark ever was. and with Sight, yknow- they can all SEE if hes haunted. they can see if he has some new spirit clinging to him. and maybe they can all collectively decide to just.. not msntion to him, that he leaves the faintest trail. just a faint, wispy light blue afterimage, barely noticeable to anyone without powerful Sight. and maybe cory sees that william has a small aura of blue flames, that could just about be a trick of the light if not for the way it follows the way he moves and is present in every light. but hes not haunted, so hey! and hes still acting like himself,hes not attacking people, or acting more impulsively than normal, or forgetting important memories, none of it. so if they all decide to not let him know a few things...
well. what harm could it do?
continuation/alt pov of this ficlet <3 read more about my version of the upp here!
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olipeaksforever · 22 days
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thank you david lynch for these sweet trans kids who have ruined my life two years ago
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