#lost messenger
blankdblank · 2 years
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Oc is trapped in Lothlorien and growing closer to the center of the forest ring and now surrounded by guards using their disguising cloaks to hide from them. Led by Haldir the group while oc sleeps checks their sack for an astounding broken blade for a weapon and a bow without any arrows showing they are little threat but without any proof of what they are doing here. So they keep monitoring them and trying to divert them at any cost from stumbling across the inner realm. Tossed rocks, animal sounds, nothing could deter the straight shot right for the center.
Though after waiting out a rather nasty storm the path of tracks they once had been following was washed away and they are notably irritated in a try to find that path again.
Haldir, the closest as they turn to head back again irritatingly towards the city dropped to a ball covering himself with his cloak to be a large rock.
Oc, who knows these same ‘rocks’ have been there every time they get turned around huffs and walks to the rock saying, “Fine then. White Witch wants to make me lost by sending her enchanted rocks after me fine. They can come and kill me themselves.” And you onto Haldir’s back oc hops crossing their arms and legs to begin the most awkward stalemate between a guard and a visitor within the past century.
Nodding off oc missed the drop of Orophin and Rumil who came to fetch their brother to trade their shifts heading from the other guards what was going on. “Pardon me,” was said and a finger tapped oc’s knee snapping their eyes open.
“Are you the Witch?”
“No,” Rumil answered flatly.
“Then I’m not moving. Two days I’ve been turned around by these fake enchanted rocks the Witch sent after me without so much as a get off my land and she is just going to have to come and shove me off herself.”
“That is no rock,” Orophin said.
“Obviously, it’s breathing and gives glimpses of blonde hair every now and again. But the rude rock has yet to tell me it’s name.”
After a soft sigh Haldir says making his brothers fight to not smirk, “I am Haldir, Son of Halmir, young maiden.”
“Oh don’t you go trying to be all prim and proper thinking I’ll let you up after you and your fake rock buddies followed me for two days, and went through my stuff, without so much as a cough or sniffle to guide me on the right path if your witch wanted me gone. I’m not moving and if I miss Lord Celeborn’s birthday it’s on your heads for why he didn’t get his gift in time from Rivendell.”
Orophin asked, “You are a messenger from Rivendell?”
“Well they didn’t exactly assign me a special hat to wear for the task.”
Haldir in a smooth motion sprung up making oc squeak as they were in the air then suddenly being held in the arms of their mysterious shadow of a guard who said with a hint of a grin on his leaf and dirt splattered face. “Then please do accept our apologies and we shall escort you into Lothlorien to the Lord of our realm.” And without putting them down the guards made their way back to the inner realm.
Across from the stoic Elf Lord oc rummaged through their bag they had been using as a pillow that was unable to be searched to produce a silk wrapped gift. Once opened revealed a gift from young Estel that had a smile ease across the Lord’s face of a lopsided tapestry the size of his torso that had encased a trio of clay molded and bronzed figurines the young boy had made for his adopted grandfather who issued the messenger be fed and shown to a guest quarters within the treetops to rest and recuperate until a response could be made up to standard for the doting grandfather for the young boy so far away.
Across the table of the public dining hall the changed messenger looked up from their now torn roll they readied to dunk into their much needed warm stew to complete their hopes of a bath, meal then warm bed to sleep their travels off to find a now leaf and dirt free trio of blonde shadows who intended fully to make amends and form a friendship for their commissioned seat of an elder brother to build upon with said guest who would be leaving soon.
@devilishminx328 @theincaprincess @jesevans @lilith15000
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ihatebrainstorm · 11 months
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"The Caduceus. Commonly mixed up with the Rod of Asclepius."
Guys I think it'd be really funny if Pharma and Ratchet had the same voice
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lostwarllock · 22 days
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Drew this a while ago, so as the universe works, I don’t like it as much but felt obligated to post it anyway—because chapter 42 !!!
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slightlypoisonedtea · 16 days
Unpopular opinion: Shannon Messenger makes way too many little plots then abandons them, I'm literally only in it for the sokeefe at this point.
Mr. Forkle was SO meant to die. Shannon just got cold feet and made up a little nonsense explanation out of nowhere.
And love-interest-age-gap was receiving hate? Oh no worries Sophie is actually one year older than we thought she was.
And I'm pretty sure Keefe was meant to be with Biana in the beginning, before Shannon decided to switch to sokeefe and dexiana endgame bc of what the audience wanted. !!NOT THAT I'M COMPLAINING I LOVE SOKEEFE!!
And then oh haha Vespera was the main villain all along! wait no this isn't working, let's just kill her off unsatisfyingly. Same with, like, all of our other villains teehee
dex? who's that? oh haha that guy well we couldn't have him mistaken for a love interest so, yk, *poof*
prentice who--
Omg guys we forgot Marella existed quick make her important
Keefe can sense whether or not Sophie likes him?? Which makes it so that Sophie can't have her cute lil love confession? oh hahaha not anymoreeee (unexplained magic malfunction)
theres more but I forgot and yes this rant was absolutely necessary
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arcadialedger · 3 months
Sophie Foster really said “if I can’t be a pyrokinetic, I’ll be a pyromaniac” and honestly good for her, she deserves it.
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winwin17 · 25 days
I forgot that the first chapter of KOTLC book 1 says that kids' thoughts were particularly "high-pitched" and "stinging" for a telepath (Sophie). Maybe that's part of why she used to find Amy so annoying. Never thought of that before.
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myfairkatiecat · 1 month
Shannon Messenger:
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Also Shannon Messenger:
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The Fandom:
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ramiethewizard · 6 days
no but does anyone actually have any good guesses on who Sophie’s dad is…? Istg if we don’t find out at the end of the series I’ll be so pissed off. Just Sophie going ‘I’m a strong independent woman so therefore I don’t need to find out who my dad is’ like girl I DO.
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I don’t know why, but I can feel it in my heart and soul that Crosshair would love iced coffee. Specifically iced vanilla lattes with oat milk.
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chalkrub · 1 year
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night time critters
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art-isnt-arting · 1 month
some Unraveled memes because sleep is for the weak 💪
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lizzie-dude · 1 month
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it came to me in a dream
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lostwarllock · 2 months
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Cowboy au definitely inspired by @silveny-dreams kotlc fic, SO HERE IS COWBOY SOKEEFE
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The year is 2037. Keeper of the Lost Cities book 10.75 is announced. Its from Keefe’s pov because Sophie’s been in a coma. We still don’t know what the Neverseen want.
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arcadialedger · 2 months
Book 10 wishes.
Dexiana and Sophie cutting her hair with Hope.
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Brought to life beautifully by @skippersketches on Instagram!
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