#orophin of lothlorien
A Family Affair
A/N: Caladwen and the Lorien boys pull off a little something special for Orophin’s begetting day! 🩵
Inspired by conversations had with @elithilanor and @glassgulls
Caladwen hummed a soft melody as she carefully bound the wing of her newest patient; a hatchling robin who was blown from his nest in a recent storm. Luckily, Orophin had stumbled upon the chick the next morning while on patrol. She had always admired his big heart for animals… even if he had come knocking frantically on her talan door at the crack of dawn seeking her immediate assistance for it. The healer sighed and stroked her thumb under the bird’s beak gently, listening to him coo as he nuzzled into the touch. Gathering a handful of straw, she lined the bottom of an old woven basket before gingerly setting the bird inside and perching the makeshift nest onto a shelf beside the others.
Oh yes, there were others. Four others to be exact. Five in total now.
Each rainy season, Orophin and his friends took it upon themselves to scour the woods in search of creatures in need of care, making Caladwen an unsuspecting accomplice. She truly did not mind, but this time of year also meant that she had a greater number of elven patients to treat as well, and she was quickly running out of space to store supplies in her office.
“My my. You’ve accumulated quite the menagerie I see.” Rúmil stood in the doorway, shooting her a knowing smirk. “Orophin?”
Caladwen nodded. “They’re really quite lovely to listen to while I work, but surely I can’t keep them here all Winter.”
The ellon nodded and took a seat in the chair opposite her. “Haldir’s platoon got in earlier this afternoon.”
“They’re a week early!” She couldn’t stop the broad smile from lighting up her face.
“Yes. He’s requested I fetch you and send you home at once.”
Her expression faltered a bit. “Is he injured?”
Rúmil’s smirking again. “Nope.”
“But what about the birds? They need to be fed and-“
“I’ll see to that.” He assured, waving her off. It was clear that he knew something she didn’t.
How right she was. Haldir met her at the door, a bouquet of the last autumn wildflowers of the year in his hand and stew simmering in a pot. They’d eaten dinner together by candlelight, enjoying the comfortable silence as the rain tapped on their windows. Now, the two cuddled under the cover of thick blankets on their couch, hearth ablaze before them and a bottle of wine with two glasses on the coffee table.
“Mm…” Haldir mused from his resting place seated between her knees, leaning back so his head was on her chest. “It has been far too long, meleth nin.”
“Aye…” She agreed, sliding his tunic off his shoulders to expose his toned chest to her eager eyes. “Far too long…”
Catching her stare, Haldir flexed his bicep teasingly. “See something you like?”
“Not nearly enough of it.” She complained, trailing soft, open mouthed kisses down the side of his neck.
“Easy, mela.” Haldir winced as she made contact with a fresh bruise, no doubt a remnant of his most recent tour at the borders.
“Oh, my sweet one…” Caladwen breathed, running her finger tips over the already black and purple abrasion. “I have just the thing.”
Returning to her place behind Haldir a few minutes later, she wrapped her legs around his hips and poured the contents of the bottle she was holding into her palm. The oil smelt like pine trees after a rain and she relished in it.
“Just relax for me, my love…” Caladwen soothed as she began working the salv into his skin, marveling at how easily her slick hands glided over his broad shoulders.
Haldir could feel a protest on the tip of his tongue, but all that escaped his lips was a soft groan and he couldn’t stop his tired eyes from closing.
She pressed soft kisses over his temples as his head lolled back on her shoulder. “You do so much for me… please let me give you this.”
Haldir’s clear blue eyes are warm as he leans up to kiss her.
“It’s Orophin’s begetting day next week, is it not?” Caladwen asks as she caps the oil and places it on the table.
“Aye.” He yawns, nestling his head into the crook of her neck. “I haven’t any concrete plans yet. Maybe dinner and a few rounds of cards. I could make a cherry crumble. He’d like that.”
“Sounds like a good time.” She ran her nails through his hair as she mulled over her next words. “I also had an idea for a gift earlier today.”
As her husband cocked his head to the side in curiosity, she continued. “He’s very passionate about rehabilitating birds, and I thought if he had a few bird houses at his talan, he’d be able to monitor them more closely. Besides, your brothers’ place is closer than my office in the healing halls, so it’d be easier for me to check on them as well.”
Haldir smiled and kissed her palm. “Have I ever told you how much I love you?”
The next day, Haldir and Caladwen met Rúmil at the flet he shared with Orophin, ensuring that the youngest brother would be out all afternoon drilling the new recruits.
The three quickly set about forming themselves into an efficient assembly line. Caladwen was charged with sanding and cutting out the dimensions of the houses from a slab of wood. Then Haldir would piece the structure together before sending it down to Rúmil who painted each one with its own color scheme and floral design.
Haldir brought snacks and the group sang various elven folk songs as they worked, drumming the table to the beat and twirling around the kitchen floor in their socks.
Suddenly, Caladwen inhaled sharply as a sliver of wood embedded itself into her hand.
“Let me see.” Rúmil examined the splinter and grabbed the tweezers, pulling a face of mock horror. “I don’t know Haldir. I think we might have to amputate.”
Caladwen laughed. “Oh stop it!”
He tightened his grip on her wrist as she tried to pull it away. “Don’t distract the healer from his work please. This is a life or death operation.”
She rolled her eyes and turned her head to see Haldir’s cheeky grin.
“And then we shot those orcs with so many arrows, they looked like pincushions when we were through with them!” Orophin exclaimed, his mouth half full of cherry crumble as he laid his next card down on the table.
“We do have one more thing for you.” Caladwen said with a smile, motioning him to follow her out onto the small back balcony of their talan.
Orophin went willingly, his teasing banter about how he was about to beat Haldir at cards cut short with a gasp at the sight before him. Six intricate wooden birdhouses hung from the great malorn branches just above their heads, each one occupied by winged patients.
Caladwen prodded him in the side. “I love you, and your birds, but I need my office back.”
He could only stare in delight as some of the birds flew from one shelter to the next.
“Happy begetting day!” They all cheered at once before Orophin pulled them into a bone-crushing hug. And when Caladwen looked up, she swore she could see a tear in Orophin’s eye.
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adrianright · 1 month
I like to think that there are some silvan elf tribes in the lands between Lothlòrien, Mirkwood, and Rivendell, not quite Avari but rather just silvan elves that stick to their own and their own ways of life.
Elrond, Thranduil/Oropher, Celeborn and Galadriel all had the same agreement that the silvan did not have to conform to their growing kingdoms/cities but would provide protection and aid if ever they reached out.
This is how Celeborn and Galadriel meet Haldir and his brothers. Haldir and his family were apart of silvan tribe that had recently left the Mirkwood forest after an orc/spider ambush had killed many, Haldir only briefly remembers Amon Lanc as the capital it used to be.
It is my headcanon that silvan elf culture is different from that of Noldor and Sindar and they approach things like children differently. Silvan elves are more likely to produce children and multiply, their way of life is older and more dangerous than that of Noldor and Sindar, so children are often spotted in Silvan tribes. Haldir and his brothers are an example, three elven brothers when a lot of elves don't choose to have children at all.
A young Haldir is sent to meet with the lord and lady of Lothlorien, as he is one of the very few who speaks a universal language, while many of his tribe only speak a branch of old silvan Elvish. Haldir arrives and is met by the marchwardens who are kind to him, yet cautious, something Haldir deeply admired of them.
Haldir meets with Celeborn and Galadriel to explain their plight, a band of orcs and spiders attacked and killed most of their skilled warriors and their leaders, and very few remained that could fight, mostly families with children were left.
The lord and lady admired the bravery and will to protect from the young silvan elf that had lost his parents and well known comrades. They agreed to take in his remaining tribe and house them.
Celeborn and Galadriel then meet Haldir's younger brothers; Orophin, a young elf not even 200 years old, yet trying to appear older and far more strong than his youth let on, and little Rùmil, an elfling that hadn't reached majority age yet. Celeborn and Galadriel without meaning to, began to dote and care for Haldir and his brothers as if they were their own.
While the silvan elves assimilated as much as they could, they still kept many of their cultural ways and traditions, but they were never told off by the lord and lady and were actually encouraged to continue their lives as they were.
This just the beginning to a fic I'm writing about Haldir and his brothers, their life and culture while essentially being adopted by THE lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn! Hope you enjoyed!
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melpomaen · 2 months
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Orophin sketches based on @elithilanor's hcs 🐦 besides the hair – I am a wavy hair Orophin truther lol
ft. bird and whichever brother annoyed him enough to shittalk to the birds
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elithilanor · 1 year
Hi! :) okay, I made a list with some Lorien boi questions!
I know you’ve said before that he’s pretty calm most of the time, but does he have a good sense of humor or is it more of a cold calmness?
Does he ever get get bashful about having to explain BDSM protocol to others or does he see the subject as neutral? 
How does he interact with softer/newer subs? 
What is his biggest pet peeve? 
Is he a good listener?
Does he yearn to travel, or does he prefer his home city?
You can tell me if I’m off, but it sounds to me like he has a lot of energy to spare. Does he like to engage in sports/extracurriculars? if so, what kind? Do his crazy stunts ever get him into trouble?
What is he like when one of his friends/family members have a bad day?
Does he often wrestle/play fight with his brothers? If so, who usually starts it and who finishes it?
He strikes me as someone who is very outdoorsy and would rather sleep by a campfire than inside. Is that true?
Does he have romantic, non-sexual relationships?
Is he a cuddly with those he’s close to?
Okay… I just read you Haldir Returns Home fic and it honestly made my day. I love your OFC in that one. She just seems so sweet and worshipful of him. I know she’s a reader insert, but do you have any details about her/their relationship? Especially the non-sexual kneeling hc. Also, would it be okay if I requested a short drabble with them this October for my birthday?
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I cannot begin to explain how excited and happy I am for this. I love asks, I love specific asks and requests, and I love my blorbos. You and @ sotwk have the best asks. You also get brownie points for asking about the bois that never get love and traction here: Rúmil and Orophin. My babies of the heart.
Now, questions!!!
I know you’ve said before that he’s pretty calm most of the time, but does he have a good sense of humor or is it more of a cold calmness?
He's got a very dry sense of humor, but he's actually fairly easy-going and quick to laugh. His default is kind of resting bitch and tracking your movements face and he's cold calmness out on patrol, but he's actually a really good time when out at a party. He's just not usually leading the conversation. He likes people watching.
Does he ever get get bashful about having to explain BDSM protocol to others or does he see the subject as neutral?
Lol no he does not. He sees BDSM (and sex in general) as a very healthy and natural part of existence and has no shame in it. He may not reveal his personal preferences and past experiences with someone he's not planning on playing with or teaching, but he has no qualms about the subject at all.
He finds it hysterical when Haldir asks him about anything BDSM-related because Haldir is incredibly bashful about it, even if he tries to put on a good face.
I tend to HC that Elvish societies are less prudish about sex overall than Mannish societies and the fact that he was raised Silvan makes it even less so.
How does he interact with softer/newer subs?
Overall, he treats them similarly in that he's a lot gentler with them.
Rúmil's not very verbally expressive during play normally, so he tends to guide softer subs around more with soft touches instead of harsh tugs or slaps. He prefers harder play, so he's likely only to take a soft sub if they're newer, want to try a new type of play, if they've had traumatic experiences and want something safe and controlled, or it's a compatibility test for something more intense.
For newer subs specifically, he makes an effort to be more verbal with them in a way he's typically not in play: asking more clarifying questions, explaining what he's doing before he does it and maybe even expected sensations, checking in more often and requiring verbal confirmation of consent, and even giving a lot of verbal feedback or praise. He starts slow and builds with newer subs and he's really big on sitting down and having almost like a date with them just to get to know them and their goals beforehand.
What is his biggest pet peeve?
That the patrol talans aren't being put back into the order he left them in. It's easier to settle in, keep things clean, and find important tools in an emergency if things are kept to his (or any) standards.
Laundry anywhere it shouldn't be. Like the floor, Orophin!
Is he a good listener?
Yes, absolutely. Laser-focused and very intense, especially if it's about BDSM. Haldir and Orophin both have better memories than he does so he takes the time to write down important dates or sexual preferences and other information so he can refer back to/memorize it. Once he puts it to paper, he's generally pretty good after that.
It's actually why he started painting, to vividly remember landscapes and embed them in his memories.
Does he yearn to travel, or does he prefer his home city?
Mmm. He enjoys traveling, but its not something he craves. He honestly tends to get around a decent amount (visiting Mirkwood for some festivals and important holidays - I HC they were born here and have extended family and friends there; patrolling all over Lothlórien over the centuries; escorting guests and Celebrían; and traveling to Imladris for diplomatic conferences or patrol exchanges; and so forth) and doesn't see the need to do more than he already does. Every once in a while, he'll go for a weekend trip somewhere, but its mostly for a change of scenery and some quite.
Haldir was often stationed in nearby human settlements before he was promoted to Captain and then Chief and so forth and he would visit him, as well.
You can tell me if I’m off, but it sounds to me like he has a lot of energy to spare. Does he like to engage in sports/extracurriculars? if so, what kind?
YES!! Thank you!!! You get it!
And actually, not really! There's a couple I could say, but I also think the basic ability/information for them are common to any Galadhrim, warden elf. Hiking, walking, camping, plant and animal identification. He's quite good at them all and specifically specializes in tracking, but that just kind of comes with the territory. He does really like butterflies, though.
He loves to swim in any body of water he finds and perch high up in the mallorn trees and watch the seasons change.
Do his crazy stunts ever get him into trouble?
All the fucking time. He doesn't get injured as much as he did as an elfling (Tawarwaith - Woodelves/Silvan- elflings fall from trees says one of my favorite Mirkwood world-building authors, SpaceAsmatic, on ao3), but he still ends up in hysterical situations.
To date, he has cartwheeled, somersaulted, and fell out of a patrol talan onto Lord Celeborn. More than once. Celeborn thinks it's hilarious, but no one except Galadriel and Elrond will ever find out. He has to maintain his stern demeanor with his wardens. Elrond finds out because the trees are different in Imladris and he always has to adjust to new tree heights and branch stability. He broke an arm last time he was there.
He and Legolas get on like a house on fire. Everyone gives them a wide berth when they're together and Elrond puts the healing wing on standby.
It mostly gets him out of trouble to be honest, because parkouring across tree-tops is really great for orc evasion.
What is he like when one of his friends/family members have a bad day?
Typically he gets a bit quieter and softer; more reserved. Most of those he's close to have a bad day due to overwork (Haldir) or over stimulation from stress so he kind of follows them around and assists them where he can. He likes to open windows and coerce people onto balconies for some fresh air and sun.
If people are up for it, he'll take them out drinking or partying and he'll take point so they don't have to focus on the details. He'll get you home safely. He'll be drunk as shit, but he'll get you home!
Does he often wrestle/play fight with his brothers? If so, who usually starts it and who finishes it?
I wouldn't say often and when they do it's nothing serious. Just a fun joke and lots of posturing; no one's trying to do any damage.
Haldir or Rúmil usually start it (after Orophin has goaded them) and they usually finish it while Orophin just wheezes laughing.
If Haldir and Rúmil ever are fighting, then something is very, very wrong. Like someone died wrong.
He strikes me as someone who is very outdoorsy and would rather sleep by a campfire than inside. Is that true?
No, but only because after every night he's forced to sleep on the forest floor or on a bare slat during patrols and battles, he refuses to give up the comforts and warmth of his bed at home any more than he has to.
(He likes everything else about the outdoors, though.)
Does he have romantic, non-sexual relationships?
Eh, he kind of has flings sometimes? What he really has is a large, close knit group of friends with kissing and cuddling benefits.
Is he cuddly with those he’s close to?
Incredibly! He's very tactile and often has a hand on someone or is dragging them somewhere. Loves chilling in meadows in a dog pile of his friends.
Okay… I just read you Haldir Returns Home fic and it honestly made my day. I love your OFC in that one. She just seems so sweet and worshipful of him. I know she’s a reader insert, but do you have any details about her/their relationship? Especially the non-sexual kneeling hc.
Thank you!!!! You're so kind! Yeah, I fucking love her and them too. I always try and write other pairings, but in the end I end up having WIPs with them too.
Since the submissive Haldir discussion has been going around, I've actually added three new WIPs for Haldir and my OFC all featuring subby Haldir in various stages of their jouney regarding his submission. One is actually her basically trying to get him to accept compliments and praise through worship so. I think that may have answered part of your question.
I do have a non-sexual kneeling drabble in that list, too. Because them. Sigh.
Hmm Facts about OFC (who is my OFC for my full HC Haldir, whereas the ones created for Sotwk and labeled as such are a mix of my HCs and hers for her requests):
-I haven't yet decided on a profession for her, but I'm leaning seamstress or herbalist. I had been debating archivist, but I think I'm giving that to my fem!Haldir x fem!Reader in the future. Not that it technically matters, but semantics.
-She's good at holding a grudge with everyone in world except Haldir (not that he tends to upset her very often)
-She refuses to have a favorite season; it’s very rude and they all have their benefits and magic
-She loves lemon (hence Haldir's famed Lemon Tarts)
-She tends to get overstimulated by noise easily
-She had too many houseplants. She and Haldir had to come to compromise (she lost; her consolation prize for almost-solely kitchen herb plants in the house now is garden walks with his brothers)
-She’s afraid of heights. It makes living in trees the fucking worst (patrol towers and the Council Hall are the worst offenders because they’re extra high up)
Also, would it be okay if I requested a short drabble with them this October for my birthday?
Yes! :) Thank you for asking (and good call on starting the request early haha). If you want it posted for everyone, go ahead and drop your request in my ask box, but if you'd prefer something just for yourself, please feel free to send me a message!
Also, hello, fellow October birthday babe!! You a Scorpio or a Libra?
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aeonianarchives · 2 years
When you wish upon a star while Stargazing
Summery: Haldir walks in on the reader stargazing and decides to join them, and a confession is told.
Pairing: Haldir x Reader
Disclamer: I couldn't find much out about the constellations of middle earth so it may have some inaccurate facts in this.
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Haldir hmmed as he got to a clearing in the forest he paused as he saw you leaned against a tree and looking to the sky.
"It is a nice night tonight" Haldir said making his present known, he was right, it was a warm night and the sky was clear perfect for star gazing, you hmmed in agreement.
"Join me" You said to him, he had walked all this way here you were not going to make him walk all the way back having just got here and Haldir knew that so he sat besides you and leaned his back on the tree.
You both sat in silence enjoying the peace mixed the the occasional sound of the crickets, Haldir soon remembered you had a special interest in stars, he had never paid much mind to them whereas you had studied them extensively, you have travelled to every corner of middle earth just to study the ones in the sky which you could not see from other places, until you eventually settled in Lothlórein as you said it had your favourite stars although you did talk about a lot of the ones in Imladris.
"Whats that star" Haldir questioned you turned your head to him and then in the direction he was pointing you smiled
"That star is part of that constellation, which makes Soronúmë, or the eagle of the west although it is considerably east, but it travels across the sky I saw it in Imladris when I visited once, Varda created it before the awakening of the Elves, and it is always facing to the west although above Gondor it has the illusion it is facing eastwards" You carried on talking about the constellation before pointing out others to Haldir, he glance to you, a small smile crept onto his face as he watched you talk, the stars gave you an enchanted glow to you as if you were made of starlight yourself.
"Haldir look a shooting star, make a wish" You said pointing to a moving star
"What" Haldir questioned
"It's a tradition within the race of men to wish on a shooting star, of course it is ludicrous but it's sweet and has grown on me, they also say it's bad luck to say your wish out loud" You said as Haldir watched the star.
He did humour you however by wishing on the star that one day you would become his.
"What did you wish for" You questioned
"It's bad luck to say your wish aloud" Haldir said back to you making you laugh you threw your head back laughing, Haldir's smile grew.
You sighed smiling at Haldir as you leaned back on the tree, "it's only a superstition of man" you said
"And yet you brought it up" Haldir said as he looked at you, you smiled back at him subconsciously letting your head rest on his shoulder, you ignored him stiffing at the contact your hand brushed over his.
"I'll tell you my wish" you said to him, Haldir hmmed as you nudged him.
"I thought that was bad luck, or at least to the race of men" Haldir said with a laugh, you had never seen or heard him laugh before, he was always so stoic and aloof, distancing himself from everyone, maybe it was because of a sense of rank or he just wasn't comfortable with large social interactions.
You liked his laugh it was deep and melodious, it was perfect just like everything about him, but now looking back on it, Haldir had never been as stoic or aloof around you, his brothers teased that he liked you but you never believed them but now you though deeper into things, maybe they were right, he always went out of his way to help you, he showed you a side he didn't show to anyone not even his brothers, this side him laughing and smiling like this and taking things so light heartedly was for your eyes only, you had never seen him act like this with anyone else.
"You seem distracted are you alright" Haldir asked tilting his head in concern, you really did enjoy your private moments with the Marchwarden even if they were rare.
The reflections of the stars on his hair and cloths gave him an ethereal, a strand of hair had dropped from were it was tucked behind his ear, you reached your hand out to tuck it back, only coming to your senses again when Haldir took your wrist, you sighed, your intent to touch his hair was clear to see and even touching an elf hair was an intermate act.
"I'm sorry" you said looking away from him, he probably didn't like you, his brothers just got your hopes up, you remembered what they had said to you when you had come around to give Rúmil back the Quiver you had fixed for him, ever since you had settled in Caras Galadhon you had became the master-craftsman, as the last one returned to Imladris as his wife was giving birth.
"Y/N, hello, what can we do for you, are you looking for Haldir" Orophin had said as you walked down the path to their Talan he was sitting on the wooden rail of the porch, Rúmil was however sharpening his sword sitting on the step.
"No, I am not Orophin, I have came to return Rúmil, his Quiver, as I have fixed it for him" you returned as you pulled the new quiver out of the cloth you used to carry it there.
"Amazing Craftsmanship as usual Y/n, you really would think you are from the line of Fëanor with this, but you never do house visits are you sure you don't want to catch Haldir's eye, I heavily regret to inform you Haldir is on patrol" Rúmil said
"I was not, I was coming to tell you to stop being so reckless and then I wouldn't have to repair your equipment unless you break it just to tease about your elder brother, and I assure you I am not in any shape or form related to Fëanor" You returned to the Ellon who had taken the quiver from you his twin snickered in the background, you had somewhat lied, you kinda where related to him due to your father Lord Elrond, but no one apart from your grandparents here knew that.
"Come on Y/n, Haldir loves seeing you, he is utterly in love with you, Compare how he acts when you are around to when you are not together " Orophin said Rúmil nodded in agreement with his twin
They wouldn't pull that sick of a prank right, they pulled pranks but they wouldn't tease your feelings would they, you felt a hand on your cheek.
"Y/n were you listening to me" Haldir questioned you looked to him.
"I'm sorry what did you say" you asked Haldir let out a nervous laugh and removed his hand and shuffled back.
"It was nothing, it doesn't matter" Haldir said rubbing his neck awkwardly, he stood up.
"It's getting Late, and I have Patrol early tomorrow, may I walk you home" Haldir asked holding out his hand, you took one last look at the sky to see grey clouds were covering the stars, you took his hand and stood with his assistance, and you both started walking back through the trees and to the path, not many people knew of that spot, you had found it when you were out for a walk lost in your mind and Haldir after much searching due to Lord Celeborn wanting you had found you.
As you reached the path the Valar had not answered your prayers and it started raining almost in mourning you both had ignored each others moves and been so oblivious, Haldir cast his cloak over your head without a word, you looked up to him and smiled.
"Thank you but you shouldn't" you said pushing his hand away from holding his cloak up to keep you dry, the small shower soon turned into downpour and you and Haldir ended up running to his Talan as it was closer and he wasn't going to let you make a break for yours, his was on the outer edge of the city near your spot and yours was close to Lady Galadriel's and Lord Celeborn's halls.
"Rúmil and Orophin are on patrol until the day after tomorrow" Haldir said, great it was just you and him, you almost wished the twins were here so it would be less awkward.
"I feel bad for them having to stay out in this weather" you said looking outside were the few remaining elves were running to cover.
"They probably deserve it" Haldir said with a supressed laugh, they had been teasing him constantly ever since he missed your visit about how he liked you and how you liked him back. Haldir squeezed the water out of his soaked hair, and disapped upstairs after putting on the fire, he came back down changed and with a spare pair of cloths which he handed to you.
"Second room on the left upstairs you can change there I left a towel there for you" Haldir said you did so, the clothes where big on you, you were quite close to the twins builds that this wouldn't be so much of a problem however this was not there clothes, you walked back down stairs.
"Thank you" You said as Haldir wordlessly took your clothes and hung them up next to the fire so they could dry, you sat one one of the seats close to it and held your knees close to your chest resting your head on them.
Haldir cleared his throat to clear the awkward silence "I- about earlier" Haldir started
"I'm sorry I didn't pay attention to you, I was lost in though" You said
"I- it actually does matter at least to me" Haldir said
"I'm listening now" You said
"I can't speak for you, but i enjoy the time we spend together, I am Thankful my brothers have not turned you away, with the amount of time we have spent together, I have enjoyed your company immensely, it took a few hundred years to realise I like you more than a friend, I really like you a lot, you have somehow been able to knock down any wall I have put up or tried to put up, you are always so kind to everyone you meet, you have skills I envy deeply, what I am attempting to tell you is" Haldir paused and finished his walk over to you he knelt Infront of you taking your hand and stoking the back of it subconsciously with his thumb.
"Gi Melin Ithildin-nin" Haldir said, he searched your eyes for signs you would reject him.
"Oh Haldir" You said with a long sigh, Haldir looked down as if your tone had already rejected him
"You do not know how long I have longed to hear those words uttered from your mouth" you said breathlessly, Haldir looked up at you his eyes questioning if he heard you correctly
"Meleth" Haldir breathed in relief, wrapping his hands around your waisted and burying his head in your neck as your arms wrapped around his laughing.
"Will you court me ithildin nin" Haldir questioned
"Of course" you replied his breath tickled against your neck, he came to look you in your eyes, you in response cupped his cheeks in your hands and pulled him in for a kiss, he pulled you into his lap in a hug.
"Guess that superstation of man works" Haldir said making you raise an eyebrow
"I wished that you would become mine" Haldir said
"Maybe it works for Elves" you said
You both eventually fell asleep in the embrace of one another, neither of you heard the door open or the two very noisy brothers walk in
"SHHH" Orophin said to his twin before pointing to you and Haldir asleep in the chair wrapped up in one another, Rúmil took a blanket and pulled it over you both.
"Looks like a lot happened when we where gone" Orophin said, The morning soon came and the twins had hurried out before you and Haldir woke after tidying their mess and folding your now cleaned clothes on the other chair Haldir was the first to awaken he soon realised he had slept in and missed his patrol or his patrol was waiting for him.
"Meleth nin please wake up I need to go" Haldir said you groaned in your sleep clutching onto his shirt tighter, but eventually stirred awake.
"It wasn't this clean when we went to sleep" You said
"I suspect my Brothers got back early and did this" Haldir said as you let him get up, you kissed him before you let him leave.
"Gi Melin, Meleth nin" You said as you hooked his cloak into place as he stood on the doorstep
"Gi Melin Ana" Haldir said turning and kissing you on the forehead.
Maybe wishes on stars do come true.
Elvish Translation:
Gi melin - I love you
Ana - to
Meleth nin - my love
Ithildin nin - my starlight
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Imagine Orophin taking you on a tour of Lothlorien.
Author: @thatkgrl
Artits: Gellihana-art
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blankdblank · 2 years
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Oc is trapped in Lothlorien and growing closer to the center of the forest ring and now surrounded by guards using their disguising cloaks to hide from them. Led by Haldir the group while oc sleeps checks their sack for an astounding broken blade for a weapon and a bow without any arrows showing they are little threat but without any proof of what they are doing here. So they keep monitoring them and trying to divert them at any cost from stumbling across the inner realm. Tossed rocks, animal sounds, nothing could deter the straight shot right for the center.
Though after waiting out a rather nasty storm the path of tracks they once had been following was washed away and they are notably irritated in a try to find that path again.
Haldir, the closest as they turn to head back again irritatingly towards the city dropped to a ball covering himself with his cloak to be a large rock.
Oc, who knows these same ‘rocks’ have been there every time they get turned around huffs and walks to the rock saying, “Fine then. White Witch wants to make me lost by sending her enchanted rocks after me fine. They can come and kill me themselves.” And you onto Haldir’s back oc hops crossing their arms and legs to begin the most awkward stalemate between a guard and a visitor within the past century.
Nodding off oc missed the drop of Orophin and Rumil who came to fetch their brother to trade their shifts heading from the other guards what was going on. “Pardon me,” was said and a finger tapped oc’s knee snapping their eyes open.
“Are you the Witch?”
“No,” Rumil answered flatly.
“Then I’m not moving. Two days I’ve been turned around by these fake enchanted rocks the Witch sent after me without so much as a get off my land and she is just going to have to come and shove me off herself.”
“That is no rock,” Orophin said.
“Obviously, it’s breathing and gives glimpses of blonde hair every now and again. But the rude rock has yet to tell me it’s name.”
After a soft sigh Haldir says making his brothers fight to not smirk, “I am Haldir, Son of Halmir, young maiden.”
“Oh don’t you go trying to be all prim and proper thinking I’ll let you up after you and your fake rock buddies followed me for two days, and went through my stuff, without so much as a cough or sniffle to guide me on the right path if your witch wanted me gone. I’m not moving and if I miss Lord Celeborn’s birthday it’s on your heads for why he didn’t get his gift in time from Rivendell.”
Orophin asked, “You are a messenger from Rivendell?”
“Well they didn’t exactly assign me a special hat to wear for the task.”
Haldir in a smooth motion sprung up making oc squeak as they were in the air then suddenly being held in the arms of their mysterious shadow of a guard who said with a hint of a grin on his leaf and dirt splattered face. “Then please do accept our apologies and we shall escort you into Lothlorien to the Lord of our realm.” And without putting them down the guards made their way back to the inner realm.
Across from the stoic Elf Lord oc rummaged through their bag they had been using as a pillow that was unable to be searched to produce a silk wrapped gift. Once opened revealed a gift from young Estel that had a smile ease across the Lord’s face of a lopsided tapestry the size of his torso that had encased a trio of clay molded and bronzed figurines the young boy had made for his adopted grandfather who issued the messenger be fed and shown to a guest quarters within the treetops to rest and recuperate until a response could be made up to standard for the doting grandfather for the young boy so far away.
Across the table of the public dining hall the changed messenger looked up from their now torn roll they readied to dunk into their much needed warm stew to complete their hopes of a bath, meal then warm bed to sleep their travels off to find a now leaf and dirt free trio of blonde shadows who intended fully to make amends and form a friendship for their commissioned seat of an elder brother to build upon with said guest who would be leaving soon.
@devilishminx328 @theincaprincess @jesevans @lilith15000
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Haldir of Lorien
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mxrchwxrden · 2 years
Tag Dump
a most loyal marchwarden [self]
though love is mingled with grief it grows perhaps the greater [musings]
the winter flowers in the unfading grass [aesthetic]
it would be a poor life where no mallorn grew [lothlorien]
from the west she appeared sunlight and stars in her hair [galadriel]
i have a duty to you as well [rumil and orophin]
silver tree in the golden wood [celeborn]
look on us now with friendly eyes [the fellowship]
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sotwk · 1 year
Haldir, Marchwarden of Lothlorien
Haldir Headcanons
The following HCs are written for the purposes of Haldir as a supporting character in "Sons of the Woodland King".
Dedicated to @creativity-of-death, in honor of her love for Haldir and in answer to her request for HCs that might have gotten a *little* out of hand from my end. Thanks for the inspiration! :)
Family History
Haldir was born in Lorinand during the rule of King Amdir, in Second Age 1528. 
Haldir’s father, Belorfing, is a Teleri originally from Lindon. As a young elf he came under the service of Celeborn and Galadriel. He traveled with the Lord and Lady as they migrated from Lindon, to Eriador, and then Eregion. Finally, he followed Galadriel and Celebrian when they moved to Lorinand (Lorien), where he settled down after meeting his wife.
Haldir’s mother, Ninniel, is a Silvan who served in the royal household of King Amdir.  
Haldir’s two younger brothers Rumil and Orophin were both born within 100 years after him, making them close in age by Elven standards. 
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History as a soldier and marchwarden 
When he was just a young soldier of about 150 years, Haldir marched under the banner of Prince Amroth to fight against Sauron’s forces during the Sack of Eregion. 
Even after the loss of Eregion, he continued to participate in the War of Elves and Sauron, joining the armies of Gil-galad that defended Eriador. 
He once came close to Sauron himself on the same battlefield (although he did not engage with him directly), which forever left an impression on him.
Around SA 2100, Haldir and his brothers all moved to Greenwood with their father, Belorfing, to join the household of Prince Thranduil. (see section “Connections to Thranduil and his family” for more info)
Haldir, Rumil and Orophin all fought in the War of the Last Alliance, but because they (fortuitously) marched under the banner of Prince Thranduil instead of King Amdir or King Oropher, they all survived, although they suffered grave injuries. Only Haldir returned years later to participate in the Siege of Barad-dûr.
Once the war was over, Haldir and his brothers made the decision to return to Lorinand, for the sake of their loyalty to their birthplace and out of a desire to support King Amroth after the grievous losses suffered in Dagorlad. 
The brothers took positions as marchwardens, with Haldir quickly promoting to Captain.
Haldir is recognized as one of the kingdom’s best warriors and is also assigned to train all new marchwardens. 
Romantic Relationships
I have not given this much thought and would prefer to leave it open to interpretation/imagines, but I do HC at least that by the War of the Ring he is already happily married to his one true love, a wonderful Silvan elleth, and has at least one child  (a daughter) with her. 
He is an amazing husband and father. His wife and daughter are his greatest weaknesses. 
I utterly reject the Two Towers scene of Haldir dying at Helm’s Deep. I don’t reject much of the things Peter Jackson contributed to LOTR canon, but this is one of them. Haldir is alive and well, PERIOD.
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Personality, skills, and interests
Haldir’s experiences with war and death, which surpasses that of most of the Galadhrim of his generation, led to his somber personality.
Haldir and his brothers are able to converse easily with one another through ósanwe (telepathy), a rare skill taught to them by Lady Galadriel herself. 
He also communicates via ósanwe with his wife, especially when out on patrol. 
Haldir is wiser and more learned than the average Galadhrim because of his innate intelligence and his love for reading and traveling. He inherited a thirst for learning from his father, who is a scholar and scribe of the highest order. 
Haldir speaks fluent Silvan, Sindarin, and Westron, but can also understand some Quenya. (In contrast, his brothers only speak Silvan and Sindarin.)
Haldir’s outpost talan has an ever-present stack of books, which he reads during his breaks from watch duties. He has a special fondness for poetry, which he often memorizes and quotes. 
He has excellent penmanship and enjoys writing letters. He writes constantly to his parents and wrote countless, passionate love letters to his beloved when he was courting her.
He inherited his mother’s gentle and soothing nature and is an excellent caregiver, skilled at healing (as much as a battle-hardened warrior can be) and surprisingly domestic.
He is clean and organized, in a military OCD sort of way, and tends to get irritated by chaos and messes. 
He has a wonderful singing voice, but hates to perform. He would sing only for special people one-on-one, or in a group as part of a community celebration (as Silvan elves are known to do).
He is too self-conscious to be a good dancer. 
He is an utter momma’s boy. 
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Connections to Thranduil and his family
Haldir’s father, Belorfing, moved to the Woodland Realm at about SA 2100, at the invitation/request of Prince Thranduil, to help him establish the library at Bar Lasgalen (the Prince’s palace). This great library would become the first and only center for education in the history of the Woodland Realm. 
Haldir’s mother, Ninniel, eventually followed her family to live in Bar Lasgalen and became a handmaid to Thranduil’s wife, Princess Maereth. 
When Thranduil and Maereth began to produce children, Ninniel transitioned into the role of royal nursemaid. Thus, Haldir’s own mother helped raise all five of the Woodland Realm’s royal princes, including Legolas.
Haldir’s father Belorfing features in Chapter 4 of “Greenleaf’s Day Out”: Link
Haldir’s mother Ninniel features in Chapter 5 of “Greenleaf’s Day Out”: Link
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errruvande · 9 months
I would love to hear your hc about Haldir’s age! 😁
ahahaha thanks here we go :)
Well it's maybe not the most thoughtful hc but still.
First of all, he's older than the terror twins Arwen and Legolas, i think everybody at least agree with that. But my golden headcanon is that he's around 4000 years old.
He lived through the Battle of the Last Allience and took his part as a young *and very stubborn* elf. He lost his dad in the battle and had to be the father figure to his younger brothers since he himself was pretty young. That exactly what made Haldir so mature and restrained.
In my mind he was roughly around 1k yo when the battle of the last allience has started, which makes him around 4k yo when the LOTR events take place.
In my mind also Rumil had just came of age and was 100-ish and Orophin was around 300-ish in time of BotLA, which makes Rumil around 3k yo and Orophin around 3,3k yo in LOTR.
I hc that Haldir took part in the actual Battle of the Last Allience, mostly cause I don't think that both Elrond and Galadriel would sent an army to Helm's Deep under command of someone who doesn't have an experience of an actual battle. Because, to crush a camp of orcs or a group of orcs that ran into Lothlorien is aboslutely not the same as leading an actual army to the full-scale battle.
Of course the elven army in Helm's Deep isn't book canon, but if we have this why not use it, right?
I've seen many fics that portrait Haldir much older (6-7k yo, almost as old as Elrond is), but for some reason I stick to this ahhaah
And that, of course, may change when I will have more knowledge, but now it's the way it is huh
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Haldir x reader - NSFW!
Fun fact: in Tolkien's legendarium the Moon is male since it is guided by a male Maia, Tilion, while the Sun is guided by a female Maia, Arien, and is therefore female.
The murmuring of the wind through the leaves is almost comforting to your ears, as if the forest wished to hearten you against the danger you have deliberately put yourself in for the thirteenth time, as you spur your mare towards your destination galloping among woods and meadows. The moon and the stars illuminate the path enough to keep you and your mare from falling, and no evil that you ought to fear has ever entered Lothlórien; but yes, you are in peril, and you don't even want to think about the consequences if he found out what you are doing.
It is late, you sadly reflect as you cover your head with your hood in the remote case someone sees you, and obviously you cannot help it, since you couldn't leave until he had gone to bed and it would take the fastest horse almost an hour to reach your destination, but still you feel yourself trembling, your heart beating twice as fast as normal with haste, and fear... and another emotion, much more pleasant, that makes you wish you had wings.
A few minutes later, you and your mare have finally reached your destination: the gates of Caras Galadhon are a stone's throw from you, the high trees surrounded by talan standing out, solemn and majestic, against the hilltops behind them. You tie your mare to the trunk of another tree, leaving her to rest after the ride and graze pacefully, and walk towards the gate, your pace slow and your arms spread to show you carry no weapon and are therefore not a danger to the city and its people: you lived here for many years and most of the guards know you, but you know how seriously they take their duty to protect the borders, and it is better for all of you to avoid an incident.
You are now close enough to discern the shapes of the two Elves on duty, both fitted with one of the great bows of the Galadhrim and a quiver full of arrows; one of them softly calls your name.
"Orophin?" you answer in the same tone, not bothering to hide your relief, even more because next to him you have recognized Rúmil, his braided hair easily identifiable in the soft moonlight; after more than a year you must have met most of the guards, who serve on rotation, and none of them has ever tried to forbid you from entering -you are pretty sure they all sympathize with your predicament and are willing to help, even if it means turning a blind eye on your visits, but still, the fact that every single marchwarden is aware of your tryst is more than a little embarassing- but you are happy to be welcomed by the only two Elves in Caras Galadhon who have been personally informed of your visits... and of the reason behind them.
The moon is full; perfect in his circular shape, he shines above you, surrounded by the stars as a lord by his courtiers. You smile as you look at him, and then step across the high gate in white wood and iron that Rúmil has opened for you. "Hannon le" you thank him softly, and he simply smiles in return, while Orophin looks around you anxiously; the Lord and Lady of Lothlorien know you personally and know you pose no danger to their people, but strictly speaking they are failing in their duties letting you in after sundown, since the gates are closed during the night, and the fewer people know you are there, the better.
There is so much at stake for them, for you, and for the one who you know is anxiously waiting for you at his talan; you don't even want to know what would happen if you were discovered, but you persist, month after month, each time the full moon rises in the sky. And one day, soon you hope, your efforts will bear fruit, and you won't have to hide anymore...
"I thought you had decided not to come." Rúmil jokes as he closes the gate, and you wink in response. "Not even if the Valar themselves attempted to stop me."
"Stop wasting time, both of you!" Orophin hisses "The sun will rise in a few hours, and (name) must have left by then; you should go now, and be careful!"
If someone heard you, they could think you are plotting some heinous crime; at first the thought amused you, since the reason that brings you to the city every plenilune goes against no law, but by now, after a whole fruitless year, bitterness has grown inside you, a vague sadness and a sense of helplessness that make it almost impossible to joke about it. You would never give up on your hopes, and you would never renounce him, but sometimes you feel trapped, powerless against the will of the Powers and that of your own body, as if your dearest dream will never come true...
You would never express those doubts in front of your friends, who promised to help you in any way they can and are deliberately failing in their duty to do so; because of this you thank them both and proceed, quickly leaving the gate behind you.
The high Mallorn trees rise up all around you, the sight of the starry sky blocked by the talan built around their trunks; large oil lamps hang from the branches, most of them dark as it is normal during the night, but another lamp is lit, a lamp whose handle is grasped by someone who is waiting at the base of one of the trees, a tree you have reached without hesitation, moving among the maze.
You see him, you see his deep blue eyes in the noble face, a joyful and relieved smile breaking over his lips as he sees you, and it is as if you are finally able to breathe after a month spent struggling for air.
"Haldir..." you murmur, breathless for much more than just the speed of your pace; he almost lets the lamp fall from his hand, and a moment later you have started running towards each other.
You still remembered the day you met Haldir; he was the guard on duty at the gate, you the new handmaiden lady Galadriel had just admitted in her entourage. As he walked you to the main talan, you were immediately struck with his noble beauty, the solemn face with the hint of a smile on his lips; you spent only a few minutes together since he had to return to the gate, but in the following days, when your path crossed as you were both busy with your duties, he never failed to offer you a smile and a nod, as if you were friends. With time, you learnt to appreciate him beyond his loveliness and a quiet friendship had started developing between the two of you, but you never thought he would be interested in you, until leaving your room one day you found a folded piece of parchment waiting in front of the door, under a niphredil flower: Haldir invited you for a walk, that very night; if you accepted, you were meet him at the gate at the end of his shift.
You felt your heart bursting with happiness when, that night, you walked to the gate wearing your favorite dress, your hair brushed until it shone, and the niphredil flower behind your ear; you couldn't wait to be alone with him, and you smiled at Haldir, busy talking to the guard who had come to take over from him. He smiled back, but you didn't notice how perplexed he looked when he saw you.
"Thanks for your message, I couldn't wait for our walk. Shall we?"
"... Yes. Oh course, let us go."
You spent two lovely hours together, walking along a trail in a beech wood just outside the city and sitting next to a stream; you talked, freely as you had never done before, about your families and your dreams, your pasts and your fears. You enjoyed Haldir's company and he appeared to appreciate yours, and for you it didn't matter what would have happened after that day, if that pleasant evening would be the beginning of something special or would remain a single event to think back to wistfully, and in the end, you didn't care: those few hours under a clear blue sky, when you didn't have to worry about duties and responsibilities and were free to be simply yourself, were a treasure in their own right, and whether Haldir's invitation was extended out of friendship or something else, in the end it didn't matter: simply being with him made you happy.
In the end it was only when Haldir insisted on walking you to your room, that he confessed the truth - simply because he felt he had to, being too fair and honest to take advantage of a scam, even though it hadn't been his fault.
"I must admit... I never invited you on a walk; the message that you received was probably sent by my brothers." he confessed, too ashamed to look you in the eyes, his long hair barely covering the flush that had spread on his fair face. He told you that Rúmil and Orophin, who you knew well and had noticed him staring longingly at you, had tried to convince him to approach you. Haldir had refused, both because he was sure you wouldn't be interested and simply because he would have rather faced Melkor than tell you about his feelings, and in the end his brothers must have decided to take the matter in their own hands.
"You are lucky to have brothers who care so much about your happiness." you said, your back pressed against the trunk of the tree, the talan you shared with two other of the Lady's maidens high above you; the night was falling on Caras Galadhon, a gentle breeze caressing your hair and dress. You would have flushed, and even perhaps run away in embarrassment, but apparently Rúmil and Orophin's intervention was due to their brother's indecision, not to his lack of interest, and because of this you stayed where you were, ready to reassure him that you were happy to have spent the evening with him nonetheless... and that if he wanted to invite you again, you wouldn't have said no.
"You think? At the moment I sincerely wish my parents had stopped after having me. Please don't misinterpret, I am very happy you came and I couldn't think of a better way to spend an evening; but they shouldn't have meddled."
You almost asked him if he would have ever confessed his feelings for you, had his brothers not intervened, but in the end, what difference would it have made? Despite everything, you were grateful to Rúmil and Orophin for what they had done, but now, and from now on, the two of you would have walked at your own pace.
"I am supposed to wait on the lady Galadriel at the banquet tonight." you said in the end "Shall we have dinner together before that? If you have nothing more important to do."
Relief was clear on Haldir's fair face as he answered that no, of course not, nothing on all of Arda would have been more important than spending more time with you. Expressing his feelings didn't come natural to him, at least not before he had spent some, or a long, time with someone, which could have made the other person -namely, you- interpret that reticence as indifference, even disregard, but you didn't; you were still learning to know each other, and as any other couple you would have your misunderstandings and disagreements, but in that moment at least everything was perfect, as if you just needed to share a look to understand what you were feeling. You cared about each other, more that you could express, and that was enough.
It was beautiful, and it made you happy.
"May I take your hand?" he asked, and the question was deeper than it appeared, since friends didn't walk holding hands, but a couple who was courting did; he seemed uncertain, even shy - quite a difference from the steadfast, capable soldier you had learnt to know. That sight filled your heart with affection... and an answer you couldn't have given to him faster.
"Of course. I would love to."
You let him take your hand, you took his, and since then neither of you has ever let go.
Neither of you speaks as you climb the slim rope-ladder to reach the talan Haldir shares with his brothers, identical to the many others where the guards live, in groups of two or three; wooden screens, carved in shapes of trees and animals, separate the communal area from the smaller ones reserved to each of them. As soon as the door of the large chamber, built all around the tree trunk, closes behind you, Haldir takes your hands once more, brings them to his lips, and kisses them devotedly. "You came." he murmurs, his eyes full of affection and relief; he knows your feelings, he knows that you will never give up on him and nothing, not even Melkor himself, could forbid you to go to him on a full moon night, but you know that every time he fears he will never see you again, and you will never have the family you both wish for.
He is so afraid, your Haldir, but so gentle and reverent as he holds you against him, his hand caressing your hair as you rest your cheek on his chest to listen to his heartbeat. He doesn't ask whether someone saw you, after you passed the city's gate, along the way or, worst of all, as you left your village; he knows you are as careful as you can be to slip away unnoticed and to ride along hidden paths, but you both know the risk, and accept it, because being together once more, one more night, even just one more hour, is worth the most dire consequences.
"I am sorry, I am late." you tell him in the end, after you part just enough to look at each other; so many years after you have shared your first kiss he is more handsome than ever, so handsome you feel yourself shivering as his warm hands find your shoulders under your cape and run along your naked arms, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind them. He is wearing a grey tunic with a brown leather belt, his long hair spread on his shoulder and chest; many Silvan Elves have blonde hair, but no one's is as beautiful as his, and sometimes, as you lie next to each other, your passion dormant but not forgotten, you like to play with it, braiding and running your hair through it, or rubbing it against your skin.
Maybe you will do it once more, tonight; before you have will to go.
"I had to stay until he went to bed, and he had some friends visiting, so..."
"It it all right, don't concern yourself." he reassures you, and you love him for it, because every moment you lose during those nights is a wasted opportunity, a loss you could pay dearly if you were discovered, but still he cannot stand to see you upset "I am just glad you came. Eru... you are so beautiful..."
"You have seen me wear this dress at least ten times."
"True, but I wasn't talking about the dress. My darling, my beloved flower... how I have missed you..."
Maybe the distance plays a part in it, as well as the fact that you haven't laid together often, even through you have been courting for years, or maybe not; maybe it is just that you love him desperately, with all your heart and your mind, your fëa and your hröa harmonius in desiring him, the warmth of his body, the soothing sensation of his embrace. No one could ever call you naive, and after a year you know your beloved's skin as well as yours, but, and maybe because of this, your heart is pounding in your chest as you offer Haldir your mouth, that he claims in a kiss as he holds your face in his hands.
You kiss avidly for a while, your hands moving from Haldir's strong shoulders to his back and chest to caress and stimulate and revere; he moans in your mouth, the sound lurid and heavenly at the same time, as he takes off your cape and let it fall on the floor - which betrays the state he is in, since he would never leave something, especially clothes, lying around instead of finding an appropriate place for them, tidy and even fastidious as he is. Evidently you really have an effect on him, you think pleased, so much that you make him forget himself...
"Why are you smiling as we kiss?" he asks, feigning a contrariness he is physically unable to feel; a moment later his kisses move to your neck, and the goosebumps are no longer limited to your arms.
"I am simply -oh yes, right there!- happy we are together, that is all."
"I am happy as well, my flower. And I wish... we didn't have to wait the full moon..."
You would like to jest that the moon is a capricious master, who only allows you to meet once every twenty-eight nights, and you should ask him to assume his most complete form more often, but you can't; you cannot joke about it, not anymore. This night coincides with the most fertile moment of your cycle, and this is why you have chosen it to meet; often enough to give you a realistic opportunity, as well as to alleviate the pain of your separation, but at the same time your visits to Haldir would be sufficently sporadic not to arouse suspicion - you hope. It is not much, but you make do. It seemed a good compromise when you decided on it, since you make the most of your time together, clinging to each other until you are both panting breathless, and you thought you would have achieved your goal by now.
You haven't.
You often feel as if time itself works against you, but nonetheless you take your time, savoring the intimacy and the joy of being together once more before you can taste each other's flesh. Haldir's hand has guided you behind the wooden screen that separates his area of the room from those of his brothers'. Rúmil and Orophin are on duty until dawn, and since they both respect your privacy they would never interrupt you in any case, but your beloved doesn't feel at ease laying with you if you are not as hidden as you can be: he is such a modest, demure person, and you love him for it... as well as for everything else.
"How I have missed you..." you murmur as you once more find your beloved's mouth with yours; he moans into it, his hands moving hungry and greedy on your body as those of a sculptor molding a block of clay, and this is exactly how you feel, as if you are nothing, raw, shapeless, aimless, if you are not close to him, able to touch and be touched.
Neither of you speak as your clothes start falling to the floor. You free Haldir of his tunic, and his skin is like marble in the semi-darkness around you, smooth and cool and made for you to touch and caress; he moans, his head bent backwards, as you hold his hips in your hands and fill the distance between the two of you to kiss his neck, his chest, and his stomach. You feel, as well as hear, the rumble of pleasure escaping his lips as you close yours around his right nipple, licking and sucking as you stimulate the other one with your fingertips. You love Haldir like you have never loved anything and anyone, you love his kindness and his intelligence, his sense of duty and his wit; you love his stubborness and his rigidity and melancholy. And you love his body -strong, agile, so deliciously masculine, a source of warmth and pleasure and life; you cling to it, exploring and stimulating it until he is moaning and whispering your name and his desire is presses against your belly, hard and warm.
"Please." he begs; Eru, how you love hearing him like that "Please, my darling, let me have you..."
You don't answer, but you smile, and you break the kiss to turn and offer him your back; Haldir's agile fingers make quick works of the knots of your dress, and soon the cloth is sliding down your body, and you are naked under it, no shift or undergarments, because you have so little time to spend together and you don't want to waste it taking off your drawers.
That, and he tore your favourite shift six months ago, in his haste to take it off you; mortified, he apologized and promised to replace it, you simply told him he would have to make your loss worth it.
There is awe on his face, as well as desire, as he admires you, his fingertips barely brushing against you but leaving a trail of fire behind them. "Come." he invites you taking your hand once more, and his bed -the only element present in the small area behind the screen, apart from a chest and a chair- is only three steps away, but you like being led, being welcomed to it just like he has opened his heart to you.
You have already started kissing as you lower yourself on the bed, Haldir's arms keeping you close enough that you can feel his heartbeat matching yours, your hands fiddling with his belt; you brush your hand against his hardness, and your beloved has the audacity to snigger.
"Have patience, my love; it is yours, you know it, and you can have it any time you want."
You pout. "I want it now, Haldir..." you tell him, and he kisses you once more, and tells you to "Take it, then."
Getting undressed while one is laying is not easy, but finally your beloved is as naked as you are, his fair skin pressed against yours; you take his hardness in your hands as he moans, fondling and kissing it, and in the end he asks you to stop, because it is not on your hands that he wants to spill. You let him push you on your back, and a moment later Haldir's strong body is above you, his golden hair spilling all around him; you pass your fingers through it, mesmerized, and you brush them against your breasts, and there is something so alluring, so enticing in that sight, that when your eyes met his, you know that his desire has taken over - he cannot think clearly, he has forgotten everything that is not you, and what you share, and what he will feel once he is inside you. He is the most rigorous and even-tempered person you know, devoted to his duties and able to keep his composure in times of danger and hardship, but when he is with you... especially like this... it is as if another Elf takes his place, an Elf who would be ready to forget his responsiblities and his honour for the opportunity to lay between your thighs, once more.
It is beautiful, and terrifying; and it should be a source of pride for you, but instead it humbles you, and fills your heart with awe, because you feel the same. Haldir is your intended, your future husband, your lover, your best friend, and one day he will be the father of your children; you promised him, and you promised yourself, and you will do whatever you need to make that dream come true.
You have opened your legs for him, Haldir's fingers gently caressing them as you cross your ankles on his back, giving him full access; you have surrended yourself, offering your body and your soul and your love to the one you know deserve them and will always cherish them, and that is why you don't feel it as a loss. You moan as he lowers his mouth to suck on the side of your neck, murmuring your name as he would with that of Varda, and you groan when his fingers brush against your mound, eliciting a jolt of pleasure through your body. Please, you tell him, and you don't know whether you are actually articulating the words or just thinking them, your moans and sighs betraying your desires, please take me, I need it now, I need you...
And a moment later you have him, fully and perfectly like so many times before. You are clinging to his shoulders, his name blossoming again and again on your lips as a litany, as a prayer, as the sinuous movement of his hips makes stars explode behind your eyelids. He moans your name, fierce and greedy and so loving, and you could almost cry with emotion, were you not too busy simply feeling, and you love all of it - his love, his passion, his reverence, the promise you have shared years ago and that you renew every time, without the need for words.
The fire is burning inside and all around you; and it is the kind of flames you are happy to be consumed by.
It is all your father's fault.
It is not nice to say, but it is true. Your current predicament, the need for secrecy and to meet on full moon nights, everything is due to the fact that your father didn't approve of Haldir as your intended, and he explicitly stated that he would never give his consent for you to marry. Not because he dislikes Haldir, or because he considers your beloved unable to take care of you and make you happy; the reason is way more personal.
Your father and his dearest friend have always planned to have their children marry, so as to unite their families in one. As fate would have it, your father's friend has a son who is exactly the same age as you -was it deliberate, a pact that they made and that also involved their wives? Two years ago you would have considered it absurd, but now you would not put it past him- which, in the two fathers' opinion, made things easier and ensured the continuation of both of their lineages.
You knew the pact with his friend was important for your father; you just hadn't realized the lenghts he would go to see his dream come true. His friend lived too far away to make frequent visits possible, and the few times you had met, his son seemed nice enough, a good company for a walk or to sit next to at dinner; you never talked about your fathers' plans, simply trying not to bore each other. Marriage prospects were the last thing on your mind, at least until you moved to Caras Galadhon to serve lady Galadriel, you met Haldir, and he stole your heart.
You never thought your father would oppose your relationship with Haldir; you only mentioned him in your letters as a friend, since you didn't want him and your mother to come and make sure his intentions were pure and serious -they were, obviously; but you didn't want your beloved to feel he had to prove himself- but you were sure that when they got to meet him, they would love him, just like you did.
They didn't. Well, he didn't; when you, radiant with joy, returned home with Haldir to introduce him to your parents and announce you were engaged, your mother was ready to welcome your beloved in the family within ten minutes after meeting him; your father, unfortunately, was a whole different matter.
"What? Surely you are joking. You cannot pledge to marry him; you are already engaged and you know it. I was going to write you about it next month: my friend and I decided it is time for the two of you to wed. His son was going to move with you in Caras Galadhon, but since I don't want you to be... distracted by your friend here, you better leave the service of the Lady and go live with him in his village. Now, do not argue with me; I am your father and I know what is best for you."
He clearly didn't, but try as you might you couldn't change his mind, or convince him to relent. Your father was determined to get his own way, no matter how much you cried -and it was a lot, so much that it filled you with shame, particularly because it was all in vain- argued, locked yourself up in your room and threatened to hurt yourself; he had decided to have you marry the son of his friend, and that he would do, even if it meant forbidding you to leave home until you relented. Poor Haldir had to return home alone, because your father forbade you to return even just to say goodbye to your friends; he was too honourable to challenge your father's authority under his roof, or to kidnap you from your home, and your mother begged you to obey your father as a good daughter should. You grudgingly did... but still, you were determined to marry your beloved, whatever the price.
Your only real ally in the family was your sister, who sympathized with your and your beloved's plight and promised to help; in front of your father she feigned disinterest in the whole matter, so as not to arouse suspicion, but secretly she was the one who sent your letters to Haldir and received his for you, pretending to be corrisponding with her friends in other villages.
Deciding what to do was painful, and at the same time surprisingly easy. You dearly loved your father, and since you were little you had only wanted to make him proud; likewise, Haldir respected him and only wanted to be accepted in your family. But since all your hopes had been dashed, you were only allowed to leave your home if escorted by one of your parents and he was struck in Caras Galadhon, there was only one thing you could do.
Elven marriages are usually conducted in front of families and friends, and include the exchange of rings and a blessing imposed by each pair of parents on their new child-in-law. On the other hand, your people's oldest tradition has it that the union of the bodies symbolizes the union of the soul, and that the birth of a child is enough to consider a couple married on a factual, and as a consequence formal, prospective, just as the first Elves who awoke at Cuiviénen wed each other. So, you agreed as the letters were sent and received between the city and your village, this is what you would do; you would get pregnant, and then your father would be forced to recognize your relationship, for the sake of his grandchild if not for yours... and because at that point his friend would hardly accept you in his family. And if your father decides to repudiate you, throwing you in the streets and forbidding you from ever returning... you will accept it. It would break your heart, because you love him, and your mother, and you never wished to cause a rift between you, but Haldir is the husband you have chosen, the other and the better part of you, and you are willing to sacrifice it all to be with him. You knew Lady Galadriel would welcome you back among her maidens, not caring about the shame you would have brought to your family, and you and your beloved would then marry and move to a talan of your own.
It would be a nice life; a perfect life, with your husband and the first of the many children you had already planned on having. And it will be, one day, hopefully soon. It was exactly thirteen moon cycles ago that, once more with the help of your sister, you ran away during the full moon to visit Haldir in Caras Galadhon, and even though this is supposed to be your most fertile period and you make at least two attempt per night his seed still hasn't taken root in your womb. You are sure, since it is known that Elf women are able to perceive a pregnancy as soon as it begins, the first tiny sparkle of life inside them making itself known not by voice or movement, but with a peculiar sensation that nothing else in Arda can compare with; a new entity making itself known to the world, too small and young to have a gender and an appearance and a personality, but that exists... and that would be enough to change your life forever.
You and your beloved are waiting for it; dreaming it; praying for it, even, although until now your efforts have been in vain. Laying with Haldir is lovely, passionate and sweet, and you would be more than happy to keep doing it every single night until the end of the world; to share his bed has allowed the two of you to reach a new level of intimacy, to experience each other as you had never done before. It is not that you love Haldir more now that you know the pleasure his body can give yours; you have found a new way to love him, in addition to those you already knew, which is different, and more precious. For him, you know, it is the same; he awaits your visits with trepidation, already happy and excited and looking forward for when you will be unclothed, in his arms, and moaning with his flesh in yours, but you know that he would be equally satisfied if you spent those nights walking in the woods, or sitting in front of the fire talking and exchanging stories.
You would never say that for more than a year you have wasted your time, especially since these are the only moments you are able to spend together, and you miss your beloved so much; but still... why haven't you gotten pregnant already?
You sigh, happy and satisfied, as you turn on your back, sharing a smile with Haldir, panting by your side. "It was... it was absolutely..." you begin, but the words fail you, because even after a whole year, you cannot describe exactly how you feel, how he makes you feel, the joy and the pleasure you experience and that you know no one else could ever give you, because no one is like him, no one is him, and you are blessed to have met him, and earned his love.
"It was." Haldir agrees, as he once more takes you in his arms to hold you close; he kisses your brow "And it always will be, I promise."
You should leave soon, since you need to be at home before your parents awake and notice you are gone -and unfortunately your father is the earliest riser you know!- and you both know it, but you don't move, your cheek resting on Haldir's chest as his fingers gently run through your hair. You don't need to be as close as the two of you are to know the same thought is filling both of your minds, the same thought that has tormented you for a whole year now...
"Do you feel... something?" Haldir hesitantly asks in the end, and you sigh; he doesn't blame you, and the guilt and the disappointment weighting on your heart are probably even worse than what he feels, but still, in that moment, despite all the joy and the pleasure still warming your body, you feel so ashamed you cannot even look him in the eyes. You don't know exactly what you are waiting for since you have never been pregnant before, how it will feel to know that you have conceived, but of one thing you are sure: that right now, satisfied and happy and aching in the most pleasant way as you are, you feel exactly as before, exactly as you did at the end of the previous twelve attempts: empty.
You have failed. Again.
A sob escapes your lips, a sob that Haldir is too close not to hear, but you still try to hide your face against his shoulder. "I am sorry. Haldir, forgive me, I don't know what I am doing wrong..."
"No, no... It is not..."
"I started drinking a tea that is supposed to render a maiden more fertile, it tastes disgusting but I drink it every day, I swear, I don't know what else..."
There is no accusation or resentment in your beloved's bright blue eyes, only understanding and sadness, and that is enough to make you feel the worst Elf on Arda, undeserving of his love, undeserving of the joy of motherhood.
"Maybe the fault is mine." Haldir whispers in the end, his hand on your cheek "I know these things require time, and we have only one night every moon cycle to try, but if I were able to... if I had to rest less... maybe three times is not enough..."
"My darling, you have to rise at dawn to go on patrol; you need rest. What we do cannot hinder your duties as marchwarden."
"I know, I know..."
He looks so dejected, so guilty and disheartened, that you find yourself forgetting your sadness to try and alleviate his.
"Listen to me; we have no reason to feel guilty, since we are doing everything we can; as you said, it takes time to conceive a child, and we cannot let disappointment and bitterness make us forget how lucky we are. We love each other, and we are together, albeit just for a few hours; just for that, I am grateful."
"If we had a child, though, we could be together without having to hide." Haldir points out; but then he smiles "But you are right; we will keep trying for as long as we need to, and in the meantime we will enjoy the time we can spend together. I cannot wait to give you a child, to raise a family together... but I just need to be with you, and to know that you are mine, to be happy."
"I am, Haldir; and I always will be, I promise."
In the end you are forced to leave your beloved's bed and get dressed; Haldir needs all the rest he can get, but as always he rises with you to walk you to the gate. You don't talk as you leave the talan behind you, your hand in his, the quiet murmuring of the night holding you in a gentle embrace. You love moments like this, when words are not needed, a simple moment is a treasure, and every little gesture speaks about you. You would stay here for hours, just enjoying your beloved's company and the beauty of the night, but the full moon has already started his descend towards the horizon: it is time to go.
Rúmil and Orophin look at you expectantly as you reach the gate, but they are quick to pretend to be otherwise occupied when they notice the lack of joy and relief on your faces. You smile, and
"We will try once more." you tell them, as Haldir kisses your temple.
"We will try for as long as we need to."
You and your beloved say your goodbyes with a long hug, and a last kiss. "Be safe." he tells you, and you nod, too busy committing his face, his scent, the feel of his arms around you, to memory, to talk. A minute later you have passed the gate, alone once more but not lonely, disappointed but not sad; you had a night with him, and you will have another on the next full moon, and that is enough.
You wave your hand in farewell, and he responds in kind, before stepping away and letting the darkness of the night surround you.
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TAGGING @starlady66 and @elvenenby. Hope you like this!
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adrianright · 7 days
Sad Haldir & Co. Hours
Based on the movie events.
Haldir leads the elven forces at the battle of Helm's Deep, where he is eventually killed.
Haldir had forbade his brothers to accompany the elven forces stating the danger and that many elves might not be coming back, himself included. Rumìl cries and Orophin tries to keep a stoic face and tears at bay. Haldir in his goodbye tells them that he promised their parents to keep them safe and that he was proud of the strong elves they've grown into since coming to Lothlorien
Haldir also speaks to Celeborn and Galadriel, he admits he KNOWS he isn't returning from Helm's Deep alive and he asks Celeborn and Galadriel to look after his brothers. Celeborn sheds some tears but Galadriel looks at Hadlir with a sad and knowing look... She's known his fate for many years now...
Following the battle of Helm's Deep, most of the fallen elves are returned to their rite full homes. Rumìl and Orophin are distraught to learn that Haldir lies among the dead. In Silvan fashion, they each cut a lock of hair from their eldest brother and with permission, they journey to their old home territory to honor their fallen family and to gather a special sap to preserve the locks of hair, like fossils in amber.
Despair follows both Rumìl and Orophin, their appetites have grown ever smaller, activities they loved and acceled at were forgotten. They were soon brought into the home of Celeborn and Galadriel to be cared for, but the pain of loss was too deep.
Despite their young age, Celeborn and Galadriel decided it was best if the two brothers sailed west with them, to help them heal as, as they sent their own daughter west to heal.
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silvercrowned · 1 year
“ why are you looking at me like that? ”  
“No reason. Just surprised you came to Lothlorien this early.” Her suspicion had grown throughout the day. First, Thranduil had arrived early, and Orophin had asked after him far too casually.
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elithilanor · 7 months
(First sentence of a fanfic meme. Don't mind me pawning the start of this ficlet off to you lol.)
It's a routine nearly as old as they are, so Haldir has become well practiced at ignoring Orophin's pointed stare as he begins the familiar task of unstringing his bow.
(I don't mind at all lol; I should do that to others)
One potential idea:
"Haldir." Orophin says as he waves his half-polished dagger at his brother and Marchwarden. "Your bow is strung with locks of Lindir's hair."
Haldir resists the urge to sigh and focuses on his task so as not to lose one of the precious gifts.
"Haldir." Orophin states, annoyed at being ignored. "You did not have strands of his hair yesterday. You broke your bow in the last skirmish."
Haldir hums and unwinds the next hickory-colored strand, laying it down softly across his thigh as he tries not to let his brother see his amusement.
"Haldir!" Orophin snaps impatiently. "How did you get Lindir's hair. Do you have a secret stash hidden away in the talan?"
Haldir snorts in surprise. "By the Valar, Orophin, of course I do not have a hidden stash of Lindir's - or any elf by that matter - hair."
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legendariium · 1 year
Orophin Headcanon
Before coming to Lothlorien, food was always scarce for Orophin and his family since the family lived as nomadic thieves. When the parents leave it gets worse, and while Orophin is never quite underweight he is rather thin.
Orophin is an older teen when they first arrive in Lothlorien, and he has an appetite. For perhaps the first time in his life, Orophin doesn’t have to worry about rationing his food or where his next meal will come from, and his reaction is to eat everything. Even as an adult the middle brother leaves no food to waste (and will always ask you if you’re going to finish that). As a result, Orophin’s growth spurt and muscle gain were almost comical.
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