gender-jargon · 2 days
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[Image ID: An alternate Neut(gender) flag created by Gent of Gender-Jargon. The flag consist of six, horizontal stripes of the same size. From top to bottom, the stripes are burgundy, desaturated magenta, light lavendar, tan, desaturated green and dark green. ./. End ID]
Neut: a gender identity related to one's usage of It/Its/Itself pronouns to communicate a sense of self that is disconnected from humanity, "other" and/or neuter, but not genderless.
Also called Neutgender.
[PT: Neut: a gender identity related to one's usage of It/Its/Itself pronouns to communicate a sense of self that is disconnected from humanity, "other" and/or neuter, but not genderless. Also called Neutgender.]
[PT: Etymology]
The etymology of this term is unknown. Neut(gender) was coined by tumblr user Wingsdownmyspine in March 2020. The Neutgender pride flag and an expanded definition were reposted to Beyond-Mogai-Pride-Flags by Mod Fy two days later.
"Neut" is likely an abbreviation of "Neuter" or "Neutral", but this has not been confirmed by the original coiner of the term.
[PT: Flag]
The original flag was created by the coiner at the same time as the term. This flag consists of four horizontal stripes of the same size. From top to bottom, they are black, grey, white and red. The meaning of the original flag is unknown.
Due to being almost completely identical to the Asocial flag designed two years prior to Neutgender, I took it upon myself to make an alternate flag, which is the main purpose of this post.
This alternate flag consists of six, horizontal stripes of the same size. From top to bottom, the stripes are burgundy, desaturated magenta, light lavender, tan, desaturated green and dark green. Each stripe has the following meanings:
The burgundy stripe represents being Neut.
The magenta stripe represents disconnection from humanity.
The light lavender represents a present sense of gender.
The tan stripe represents the usage of It/Its pronouns (as opposed to They/Them).
The light green stripe represents otherness.
The dark green stripe represents neuterness/neutrality.
The burgundy stripe is a homage to the original flag that used red alongside a monochrome color palette.
Alternate flag by Gent of Gender-Jargon, April 2024.
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Midaliagender Pride Flag
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Midaliagender or aliamidgender (midaliusgender or aliusmidgender): the combination of aliagender and midgender; an aliagender that exists in the middle between the binary genders of female and male.
Similar to elimidgender/mideligender (with eligender/other-gender), and aliandrogyne/aliaandrogyne (lialiagender/liaaliagender/alialiagender, alialiaspec, alialingender/linaliagender).
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gender-buddies · 4 months
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Gender Buddy: Other (98/120)
Level: 1 Element: Water FRND: 83 PWR: 56
Abilities: Hide: Shy Buddies will do this when they need a little break from others. Wave: Just a fancy way for Water Buddies to get around.
Bio: This tiny Buddy hides amongst the coral in shallow seas and blends in pretty well! If you follow it along the shoreline, you'll see that it loves to collect seashells and bring them back home where it uses them to build up its den. Groups of them may join up and explore the shallows together, comparing seashells they found and trading them with each other.
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ahahahash · 9 months
Hey, I have a bit of a problem
I found a xenogender recently (July 30th, apparently) called "Othergender", being described as " having a gender that feels like it belongs to someone else" (paraphrased) with a flag of several stripes, don't remember the color (maybe purple or yellow), but definitely two simplified people on it, but despite having thought I saved it I can't find the original post. So if anyone can help me find this specific "othergender" it would be much appreciated.
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a-picrew-a-day · 2 years
Edgy lord
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Link to the Picrew
Made by @ DarkryART on Twitter!!
(ps there's a bit of bright colors throughout this picrew, especially in the backgrounds! keep yourself safe ladies and othergenders!)
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outherworldlycoining · 6 months
[PT: miderian]
[PT: definition]
A monolexic term for midbinary, mainly, but not only, for those who do not like to describe their genders using a word that contains "binary" in it.
The counterpart of aphorian.
[PT: flags]
The diagonal flag.
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[ID: A flag with thirteen diagonal stripes. In total it has seven colours. From the outermost stripes to the innermost one, these are: light read (2 stripes, one on the upper left and another in the lower right), right next to each there are two (one on each side) dark pink/magenta stripes, followed by a pair of lavender stripes. Next to each, there are two dark blue-violet stripes; beside them, nearing the middle, a pair of light blue stripes can be found, followed by a pair of dark turquoise stripes. Finally, the last and innermost stripe is a pastel teal one./END ID]
2. The five horizontal stripes flag
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[ID: A flag with five horizontal stripes, each of a different colour. These, from top to bottom are: magenta, cyan, purple, blue, and pink /END ID]
How do I see and experience midbinary genders? A graph.
[PT: how do I see and experience midbinary genders? A graph]
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[ID: An image with a transparent background and a trapezoid in the middle. Inside the trapezoid there are five shades, from bottom to top they are: In the lower left there's another trapezoid inside it, pink in colour with the number one written in the middle. In the lower right a third trapezoid, this one blue with the number two in it, can be found. Between the pink and blue trapezoids, a purple figure occuping the void space between the two + some space in the middle appears, containing a number three inside. Above it, there's an irregular cyan rectangle with a four inside. Latly, in the uppermost part of the trapezoid there's another one. This one is a pastel magenta and has a five inside it. /END ID]
As it can be seeing in the graph above, I would divide miderian/midbinary qualities into five primary categories:
1- Feminine genders, regardless if they are related to fiaty/lierinity or not, and fiagenders/lierine genders, regardless if they are related to femininity or not.
(Fiaty and lierinity are both terms to describe genders that are female or related, proximal, similar, derived or somehow connected to femaleness. Including woman, qupha, caiene, mione, juxera, erasque, etheria, etc)
2- Masculine gender, regardless if they are related to miaty/virinity or not, and miagenders/virine genders, regardless if they are related to masculinity or not.
(Miaty and virinity as both terms to describe male genders and genders derived, similar, proximal, related or somehow connected to maleness. Including (wer)men, terine, valene, proxvir, viresque, etherio, etc.)
3- Genders that are in between (without being the combination of) feminine and masculine genders, or between (without being a combination of) fiaty/lierinity and miaty/virinity. Mainly othergender androgynous or ambiguine genders.
(Examples: some androgynes, some ambiguines, proxangi, ambesque, angiesque, ambix, angix, troigue, etc)
4- Genders relared to epicenity or midbinary neutrality. Genders that feel like they are in the middle of the midbinary spectrum. Being simultaneously all midbinary qualities and neither at the same time.
(Examples: epicene, midbinary ambigue, unigender, juxtene, troicene, pandrogyne (original definition), etc)
5- Brand new midbinary genders that are fully distinct from feminine and masculine and/or fia/lierine and mia/virine genders, and rather than existing in between those dichotomies, exist completely separared from them. Qualities that can be described as midbinary outherinities (itherinities), like for example altraeninity.
(Examples: daen, ambinique, proxaen, trinäq, etc)
This graph doesn't take into account combinatory qualities and genders like, femache, gynx, androx, etc. because it focuses only on primary, non-combined, qualities and genders.
As an amphinitique, I actually experience the combinatory qualities and genders rather than the non-combinatory ones expressed in the graph. The graph, thus, represents the qualities that form the gender qualities I experience, rather than the qualities I experience themselves.
I'm simultaneously both miderian and aphorian, and I see the qualities I experience and the qualities that form them to kinda exist in a mirrorred fashion. For every miderian gender I have, there's an aphorian counterpart, and vice versa.
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sunkern-plus · 5 months
hey guilty gear fans, wanna hear my hot take
they/sie/she (adaptation of their watashi/watakushi/atashi pronouns in japanese) abinary (basically, any nonbinary gender that isn't related to manhood, womanhood, masculinity, or femininity, because some nonbinary people are partially men, partially women, or both men and women) othergender lightgender genderfree liberique healegender dr. baldhead/faust
basically, they start out as only using they/them pronouns and only feeling conscious of the abinary and othergender aspects. once sie identifies as faust, however, she realizes the healing, creative, whole-feeling aspects of sier gender (hence healegender), the way their gender feels like a warm yellow light over herself and others (hence the lightgender), and the way sie feels like their gender both comes with a sense of lightness, fluidity, and freedom of and from gender and gender norms (hence genderfree), and that her gender gives sier a sense of freedom and liberation and a willingness to express it (hence, liberique)
it's 100 percent projecting because i ALSO am (among many others) these genders but. i just wanted a nonbinary person to relate to who doesn't want to look explicitly masculine or feminine and ends up realizing these qualities in the end (through dr. baldhead's transformation, and/or transition into, doctor faust)
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vinnyvinz · 2 months
xenogender idea 🤷‍♂️
I'm not sure if this has been coined yet, and I don't feel like making flags. Anyone wanna coin xenogenders related to the gender options on surveys? :3
Ex: othergender, femalegender, malegender, customgender, prefernotsayic ?
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queermediastudies · 1 year
Mercury in Gatorade?! 
On November 2nd of, 2018, directors Bryan Singer and Dexter Fletcher created the film Bohemian Rhapsody. This movie tells the story of Freddie Mercury and his band, Queen. Throughout this 2-hour and 14-minute film, the audience can humanize some of the most popular and well-loved artists that many people have had the pleasure of listening to. The movie illustrates the relationship between band members Brian May, the lead guitarist; John Deacon, the bass guitar; their drummer Roger Taylor; and, of course, the lead singer and pianist Freddie Mercury. The development of the song “Bohemian Rhapsody” is a strong focus for the movie's storyline. Much time is spent creating the song and performing to live audiences worldwide. At the same time, no film can truly capture the everyday events of who they are representing. Singer and Fletcher had to choose the most influential moments within these artist's lives, which made for a great story. My goal for this blog post is to speak on how this movie portrayed Freddie Mercury's sexuality and queerness and his AIDS diagnosis.
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I was over the moon when I saw this movie. Being nonbinary and Indian, I never really get the chance to see myself on television. That being said, Bohemian Rhapsody shares glimpses of Freddie's home life. His parents, rather strict, maintain a traditional Indian household. Bomi, his father, works all day while his mother, Jer, stays home and takes care of the house and their daughter. Freddie does not share his well-known flamboyant upbeat side at home. This is mainly due to the relationship with his father, as Bomi does not support homosexuals and constantly forces Freddie to conform to the stereotypical male lifestyle. However, Freddie is a rebel, a beautiful display of being true to yourself. He is not easily persuaded to conform to the heteronormative modes of behavior. His appearance means a great deal to him, and it’s most apparent when he’s on stage. Bomi eventually accepts Freddie for who he is, and inturn supports him throughout his career. This is a turning point for many LGBTQ+ movies that you do not get the chance to see.
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Since Freddie lives in London, a predominantly white country, he endures discrimination and racism from his peers. Having multiple identities to juggle and display in the movie, racial slurs such as “packi” and “indi boy” occur when Freddie first comes on stage to join the band (Singer & Fletcher, 2018). There are many moments throughout the movie when Freddie is uncomfortable with his racial identity. He changes his name from Farrokh Bulsara to Freddie Mercury as a way to create a new version of himself. A version that he loves. There are multiple theories about why he changed his name, but I believe it was a way to individualize his experience and separate himself from his family’s ideology. In regards to the film, I assume the audience was mainly heterosexual but to have representation of a queer Indian man struggling with his identity is a seldom category shown in media. Doty illustrates this point best, “Clearly we need more popular and academic mass culture work that carefully considers feminine gay and othergendered queer reception practices, as well as those of even less-analyzed queer readership positions formed around the nexus of race and sexuality, or class and sexuality, or ethnicity and sexuality…” (Doty, 1993, p. 7).
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I appreciate the multiple focal points in this movie; the relationship between Freddie and his father is strained. However, there are moments when the audience can see the love Bomi has for Freddie, even though he believes his son will be a better man if he gets a job and stays within the lines of tradition. While I do not blame his father for having this view, Freddie and his band know that their performances reach an audience that no other band has. “We’re four misfits who don’t belong together playing to the other misfits, the outcasts right at the back of the room whom I’m pretty sure don’t belong either. We belong to them” (Singer & Fletcher, 2018).
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Similar to many artists who juggle with their sexuality. Freddie gets engaged to Mary Austin, a lovely woman who helps Freddie flourish within his gender identity and performance.
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As Judith Butler puts it, “our gender is our expression and behaviors (rather than those expressions and behaviors being the result of some underlying gender identity). Like sexuality, gender is what you do, not who you are”(Barker & Scheele, 2016, p. 79). As Freddie becomes more comfortable with himself and his gender performance, he is able to explore more sides of himself unbeknownst to others. His behavior which can be seen as queer, and his interest in men can have one believe that he is, in fact, doing gender. Freddie was not worried about the perceptions of others because he no longer felt imprisoned by his identity, and by doing so he accepted himself as a bisexual man. One element that could have changed the impact of this movie was if the directors had spent more time exploring Freddie's sexuality, as he is a member of the LGBTQ+ community. They only capture his sexual experimentation during party scenes which implies that his behavior is reduced to environments that allow for it.
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Only at the end of the movie do we see Freddie with his lover, Jim Hutton. While there were not many scenes of Freddie and Jim, the film, as mentioned above, records the process of writing and crafting the song “Bohemian Rhapsody”. This was Freddie’s song, a pleasant way of accepting who he is and his sexual journey. Mercury’s empowering lyrics, “Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth”.
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When Freddie embraced his homosexuality, he wrote the song I Want To Break Free to compliment his flamboyant side. In the movie, Queen is shown dressing up in drag for the music video and pretending to be housewives from a popular British opera. Once the video was released, much of the public did not approve of this characterization, so much so that it was banned from MTV. "…they decided they didn't think that men in drag was 'rock' enough…" (Aquilina, 2021). "And they would say, no, we can't play this. We can't possibly play this. You know, it looks homosexual…” (Aquilina, 2021). The song was intended for female audiences, women that do not feel safe in the relationship that they are in, to break free from it. While Freddie did not write the song, the perspective regarding his character had changed; tabloids would say, “crazy cross-dressing Freddie, Freddie the freak" (Singer & Fletcher, 2018). The response from the media and public showed Queen what America would not accept and that Freddie has to live within the box heterosexual audiences provide. “Finally, and perhaps most crucially for a commercial medium like television, representations of gay or lesbian, sex or even desire, are absent” (Dow, 2001, p. 131 ).
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When Freddie found out he had AIDS, there were several gaps that had the potential of representing this disease in a much better light. He finds out about his diagnosis after he notices changes in his voice and body. After coughing up blood, he visits his doctor, who confirms his AIDS diagnosis. In my opinion, audiences wanted to see how Freddie came to peace with his diagnosis. He was one of the few artists that struggled with this disease, and with a film honoring Queen, the directors had the opportunity to share that side of his life. While In the movie, Freddie says that he does not want to be the AIDS poster boy and carry on with his dream of being a star, it still would have given many people the opportunity to change their perspective on AIDS victims and the stereotype this disease gives homosexuals. On the other hand, the movie can be seen as a way to punish homosexual acts; while AIDS does affect a large portion of the LGBTQ+ community, the way in which Freddie catches AIDS is only after he sleeps with men. This speaks to the historical view that AIDS is a consequence of being gay. However, Paula A. Treichler, who states in her How to Have Theory in an Epidemic, points out that AIDS poses just as much of a threat to the heterosexual community as it does to the homosexual community. Both directors, Singer and Fletcher, had multiple chances to cast a different narrative. One that speaks on the reality of AIDS and how it is not a gay disease. As the movie was intended to cover the story of Queen and the band's popularity over the years, Freddie had more screen time than any other character in the movie. It is hard to believe that they did not focus on an extremely significant part of this artist's life.
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Personally, I love Bohemian Rhapsody. This movie was well casted and has a concise storyline. The representation of both race and sexuality was greatly appreciated throughout the film. Seeing Freddie dress up in what some call feminine presenting clothes made me feel more comfortable with my gender performance. Queen was one of the first bands to break the gender binary and modes of heteronormativity. While this movie is one of my favorites, some skeptics question whether this movie was accurate or a good enough biopic of Queen. But as we’ve seen throughout the film, "everyone's a critic" (Singer & Fletcher).
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Aquilina, T. (2021, September 3). Queen's Roger Taylor on MTV's 'narrow-minded' response to drag in 'I want to break free' video. EW.com. Retrieved November 6, 2022, from https://ew.com/music/queen-i-want-to-break-free-music-video-mtv/
Barker, & Scheele, J. (2016). Queer : a graphic history / Meg-John Barker, Julia Scheele. Icon Books Ltd.
Bonnie Dow (2001) Ellen, Television, and the Politics of Gay and Lesbian Visibility, Critical Studies in Media Communication, 18:2, 123-140, DOI: 10.1080/07393180128077
Singer, B., & Fletcher, D. (Directors). (2018). Bohemian Rhapsody [Motion picture on Movie]. Milano: Twentieth Century Fox Regency Enterprises GK.
Doty, A. (1993). Making Things Perfectly Queer: Interpreting Mass Culture (NED-New edition). University of Minnesota Press. http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5749/j.cttttcmx
Treichler, P. A. (1987). AIDS, Homophobia, and Biomedical Discourse: An Epidemic of Signification. October, 43, 31–70. https://doi.org/10.2307/3397564
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moistmogai · 2 years
Hey would you mind coining Othergender? Like, a gender that just doesn't feel like any gender but is def a gender? It's just like other?
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Feeling as if your gender doesn't fit into any category except it being "other". This is not synonymous to agender. An othergender individual feels as if they have a gender, it is simply "other".
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luaitl · 2 years
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In english:
Disgustingender is a gender identity for trans people under the non-binary and othergender umbrella.
This gender is defined as an identity that cannot be understood by humans. Disgusted (noun given to people of the gender disgusting) cannot, most of the time, categorize their identity into objectively existing things.
This gender cannot be classified as non-gender, an aporine/maverique/aliagenero/alyagenero, masculine, feminine, neutral, androgynous identity and any other concept understandable by humanity.
“disgusting” comes from the English language and this word was chosen as a prefix because it is the perfect analogy of what most people would feel when knowing this definition.
Term creation
This is the first post on the subject, the definition above is the original and should not be distorted or this post lost. This post dates from a Saturday (10/29/2022).
The sequence and order of coloring was based on the aitherogender flag and the shades on the xenogender flag. I used them as inspiration because these 3 terms have similar definitions.
Feel free to interpret the meaning of each stripe/color as you wish.
Em português
Disgustingender é uma identidade de gênero para pessoas trans sob o guarda-chuva não-binário e de outrogêneros.
Esse gênero é definido como uma identidade que não pode ser compreendida pelos humanos. “Repugnosos” (substantivo dado a pessoas do gênero nojento) não conseguem, na maioria das vezes, categorizar sua identidade em coisas objetivamente existentes.
Este gênero não pode ser classificado pela ausencia de gênero, uma identidade aporina/maverique/aliagenero/alyagenero, masculina, feminina, neutra, andrógina ou qualquer outro conceito compreensível pela humanidade.
“disgusting” vem da língua inglesa e essa palavra foi escolhida como prefixo porque é a analogia perfeita do que a maioria das pessoas sentiria ao conhecer essa definição.
Criação do termo
Esta é a primeira postagem sobre o assunto, a definição a cima é a original e nãp deve ser distoricida ou esta postagem perdida. Este post data de um sabado (29/10/2022).
A sequência e a ordem de coloração basearam-se na bandeira aiterogenero e nas tonalidades da bandeira xenogenero. Usei-os como inspiração porque esses 3 termos têm definições semelhantes.
Sintam-se à vontade para interpretar o significado de cada faixa/cor como desejar.
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astralix13 · 1 year
Oi fellow nb folks? Anyone else feel like the Other gender option in like online surveys and stuff is ur gender? Like I don’t know how to describe it other than that it doesn’t feel exactly like a seperate thing like the yellow stripe on the flag represents or a mix like the purple stripe but just, Other. (Like ultraviolet or some other colour humans cant see)
I tried looking up Othergender but I didn’t find a lot about it I’m surprised it isn’t a thing considering it seems like something that’d someone identify with, considering how common of a word Other is too (more than rainbowmonochromesparklepuppygender at least, neogenders are in fact swag btw) . So anyone else feel this way or is it just me?
I only saw one post on here that really Got what I meant so-
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notchainedtotrauma · 10 months
any new hot sexy ideas for writing topics 4 urself?
Right now it's fusing from everywhere and at the same time very foggy so I'm really all over the place right now. Again, I'm all over Black performance, and within that, the Black grotesque, from an obvious kind of sinister (minstresly, blackface) to a more subtle, insidious kind of sinister.
Like and there are very obsessive visual moments for me, the miming scene in Honk for Jesus (like at this point everybody knows about me and that scene), but also the opening scene in Willie Dynamite that I've been wanting to explore for a while and what it says about Black masculinities and like, my favorite circuit, the music visuals circuit, with...Rico Nasty Rico Nasty Rico Nasty. Like about Black subordination and power all at once, the funhouse mirror, the two faced horror, the sickly sweet laudanum smile.
Coding, AI and the Black female flesh, and Black women, and specifically Black women outside of the outside and their bodies. It has to with surveillance and labor and the afterlife of slavery. It's very foggy in my mind but I think there is something monumental to explore there.
I wrote about it, but this time, I want to write it completely in the realm of pleasure, which is about lips (I wrote about it before Lipstick Lovers, if you want to know, but half of the essay was about violation and wounding.) I want to write about lips meeting each other, engorged lips, feeding, eating, the contradiction of pleasuring, liquids, material food, and so on. Also, let me plug this, way before Lipstick Lovers, I wrote a public song and music video analysis on this very subject
Also the alienation of Black femininity: the idea of Black young women and Black othergendered people that are immediately read as femininine and womanly as strange, threatening, of a different species (and I thought of this when I was listening to Willow Smith's previous albums, as in the one she called Ardipithecus. If you look at the cover and research what ardipithecus is, well...) And also by Donald Glover's highly misogynoirist dog comment about the main character of the Swarm, An"Dre" Greene.
There are many more, but yeah.
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kuivamustekala · 1 year
gonna start calling myself othergendered alongside nonbinary bc that's the direct translation of the finnish muunsukupuolinen and i think it vibes
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does juxtaneu and neutresque mean similar?
Not really. Neutresque is specifically a gender proximal to neutrois. Defined by its coiner as "like neutrois but separate. It’s its own separate thing, but comparable, made of the same stuff but different."
Meanwhile juxtaneu is more ambivalent in that it can be proximal to any kind of gender neutrality, including epicentinity. In fact, most of the time, because the circabinary system tends to be midarian, it is proximal to epicene. So, while it can be proximal to neutrois, that's not always the case.
I made two subtypes of juxtaneu to specify abinarity and midbinarity: juxtrois and juxene.
Juxtrois is defined as "A gender near neutrois. It's relative to neutrois, but separate and entirely on its own. It's proximal to neutrois in the gender spectrum. A more specific subset of juxtaneu where the neutrality is inherently and strictly abinary."
As for the similarities between the two, both abinary juxtaneu/juxtrois and neutresque are similar to neutrois; both are niaspec othergenders. As for their differences, while abinary juxtaneu/juxtrois exist near neutrois in the spectrum, nowhere in the definition of neutresque it says it is close to neutrois in the spectrum, just that it shares characteristics/similarities.
I can compare it with how I experience maverique vs proxveri vs maveresque.
If maverique and neutrois each are a star, proxveri and abinary juxtaneu/juxtrois are each a star of similar characteristic in the same constellation and galaxy that maverique/neutrois is; while maveresque and neutresque are each a star od similar characteristics to maverique and neutrois, respectively, but in another galaxy, fully separated from the systems of which maverique and neutrois are the respective alpha stars.
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outherworldlycoining · 8 months
Disclaimer: I coined this term a time ago at @debinarinator, and I still identify with it, but the way I see it has changed a bit. As such, this reposting will have a revised definition.
The Amphinitique flag
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A multigender identity for someone who has several genders that are in between two pre-existing gender, not necesarily and not just fem-masc combined genders, that all have an overall sense of othergenderness.
Amphinitique is:
Othergendered. All the genders of an amphinitique person are separeted from the male-female continuum. They are mostly abinary, but could also be midbinary
Multigender. An amphinitique always has more than two genders.
Gendermix. All the genders of a amphinitique are born from the combination of two genders or gender qualities. This includes:
Androgynous genders, except androgyne (as it is in between/the combination of man/boy and woman/girl).
Aporine genders, when "aporine" refers to the mixing of brand new outherine qualities with pre-existent qualities.
Outherine qualities, when outherine is defined as uncommon combinations of pre-existent gender qualities
Combination of the common and brand new qualities with xenogender, kenochoric, etc qualities.
Combinations of xenine, kenochoric, etc qualities.
An amphinitique's genderness could be fluid or flux, but doesn't need to be.
An amphinitique can have any gender presentation and/or alignment.
You can see the original definition of amphinitique here
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